Presentation on the topic Distance learning in school. Presentation on computer science on the topic "Distance learning in school"

Presentation on the topic Distance learning in school. Presentation on computer science on the topic "Distance learning in school"

One of the important results of the application of ICT in education is distance learning. Under remote educational technologies, "educational technologies implemented mainly with the use of informational and telecommunication technologies with mediated (at a distance) or not fully mediated interaction of the student and pedagogical worker" * * Article 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (1992).

The emergence of distance learning technologies contributed to the development of various means of transmitting information at a distance. The founder of this pedagogical technology is considered by the Englishman Isaac Pitman, who in 1840 began to train Students of Stenograph using postal shipments. Isaac Pitman

Educational technologies adapted for use in remote learning include: -Multimedia lectures and laboratory workshops; -Electronic multimedia textbooks; -Computer training and testing systems; --Imitational models and computer simulators; -Consultations and tests using telecommunications; -Videoconference. -Video lectures;

Distance learning allows you to: reduce the cost of conducting training (no costs for renting premises, travel to the place of study, both students and teachers, etc.); to educate large number human; improve the quality of learning through the use of modern funds, volumetric electronic libraries, etc. Create a unified educational environment (especially relevant for corporate learning).

The negative side of distance learning is that there is no live contact between the teacher and the student, as well as between other students. Not all students can have the necessary technical equipment, which makes it difficult to study the learning process.

Distance learning is a promising direction, and its development in the education system continues. This method is very convenient for people with disabilities located on maternity leave, who have the opportunity to leave the place of residence or work, and for those who love to study, but do not have enough time and cash.

Performed: Shergin Ekaterina, 2001 gr.

  • Distance learning is a step forward compared to absentee training. Keeping the main advantages absentee learning - The ability to learn at home, in comfortable hours and no matter where you live - distance learning is different from absentia greater flexibility and interactivity. If the correspondence courses work on a schedule, then the remote course can begin at any time at the request of the student. The training time is not asked hard and the student itself determines the tempo of work and decides whether to go through the course in a short time or, on the contrary, "stretch" it, if desired, it can also take a break for several weeks or even months. The remote teacher is always available on e-mail and is ready to answer any questions that arise from the student. Today, there was no doubt that distance learning will become the most important educational technology of the 21st century.
  • Case technology is based on independent study
  • printed and multimedia training - methodical
  • materials provided to the student in the form of Case.
  • In case - technologies, infrequent, but
  • All - full-time students with students with teachers.
  • Second group of training technologies - broadcast
  • video or audio conference. Students in a certain
  • day come to the hall where the conference is broadcast or
  • seminar, passing at this time, for example, in New York.
  • Technologies that are used in remote learning
  • can be divided into three groups, while the Internet is not always
  • plays a leading role.
  • Third technology is networked. In this case in training
  • computer training programs and
  • electronic textbooks. Listeners get access to
  • materials via the Internet or intranet.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning:
  • From the "remote" student is required very much
  • the desire to learn and the ability to organize yourself.
  • The teacher can "lead" of each student on
  • individual plan, throw individual
  • tasks and additional material.
  • At the same time, the student works in his free time, for example,
  • in warm home slippers, for a cup of tea.
  • Students of distance learning have no possibility
  • adapt to the beginning of the course, and start learning when
  • i have an opportunity.
  • Achilles Fifth remote education - bad
  • quality of communication over the Internet. Such a problem exists
  • not only in Russia, everywhere.
  • Having become acquainted with the "Eidos" I decided to try to participate
  • in the remote contest "All-Russian remote
  • Teacher of the Year
  • It was necessary to plan classes in such a way that it would not interfere with the learning process, and made it possible to communicate with the participants of the competition on various issues that interest me at the moment.
  • Looking through the courses forum, I had the idea that the disciples take more active part
  • than teachers.
  • I think it is due to the fact that some students go to the leg over time and are aware of the significance of distance education better than teachers.
  • With the help of distance courses, almost all general educational tasks are most effectively solved.
  • and especially for students
  • The competition brought me such practically significant results:
  • Participating, found out how distance learning occurs.
  • I got acquainted with S. Scientific school A.V. Khutorsky, took part in her work.
  • Created a site!
  • For the first time participated in the teleconference.
  • I spent my first remote course, I think that it is not bad.
  • I looked at how colleagues were held, got acquainted with their work techniques.
  • I confirmed my skills in telecommunication communication.
  • Improved the skills of remote emotional and psychological impact on the audience.
  • I got acquainted with pleasant and intelligent people.
  • In that academic year I was fortunate enough
  • get acquainted with the center of creative initiatives
  • "SNAIL" and become a network coordinator
  • Center Creative Initiatives Snail
  • In the subject week of mathematics, students of the 10th grade occupied the 1st place, the remaining participants according to the results of the competitions were in the top ten. This is a good result for an ordinary secondary school.
  • It is safe to say that remote training over the Internet is in demand today and, therefore, will quickly develop. For its development, there are now all the possibilities, as in the technical plan, so
  • and in intellectual.
  • And when a certain goal is worth a certain goal
  • and for its achievement, additional knowledge is needed, you can get them not only traditional
  • in a way, but also by distance learning via the Internet.

Distance learning A combination of technologies that ensure the delivery of the main volume of the material being studied, the interactive interaction of trainees and teachers in the learning process, providing the learned opportunities for independent work on the development of the material being studied, as well as in the learning process.

Types of remote technologies: Case technology. Case technology is based on the use of sets (cases) of textual, audiovisual and multimedia educational materials and their distribution for self-studying students when organizing regular consultations in teachers-tutors. TV technology. TV technology is based on the use of television systems to deliver students of educational and methodological materials and organizing regular consultations from teachers-tutors. Network technologies. Network technologies using telecommunications networks to provide students with educational materials and interaction with varying degrees of interactivity between the teacher and students. Network technologies are divided into asynchronous and synchronous.

The remote lesson is the form of the organization of the distance classes, conducted at certain temporary framework, in which the teacher leads the individual and group activities of students to create its own educational product, in order to master the foundations of the material under study, the upbringing and development of creative abilities (E.V. Harunzhaeva).

Remote training sessions are diverse: and an announcement occupation. The goal is to attract the attention of students, providing motivation for active learning activities. It can be recorded on a CD and exhibited in the original and archived form to the site for free access and shipment. Introductory occupation. The goal is to introduce into problems, an overview of the upcoming classes. Can be carried out on the material from the history of the topic and rely on personal experience Pupils. It can be recorded as a video track, for example, in AVI format. Individual consultation. Differs preliminary preparation of issues. Problems and solutions search paths are offered. The individual features of students are taken into account. It can be carried out individually by e-mail or using ICQ technology. Remote testing and self-assessment of knowledge. Performing virtual laboratory work. Chat classes - training sessions carried out using chat technologies. Chat classes are conducted synchronously, that is, all participants have simultaneous access to the chat. Within the framework of many remote educational institutions, Chat schools, in which the activities of remote teachers and students are organized with the help of chat rooms. For chat classes, the schedule of stages and issues of problems are predefined. The chat transcript is then analyzed, the analysis is sent to students with the comments of the teacher. Synchronous teleconference. It is carried out using email. Characterized by the structure and regulations. Pre-modeling, the teacher makes the workpiece and thinks out of possible reactions to students. Synchronous seminars can be carried out using television video conferencing and computer forums. In the pedagogical aspect, the use of seminars in video conferencing is not different from the traditional, since the process participants see each other on the screens of computer monitors or on the TV screens. A compromise version of synchronous seminars is the text forum, on the one hand, it allows you to discuss with the maximum degree of interactivity, on the other hand it requires minimal resources. If a graphic material is widely used during the discussion or it is necessary to additionally exchange other arbitrary information, then you need to use a graphical forum. This forum is essentially not only a means of communication, but a means of collaboration.

Remote training sessions are diverse: asynchronous teleconference. The speeches of the participants are published on the Internet in the form of advanced pre-edited texts as they arrived for a long time. -Web occupation. It can be decorated in the form of a business game, laboratory work, etc. Computer programs that simulate web classes are applied. During web sessions, information is exchanged by means of, for example, Chat or ICQ. - Biolmpiad. Characterized by creative open tasks. Very effective form of control with learning elements. Conducted by email or real-time via Chat or ICQ. -Seb Quest. Web Quest (Webquest) in pedagogy - Problem task with elements role-playing gameTo execute which the Internet information resources are used. Students independently search for information in Internet resources or on recommended electronic media, performing a teacher's task or under the influence of personal motivation. -Turbar (derived from two words: Web "Network" and "Seminar") This is a seminar that passes over the network. Webinars are divided into actually webinars, which suggest the bilateral participation of the teacher and students, and web castes, web conferences, where the interaction is unilateral: one person does a report, the rest listen to it (watching, read). - Lesson using video conferencing. This type of lesson does not differ from the traditional. The lesson passes in real time.

The structure of the remote lesson. Lesson Scenario The model of the structure of the remote lesson includes the following elements: Motivational Block. Motivation is a necessary component of a remote lesson, which should be maintained throughout the learning process. Of great importance is a clearly defined goal, which is placed in front of the student. Motivation is quickly reduced if the level of the tasks does not correspond to the level of training of the student. Instructive block (instructions and recommendations for the task, lesson). Information block (information content system). Control unit (testing and control system). Communicative and advisory block (system of interactive interaction of participants in the remote lesson with the teacher and among themselves).

Educational tools of the remote lesson 1) Study books (solid copies on paper / electronic version of textbooks, educational and methodological manuals, reference books, etc.); 2) network educational and methodological manuals; 3) computer training systems in the usual and multimedia variants; 4) audio educational and informational materials; 5) video educational and informational materials; 6) laboratory remote workshops; 7) training simulators with remote access; 8) databases and knowledge with remote access; 9) Electronic libraries with remote access, etc.

Methods for providing access to educational materials distinguish two types of access to educational materials: limited access (requires registration in the training environment); Unlimited access (training materials are freely access). Currently, in the practice of conducting remote lessons there are several ways to deliver educational materials. Student: 1. Using email or technology I-Chat to deliver learning materials to the student. Most often, such access is used when using a case method. Usually, training materials are presented in format.doc or.html. Pupils receive training cases with recommendations for studying educational material and fulfilling tasks. Completed tasks of the disciples are sent to the teacher. Restrictions when using this method: all students should have a personal email. The complexity of sending large files and files with graphic images. The mailing of the cases can occupy a long time. 2. Placing educational materials and tasks of lessons in format.doc or.html on the Web page. To explore the materials, students need to download a document on its personal computer, the assignments made by the students are sent to the teacher by email. In this case, the delivery method is required that the student has access to the Internet. With this method of delivery, an important factor is the high-quality and uninterrupted operation of the server, which stores materials, as well as the volume of training materials and the speed of the Internet. 3. Presentation of the lesson as a separate Web site. Management of cognitive activity student is carried out through cross-hyperlinks. This method of delivery of educational materials allows the most efficient to organize the interactive interaction of the teacher and the student.

Criteria for evaluation and remote lesson requirements External lesson. The easiest and most elementary is the exact start and accurate end of the lesson. This requirement for a remote lesson may be decisive, because Based on financial discipline educational institution. An external order includes not only its exact start and ending, but also the foresight of all freelance situations that may arise during the lesson. The internal order of the lesson (its structure). To the internal order of the lesson, we will assume the expedient distribution of the lesson to the steps, i.e. The lesson is divided into clear time segments. A properly planned lesson contains a goal in each of its stages, mobilizing students, stimulating the process of teaching, encouraging motivation, i.e. Students need to know what they require that they should dormantly assimilate. A structurally well-trained lesson takes into account the level of students' preparedness, characterized by a clear distribution of educational material, allows students to consistently move to them from one particular purpose of the lesson to another. A problematic approach to learning, in which students should essentially the same mental operations that are also characteristic of the process of scientific knowledge: - understanding the problem situation and understanding the problem; - establishing private issues or problems, search for prerequisites for solving, hypotheses, assumptions, possible ways to solve or solutions themselves; - Solving the problem, evaluation of the solution. Matching lesson didactic principles: visuality and accuracy in the development of ideas and concepts, support for the material studied, the correspondence of exercises and control tasks to this lesson, etc. Requirements for trainees, direct participants of the remote lesson, - have computer user skills: be able to dial text and create pictures, save them in the external memory of the computer, archive and unzip files, be able to use e-mail, program - webpage viewer, guest book technology and Conversations (Chat). In case of unpreparedness of the immediate participants of the remote lesson on the above parameters, most of the work lies on the local coordinator. Activity of students. How to achieve it? First of all, to create such conditions under which students involuntarily enter the learning process and will be parties to the solved tasks to the end of the lesson. To do this, it is advisable to distribute the lesson to the stages that allow students from one target to another, in accordance with the goals of the entire lesson. In other words, during the entire lesson, it is necessary to maintain interest in students to the lesson, create motives to enhance their activities.

Evaluation criteria and Requirements for the remote lesson Motivation of students' activity. More A. Disterveg understood that "the development and education of any person cannot be given or reported. Anyone who wants to join them should achieve this own activities, on their own, own voltage. From the outside it can only get excitement ... Therefore, amateur is a means and at the same time the result of education. " The skillful motivation encourages internal contradictions in students, highlights strong dynamic trends that cause activities. Motivation is achieved by the real target settings of students consisting in creating problem situations that are "strange stories", unexpected facts, etc. The skillful motivation allows students to include students in the conscious process of knowledge. For example, combine knowledge with student experience, encourage students to know and solve problems, take into account emotional and rational interconnection, etc. With this you need to close the repetition and consolidation processes. Research G.I. Shchukina show that among all the motives of educational activities, informative interest is the most effective. (Schukina G.I., the problem of cognitive interest in pedagogy. M., 1971). The primary form of cognitive interest is curiosity, then curiousness and enthusiasm appears ... The character of the lesson must wear partially search, heuristic methods with a problemal presentation of the material, as well as research methods that allow students to independently solve new educational tasks for them to find new solutions for already known tasks. , evidence of theorems, etc. Contradictions generated by the problematic situation with the need generate the process of thinking. Homework can perform various functions: consolidation of knowledge and skills, summarizing, systematization or use in the lesson of knowledge and skills in practice, ensuring the initial level of the subsequent lesson, as well as for self-study of the new material, eliminate gaps in knowledge, exam preparations or to work on new material, etc. When preparing materials for homework There is a multi-level training of students (differentiated, individual approach). Control and assessment of knowledge should be made at each lesson. Domestic and foreign experience in the use of distance learning testifies to the effectiveness of tough reporting for each educational element. Reflection, providing for a general analysis of the lesson, its positive and negative sides that have arisen the problems and ways to overcome them. Oral or written review review.

Map of estimation of the remote lesson teacher ___________________________________________________________ Date "___" ___________ 20__g. The subject of the lesson _____________________________________________________________________ Class _____________ Definition of the assessment: 2 points - the criterion is fully implemented, 1 point - a partially implemented, 0 points - did not show itself P \\ P criteria Evaluation Evaluation Organizational Activities 1 Availability Scenario Lesson (Plan-Abstract) 2 Classes: 0 - The goal is not specifically 1 - the goal is concrete, but its achievement 2 is not checked - the goal is diagnosed and its achievement is checked 3 accounting of age and psychological features Student 4 Compliance of the structure of the workforce to Didactic activity 5 Availability, systemicity and sequence of educational material 6 Types of cognitive activity of the student at the lesson: 0 - reproductive; 1 - partial search; 2 - search with microde elements 7 Motivation formation: 0 - Not paying attention, 1 - Using external incentives, 2 - In order to enhance motivation, changes are made depending on the configuration and activities of children 8 Communication with life, theory, practice 9 use National-regional component 10 Ensuring a differentiated (multi-level) approach to learning: 0 - no differentiation, 1 - differentiation without prior diagnostics, 2 - differentiation based on the results of diagnostics 11 Accounting for remote insolation of the training (the presence of the necessary explanation, feedback, etc. ). Quality of the educational process 12 Using the latest pedagogical technologies, adequate specifics of this form of training 13 Organization of knowledge control and testing of homework 14 Optimility and variety of feedback receptions 15 Development of independent work skills 16 Availability of reflection at all stages of the lesson

Remote Lesson Assessment Map The quality of educational material of the remote occupation 17 originality (distinctive features) of the proposed approach. 18 Compliance of the content of the material of the exercise marked goals and tasks. 19 Compliance with the requirements for the design and presentation of electronic learning tools 20 Optimality and diversity of feedback techniques 21 Efficiency and adequacy of the use of digital educational resources in class 22 Creating health-saving conditions educational activities Teachers and students Activities of a studying 23 ICT-competence level of training 24 Level of cognitive activity 25 Availability of self-work skills 26 self-control. Degree of formation of the skills to listen, hear, follow the instructions Additional expert comments: actual amount effectiveness \u003d fact: 26 / - 85 - high lesson efficiency, 84 - 60 - average, 59 - 0 - Low lesson efficiency Conclusion: _____________________________

Features of distance learning flexibility. Students, mostly not attend regular occupations in the form of lectures, seminars. Everyone can learn as much as he is personally necessary to master the course, discipline and obtain the necessary knowledge of the selected specialty. Modularity. The basis of programs is to be laid a modular principle. Each separate discipline or a number of disciplines, which are mastered by the student, create a holistic representation of a certain subject area. This allows you to form a curriculum that meets individual or group needs from a set of independent training courses. Parallelism. Training can be carried out when combining the main professional activity with study, i.e. "Without separation from production." Long-range. The distance from the location of the student to the educational institution (subject to the quality of communication) is not an obstacle for an effective educational process. Asynchrony. Means the fact that in the learning process, the training and training can implement the technology of training and teachings regardless of time, i.e. By convenient for each schedule and at a convenient pace. Coverage. This feature is sometimes called "massiness". The number of students in the motherboard is not a critical parameter. They have access to many sources of educational information (electronic libraries, databases), and can also communicate with each other and with a teacher through communication networks or with other IT funds. Profitability. Under this feature implies economic efficiency to. average rating Foreign and domestic educational systems before it shows that they are bypassing about 10-50% cheaper, mainly due to the more efficient use of existing training areas and IT technical funds, as well as the submission of a more concentrated and unified content of educational materials and technologies orientation to a large The number of students and other factors. Teacher. We are talking about the new role of the teacher (in the Bottoman) when it is assigned to it, as the coordination of the cognitive process, the adjustment of the course taught, counseling, management of training projects, etc. Interaction with training is carried out mainly asynchronously using mail or communication systems. Full-time contacts are allowed and welcome. Student. More precisely, the new role of the studying, or, as more accepted in the system to the listener. In order to pass before, it requires exceptional self-organization, hard work and a certain starting level of education. NIT (new information technology). Esdoms are used, mainly, NIT (computers, audio video equipment, systems and means of telecommunications, etc.)

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Distance learning of schoolchildren as a means of providing affordable high-quality education Chuudaev Elena Vladimirovna, Deputy Director for OIA, MBOU "Insar School No. 1", Republic of Mordovia Insar 2013

the method of implementing the learning process based on the use of modern information and telecommunication technologies to exercise training at a distance without directly personal contact between the teacher and students. Distance learning is to implement the principle of the availability of education for all; reduce learning costs; conduct training large quantities; improve the quality of learning; Create a single educational environment. Remote learning allows:

Under e-learning is aware of the organization of the educational process using the information contained in databases and used in the implementation of educational programs and ensuring its processing of information technologies, technical means, as well as information and telecommunication networks that ensure the transfer of this information on the communication lines, the interaction of participants in the educational process. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2012 N 11-FZ "On Amendments to the Law Russian Federation "On education" in terms of application of e-learning, remote educational technologies "

Remote Learning System Training System Designing Model to Expertise Components CMD Placement Model UMK before in a shell Educational Procedure Teacher's Activity Pupils Model Learning System Principles

Model 1. Integration of full-time and to: Basic course - full-time. Distance learning models from the point of view of the methodology of the study process Model 2. Integration of full-time and to: Basic course - remote. Model 3. Network learning. Model 4. BE and CASE technology. Model 5. Bd on the basis of interactive television, video conferencing.

Model 1. Integration of full-time and distance learning Integration of OO and before: Basic course - full-time

Classes in the remote form in full-time activities Independent familiarization with new material Formation of the necessary skills Work with information Group work Interaction with teacher seminars Review lectures Model 2. Integration of full-time and distance learning Integration OO and before: Basic Course - Remote

Model 3. Network Training

Library, Media Items Individual tasks Task for small groups Projects Blogs Controlling Case "Student Portfolio" Consulting Internet Technologies Tutorial UMM Guidelines Forums Chat Model 4. Remote Training and Case Technology

Library, Media Library Customized tasks Group tasks "Student Portfolio" Forums Chat Blogs Control Internet Seminars, Discussions Lectures Video Protection Projects Model 5. Distance learning based on interactive television, video conferencing.

Scheme of the model "New Profile"

Scheme of the "Intershkchool Group" model OU 1 OU 2 Territory 1 OU 3 OU 4 Territory 2 OU 5 OU 6 Territory 3

Scheme of the model "Individual curriculum" OU 1 OU 2

Diagram of the organization of training using remote educational technologies Department of Education of the District Basic School, which carries out distance learning

Advantages up: Availability Flexibility Relative cheapness Modular principle Mobility Live communication. Disadvantages to: Psychological Adaptation The skills for working with a computer Dependence on the quality of the operation of the Internet Medical problems

Expected learning outcomes with the use of distance learning technologies to be aware of the need for training, understand the social significance of education; consciously refer to training activities; form your educational request; plan the level of their study achievements; find ways to optimize learning activities; Define borders and deficiencies of their knowledge, etc. Mastering the competence "be able to learn", which in modern conditions means:


On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

Parental Assembly Scenario Organization of children with disabled children using distance learning technologies

Parental Assembly Scenario Organization of teaching children with disabilities using distance learning technologies ...

Distance learning schoolchildren. Principles and means of distance learning. Development of remote form of training in school education.

The article contains a material that will help organize distance learning in school. It will help to understand the essence of such training, its principles ....

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Distance learning (up) Choice of learning technology Distance learning is not a new or revolutionary learning technology. Distance learning There are dozens of years. The era of information technologies and the Internet of its main application was a correspondence education in higher education institutions. At the same time, the main way of delivery of knowledge of students was ordinary mail.

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Online training or Internet training based on modern information technologies meets all the requirements of the new educational paradigm (the problem of the quality of education) of the post-industrial society. Distance learning (BC) of all existing distance learning technologies is the most promising is the Internet - technology (Internet - training). First of all, it is a massive formation for all categories of students regardless of their place of residence, in addition, open, personally-oriented and continuous human learning throughout his conscious life. The main task is to, as well as other forms of learning the XXI century, is the production of intelligence.

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It should be noted that in many countries use different terms, concepts, definitions of distance education and training, such as virtual, open, online, electronic, and universities, in which more than 100,000 students from different countries of the world are remotely trained, refer to mega universities. Mega universities

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Structure remote course 1 Tools for the delivery of training courses 2 means and methods of interaction between the teacher and the student. 3 Methods for assessing the knowledge of the training. 4 Level of training teachers. 5 The main components of technologies to the main components of technologies before, on which the effectiveness of learning depends:

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The structuring of the course should provide the possibility of engaging trainees in independent cognitive activities, i.e. Implementation of the teaching process, not teaching. 1. The structure of the distance course rate should be structured not only by topic, but also by levels of complexity, taking into account the varying degrees of training of students. The selection of educational material for various means of delivery of knowledge, its organization and structuring are determined by the didactic properties of the course components. The teacher must manage the process of teaching and control the level of knowledge gained, the quality of the mastered skills and acquired skills. In addition, tests for operational control and interactive training tests should be embedded in the training material - tests for self-control, the execution of which is directed primarily to the consolidation of educational material. Instrumental tools for training educational material are selected depending on the technological basis and type of training sessions (lecture, active seminar, laboratory computer training, etc.).

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Currently, there are many different means of delivery of educational material: mail, telephone, fax, internet, email, teleconference, electronic board, satellite educational systems, interactive television, radio, and CD-ROM and audio - video tapes. 2. Training rates delivery tools

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3. Means and methods of interaction between the teacher and training technologies are to mean plenty of feedback (mail, telephone, fax, email, interactive television, teleconference, real-time negotiation facility (IRC) and direct communication) and methods of interaction (synchronous and asynchronous) teacher and trainees.

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Simultaneous methods are based on the simultaneous participation of teachers and students in the process of learning in real time. 3. Means and ways of interaction between the teacher and training of knowledge delivery is ensured by interactive television, video conferences and satellite educational systems.

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Asynchronous interaction methods provide students with the opportunity to learn from an individual schedule at a convenient time for them. 3. Means and methods of interaction between the teacher and training knowledge delivery are provided by the Internet, CD-ROM, audio and video tape, electronic board, electronic and ordinary mail, radio, and the interaction is carried out by mail, telephone, fax, email.

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4. Methods for evaluating knowledge of students. To verify the level of learning material, it is used as operational (built-in educational material and control by the teacher) and deferred knowledge control (test control, course work, abstract, written exams, thesis). To control the quality of learning knowledge, students are constantly monitored. Control and certification of training are carried out using electronic means or traditional methods mainly for final certification.

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5. The level of training of teachers teachers engaged in the educational process using various technologies to (tutors), work at a distance or contact with learning. Tutor (eng .Tutor) - under the conditions of distance learning of the Winternet environment: a teacher-consultant; an information exchange curator based on network resources created in educational. The tutor is not only a highly qualified specialist in its field, but owns the means of telecommunications, computer technologies in the required exercise, is able to create a learning environment, provides high quality learning, argued motivating and activating cognitive activities. The tutor performs operational and delayed level control of the level of knowledge, constantly maintains operational feedback and organizes an asynchronous communication with training courses.

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A great contribution to the development of before in the CIS countries was made: the rector of the modern Humanitarian Academy (SGA), Professor Karpenko MP; Moscow rector state University Economics, statistics and informatics, Professor Tikhomirov VP; Rector of the Kharkov Humanitarian and Technical Institute (GTI), Professor Verda L.N. It should be noted…

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Forms of learning lectures (contact, video track, satellite and slide lectures); homework (glossary learning and algorithmic assimilation of skills); Active seminars and practices (business, situational games, questions and answers, discussions, round tables). laboratory computer classes; coursework and independent work (written or oral); Consultations Written exams on disciplines

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Training Type Typographical Textbook Audio Video - Training Materials Interactive Television Computer Interactive Educational Systems in Multimedia Option Electronic Libraries Control - Test Complexes

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The main components of the software product for tool (a) of training content (Authoring Tools) Training Management System (CMI or LMS - Learning Management System) The information exchange system between participants in the educational process of the training content system (usually the VEB site)

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Sdo Learning Management System (LMS) - In Russian Terminology, the distance learning system (DDO) - softwareManaging an electronic learning process. EDO accounts for students, educational materials, learning outcomes. In the process of e-learning, the feedback of the teacher and the student is difficult. As a result, the question arises about the possibility of effective e-learning in the case when interaction with the student is not so effective as when conducting training in an audit form. As a result, a module of communication (communications) between students, teachers and administrators of the system becomes one of the most essential components of the distance learning system.

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Main functions Accounting for students, personalization and delimitation of access rights to educational materials Management management process management, accounting of learning and testing results Management and integration with electronic communication mechanisms Preparation of operational and analytical reporting Integration with external information systems The special relevance of the creation of the system in Russia to today is due to the whole near factors. Among them are huge territories and the concentration of scientific and technical centers in large cities, the formation of new needs of the population in relation to the content and technologies of education, the development of a market economy, strengthening the migration of the population, etc.

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POSSIBLE FUNCTIONS OF CONTROL SYSTEM REMOTE EDUCATION MANUFACTURE PROCESS FUNCTIONS COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM COMPETITION SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM (technical aspects) system restrictions Additional factors Developing to in Russia will not only ensure the population of our country access to quality education, but also gives Russia the opportunity Conquer a certain place in the global market of educational services.

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In the system to in Russia, it is necessary: \u200b\u200b- Persons wishing to receive a second education or passages; - persons wishing to improve their qualifications in any field of knowledge; - persons with limited freedom of movement: - disabled; - Russian-speaking population in the CIS countries and far abroad, etc. - students of secondary schools in rural areas, in villages, small cities; - managers of various levels; - leaders of regional governments; - officer composition of the declining army; - dismissed and abbreviated persons registered in the Federal Employment Service;

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Development of the training course on the basis of new technologies Definition: course goals; ways to achieve the goals of the course; methods of providing material; learning methods; types of learning tasks, exercises; issues for discussion; ways to organize discussions; ways to interact and communicate. The result of the activity of such a group of specialists is a developed course - transmitted for use in the educational process by teachers specializing in delivery, providing courses based on new information technologies.

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The development of the training course on the basis of new technologies is carried out by a group (team) of specialists: teachers-designers of courses; Technology specialists (television and video photography, computer graphics, network technologies, etc.). If the course is intended for training through computer and telecommunication technologies, then the students should be distributed among these teachers who help them navigate in educational material, master it and enter into a training dialogue, interactive discussion of the course materials.


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