Asian Koreans lad and girl. Korean boys (like chatting with a Korean)

Asian Koreans lad and girl. Korean boys (like chatting with a Korean)

Skin girl, like k-pop zahoplyuetsya, be-if you dreamed of chatting with a Korean. Zvichayno, few people can spare almost stosunki from Asia, but if you still got famous, and sold your soul for a nice Korean, then you are to blame for knowing all the pluses and minuses of such stosunkivs.

Happy reading, heh~



Let's start from the pluses.


1. Instructed by you another Li Minho.

Well, if it’s not Minho, then it’s like a fashion diva of Korea - for sure, more than your boyfriend looks like that on a skin-buffed skin, a few seconds to that zіyshov from the lining of the magazine. It doesn’t matter where you choose to go with him: sit in a cafe, take a walk in the park, or wander along the bank of the river. Do not marvel at the styling, or the foundation, or the colored contact lenses, or the special fittings that increase the growth of the divas. Don’t be especially proud, even if all the sacrifices are not for you, but for your loved one, you are lonely. (but it's all the same: sweat_smile:)


2. You are constantly in touch.

I'm right. How to roar our Russian lads? They write less than once, if they think about you in a vipadkovo way. Korean lad remembers you 24 years 7 days a day. You are talking fast! It’s time to start nabridati, but don’t forget it - so the stench is showing, persh for everything, turbota.


3. Oppa crush a mustache.

In Korea, it’s the same century that marks them, as people should follow one to one. To that, if the lad is the eldest for the girl, there is a cry for yogo "oppa". But behind the fact, I don’t know how important you are to you, oskelki, like a lad in a right way you have zatsіkavleniy, and so what else happens to be like an oppa, so that you call the victoriousness for you on your shoulders: you will be haughty, indulge and not let you be confused. In addition, I remembered such a comedy rich ... Koreans themselves love to call themselves an oppa. For example, instead of that, to say "I will buy you a supper", vіn say "Oppa buy you a supper". Vzagali, hanguks are already well trained in manners when dealing with girls.


4. Special saint for couples.

Mabut, tse naydivnіsha i, vodnochas, niklassnіsha rіch in stosunkah іz korean. Aje such holy million! Let me recap the main ones:

22nd day from the moment of the cob of vіdnosin, 100 day, 200 day, 300 day, river, two, three, Valentine's Day, White day, Rіzdvo, Parachok's Day, Trojans' Day, Peperro's Day, Kiss Day, Obijim's Day, People's Day and so far.

And on the skin of the cich is holy the lad of the goiter is able to give his kohaniy. As a rule, tsukerki, a plush medical officer and a bouquet.


On whom the pluses will end. Let's move on to the negative moments of "Zustrich" with the Koreans.


5. A special kind of life.

You will be turned over. Wait. Everywhere. At everything. Forget about the special listing in social media - win a leather dialogue from pick to pick. Forget about going out with your friends at night - they won't let you in. And if you let it go, then you’ll know about it, because you will send calls (thousands of calls), SMS (tens of thousands of SMS), or take pictures of your clothes and everything that makes you feel good.


6. Jealous.

90% of the number of welds between a couple and a Korean can be blamed on those who marveled at another guy, talked to another guy, thought about another guy, died in order with another guy. To that, everything that is worthy of other lads (navit quiet, which they show on TV) is a taboo. Safely.


7. "Let's not run out of friends"

In Russia, it often happens that after the separation of the lad from the girl, they become friends. In Korea, it is not acceptable. On the right, in the fact that here there is a clear rule "friendship between opposite articles does not happen" and this rule is strictly respected by Koreans.


8. Well, nayzhahlivishe. Get to know yoga friends.

Be prepared before the fact that, after spending a lot of time with your company, you will be looked at from your sides, discussed, sipped and shukati vadi. For your friends, you are guilty of being ideal: ear-witted, quiet, sweet, modest, as if you never smoked in your life, you don’t know such alcohol and obscene words, moreover, your make-up is due to natural, and such clothes, you don’t know to the federal channel.


All information taken

The first thing that falls on the thought is that they stink dear, to the motor. So if you like brutal, great and strong people, then you are definitely not in Korea! If you want to remember that there are always blames, and the lads are independent of the nation in front of the stench.) But if the stinks are so straight sweethearts, then their character is truly human. Mustache Koreans are very robotic. So that if you have a Korean man, without a piece of bread, you definitely won’t be left without it, if you try hard to stink, and if you can’t work, then it’s a catastrophe for a Korean.

More stink good gentlemen. Invite as friends, help you carry bags, open doors, bathe all kinds of savory, prepare bulgogi vreshti-resht. The stench is more dbaylivі, constantly tsіkalyatsya chi vy poїli, vyspali, chi warmly dressed and so on. Even Koreans write a lot of sms, so you have targeted a Korean boyfriend, get ready, what will you write and call your skin for a second, talk about everything, how your day has passed, what you have done, what you have done, so get ready. 🙂

If it is worth getting to know, it’s small, it’s small to get to know you on the streets, it’s still small, if a Korean lad, after your introduction, is far enough to try to get to know you and more often to lean on this topic. Zvichayno, skrіz є vynyatki, but the imovіrnіst of such a layout is practically equal to zero. Because the stench is modest and so not accepted. And to go to a non-Korean woman is a catastrophe for them, as if honestly, the axis is still in clubs and bars, even if they can and muster up courage. But don’t worry, if you want to get to know them, then it’s too early to get in touch, for example, through the known, or for the sake of luck.

The next point for me to look around is the stage after acquaintance. Well, here you can blame one problem, you don’t know English (I understand Russian on the right), but you know Korean. Do not bіda, zavzhdi є vihіd-mova gestures. 🙂

One more joy, if you are still targeting a Korean boyfriend, then try to learn a couple of elementary phrases in Korean. І still share Korean history, cultivate culture. Learn for the minimum knowledge about Korea, great knowledge. The stench is so cheerful. Well, the theme of k-pop and gifts is extremely universal. Don't miss here.

And also the Korean lads of the big motorist mods. Cream of general love to Nike sneakers and eyepieces in a dark frame (stink, to the point of speech, go rich), then in the usual stench, follow the fashion like a trace. And if you want to try to catch up with the fashion of the stink, you can easily outdo the club, but still the stench is dressed up great. Koreans at the tracksuit, okrim like at the gym, you don’t flinch. Better for everything, given signs of a native sense of style, all Asians have it.

Turn around to what. I know that half of my European friends have a little respect for the same orientation. Already over the Koreans are dear. For example, I don’t care that a lad is capable, stinking and hairy, then it means he’s a right man! I'm all about beauty. A lot of Koreans (mayzhe all tse) keep an eye on the faces, because their coats are smooth and beautiful. And even deyakі farbuyut blond hair (although the characteristic only to them is the color of the color) or to make a permanent. So, why shove a Korean with farbovanim hair or a permanent, it means that you are fashionable! And yet, if the stench walks in pairs with girls, then they transform on the right tsunami of elegance and rozchulennya, shards of stink can be worn, and in Disneyland the head and bows of Mickey Mouse.

Assuming everything is written more, I can say that the Koreans describe it through national features, and if you develop your culture, you understand, that they stink like that: cute, modest, and virtuous. Wonderful friends and even more cute boyfriends come out of them. Obviously, at the same time in the age of globalization, and the Koreans with all their might want to be similar to the Europeans ... but to shy away the stench even more in Asian.

Father, I'm continuing the graphomania. For the rest of the day, I got to know a small number of city dwellers. Basically, the stench was of a human nature. Well, then it's already gone.

Sounds like I don’t like to talk, I won’t be hardened at once, that the coming points are true like all Koreans. Ale, on the basis of my autumn report, I can see the top 7 main features of Korean people, which, in my opinion, exalt them from the middle European.

  1. Korean people are not guided by cosmetics. My Korean couchsurfer near Frankfurt after I arrived, I vivanted my clothes with my faceless creams, and Yunsup, with us, went here to the royal palace, after taking the palace to the cosmetics store, show me the "mask for face mask, it's not sold in Europe, it's supposed to be you need to try the shoes on your tongue.” In Korea, there is no sign of non-traditional orientation – Koreans simply swear for their zvnishnistyu.
  2. Korean people are talking about their own style. On the streets, you rarely see Koreans in stateless North Face sports jackets and other unisex clothes, which are so popular in Europe. Koreans dress up, what is called - modestly and with relish. "Beauty - Vymagaє Victims" - here, not only the life went out. Today we walked together with couchsurfer Jacob (the same English name). In Korea, at the same time, I didn’t understand the fashion - to go with unzipped jackets. It was colder on the street and a strong wind was blowing, Jacob came to his summer jacket and turned blue in the cold, watching him zastibati, more "it is not stylish". Without a doubt, the burning leg is here also in fashion.
  3. Korean people do not recognize emancipation. Korea has stronger family values. As a rule, Korean people joke around with their squad, as if they are kindly prepared and stezhitime for children. A successful business lady is not necessary for Korean people.
  4. Korean people are encouraged to get along better and make friends with girls from Korea. Like I often dance on the streets, like a Korean girl walking by the hand with a human being of European renown, then bet, a girl from Europe, and a young person from Korea have not been trampled yet. I vvazhu - tse pov'yazano is the same with the 4th paragraph.
  5. Korean people do not boast of their achievements. Zhodin is a Korean, whom I know, never once talking about those who are wise, successful, like a wine sowed first place at the Olympiad from Korean in the third class. Not in an image, but people from Europe and Russia often almost begin to know about their charms. I respect that it is connected with collective values, which are even more important in Korea, even though European society is even more individualistic.
  6. Korean people are even more important. In principle, women are also important. Chemnist is more important to Korean society. Even the blind in the language have 6 different grammatical ways of expressing empathy. In Russian, there are only two - "vi" and "ti". And in Korean - shіst! I would say that the people here are more gallant: start opening the doors, help them carry the bag (I remembered that a lot of people take a bag here). So, the Russians also defy, and the axis of the Europeans - already "promoted".
  7. Korean people also have plastic surgery. It's no secret that plastic surgery is more popular in Korea. For us, people can perform operations on the eyes (shrink more), on the nose (lift it up) and on the nose (clean up the lips), even in Korea, when you get a job, you can play a vital role.

I transferred this little article just to the one who was worthy of me. I love articles about Korea with humor. Before the speech, the blog is more than a cicavi – There, live Koreans give food to themselves.

"Dear girls!

Behind the words of Gustavo Arellano, the reader, most often asks about the Mexicans - “Why do the Mexicans bathe in odyas?”. As far as Koreans are concerned, the food that is most often asked here is: “What are Korean lads appropriate / not appropriate / in girls? what do they stink about girls? How do you stink about girls? І etc.".

More food will come with additions to look like a long history of the life of these girls, so I already guess about what the email will be, as the address of the governor looks like a fluffy sad, and the sheet itself is important kbd 200 kbd. On days from these lists, I wrote privately, on days on this site, and on days I didn’t know anything, so I don’t know why to start.

Acts from the lists were written about Korean people, which appeared to be written by non-Korean women, and more lists, it seems, are a direct result of the recent flurry of popularity of those actors. Koreans are seen at once from the wild masses of people in the world in the category I, it seems that stench is the objects of love fantasies of wealthy non-Korean women.

Otzhe, vіdpovіdі on naychastіshi zapitanya.

Chi bude Korean lad Zustrichatsya with a non-Korean woman (white / black / Latin American / Pivdenno-Asian / Martian)?

You need to remember just one word about Korean people, the axis is out - stink us in front of the people, and then the Koreans. Do you have breasts and a vagina? Todі prinaimnі deyakі koreytsі zatsіkavlyatsya you. It’s worth to do it seldom trapleyaetsya, ale mizhrasovy vіdnosiny zavzhda dochit rydkіsnі.
I want a clear message: KOREAN PEOPLE WELCOME THIS, AND ALL PEOPLE. Dorami are based on the fact that you, bad women, always try to know people who do not exist in the real world. Be kind, stop. Zhodin man does not check for a woman who will cook like Rachel Ray or bark like a matyuk like Jenna Jameson. Those same can stand and your ochіkuvan in the form of people.

How are the Korean boys joking around the woman? What should I do to be worthy of a Korean?

As I said earlier: try to cook for a new one. Ale tsya porada sing spratsovuє z usima cholovіkami. There is no special love elixir that can only be used with Koreans. Just be yourself. I want youmu blowjob (a feast for a Korean girl).

Why do Korean boys want to make friends so early?

Іsnuє majestic pressure of support from the first drive - the Koreans need to be friendly to the singing age. As soon as this year has passed, the lads spend it on hot sales. Among Korean women, it is more spicy, but the people are also very smart to the point.

What does it mean that a Korean lad gives you a stable / hairpin / lyalka / yet I am a nurse?

Do not use such a speech as an ultra-super-special-gift-of-a-Korean-cotton-girl (Crimea of ​​special saints). A gift is just a gift. If I prihove in myself a mega-secret taєmnich, then the lad, maybe, tell you about it himself. Remember, girls, you are the only one who loves to play detective games with tensions and others. The lads never give such a meaning to someone. As soon as the wine ceased to respond to your calls - so, even though the varto is turbulent, it’s a clear tightness.

Why is my Korean boyfriend so hard to show his feelings? Why does this Korean lad, whom I am like, only talk about me hour after hour? Why do I feel like a heroine of a Greek tragedy for the fate of me that Korean?

Axis to you my opinion - SO NIKHRENA I DO NOT KNOW! Fill my mail with your 20-sided big stories! If you need more help, read this article. I repeat again: the Koreans are ahead of us, then the Koreans. If you had problems with foreigners, 99%, the reason is that the person is guilty, and, perhaps, only 1% through those who are Korean. Before editing the sheet for the address indicated below, be kind, be kind, be kind, think over your situation well, including all possible non-racial and cultural problems, and then just ask me.

More speeches:

1. Most Koreans are racist. Tse means that they stink of people whose skin is dark, lower they have. For example, pіvdennoazіati temnіshі for koreans, so rob vysnovki yourself. I realized that in your rich moods your stoks will not be grounded on the floor.

Know that your lad is not a racist, yogo fathers, relatives and friends will definitely be racists. Tse zrobit your trivalі stosunki chi extremely foldable hats. Possibly, your young man will be embarrassed and choose between you and all other people who know their wines. Guess who, nayimovіrnіshe, viber?

2. Don't rajah go to amateur agencies. Be INCREDIBLY protective of them. Korean people go all the way to sluice agencies only in that moment, because a KOREAN WOMAN WAS NOT GOOD TO MARRIED THEM. Well, there's a reason for that. Obviously, they’re just not happy (Korean women don’t really want to go abroad for separation, but it’s quiet that they live in the countryside). But the most common reason is those who have become familiar with the classic type of Koreans, whose hobbies include beating their squads.

3. So take care of Korean people 30-40 years old, most of all, Koreans in every country are racists and manipulators with no respect for women. Remember, as a Korean bachelor and you have already become, for example, 33 fates, which means that either you have spent wine at some special furnishing, otherwise it’s not in order with the people.

4. I remain: do not make two classic women pardons, like all women to cherish the people in their lives: “Wine is not like that, like others” and “Wine can change for me.” The first firmness is more correct in 20% of the cases, and the other is wrong in no way.

미쳐서 그래

"You from Russia?" Interview about the stereotypes of European women in Korea

In Korea, the words "Russian" and "poviya" go pl_ch-o-pl_ch. This is the stereotype that has taken root in the Korean society, for the fact that in the rest of the hour a lot of Russian women go to the country to "get rich". In addition, the stereotype about white women is alive for a long time, like about "easily accessible" and "dismissive". Irrespective of those who most of the foreigners in Korea are teachers of the English, most of us would like to be victims of harassment on such grounds.
A couple of times ago, I wrote about my own vlasnyy dosvid of the fact that once they took me for a confession. How many times have I taken an interview with a colleague, a reader of English language, as a constant repetition of the flair of thinness, the high growth of that "Russian" tone. On a snowy day at a quiet cafe, we discussed Korean stereotypes about European women, hyper-sexuality of Western women from a rosy Korean society, and about a stereotype about "Russian fashion".

SS: Why do you think women get sexy in Korea?

I think it's better to say that it's better than that, as we are portrayed at the TV show and that Hollywood movie. For the Koreans, the information about us was smut, so they stink to take everything on faith. In addition, the western lands are really more open to the sexual plan.

SS: You told me what they took you for acting in Korea. Can you tell me about this report?

And the standard stories about those who, like adjosh, marvel at a girl for fifteen minutes of sleep... If I chatted with Korean friends, one adzheshshi passed by, sharply snarling and marveling at me with a smile. The Korean girls asked me: "Why should I kill you?" I was right, marveling at the fifteen hvilin! I won't overdo it!
Fifty years of past weekends people seemed to have swayed me in the clubs Vіn pіshov after me і, if they wanted to fuck with my friends, vin pіshov with us to the waiter and trying to translate the yogic word, standing in order, we didn’t understand anything. My friend and I were three times blessed by the presence of these people. The waiter glanced first at us, then at the other, thinking that this is one of us at the same time. A man viyshov followed us and shouted once: "Keep the wind!", I constantly said: "no!"
At the same time, the lad of twenty years and a little followed me on the way to college. Starting to shout: "Hey! Hey! You like me!", but I did not turn around and continued to go. Then again shouting once more: "Hey! Where are you going?" Vіn raslyutivsya and bіg after me, shouting more and more loudly. I turned around and told you to get out. Through yakiy hour vіn vіdstav.
Water taxis behave no better ... At the hour of the trip, I marveled at the window, and the water needed to be charged. Instead of that, to say and turn off my respect, turning around and grabbing me by the knee, squeezing yoga. I was dressed at the back, to which I bumped my bare shkiri. I quickly jumped out of the car, ale win loudly laughing and nourishing, why on the right.
Such speeches go on for the whole hour.

SS: More people of the senior century? What young people have pestered you before?

Mayzhe zavzhdi tse adzheshshi, ale buvaє and juveniles.

SS: What are you watching? how do you react to it?

I try to ignore them, but in some cases I should be told.
As if I went home and realized that someone was following me. There's a lad for about twenty rocks. Vіn coughed loudly, but I did not turbulence, because people were in order. Vіn bіg after me, i, naznavshi, spoіlniv krok, continuing to walk five meters levoruch. If I walked the path to the house, I marveled at me, hovering behind the wall. I ran into the booth and closed the door, but still stood there.
Zagalom ... I’m right to fight all the same! I don't want to be a target just because I'm a foreigner. I don't want to be looked at like a great walking vagina. It's okay. I'm just trying to live my life, but once in a while people look at me on the streets and in transport, so, I'm not a piece of meat.

SS: Such speeches are heard more often in Korea, but in your fatherland?

Yes, more often! Shotizhnya... maybe one fall, but sometimes more.

SS: Do you think it's through your call?

Tse exactly through those, as I see! I am constantly asked that I am not Russian. Not only third-party people, but also women, agents from restlessness and taxi drivers. Absolutely everything! I chatted with a Korean lad, who half-heartedly thought that I was Russian. Not obov'yazkovo poviya, but, perhaps, a student of the exchange. Really, sometimes people think about bad speech. How adjeshshі to speak with you - then, obviously, nі, but a young lad often just wants to say that your temple is beautiful.
Before coming to Korea, no one called me Russian. I'm high, string and blind, I think more: "Won not an American, won, maybe, Russian"

SS: So, but there are American women, similar to you.

So, hello... you know, Koreans have a lot of stereotypes about women-inlanders. Like you strings, high and blіdі, you are guilty of being Russian. Like you are not high, you are smart, you are, without a trace, an American. There are no other options.
My colleague is really a kind lad, as if he were near San Francisco. At the obіdі for the spіvrobіtnikіv vіn having drunk the zayvogo and having said: "The girls here have the most tsitski! Well, the axis of the same sounds like an enemy of the Americans.

SS: Well, most American girls are able to wear too deep a neckline, so, I guess, a lot of wine is enough.

But here, in Korea, they are cheering on you independantly because you are dressed ...
I have a friend, who has light hair, blue eyes, and even a pale skin. We are hot, which looks like "Russian ways". It's really not funny. When we go out with our Korean friends, the stench often spreads what people say. My friend was walking with her English friend, dressed in a scarlet dress, and people were saying: "Look at that yogo Russian lad." Vaughn went with such a foreigner! A normal reaction would be the words: "Look at that lad and that yogo girl!"

SS: Why are you serious about Koreans? How did you get the stink? Chi buli stinks up to stereotypes?

I have had bad stoks here. I realized that all our partners were thinking about stereotypes themselves, and not about the real me... And then, really, there is no fair trade between Korean girls and Europeans. Koreans just don't talk about sex like that, don't stumble in the company of friends, or don't whine.
I had a bunch of programs on smartphones, which allowed me to communicate with people. I, ready to take the oath, five out of six lads started from brooding roses. The stinks changed the topic of the conversation, feeding on what I was in motels for couples. God, aje mi navіt didn’t get mad! Abo just ask that I live alone.

SS: Why are you chasing a Korean boy and you get to the point of having sex, why don't you see Dan's stereotypes?

So, I mayzhe hate myself for tse! So, we have the right to work with those who want and have sex with those who want. Ale, I am guilty of a guilty fault before the Europeans in Korea... I wish I could understand that we are not guilty of living, like a self-made woman, only to those who were born as women with a white coat.

SS: How do you know what you can do to change such statements of Koreans about western women?

Not stories about those how Korean people take European women ... more about those how Koreans take women in fire. Korean society needs gender equality. There were no feminist revolutions here at all. Korean women and men on equal minds enter the university, and then, with the power to work, out of five spivrobitniks, four are men, and only one woman.
You need to stand up for yourself and, honestly seeming, the time has come to act like a child, rolyaches, speaking in a childish voice, poutingly and gesticulating mannerly, to show how cute and innocent they stink. Eg'є - in its own way, proof that girls act like men and can't cope with the bindings themselves. Koreans think that women all over the world behave like this. They often ask me: “How will I speak English?”, And I say: “We don’t have such a thing.
If the girls want to behave in such a rank. stink, zvichayno well, maybe, ale ... You need to know what are the other options, krim zvuchnogo imposed by the suspіlstvo scenario. The stench can not be thrown to the robot after the zamіzhzhya. They can choose a career for the ruling court. The stench may not recognize humiliation at the side of people. Be strong, be yourself.
I think that with this rank, women can earn more honor in Korea.
