Presentation on the topic of the USSR after Stalin's death. Lenin's will

Presentation on the topic of the USSR after Stalin's death. Lenin's will

TESTAMENT OF LENIN I.V. Stalin: “Having become General Secretary, he concentrated immense power in his hands, and I am not sure whether he will always be able to use it carefully enough. Stalin is rude and this defect becomes intolerable in the post of General Secretary, I propose to remove Stalin from this post, replace him with a man more loyal, tolerant, polite to his comrades "

LENIN'S TESTAMENT N. Bukharin "The most valuable and outstanding theoretician of the party, is rightfully considered the favorite of the party, but his theoretical views can hardly be attributed to the Marxist" Pyatakov: "A man of undoubtedly outstanding abilities, but is too keen on administration.

Gg.: INTERNAL PARTY FIGHT Years Opponents Stalin Zinoviev Kamenev Trotsky Stalin Bukharin Rykov Zinoviev Kamenev ("new opposition") Stalin Bukharin Rykov Zinoviev Kamenev Trotsky ("united opposition" Messrs. Stalin Bukharin Rykov Tomsky ("right deviation")

REASONS FOR STALIN'S VICTORY: Support of the overwhelming part of the Bolshevik Guard Stalin managed to push the main rivals out of the political arena: 1927 - Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev were expelled from the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) 1929 Trotsky - expelled from the USSR 1932 was deprived of Soviet citizenship The party was restricted intelligentsia, representatives of the peasantry. The preference was given to the young, less literate. The party turned into an instrument of power for Stalin. Conditions for the creation of a totalitarian regime began to take shape. While in exile, he continued active political activity. He was killed in Mexico by the Spaniard R. Mercader, an agent of the NKVD.

The purpose of the lesson:to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe contradictory nature of the post-war Soviet reality, the essence of the Soviet state in 1953-1964.


  • Describe the results of the struggle for power after Stalin's death.
  • Tell about the origins and consequences of the crisis phenomena, processes in the USSR.
  • To reveal the meaning of the decisions of the XX Congress of the CPSU.

Lesson plan:

1. Stalin's heirs: in search of a new course.
2. The beginning of rehabilitation and the XX Congress of the CPSU.

The most important dates:

Prominent figures:G.M. Malenkov, L.P. Beria, N.S. Khrushchev.

Equipment: textbook, historical documents, presentation.


Teacher's word: On March 5, 1953, J.V. Stalin died. The reaction to Stalin's death was contradictory. In the camps, they frankly rejoiced at her, some were happy in the wild that they had managed to survive the "mustachioed dad", but most people felt deep and genuine grief. And how did Stalin's closest associates react? To whom will power pass? Stalin did not leave direct instructions "about the heir". In 1952, at the October Plenum of the Central Committee, Stalin made it clear that he would not like to see Molotov and Mikoyan among the candidates. Other "the leader's oldest comrades-in-arms" - Kaganovich and Voroshilov - have long since receded into the background. After the war, the positions of Malenkov, Beria and Khrushchev were noticeably strengthened (showing photographs). Malenkov succeeded after Stalin to the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Beria headed the united Ministry of Internal Affairs and State Security. Khrushchev took over the leadership of the secretariat of the CPSU Central Committee. So, immediately after Stalin's death, a fierce struggle for power begins.

Assignment to students: working with the text of paragraph 39, dividing into 3 creative groups, explore and analyze the stages of the struggle for power according to the plan:

  • The period of struggle.
  • Who took key positions.
  • Activity.
  • Results.

Checking the completion of the task and summing up the results of the study of the issue.

Opinions about N.S. Khrushchev is far from unambiguous. But no one denies that one of the most important things is his courageous behavior at the 20th Party Congress. Let's see this.

Partial rehabilitation has become a new political phenomenon (students write down a new term in a notebook). After long years of silence, violence, fear, submission to a single ideology, society openly started talking about all the lawlessness and atrocities that had taken place, and, probably, one of the notable moments of this process was that the initiative came not only from representatives of the top party leadership, but also from the middle and the lower strata of society, who for the vast majority of years perceived the situation as a natural necessity.

Question to students: Why did such drastic and largely unexpected changes take place? What are the reasons for this situation (students' answers).

The congress considered the issue of overcoming the personality cult and its consequences. The delegates approved the work of the Central Committee of the party aimed at restoring Leninist norms in party and state life. But few of the delegates to the 20th Congress of the CPSU imagined what awaited them at the morning meeting on February 25, 1956. For the majority of those present in the hall, the report by N.S. Khrushchev was a complete revelation, producing a truly shocking effect.

Assignment to students:working with additional material, draw up a response plan on the topic "XX Congress of the CPSU and its significance."

Conclusion: The 20th Party Congress was of great importance in the history of the development of the USSR and the Russian state as a whole.

Grading a lesson.

Home assignment:p. 39, answer questions.

March 5, 1953. For millions of Soviet people, Stalin's death was a real tragedy. After March 5, a four-day mourning period was declared throughout the country. For millions of Soviet people, Stalin's death was a real tragedy. After March 5, a four-day mourning period was declared throughout the country.

The first deputy of the Presovmina, again headed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs L.P. Beria tried to take on the role of a reformer. On March 27, 1953, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR announced an amnesty for all prisoners whose term was less than 5 years. Initiator of a mass amnesty. The desire to limit the interference of party bodies in economic affairs. L.P. Beria tried to take on the role of a reformer. On March 27, 1953, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR announced an amnesty for all prisoners whose term was less than 5 years. Initiator of a mass amnesty. The desire to limit the interference of party bodies in economic affairs.

Conspiracy to eliminate L.P. Beria. G.K. Zhukov took over the leadership of the operation to eliminate Beria. On June 26, 1953, Beria was arrested. In December 1953 he was sentenced to death, which was immediately executed. G.K. Zhukov took over the leadership of the operation to eliminate Beria. On June 26, 1953, Beria was arrested. In December 1953 he was sentenced to death, immediately carried out

Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR G.M. Malenkov. He gave a presentation on the legislative initiative on agricultural tax. At this time, the saying was born: "Malenkov came - ate some blinks." Members of the Presidium of the Central Committee began to fear the growth of influence of the still relatively young and ambitious leader.

NS Khrushchev began a one-man struggle for power. Defeat opponents and consolidate positions. From September 13, 1953 - First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, from March 27, 1958 - Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers. Defeat opponents and consolidate positions. From September 13, 1953 - First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, from March 27, 1958 - Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers.

XX Congress of the CPSU. Report by NS Khrushchev on the personality cult. Report by NS Khrushchev on the personality cult. Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU of June 30, 1956 "On the personality cult and overcoming its consequences." Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU of June 30, 1956 "On the personality cult and overcoming its consequences." March 4, 1956 - mass demonstrations in Tbilisi, where condemnation of the "personality cult" on March 4, 1956 - mass demonstrations in Tbilisi, where the condemnation of Stalin's "personality cult" was perceived as an insult to a national hero. Stalin was perceived as an insult to a national hero.

The growing discontent in society and the resignation of NS Khrushchev Dissatisfaction with the policy of NS Khrushchev covered many social groups of the population: townspeople, villagers, believers, intellectuals, military, officials of the party and state apparatus. October 14, 1964 - N.S. Khrushchev Removed from all posts. Discontent with the policy of NS Khrushchev covered many social groups of the population: townspeople, villagers, believers, intelligentsia, military, officials of the party and state apparatus. October 14, 1964 - N.S. Khrushchev Removed from all posts.

"Khrushchev's policy" -? Denomination? Housing reform? Pension reform. "?" "Interest Ask.". Group "Politicians". Virgin land gives excellent results. Reforms of N.S. Khrushchev: black or white? In terms of the pace of housing construction, the country has come out on top in the world. Group Questions: 1956. During the war, he was left without both legs.

Cold War - The USSR and the USA are equally responsible for unleashing the Cold War. Consequences of the Cold War for the USSR. 2nd point of view: the USSR is guilty. The beginning of the cold war. The Cold War was accompanied by: The degree of guilt of the superpowers in unleashing the Cold War. Political ambitions of the leaders of the USSR (Joseph Stalin) and the USA (Harry Truman).

"USSR in 1953-1964" - Struggle for power after Stalin's death. XX Congress of the CPSU Report by N.S. Khrushchev on the personality cult. Exposing the personality cult. 1953 - 1958 Results. N.S. Khrushchev, Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. The arrest of L.P. Beria June 26, 1953, trial, execution. Chairman of the Council of Ministers, again headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs. USSR in 1953-1964 1958 - 1964 Fighting Disagreements on economic and socio-political issues.

"Culture of the XX century" - Simple genres: Comics; Boulevard literature; Melodrama. Material and not spiritual Social and not personal External and not internal Convenient but not safe ... And this is what happens ... MAIN FEATURE The world is expressed in the form of geometric signs, structures. Masses of strangers. Changes in the economy affected the society, influenced the development of culture.

"Soviet Russia" - Supervised the construction of the fleet and the creation of a regular army. Developed atomic-molecular concepts of the structure of matter. XVII-XIX, early XX century. He contributed to the consolidation of the economic and political position of the nobility. He laid the foundations of physical chemistry. In 1972-73 she performed in the orchestra conducted by O. Lundstrem.

"Science of the 20th century" - Overview of inventions and experiments in pictures. Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople. Achievements in physics, chemistry and engineering. Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory. Economic and political impediments to scientific progress. The main physical observatory. 5 laboratories. The work of a student of grade 11 Fimkin Alexei.

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