Chemistry. Introductory lesson with chemistry Lesson 1 with chemistry

Chemistry. Introductory lesson with chemistry Lesson 1 with chemistry

Gafutdinov Volodymyr Sergeyovich

Lesson-lesson “Dedicated to chemistry” 8th grade

The initial cognitive activity of schoolchildren in chemistry, which did not provide sufficient motivational incentives, is associated with low performance in future students. By expanding and deepening the knowledge of students, the development of their cognitive activity, our school is urgently carrying out subject-related activities.
Forms of class-by-class work with chemistry vary: evenings, elective and elective courses, excursions, thematic games, class year; This choice is determined by the age-old characteristics and the level of preparedness of the students.
In the eighth grade, as part of the major chemistry, “Dedication to Chemistry” is held for 8th grade students. It's time to conduct high school studies.

Goals: the formation of basic knowledge and skills, the development of basic game forms, the development of a new cognitive interest in a new subject that is being studied, the ongoing progress between students of the 8th and senior grades.

1. Lighting:
A. Organize, systematize and consolidate the basic knowledge of scientists about chemical elements, which was developed in D.I. Mendelev’s PSC, and on the topic: “Atoms of chemical elements”
B. Implement interdisciplinary connections.
Art. Create an attack between 8th and 11th grade students.

2. Vikhovny:
Formulate a sense of honor to the sleeping certificate, work smartly collectively, work with supplementary literature.
B. Make your mind clearer, calm down logically, clarify your thoughts
Art. Develop a sense of partnership and mutual assistance.

3. Developing:
A. Develop a strong cognitive interest in a new subject that is being studied.

B. Develop intelligence, erudition, memory and skills to consolidate your knowledge in practice.

Art. Learn how to develop and get started with working with a periodic system, learn how to work with a group.

Dedication to chemistry

I. Vvidne word

Hello guys! To whose initial fate you were inspired to take up a new subject - chemistry. And the first acquaintance with the marvelous light of chemistry has already occurred.
Chemistry is a science full of wondrous mysteries and revelations. It is always accompanied by barvy effects and “miracles”. And that’s how it always was.
And today we have an unusual lesson, the topic of which is written down in school, but all the letters are confused and I need your help to figure out the topic. Of course, the topic of our lesson is “Dedicated to chemistry”


1st CHEMIC. What is chemistry? And chemistry means sleepless nights.
2nd CHEMIC. This is the constant growth of chemistry.
3rd CHEMIK. These are laboratory and practical robots.
Teacher: Why then become chemists?

1st CHIMIC. Because chemistry means sleepless nights!
2nd CHEMIK. This is a steady rise in chemistry!
3rd CHEMIC. These are laboratory and practical robots!

Teacher: Chemistry - This is a science that can create miracles. In whose miraculous significant chemistry, which has not yet become an assistant, it is necessary to firmly understand that chemistry is a science. And how every science strives for the most serious, most compelling goal. Chemistry is the science of speech and the transformation of innocuous substances, so that for the uninitiated the stench is a wonder. The secret of this magic is knowledge of the chemical craft. Today - dedicated to the assistant chemist.

Before now, dear eighth-graders, you will have to go through a low test.

The team and active passengers of three nuclear-powered ships are about to hit the road!

The results of our investigation are recorded in the ship's logs by the navigators - (I represent the jury)

For the speed, correctness, and discipline of completing the route, the teams and passengers of the nuclear-powered ships will receive points, their strength will help the navigators to identify Junior Chemists of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd stages. For damage, points will be deducted.

Well, we know our teams - smart, beautiful, charming and kind participants.

Competition 1 "Team business card."

Each team can present its name, emblem, motto and dedication to its competitors
Evaluation criteria:
- Type of subject matter
- Creativity
─ originality of the phenomenon

Competition 2Warm-up competition “Message of the Alchemists.”
The skin team needs to decipher the messages from the alchemists using the main cheat sheet of all chemists – PSCHE. Not a giant formula. Here are the encrypted words of M.V. Lomonosov, who is a professional chemist.
To decipher it, you need to select a letter in the names of the elements that corresponds to the index that appears with the chemical symbol. For example, the first element is titanium, and from its name we take only the letter number 2 - ce i.

Ti2 S Hg2 O2 Na Ne As2 K5 Cr Li2Cu In K Cu3 H2Cl2 Fe Ne2 Na Br As2 F2 Cu4
N4Be2 Sn Ag3Fe2Tc Zn2 Cd I2 Mg O2 Pt Rb Ar K Ti3 K4 Si Os Mo

“A true chemist must be both a theoretician and a practitioner”
The maximum score is 10 points.
Evaluation criteria:
- correctness
- Shvidkost

Teacher: While the teams are working, we will check that our passengers on nuclear-powered ships are well aware of the chemical elements.

Riddles about elements

2 What kind of gas solidifies, what is it? (Neon).

5. Which two chemical elements can be stored by sea pirates? Chromium, bromine.
6. What chemical element is used before the circus and herd of horses? Zirconium.
7. Which element is made up of two creatures? (Mish'yak)
8. What element “wraps itself” around the Sun? (Uranus)
9. Which element is the right giant? (Titanium)
10. What kind of metal does the enchanter have a name for? (Magnesium)
11. Which element solidifies so that water can be created? (Voden)
12. Which element is called “light-bearer”? (Phosphorus)

13. What kind of chemical do you like to drink when your children are old enough? (Gold)

14. What kind of metal needs to be cut 1/3 in order to remove the bones of the human and animal skeletons? (Sriblo)

15. Which elements are stored in a tree? (Nickel, dubnium)

16. Which element does not require permanent registration with PSKHE D.I. Mendelev? (Voden)

17. What kind of metal is for the greatest minds and rare? (Mercury)

18. What non-metal is for the greatest and rarest minds? (Bromine)

19. What kind of noble metal is formed from swampy algae? (Platinum)

20. Element 3 periods, 5A groups. (Phosphorus)

21. Speech that is supported by the mountain and the wild. (Kisen)

22. Speeches that are composed of two elements, one of which is kisen.

23. The process involves sourness, which is accompanied by light and heat. (Gorinnya)

1st CHEMIC.- It's weird here. I want something to drink. Who gets the water? I would drink a little gas without syrup.

2nd CHEMIC.- Brothers! I need a cow! I want fresh milk!

3rd CHEMIC comes out of the flask.- Hey guys, do you want something to drink? I can handle miracles even if I learn chemistry. Kolbi Kazkova has a homeland. Present the bottles. The investigation has been carried out, everything is good for us. (Pours) Water for you, soda, milk for the guy. It turned out very secretly, and the secret is easy to find out.

Teacher: Stop, guys, watch out! So be careful, be gentle, don’t drink milk or water. This is a great office, there is a serious fence in it: remember everything, friends - you can’t eat or drink here.

Competition 3 “Poetic”

Place the mixture with the rims: test tubes - holes, istota - river. (4) hvilini

Are you talking about Yakuza?

Riddles about elements and speech

Everything comes alive around me.
I am graphite, anthracite and diamond.
I'm on the street, near the school and in the field,

I am in the trees and in your skin. (Vuglets.)

I metal is silvery and light.
I call myself “flying metal”.
I covered it with oxide melt,
So that the jelly doesn’t reach me. (Aluminum.)

I know, friends, through:

Minerals and water.

Without me you see without hands

It doesn’t matter to me - the fire has gone out. (Kisen)

I want my folding one and folding one,

It's impossible to live without me.

I am a miracle robber,

Zhadi is the finest quencher.

If you don’t mind, then I’ll immediately

Two you take off the gas. (Water)

NaCl - yo know everything,
Buy from the store,
You can’t have dinner without him -
Required in small doses in dishes. (kitchen salt).

I am gas, lightest and barestless,

It’s not annoying and not wasteful.

Getting together with sourness,

I give you water for drinking. Epilogue: Voden

Element of the fourth group

Before you use your respect,

Varto "T" on "R" vipravity,

There will be a despot in reality. Videpovid: Titan and tyrant

Bottle with KMnO4 - call it in every apartment,
Z narozhennya ditina, whoever knows him,
It’s good to leave the canopied booth with your mother,
Yogo take a bath with him,
It is essential for disinfection. (potassium permanganate - “potassium permanganate”).

What a marvel I marveled at -
Cei CaCO3.
The daughter passes through,
He leaves behind himself. (kreida).

1st CHEMIC. Ale, and now, the most terrible: we are operative. Why do I need this illness? (Reading the verse, try to confirm.)

We can operate without pain, but there will be plenty of blood.

Skin surgery requires sterilization.

Iodine soaked the world so that everything was sterile.

Don't turn around, patient! Bring me the knife, assistant!

Marvel, it’s blood flowing like a stream, not water.

If I immediately wipe my hand, it looks like it’s cut!(Reagents: FeCl3, rhodamine ammonium)

Teacher: Let's bring the pouches. Let me give you my word.

Competition 4"The darkness of the horse"
Whether any chemist is guilty of more than one description of significance, let’s talk about any speech. "Dark horse" - encrypting chemical element. Teams are given hints about this element, based on what they are responsible for guessing. Reply after the first hint: 5 points; after another - “4”, etc. For an incorrect answer (-1 point). The first command to determine what element is is to raise your hand.

1. The human body contains 3 g, and approximately 2 g in the blood.
2. Due to the expansion in the earth’s crust, the veins are supplied with more acid, silicon and aluminum.
3. First of all, the meteorites that fell to the ground struck him in a clear view.
4. The first people began to vikorize in order to earn money for a thousand years BC.
5. The century is named after him. (Zalizo).

This metal has been known to people since ancient times.

The largest nugget of this metal weighs 112 kg.

This metal is prepared for decoration, coins.

This metal is a symbol of the Sun. (Gold)

Yogo is called an inanimate gas.

Add inert gas.

He lay down a little for the wind.

You must enter the warehouse until the next day.

Yogo chemical formula No. 2. (Nitrogen)

For 350 BC. Aristotle, in his work, knows about this metal.

Alchemists often called this element mercury.

This metal is good at breaking up other metals that form amalgams.

Bet metal off.

Located in the middle of the thermometer. (Mercury)

Silver-white, sparkling metal.

Middle metallurgists called him “devouring tin.”

Dissolves in a mixture of hydrofluoric and nitric acids.

High-melting metal.

To stop the spiral of the frying lamp. (Tungsten)

Yogo is called omniscient.

By the time this element was discovered, many of its predecessors had perished.

Enter the freon warehouse.

Has high chemical activity.

This element is included in the toothpaste warehouse. (Fluorine)

He didn’t even metal the widening ones.

This element enters the protein warehouse.

An essential element in the production of gum.

Vikorystvovaetsya in the rural kingdom to fight against the spoilers of the grapevine.

Burn with blue-black half-pits. (Sirka)

Competition 5 Captains' Competition "Expert in Chemical Skills"

1) theoretical - nutrition to set commands

2) "Wonder at the offense" -Chemical dishes are laid out on the tray under the servery. You need to, after marveling for a few seconds, write down the names of the dishes on a piece of paper and give them to the members of the jury (test tube, glass, porcelain cup, creed, final flask, round flat-bottomed flask, alcohol lamp, cylinder, filter, beaker, test tube rack, gum ova plug).

While the captains are finalizing their assignments, the team members can create as many formulas as possible from the assigned elements. Hour 2 xv.

Competition 6Competition "Who's Bigger?"

Given elements are Ca, C, N, P, O, H, Cu, Al. Like a team for 2 more chemical formulas in stock and give names to the words we are trying to remove.

While the captain of his team is finishing his task, other participants in the journey need to show their erudition and unravel words - anagrams, in which the order of the letters is rearranged. Having rearranged the letters for the skin word, it is necessary to obtain the name of the chemical element. Whoever appears to have seen and named the words correctly, he will move. Correct skin – 2 points.



Well, our journey is approaching its end. It seems to me that we can deal with people who are great citizens of our state. I will ask the jury to pad the bags of the teams. In the meantime, please, my dear assistants, please show us the miracles that have started

Experimental pause

1. It seems that there is no fire without fire. It's not just about chemists. We don’t have such a great deal. Dosvid “We smoke without burning.”

Friends often say

What is there without fire?

I’ll lie to you now:

We are in the fire, otherwise there is no fire!

2. Charm takes away from us,

It’s amazing, it’s hostile.

Chip with a charming club - The fire is ignited!

I'll do without the soursop, I'm in the fire.

One two Three,

Fire, burn!

3. I’m not the same yet

Snakes lick from walks,

Scary, biting.

Won't you cry out of fear?

4. “Nezgorana hustka”

5. Overcrowding of rozchins

The tract of Khvilina has arrived, as you have been waiting for so long. We welcome you to the head of the young chemists of our school. Nina was required to take the oath of the young chemist. Are you ready?

1st leader.

We, who have fallen into the siege of the chemists, in the face of those present, swear:

It is holy and inviolable to follow the laws of chemistry, to propagate and carry them to the masses, as the commandments of the great Mendeleev

I swear! I swear!

2nd leader.

It is sacred and unscrupulous to adhere to the rules of safety technology during practical work, so as to avoid the re-creation of schools in ruins.

I swear! I swear!

3rd leader.

In order for the number of students before the lesson to be consistent with the number of students after the lesson, in order to comply with the great law of saving masses of speech

I swear! I swear!

1st leader.

Don’t hold your knowledge of chemistry against your investors, as if you didn’t want it.

I swear! I swear!

2nd leader.

We are deprived of wishing everyone good luck and success.

3rd leader.

Like chemistry, your thoughts will be more stringent and a little more subtle.

The word zhuri for pіdbittya pіdsumkіv and nagorodzhenya.

Teacher: Our lesson has reached the end, but it is not the end, only the cob of the spluttering road “Chemistry”. I tell you that life in the chemical land will not be too difficult and confusing for you.

8th grade

Lesson 1

"Subject of chemistry"

Taking care of the lesson. Osvitny:introduce students to the subject of chemistry; dates of statements about chemistry as about an exact science, without sparing the lyrics; see the meaning of the word "chemistry"; show the interactions between chemistry and other sciences.

Developing: development of cognitive interest to the subject; acquaintance of scientists with the achievements of modern science, with biographies of great chemists.

Vikhovny: instilling love for our Fatherland, pride in the achievements and successes of our land from the passion of science; to improve your health; the creation of a shady performance to different points of view of other people.

Obladnannya ta reacti.portraits of J.Ya.Berzelius, D.I.Mendeleev, R.Bunsen, F.A.Kekule, N.N.Beketov, S.Arrenius, R.Wood, N.N.Zinin; racks with test tubes, chemical beakers, crucible tongs, alcohol bath, porcelain cup, final flask, splinter; water, doses of ammonia, doses of ottoic acid, ethyl alcohol, gasoline, kitchen salt, tsukor, starch, borosno, ice chips, cotton wool, river sand, thyrsus, paraffin, copper sulfate, thyrsus saliva, copper shavings, red phosphorus, si rka, Rozchini KI, Pb(NO 3) 2, KOH, CuSO 4, NaOH, FeCl 3, Na 2 SO 4, BaCl 2, HCl, Na 2 CO 3, CaCl 2 , litmus, phenolphthalein, ammonium dichromate.

1. Organizational moment.

Familiarity with the class.

2. Updating knowledge.

What associations does the word chemistry evoke in your mind?

What group of sciences does the science of chemistry belong to?

Do you already know how the words “geography”, “geometry”, “biology” are translated, and how the word “chemistry” is translated?

3. Information.

There is a very similar meaning to the word “chemistry”.

a) Hmi (Egyptian) - “black” land. It has long been called Egypt, where the science of chemistry was born.

b) Keme (Egyptian) - “black” science. Alchemy is a dark, devilish science (to compare with chaklunism - chaklunstvo, based on the action of evil spirits).

c) Huma (old Greek) - “Littya” of metals; the same root and walnut humos - "sik".

d) Kim (Ancient Chinese.) - “Gold”. This kind of chemistry can be described as “gold-loving.”

4. Warm up.

Chemistry is a complex science, but you already know a lot about other sciences from everyday life. We are going back to this: you will get a taste of the nutrition from various topics in the chemistry course of the 8th, 9th, 10th grades. Who wants to know?

Nutrition quiz “Why is chemistry so complicated?”

Why are we blowing sirnik if we want to put it out?

(At the seen air, take revenge CO 2.)

Why can’t gasoline that burns be extinguished with water?

(Gasoline goes with water and doesn’t mix with it.)

How to carry 1 liter of water into the valley without spilling a drop of water?

(Freeze on ice.)

Which is warmer: three shirts or a triple-shirt?

(Three shirts.)

In which sea can you not drown? Why?

(Near the Dead Sea, it’s so salty.)

What is more important: 1 kg of zaliza or 1 kg of cotton wool?

(Stinks of jealousy.)

With 1 g of what kind of metal can you stretch 2.5 km?

(Made of gold.)

Is it possible to refill only half of the bottle?

(Not possible.)

What does viraz mean “like water from a gander”?

(The feathers of waterfowl do not get wet with water.)

What kind of metal will give the planet Mars a reddish tint?

(Connected climb.)

However, three candles that were burning were immediately covered with three jars with a capacity of 0.4 l, 0.6 l and 1 l. What will happen?

(The candle will go out sooner, so that the jars are used less.)

So what is chemistry?

Chemistry - this is a science about speeches, their powers, transformation and the phenomena that accompany this transformation

Rechovina These are those from which the body is composed.

Tilo - This is part of the speech, surrounded by space.


  1. From the induced shift, calculate the speech or body:

flowers, flask, glass, funnel, slide, ruler, starch, Al drіt.

  1. Please describe the words for the preparation of the body:

horseshoe, fork, ruler, test tube, fountain pen

  1. About what speeches we can say:

A) for the most extraordinary minds - a barren country without taste, smell, t kip. = 100°С, hardens at 0°С. Why?

B) the red color is hard, it is good for electric strum, has high plasticity, and allows you to prepare thin drits.

Oh dear, we are talking to you about the power of speeches

Powerful - these are the signs behind which some speeches differ from others or are similar to each other.

Powers are both physical and chemical.

Physical – color, taste, smell, aggregation factor, electrical thermal conductivity, melting and boiling point, thickness.

5. Gra "Guess the speech."

What is chemistry without traces? Of course, you yourself want to “knock”! What words do you know? How can you identify them one by one?

Let's check it out...

On the demonstration table for readers there are three trays with flutes -

in one there are only barbarous openings of the countryside,

otherwise there are only hard words,

the third has different colored hard speeches.


1st tray. In small bottles: water, a dose of ammonia, a dose of ottovoi acid, ethyl alcohol, gasoline.

2nd tray. In small glasses there is a solid white color: kitchen salt, zukor, starch, boron, pieces of ice, cotton wool.

3rd tray. Small glasses contain solids of different colors: river sand, thyrsus, paraffin, copper sulfate, thyrsus saliva, copper shavings, red phosphorus, charcoal.

We need three volunteers as experimenters, who will try to clearly explain their actions.

The reader is ahead of the teaching about updating the rules of safety technology during the time of experimentation.

Learn to practice meaningful speech.

6. Information. Here are some facts from the lives of ancient chemists.

Portraits of the ancestors are on display.

Berzelius's cook.

Residents of one small town, in which the famous Swedish scholar J.Ya. Berzelius lived and practiced, once asked his cooker: “What, sir, is your ruler doing?”

“I can’t say for sure,” she said, “you take a big flask with everything, pour it into a small one, pour it into a smaller one, pour it into a small one, pour it into a small one again, and pour it into a very small one...”

"And then?"

“And then everything starts to go away!”


To make sure, take 4 flasks of different sizes. In a large flask, pour a barbecue mixture into the top of the flask, then soak the small flask behind with phenolphthalein. It’s easy to pour a flask of phenolphthalein into a flask, and it’s easy to brew a raspberry color. In the third flask, even smaller in size, pour a small amount of hydrochloric acid of a high concentration into a lower concentration, and then pour the mixture into the third flask. The third flask exhibits a quick breakdown. And if you spend all your time in a very small flask, which contains traces of concentrated rosemary, then the raspberry color blooms again.

Meister Valizi.

D.I.Mendeleev loves to bind books, glue frames for portraits, and make valises. Purchases for these companies should be made at the store. One day, while choosing a necessary product, I felt behind my back: Who is this important gentleman? “You need to know such people,” the clerk said with dignity in his voice. “Tse master Valizi Mendelev!”

Good know.

One time before Robert Bunsen's colleague. The stench spoke again and again. And the guest was already ready to leave, as Bunsen said: “You can’t recognize yourself, because my memory is weak. Even if I gave you some encouragement, I thought, “Wee – Kekule!” The teacher looked at him with surprise and hummed: “Hey, I’m Kekule!”

Svante Arrhenius.

Svante Arrhenius started his career early. Having revealed such a story, I am connected with his supermundane journey. It seems like yesterday we gathered in the central hotel in Berlin for a discussion about the issue. Arrhenius took his coat from the wardrobe and opened the door to join his colleagues, but the dressing room greeted him with the words: “You are not going there, sir, the butcher corporation is in charge!”

On the job.

American physicist Robert Wood began his career as a laboratory assistant. It seems that his boss came to the office, apparently with the gurkot and rattle of the pumps and possessions, and the outposts there of Wood, buried in the reading of a criminal novel. There was no limit to the boss's battle.

- Mister Wood! - he yelped, burning with anger, - You... Do you allow me to read a detective story?!

- For God's sake, vibachte! – Zniyakov Wood. – I just can’t accept poetry for such noise!

Rich amusements of Professor Zinin.

Why did assault happen to students in Russia? There was no brutal violence, but the cash depositors, although rarely, profited from it. The famous academician N.N. Zinin not only barked at unskillful students, but beat them up. I didn’t see anyone, because... it was allowed to give assignments to the academician. Ale myslyvtsiv had no visits. Zinin has great physical strength and can squeeze his opponent so tightly that he cannot reach you for a long time.

7. Miracles with your own hands.

On the study tables there are racks with two test tubes.

You yourself are miracle experimenters; with the help of simple techniques you can create miracles. Your task is to mix the test tubes one by one.

The teacher explains to the students the rules of safety techniques before starting the experiment.

The ingredients are selected in such a way that the drops of different colors fall into the skin, or gas is visible, or the color changes.

Learn to complete the experiment, watch out for changes that occur. (Take, for example, potassium iodide and lead(II) nitrate; potassium hydroxide and copper(II) sulfate); sodium hydroxide and salt(III) chloride; sodium sulfate and barium chloride; litmus and hydrochloric acid, litmus and hydroxide y sodium; otstu ; acid and sodium carbonate and in.)

8. Let's play...

Gra "Guess what?"

First thing

1) This speech in ancient times was called the bounty of life and death. They sacrificed it to the gods, and they worshiped it as a deity.

(5 points)

2) It served as a measure of wealth, power, resilience, power, and was respected as the guardian of youth and beauty.

(4 points)

3) Believe it or not, it is possible to help people on all sides, to fight against adversity.

(3 points)

4) “We want to be born, but we are afraid of water.”

(2 points)

5) It is widely used in everyday life, in cooking, in the food industry, in the textile industry and others.

(1 point)

(Video. Kitchen salt.)

Second time

1) The ancient Egyptians called it “vaaepere,” which means “people in heaven.”

(5 points)

2) The ancient smokers called it “the stone of the sky.”

(4 points)

3) Virobs from this place were more expensive for gold. Only very rich people could have made brooches from this ring.

(3 points)

4) Alchemists treated their tables with base metal, which made it difficult to deal with it.

(2 points)

5) For this reason the world was named. This is soft plastic metal.

(1 point)

(Vidpov. Zalizo.)

9. "Do you know what..."

Reader. We will now inform you about the achievements of modern science, about the discoveries in the field of chemistry and advanced sciences.

Nano (from Greek nanos - Dwarf) - billions of pieces of chogos. The field of science that deals with the development of government authorities of objects with a size of 10–9 m. Nanotechnologies manipulate large particles ranging from 1 to 100 nm, and also develop devices of similar sizes. Powders and suspensions have been created to coat the work of engines and mechanisms. Coating materials with advanced nanotechnology prevents the appearance of moisture, helps the material self-clean and does not become wet with water. The first nanorobots will become more expensive due to the organism of creatures. Water can be safely saved with the help of nanotubes. It is now possible to design any molecules, create supernatural materials. Medicine plans to create a direct action that penetrates damaged tissue and fluff; the use of nanorobots for the diagnosis and treatment of all illnesses, the growth of tissues and organs. In electronics there is a development of superfluous electronic devices, digital displays, electronic paper, new types of engines and fuel elements.

Many glaciologists believe that the polar ice sheets are disappearing at an unabated pace. For 5 years, we have agreed that the ice sheets will go into the Atlantic sooner, maybe twice as much, so that the level of the Light Ocean will rise by 0.5 mm on the river. Antarctica from 2002 to 2005. spent a lot of time in the middle of 152 km. 3 ice. Until 2100, the ocean level may rise by 4-6 m above current levels.

Greek and Latin inscriptions, etched on stones 2000 years ago, cannot be read through the erosion that destroyed them. To update the writings, the fluorescence method was used: when X-rays bombard the surface, the atoms come to the surface, and then, turning around to the calm surface, the light becomes visible. This makes it possible to identify traces of lead and stains removed from the chisel of the ancient author.

Russian chemists figured out how to process plastic flakes, and also synthesized a new type of resin for gum and polymers. Vodneva pours out clean water to replace exhaust gases.

In the USA, there is a wide range of polymer coatings for walls, so nothing sticks. This is similar to Teflon. It is impossible to write on such a surface, or paint with markers, markers or a felt-tip pen. The coating can be used to protect the bottoms of sea vessels from fouling and the fuselages of aircraft from ice.

10. Great demonstration experiments.

Reader. Today was your first acquaintance with chemistry. Of course, you are expecting something unexpected and miraculous. I’ll try to pretend to be a magician and show you the wonders of chemistry.

The teacher demonstrates the traces.

"Dim without fuss."

Soak two flasks with concentrated amounts of ammonia and hydrochloric acid, and then bring them one by one. Beware of smoke without fire.

“One bottle contains carbonated water, raspberry juice and milk.”

In three new chemical flasks, pour the mixture of hydrochloric acid, calcium chloride and phenolphthalein without any waste. Porcelain cups are poured with sodium carbonate. Then from the kitchen pour sodium carbonate through three bottles into the skin. In the first of them, gas (“gassing”) appears bubbly, in the other, a precipitate of white color (“milk”) appears, and in the third, the drink becomes raspberry through the change of the indicator in the right color (“raspberry juice”).

"The hustka does not burn."

Soak the nose hustka in water and then in ethyl alcohol. Using crucible tongs, bring it to burning alcohol and set it on fire. Unregardless of the grandeur of the half, the khustka vreshti-resht is deprived of the whole, because Alcohol burns and burns before the fabric burns.

"Volcano on the table."

Place a porcelain cup on the neck of the final flask. Place a great arkush paper under the flask. Pour ammonium dichromate into a cup and soak the center with alcohol. Light the “volcano” with a burning splinter. The reaction proceeds turbulently, a hostile volcano develops, which erupts, from the crater of which baked masses writhe.

11. Submitting bags for the lesson.

D/z: §-1 side. 13 No. 3,4

Chemistry lesson for 8th grade

(introductory lesson presentation)

Get to know: Chemistry!

Chemistry teacher

Zagirova Irina Mykolayivna


Lesson #1

(Introductory lesson - presentation)

“Chemistry may have an indefinite addictiveness

forever majestic, boundless power, yak

she gives to those who know her.

W. Collins

Topic: “Know: Chemistry!”


To develop cognitive interest among 8th grade students in the subject of chemistry.


    get to know scientists about the history of the development of chemistry, the dates of the first discoveries about this science;

    update the knowledge of scholars about speeches, begin to formulate statements about the power of speeches and their re-creation;

    develop the analytical skills of scientists.

Installation of the bathroom.

Thematic newspapers, cards with formulas

speeches and chemical reactions, chemical flasks,

flat-bottomed flasks, dark glass celery, cheesecakes,

dry bedroom, display table, crucibles

tongs, nozzle, porcelain crucible, collections of metals and plastics.


Freshly prepared potassium iodide and lead acetate,

phenolphthalein, soda ash, sodium hydrogen sulfate,

ethanol, norsulfazole tablets, ammonium dichromate.

Lesson progress

I . Enter the word of the reader.

And there is science in the world, without which it is impossible to bring into life the most fantastic projects and fairy tales. Tse CHEMISTRY. Her treasurer had such miracles that the fantasies of the brightest cossacks would pale in comparison to the world: the mute Poppelushka on the princess transforms graphite into a glittering diamond, gives paper a preciousness to metal, and metal imparts memory. It’s not for nothing that they call her a charmer and a wonderwoman: she’s good, she’s beautiful, she’s cool, she’s sweet, she’s washing, she’s wearing boars, she’s allowing her to rise into space and sink to the bottom of the ocean.

The skin of you, without even suspecting it, today undergoes chemical reactions without leaving your home: the sirens ignite and the gas cooks. The human body itself is a great chemical factory, where there are no chemical reactions.

Today is your first knowledge of this amazing science. And the presentation will be given to 9th grade students. They will tell you about the history of the development of the science of chemistry, show you a lot of useful evidence, and at the end of the lesson, having answered the quiz, you will be able to add entry tickets to the express, which will take you wide open spaces ami planetiChemistry – 8.

II. Development of new material. Demonstration of traces.
First leader

In 8th grade you start learning a new subject for you.chemistry -the science of speech and its re-creation.All the speeches that speak to us are composed of chemical elements that are present in 110. When combined, the atoms of various elements create over twenty million speeches.

To know the power of speeches, it is necessary to know their stagnation. Thus, our distant ancestors valued the extreme hardness of flint and extracted it for the preparation of armor and ammunition. You know the following words: metal, aluminum, water, kreida, tsukor, kisen, carbon dioxide, plastics and others (demonstration of collections of metals, plastics). Not just words on Earth, but the entire Universe is made up of the very same elements that have been discovered one by one on our planet.

In chemistry lessons you learn a lot about chemical elements. And today we would like to briefly introduce you to the history of the development of chemistry.


As a rule, most historians of chemistry see the following main stages of development:

1. Pre-alchemic period: up to the III century. Not.

In the pre-alchemical period, the theoretical and practical aspects of the knowledge of speech developed apparently independently of each other. The behavior of the powers of speech was seen by ancient natural philosophy, practical operations with speech were the prerogative of ciliary chemistry.

2. Alchemical period: III – XVII centuries.

The alchemic period, in its own way, is divided into three sub-periods.Oleksandriysk (Greek-Egyptian),Arabicі European alchemy. The alchemic period is the hour of searching for the philosopher's stone, which takes into account the necessary transmutation of metals. This period saw the birth of experimental chemistry and the accumulation of knowledge about speech; The alchemical theory, based on ancient philosophical concepts about the elements, was closely associated with astrology and mysticism. By entrusting the chemical-technical “gold mining” with the alchemical period, which is still significant for the creation of a unique system of mystical philosophy.

3. Period of formation (education): XVII – XVIII centuries.

During the period of the formation of chemistry as a science, there was a renewed rationalization. Chemistry evolved from natural philosophical and alchemical views on elements like on the nose of singing berries. With the expansion of practical knowledge about speech, a unified view of chemical processes has begun to emerge, and the experimental method has increasingly become increasingly popular. This period was completed by the chemical revolution, which left chemistry as an independent (albeit closely related to other aspects of natural science) science that deals with experimental modifications of the body.

4. The period of the Chinese laws (atomic-molecular theory): 1789 – 1860 r.

The period of ancient laws, which was marked by the emergence of the main ancient laws of chemistry - stoichiometric laws, and the formation of atomic-molecular theory, having completely completed the transformation of chemistry into an exact science, was founded yak on caution, and y vimiri.

5. Period of classical chemistry: 1860 - end of the 19th century.

The periode of the classic one is characterized by a stripan outbreak of science: the Buli is a periodic system of the Elehement, the theory of the Valentine Tuodovy Budovs, the stereoiimiy, XIMICHNA of thermodinamic, the same Kinetika; Applied inorganic chemistry and organic synthesis have achieved great success. In connection with this growth, we have become aware of the power of speech, and the differentiation of chemistry has begun - the vision of the strong branches that form the rice of independent sciences.

6. Current period: the beginning of the 20th century to the present hour.

At the beginning of the 20th century there was a revolution in physics: the system of knowledge about matter based on Newtonian mechanics was replaced by the quantum theory and the theory of fluidity. The discovery of the identity of the atom and the creation of quantum mechanics added a new dimension to the basic concept of chemistry. Advances in physics at the beginning of the 20th century made it possible to understand the reasons for the periodicity of the powers of elements and their effects, to explain the nature of valence forces and to create theories of chemical bonds between atoms. The advent of new physical research methods has given chemists the previously unknown ability to develop the composition, structure and reaction properties of speech. Everything at once resembled the middle achievements and brilliant successes of biological chemistry of the other half of the 20th century - the identification of proteins and DNA, the understanding of the mechanisms of functioning of cells in a living organ Izmu.

Another leader

Chemistry originated in Egypt. Name« chemistry » resemble the words hemi or huma (black), which the ancient Egyptians called their country. Thus, the word “chemistry” means Egyptian mysticism, which deals with various minerals and metals. Chemistry was respected by divine science, was in the hands of victims and was boasted by the uninitiated. The Arabs added the prefix “al”, which is characteristic of Arabic language, to the word “chemistry”. The term “alchemy” and “alchemist” appeared. The contagion of alchemy is called the period of development of chemistry withIV By XVI Art. Not.

The investigations of the alchemists were directly based on the search for the “philosopher’s stone” to transform any kind of metal into gold. Kings and kings trimmed the alchemists' palaces so that the stench would remove the gold for them. Marvel at how the alchemists worked.


- I will show you the evidence of “The transformation of water into gold.

One chemical bottle contains freshly prepared potassium iodide, and another contains lead acetate. Resentment and disagreement flutter around a chemical bottle with a large capacity. There is a siege to lead iodide in the bright yellow color (showing a card with a chemical reaction).

2 KI + Pb (CH 3 COO ) 2 = PbI 2 + 2 KCH 3 COO

In future lessons we will learn what such records of chemical reactions mean.

Third leader

But the alchemists never succeeded in turning metals into gold. Alchemy was blocked in rich countries. People who were engaged in alchemical investigations were called to the chaklunstvo and burned for riches. It’s impossible to defend science. The ancients added the prefix “al” to the word “alchemy” and a new name emerged – chemistry. That’s what it’s called nowa science that involves excessive speech, as well as their power and transformation.

Today's products of chemical production occupy a large part in our everyday life. Chemical research is carried out in NDI laboratories, factories, etc. The skin school has a chemistry room and a chemistry laboratory.

Now let's get to know these words and chemical reactions.

First laboratory assistant

- I will show you the proof of “Converting water into raspberry syrup.”

To carry out the test, first take several chemical flasks and a glass of water from a dark glass. The first chemical bottle contains phenolphthalein, the second contains sodium carbonate, the fourth contains sodium hydrogen sulfate, and the glass contains water. The third bottle does not take revenge on anything.

The glass in the dark glass contains the original water, which is in the same bottle. Then we pour the water from the flasks, along with the remaining one, back to the container, leaving the remaining flask as a control. I’ll pour some water from the glass into the bottles. Marvel: the roses have become bright raspberry, like syrup! Villemo “syrup” in a celek, diluted with “water” from the remaining bottle. The remaining time we pour water from the glass near the bottle. Marvel, the “syrup” has turned into water again.

Wow, what a miracle! No, it’s just that in one bottle there is phenolphthalein, in the other there is different content. When mixed, a raspberry color is created. Remember:phenolphthalein in meadows first of all raspberry. In order for the fermentation to subside, I added a little rosemary to the acidic center. The acid neutralized the meadow, and it became very cold.

Name the chemical speeches that were vikorized under the hour's notice.

Another laboratory assistant

- How many of you like fairy tales and science fiction? You’ll soon see how people from the cocoon call Alien or simply Serpent Gorinich.

(Music plays, the final version of “Pharaoh’s Snakes” is demonstrated)

Description dosvidu

Take a dry blanket and place it on the stand. Place three drops of norsulfazole on the top of the bedroom. Set fire to a dry fireplace. Use a metal shear to straighten the “snake” so that it fits. After finishing, extinguish the fire by covering it with a plastic lid.

First laboratory assistant

- Now I’ll take the hustka from my hand, wet the cob with spring water and burn the halves of the cheesecake.

(The proof of “Non-flammable Khustka” is demonstrated)

Description dosvidu

Rinse your nose with water, then lightly squeeze it and soak it well with alcohol. Grasp the hustka at one end with crucible tongs and holding them against a stretched hand, bring a long splinter to the fabric. Alcohol immediately goes to bed - hostility develops, so the hustka will burn. The ale is steeped, and the hustka becomes untamed, because the temperature of the wet tissue is lower than that of alcohol.

C 2 H 5 OH + 3 O 2 = 2 CO 2 + 3 H 2 O

Name the speech that supports the processes of the mountain and the wild. What do you know about the power of this speech?

Another laboratory assistant

- At the end of our meeting, I will show evidence, which is called “Vulcan”. You, of course, know what a grandiose view this is – a volcanic eruption. Once upon a time, the Vesuvius volcano covered the area of ​​Pompeii.

(Music plays, evidence is demonstrated.)

Description dosvidu

Place a crucible or a porcelain cup at the neck of the final flask. The flask can be covered with plasticine, pressed into the shape of a hill, or a model of a hill can be prepared. Place a large paper bottle under the flask or model to collect chromium oxide (III). Place ammonium dichromate in the crucible and moisten it with alcohol in the center of the crucible. The volcano is set on fire by a splinter to burn. The reaction is exothermic, proceeds vigorously, and at the same time, baked particles of chromium oxide float out from the nitrogen.III). As soon as the light is extinguished, a volcano develops, which erupts, from the crater of which fried mass flows (showing a card with a chemical reaction).

(N.H. 4 ) 2 Cr 2 O 7 = N 2 + Cr 2 O 3 + 4 H 2 O

(Chromium oxide ( III) Take and save for other investigations).


How many of these chemical reactions have you witnessed in class?

A chemical reaction can be judged by its signs - a change in the color of the liquid, the appearance of an odor, the fall of a siege, the appearance of light and heat, the creation of a gas-like liquid.

- What signs of chemical reactions can you name in the evidence demonstrated?

III. Quiz for students

- Well, boys, has chemistry surprised you with its miracles? And now, try to answer the nutrition quiz, which will be like entrance tickets for you in the amazing world of speech and transformation.

Nutrition quiz

    The widest river on Earth. (Water)

    Water doesn't heat, fire doesn't burn, it only sleeps at temperatures below zero degrees.(Ice)

    Name a metal that is rare at room temperature. (Mercury)

    Without gas in the world

If only the animals and people would not live.

Children can call him Yogo

Aje vin zvestsya – ….Kisen

5) I live at home with the world, at the thirteenth apartment. I am soft, light, malleable, Vibliskaya in the package. (Aluminum )

6) This gas is used for lightning discharges. It’s in a pine forest, where it’s easy to breathe.

And it doesn’t take away the taste of the water at all, but it disinfects it well. (Ozone )

Well done, they answered all the questions correctly.

What chemical words can you name?

IV. Supplementary bags for the lesson

Have my assistants informed you that chemistry is the best science? What helped you to change hands with Tsomu? What lessons can you repeat in your own minds at home to heal your loved ones? Also, don’t forget about safety equipment.

Chemistry is one of the complex sciences that belong to the branch of natural science. Millions of speeches, of course, and millions of chemical formulas, chemical reactions, without laws and regularities. And you must learn these laws, the laws of chemistry, the laws of the world. Kozhen, who devotes himself to this science, can make his own contribution to the solution to the mystery of nature, the creation of new words and materials that do not exist in nature.

By extending the initial fate, from lesson to lesson, you and I are gradually supporting the planet - Chemistry 8, which we can bring together with the help of our knowledge.

I wish you success in this difficult, or sad, journey! Good luck!

V. Home improvement

    Behind the hand: Peredmova. Entry Chapter 1.§1 Subject of chemistry. Rechovini. Re-formation of speeches.

PIDGOTUVATI POLIDOMENNA (for the Bazhanni) Zystoriyah: “XIMICHNI PINENNYA OldDavniykh”, “Alkhiimiy”, “Iatatrochimiy”, “Practical XIMIIA at the Starodavny Rusі”.

The lesson has been divided into parts for teaching materials of G.E. Rudzitisa, F.G. Feldman.

The main purpose of this lesson is to introduce and consolidate the knowledge of scientists about chemical concepts; activating cognitive activity and increasing the motivation of students before studying chemistry. Development of students' interest in chemistry and activation of their cognitive activity with the selection of non-standard game forms of initial activity. The lesson is held in the form of a tournament.

At the lesson ICT is being studied, the need for a computer-based presentation is dictated by the following reasons:

  • Organization of various types of activities of students.
  • Specially for ensuring the sharpness and strengthening of the material.
  • Organization of self-checking without spending an hour on the lesson.
  • Allows you to economically spend an hour on a lesson

Methods: verbal, scientific, ICT research, problem-solving.


  • repetition of the applied chemical material to tighten the gap for preparation before the planned control work;
  • development and appreciation of interest in chemistry, broadening the horizons of students, advancing the level of foreign culture;
  • development of communication capabilities, efficiency and versatility of spilkuvannoe;
  • development of a high-level position to collective activity.

Whole audience: for 8th grade

This technology can be used for oxide-oxide reactions in class 11. There is a description for carrying out laboratory work that demonstrates the visual effect of the transformation of semi-chromium and manganese in various media.

The same explanation will help the reader to explain to students how the oxidation stage of chromium and manganese changes depending on the middle substance and how the results of these elements are created by different minds. Responsibility for setting the task for securing the material.

Exploration of a chemistry lesson in 8th grade. The main points of this lesson are:
systematize the place called the warehouse of folding receptacles;
formulate the knowledge of scientists about the composition of the bases, the valency of the hydroxyl group, the physical and chemical properties of the fields, their content;
develop the mind of the students to learn how to speak and see the hidden risks in the warehouse and power bases.
Lesson objectives:
developments are able to characterize the warehouse of bases behind formulas and distinguish them from other colloquial speeches;
ensuring the correctness of the formation and recording of chemical reactions, including neutralization reactions;
Forming skills of careful work with chemical substances is in compliance with safety regulations. This lesson was created using the teaching methods of the author E.E.Minchenkov.

Tselov's audience: for the teacher

A lesson was given on the topic “Periodic law and periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendelev’s light theory of the future atom” was compiled for the teaching staff of N.N. Gar, assistant to Chemiya-11 (G.E. Rudzitis). The lesson is divided into sections for 11th grade students. Methodical development includes a summary of a chemistry lesson in grade 11 + presentation.

The presentation includes illustrations of theoretical material and control-virtual material for monitoring knowledge and skills.

Outline of a chemistry lesson in 10th grade using the educational complex of Gabrielyan O.S. with a presentation with active messages on video.

Lesson objectives:

  • consider the chemical power of monobasic carboxylic acids on the application of otic acid;
  • predict the mutual infusion of atoms in carboxylic acid molecules, nomenclature;
  • develop a more logical mind, organize and work on ideas; repeat the basic rules of safety equipment; practice laboratory skills;
  • learn the culture of the language, listen carefully and express your thoughts correctly.

Whole audience: for 10th grade

The Dumkov experiment, as one of the most important tasks of the sub-sumkov attestation of students, raises the present difficulties in the hour of conquest. Umovi instructions often include a description of a specific chemical substance, which is accompanied by song signs. For the most complete implementation of this type of study, it is necessary to have a clear knowledge of the chemical authorities of words, their names, so that any chemical terminology can be understood and the process can be determined. and what appears to be a record of equal reactions. It is important for the reader to prepare before this form to ensure that students understand the key words in the description of the experiment. Preparation before the final task of this type and assignment of methodological material.

Whole audience: for 11th grade

A methodical lesson on the topic “Acids” includes a presentation and a summary of the lesson. A lesson to learn new material on the topic, to familiarize students with the class of inorganic compounds - acids, their formula, classification, extensions in nature. Also, students can learn about basic inorganic acids.

Activity #1. Basic chemical concepts and laws. Research on chemical formulas and formulas.

The theoretical part

1. The place and significance of chemistry in the system of sciences.

Modern chemistry has a system of scientific disciplines: natural,

inorganic, analytical, organic, physical, colloidal chemistry, ... Basic chemical science includes atomic-molecular science, the law of conservation of matter, the periodic law, the theory of chemical bonding and the concept of chemical process.

Like science, chemistry brings some of the revelations into the world. Chemistry plays an important role in scientific and technological progress. There is no water that is not bound by this or other means of stagnant chemistry.

2. Basic concepts and laws of chemistry

Chemistry- the science of the power of speech and its transformations, it includes the laws and principles that describe this transformation, as well as the theories revealed, which allow us to give them explanations.

The atomic-molecular situation lies in the current situation:

1. All speech is made up of molecules.

2. Molecules are composed of atoms.

3. Molecules and atoms constantly exist in Russia; Between them there are forces of heaviness and change.

Let's look at the following meanings:

Rechovina- a type of matter that keeps the mass calm.

It is made up of elementary particles: electrons, protons, neutrons, mesons, etc. Chemistry is the main form of speech, organized into atoms, molecules, ions and radicals. Such speeches are usually divided into simple and folded ones (chemical words).Forgive me for saying approved

atoms of the same chemical. elements and also the form of foundation in a free state, for example. Sirka, zalizo, ozone, diamond.Folding speeches created with different elements and can be stored permanently (stoichiometric orcolorblind) or changes in different ranges (non-stoichiometric half orBertolides).

Molecule- the smallest part of the speech that may have chemical power.

atom- the smallest part of a chemical element that preserves its chemical power.

Different elements are represented by different atoms, which are indicated by the element symbol (Ag, Fe, Mg).

Chemical element - this type of atoms, which is characterized by the distinct charges of nuclei and electronic shells.

Nina knows of 118 elements: 89 of them are found in nature (Earth), the material is taken from the piece. Atoms appear at home, connected with atoms of the same and other elements, creating molecules. Number of atoms

To enter into interaction between the Cosmos and other atoms and to create chemical reactions is considered to be his everyday life. Atoms are composed of positively charged nuclei and negatively charged electrons, which collapse on top, creating an electrically neutral system, which

is subject to the laws governing microsystems.

Ioni(View in Greek. ion– what are you doing), monoatomic or multi-atomic particles that carry an electric charge.

They call positive ionscations(View in Greek. kation, Literally - what is going down), negative - anions (from the Greek.anion, I’m literally walking uphill). It will be possible to use the gas phase (plasma).

Valency(Lat. valentia- Strength), the strength of an atom is added or replaced by the strength of other atoms or atomic groups with the creation of a chemical bond.

Chemical reactions (from Lat. re- - a prefix that means a reversal action, and actio - action), the transformation of some words (output reactions) into others (reaction products) while the atomic nuclei remain unchanged.

Outputs are called reagents, but most often (especially in organic chemistry) the term “reagent” is used in relation to one, the most active output, which is significant directly from a chemical reaction.

A chemical formula is a mental record of a language using chemical symbols (proposed in 1814 by J. Berzelius) and indexes (index is a number that stands at the bottom of the symbol. It indicates the number of atoms in a molecule).

Chemical formula shows the atoms of some elements and how they are connected betweenby yourself at the molecule.

Forgive me for saying - Molecules are composed of atoms of the same element.

Folding speeches - Molecules are composed of atoms of various chemical elements.

Alotropia- a manifestation of the creation of a number of simple words with a chemical element that are mocked by everyday life and authorities.

International Atomic Unit more than 1/12 of the mass of the 12C isotope - the main isotope of natural carbon.

1 amu = 1/12 m (12C) = 1.66057 10-27 kg

Atomic mass (Ar) - a dimensionless quantity that traditionally relates the average mass of an atom of an element (from the distribution of hundreds of isotopes in nature) to 1/12 of the mass of a 12C atom.

Average absolute atomic mass (m) ancient aqueous atomic mass multiplied by a. Ar(Mg) = 24.312

M(Mg) = 24.312 1.66057 10-24 = 4.037 10-23 g

Molecular weight (Mr) - a dimensionless value that shows how many times the mass of a molecule of a given substance is greater than 1/12 the mass of a 12C carbon atom.

Mg = mg / (1/12 ma(12C))

mr is the mass of a given molecule;

ma(12C) is the mass of a 12C carbon atom.

Mg = S Ar(e). Molecular mass of the ancient speech material

atomic masses of all elements with indexes.

Absolute molecular mass ancient aqueous molecular weight, multiplied by a.

The number of atoms and molecules in the basic units of speech is very large, so in order to characterize the quantity of speech, a special unit of speech is used - the mole.

The volume of speech, moth. It means a bunch of structural elements (molecules, atoms, ions).

The symbol is n, the mole is symbolized. A mole is a quantity of speech that contains as many particles as there are atoms in 12 g of carbon.

Avogadro di Quarenna number (NA). The number of particles in 1 mole of any word is the same as 6.02 1023. (Constant Avogadro has a dimension - mole-1).

Molar Masashows the mass of 1 molyachi speech (indicated by M).

M = m/v

The molar mass of the resin is the same as the molar mass of the resin and is numerically the same as the aqueous molecular mass, however, the first value has a dimension of g/mol, and the other is dimensionless.

M = NA m(1 molecule) = NA Mg 1 a. = (NA 1 amu) Mg = Mg

This means that the mass of a given molecule is, for example, 80 a. (SO3), then the mass of one mole of molecules is more than 80 g. Constant Avogadro has a proportionality coefficient that ensures the transition from molecular to molar. All solidifications of molecules are lost equal to moles (when replaced, at times of consumption, a.m.u. g)

For example, the equivalent reaction: 2Na + Cl2 ® 2NaCl, means that two sodium atoms react with one chlorine molecule, or two moles of sodium react with one mole of chlorine.

3. Basic laws

The law of saving the mass of rivers (M.V. Lomonosov, 1748; A. Lavoisie, 1789) The mass of all substances that entered into a chemical reaction, the ancient mass of all reaction products.

This atomic-molecular law is explained in an immediate way: as a result of chemical reactions, atoms do not merge or disintegrate, but their regrouping occurs (this is a chemical transformation process of the rupture of some bonds between an atom and the creation of others, from which the molecules of the output speech come from product molecules

reactions). As long as the number of atoms before and after the reaction remains constant, their mass also changes. Under the mass we understand the value that characterizes the bulk of matter. Based on the law of conservation of mass, it is possible to add up a number of chemical reactions and

carry out decontamination of them. This is the basis of chemical chemical analysis.

The law of storage was first formulated by J. Proust (1808)

All individual chemical words have a clear and acidic character and a distinct chemical tone, regardless of the method of production.

According to the law of the formation of a warehouse, there is a trace that, with the illumination of complex speech, the elements unite with one another in popular mass relationships.


CuS - copper sulfide . m(Cu): m(S) = Ar(Cu): Ar(S) = 64: 32 = 2: 1

To extract copper sulfide (CuS), it is necessary to mix copper and sulfur powders in bulk

Vidnosini 2: 1.

If some of the output compounds are taken and do not reflect their relationship in the chemical formula of the product, one of them will be left out too much.

For example, if you take 3 g of honey and 1 g of sulfur, then after the reaction you will lose 1 g of honey without entering into a chemical reaction. The speeches of non-molecular matter do not form a strictly stationary warehouse.

Their warehouse lies in the minds of the man.

Law of Avogadro di Quarennia (b. 1811)

In equal relations with different gases, the same number of molecules must be placed in each mind (temperature, pressure, etc.). (The law is not fair for gas-like rivers.)


1. The same number of molecules of different gases takes up new obligations for new minds.

2. For normal minds (0 ° C = 273 ° K, 1 atm = 101.3 kPa) 1 mole of any gas takes up a volume of 22.4 liters.

Practical part

Believe me, I will give this nutritional value (indications in the arches - read!) The skin correct indication is assessed at 1 point.

1. What is an atom?

(Atom is the smallest part of a chemical element that retains its chemical power)

2. What is a molecule?

(The molecule is the smallest part of the speech that has the greatest chemical power).

3. What is atomic mass?

(Atomic mass (Ar) is a dimensionless quantity that is equal to the average mass of an atom of an element (with hundreds of isotopes in nature) up to 1/12 of the mass of a 12C atom)

4. What is the molecular weight? How do you know?

(Molecular mass (Mr) is a dimensionless value that shows how many times the mass of a molecule of a given substance is greater than 1/12 the mass of a 12C carbon atom. To preserve it, it is necessary to combine the atomic mass with Their stoichiometric coefficients)

5. What is the molar mass of speech? Which individuals are showing up? (Molar mass shows the mass of one mole of resin. It appears in grams per mole - g/mol.

6. How to calculate the number of speeches, knowing the mass, the number of structural units?

(n=m/M n=N/N A n=V/Vm)

How is Avogadro's law formulated?

7. (In equal relations with different gases, the same number of molecules must take place for the same minds)

8. What is called the aqueous thickness of one gas in another? (The ratio of two gases, which occupy equal responsibilities for all minds, is called the carrying capacity of one gas over the other and is designated by the letter D

D = M1/M2).

9. Formulate the law of warehouse stability.

(The storage of compounds with a molecular structure is permanent regardless of the method of extraction. The storage of compounds with a non-molecular structure (atomic, ionic and metal crystal lattice) is not stable and does not depend on the method of extraction).

10. Formulate the law of saving masses of speech.

(The mass of products that entered into the reaction, the ancient mass of products that are cured)
