Quieter setting to the woman. Quieter setting of people to women

Quieter setting to the woman. Quieter setting of people to women

Often men_ dorikayut zayvu іdealіzatsіyu stosunkіv cholovika і zhіnki. You can’t see anything, such is my view of the world. Axis and this year would like to get stuck with those who are intertwined with idealism. And itself, bazhannya cholovikіv otrimati vіd zhіnok all for nothing.

Zim I stumbled at the roses of the well-known wives. As if there was no cover to recognize, but people at once want to get the maximum benefit from the zustres, but if they don’t do anything themselves. They don’t want to work, not those who are “global”, but instead start nothing. And it’s worth not only the intimate side of the vіdnosin (even though the human egoism is manifested here in all beauty). What stinks do you want from stosunkiv? That's right - the hedgehog is delicious, the apartment is in order, the speech is clean and marvelous sex. Ale from the other side, what do you give women? I do not know.

An ideal example of which I have discovered is known to me. She will communicate through the dating site with her acquaintances abroad, and in the process, the visitors of this site will constantly write. Proponuyut razne, who is on the building. Behind the first reminders, everyone is smiling, just heroes, once again, the propositions are sharpened. Alya, the only food “What can you give me at these vents, for the crime of intimacy?” vibivaє іz kolії mayzhe dermal. So many people stop writing after the first meal of the day. Tobto, krіm spozhivchogo stavlennja i proponuvat nothing. Sumno.

And so do it no less on the Internet. Even in the first editions, I already wrote that the youngest people do not get a compliment or a letter. So the axis, with an hour of lads with tickets, I only bacheled 14 fierce and 8 Bereznya. Why? I don’t know, maybe a penny Skoda. If you want to buy your maiden's trojan, I can do it. You are all the same, but you are welcome. But it’s not visible! I would like to take everything for free, with minimal stains. In quiet clubs, at the same time, people act in a different way: it’s less likely to know if the woman has already covered herself. It is logical, no matter what you come up with. And the women are shriveled by the popularity of the city, like they linger alone. You can have your own living space alone, and here you have a girlfriend, and a free apartment. No need to think about where to lead, spend money on a rented apartment. Just the perfect choice! I so creak. Wherever you look, all the people are joking about easy paths. Why garni dobrі dіvchata samotnі? It is right for those who need to do it. And ce marnuvannya hour, strength and nerves. But even if you can take the same ones with smaller “vitrates”, then you can’t spit on the day.

I'm still restless, sho mi, cholovіki, step by step squander my masculinity and my image of "dobuvacha" (in all senses of that word) in the eyes of women. Although it’s possible to summarily understand, but it’s so. We don’t give our girls gifts and gifts, we don’t shyly romantic surprises - we stopped wondering. Why? The one that doesn’t know how to sweep it. There was no longer a quicker setting, and one meta - as if it were more likely to tighten the girl in a lizhko. The girls from the beautiful muses have become like a rіchchyu, which can be curvy and vikinuti, without being caught by її future.

No, I don't want to be perfect and kind. It’s just that I’m defiantly becoming fluid, if the girl is going to pass, the car sounds and the sound of the proposition “let’s get up and go” is heard. It is unacceptable, if only one, that a person can propagate a woman, that sex (for the words of a woman, and not everything is perfect here, you can boast not a lot of people). And it’s just shameful, if there’s a single compliment, what a girl can feel at her address, like lads, I’d like you vd..l.

It’s easy, it’s easy to know a person who, like once in life, didn’t stumble with manifestations of a calm setting: if you tried it, you should “bring it” on a special note, if you became a victim of a calm one, you just got out of your side. And the axis of knowledge, which itself is gentler, is richer.

Ring out about it, reminding you that you are tired of the fact that they are constantly being smeared with victories.

To understand why your person is so beaten by the role of the eternal “dobuvacha”, why the team is shown to have respect and honor from your side, respectfully, why are you placed before her, “like before speech”, and why in general and as a whole the child is so not having learned the words of podiaki, slid thoroughly to solve the problems.

What does slower shutter mean?

Today's prosperity often sounds like a cult of comfort: the increase in social well-being is most often manifested daily as satisfaction with buying drinks.

We begin to collect speeches, to that which we can afford, and if such an object comes to us unapproachable, do not hesitate, we give it to yoga and buy it new - well, we can afford it!

Little has been said about the negative side of this manifestation, but everything is not so scary, as long as one talks about inanimate objects, which, like it or not, were created in order to fawn over them. The richly serious fight calls out to the very principle of a hundred people: sacrifice to such an approach, signifying the nature of your feelings, often seems to be felt rіchchu.

Lyudina-spozhivach vykoristovuє іnshu lyudin as a resource, not trying to learn about її and not trying to give natomіst. As a victim of intelligence, here it’s a trick and far away, you can’t continue like this, you’ll try as best as possible to break the bells and whistles.

Ale, sorry, don’t ever go out to assess the situation objectively, and there are frequent falls, if a person lives all his life in a calm way - suffering, suffering, but “carrying on a cactus”, like a misha with a sorrowful anecdote. Sometimes, you are overwhelmed by the corner, sometimes you are worried (and sometimes the daily claims from the side will be the main argument of the gentleman, if you want to be true to your behavior in the eyes of the keen).

Calm down to a person

In the patriarchal society, the function of the head of the sim's is to entrust the person, just as the woman follows the order of his decisions. It would have been better if the person would take away the privileged camp, and then he would win the medal: such social roles step by step erase the specialties of the squad of that person, zaganyayuchi їх at a clear distance between patriarchal standards.

Offensive parties most often suffer in such families, and the tragedy of a person sounds like it lies in the fact that one is taken in the main as a source of income, comfort and well-being of this family, and not like a person lives with his emotions, needs and needs. It's a pity that love in such clubs is either a day, or it's easy to enter another plane and step by step to go back.

At the singing stage, a person begins to understand that his role in this is important to material security.

Good, if a person can give the squad an expensive gift, or pay for family support, but it’s not normal, like:

  • natomist wines do not take away absolutely nothing and nothing;
  • all gifts and surprises are received like a treasure;
  • the woman's reaction to the presence of an expensive black gift appears in the image, irritated, unreasonable;
  • arguing with a person can lead to one-sided zakidiv and vimog (“you musish”, “these are your bindings”, “a person to pay for everything” is too thin).

In this situation, the person is guilty of understanding, who is ready to endure all life and endure such an attitude to himself.

To a pity, the rejoicing of the dear people is folding, I Yakshcho Bruyzhin, the singing scenarii, in the yak є msza, ale neme muttering, pydrimtovye, unlikely fuck chi welds.

While, sometimes, such a look at a person’s role in women is played by a woman, and by a girl, oscillators of a person are put first in front of her - allowing for the right of a kind voice when making important decisions, that means an unguarded vikonnanny of “typically women’s” functions (robots) and so on), by the same token they themselves are placed before themselves in a similar rank.

They don’t care about people’s riches, they put up their stench calmly before their friends, working in their own minds, more typical for slave-haired women, lower for lovers. Such people absolutely do not praise the mood of the squad, the stench of the otochyuchimi, the stench does not try to help the squad at the worst of the butt problems that food. Golovna - that the home was in order, the hedgehog was getting ready, and the children were vihouvalis, and all the same, the yakomog without human participation.

These squads can invariably talk on forums, to friends over a cup of tea or in a psychologist's office for a look, a baiduzhist and a roaming from the side of a person, but a rozmovi with the "guilty of the urochists" himself, as a rule, does not bring a positive result. It’s not easy for a person to succumb to a woman’s specialty from her hair, zvichkami and bazhanny, but a slave, as if she can put her life on vikonannya yoga baganok, it’s even more difficult to get an adequate setting for herself.

And far from having such a camp, with the help of social status or a high salary of a person (want to factor, insanely, often add to the internal balance): put on it all the buttov_ turboti, they are often-densely jostled. Often the foundation for such a setting is laid from early childhood, so that not all the fathers of the building suddenly realize that they should be calm.

What robiti, how does a child show more calmness before people?

Why does the child become squishy?

Why do you blame the fathers for a lot of things, as they vvazhayut for the best of your little one's bachiti as soon as possible by hearing, lower by initiative. As a result, infantilism is splintered in childhood and is saved for other fates. As your syn chi daughter in a single position is put up to the fathers (the one to be some mature people, with some kind of contact) as to the dzherel of blessings, there is no sense to call a child - rebuying at an early stage of development, she still doesn’t see, stars and such take the price. qi good.

And yet, such a situation is repeated in a child - a kindergarten, a schoolboy, or to instill a grown-up person - it's not normal.

To this end, from the early fates, give the children room for independent decisions (let’s go to that minimum level, which is accessible and safe in the future) and give them the opportunity to help the fathers, so that the exchange of blessings will be bilateral. Tim yourself, you can add your sons' daughters' important values, lower the stench - they can appreciate the importance of mutual assistance and speech, start showing off the honor and valor.

When it comes to specific obov'yazkіv, they signify the furnishing: for an early vіtsі it can be possible to help the fathers around the house, for the pidlіtkovu - pіdrobіtok (so that the mother with her hands earns intestinal pennies). Just like that, the power of the singing world of the skin child of his centrism speaks.

It’s easy to spoil children, even if they stink, show respect, and turbot smartly take it like a real one. And as for the fathers, they feel guilty for some reasons (for example, they worry that through the robot they give the children a little too little time) and regularly smuggle "buy in" with gifts, finish the shvidko from the little one. zavzhd i in the mustache, without regard for the authorities, use the same furnishing.

The problem of a life-long delay

Virostayuchi with a thought about those who, like a person, should look at us in front of them as if they were dying of life's blessings, a child-spozhivach in a grown-up life has serious problems with friends, relatives and colleagues. The women themselves say so, as if to inspire not to marvel at a person, as if they weren’t more likely to overwhelm them with expensive gifts, otherwise they didn’t bring their high social status, and people, as if women were given the role of domestic servants.

It is practically impossible to change the formed specialty (rather blamings are less likely to confirm the rule of thumb), so the childhood of children should go beyond the middle values.

Take it easy

Quite often, such situations trapleyatsya, if a person sticks to the quieter settings, and what does it mean - we’ll figure it out.

The axis, for example, is such a type of people, if you make a reason, the so-called friendship, only if you can see it. Tobto, more calmly installed - tse own kind of "victorian" іnshої people with a quarrelsome method.

Today, it is more often possible for the calming shutters to reach people. But most often they trapleayetsya so that they seem to be nesting between a man and a woman.

Deyakі zhіnki often wonder about food, why dekomu more happy, who deserves merit. No, the stench didn't hurt anything special. The reason is with their own people. By the way a man is placed before his wife, you can see three types of vodnosin:

  1. Appreciator. Cholovik dbaє about kohanu. Lie down to her bottom. It’s important to such a person, that the woman looked at everything 100%, there’s nothing against the fact that the kohana was not perfect. No, don't talk about those women who are bound to sit on a man's neck, they can be an independent one. Such a person takes his “queen” like a dear picture, admires her and hoots.

    Surely, it’s better not to talk about those who don’t love anyone, cry for themselves, and don’t waste time on domestic rule. No, she just doesn't focus on domestic and other problems. That її partner is not quiet, who will impose їy kupu obov'yazkіv. Vіn i himself can go all the way to the bagatma on the right.

  2. Democrat. Such a person respects the tastes and achievements of his wife, so you don’t have to wait for them. You won’t wake up її early morning at the weekend, so that you will prepare some snacks for you, but rather wait until її waking up. To you yourself, you have the strength to make the egg, to make sandwiches - you are ready to marvel at your kohana.

    Possibly, you won’t bring your wife to the p'edestal and lie white її nіg, but as a rapt you will say that a new light is needed, then yogo їy, better for everything, buy.

    In such pairs, the partners are offended one by one and do not shift the obov'yazkіv. Just skin vikonu that robot, how good it is to go out.

    Such a man of wisdom, that a woman is also a man, and її need to be respected. The rich woman is crying, why are people so different? There is nothing to guess here: everything is the fault of the mother. Like a mother wins her son, so wins and puts up to women.

  3. Robovsnik. Such a man can reach his wife at a slower pace, respecting his servants. Yogo praises the order of the booth, zha in the kitchen and ironing clothes. Whose man is not praised, as if looking at his squad, and what to wear. Yogo is more praised, so that he didn’t drink on the shaf, and those who have a team to walk around with a ragged robe - the same year! Yogo zhіntsі tezh nachhat, like looking out, and all in the fact that she just does not hang out for an hour on herself. Tobto the "man-slave" does not shackle the partner's wife, succumb to her slave, as he sacks all the yogo baganki.
  4. It's a pity, but for rich women in the world, slower setting to people. Deyakіt navit not prihovuyt tsgogo i declare, scho scho will not take a hundred years from a person who does not have an apartment in the center of that expensive car.

    Such an appointment to a person will not bring anything good. People are happy, if they are happy to make others happy. If you give love, tenderness, encouragement, then you become happy in every way. If a woman spends all the time looking out for a person, then once she will be mentally wrecked, and therefore unhappy.

    Calm down to the woman

    Men for their sutty will suffocate over women, like such, and they are called. Some of the thinner body, some of the pumped, some of the food, all curled with savor. ale zavzhd tse TILO, REVIEW. but NOT SOUL. These are the phrases of lovers of donuts "give in, if you get together for something", lovers of strings "I love spring a little ass." and the qi axis is "I would put it in, I would put it in". etc. . Vtim, cover. Nothing to say, about drawing character, about inner light. Tіlki about zovnіshіst. It’s already unacceptable for me to catch on my own people, look, that, marveling at me, stinks to think not about those in my soul, whom I live like I’m watching, but about my hollow and tsitski. Naivno, zvichayno, ale glinets, tse boisterous.

    In the NW, I joke about 80% of the first word is girl, the other is a string)

    Uh huh, a lot of these

    I'm a string, ale, yakscho vin figuru shukay, mean only sex on the mind. we can sweat and suffocate, just for an hour on such a stained-glass window

    Beauty heals more than once, and the axis of zmist - already utrimuє nadovgo 🙂

    Men for their sutty will suffocate over women, like such, and they are called.

    Not properly. Men will suffocate themselves into women, like such. Seeing tiєї, yakoїі і beauty, mіzki і soul on mіstsі (not on її dumku, but on yogo) hardly want to drink. And the axis for women - judging by the forum - a person like such an insignificant addition to his surroundings 🙂

    OxyUgu, there are a lot of these

    no photo - vіlny, who the fuck your soul gave up, since you are a terrible atomic war. Belly - pishov nafik, I love puffed up. Eyepieces? Protective. pfff lad tobі rokіv skіlki, you all like Harry Potter go. i T. D. i T. P

    women have no SOUL like a mіzkіv.

    If the soul is in a woman, if you can’t wind up the brain, then the soul is. it’s just that there’s a price for everyone

    no, I don’t say that they would evaluate the soul from the first glance, it’s impossible, I’m talking about those who stink joking, about what to think, marveling at a woman. marvel at the skin and think "that opa m'yasistenka, I would blow it", but I would like it, I would think "cicavo, you're out of practice, like reading books" =)))

    Vіddzerkalimo ask women:

    AnastasiaOksiUgu, there are many such

    Otzhe, people will die themselves into women like these 🙂

    Nasampered - a local and a Muscovite, then - without a shkіdlivih zvichok (ale hrіn with them, like a vіn zamozhny and a Muscovite), handsome (hi ***, like a vіn a zamozhny and a Muscovite and without a shkіdlivih zvich), targeting serious stosunki (want to women I don’t give a fuck about what kind of nationality there is, because it’s like a nice local Muscovite without a badge)

    "Vdul" - tse one meta, "the one with whom I want to spend my life" - zovsіm іnsha. An axis for another, those who read books - be respectful. For tsієї meti important є COMPLEX of yakost - i "vdul", i "books".

    People recognize the soul already at the beginning of the day. How can you evaluate what you know? You can fit a pidkhid to life, a character, setting yourself up, like a dribnitsa into a person, navіt purely butovі, but everything is known if people are already at the vіdnosinakh or ready to join them.

    OxyAnastasiaOxyUgu, there are many of these

    so it is with that river, that everyone is joking about the figure of that guise. zz-tse disaster struck, not a word about the character, smut, that she is pretty. And the best thing is that you shouldn’t be surprised at the soul, twist them as you like. cover for women, and for such single-minded men.

    so with them it is required so very))

    change your setting to them simply, stitch up buti big and fluffy

    well, it’s called already a scythe on a stone. if we stoop to such a level, then kapets koshens, as it seems)

    why is there a scythe?))

    just stink us for the callousness, so you don't get ruined

    and you would have been better, yakby our criterion was "a member of 17 cm". biceps 53x cm

    Ale, how to show REALNIST, women don’t need such a person 🙂 Take it long 🙂

    well, if it’s an important complex, then why the first thought is not about books, but about vdul? go out, all the same priority blowing.

    On the vіdmіnu vіdmіnіk іnіk іn chоlovіka іt's just physically not viidе to lay down calmly, looking at the cracks on the stele. "Vdul" - tse necessary mind, but not enough 🙂

    tell me about the mythical people. the main mass suffocates itself at ovnіshnіst, tse GOLOVNE, and then even so, the reception program (internal light, interests)

    No, as if the Crimean zvnіshnosti is nothing, then the "blowing" all and fawn. Deadness will be if there is not only soundness

We are so rich in different speeches: brown and dark, yakіsnyh and not yakіsnyh. Mi pragnemo incremental improvement of the level of comfort. We often buy new cars, wardrobe items, embellishments, mobile phones, computer equipment and more.

The production of new products is developing at a fast pace. The frequency of release of new models, brands, brands, accessories will be accelerated. Everything is new, like the best and the best, advertised and promoted with great financial investments.

For the support of people, for the help of advertising technologies, program-settings are introduced, yakі call for the delivery of the goods to be advertised. There are a great number of such manipulations, we just called to them and we don’t give respect, we don’t analyze, we don’t think.

As a result, the profitability of the growth increases, and the rahunki of the companies at the banks increase - everything is going well. But forever you can’t continue like this, even though the resources of the planet are far from boundless.

Today's people are accustomed to perebuvat at the post-study ochіkuvannі otrimati schos new, yakіsne. We buy telephones, but often navіt one fate without being corrosive with them, minyaєmo put them in more, vikidayuchi old. We pragnemo take away the satisfaction of calling through the advent of material speeches. And by such a rank we begin to underestimate our inner self.

We begin to sacrifice to the full-fledged savings of our child for the sake of saving the surplus work. We start to call the sucidam, who have such a modern car. And dehto for the sake of it, to catch up with the messengers for the rest of the novelties, to inspire them to break the law. Quieter setting up to life, as if cultivated by modern suspense, to bring the soul to the progressive teething, change of love in the heart, degradation.

How can I get rid of the reposeful shutter

How do you wriggle out of a slow shutter?

In truth, everything is more simple: it’s less necessary to guess what spiritually you can be more powerful and important for material things. And having guessed, we’ll help you, the introduction of any necessary recovery of the spent.

Tse dії z progressive introduction of the spiritual in life: prayer, Holy Letter, church. Tse those that our forefathers knew well before the hours of the Soviet Socialist Republic, ale was spent for the fate of atheism. If you are left with one thing - start working!

Restaurant. Illustrative sign.

In the lives of such couples, there comes a time when a man has less “borscht” at a woman’s, and a woman at a man’s - exclusively “hamanet”. Such a setting is one to one and is called calm. Rozpovіdєmo, as a reminder, that from the stosunkіv there arose that warmth, and how to turn them.

Even if one partner works in a different function, it’s good to be satisfied with it.

For example, a woman is needed only for bringing pennies to the houses, having a good tap, that she slammed, or raising her thoughts about the undivided kohanny to another. And a woman needs a vinyatkovo in order to be calm at home, or else to be with her in the world and all her friends are blinded in the sight of beauty and zazdrilis.

“Vzagali, the global sensi is not so bad. The type of vidnosin "for mutual support" was formed a hundred years ago, if the functions of a person and a team were strengthened, - psychologist Olena Lavrova explains. - That is why physically fit women were taken for a squad, so that the stench could give birth to healthy offspring and good practice in the field. As far as between the two, functionality is important and necessary.”

It’s true, we all love each other only one for a quivering soul, and we don’t work anything for anyone, we didn’t bring it to good. “Although a kohana person transforms into a function, then the girls stop being warm, sincere, harmonious and happy,” summed up Olena Lavrova.

Sob what didn’t happen, rozpovidaemo, for some signs you can recognize that partners are put one to one with peace.

Sign 1: trade "ty - me, I - you"

“I’ll take the child from the garden, but you’ll be sorry”, “You can drink to the bar with your friends, but only if I’m at the cafe with my friends”, “Buy your own droid, but then I’ll go for a full day at the spa” .

In the human version: “I’m ready to drive in a cellar on robots and work my car, so you’ll be kind to the children and keep order at home”, “I’ll buy you a car, like you’ll make a child”, “Let’s go to the entrance to the sea, just like you will lose weight."

Insanely, mothers of homeliness in the fact that the obligations of partners in her are rozpodіlyayutsya, it's too bad.

“Also, it’s a clear list of what a person’s team can work for, prevailing over the greatest human standards one to one, but pointing to those that another person is taken exclusively as a function,” explains Olena Lavrova.

Oznaka 2: vimoga "ti vinna / ti vinna"

The skin of a person may be a statement about an ideal partner. For example, a woman is a woman, she’s ready, cleans up, looks kindly, sweet, soft, otherwise, on the other hand, she’s a goal-directed carist. Cholovik - the one who dbaє, strong, vpevneniy, otherwise, navpak - sensitive, respectful.

І kozhna lyudina ochіkuє, shko tsі vyavlennya spіvpadatimimut іz reality. And yet, none of them are striving to conform to other people's ideals. “So it’s more like “you’re guilty”, it means that a person cannot be accepted as such, as they are, but they are taken as a rich functional, as they can be properly practiced,” says Olena Lavrova.

As if the squad is allergic to a pill and won’t be able to tidy up, but they’ll try to hire a cleaner on their hard-earned pennies, and the person is categorically against - tse vkazuє on yogo spozhivche shutter.

Sign 3: dissatisfaction

І, as if you were a kind of gentleman, dissatisfied with the way you pridbany goods, people are ready to make claims: “You are a woman, why are you so rude / neohayna / incompetent?” »

I realized that there is no perfection between, and it’s bad, as a partner helps to develop. Ale, wait a minute, man, as if you are afraid of hurting your loved one, choose another formula in order to pay for the shortfalls and make your prayers.

Sign 4: a list of other interests

A typical marker of a slower age at the stage, if the stoks are only about to start - the phrase "I'm with you and you need me, but I'm not ready for serious stoks". Abo "You are such a miracle, but I have successfully survived a folding separation, so I'm still not building on a deep sense."

A woman is bathing in a bag. To think - I will be such a garna, accommodating, sing-songly, change my mind in an hour. “Behind this phrase, there is a sensation: give me, that’s more,” Olena Lavrova was promoted.

It’s easy, it’s easy to know a person who, like once in life, didn’t stumble with manifestations of a calm setting: if you tried it, you should “bring it” on a special note, if you became a victim of a calm one, you just got out of your side. And the axis of knowledge, which itself is gentler, is richer.

Ring out about it, reminding you that you are tired of the fact that they are constantly being smeared with victories.

To understand why your person is so beaten by the role of the eternal “dobuvacha”, why the team is shown to have respect and honor from your side, respectfully, why are you placed before her, “like before speech”, and why in general and as a whole the child is so not having learned the words of podiaki, slid thoroughly to solve the problems.

Today's prosperity often sounds like a cult of comfort: the increase in social well-being is most often manifested daily as satisfaction with buying drinks.

We begin to collect speeches, to that which we can afford, and if such an object comes to us unapproachable, do not hesitate, we give it to yoga and buy it new - well, we can afford it!

Little has been said about the negative side of this manifestation, but everything is not so scary, as long as one talks about inanimate objects, which, like it or not, were created in order to fawn over them. The richly serious fight calls out to the very principle of a hundred people: sacrifice to such an approach, signifying the nature of your feelings, often seems to be felt rіchchu.

Lyudina-spozhivach vykoristovuє іnshu lyudin as a resource, not trying to learn about її and not trying to give natomіst. As a victim of intelligence, here it’s a trick and far away, you can’t continue like this, you’ll try as best as possible to break the bells and whistles.

Ale, sorry, don’t ever go out to assess the situation objectively, and there are frequent falls, if a person lives all his life in a calm way - suffering, suffering, but “carrying on a cactus”, like a misha with a sorrowful anecdote. Sometimes, you are overwhelmed by the corner, sometimes you are worried (and sometimes the daily claims from the side will be the main argument of the gentleman, if you want to be true to your behavior in the eyes of the keen).

In the patriarchal society, the function of the head of the sim's is to entrust the person, just as the woman follows the order of his decisions. It would have been better if the person would take away the privileged camp, and then he would win the medal: such social roles step by step erase the specialties of the squad of that person, zaganyayuchi їх at a clear distance between patriarchal standards.

Offensive parties most often suffer in such families, and the tragedy of a person sounds like it lies in the fact that one is taken in the main as a source of income, comfort and well-being of this family, and not like a person lives with his emotions, needs and needs. It's a pity that love in such clubs is either a day, or it's easy to enter another plane and step by step to go back.

At the singing stage, a person begins to understand that his role in this is important to material security.

Good, if a person can give the squad an expensive gift, or pay for family support, but it’s not normal, like:

  • natomist wines do not take away absolutely nothing and nothing;
  • all gifts and surprises are received like a treasure;
  • the woman's reaction to the presence of an expensive black gift appears in the image, irritated, unreasonable;
  • arguing with a person can lead to one-sided zakidiv ta vimog (“ty musish”, “your shoes”, “a person to pay for everything” is too thin).

In this situation, the person is guilty of understanding, who is ready to endure all life and endure such an attitude to himself.

To a pity, the rejoicing of the dear people is folding, I Yakshcho Bruyzhin, the singing scenarii, in the yak є msza, ale neme muttering, pydrimtovye, unlikely fuck chi welds.

While, sometimes, such a look at a person’s role in women is played by a woman, and by a girl, oscillators of a person are put first in front of her - allowing for the right of a kind voice when making important decisions, that means an unguarded vikonnanny of “typically women’s” functions (robots) and so on), by the same token they themselves are placed before themselves in a similar rank.

They don’t care about people’s riches, they put up their stench calmly before their friends, working in their own minds, more typical for slave-haired women, lower for lovers. Such people absolutely do not praise the mood of the squad, the stench of the otochyuchimi, the stench does not try to help the squad at the worst of the butt problems that food. Golovna - that the home was in order, the hedgehog was getting ready, and the children were vihouvalis, and all the same, the yakomog without human participation.

These squads can invariably talk on forums, to friends over a cup of tea or in a psychologist's office for a look, a baiduzhist and a daily conversation from a person's side, or a rozmovi with the "guilty of urochists" himself, as a rule, do not give a positive result. It’s not easy for a person to succumb to a woman’s specialty from her hair, zvichkami and bazhanny, but a slave, as if she can put her life on vikonannya yoga baganok, it’s even more difficult to get an adequate setting for herself.

And far from having such a camp, with the help of social status or a high salary of a person (want to factor, insanely, often add to the internal balance): put on it all the buttov_ turboti, they are often-densely jostled. Often the foundation for such a setting is laid from early childhood, so that not all the fathers of the building suddenly realize that they should be calm.

Why does the child become squishy?

Why do you blame the fathers for a lot of things, as they vvazhayut for the best of your little one's bachiti as soon as possible by hearing, lower by initiative. As a result, infantilism is splintered in childhood and is saved for other fates. As your syn chi daughter in a single position is put up to the fathers (the one to be some mature people, with some kind of contact) as to the dzherel of blessings, there is no sense to call a child - rebuying at an early stage of development, she still doesn’t see, stars and such take the price. qi good.

And yet, such a situation is repeated in a child - a kindergarten, a schoolboy, or to instill a grown-up person - it's not normal.

To this end, from the early fates, give the children room for independent decisions (let’s go to that minimum level, which is accessible and safe in the future) and give them the opportunity to help the fathers, so that the exchange of blessings will be bilateral. Tim yourself, you can add your sons' daughters' important values, lower the stench - they can appreciate the importance of mutual assistance and speech, start showing off the honor and valor.

When it comes to specific obov'yazkіv, they signify the furnishing: for an early vіtsі it can be possible to help the fathers around the house, for the pidlіtkovu - pіdrobіtok (so that the mother with her hands earns intestinal pennies). Just like that, the power of the singing world of the skin child of his centrism speaks.

It’s easy to spoil children, even if they stink, show respect, and turbot smartly take it like a real one. And as for the fathers, they feel guilty for some reasons (for example, they worry that through the robot they give the children a little too little time) and regularly smuggle "buy in" with gifts, finish the shvidko from the little one. zavzhd i in the mustache, without regard for the authorities, use the same furnishing.

Virostayuchi with a thought about those who, like a person, should look at us in front of them as if they were dying of life's blessings, a child-spozhivach in a grown-up life has serious problems with friends, relatives and colleagues. The women themselves say so, as if to inspire not to marvel at a person, as if they weren’t more likely to overwhelm them with expensive gifts, otherwise they didn’t bring their high social status, and people, as if women were given the role of domestic servants.

It is practically impossible to change the formed specialty (rather blamings are less likely to confirm the rule of thumb), so the childhood of children should go beyond the middle values.

Often I feel at nutritional consultations: what is needed (є) I am with stosunki. Bagato who cares about food is important. When you come to a consultation with a psychologist, you want to take the stench out. From the vіdpovіddu tse pitanya people often show the possibility of having a drink with their partner. Feel "nі" - it's greedy. People are ready to speak a lot of speeches among the natives, to calm down. Vіdpovіd "nі" to the inquiries about those that I need you - tse led me to take a picture. Shorazu, if I smell a food chain, I think - how can you react positively to the food chain? Chi can be like this, what do we need from the hundred women with powerful forces, especially, so be moving?

In psychology, vіdnosin є takі understand like meta ta zasib. Tsіl - tse those that I want to take away, zasіb - tse way, how to take off those that I want. Chi can a man buti metoyu at stosunkah? Partner - tse meta chi zasib? Іz situations, if a person is unaware of the vіdnosinah, he understood. A young, sociable person (not important, a woman or a person) can know himself not a young, but a possible partner. Here pennies are a goal, and the partner is good. Such vіdnosini are often called venal chi spoživchimi (deposit in addition, like to marvel at). If I want to take care of a partner, if I need it for someone else, it’s about living. Often, a feeling about those who have saved the blues is not a joke. Chi є vіdnosini, de partner not є otrimati schos for yourself through or through new? Vіdnosini, de lyudina not by himself, but by the method of vіdnosin. De vydpovіd on the supply of chi I need you - positive. So, same ti - I need it.

This is the phrase - I want you to be happy (a). You can feel like other people. You can read it in books or feel it in films, theaters, especially the so-called “love genre”. It’s rich who cares that it’s the same thing and it’s the right cook. The axis, the same setting, is not calm, but it is right to feel. Tse takі stosunki, de I all work for a bagato (everything) for a new one. How tse vigidno vіdrіznyaєtsya vіd low rozrahunku chi dry households. It’s as if it’s not easy to create a picture of ruin. Hi, everything is so and є, I don’t want to write what it’s naїvna vvazhat, scho people like this є, but there are no such stosunkіv. The problem is not in what, but in the fact that in such vodnosina I will need people to be happy. That's why the vicarist's person needs to be satisfied with his needs. Він - інший, є beyond reaching your own mark. And the goal here is to satisfy your needs, give and take, take away emotions, marveling at the happiness of other people. Whose sensi have the same blues so calm. I spare a kohana a person for the satisfaction of my own needs, dbati, robiti її happy. Try to look at my turbo and shout at such a time of discomfort, it’s less bad because I don’t take what I want from my breath. Here the person is not so self-meaning, out - zasіb for the satisfaction of my needs.

Thoughts, which I write in riches, can be seditious. Skіlki I not thinking about tse, I can't know vodnosin, yakі not є spozhivchimi. Navіt yakscho brethren vodnosini, scho budovanі on the basis of the child-batkіvskih. De є element of insane acceptance. I love you simply for those that you are yourself. What kind of people are needed there, what can you say, what are you? Chi є lyudina metoyu, but chi is not special? People feel the need to live emotions, which are blamed on the children's and father's waters, more so for women. Tse need, won't be rich in what is biological, often formed at the sight of the middle infusion. And here - about consumption. A child or a partner, which is a substitute for a child in a situation, if the model of a child-batkiv's children is carried over in adulthood, it is necessary to satisfy the need. Vіn not tsіl, but zasіb.

Zakohanist, so as not to be wondrous - this is also our need. Like I’m dying with my partner, I’m able to live through dying through someone else, for him with help. People often say: "I'm with you just to the one who dies (I love you), and not to the one who needs me." It would have been given - the axis is out, the people here are the method. However, if you respectfully admire these words, then you can say that the stench is not about those people who use the method. The correct translation of these words should sound something like this: “my main need among the brethren is to survive the stagnation, for which I can act on the richness of my other needs.” It’s not about me, you don’t need anything. Tsezh about living in stosunkah. Only a person wants to satisfy his need to live a life of death, and for whom he won't ask for someone who can help him. You may need a strong flooring, so much more just go into the background.

Bagat tse can be scary. Tse is not a kohannya - but just like a calm pidkhid. I’m sorry Skoda, but my people are just so powerful. Physiologically. People are alive until the feast, while they can consume and can satisfy them. If a person makes contact with his own needs - that's ruined. Vono viklikane or dysfunction, or serious damage, for example depression. The phrase you don’t love me, shift like this: I can’t get through you to take away those that I want. I vіdpovіdno navpaki. I know who to love me, as I will take from the vіdnosins those that I require. It's all about resilience, all of ours are reassuring. There are no others. What is the value of a person? Why is everything so messed up? Vidpovid - nі, є more cheaply.

If we choose our own partner on the basis of the fact that we give me what I want, we accept this value for ourselves. It is fitting for us, as a person satisfies my needs, as a way to rob her. Tse scho about those who are better than me with him, better take it through him, the way to be like him. It's about the uniqueness of a person for me, it's about those that I need (need). Todі i z'yavlyaєtsya - I love you, I love you, I'm better with you. Here, it’s important not to start robiting the vinyatkovy people, one and the same. Do not take a decision, that my people and now have taken all their important needs, I want to take only in her. Todi mi consumed by fallow people. We can raptom virishiti, that as a person only we can satisfy our needs. Mi raptom begins to endow yogi with the qualities. Todi wines are considered to be exclusive and united, but they are fallows.

Otzhe, we were nominated, that all the women were safe. Tse those, for the sake of which we enter at the camp. This person helps us to take what is more important for us, what we need. We value the very people, that we deserve a way, as we are satisfied with our needs with him. Naygolovnіshe todi - improve the balance of life. Chi is sufficient, I will take away those that I give. And yet, as we will be independent in the blue, and, I do not try, through my partner to satisfy all my needs, then I need to do it in some way, I will take it otherwise. Z kim, through whom else, yak. Rich food, it is important to muffle and discuss it with your partner. Know an acceptable way for everyone.

And more about the value of a person. Vaughn is not static, it belongs to the category of “eternal values”. The value of the vіdnosinakh is not a monument. We are changing, our needs are changing. Changes are not for everyone, if they become immutable, there are no rules. Those who were respectful on the cob can stop being important in an hour. That way, which I have become, of tying from a person - I can want something else. It is important to think and practice over the waters. Talk with a partner. Listen to yourself. Have a good time. Marvel at yourself and at your partner. Where do I change, and why do I change, why and where do I change. Correct the balance of vіdnosin, vibudovuvati yoga.

Calm down to a person / squad - this is one of the most important ways to find a hat and look like a stounki. To induce violence (for the broadest sense) does not have such a destructive power.

Why am I? On the right, in the fact that for the rest of the month I developed a little stumbling block with this very phenomenon, which is based on the most recent one.

The rest of the droplet has become a sheet of my reading room with cikami food. I'll allow it, I confirm the request here.

The axis of the lines from the sheet:

“It’s acceptable, a couple, to say like a person: you deserve me, but I don’t love you and I don’t want to reassure you.
1. Like a work of a woman, like a woman who is vigilant, that in these waters there is a sense and a future. Adzhe kokhannya - tse pochuttya, like it’s fading, then it’s flaring up. Today, but tomorrow, є, і navpaki.
2. What is necessary to put love as the basis of the foundation, what can one induce to vouch for other values, and love in the process?

Here, once the sprat is energized, that one will be given step by step.

Like a person on a black face declares “you like me, but I don’t love you and I don’t want to cheer you up”, you need to marvel, what will be said further. If a person is far away, let’s talk, let’s be separated and don’t talk anymore, then food is exhausted.

That is why this particular person at once ugolos declaring that he is going to get enough of being a woman, judging by the name.

I know such stories millions (overwhelmed, obviously, but I know all the same richly). Cholovik seems like a woman, moving, you are pretty, I'm classy, ​​let's have fun together for an hour. I'll call you, if I'm in a mood, we go there, wherever I want, rob those who have me, - it's so great!

Ni. Tse is not great. Tse slower setting, Tse ob'ektny pіdhіd. Another person here speaks on a kshtalt resource (object), without a psyche and feels.

Yak on me, it's just ugly. So, I swear by this word, which is not possible for a psychologist; I am the most categorical in the world, I can. Quieter setting - tse ogidno. Might as well, navit ogidnіshe violence (want to smoothly buti ogіdnіshe violence).

In this situation, like in a situation of violence, my advice is simple - to marry such a person.

Zrozumіlo, yakshcho zhіntsі need tіѕ stоnsі themselves, then everyday problems. Ale, for the fact, women want to hear hundreds of others, but on such propositions as a person they will be fine out of hope. From hope, scho vin “change your mind”, “fall in love”, “reason”.

Hi! Don't be shy, don't love, don't understand. Such a person will win you over, as long as you do not look like you. Do not need illusions - it will be less so.

Why? Because for a normal person, it is unnaturally and objectively placed before a close person. Tse mayzhe psychіchne vіdhilennya - do not bachiti, what else is a person.

I won't overdo it. It is normal for a person to create a theory of reason (“theory of mind” in English; in Russian, it is translated in a different way). To accept other people as living, reasonable people who are sensible. Tobto is like a subject.

The formation of the theory of the reasonable can be destroyed - even though people take others simply as speech. Tse zovsіm psychiatry, ale close. It’s not easy to turn such a person around (it’s possible to get excited). And you definitely won't give up.

Navit do not swear - it's a waste of time and energy. Drive such people as if they were the plague.

I’ll guess the food: 1. How to fix a woman, how to look out for them, how these women have a sense and a future. Aje love tse pochuttya, as it fades, then flares up. Today is not, and tomorrow is the first day.

Women in this situation need to put their head in a bucket of cold water and three rubles to come to you. To that sho vdchuvati, scho have tsikh vіdnosinakh є sensі і probable, zhіnka zhіnka, аlе to reality і it's almost impossible to lie.

Tse naslіdok robots be some kind of fun hormones. The stench vimics more critical thoughts of women, to ensure conception.

In a woman in such a state, the forehead parts are tightly impinged - the state of non-judgment, about which, for example, the Committee of the Republic of Belarus writes: disintegrate the psyche, bewilderment, or else I will become sickly psyche. (Article 28 of the CC RB).

Axis tse zhіnoche “I see that in tsikh vіdnosinah є sens” and є chimo close to timchasovogo psychic disorder chi sickly I will become. Irrespective of the propaganda of the adepts of the vchennya “Turn your head on and listen a little,” it’s almost necessary to hear it carefully, but you can’t turn your head on.

So - cebro cold lead to help. To clean the brains, to feel a little assidla. Come on and timchasovo, ale help. And if the cycle ends, repeat the warto procedure.

The axis is so and only so necessary to repair women in a situation that is being sorted out.

І rest of the food from the sheet:
"2. What is necessary to put love as the foundation of the foundation?

So, it’s true, stosunki can often be worn without a kohanny. For whom the stink is guilty but founded on mutually wow. Tobto on the recognition of chiїh-l. gains, merit, yakost".

The key word, like bachite, seeing fat. Povaga can be mutual. Also, it is possible to use the blues on the mutual interest and/or mutual recognition of the value of these blues. Golovne - schob mutually.

Human stosunki tremayutsya at what fahіvtsі call "the theory of equal exchanges." You are me, I am you, you are less powerful, light distortions in one bik are attached with slight distortions in the other. Golovne, scho mi resentment rozumієmo that priymaєmo that vyznaєmo, scho tsey exchange us vlashtovuє.

Lyudina, with the destruction of the “reasonable theory”, is not good at such exchanges - it’s easy to exchange from the refrigerator, let’s say. We simply put in a new product, if necessary. Refrigerator - rich. It's a pity, buvaє, that people are becoming rich.

And quiet, who rob you with speeches, marry. Get out. Drive, not marveling at their pitiful eyes and wider zdivuvannya. I, Pavlo Zygmantovich, the most categorical psychologist in the world, I show you - to marry such people as yourself. Don't lie to them, don't give up.

Otherwise, from you, I will again smash the river. And buti rіchchu - negіdna people.

Okremo want to voicing. Zrozumіlo, a woman can also behave as if she were older than a man, but not less than a wider appearance, unfortunately.

And I have everything, dyakuyu for respect.

A few more notes on a similar topic:
Psychological violence: the enemy, which is not remembered About domestic violence
On the head

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