Help people in. Psychology I am pouring into people Yak is pouring into people I don’t know

Help people in. Psychology I am pouring into people Yak is pouring into people I don’t know

Names of facts

Before the cob, it’s obvious that it’s necessary to re-insure the lower ways not to eat those that can be called “darker mystery pouring in” on people. Anything that can make people shy, or keep them happy, is not induced here.

There are ways, for the help of which you can win friends and pour on people, vicarist psychology, without that, you can feel badly.

Psychological cunning

10. Ask for a service

© Dean Drobot

The trick: ask someone for a pose for you (how, see the effect of Benjamin Franklin).

Legend has it that Benjamin Franklin once wanted to conquer the ingenuity of the people, as she did not like him. Win asked tsyu lyudinu to pose for you a book, and if he had cut it out, he still kindly sang it.

As a result, the little girl, who didn’t particularly want to move with Franklin, was talking with her. Behind the words of Franklin: "The one who once shattered you a good right, if you will be more grave before it will be better for you again, not the one who is doing it."

At the same time, they revised the theory, and as a result, the people who had asked for a special position were asked for a special position, but they started to get better and better with different groups of people.

Influencing the behavior of people

9. Remember the visce

The trick: make sure you ask for more, you don't need to, and then lower the bar.

Tsey priyom inodі call "pіdhіd doors of revealing". We are zvertatesya to the people, we are even more envious with a drink, as for what kind of wine, shvidsh for everything, to be considered.

If you want to turn to the "rank lower" And it’s just that, you really need all the help from all the people.

The whole trick may seem illogical to you, but the idea of ​​a glimpse in that, when people feel disgustingly, in order to introduce them to you. Protect me to explain the price of such an unreasonable process.

That offensive time, if you have become brutalized by your real need, you will feel a goiter and we will need to help you.

When we tried to test it on a practical principle, we went to see it, but it’s right for us to do it, so that people, until then, are brutalized with other "great" haunted, and then you can turn around until little and ask for ...

Infusion imeni on lyudin

8. Name the name

The trick: pick on me people, or call me “I’m going to plant it all because of the situation.”

Winn out, scho I’m people, be-like my own - the best sound for a new one. Carnegie talk about those who are im'ya - tse the main warehouse of human identity, to that if it is crazy, then once again we will accept the confirmation of its significance.

The very fact that we are feeling more positively adjusted to the people, as a result of our importance in the world.

However, the victorian in the promis plant or the formation of the animal can be a strong infusion. The idea of ​​a polyagu is that as soon as you become a type of people, you will become a type of people. Tse looks like a prophecy.

You can use a technique for pouring in on other people, you can turn to them the way you want bachiti. The result is a stench to think about yourself in a whole lot of keys.

It's even simpler, if you want to get closer to the singing people, then often call them "friend", "comrade". For if you do well on someone who would have wanted to be pratsyuvati, you can call him "boss". Alemayte on uvaz, you can go sideways for an hour.

Sludge into Lyudin

7. Write

Trick: flattery can lead you there, wherever you need it.

It can be obvious at first glance, even if it is important to be careful. For a cob, it means that if you are not flattering, then it’s better for everything, if there’s more shkodi, less corysty.

Protest, vcheni, as they vivchal flattering and reaction of the people of her, sang a sprinkle of even more important speeches.

Apparently simpler, people start to get better to adapt to cognitive balance, to get organized by organizing their thoughts that feel like a similar rank.

To those who flatter people, self-assessment of what kind of visok, and flattering shchi, you will be worthy of that one more, for that flattering from him, he thinks to himself.

However, if you flatter the one who has a self-assessment of suffering, then there can be negative inheritances. All in all, I’m going to be better off before you, so I don’t need to overtake it, as I’m thinking to myself.

Crazy, it doesn’t mean that a man with a low self-esteem varto belittle.

Let it flow into people

6. Recognize the behavior of other people

Trick: be a mirror-image of the behavior of the people.

The mirror image of behavior is also seen as a mimicry, and at the same time, for the singing type of people who are in power by their nature.

People are called chameleons because of the navichkoy, because the stench gets angry at their own friends by the way of copying someone else's behavior, manner and way of moving. Tim is not the least, you can get a quick tip, and you can use it in a very clear way, in order to be honored.

Elders vivchali mіmіkriya and viyavili, scho those who were copied, were even more neatly adjusted according to the date to the people, as they copied.

Also fahіvtsі went more than one, tsіkavіshy visnovka. Smells smelled, that people, like a lot of people, were put on a little better than people, they were going to be quiet, but they didn’t get them until the end of the day.

All in all, the reason for such a reaction is to shout in the offensive. The recognition of the people, as they see your behavior, confirm your significance. People perceive a great sense of their own, with such a rank of stench happy and kindly adjusted according to their attitude to other people.

Psychology injected with people

5. Get in the act

The trick: to ask for affection, if you bash, but the people are tired of it.

If a lyudin gets tired, it’s more receptive to any information, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed. The reason is that if people get tired, it’s not just physical, її the mental energy reserve is also available.

If you are besieged by the haunted people, hired, if you don’t reject the singing messages all at once, but feel: “I’ll be sick tomorrow”, then you don’t want to take on the next day in Denmark.

Coming day, shvid for everything, the people are right to the viconє your prokhannya, to that, at the beginning of the day, more people start to get their word out, so it’s possible, that, as they say, they were beating out for us, very robust.

Psychological infusion on lyudin

4. Propagate those from whom you cannot see

The trick: to find out the question because the sponsor cannot see it, and if you reach what you need.

Tse zvorotny bіk pіdkhodu "doors in accuse". In addition, you need to fix it and fix it for something insignificant. Yak only lyudin, you can help you in a little, or just wait a bit, you can start on the go "important artillery".

Fakhivtsi revised the theory on marketing approaches. Smells smelled because they asked people to come to see them on the land of the tropical forests and the midst of the midst, well, let’s even forgive the mischief.

Yak tilki pidtrimka Bula otrimana, vchenі viyavili, so now it's easier for people to buy products, so take tsіy pіdtrimtsі. However, it’s not easy to fix it in one pass and go straight to the bottom.

Psychologists viyavili, that I will be able to effectively break in 1-2 days.

I pour in on people

3. Take care

The trick: do not correct the person, if it’s not bad.

Carnegie’s famous books also have a headache, but don’t want to tell people about the wrong thing. You will not lead to anything, but you will simply indulge in disfavor to the crowd of people.

For the sake of it є a way to show the bad weather, prodovuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyu a lot of mischief, doesn’t seem to anyone about those who’s wrong, ale thrashing his friend to the heart.

The method of bouv discovery by Ray Ransberger and Marshall Fritz. Idea to finish it is simple: stand up for a fight, listen to those people talk about, and then try to see what you see.

Let me explain to you people those moments, as you will follow her, that will help you to get the point to clarify your position. It’s better to break it down, we’ll be cuddly up to you, and it’s okay, we’re hiring, to listen to that, as you seem, without losing our guilt.

One-on-one people pouring in

2. Repeat the words of your sponsor

Trick: rephrase those who say people, and repeat those who say.

One of the best ways to get in on these people. In this rank, you will show your sp_vrozmovnik, but you for the right reason, you will catch your feeling that your sympathy.

To rephrase the words of your sp_vrozmovnik, you will reach your roztashuvannya even easier. It’s like a reflective hearing.

Previously, they showed that if they are addicted to criminals, people open up more in front of them, and that "spіvpratsya" go out more fruitfully.

It’s easy to pick up and get married with friends. If you will hear what the stench says, and then rephrase what was said, forming food for confirmation, the stench will feel even more comfortable with you.

You will have a friendship, and the stench is more active to listen to the fact that you speak, so that you will be shown in front of you, how you are talking about them.

Methods pouring into people

1. Nod your head

The trick: nod your head for a while, especially if you want to ask for help from your sp_vrozmovnik.

Vchenі viyavili, that if the man is nodding, you can hear it, you won’t be able to wait a little longer with the words. Smell also viyavili, that if your sp_rozmovnik nodded, then in most vipadk_v also kivatimete.

The whole thing zoosuilo, so people often misunderstand the behavior of other people, especially, in conjunction with yakim will bring him cinnamon. If you want to do it before you seem to think, nod regularly for an hour.

People, as you say, if it is important not to ask in the opinion, and to be more positively placed before the information you provide, to visit not overly.

Adopt the will of the people not easy, especially since it is obvious. The bottom proponated five psychological accept I know i, skimming yak, you can perekonati lyudinu viconati your luck.

Під number one is the title of effective Benjamin Franklin. The essence of the yogi pole is in the offensive. Once, Franklin Vinikl needed to win the humility of the people, who had never been rocked and uniquely spirited. Benjamin asked the whole people for the position of a single book. Pislya what, having otrimavshi bazhane, somehow podvyakuv for affection. By the way, the stench became friends. Otzhe, all the zmіst given to the welcomed polyag is that a man, like a man who once shattered a weasel to you, with a significantly larger part of ymіrnostі tse again, nіzh a man, like a goiter is bound to you. If you ask the people, you’ll start thinking, if you have a need, you should also go to the public and with such a rank, you will simply prodded the scenarios of behavior, proponated by you.

I will call another technique “door on the forehead”. For otrimannya bazhany spochatku ask the lyudin to grow more for you, not those that you need. Nayimovirnishe, see if you can feel the message. It's okay. Now and now is the hour for the sounding of your fair announcement. Be sure, through the persuasiveness of the people you will see nothing and now, feeling adequately, intelligently, you see, that I am guilty of helping you once and for all.

Name the agent on IM'ya. Adzhe, for be-a-kind people, take the sounds from the young ones. To that, in the presence of this person, you will see to the singing world the importance of the spy proponent, who will be victorious in a new positive context.

Tactics under the name "Lesstosch" for the first glance can be simple and obvious, protest, it is even more important before the hour of the crowded people to celebrate the feud. It was reported by the last time that the skin of a person is strong and cognitive balance between your words and the most obvious things about yourself. For people not singing in their own, your words will become a balm on the soul and grab him before you. Self-assessment of the one to whom you flatter is underestimated; A sponsor to form on you and to be put out of antipathy.

"Mіmіkrіya" or the image, the repetition of the agent's work. Bagato hto nesvіdomo vikoristovuyut tsei psychological priyom, copying the manner of behavior, the toughness of the specialness of the spouse. You can be victorious with the whole reception. It has been brought to the point that a lyudin is smartly placed to the point that she is similar to her. Itself at tse and іntovano tsei priyom.

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Lyudin lives with the social community, constantly staying with the spilkuvanna and the relationship with the other people. The social establishment of the people, their success begins in the minds of spending time with the people, they know that they are homeless. In the course of the life of a man, it is not only infused with their people, but they themselves are infused with infusion, often against their own interests.

Apply negative psychological primes

Knowing about the psychology of people and the psychological methods that I pour on people are not really the style for manpowering their interests, but for the purpose of uniqueness of such manipulations. Below, the main butt of "hard-core" psychological experiences, such as uniqueness, will be guided, as well as actions of psychological acceptance, as it is possible, without fear of victoriousness, the odds of stinking other people's reputations.

Changes in a whole range of psychological methods are called negative for the reason that the stench is negatively signified on the mental state of people, on the yak. Inodi negative effect is to be felt as a mental object in pouring, ale of yogo social well-being. Put such a psychological infusion on the testimony of the people to be guided lower so that the nobility about the types of cunning manipulators and do not roam on them.

Such methods of manipulation of ruin, and information about them are generated from the point of view of such a flow, and not just how much you can see on other people. A slid of intelligence, as a manipulator that was learned by a vicarist. If you are looking for something new, and do not expect to find something special. Often the manipulator of the concentration of concentrating on otrimanny vigodi vigodi, but I don’t think about those who play comus.

However, the first category of people is quiet, which I know for sure, how psychologically it’s pouring into the people for an hour. Cite the price not just of being ill-judged, but specially introducing psychological tricks into the minds of people by the sponsors of great corporations, marketers and other media experts, who, in their manpulations, pass along the singers.

Such egoism, zychayno, can not be true for injured people. Lyudin, who has consumed this kind of "shkidlivy" injected, often requires the help of a professional psychologist, so that she can bring her soul to life and continue living. One of these faculty members is a psychologist-hypnologist Mikita Valeriyovich Baturin.


Criticism as a psychological injection is most often victorious among two options:

  • For the first person, the manipulator piece by piece opens the image of his authority in front of the victim. With a great number of sacrifices, one will be forced to confront the fact that the opponent is a great fachivets at the Galusian super-cross, and his thought is not transverse. As a matter of fact, it is not easy to appear like that, as the manager is a Fakhivtz in the іnshіy region, for it is not a great henchman. There is a likelihood of manipulation to be victorious, if the manipulator does not see the great power of his arguments: the stench of sounding by the mighty forces is inadequate, and to obey the "grip of authority" of the spy.
  • The other has a manager, navpaki, the authority of a spy. Some of his competence is all too naughty, and then the manipulator "pidlovlyu" the victim on actual pardons, inadequate formulas and incomplete arguments.

Besides, there are vip responses of the victorious "kindly rudeness". Tsei priyom polyagє in the fact that the victims of manipulation can catch up with those who won’t be wonderful and how much time they won’t rob, and then, with the sauce of “adequate” criticism, the most correct subscribers will see the portrayal of unargumented kind of criticism. When a victim reads something psychological, it’s a little bit overwhelming for the human being: they were looking for good on one side, from one side of the messengers, and on the other side, on the souls now it’s bridko.

Do they have any options? First for everything, remember about those that criticism is adequate and only in quiet droppings, if it is demanded (if you yourself are aware of criticism, ask for it and give enormous intelligence, if you are ready before you hear it) it is adequate, if a specific argument is made from shortcomings, and if it is not an out-of-the-box emotional assessment. In adequate criticism of the mute nicholish, as it is filed correctly. However, if through criticism, the manipulator will demean you to belittle you, in the most beautiful way he will punish you for the most incomplete arguments in the argument, for it’s just plainly say that your thought hasn’t been demanded.

Threat that blatant

Contaminate that muddy - the most straightforward and most effective way of dealing with people. Pogrozhuvati can be-chim - from the relief of be-like privileges to the physical order. It is known to visit highly spiritual manipulators, as to blush the victim with curses and heavenly punishment.

The strategy of struggling with the kind of manipulation can be done as constructively as possible. If Lyudin has a real power over the victim of manipulation, so that he is the best patron, then in the most beautiful way you will get in under the grip of control, knowing that the resources have dwindled. Most of the victims of manipulations are under the control of the chiefs, as they encumber the people and the bonuses. In such vipadkas it is necessary to fix some robots, and you can browse as much as possible to transfer them to the organisation's trust.

As the manipulator does not really have control over the victim, he does not obstruct the physical law or the spiritual forms of violence - psuvannyam, chaklunism too. For another, it’s simplest not to beastry for babbling, for that, be it the form of chaklunism, just quietly. people, like they have a lot of fun. For the first one, all three are more foldable - you need to take care of the care, take a look at the nose, know the evidence, and turn to the law enforcement agencies. Remember, the threat to life and health is not a matter of psychology, but a statute in the Crimean Code.


Self-praise is one of the forms of assumed authority. At the same time, the manipulator ascribes any extra attributes of his person: to talk about those who have a special awareness, status, health, sounds, which are not at all present. There is no way to reconsider the information that a spy is looking for, it is necessary to ask about all those false attributes - if you do not have a way to put a pill in your eyes, you need to bring the opponent into the position of a weak head - if

As soon as your sp_vrozmovnik is ready to show you, as a person is important, ask your own food - "Well, what?". Aspirate on those arguments and facts, like guiding. Lead the discussion around the point - do not let the frivolous overwhelm lead you through the thread. Lead - even in the discussion, the status of the opponent is not important, it is important to deprive them of information and to negotiate.

Sensitive and sensitive

Another broadened form of manipulation is a reference for a bit of a pile. More simply, it seems, the manipulator turns to the victim with the strength "I feel the edge of the vuha, well ..." Slide immediately to cheat, so no one will be okay, if you discuss this person behind his back with a negative light. To that, it is necessary to immediately provoke a violent emotional reaction from the victim, as it is easy to introduce a channel into the demand of the manipulator.

Psychology injected with people allows you to pick whips in a smart way and are sensitive - set up a victim against the transfer of information, mind you like information about the "sauce" to justify the truth. bud. , do not rozpovsuvati їkh shte dalі. You don’t know, the information went to the manager. You don’t know, in what kind of viglyadi win її otrimav and most likely vikoristovuє. Remember, that the luddin is not allowed to get information from her brothers. Do not misjudge yourself in front of the driver - show it from the guide, you can see the style of information, how much you need to do it yourself.

Allowed methods of psychological pouring into ludin

Knowing about those, on a ludin, it is possible to vikoristovuvati not only on Skoda we will feel. Probably a few of the psychological cunning in the spielkuvanna, the stasis of those who cannot be enchanted by any Skodi, but you can also develop an effective mod:

  • Do not talk about the failures and mistakes of the people, because you cannot proponate two alternatives. Tsia recommendation to settle in a short pleasure "Criticush - propon". As soon as you think, in a situation where you are, you cannot change anything, because you just don’t look like you in the minds of people, if you can’t propose a popular option to replace it - take care of the negative comments your spіlkuvannya is accepted and effective.
  • End the rose with a positive note. This is how the people develop an attitude of enmity, and the offensive once you get in touch with the greater bazhany, now they end up splitting on the negatives.
  • As long as you need someone to criticize, do not forget about the dignity. Tsei point є to add up to the first: if it is necessary to explain, as it is not required to work, be sure to use a positive butt and pererahuvannya that, as you need.
  • In the discussion, turn to deprived of arguments. Do not belittle the specialty of the agent - the price is very low and tactless when it comes to dispute. Do not turn to "authorities", since this thought is not supported by factual evidence. To lead a super-list of arguments, take care of bare facts and spiral around the constructive elements of dialogue.
  • Remember the three "so" rule. As long as it is necessary to conduct a discussion, prepare arguments in such a rank, so that the spy proponent will be sure to wait with them a little more than three times. In addition, since the psychological threshold for three "years" has been passed, people are more simple to take your position.
  • Follow me for the message of the spy dealer. Mimovilny arms of the muses of exposing that tila before the hour of moving and help you to emerge arguments - "triggers". The price of the most painful for the opponent is the point where it is possible to continue to press and correct the reaction from the viewer. Wrap up your respect on tin "so" and "ni" - nods, vidmahuvannya, abducted by the head. Even more intelligence, how people see it for the right to converge in words.

Manipulyuvati can be done for different purposes, with a higher level of majesty. Do not forget to forget about one thing: just to save calm and pure intelligence, you can’t be victorious about these methods, which would overshadow your opponent in a situation of fear, desperation, and feverishness. And even if some methods have led you to the point of getting to a psychologist, then you will be able to see the mental calmness and you will be able to see some additional “pastki”. It’s also important to introduce special literature about those that can be inserted into a person psychologically - not only for rejecting people from manipulation, but for taking away from such “nonsense” people.

Strength, great value for life - tse, mabut, find the value of reading. Axis buvaє, readєsh taku a book, and raptom yak with thunder of the enemy! Wisdom, wickedness, is based on simple and intelligent words, mittvo open mind and widespread witness. In just a second and see a miracle - you become a short and perfect version of yourself!

It’s a pity, we all know that such moments are not so often drunk. If you can help positive signs to escape your life, we have put together a list of 8 best books of the best psychologists, as it is fair to change you and your life. Let's change it, as you've already read it a lot, and as a lot of new things on you beforehand!

1. "Dissatisfaction with culture" Sigmund Freud

Who can allow you to see the all-seemingly old daddy's psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud? In one of his most recent robots, "Not satisfied with the culture" Freud chose parts of the construction of civilization and the principle of mutual relations. Qia is a book for those who are quiet, who are not angry with heavy reading. It seems as though you can read the book from the first to the last side and intelligence and sense, because you know why our civilization was motivated in this way, and not in the past.

Who is the book for: For quiet, for whom it is tsikavo, for whom this is our civilization. And also for especially patient and diligent readers.

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2. "Think altogether ... Show shyly" Daniel Kahneman

After ten years of richly early thoughts, Kahneman kidnah wiklik to the intelligent cognitive anticipations, which remind people’s perception and cherish our behavior day after day. The reason is that our mind is built up of two parts (instinctive / base and more critical / rational) at the same time, as the stench will take part in the process to take the decision, help you quickly correct vibration in any situation. The book will become in all spheres of your life: repairing the new buildings and ending with great business strategists. When you read it once and again, change your look at the rules of the choice.

Who is the book for: for non-silly people who are always wondering. It is advisable to go for quietly, who will want to accept important decisions.

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3. "Psychology in Pour" by Robert B. Chaldin

If you put yourself up to people who constantly see you, to quietly, how can you not take all your actions, unimportant at all to become an authority, Robert B. Chaldin wrote a book especially for you! In his own bestsellers Chaldin navchak readers have 6 principles of reconsideration, how you can guarantee that your thought is no longer underestimated. Zastosovuchi tsi 6 principles in his haunted life, if you will be in the center of respect and you can, as you do, command people with just one word. Manipulating evidence at the mask? Maybe bootie. Happy Chaldin miracles? Bezperechno!

Who is the book for: For people with great ideas, as they fight for knowledge. For those who are quiet, who want to drink on those who are significant in their support.

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4. "Generations and outsiders: Why should one be sure, but nothing else?" Malcolm Gladwell

Do you want to know how the most successful people from the world have reached such neurotic heights? Malcolm Gladwell is quite a bit rocky, having taken up the message of the food chain, and you can know all the evidence in the whole miracle book. Gladwell has broken the “rule of 10,000 years,” like the people who can reach the highest level of success. Kim bi-wee is not a bully - an athlete, a musician, an actor, a teacher too. - If you want to become a persona on a light scale, then this book is for you!

Who is the book for: For everyone who wants to become a champion, a leader, and just a great people. For focused specialties, as I wish to achieve success with my own kar'or.

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5. "Potik. The Psychology of Optimal Experiencing

Chiksentmikhai, having spent ten years in his booklet, rozpoviday, as our very happiness will get involved in robots, which I will assign to myself. Win stverdzhu, how often can you reach through the mental camp, see the Potik, the dearest level of the majesty of a certain individual, to deal with working difficulties. Reveal a mathematician who knows how to get lost in the work, or an artist who integrates his concept into life, using ideal strokes. Those who look at the brain for an hour will become simply paradoxical!

Who is the book for:for all who love to go to their robots creatively, as well as for quietly, who are rich in an hour come their own hobbies.

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6. “David and Goliath. Yak outsiders override favorites "Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell will suddenly hit our list with this one bland book! The managers of lifeless applications, which have already become Gladwell's style, we know about those who have new results can become real, especially since little people are faced with great problems. Whether it’s a disobedience to the authorities, a physical feat of a psychic camp, Gladwell will show us how much we can do it, if everything is against you.

Who is the book for: For quietly, hto to fight incessantly, and if you want to get over it, to stand in front of him.

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7. "Svidomost. How to know harmony in our divine light "Denni Penman and Mark Williams

It’s easy for a bitterly spoken light to get lost at the bliskavichny pace of all of us. It’s almost mysteriously about those who can bring us a moment of happiness, enough peace of mind and a glimpse of that. At tsy mega popular books Williams and Penman show us how life will appear in the camp, calm in our light, how to change constantly. Poshuk svit in the present (and not for ideology, but on the basis of viprobuvanih and reversal of psychological priyomy) - the axis of one correct path to the right happiness.

Who is the book for: For a quiet, hto vtomivsya at a fast pace of life, htos, if you want to see life spokіyno that is pacified.

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8. "Emotional Intelligence. What is more can mean more, less IQ "Deniel Goleman

You, perhaps, remembered, but with rocky rock, you were interested in IQ until the end of the day, having sacrificed a new theory - EQ or emotional intelligence. The first thing is not free. Psychology today will show us how EQ is steeper and more accurate than the beginning of special success and mental health, lower IQ. Emotional intelligence, as we call it, our building is not only our powerful emotions, but our people’s emotions, our health is to cope with the situations on a one-to-one basis. Zagalom a miracle book for thoughts.

Who is the book for: For everyone, who wants to see the keruvati with their own and other people's emotions, and also cut off the most beautiful situations, how to find out from life.

You can borrow a book .

What psychological books can you please? Write your recommendations and messages in the comments.

Remember, we’re not getting it wrong. Read and grow from your satisfaction!

The psychological recognition and management of the mental testimony of people and mas. For the sake of quickness, the methods are provided for each block, effective for skin care, and at the same time.

The life of a human being is rich in life for the life of the people, for the whole people, for the knowledge, for the ryvnya, for the genetic warehouse, for the lack of power in these factors, as it is necessary for the psychology to be necessary for people. Fachіvtsі z manіpuluvannya psychіkoyu (psychotherapists, hypnologists, criminal hypnotists, shahrai, representatives of the government) vicariously useless new technologies, how to allow people to carry them. Know these methods of slid including. and with the help of a prototype similar to the kind of manipulation. Knowledge is power. The very knowledge about the mechanisms of manipulating the psyche of people allows them to stand up to illegal intrusions in the psyche (because of the people), and it means that you can protect yourself with such a rank.

Slide means that the psychological intake (management) is even more abundant. Children from them are available for rejuvenation only during the previous practice (for example, NLP), as it is possible to repent of more people from life, but sometimes it does not matter; about the fact that there is enough money in the flow of manipulative flow, so that you can get away from them; for counterparts, it is necessary for themselves to be uncomfortable with such priyomas (for example, the Cygan psychologic hypnosis) only. In the world of admissibility of such a crochet, the secrets of the methods of managing the psyche of people and men (for the collective, survey, auditorium, NATO) are very clear.

Respect Varto, that only in Stay for an hour There was a possibility to inform about earlier secret methods. At the same time, in our opinion, such an unspoken call from the side of the organs to the eye was fully justified, sparsely, that people are deprived of the singing, living stage like a part of truth. On the basis of such materials, such material is chosen - a person is formed into a specialty. Well, for some reason, the people are ready before the truth of the truth - the share itself is brought into the bik. And if such a person knows about secret methods, it is impossible to understand their meaning, tobto. Some kind of information does not know what is needed in your soul, but a stupor will turn on in your psyche; do not get lost in such a person.

The lower victories are considered to be the same value for the effective blocks. Unimportant to those who give the skin block to the power of their name, the protest of the brutal respect, but the specifics of some of the people injected into the picture are still effective at all without a blame, regardless of the particular types of people. It will be explained that the psyche of people in the whole has only one component, and that there is no need to be aware of the details, and the efficiency of the fragmented methods of manipulation, as in the world, is explained.

The first block of receiving manipulations.

Ways to manage the psychic testimony of people (S.A. Zelinsky, 2008).

1. Pomilkov perepituvannya, or omnivі clarification.

In this case, the manipulative effect of reaching for the rakhunok of what the manipulator itself means, but it’s important to learn for yourself, overwhelm you, however, I repeat your words only a little bit of a companion and a little bit of a fairytale that you put into your senses early said for myself.

For such a time, people are borderline respectful, be sure to listen out loud to those who are talking about you, and having remembered the trick - clarify what you said earlier; moreover, to clarify, look at that vipadku, as a manager, which doesn’t help your message until it is clarified, it is necessary to move on to this topic.

2. There is a deliberate speed, which is skipping over topics.

Manipulator in this vipadk is not aware of the sound of any information - it’s a good idea to go to this topic, mind you, but your respect will change to a new information, but it means that there’s a change in the number of information, As soon as information reaches the house, it seems that if the information is passed on to an unknown person (because of the information), it will be learned by the people, so that. to be transformed into testimony. Moreover, if the manipulator has adequately managed his information to the e-mail address, and then it’s in the first place, by the method of coding, then the information appears in the required manipulator at the moment, which words, activating the code).

In addition, due to the speed that we jumped over, we are able to grow in a rather short period of time, there is a great number of topics to "sound"; Along with that, the censorship of the psyche will not be awakened to let everything pass through oneself, but to move forward with the knowledge of the fact that a part of information penetrates into perception, and it will also be possible to infuse the key to the manipulation of information.

3. Pragnennya to show their baiduzh_, chi pseudo-respect.

In this vipadku, the manipulator will magnetize yakomog baiduzhishe sprymati і spy і іprovorіvіyu і disclaims information, by themselves unknowingly wandering the people magatize be-well, be overcontain the manipulator from his meaningfulness for them. Tim himself to the manipulator needs only keruvati information, how to go through the objects of his manipulations, to recognize those facts, which were previously the object of not getting involved in the vicladati. There is a kind of surroundings on the side of the people, on the yak the manipulation is directed, laid down in the laws of the psyche, be it sarcastic if it is for the man to be pragmatic, be it to bring your righteousness, overturning the manipulator (not perceiving, but the mind of the manipulator), for the arrogant logic - to submit new furnishings, please, facts, facts, on your mind, you can help you on your way. How to appear in the hands of the manipulator, which will be needed by your information.

It is recommended that the power of the volunteer control and does not be provocative is recommended against the whole problem.

4. Hibna inferiority, or obvious weakness.

The Danish principle of manipulation of reclining on the side of the manipulator to show the manipulation of one's weakness by the manipulation of the man, and by covetousness by himself, which is also weak, the effect of pleasure is included, and that means people are not censoring ... Manipulator information seriozno. In such a rank of information, how to go from the manager to go straight to the door, to see there at the settings and behavior patterns, and to mean the manager of the reach of his own, it’s about the manipulation through the reason that it’s not necessary in words, vikonuvati tamnu the will of the manipulator.

The main method of protistyannya є additional control of information, such as whether it is people, tobto. Be it lyudin's adversary, і її demand sprymati vserioz.

5. Hibna zakohan_st, chi hoarse pilnosti.

For the reason, there is one individual (manipulator) playing in front of the one (the object of manipulation) conscience, overwhelming power, shanuvannya tosho. (To be able to feel my feelings in a little key), I ask for an unbelievably large one, I ask forgiveness for nothing.

Do not be fooled by such provocations - follow the mother, as in the words of F.E.Dzerzhinsky, "cold rose."

6. A mischievous onslaught, or an uncompromising gniv.

Manipulation at a time when it is young, as a result of unmotivated ferocity, from the side of the manipulator. Among the people, on the yak they are directing such manipulations, it is the responsibility of the one who hates the new one. Navischo win pidsvidomo ready for actions to the manipulator.

Ways of countermeasures can be reduced by fallow as a tool for manipulation. For example, it is possible as a result of "pidstrojuevannya" (so-called calibrating in NLP) with a combination of insanity in itself, similar to the spirit of a manipulator, and when calmed down, comforted by a manipulator. For, for example, you can show your spoky and absolute cannibalism to the manipulator’s grudge, by yourself having knocked him out of the pantille, and that means letting his manipulative pass. You can very sharply wind up the pace of your aggressiveness with the help of new moves at once with the light twitching of the manipulator (hand, shoulder, arm ...), and additional visual flow, tobto. in this vipadu we are overwhelmed with initiative, and for the addition of one-hour pouring into the manipulator for the additional visual, audial and kinesthetic student - who is introduced to the trance camp, and that means that it’s the amount of people who are in and we can have a sense of the setting, because seemingly it will turn out to be-yak lyudin to coduvannyu (psychoprogramming). You can vikoristovuvati іnshi priyomi protidії. A slid of memory, which can hate people or lighter rosmishiti. About such a peculiarity of the psyche of the nobility and often vicarious.

7. A quick pace, for any misconceptions.

In this case, we are guilty of speaking about the pragmatic of the manipulator for the rapid pace of the fast imposed on the overworld, and propose what your ideas are like, having achieved the solidification of them by means of manipulation. If you are old enough to be young, if you are a manipulator who has been attracted to every hour, you must come from an object of manipulation that is unintentionally large, but you have not been making a sacrifice for a long time. deception. manipulation).

At the end of the day, you need to take a time-out (for example, just pay for the terms of the ringtone on the phone), just beat the manipulator from the tempo set by it. For the whole, it is possible to develop non-sensible food and dull re-drinking, etc.

8. Zayva pіdosrіlіst, or vyklicannya vimushenikh vypravdan.

A different type of manipulation is seen in the fall, if the manipulator is growing in adolescence in any diet. Yak reaction in response to suspicion in the object of manipulation has been confirmed. Tim himself is a very weak bar'er of his psyche is weak, since he is a manager of his own, “prodigal” at his idea of ​​a necessary psychological setting.

The option to acquire є assimilating to oneself how special it is and being able to try to be a manipulative injected into your psyche behind him we will, as if we’re going to be aware of it, we will “zakhanim”: do not let yourself be manipulated.)

The Manipulator, with all his viglyad, shows in that and the unhappiness of bringing it up and whether it’s lingering. Tim himself ob'єkt manipulators magaatsya yaknayshvidshis wait with the words, but be guided by the manipulator, so do not bother him with his prescriptions. Well, and, pogozhuyuchis, win cim yde on the occasion of the manipulator, which is only necessary and necessary.

There is one way to counter it: do not accept provocations.

This kind of manipulation is based on this specificity of the individual's psyche, as a bow to the authorities in any case. Most often it appears so that the region itself, in what kind of "authority" reaches the result, is inviting to lie in this sphere, it is not so obvious that it’s impossible to get away with it, the protest of manipulation is not possible for all the souls in the souls of people. there is a lot of it, there is a lot of stuff, there is no stink.

Variant protistoyannya - vira vlasnu vinyatkov_st, nadosobist_st; the development of a dog is perekonannya in its own way, in the case of that, it is a supraludin.

11. Needed love, or payment for additional help.

The Manipulator has been forgiven in a wicked way about the Manipulation, and in a friendly manner to accept those decisions. At the same time, they are obviously pretending to be with explicit friendship (for the sake of the stench you might be better known), it’s a pleasure to learn about manipulation before the option of decision, which is necessary for us in front of the manipulator.

It is necessary to check in oneself, and to remember, for all that is required to be paid. It is more beautiful to pay odraz, tobto. in front of tim, as for you to pay a fee from the viglyadi for the service.

12. Opir, or protest, how to play.

Manipulator be-like words rozburkhuє in the soul of the object of manipulation in a sense, straightened on the podolannya bar (censorship of the psyche), as Vinnik, the pragmatist wants his own. Seemingly, the psyche is ruled by such a rank, that people are more interested in the world, but they want to fence in order to reach what it is necessary to report.

Those who can be more beautiful and more important, or lie on the surface, often do not help.

By the method of antidia є self-reliance, tobto. depend on yourself only and do not succumb to weaknesses.

13. The official of the zokrem, anyway from the details to the pardon.

The manipulator of the snake is about the manipulation of the beast, I have no respect for one specific detail, without letting me see the head, and on the display of the prototype, which is taken by evidence as a non-alternative basis for the story told. Slid respect that it is even broader in life, if more people allow them to think about something, in fact they do not have any facts in their order, nor do I have more detailed information about the information, but often they do not think about it. , corystyuchitsya dumkoy іnshih. To that, such a thought appears to be able to impose, and that means a manipulator to covet his own.

For the prototype, I gradually work over myself, over the advances of the vlast's knowledge and the level of illumination.

14. Irony, chi manipulation with smiles.

Manipulation is within reach of the fact that the manipulator picks up a combination of an ironic tone, but it’s not obvious that it’s not obvious whether it’s like the words about manipulation. And here the object of manipulation is more meaningful "to go from oneself"; and the chances are difficult when the criticality of the target is difficult, people enter the IDS (change of status), in which evidence it is easy to pass through early information.

For an efficient hunter, he must show his power to the manipulator. Seeing oneself over a human, "reversed", can also be happily placed until you manage to manipulate you - yak to childish amusements. The growing mentality is intuitively seen by the manipulator, so that the manipulators invite the kindly development of the organization sensitive, well, appreciatively, and allow them to see the moment for carrying out their manipulative receptions.

15. Interruption, why don't you look at your thoughts.

The manipulator is home to his own continuous interruption of thought about the manipulation, directing the theme of development in the demand for the manipulator.

As the opposition can not be respected for the interruption of the manipulator, for the special modern psychotechnicians are trying to cope with the hearing of the middle of the audience, so as if they are confused over the people - all the offensive words are no longer accepted.

16. Provocation of ujavnosti, chi far-fetched zinuvachen.

Manipulation similar to that of a new kind is becoming more flexible as a result of the management of quiet buildings, as well as a decrease in the criticality of the assessment of information transfer. For whom such a person appears evil at any time, for which and the manipulator can reach the imposition of his own will.

Zakhist - check on yourself and do not respect the beasts on the others.

17. Zamanyuvannya in pastka, or explicitly the vizannnya vigodi of the opponent.

At the same time, a manipulator, who knows the act of manipulation, tries to draw on a larger view of the mind, in which there is an opponent (object of manipulation), who himself is thinking of the rest of the time to see

Zachist - assimilating oneself to be self-aware, and to mean a whole sensible "passing" over a manipulator, it’s more important for himself to be impressed by "nikchemnistyu". Tobto. at the end of the day, I don’t vipadovuvatisya, I’m talking, but I don’t know the status for you at the same time, but I’m laughing at you, so, I see you, see you in my fallowness, and take the guilt of it, abo ... in myself, I have a blame for helping you to get some pastries on the way to your testimonials from the side of the manipulators.

18. Cheating on the valley, or іmіtatsіya preemptiveness.

Manipulator is able to put the object of manipulation in the first task of mind, if Lyudin doesn’t think it’s about the object of manipulation, try to introduce himself in advance in anticipation of health before the manager, yes In order to win nibi himself, even so the installation does not react critically to the words of the manager, it is unknowingly necessary for the words of the manager to pass by the witness.

19. Navmisne Oman, which has a specific terminology.

In case of manipulation, it’s possible to work with the help of a driver of specific terms, not sensible about’s manipulation, but from the rest, through the security of being unwritten, I’ll specify the terms for marriage.

How to counter it - to reiterate and clarify it neatly for you.

20. Nav'yazuvannya hibnoy foolishness, or through the humiliation to the overcoming.

Manipulator is pragmatic to play the role of an object of manipulation, pulling on one's foolishness and illiteracy, for such a rank destabilize the positive mood of the psyche about manipulation, to replace one's psyche in such a moment of chaos koduvannya psyche.

Zakhist - don't mind. It is recommended to pay less respect to the senses of the manipulator, and more to the details about, to the tin and the mimic, or to the attention of the robot to see how you can hear, but think “about yourself”, especially if you are aware of the details of the chess message.

21. The repetition of phrases, chi imposing thoughts.

With a whole kind of manipulation, for a rakhunok of bagatoraz repetitions of phrases, the manipulator introduces an object of manipulation to any kind of information, how to get it across.

Decent installation - do not take respect in the words of the manager, hears it "in the change of whale", or by special means to translate the message on the topic of

22. Pomilkov domislennya, for discomfiture mimovolі.

Many people can reach their effect for a rakhunok:

1) the mindfulness of the manipulator;


When you are aware of the development of deceit, the object of manipulation is formed, a hostility about the power of guilt will arise, because it’s not so sensible, because you don’t feel it.

Zakhist - vinyatkova in the sense of self, vikhovannya overhead, the formulation of "vibranost" and overhead.

In the middle of the situation, the object of manipulation has taken the manipulator’s pasta, which is the edge on the power of any disrespect, but then, having arrived at his own, pay for those who are not guilty of hearing (hearing) the protest from the side of the opponent. Moreover, in the result of a similar manipulator, it is actually possible to put the object of manipulation in front of a thorough fact.

Zakhist - clearly z'yasovuvati sense of "reach for homeliness."

24. Say "so", chi go to zgody.

This kind of manipulation should be happy for the reason that the manipulator is pragmatic, so that he will have a dialogue with the object of manipulation, and that all hour long with words. Tim himself the manager was able to bring about the manipulation to the development of his idea, and that means good manipulation.

Zachist - to beat the straightness of the rozmovi.

25. Nespodivane cituvannya, for the words of the opponent yak proof.

At times, the manipulative injection can be reached with the help of the unsupported quotation by the manipulator of the earlier spoken words of the opponent. An additional reception is provided for the return of the object of manipulation, in addition to helping the manipulator achieve the result. Most of the most often, the words themselves can be partly vigadanimi, tobto. Mother's sense of low nutritional status before talking about the manipulation. Yaksho kazav. To that, the words ob'єkta manipulation can be vigadanimous from and to, for there is little similarity to the mother.

Zakhist is also a zastosuvati priyom of a hibitive quote, vibrating in every way any of the words of the manipulator.

26. Efect with caution, chi poshuk of spilny characteristics.

As a result of the forefront watchfulness for the object of manipulation (including in the process of dialogue), the manipulator knows whether it’s a similarity between oneself and one that’s obtrusively obtrusive respect for an object for and similar to oneself, I will often weaken the functions of the psyche of the object of manipulation, for which I will propose my idea.

Zakhist - quickly sees in words his dissimilarity to the agent-manager.

27. Nav'yazuvannya to a vibor or from the right decision.

In general, the manipulator should set the food in such a rank, so that it does not overwhelm the manipulation of the power of accepting the vibrator, not the one that is used by the manipulator. (For example, do you want to be robotic? The word "robiti" is key, so as a collection of manipulations, it is possible, there is no need to do anything.

Zakhist - do not respect, plus the free control of any situation.

28. Unsatisfactory kindredness, chi raptus honesty.

The Danish kind of manipulation of a pole is in that, when it comes to non-trivial growth and the manipulator of rapidity, because of the manipulation that he has picked up, that it’s a man who won’t think it’s secret and important, that it’s worth it you can tell you the truth. At the same time in the ob'kta of manipulation, it’s not obvious that the winners of the dovir are so close, and we can also talk about the weakening of the local mechanisms of the psyche, as, in addition, weakened censorship (bar'er of criticism)

Zakhist - do not give in to provocations, and memory, but you can probably help yourself. Іnsha lyudin can be brought in (positively, not knowingly, with a kerosene stove, for an infusion of hypnosis and in.)

29. Raptovoy counterargument, where nonsense is attacked.

The manipulator is unsuitable for the object of manipulation to rely on words that have been spoken by them earlier, as a matter of fact to some manipulators, they just developed a topic, seen from them. At the object of manipulation, some kind of "same blood" is almost guilty, at his psyche the guilt is left behind, who hangs on the way quietly because of the manipulator, as in the singularity of the cry. It’s more possible because of the fact that there’s a lot of quietness, on which the manipulation is straightforward, inwardly unsettled, it’s possible to bring criticism to itself, and that’s the nonsense from the side of the manpulator to try additional help to the manipulator to reach his own.

Zakhist - vikhovannya strength of will and vinyatkovo singing of that povagi to himself.

30. Involved in theory, or the visibility of practice is clear.

Manipulator as non-compliance counter-argument is visible, but the words of the opposite object of manipulation as bi are good in theory, so as in practice, the situation is not going to be useful. Tim himself unknowingly gives a sense of manipulation, but all the words that are considered to be a manipulator do not show anything to themselves, but in real situations all words can be spiraling in the wrong way. ...

Zakhist - I do not respect the beasts of honor for dwelling on that pretense of those people, and for trying to deprive them through their own mind.

Another block of receiving manpulations.

Ways to mass media auditing with additional manipulation.

1. The principle of persochergosti.

The essence of the given method is based on the specifics of the psyche, as it is built in such a rank, which is accepted for information, as it was first needed in the process of witnessing. The fact that we can better process reliable information is often not recognized.

At the same time, the efficiency of the reception of the original information as a truth, it is more in the sense of the intelligence and the super-articulate character is uncomfortable. And after that - it’s just to finish the important change of thought, which was formulated.

A similar principle is to succeed in getting victorious in political technologies, if at the address of a competitor (with the help of ZMI) a vicarious material (compromising evidence) is provided, by ourselves:

a) shaping a negative thought about a new person in viborts;

b) zmushuyuchi vypravdovuvatisya.

(In the given vipadku ide, pouring on the masses a wider stereotypes about those who like vipravdovutsya mean vinen).

2. "Eyewitnesses" podiy.

There are few eyewitnesses to the information, as for the necessary breadth of information, which was passed on by the manipulators in advance, because of their power. I’m such “eyewitnesses” often say something about a conspiracy, for they call themselves a hobbyist, because the order of falsified information is not less accessible to the effect in the auditorium, because people in the world do not like it. , as a result of which the censorship of the psyche is weakened and it is necessary to let the information from the manager pass through without introducing the day to day.

3. The image of the gatekeeper.

With a piece of a piece stem, you will pollute and in many cases add addictions; As a result, such masses are lighter than keruvati.

4. Change of emphasis.

In this case, it will be seen as a substitution of emphasis in materials, and it is not necessary for the managers to be served on a different plan, but to hang out the packages - it is necessary.

5. Vikoristannya "leader_v dumok".

In this view of the manipulation of mass evidence, it is seen that, in case of a small number of people, they can be organized on the leaders of the dummies. Yak leaders of thought can come up with different posts, which have become authoritative for the singing category of the population.

6. Pereorієntuvannya uvagi.

In general, we are able to supply practically any material, not be afraid of its non-requested (negative) warehouse. We are now able to follow the rules of reorientation of respect, if it is necessary to receive information and to go to a number of different types of submissions, services to receive respect.

7. Emotional charging.

The quality of the technology of manipuluvannya polyaga in such a power of the psyche of the people, like the emotional contagion. Seemingly, in the process of life of a lyudin vibudovuyu shedsnі bar'єri on the expensive way of taking away the necessary information. It is necessary to bypass the subbar (censorship of the psyche), it is necessary that the manipulative inflow of the buv of straightening is necessary. With such a rank, having charged the required information with the necessary emotions, we are able to podolat the bar'єr rosum and viclikati in people of vibuh addictions, having made him feel the moment of feeling the information. We are entering into the effect of the economic charge, which is the largest expansion in NATO, de, as seen, the threshold of criticality is lower.

(App. App. An additional effect of manipulation is stagnant for an hour the real-life shows are low, if the participants speak in moving tones and TV set for a number of especially ambitious politicians, how to impulsively support their way of coming out of crisis situations, knowing what information they use to see if they are aware of the

8. The problematic is shown.

Regardless of the submission of quiet materials themselves, you can take advantage of the older, hour-long thoughts in the auditorium. In order to think that it is possible to do something piece-by-piece, “I don’t mind,” but I feel like navpaki, come and respect the same on the other TV channels. At the same time, the truth itself must come to a different plan. І to lay down from the bazhannya (or not bazhannya) manipulators visvitlyuvati її. (For example, it seems that today in the country there is no way to go. Naturally, it’s hard to see all of them, it’s not a matter of pure physicality. merit on respect - yak bi surely will not pomp.)

Varto respect that the submission of information for additional manipulative techniques can lead to unrelenting problems, for which there is no need to worry more importantly, so that people can be vicious.

9. Inaccessibility of information.

The whole principle of manipulative technologies is called informational blockade. We are old enough, if a part of the information is not necessary for the manipulators, it is certainly not allowed to enter the efir.

10. Strike for viperedzhennya.

The type of manipulation, based on the director's wikid, of the negative main category of people in information. With a tsom given information Viklika - maximum resonance. And for the hour of offensive information and the need to accept an unpopular decision, auditorium is already absorbed in protest, and does not react negatively. Vikoristovuchi is a subtle method in political technologies - a chance to sacrifice insignificant compromising evidence, for whom, if on a political game, there is a new incriminating evidence - masters do not react like that. (Get tired of reaguvati.)

11. Hibne straining addictions.

Sposіb manіpulyuvannya weight-medіa-auditorієyu, if vikoristovuєtsya hibne napruzhennya predilection for rakhunok pіdnesennya nіbito sensatsіynogo materіalu, vnaslіdok chogo psihіka Lyudin not vstigaє nalezhnim rank zreaguvati, stvoryuєtsya nepotrіbny azhіotazh, i filed іnformatsіya - Vzhe not robit such vplivu, to scho znizhuєtsya critical scho hang out by the censorship of the psyche. (In other words, it’s a matter of time, for which the information itself is assessed, but it’s often done to the point that it’s practical without cuts from the side of the image to consume in an incomprehensible way of thinking; It is a busy place for rejecting that general assessment of information is more truthful (moreover, in most cases, we speak about the inflow of NATO, in which the principle of criticality is twisted by itself).

12. The effect of credibility.

In this case, the basis for a flexible manipulation is based on such a warehouse psyche, if a person is strong in information, but not to overlook the earlier explicitly in the new information, or the appearance of food.

(In other words, as if for the help of the third my style, I would like to feed the information, because I think it’s not good for me, then it’s probably a subtle channel for rejecting information. early patterns of behavior and attitudes were formed in the house, and this means that they are flexible and flexible for manipulation, so that the manipulators are likely to include information that is plausible for us mercy, yaku nibi automatically sprymaymo yak will help you. Similarly, according to the principle of manipulation, it is possible to provide a cobbled presentation that is rather unpleasant for the information manager (no criticism of oneself), for the reason why it is worth trying to get it in the auditorium, to complete the correctness of the media Well, as well as in the information, which is provided, interspersed with information, it is necessary for the managers.)

13. Effect of "information assault".

Once again, talk to the one who has a flurry of martial information collapsing among the people, and who will be drawn into the truth.

(People who have been given some form of manipulation, just listen to the flow of information, and also, the analysis of this information will become twisted and in the manipulators there is no possibility of accepting, the lack of information

14. Zvorotny Efect.

At times similar to the fact of manipulation, there is a wikid of such a number of negative information at the address of the people, that information can be directly opposed to the effect, and to replace the blamelessness of the condemnation. (The butt of the Perebudovnyh rockiv from B.N. Ultsin, who fell at the river from the bridge.)

15. Budyonna rasspov_d, why evil is in human denunciations.

Information, as it is possible to wickle the negligence of the effect, is shown in an eccentric tone, but not at all terrible to be seen. As a result of a similar form of information submission, which is critical information when penetrated by the rumor, hearing it becomes relevant. This is the rite of recognition of the criticality of the perception of the psyche of the people and of negative information and the recognition of the sound before it.

16. Uniformity of displaying pods.

Denmark is a way of manipulation of straightening on the one-of-a-kindness of visibility, if there is a possibility of being deprived of one side of the process, in which case the correct message of information is available.

17. The principle of rozmaittya.

The whole kind of manipulation grows young, if information is needed to be supplied to only one person, from a number of negative and negatively directed audiences. (In other words, it will be nice on a dirty black person. And on a dirty person, you can show a good person if you tell me about good things. the correct character of the candidate, which is required by the manipulators, as such a crisis is dumb and impossible.)

18. Shvalennya of the obvious greatness.

The stagnation of the given method of manipulation by the masses is based on such a specific component of the human psyche - as the admissibility of a shortage of whether it is for cob grasping by people. As a result of a similar method of manipulation in the psyche of people, the bar of criticality is erased, for that, as such information has become a gripe in those people. Zgadaimo Lebon, Freud, Bekhterev and others. classics of psychology of mas - the mass is actively pursuing the principle of inheriting and infectiousness. To that, those who can rob one - take it and take it.

19. Expressive strike.

When implementing the principle, the principle is guilty of the effect of psychological shock, if the manages to be guilty of being guilty of being guilty of the mischievous life, as soon as I react to the protest (for the wickedness of the mental disorder) At the same time, one does not hesitate, but the emphasis when submitting material can be a substitute for some unused competitors in the competition, or against information, as it is not required.

20. Hibni analogies, and sabotage against logic.

Qia manipulation assimilates the reason for any food, replace it with a hibny analogy. (For example, it’s wrong to record the children’s and other people's inheritances, which in this type are seen as one. an athlete can be a cheruvati of the land (at a time of memory, a deputy of the Derzhdumi has the rank of federal minister).

21. Piece of "reading" of the situation.

It’s a matter of fact to see the market without any useful information, because it’s about the interest of the community to the whole information, and information, as it didn’t deny the relevance, it’s possible.

22. Manipulative comments.

Behind the additional necessary for the manipulators, the emphasis is on that kind of approach. At the same time, be-yak is not needed for manipulators with a similar technology, it is possible to find a protylezhny barn. All lay down from that, like the manipulators of the same material, with some comments.

24. Tolerance (closeness) to power.

A different kind of manipulation runtutsya on such power of the psyche of large individuals, as a cardinal change of their glances at the time of the desire of such people who need the necessary new skills. (Adequate yaskraviy butt - D.O. Rogozin, which will be in opposition to power - I’ll guess Rogozin’s call from the fence of the Central Exhibition Complex for the restoration of V. Gerashchenko as a candidate from the president , when Rogozin was recognized, a message about the party of power and about the president of the country - and when Rogozin was appointed as a permanent representative of Russia at the Organization of the Russian Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a representative of the Russian-Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

25. Repetition.

This is the way to manage to end up idle time. It is necessary to deprive the bagatoraz of the repetition of any information, which is similar to the information presented in the memory of mass media auditorium and nadal Bula Vikoristan. With a large number of manipulators, it is necessary to simplify the text as much as possible and reach it with ease for low-intellectual publicity. It’s not marvelous, it’s practically possible only in such a way we can sing it, but the information is needed not only to be delivered to the mass glance, to the reader, to the listener, but to correct it. This effect can be achieved by simple repetitions of simple phrases. At the end of the day, a lot of information is motically locked in the view of the hearing, and at the same time it is added to the information, and that means on the grades, the words of the form of medical information for the auditorium.

26. Shchepravda - half.

The whole method of manipulating the field is in the fact that the publication is given only a part of reliable information, that is, it’s a part, which will explain the possibility of being shown the first part, to be used by the manipulators. (Applied for hours Perebudovi, if some of them were spreading a little bit about those, that the Union of the Republics was trying to take revenge on the Russian Federation. earnings to Russia.)

The third block of receiving manipulations.

Modern Psychotechnics (V.M. Kandiba, 2002).

Once such a flow is fenced off, the methods of direct information flow, said in the order of the order, will be replaced by the words or the words, and at once they have become stubborn and such verbal tricks:

1) Tryuizmi.

At the end of the day, the manipulator will be able to imitate those who, for the sake of the truth, but for the sake of justice, the cunning strategy is invented in his words. For example, a manipulator sells goods from a deserted mісtsі from garnіy packaging. It’s not like “buy”! And more like: Well, it's cold! Miracles, even cheaper! Try to bathe, nowhere do you know such cheap lights! and twist the bags with lights in your hands.

Yak stands for academician V.M. Kandiba, such an unobtrusive proposition of a purchase, is more brutal in favor, more beautifully, some people are prompted to pass the critical bar of quality. It’s really cold (it’s not even so), the package is really beautiful (it’s different), and it’s even cheaper (it’s like that). To the one without any words "Buy!" at the object of manipulation, people will be able to grow up, as for them to be built, on their own, take the decision to buy cheaply by themselves, and for good reason, to see how often it is not possible to find a package that does not open up, but instead of having supplied the size.

2) Іlusіya vibration.

In general, it’s like nachebto in the manager’s special phrase about the manifestation of any kind of product, which is interspersed as a prikhovani solidity, as it bezvidmovno dіє pіdsvіdomіst, sniffing to see the will of the manager. For example, you will not be powered up, you will have chi ni, but it seems: “Yaka vi is cute! It’s good for you, and it’s wonderful to see! Yaku briimete, what chi qiu? ”, And the manager, out of sympathy, amazed at you, nibi nourishment, scho vi tsyu rich kupuєte, already seen. Also, in the last phrase of the manager, є a paste for the svidomosty, so that your right to vibrate is taken into account. If they deceive you for the best, the vibir "buy - do not buy" is replaced by the vibir "buy prices and buy those".

3) Commands, prikhovani at the food.

Once the manager has his own command, the installation is prikhovu pid viglyadom prokhannya. For example, you need to close the doors. You can tell anyone: "Go and conceive doors!" Another option is spratsovuє more beautiful, and the people do not feel fooled.

4) Moral deaf kut.

Tsey vipadok є deception of witness; a manipulator, powering up a thought about any kind of product, sending a message to put on the next meal, for which the installation of a display of the kind necessary for the manipulator is installed. For example, the salesman-manager didn’t want to buy, but if he didn’t try to buy his goods. I have a lot of vipadka for svidomosty, so what kind of not safe and filthy should not be missed, and there’s a lot of freedom, whether it’s a decision to take care of it, but if I’m just enough to try it out, I should like the seller Would you like it? " And oskіlki rіch is objectively savory, then you can’t say to the seller’s power supply, you won’t have been honored, and you will see that you have been "honored" by yourself giving a mimic of the year for the purchase. (Tim is more likely to tell the seller that you have been honored, as the one who doesn’t check your words, if you ask for the goods, if you don’t see it handily from the purchase, you will not be able to see the seller more than that. it is seen). Visnovok is a need for a hundred times to think, to accept a yak and an innocent proposition.

5) Movniy priyom: "chim ... - tim ...".

The essence of the process of moving psychotechnics is that the manipulator will tie, that will be seen, but it is necessary for them. For example, the seller of hats, bachachi, the buyer must twist the hat in his hands, think about buying or not buying, even the customer was spared, more win know the same hat, as you are more beautiful for everything. Moving, the more I am amazed at you - the more I will change, so it’s so.

6) Koduvannya.

In addition, as a manipulation spratsyuvala, manipulate your victim for amnesia (zabuttya) in all, to get it. For example, if a gypsy woman (like a fakhіvets extra-class with a waking hypnosis, a high-street manіpuluvannyu) took away from the victim a ring or a lancet, then it is necessary to imitate the phrase “You don’t know me! Tsi speeches - a circle and a lance - strangers! I didn't bach nicholas! At the end of the day, as the hypnosis is low, the charm ("charm" - like the obov'yazkov storage space in reality) pass through a splinter of hilin. In case of hyperhypnosis - koduvannya can be fatal.

7) Shtirlitz method.

So, like a lyudin, whether it’s like a rose, it’s more beautiful to remember the ear and the tip, it’s not only necessary to go into the rose correctly, but even the most important words, like the object of manipulation can forget the memory — put it before the end of the rose.

8) A modern trick "three histories".

Once such a reception is in place, the onset of the program of the psyche of the people will be successful. You are given three stories. Ale is an unaccountable rank. I will give you a copy of history # 1. At the middle of the day, I’m going to digest and fix the newsletter # 2. In the middle, I’m going to digest, and I’m fixing the history No. 3, as I’m getting it back. Then the manipulator can bring history No. 2, and then finish the history No. 1. The results, similar to the method of the program of psyche, history No. 1 and No. 2, are learned and remembered. And history No. 3 quickly forgot and learned, then, having appeared with vitality from the testimony, to take the place at the door. But the bottom line is that, as in history No. 3, the managers sent instructions and commands for the control of manipulations, and we can also learn that in an hour the people’s house (about an hour) will introduce psychology into the settings. a whole lot of vvazhatime scho stench resemble every one. The introduction of information at the door is an efficient way of programing people and setting the settings that are necessary for the operators.

9) Allegory.

Through the way of such an inflow of obroboks of information, the information manager is needed in the middle of history, as the Victorian manipulator is alegorical and metaphorical. The essence of the matter is that the very prikhovyh zmіst і dumka, yaku pledged the manipulator to your testimony. Moreover, the history is more pronounced and less pronounced, then it is easier to ignore the bar of criticality and information in the perception. This information is "more likely to be successful" most often at the moment when it’s time to start anyway; Above, there is a bookmarking code that activates a manipulator to create the necessary effect.

10) Method "yak only ... those ...".

Even the tsikaviy method. Yak axis viznacha yogo V.M. Kandiba: "Priyom" yak tilki ... then ... "This is a new priyom-trick of a polyagaє in the fact that a gypsy, yak to enchant, transmits yak melodiously maybutnyu diyu customer, like, for example: then immediately make me sound! Here, with the logic of the clientele's glance at his dolonya (on the "line of life"), the cygana logically comes to increase her confidence in that all that is to be robbed. At the same time, the gypsy spontaneously inserts a paste to show the end of the phrase "at once, mind me", intonation of what is meant by the spontaneously appealing from the testimony of the fair sense - "just wait for us".

11) Rozsyuvannya.

The method to finish the ts_kaviy is effective. Polyagan is guilty that, as a manipulator, he can tell you the history, see his installation in a different way, so that he will break the monotony of the movement, including and so called "anchors" (the technique of "anchoring the program" Vidіliti Movu can be іntonatsієyu, guchnіyu, dottikom, gestures meager. In such a rank, suitable for the installation, the middle words, from which the informational trend of the given history is stored. And as a result - the perception of the object of manipulation reacts to the loss of words, antonomy, and tininess. In addition, as Academician V.M. Kandib stands for, the commanders, who are growing in the middle of an effort, become even more effective, and more beautifully, less grasped by a higher rank. For the whole need to speak with a viraz, and to listen - if necessary - words are needed, but there are pauses and pauses.

Viriznyayut such methods of manipulative injections on the basis of the program of behavior of people (ob'єkta manipulation):

Kinesthetic methods (most effective): dotik to the hand, dotik to the head, be it stroking, splashing on the shoulder, pushing the hand, dotting to the fingers, applying hands on the peninsula of the client from above, taking the penis of the client's wrist from above.

Emotional methods: increasing the mood at the required moment, reducing the emotion, emotional viguki chi tin.

Modern methods: change of guchnosti movi (voice, quiet); change tempo move (shvidshe, more, pause); change of іntonatsії (adjustment-reduction); subtitle sounds (tapping, clacking with fingers); zmіna localizatsії dzherela sound (right-handed, lіvoruch, above, below, in front, behind); change to the timbre of the voice (imperative, command, hard, soft, sneaky, lingering).

Visual methods: mimic, widening of the eyes, gestures of hands, panning of fingers, changing position of the head (turning, turning), changing the position of the head (turning, turning, turning), characteristic lasting

Writing methods. For any written text, it is possible, for additional design techniques, to insert information that is used, if you need words, you can see it: in size font, in small font, in color, in paragraph indentation, in a new row and in a new row.

12) The "old reaction" method.

Well, with this method, it is necessary to remember, if in such a situation a person reacts strongly to someone who is a supporter, then in a day it will be possible to give a person again to such a supporter, if it is not automatic that the situation is trying to think about it. from now on, this reaction appeared first. The classic butt of the "old reaction" - tse if the child is walking in the park, unsuccessfully attacked by a dog. Ditina is very angry and would like to see the most safe and not awkward, situation of pummeling the dog in the new one automatically, tobto. nesvidomo vinikak "old reaction": fear.

Some reactions are painful, temperature-sensitive, kinesthetic (dotik), relish, rumors, smells, so for the mechanism of the "old reaction" you need to identify a number of basic minds:

a) A reflexive reaction is possible only after a few times.

b) The teaser, who is stuck, is guilty of his characteristics as much as possible;

c) The most beautiful and superior is a complex teaser, which is a vicious reaction of several organs immediately.

If it is necessary to establish the fallowness of you and your people (about manipulation), it is necessary to:

1) viclikati in the process of feeding the object to the reaction of joy;

2) close the reaction, be it from the signaling methods (so called "anchors" in NLP);

3) for the need for coding the psyche of the object - "activuvati" "yakir" at the required moment. In general, people think about your information, as your thought is guilty of referring to the memory of the object, people who are attracted to the role of an object are not guilty of a positive associative series, and that means that there is a bar of criticism of people in psychology (ob'єkt) will be "programmed" for the response of the written code of the entered code. At the same time, it is recommended to firstly change the "anchor" before fixing the "anchor", according to the mimic, gestures, іntonatsії, so it changed that іn. memorize the reflex reaction of the object to the positive psyche of the word (for example, take the object), and take a good key (with a headache, voice, dots, іn.)

Quarter block of manipulations.

Manipulation at the TV tower. (S.K. Kara-Murza, 2007).

1) Fabrication of facts.

In this case, the effect of managing to be seen as a result of other failures, but to be vicious when submitted to the material, rather than going in one straight line. Manipulators tell the truth, only if the truth can be easily inverted. In the last vipadkah - magayut to bring the material at the required key. Moreover, nonsense is becoming the most effective, if it spirals onto the inceptions of the stereotype.

2) Introduce material for reality.

We have an effective mind program for the purpose of monitoring 3MI with the help of the submission of a single information, in other words. At the same time, the activity of the disputed ЗМІ is allowed. Allegedly, it’s under control and doesn’t go beyond the allowed movement. Surrounding ZMІ vicoristovuyt tz. the principle of democracy is noisy, if you do not need a manipulator because of this, you can simply use a strong wikid of useful information.

3) Sira and chorna information.

In the other half of the twentieth century, the third part of the 20th century saw victorious technologies of psychological development. American Vіyskovy Vocabulary of 1948 yes psychological warnings are also meaning: "Along with planned propaganda come in, pour in on the eyes, emotions, attitudes and behavior of the sorcerers, neutral and friendly metaphysical groups." In Kerivnistva (1964) there is a meta of this kind of victory - "giving rise to the political and social structure of the country ... the degradation of national svidomosty, but the state is not old enough to support."

4) Great psychosis.

By the same staff of ZMI є the transformation of the giants of our land to one masu (NATO), because of the single meteoric regulation of the broadening of the stream of information, which is overgrown with the information and the population of people. The result is such a lighter than keruvati, and the middle upholstery is infallible for the best hardy ones.

5) Hardened that repeat.

In this type of information, information can be provided from ready-made templates, which actively reflect stereotypes, but also in the house. Confidence in any kind of talk means that it’s about the negotiation, some of the vlada of the idea, which can be negotiated, entraining any plausibility. Among the missed people, meaning Kara-Murza, is so-called. mosaic type of culture. ЗМІ by the official, they change this type of targeting, attracting people to the misleading stereotypes, and include the intelligence for the hour of analyzing the materials of the ЗМІ. G.Lebon, meaning that with the help of the repetition of the information it will be possible to get in front of the house, then the motives of those who have been given to people will arise. Overwhelming repetition dulls the information, be it practical information without any changes to the information at the door. And from the doorway, through the singing interval of an hour, such information will be transformed into evidence.

6) Crushing and term.

In the knowledge of the methodology for managing the victorious ZMI, the purpose of information is divided into fragments, but the person could not figure out the problem in the same way. (For example, statistics in newspapers are broken into parts and posted on other sides; text or TV shows are broken by advertising.) Professor G. Schiller explains the effectiveness of this reception: "Information", then the results of such an approach depend on the same: unreasonable ... apathy, as a rule, baiduzhist ". Raise the information about the important idea on the little things, give it a sharp decrease in the amount of time you see it, or even love it to the senses.

7) Forgiveness, stereotyping.

Denmark is a kind of manipulation based on the fact that a man is a product of a mosaic culture. Yogo testimony is completed by ZMI. ЗМІ, in the form of a high culture, is designated for the Masi itself. That is why in them it was established that they are rigidly interconnected for the folding and originality of the occasion. In fact, for the general є those are the rule that the representative of the mass is adequately provided with more simple information, that if a new information is going to be used as a stereotype, people would have thought of information without any internal analysis.

8) Sensation.

In this case, the principle of such information submission is taken into account, since the surrounding parts are uncomfortable or even more important to the same extent. When you see a pseudo-sensation. And yet, for the sake of pride її - to be asked in a fair way is the novina (as the tsya novina for reasons є is not safe for the kids, who control the ZMI).

Without interruption in the bombardment of information, especially with "rotten novelties", the visitor's important function of education at the support of the necessary level of "nerves", beastly respect to prof. S.G. Kara-Murza. Such nervousness, in the face of an uninterrupted crisis, is rapidly increasing people's awareness and decreasing health to critical withdrawal.

9) A message for a sense to understand.

Manipulators from ZMI are generally viable to interpret the words of any people. When the context changes, often the swelling forms are directly opposed to or minimally created. Yaskraviy butt to direct prof. S.G.Kara-Murza, as soon as the Roman tata was given an hour to go to one of the regions, they were powered up, as it was put before the week of tolerance, that good, well, moving, hiba stench є. Writing in the newspapers, an extraordinary message appeared: "Perche, having fed tato, stepping on our land, why is there patience in us at home?"

A block of manipulations.

Manipulation of evidence (S.A. Zelinsky, 2003).

1. Provocation of a suspicion.

Manipulator to put the child in a critical mind, if it’s overturned, I’ll say to the type: "Do you think I’ll persuade you? .." It is a great effect, if one is to carry out manipulation of an initiative over a man, to change the position of the man on the other side of the man, and by ourselves, promoting the installation, it’s unknowingly going to the point of thinking about honesty in the mind of a man who overcame a yogi. Todi yak for all the minds honesty tsya khibna. Aleksei for singing minds, there are tses of minds, that in the whole situation the boundary between the nonsense and the receptive truth is erased. And it means a manipulator of the reach of one's own mark.

Zakhist is not a beast of respect and vitality in oneself.

2. Khibna is the enemy's vigoda.

Manipulator, with his singing words, shouldn't be able to put it in the right mind, please, if you think about it, if you are talking about the opponent. Scho, at my own devil, a sniffing opponent, vypravdovuvatisya at a bazhanna perekonati partner and know about herself p_dozru. Tim himself, the one above him, was in control of the manipulation, it’s unknowable for himself whether it’s an installation to censor the psyche, to defend himself, allowing him to penetrate his selfless psyche of attack from the side of the manipulator. The words of the manager, may be at a certain situation: "You seem so, that at once from all over your camp ..."

Zakhist - such words as: “so, I say so, I’m right in me like this, I’m right, but I’m guilty of hearing and getting angry”.

3. Aggressive manner of driving.

With the victoriousness given to the receptionist, the manipulator takes a high and aggressive rate of promotion, not knowingly evil the will of the opponent. Until then, the opponent at such a time could not properly handle all the information. What a snarl of weather it was from the information from the manager, an unrecognizable bazhayuchi, but it was getting worse.

Zachist - break a piece-by-piece pause, break the fast pace, lower the aggressive tension of the talk, transfer the dialogue to a spokyne channel. Once consumed for an hour, you can move away, tobto. interrupt the move, and if the manager is calm, move on.

4. Clearly unreasonable.

It’s just a trick to get there. Manipulator, depending on the correctness of what is felt, repeat the words you say, which are a little less intrusive in some of your own senses. The words can be found on the wall: "Vibachte, if I am right about you, you seem to be right ..." youmu.

Zakhist - read more clarification, turning back and re-explaining to the manipulator, as you saw in uvaz if they said those.

5. Hibna pleasing.

At the end of the day, the manager will need to wait for the information that will be taken from you, or just add your own correctives. Behind the principle: "So, so, everything is correct, ale ...".

Zahist - check with yourself and do not pay respect to the manipulative priyomy with you.

6. Provocation for a scandal.

Every now and then, with the said educated words, the manipulator will become vicious with his glares at you, fierce, unreasonable, in the image that іn.

Zakhist - strong character, strong will, cold rose.

7. Specific terminology.

In this way, the manipulator is within your reach of unknowingly belittling your status, as well as the development of a feeling of lack of handiness, as a result of which, due to the grace of modesty, or inability to reckon with the meaning of the necessary situation, you can Anything of yours before the words spoken by him. Well, the belittling of the status of a sponsor in the field is allowed to be found in the playing field and to reach the result of the necessary.

Zahist - perepituvati, clarify, rob the pause and turn around for the consumer back, do your best to bazhannya more brilliantly than the intelligence, as you are needed.

8. Vikoristannya efektu hibnoi pіdozri at your words.

Zastosovyuchi I will fit the position of psycho-infusion manipulator as a way to put the spyvrozmovnik in the encampment, scho to seize. The application of the victorious monologue: “You think I’m trying to persuade you, to conquer you…” n. Tim himself ob'єkt yak bi himself open up to himself for unrecognizable zgodi with these words of the manager, like walking next to the cim.

Zakhist - such words, like: “So. I think, if you are guilty of me, I will try again in a whole lot, because I won’t believe you, and I will not see you for a second. ”

The manipulator operates with quotations from the houses and important people, the specifics of ambushes and principles adopted by the suspensions and in. Tim himself the manipulator unknowingly belittles your status, moving, wondering, all people and people say so, but you vvazhash call you, and who you, and who stink, etc. if it is ob'єkt, vlasne, in such an ob'kt і stє.

Zakhist - vira at his own blame and "obranist".

10. Formation of hibnoy foolishness and unluckiness.

Vylovlyuvannya to the type - it is generally banal, the chain is not mac and in. Otzhe, the manipulator can practically fearlessly pass through the object of manipulation of his ideas, spontaneously about the transmission of problems that are necessary for the manager. Tobto in these words, - a rule for manipulation as well as preparations by the manipulations themselves.

Zakhist - do not accept provocations and verity at the power of the mind, knowledge, dosvid, osvitu, in.

11. Nav'yazuvannya dumok.

In this vypadku for help, the manipulator introduces repeatedly or periodically repeated phrases to any information, how to get it across.

The principle of advertisements will be based on this kind of manipulation. If a handful of baggage-related information appears in front of you (moreover, it’s right from your own home, or not), but then, if a person needs to choose a choice of a product, not a kind of brand here chuv. Moreover, it’s because of the fact that behind additional advertisements you can hear a positively positive thought about a product, then it’s a lot more meaningful, but a totally positive thought about a product is formed in unrecognizable people.

Zakhist is a critical analysis of the cob if it is information, it’s right to come.

12. Lack of knowledge, due to the pretensions of the actions of the special furnishings.

There is a way of managing for the help of a special kind of discomfiture, how to form in the object of manipulation the hybnu's liking to what was said behind the help of the unaware consideration of quiet situations. Moreover, if in the result it appears that it is “not so sensible”, such people practically see themselves as a warehouse protest, then it’s unknowingly guilty of being overwhelmed, but he himself is guilty, but it’s not so loud. Tim himself bulo ob'єkt manipulation vimusheno (unrecognized - assimilated) accepted the rules of gree imposed on him.

In the context of such a setting, a person is able to make a difference to the management of the problem as unsupported for the object, so it is susceptible, if the result of reason is that it has become a victim of the power of confidentiality through the fact that in his psyche, attitudes such as norms of behavior, how to base the singing ambushes of the suspension, which give such people (ob'yktu) to develop a zorotny hid. Moreover, the pleasures of this side may be dictated both by the pardoners of the provinces, and by their own kind of moral masochism, which is unknowingly punishing oneself.

In this situation, the object of manipulation has taken the manipulator into the paste, which is the edge of the powerless disrespect, but then, having arrived at its own, pay for those who are not aware of (overheard) a protest from the side of the opponent. At the same time, it is actually possible to put an object in front of a thorough fact.

Zakhist - clarify that you misunderstood.

14. The belittling of irony.

Through vіyna at the moment of thinking about the lack of their status, the manіpulator hіba scho zmushuє ob'єkt stverdzhuvati is opposed to the manіpulator. Tim by the very beginning of the manipulative actions of the manager become uncomfortable for the object of manipulation.

Zakhist - as a manipulator vvazhaє that is "insignificant" - it is necessary and given to give his will, having pushed in some other way of thinking, so what a new thought wouldn’t be more likely to manipulate you, in order to encourage the side of you to get involved

15. Opinion on the plus.

In general, the manipulator concentrates on the plusses, and by itself letting go of its own idea and taking into account the manipulation over the psyche of the people.

Zakhist - to see the lowly super-articulate hard-cores, but say "ni", then.

The sixth block of manipulations.

Manipulyuvannya osobistyu (G. Grachov, I. Melnik, 1999).

1. "Navishuvannya yarlikiv".

Tsei priyom polyagaє in vibori obrazlivyh epitetіv, metaphors, called meagerly. ("Yarlikiv") the meaning of people, organization, ideas, be it a social phenomenon. Such "shortcuts" victoriously negatively discourage those who are desperate, associate them with low (uncomfortable and socially uncomfortable) winks (behavior) and, in such a rank, to be victorious in order to be able to achieve good body, in the eyes of the auditor.

2. "Сяючі узагалиння".

Tsei priyom polyagaє in the name of the meaning of a singing social phenomenon, ideas, organizing, social groups, or specifically people in the outlying area, as I can be more positively emotional and polite. With such a reception in the exploitation of positive sentiments and emotions of people before the singers, to understand such words, for example, such as “freedom”, “patriotism”, “light”, “happiness”, “love”, “success”, “peremoga” is too thin. n .. Such words, such as a positive psycho-motive inflow, can be used for stretching solutions, specific individuals, groups of organisation.

3. "Postponed" or "transfer".

The essence of the given polyagus is in the maister, unobtrusive and uncomfortable greatness of people, the extended authority and prestige of those who value and favor those who should be able to bear the dull communion. To the victorious "transfer", the association links of the object are formed, so that they can be served with them, for whatever reason, so that they may have value and significance among those who feel comfortable. In addition to being victorious, there is also a negative "transfer" for the recognition of associations with the negative and socially unappreciated podias, actions, facts, people just, which is necessary for discrediting specific individuals, ideas, situations, social groups chi organization.

It’s the winner of the few people who have been brought up, because they have a high authority, for those people who have a negative reaction among the category of people who are directing manipulative injections. Vislovlyuvannya, how to win, beckon to take revenge on the judgments of people, people, come and go, and turn around in their condemnation or confrontation. In such a rank, people like the object of manipulative inflow begin to formulate an all-out attitude - positive or negative.

5. "Gra at the common people".

The meta given to the receptionist is in the process of establishing the most important opinions from the audience, as from people close to the spirit at the present time, that the manipulator himself is so and the idea correct, that he was organized in common people. Actively vikoristovutsya such a priyom with advertising and informational propaganda and propaganda of the opposite іmіdzhu - "people from the people" - to form people to the side of the people.

6. "Shuffling" or "editing cards".

7. "Behind-the-scenes carriage".

For the vicarious given to the reception, dobir sujen, fistfulness, phrases, demand the same behavior from behavior, create hostility, and so intimidate everything. Obviously, for example, you can start with the words: "We are normal people mind, well ..." With the help of "foreign platforms" in the people, they can feel the sense of the greatness of the tsom, the majority of the members of the singing social spirit, for which they can identify which ideas are important to them, take on some more ideas.

8. Crushed information feed, overworld, high rate.

Especially often, such a priyom and vikoristvoyut on TV. As a result of such a massive bombardment of people's witness (for example, zhorstokistu on TB), the stench ceases to critically smell those who are seen, and sprymati like that, which doesn’t mean anything. In addition, the gazes, stitching behind the shimmering promos of the announcer, or the leading one, missing out on the dzherelo information, and he himself, at his own knowing, all the time, all the time, the unsuccessful parts of the program, which should be taken off.

9. "Osmyyannya".

In the history of technology, you can think of a specific individual, and look, ideas, programs, organizing that kind of activity, understanding people, against which there is a struggle. The vibe of the ob'kta comprehending how to stay in the debris for the purposes of the specific information-communication situation. The effect of the given reception of knowledge is on the fact that when people think about it, the behavior of the people before the new start to get hotter and unseriously put, so that it automatically expands and on the other side of the eye. With a great deal of such a welcome, it is possible to form a "unserious" people for a specific people who do not deserve merit.

10. "Method of negative groups of admission".

At the start of the day, be sure to look at it right. Look at it - it’s more beautiful for quiet, but it’s not okay (but rather it’s, most often opposed). For example, young people are more beautiful than informal young people. Pioneers and Komsomol members, chuyny, and Komsomol members call for service to the army - the stinks of the leaders of the battle and political training. And the informal young people are punks, hіpi, that іn. - The fry are not garnished. This rank is one group іnshy. As a matter of fact, there is a difference in emphasis on the image.

11. "Repetition extinguished" or "repetition of template phrases."

With the head mind of the efficiency of the test of technology, it was correctly extinguished. The short hangs were extinguished, formulated in such a rank, to screw up the respect and in real life that felt the reader and the listener. Gaslo got stuck up to the peculiarities of the psyche of the whole auditorium (that is, a group of people who need to be injected). Corrosive reception "repetition extinguished" transmission, but the listeners of the readers do not ochikuvatsya over the meanings of the words, as in the extinguished, but because of the correctness of the whole formula. Before the appointment of G. Grachov and I. Melnik, one can see to oneself that the strength has died out allowing information to penetrate without difficulty into the community, programmed with such a rank of the psyche, and people use psychological attitudes and patterns of behavior otrimala such installations.

12. "Emotion pidstroyuvannya".

This technique can be used as a way of setting the mood with one-hour transmission of singing information. The mood to wicker among a group of people for the help of young people (call otochennya, singing hour to do it, illumination, light wakefulness, music, songs). At the same time, all information will be transmitted, or to ignore the fact that it wasn’t very good. The most frequent technique is victorious in theatrical performances, game and show programs, and religious (cult) visits too.

13. "Passing through mediators".

The process of receiving meaningful information, singing values, glances, ideas, evaluations is of a two-way character. This means that an effective information flow to a person often does not work through the ZMI, but through people who are authoritative for her. This phenomenon was seen in the model of a two-way flow of commune, broken up in the mid-50s in the United States by Paul Lazarsfeld. The proponated model has seen a dual part of the mass-communal process of being carried out, in the first place, as the interaction between the communist and the “leaders of the thought”, and in another way, as the inter-modality of the leaders of the thought. Yak "leaders of thought" can be in the form of informal leaders, political children, representatives of religious confessions, people of culture, science, mystery, sportsmen, vіyskovі meager. In the practical information-psychological infusion, the ZMI was called before, that the information-propaganda and advertisements became more specific to individuals, the thoughts of which were significant for them. (tobto assessments and advertisements for the products of the "kinosіrki" and іnshі popular individuals). Manipulative effect of taking advantage of the impregnation of rakhunok in rozvazhalny programs, interv'yu too. direct and indirect assessments of such leaders, whether they are podіy, wіll take a donation bazhanogo іn thе pіdсvіyu pіvnі pіvnі psyche of people.

14. "Yavny vibir".

The essence of the technology of the field lies in the fact that the hearers or the readers will see some of the different points of view from the singing food, albeit so, it would be uncomfortable to show in the best view of the light that I want to see the audience. For the whole, ask to be victorious about a number of additional prizes: a) include, before propaganda materials, the so-called "two-way communication", as to vindicate arguments for and against the singular position. Also, "two-sided appearance" precedes the opponent's arguments; b) to receive positive and negative elements. Tobto. If the assessment was positive, it looked believable, before the description of the described point of view, it was necessary to add three criticisms, and the effectiveness of the judgmental position was better at the presence of praise; c) weakened and weakened weakened facts. Visnovki do not enter until the text is pointed out. Їх Mayut zrobiti tі, for whom the information is designated; d) to be able to operate on the basis of relevant materials to improve the importance, demonstration of tendencies and scale of reasons, manifestations. At the same time, all the actual tributes are chosen in such a rank, so that it is necessary to make the changes obvious.

15. "Informatics of information hvili".

Effective technology of information on a large group of people іnіtsіyuvannya secondary information sickness. Tobto. such a podіya will be propagated, as it is obvious that it will be more likely to circulate the ZMI. At the same time, the first time in one ЗМІ there is a need to increase the amount of money in the third place, to make the effort of informational-psychological inflow. Tim himself was set to the sov. the "first" information is correct. The main meta of the registration of the general reception of the field at the end of the secondary informational failure at the level of the missobilization through the analysis of the previous discussions, assessments, a bit. All the same, it allows the possibility of using the effective informational-psychological on the target auditorium.

This block of manipulations.

Manipulative priyomy, scho vikoristoyutsya before an hour of discussion and discussion. (G. Grachov, I. Melnik, 2003)

1. Adding the outgoing information base.

The materials that are necessary for the discussion should not be overwhelmed by the participants at all times, or else they should feel vibrant. Deyakim participants negotiate, "nachebto vipadkovo", distribute an incomplete set of materials, and along the way, it’s clear, it’s a pity, not in the course of all explicit information. Working documents, sheets, trash, notes, and everything else that can be inserted into the processes and the results of the negotiation of the unknown person, are "lost". In such a rank, it’s not a good idea to inform the participants, to expedite the negotiation, and to the end of the day, to keep up with the psychological manipulations.

2. " Overwhelming information ”.

Zvorotny option. It’s a matter of fact that there are many projects and propositions to be prepared, it’s just a matter of putting those in the negotiation process to appear unhappy. Especially if for a discussion a great debate of materials is proposed at the terms of the term, at the connection with which a clear analysis of the difficulties.

3. Formation of ideas by the way of a straightforward selection of promises.

The word is nadatsya sphatku tim, whose thought is vidoma and vlashtovu organizer manipulative injections. In such a way it is possible to formulate the basic installation in the participants of the discussion, for that the change of the primary installation will require more efforts, not to formulate it. To formulate the settings that are necessary for the manipulators, the discussion can also end up talking to the people, the position of which will be seen by the manipulators.

4. Substantial standard in the norms for assessing the behavior of participants in discussions.

Some of them are hard to beat around the rules and regulations and rules for an hour of negotiation, who allow them to come in and set the rules. Those same to be considered as to the nature of the lingering, but it is allowed: in some of them there is no reason for the harsh lingering at the address of the opponents, who are intimidating the respectfulness, etc. A moody option, if the regulations are not specifically set up, then you can pick up the behavior along the way. At the same time, it’s possible to smooth out the positions of the opponents and “push” to the point of view, but, navpaki, it’s possible to improve the views on the points of view as far as the absurd ones.

5. "Maneuvering" in the order of day negotiation.

In order to make it easier to eat a meal, I want to drink a couple without drinking a meal (I want to drink a splash of emotions) on low-value and non-nutritious meals, and then, if all have tried to overcome the blame ...

5. Management of the negotiation process.

In the public debate, the word is to get the most aggressively imposed on the representatives of the opposing groups, so they admit mutual images, as they either do not admit, or do not admit for the sake of visibility. As a result of such a manipulative course, the atmosphere of the negotiation rises to a critical level. With such a rank, it can be attributed to the discussion of the actual ones. In one more way є not being able to tinker with an unpretentious vistapayuchiy or navmno go over to the view of those. Tsey priyom is often victorious in the course of commercial negotiations, if we agree in advance with the signal of the secretary to bring in kava, organize "important" calls too.

6. Dealing with procedures.

In case of a victorious reception, ignore the propositions of the negotiation procedure; dispense with facts, food, arguments; do not get the word out to the participants, as they can, with their own fiddles, bring up to unreasonable changes of discussion. Take the decision to fix it hard, not to be allowed to turn to them when new tributes are appropriate, which are important for the rotation of the residual solutions.

7. Referral.

Briefly reformulated nutrition, propositions, proving that there is a change in emphasis from bazhany bik. One hour at a time, you can get a more complete summary, when you see a change of emphasis in the visitor's view during the education process, a change in the emphasis on the display, the victories of the positions of the opponents, the glances, the results of the discussions in the backlog. In addition, with a mixed performance, it is possible to change your status for additional distribution of furniture and to a number of prizes. For example, it’s possible to change the position of the driver on the lower wall, mothers in the office on the walls of the ruler’s without diplomas, before an hour is discussed and negotiated in a demonstrative way, the attributes of wielding that authority.

8. Psychological cunning.

Prior to the whole group, they are included in the priyomy, based on the disapproval of the opponent, the vicarious, disrespectful, belittling of special qualities, flattery, men on the pride and individual psychological peculiarities of the people.

9. Rozdratuvannya opponent.

Vivedennya z vinovagi glazed, unfair incidents and in other ways, docks will not "boil". At the same time, it is important that the opponent did not just come to the camp of razdratuvannya, scarlet zrobivuyu at a pomilkovu who are not viable for their position in the discussion I will declare. Denmark is actively victorious in an explicit form, like belittling the opponent, or in greater veils, in the case of ironies, by indirect strains, implicit, albeit pidtext, which is displayed. For a different rank, the manipulator can fetch, for example, such negative rice of an individual as a manipulative inflow, as the lack of knowledge, lack of information in singing galusies is too thin.

10. Self-praise.

Tsey priyom є indirect reception of belittling the opponent. Only do not say directly “hto є ti”, but also “hto є me” and “hto є ti” and “hto ti” is next to it. You can vikoristovuvatysya such vislovlyuvannya, yak: "... I am the keeper of the great enterprise, region, galuzi, set it up", "... I was brought up to see great zavdannya ...", “... it is necessary to be a clerk I want to be ... "," ... to talk and criticize ... it is necessary to find out until the last day I want to be at the scale ... "too much.

11. Vikoristannya do not know for the opponent of words, theories and terms.

Wievert will succeed once, if the opponent is embarrassed to reiterate and surrender, as soon as he can prove that it is not clear for a new term. Behind such words and phrases, there is a pragmatic discredit to the specialties of rice about manipulation. Particularly effective is the lack of knowledge of the large number of slangs in the process of thinking about situations, if the object is not possible to specify, but on the basis of respect, and you can see the possibility of seeing the same temperature. Moreover, it is important to note that the manipulations of the implantation of scientific terms are less likely to be imposed on people, if they are more likely to be afraid for the psychological on the object of manipulation.

12. " Pidmazuvannya arguments.

At the end of the day, manpulators play on the ladder, marnoslavstv, zarozumilosti, caused by zosumilosti ob'єkta manipulyatsii. For example, you can buy things with words, “... as a person is penetrating and inept, intellectually rooted and competent to push the internal logic of the development of this phenomenon ..." assessment and join the super-list, the result is a lack of forecasts.

13. Seeing abo uniknennya discussion.

This is a manipulative action to work with demonstrative vicarious images. For example, “... it’s unfortunate for you to constructively negotiate a serious meal ...” or “... your behavior will not be able to continue our development ..." .. "too little. Seeing the negotiation with the victors of provoking a conflict, heed to ask for help, the victorious accusations of the opponent from himself, if the negotiation to go over to the particular super-link is not related to the primary topic. In addition, there can be vicarious actions such as tricky, such as: interrupting, interrupting, advancing the voice, demonstrative behavior, showing unwanted rumors and not talking to the opponent. Pislya їkh zasosuvannya rozlovlyuvannya on kshtalt: "... it is not a matter of you to shake things up, even if you don’t give us the same intelligence on the power supply"; “... it’s a shame to shake things up with you, and you don’t give the opportunity to hang on the spot, but don’t get lost with yours ...” and so on.

14. Priyom "bring the torturers."

Vikoristovuєtsya at the two main varieties, which are seen for the meta. Yaksho cann’t interrupt the discussion, psychologically strangling the opponent, to get back to the point of view. to our interests without decrypting any other interests and without argumentation of the reasons for which we appeal to them. In general, the vikoristvoy to play with the type: "Look at it. If it is necessary to know about the object of management, if you want to wait quietly from the projected point of view, then you can prove it, that you can take away from the point of view what is obscene, perhaps not safe, for whatever reason ... Other arguments may include such judgments, such as: "... not the transfer of the constitutionally secured presidency to the institute, the system of other organs of the legislature, giving rise to the constitutional ambushes of the life of the suspension ...". You can instantly come to grips with the indirect form of navishuvannya jarliks, for example, "... the very same people who are caught up in provoking social conflicts ...", or "... Because of the fact that they are embracing nationalism, anti-semitism ... ”too much.

15. "Chitanya in the hearts".

It stagnates in two main variants (i.e., positive and negative forms). The essence of the victory given to the receptionist is in the fact that respect for the audience is shifted towards the witness of the opponent's arguments for some obvious reason and motives, to pretend that it is necessary to say and to see the opposite point from time to time. You can also live up to the one-hour vicarious arguments of the "butcher's arguments" and the "news of the yarliks". For example: "... If you seem to be grabbing corporate interests ..." to admit that some pseudo-conscientious objectors to the law confounded the satisfaction of their legitimate interests ... ”just. Inodi "reading in the hearts" nabuva form, if the motive is heard, but it is not allowed to speak of the reproach of the other side. Tsey priyom can be followed not only with the "butcher's arguments", but with the "pidmazuvannyam argument." For example: "... your decency, borrowing modesty and cunning rubbish does not allow you to recognize the obvious fact and by the very process of initiating a progressive initiative, such as to lay down the virgin food, with impatience and hope." ...

16. Logic-psychological cunning.

The name is tied to this, but from one side the stench can be inspired by the broken laws of logic, and from the other, navpaki, vikoristovuvat formal logic with the method of manipulation of the object. Still in the old days, buv vidomy sophism, which vimagan vidpovidi "so" chi "ni" on the power supply "read cease to beat your dad?" If you are awkward, if you say “so”, it means you beat earlier, and if you say “ni”, then it means an object of your father. Variants of such a sophism are rich: "... Do you all write denunciations? ..", "... Have you already stopped drinking? .." etc. Particularly effective publicity, with a lot of smut, take out a short message and not give people the opportunity to grow up. Prior to the most common logical and psychological cunning, it is assumed that the idea is not meaningful, as it appears, if it appears on the supply of food, if the thought is formulated unclearly, unimportantly, as it is allowed to be interpreted in a certain way. In the case of politics, it is allowed to deal with folding situations.

17. Failure to comply with the law of sufficient provision.

Taking the formally logical law of sufficient provision in the discussions and negotiations of the velma sub'actively through those who provide information about the sufficient provision of the information, which should be considered, timid by the participants in the discussion. Subject to the law, such proofs may be flawed before they can be proved, as they may conceal a private character and do not give a gift for prisoners. The limit of formal logic in the practice of information exchange in the context of "Psycho-logic" (the theory of argumentation), the essence of which is that the argumentation is not by itself, it is the singing people in the singing minds and they are thinking of the specific people who are thinking (or not knowing) the singing special qualities just That is okremiy vypadok, production in the rank of regularity, it is not easy to pass, as the manipulator for the help of side effects is inserted into the object injected.

18. Zmіna of accentіv at the time.

In tsikh vipadkah, those who say the opponent are okrym vipadku, will just start like a natural pattern. The zvorotny priyom of the field is in the fact that one or two facts are opposed to the mirkuvanny of the zagalny character, which, for the sake of it, can be vignettes or atypical butts. It is not often in the course of the discussion about the problem, how to negotiate, to try to "lie on the surface", for example, the side inheritance of the development of some kind of manifestation.

19. Not quite fast.

In this case, the reason for a logical failure with a psychological factor is stagnant in a quiet way, if an opponent hangs out on his own position and prompts him to choose the most disagreeable one, to beat him in the deserving form and respect Wievert pass by vipadku, as the opponent does not turn to those.

20. Vimoga unequivocally іdpovіdі.

With the help of phrases like: "do not wag ...", "say clearly, for all ...", "say straight ..." just. - ob'tu manipulation to give an unambiguous indication of "so" and "ni" on the power supply, but in the case of an open-ended appearance, since the unambiguity of the indications can lead to a wrong problem. In an auditorium with a low level of education, such an advantage can be achieved as a manifestation of principles, practicality and frankness.

21. A piece of the dispute.

In general, having started before the negotiation of any position, the manipulator should not be guided to get the message out, but rather to go straight to the point. Such a rank is intermingled with the ability to criticize the government's position, and the super-transmission itself is opposed to the argumentation of the opposing side. In that case, if the opponent started to criticize and hang out the camp, suggesting arguments, start to lead a super list of about these arguments, they are vague in them, but they are not imaginable for agreeing on systems and proving.

22. "Bagatopitannya".

At once this manipulative reception of the object on one topic to put at once a round of food. Nadal dіyut badly from the first view: as well as ringing at the unreasonable day of the problem, as well as because I didn’t think about food again, but because it’s prudent to enter it into Oman.

The eighth block of manipulations.

Manipulative inflow is fallen according to the type of behavior and emotional people. (V.M. Kandiba, 2004).

1. The first type. The main hour of a lyudin is to spend between an extravagant camp of svidomosty and a camp of an extravagant sleep.

This type is clearly controlled in a new vikhovannya, character, calls, і navіtа splendidness, pragnennya safety і calmness, tobto. all those that are formed by verbal and emotional-shaped memory. In the majority of the first-type women, the prevailing abstract mind, the words that logic, and in the larger women of the first-type - a healthy blind, feeling that fantasy. Manipulative action of maє buti is geared towards the consumer of such people.

2. Another type. Dominating trance stanіv.

Above all and overwhelming people, the behavior and reactions of those who govern the psychophysiology of the right to the brain: scho vidbuvayutsya with them. In case of manipulative injection, it is recommended to inject such people into account.

3. Third type. Dominating the blood to the brain.

Such people cherish the verbal information, and the principle, the reconsideration of the installation, the change in the hour of the given analysis of the action. The known reactions of people of the third type are based on their knowledge and behavior, as well as a critical and logical analysis of any information, which comes from the calling light. In order to effectively pour on them - it is necessary to reduce the analysis of information in them, to feed them, to feed them, to the brain, critical. For the sake of it, it is recommended to submit information on the basis of authoritative information to you, but information must be submitted strictly and on the basis of information, because it’s logical to say that it’s okay to see the facts as well as on the basis of authoritative djerels, and it’s not up to the point of morale. , justice is thin.

4. Quarter type. Primitive people with the majestic revelations of the right-handed instinctively creature stanis.

In their main part of the price of uninvolved, those unrepentant people with unrepentant brains, who often grew up because of mental development in socially disadvantaged families (alcoholics, sometimes, drug addicts) and others. The reactions and behavior of such people are controlled by the creature instincts and consumers: statutory instinct, good fortune, sleep, vipiti, viprobuvati yaknaibil more than those of your own accord. With a manipulative injection on such people, it is necessary to inject into the psychophysiology of the right brain: to experience them earlier, the experience and the feeling, decline in character, stereotypes of behavior, for the feeling, mood, fantasies and instinct, I experience the moment. It is necessary to vrahovuvati, for the category of people to be missed is primitive: if you are pleased with the instincts and the sentiments, they react positively, if you don’t, they are negative.

5. P'yaty type. People from "expanding the camp of svidomosty".

Tse ti, hto zoom out into the soul of a highly spiritual person. In Japan, such people are called "enlightened", in India - "Mahatmas", in China - "thoroughly wise Tao people", in Russia - "holy prophets and miracle workers." The Arabis call such people "holy Sufis". For such people, as the meaning of VM Kandib, the managers cannot be injected, for the reason they “act against the professional knowledge of people and nature”.

6. Shosty type. People who are overwhelmed by the psychophysiology of pathological countries.

The chief rank is mentally ill people. The behavior of those reactions is not communicated, the fragments are abnormal. Tsi people can work as a result of a sick person's motive, or they are overwhelmed in full of such hallucinations. A lot of people of a certain type become victims of totalitarian sects. Manipulation against such people is necessary to be quick and sharp, to overcome fear in them, to feel unbearable pain, to isolate and, if necessary, to be more insecure and to take a special injection, so that it can help them to feel safe.

7. Sjomy type. People, the reactions and behavior of the dominant have strong emotions, some of the basic basic emotions, for example, fear, satisfaction, gniv and others.

Fear is one of the most powerful hypnogenic (which generates hypnosis) emocy, which is a suspect in skin people in case of a threat to physical, social well-being. Catching fear, the people are immediately consumed by the sounds, changes of the camp of svidomosti. Galmuze the brain from the beginning to a sensible, critical-analytical, verbal-logical sentiment of the one who sees, and activates the right brain with emotions, clear and instincts.

© Sergiy Zelinsky, 2009 r.
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