Salt and copper riot presentation. Presentation on the topic "Buntish Age"

Salt and copper riot presentation. Presentation on the topic "Buntish Age"

Lesson plan

2.Sonal riot.


4. Estimation under the pre. Z.Razin.

5. Studitivity.

Task for lesson.

Why were the 5th century folk performances were doomed to defeat?

2.Sonal riot.


Salt riot.

On June 1, a salt rebellion began in Moscow. The complicities of the Central Asian raised the price of salt to replenish the treasury. And the king asked the king to punish the main perpetrator. Plescheyev. The tape gave the Tsar with the head of Plescheyev and the head of the Pushkar order of Fuchaniotov, and His mentor B. Morozova sent a link.

Soon the uprising broke out in Kursk, Novgorod, and Alexey Mikhailovich was commissioned N. Odoevsky to write a draft of cathedral deposition.



Copper riot.

In 1662, in Moscow, the copper riot broke out. The copper coins began to minimize the treasury. The copper coin began to minimize the camp. Sagittarius and smashed back-born, but the flow of copper money was canceled.

In 1667, a rebellion of S.Razin was started. Plugs of the Strugas from Don to the Volga and robbed Tsarski Kara-Van and burned the 1st warrant "Eagle". Jacques for nyali Yaitsky town and robbing iranian cities On the Caspian coast in 1669 was taken to Don.

In winter, the reinstance suggested to bring "Motors-Bo-Yar" and in the spring of Cossacks again went to the Volga. They've-Deli Tsaritsin, and Zey-Lanned against them supported rain.

Hike "for Zipunov".

4. Estimation under the pre. Z.Razin.

Then he took Astrakhan and executed the voivod, and in the city I installed the Cossack circle.

Razin began to send "pre-flattering letters" and move up the Volga.Sama-Ra and Saratov surrendered without a fight and the rebels like a simbirsk.

Y. Baryatinsky defeated Cossacks. He was injured and soon issued by the elderly.

In June 1671, Orazin was vertovan. But the foci of recovery was preserved until the end of the year.

S.Razina is brought to execution.

Engraving K.17 in.

5. Studitivity.

V. Surikov.

Boyfriend Morozova.

The church split led to the emergence of Old Believers. They protested against the reform-leaving in the forest, burned themselves did not obey the authorities. The largest uprisings were Solovetsky 1668-76, the Don uprisings of the 70-80-ki. All they were brutally suppressed.

In the city of the century among the Raskolnikov there was a rumor about the early coming on the Earth of the Antichrist.

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The rebound century "Buntish" century -vek shocks, age of change and victories. The people have lost all freedom, thickening of the long age. "

Social tension in the country of the landowners demanded the struggle against the feces of peasants and eased the complete and eternal attachment to the Earth, they advocated the expansion of their land fund, which arrested on landlords, protested against the Zasile bribers in orders. The peasantry ratified for great freedoms, the right to leave the Lord, protested against the return of fugitives to the previous place of residence. Posal people were outraged by all increasing taxes, expressed dissatisfaction with the existence of White Slobod, freed from many taxes and duties. Mercury has not satisfied that foreign merchants who spent their competitors in the domestic market had benefits.

Morozov conducted reforms. Some taxes were reduced and even canceled, but indirect taxes on goods, which were in a lot of the population, and first of all on salt. It caused a perturbation of the poor. The concerned government has abolished the hated salt duty, while at the same time deciding to recover in two years already canceled taxes. With these actions, it provoked folk unrest. Salt Bunth 1648

On June 1, 1648, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich with approximated returned from the mantis from the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. Only he drove into the city, he was met by a crowd of Muscovites-jubiors. They surrounded the carriage and began to complain about Leonty Stepanovich Plescheyev - the head of the Zemsky order who made the department of the capital. Salt Bunth 1648

The next day, during the congestion in the Kremlin, outrageous people again approached the king. They demanded the resignation of Morozov and its approximate. Following the king, hundreds of Muscovites broke into the Kremlin. The king tried to calm the crowd, promised to understand its demands. But the king no longer listened. The rebels took the storming of Morozov's courtyards and other nobles, they demanded their issuance. Salt Bunth 1648

One after another Alexey Mikhailovich gave to the confusion of the people of his assistants. He managed to save only his favorite Morozov, who was urgently sent from Moscow. In these tense days, Alexey has already solved many questions on their own. He forbade punishes to punish. The king promised to put under his personal control of the heads of orders. Salt Bunth 1648

Reasons for the introduction of indirect taxes, including at salt. Canceled. To recover arrears in 2 years. Date 1648g. District of the uprising Moscow and other cities Requirements for the rebels to issue Moscow "Greadvnik" L.S. Platchev The results of the people to violence was issued by Pleshcheev, the head of the Pushkarsky order was sent to resign and was sent from Moscow by the boyar B. Morozov. The preparation of cathedral deposition has begun. Salt Bunth 1648

Government Alexei Mikhailovich conducted a monetary reform. Copper money on silver rates were released into appeal, and taxes and customs duties were collected by an expensive silver coin. Copper money began to fall in price. For one silver ruble gave 12-13 and even 15 copper rubles. Copper Bunth 1662

Sagittarius and foreign mercenaries refused to receive a salary with copper money. On July 25, 1662, a copper riot began in Moscow. Thousands of Muscovites moved to the village of Kolomenskoye. The king went to meet the rioters, exhorted the crowd to disperse, and at this time the faithful people were jumping to Moscow with a call to the Streetsky regiments to move to Kolomenskoye. Copper Bunth 1662

He managed to calm the crowd, and people moved back to Moscow. The people threw the palaces of rich merchants. Thousands of Muscovites again rushed to Kolomenskoye search for royal truth. The rebels again approached him with the requirement to issue approximate, which people considered the culprits of the current situation. Copper Bunth 1662

At this time, he was reported that the faithful parts were already torn to Kolomna. The king ordered the Bitschikov bits and Rubiti to death and lively catch. Many rebels moved to the Moscow River and drowned there. Hundreds of people were exiled. Relaxation with the uprising showed that the king and the ruling tip firmly kept power in their hands. Copper Bunth 1662

Copper riot 1662. The reasons for the appeal were released copper money on the rated silver, and taxes and customs duties were harvested by an expensive silver coin date 1662. District of the uprising Moscow, the village of Kolomenskaya Requests of the rebels charges close to the king of people in collusion with the Poles on the chasing of copper money in order to ruin Russia. Cancel copper money. Results Suppression of the uprising. Execution. The release of copper money was stopped

Over time, such trips for Zipunov became a tradition. Russian government has repeatedly resorted to the help of this organized and well-trained military force. But the Cossacks were difficult to keep in the ultrasound, they complicated Russia's relations with southern neighbors. In the circles (gatherings), the Cossacks chose managers - Atamans, Esaulov, military instances. Position on Don.

Cossacks poured increasingly runaway - fortress peasants and landing people. For them they walked punitive detachments. Cossack societies did not give out fugitives, there was a custom here - there is no issue with Don. By the mid-1660s. A huge number of runaway accumulated on Don. Alexey Mikhailovich issued a decree - to return everyone back, and as a warning of the Cossacks for them was limited to the delivery of ammunition and food. Position on Don.

In the lower Don Artites, where the domain (prosperous) centers lived, the situation was still tolerant. And in the ridic cities where Goleutb was going (poor Cossacks), the situation became desperate. People lived in dugouts, died with hunger. The lower wealthy Cossacks did not let them in their edges. Position on Don.

In 1666, Ataman Vasily Usa led a few hundred people of Golati to Moscow to ask for a sovereign. They were ordered to return to Don. Cossacks reached Tula, where serf peasants and slaves began to go to them. Soon their army joined several thousand people. They started loudling landlord estates, kill landowners and wilts, declare free local people. Tsarist troops pushed them south and scattered. Position on Don.

In the early spring of 1667. Domorite Cossack Stepan Razin with Cossack Vatagoy appeared in the upper reaches of Don. As soon as the Volga ice passed, Stepan Razin declared the goal of his campaign - on the Volga! On the Caspian! There, where more than once went for the zipuns of Cossack squads. The authorities were alarming that only Gol Rolling (runaways) was sent to the campaign. The Razinsky detachment moved to the Volga, then on a yaik, where she stood on the wintering in the Yaitsky town. Stepan Rezind 1667-1671.

1668 Razin made the first trip in Russia and neighboring states. Cossacks went to the Caspian Sea, the coast of surrounding Khunni was harvested, attacked Persia, with which Russia was in peaceful relations, took rich prey. In the spring of 1670, the Razin sent charming letters in the surrounding places with calls to beat the boyars and the governor and in early May came to a new campaign. Stepan Rezind 1670-1671

The movement under the leadership of Stepan Razin turned out to be the first in the history of Russia by a performance against the entire existing order of things, but the rebels did not raise her hand on the sovereign. Stepan Rezind 1670-1671 "Look for you to all ITTI with Don on the Volga, and from the Volga ITTI in Russia against the sovereign enemies, so<...> From the Moscow state to bring traitors - boyars and spiritual people and in cities - the governor and orders? " What does Stepan Razin call?

The first Volga city, who, in their way, was well fortified Tsaritsyn. His inhabitants themselves opened the gate to Razin. It began to rush to the voivpets, orders, the Streethesky chiefs and merchants. The captured shared between the rebels. Stepan Rezind 1670-1671

"He was a sowing sample. In the church, he sometimes stood up to five and six hours in a row, put on thousands of earthly bows ... It was the Hispanic Old Russian Bogomolese, slim and sololy joined the work of the hardness of the religious feeling in the feet. " IN. Klyuchevsky Personality Alexei Mikhailovich S.M. Solovyov "Excessive gullibility to people unworthy; Power, their defendant, referred to the weakness of character, and not the lack of understanding of people. But the softness of nature of the king Alexei Mikhailovich did not reduce the importance of the Great Soviet power. "

"Bunts and uprisings of the 17th century" - - Osada Cossack army of the fortress Simbirsk - Speech by the Church against the rebels. The composition of the participants is a rollery (runaway chop) goals - the release of people from all forms of dependence. The composition of participants - merchants, Sagittarius, hired work requirements - Cancellation of money. Reasons for reasons. Main directions foreign Policy Alexey Mikhailovich.

"Bogdan Khmelnitsky" - anti-rolling uprising. Received fame at the courtyard of the Polish king. From 1638, the Sotnik Chigirinsky Regiment, then the military clerk of the Zaporizhia troops. Who was. Under the Cossack banners were tens of thousands of peasants. Bohdan Khmelnytsky. Poles persistently did not refuse claims to Ukraine and did not fulfill the conditions of signed contracts.

"The development of Russia in the XVII century" is an excerpt from the satirical story of the "hospital". "Russian chronograph" is an official historical composition of the late XVII century. XVII B is a significant expansion of Russia. Literature. Option II. Was in the speeches of the promoter and a wonderful speaker, in the reflections of the Rowman. What historical events are we talking about?

"17th century" - book benches on the Spassky Bridge. Preobrazhensky temple on Kizhi Island. It is an outstanding architectural monument. Moscow. Task for lesson. Architecture in the XVII century. Edition of 1721. Praise the icon of God's Mother Vladimir. Theme lesson. Pages from the Cariona Putter. Male thithering. Education, literature and life in the XVII century.

"Life of the 17th century" - the family consisted of no more than 10 people. The windows were inserted with mica, or fish bubbles. The main king entertainment was the Psovy and Falcon Hunt. Churrices of the nobles were a copy of the royal chambers in miniature. Report Alexei Fimkin. Hospitality. The royal yard has become unusually crowded. In the 17th century The royal life has changed.

"On November 4" - and write to all cities ... You speak everywhere by my name. " In 1649 by Decree of the Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Day November 5 (N.S.) was declared a holiday, which was celebrated until 1917. Recall. At the beginning of the 17th century, Russia flooded the "wave of impostors and thieves". Burning Moscow Winter. On November 4, Russia celebrates the Day of People's Unity.

Total in the subject of 29 presentations

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"Buntish age"

09/23/2016 Lessons 39-40.

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Lesson plan

09/23/2016 1. Salt riot; 2. Copper riot; 3. On the eve of the Razelchina; 4. Stepan Razin; 5. On the Volga and Caspian; 6. Expansion of movement and its end

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1. Salt riot

09/23/2016 In 1648, the movement that received in the sources and historiography, the name "Salt Bunta" began the rebellion of 1 Iyuna 1648. On this day, the young king Alexey Mikhailovich with many close and security returned from the manty of the monastery as soon as the king went to the city, He was met by a large crowd of Muscovites and visitors, including the girls who gathered in the capital from different ends of the country with shouts, they surrounded the king's kiet and complained about L.S. Plescheyev, head of the Zemsky order, made the department of the capital, his craft-trading population, threw stones in Boyar. Some of them were injured

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09/23/2016 The next day, dissatisfied again demanded the resignation of Plescheyev, to stop the oppression and bribery of ordinarians soon they moved away from the requirements and threats to action: "plundered many boyars and rounded, and the noble, and the living rooms" the rebels defeated the houses B.I. Morozova, P.T. Fuchaniotova (chief of Pushkar Order), N.I. Pure (chief of the Embassy Order), hp Plescheyev et al. N. Polytek, who was known in the people as a shameless bribener, the initiator of a huge tax on salt introduced several years before the rebellion and canceled for half a year before him, the rebels grabbed and cut off, throwing the body into a bunch of manure forced to yield, Alexey Mikhailovich ordered the "all of the people to give the head" Plescheyev. The executioner brought him out of the Kremlin, and the rebels literally confused "Burgomistra"

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1. Salt riot

09/23/2016 On 3 and 4 June, the pogroms of the courtyards of noble and rich people continued, during which they destroyed the serfs in the Boyar and noble houses, the participants of the uprising demanded the issuance of Fuchaniotov. Brought to the Palace to the king, he was given it, and his rebels immediately killed the rebels still demanded the issuance of the head of the government and the teacher of King Morozov. He tried to flee from Moscow, but the yamchiki was recognized and almost killed. He returned to the Kremlin, where he hid in the royal rest. Soon he was referred to the events turned on the nobles and the tops of the pose. Using confusion and weakening of the government, they filed a petition. It put forward the requirements of streamlining proceedings, the proper maintenance of all cases in orders, convening the Zemstvo Cathedral to develop a new law -

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09/23/2016 Unrest in the capital continued. They transferred to the periphery. On July 16, the Zemsky Cathedral The ruling tops were conveted in this troubled atmosphere, thus, the concessions first of all nobility and landing top, which, using discontent and rebellion of the ground, received the greatest winnings of the landing people achieved the perpetual cheek of the runaway peasants of the elimination of white places and Slobod, in which artisans lived, the peasants of the feudalists, speaking with competitors of landing people in trade and other affairs, but not serving the massive distribution of land, peasants and a salaries of small and non-guard nobles applying a gingerbread policy and whip, ruling circles gradually mastered the situation. In October, the king returned from the reference Morozov

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09/23/2016 But the unrest continued until the end of January 1649, when, after the adoption of cathedral deposits, the situation was finally stabilized.

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2. Copper riot

09/23/2016 On July 25, 1662, a powerful, although a stereon, uprising - the famous "copper rebellion" of its participants - the metropolitan Posad people and part of Streltsov, soldiers, the Moscow garrison - presented his requirements to Alexey Mikhailovich: Cancel copper money introduced for 8 years before the beginning of the war with Poland, reduce high prices for salt and so on, stop violence and bribery boyar- "traitors" The reasons for the reasons in the XVII century in the Moscow state did not have their own gold and silver mines, and the precious metals were imported due to borders. In the cash yard from foreign coins, a Russian coin was minted: kopecks, money and a half-tighted war with a speech by compulpist because of Ukraine demanded tremendous costs. To find money for the continuation of the war A.L. Ordin-Nashchokin offered to produce copper money for the price of silver. Taxes were going to silver, and the salary was heard with cops

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09/23/2016 A small copper coin initially really had a walking station with silver kopecks, but soon an excessive output of no secured copper money, which was minted in Moscow, Novgorod and Pskov, led them to their depreciation. For 1 ruble, silver was given 17 rubles with copper despite the royal decree, all the goods had a sharply rose the financial situation in the country, led to the flourishing of falsehood, the king with the courtyard was at this time in the village of Kolomna. "Cherniy", "all sorts of ranks", "men" and soldiers in different streets from Moscow went and fled towards Kolomensky. 4-5 thousand rebels headed there, including more than 500 soldiers and other rout people when the king came out of the church, he was surrounded by outrageous rebels, "they beat the man with great ignorance and leaf of thieves and the petrose", "false cries demanded a decrease in taxes"

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09/23/2016 King talked with them "quiet custom." The rebelkers managed to convince the rebellion, and one of the rebels "with the king beat hands," after which the crowd calmed down and headed for Moscow, all the time, while the part of the rebels went to the royal residence and was there, others were loud in the capital of hated persons. They smashed and defeated the courtyard of the merchant V. Sheorin, which was collecting emergency taxes from around the state, Guest S. Zadorin. The races, too, also headed to the Kolomenskoye both parties of the rebels (one went from Kolomensky to Moscow, the other, on the contrary, - from Moscow to Kolomenskoye) met somewhere halfway between the capital and salty. United, they went back to the king. They were already up to 9-10 thousand by this time in Kolomna, troops were already troops. They mercilessly suppressed the uprising. Died or was arrested at least 2.5-3 thousand people. At the beginning of next year they canceled copper money

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3. On the eve of the zealzchina

09/23/2016 Fasteners' shoots after the adoption of cathedral deposits (1649) continued, but they became harder to carry out. The landowners and wilkers increased the duties and regulations. State taxes have greatly increased the situation of dashing serve people - Sagittarov and others (the introduction of taxes on trade and craft, a decrease in the salary, irregular and incomplete issuance, violence from the treasury and bosses). Posal people also suffered from taxes and emergency fees of war with Poland and Sweden were accompanied by the ruin of the population. At the same years, irrequities, epidemics happened more than once. The impoverished people were increasingly resorted to the tested tool - escape to the neighboring departments or for distant outskirts in the Cossack regions for a long time entered the custom not to issue fugitives there. "With Don Issue"

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09/23/2016 This attracted here the masses of people who were satisfied with the Cossack order: the lack of landowners and the governor, the equality of the Cossacks (although they were already distinguished from their middle a house - the prosperous, who used the work of poor barns - Golittbi) all important issues were solved on circles - common gatherings, election Officials - Atamanov and Esaulov, their assistants by the mid-60s. The position on the Don worsened. It accumulated here a large number of runaway. The Moscow Government is conducting a policy of economic sanctions - limits trade, the supply of food in 1666 King demanded a census and return from the Don Peasants who fled from the palace villages. In the spring, hunger began in June 1666. The detachment came out with the intention to enter the royal service - 700 people: 500 connants and 200 people on courts arrived in Voronezh

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09/23/2016 He headed their Vasily Us, in the future the closest associate of Stepan Razin. Snovtsy moved to Tula and stopped the camp. They did not accept them and ordered them to make the Cossacks to return to Don meanwhile in the area of \u200b\u200bTula, Voronezh and other neighboring counties hundreds of fortress peasants and hills poured into the Usovsky squad, the rings of free Cossacks. His number soon reached several thousand people of the Usovtsy and the new fugitives began to smash the estates of landowners and markers, burned their homes, took property, killed owners. The nobles of different counties fled from the estates under the cover of the fortress walls in Tula and other cities to combat Usov, highlighted the army led by Prince Yu. N. Borytinsky. Cossacks are removed from the camp and go to the Don

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4. Stepan Razin

09/23/2016 Stepan, like his father Timofey, who had probably, probably from Voronezh Posad, belonged to the house of the Cossack. Stepan was born around 1630. Stepan Razin (1630-1671) In 1663, Stepan was headed by a squad of Donets, who went along with Zaporozhye and Kalmyks under the pin against the Crimean Tatars. In dairy waters, they defeated the squad of the Crimeans already then it was distinguished by courage and snarling, the ability to lead people in military enterprises, to negotiate in 1665 they were executed by his older brother Ivan. He headed the regiment of the Don Cossacks, who participated in the war with Poland. In the fall of the Donets, they requested home, but they were not released. Then they left Self, and the commander-in-chief boyar Prince Yu.A. Dolgoruk ordered to execute the commander.

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09/23/2016 The situation on the Don was heated. In 1667, with the end of the war with the speech of the compulcpension to the Don and in other places, new buses were hung up. Hunger reigned in search of the exit from a difficult situation to get the urgent bread, the poor Cossacks at the end of winter - the beginning of the spring of 1667, they are united into small vatagi, move onto the Volga and Caspian, robbies trade vessels they split government detachments. But Vatagi gather again and again. At the head of them, Stepan Razin is becoming the practice of Cossack campaigns "for Zipunov", that is, for prey, was a widespread phenomenon among the Cossacks. Back in the XVIII century, the Cossacks themselves were not engaged in agriculture, since the rule existed: "Which of the Cossacks will plow the earth and sow bread, that Cossack beat and rob"

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5. On the Volga and Caspian

09/23/2016 To Razin and his companions of early. In the spring, we hurry the masses of the poor Cossacks, including the musty, to go hiking on the Volga and the Caspian Sea in mid-May 1667. The detachment moved from Don to the Volga, then on Yaik. In February 1668, the Russoletsy wounded in the Yaitskaya town, broke a 3-thousand squad, who came from Astrakhan in March, throwing heavy guns into the river and taking the lungs with him, they went to the Caspian Sea. The western coast with the solid joined the detachments of Sergei Krivoy, beans and other attacks of the difference flooding along the western seashore to the south. They rob trading vessels, ownership of Shamhal Tarkovsky and Shah Persian, free a lot of Russian prisoners, in the summer of 1669 at different times in these edges in the summer of 1669. There is a fierce sea battle, the heated Ring of Mamed-Khan's fleet breaks

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After this brilliant victory, the Razin and his Cossacks, enriched with fabulous prey, but extremely exterminated and hungry, take a course for the north in August 1669. They appear in Astrakhan, and local governors, taking a promise from them to correct to serve the king, pass all ships and cannons , let go of the servicant people, let them up the Volga on Don

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Stenka Razin on the Caspian Sea. Picture V.I. Surikova

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6. New campaign

09/23/2016 In early October, Rinor returned to Don. His remote Cossacks who have acquired not only wealth, but also military experience, settled on the island at the Kagalnitsky town on Don, the dual-definition of cases in the troops of Donskoy managed Cossack Starin led by Ataman, who was sitting in Cherkassk. It was supported by home, wealthy Cossacks, but those who were in the kagalnik, the difference was not considered with the military Ataman Yakovlev, his godfather, and all his assistants, the number of the Razinsky rebel troops forming on Don, growing rapidly. The leader does everything energetically and secretly.

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09/23/2016 But soon no longer hides its plans and goals. Razin openly declares that a new big hiking will soon begin, and not only and not so much for the robbery of shopping caravans: "To try to me the Volga of the Boyard of the Udatts!" In early May 1670, Razin is removed from the camp and arrives in Panshin town. V. Us and Donskaya Cossacks appear here and the Razin organized a new campaign on the Volga, who had already had an open uprising character. He sent "charming" (prevailing) letters, in which he called on his side of all the seekers and wishing to serve him he was not going (at least in words) to overthrow the king Alexei Mikhailovich, but declared himself the enemy of the whole official administration - the governor, Dyakov , representatives of the Church, accusing them in the "treason" of the king. The ruins dissolved the rumor that Tsarevich Alexey Alekseevich was located in their ranks (in fact, the deceased in Moscow on January 17, 1670) and the Patriarch Nikon (Located in the link)

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The Razinsky army on May 15 came to the Volga above Tsaritsyn and besieged the city. Residents opened the gate. After the reprisals with the governor, orders, warlords and rich merchants, the rebels arranged a Duvan - the divide of the confiscated property leaving in Tsaritsyn a thousand people (out of 10 thousand), Razin went to the Black Yar. Under his walls " simple warriors»From the government's troops, Prince S. Lvov with drumboats and unfolded banners moved to the rebels

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June 22, 1670 was captured by Astrakhan. By the sentence of the circle, the voevod, officers, nobles and others were executed, only 500 people. The property of them was divided by Viyul 1670. Razin left Astrakhan. He goes up the Volga, and soon, in mid-August, Saratov and Samara surrender to him. The settlers enter the areas with extensive feudal possessions and the numerous peasant population. Concerned authorities tighten here many noble, shooting, soldier shelves

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Razin is in a hurry to the Symbirsk - the center of a strongly fortified dumb line of cities and fortresses the rebels approached on September 4. The next day, a hot battle flashed out, continued and on September 6, the Razin strengthened the onslaught and broke into the ugly literally on the shoulders of the defeat of Bullyatsky. Miloslavsky took his strength to the Kremlin. Both sides suffered considerable losses. Razin began lasting a whole month by the siege of the Kremlin

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7. Expansion of movement and its end

09/23/2016 The flame of the uprising covers a huge territory: the Volga region, the Volga region, many southern, southeastern, central counties. Slobodskaya Ukraine, the bond the main driving force becomes the masses of fortress peasants. Actively participate in the movement of city bottoms, workplace people, burlaci, serve small mercot (city shooters, soldiers, Cossacks), representatives of the lowest clergy, all sorts of "walking", "homeless" people. The motion includes Chuvashi and Marine, Mordva and Tatars under the control of the rebels passed a huge territory, many cities and villages. Their residents were cracked with feudalities, rich, replaced the governor with elective authorities - Atamans and their assistants who were elected on common gatherings, according to Cossack circles. They stopped collecting taxes and payments in favor of feudal and treasury, reservoir work

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09/23/2016 Charming letters raised by dysine and other leaders raised new layers of the population to the uprisings. According to a contemporary foreigner, at this time, up to 200 thousand people participated in motion. Many nobles fell their victim, burned estates. The main rebel army in September and early October was deposited by the Symbir Kremlin. In many counties, they were struggle with troops, nobles of the local detachments of the rebels. They captured many cities - Alatyr and Kurdysh, Penza and Saransk, frightened by the scope of the uprising, which in the documents of that time called war, the authorities mobilize new shelves. Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich himself suits the reviews of the troops. By commander-in-chief of all forces, he appoints Boyarov Prince Yu. A. Dolgoruky, an experienced commander, distinguished in the war with Poland, harsh and merciless person

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    09/23/2016 He makes his bet Arzamas. The royal shelves go here, on the way, beating the attacks of the rebel detachments, giving them battles both sides carry considerable losses. However, slow and steadily resistance to the armed rebels overcomes in early October to Simbirsk returned with the army of Yu.N. Borytinsky, who eager to get revenge for the defeat, which suffered a month ago. The fierce battle, during which the ruins fought as lions, ended with their defeat of Razin wounded in the thick of the battle, and the comrades made it, who lost the consciousness and bleeding, from the battlefield, immersed in the boat and sailed down the Volga. In early 1671, the main foci of movement were suppressed. But almost all year continued to fight Astrakhan. November 27, 1671 Pal and this last stronghold of the rebels

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  • "Bunts and uprisings of the 17th century" - - Osada Cossack army of the fortress Simbirsk - Speech by the Church against the rebels. The composition of the participants is a rollery (runaway chop) goals - the release of people from all forms of dependence. The composition of participants - merchants, Sagittarius, hired work requirements - Cancellation of money. Reasons for reasons. The main directions of the foreign policy of Alexey Mikhailovich.

    "Bogdan Khmelnitsky" - anti-rolling uprising. Received fame at the courtyard of the Polish king. From 1638, the Sotnik Chigirinsky Regiment, then the military clerk of the Zaporizhia troops. Who was. Under the Cossack banners were tens of thousands of peasants. Bohdan Khmelnytsky. Poles persistently did not refuse claims to Ukraine and did not fulfill the conditions of signed contracts.

    "The development of Russia in the XVII century" is an excerpt from the satirical story of the "hospital". "Russian chronograph" is an official historical composition of the late XVII century. XVII B is a significant expansion of Russia. Literature. Option II. Was in the speeches of the promoter and a wonderful speaker, in the reflections of the Rowman. What historical events are we talking about?

    "17th century" - book benches on the Spassky Bridge. Preobrazhensky temple on Kizhi Island. It is an outstanding architectural monument. Moscow. Task for lesson. Architecture in the XVII century. Edition of 1721. Praise the icon of God's Mother Vladimir. Theme lesson. Pages from the Cariona Putter. Male thithering. Education, literature and life in the XVII century.

    "Life of the 17th century" - the family consisted of no more than 10 people. The windows were inserted with mica, or fish bubbles. The main king entertainment was the Psovy and Falcon Hunt. Churrices of the nobles were a copy of the royal chambers in miniature. Report Alexei Fimkin. Hospitality. The royal yard has become unusually crowded. In the 17th century The royal life has changed.

    "On November 4" - and write to all cities ... You speak everywhere by my name. " In 1649 by Decree of the Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Day November 5 (N.S.) was declared a holiday, which was celebrated until 1917. Recall. At the beginning of the 17th century, Russia flooded the "wave of impostors and thieves". Burning Moscow Winter. On November 4, Russia celebrates the Day of People's Unity.

    Total in the subject of 29 presentations


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