Like I became a kohanka of a colossal man. Became a kohanka of a big man

Like I became a kohanka of a colossal man. Became a kohanka of a big man

The person who created the novel from the spivrobitnitseyu on the kіlka rokіv is younger for the new one. These stosunki ended rather quickly, and I found out about those that became poignant in a couple of months. We are trying to save our family at once: we have become closer and come together one by one, apparently therapy sessions. Ale yogo kolishna kokhanka - like a bіlmo on the otsi. All the tsіlka міsyаціv won write verses about їхні stosunki and write on their sides at social services. And not long ago I wrote down a song for the motives of what happened. Cholovik її blocked for a long time, the stench does not speak, I have no reason to worry. I suddenly, with my mind, I understand that the problem is not in him, but in our family crisis. But it’s less scary to anger the impossibility of saying straight out that your novel is the head of a bad third person. Alive and today, and not the mythical "unloved squad". What those things that for a man’s colossal kohanka became the death of the spirit, for me, my friend, became the death of pain. I can’t figure out why I’m being so teased by її creative writers and how to stand up for feelings of powerlessness, like stinks screaming from me.

Antonina, 37 years

Antonina, those who are angry in a situation that has developed are completely logical and sensible. You were hurt more. Ale, it was not that woman who hurt you more, as you write verses at once, but your person, your closest person. You vyrishili yogo probachiti, even more serious decision, as it was given to you by force. You experienced not only harm and harm, but also a lot of more pain in the minds of “Who is guilty?” and what work?".

At once, if the acute phase is behind you, you want to forget this history. You work over hundreds of years with a person, you will have new plans, you will joke about positive moments, ale shorazu, climbers in the social media, you will see women, you will tell a story about a person’s health, and it’s perfectly, piss off and fight. In order to avoid embarrassment, stop monitoring social media. If you can't help climbing, then block it like a man.

All the aggressiveness towards the person was sublimated onto the great Kohanka. No one compares that a person, as if it were obvious, entered into a relationship with him, who is staying with a boat or with a breeze, walk low. But this woman did not give you an oath of fidelity. It was not your behavior that hurt you more, a specific living person, but the behavior of a person.

Yakby won't start an affair with a friendly colleague and write to you, you weren't stink of antrohi, wanting to be like that yourself. Possibly, it was too early for themselves to turn the person into a family, without proprating all the aggression in that image on the new one. And at the same time, trying to improve the blue, so as not to make the situation worse, they switched to the outer enemy. Our psyche is so handy. Hate foreigners, as they hurt us more painfully, richly simpler, lower their loved ones.

It’s almost powerless to fully understand: you know that this woman is not guilty of anything for you, you have nothing for her, she has the right to write, draw, publish on her social media pages everything that you need for your needs, but you can’t blame it.

Krim family work with a psychologist, you will not be asked to improve and correct, but even with another fakhivtsem, razumilo. Therefore, for the sake of it, it is important not only to establish communication between friends, but also to develop the whole image of the one who was changed. In my opinion, it’s more important, for what there is still no solid foundation, on which you can wake up again, the success of the whole approach to nutrition.

You hurt more, you have a wound. You yourself should be angry at everything, almost like you see it: at anger, at fury, at anger, at confusion, at anxiety, at bewilderment. To live them, do not bury the inside for yourself, so that you can make a fortune with a man. Think about yourself first for everything, at once it’s more important for you.

Life scenarios for an hour become richly chirping, below the plots of the most popular miles operas ... I am publishing a list of one of my readers, inscriptions through.

Father, as I became the kohanka of my colossal

Vitannia! My name is Zinaida. Trohi radianske im'ya, but I ask for a second - do not varto respect me old ... I'm 36, but I look young.

I'll start off. We are separated from a man. Why and how it happened - I realized only now, since we began to chime in again. It’s a pity, the zustrіchі are still in the middle of the night (to that, I’m writing here).


We parted over that. They lived together for 12 years (!). I won’t say that everything was perfect, we lived like a mustache - welding for a layout, joyful with the saint ... I loved yoga, having taken good care of me and our two children, and farther away - they were less at home. Kazav, robot. Eh, how I somehow naїvno accepted everything.

I tried to help you with robots, so that they could get a little bit of profit. Mine ended in a hell of a scandal - saying, what are you doing with a busy person? Separated from yoga initiatives.

Bula as a squad, became a kohanka

I once came to see the child (the elder one was left with me, and I see my daughter as often as I can!). That was the axis, they put the children to bed, they moved in the kitchen. Well, I… I don’t know what happened to me myself. Some of the images for those who threw me in the very "reconstruction" of forces arbitrarily. It’s like a mission to take revenge on that young bird, as it occupied my place ... It’s just “behind the ring” ... Zagal, I calmed down the man.

Ale is less than an ear of the best. Already early in the morning I knew me, that I was healed. And not to the fact that I am filthy, but to the one who has a new physical need for sex today, and I could not please me alone. And then I guessed that I understood everything. I realized why I was so busy on the robot, she didn’t want me after her. I figured out why the person wanted to “flash” after pronouncing me sex in the morning and navit swing.

Todi I did not look at the nebezpeki. Ale immediately got it all right.

From that hour, you come to me once every two days. Not to the child, but to me herself. I didn’t grasp the wisdom, if I myself became the kohanka of my colossal man.

What work - I do not know. Rosemary, I have an hour to joke a new person. Ale, from the other side, can I now turn MY? What do you say? In addition, sex is really classy, ​​especially if I understand, what is the platform for yoga nine! Vibachte for cynicism, but I support you understand me.

Maybe, who is the one who was at the skin of a colossal man's kohanka?

Before speech, if you love stories about stosunki, you can read it, like a novel has begun.

Іsnuє richly hot about what chi є sex after fun. And the axis of the theme of sex after separation rarely becomes a subject for humor. Prote trapleyayutsya bets, from which, after opening, I feel like they’ll be saved with new strength. From the point of view of the article, you know what work, if you become a Kohanian, and why people are again trying to turn a lot of stosunki.

From the above stats you know:

  • Why do you need to let yourself know
  • What reasons indicate to those who want to turn around
  • How much more becoming a Kohanian - it's good chi nasty

7 reasons why you need to let yourself know

As a show of life, the skin of a girl may stick to the situation, if a person after separation is given signs again. A large number of kohanets can call and for a month, and for a river after the opening. What is robiti, like an ex-boyfriend becoming actively involved in something? We will try to understand the motives of such a behavior from a glance of psychology.

  • The stinks joke about the way to please your own

A person has such a way to help improve his self-esteem. You should add the fact that a lot of Kokhana knows about the new one and is very sensitive to it.

  • I want to "cry at the waistcoat"
  • Vіn zrozumіv, scho і it will not be better, and virіshiv turn around

A lot of couples are constantly colliding with one and the same problem - the partner starts to fight, and some of the shortcomings and the hardships of the situation develop the situation. At such a time, a person may have an illusion that the woman of the yogo world has not yet been caught. However, to wind the stosunki on the side, it’s not turned off, that after a certain hour you want to turn around. There are no ideal people in the world, for that in the people I am again blamed for getting close to the girl, as she has already become dear.

  • New pardon has a statement about friendship with you

The formula "let's get rid of friends" often accompanies a breakup. For more vipadkivs, it’s less likely to grow up peacefully, prote deyak people are rightly convinced that a lot of kohanets can become a friend. It’s a pity, it’s possible less in that mood, as if the bet didn’t have a strong love predilection and predilection.

  • Vіn chіnivsya

A lot of people can raptly guess about themselves, as if someone had a change in life. For example, if you want to brag about it, or I’ll change my mind again, so that the girls haven’t cooled down to a new level, so you can calm down your vanity.

  • Vіn want sex

A big lad becoming a kohan is a classic scenario of unfinished stosunkivs. You know well the sounds and tastes of one alone, prote with whom you do not carry the daily goiter.

  • You really want another chance

Understand that a person is dear to us, we can, without being separated from her. As a large person, having become actively show signs of respect, it is possible, if you were right, to turn you around.

There are 3 more reasons, through such a large number of kohanets, they reappear:

10 sign that you want to turn you around

Disconnection is practically painful. It’s easy to add a splurge to the edge, as if it’s tied up with a person richly spogadіv. Prote is more important than understanding, now they have become one to one: kohantsy, strangers, friends and enemies. It is not turned off, but after interrupting contact for one hour, you can contact again. Can you turn the ruined stosunki? All lie down for reasons of rozryu.

There are clear signs that the ex-boyfriend is already working on a refund.

  • You don't know anything about your special life

You parted, but you can’t see how alive your colossus is. Are you already suffering from shock? Unique knowledge of chi, having begun to actively communicate with the opposite article? All the details of this life are seriously attached, and the reason for this may turn you. If a person tries to save in the taєmnitsa when a new love appears, then you won’t be fooled, otherwise you’ll be reinsured on that vapadok, so you’ll start talking again.

  • Yogo behavior zmushu zapіzrit, scho vin sum

Most of the people are straightforward in the social circles, and in their current state can be easily understood behind the records of social networks. As a colossal rapt, having started to actively publish posts with profoundly thoughtful Vistulas and great quotes about kokhannya, this fact speaks for itself. To restore respect, it is possible, in them the wines turn up to you and be sure that you will read the yogic message.

  • Don't call for no particular reason

As your colossal young man chi kohanets raptom having become to call you without a drive, it means that he is not ready to start talking to you again. Dzvіnki pіd be a kind of drive and rozmova nі about what to tell about those who are in heaven for you.

  • Find out ways to get close to you

Moreover, go to zblizhennya and physically, and morally. If you didn’t have a large number of friends before parting, then later you can remember that you’ve started to appear so much in the same places as you. Perebuvayuschie in one company, vіn magaєko vіljako soon come out, stand chi to sit in order, try to try to get stuck, for goodbye zavzhdі vіymaє і tsіluє.

  • Vіn don't waste your money

As soon as your pictures are completed, the drive is not to blame for them, especially for a sense of nostalgia. However, even if a lot of people chih chatter raptly talk about the moments they experienced at once, tell about some of the fluctuations and talk about your sleep in the past, then, help me to receive it, and contact with you is necessary.

  • We often talk about those who have changed

Now, you have parted for mutual bazhanny and without any mutual claims, your colossal one can still be dishonest about allowing him a pardon. As soon as a person raptly began to change for better, it means that she is trying to take another chance and start again. Vіn vіljako vipravdovuvatimetsya, navіt yakscho vy not maєte up to new claims.

  • Vin is jealous

You parted officially, the proteo-motional tie-in was still worthy of criticism. How many dosі vvozhaє to yourself by your kohan and that jealously put up to your new acquaintances. It would have been better, the stosunki had ended, and you could have the right to talk with them at any time, to flirt and start a romance. Prote cholovik upevneniya, scho you have mutual goiter.

  • You often "vipadkovo" zustrіchaєte yoga everywhere

If you don’t choke on sports in the past, then after parting, you can remember that you started to lead an active social life: go to the fitness room and the night club, to the parks and trade centers. Yakshcho іnоdі vi zustrіchaєte yogo instructed іz robot, tse tezh sіd sіd like a song signal. The mobility of the fact that the wine has appeared in a vipadkovo way in this region is very small. Shvidshe for everything, vin shukav zustrіchі with you.

  • Win call chi write to you, if you are

Chantly, the skin of the girl would like to ring once and write a lot of lads after the boisterous evening. However, if a person becomes a regular worker, then all thoughts are concentrated on you. Perebuvayuchi under the infusion of alcohol, in control of yourself and see the right names.

  • Vin continues to talk to your relatives

Having parted from the kohanoy people, the deacons do not associate with their homeland. It was easy to understand: while you were together, relatives and those close to you closely partnered with your man and boy, they encourage you to splurge on the occasion of the rise. Not alone, if the ex-boyfriend is not less likely to pass on grafts through relatives, and to actively talk about the details of a special life. Even if there is a lot of swearing without becoming interrupted by contacts, then wine is spodіvaєtsya on the renewal of vіdnosin. Requested for a dinner in the sight of your mother - tse miraculous year, the order will be restored again.

Kolishniy becoming a Kohanian - good chi nasty ?!

The situation, if a large number of people become a Kohanian, is blamed for a number of reasons.

  1. First. Vіdnosiny razvityutsya in zalezhnosti in order, like a lot of people mate with you. Some people can become enemies, others simply waste interest one to one. However, it is not uncommon to wind up after the separation of friends, they try to rebuild the coats of hats and become a Kohanian. Sometimes you can show that a person is a near and dear person. Itself in such spіlkah іntim znovu vinikaє after rozіrvannya slubu.
  2. Friend. A lot of couples, after taking notes about the separation, continue to chat about the status of cochants. It often happens that a formal cob or a completed one, and also a change in a family life will not reflect the real situation. Official separation can not be the finale of the withdrawals. Some people use yoga for their own manipulations, for others who have strong emotions and experiences, in a way to turn addiction. A large person can become a Kohanian, like a woman, living with him at different houses, it will be good for the continuation of intimacy. In other words, such a connection is only promoted for the sake of sex. Obviously, both cannot be called healthy. Such a situation can become a timchasov's order. However, even if you want to see a new person, a large person cannot be a reserve Kokhan.
  3. Third. Kohantsy after separation can become those bets, whose separation was accompanied by conflicts. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya through nebkhіdnіst often peretinatisya have working chi friendly stakes. For the credits of foreign psychologists, the possibility that a large partner for mutual benefit can become a Kohanian is 95%. That is why it is necessary to call to a minimum whether or not splintering is less common in formal situations and in the presence of a large number of people.

According to psychologists, sex after separation can become a problem, moreover, for both sides. Most of the time, these blues blame the soil. A great man can become a Kohanian, if a woman wants to turn yoga back to her homeland. People who are less serious about sex, continue calling from the team just for the call. Often the cause of separation can be a person's strife. A particularly traumatic situation will be for a woman, as if a lot of people are sacking for two huts. To that, with a stretch of one or two months, zustrіches are better than unique.
Decals of a Kokhanian for a large number of people can become familiar not through the bazhannya of the stosunki, but to take away the satisfaction. Often material difficulties do not allow making friends with roses. The need for support of a partnership may be connected with the presence of sleeping children or a sleeping business. In such a situation, it is necessary to consider, what are the prospects for resurrection. Like the cream of sex, nothing will show you, rather make intimate contacts. A big man is not the best candidate for the role of a kokhan.

Try to abstract from problems and know life priorities. Give yourself an hour to faint, not needing to throw yourself into the hug of a black kohanz, only to the one who doesn’t go out of his head. Varto put a speck at the front vents, and then start a new one.

Psychotherapists have a clear understanding of the metamorphic “wholesome problems”. The situation is blamed, if a person takes away not only a part of a well-earned mine, but also a lot of problems, which are then projected on a new one. As a result, a woman with a bunch of experiences and complexes to move from one ship to another (or from one ship to another) doti, the docks remain uncharacterized in themselves.

After the separation, it is necessary to take a pause for the skin, and to take a break from time to time in the presence of some close stounkivs. Do not hurry to start a new cochance, it will take an hour for the shards to get to know the reasons for the separation. Analyze your pardons, try to understand why your family could not save.

Only having become a full-fledged specialty without pretense of fearing problems, you can make new blues. The axis of the same you understand that a cicavi person and garniy sex with him - tse priemnisha perspective, a lower number of a person, which can become a Kohanian.

How should a woman understand that a person is not taken seriously and can become less of a Kokhan:

Dyakuyu, scho read this article to the end

Hello, my name is Yaroslav Samoilov. I am an expert in psychology, and for the fates of practice, I have added to over 10,000 girls the wisdom of good halves, to induce harmonies and turn the cohanna and rozuminnya at sim'ї, like boules on the inter-separation.

Most of all in the world, the happy eyes of scientists sigh, as if they are making people see their own dreams, and they are enjoying their fair lives.

My meta is to show women such a path to the development of stoksunkiv, which will help them create synergy of success and happiness!

Good afternoon. I would like to share my story. On the 14th anniversary of this I met a young man who had a close friend of mine who had been shattered. After a deaky hour, I was seen in the kohanna, and then everything started spinning. I was a young girl, and I was a grown-up lad after the army. Quiet, romantic evenings, gifts - everything confused the head. First, I recognize that the woman is... Pіslya vesіllya, narodzhennya sin. Vіn appeared dbaily and loving tato that person. Alas, it went wrong. When the synov was 11 months old, we parted. Vіn poїhav іz mіsta. I thought it was God's will. I was only 19 years old, and I was already separated with a child in my arms. My world was called. Yogo fathers are wonderful people. Even to love onuka, often take it home, help financially, and call me unhappy. Through the river, I took it into my hands. Life is thriving. I realized that the son's father was needed. Axis only to whom I need a child? It turned out that in our hour there are good, orderly lads. Such me and got. Vanya, having appeared as a kind, kind person, stood miraculously up to the child. I am happy again, I have paid more, I have a happy family life. After 3 years, a donka was born to us. A man should love me. One can only dream about such a dbaylivu person. And everything was miraculous, but if she marveled at the son, then she sighed in front of Yogo’s eye, her first man, and she realized that she couldn’t shake Yogo from her heart. Adzhe mi with him no more than n_koli and did not fight, already 12 years. I never gave you sina, and I don’t know yoga. Ale 4 months ago, I was born with my dear father. This is where everything got screwed up. Mykola, after calling me, under the drive, talk about the son. Thinking about the past, about those who are very fond of and dosi, you can’t forget me. (Vіn already 2 years of friendship with the eldest woman for the new one for 9 years) 1.5 months ago, we first shot at him. It broke off in the middle of me. I marveled at the new one and did not understand why it all happened. We were long spoken to. Let's sweat, tying my hand and squeezing it. Sweat and mіtsno obіynyav and it was given that there were no such old fates. It was so good on the heart, the blizzards flew around the stomach. My feeling is beyond words. Already in the month we are secretly chattering. Vіn proponuє almost all vіd on the cob. Nache and syn sleepy є, but about the donka vin for a long time dream. And I don't know what to do now. I love Kolya so much that I have no strength, and I can’t throw Vanya away. Already already a good person, love us even more. So a lot of people became my Kokhanets. Maybe someone can give me joy, how to live far.
