Electrical from grounding. Yak video but electrician in extreme minds

Electrical from grounding. Yak video but electrician in extreme minds

In order to determine the electrical wiring, it is necessary to know the difference in potential and conductor. By combining everything into a single flow, you can secure a steady supply of electricity. However, it is not so easy to tame the difference in potentials.

Nature conducts electrical energy of great strength through a rare medium. These discharges of sparkles, which, apparently, appear in the wind, infested with hair. However, the goal is single discharges, and not a steady flow of electrical energy.

Lyudina took on the function of natural power and organized the movement of electricity through wires. However, the purpose is simply to transfer one type of energy to another. The power of electrical engineering from the middle is lost significantly on the level of scientific speculation, following the discharge of physics and the creation of small installations of low effort.

The simplest way is to remove the electrics from a solid, soft core.

One number of three centers

The most popular medium in this type is soil. On the right is that the earth is a combination of three substances: solid, rare and gas-like. Between the different particles of minerals there are crushed drops of water and bubbles of water. Moreover, the elemental unit of the soil is the mycela or the clay-humus complex, a folded system that contains a variety of potentials.

A negative charge is formed on the outer shell of such a system, and a positive charge on the inner shell. The negatively charged shell of the mycelium is attracted to the positively charged ions in the middle. Also, the soil constantly undergoes electrical and electrochemical processes. In the more homogeneous wind and water middle of such minds there is no electricity for concentration.

How to extract electricity from the earth

The fragments in the soil contain both electricity and electricity, so they can be seen not only as the core for living organisms and also as a power plant. In addition, our electrified cores are concentrated near the center and the electricity that “drains” through the grounding. You can’t help but be quick.

Most often, homeowners advocate such methods of obtaining electricity from soil that has been spread around the booth.

Method 1 - Zero wire -> vantage -> soil

The voltage in the living area is supplied through 2 conductors: phase and neutral. When the third, grounded conductor is connected between it and the zero contact, a voltage of 10 to 20 V appears. This voltage is enough to light a couple of light bulbs.

Thus, to connect common electrical energy to the “ground” electrical system, it is enough to create a circuit: neutral wire – ground wire – ground. Clever minds can refine this primitive circuit and remove greater voltage.

Method 2 - Zinc and copper electrode

The best way to disconnect electrical equipment is to ground it on the ground. Take two metal rods – one zinc, the other copper – and place them near the ground. Better yet, if there is soil in an isolated space.

Isolation is necessary in order to create a medium with increased salinity, which is absurd for life - such soil does not grow anything. It is necessary to create a difference in potentials, and the soil will become an electrolyte.

In the simplest option, the voltage is set to 3 V. This, of course, is not enough for the home, but the system can be folded, thereby increasing the tension.

Method 3 - Potential between house and earth

3. A great difference in potentials can be created between the house and the earth. Since the surface on the ground is metal, and the surface on the ground is ferite, then there can be a difference in potentials at 3 V. This value can be increased by changing the dimensions of the plates, as well as the distance between them.


  1. We understand that the current industry does not produce ready-made devices for extracting electricity from the ground, but these can be made from available materials.
  2. Please note that experiments with electricity are not without risk. Better yet, you will still get a specialist, at least at the final stage of assessing the level of security of the system.

Nature has a lot of alternative sources, you can remove electricity from the wind, sun, water... And you can also remove electricity from the ground. The method is not at all fantastic. By following the basic laws of electrostatics, the process becomes completely feasible.

Electrics from the ground

The earth is a kind of spherical capacitor, charged up to 300,000 V. In the middle of the surface there is a negative charge, and in the ionosphere there is a positive charge. The atmosphere acts as an insulator. Great currents flow through it, and the difference in potentials becomes unchanged.

From which it appears that there is a natural generator, which renews the loss of charge. It produces a magnetic field, which is always connected until it is possible to remove the electricity from the ground.

The process involves creating a reliable grounding on one side and connecting it to the generator pole on the other. If the first task is easy to implement, then the other one will have to tinker more kindly.

Electrics from the ground with your own hands

A conductor is installed on the surface of the earth to ground it. Then you need to think about a device that helps deprive the electrons of the conductor, the emitter. For this purpose, you can use a high-voltage generator or a device called a Tesla coil. The very result of this work is the deposited end force of the stream.

The top point is located at the highest level of the potential of the earth's electric field, as electrons begin to collapse up the mountain before it - where the emitter is located. Electrons are released from the metal conductor, and the stench, like them, is released into the atmosphere. Rukh is concerned until the potential there does not align with the electric field of the Earth until neutralization is achieved.

This is how the natural electric lance closes, and the living energy is turned on again.

It is important to note that the electric field is located above the grounding conductors. The role is played by all objects, trees, power lines, etc. Therefore, in order for the installation to work in people’s minds, it is necessary to raise more extensive connections, spiers and grounding devices.

This is how you can remove electricity from the ground. The diagram is in front of you

Natural generator

The natural question arises: “How can such installations spread throughout the entire Earth, how can they appear on its electric field?”

Of course, it is impossible to suppress the tension of this natural global structure at this time. Well, doctors note that during such permanent natural phenomena, such as storms, hurricanes, cyclones and so on, a lot of energy is wasted, but the Earth’s electric field is not weaker, so we can also assume those that are weaker there is electricity from the ground everywhere up to There will be no global changes on the planet.


As a result of these actions, to the negative pole of the connection there is a grounding path, and to the positive pole there is an additional conductor, a convective stream (the same electric one, but in which the transfer of charged particles is arranged).

As a result, it is simple and easy to install and operate, environmentally friendly and, above all, cheap.

Naturally, one succumbs to the vibrations, depending on the fate and weather of minds. However, these natural phenomena become slightly more than 30% of the average indicators. In any case, as an alternative, it comes from the earth and is even more promising.

It is important that most people are converted so that energy for their daily living can be extracted only from gas, coal and naphtha. The construction of hydroelectric power stations is a laborious and costly process. For the rest of the world, it is certain that reserves of natural firewood may soon run out. What's the point of working, where's the way out? Are the days of humanity no longer respected?

Everything for nothing

Research into types of “green energy” is continuing to be more and more intense, until the end of the day. On our planet, from the very beginning, there is all the life of mankind. It is only necessary to take this into account and use it for the good. How many people and just people who like to create such devices? as a generator of free energy, with your own hands, adhering to the laws of physics and powerless logic, to stop those who bring mercies to our people.

So what kind of manifestations are we talking about? Axle of these:

  • static or radiant natural electricity;
  • replacement of permanent and neodymium magnets;
  • maintaining heat from mechanical heating;
  • transformation of the energy of the earth;
  • Implosive vortex engines;
  • thermal sleep pumps.

In each of these technologies, in order to generate more energy, a minimal pulse is used.

Free energy with your own hands? For whom a mother needs to change her life, a lot of patience, diligence, a little knowledge and, of course, necessary tools and accessories.

Can water replace gasoline? What fools!

An engine that runs on alcohol, melodiously, is more reasonable than the idea of ​​​​distributing water into molecules of acid and water. Even school teachers say that this is a completely unprofitable way to obtain energy. However, there are already installations for the production of water using an effective method of electrolysis. Moreover, the volume of the gas contained in it is equal to the volume of cubic meters of water produced during this process. It is no less important that electrical costs are also minimal.

As for everything, in the near future, along the electric cars, the roads around the world will be filled with cars, the engines of which are running on the water. Installing an effective electrolysis unit is not exactly a generator of free energy. It’s difficult to pick up with your own hands. However, the method of continuously retaining water behind this technology can be combined with methods of capturing green energy, which will increase the efficiency of the process.

One of the undeservedly forgotten

Such devices do not require any maintenance at all. The stench is absolutely noiseless and does not cloud the atmosphere. One of the most prominent developments in eco-technology in Galusia is the principle of separating the struma from the ether from the theory of N. Tesley. A device that consists of two resonantly tuned transformer coils and an oscillating grounding circuit. Tesla first created a free energy generator with his own hands using the method of transmitting a radio signal to distant locations.

If you look at the surface spheres of the Earth as a great capacitor, you can see them as one jet-conducting plate. As another element of this system, the ionosphere (atmosphere) of the planet is saturated with cosmic exchanges (so-called ether). Electrical charges of opposite polarities flow steadily through these “plates”. To collect jets from near space, you need to prepare a free energy generator with your own hands. 2013 became one of the most productive years in the world. Everyone wants to buy cost-free electricity.

How to make a free energy generator with your own hands

The circuit of a single-phase resonant device of N. Tesla consists of the following blocks:

  1. Two primary rechargeable batteries of 12 st.
  2. From electrolytic capacitors.
  3. A generator that produces a standard frequency (50 Hz).
  4. Power supply unit, directing output transformer.
  5. Converts low voltage (12 V) voltage to high voltage (up to 3000 V).
  6. The primary transformer has a ratio of 1:100 windings.
  7. It drives the voltage of a transformer with a high-voltage winding and a string core, with a voltage of up to 30 W.
  8. The main transformer is without a core, with a subwinding.
  9. Step-down transformer.
  10. Ferite shear for grounding the system.

All units of the installation are connected according to the laws of physics. The system is adjusted to the confirmed way.

Isn’t it all true?

You can say that this is absurd, and even another rick, if you wanted to create a generator of free energy with your own hands - 2014. The circuit, as described above, simply charges the battery, according to the thoughts of many experimenters. At this point you can read this. Energy comes from the closed circuit of the system from the electric field of the output coils, which is maintained by the high-voltage transformer due to mutual expansion. And the charge of the battery creates and maintains the strength of the electric field. Reshta energy is coming from too much of a middle ground.

Burn-free device for removing cordless electrics

It appears that the magnetic field in any engine is due to its original production from copper or aluminum. In order to compensate for the inevitable loss of the support of these materials, the engine must constantly waste the most part of the energy that is generated to support the power field. This significantly reduces the CCD of the device.

The transformer, which operates from neodymium magnets, does not have a self-induction coil, apparently a loss connected to the support, daily. When the rotor is stationary, the rotor is vibrated, which turns around its field.

How to make a small generator of free energy with your own hands

The vikory scheme is as follows:

  • take the cooler (fan) from the computer;
  • remove 4 transformer coils;
  • replace with small neodymium magnets;
  • orient them at the exit directions of the coil;
  • By changing the position of the magnets, you can change the fluidity of the motor, which operates completely without electricity.

Such a device retains its usefulness until one of the magnets is removed from the lance. By adding a light bulb to the installation, you can easily light up the area. By using a powerful motor and magnets, the system can power not only a light bulb, but also other household electrical appliances.

About the principle of robot installation by Tariel Kapanadze

This famous generator of free energy with your own hands (25 kW, 100 kW) is based on the principle described by Nikola Tesla just last century. This resonant system is designed to produce a voltage that greatly outweighs the cob pulse. It is important to understand that this is not an eternal engine, but a machine for removing electrical components from natural components that are readily available.

To obtain a 50 Hz flow, 2 generators with a direct-current pulse and power diodes are used. For grounding, a ferite shear is used, which is stronger, and connects the surface of the Earth to the charge of the atmosphere (ether, according to N. Tesla). The coaxial cable is interlocked to supply a strong output voltage to the voltage supply.

In simple words, a free energy generator with your own hands (2014, T. Kapanadze’s scheme) removes only a single pulse from a 12 V generator. The device is built to live steadily with normal voltage, standard electrical appliances, heating, lighting, etc.

Collect a free energy generator with your own hands from self-powered circuits so as to close the lancet. Some clever people use this method to charge the battery, which gives an initial impulse to the system. With great care, it is important to recognize the fact that the output voltage is high. If you forget about being careful, you can shrug off a strong blow with a blow. So, just as a free energy generator of 25 kW with your own hands can bring both harm and danger.

Who needs everything?

You can create a generator of free energy with your own hands if you are a person who knows the basic laws of physics in school. The electrical life of the energy vein can be completely transferred to the environmentally friendly and accessible energy of the ether. With the use of such technologies, transport and manufacturing costs are reduced. The atmosphere of our planet will become cleaner, and the process of the “greenhouse effect” will begin to slow down.

The power supply for the cost-free extraction of electrical energy was provided by both good engineers, such as Nikola Tesla, and a whole bunch of liars, such as the most famous ones. The result of their work is a whole lack of schemes and methods for extracting energy from alternative sources. In reality, there are very few active installations or investigations that can carry practical value. In this article we will look at how you can remove electricity from the ground.

Is it possible?

First of all, let’s look at the technological diagrams and power supply data “how to get electricity from the ground?”, Let’s figure out how realistic it is.

It is important that there is a lot of energy in the earth, and if you create an installation, you will be harmless from it in the future. This is not the case, even though in order to remove the energy you need a small piece of earth and metal rods that you install in it. All the elements will be oxidized and the energy intake will end sooner or later. In addition, there is a lot of it left in the warehouse and in the soil itself.

In order to achieve good tension, a very large plot of earth is required, so that most of the energy released from the earth is enough to turn on a pair of LEDs or a small light bulb.

This means that energy from the earth can be withdrawn, or used as an alternative to electrical cuts.

Electrician from scratch and grounding

This method is suitable for those in private cabins where the stench disturbs the ground loop. Do you know that between the ground and zero darts there is often a potential difference of 10-20 Volts? This means that they can be victorious without harm. They can be moved using an additional transformer.

The energy allows such a rank of a healer not to lie. This voltage can be measured either with a voltmeter or by connecting between these two wires a low-voltage light bulb of the type that is installed in the parking lot or control panels of cars.

Important! Don’t confuse phase with zero – it’s not safe!

Warto note that as a grounding device, the vicor is grounded around the device from metal pins driven to a depth of at least 1 meter. A large pipeline will not give a good result. You can read the report from our official statistics.

Potential between land and land

This method also involves driving a metal rod into the ground until the wire is connected. Another wire is connected to the metal dahu. So you take off a couple of Volts. The circuit in such a circuit will be very small and it is not a fact that you need to remove it to turn on one LED.

The offensive method is simple chemistry. This is the most realistic and sensible way to remove electricity from the ground in household minds. For whom are copper and zinc electrodes required? The role may include plates, pins, pins. If the copper is widened, problems may arise with zinc, so it is easier to use a galvanized seal.

It is necessary to drive the electrodes into the ground at the new stand one way at a time. Acceptable distance is 1 meter at depth and 0.5 meters between electrodes. In this case, copper will be the cathode, and zinc will be the anode. The voltage of such an element can be close to 1-1.1 Volts. This means that in order to remove 12 volt electricity from the ground, you need to plug in 12 such electrodes and connect them in series.

The most important factor in such a battery is the area of ​​the electrodes, which can be stored and the strength of the current, as well as what is between them. In order for the battery to function properly, the earth is moist, for which it can be watered, and then the zinc electrode should be poured with salt or water. To increase the flow output, you can plug in more electrodes and connect them in parallel. All daily batteries and accumulators are controlled in this manner.

In the diagram below you will see another circuit of such a battery made from copper pipes and galvanized rods.

However, over time the electrodes will collapse and the battery will gradually start working.

Electrical removal method according to Bilousov

Valeriy Belousov has a lot of experience in attacking and defending against them. Vin is the author of books about cost-free energy and has developed a number of solutions to remove electricity from the ground.

In the diagram you can see two different grounding assignments. Here one of them is the grounding device, and the other, in the same order as the letter “A”, is the zero-voltage power supply. The following video demonstrates the operation of such an installation and describes the results that follow:

The recovered energy is sufficient to power one 220 Volt low voltage LED lamp. This method is easy to use at home, but can be easily implemented at home.

It is more possible to remove electrical equipment from the ground with your own hands. It’s difficult to talk about practical stagnation and the connection of hard workers. Don't start the refrigerator like that. Today, the only good source of electricity from the earth is natural resources such as coal, gas, fuel for nuclear power plants, etc.

Singingly, you don’t know:
