The history of free sourness in the earth's crust. Kisen at the surface of the earth Functions of kissen in the atmosphere and for the body

The history of free sourness in the earth's crust. Kisen at the surface of the earth Functions of kissen in the atmosphere and for the body

On Earth there is 49.4% acidity, which is sharpened either in a clear appearance in the wind or in connection (water, minerals and minerals).

Characteristics of Kisnu

On our planet, acid gas contains the most compounds than other chemical elements. And it’s not surprising, even if you enter the warehouse:

  • girsky breeds,
  • drive,
  • atmosphere,
  • living organisms,
  • proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

The sourness is an active gas and is supported by the combustion chamber.

Physical power

In the atmosphere there is a sour atmosphere with a gas-like appearance. There is no odor in the wine, which is less noticeable in water and other products. The acidity has micromolecular bonds, which are chemically inactive.

When sour is heated, it begins to oxidize and react with a large number of non-metals and metals. For example, this gas strongly oxidizes and causes rust.

At a low temperature (-182.9°C) and normal pressure, the gas-like sourness goes into a different state (rare) and acquires a pale blue color. When the temperature is further reduced (to -218.7 ° C), the gas solidifies and changes to blue crystals.

In rare and hard forms, sourness acquires a blue color and has magnetic power.

The village of Vugilla is actively working on clay kisnu.

Chemical power

Just before the end of the reaction, the sourness with other substances is created and energy is visible, the power of which can lie with the temperature. For example, at normal temperatures this gas reacts strongly with water, and at temperatures above 550 ° C the reaction with vibration occurs.

Kisen is an active gas that reacts with most metals, including platinum and gold. The force and dynamics of interaction, at the hour at which the oxides are created, lie in the presence of metal in the house, and become its surface and detail. These metals, when bound with acid, in addition to basic oxides, are combined with amphoteric and acidic oxides. Oxides of gold and platinum metals decompose during their decomposition.

The acidity of metals also actively interacts with all chemical elements (except halogens).

The molecular state of the acid is active and this feature vikorista when bottling various materials.

The role and significance of kisnu in nature

Green algae vibrate most of the sourness of the Earth, and the main mass is vibrated by water weeds. If there is more sourness in the water, then there is more acidity in the wind. And if it’s less, then, as a matter of fact, the quantity that is defective will be replenished in the coming days.

Sea and fresh water contain 88.8% sourness (for the oil), and the atmosphere contains 20.95% for the liquid. Near the earth's crust, more than 1,500 husks are lying in the warehouse.

From all the gases that enter the atmosphere, the most important thing for nature is human jelly. It is found in living skin cells and is necessary for all living organisms for breathing. The lack of sourness is immediately reflected in life. It’s impossible to die without sourness, no matter how you live. Lyudina under the hour of dikhannya for the 1st century. The average person lives 0.5 dm3. If you reduce the mixture to 1/3 part, you will lose the liquid, and up to 1/4 part you will die.

Dryges and bacteria can live without sourness, but warm-blooded creatures die due to a lack of sourness.

Circulation of sour in nature

The circulation of sour in nature is the exchange of it between the atmosphere and oceans, between animals and plants during the course of death, as well as during the chemical combustion process.

On our planet, the most important plants are sour plants - plants in which a unique process of photosynthesis occurs. Towards the hour, sourness appears.

The upper part of the atmosphere also becomes sour, as a result of the water under the influx of the Sun.

How does sourness circulate in nature?

As animals, people and plants die, as well as the fire of any kind, the sourness is consumed and carbon dioxide is created. Then the plants eat carbon dioxide, as the process of photosynthesis begins to vibrate again.

In such a manner, what the atmosphere is trying to achieve will not end.

Regions of stagnation

In medicine, before the hour of surgery and illnesses that are unsafe for life, they are given to drink with pure acid in order to ease their pain and speed up their clothes.

Without sour cylinders, climbers cannot climb the mountains, and scuba divers do not dive into the depths of the seas and oceans.

Kisen is widely used in various types of industry and production:

  • for cutting and welding of various metals
  • for handling extremely high temperatures in factories
  • for removing different types of chemical compounds. for accelerated melting of metals.

This is how the space industry and aviation become increasingly sour.

Povitrya – tse natural sumish various gases. The most abundant elements in it are nitrogen (about 77%) and acidity, less than 2% are argon, carbon dioxide and other inert gases.

Kisen, or O2, is another element of the periodic table and the most important component, without which life on the planet would hardly exist. Vin take part in different processes, which contain the vitality of all living things.

In contact with


O2 changes function oxidation processes in the human body which allow you to see energy for normal life. In the state of calm, the human body is close 350 milliliters sour, with important physical demands, this value increases three to four times.

How many hundreds of sours are there in the wind that we breathe? The norm is older 20,95% . See what you see, take less quantity O2 - 15.5-16%. The storage of airborne air also includes carbon dioxide, nitrogen and other substances. Further reducing the wattage, instead of sourness, lead to the destruction of the robot, and a critical value of 7-8% clicks lethal ending.

From the table you can understand, for example, that in the air, what seems to be located even rich in nitrogen and additional elements, and the axis O2 total 16.3%. Instead, the sourness of the air that is inhaled becomes approximately 20.95%.

It is important to understand what an element is, like kisen. O2 - the largest expansion on earth chemical element, which does not harm the color, smell or taste. Wine performs the most important function of oxidation.

Without the eighth element of the periodic table can't get the fire going. Dry kisen allows you to paint the electrical and dry power of spittle, change their volumetric charge.

This element can be found in the following connections:

  1. Silicates – they have approximately 48% O2.
  2. (sea and fresh) – 89%.
  3. Povitrya – 21%.
  4. Other aspects of the earth's crust.

The air is like gas-like speech, and bets and aerosols, as well as various squalid houses. You could have drunk it, brud, or any other different smіttya. To take revenge on someone microbes, which can cause widespread illness. Flu, sore throat, cough, allergies and other illnesses are just a small part of the negative effects that arise when the body is weakened and the levels of pathogenic bacteria are increased.

The total number of items included in your warehouse is the number of all elements that go into your warehouse. It’s easier to show exactly what the wind is made of, as well as a lot of the acidity of the wind on the diagram.

The diagram shows which gas is more likely to be found in the wind. The values ​​placed on it will vary slightly for the air that is inhaled and seen.

Diagram – relationship with the world.

You can see a bunch of dzherel, including the sourness:

  1. Roslini. Even in school biology, we know that plants produce sourness when exposed to carbon dioxide.
  2. Photochemical decomposition of water vapor. The process is prevented by the influx of sleepy atmosphere in the upper sphere of the atmosphere.
  3. Mixing of air flows in the lower atmospheric spheres.

Functions of acid in the atmosphere and for the body

For a person it is of great significance to be so called partial vice, as it could vibrate the gas, as if it took up the entire amount of money it borrows. The normal partial pressure at a height of 0 meters above the sea level becomes 160 mm mercury stovp. Increased height causes a change in partial pressure. This show is important, because it seems that all important organs have a lot of acid in them.

Kisen often gets into trouble for the treatment of sick people. Sour inhalers, inhalers help human organs function normally due to the presence of sour starvation.

Important! A lot of factors are pouring into the warehouse, so it is likely that hundreds of acids can change. A negative environmental situation can lead to a worsening of the wind. In megacities and large urban settlements, the proportion of carbon dioxide (CO2) will be greater, lower in small settlements or in forested and protected areas. The great influx is high and the height is hundreds of meters, but the kisnu will be lower in the mountains. You can see the attack on Mount Everest, which reaches an altitude of 8.8 km, the concentration of acid in the air will be lower than at the bottom. To safely travel on high-altitude peaks, you need to wear masks with tar.

The warehouse was changing with the passage of time. Evolutionary processes and natural disasters led to changes in having changed hundreds of sours, necessary for the normal functioning of biological organisms. You can look at a number of historical stages:

  1. Prehistoric addition. The concentration itself became sour in the atmosphere close 36%.
  2. 150 years ago O2 borrowing 26% in front of a dark, airy warehouse.
  3. At this hour the concentration of acidity in the air becomes a little less than 21%.

Further developments in the excessive world can lead to further changes in the warehouse of the world. In the near future, it is unlikely that the O2 concentration may be as low as 14%, as a result of this damage to the robot's body.

Why make Nestach sour?

There is little need to be careful in suffocating transport, in places where there is poor ventilation, or at height . A decrease in air level may cause sourness in the air negative influence on the body. The mechanisms are activated, and the nervous system is susceptible to the greatest influx. The reasons through which the body suffers from hypoxia can be seen:

  1. There's no shortage of blood. Viklisya when exhausted by fumes. This situation reduces the sour blood supply. It’s not safe for us because blood is trying to deliver sourness to hemoglobin.
  2. There is a circulatory shortage. Vona Mozhliva for diabetes, heart failure. In such a situation, blood transport becomes impossible.
  3. Histotoxic factors that enter the body can cause the loss of hydration. Vinikaє when torn off or through heavy influx.

Based on a number of symptoms, you can understand that the body needs O2. In the first place breathing frequency is moving up. Also, the heart rate will soon increase. These drying functions of the call put sourness on the legion and provide it with shelter and tissue.

Nestacha screams sourness headache, drowsiness, loss of concentration Alone, the episodes are not so bad, you just have to adjust them. To normalize respiratory failure, the doctor prescribes bronchodilators and other disorders. How does hypoxia develop important forms, such as waste of human coordination or a comatose state Those baths become complicated.

If symptoms of hypoxia are detected, it is important go crazy to the doctor And engage in self-care, the remains of stagnation and other medicinal practices lie among the causes of damage. Helps for mild seizures Bathing with tarnish masks and pillows, blood hypoxia requires blood transfusion, and correction of circular causes is only possible during heart or vascular surgery.

Neumovirna is more expensive than sourness in our body


Kisen - the most important warehouse around the world, without some impossibility of development of the rich processes on Earth. The destruction of the warehouse has changed over tens of thousands of years through evolutionary processes, but at this time the amount of acidity in the atmosphere has reached a significant level 21%. The bitterness of the wind with which people breathe, pours into your health, It is necessary for him to maintain cleanliness in his surroundings and try to speed up the obstruction of the excessive middle class.


OXYGEN-A; m. Chemical element (O), a gas without color or odor, which enters the warehouse before the wind, is necessary for breathing and the furnace and dissolves the water combined with water.

Shut down someone's sourness. Create an unbearable mind in life, robots.

Kisneviy, -ah, -oe. Do-a Sereda. Some people are half asleep. K-a slaughter(Gas massacre). K-a zvaryuvannya(gas cooking). K-e hunger strike; before lack of availability (honey.; reduction instead of sourness in tissues of the body; hypoxia).

Kisneva pillow (div. Pillow).


(Lat. Oxygenium), chemical element of group VI of the periodic system. In general, the appearance is sharpened by two modifications - 2 ("extreme" acidity) and 3 (ozone). O 2 - gas without color or odor, strength 1.42897 g/l, t pl –218.6ºC, t Stos –182.96ºC. Chemically the most active (after fluorine) non-metal. Most other elements (water, halogens, sulfur, rich in metals, etc.) interact directly (oxidation) and, as a rule, from the energy available. As the temperature increases, the oxidation fluid increases and a fire may start. Creatures and plants extract the energy necessary for life through the biological oxidation of various substances with sour substances that are found in the body during breathing. The most abundant element on Earth; it looks like it's about 1/2 the mass of the earth's crust; enter the water supply (88.8% of the mass) and rich tissue of living organisms (about 70% of the mass). The deep sourness of the atmosphere (20.95% of the atmosphere) is reduced and photosynthesis is preserved. Kisen (or the air enriched with it) is used in metallurgy, chemical industry, medicine, and sour-distillation devices. Rare kisen is a component of rocket fire.

Encyclopedic dictionary. 2009 .


Wonder what “kisen” is like in other dictionaries:

    - (Oxygenum). Bare-free gas with no odor and relish. There are few details near the water (approximately 1:43). By inhalation, acidity is widely cured in case of various illnesses that are accompanied by hypoxia: in case of illnesses of the respiratory organs (pneumonia, swelling of the lungs). Glossary of medicinal drugs

Since the advent of chemistry, people have realized that everything depends on the language that contains chemical elements. The diversity of speech is ensured by different combinations of the simplest elements. Today, 118 chemical elements are openly included in D. Mendelev’s periodic table. In addition, you can see a number of conductive ones, the appearance of which meant the emergence of organic life on Earth. This includes: nitrogen, carbon, sour, water, syrup and phosphorus.

Kisen: history of discovery

All these elements, as well as others, have hidden the development of the evolution of life on our planet in the way we expect. Among all these components, sourness itself is found in nature more than other elements.

Kisen Yak Sremia Elehement Buv Vidkriti 1 sickle 1774 In the Helpers of the Expert of the Otimtryn Zavalini Rameni Shvariykhnnya for the pre -person Linzi Viyaviv, the SVICHICHI is cleverly clearing the half -halves.

For a long time, Priestly tried to find out what would be a reasonable explanation. At that time, this discovery was called “a friend of mine.” Even earlier, the winemaker of the underwater winery, K. Drebbel, at the beginning of the 17th century, saw sour and vikorist for drinking at his wine outlet. But no one has yet come to the understanding of the role kissen plays in the nature of the energy exchange of living organisms. Prote vchenko, which is officially a crooked sourness, was recognized by the French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier. After repeating the experiment, Prostle realized that the gas that was being dissolved was a solid element.

Oxygen interacts practically with all simple substances, including inert gases and noble metals.

The discovery of sourness in nature

Among all the elements of our planet, jelly occupies the largest part. The widened sourness in nature is even more varied. It is as present to a connected person as it is to a free person. As a rule, being a strong oxidizer, wine is in a knitted state. The occurrence of sourness in nature as a nearby unbound element has been recorded only in the atmosphere of the planet.

It looks like a gas and half a two-atom acid. Contains approximately 21% of the atmosphere.

In addition to its original form, kisena in the wind has an isotropic form like ozone. consists of three acid atoms. The dark color of the sky is closely related to the presence of color in the upper spheres of the atmosphere. Due to ozone, the harsh short-haired air produced by our Sun fades and sinks to the surface.

With the presence of the ozone ball, organic life would be reduced, similar to lubricated liquid in a micro-furnace oven.

In the hydrosphere of our planet, this element is found near the surface and creates water. The proportion of sourness in the oceans, seas, rivers and groundwater is estimated at about 86-89%, due to the dissolution of salts.

In the earth's crust, sourness is considered to be the broadest element. This part is around 47%. Acid acid found in nature is not contained in the membranes of the planet, this element is included in the storehouse of all organic substances. The middle part of this part contains 67% of the total mass of all elements.

Kisen - the basis of life

Due to the high oxide activity, the kislen easily combines with a large number of elements and substances that create oxides. The high oxide content of the element ensures the entire combustion process. Kisen also takes part in the processes of complete oxidation.

The role of acid in nature as a strong oxidizer is irreplaceable in the process of life of living organisms. This chemical process results in the oxidation of substances from energy. These living organisms work for their livelihood.

Roslini – dzherelo kisnyu in the atmosphere

At the beginning stage of the creation of the atmosphere on our planet, fresh sour was found in the bonded state, in the form of carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide). Over the years, growths have appeared, burying carbon dioxide.

This process has become possible due to photosynthesis. Over the course of life, over millions of events, a large amount of sour acid has accumulated in the Earth’s atmosphere.

As we think, last year the mass share was close to 30%, and this time it was much more, less than that. Roslins, both in the past and now, have truly contributed to the flow of nature, providing for the diverse flora and fauna of our planet.

The significance of sourness in nature is not only great, but first-rate. The system of metabolism of created light clearly relates to the presence of sourness in the atmosphere. Over time, life becomes impossible as we know it. Among the inhabitants of the planet will be deprived of anaerobic (living without sour) organisms.

The nature of the security is intense due to the fact that it is found in three aggregate plants connected with other elements. Being a strong oxidizer, it is very easy to change from a free form to a knitted one. And because of plants, which through photosynthesis break down carbon dioxide, it is in a free form.

The process of dying animals and comatose bodies on the removal of unbound acid for oxide reactions with further removal of energy to ensure the vitality of the body. The presence of tar in nature, knitted and free, will ensure the full vitality of every living thing on the planet.

Evolution and “chemistry” of the planet

The evolution of life on the planet revolved around the peculiarities of the Earth’s atmosphere, the supply of minerals and the availability of water in rare places.

The chemical storage of measles, the atmosphere and the presence of water became the basis for the origin of life on the planet and directly determined the evolution of living organisms.

Spiraling on the obvious “chemistry” of the planet, evolution came to a carbon-based organic life based on water as a source of chemical substances, as well as vicoric acid as an oxidizer with the method of retaining energy.

Another evolution

At this stage, modern science is not simply aware of the possibility of living in other media, superior to earthly minds, where silicon or ashes can be taken as the basis for an organic molecule. And the center of the garden, as a source, can mix rare ammonia with helium. According to the atmosphere, it may appear as gas-like water with a little helium and other gases.

What kind of metabolic processes can occur in such minds, current science is not yet in a position to model. However, such a direct evolution of life is entirely acceptable. As the hour progresses, humanity is steadily converging on the expansion between our understanding of the world and life in the new.

OXYGEN, O (a. oxygen; i. Sauerstoff; f. oxygene; i. oxygeno), - chemical element of group VI of the Mendelev periodic system, atomic number 8, atomic weight 15.9994. Nature contains three stable isotopes: 16 (99.754%), 17 (0.0374%), 18 (0.2039%). Discovered independently by the Swedish chemist K. V. Scheele (1770) and the English explorer J. Priestley (1774). In 1775, the French chemist A. Lavoisier knew that the world is composed of two gases - acidity and nitrogen, giving the first name.

Above 99.9% the acidity of the Earth is present in the knitted area. Kisen is the main factor that regulates the distribution of elements on a planetary scale. Its place naturally changes due to depth. The acidity of igneous rocks varies from 49% in acidic ephusians to 38-42% in dunites and kimberlites. The amount of acidity in metamorphic rocks is evidenced by the depth of their formation: from 44% in eclogites to 48% in crystalline shales. The maximum sourness in sedimentary rocks is 49-51%. When the litter becomes congested, it will undergo dehydration and frequent renewal of oxide release, which is accompanied by changes in the acidity of the breed. When the Georgian pores rise from the clay at the surface, the process of their change begins with the addition of water and carbonic acid and instead of acidity advances. Vinyatkov’s role in geochemical processes is played by kisen, the significance of which is due to its high chemical activity, high migration rate and permanent, high concentration in biospheres And where it is not only spent, but also created.

Vilniy Kisen

It is important to remember that strong sourness appeared in the Proterozoic as a result of photosynthesis. In hypergenic processes, acidity is one of the main agents that oxidizes water and lower oxides. Kisen signifies the behavior of a variety of elements: promoting the migration of chalcophiles, oxidizing sulfides to dry sulfates, reducing the friability of the fill, settling their appearance and hydroxides and chemical compounds, etc. In the waters of the ocean, acid changes instead: as the ocean flows in, the atmosphere fades in winter. yoga. The polar regions are rich in acidity. The most important geochemical values ​​are sourness and carbonic acid.

The first isotope storage of the Earth's acidity was similar to the isotope storage of meteorites and ultrabasic rocks (18O = 5.9-6.4%). Sedimentation processes led to the fractionation of isotopes between sediments and water and the addition of important acid to ocean waters. The sour atmosphere of unrest 18 About the sour ocean, let's accept the standard. Meadow rocks, granites, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks are rich in important acid. Variations in the isotope composition of terrestrial objects are determined primarily by the temperature at which the process occurs. This is the basis for isotope thermometry of carbonate formation and other geochemical processes.

Obsession with kisnyu

The main commercial method of obtaining sourness is by pouring the heat using the method of deep cooling. As a by-product, jelly is obtained during electrolysis of water. A method for removing sourness using the vibration diffusion of gases through molecular sieves has been developed.

Gas-like jelly

Gas-like oxide is stagnated in metallurgy to intensify blast furnace and steel-smelting processes, during the smelting of color metals in furnaces, non-sulfur mattes, etc. (over 60% of the oxidized oxide); as an oxidizer in many chemical plants; in technology - when welding and cutting metals; during underground gasification of coal and coal; ozone - for sterilization of grub water and disinfection of premises. Rare kisen is used as an oxide for rocket firing.


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