The most valuable metal. The most valuable metal

The most valuable metal. The most valuable metal

If we talk about hard and soft metal, then in our minds people immediately see a war with a sword and in equipment. Well, I'm making a slab and binding it from Damascus steel. All steel, whether pure or not pure metal, must be mixed with an alloy of alloy with carbon and some other metal additives. And, if necessary, the steel is processed in order to change its power.

Light metal silver-white color

Leather with additives, chromium, nickel or vanadium, is responsible for the song's softness. And the axle for durability is added with titanium - the hardest alloys are used.

In one version, metal took its name from the Titans, powerful and fearless children of the Earth goddess Gaia. Another version of the word is named after the fairy queen Titania.

The titanium was discovered by the German and English chemists Gregor and Klaproth, almost identically with a difference of six rocks. It was almost the 18th century. The speech immediately took its place in Mendelev’s periodic table. Three decades later, the first eye of the metal titan was taken away. And for a long time the metal was not vikorized through yogo krikkіst. Just before 1925, pure titanium was extracted using the iodine method. Vidkritya became a real river. Titan, having emerged as technologically advanced, immediately gained the respect of designers and engineers. And metal is extracted from ore mainly by the magnetic-thermal method, which was introduced in the 1940s.

If we look at the physical properties of titanium, we can note its high strength, strength at high temperatures, low hardness and corrosion resistance. The mechanical value of titanium is double the value of the metal and six times that of aluminum. At high temperatures, where light alloys no longer work (based on magnesium and aluminum), titanium alloys come to the rescue. For example, flying at an altitude of 20 kilometers develops a fluidity that is less fluid than sound. І the temperature of its body is close to 300 degrees Celsius. Only titanium alloy has such an interest.

In terms of its abundance in nature, metal comes in tenth place. Titanium is found in PAR, Russia, China, Ukraine, Japan and India. This is by no means a complete list of countries.

Titanium is a precious and light metal in the world

The overflow of possibilities of stagnation of metal is crying out loudly. This industry, osteoprosthetics in medicine, jewelry and sports products, mobile phone payments and much more. Titanium is constantly being offered up by rocket, aircraft, and shipbuilding designers. The chemical industry has not deprived the metal of respect. Titanium is excellent for casting, and the contours of the casting are precise and create a smooth surface. The transformation of atoms in titanium is more amorphous. And this guarantees high tensile strength, toughness, and wonderful magnetic power.

Solid metals with the greatest density

One of the hardest metals, of course, is osmium and iridium. These words are from the platinum group, the stench is the highest, perhaps, however, the thickness.

Iridium was discovered in 1803 births. A metal chemist from England, Smitson Tennat, discovered the discovery of natural platinum from Western America. Before speech, from ancient Greek “iridiya” is translated as “rayduga”.

The hardest metal is difficult to assemble, and nature does not have enough fragments of it. I often wanted to know about meteorites that fell to the ground. According to their words, on our planet, instead of Iridium, there may be much more. But through the power of metal - siderophilicity - it can be found in the depths of the earth above.

Iridium can be easily processed both thermally and chemically. Metal does not react with acids, but should be combined with acids at a normal temperature of less than 100 degrees. In this case, the liquid is susceptible to oxidation processes in royal gorillas (from hydrochloric and nitric acids).

Of interest, as a source of electrical energy, is the iridium isotope 193 m 2. The fragments during the period of rapid decay of the metal become 241 rivers. The widespread use of iridium in paleontology and industry is known. Use it carefully when preparing the pens for the handles and using different balls of the ground.

And the axis of osmia was opened on the river later than Iridia. This hard metal was found at the chemical warehouse of the siege of platinum, which was destroyed at the royal mountain. And the name “osmium” comes from the ancient Greek word “smell”. The metal is not as soft as a mechanical flow. In this case, one liter of osmia is much more important than ten liters of water. However, this power has so far been lost without stagnation.

Osmium is mined in American and Russian mines. Richly yogo birthplace th u PAIRS. It is often found in metallic meteorites. For foreigners, please select Osmium-187, which is exported from Kazakhstan. This help is credited to the age of meteorites. Varto note that just one gram of isotope costs 10 thousand dollars.

Well, vikorist osmіy at industry. And not in the pure form, but in the form of solid metal with tungsten. Turn the frying lamp from the speaker. Osmium is a catalyst for the preparation of ammonia. Cutting parts are rarely made from metal for surgical purposes.

The hardest pure metal

The hardest of the purest metals on the planet is chromium. It lends itself well to mechanical processing. Metal of a blackish-white color was found in 1766 people on the outskirts of Yekaterinburg. The mineral then lost the name “Siberian red lead”. Its current name is krokoit. Several years after the discovery, and in 1797 itself, the French chemist Vauquelin saw a new metal in the metal, already refractory. Fahivtsi today respect that the chromium carbide has been removed.

The name of this element is based on the Greek “color”, and the metal itself is famous for the diversity of the preparation of its parts. Chrome just needs to match nature and expansion. You can find metal in PAR, which is the first place in the world, as well as in Kazakhstan, Zimbabwe, Russia and Madagascar. Є clans in Turkey, Virginia, India, Brazil and the Philippines. Fahivtsi especially value the deeds of semi-chrome – the chromium-bearing weed is the one that croaks.

The hardest metal in the world is tungsten

Tungsten is a chemical element, the hardest, compared to other metals. Its melting point is extremely high, and it is only a metal element.

Although the natural hardness of tungsten at the same time does not diminish its flexibility and flexibility, which allows you to forge any necessary parts from it. Its very flexibility and heat resistance make tungsten an ideal material for melting various parts of lighting fixtures and parts of television sets, for example.

Tungsten is used in serious applications, for example, in armored steel - for the production of anti-aircraft shells and artillery shells. Tungsten has a high level of strength, making it the main material of important alloys. The hardness of tungsten is close to that of gold – the difference is just a few tenths.

On the site you can read what kind of metals are hired, how to vikorize them, and what to pay for them.
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Since it is generally accepted to understand the ability of solids to withstand destruction and preserve the shape of a virus, then such metals can be added to supernatural and non-ferrous metals.

Name titanium was appropriated by Martin Klaproth, a German explorer, as a new metal behind his chemicals, and the honor of the mythological heroes of the children of the earth - the titans.

Titanium is found in nature in the 10th place and is most concentrated in minerals. Without this metal, new developments in the sphere of missiles, ships and aircraft would be impossible. Titanium is used in all industry industries, in the production of medical implants and body armor from the grub industry and the agricultural dominion.

2nd place

Light - gray tungsten , is literally transferred, like sheep’s tops, with refractory metal, which is therefore indispensable when preparing heat-resistant surfaces and dishes. The frying thread of the original light bulb is cut from tungsten filament.

This metal is used in ballistic missiles, in prepared shells and culls, in gyroscopic overhead rotors.

3rd place

Tantalum It is practically impossible to change, even though wine begins to melt at a temperature of 3015 degrees Celsius, and boils at a boiling point of 5300 degrees. It is impossible for ordinary people to notice such speculation. The blue-gray metal is indispensable in modern medicine, from which dust and leaves are prepared, which are used to cover damaged brushes.

Revealed in 1817 molybdenum, gray-steel metal practically does not glaze in a clean appearance. The refractoriness of this metal is striking; its melting point exceeds 2620 degrees. The greatest concentration of molybdenum is known in the military industry, where harmonic and armored steels are produced.

5th month

Aviation and mechanical engineering, nuclear energy and astronautics vikoryst nothing The metal is very similar in its properties to tantalum. There are practically no substances, no salts, no acids, it is important to melt, and it is important to oxidize, which creates a unique metal for such requirements.

6th month

The most important metal on earth iridium There are the strongest anti-corrosion authorities, which the royal burner cannot melt. The addition of iridium to other alloys improves their resistance to corrosion.

7th month

Beryllium It is one of the rare metals that are found in the earth. Its unique properties, such as high thermal conductivity and fire resistance, have made this metal indispensable in the manufacture of nuclear reactors. Beryllium alloys rightfully occupy a prominent place in the aerospace and aviation industries.

8th month

Light – black chrome , which is also one of the most valuable metals, but due to its unique powers, when added to steel alloys, makes them more hard and corrosion-resistant. The chrome-plated parts have a bright, modern appearance that does not change over time.

9th month

The Saxons are carefully placed before their legends, the name of the hero of one of them, Kobold, was added to the name of the metal - cobalt . Even often, when mining ore, pike-makers mistook the gray-iron metal for silver.

Refractory metal, as an additive, increases the heat resistance, hardness and wear resistance of steel. Due to the unique berries, cobalt is indispensable in metallurgical machines.

Hafniy - The light gray color of the metal, unique for its jars, is made from zirconium ore. Solid, refractory hafnium has a unique feature, due to the fact that its thermal deposits are anomalous and do not fall under any laws of physics.

Hafnium is used in atomic energy and in optics, for the preparation of various alloys and glass for X-rays, without which it is important to detect military production.

When you think of the word “metal,” the leather paints its appearance as a hard, durable and super-soft sheet of metal, which is impossible to just bend and glaze. However, there was carnage. And if you supply food, which metal is most valuable in the world, then we will give you reliable evidence and information about such metal. It is a material with a silver-white color, which is called “titanium”.

Kim and when is it open?

The concepts of this metal have been worked on at least two times – by the Englishman W. Gregor and the German M. Klaptor. The stench revealed this element in the eighteenth century, and in between the six rocks. In the periodic table, titanium appeared under a twenty different serial number immediately after the metal was discovered. However, through the high-pitchedness of the titanium, it was difficult for an hour without knowing the stagnation. For 1925 Dutch physicists have made further discoveries, having seen the purest titanium, which will provide many advantages. The metal has become highly technologically advanced, has excellent heat resistance, is resistant to corrosion and is incredibly durable when subjected to high-temperature conditions.

Main characteristics of titanium

The most valuable metal in the world, created in 1925, is incredibly plastic, which allows it to be made from sheets, rods, strings, pipes, and foil. In terms of hardness, titanium is four times harder than metal and copper, and for this parameter, titanium is twelve times harder than aluminum. Titanium bacteria retain their vitality when exposed to high temperatures. Parts made of titanium serve a trivial term under the influx of superimposed vantage.

Also, the most valuable metal on Earth has excellent anti-corrosion characteristics. For example, a titanium plate placed in sea water for ten years did not recognize the influx of Yirzhi. There is a growing interest in this metal in electrical engineering and radio electronics – and all this is because the world’s most popular metal is an important electrical generator and is being undermined by non-magnetic authorities.

Why was this metal called “titanium”?

There are two versions of its name. One of them is that the metal silver-white color was named after the fairy queen Titania, based on German mythology. And all this is because the material, in addition to its high value, is also incredibly light. Another version is based on the metal names in honor of the mighty children of the goddess Gaia - the Titans. It is difficult to judge whether these versions have great credibility, but one can say that the skin of them is miraculous and has a place.

Zastosuvannya titanium

Vikoristannya silvery metal to reach widely. This is due to the military industry (making missiles, armor for flying vehicles, hulls for submarines, etc.), medicine (prosthetics), automobiles, agricultural industries, manufactured mobile phones and a variety of jewelry.

Still lighter and more intense

Recently, the Californians announced to the whole world that they had discovered the lightest and most valuable metal. This is a rare metal made from a mixture of graphene oxide and lyophilized carbon. Liquid metal has already received high ratings from manufacturers and has established itself as an ideal stainless material for casting.

The new metal table is light, so that it can easily be trimmed by flower petals. Apparently, graphene is distinguished not only by its lightness and high value, but also by its miraculous flexibility. Therefore, today we are working on the direct creation of lightweight materials, and, perhaps, in the near future, even more unique materials will become available to humanity.

Sklo z metal

The representatives of the California Institute of Technology have isolated a material that is unique to their authorities - the most popular alloy today - “metal edge”. The uniqueness of the new alloy lies in the fact that the metal structure is made from metal, but the internal structure of the structure is different. Today it becomes clear what is needed for the fusion of such extraordinary powers and how they can be used in fusion with less expensive materials.

The amorphous structure of the glass, unlike the crystalline structure of the metal, is not protected from the expansion of cracks, which explains the crispness of the glass. There is not a lot of water and metal glass, which can also be easily damaged, soothing permanent blacks that grow out of the crack.

Power alloy

Scientists from the Californian Institute noted that the appearance of a large number of permanent stains provides a high resistance to the development of cracks, which results in a reversal effect: the material is destroyed without breaking. is. Such material itself, the energy of vibrating the earth's dark smudges, is richer than the energy required to transform them into cracks, they created the stinks. “By mixing five elements, we assumed that when the material is cooled, it doesn’t know what structure to adopt and chooses amorphous,” explained research participant R. Ritchie.

Metaleve slope

The most valuable alloy - metal - is composed of noble palladium, silicon, phosphorus, germanium with a small addition of silver (formula: Pd79Ag3.5P6Si9.5Ge2).

The new alloy showed itself in tests to be a combination of mutually exclusive powers - strength and vibrancy on a par, which had not previously been noted in any other material. As a result, the new metal increases its hardness, causing the glass to develop cracks characteristic of metals. Moreover, the balance of cruelty and value is within reach.

Wikipedia material

For structural metals, the research carried out significantly increased the tolerance level. However, according to recent forecasts, the widespread use of the most valuable alloy, due to the rarity and price of its main component - palladium, may not be found. Last but not least, experts have informed us about the possible use of this material in medical implants (for example, for internal prosthetics), as well as parts in automotive and aerospace vehicles.

Reading hour: 5 xv.

They wanted to support humanity in the greatest possible way of all their known lives. It started, especially from the middle, from the most pliable material available from nature before processing.

Evolution helped people significantly develop technically, and then alloys began to appear, which became increasingly valuable. Nowadays, experiments are in full swing, and new alloys are soon appearing. Let's take a closer look at them.


Titanium is a high-quality material that wears a wide bottom on rich galuzes. The widest area of ​​stagnation is aviation. For everyone, there is a difference between small mass and high value. Also, titanium has great strength, resistance to physical damage, temperatures and corrosion.


One of the most valuable elements. In natural minds, it is a weak radioactive metal. You can meet in a free camp, even important and widely expanding everywhere due to your paramagnetic powers. Uranium is flexible, has high malleability and flexible plasticity.


The most refractory metal available. The silver-gray color is the so-called transitional element. The authorities of tungsten allow it to react to chemical infusions and succumb to worms. The most common area of ​​stagnation is that of vicorization in frying lamps.


Metal silver-white color. In nature, it is possible to sag in a pure appearance, between the original and molybdenum sulfur, in which wine also striates. Excessive rice is refractory. If you get too close to expensive metals, your virtuosity will go off scale. The main sphere of construction is electronics.


Osmium is a silvery-white metal that has a slight blue finish. It belongs to the platinum group and has a very high similarity with iridium in such properties as refractoriness, hardness and brittleness.


This metal has a light gray color and is highly toxic. Considering such unforeseen power, the material is widely known to be widely used in the field of nuclear energy and laser technology. The high value of berylium allows it to be used for the production of light alloys.


The pale-white tint shows the chrome from the dark shimmer. The wine is resistant to acids. In nature, one can be sharp in a pure look. Chromium is often used to create various alloys, which are subject to stagnation in medicine and chemical processing.

Varto means ferrochrome – an alloy of chromium and chrome. It is used in prepared tools for cutting metals.


This is a silvery metal that has high hardness and strength. The lead stain on the metal is formed through the oxidized surface of the oxide cast. Metal lends itself well to processing.

Today, tantalum is successfully stagnating in nuclear reactors and metallurgical production.


Silvery metal that reaches the platinum group. It is distinguished by an unusual warehouse: it is still possible to enter meat tissue into living organisms. Another important fact is that ruthenium is used as a catalyst for many chemical reactions.


In our rating, this metal occupies the first row. The color is silver-white. Iridium also reaches the platinum group and has the greatest hardness of all metals. The world gets stuck even more often. Basically, wine is added to other metals to improve the resistance of acidic substances. The metal itself is very expensive, the fragments of nature are very disgusting.

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