We pay for everything from whom we live. We have to pay for everything in life

We pay for everything from whom we live. We have to pay for everything in life

Once again I have to turn to one of the outer stones of the pagan light. You have to pay for everything in life. This is one of the basic laws of Svetobudova, and we shouldn’t even talk about those that, without Svetobudova, are so wickedly controlled.

More closely, more similar to the law of conservation of energy, the level of activity is counterproductive. Use water to level the container: you cannot add any more drops to the refilled container. In order to get rid of this, it is necessary to give in. Hundreds of generations of people have been following this principle for a long time, and since simple workers have observed this law in practice: if you don’t spoil the field, don’t harvest the crops, don’t hurt your back, and you won’t get a crop, then the magicians, the priests, the wise men, What to do with your practice and how to work from the essences of the Other, we have captured a few things that are at once simpler and more complex.

They have had to constantly deal with perfumes about their wickedness of this and that other crap, and here, like at the market, without a predetermined price, they don’t sell you anything. And because you suddenly forgot about this subtlety, there will still be no “catless sire.” It’s possible that you’re done and finished, but instead, take those insoles that you need as much as you need. So, “capital” may not be able to get rid of it. The concept of “freebies”, the desire to give up “for nothing” was formed from the ruin of the pagan worldview and the establishment of “secular” religions, especially Christianity. It sounds great: just baptize yourself and go to church periodically, and everything will happen to you: protection from evil, eternal life, forgiveness of sins. Goduvati egregor had a chance. And here is the same principle: without a contract, without any confirmation of “service” (how can you find out whether your sins were really revealed, or whether it was just the priest who gave you such good hopes?), the egregor takes as much as he himself amuses. І inheritance of energetic repayment є.

Loans can be taken out at a penny equivalent, but the time for repayment will come early and late. And at the very least it’s too early... The pagans (spravzhni) are by no means expecting “confiscation of the lane” for the Borg. The law of paying itself is grounded in the very concept of bringing the demand. At the same time, some pagan currents and this understanding were forgiven and discredited. It’s crazy if people don’t understand: an unostentatious, lopsided, cow baked with lusty hands (and even grinding flour by hand!) can’t replace hundreds of store-bought sweets, don’t forget to tell them about the swirls and sacred bowls. A penny won't pay you on the spiritual level. One “currency”, foreign power, energy. We use it as perfume in payment for our services. And since you don’t intend to pay with your blood, days and months of your life, you don’t bring “warm” needs - so the weasel would like to contribute his labor, his efforts, a part of his spiritual strength to the offering.

Which, of course, is a lot of real screw-up, but it’s a sign of good fortune. Equally important is the proportionality of your brain. Small gifts bring only imaginable perfumes, but their appetite is inflamed beyond the great ones, and in the future the stench will require more and more significant “additives”. Here you already need to turn on the music and be sensitive. The superechok blames itself very much for bringing needs to the Gods. Gods are not spirits, and even more so, not people, but the essence of immeasurable effort, in principle, rottenly touched by our minds. We really can’t give them anything that they couldn’t take themselves. It is foolish and funny to say that the pagans need to be yearning for the Gods. So, in order to effectively “indulge” God, the spirits must not be drained of all the living forces that people have. Overly unbroken obligations.

We cannot pay the Gods back for the things that the Vons are willing to earn for us. All spiritual pleasures, rituals with special energy, “warmth” and other things are required, drops of wet blood in the end in order to gain the respect of the Gods, to win them over. A worthy and worthwhile need, along with joy, facilitates the establishment of a connection with the Gods, as we value everything with each new time. And since they respect that people deserve their respect, they can be satisfied with these meager (from their point of view, no matter how great the stench would appear to us) gifts in exchange for their protection and help. However, they cannot completely remove anything, and the stench is the inviolable law of the world. Ale Gods are amazed at how people manage their “trust credit.” The pressure has grown and real successes can turn a practice’s head, and you will go down the winding path of Krivdi, not suspecting that everything that is possible is only testing, and you will not lose it. Mav. People, once endowed with the trust of the Gods and having ceased to appeal to their interest, will feed cruelly and mercilessly with renewed wickedness. No payment lines.

“You have to pay for everything in life” - the phrase has become familiar, but has not lost its relevance and deep essence. And we have no mercy, they have been called one of the outer stones on which not a hundred hundred people stand, but they are still alive.

Zagalny mutual rozrakhunok

The child is born, they look after her, feast on her, give birth, care for her, so that she grows up healthy and fit to live in marriage. Father's outfit in all its glory. Come out Fathers with their turbo for what and who to pay .

Lyudina earned her career. If you choose a number from 9 to 18, you won’t have to worry about high rates of service gatherings. For success paid for in additional courses, extra hours at work, who break out of the routine with a lot of money and please with conscience .

Asking about the small service of the susida, we know in advance that the moment will come when we have to give in to the Borg.

No matter where you throw it, you still have to pay for everything in life. And not less in the store for products, clothes and equipment, and to the fiscal authorities - taxes, aka FOR EVERYTHING! And as soon as you pay, you pay back.

If you want order in your life, pay with zusills to tidy up; happy days - with wisdom and compromise; Drive a car recklessly - risk of an accident; prestigious work - disappointed and experienced rudeness on the Internet.

Rudeness is not a good friend

Without taking the risk of another approach, we steal away. I’m being robbed, swedishly, not as much of a “sucker” as myself. And this is followed by punishment.

Prikladiv - the sea. The axis is a couple of them.

Marina began to be intrigued by Zhanni, the superintendent in charge of the department, which got married. I paid. For Zhanna, who had not thought about the new place, the “advertising” guys lost the respect of the director, and she became poor Marina’s potter. Why “poor” understood without words.

Uncle Vasya was immensely happy, having picked up the bills that fell from the crowd of passers-by. The next day, a jacket made from hamanets was stolen from someone’s car. There was a salary room there.

And there is no obligation to pay immediately and proportionally. Marvel at how many people there are who take everything at once, not caring about others. And how many of them are unfortunate, portrayed to the whole world and punished (“/unhappy?”).

And behind the guards, at worst, we question ourselves on a mental level. The same guy Vasya stole the hamanets from the car, even without having done this before. Why?

Why do you need to pay for everything?

Everything in nature is pragna rivnovaga (“rivnovaga. How not to lose your foothold”):

  • the water flows there, where you can stop;
  • the mountain disintegrates until the sound falls from nowhere;
  • creatures and people - to a blissful canoe.

Having put everything into self-fuel, do you think you will get drunk? Aje put a sofa - a symbol of timidity - you need to buy it for something.

The more you want to live, the more you need to pay. And the cunning of the appearance of theft does not fail here. Payment - either to your relatives, otherwise - severe punishment.

The axis is the root of “bezkorislivykh” turbots about children, elderly fathers, family members and friends. Business is pure water!

Paid for the yacht

Well, why do people feel so free about how they “earned” pennies in dishonest ways and sailed on luxurious yachts in warm lands?

First of all, we are asking: who are satisfied with living on their salary and spending their holidays at the resorts of Turkey / at their dacha / just at home?

For some, our life is not a joke. But only we know how luxurious it is for us to live and how proportionate the price paid to the stolen one is.

Now let’s transfer our situation to the “happy” oligarchs and save money.

You have to pay for everything in life. And I don’t owe a penny to my service. What is most often needed is a broad commitment and readiness to return good for good (“Yours will give you the joy of life”).

“We have agreed on a good meal, because pennies come to me, and it’s a freebie, just like that, and then, for that, I have to pay, pay dearly...

Why so? What do you have to pay for? And what rank?

And everything started from this comment...

I suddenly realized that it’s important to write... “so many dollars have come to market”... it came with an internal protest and a clear thought... and it’s important that you pay a lot of money before me... I don’t want to I'm just So, I choose to withdraw my money for money, which makes me realize that I will have to pay expensive prices for them... I choose to withdraw my money from what is more creative this day, who is loved and loved, who is alive and bright... who is growing. Tensiyne... but The phrase that I wrote right away, “so many dollars on the shelf,” contains the energy of the reclaiming of freebies, manna from heaven... but in itself, it’s not entirely disastrous, but it’s entirely possible to rely on someone else’s vibe ір)

I love kind comments that make me think. Thank you for them :-)

So once again about succinctly(you can sign up for the program) - in order to get enough of the abundance, allow yourself to think about those that pennies can be enough, or more is not enough (or simply feel “I don’t have pennies” - for whom it will not be a blessing vom) , understand, you're probably pennies. So, my understanding came only at once, the most real understanding, for which the pennies are worth it. It didn’t exist before.

And once again - in every way you can see positive wealth from just a few pennies. And then ask yourself - how can I reveal this in real life? What can I earn for whom? What can I earn, create, distribute light to people? Why can I save my wealth? Why is my value and uniqueness? And follow this topic, immediately open up to new possibilities, and at the same time let go of old prejudices.

I’ll show you the example. The girl worked as a sales manager, the closest thing to a sales manager in Russia. She didn’t complain that her position was not the same, she didn’t perform abjectly, but really helped her clients choose what suited them. Here, after a short period of time, one of the clients lured them to work at his design studio, from a higher salary and altogether to another position.

I, for the Tsi 4 Rocks, if it was prazu, the art director, Vaughn spun on all-in-law Vistavis, and the backwaters were beaten by the backwater, praying to the statts, Inshe, to have a sophisticated vigid for Olimpiyski Igri.

But I would like to talk about this another time. Therefore, it is important here to remove stereotyped thinking, old stereotypes and truly open up to the new and victorious possibilities.

So I turn the axis until the phrase - You will have to pay dearly for this.

Although it’s wonderful, it’s true. The law of fair exchange says that there is no freebie, energy must be exchanged, and if you don’t brother or give for nothing.

Come in, you have to pay for everything. Everything has a price. Ale yaka?

For example, if you want to move to another country, you will have to:

– adapt to new minds and settings, being open to change.

– accept and respect another culture, another way of living. Learn to accept the understanding of people of a different culture, their mentality, and characteristics.

- speak freely in foreign language.

That's different. What is the price of what?

They have a lot of words for the phrase - you have to pay, you have to pay for everything you need, blame negative perceptions and associations , - What do the suffering have to pay, or can we sacrifice, because we hope that things will happen differently, but what we need to pay for is, for example, the loss of health, for the punitive ones, or we hope (we guess) that we have to pay in pain tears , I hope to punish you.

For femininity, you need to pay in kind in terms of activity, activity, etc. For spirituality you need to pay in kind rather than materially. For great pennies from the family... The theme is a very good fairy tale “Masha and Svetobudova” (you can look it up on the Internet, author Yulia Rublyova).

Why so? Why is this price needed?

To go out, you need to pay, but the price is completely different.

If we want to reach a different level of income, then we also need to get out of our comfort zones, be lazy, change our routines, our nicknames, do things differently, develop our personalities. new idea... deal with the flow of pennies in various ways...

If we want change, then they have their own price - at a minimum, letting go of the old, all those things that we want to see and the willingness to accept the new. Not everyone is ready to earn money through security, stability, fear, etc.

If we want to be a woman, then we also need to “pay” our own fee - to understand ourselves, to care with our emotions, to listen to our inner voice, to be pleasant, joyful, so that we would like to get together with you. ours, ours... choose yours women are walking.

If we want to be happy, then we need to accept happiness from our life, to understand for ourselves, to understand what is the way to avoid being happy, to become entangled in the inner camp of happiness, and not to suffer for something in every possible and impossible way.

Recently they told me: “Thank you, you have a website and everything is on it.” Why did I sleep, and why was I lucky? And why was I spared? Without falling on my head. I'm still paying for this, but I'm working hard. Actually, I pay for a skin condition with money, time, energy. It’s not enough to write, I can write in a year or two, but again there’s a need to catch the tension, or to scoop it up, to develop an idea, or just to systematize your evidence, write and describe... And there’s also a need to convey, Read it so that it is It is clear that it is possible to pick up, add, pick up pictures, post on the site, send through the outlet service, for which you need to pay (a penny).

And everything is fine. And this also has its own price - hour, money, money, thought, action, your energy, what is invested, willingness to take risks, willingness to open up and trust, internal work and transformation Yes, sincerely, the search for evidence of internal nutrition and so on.

Everyone is ready to pay. There are a lot of people who feel like giving up “just like that” (I’m not to blame here, I also thought that they would just come and give me everything, because I’m good :-)). Without carrying out internal work, without working with the soul and heart, hands, head, without the faltering external work - an attack, and then another, another...

Don’t speak loudly, don’t speak loudly, be careful, be careful with yourself. No, it is important to deprive this paradigm from the past, where it is at the same time. Ale under strength, under skin strength. Whoever has a mission, a dream, means that they have the power to earn everything that is necessary for their life. Offe, є є є resource, nasam-a-departure of the inside, meaning, є navichiki, vmіnnya, yergiya, є bazhannya, є hour, є є Matteric resources, є hands-legs that head on the shoulders, є cerse, pidkazu, Meni Tudi. This is the voice with which you can declare about yourself, hear the voice of the world... All this, smut, tse vikoristuvat, stove until the process of life.

What are you willing to pay to change your financial situation? For the end of your life? For change? For happiness?

Happy every day to everyone,
Evgeniya Medvedeva

I have two blue ones, ale mova in this case about the young man. The older one seemed to have mastered his particular way of life without much difficulty, and the younger one, it seems, went through a lot of torment to be happy.

My son's first daughter died along with her family in a car accident. It was painful to be surprised at my son, the boy closed himself off and kept to himself, we all tried to help him, but as a result nothing came of it, luckily he got into trouble himself, sport plus the character of his father and my obstinacy earned their right.

And the axis, through a number of rocks after the tragedy, is accelerating its new path. A girl from a poor family, her grandmother took care of her, they lived in poverty, the girl is disabled - serious problems with her wrists (spine and legs) plus she has a terrible allergy. They began to have hundreds, their sons were simply flying and glowing with happiness. With the help of powerful forces, they put their feet on the site, intending to earn their proposition, accumulating pennies for the pleasure and control of an apartment. But not all people undergo testing for the value of feeling and love.

The girl met a man in a sanatorium (she went there for her son’s visit, even though he was worried about her health) and started an affair. At first everything was innocent, just in the leaf, and then it flowed into the real world. Having learned about everything, the repair of the computer is not supported by the crooked other side of his daughter’s girl. We suddenly passed through the grief that happened after the death of the first girl, but this time it was even worse. Sin got angry, started drinking and playing tricks, and then completely died.

The girl cried, cried, blessed him to study and give him a chance, and if he knew, she didn’t lay a hand on herself (they lied). There had been almost nothing for several months, everyone was simply in love with us. Then there were a lot of jingles between our family and our daughter. The girls said that once they’ve worked, there’s no turning back and it’s all over between them, and they told us that everything is fine, so that we don’t boast and don’t worry. Step by step, my son and I began to settle down, it turned out that having gone with a friend to another place and there starting everything from scratch, starting to improve our lives and get rid of everything and get back on our feet.

And the axis may, after three days, turn back home, not alone, with a squad and no one. Everything was spoiled by this awesome girl, and her psyche was not affected, it was angry. The girl withdrew into herself, stopped speaking and turned into a sheep, then she started having problems again with old sores on her nerves, and everything turned back to where it all began. The girl is a human being, but there is no one to call her, she ruined everything herself, and now she is not alive, but in pain. May God give her another chance at happiness, everyone has mercy, all people have mercy on us.

There are plenty of people to ask, Why do you have to pay for everything in life? Because nothing comes to us without harm. We pay a great price every now and then through our blessings, misfortunes and problems. We care about health, breastfeeding, relationships with loved ones, time, known and not known.

Psychologists will tell you and instruct you on effective methods on how to learn to live so as not to pay a high price for finishing your life.

Why do you have to pay for your favors?

Life is the first and foremost reader, and sometimes, through our mercy, to us have to pay, the price must be great. We waste the health of people close to us, doing the wrong thing, not caring about everything. Go back to all the information, analyze your life, understand how you live, and how to act with respect, bring all the same to you Koristi Chi Skoda, those close to you. If something is wrong with you and you are in trouble, everything can be corrected later, since there is nothing difficult in life.

Change your way of thinking

Recently, psychologists have concluded that material thoughts, obviously, need to stop pay a high price For your favors, you need to know and respect him so that you become successful, happy, rich and do not harm yourself or your loved ones. Thoughts are more negative, and they tempt us to think that you have to pay for everything in life Although, in essence, we are paying for our rudeness and disrespect, so as mercy, this is proof and is necessary in order to achieve something more.

Bezkostovny syre only in Mysholovtsi

No matter how you say it, although there is nothing cost-free in life, all the products and services you buy cannot be cost-free. You either pay pennies, or you pay with your time, with your respect and with your services. If you stole something from someone, then in the future you will steal something from you, because it is the law of life and you cannot steal from anyone else. Since you have imaged a human being, then in the future I would like to image you. Therefore, try to preserve this boomerang effect, for the sake of myself and those who are away. For example, give a laugh to those who are absent, and whoever will give it to you, if you are in trouble, give everything you can give and you will get it back a hundredfold.

We pay as much as we ourselves valued

Buying other goods, we payable How many people themselves appreciated the same product or service. This is due to problems with underpayment and overpayment, which is why all prices are already set for us. You decide and set your own price for the product or service you sell.

What price and how do we pay in life?

You have to pay for everything in life , Neobov'yazkovo pennies, the one who respects what you get away costlessly, in fact, simply without wasting the pennies, but rather wasting your health, strength, energy that hour. The most expensive thing we can spend and not turn around, for an hour. If a person is afraid to spend pennies, he spends an hour that can never be turned back. You yourself believe, what is the price and what are you going to do pay Therefore, don’t call on those who are away, in your peace or problems, since you did everything yourself, there are no surprises in life.

Don't give up and don't hesitate

Yakshcho vi paid in advance great price For your stupidity and mercy, you have a chance to change, vikorist and rejecting the evidence. Don’t give up and don’t worry, if you’ve spent everything and accumulated too many benefits, better understand, save the best, rather than pay for this, the most important thing, this hour, the health of your loved ones.


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