How to draw a wiring diagram. Do-it-yourself electrical wiring: diagrams before installation

How to draw a wiring diagram. Do-it-yourself electrical wiring: diagrams before installation

Do you know a little about the basics of electrical engineering and have you dealt with electricity in practice more than once? Also, new wiring in a cabin or apartment of a small area will not become an unbreakable problem - you can easily install it with your own hands. To do everything correctly, you need to understand the nuances of electrical installation and the order in which the work is carried out. For clarified nutrition, this material is available in the form and orientation of this material.

Folded wiring diagrams

Let's just say: we're talking about a single-phase circuit with a voltage of 220 volts, which is already connected to a private cabin with an area of ​​100-150 m² or an apartment. The design and installation of 380 V three-phase electrical systems for large country cottages is carried out by specialized organizations. In this case, it is senseless to independently undertake electrical installations, since without the electrical supply design and the required electrical documentation, the maintenance company will not be allowed to make connections to its communications.

Also, the most typical electrical wiring diagram for a residential unit is shown and includes the following elements (starting with the introduction of the cable):

  • input automatic power supply with a nominal value of 25 amperes;
  • electric hospital (bazhano – rich tariff);
  • device for dry connection - ELV, insurance for flow rate 300 mA;
  • a 20 A differential circuit breaker, which is suitable for a current of 30 mA, - to protect the socket;
  • automatic switches with a nominal value of 10 A for lighting (the number of lines to the lamps);
  • electrical installation cabinet, secured with a zero and grounding bus, as well as DIN rails for fastening automatic machines and EPV:
  • cable lines with separate boxes that lead to sockets for connecting household appliances and lighting fixtures.

Note. Especially in PUE, electrically powered bathrooms, lava, saunas and other areas with high humidity, it is necessary to conduct an adjacent line protected by an EPV or a difautomatic device with a demand threshold of 10 mA.

The functional significance of these elements is as follows. Automatic circuit breakers protect the valves or the system as a whole from a short circuit, the EPV protects you from a shock, and the differential machine combines two functions. The rest can be installed on the skin power line. To protect your home electrical appliances from voltage surges, you can add a dry relay circuit that is installed after the main ECV, as the master recognizes in the video:

To create a new electrification scheme, you need to hand-frame the booth and place it on a new lighting fixture with sockets. Indicate the location of the electrical panel and separate the wiring from the two walls, indicating the skin pair (phase and zero) with one line, how to connect electricians (called a single-line diagram). The butt of such a sketch is shown in the image.

Dovidka. In private cabins and dachas, the distribution board should be placed near the technical area, for example, near the garage, or sometimes near the corridor. This very picture is seen in many upper-level Novobudovs. In the huts of the Radyan doby - “Khrushchev” and “Czech” apartment shields were massively installed in the entrances, and then the rulers began to move them to their front rooms in order to protect themselves from theft of doctors.

Preparation of materials

To add the necessary installation materials and determine their strength, take the folded electrical circuit as a basis. Control elements, regardless of the structure, which are placed in the shield, already indicated on it, cannot be selected with cable products and sockets (the sockets and the sockets themselves can be added later). For this drive, the recommendations are as follows:

  1. Use VVG brand copper cable for 3 years of use for electrical distribution. Do not take aluminum or high-velocity powder (for example, PVA) intended for other purposes.
  2. The electrical wiring in the apartment or private cabin for lighting fixtures requires a minimum cut of 1.5 mm. The socket junction needs to be wired with a 2.5 mm² cable, and the connection to the ground loop needs to be cut with a 6 mm² cut.
  3. If it is necessary to draw an outer line from the connection before installation, install a 16 mm self-supporting SIP wire and special hanging brackets.
  4. For laying of cables in the corridor, use a metal hose or a plastic corrugated pipe of the same diameter (the conductors will take up no more than 40% of the empty space of the dry hose), which is fixed on clamps or clamps.
  5. Do not distribute too many single room sockets in different places; rather, place a couple of blocks for 4-5 outlets. One group of 5 sockets is sufficient for the kitchen.
  6. The determination of the number of unsolder boxes is carried out according to the diagram below, indicating the correct installation of the wiring. The box is placed on the skin's epigastric line in the main line.

Porada. For power lines installed in installations with a voltage of more than 3.5 kW, the cable crossover should be chosen according to the size. We recommend that you choose the power supply with fakhivtsy, since the input machine and other equipment will have to be selected individually and this cannot be done without an electrical supply project.

Before unpacking any cable products, consider the method of laying the electrical wiring. The best option is to route the conductors behind the stele and wall sheathing with plasterboard, at the base or under the plinth. This approach allows you to save communications from damage during future repairs and can be easily implemented in one-room and two-room apartments of panel booths.

In wooden booths made from timber or frame technology, internal wiring of the open type is practiced - on insulators or in plastic channels, as shown in the photo. In this case it is easier to lay a hem from a flat cable of different types - VVG-P. Don’t forget about low-current lines - twisting pairs for the Internet, alarms, etc., they also need to be routed across rooms.

It’s also good to think about electrical wiring in a retro style that fits harmoniously into the interior of any wooden structure, including that made from decks. Please note that the price of the components is in exchange for the original materials, and the method of installation, video footage, requires some basic knowledge.

Minimum set of tools

To install or replace electrical wiring with a power hand, you will need the following set of tools:

  • grinder with stakes for concrete for making a groove on solid or plastered walls;
  • hammer and chisel to clean out the sockets of the electrical outlets;
  • nippers, pliers;
  • roulette and daily rhubarb;
  • narrow metal spatula;
  • twists with cut splines;
  • cutter for cable trimming.

Porada. Instead of using a regular knife, use a special tool, as shown in the photo. It has a small point at the end, which allows you to strip the insulation from the wires without damaging the copper wires and is safe for your hands.

Electrical panel installation

As a rule, this particular stage is performed by a specialist – an electrician. But in a small residential or country house with just a few rooms, you can manage your affairs independently, as long as you follow the instructions:

  1. Secure the box to the wall using cable entries. Installation height – 1.5 m above the floor. If necessary, wait in the walls of the burial place.
  2. Provide DIN rails for fastening the machines and 2 busbars - for connecting the zero (N) and grounding (PE) rods. Lead the external cable through the opening, test it and connect the “zero” to the bus. Repeat this process with the grounding conductor.
  3. Close the emergency room, the doctor and all machines. Connect the neutral and phase from the life cable to the contacts of the input packet.
  4. Connect the internal wiring behind the circuit, rusting with insulated single-core dart with 6 mm² crossbar. For reliable contact with the pressure of automatic machines on the bare skin, place special tips near the fork.

Porada. When installing conductors, pay attention to the color markings, which indicate their affiliation. The zero line is indicated by a blue color, the grounding line is yellow-green, and the phase is most often brown, black or red.

When purchasing and installing a cabinet for an electrical panel, it is also necessary to consider the placement of backup circuit breakers, as may be the case later. Therefore, at the end of the day, you may lose 3-4 full nests. All the nuances of the structure of this important organ can be seen in the video:

How the wiring is installed

At the end of the day, electrical lines were installed along the walls before the plaster ball was applied and secured with alabaster mortar. Today, other methods are suitable for installation: vicorism - laying in gates with a depth of 2 cm, which are cut into plaster or aerated concrete. The technology is like this:

  1. With the help of a line and a breaker cord, lay out a route along the skin line, starting from the electrical panel. Remember that the electrical wiring installed in the booth must run vertically and horizontally, and be turned under a straight line. Mark the installation points for sockets and devices.
  2. Make the groove according to the groove, adjusting the width of the groove for a single dart - 2 cm. Mark the groove for electrical outlets and separate boxes.
  3. Install electrical outlets and boxes on dowels or alabaster. Make sure to align it horizontally so that the sockets are level. Don't forget to open the technological openings on both sides for cable insertion.
  4. Cover the strobes with a primer and place the cables behind them and place the ends in the middle of all boxes. Fixation of conductors at the ditch is carried out separately or with special spreads at intervals of 40 cm.
  5. Separate the ends of the wires from the unsoldering boxes and select the separation according to the color of the WAGO or WAGO terminal blocks.
  6. If you live in the sockets, put the tips on them and connect them to the sockets and sockets.
  7. Check the effectiveness of the skin line with a multimeter, then connect it to the shield and close the furrows.

An important moment. The lighting wiring is connected as follows: blue wire (N) - to the zero bus, yellow-green (PE) - to the grounding bus, the missing conductor - to the circuit breaker. The phase and neutral from the socket are connected to contacts 1 and 2 of the differential circuit breaker, and the grounding is connected to its busbar.

Proper installation of wiring requires respect for its installation according to the rules - with entrances from underlays, door frames, indicated on the chair. In separate boxes of the socket group, the conductors are connected according to the colors, and in the lightening ones - in this order:

  • zero is applied directly to the lamp (to the contact that touches the lamp base);
  • the phase conductor goes through the chemical supply, and then to the lighting fixture;
  • the ground is connected directly to the lamp contact.

A pair or three of pass-through circuits are connected to each other and to the living cable behind another circuit. The report about this was rejected. Watch the original video

What is the electrical wiring diagram in a private booth, what will happen? How to properly distribute darts in all locations? I will find out what wiring cuts are required for current electrical appliances, and how to ensure protection from surges and short circuits. And as a bonus, I’ll clearly explain how to connect a voltage stabilizer and a generator to your home panel.

Obov'yakovі elements

Let's start from the head - from the dry elements. The electrical panel in your booth must include:

Image element

Zagalny switch and automatic machine on the input, which reveals the phase and zero phases.

Dry connection device(PZV), which is used when flowing through the damaged insulation, when contacting people or domestic animals to terminals or wires. Its sensitivity allows it to respond to a flow current of 30 mA.

Automatic for certain groups of people (outlets in the room, lighting, cauldrons, electric stoves, etc.). An automatic phase changer is installed and discharged when the nominal flow is transferred. Yogo task - turn off overheating and wiring.

The design of the machine is due to minimal disruption of the layout of the wiring section. Let’s say, for a lancet with a peak power of 5 kW, choose a 25-amp machine (which, with a voltage of 220 volts, produces a power of 25x220 = 5500 W).

Grounding is carried out using a fixed terminal block across all sockets and metal housings of electrical components. The grounding wire is not liable to be damaged by electrical outlets or sockets. The body of the shield can be buried in the earth (due to the presence of earth on the input) or the electrode can be buried in the ground.

Additional devices

The following are often connected to the shield:

  • Voltage stabilizer, Ensures stable parameters of the stream to maintain everyday equipment with their serious modifications to the nominal value at the input.

The stabilizer and sensation are placed only outside the group of the most food-sensitive people (this includes televisions, computers, audio equipment, refrigerators, etc.). Pressure heating devices (boilers and electric stoves) operate over a wide range of voltages and, as a result, proportionally reduce the pressure.

  • Generator, which allows you to switch to autonomous life with minimal costs when the light is turned on.

What will be the scheme for carrying out these types of episodes?


The stabilizer is connected until the phase wire breaks. Zero is deprived of sleep from the doctor and companions. The stabilizer housing is connected to grounding.


Powerful alternation of life is ensured by a reversing switch, which has three operating positions:

  1. Supply supply upon introduction;
  2. Spozhivach vimkneno vid both dzherel struma;
  3. Pozhivach lives off a generator.

A signal lamp (LS-47) is required to indicate voltage. This will allow you to mark the moment when the light is turned on without the help of a measuring device (multimeter or indicator screw).

Regulatory documentation

How to install the wiring at the booth in accordance with the regulatory documentation? The source of information for us is SNiP 31-02 (design of engineering systems for cottages) and the guide to the Ministry of Budget of Russia, which adds to its benefits, was issued in 1997 and again regulates disputes. engineering systems of single-apartment buildings.

For the reader’s convenience, I will select at once the most relevant and important points of both documents for us.

  • Installation of electrical wiring in a private cabin may involve connections with the ground loop. The earth is rocky: it is impossible to vikorize a zero wire in its yakity;

  • Limit of exertion is designated as Vlasnik Budinku. The minimum values ​​are 5.5 kW for a cabin without electric heating installations and an electric stove of 8 kW for their presence. If the skin area of ​​the booth exceeds 60 square meters, the minimum insertion pressure increases by one hundred per skin square meter with an area of ​​over 60;

The local administration can limit the maximum pressure due to the local electrical power supply and the capabilities of the substation.

  • Turn on the electrical supply can be installed directly on walls and other building structures, as well as boxes and baseboards with cable ducts. When opened, pipes without dry tubes or boxes are mounted on a permanent structure at a height of no less than 2 meters;
  • Prihovane carried out Mounted at any height near the pedestals and walls. It is permissible to install it on structures made of flammable materials;

  • For wiring installation You can vikorystuvat even less than a copper dart. With the same cut as in aluminum ones, they will provide almost twice the lower level of power, which means less heating during high flows;
  • Wire and cables in dry sheaths can be passed through walls without bushings or pipes. The cable insert, which does not contain dry casing, is inserted through the external walls into a plastic tube;

The tube is mounted with an elbow near the side of the street, so as to make it difficult to pass through the hole through the middle of the booth.

  • Electrical wiring for the booth It’s not your fault to recognize mechanical advances in the localities. All connected wires are insulated, and the amount of insulation is not less than the amount of insulation of the whole wire;
  • In the localities there is acknowledgment Connected wiring to sockets, distribution boxes, switches and lamps requires a minimum 5-centimeter reserve. The reserve will be reduced when replacing fittings or repairing wiring;
  • How to move the wiring from a dry location to a sire(Shower, toilet, etc.), all connections are installed on the side of the dry room. There are no secret boxes near the bathroom;
  • Recommended installation height sockets - 80-100 cm, sockets - 1.5 meters from the level of the substrate;

In my opinion, where it is more important to comply with European standards: 90 cm for plugs and 25 cm for sockets. Low-spaced sockets will allow you to get rid of the wires of everyday appliances constantly hanging on the walls, and devices will be accessible to children who have recently begun to walk.

  • At the dacha, from timber or logs, in a frame booth or on a wooden one Do-it-yourself electrical wiring is laid in a metal pipe (steel, copper or corrugated stainless steel). However, as soon as the shortening becomes short, it will not squeal: before, the lower pipe will immediately heat up to an unsafe temperature, the machine will turn off the life of the lancet;

  • Vimikachi are installed in phase. Zero does not change;
  • When one group line is distributed to a number of sockets, the earth is placed on the skin of them(either at the electrical box or at the socket body). It is not possible to consistently connect the ground to several sockets;

  • The common units have metal housings Lamps and other electrical appliances may be grounded. If the lamp is suspended on a metal hook, it needs to be insulated from the body (for example, with a plastic shell) so that when punching on the metal parts of the lamp, the phase is not lost on all the reinforcement of the reinforced concrete structures of the booth ;

However: the device with a double-pin plug, which is up to electrical safety class zero, can be connected to a socket without grounding, only to zero and phase. In this case, the installation of electrical wiring is subject to violations from the EPV on the transmission line: it is necessary to live in the currents that accompany the flow of people or creatures.

  • Both the sockets in the apartment and the booth are installed at a height accessible to children, they need to be protected with caps and plugs;

  • The wiring does not have to be placed on flue pipes and scorching panels. with an operating temperature above 35 degrees: vinyl insulation of the wiring has limited heat resistance and softens when heated;
  • It's not the conductor's fault to change his mind. The reason is the same: with peak struma, the insulation of the bridge may overheat;
  • Vimikachi placed at the entrance to the office, from the side of the door handle.

A number of relevant documents specifically discuss electrical installation in areas with high humidity:

  1. It is necessary to carry out the work in separate, dry rooms, if possible. The lamps are placed on the wall closest to the installation;
  2. For illumination by frying lamps, use light fixtures with housings made of dielectric materials (plastic, ceramic, etc.).

What is the meaning of buti darts? SNiP 31-02 also defines the lower boundaries:

  • Middle group lines – not less than 1 mm2;
  • Aluminum group lines – not less than 2.5 mm2;
  • The middle risers and lancets, to which the doctor is connected, are not less than 2.5 mm2;
  • The same risers and lancets, or aluminum ones - no less than 4 square millimeters.

Attach the cottage electrical wiring diagrams now.

Now there are a lot of practical joys in how to install electrical wiring in the booth.


Accepted to the doctor and introduced, I will use a medium single-shot VVG dart with a cross section of at least 4 square millimeters per core with an insertion force of up to 10 kW and 6 mm2 with an insertion force of 10 - 15 kW.

At the decision of the villages, they vikorist:

  • For wiring sockets – VVG 3x2.5 mm2;
  • For dilution of lighting - VVG 3x1.5 mm2.

A multi-draught wire is better not to be used: it is cheaper than a single-draught wire, in which it will provide a smaller area of ​​electrical contact on the terminal blocks.

The cut across the connected wiring is rated as 1 square millimeter of copper per 8 ampere peak current, open - 1 mm 2 per 10 A.


Do-it-yourself electrics are most easily mounted on brass blocks: they reliably connect the ends of the wires and, after replacing the sleeves and welding, remove the connection from the connector. If necessary, you can at any time connect an additional socket to the distribution box.


In my opinion, it is easiest to lay the wiring in a plinth with a cable duct. Why? Argument axis:

  • Wiring installation is often associated with industrial robots. In the worst case, you will have to drill a number of holes for dowel screws to secure the baseboard;
  • The wiring is no longer accessible for repair, and it is not necessary to open the walls to replace it;
  • If you need to connect an additional socket, you don’t need a lot of force: you need to strip the wire and install three blocks on it (to zero, ground and phase), having finished the connection.


Now you know what kind of electrical wiring diagram you can use and how to install it correctly. As soon as possible, additional materials are, to your respects, reproduced in this article. I look forward to your comments and the follow-up to it. Good luck, comrade!

Almost all jobs involving the replacement of electrical wiring, as well as all electrical installation jobs of any level of complexity, need to be carefully thought out down to the details and details of the job. In this case, it is necessary to begin the process with the design and development of circuits for dividing the boundary for each location.

In other words, it is necessary to design on paper a wiring diagram for the booth, so as to ensure clear guidance in the robotic process. This pattern can be drawn with a paper pen, vicor and different color markers, or you can find a planned location on the printer where you can apply the necessary data.

Therefore, this article talks about how to correctly and competently assemble different types of electrical wiring diagrams.

Refurbishment and installation of great household appliances and furniture

At the initial stage, with the layout of the layout of the premises in place, it is necessary to pay attention to the peculiarities of the planning of the space, to correctly distribute the location of the arrangement of furniture and the necessary electrical accessories.

Everything is laid out compactly and easily accessible, in which case there is no restriction on the place where electrical accessories will be moved out, since there is free and secure access for workers.

Now, first of all, I need to put together a plan for the designations and placement of all the windows and door openings, so it is necessary to work out so that the necessary amount of wiring, fittings, etc. can be identified in advance.

Socket placement options

This stage is important. At this stage, it is necessary to indicate as accurately as possible on the diagram, and then create symbols that indicate the placement of furniture and household electrical appliances.

To apply markings to household electrical accessories, you can use, for example, a red color, in which case it is recommended to give each device a number, but this is necessary in order to determine the location of installation of sockets, and this is a very important point.

Schemes of lighting elements of the location

As a rule, almost all pendant lamps are mounted centrally in the room, but it is necessary for the lighting to illuminate the entire room.

And the axis at the front has different options, and also most often the main lighting fixture is installed in the middle of the room, in which case additional wall lamps can be installed on the walls.

Next, it is necessary to apply vimical markings to this electrical wiring diagram in the apartment. As a rule, the place for installing all devices is practically the same as the doors, only the installation height varies.

Routes for laying wires and cables

Axis, our electrical wiring diagram is full of beautiful pictures. The diagram already contains markings of lighting fixtures, sockets and devices; now it is necessary to separate and connect all these elements with an electrical cable or wiring.

This stage is the most important in the process of distributing cables in the premises, which itself ensures the effectiveness of electrical protection in the premises.

There are two options for breeding the darts themselves. The first option is when all the darts are laid along the wall grooves in the middle of the walls, and the other option is when the cable is laid in a special box that is mounted on the walls.

It is also necessary to install dressing boxes to distribute the darts throughout the room. If there is a need for grounding in the area, then in this case it is necessary to use a three-point power supply.

It is important to choose the wiring for the material of manufacture, and according to the work life, which must be indicated in the diagram.

What is even more important and of great importance is the power supply in the area, which mainly consists of two types of wires. The first power cable is designed to withstand high voltage in electrical current, and the other is a standard cable that can be used for lightening.

Also, this article describes specific steps for creating electrical wiring diagrams for connecting with your own hands. Putting together such a scheme is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, such a robot fits almost anyone who wants to understand a little about electricity.

The article also has a variety of electrical wiring photo diagrams that will help you understand every step of the way.

Therefore, there are no problems with folded electrical wiring diagrams. If you follow all the recommendations clearly and correctly, you will succeed!

Photos of electrical wiring diagrams

Obov'yazkova part of the repair work at the apartment - replacement and installation of electrical cables, distribution boxes, electrical panel. A well-chosen electrical wiring diagram ensures life in the event of accidents and emergency situations.

We know what needs to be transferred when replacing the electrical installation yourself. We know how to put together a circuit and distribute electrical points in one-, two- and three-room apartments. By following our recommendations, you will be able to provide yourself with an energy supply that will work without worry.

Current emerging technologies at the end of the 20th century made a remarkable breakthrough. The booths, in addition to televisions, now have computers, security and video surveillance systems, heavy duty equipment, and a gunless system. In connection with this, the distribution of electrical cables has become more complex, although the principles of the device have not changed.

Folding units begin at the first stage – design. In order to correctly design the wiring diagram in the apartment, it is necessary to know the approximate weight of household electrical appliances and the place for their installation. Now it is necessary to think over a lighting system for all areas.

If you do not install the computer cable and install the router for home networking, you will continue to hang it on the wall or stretch it along the underside. At the shortest point, they can be wrapped in a plinth or sewn into a box.

In addition to a large number of new devices, another difference has appeared: in addition to the power grid, there is a low-current system, which traditionally includes telephone and television wires, as well as computer, security, and acoustic systems. chne obladnannya and intercom.

It is not possible to separate these two systems (power and low-current) because everything is designed to operate on 220 V power supplies.

Wiring diagram for the low-current system in the apartment. Includes three layers: computer, telephone and television. For the skin boundary, its type is transferred to the cable and equipped

The number of cables and cables in use at any one time has changed. If previously there were installations of one chandelier in the hall, then there are many different types of lighting systems, which include, in addition to the chandeliers, spotlights and backlighting.

More equipment requires increased tension - the old cables are no longer suitable, and the dimensions of the electrical distribution board have grown exponentially.

Do you need a dilution scheme?

It turns out that controlling the daily distribution of electrical wiring in an apartment is a real task, which only a professional electrician can do.

If you don’t want to constantly change the finishing of the walls in order to mask cables here and there, it is recommended that before renovating an apartment or everyday living room, fold the armchairs along with all the significant objects connected to the ties. jersey: sockets, wiring, electrical panel brightening devices.

Let's take a look at electrical wiring from the perspective of warehouse workers:

  • Automatic equipment for protection, installed in the electrical panel. The functioning of all home appliances and household safety equipment rests on its foundation and proper installation.
  • Cables, darts with properly selected webbing and high-grade insulation.
  • Sockets and vimikachi With clear contacts and safe housings.

In private booths, the obligatory element is an input machine and a power cable leading from it to the switchboard. For help, regulate the tension and turn off all the electricity in the booth.

As people work with electrical engineering, they can understand the designated elements that are mentally indicated on electrical wiring diagrams. The variety of electrical circuits is even wider. They have different functions and classifications. However, all graphic designations in the mental view are oriented to the same forms, and all the elements of all schemes correspond to one another.

An electrical wiring diagram is a document that defines the connections of storage elements of various devices that supply electricity, among themselves according to the following standard rules. This image of the armchair should be used to teach the electrical installation technicians so that they can understand the principle of the device and the various storage parts and elements that have been assembled.

The main purpose of the electrical wiring diagram is to provide assistance in the installation of electrical appliances and accessories, simple and easily detected malfunctions in the electrical circuit. Next, we will look at the types and types of electrical wiring diagrams, their power and characteristics of each type.

Electrical circuits: classification

All electrical diagrams, like documents, are divided into types. For the relevant standards, you can find the subsections of these documents, the types of circuits, and the types. Let's look at their report classification.

Types of electrical wiring diagrams are:
  • electrical
  • Gazovi.
  • Hydraulic
  • Energy.
  • Podilu.
  • Pneumatic
  • Kinematic.
  • Combined.
  • Vacuum
  • Optical
Main types:
  • Structural
  • Installations
  • Ob'ednani.
  • Roztashuvannya.
  • Zagalni.
  • functional.
  • Important.
  • Connection.

When looking at electrical diagrams, overhauled assignments, the name of the electrical diagram indicates the type and type.

Designations in electrical circuits

Currently, electrical installation robots are being supplied with both domestic and imported elements. Foreign parts can be supplied in a wide range. On the diagrams and armchairs, stench is also indicated mentally. It describes not only the size of the parameters, but the list of elements included in the device and their interactions.

Now let's look at the fact that a specific electrical circuit is assigned to it, and that's what it's all about.

Principle diagram

This type of vikorism is common among various subdivisions. This will ensure that the electrical system is not open. Functional joints and ligaments are indicated on the chair ligaments. The diagram has two types: single-line, full. The one-line diagram shows the primary boundaries (forces). Axle and butt:

The latest version of the electrical circuit is displayed in an elemental or expanded view. Since the device is simple, and all the explanations are included on the chair, you can read the heated plan. With a folding device with a lance for control, adjustment, etc., the optimal solution would be to display all the nodes on adjacent sheets to avoid confusion.

The electrical diagram is also important, showing the selection of the plan with the assignments of the surrounding unit, warehouse and robot.

Wiring diagram

Such electrical diagrams are used to explain the installation of any wiring. There you can display the exact position of the elements, their connections, and the characteristics of the installations. The layout of the apartment will show the placement of sockets, lamps, etc.

This circuit uses electrical installation robots to make all connections clear. For the installation of household appliances, this scheme is best suited for work.

Integrated scheme

This type of scheme includes different types and types of documents. It’s important to stand in order not to characterize the chair, but to signify important features and peculiarities. Most often, there are schemes to stagnate in industrial enterprises. For a homemade meal, it’s unlikely to make sense.

Having learned the necessary knowledge and prepared the necessary documentation, it is not important to work on any electrical installation.

The procedure for choosing an electrical diagram
The easiest thing for an electrician to do is understand the interaction of elements in a circuit. You need to know how to read and select the diagram. The folded song conveys the rules:
  • At the moment of folding, it is necessary to carry out one straight line, for example, behind the anniversary arrow.
  • It is better to first divide the diagram into parts, since there are a lot of elements and the diagram is complex.
  • The collection of phases begins.
  • In the case of skin wounds, it is necessary to allow the collection to proceed as long as possible, if the pressure is applied at the moment.

After the folding process is completed, a closed lance is responsible for creating a closed loop. For example, let's look at the connections in the home of a chandelier that consists of 3 lampshades, using a suspended ceiling.

From the very beginning, the order of the robotic chandelier is important. When the 1st key is turned on, one light will light up, if you press the 2nd key, the other two will light up. For the scheme on the vimikach and the chandelier go 3 darts. Along the line there are two darts, a phase and a zero.

The indicator indicates that the phase is known, connected to it, without interfering with zero. The conduction will reach the terminal terminal of Vimikach. As a result, blow 2 darts for 2 lances. One of the wires is connected to the lamp socket. A different conductor is output from the cartridge, connected to zero. One lantsug is ready. To check, click the first button on the device, the lamp will light up.

The 2nd wire from the switch is connected to the socket of another lamp. From the cartridge, the wire is connected to zero. When you click the buttons of the Wimikach, different lamps will light up.

Now let's connect the third lamp. We connect it in parallel to any lamp. The chandelier has one wire that has become out-of-the-way. Who cares about the colors. Since your parts are all the same color, then in order to avoid confusion, it is necessary to use an indicator during installation. To connect the chandelier, you don’t need any special difficulties, since the scheme is not particularly complicated.
