Rabbit farm on m'yaso. Rabbit Fermi

Rabbit farm on m'yaso. Rabbit Fermi

In this article, we will talk about business, which is worthy of our country's strong state. Learn about home business from breeding rabbits. It’s not an easy niche, and you can’t go for a skin application, but if you have a chance to work with rabbit meat, then there is a great chance that you will achieve success in your right.


Back in the 70s, on the territory of the Russian Federation, there was an impersonal animal state that was engaged in the breeding of rabbits, but after the 90s, a lot of them had pinned their own foundation. Through this year, on the vetchiznyany market, a significant grape will drink on the rabbits even higher, to bring from the importation of imported products from the cordon. So you can not put food: the breeding of rabbits is like a business, it’s obvious. The point is unequivocal: for competent business management - it is clear.

Pluses and minuses

In such a sphere, like a business of breeding rabbits, pluses and minuses are:

  • Short term payback
  • Shvidky and high income
  • Possibility of realization of a number of types of products

Other minuses, the main problems in breeding rabbits are:

  • Skladnistnost at the sight
  • The frivolity of creatures. Their stress may not be less than the result of physical ailments, and they can bring creatures to death.

Risks for business

First, expand your right in this other sphere, then get to know the most possible risks, put together a business plan. A company that breeds rabbits as a type of business can have the following risks:

High mortality of young creatures. This problem can be overcome by way of getting information from veterinarians to all processes on the selection.

Competition Before the beginning of the business, it is necessary to find out everything about the channels, the target audience and the uninterrupted competitors in the market.

Business registration

In such a right, as a business rabbit from scratch, we need a legal language registration. A mini-farm can be arranged in two ways: as KFG and IP.

KFG (village farming state)

Selyanske farmer's statehood - tse rіznovid ІP, scho mає kіlka osnovnі vіdmіnnosti. Before the KFG warehouse, people can enter, as if they have the right to maintain the statehood, as well as the freedom of business. However, having registered KFG, you become, in fact, the greatest IP.

Another important plus of the KFG is that registration gives the right to help the state.

IP (individual business)

ІП is one of the simplest and most efficient forms of doing business, especially for rabbitry. There is a nuance to the fact that the KFG can break through the legal responsibility, for the sake of which the skin care is taken to the greatest bureaucratic drag, nіvelyuyuchi all the troubles.

If you form a podatkuvannya, then for a rabbit farm pіdіyde or a single strong gift, or forgiveness regime. Why do you need KVED with code A.01.25.2.

Necessary possession

The business plan for breeding rabbits is to transfer the purchase of the property. Є k_lka ways to utrimannya rabbits. And to itself: napіvіlne, at aviaries and clitins. Needless to say, the first two options are practically not victorious - the main voice is to fight for the clitin system.

Vaughn allows you to improve the optimal regimen of years, breeding, organization of education. In addition, perebuvannya on the open air lowers the risk of widening sickness.

Two single-tiered clitins are mounted on wooden stoups with this rosewood, so that the sills of the siding to the ground were covered with 0.8-1 m. from metal). Dakh is made from boards, and then covered with a ball of roofing material. It is important to trim when it is 15-20 degrees cooler. It is also the fault of the buti vikonan in clitins, with a stubble of 5-7 degrees, for the slaughter of animals. Youngsters revenge 3-5 heads at the klitz.

Shid system

The shed system showed itself even better with the rabbits. Vaughn is not only significantly easier to see, but it allows you to work a lot of processes on this type of mechanization. With help, you can serve more than a hundred rabbits and more than 1000 children at once.

In one shed, there are close to 250-200 cells. Rosmіri dermal cells to become 140 by 70 cm (the length and width are appropriate). Front height - 55 cm, rear - 36.

Clitini are installed at two tiers. At the bottom, settle mature creatures, at the top - young animals.

breed for breeding

For breeding, call out hybrid breeds with garnier brood stocks (that’s why a lot of rabbits are born, like a female can breed and breed for a river). For their purchase, go to the distributors of foreign selection centers - there you can help with the choice, and they will pick you up.

Purchase of rabbits

Don’t varto also bathe vaginal females - it’s unlikely that you would become a bi selling such a creature, there won’t be any serious problems.

Anniversary of rabbits

Among the dwellers, if they know about the breeding of rabbits, it’s only a little bit, I have a thought, that I can get more grass and blue for a full meal. The price is no more than the lower myth. Sino and straw become less than half of the total diet of the rabbit, reshta sow grain-meal fodder. Іsnuє impersonal options to make a full ration. For clarity, we will create a table with additional norms for the years of rabbits. You can make a business plan for "breeding rabbits" with rozrahunka for more specifically business.

Stern grown up rabbits Youngsters at Vіtsі, Mіs.
type 1 to 3 type 3 to 6
Herb natural onion. 1500 200-500 500-900
legume grass 1200 150-400 400-700
Green groves of leafy pores 600 50-200 200-400
Badilla Buryakiv 200 50 50-100
Cabbage feed 600 100-150 250-400
cabbage leaf 300 100 100-200
carrot 600 100-250 250-400
Buryak kormovy 200 100 100-200
Buryak tsukrovy 600 100-250 250-400
Turnip, brukva, ripa 400 50-100 100-200
Potato boiled 400 50-150 150-300
Syrah potato 150 50 50-250
Silos 300 20-80 80-200
Sino 300 100 100-200
Cereal grain 150 30-60 60-100
legume grain 50 10-20 20-30
Olive grain 20 5-10 10-15
Visivki 100 5-20 20-80
Makukha and shroti 100 5-20 20-80
M'yaso-kistkove borosno 15 5-10 10
Strength 2.5 0.5-1 1
Kreid 2 0.5-1 1

If I don’t change the norm in the tables, I can bring it to obesity.

At another table, you can find the correct norm for eating animals:

Physiological camp River kilk. kormodnіv Feed in kg.
concentrate blue root crops green feed
The rabbit and the male have a non-falling period 33 3.46 1.19 3.23 4.48
Rabbit and male at the peak period 32 4.16 1.44 3.84 5.6
The rabbit is motherfucking 120 16,8 6 15,6 23,1
Rabbit lactating 180 62,4 21,1 57.2 83,35
For one head of young animals from 45 to 120 days 75 10,14 3,14 11.97
Total for 24 head of young animals 243,36 75,36 287,28
Rіchna need for replacement young animals 42 5,25 1,89 5,67 8,19
Rіchna needs of the male 365 47,50 16,40 44 64
Part of a male per rabbit 5,93 2,05 5,5 8
For one rabbit with offspring (24 heads up to 4 months old) 341,36 109 91 420

How to spare at the stern?

Feed is the main article on the mini-farm, so if someone wants to be quick. It is expensive to buy mixed feeds, but it is not an option to dislike the creatures. The best way out is to prepare feed yourself.

All that one needs is grain and grain, a good hard grain crusher and granulator.

Axis three good balanced recipes for combined feeds:

1) Recipe No. K-92-1 feed concentrate for mature rabbits.

2) Recipe No. K-91-1 mixed feed concentrate for young animals.

3) Recipe for compound feed-concentrate for rabbits of different age.

Do not varto magatisya harvest as feed for silage and root crops. Tse garne solution for a small private state for 15-25 stars, but on a fermi scale it is not visible. Viroshchuvannya, picking, harvesting ... tse villetsya in chimalu bag. Vinyatok can be harvested less for harvesting sin - buy yakіsne on bots folded, it's easier to prepare on your own.

Reproduction of rabbits

Breeding rabbits as a business is rich in why to lie at the rate of reproduction of creatures. Breeding is best carried out according to such a scheme (for example, you win the shed system, obviously): in one step for 60 cells, 14 cells from females and one cell from a male move to the upper tier. Reshta clitin on the tiers are introduced to young animals. The skin of the rabbit viroblya okrol trichі on the river, then for 2 months the baby will change from the female. For a river, in such a rank, a skin female spawns about 25 cubs, and the total increase is 300-350 creatures per river.

Obviously, it will be problematic to sort out the exact numbers, but you can take away less than 250-300 heads from one shed. If you have rabbits of pure breeds, do not multiply them okremo - you borrow impersonal strength and an hour, more often than not, buy repair young animals for a few years.

Zahist in the ill

Garniy zakhist in the form of ailments gives vaccination - obviously, this is not a guarantee of the full incidence of illness. Ale lower the riziki to the aid of the razi. Veterinarians recommend short-term vaccination with a complex preparation, otherwise vaccines are less likely to be given during epidemics.

Work with inputs

Krіm vyrobnitstva m'yasa and khutra, on a mini-farm you can also take it from the right exit. For example, from paws and vuh to make glue, and to sell shlunochki to the dairy governments chi m'yasokombinat. Reshtu better sleep.

Realization of products

Rozvedennya rabbits on m'yaso yak business will require organіzacії stable kanalіv zabutu goods. The implementation of finished products is an important plan for a business strategy for rabbit breeding. There are three main options here.

Vlasna customer base

It seems simpler, but "word of mouth" - relatives, friends, friends, know, know know, etc. Do you think this option is not serious? Daremno, this category of people is able to create a good reputation, the kind that the products are “reputable”. That display of advertising is not necessary. It’s good for the start - then, zrozumіlo, you can bude about it on a larger scale.

At the cob stage, it is important to secure an affordable pricing policy in order to get the maximum number of people to yourself. Until then, for the direct sale of the farm, no additional allowances are required.

Implementation of rabbit carcasses through restaurants

At first glance, it’s even more pributkovo and pleasantly. Ale є one vagome "ale": a rare restaurant includes a rabbit menu. So drink will be small.

But if you are still called to such a job, do not go to the head of the clerk of the administration - it’s better to hang out your proposition to the chef. This is the right working way, which will help you to take off your additional income. But here, let’s just say that they will need it - you will need to take it from the veterinarian and CEC veterinary certificate form No. 2.


The implementation of products in stores is a garna idea, al marno natsilyuvatisya on the great margins of supermarkets, the shards of the necessary products are even greater. And you will have to compete with the great wholesalers. Therefore, it’s better to ask for small meat shops or kramnichki - their vlasniks will sing along your products.

Dodatkovі dzherela income

In order to take away additional income, you can also name the by-products of the rabbit.

Rabbit skins

As it was said in one film, "Rabbits are not only smart ...". Ale and cunningly zokrema, even the same from a rabbit, to wear warm soft hats, mufti and wind coats. But in the Russian Federation on this day, the situation with the sale of rabbit skins is foldable. Ale smoothly doesn't mean impossible.

If you choose to preserve the skins - so, the stench is not expensive, but there is a buyer for any goods. Most of the time, they buy clothes and clothes vzutya - potsіkavtesya, what is it like in your region. So, as the main surplus, it is unprofitable, but as an additional one - as a whole.


Organic goodness is always needed by the rural state. Obviously, the farm rabbits cannot compete with them, breed the great horned thinness, but if you have a small supplementary income, you can secure it. You can also engage in the production of biohumus - kind, purulent wandering off the path at special installations. Drink on such a good dosit high, so you can re-drink. Tim is more, that the term is taken from new trials.


The systems of education and swelling, kіtiny - all the same will be good not only for farmers, but also for the rulers of private states. Part of the free possession, if you didn’t need it, you can put it on sale to buy it with great enthusiasm.

Vitrati ta come

It's the hour to get some pennies, to start a rabbit farm. Zrozumіlo, you can start a business with one rabbit and develop step by step, and even if you have a good income, you can be dragged on for a long time. More richly than the mother's penny sum, invest її i mayzhe vіdrazu earn decent pennies.

name Suma
Cob stained
Klitini 200.000r
Settlement 100.000r
Inventory 30.000r
Ownership 100.000r
Purchase of rabbits 120.000r
Received clients 20.000r
Business registration 10.000r
Together: 580.000r
Land rent 40.000r
Communal windows 10.000r
Feed 30.000r
Veterinary service 5.000r
Spivrobitnik's salary 20.000r
Other windows 15.000r
Together: 120.000r

We have been appointed as we will have a thousand first windows, but food, like a turbulence of thousands of businesses, so don’t close it. Can you earn skils on your right?

Let's zrobimo deyaki rozrahunki. One rabbit can bring 60 rabbits per river. If you have 120 rabbits, then for one day 7200 rabbits will appear in the world with a 14.400 kg haul. The cost of one kilogram is approximately 200 rubles, and the price for a warehouse is 2.880.000 rubles. 50% we will get from the banker and get 1.440.000 rubles per river, which is approximately 120.000 rubles of net income for a month. The payback in this rank will be 12 months, for the sake of ensuring that in the first month you will have a small surplus, or you will not start.

Promislovi kіtiny, France. Photo: Ethique & Animaux L214

In the rest of the year, the interest of farmers and the great agricultural holdings to the breeding of rabbits is sharply seen. On the market, more and more koristuyutsya drink dietary meat, and experts predict a 3-fold increase in drink for rabbit meat. If the price is 450 rubles per kilo, then there are good prospects for running a business as a business.

The production of the rabbit will drink on the products

Rabbit meat cannot be preserved to exotic products, prote in stores is rarely processed and is not stale on the shelves. The Russian market of rabbit meat is practically not zapovneniye, however, it is required in the new, according to the estimates of okremih experts, to become close to 300 thousand. tons per river Import deliveries of products have sharply declined: from 4,300 tons in 2014 to 1,760 tons in 2016.

According to the data of the analytical agency "AB-Center" in 2015, the rate of rabbit recovery was 17.5 thousand. tons. Of these, 13.5 are the products of other farming states. Promise of the bloodline in our country is not enough, but the situation is changing rapidly. In the Pivnichno-Zakhidny federal district, the life of 3 great farms with a virobnic cycle is roaring, as if we were able to vibrate over 7 yew. t rabbit meat on the river.

Data from the expert and analytical center for agribusiness "AB-Center", 2017

Rabbit meat is more dietary meat, which is acquired by 90%, with low fat content and cholesterol. It is not allergenic, it is a food additive for a child's eating, and it introduces salts of important metals into the body. Drinks on a new form of trend towards healthy eating, and streams high prices and availability of a wide range of products in stores.

For farmer states, krovіvnitstvo is even more profitable. Business does not depend on the great cob deposits, given the birth of the technology of breeding and maturing rabbits, they allow you to do business without special training. You need the simplest possession, part of it the farmer can prepare on his own. Creatures are awakened by high fertility and speed of worms. One rabbit is enough for 7–8 rounds per river, and about 140 kg of meat in a live vase is enough. From us directly to the creation of the breeding of rabbits, to the most vigilant for all the shows, only doing so. Prote z bird meat market is close to saturation.

Comparison of the effectiveness of the viability of various types of meat

Pokaznik Yalovychyna Pork rabbit meat Bird Meat
Commodity weight, kg 300–500 100–110 3,5–4 2–2,5
Viroshchuvannya period, days 500–540 140–180 42–49 40–50
Feed conversion, kg/kg livestock
Average compatibility, rub/kg 95–100 80–90 75–85 50–60
Average price for a live vase, rub/kg 120–140 95–115 130–140 65–70
Profitability of harvesting, % 35–37 18–20 22–24 65–69
Average payback period, rіk 9 5 5 4

* Report of the Kuban Agrarian University, Krasnodar, 2017 (Klimova N.V., Mozhegova V.D.).

Technologies of breeding rabbits and morning

In rabbits, they see meat and skin straight, which is practically without a source of strong sapling. The most promising are rabbits for breeding for meat, it has become more convenient to know a wholesale purchase for skins. Previously, they were bought from a great number of people for export to China, but in 2016, the Russian state saw the end of the import of rabbits from the Middle Kingdom, and vineyards of folding from the wind.

The productivity of breeding rabbits by 20–30% is to fall in the minds of the breed, then to bring in the breed (genetics) - up to 25%, and the total age - up to 55%. The microclimate can be of great importance, the rabbit dams of the building are multiplied by the colony, but due to the sharp temperature drops, this is not realized. In addition, the cold weather is badly seen on the growth of the rabbits. In this hour, three main technologies are being developed at the rabbitry: morning on the streets in pits, clitins (mini-farms) and in premises with microclimate regulation.

Vimogi to the minds of the mindset installed:

  • NTP-APK Standards for technological design of enterprises of small strain of animal and rabbit farms.
  • RD-APK Methodological recommendations for the technological design of animal and rabbit farms of rural (farm) states

Breeding at the pits

Rabbits by their nature are norn creatures, the traditional way of their breeding is even simpler. To choose a plot on the high ground, enclose it with a parkan, digging the base into the ground by 50-60 cm, so that the creatures do not break the pit. Above the pits, there is a canopy; at the parking lot, there are doors for the passage. In the middle of the new year there are anniversaries and blankets for rabbits.

Such a method of rabbitry is widely available in household minds, as well as for farmers-pochatkivtsiv. Vіn vіmagає great material vitrats. Rozmir delyanki is guilty of buti such that there was a spivvіdnoshenna: approximately 5 rabbits and no more than 30 heads of young animals, which are growing up, 20 sq. m. meters When you are close to the natural mind, the creatures feel calm and develop well.

Cons of technology:

  • the expansion of the variety is inevitably connected with the increase in land plots;
  • it is impossible to control the flooding of females, which pulls a lower surplus;
  • a large amount of food through the meal with bears, hamsters, patsyuks, birds;
  • fall to young growth in the winter period; decrease in state activity of rabbits;
  • folding due to preventive surveillance, vaccination, unsafe infections.

Tsya technology krіvnіtstva still zastosovuєtsya in home minds, with whom all operations (anniversary, stuffing, cleaning) are carried out manually. Prote sobіvartіst produktsії bude high. If a farmer wants to breed rabbits as a business, it is necessary to choose productive ways to grow them.

Klitinny zmist

The street technology of breeding rabbits in rabbits has the largest width. Compact single-tiered or richly-tiered clitins are cheaply made, they can be made at home minds. The stench takes up little time, it does not need a large land lot. All constructions of clitin are similar, in the main system of organization and swelling of the stars, as well as the principle of purification from pus.

Bagatoyarusny spores for rabbits call a mini-farm. The most famous designs are Mikhailova and Titarenka, as well as Makrol, Rabitax (their photos are below in the article). Klitinny zmist made it easier to keep an eye on the flocks, allowing you to control the rounding of females. Fallow in view of the feed (water, dry) in the clitins, there are chutes or bunker year-rounds, boxes for sleep.

The best way for such minds to train rabbits is to organize a system of stuffing. The shortest option, if the water from the accumulating water is supplied by pipes with built-in nipple fillers. It is necessary to take care of the payment for heating for additional shade. In clitins, sewing parts are installed with an average of 1.6 × 4.8 cm, below them - a frail bunker, which is periodically cleaned from pus. The scope of one mini-farm is small: call no more than 4 families (a rabbit with offspring) and up to about 35 creatures on a pedestal.

Little morning rabbits near the clitins are just the sky:

  • seasonal reproduction: at temperatures below -15 degrees, the stench becomes sleepy and the state of life swells;
  • in summer, the risk of falling ill and the appearance of new-born rabbits rises;
  • low productivity and milking the high cobіvartіst meat through a manual robot.

Modular sheds

Closed premises of a hangar type or a straight line from light metal structures to transfer the rabbitry to a higher level. The module (rabbit) is covered with polycarbonate, a fan is installed near the dahu. The middle of the roztashovaniya prokhіd, uzdovzh z dvoh sokіv - richly tiered klіtі.

The sheds implement the system of raising rabbits according to the principle "everything is empty - everything is occupied". With the use of the technology of piece seeding in the skin rabbit queen, offspring are born 7 times per test at 49 days and 8 times at 42 days cycle. The main herd (males and females) are trimmed in isolated cages, young animals are housed in 5–7 heads, fallow in the design of the house and breed creatures (the stench is blown by rosemary). Promislovi klitini are equipped with spring caps, which make it easier to transplant rabbits, likuvannya, flooding. For vydalennya pus obladuyutsya kutovі panelsі or pіddoni, scho znіmayutsya.

This application has an automatic winding system with nipples or floats. Bunker years are filled with dry pelleted feed approximately once a day. Optimum brooding for breeding rabbits is carried out with an additional scorching system and primus ventilation. If you buy a closed rabbit house, you will pay off to milk it with additional high productivity of rabbits, saving livestock, reducing the amount of labor, and, therefore, the shortening of the number of breeders.

See clitin and other possession

There is a large number of designs of rabbit cages, different for size and complete set. The greater part is prepared from the tree, the doors are shattered with the parts, the underlay is the part. In some models, the heating system was transferred to the mother liquor and pipes for supplying water. Below are the most popular varieties of rabbits.

Variety of cells for commercial mating of rabbits to lay down according to dimensions, design, material, additional equipment (housing system, heating, gnoevidalennya, type of stuffings). The number of one mini-farm of Mikhailov is approximately 15 thousand. rubles, a block of 4 pieces will cost 60 thousand. ruble A set of 12 mini-farms for 1000 rabbits with bunker year-olds, nipple covers, mother liquor, what to grow, and a polycarbonate overhang of about 350 yew. ruble

Closed commercial-type rabbitries are being promoted by the companies Pankrol (Krasnodar Territory), ELKO (Belarus, representative office near Kaluz). All complexes, prepared under the "key", include:

  • cell possession (womb and age);
  • water supply systems, air conditioning;
  • electrical wiring for lighting, automation;
  • systems of yearning-napuvannya, gnoyvidalennya;
  • heating outbuildings for sub-logs and water.

The price of the modular shedu "Pankrol" for industrial rearing of rabbits in the warehouse (from the cost of rearing for the number of rabbits and young animals to be kept):

  • for 54/430 - 400 yew. rub. (6×6 m);
  • for 120/960 - 1 million rubles. (15×6 m);
  • for 612/4900 - 4.8 million rubles. (45×9.5 m).

Closed modular rabbitries with piece microclimate.

Breed meat rabbits

There are close to 60 breeds of rabbits, which are vibrated for the thickness of the skin, the mass, the slaughter of meat products. For a century, the coefficient of clarity rises in all kinds of species, even though it is better to bathe rabbits for breeding on meat, to breed respect for such a breed, which they have recommended themselves well.

  • New Zealand White. The breed of the New Zealand rabbit was bred in the USA, it is now widely spread in Europe and Russia. Creatures may well rozvinenі chest, krizhovo-crosswise part. In a 3-month-old rabbit, the weight is 2.7 kg. Killing waste 55-65%, part of meat in carcasses - 77-80%. Rabbits are rich, bring up to 12 baby rabbits, through which it is possible to carry out the elimination of the aftermath. Vovna was. Feed vitrati 3.5-5 units/kg gain.
  • Srіblyasty. Originally from France, before us, there were deliveries from Nіmechchini more than 100 years ago. Duzhe great rabbit, scho shovidko growth. People grow black or smoky color, after 3.5 months, step by step, they fill up with a silvery color, and the mass is close to 4 kg. Grown-up individuals are too big: 6-6.5 kg. With a good eye, the killer exit is close to 62%. The last one has 8–10 chicks. Valued for yakіsnu hutryan syrovina.
  • California. The American trip, the crossing of the Russian girskostaev, the chinchilla and the New Zealand breed. May high speed gloss and m'yasnist. The creatures have a thin and light, almond bone. The Californian rabbit is called “broiler”, it can reach a marketable weight of 2.3 kg until the end of another month of life. Like a New Zealand breed, maє mіtsnі, good pubescent paws, scho ryatuє yogo vіd poshkodzhenіy ёratchastіy podlozі, especially vzimku. Zabіyniy vyhid 60%.
  • White (Syrian) veleten. This species was bred in the Poltava region in the 50s of the last century. They crossed the Flanders breed and mystic varieties of rabbits. In the first stench, the oppressive bone and the high meatiness subsided, in the other - fertility and speed of gloss. The creatures are not viable to the minds of the morning, adaptable to the peaceful climate and successfully grow in the pivnіchnih areas. The weight reaches 1.7-1.9 kg for 120 days. Zabіyniy vikhіd 55%, part of the vag 85%.

On Agroserver you can buy a month-old rabbit for breeding at a price of 350-500 rubles per head in the fallow type of breed. Mature rabbit on the tribe koshtuє vіd 1 yew. ruble The Crimea is more rehabilitated, in Russia there are such breeds, like a flandre, a Burgundy, a French ram. Hybrids of the Hy-Plus type (hipplus) have also appeared, which seem to be even more mature and good health. But you can only sing them in loudspeakers, the shards of the old-timey look of these rabbits do not look like characteristic rice (it's easy to have mercy). If you happen to trim the broodstock, shards of hybrid signs are not transmitted to offspring.

Requirement in feed and diet

When rabbits are fermented, two systems of food are stagnant: dry (granulated) food and combined, if the birds are fed at the same time with juice feed, synom and concentrates.

Vimogi to the quality of mixed fodder is installed GOST 32897-2014 Compound feed for smart animals, rabbits and nutria. Deep technical mind

Yearning of rabbits with less than repeated granulation of mixed fodder is not enough and lowering the profitability of production. At the same time, traditional feed (corn, winter wheat, hay, sonyashnikova top) to compensate for the lack of proteins needed for intensive breeding of rabbits. When rearing rabbits for meat, the best option is to mix the diet with additives of the "Premix" type.

The maximum additional dose of feed for rabbits in a different warehouse (g)

Type of feed stock Vik creature
1-2 min.
(150 k.u.)
2-3 min.
(200 k.u.)
3-4 min.
(260 k.u.)
Dry concentrate
Compound feed m'yaso-kistkove borosno, protein-mineral additives 85 125 165
Grain sumish cereals and beans 50–80 115 110
Makukha Sonyashnikova 10 15 20
Juice Feed
Silos - 100 150
Root crops potato, beetroot, carrot 50–150 160–200 250–300
Get some milk 30 - -
Grain of olive crops 5–6 8 60
shroti 3–10 15 20
Green feed
Fresh greens nettle, sow thistle, vіka, cut grass 300 400 600
cabbage leaves 30–100 200 300
Zhorstki feed
Visivki Retail warehouse 15 25 30
Gilki Birch, linden, wasp, apple tree, acacia 50 100 125
Sino meadow 30–70 100 200

Sino for the winter is harvested approximately 40 kg per mature creature and 15 kg per rabbit up to 4 months. For a period of 120 days per family (female, rabbit and 20 calves) go:

  • concentrates - 340 kg;
  • sina - 110 kg;
  • root crops - 90 kg;
  • green mass - 420 kg.

Access to water and water in rabbits may be constant. The value of the schodobovogo increase is present in the presence of protein in the diet (bіlkіv), obov'yazkovo inclusion of additives to avoid lysine, methionine, arginine, cysteine. Visivki, gіlki (coarse feed) may be of great importance in regulating the processes of etching, reducing the risks of intestinal disorders and infectious diseases.

Risks of rabbitry

Like and be-yakі іnshі sіlskogospodarskі creatures, rabbits skhilnі to zahvoryuvan, espe- cially when the minds of the brooding of that morning are broken. To that obov'yazkovim є dotrimannya rules of veterinary service and vaccination. Timely repair of clitin, ґratchoї pіdlogi protect zvіrkіv from mechanical injuries, frostbite and overheating. In the midst of unsafe illnesses, building to bring up to 70% of the population of the population for a few days, you can count it.

Economical risks in rabbitry are associated with typical problems that are characteristic of the entire agricultural state of the country. There are problems with renting land plots and taking out a loan for the life of a rabbit farm, with the provision of a stud material, there are not enough rabbit reproducers in the country. Also, for small states, a characteristic problem is the supply of money in the store through a small supply chain.

Investment in business and profit

When folding the business plan of the rabbit farm, we should focus on the average indicators of profitability in the country and the real butt of the working states. The productivity of the state and the term of recoupment lie in the technology of breeding rabbits, the presence of wet cats and the land, consume from lending. Below are the average indicators of a typical farm of an average size with a commercial breeding of rabbits (close the house).

  • Number of rabbit queens - 264;
  • The price for the sale of meat is 207 rubles / kg.

The total sum of in-line vitrates is added to the offensive:

  • feed - 58%;
  • veterinary preparations, vaccination - 35%;
  • electricity (including scorching) - 4%
  • water supply (water supply), utilization - 2%;
  • other vitrati - 1%.

butt. Government of Kiril Sheshtanov, KFG "KroSh", Leningrad region.

  • 2014 Pochatkov іnvestitsії u right folded 1 million rubles. Pennies of glassware for training, giving a computer, paying for a patent; 4 mini-farms of Mikhailov, 8 pedigree rabbits (sir and white veleten) were purchased.
  • 2015-2016 r.b. An application has been submitted and a one-time grant worth 5.5 million rubles has been withdrawn. 3 million rubles were added to their own funds. 200 mini-farms have been added, a state slaughter shop has been set up, a new facility has been purchased, and accreditation has been carried out. Rіchny turnover becoming 800 thousand. krb.
  • 2017 Usyi 250 mini-farms, 2,000 rabbits on farms. The state is served by less than 3 individuals: a zootechnician, a robot worker, a slaughterer. The turnover is 1.2 million. There are plans to bring a Ford Transit car with a refrigeration unit.

At the built butt, the rural-farming state organized the slaughter of rabbits. The newcomer is going to develop virobnitstvo for the European system, at closed sheds. You can learn more about this history on the website of the Portal of Food Industry News.

Shlyakhi zbutu and prices for rabbit meat

In small places, markets and seasonal fairs are the main channel for slaughtering rabbit meat. Significance indicates that the largest drink will wash rabbit carcasses with a weight of 1.5 kg. The great mass of the creature calls out to suspect that it’s time to finish the meat, that kind of meat is great. Other channels zbutu:

  • restaurants, shops of farm products;
  • high points of sale on critical markets;
  • likarni, combinations of child eating;
  • intermediary wholesale organizations.

Variety of 1 kg of rabbit meat on the wholesale websites Agro.ru, Agroserver reaches 500 rubles, on average it varies in the range of 350-425 rubles. To lay in the quality of the meat, the nature of the processing and packaging.

* Prices for April 2019

It is important for the old post-workers to indulge in the sights of the great lace shops. Most of the time, they call for products to intermediaries for a price that may be two or more lower than the price. At that very hour, the organization of a wet slaughterhouse and processing workshop significantly increases the efficiency of the production. For example, as a way of proposing to shops and undertakings of the public eating, carcasses were harvested in a vacuum package, in a marinade with a vag of 0.5, 1, 1.5 kg. A broken rabbit with a small bunch is significantly affordable for a price, divided with a whole carcass.

Veterinary standards and guests

  • TR CU 034/2013 - Technical regulations of the Mitny Union. About the safety of meat and meat products.
  • GOST 27747-2016: Rabbit meat (carcasses of rabbits, broiler rabbits and their parts). Technical mind.

The rules for handling raw fresh meat and meat preparations on the territory of Russia and other lands of the EurAsEC are regulated by the Regulations of the Mitny Union. Vіdpovіdno to this document, the viability of the viability of the products to be installed is confirmed by a veterinary certificate. Vіn is seen as a competent territorial service of the Russian State Service after laboratory tests and veterinary and sanitary examinations have been carried out.

The control over the picking and transferring of fresh meat from the picker to the wholesale and retail seller is controlled by the help of the state information system GIS Mercury (Vetis). In this system, the maker forms VSD (veterinary supporting documents), which are transmitted by mail to the last seller, who sells the product of support.

It is necessary to draw up a declaration of validity on the packaged beverages from meat, and on a voluntary basis, you can also take a certificate of compliance. The rules for the execution of these documents were established by TR TS 021/2011 (Technical regulations of the Mitny Union. Safety of grub products).

Form of organization of the state

In kro_vnitstvі mozhliva be-yak form of organization of virobnitstv: , or . The rural-farming statehood is more likely to be able to claim for the songs of the sovereign support - credits, subsidies, grants. When registering an undertaking, it is necessary to select such code as the main type of activity (doc. OK 029-2014 (Code Rev. 2):

  • 01.49.2 - breeding of rabbits and other farm animals;
  • 01.49.21 - fine rabbit hair cutting;

In addition, the most powerful grants are equal to other tax regimes. Vіn become 6% of income, and you can pay off the bills of the past periods. The farming state can organize one member of the family in the name. If you are a member of the KFG, then you will have to pay contributions for pension insurance for them.

At the end, it is significant that the price of market prices is unlikely to be higher than the rabbit’s quality in the next hour. Drinking on it is growing, and the proposition on the market is still small. At the same time, when breeding rabbits for meat, the farmer will take away by-products. Won dodatkovo zbіlshuє zagalny surplus of the state. So, dried rabbit skins are bought by wholesalers at a price of about 60 rubles / kg, and rabbit rot appendages for bringing into the fields are wound without frontal biological processing. Yogo is willing to take the merchants, if they are engaged in the growing industry, it will not be easy for him to know the buyers.

Rabbit farm business plan

We imagine a cost-free butt of a business plan, on the basis of which you can put together your own. Danish material to take away all the stats of vitrate and apply rozrahunkiv for rabbits.

  • Entry
  • 1. Resume
  • 2. Plan of brewing
  • 3. Market analysis
  • 4. Analysis of the market for products and the buyer of syrovin
  • 5. Marketing strategy for the project
  • 6. Organizational plan
  • 7. Financial plan

Tse butt pіdіyde yak for a farm, so for your home state, you can just change the scale of the business.

Korisn_ message

  • Yak tse pratsyuє: skilki bring rabbit farm // RBC, interview with the head of the rabbit farm "Lelechi"
  • Shvidshe, lower rabbits: how an extra-class biathlete became a bird // RBC, interview with numbers

Rabbit is a promising direct business activity, especially at the same time, if the strong state and creature in Russia are dynamically developing. Rabbit meat can prevail over traditional yalovichi and pork. Market for new participants - niche may be empty.

When it comes to business, it happens to get a lot of nuances - only then you can stick to the market and develop steadily. In this article, a business plan for "bringing rabbits" with roses has been introduced, which will help you grow in aspects of justice.

The situation on the market

The meat market in Russia shows ambiguous dynamics. Due to the turbulence of the world economy and other processes over the market of Russia. Improvement in the expansion of production continues: cumulatively in 2017. 4.8% more production, lower in 2016 (10.2 million tons).

The market of rabbit meat shows the trend of the steel increase in production - beginning in 2014. The cost of savings in 2016 was 5.7 thousand. t (by 49% more in the case of the same with the front rock). In 2017 savings fell by 1% to 5.6 thousand. t, but it is not explained by the second interest in rabbit meat, but by the massive decrease in the purchasing capacity of the population.

Part of the vicissitudes products to become 72%. Over 2/3 of the total production falls on LPG and other farming states. Tse m'yaso in 2017 the most successful was in the Central, Volzky and Siberian districts.

Value of rabbit meat

Rabbits have superiority over their analogues, as they ensure competitiveness - especially, as they are able to speed up when passing:

  • Vіdminniy relish. In the culinary arts, there are impersonal delicacies from rabbit meat.
  • Increased rіven protein, low cholesterol. Conquered by 90%, improving the exchange of speech.
  • The product is considered dietary. Sodium salt in a new place in a small amount.
  • In the warehouse of meat there are all amino acids, vitamins and minerals (C, PP, B12, B6, phosphorus, salt, calcium, manganese).
  • Here lecithin, korisny for the prevention of atherosclerosis is used.

M'yaso krolіv dopomogaє zmіtsnіt kіstki, normalіzuvati rіvіnі tsukrі in krovі, complex zmіtsnіt organіzm.

How to run a business: LPG chi IP?

You need to choose a form on the back, as you will be the mother of the business from the breeding of rabbits. Є 2 options - special subsistence state (LPG) and individual subsidiaries (IP). Skin from options may be special.

LPH will come to the team who can nurture the meat of rabbits for further sale at known chi selskogospodarsky fairs. Receipt is subject to payment of taxes. It is simple to create a subsistence statehood: enough food for the local administration (strong council), take care of the health book and the arrangements of the veterinary service for the safety of meat.

Business in the form gives the opportunity to sell rabbits in retail stores, shopping centers. For the results of his activity, the businessman pays a tribute to the budget. It is necessary to take certificates of a rabbit farm, a phytosanitary service, to confirm the GOST compliance and to comply with the Russian State Supervision Service.

The best breeds of rabbits for breeding

Є kіlka vidіv rabіv, yakі fit for home mini-farm.

  1. New Zealand breed:
    • Chervoniy. Individuals grow rapidly, especially in early age. Grown up is about 5 kg.
    • Bila. Rabbits also quickly gain weight and meatiness. Already in 3 months, masses reach 3-3.5 kg.
  2. California rabbit. Creatures give rich meat. For the first 2 months, increase by 45 UAH. meat is shodobovo, after 5 months it will be close to 4.5 kg.

Not a trace of bathing down and meat-skin breeds - the stench is designated for other purposes and growth is more. Buying respectfully watch the documentation of the post-employees, especially breed, evaluate the creature. The best way to bathe rabbits is at the agricultural exhibitions.

Basic vitrati on fermi vitro

Business project from breeding rabbits to transfer the breeding of up to 1000 individuals, landscaping of land plots to support the life of creatures.

Table 1. Main rules for breeding rabbits.

Name of article

Varity, rub.

Registration of documents

Lease of land plots, 1000 sq. m

Budіvnitstvo budіvel ta yami

Life of masterpieces, 3 pcs.

Purchase of clitin, 60 pcs.

Bunny house, 60 individuals

Feed, on the river

Anniversaries, sweatshirts, equipment for fighting, etc.

Refrigeration and pichne obladnannya


Additional stained glass

sporud complex

The farm must purchase or rent a foreign land plot in accordance with the accepted sanitary and environmental standards:

  • no closer than 5 km from the city and trade fairs;
  • no closer than 2 km to the river, water body.

For the minds of our business plan, close to 1000 sq. m area for 800-1000 persons.

Table 2. Fermi plan.

Usі budіvlі mayut but z'єdnаnі mіzh aisles and passages, among them for the great technique (vintage, tractor).

Remember that the increase in moisture is unacceptable for rabbits. It would be better for him to have a farm on the high ground.


Shed's system of breeding rabbits is considered optimal. It will make it easier to see, allowing you to win space from the maximum KKD.

Use the middle sheds to set up cages for the protection of creatures with dimensions not less than 1 m at the top, 0.5 m at the height, 1 m at the depth. Most often they are made of galvanized steel mesh with middle diameters.

Clitini divided into 2 years - for the growing up of the individual and the її anniversary. Also, the middle ones are mounted years old and stuffed. Place rows at the adopted clitiny. Lower roztashovuyut at a height less than 60 cm from the bottom.

The shed itself can be expanded 20 m of the hem, 2.2 m of the lace, 2.4 m of the tie. A new one has 60-70 clitins.

The premises should be well insulated, provided with lighting, ventilation.

Feed shop and warehouse

Here, stocks of food for rabbits are saved - mixed fodder, grain, hay - which can be kept at least 2 months in advance. The rabbit is guilty of hourly eating for the sake of it, it is recommended that it be replenished in its own time.

At the host, it is necessary to ensure the safety of washing, which is necessary for the conservation of food: heat-insulating water, trimming the temperature, preventing the appearance of rodents, splashes, and the development of disease-causing bacteria.

At the feed shop, you can install the facility for the preparation of mixed fodder. It will allow you to change the amount of money spent on the purchase of hedgehogs.

Spare years, pads, budding materials and other necessary equipment should be taken from the vacant house and always be available - so that you can solve the problem, that the vinyl is as safe as possible.

Bіynya, frizeri and gnoєzbіrnik

The slaughtering and processing of rabbits is carried out at a special place, as it may be possessed of blood and food for the reduction of offal. Go about non-liquid skins, guts, heads, paws.

Meat is packed and destroyed in the freezer. The instruction to install a refrigerator is equipped, in which case it is ready before the sale of products. Such roztashuvannya allow organizing an uninterrupted process of vinification.

Gnoozbirnik є viritu in the earth a hole with a depth of 3 m. The walls can be made concrete, it is recommended to the beast to build a navіs, so that the Vologa has been consumed in the middle.

Breeding rabbits that year

Females are allowed to mate up to 4 times per river. One rabbit usually has 6 to 8 chicks. The last period takes less than 60 days.

From the population, queen rabbits and pedigree males are seen. Їх place okremі clitiny on the middle tier of the shed. For example, 15 females grow up in a new one, for a river of stink, over 360 rabbits can be born. 3 sheds have over 1000 individuals.

Also, there is a lot of reproduction of the possibility for the correct year of the creatures. The optimal choice is the use of compound feed, which ensures maximum livelihood. It is also necessary to give vitamin and mineral supplements, sine sino, well-proven grass.

Properly arranging rabbits is the whole science. Materials at tsіy sprіd vvchati okremo.


The farm with the breeding of rabbits with the help of a permanent work and a whole breeding team:

  • Robotic operator, 1 person They are engaged in the maintenance of the livestock of rabbits, to care for the life and health of individuals.
  • Pratsіvnik iz slaughtering rabbits and packaging of meat, 1 ch. Drive in creatures (it is possible for an additional electric jet), process products, pack them, pack them, store them in refrigerators. 2 plant, what is left out, you can take it for outsourcing.
  • Veterinary doctor. Carrying out the organization and conduct of successful sanitary and veterinary visits, consulting workers.
  • Engineer. Keeping track of technical equipment, carry out repairs.

Also, you may need the services of an electrician, a cleaner, an accountant, water for transporting meat.

Realization of products

Promislove the production of rabbit in Russia dosі perebuvaє at the stage of molding. However, he drinks on high meat, rich in wine, which makes him dissatisfied. Fahіvtsі predict zbіlshennya obsyagіv spozhivannya meat rabbits by about 1-2% per river.

Virobnik maє kіlka kanalіv zbutu goods.

In a first step, the molding of a vlasnoy client base. Find out about your farmer friends, know them too. "Sarafan radio" is important, especially as it promotes meat inexpensively.

It is also necessary to give voice to the newspapers, on the streets. So, you can create a good base of permanent buyers.

Another channel is sales through stores. Go about retail stores and small stores. You can sell meat to restaurants.

How profitable can a business be?

Our business plan for the rabbits is to spend money on a small farm for about 700 thousand. rub. Porahuyemo surplus in the form of work.

Go out together:
1000 individuals for killing a regular vibe, population renewal, growth of young creatures in a stretch of rock can bring up to 4 tons of meat.
The average price of 1 kg warehouse is 300 rubles.
Rich vitorg - 1.2 million rubles.
Shhorіchni vitrati - salary, payment of utility services, mixed fodder. Exit approximately 800 thousand. rub.
Net surplus - 400 yew. rub.

In such a rank, the rabbit will pay for itself in about 2 years, then we will bring a stable income more often.

The salary for hiring workers in the countryside is not high - it is more, that the robot will require less than a few years per day. Renting sovereign land is an order of magnitude cheaper per purchase.

Here we don’t need to pay a profit from the sale of skins - over a hundred thousand rubles per river.

Cover plan for business

  1. Choose the form of activity - LPG chi IP - fallow according to the plans for the implementation of products.
  2. Buy a land plot (or rent it). If it’s already there, it’s necessary to reconsider in the fact that it won’t be able to legislate for the creation of a mini-fermi.
  3. Encourage the wake-up system.
    • Bring in the sheds, put in them the clitins, create the best minds for the rabbits in the cold and warm season of rock.
    • Create a place for compound feed. It is possible to vikoristovuvat nayavnі spores, but it is necessary to repair.
    • Vіdіlity vіshchennya viboyu, zberіgannya refrigerating obladnannya that warehouse.
    • Viriti, patch up the manure pit.
  4. Hire practitioners.
  5. Buy compound feed, prepare stock.
  6. Raise the population of rabbits, take care of their breeding.
  7. Expand the marketing plan.

Main business risks

When you see a mini-rabbit, you need to protect the riziki.

The main risk is the high mortality of creatures. It is a headache to look like various viruses and pathogenic microorganisms, which lead to mass death of the population. Unsafe disease - hemorrhagic fever and myxomatosis. Mortality in any case is 90%. The problem of ailments rages behind additional chips.

Nebezpeka is coming - wrong year. Rabbits do not know the world, they can eat too much too much, with some kind of weak etching system they won’t get into trouble. In order to escape the death of rabbits from a swollen stomach, approach wisely before feeding.

Grass after the bevel needs to be left for harvesting for drying, drying. Tse allow pozbutisya otruynyh for the body of creatures rechovin.

A business plan for the sale of rabbits will help you to assess the prospects, manage the risks, as well as raise the money.

Breeding rabbits in the home state is easy to do: it is connected with the high mortality of the creature and the power to the minds of the mind. So that the creatures roared as much as possible, obov'yazkovo swell the lives of the rabbits or small farms. Such a life is not cheap, it’s good enough to build a mini-farm for rabbits at home minds. In the article, we can look at the description of the main types of species, as well as a cover aid from making a mini-farm with your own hands.

Features of the mini-farm

A mini-farm for rabbits is a small number of rabbits, combined into one design. The main feature of the mini-farms is the compactness of the accommodation, which is why it is possible to win the minimum amount of free space for the placement of a large number of rabbits.

Standard construction occupies an area of ​​more than 2 square meters. m, but there are about 40 young animals in it.

The life of a mini-farm can be done in stages: for example, if you have up to a dozen heads during the raising period, then you can only have one tier, and then, in the process of increasing the number of individuals, proceed to the tier of the offensive tier.
For example, there was a mini-farm in the open space, closets are united at the shed (waking up with a house) - in such a time, it is not necessary to transfer the mini-farm to the adoption in the winter period.

Most of the mother liquors, which are located in the vicinity of the clitin, are provided with electric heating, which makes it possible to save the process of rabbit reproduction during the winter period. The color reproduction is smart about the additional income, which means that the creatures grow on sales.

The construction of a mini-farm from the breeding of rabbits is arranged in such a way as to make it easier to keep an eye on the life. There is a need for the presence of special containers, which are used for entry into the life of rabbits, as well as the sub-logs installed under the hood, so that the excrement was independently consumed to such containers.

You know you? Apparently, people were engaged in krolivnitstvom over 4 yew. the fate of that. This is confirmed by the remains of the first rabbit farms, as archaeologists knew in the territory of modern Spain.

Various mini-farms

Fallow in a number of mansions, which are planned to be trimmed, see such mini-farms:

  1. Dachna. It is characterized by the presence of a small number of clitins, which means that it can be placed in a small summer cottage. Such a farm is equipped with the necessary elements for a simple watch, so that during the daily life of the master, the rabbits were provided with livelihoods, water, and the livelihoods were transported independently into a special container. This species is not intended for outdoor winter morning, the construction should be brought to the destination during the current cold weather.
  2. Decorative. Necessary for increasing the minimum number of rabbits for decorative purposes. There is a small construction of one or two tiers with an attached facade. Such a mini-farm of vicorist is made for the summer street breeding of creatures, for the winter її move to a host.
  3. Prisadibna. Sporudzhen at the sight of the design of the middle roses, which may have two tiers or more. Possibility of compact accommodation on a small territory of a garden plot. Such a construction is most often vikonan even more, it is additionally insulated, equipped with wild water, so it is possible to kill creatures on the streets of vzimka.
  4. Promislove. The construction of great roses, which allows the expansion of the maximum number of individuals. May have two or more tiers, equipped with all the necessary elements for easy observation and comfortable life of rabbits. Vykoristovuetsya for summer and winter accommodation of creatures without the need for additional radiation of additional accommodation.

Do-it-yourself mini-farm for rabbits

If you plan to breed rabbits at home minds, do not obligatory bathe ready expensive mini-farms, it will be much cheaper to make a living with your own hands. Let's take a look at the process of living a life for rabbits step by step.

Designing and rozrahunok rozmiriv

For the life of a mini-farm, it is necessary to set up a territory with an area of ​​2 by 2 m.

The mini-farm is set up in such a way that the back wall was stashed for pivnich, and the front - for pivnich. One clitiny vіdsіk is to blame for the mother of such a dilemma: height - 50 cm, width - 70 cm, dozhina - 150 cm.

Important! The number of waters is regulated independently - fallow in the number of individuals, which need to be provided with a dwelling.

The design is to be formed from:

  • podstavki de rozmіshchuyut osnovnі kіtini. Also, before her, bring a windshield for exits, a sweatshirt and an anniversary;
  • nesting breeding, recognized for female females;
  • upper tier with okremi uterine vіdsіkami;
  • a container for the collection of income from life, which is placed under the client.

Materials and tools for robots

To start a mini-farm for rabbits, you need to stock up:

  • sheets of plywood;
  • galvanized metal sheets;
  • metal mesh;
  • bars and boards from a tree;
  • ruberoid for sporudzhennya dahu;
  • farboy;
  • polystyrene;
  • antiseptic zasobom (safe for creatures), to rob the tree;
  • flowers and self-tapping screws;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw;
  • metal scissors.

Step by step cooking

After that, as you were appointed from the old-fashioned look and by the mini-farms, and also bought all the materials, it is recommended to proceed before the life of life.

Pobuduvati mini-farm, mayuchi navichi navchiki roboti with wood and metal, clumsily.

Let's take a look at the main stages of the work, dorimuyuchii what you can do to inspire a living life for rabbits:

  1. On the back of the head, start preparing a large base for a distant delimitation of the expanse of water. Podbayte, schob pіdstavka bula arc stіykoyu - vіd tsgogo sleazyme safe operation mini-farms. For the support of the stand, vicorist wooden beams (4 pieces), having installed them in a vertical position. Їx z'єdnuyut between themselves with short bars with victorian flowers and hammers or self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.
  2. They started building a frame for future cells. Fallow in the form of viables their carcass to shatter the vіdpovіdnogo rozmіru: vіdsіk for utrimannya is the greatest, vigulny - 2 times less, mother liquor - 3 times less than vіdsіku for utrimannya. The wooden structure is coated with an antiseptic.
  3. Under the frame, place a wire for the last one, which is prepared from a galvanized hall. For this purpose, they vibrate the metal and cut with scissors a sheet of vіdpovіdny razmirіv. The container for the last shattering is in the form of an inverted pyramid and is placed at the bottom between two windows for the permanent re-brooming of rabbits. In this way, for 2 cells of the lower tier and 2 cells of the upper tier, one can be made for the last one.
  4. Dali in the framework to create a pad for the skin lining of the okremo.Їх vykonuyut from boards shaped like a vіdpovіdnogo razmіru. The underlay is installed under a 45 ° cut, to ensure a smooth transfer of the latter to the container. It’s not succumbing to slacken off: at that kutka, de clitina sticks with a container for the last, install a net with great lanks, through yak exits, fill the clitina.
  5. Partitions are installed with skin care for rabbits from metal and wood.
  6. Okremo spore the mother liquor- in such a manner that it would be possible to open the door again in the middle of the entrance. The walls of the mother liquor are insulated with polystyrene foam, the lining is shriveled with sucrose.
  7. Vigulny vіdsіk to slacken posterior vіdsіku for post_ynogo rebuvannya rabbits. For simplicity of everyday life, a mesh is pulled on the metal support, as I make room for the vigulu creatures. Leather wigulny vіdsіk is guilty of buti equipment with a year old and a padded jacket.
  8. When the upper tier is arranged, they are queried by the very recommendations that the lower tier is also closed, but with one vіdmіnіstyu - vіdsutnіstyu nesting vіddіlennya (mother liquor).
  9. Upholstered with plywood on top of the ready-made frame that farbuyut for the design of an aesthetically pleasing look.
  10. The upper tier can be covered with roofing material and slate. When arguing a dahu, do not forget about the ventilation pipe. Dakh roam under a small arrogance, so that the water at the sight of falling off suddenly left the surface.

Description of the design of the mini-farm

There is a sprat of popular designs, which are ubiquitous of vicorous rabbits for the morning of rabbits in household minds. Let's look at the description of chairs of the most famous of them.

Important! Shchob mini-farm bula dogovichnoyu derev'yanі elementsobov'azkovoobroblyaet special seepage for zahistu vіd rot and coma.

Establishment of rabbits in Mikhailov's system is effective in domestic minds, and in industrial scales. Creatures m_stya zvnі, in sheds, yakі not mаyut stіn: the stench is formed from okremih kіtin and mаut odnoschily dakh. Skin cell with an area of ​​1.4 square meters. m can accommodate up to 25 persons.

The construction is made in three tiers: two tiers (upper and lower) are designated for the mating of rabbits, and the central vicorist is for placing the stand, which is made up of 4 slabs of stands. The upper tier of introductions is for the breeding of rabbits, and the lower one is for their anniversary.

The pivnіchnu side of the structure is covered with sheathing and insulated, pіvnіgayut vіdkritoї for uninterrupted hit of wind and light in the skin vіdsіk.

On the days of the construction, metal gratis are installed for collecting the last from the introduction of containers, so that you can keep an eye on the creatures and minimize the amount of time for picking (no more than 20 quills per day). A stele of such a mini-farm vikonana under a fistful.


Mini-farm "Maklyak-6" with improved spores for breeding rabbits. The design of such a mini-farm is foldable, but even more effective for ease of maintenance and comfortable minds for creatures.

"Maklyak-6" is a spore for street killing creatures. Zavdyaks of a unique modular design of such a mini-farm can independently change the recognition of any section (from the fodder growth of the uterine, from the vigular - combined thinly).
The presence of the winding up of the blankets gives the possibility not to worry about the process of feeding rabbits during the cold season. A mini-farm can create a modern system of remote access to life, as if I were asking for a watch over the client. In the skin cells of the installations, the infrachervoniy pіdіgrіv of the mother liquor, which raises the necessary temperature in the vіdsіkah.

You know you? Rabbit females may have a split uterus, which allows them to wine the second time, as they conceive at a different hour and breed males.

In this manner, instead of rabbits in domestic minds, it is richly viable with victorious mini-farms, so you can either work with your own hands. In order to encourage the mini-farm to be done correctly, it is recommended to follow the main recommendations, as reported in our article.

The dietary and lower rabbit meat is corrosive with a constant drink among the Russians. Therefore, neither cock, nor pork, nor yalovichina, nor mutton can make good competition for him.

First, the rabbit will avenge the number of essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins. It has little sodium salt and cholesterol, and a lot of lecithin, which is necessary for humans.

In a different way, rabbit meat is acquired by the body ninety-six hundred years. On the vіdmіnu vіd yalovichi, pork and lamb, yakі, on the opposite side, є to milk with important products and they will conquer less than sixty vіdsotkіv.

Thirdly, rabbit significantly regulates the exchange of fats and proteins in humans, and is also pleasantly indicated on the robotic stravokhod and intestines.

Fourthly, this product is ideal for allergy sufferers. Behind your warehouse of wines, to revenge the minimum number of aggressive speeches. That yoga is recommended to add children to rock.

By the way, the meat of the rabbit is even more savory than the lower one. It's easy to cook that crispy.

As a matter of fact, meat should be spared even a little fat, which is not too dark for the body. For people with obesity and diabetes, this product is ideal for eating.

At the link, the cym will drink on the rabbit meat, it grows steadily. To that many Russian entrepreneurs in the rest of the years were given respect for the prospects for the development of this business.

The rabbit farm is on the right, you can start from scratch, the shards will bring a stable and high income. A steady income will take away the fruitfulness of the creatures and the high brewing of the meat.

Ale for the success of the adoption of the necessary intelligence in the organization of the breeding and breeding of rabbits. Let's hear from someone else's report.

What is the expansion of business in the given hour

In the rest of the years, rabbit farms began to appear more and more often in the places of Russia and the country of the SND. Let's take a look at the sprat of applications.

Rabbit farm in Belarus. Tsey business in the country of extensions for a long time. Rabbits of Belarus are most important hybrid species of wild hares. Nabuli is a wider sprat of basic breeds, but it is unambiguously recognized only in one. Tse is the famous Syrian tale.

Rabbit farms in Tatarstan are leaders in the production of this meat in Russia. The main emphasis when growing is to fight for the Californian breed. The meat of rabbits, the skillfulness of the tribal flocks is supplied to Tatarstan both for the outside and for the domestic markets. There are plans to increase the number of harvesting areas, vicory and new harvesting areas.

Rabbit farms in Podmoskov'ї in the rest of the rocks grow like mushrooms after wood. Pіdpriєmtsіv zaluchaє shvidka recoupment of investments of koshtіv, small vitrati and minimal susilla when breeding creatures. Irrespective of competition in the present hour, the quality of meat in Moscow and Pdmoskov is left to be harvested high.

It should be worth it to other regions of Russia. On the Internet, you can find a great number of stunned people to pronounce the meat of rabbits. But, as a rule, such propositions are found in small farms from small herds.

However, it is necessary to state an offensive fact: in our country, farmers have only begun to master their business. The market is practically not busy yet; A large part of the rabbit, which is for sale, is imported.

So try to get into this business. Especially how to protect, that the advantage of the right side is much greater, less short. We see them.

Rabbit farm yak business: main pluses

Be some kind of pіdpriєmnitskoї diyalnostі maє є є ї ї perevagi. The rabbit farm is not to blame.

To the pluses of this business, you can add the following:

  • The presence of small vitrates at the cob stage - to prepare the territory, to come or to grow clitin and podbati about eating creatures.
  • The fecundity of creatures is stably high, for which reason it is not necessary to swell the young. Females are born for the river of dates six-high births of six to ten rabbits. You can work with folding mathematical calculations, so that you can protect the main growth and, naturally, income.
  • A minimum package of documents is required at the initial stage of the organization of the power business. Golovnya - otrimati allowed miserable power and not mother farms near the living quarters.
  • The presence of small costs for morning rabbits and a high market price for meat.
  • Mozhlivy dodatkovy income from the sale of ready-made hutra and skins.

But more than that, what you really drink, you don’t have the opportunity for a job, but there is little competition.

Obviously, at the cob stage, it is necessary to competently put together the business plan of a rabbit farm, so that you don’t “burn out”, otherwise you can quickly prepare it with overwritten options. There are a large number of similar rozrakhunkivs.

Main disadvantages

The only nedolіk, which is a building suttvo vplinut on the profitability of the business, the high threshold of mortality for young animals and grown-up creatures. Rabbit farms in Russia and in the rest of the world often grow up due to the spread of infectious diseases and the wrong breeding of creatures. In the okremih vipadkah, the whole young growth can perish, or to bring in a flock.

In this hour, the most optimal is individual acceptance of that CFG. Let's take a look at the lack of skin of them.

KFG chi rural farming state can be on the verge of entry to the warehouse of other communities. All the participants in the business claim the right to run a mining company in a cooperative way, zdiisnyuyuchi at nіy be-yaku diyalnist. For the opinion of the KFG, no statutory documents are required, called the establishing agreement. Enough to decorate yoga on yourself and as a result become the head of a fermi. It is not recommended to accept new participants at the warehouse of an established business. For the obviousness of a great income, conflicts between pilgrims are possible. For such a situation, call for acceptance to be liquidated. Especially as a lie, which is conceived by the law of the Russian Federation, a farmer can err on the side of his government, which is made up of one share.

Form ІП zgіdno z vіdgukami є є vіdruchnіshoyu form vіdnya tsgogo biznesu. Whose mind has all the nuances of insight and understanding. More than that, the individual application is simpler, and it is more convenient to take away the sides of the flag in the state.

Minimal sanitary measures until morning creatures

Depending on the official standards, the rabbit farm can be planted at a distance of at least 300 meters from any living quarters. This point is regulated by self-regulating organs and sanitary and epidemiological stations. To that, the first to bring life, it is necessary to take it away from them.

The Fermi complex is guilty of roztashovuvatsya on a equal footing. The surface must be asphalted, concreted, or sifted with crushed stone. Krіm tsgogo, navіt to start a rabbit mini-farm, it is recommended to build a drainage system or a sewage system. Tse will be a great help with a distant choice of clitin.

It is necessary to think about how to bring in the livestock products of rabbits at the same time. Buy shards of pus, and a cluster of flies will be a driving force for people who live on a charge, turn up to the sanitary and epidemiological station.

  • method of breeding creatures;
  • how to choose good specimens;
  • correct that povnotsіnne kharchuvannya.

Let's take a look at these moments of the report.

Basic technologies for breeding creatures

Let's look at the basic options.

The found method is pitted. You can beat it at the cob stage for the purpose of determining the profitability of the business and that you know what you want to do.

For whom it is necessary to simply dig in the earth, spits of holes and launch the creatures there.

The stench in them will live independently, eat, riti nori and multiply. The farmer is guilty of constantly supplying green and grain fodder, picking up rot. Such a rabbit farm with its own hands cannot bring great capital, but for the cob stage, it is not possible. Naturally, only meat breeds grow, shards about yak are good cunningly in such minds, you can not dream. Therefore, breed creatures are recommended to choose vidpovidni.

Klitinny project of a rabbit farm vimagatime singing vitrates. The stench will be related to the fact that it is necessary to buy either the containers themselves or the materials for them. Klitini are traditionally made from wood and metal mesh. The farmer can plan the placement by planting mature males, females and young ones there, de you need. DIY do-it-yourself rabbit farm is the most popular way for non-commercial breeding of creatures in the power garden. With the right approach, meat can win sales.

A masterpiece breeding method. Such a rabbit farm is a whole system, as it is built up from many tiers of batteries. The standard shed is three meters wide, and the dovzhina is picked up from the number of creatures, the cow's area, naturally, the farmer's favor. Clitini ring out on the offended sides. Such life of rabbit farms is as compact as possible. Sound the stench of bringing indiscretions to the winds of the wind to the optimal vikoristannya of the coryne expanse.

Professor I.Mikhailov's system. This is the preparation of a rabbit farm by the most efficient method of breeding creatures at an industrial scale. On the right, in the fact that vin vrakhovuє kіlka faktorіv. Vykoristovuetsya special possession for a rabbit farm, as if allowing you to fool, go and clean up on creatures, vikoristovuyuchi sing automatic mode. It can also be ventilated from natural draft. Mikhailov's rabbit farm allows you to create even more friendly minds for swedish breeding of creatures. The results for a couple of months have a total person of the reach of five kilograms. With the clitin method, a minimum of seven months is required.

To that, if you want to seriously engage in this business and grow a large population, it is recommended to choose the remaining way of placing creatures.

How to choose rabbits correctly? Basic rules

As soon as the application is prepared, the optimal choice of rabbits becomes an urgent problem. The procedure at first glance seems to be simple. Let's dwell on a few nuances.

The first rule is to choose. The local farmer breeds cich creatures for meat. For this reason, it is recommended to give the Belgian, gray and white wind; German ram; chinchilla. Give birth to sound for two months to take close to four kilograms. Tse is an illustrative display of their growth.

Another rule is that it is necessary to buy creatures less from these farmers, as they are engaged in breeding selection. Obviously, you can buy rabbits for a lower rank on the market, or for a stunner. But for another arrangement, no one will give a guarantee of quality.

The third rule is that it is necessary to change especially, which specimens, which bathe, grow according to all the rules, and not "zagodovani" high-calorie chemistry. It's a pity, because of the big drink on the young, there were also unscrupulous post-employees.

The fourth rule - in order to achieve the optimal result, it is necessary to increase the advancing proportion. For ten females, one male can fall. With whom you have a vipadka for offspring, you can bude checks to finish off shvidko. Ale, since the farm is small, then it is necessary to bring two males after all.

Here is a rule - when a young animal is brought in, it is recommended to take all the recommendations from the breeder about how to breed. If the postal worker is unable to give the necessary information, it would be better to choose something else.

Shost rule. When buying rabbits, it is necessary to pay attention to those in whom the inner side of the wind is known. For the presence in these galuses of their own short and wounds, it is possible to develop a nevishny visnovka, as the rabbits are infected with unsafe ailments - lice mites. Sound like this, females do not resent their children. Obviously, it is not necessary to buy similar specimens. The stinks can infect others.

Some rule. At any time, it is not possible to breed a male and a female of the same after breeding. You won't see anything good in your crossbreeding.

Rule eight. The main indicators of the sickness of the creature are the following: the presence of a skuyovdzhenoy outside, a hairy muzzle and kalamutny eyes, as well as low activity. A healthy specimen should have a smooth coat, no foxes, clean shiny eyes. That is why it is important to take a look at the skin rabbit. The sickness of the creature can infect others. As a result, the farmer knows even more serious problems.

Nine rule. It is not recommended to bathe even large and fat individuals. Especially yakscho tse females. Shards of dangerous creatures are multiplying badly. It is also not recommended to bathe a mature pedigree male with a female. Nothing sells good copies, because everything is good. In the first type, the male is either old, or having proven himself with filthy tribal traits, in a different way - the female is the most ill.

Eating creatures in return for that vlіtka

Rabbit farm as a business develops, as a creature fully and life-givingly. In this way, the young growth develops well, may have a good immunity, and with growth it breeds well.

The standard diet of a rabbit is the same food:

  • greens (beans and cereals, whether they were seasoned herbs);
  • juice (root crops, vegetables);
  • ensiling;
  • rough (gіlki, sіno, borosno іz grass);
  • concentrations (visivki, mixed fodder, grains of legumes and cereals).

Obov'yazkovo in the daily diet of an average rabbit can be 50-100 g of compound feed and a kilogram of sine. Reshtu podsipayut dodatkovo z looking back at the time of fate. Inlet and curtains give coarse green fodder, and collection and autumn - ensiling and juice.

Obviously, the vaga is indicated approximately. The main indicator of what is eaten by rabbits is the offensive: if everything is suffocating quickly, it is necessary to add more. Young and mature females, as well as young growth, will require a stronger year. Compound feeds should be given with care, stinks of stink call out the discord of the rabbit's shell.

The most common ailments

How the greater, the most widespread problem was appointed, through the yak the farmer can know the great beats, the death rate of the young is high.

The first reason for this phenomenon is infection. If you don’t get used to the necessary visits, then the ailment will quickly spread throughout the entire tribe. Most unsafe infections:

  • VDBK.
  • eimerios;
  • myxomatosis.

Excitement and ailments are practically marno. The most effective way to do this is to vaccinate animals in time. Zvichayno, tse procedure vitratna. But the mass of infected creatures is more expensive for the farmer.

Another reason is the damage to the grass system. Warto the rabbit z'isti schos zіpsovane, grass with dew and so on, then serious problems begin. To that, when cultivating these creatures, it is recommended to attach special respect to eating.

The third reason is colds and illnesses. Rabbits are more shy to the cold. In case of hypothermia, it is possible to develop incendiary diseases of the organs of the respiratory tract. Therefore, it is recommended to warm the cells, especially during the winter period. Take care of their stretches.

Farm rabbits. Sales of finished products

Problems from the implementation of meat do not sound. Oskіlki will drink from this situation a greater, lower proposition.

With a small contract, meat can be sold on the market for knowledge. Otherwise, just send it for sale, having taken away the legal documents of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Even though the scope of the products is great, the situation will be a little different. The Lord is recommended to prepare a package of documents ahead of time. Before that, include the GOST-R declaration, the phytosanitary certificate and the fermi certificate. At this time, you can easily sell your products to shops, supermarkets, restaurants, cafes, boarding houses, hotels, sanatoriums, school distances. The optimal way out is to lay down a long-term contract with a wholesale buyer. In this case, there will be no problems with the sale of rabbit meat.

Dodatkovym dzherelom income є sales of skins. Zavdyaki tsyomu can cover part of the vitrates, pledged to the business plan of the rabbit farm. To that smut - competently and retelno all prorahuvat zazdalegіd.

In general, it can be seen that rabbitry is a clumsy type of business to build for a farmer-pochatkivtsya. Golovne - to add significant respect to the package of documents, food of creatures, to the correct morning and to know the post-production points of the sale of products. As practice shows, the investments of the windfall can be turned against the advancing fate at once from the surplus.
