Types of knowledge. Types of human knowledge is based on common sense generalized practical knowledge

Types of knowledge. Types of human knowledge is based on common sense generalized practical knowledge

Knowledge - This is the process of comprehension by the person of new, previously unknown knowledge.
Structure Process of knowledge:

  1. The subject of knowledge is an active individual, a social group or society as a whole, endowed with consciousness and goal.
  2. The object of knowledge is what the cognitive activity of the subject is directed. May be an animal (man, animal) and inanimate (nature phenomena); Material (real object) or perfect (hypothesis, theory).
  3. The result of knowledge - knowledge - the product of the relationship of thought to reality, existing in logically linguistic form, in the form of concepts, judgments, symbols, signs.

Characteristics of the main types of knowledge

The question of the ratio of sensual and rational caused the emergence of two philosophical directions.
Empiricism - Sensual experience is the only source of all of our knowledge.
Rationalism - Our knowledge can only be obtained with the help of the mind, without support for feelings.
But it is impossible to oppose sensual and rational in knowledge, since two levels of knowledge are manifested as a single process. The difference between them is not temporary, but high-quality: the first low stage, the second one. Knowledge is the unity of sensual and rational knowledge of reality.

Knowledge - The result of knowledge of reality, the content of consciousness.

Knowledge types:
Delusion - Knowledge that does not match the real object, but the truth adopted. Lies - conscious distortion of an object image.
Lowish - Based on a common sense, it is formed as a result of the daily life of people, comes down to the statement of facts and their description.
Practical - The basis is the activities of people to implement needs.
Artistic - It is built on the image, characterized by emotionality, subjectivity.
Scientific - It is characterized by the desire to objectivity, systemativity, logicality, exists in the form of concepts and categories, general principles, laws, theories.
Rational - reflects reality in terms, is built on rational thinking.
Irrational - reflects reality in emotions, often based on intuition, does not obey the laws of logic.

Forms of knowledge

Scientific - Objective, systemically organized and reasonable knowledge
empirical level
- observation;
- experiment;
- Description.
theoretical level
- induction (from private to general);
- deduction (from total to private);
- Analysis (decomposition of the whole part)
- Synthesis (connection of individual knowledge into one)
Unscientific - scattered, undischarged knowledge that is not formalized and is not described by law
double-handed - scientific knowledge background
Paranuchant - incompatible with existing scientific knowledge
Flashless - consciously using speculation and prejudices
Anti-scientific - utopian and consciously distorting idea of \u200b\u200breality

Features of social knowledge:
- the subject and object of knowledge coincide (the Company studies itself, the sociologist sees the process from the inside, as it is a participant public relations. Therefore, a personal assessment of social phenomena plays a big role);
- the possibilities of the researcher are limited (it is not always possible to conduct an experiment);
- The complexity and variability of the object of study generates pluralism of points of view on society.

When studying society should be applied specifically historical approach:
- establish the relationship between past and future;
- identifying common patterns, it is necessary to remember the originality and uniqueness of the historical path of peoples, countries, regions;
- to study public phenomena in their diversity and interdependence;
- consider current activities as a result of the previous one.

Features of knowledge of art:
- emotional painting;
- Exercised using images.
Form - This is the reflection of reality, which has certain properties of the actual existing subject, refracted through the inner world of the Creator (artist, director, writer).
Canon - Code of Application Rules for creating an image. Characterized by the peculiarities of the worldview of the era. (For example, in the period of antiquity, beauty is challenged human bodyproportionality; In the Middle Ages, the body is perceived as something sinful, so it is depicted flat, covered with clothes).

How is the nature of everyday knowledge definitely defined? What function in the life of people, in the opinion of the author, does life-living knowledge perform? Relying on social science knowledge, explain the meaning of the concept of "knowledge."

Now our time is not difficult to fall in a mistake, identifying knowledge in general with knowledge only scientific (or even with what is considered scientific) and discarding all other types of knowledge or considering them only to the extent that they can be like as scientific knowledge. This is explained by the modern peculiar public atmosphere, the cult of science, inherent in modern society and existing despite the growing criticism of the costs of scientific and technological progress and even in parallel with it. The development of sciences did not simply discovered many facts, properties, laws, set the set of truths - the specific type of thinking was produced. But to mix knowledge in general with his scientific form - deep delusion. In everyday life, not all problems standing in front of a person and society require an indispensable appeal to science: the book of life is open not only by the eyes of a scientist, it is open to everyone who is able to perceive things, feel and think.

If we proceed from the fact that the basis of all knowledge is the experience in the broadest sense of the word, the types of human knowledge are distinguished primarily because they are based on experience.

It makes sense to delimit the "passive" knowledge of the reader of a artistic work or a student who records a lecture, from the knowledge of the author, the knowledge of the Creator - whether it is a scientist, an artist or religious devotee. (Although in the first case, the element of creativity is not excluded; they say that a brilliant reader needs a brilliant writer.) "Copyright" knowledge varies most brightly according to the type, primarily by the nature of personal inclination ... However, harmony is characteristic of outstanding creative individuals Cognitive abilities.

Easy knowledge and knowledge is based primarily on observation and smelting, it is empirical and better agrees with generally accepted life experiences than with abstract scientific construction.

The significance of everyday knowledge as a predecessor of other forms of knowledge should not be understood: common sense turns out to be often thinner and more insightful than the mind of another scientist ... Based on the common sense and everyday consciousness, such knowledge is an important indicative basis of the daily behavior of people, their relationships among themselves And with nature. Here is its common point with science. This form of knowledge is developing and enriched as scientific and artistic knowledge progress; It is closely related to the "language" of human

cultures in general, which makes up on the basis of serious theoretical work in the process of world-historical human development. As a rule, everyday knowledge is reduced to the statement of facts and their description.

(A. G. Spirkin)


1) misconception:

Identifying knowledge generally exclusively with scientific knowledge;

2) Causes:

The cult of science inherent in modern society;

The presence of a specific type of thinking.

The elements of the response can be given in other, similar in the meaning of the wording


The correct answer must contain the following items:

2) Two other differences, for example:

Other differences may be called


Such explanations may be given:

1) not all problems can be studied, understood as part of one type (form) of knowledge;

2) empirical and theoretical knowledge is interrelated and can hardly be isolated from each other (empirical information is fixed in concepts, judgments, conclusions, etc.);

3) a combination of various types (forms) of knowledge gives the most full picture of the world.

Other explanations may be given


There should be answers to three questions:

1) Reply to the first question:

Empirical character;

2) Reply to the second question:

The estimated basis of the daily behavior of people, their relationship between themselves and with nature;

3) Reply to the third question:

Cognition is a type of activity, the content of which is the reflection of the objective reality by the senses and the mind of a person, and the result, the acquisition of knowledge.

Answers to questions may be given in other phosphors in the meaning of the wording.

Slide 1.

Clade 2.

Lesson plan. The term "knowledge" types of knowledge. Scientific knowledge of social knowledge. http://banner.konfuzius.ru.

Slide 3.

The term "knowledge" is used in different senses: as abilities, skills, skills that are based on awareness as cognitively significant information as a special cognitive unit, expressing a person's attitude to reality and existing alongside and in relationship with its opposite - a practical attitude.

Slide 4.

Types of knowledge. Empty is empirical. Based on common sense and ordinary consciousness. It is the basis of the daily behavior of people, their relationship between themselves and with nature. It comes down to the statement of facts and their description scientific understanding of reality in its past, present and future, reliable generalization of the facts. Carries out the foresight of various phenomena. Reality is associated with the form of distracted concepts and categories, general principles and laws that often acquire extremely abstract forms (formulas, graphs, schemes, etc.)

Slide 5.

Types of knowledge. Practical mastery of things, the conversion of the world. Looks like a holistic display of peace and man in it. It is built on the image, and not on the concept of rational reflection of reality in the logical concepts and categories. Associated with rational thinking

Slide 6.

Types of knowledge. Irration is not associated with rational thinking and even contradicts him. The subject is emotions, passions, experiences, intuition, will, as well as some phenomena, for example, abnormal, characterized by paradoxicality and not subject to the laws of logic and science personal depending on the abilities of the subject and on the characteristics of its intellectual activity

Slide 7.

Scientific knowledge everyone knows and everyone understands only fools and charlatans. Anton Chekhov.

Slide 8.

Scientific knowledge is a special type of cognitive activity aimed at developing objective, systemically-organized and reasonable knowledge about nature, man and society. Cor.edu.27.ru.

Slide 9.

Check homework: What are the peculiarities of scientific knowledge? irgrri.ucoz.ru.

Clade 10.

features of scientific knowledge are as follows: - objectivity of the mined knowledge; - development of the conceptual apparatus (categorical); - rationality associated with consistentness, evidence and systematicism; - verifiability; - high level generalizations of knowledge; - versatility; - The use of special methods and methods of cognitive activity.

Clade 11.

Scientific knowledge is universally in the sense that any phenomenon can do the subject of research can study everything in the human world. However, everything that science makes its subject, it explores on the part of laws and reasons. Scientific knowledge has its own levels, forms and methods.

Slide 12.

Check your homework. Name the main levels and forms of scientific knowledge. irgrri.ucoz.ru.

Slide 13.

Scientific knowledge - levels: the empirical detection of objective facts, as a rule, by their obvious relations. Theoretical detection of fundamental patterns, detection for visible manifestations of hidden, internal relations and relations.

Slide 14.

Forms of scientific knowledge Empirical level: Scientific fact (event, physical process) Empirical law Theoretical level: problem hypothesis theory

Slide 15.

Methods of scientific knowledge Empirical methods: observation, experiment, measurement, description, comparison. Theoretical methods: analogy (similarity in qualities), modeling (reproduction of similar characteristics on another object "model"), idealization - mental objects that do not really exist in the experience and reality ("straight", "point", "perfect gas", "absolutely solid») Abstraction (mental distraction from a number of properties of the subject and allocating any property)

Slide 16.

We draw conclusions: Empirical knowledge - fragmented (give knowledge only about the individual sides of the object being studied) Theoretical knowledge - systemic, reveal the essence of the object being studied. Only the unity of all methods of scientific knowledge ensures their truth.

Slide 17.

Social knowledge. People exist for each other. Mark Arellium. It is impossible to live in society and be free from society. Lenin.

Slide 18.

Slide 19.

Social knowledge is an analysis of social processes and identifying natural knowledge of humanitarian knowledge repetitive phenomena - analysis of the goals, motives, human orientation and understanding of its thoughts, motivations, intentions of social and humanitarian knowledge of mutual perjugate. Without a person there is no society. But man cannot exist without society.

Slide 20.

Features of social knowledge 1. Subech and the object of knowledge coincide. 2. The welfare social knowledge is always associated with the interests of the individuals of the subjects of knowledge. 3. Social knowledge is always loaded with an assessment, this value knowledge.

Clade 21.

Features of social knowledge 4. The complexity of the object of knowledge is society that has a variety of different structures and is in constant development. 5. Since social life changes very quickly, then in the process of social knowledge, we can talk about the establishment of only relative truths. 6. The possibility of using such a method of scientific knowledge as an experiment is limited.

Clade 22.

Features of humanitarian knowledge understanding - (p. 62 M. Bakhtin) appeal to texts of letters and public speeches, diaries and software applications, artwork and critical reviews, etc., in order to understand their meaning. The inability to know knowledge to unambiguous, all recognized definitions. Humanitarian knowledge is intended to influence a person, spiritualizing, transforming its moral, ideological, ideological benchmarks, to promote the development of his human qualities.

Slide 23.

Social fact An objective scientific event that had a place at a certain time under certain conditions. Does not depend on the researcher. May not be fixed. Knowledge of an event that is described taking into account the specifics of the social situation in which it occurred. Fixed in books, documents or otherwise.

Slide 24.

Types of social facts. Actions, actions of people, individual individuals or large social groups Products of human activity (material and spiritual) verbal (verbal) actions: opinions, judgments, evaluation

Slide 25.

Why interpret social fact? In order for the fact to become scientific, it should be interpreted (lat. Interpretatio - interpretation, clarification). First of all, the fact is supplied to any scientific concept. Then all essential facts are being studied. which develops an event, as well as the situation (the situation) in which it occurred, the diverse relations of the result of the fact with other facts are traced.

Clade 26.

Let's draw conclusions: Thus, the interpretation of the social fact is a complex multi-stage procedure for its interpretation, generalizations, explanations. Only interpreted fact is really a scientific fact.

Clade 27.

We repeat the previously studied. 1. Creation "The goods has the cost" is an example a) representation b) concept c) judgment d) conclusions

Slide 28.

2. The criterion (s) of the truth is (s): a) compliance with the dominant teaching in society b) practice c) leadership opinion g) all indicated above

Clade 29.

3. And sensual and rational knowledge: a) forms ideas and knowledge about the subject b) begins with the feeling of c) gives a visual image of the object B) uses logical conclusion.

The overall concept of knowledge

"All people by nature crave to know"

So the famous first suggestion of Aristotel "metaphysics" sounds. Here you can notice an interesting feature: knowledge, at least since the time of Aristotle, can be understood as desire, figuratively speaking, as an intellectual thirst. When knowledge is understood as desire, it, by definition, must be accompanied by some kind of need, the absence of something. Thirsty Knowledge do not have themselves, while being in his search. Aristotle praises intellectual curiosity; In his opinion, this property is extremely important - it makes a person man.

Nevertheless, if we go beyond the humanistic tradition, we can completely face completely different looks for knowledge. One example of this is the philosophy of Taoism, according to which one knows something well often means to master this perfectly. Often, saying "know", we mean "know, like ..." (ie, "be able to"), and not "know that ...". It seems that such a kind of knowledge is rather practical than intellectual - Lao Tzu is extremely appreciated. However, it is already more likely to classify knowledge. And before proceeding in the classification of knowledge, it was advisable to decide with the concept of knowledge.

In a broad sense, knowledge is a subjective image of reality in the form of concepts and representations.

Knowledge in a narrow sense is the possession of proven information (answers to questions), which allows to solve the task.

Knowledge is the result of the knowledge of reality, the content of consciousness obtained by a person in the course of active reflection, the ideal reproduction of objective natural relations and real-world relations.

So, the meaning of the term "knowledge":

Knowledge as abilities, skills based on awareness;

Knowledge as cognitive-significant information;

Knowledge as a human attitude to reality.

Of all the above, it is possible to conclude that knowledge is the result of human cognitive activity, a certain combination of information and knowledge in any area. Knowledge helps people rationally organize their activities and solve various problems arising in its process.

Types and forms of knowledge

Cognition is not limited to the sphere of science, knowledge in one way or another exists outside of science. Each form of public consciousness: science, philosophy, mythology, politics, religion, etc. - meet specific forms of knowledge. There are also knowledge forms that have a conceptual, symbolic or artistic and exemplary basis.

Highlight different kinds Knowledge: scientific, indecompheated, ordinary-practical (ordinary, common sense), intuitive, religious, etc.

Moviest-practical - knowledge that existed in the early stages of human history and delivered elementary information about nature and surrounding reality (so-called. Common sense, signs, edifications, recipes, personal experience, traditions, etc.), wears a non-systemic, sophisticated, pretty character. Common knowledge serves as the basis of human orientation in the world, the basis of its daily behavior and foresight, but usually contains errors, contradictions.

Scientific - knowledge based on rationality is characterized by objectivity and versatility, and claims to be generalized. Scientific knowledge is the process of obtaining objective, true knowledge. His task is to describe, explain and predict the process and phenomenon of reality. Scientific revolutionswhich occurred during the development of scientific knowledge and leading to the change of theories and principles are replaced by the periods of normal development of science (deepening and detailing knowledge).

The scientific knowledge is inherent in logical validity, evidence, reproducibility of results, verifiability, desire to eliminate errors and overcoming contradictions.

The form of scientific knowledge of the younger than many forms of adverse knowledge.

Incidental knowledge is not some kind of fiction, produced by a certain intellectual community on different from rationalistic standards, references, have its own sources and means of knowledge. In the history of culture, the form of knowledge attributed to the "Office" of insecurity is united by a general concept - esoterism.

Also share forms of knowledge according to the degree of scientific, knowledge can be scientific and insensitive.

Scientific knowledge can be:

Empirical (based on experience or observation)

Theoretical (based on the analysis of abstract models).

Scientific knowledge in any case must be substantiated on an empirical or theoretical evidence basis.

Theoretical knowledge - abstraction, analogies, schemes that displays the structure and nature of the processes of changes in objects occurring in the subject area. These knowledge explain the phenomena and can be used to predict the behavior of objects.

Additional knowledge can be:

paranuchic - knowledge, not compatible with the existing gnoseological standard. The wide class of paranochny (couple from Greek. - About, with) knowledge includes teachings or reflections on phenomena, the explanation of which is not convincing from the point of view of criteria;

false scientific - consciously operating speculation and prejudice. False scientific knowledge often represents science as an outsider business. As symptoms of Plzhenaucas, a small-scale pathos is isolated, fundamental intolerance to the refuting arguments, as well as the pretentiousness. False scientific knowledge is very sensitive to the evil day, sensation. Its feature is that it cannot be combined with a paradigm, cannot have a systematic, versatility. False scientific knowledge coexist with scientific knowledge. It is believed that false-scientific knowledge detects itself and develops through a quasi-scientific;

quasi-scientific - they are looking for supporters and adherents, relying on the methods of violence and coercion. Quasi-scientific knowledge, as a rule, blooms in conditions of strictly hierarched science, where the criticism of the Power of the preconditioners is impossible, where the ideological regime is rigidly manifested. In the history of Russia, the periods of "Quasi-Daniuki Triumph" are well known: Lysenkovschina; Fixism as quasi-dasy in Soviet geology of the 50s.; estate cybernetics, etc.;

anti-academic - like utopian and consciously distorting ideas about reality. The prefix "Anti" draws attention to the fact that the subject and research methods are opposed to science. With it, they associate the eternal need for the discovery of a common easily accessible "medication from all diseases". Of particular interest and thrust for anti-lineage occur during periods of social instability. But, although this phenomenon is sufficiently dangerous, it cannot happen fundamentally from the anti-lineau;

pseudo-scientific - are intellectual activity speculating on the aggregate of popular theories, for example, stories about the ancient astronauts, about a snowy man, about the monster from Loch Ness;

moviest-practical - delivered elementary information about nature and surrounding. People tend to have a large volume of everyday knowledge, which is made daily and is the original layer of all kinds of knowledge. Sometimes axioms of sanity contradict scientific provisions, impede the development of science. Sometimes, on the contrary, science is long and difficult through evidence and refutation comes to the formulation of those provisions that have long approved themselves in the medium of ordinary knowledge. Everyday knowledge includes and common sense, and signs, and edification, and recipes, and personal experience, and traditions. Although it fixes the truth, but it does not systematically and shortly. Its feature is that it is used by a person practically unconsciously and in its application does not require preliminary systems of evidence;

personal - depending on the abilities of one or another subject and on the characteristics of its intellectual cognitive activity. The collective knowledge is generally (concurrently), suggests the presence of the conceptual concepts, methods, receptions and rules of construction.

Folk science is a special form of extrancertain and extrarational knowledge. Previously, the privilege of shamans, priests, the elders of the genus, now became a matter of individual groups or subjects (samples, healers, psychics).

According to other sources, knowledge of knowledge is classified as follows:

Building - built on a common sense (is empirical. It is based on a common sense and an ordinary consciousness. It is the most important indicative basis of the daily behavior of people, their relationship between themselves and with nature. It comes down to the statement of facts and their description)

Practical - constructed on actions, mastering things, peace transformation

Artistic - built on the image (holistic mapping of peace and man in it. It is based on the image, and not on the concept)

Scientific is based on the concepts (an understanding of reality in its past, present and future, reliable generalization of the facts. Carries out the foresight of various phenomena. Reality is associated with the form of distracted concepts and categories, general principles and laws that often acquire extremely abstract forms)

Rational - reflection of reality in logical concepts, is built on rational thinking

Irrational - reflection of reality in emotions, passions, experiences, intuition, will, abnormal and paradoxical phenomena; Does not obey the laws of logic and science.

Personal (implicit) - depends on the ability of the subject and on the characteristics of its intellectual activity.

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Write down the word missed in the table.


In the above, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts. Write this word.

Recession, recession, cycle, depression, lifting, peak.


Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, denote the types of legal responsibility.

1) material; 2) disciplinary; 3) judicial; 4) criminal; 5) frontal; 6) administrative.

Find two terms "dropping" from the general range, and write the numbers in the table under which they are indicated.


Select faithful judgments about the functions of art and write the numbers under which they are specified.

1) Cognitive function allows you to analyze reality with artistic images.

2) The aesthetic function of art is manifested in anticipation of fashion trends in art.

3) According to the hedonistic function, art is designed to delve pleasure.

4) The educational function is associated with the process of socialization.

5) The compensatory function reflects the task of the forecast of negative manifestations of material culture.


Set the correspondence between the distinctive features and types of knowledge that they illustrate: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.



At the school conference, the high school student did a report on the social sciences and the peculiarities of social knowledge. However, not everyone nominated the theses turned out to be true. Choose from the provisions voiced by them that characterize the social sciences and features of social knowledge, and write down numbersunder which they are indicated.

1) Sociology is a science on the most general laws of nature development, society and knowledge.

2) A feature of social knowledge is the coincidence of the object and the subject of knowledge.

3) Social knowledge gained inevitably associated with the values \u200b\u200band interests of a learning individual.

4) Modern social sciences are widely used by such a method of knowledge, as an experiment, without being constrained legal and moral norms.

5) One of the basic principles of social knowledge is the need to consider social reality in development.

6) The main task of scientists working in the sphere of social sciences is not to abstract from their value priorities, but to interpret them into a scientific fact.


Choose faithful judgments about the distinguishing features of the command economy and write the numbers under which they are specified.

Figures indicate in ascending order.

1) One of the significant signs of the Command Economy is the shortage of some products, especially the goods of widespread consumption.

2) Private property in the command-administrative system applies to the means of production and property intended for housekeeping.

3) The basis of the economic mechanism is a policy planning.

4) products for products are established by the state and, as a rule, do not depend on the market situation.

5) Enterprises independently determine trade partners, including foreign economic.


Set the correspondence between the functions of banks and the levels of the banking system: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

Write the numbers in response by placing them in order corresponding to the letters:



Pharmacy No. 1 of the city N is a municipal unitary enterprise. Which of the list in the list corresponds to the distinctive features of this form of entrepreneurial organization? Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

Figures indicate in ascending order.

1) The highest body of the Office is the general meeting of its members, which solves the most important issues of the company's activities, including those who constantly choose the permanent executive bodies - the Board and / or Chairman.

2) The entrepreneur is responsible for its obligations to all owned by the property, with the exception of property, which in accordance with the law cannot be drawn.

3) A commercial organization is not endowed with the ownership of property assigned to the owner.

4) The company is not entitled to create as a legal entity another enterprise by transferring to him part of his property (subsidiary).

5) The property of the enterprise belongs to him on the right of economic management or on the right of operational management, is indivisible and cannot be distributed on deposits.

6) The company's profit is distributed between its employees in accordance with their labor participation.



Choose faithful judgments about the social conflict and write the numbers under which they are indicated.

Figures indicate in ascending order.

1) The contradictions between conflict entities may exist quite a long period of time and always develop into conflict.

2) Social conflict is an open confrontation, a collision of two or more subjects of social interaction.

3) the form of collisions is violent or non-violent - depends on the set of factors, including whether there are real conditions and capabilities (mechanisms) of non-violent conflict resolution.

4) The cause of the conflict is always a dispute on the material resources.

5) taking into account the content of problems that caused conflict actions, allocate internal and external conflicts.


During the sociological survey, citizens of the country and answered the question of payment methods that they most often use. The results obtained (in% of the number of respondents) are presented as a table.

Find out the conclusions that can be made on the basis of the table in the list, and write the numbers under which they are specified.

Figures indicate in ascending order.

1) Approximately a quarter of the total number of respondents use equally both in cash and non-cash payments.

2) Residents of metropolitan cities are more often than residents of small cities, use cashless calculations.

3) Interviewed aged from 35 to 44 years old prefer to pay through a bank card, and not by banknotes.

4) Half of the surveyed residents of the village pay exclusively by banknotes and coins.

5) Each tenth interconnected from 25 to 34 years old uses exclusively non-cash calculations.


Choose true judgments about the functions of the political elite in a democratic society and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Figures indicate in ascending order.

1) The strategic function of the political elite lies in the creation of the concept of the urgent reforms.

2) The political elite manages the politically passive population through force structures and other institutions of coercion.

3) The prognostic function of the political elite provides for the exercise in the practice of the developed course, conducting political decisions to life.

4) The integrative function is to strengthen the stability of society, the sustainability of its political and economic systems, cohesion of various layers of the population, harmonization and coordination of social interests.

5) Communicative function provides for the ability to respond to a change in moods of various groups, to ensure the operation of the interconnection channels with the masses, study, collecting and reflected in the political course of interest and the needs of various social layers and groups.


Install the correspondence between the functions and subjects of state power Russian Federationwhich perform them: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.


State power of the Russian Federation

A) appointment for the position and liberation from the post of Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

B) appointment and release of the highest command of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

C) signing of ratification

D) rejection of the President of the Russian Federation from office

E) ensuring a single financial, credit and monetary policy in the Russian Federation

1) President of the Russian Federation

2) Government of the Russian Federation

3) State Duma

4) Federation Council

Write the numbers in response by placing them in order corresponding to the letters:



The Constitution proclaims the Z by a democratic unitary state with a republican form of government. Which of the given signs characterize the state regime Z? Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

Figures indicate in ascending order.

1) In the Constitution, the procedure for the election of the senior official of the state was enshrined.

2) Parliament of the state Z has a unicameral structure.

3) Composite parts of the unitary state (region and departments) state sovereignty do not possess.

4) In the constitution of the state, the principle of democracy is enshrined.

5) The highest value of the state Z is proclaimed by a person, his rights and freedoms.

6) A citizen of the state Z cannot be deprived of his citizenship or the right to change it.


What of the following refers to the exclusive management of the Russian Federation? Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Defense and Security

2) issues of ownership, use and orders of land, subsoil, water and other natural resources

3) separation of state ownership

4) regulation and protection of human rights and freedoms and citizen

5) Meteorological service, standards, standards, metric system and time calculation


Choose faithful judgments about the rights of the employee and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Figures indicate in ascending order.

1) compensation for harm caused by the employee in connection with the execution of labor duties

2) compulsory social insurance in cases provided for by federal laws

3) resolution of individual and collective labor disputes

4) Performance of established labor standards

5) Compliance with labor protection requirements and labor safety


Set the compliance between the powers and law enforcement agencies in the Russian Federation: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.


A) organization of activities on state registration of non-commercial organizations

B) resolution of disputes on competence between government bodies

C) the implementation of coordination and control of the activities of the Federal Bailiff Service

D) verification of the constitutionality of the law applied or subject to use in concrete

E) the implementation of law enforcement functions and functions for control and supervision in the execution of criminal penalties

1) Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

2) Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

Write the numbers in response by placing them in order corresponding to the letters:



Spouses Catherine and Peter did not conclude a marriage contract and during the dissolution of marriage did not reach the consent about the property section. The court brought to their information that they could be guided by the legitimate regime of the spouses. Which of the above provisions correspond to this type of spouse ownership of? Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

Figures indicate in ascending order.

1) The joint property of the spouses is the property acquired by them during marriage (common property of spouses), to which the income of each of the spouses from labor, entrepreneurial activity belongs.

2) The property belonging to each of the spouses before marriage, as well as the property received by one of the spouses during a marriage as a gift, in the order of inheritance or by other gratuitous transactions (the property of each spouse), is joint property.

3) The property of each of the spouses can be recognized by their joint property, if it is established that in the period of marriage due to the common property of spouses or the property of each spouse or labor of one of the spouses, investments were made, significantly increasing the cost of this property.

4) The common property of spouses is also acquired by the total revenues of the spouses movable and immovable things, securities, pairs, shares in the capital of commercial organizations.

5) A transaction is allowed to carry out one of the spouses of the transaction by order of the common property of spouses against the will of another spouse.

6) Thirdness of individual use (clothing, shoes, etc.), including jewels and other luxury items, although those purchased during the period of marriage at the expense of the total spouses are recognized by the property of the spouse that they used.


Read the following text in which a number of words are missed.

Each person in the social system takes several positions. Each of these positions implies certain rights and ____ (a) is called status. A person can have several status. But most often only one defines its position in society. This status is called the main one. It often happens that the main status is due to its ____ (b) (for example, director, professor). Social status is reflected both in the external ____ (c) and the appearance (clothing, jargon and other signs of social and professional affiliation) and in the inner position. Social status denotes a specific place that the individual occupies in this social ____ (g). The combination of the claims imposed by the individual forms the content of the social role, the totality ___ (e), which should perform a person possessing this status. It disintegrates on role-playing expectations and on role-playing behavior - the fact that a person really performs within its ____ (e).

Words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can be used only once.

Choose a sequential one word after another, mentally filling each pass. Note that words in the list are more than you need to fill the pass.

List of terms:

In this below, the table shows the letters denoting missed words. Write in the table under each letter number of your chosen word.

Write the numbers in response by placing them in order corresponding to the letters:



The author cites three concepts of state budget. What concept does he consider the most common? Who is her author? How does the author determines the traditional attitude to the problem of the state budget deficit?

(by yyu. Matveva))

Read the text and execute the tasks 21-24.

Attitude towards the deficit of the state budget is usually negative. The most popular is the idea of \u200b\u200ba balanced budget. Historically, three concepts have been put forward in relation to the state budget: 1) the idea of \u200b\u200bannually balanced budget; 2) the idea of \u200b\u200bthe budget balanced by the phases of the economic cycle (on a cyclic basis); 3) the idea of \u200b\u200bbalance not budget, but the economy.

The concept of an annual balanced budget is that independently of the economic cycle phase every year the budget expenditures must be equal to income. This means that, for example, during the recession, when budget revenues (tax revenues) are minimal, the state to ensure the balance of the budget should reduce government spending (government procurement and transfers). And since the decline in public procurement, and transfers leads to a decrease in total demand, and, therefore, the volume of production, then this measure will lead to an even deeper recession. Conversely, if in the economy boom, i.e. maximum tax revenues, then to balance the costs of budget costs with incomes, the state should increase government spending, provoking even greater overheating of the economy and, therefore, even higher inflation. Thus, the theoretical failure of such an approach to budget management is quite obvious.

The concept of the state budget balanced on a cyclic basis is that it is not necessary to have a balanced budget annually. It is important that the budget is balanced in general during the economic cycle: budget surplus, increasing during the boom, when the budget revenues are maximal, should be used to finance the budget deficit, which has a place during the recession, when budget revenues are sharply reduced. This concept also has a significant drawback.

The concept of which the goal of the state should not be balanced by the budget, but the stability of the economy, was the greatest distribution. This idea was put forward by Keynes in his work " General Theory Employment, interest and money "(1936) and was actively used in the economies of developed countries until the mid-70s. According to the views of Keynes, the tools of the state budget (government procurement, taxes and transfers) should be used as anticyclic regulators that stabilize the economy at different phases of the cycle.

(by yyu. Matveva))

Task solutions with a detailed answer are not automatically checked.
On the next page you will be asked to check them yourself.

What are the three tools of the state budget affecting the stabilization of the economy, according to the concept of Keynes, calls the author? On the basis of text and social scientific knowledge, name and justify the use of two any ways of state intervention in the regulation of the market economy at different stages of the economic cycle.

Read the text and execute the tasks 21-24.

Attitude towards the deficit of the state budget is usually negative. The most popular is the idea of \u200b\u200ba balanced budget. Historically, three concepts have been put forward in relation to the state budget: 1) the idea of \u200b\u200bannually balanced budget; 2) the idea of \u200b\u200bthe budget balanced by the phases of the economic cycle (on a cyclic basis); 3) the idea of \u200b\u200bbalance not budget, but the economy.

The concept of an annual balanced budget is that independently of the economic cycle phase every year the budget expenditures must be equal to income. This means that, for example, during the recession, when budget revenues (tax revenues) are minimal, the state to ensure the balance of the budget should reduce government spending (government procurement and transfers). And since the decline in public procurement, and transfers leads to a decrease in total demand, and, therefore, the volume of production, then this measure will lead to an even deeper recession. Conversely, if in the economy boom, i.e. maximum tax revenues, then to balance the costs of budget costs with incomes, the state should increase government spending, provoking even greater overheating of the economy and, therefore, even higher inflation. Thus, the theoretical failure of such an approach to budget management is quite obvious.

The concept of the state budget balanced on a cyclic basis is that it is not necessary to have a balanced budget annually. It is important that the budget is balanced in general during the economic cycle: budget surplus, increasing during the boom, when the budget revenues are maximal, should be used to finance the budget deficit, which has a place during the recession, when budget revenues are sharply reduced. This concept also has a significant drawback.

The concept of which the goal of the state should not be balanced by the budget, but the stability of the economy, was the greatest distribution. This idea was nominated by Keynes in his work "General Theory of Employment, Percentage and Money" (1936) and was actively used in the economies of developed countries until the mid-70s. According to the views of Keynes, the tools of the state budget (government procurement, taxes and transfers) should be used as anticyclic regulators that stabilize the economy at different phases of the cycle.

(by yyu. Matveva))

Task solutions with a detailed answer are not automatically checked.
On the next page you will be asked to check them yourself.

Read the text and execute the tasks 21-24.

Attitude towards the deficit of the state budget is usually negative. The most popular is the idea of \u200b\u200ba balanced budget. Historically, three concepts have been put forward in relation to the state budget: 1) the idea of \u200b\u200bannually balanced budget; 2) the idea of \u200b\u200bthe budget balanced by the phases of the economic cycle (on a cyclic basis); 3) the idea of \u200b\u200bbalance not budget, but the economy.

The concept of an annual balanced budget is that independently of the economic cycle phase every year the budget expenditures must be equal to income. This means that, for example, during the recession, when budget revenues (tax revenues) are minimal, the state to ensure the balance of the budget should reduce government spending (government procurement and transfers). And since the decline in public procurement, and transfers leads to a decrease in total demand, and, therefore, the volume of production, then this measure will lead to an even deeper recession. Conversely, if in the economy boom, i.e. maximum tax revenues, then to balance the costs of budget costs with incomes, the state should increase government spending, provoking even greater overheating of the economy and, therefore, even higher inflation. Thus, the theoretical failure of such an approach to budget management is quite obvious.

The concept of the state budget balanced on a cyclic basis is that it is not necessary to have a balanced budget annually. It is important that the budget is balanced in general during the economic cycle: budget surplus, increasing during the boom, when the budget revenues are maximal, should be used to finance the budget deficit, which has a place during the recession, when budget revenues are sharply reduced. This concept also has a significant drawback.

The concept of which the goal of the state should not be balanced by the budget, but the stability of the economy, was the greatest distribution. This idea was nominated by Keynes in his work "General Theory of Employment, Percentage and Money" (1936) and was actively used in the economies of developed countries until the mid-70s. According to the views of Keynes, the tools of the state budget (government procurement, taxes and transfers) should be used as anticyclic regulators that stabilize the economy at different phases of the cycle.

Task solutions with a detailed answer are not automatically checked.

Task solutions with a detailed answer are not automatically checked.
On the next page you will be asked to check them yourself.

Choose one of the proposed statements and on its basis write mini-essay.

Formulate one or more basic ideas on its discretion affected by the author of the topic and discover it (them) with a support for social scientific knowledge.

For the disclosure of the formulated) of the main ideas (s), provide reasoning and conclusions using social scientific knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical provisions).

To illustrate the main ideas (s) formulated by you, theoretical provisions, reasoning and conclusions, provide at least two social facts / examples from various sources (public life (including media reports), personal social experience (including including read books, movie viewed), from various training items.

Each crucial fact / example should be formulated expanded and confirmed the designated basic idea, theoretical position, reasoning or output / to be clearly connected with them. In terms of its content, examples should not be the same type (should not duplicate each other).

29.1 Philosophy: "A person must work, work in the sweat of a person whoever he is, and in this one is the meaning and purpose of his life, his happiness, his enthusiasm." (A.P. Chekhov)

29.2 Economy: "People who achieve success in the world are the people who get up and are looking for the case they need." (B. Show)

29.3 Sociology, social psychology: "The character of the child is the cast from the nature of the parents, it develops in response to their character." (E. Fromm)

29.4 Political science: "You can deal with the enemy in two ways: first, laws, secondly, by force. The first way is inherent in a person, the second - the beast. " (N. Makiavelli)


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