General Trohev Biography. War and the world of General Toshva

General Trohev Biography. War and the world of General Toshva

Boeing-737. On board the crashing liner there were 88 people: 82 passengers and 6 crew members. Survive any of them failed.

The condolences to the relatives of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin expressed their condolences. "The Government Commission will make every effort to investigate the circumstances of the aircraft crash, to assist the families of the victims," \u200b\u200bPutin emphasized.

Numerous condolences come to Russia from abroad. In particular, during telephone conversations with the President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, Armenia Serzh Sargsyan and Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, Chairman of the People's Republic of China, Estonian Foreign Minister, and other world leaders, public and Religious figures.

The Governor of the Perm Territory Oleg Chirkunov instructed the Ministry of Finance of the region to allocate 8.8 million rubles from the Railway Government Reserve Fund to provide material assistance to the nearest relatives and families of the victims as a result of the aircraft crash. "The amount of payment for each deceased will be 100 thousand rubles," said the source RIA Novosti.

Relatives of those killed as a result of a plane crash will be paid compensation of 12 thousand rubles (12 minimum wages) and in accordance with the 2008 Argers in the Air Code of Aeroflot pays one more compensation - up to 2 million rubles for each dead in a catastrophe.

The name of one of the passengers - Colonel-General Gennady Toshva - will be called the street in Grozny, said the President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov.

The former commander of the North Caucasus Military District, the hero of Russia, Colonel-General Gennady Troyshev, headed to the city of Krasnokamsk at Sambo Tournament: Troyshev was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Federation of this type of struggle. According to the media, the general at the request of the Federation interrupted leave in order to attend the opening of the memory tournament Vasily Sewai. In addition, the Perm region is the birthplace of his father.

General Troyshev was hardly the most famous military in Russia. He was one of the commanders of the Russian army in both Chechen campaigns, passed the way to the general, commanded the district, freed his native terrible from the militants, became the main Cossack of the country and more than once met with death face to face.

Troyshev Gennady Nikolaevich was born on March 14, 1947 in Berlin. Childhood spent in Germany, then moved to Moscow, where he entered the Institute of Land Engineering Engineers. Despite the exhortation and prohibitions of the Father, who punished the Son "So that your feet was not in the army!", Trozhev filed a report with a request to enroll him to the Kazan Tank School. In 1976, he graduated from the military academy of armored troops, and in 1988 - the Military Academy of the General Staff of the USSR.

Troshev served in various positions in tank troops. He was the commander of the 10th Ural-Lviv Volunteer Tank Division in Germany, and then from 1994 to 1995 - the commander of the 42nd Army Corps of the North Caucasus Military District (SKVO). In 1995, he accepted the command of the 58th Army of SCW, as well as commanded the United States of the Ministry of Defense in Chechnya during the First Chechen war. It was he who developed and carried out an operation on blocking and destroying band formations in the villages of Karamakhi and Chabamah and the liberation of the Novolak district of Dagestan during the cleaning of the Kadar zone from the militants.

In July 1997, Troyshev took the post of deputy commander of the North Caucasus Military District; Two years later - in August 1999 - he headed the grouping of federal forces in Dagestan, and in 2000, the United group of federal forces in the North Caucasus.

From May 2000 to December 2002, Troyshev was the commander of the army of the North Caucasus Military District. In February 2003, he was appointed Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation to coordinate the activities of the Offices of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President in federal districts to ensure the methodological guidelines for the activities of the Cossack societies included in the State Register of Cossack Societies in the Russian Federation. March 30, 2004, after the reorganization of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, was newly approved as adviser to the president.

Troyshev was also co-chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Foundation "Public Recognition", an independent civil society organization and the National Civil Committee on Interaction with Law Enforcement, Legislative and Judicial Bodges.

Gennady Troyshev was awarded the title of Hero of Russia (1999) for the anti-terrorist operation in Dagestan and Chechnya; He was awarded orders: "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree (1990), friendship of peoples (1994), "For military merit" (1995), "Peter the Great. For the strengthening of the Russian state "(2003). Cavalier of the Golden Honorary Sign "Public Recognition" (1999) and the Honorary Sign "Golden Shield of Economics" (2004). In 2001, awarded the highest award of the Foundation for International Prizes - the Order of Nicholas Wonderworker "For the Multiplication of Good on Earth"; Winner of the premiums them. A.V. Suvorov (2000), im. GK Zhukov - for an outstanding contribution to the development and strengthening of the defense capability of the Russian Federation (2002).

As the close and colleagues of Toshva noted, each award was deserved to them: all the years spent in the Chechen Republic, Troyshev tried to melded with conflicts in the regions peacefully - negotiating with the population.

According to Gennady Alekhina, the former spokesman for Toshiv, since September, Colonel-General has planned to begin a new job. "Literally two weeks ago, they talked on the phone with him, and he said:" I still bring the benefit, now I will rest a little, and in September a crime to some new job. "He did not say that it will be for the job, spoke only That "most likely in state structures," Gennady Alekhin clarified. He stressed that Troyshev "was amazingly energetic, not at all like a pensioner."

In addition, he noted, journalists were very well to Trreshev: "It was not for nothing in a journalistic environment called" Best Newsmaker ", specially in the events in the Caucasus - on the first and second Chechen campaigns. He, as they say, was in the authority among journalists Because he always said the truth, let his books testify to this. Gennady Alekhin reminded that the last book of Toshiva "Chechen break" was published in March of this year (the first two - "My War" and "Chechen Recurry"). "There was no conversation about the next book. He said:" Time will show - maybe something else will write, "he said.

Material prepared by the editors of based on RIA Novosti information and open sources

On September 14, 2008, the airliner "Boeing 737" was crashed over Perm. Among other passengers on his board was the hero of Russia - General Gennady Troyshev. So ridiculous ended the life of the "Equal General", who passed the whole Chechen war ...

By military path

Gennady was born on March 14, 1947 in Berlin, in the family of the Soviet military pilot Nikolai Toshov. Shortly after the birth of the boy, the family returned to their homeland. The childhood of the genes passed in the Caucasus, in Grozny. Father died in 43 years, and the mother Nadezhda Mikhailovna alone pulled three children.

After school, Gennady entered the Kazan Higher Tank Team School: the cadets were in full state security, and the mother had to still raise two younger daughters ... Then he graduated from the Military Academy of Armored Troops and the Military Academy of the General Staff.

To serve in the native North Caucasian Military District. Career was rapidly in the mountain: by 1994, Troyshev became the commander of the army corps. During the first Chechen war, he commanded the 58th Army, and then headed the united grouping of the troops, receiving the title of Lieutenan Ta. After the end of hostilities became the deputy commander of the SCWA.

From August 1999, during Counter-Terrorism Egg operation in the North Caucasus, Troyshev commanded federal troops, fought with militants on the territory of Dagestan. Then she got up at the head of the "East" grouping, and in April 2000, already in the rank of Collens General, he headed the United Federal Forces in the North Caucasus. Up until December 2002, he commanded the troops of SCW.


About General Trohev went legends. So, he could not sleep for days, sharing with his subordinates all the military life (the soldiers called him lovely "Bate"). Personally took place the territory of hostilities by helicopter, and in battle for Argun gave teams from the air, from the porthole. Somehow in the fog, the helicopter almost ran into a high-voltage line, and only the skill of the pilot of Alexander Jube, who passed Afghanistan, saved the life of the commander. Another time the general helicopter knocked up, and he sat down right on the cemetery. But no one was injured.

Troyshev tried where he could, avoid bloodshed. Grouping "East" often managed to take settlements without a fight. For the operation in Dagestan and the manifested courage during hostilities in Chechnya, General assigned the title of Hero of Russia. The award was presented personally President Boris Yeltsin.

Unlike other colleagues, Gennady Troyshev was always open to the press, wrote several books about events in Chechnya, the most famous of which is "My War. Chechen diary of the Okop General "(2001).

In December 2002, Troyshev received a new appointment - to lead the Siberian Military District. And this after so many years of life and career was given to the Caucasus! The general resigned. In February 2003, he took the position of advisor to the president, supervised the issues of the Cossacks. It was rumored that all this was not just like that. Like, the general guessed himself seriously: his name was associated with the death of the legendary sixth company out of 90 special forces who were inserted on the path of the two thousandths of militants who tried to break through to the area of \u200b\u200bthe Argun Gorge. But these are only speculation, there are no direct facts ...

Fate flight

On June 23, 2008, Gennady Trohev was awarded the Order "For merits to the Fatherland" of IV degree for a great contribution to ensuring the activities of the President of the Russian Federation and many years of public service.

On the night of September 14 of the same year, Gennady Nikolayevich went to Perm to a sambo tournament. "Boeing 737", which flew 821, which he flew, when entering the landing, fell on the railway canvas. Liner wreckage scattered on the square in four square kilometers. Everyone who was on board - 82 passengers and 6 crew members died. Later it turned out that in the blood of the crew commander of Rodion Medvedev found ethyl alcohol ...

Thousands of people from all over the country came to the funeral of General Toshev. His name was called streets in six Russian cities, and in Krasnodar installed a monument to the legendary commander.

Meanwhile, it is rumored that the plane crash was not accidental. Like, the Pilot Medvedev passed a medical examination before the flight, and there was no alcohol here ... there is even a version that the newest view of the paralyzing weapon was applied on board "Boeing". But why? Who all this planned? And was this operation directed against General Toshov? While all this is only another, unaffected by the "theory of conspiracy".

He graduated from the Kazan Higher Command Tank School (1969), Military Academy of Armored Forces (1976), Military Academy of the General Staff (1988).

He served in tank troops in various positions. Since 1994 - commander of the 42nd Vladikavkaz army corps in the North Caucasus Military District.

1995-1997 - Commander of the 58th Army of the North Caucasus Military District. During the first Chechen war - the commander of the United States Military Defense Forces in Chechnya. Lieutenant General (Decree of May 5, 1995).

In 1997, he was appointed deputy commander of the North Caucasus Military District (SKVO).

In August 1999, he headed the grouping of federal forces, reflecting the attack of militants to Dagestan. With the beginning of the second Chechen war - the commander of the "East" group of the united federal forces in the North Caucasus.

From January 2000 - the first deputy commander of the United States Group in the North Caucasus. Colonel-General (February 2000).

In April - June 2000 - the commander of the united grouping of federal forces in the North Caucasus.

In May 2000 - December 2002, the commander of the North Caucasus Military District of Squa.

Best days

In March 2001, he supported during the court Yuri Budanov, accused of murdering and rape of the Chechen girl Elzy Kongayeva.

From February 2003 - Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation (dealt with the issues of the Cossacks).

Valid State Counselor of the Russian Federation 2 Class (2008).

The Aeroflot-Nord airline died in a plane crash of the aircraft Aeroflot-Nord in the city of Perm, where Gennady Troyshev flew to a sambo tournament, at 3 o'clock 11 minutes (MSK) on September 14, 2008. He was buried in the village of North, near Krasnodar.


"My war. Chechen diary of the troops of the general "(2001)

"Chechen Recurria" (2003)

"Chechen break" (2008)


Hero of the Russian Federation (1999) - for the anti-terrorism operation in Dagestan and Chechnya

Order "For merits to the Fatherland" IV degree (June 23, 2008) - for a great contribution to ensuring the activities of the President of the Russian Federation and many years of public service

Order "For Military Merit" (1995)

Order of Friendship of Peoples (1994)

Order "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree (1990)

Order Leon (Abkhazia)

Order named after Ahmat Kadyrov (Chechnya, 2007)

Honorary Citizen Cities: Cool (2000) and Nalchik (2002) of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Makhachkala (2000) of the Republic of Dagestan, Shali (2001) of the Chechen Republic.

Perpetuation of memory

The street is red-known in Grozny renamed Gennady Toshva Street.

The star of the hero of Russia (duplicate) and the personal belongings of General Toshov will be kept in the Cadet School in the Yakutsk village of Chernyshevsky, at the opening of which the general was attended by September 1, 2008. After the school crash, the name of Toshiv is assigned.

The names of Toshov called the 1st Dagestan Cadet Corps.

In Smolensk, the new street is named after General Toshva.

In Kuban, the name of General Toshov was called the Kropotkin Cossack Cadet Corps.

In the Volgograd region, the name of General Toshva G. N. N. Nazvanovskaya Cadet School-boarding school.

The name of General Colonel Gennady Toshiv, who deceased in the fall of 2008 as a result of the collapse of the Boeing-737 airliner in Perm, was named secondary school in Nalchik, in which he studied from 1958 to 1965. The decision to perpetuate the memory of the hero of Russia, the veteran of the Chechen war of Toshov was adopted by the Council of Local Government after the Administration of School No. 11 acted with the relevant initiative, in which several years ago the Colonel Museum was opened, Interfax reports. Also, the urban authorities renamed the school street, located next to the school, in General Toshov. In addition, it was decided to establish a memorial plaque at home number 136 on Ivanov Street. As the press service of the administration of Nalchik noted, Troyshev lived in this house.

On the facade of the building of the North Caucasus Military District, the Colonel-General Gennady Troyshev is installed in Rostov-on-Don, one of the streets of Leventsovsky district, built on the western outskirts of Rostov-on-Don, was named his name.

The name of General Gennady Toshiv, who died in a plane crash in Perm, will be called the large ocean freezing trawler in Primorye, equipped with modern technological equipment.

Battles and victories

Soviet and Russian commander, Colonel-General, commander of federal troops during hostilities in Chechnya and Dagestan (1995-2002). Hero of the Russian Federation.

The position of General Toshiv was extremely clear: "Any war stop is a semi-person and a crime. Only completely destroying and scattered gangs, we can live and work calmly. " At the same time, the peculiarity of his strategy was the desire to reduce losses to a minimum through competent negotiations.

In the preface one of his books, he admitted that he could not fulfill the covenant of the Father, a combat pilot, who completed the Great Patriotic War in Berlin, who had fallen under the famous Khrushchev reduction and once in the hearts of the son said: "So that your legs were not in the army!" At first, the future hero of Russia really entered the institute on the architect, but then the Cossack genes still took their own - the hereditary Thai Cossack filed a report with a request to be credited to the Kazan Tank School.

In 1969, he graduated from the school, then the Military Academy of Armored Troops and the Military Academy of the General Staff, after which he served in various positions in tank troops, was the commander of the 10th Ural-Lviv Volunteer Tank Division.

The beetles of the XXI century, as many called General Toshiv, passed a difficult path. And the central place on this path, of course, belongs to Chechnya. In one of his interviews to the question of the correspondent, what is the native of Chechnya, to fight in the native areas, sighs hard, Troyshev answered: "Of course, it's a shame. Of course, heavily fight on his land, Russian land. Especially where there was born and grown. " Perhaps this is why he was a special officer ...

Photo: Foundation of patriotic education of young people. General Toshov

In January 1995, when in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Defense to the area of \u200b\u200bGrozny, the transfer of army units from most Russian military districts began, Toshov was appointed commander of the group of troops of the Ministry of Defense in the Chechen Republic. Over the next three years before 1997 inclusive, Gennady Nikolaevich commanded the 58th Army, and from July 29, 1997 he became deputy commander of the North Caucasus Military District.

This person has not only military talent, but also good organizational abilities, enjoys an authority in the army. Besides, he is a man of business. There are not enough such people in the country. People meet in the Duma, more prone to conversations. And the executive power is not enough stiffness inherent in Trushev.

Peter Kuznetsov, Lieutenant Colonel

With the start of hostilities in Dagestan in August 1999, Trohev was instructed by the command of cleaning the Kadar zone from the militants. It was he who developed and carried out an operation on blocking and destroying bandforms in the villages of Karamakhi and Chabamahi and the liberation of the Novolak district of Dagestan.

Photo: Foundation of patriotic education of young people. General Toshov

In October 1999, Troyshev received a new appointment as a deputy commander of the united grouping of troops in the North Caucasus, and in December of the same year he became the first deputy commander of the United Group.

By December 1999, federal forces controlled the entire plain part of the territory of the Chechen Republic. The militants focused in the mountains (about 3,000 people) and darkened in Grozny. To combat militants, a special grouping of troops was created. On December 26, 1999, she began to fulfill its task. With the storming of the Terrible, there was a break through three rings of defense, but on February 6, 2000, the city was taken under the control of federal forces. For the struggle in the mountainous areas of Chechnya, except for the eastern and western groups, which operated in the mountains, a new grouping "Center" was created. At 25 February 27, 2000, the "West" divisions were blocked by Harsen, and the "East" group closed the militants in the area of \u200b\u200bUlus-Kert, Dacha-Borrage, Yaryshmad. February 29, federal forces took the chateau. On the same day, the Commander of the OGS Gennady Troyshev said that "with the taking of Shatha, the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya was completed. Two or three weeks will be carried out on the destruction of small groups of militants. " At the same time he was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

On January 7, 2000, Gennady Troyshev was appointed deputy commander of OGFS. In February, he was assigned the title of Colonel-General. Two months later, on April 21, Toshov was appointed commander of the united grouping of federal troops in the North Caucasus. At the end of May 2000, Colonel-General led the command of the North Caucasus Military District.

Photo: Foundation of patriotic education of young people. General Toshov

What is the feature of Gennady Nikolaevich Toshov's strategy? In diplomacy. In the desire to reduce losses to a minimum through competent negotiations. Due to this, the mining of Chechnya was under the control of federal forces without direct military clashes, which, however, did not reduce the heat of the struggle - the bars continued. But in moral terms, the promotion of troops played a big role in the defeat of the militants. Resistance was inexorably designed for one reason: the troops were located in almost every significant village in Chechnya, thereby removing the question of the relevance of Ichkerian power. The irreconcilable had to go underground, rushing along the basements and caves.

It was Troyshev in the fall of 1999 that he entered the dialogue with Ahmad Kadyrov - Chechen Mufti, who was "destructed" Maskhadov for the call to come to his senses and prevent war. In essence, it was Troyshev "appointed" the family of Maskhadovy rulers of Chechnya. The general managed to find a common language with Mufti, despite the fact that Kadyrov at one time declared jihad by the Russian military. Strange, at first glance, the symbiosis of the spiritual leader of Ichkeria and the Russian general gave a real result: the city of Chechnya - Gudermes, a major railway assembly in the North Caucasus was taken without a combat. This made it possible to quickly deploy the forces during the counter-terrorist operation. Moreover, Gennady Troyshev, thanks to the connection with Ahmad Kadyrov, achieved, it would seem almost impossible: it did that one of the most combattive detachments of Chechen militants under the command of the youngest in the history of Ichkeria "Brigadier General" Sulima Yamadayeva left the city and without a combat into the mountains. The Brothers Yamadaev were supporting Kadyrov, he, the only thing, and obeyed. They first moved to the side of the federal forces.

Photo: Foundation of patriotic education of young people. General Toshov

So the so-called Chechen special sections of the Ministry of Defense of Russia were born. In January 2000, the general flew at helicopter to Aul Benoy, located in the Vedensky district - the maltness of the rebels. Here, Troyshev handed the Russian flag to one of Yamadayev - Jabrail - and ordered the creation of a special forces. The formation joined the militants Sulima Yamadayev, who made the war with his meaning of life. Yamadaevtsy began to loud Wahhabis across the mountain Chechnya. Battalion "East" began to act, whose fighters were shot in the Chechnya of the Saudi intelligence officer Abu Al-Valida, beat his body from the militants and took him to Rostov. By the way, the "East" successfully performed during the conflict with Georgia. So part of the merit in the operation for the coercion of Georgia to the world belongs to General Troyshev, at one time supporting Chechen special forces and sent to the right track.

Only completely destroying and scattered gangs, we can live and work calmly. We are Chechens, and Dagestanis, and Russians - all ...

The result of all these actions, Toshiv was somewhat veddent, declared the general very influential Chechen tepami. Moreover, despite the "softness" of military tactics, he was a convinced supporter of bringing war to the very end without any compromise. It defined its position clearly and accurately: "... any stop of the war is a semi-person and a crime. Only completely destroying and scattered gangs, we can live and work calmly. We are both Chechens, and Dagestanis, and Russians - all ... And I can not say that today this story will not happen again. We again hear from the lips of some politicians of the statement that the war must be stopped, which should be sitting at the negotiating table. Who to sit with? With executioners, sadists who enjoy brutal murders and remove them "for history"? With "Massodly chosen" Maskhadov? Those "nationwide", which for the age of three of his reign proved its full impotence and disinfect. What to negotiate with him? During these years, he could not stop the abductions of people, did not disarm the gangs, even the invasion of Dagestan was not only unable to stop, but not even condemned. Who to negotiate? Just for the sake of negotiations so that Europe is calm? .. "

Photo: Foundation of patriotic education of young people. General Toshov

As a grandson and the greatness of the Terek Cossacks and as a soldier of the Russian army, who had to be done in the Caucasus, he could not disregard the future of the future for the Cossack childbirth at the original Cossack lands today in the administrative and territorial borders of Chechnya. "I think so," Gennady Nikolaevich argued, "the Cossacks should return to these lands and live, as before: in Shelkovsky, Nursky, Nadtemic districts and many others within the republic on a flat or foothill. Today, Kadyrov, who was elected by the President of Chechnya, the people of Chechen should understand - they always lived well with the Cossacks, always culture and everyone did not bother the Cossacks. Chechens themselves, remaining one on one with difficulties without Cossacks, without the Russian-speaking population, they simply do not stretch what needs to be revived today. "

It is difficult to say whether the combat general was satisfied, who called himself "Equal", the new role of politics. However, in his face, Russian citizens discovered a new type of Russian general - who knows how to successfully fight, but also to speak, clearly and understandable for all of the world to express the essence of the events that have not been able to boast of many politicians. In parallel with the main activity of the legendary general, his books were published "My War: Chechen diary of the Okops General" (2001), "Chechen Recurria. Note of the commander "(2003). What caused their appearance? The answer is in the words of the author: "The Chechen war did widely well-known in our country, and abroad of many politicians, military leaders and even gangsters. Most of them I knew and know personally. I know who is who who lies behind the words and actions of each person involved. I admit that my estimates are too personal. But even in this case, I think that I can publicly express my attitude to many "glorified characters of Chechen wars." Even must do it, at least for the sake of completeness of the picture. To tell about the war in the North Caucasus prompted me and the desire to warn everyone from the repetition of serious mistakes allowed in the 90s - and the political, and military. We must learn the bitter lessons of Chechnya. And this is impossible without sober, calm and deep analysis of all the events that occurred in this republic over the past ten years. I hope that my memories will contribute to this. "

In his book "Chechen recurrence. Note of the commander »Gennady Troyshev wrote:" The price of his life Chechens and Russians have to pay for the restoration of peace. As Jabrail Yamadayev, Musa Gazimagomads paid for him, Musa Gazimagomads, dozens of other courageous Chechens, who were defended by the shoulder to shoulder with the warriors of Russian power structures and restored peace and calm on this land. " His fee fee in the Caucasus and in Russia, Gennady Troyshev was introduced ...

September 14, 2008 Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Gennady Troyshev died in a plane crash in Perm. The question of the causes of the catastrophe remains open ...

Surzhik D.V., Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences

President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov:

Being the commander of the united grouping of Russian troops in the North Caucasus, he was very painful to experience the events, which then took place in his homeland. Thanks to this fighting general, as Gennady Troyshev, a large number of military and civil and civilians managed to save in those terrible years, although the victims could be much larger. He often went to negotiations with the elders and convinced them to influence the militants, tried to solve the situation in peaceful ways.

Putin about Trohev:

This is an experienced commander. In addition, he lived in Grozny for a long time, well and sensitively understands the inhabitants of the republic.


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