Works of the writer Nekrasov in visual art. "Railway" N.Anekrasov Illustrations for the works of Nekrasov

Works of the writer Nekrasov in visual art. "Railway" N.Anekrasov Illustrations for the works of Nekrasov

14 April 2014 - author Svetlana

Albert Einstein said: "The life of a separate person makes sense only to the extent that it helps to make the lives of other people are more beautiful and noble."

Goal: To explore the detailed poem "Railway" N.A.Nekrasov; works of painting devoted to the problems raised in the poem; Create your illustrations. Tasks:

Show the attitude of Nekrasov to labor people and their oppressors; Help the listeners to present paintings and people in it depicted; Talk about the picture K.A. Savitsky, consider the illustration of I.S. Lelzunov, evaluate my illustrations to the poem of Nekrasov

Develop aesthetic feelings and emotions, creativity;

Rail in patriotism and love for artistic literature, reading, painting.

Planned results:

Personal: Awareness of the Project Problems and the desire to fulfill them;

MetaPered: Ability to organize your activities, identify its goals and objectives, the ability to conduct an independent search for information, the ability to interact with people, to work in a team, to express your opinion, own practical skills;

Subjects: Development of the ability to see and write images in fiction, in painting.

Development of universal training actions:

  • cognitive: the ability to analyze the artistic text in the unity of form and content, allocate the copyright position, expressively read by heart;
  • regulatory: ability to manage their activities (setting and formulating the goal, planning a sequence of activity); monitor and evaluate the results achieved by their and someone else's activities;
  • personal: Aware of the need to study this material, its further use;
  • communicative: ability to communicate and interact in pairs, extract information from various sources; own various types of speech and artistic activities.


1. Crash biography N.A.Nekrasov.

2. History of creating a poem "Railway". Artistic analysis of the text of the work.

3. Content and paintings of outstanding Russian artists to the poem of N.A.Nekrasov.

4. Money illustrations to the poem.

5. Summary of the arts (conclusions).

6. Literature list.

7. Appendix.

Introduction. Why did I choose this topic?

The school curriculum includes studying the work of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov "Railway". When we read this poem in the classroom, listened to the teachers, each other, I had an interest in this work. In the second lesson, we watched a presentation about the history of the construction of the Nikolaev Railway and considered the picture K.A. Savitsky, the reproduction of which is in the textbook. I was even more interested in this work, and I learned him by heart completely - all four parts. I am terribly sorry for the builders - the heroes of the poem of N.A.Nekrasov. I traveled through this railway from Moscow to Petersburg with my parents this summer, looked in the window coupe and rejoiced the beauty of our nature. And so, feeling all the content of the poem and skipping it through yourself, I wanted to write my illustrations. Two of them I will give my teacher of literature - Khmelevskaya Svetlana Anatolyevna - for memory, and other parents.

I dedicated to the Liru to the people.


1. Custom biography N.A.Nekrasov Nikolai Nikolai Alekseevich is a great Russian poet, a writer, a publicist, a recognized classic of world literature. Born on November 28 (October 10), 1821 in the family of a small -coming nobleman in the town of Nemirov Podolsk province. In addition to Nikolai Nekrasov in the family there were another 13 children. Father Nekrasova was a despotic man that left a trace on the character and further work of the poet. The first teacher Nikolai Nekrasov was his mother, a woman educated and perfectly brought up. She instilled a poet love for literature and Russian language. In the period from 1832 to 1837, N.Anekrasov studied in Yaroslavl gymnasium. The study was given to Nekrasov heavily, he often strolled classes. Then he began to write poems. In 1838, the Father, who always dreamed of a military career for his son, sent Nikolai Nekrasov to St. Petersburg to determine in the regiment. However, N.A. Nekrasov decided to enter the university. The entrance examinations did not succeed in the poet, and in the next 2 years he was a solid luster at the philological faculty. This contradicted the will of the Father, so Nekrasov remained without any material support from his part. The disasters that Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov faced in those years was reflected in his verses and the unfinished novel "Life and adventure of Tikhon Tikhonovikov". The poet's life was gradually improved, and he decided to release his first collection of poems "Dreams and Sounds". In 1841, N.A. Nekrasov began work in "domestic notes". In 1843, Nekrasov acquaintance with Belinsky, which was the emergence of realistic poems, the first of which "on the road" (1845), and the publication of two Almanakhov: "Physiology of St. Petersburg" (1845) and "St. Petersburg compilation" (1846). From 1847 to 1866, Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is the publisher and editor of the contemporary magazine, which printed the best revolutionary-democratic works of that time. During this period, Nekrasov wrote lyrical poems devoted to his civilian wife Panayeva, poems and poems cycles about the urban poor ("on the street", "On the weather"), about the fate of the people ("uncompressed band", "Railway" and others) , about peasant life ("peasant children", "Forgotten village", "Orina, Mother Soldiers'", "Frost, red nose", etc.). In 1850-60s, during the peasant reform, the poet creates a "poet and a citizen", "Song of Yeremushke", "Reflections from the Paradinary Podlet", the poem "Corobeiniki". In 1862, after the arrest of the leaders of the revolutionary democracy, N.A. Nekrasov visited the Greek. So there was a lyrical poem "Knight for an hour" (1862). In 1866, the "contemporary" was closed. Nekrasov acquired the right to publish the journal "Patrican Notes", with which they were associated last years His life. In these years, the poet writes the poem "Who in Russia live well" (1866-76), the poems about the Decembrists and their wives ("Grandfather" (1870); "Russian women" (1871-72), satirical poem "Contemporaries "(1875). In 1875, N. N.A. Nekrasov got seriously ill. Doctors have discovered the intestinal cancer, and complex operations did not give the desired result. The last years of the poet covered elegic motives related to the loss of friends, the awareness of loneliness, severe illness . During this period, works are: "Three Elegia" (1873), "Morning", "Ugly", "Elegy" (1874), "Prophet" (1874), "Saders" (1876). In 1877 The year was created by the cycle of poems "the latest songs". On December 27, 1877 Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov died in St. Petersburg. The poet's body was buried in St. Petersburg at the Novodevichy cemetery.

2. The history of the creation of the poem "Railway". Artistic analysis of the text of the work. The work is based on the facts associated with construction in 1842-1852. Nikolaev Railway, connecting Moscow and Petersburg. When creating a poem of Nekrasov, relied on materials of journal and newspaper publications on the difficult situation of railway builders in Russia (about this, for example, wrote N. A. Dobrolyubov in the article "Experience to teach people from food", 1860 and V. A. Slepts Cycle essays "Vladimirk and Klyazma", 1861), as well as on evidence of people who have directly involved in the construction of the Nikolaev Railway. One of them was a close familiar poet engineer V. A. Panayev, who told: "Executes were mainly hired in the Vitebsk and Vilen provinces from Lithuanians. It was the most unfortunate people on the whole of Russian land, which was not more likely to people, but on working cattle, from which inhuman forces demanded without any, can be said, remuneration. " In the "railway" presented a wide fabuliety of people's life. But this does not limit the content of the work. It reflected the poet's meditation about the fate of the people, his past, present and future. This largely determined the complex shaped-artistic structure of the poem, in which the signs of many poetic genres were merged into organic unity, which had already used in Nekrasov's poetry: landscape sketches, folk song, due, tale, not discharge the lightning conversation, satire. Diversity and sound tonality of poem. In the voice of the lyrical hero, then enthusiastic notes are heard when contemplating the delightful paintings of the lunar night, flashing behind the windows of the car, then sorrowful intonations at the sight of the plight of the construction workers, then the confidence in the disadvantageous forces of the people, then bitter irony in the description of the "Otradny Picture", wedding The end of the construction of the railway. "Railway" - the product is largely a polemical. The author seeks to refute the false statement of the general that the road built the Count Kleinmichel, and convincingly proved that the true creator of her and the Creator of the whole beautiful, created by mankind, is the people. And the builders themselves understand this and are proud of the fruits of their work. This understanding brings together the author and builders-men who do not curse them created, although it seems, and could - because "on the sides, all the bones of the Russians." They are not at all indifferent and what will happen after them. "On the night of this lunar / anyone to see your work," they sing. And completely in men, the storyterers feed the storyterars. The concepts of "work" and the "railway" in the poem are filled with different contents: this is the embodiment of creative folk learning, and a symbol of hard, cautious work, and the basis for building a future happy life that once again talks about the proximity of the views of the author-narrator and the people. As in the other works, Nekrasov in the Railway sings the anthem to the heroism of the people, who endured all the severity of incredible labor on his shoulders, and believes that people in the end will be able to pave the way to happiness and, at the same time, can not not see their slave long-suffering. Which of these two components - heroism or bad submissions - will win the people, Nekrasov did not cause doubts. Only, in his opinion, the people will not soon be able to wander the "wide, clear" road to a new life. From here and his lying bitterness and sadness of the words addressed to Wan: "It is a pity only - to live at this time of the beautiful / I will not have to me nor you." There is too dark and scored the people and very soon will be able to awaken from stupid and declare his rights to a decent existence, as evidenced by the final part of the poem. Nevertheless, the "railway" - the work is optimistic, as it called to the transformation of life and was drawn not only to the random fellow traveler, and to the whole young generation of the 1860s, which just survived the persecution and persecution. Nekrasov called on young people not to lose faith in the people, in the final victory of the ideals of good and justice, which, although not soon, but must come. 2.1. . Characteristics of the product of the lyrical genre (type of lyrics, art method, genre).

Poem we can attribute to civil lyrics. The genre-composite structure is complex. It is built in the form of a conversation of passengers, the conditioned fellow traveler is the author himself. The main topic is meditation about the heavy, tragic fate of the Russian people. Some researchers call the "railway" by the poem, the synthesizing elements of various genre forms: drama, satire, songs and ballads. 2.2. Analysis of the content of the work (analysis of the plot, characteristic of the lyrical hero, motifs and tonality).

The "Railway" opens with the epigraph - a conversation of Vanya with his father about who built the railway on which they ride. To the question of the boy, the general replies: "Count Kleinmichel." Then the author comes into action, which at first acts as a passenger observer. And in the first part we see the paintings of Russia, the beautiful autumn landscape:

The air is tired of the power of Bodriti;

As if as melting sugar lies;
Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space! -

Yellow and fresh lie, like a carpet.

This landscape was created in the direction of Pushkin Tradition:

October has come - the grove docks
The last sheets with the naked branches;
Duffled the autumn chlad - the road freezes.
Zhurch still runs for the mill of the stream,
But the pond has already frozen; My neighbor is hurry
In the departure of the field with her hunt ...

These sketches are performed in the plot of the work of the exposure function. The lyrical hero Nekrasov admires the beauty of a modest Russian nature, where everything is so good: and "frosty nights", and "clear, quiet days", and "moss swamps", and "stumps." And as if he would notice in passing: "There is no ugly in nature!". Thus, antithesis are prepared, on the basis of which all the poem is built. So, beautiful nature, where everything is reasonable and harmonious, the author contrasts the author, which are curly in human society.

And this opposition we have already in the second part, in the speech of the lyrical hero facing Vane:

This work, Vanya, was terribly gromen -
Not on the shoulder one!
There is a king in the world: this king is merciless
Hunger name to him.

By opposing the general, he opens the boys to the truth about the construction of the railway. Here we see the taste and development of action. The lyrical hero suggests that many workers were doomed to death on this construction. Next, we see a fantastic picture:

Chu! Exclamant heard terrible!
Topot and crossed teeth;
The shadow came to the glasses of frost ...
What is there? The crowd of the dead!

As noted by the like. Buslakov, "A reminiscent source of this picture is a scene of dance" quiet shadows "in the Ballade V.A. Zhukovsky "Lyudmila" (1808):

"Chu! The leaf shook the leaf.
Chu! A whistle rang out in the wilderness.

The rustle of quiet shadows hear:
Per hour of midnight visions
In the house clouds, crowd,
Dust leaving the coffin
From late months by sunrise
Light, light round dance
In the chain, air flew ...

With the meaning of two close ... episode is a gravy. Nekrasov artistic purpose becomes the desire not only to submit evidence, unlike Zhukovsky, "terrifying" truth, but to awaken the conscience of the reader .. Next, the image of the people is specified in Nekrasov. From the bitter song of the Deads, we learn about their unfortunate fate:

With ever bent back

We have undergone, God's warriors,
Peaceful children of labor!

... hair rus,
See, it is worth the lightedness,
Tall, patient Belarusian:
Lips bloodless, eyelids fallen,
Ulcers on skinny hands

Legs swollen; Cholodun in the hair;
Yamoy the chest that carefully
From day to day, ran all day ...

It's hard to get my bread!

Here, the lyrical hero indicates its position. In the call, facing Vane, he reveals his attitude towards the people. Huge respect for workers, "brothers", to their feat sounds in the following lines:

This habit of work noble
We would not be impaired with you ...
Bless the work of the people
And learn the peasant to respect.

And the second part ends on an optimistic note: the lyrical hero believes due to the Russian people, in its special fate, in a bright future:

Yes, not Roby for the depletion of the kind ...
Ruled Russian people enough
Made this road iron -
Will lead everything that the Lord is not sent!

Will lead everything - and wide, clear
Breastway will pave myself.

These lines are culminating in the development of a lyrical plot. The image of the road here acquires metaphorical meaning: This is the special path of the Russian people, the special path of Russia. The third part of the poem is opposed to the second. Here is the father of Vanya, the general, expresses his views. In his opinion, the Russian people are "barbarians", "wild-creation of drunks". Unlike the lyrical hero, it is skeptical. The antithesis is present in the content of the third part. Here we meet Reminiscence from Pushkin: "Or for you Apollo Belvedere is worse than a stove pot?". The general here rephrases Pushkin lines from the poet and crowd poem:

You would use everything - by weight
Culmy You appreciate Belvedere.
You benefit, do not know the benefit.
But the marble of this is God! .. So what?
Chimney pot is more expensive:
You cook yourself in it.

However, "The author himself enters the controversy with Pushkin. For him, poetry is unacceptable, the content of which is the "sounds of sweet and prayers" ..., and the role of the Priest's poet. He is ready to "give ... bold lessons", rush to the battle for the folk "benefits". The fourth part is a household sketch. This is a kind of disconnection in the development of the topic. With bitter irony, satirically lyrical hero draws a picture of the end of the work. Workers do nothing, because each "contractor should have remained." And when he forgives him arrears, it causes violent education in the people:

Here and the lazy could not resist!

Rectaging the people of horses - and Kupchina

It seems difficult to grow old picture
Draw, General?

There is also an antithesis in this part. Contractor, "Essential Laba", the forens are opposed to a deceived, patient people here. 2.3 Features of the composition of the work. Analysis of the means of artistic expressiveness and poems (the presence of paths and stylistic shapes, rhythm, size, rhyme, stroke).

Composite work is divided into four parts. It is written by four-stranded dactyl, rhymes, rhymes - cross. The poet uses various means of artistic expressiveness: epithets ("poorest air", "at the time beautiful"), the metaphor ("will lead everything - and wide, clear breasts will pave myself ..."), comparison ("Ice faster on a student river as a melting Sugar Lies "), AnaFor (" Driving a contractor on the holiday in a holiday, goes to see his work "), the inversion" this habit to the work is noble "). Researchers noted the diversity of lyrical intonations (narrative, colloquial, declamation) in the poem. However, all of them painted with a song tonality. The scene depicting the dead bridges the "railroad" to the ballading genre. The first part reminds us the landscape miniature. The dictionary and syntax of the works are neutral. Analyzing the phonetic system of the work, we note the availability of alliteration ("Leaves to fade have not yet been") and Assonance ("Everywhere I will find out Russia ...").

2.4 The value of the poem for the entire creativity of the poet ... The poem "Railway" was very popular among the contemporaries of the poet. One of the reasons is the sincerity and the laughter of the feelings of the lyrical hero. As K. Chukovsky noted, "Nakrasov ... in the" railway "and anger, and sarcasm, and tenderness, and longing, and hope, and every feeling is huge, every one has been adjusted to the limit ..." N.Nekrasov - Poet whose poet Popularity at one time eclipsed the popularity of Pushkin himself. This is largely due to the fact that the main theme of its poetry of Nekrasov did the people, his bitter share, a long-suffering destiny: "I dedicated to the people to the Liru." Nekrasov - a man of his time. No one, besides him, could not express the major alarm of the era - alarming for the fate of his country, which was understood as the fate of the multi-million people. Whatever side of life has touched the poet, everywhere he saw the human suffering and tears, injustice and cruelty towards the people, whether the city street, the hospital for the poor, railway mound or an uncompressed band behind the village.

3. Pictures and illustrations of outstanding artists to the poem of N.A.Nekrasov "Railway".

What do not say, and you should show the vitality and importance of Russia, art will be the best expression of this intellectual force ... Savitsky K.A.

3.1. Fishing N.A. Snekrasov and Painting K.A. Savitsky * Repair work On the railway, "1874, the picture" Repair work on the railroad "is written in the same year as" burly "I.E.Repina: both pictures are close in ideological orientation. Consider closely the picture of K.A. Savitsky to understand the artist's intent (see the beginning).

A large part of the picture occupies a huge variety in which a large group of workers moves in different directions. They are driving sand on the wheelbar. Most of them are moving from below to the viewer, which allows you to see the limit voltage of workers. In the foreground, it emphasizes the pile of broken herb, who could not withstood the severity of the goods. In the center of the foreground of the picture - the Bogatyr, a folded worker in a strong jerk rolls forward his wheelbarrow. On the right and to the left of it are the figures, showing that the forces of the farms are dried: the elderly worker, straightened in the strap, can not pull the wheelbarrow, although it pushes his comrade. Behind the pile of broken butter, the same limit voltage see the young man, with some desperation of the driving wheelbarrow; Near the thin, exhausted worker is powerless in the strap. On both sides, embankments of the railway canvase rose, as if closing the output of the working from this hell. The scorching sun and brown-yellow sand throughout people work. Good only away, in the center of the top of the painting: there is a transfer, a green grass and a pigeon sky. But the output to the other side blocks a sharply defined figure of the foreman with a stick in his hand. Despite the fact that the foreman is given a different plan, his figure is allocated: the pose is stationary and calm. It is emphasized right standing, it is indifferently looking at the bent backs of the workers. His clothing (red shirt, caftan, boots, grooved cards) is neat, which contrasts with clothing workers, somehow dressed in rags. The color of the picture causes the same impression from the viewer as the overall composition, and strengthens the ideological direction of the picture undoubtedly that this picture makes it difficult to recall the famous poem of N.A.Nekrasov "Railway", written for a decade earlier:

We died under the heat, under the cold,
With ever bent back
Lived in dugouts, fighting with hunger,
Merzley and Mokley, sick in Qing.

Robbed us addresses in the foreman,
SELLY BURNERY, pressed the need ...

But how is the main thought of poem from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe picture? Non-efficient at first glance painting of nature ("Kochi, and moss swamps, and stumps") become beautiful under the magical "lunar radiance", it is a part of the huge "Rami Rus." In nature there is a lot that seems ugly, but this is our homeland. And only from the person himself depends on how he will see his homeland: the eyes of a loving son or a critical gaze of the connoisseur of the beautiful. In the life of the people, too, there is a lot of terrible and ugly, but, according to Nekrasov, it should not obscure the main thing: the creative role of a simple worker. The narrator after the terrible paintings of subaneight labor offers Wan to look closely towards the builders of the railway and learn the "man to respect." The poet says that this work is not at all pleasure, he is hard, a man urged, but such work is worthy of respect, as it is necessary. Awareness of the creative strength of labor gives Nekrasov faith in the future. * Konstantin Apolloovich Savitsky (1845 - 1905) is an active participant in the "partnership of mobile art exhibitions". His paintings are a bright protest against war ("on war", 1880), religious dope ("Meeting icons", 1878), exploitation of a simple people ("Repair work on the railway", 1874). Born in Taganrog in the family of a military doctor. He studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, where he was one of the best disciples. In 1871, for the excellent execution of the painting on the biblical plot "Cain and Abel" he received a gold medal. The creative style of the artist was formed under the influence of friendship with I.E.Repinin, I.N. Kramsky, M.M. Ankokolsky, with whom Savitsky became close to the Academy of Arts, Ideas of Magnification. In 1874, the artist introduced the painting "Repair work on the railway" on the III mobile exhibition, which made the name of the author widely known. One of the most significant works of the artist reflects the whole phenomenon of its modern life, where ordinary people become the main characters. The masterfully built multifigure composition perfectly conveys the artist's characteristic of the late work of the artist "Choral Beginning", Rhythm and tensions of the hardest peasants working in the fields on the construction of the railway. The plan fits and flavor the paintings, built on the tonal unity of gray, yellow, blue-gray, brown paints. P.M.Trevyakov acquired her for her gallery, the young artist was able to go to France, where Savitsky studied the experience of French painters, worked on the problem of the Plenuary ("Sea in Normandy (fisherman in trouble)", 1875; "Travelers In Overnie, "1876). Returning to Russia, in the following years the artist created several multifiant paintings "Meeting Icons" and "On War", which were his response to events related to the events in 1877 russian-Turkish war. The main theme These weretes became the fate of the peasantry, apparently in connection with these works of Savitsky will later be called "Nekrasov in painting". For more than 20 years he gave pedagogical activities, working in artistic collections of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Penza. In 1897 he was awarded the rank of academician painting. Savitsky died in Penza January 31, 1905.

3.2.I. Glazunov. Illustration to N. Nekrasov's poem "Railway". 1970.

The artist is obliged to understand and express, first of all, his time with his arrangement of power, with his understanding of good and evil, with his understanding of the harmony of peace and the appointment of art. Each artwork, carrying the truth about a person, about the darkness and light of his spiritual quest, is a feat that requires civilian courage from the artist.

I.S. Glazunov

Glazunov Ilya Sergeevich. (Born on June 10, 1930). Rector of the Russian Academy of Painting and Architecture, Valid Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Professor, People's Artist of the USSR, Honorary Member of the Royal Academies of Arts Madrid and Barcelona, \u200b\u200bCavalier "Gold Medal Picasso" Awards UNESCO for their contribution to world culture , Javaharlala Nehru Prize winner, Winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation. Ilya Glazunov is an artist, around whose name is that for several decades there are no disputes. The increment of the public is accompanied by an acute criticism, in spite of everything, the interest in the work of this outstanding person does not weaken. "The artist made me Leningrad," he says, "with his grudges of slender houses, his Palace Square, His Neva, Bridges, Wind ... Hermitage - Flinking as if candles, reflected in the parquet, Dark breakthroughs of paintings in gilded frames ... how much I remember yourself - drew. The first impression in the conscious life is a piece of blue sky with a dazzling white cloud foam, the road, sinking in the field of daisies, and a mysterious forest away. From this flash, as if someone included me, saying: "Live!" "It is possible to be proud of the glory of its ancestors, but it should not respect it - there is a shameful indifference" - these words of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin became the motto of Glazunov in working on the "History of Russia" cycle. "The history of Russia is daring and war, fires and dismays, mounds and executions, victories and accomplishments," says the artist. - There were moments of humiliation, but poured an hour, and Russia was reborn from the ashes even more, stronger and more amazing. The history of Russia is the Red Flame of the Revolution and Faith in the future. But there is no future without the past. I believe in the future of mankind, I believe that it carries new spiritual art, equal to the tops of the past and, maybe, more high ... "For more than 20 years, he devoted the artist with the" History of Russia "cycle and continues him. "Oleg with Igor", "Prince Igor", "Two Prince", "Russian Ikar", "Wires of Forces", "Kanun" (Dmitry Donskoy and Sergius Radonezhsky on the eve of the Kulikovsky battle), "Andrei Rublev", "Russian Beauty" , "Mysteries of the 20th century", "Eternal Russia" and many other canvas are challenging the difficult and heroic fate of ancient Russia. An important stage of artist's creativity is an illustration of literary works. If the cycle "City" is compared with lyrical verses, then the cycle of illustrations write that in it, Russia appears in all its social versatility, multifacetedness. Illustrations for the works of Melnikov-Pechersk, Nikitin, Nekrasov, Leskova, Ostrovsky, Lermontov, Blok, Kupper ... From reading the entire writer, from his books of Glazunov seeks to recreate the visible image of the Motherland - as he crystallized in the soul of the writer. And what is as a result of Glazunov, not always "Illustration" in the literal sense of the word: this is a picturesque addition to the text of the writer, and an independent work. The cycle of such works is a peculiar picturesque encyclopedia of the Russian life of the former times. The name of the artist Glazunov is sometimes associated with the name F.M. Dostoevsky; The cycle of illustrations, made to his works, in a visible form conveys the thought-images of a writer. Dostoevsky taught Glazunov "look for a man in man," in everyday reality feel the great move of times with his energous fierce fight of good and evil, "where the battlefield is a heart of a person."

4.Mimi illustration I also wanted to write my illustrations to the poem of N.A.Nekrasov "Railway". Firstly, I really liked this work, so I learned it completely by heart and told the literature lesson, for which I got "excellent" in a classroom magazine. Secondly, I study at an art school and it became interesting for me to try myself as an illustrator. Thirdly, of course, I was supported in my impulse and teacher of literature, and parents.

Illustration of the first "nice autumn! Healthy, crooked air tired forces Bodrit

In the picture, I portrayed the edge of the forest, filled with bright leaves. In the edge, flows the stream. With lunar radiance, thin ice, slightly covered a small river. All this I draw a gouache, with the help of a roller and sponge. It was the sponge that I made a glare on the trees and the edge of the forest, covered with leaves.

Nice autumn! Healthy, poorer
The air is tired of the power of Bodriti;
Ice faster on the student river
As if as melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves fade still did not have time
Yellow and fresh lie, like a carpet.

Nice autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days ...
No ugly in nature! And Kochi,
And moss swamps and stumps

Everything is good under the shine lunar,
Everywhere the birth of Rus I recognize ...
I quickly fly on cast iron rails,
I think my duma ...

Illustration of the second "good dad! What in the charm of smart Vanya to keep? "

In this picture I wrote a train coupe, in which Vanya sit, his dad and N.A.Nekrasov. This is a storyline. Papasha-general is dressed in a rich coat on a red lining, and Vanyusha in Kucher Armenia and Nekrasov in a simple ordinary coat. And in this lunar night, the narrator asks for permission from the general to tell Vanyus about the history of the creation of the railway, according to which they travel from Moscow to St. Petersburg, and, in particular, about its builders. As it was difficult, how to respect their work. I draw this picture with a gouache, in some places using a dry brush.

Good dad! What in charm
Smart Vanya keep?
You allow me when lunar shine
The truth is to show him.

This work, Vanya, was scary hassle
Not on the shoulder one!
There is a king in the world: this king is free
Hunger title to Him.

An illustration of the third "you see, standing, exhausted by a fever, tall patient Belarusian"

In this picture I imagined the patient of Belarus. To better convey the gloomy, frightening atmosphere and the disease of the Belarusian, I used the blur, dull and dark shades of Guashi. I wrote the picture itself with a dry brush. I was very sorry for this Belarusian, so I painted neatly, slowly.

Shame to rob, close the glove,
You're not small! .. Rus with hair,
You see, it is worth it, I can be lighted
Tall patient Belarusian:

Lips bloodless, eyelids fallen,
Ulcers on skinny hands
Forever in the water knee-standing
Legs swollen; Cholodun in the hair;

Yamoy the chest that carefully
From day to day, ran the entire age ...
You look at him, Vanya, carefully:
It's hard to get my bread!

Did not disperse his back hump
He and now else: stupidly silent
And mechanically rusty blades
Merzloy earth is hammering!

Illustration of the fourth "Listen, my dear: Works Fature Currency"

In this picture I portrayed how the peasants' works ended, but it turned out that they were deceived. They did not receive anything for such a great work: neither money, no awards, on the contrary, should remain. In order to transfer the oppressive, and at the same time, the joyful situation (after all, the works ended), I used the okhru and black gouache. The picture wrote a dry brush.

Listen, my cute: Works Fathers
Cumbenage - German lines puts.
Dead in the ground buried; sick
Hidden in dugouts; Working people

Tight gurboy at the office gathered ...
Circling firmly, they are:
Every Contractor should have remained,
Steel in a penny Walking days!

Everyone entered the foreman in the book -
Whether he took the bath, whether the patient lay:
"Maybe there is here Terecherich Lishka,
Yes, here, look! .. "waved by hand

Illustration of the fifth "in the blue kaftan an honorary labaznik"

In this picture, I wrote a thick labār who sits on a horse and praises workers. And for their enormous work, he gives them a barrel of wine, as if, in my opinion, in his joof. But even this peasants and workers - all the builders of the railway were glad. I painted this picture with gouache and roller.

In the blue caftan - a venerable labaznik,
Thick, additive, red, like copper,
Driving contractor on the holiday,
Drives your work to see.

Celebrated people are broken by Chinno ...
Sweat otirate
And he says, occupying picture:
"Okay ... Neshto ... Well done! .. Well done! ..

With God, now at home, - Probravalya!
(Shadow's caps - if I say!)
Barrel worker wines exhibiting
And - I give an arrears! .. "

Someone "Hurray" shouted. Picked up
Louder, more friendly, longer ... Look:
With the song of the foreman barrel rolled ...
Here and the lazy could not resist!

Rectaging the people of horses - and Kupchina
With a cry "Hurray!" On the way I remembered ...
It seems difficult to make an express picture
Draw, General? ..

5. Commonwealth of Arts. Conclusions.

By making this project, I learned a lot of new and important for my future life: - about the life and work of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, the great Russian poet, about the important period of his work, about the history of the creation of the poem "Railway"; - About the life and work of Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky, the Great Russian artist, who did not know anything before the project, about the history of the creation of the painting "Repair work on the railway. 1874 "; - about the life and work of Ilya Sergeevich Glazunov, a famous Russian artist, my contemporary, who wrote illustrations with interest to the works of N.A. Nekrasov; - And finally, I wanted to become the most illustrator to the poem "Railway", and to see everything in my own, the eyes of a thirteen-year-old girl living in the twenty-first century. I agree with the words of I.S. Lelzunova that "every artistic work carrying the truth about a person, about the darkness and light of his spiritual quest, is a feat that requires civilian courage." The main topic of its poetry of Nekrasov was made by the people, his bitter share, a long-suffering destiny: "I dedicated to the people to the Liru." Nekrasov - a man of his time. No one, besides him, could not express the major alarm of the era - alarming for the fate of his country, which was understood as the fate of the multi-million people. Whatever side of life has touched the poet, everywhere he saw the human suffering and tears, injustice and cruelty towards the people, whether the city street, the hospital for the poor, railway mound or an uncompressed band behind the village.

6. References. 1. 2. 3 Lebedev, A. from the bibliography about N. A. Nekrasov (a list of basic literature for teachers in the last 10 years). - "Literature at school", 2012, № 2, p. 79-80. 4. Chukovsky k.I. N. N. N.A. In KN. Nekrasova N.A. Poems for children with 3-12 M., "Children's literature", 1972 5. Works of the school program in a brief statement of N. N.A. from 206-207 M., Rodin and Company, Publishing House AST, 1998 6. L.A. Rosanova. About the work of N.A. Nekrasova - M., 1988 7. N.N. Skatov. "I dedicated to the Liua to the people" - M., 1985 8. N.I. Yakushin. The trail to Nekrasov - M., 1987 Review of the research project of the student of the student 7 "B" class MOU "Gymnasium" Dmitrov "Mokhnacheva Mary Alexandrovna. The work of Mochnacheva Mary is dedicated to the poem of N.A. Snekrasov, the works of painting, written in Him, and creating their own illustrations to this poem. The relevance of the topic is no doubt, because this work is included in the school curriculum and the teacher can use the car project in its teaching activities. The modern world has a great influence on the younger generation, values \u200b\u200bchange, and the project of Masha has a beneficial effect on peers. The author set itself the goal to explore the poem, the history of the creation of the Nikolaev railway and write its own illustrations. Masha was taken serious work on the study of the images of the poem, the fact, the problems, she learned him completely, and not the passage as others, met the work of K.A. Savitsky and I.S. Lelzunov, wrote his illustrations that the school office of literature would give memory. In his work, Masha describes the study step by step and on specific examples shows the solution of the tasks. The peer-reviewed project is a serious and interesting job. It is performed by high level, Contains a number of conclusions of interest. The material in the work is set out consistently and clearly. Conclusions and conclusion are made correctly. I believe that the research project of Mokhnacheva Mary Alexandrovna can be presented at the regional scientific-practical conference and deserves the head of the department of teachers of the Russian language and literature _Hmelevskaya S.A.________________________________ / О.О. / «_7__» __APrel _____________ 2014

PB., Akvilon, 1922. 91, p. with il.; 20.8x15.5 cm. - 1200 copies, of which 60 copies. Named, 1140 copies. (1-1140) numbered. In an illustrated color publishing cover. On the back of the title, read: "Title leaf, illustration, screensavers and ending - autolithography B.M. Kustodiev. " IN good video Big ramp!

To publish this book in Akvilon, they conceived by Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. The book contains familiar to everyone since childhood a poem: "Vlas", "Korobechniki", "Uncle Yakov", "Beeles", "General Toptygin", "Grandfather Mazay and Hares". Its registration was entrusted to the close friend F.F. NotgaFta Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev. For publication used paper versions. The cover made of soft cardboard is printed in three paints in the technique of zincography: Against the background of the pattern (yellow five-point sockets between bluishwater lifts) there is an oval medallion, in which a barcode drawing (a man with scythe), the name of the book (with the name of the author), the name of the artist, Name of publisher, place and year of publication. In the book 30 of the illustrations: 8 page, 11 screensavers and 11 endings. Title leaf and illustrations are executed in the technique of monochrome autolithography.

The illustrations are not placed on separate inserts, but on the page with the text, for which it was necessary to print a book in two runs: the first time - on a high printing machine, the second - on a lithograph machine; At the same time, the pages turn remained clean. "Here, very subtle and tactful compliance with the text combined with the expressive skill of the technique and the most typographical execution: books with illustrations, lithographic and not pasted or inserted into the text, and printed on the same page with a set, we just did not know until now," - I wrote A.A. Sidorov. Kustodiev set itself the task of not retelling graphically the content of each poem, and emotionally add it. In landscape sketches, still lifes, household Siena artist, avoiding accented stylization, managed using a soft silver line, "flickering" strokes, velvety gamma tone shadows. Transfer Russian national flavor. The book was recognized as masterpiece of typographical art. "" Six Nekrasov poems "- not only great achievement "Akvonona", but in general, one of the wonderful phenomena in the history of the Russian book, "said Garlers, and Sidorov called this edition" Pure Gold Book Art, who was the most beautiful from the victories of Akvonon and our pride. "

In 1919, the story of L.N. appeared in the "People's Library" Tolstoy "Candle" with Custodiev illustrations, made before the revolution for St. Petersburg Literacy Society. Considering the achievement of the artist should recognize the cycle of illustrations to the "thunderstorm" A.N.ostrovsky. Favorite them and well known to him merchant theme Ponov began to play in the miser drawings. With the beginning of a new economic policy (NEP), private publishers appeared in the country. One of them was founded in September 1921, Petrogradsky Akvilon, which was headed by art historian Fedor Fedorovich Nothgustom (1886-1942). This publisher worked for an incomplete three years and released only 22 books that were increasing a small circulation of 5001,500 copies. It was like an antithesis of the State Grade, whose editions are approaching millions. "Akvilon" consciously focused not on the mass reader, but on lovers, on bibliophiles. His books forever entered the Gold Fund of Russian Artwork. Among them, for example, "White Nights" F.M. Dostoevsky and "Poor Lisa" N.M. Karamzin with illustrations M.V. Dobuzhinsky, "Poem" A.A. Feta decorated by V.M. Konashevich ... In the Commonwealth with Akvilon, Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev created three books.

The first of them is the collection "Six Nekrasov poems" - became undisputed masterpiece. This book was surprisingly wrote about this book; So, in the big monograph of Victoria Efimovna Lebedeva, only four paragraphs are devoted to her. "Six Nekrasov poems", conceived as a biblistic edition, were published in March 1922 and were confined to 100th anniversary of the poet's birth. A total of 1200 copies were printed, and 60 of them were nominated, indicating the name of the future owner, and 1140 - numbered. The ordinal numbers were written by hand. The author of these strings belongs to the copy No. 1019, bought at one time in the bucinistic store, it is funny to say for 5 rubles. In 1922, at the time of hyperinflants, the book was sold for 3 million rubles. The work of the published book of 15th state typography (previously typography of the partnership of the Golita and Vilborg, and now the printing house named Ivan Fedorov) complicated not only manual numbering of instances. In the process of work on it B.M. Kustodiev is mastering a new technique for himself - lithography. He did drawings with a lithograph pencil on the so-called Cornpapire, and then they were then translated into a lithograph stone. For a printing enterprise, it created certain difficulties, because the text of the "poems" was reproduced with a typographic set of high printing. Since the elements of decoration were mainly on one lane with a set, then the sheets had to be printed in a few runs - the first time on the high printing machine, and the second - on the lithograph machine, most likely manual.

Speaking about the technique of reproducing "six poems of Nekrasov", Alexey Alekseevich Sidorov in the book, summing up the development of graphic art for the first five post-revolutionary years, wrote: "Here, very subtle and tactful compliance with the text was combined with ... the expressive skill of the technique and the most typographical execution: Books with illustrations, lithographic and not pasted or inserted into text, but we simply did not know on the same page with a set ... ". The complexity of the printing performance influenced the prostate price of the book, which is an order of magnitude exceeded the prices of other Akvonov editions. "Poems" were enclosed in a cover of soft cardboard, printed in three paints. The main background was a simple pattern of yellow five-point sockets surrounded by bluish wavy lines. On the upper side, an oval medallion was provided, in which all the necessary inscriptions and a stroke pattern, depicting a peasant with oblique, were reproduced on the black paint. The plot of the picture, as it were, suggested the reader that the poems are devoted to peasant life. So it was: in the collection included poems "Vlas", "Korobeyniki", "Uncle Yakov", "Bees", "General Toptygin" and "Grandfather Mazay and Hares".

The book was composed of 4 luxury notebooks, cross-shaped by hand. She opened a strip with the publishing brand "Akvonon" work M.V. Dobuzhinsky. Next was the Avantitule with reproduced capital letters name book. The third sheet with an empty turnover is a hand-drawn title on which we see the peasants who are closely listening to the boy who keeps the book in his hands and reads it. In the drawing inscribed an oval dye with a portrait of a writer. The name of the book was reproduced deliberately ineptly handwriting, and on old spelling - with "and a decaderal", but the text of the book itself was recruited on new spelling. The fourth sheet is Shmuntitul with placed in its center with a typographic font name of the first poem. Slamtitules with unfilled turnover were presented to each of the writer's works placed in the collection. For a semuntitul - already in the second on account of the notebook there was a whole-eyed illustration with the depiction of the Mascolling Vlas. It is also impossible to consider this illustration, the backpage of which is also left blank, the frontispis is impossible, because in other poems there is no one follows directly behind the samuntitul of all-eye drawings - they are placed in the text. Total eight illustrations, and they are unevenly distributed. In the first poem "Vlas", which occupy only four incomplete stripes, their two. The same in the large 33-page poem "Corobeiniki". In the "Uncle Yakov", "Bees", "General Toptygin" and "Mazay Grandfather" - one. The artist decided not to limit himself with the formal framework and did so many drawings to each poem as the artistic flair suggested him. In addition, for each of the poems, small, about a third of the bands, illustration and illustrations and illustrations were made. In "Korobechniki" their six - by the number of parts of the poem. In their autolitographs B.M. Kustodiev is primarily admired by the Ruby Russian landscape: here and endless fields with ripe rose bent, and the enjoyment of the middle forest of the middle strip of Russia, and the rivers of rivers flooding in the spring of the spring, and the wretched apiary at the ripples ... lithographs Amazingly tender. It seems that the lithograph pencil of the artist slightly touching the stone.

Further F. F. Notgraft assumed to release album lithographs B.M. Kustodiev, M.V. Dobuzhinsky and G.S. Veresky, but this project was not fulfilled, because in December 1923, Akvilon ceased to exist, Kustodiev had to look for other publishers. He gave a lot of strength and labor with the illustrating "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County." N.S. Leskova. Often by him in the first post-revolutionary years K.S. Somov recorded February 18, 1923 in his diary: "B.M. I showed me an illustration for "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" and reproduction with his Russian types. He was pretty cheerful and cheerful, although he is worse in general, it is only 5 hours. A day can sit in the chair. " Nolegante K.A. Somova E.S. Mikhailov subsequently recalled: "Uncle took me several times, visiting Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev. Uncle loved his art, surprised by the lack of boring and excerpt of Boris Mikhailovich, devoid of opportunity to move around a serious illness. " A completely special place in the work of B.M. Kustodiev occupies a Lenin theme. It is possible to refer to the activities of the leader of the world proletariat. In recent years, we learned a lot of new things about the affairs of this person, which in recent times deified. But, speaking, V.V. Mayakovsky, "Gulldye" of his plans amazed contemporaries. And they completely sortedly admired them. Lenin's death in January 1924 was perceived as an irreparable catastrophe. Hence the desire of Kustodiyev to say about the leaded leader something. It is clear that this theme was completely alien to the singer of merchant Russia, but he immediately undertakes to her decision - this appeared illustrations for the memories of A. Ilinzhevsky "One day with Lenin" (l.; M., 1925) and to the books intended for young readers "Lenin and young Lenins" (l.; M., 1925) and "Children about Lenin" (m.; L., 1926). The artist with the leader has never met, but he was a portrait of God's grace who was able to work not only from nature, but also by photographs. Lenin on his strokes not only recognizable, but certainly looks like. Especially good drawings depicting the gymnasian Volodya Ulyanov, who became a kind of classic with time. In countless, sometimes infinitely suicide images of "Leninians" these drawings occupy a special place, and should not ignore them, as some authors of recent devoted to BM Custodian books. The artist never wrote the oil of Leninist portraits, and did not strive for it, since he did not want to fake. Take or not take a revolution? Such a question seems to have not stood for Kustodiev. But what is all the same more expensive for him - memories of the left Russia or new, sometimes a cruel reality? Arguing on this topic, A.A. Sidorov wrote at one time: "Care in an old sake of her for the Soviet art is unacceptable. In graphical activities B.M. Kustodiev can see overcoming this forces real life . Of course, he did not fully become a new, Soviet artist. " Above it was noted that B.M. Kustodiev rarely applied to the illustration of works of modern writers - the exception was made for Maxim Gorky. The writer and the artist were personally acquainted: in 1919, Alexey Maksimovich visited Patient Kustodiev, and soon after that, the artist sent the Gorky version of his famous naked "Beauty", accompanying a gift of the note: "You are the first one who is so penetrating and clearly expressed what I wanted To portray it, and I was particularly valuable to hear it personally from you. " Alexey Maksimovich retained a note and remembered her shortly before the death of the artist on March 23, 1927 in a letter to his biographer I.A. Gruzdeva. It is not surprising that when the state publishing house asked Kustodiyev to issue a series of Gorky books, the artist immediately agreed. So in 19261927, "Chelkash", "Thomas Gordeyev", "Artamon Business" appeared. It seems especially interesting to us the covers of these editions with portraits of the main characters. The artist began an illustrative row from the cover, which, in essence, was innovation. Young and beautiful Thomas Gordeev contrasts sharply with a sloped ancient Artamonov, and the last drawing is made in the technique of silhouette, for Kustodiev, generally speaking, rare (previously he used a silhouette when illustrating Dubrovsky in 1919). It must be said that Maxim Gorky was not fully satisfied with the drawings of Kustodiev, he considered that they were too "intelligent," and wished them to be "Belubee and Porchert." At the same years, B.M. Kustodiev engaged a lot of "craft" work. He illustrates calendars, makes the covers for magazines and even for books of agricultural themes, which produced a state publishing house. Among his work is the decoration of books "Berry Garden of Peasantine" (L., 1925), "Rustic Toolnik" (L., 1926). It is unlikely that you can reproach the artist in illegibility, because the great master need to think about everyday affairs, making money. Especially since even in these works, which in dedicated to Kustodiev monographs never reproduce, you can find a lot of interesting things - the hand of the master is always felt. On May 26, 1927, Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev died at the age of 59. And July 2 K.A. Somov, who lived in France, wrote a sister to Moscow: "Yesterday I learned about the death of Kustodiev. Write me details, if you know ... Poor martyr! " Overcoming suffering and physical displacement, Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev, managed to create dozens of the classic works of bookspring graphics. Finishing an article about him, we will find completely different words than K.A. Somov, - "The Great Queitor!"

December 10, 2004 at 16.30 The Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications, the All-Russian Museum of A.S. Pushkin, Memorial Museum-Apartment N.A.Nekrasov for the 183th anniversary of the birth of N.A. Neckrasov pose an exhibition from the Museum Funds "Creativity .A.Nekrasov in the illustrations of artists of the XIX-XX centuries. "

The exposition of the Museum-Apartment N.A.Nekrasova - the branch of the All-Russian Museum of A.S. Pushkin - talks about the life and work of N.A. Snekrasov and his contemporaries in the post-shop era. In this apartment, where the poet lived the last twenty years, there was a revision of the best Russian magazines 2nd floor. XIX C.: "Contemporary", conceived and published more Pushkin, and "domestic notes". Here there was the whole color of the Russian literature of this era: I.Turgenov, L. Tolstoy, A.OSostrovsky, F.Dostoevsky, M. Saltykov-Shchedrin and MN. Dr. Famous poets and writers.

The museum actively participates in the cultural life of St. Petersburg and in its exhibition halls periodically organizes temporary exhibitions of St. Petersburg artists, both masters of Russian realistic painting and modern.

This exhibition from the collection of the museum presents an illustration of the artists of the XIX-XX centuries to the works of N.A.Nekrasov.

The development of the reproductive engraving on the tree caused in the 1830-1850s. Wave of wide illustrization in Russia. The use of this technique made it possible to significantly increase the books circulation, Reduz Publishing expenses, make an illustrated book to a more accessible reader, and from now on Car-tinka, caricature, politicia becomes an indispensable affiliation of books, various collections, periodic publications. It was during these years that N.A. Nekrasov was formed as a poet and publisher. Being a Pisate-Lem of a Genuine School, he one of the first came to the thought that the text and the picture complement each other. An example of such aesthetic unity demonstrates at the exhibition Nekrasovsky "Illustrated Almanac".

The chronological frameworks presented at the exhibition of exhibits are as follows: from the first lifetime illustrations to the works of N.A.Nekrasov - to the works of artists of the end of the twentieth century.

In the first hall, the works of A.I. Beltedheva, N.V. Ivelev, P.P. Soklova, E.M. Bem, N.Dmitriev-Orenburg, R.K. Zhukovsky, E.E. Bernardsky, M .P.Kolodt.

In the second hall, artists of the second half of the twentieth century, such famous masters, like: N.I. Altman, D.A.Shmarinov, K.A. Klementeva, A.F. Pakhomov, V. SEROV, B. A.Pertoclite, D. Borovsky. Some products of Palen artists are presented on the topic of the exhibition.

Graphic work masters of different art schoolsThe basis of the exhibition is different from each other on the technique of execution, in manner and degree of dating. They definitely guessed the epoch in which they were created. The harsh time of the beginning of the twentieth century. It was reflected in the drawings of P.Shmairov 1905. Pictures of Tsachya D.N. Karkdovsky to the story of "twenty-five rubles" are imbued with irony and soft humor. D.I.Myrochina drawings are shown both in the original, and on pages published in Petrograd in 1919. "First Collection" of the poems of N.A.Nekrasov. A series of brilliant watercolor artists by B.M. Kustodiyev, G. Savitsky, P.D. Bucukhkin was implemented in 1921 in Petrograd to the 100th anniversary of N.A. Nekrasov. Being finished works of graphics, these drawings are inseparable from Nekrasovsky text translated by artists into the language of visual images.

These works have many advantages, but in the literary museum in the first place I want to put the artist's ability to read the text of N.A. Snecrasov, the desire to understand the author's intent, the delicacy and the sensitivity of the artist to the manner and the poet style.

The opening of such an exhibition and the holding of a festive event dedicated to the next anniversary of the poet's birth is a noticeable event in the life of St. Petersburg. We are waiting for guests in the exhibition halls of the Museum of N.Anekrasov on the foundry.

The great Russian poet N.Anekrasov is familiar to us from orphanage. His work had an impact on the further development of Russian poetry. Heir and continuer of traditions A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu.Lermontova, A.V. Koltsov, Nekrasov told the suffering and hopes of the people. His poetry was the most important phenomenon of Russian public life, forever entered the treasury of Russian culture.

The poet was born on December 10, 1821 in Nemirov - the town of Kamenets - Podolsk Province (now Vinnitsa region). Children's years Nekrasov passed in the village of Greynev near Yaroslavl - the childbirth estate of the father-landowner. Here, on the Volga, surrounded by the beautiful Russian nature, he since childhood saw the horrors of the serfdom, the subane labor of the peasants and burlakov. The poet for the whole life retained in his soul the love of Russian nature and hatred for the powerlessness and oppression. In 1838, after graduating from Yaroslavl gymnasium, Nekrasov, according to the will of the Father, was supposed to enter the military school - the nobility regiment. However, the poet did not obey his father and became the fulfillment of the St. Petersburg University, for which he was deprived of any material support from the Father. About these and next years, full of gravity needs and deprivation, the poet wrote later:

... a holiday of life - youth goals

I killed under the weight of Labor ...

For the first time Nekrasov begins to be printed in 1838. He writes poems, stories, waterville, reviews. The first collection of poems "dreams and sounds" was issued in 1840. In 1842, he became close to VG Belinsky and his circle, which determined the further development of Nekrasov's creativity. The memory of the Great Criticism - Democrat The poet dedicated a lot of lines full of admiration and gratitude.

... you teach us humanely,

Always did not first remember the people,

Already not the first you spoke

On the equality, about the fraternity, about freedom ...

From this time, the theme of his works is not the "clean lyrics", but the life of a simple people, a true image of the negative sides of the destroying life, the Bureaucratic Russia. The poet writes the poem "On the road", "Modern Oda", "Lullaby", "Psovy Hunting", "moral person" and others, as well as a number of prosaic works and critical articles. In 1847, Nekrasov, together with I.I. Panayev, acquires the magazine "Contemporary" and becomes his permanent editor - the publisher. In the "contemporary" collaborated by N. G. Chernyshevsky and then N. A. Dobrolyubov. In 1856, Nekrasov produces a collection of poems enthusiastically encountered by the advanced people of Russia. Several poems from the collection printed in the "Contemporary" caused a sharp discontent of the government. Nekrasova was announced that "the first such output will subjected his magazine to the perfect termination.

In the second half of the 50s - early 60s, the poet creates works, the theme of which is the life of the oppressed peasantry. During this period, "Reflections from the Parade Pad", the "Eroimushka song", "on the Volga", "Knight for an hour", "peasant children", "Corobeinists", "Orina, Soldiers' Mother", "Frost, Red Nose" and Others.

In 1866, after the attempted Karakozov, Alexander II, the government strengthened police repression. "Contemporary" was closed. In 1968, Nekrasov, together with M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrian, becomes at the head of the journal "Public Notes", which under their leadership has become an expressive of advanced democratic ideas. During these years, the theme of Creativity Nekrasov became a revolutionary struggle against the autocratic system. Then the poems "Russian women" and "to live well in Russia" were written.

Life Path N. A. Nekrasova ended in 1878. The funeral of the poet who has reached popular recognition, was the character of the people's political demonstration. Nekrasov - the poet is truly popular. Many of his poems became songs, his works were inspired by many artists, composers.

Author of the proposed illustrations of the works of N. A. Nekrasov - Dementey Alekseevich Shmarinov, People's Artist of the USSR, a valid member of the Academy of Arts, Winner of State Prizes of the USSR, one of the leading masters of Soviet Fine Arts. For many years, the artist created illustrations for the works of the largest representatives of Russian and world classics.

D. A. Shmarinov was born on April 29 (May 12) of 1907 in Kazan in the family of agronomas. He studied in Kiev (1919-1922) in the studio N. A. Prahov and in Moscow at D. N. Kardovsky (1923-1928). Known mainly as an illustrator. Its works are inherent in the realistic accuracy of the visual interpretation of literary works, persuasiveness of the transfer of dramatic situations and the socio-psychological characteristics of its heroes. During the Great Patriotic War, a number of political posters and a series of machinery drawings, imbued with angry pathetics and the narrative of the suffering and courage of the Soviet people in the fight against the enemy. The author of the book "Years of Life and Work" (1989)

"Troika" (1846)

That you greedily watching the road

Aside from funny roads?

Know, scored heart alarm -

Your whole face broke out suddenly.

And why are you running hastily

For the flushed troika in the black ... ...

On you, bothering beautifully,

I looked around the passion cornet.

It does not look out on you.

Love you every no away:

Allay ribbon playing

In your hair, black, like night;

Through the blush cheeks of your dark

Pushed light guns

From under your eyebrows of your semicircular

Watching a bobbish silence.

View one Chernobrova Dicarka,

Full spell, igniting blood,

The old man will raue for gifts

In the heart of a young man's love.

"Unlucky strip" (1854)

Late fall. Gracchi flew away

The forest was exposed, the fields were empty,

Only not compressed strip alone ...

Sad Duma brings down.

It seems to whisper the ears of each other:

"Bored us to listen to the autumn blizzard,

Boringly leaving until the earth

Fat grains bathe in dust!

Us that neither night ruin the village

Every span voracious bird

The hare is boutered, and the storm beats us ...

Where are our plower? What else is waiting? "

"Reflections at the front entrance" (1858)

Since I saw here men came here,

Rustic Russian people

Prayed to the church and became away,

Swing Russian heads to the chest;

The doorman appeared. "Advanced," say

With the expression of hope and flour.

He looked around the guests: Nekrasivs in the opinion!

Tanned faces and hands

Armenian lean on shoulders,

On the cottomke on the backs of bent,

Cross on the neck and blood on the legs,

In homemade lapties

(Know Brekets - That Dolgonko they

From some distant provinces).

"Peasant children" (1861)

Wow, hot! ... until half a day the mushrooms were collected.

Here from the fox came out - to meet just

Blue ribbon, winding, long,

River meadow: jumped up with gurboy,

And blond heads over the river deserted

What is white mushrooms on the field of forests!

The river was announced and laugh, and how to:

Here the fight is not a fight, the game is not a game ...

And the sun flies their meal heat.

Home, guys! Dining time.

Returned. Everyone is full of Lukokhko,

And how many stories! Caught oblique

Caught hedgehogs got lost a little

And saw the wolf .. y, scary what!

Moss is offered, and the goat,

The roots of milk gave him his own -

Do not drink! Retreated ....

"Green noise" (1862-1863)

There is a green noise,

Green Noise, Spring Noise!

Playing diverge

Suddenly the wind is riding:

Swing bushes Olkhovy,

Floral dust raises

As a cloud, - all green:

And air, and water!

There is a green noise,

Green Noise, Spring Noise!

"In full ripping rustic suffering" (1862-1863)

Creek is heard at the neighbors,

Baba there - messengers disengaged, -

We need a child to download!

What have you become over him in a disjection?

Sing him a song about eternal patience,

Sing, patient mother! ...


Right, to say wise.

In Zhban, this, plugged with dirty rag,

They are digging - anyway!

Here she's lips their fears

Eagerly brings to the edges ... ..

Delicious whether, cute, salty tears

With sour kvass in half? ..

"Frost, red nose" (1863-1864)

Neither sound! Soul is dying

For sorrow, for passion. Stand

And feel how conquering

Her dead quietly.

Neither sound! And you see blue

Sky arch, yes sun, yes forest,

In silver-matte frost

Dressed up full wonders

Injecting unknown mystery,

Deeply impassive ... but here

I heard a rude rudder

The vertices of the protein goes.

Lom snow she dropped

By Daria, jumping through the pine.

And Daria stood and stood

In his enchanted dream ...

"Railway" (1864)

Shame to rob, close the glove,

You're not small! ... Rus,

You see, it is worth it, I can be lighted

Tall, patient Belarusian:

Lips bloodless, eyelids fallen,

Torsch's sores,

Forever in the water knee-standing

Legs swollen; Cholodun in the hair;

Yamoy the chest that carefully

From day to day, ran the entire age ...

You look at him, Vanya, carefully:

It's hard to get my bread!

Did not disperse his back hump

He now and now: stupidly wet

And mechanically rusty blades

Merzloy earth is hammering!

This habit of work noble

We would not be impaired with you ...

Bless the work of the people

And learn the peasant to respect.

"Uncle Yakov" (1867)

"Stop, older!" Old man Ombus

Guys, and girls, and deudes of darkness.

All imputed the slown, scapil

That was a fuss, cattle!

Laughter for someone's sadness:

Holds a horse in front of the sowing nose;

Squeezer and varnish a piece ...

Where do you suffer? Eat, boy!

Sorry for the girl orphan fecusha:

Still chew, and you smear swallow ...

"In a pear! On a pear!

Buy, replace! "

"General Toptygin" (1867)

Quickly rolled

Troika- and not Divo:

On uhab every time

The beast was growling Retivo;

Only moan circle stood:

"Clean the road!

Toptygin General himself

Rides on Berloga! "

Will the counter man

Terribly becomes a beach

Like a shaggy Sedoido

Rumaches on Ugab.

And the horses are suppressed

Did not stick!

Must fifteen for all max

Poor faded!

She woke up - sleep in hand!

Chu, heard ahead

"Hey, Kucher, Wait"

Then the sinking party goes

The habit of startled chest.

Princess Money gives them -

"Thank you, good way!"

For her long, long-faced persons

Merries later

And do not get to her the Duma of his

Do not forget sleep!

"Who lives well in Russia" (1863-1877)

In which year - count,

In which land is guessing,

On a pillars

Seven men agreed:

Seven tempted

Tightened by province

County Terepiorev,

Empty parish

From adjacent villages:

Patch, holes,

Razovova, Znobishhina,

Gorleov, Neelan


They saved - and hood:

Who lives having fun in Russia?

Roman said: landowner

Demyan said: official,

Luka said: the ass.

Kupchina Tolstopusoma! -

They said the Rubins brothers,

Ivan and Metrodor.

Old man steamed

And browned, in the ground Lyubyuchi:

Widelian boyar

Minister Sovereign.

And the prov said: king ...

"Russian women" (1871-1872)

She woke up - sleep in hand!

Chu, heard ahead

Sad ring - Candalous ringing!

"Hey, Kucher, Wait"

Family and Childhood The future poet was born in Vinnitsa from Podolsk Province, the father of Nekrasov Lieutenant Alexey Sergeevich Nekrasov. From the childhood, the great Russian writer Nekrasov loved nature. Little Nekrasov, who grown on the Volga in the village of Greynevo Yaroslavl province, spent a lot of time on the banks of the river. He loved to walk around the field, spend time in the forest, look at the sky for hours. It can be called a true connoisseur of freedom. After all, on time, such close contacts with nature, he felt freedom. Rinnitsky Ozerdolskaya Province Family relationships Nekrasova was difficult to call good. Nekrasova had a father of a real despot. He cooked all family members. Especially suffered from the head of the family the mother of the Great Russian writer. Elena Andreevna, Elena Andreevna, died very sooner. Nekrasov loved her mother very much. The death of his closest man in his life became a tragedy for him that he shows in many of his works. House Nekrasova N.A.

Study and first poetic experience. Nekrasov began writing poems from seven years. But before entering the gymnasium he wrote only from the case of the case, these were weak, naive attempts to get several lines. Now he began to treat poetry more seriously. First, Nekrasov tried to write satires on their comrades, and then lyrical poems. "And most importantly," recalled the poet, "that neither read, so I imagine." Yaroslavl gymnasium, in which from 1832 he studied N.A.Nekrasov

The beginning of the literary activity (the first collection of verses of Nekrasov) In 1840, Nekrasov produces a collection of verses with initials N. N. under the title "Dreams and Sounds". At the beginning of the 1840s, Nekrasov becomes an employee of "domestic notes", first the bibliographic department. Belinsky got close to him, loved him and appreciated the dignity of his mind. He understood, however, that in the field of prose from Nekrasov, nothing but an ordinary magazine employee will not be released, but enthusiastically approved his poem "on the road". Skoro Nekrasov began to be diligently published. He released a number of almanacov: "Articles in verse without pictures" (1843), "Physiology of St. Petersburg" (1845), "April 1" (1846), "Petersburg Collection" (1846).

The poem "on the road" as a prologue to the "Nekrasov top" illustration to the poem N.A. Nekrasov "On the Road" can also serve as a picture of the artist a..o. Orlovsky "Kibitka Traveler", 1819 Illustration to the poem.

Love for the Russian people in Lyrics N.A. Nekrasova Creativity N. A. Nekrasov filled with hot love to the Russian people. In the poem "Elegy", the poet wrote: "I dedicated to the Liru to the people ..." He suffered, seeing the plight of the peasantry. He could not understand why the talented, hardworking, witty people humbly suffers oppression and is not trying to defend their rights. "Reflections in the front entrance" "Railway"

The theme of a female share in Lyrique N.A. Nekrasov Mother Nikolai Nekrasov, contrary to the will of his parents, married love. But the marriage was not happy, the family lived Poor, out of 13 children survived only 3. In addition, Alexander Andreevna, very much suffered in marriage. She was a man of high culture, and her husband is a coarse, cruel, ignorant. He often beat her. But Nikolai Nekrasov himself loved her very much. It was she who instilled a poet love for literature and Russian language. Many of his poems are unmereter by respect and compassion for her: "Motherland", "Mother", "Bayushkha", "Knight for an hour", etc. So, thanks to Alexandra Andreevna, the image of a Russian woman and a difficult women's share took a significant place in Creativity Nekrasov.

Nekrasov N. A. - "Mother" she was filled with sadness, and meaning how noisy and abrupt three years around her played, her mouth thoughtfully whispered: "Unhappy! Why are you born? You will be expensive, you will not avoid fate ! " Do not oversrade the fun of their fortune, do not cry over them, Martyr-mother! But tell them from youth early: there are times, there are whole centuries, in which there is nothing welcome, more beautiful - a tern wreath ... Illustration to the poem "Who lives in Russia" Illustration to the poem "Calistrath"

The poems dedicated to Russian children the theme of childhood and images of children occupy a special and important place in the poetry N.A.Nekrasov. It was caused primarily by the fact that in the children the poet saw the future and with them tied hope for the coming update of his long-suffering homeland. The poet's own children's poems put his own observations over life, the businesses, customs and speech of the people with whom he was constantly communicating during his hunting wicked. The cycle of "poems dedicated to Russian children" Nekrasov intended to be included in the book for reading.

The image of Russian Nature in Lyrique N. A. Nekrasova Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is a truly popular poet and a true Russian man, with all his heart and all the soul loving Russia. Great in the work of Nekrasov the theme of Russian nature. The poem of Nekrasov, in which we are talking about nature, is unusually easy, optimistic. For Nekrasov, the nature of an animated object is that he inspires hope in the poet to the future, inspires and supports in a difficult moment. An illustration to the poem "on the Volga" can be considered the picture I. E. Repin "Burlaki on the Volga"

"Contemporary" in 1846 N. A. Nekrasov, together with Ivan Panayev, leased the magazine "Contemporary", founded by another Pushkin. On January 1, 1847, the first book of the "Contemporary" was published. For the first time in Russia, a magazine appeared with a pronounced revolutionary - democratic program. In the first books of the "contemporary" were printed "Who is to blame?", "Soroka-thief" Herzen, "Ordinary History" Goncharov, "Psovy Hunt" Nekrasov and other works entering the process against building.

Panayevsky cycle in love lyrics N. A. Nekrasov Love Lyrics - in many ways the Laric Diary of Nekrasov, in which he told about the most intimate heart experiences. If we turn to his work, we note that almost all the love confessions of the poet were devoted to his only museum - Avdier Yakovlevna Panayeva and are known as the "Panayevsky cycle".

The poem "Frost, Red Nose" in 1863 it appeared the most sustained from all works of Nekrasov - "Frost, Red Nose". This is the apotheosis of the Russian peasant woman, in which the author sees the disappearing type of "magnifier Slavs". He draws the bright sides of the peasant nature, pierced before the bright paintings of the past happiness freezing in the forest - and all this is excellent written by magnificent verses. The poet decided to portray the fate and character of the peasant woman, her patience and endurance, the love of work, the kindness and poetry of her soul. He "Frost, Red Nose" The last step of the poet on the way to creating a whole picture of the people liberated from the presence and evaluations of the author.

Nekrasov's poem "Who lives well in Russia" .. Year of writing: Publication: work on the poem "Who in Russia to live well" necrasov began in the mid-1860s and continued until his last days, and did not have time to complete it. This poem tells about the journey of seven men throughout Russia in order to search for a happy man. Idea poem reasoning about the happiness of man in modern world. The theme of the poem is the image of the Foreign Russia for the ten-fifteen years after the cancellation of serfdom. The cover of the poem "Who lives well in Russia." (Publishing House "Children's Literature")

"How dangerous to indulge in ambitious dreams." "How dangerous to indulge in ambitious dreams" - Fars in verses, with an admixture of prose, written by Dostoevsky, Nekrasov and Grigorovich and published in 1846 in the humorous illustrated Almanae "First April" N. A. Nekrasov. After prohibiting the censorsion of Almanach "Zudskal" Nekrasov with the help of Grigorovich and Dostoevsky under the pseudonyms: Spring and Belopyatkin (Nekrasov), Zubolovka (Dostoevsky and Grigorovich create new almanacs "First of April". Grigorovich belongs to 2, 4 and 5 chapters, Dostoevsky 3 and 6 chapters , CHAPTER 8, according to G. M. Friedlander, was written by Grigorovich. The work was more severely criticized by conservative journalists such as Nestor Dollnik, Faddeya Bulgarine, etc. Also, there were also positive feedback from V. G. Belinsky and In the magazine "Finnish Bulletin".

The authors "How dangerous to indulge in ambitious dreams." N. A. Nekrasov F. M. Dostoevsky

22 Magazine "Domestic Notes" in 1868.

Nekrasov Zinaida Nikolaevna (Fkela Anisimovna Viktorova) On May 18, 1876, Nekrasov wrote a poem that opened the cycle dedicated to Zinaide Nikolaevna. "T s still on life you have the right, quickly I go to the sunset of days, I will die, my fame will fame, do not divide and do not tauls about her! Know, child; she is long, bright light is not burning on the name Moem: I prevented the struggle to be By the poet, the song prevented me to be a fighter. Who, serving the great goals of the centuries, life is fully at the struggle for the brother of a person, only he will survive ... "

On February 13, 1877, Nekrasov again drawn with a poetic message to his wife. "Move Feather, paper, books! Cute friend! I heard a legend: you fell from the shoulders of the devotee Verie, and the devotee of the dead fell! Help me to work, Zina! Labor has always lived me. Here's another beautiful picture - write down until I have forgotten! Yes, you do not cry a sneak! - Believe hope, laugh, sing how you sang in the spring, repeat my friends, as before, every verse recorded by you. Say that you are satisfied with the other: in the celebration of victories overwhelmed over their painful ailment forgot your death poet!"
The memory of the work of N.A. Nekrasova after his death. Memorial Museum-Apartment N.A. Nekrasov. In this house, N. A. Nekrasov lived from 1857 to his death in 1877. All these years in the apartment of the poet was the editorial office of two progressive magazines: "Contemporary", conceived and published by A. Pushkin, and "domestic notes". During the years, Nekrasov is becoming a genuine center for the cultural and literary life of St. Petersburg. This allows the museum exposition to tell not only about the life and work of N. A. Nekrasov, but also about the fate of Russian literature and its most striking representatives in the afterbaskin era.


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