Google won't start. Google Chrome doesn't work: reasons and decision

Google won't start. Google Chrome doesn't work: reasons and decision

Sometimes it turns out that Google Chrome does not open on rich PCs. The reasons can often be unreasonable - in the evening everything was good, but then “glitches” appear. So let's figure out why and how to fight this situation.

Why is it so loud

Problems with the computer are due to the widening of the drawer. Before them, there are often a variety of problems with web browsers. “Google Chrome”, “Mozilla”, “Explorer” - it’s all the same, as long as you have the program installed. Golovna, that "glitches" do not overcome the desired option.

So, let’s try to figure out why Google Chrome won’t open. The most common change of code at startup is the antivirus program. Absolutely be-yaka. Viruses and various installed programs can also cause problems. Let's take a closer look at the root cause to understand why the Google Chrome browser won't open.


As surprising as it may sound, anti-virus programs can serve not only for the good of the world, but also for harm. It’s not surprising that no one is surprised at what kind of pages and addresses the stench goes through. If you click on the free instructions to avoid Trojans and worms, you may end up in an unacceptable situation - if you restart the browser, it will stop working. More precisely, the process will start again, but there will be no “pictures”.

In this case, you need to check the system for viruses, then turn on your antivirus and try to launch your browser. If this does not help, I will simply uninstall the web program and reinstall it. Everything can be earned.

Another reason why Google Chrome won't open could be because the browser is acting as a blocking process and then blocks it. Then turn on your antivirus and firewall and try printing to the robot.


Add frequent updates to your diet about the presence of viruses on your computer. Well, because the stinks do not consume your system, but are removed from the browser. We want or do not accept the phenomenon, but we are tolerant.

If you suspect that your computer is not running Google Chrome, we should run an antivirus program first. Whoever is quickest to do so will only tell you. Tim, we would recommend Doctor Web to you - you can easily get it and use it without fuss. In addition, this “antivirus” is called a cost-free demo version that helps detect “infections” on your computer. In this case, you won’t be able to buy a bag product.

So, if you have selected an antivirus program, run it. Before the check-in time, give your computer a rest - close all programs and games, including browsers (which operate and open). When the computer completes the scan, select all detected files that cannot be cleaned - delete.

Be careful - unsafe programs may leak important system data. Before you start using antiviruses, you should save all the important data that you need. So, about all sorts of bad things.

Restart your computer after completing the scan and scan. Then try launching Google Chrome. If everything was unsuccessful, I’ll delete the browser with all my bookmarks and other data, and then reinstall it. Everything may return to normal.


Of course, since all the previous methods have turned out to be rubbish, there is only one way out - reinstalling the system. Of course, you can create a withdrawal. However, in spite of all the problems, as system administrators say, “here’s the answer – bring Windows and everything will be sorted out.”

So, if you dare to undertake this difficult task, find a Windows installation disk. Before doing this, write down important details later so as not to waste them. Insert the installation disk into your computer and wait until it starts.

Select "Install the Windows operating system". You will now be able to choose the method of carrying out the process - “clean” or “surface” installation. In order to stop complaining about those who do not launch Google Chrome, it is better to select the first option. Next, following simple steps, format your hard drive and select the path to install Windows. Wait until the process is complete. The computer will restart about 3 times - don’t cry. Next, install the browser and use it as before. Now you know what to do if you don't open Google Chrome.

The web browser on Google is used by the most popular users all over the world. Today, according to statistics, it is important for people around the world to use Chrome itself to navigate websites, work and spend time on the Internet.

Moreover, our minds are concerned not only with desktop computers, but also with tablets and smartphones. Regardless of its popularity, some difficulties may arise with the operation of this software, and the browser may not start. Today we will figure out why Google Chrome cannot be opened on a computer.

Reasons for launching

Regardless of what you do on the computer, the work involved in repairs/disruptions, the problem with launching a web browser is still a great unacceptance, as it makes most people nervous. You need to know why this happens, and also how to deal with such problems.

Apparently, the Google browser comes with powerful software that takes away from your RAM. The Internet is full of heat about those who can’t get all the “RAM” in the world to work normally. However, it is also possible that the waste of computer resources can lead to the browser simply freezing, and if we need to navigate to a particular site by clicking on the corresponding shortcut, we cannot cancel the corresponding views. program

What to do if Google Chrome does not open on your computer

If you have encountered a similar problem on your PC, there is no need to panic and “sin” with a virus - most likely, everything on the right is related to the sometimes frozen process “chrome.exe”.

To make your browser work faster and continue surfing the Internet calmly, you need to do the following:

  1. Select “Process Manager” by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc.
  2. Find the list of running Google Chrome or exe processes and see it with the left mouse button.
  3. Press the “Del” button and confirm your action to cancel the entry.

After completing the descriptions of your actions, you can close the "Workshop Manager" and try to restart the browser. Google Chrome opens without problems. If a similar problem, in which Google Chrome does not open on the computer, is repeated systematically, it is recommended to clean the PC using CCleaner, and also, if possible, reinstall the Chrome browser.

The situation is clear: you have accessed the Internet, using the Google Chome browser, but it won’t open. What is the reason? It’s not obligatory to immediately turn to the fakers. These problems are within the power of anyone to overcome. Let's look at why Google Chrome won't open and what to do.

Why does the browser stop working?

The reasons are as follows:

  1. Wake up;
  2. System files are corrupted;
  3. Viruses.

Let's take a look at the report to see what to do.

What to do in the first place

Restart your browser. Close him behind the help of the dispatcher. To do this, press the key combination Win+X and select it from the list.
Next, press the “Reserve assignment” button.

Corrupted system files

Otherwise, Google Chrome cannot be opened through corrupted system files. They are victorious for robot OS and add-ons. Browser developers themselves should check stolen files if problems arise. How can I verify it? Open the command row with administrator rights. For this we press Win+X.

With version 1703 of Windows 10, and instead of “Command Row”, it says “Windows PowerShell”.

Conflicts PP

Take a look at the most interesting modules. Write the command chrome://conflicts/ in the address bar. If conflicts appear, you know what kind of program they are from. Deactivate or delete them completely.

Turn them on carefully, especially if it is a program, so that the system then functions normally.

Blocking by antivirus

Antivirus does not allow access to all programs. Sometimes it blocks the program. Todi, give Vinyatka a browser. For example, I have Eset Smart Security installed. In settings, press the “Change” button.


Video card driver

Problems with updates

Google Chrome updates automatically. If you have an old computer there may be problems. New actions conflict with old possessions. So try yoga. Then you know exactly the reason why it doesn’t open.

Make sure you have the latest version of your browser and save it for when you get the latest version.

Yak vimknuti

Press the combination of Win + R buttons. Next we write the “msconfig” command.

Go to the “Services” tab and select the “Do not display Microsoft” option. From Google (gupdate) and Update (gupdatem), uncheck the boxes.

Skidannya nalashtuvan

Quickly use the special Cleanup Tool utility. Enter the address:

Launch it. You can clean up and skin settings.

The methods looked at did not help

Launch the browser with a special key. Click on the Chrome shortcut with the right mouse button and select “Power”. On the "Shortcut" tab, the key is written - no-sandbox. Save changing and restarting the browser.

Use this method with care, as some spillage may occur. You can do this to retrieve saved information from your browser.


Completely uninstall Google Chrome using the uninstaller. To learn how to do this, read the statistics: “Vidalennya program”. To use another browser, download the latest version from the official website: Click “Vanantize”.

Important addition

On the website, the system may incorrectly indicate the OS capacity. Make sure that you are looking for a version of the same capacity as Windows. To do this, click “Start” - “Programs” - “Services” - “Control Panel”. Then look at it again: “Friendly badges.” Open the section under the name "System".

In the “System type” section, look at the capacity.
A form will appear where everything will be explained clearly.

Ask on the official Google forum

Go to address!forum/chrome-ru. Click the "Nova" button.
In the form that opens, describe the problem and how to solve it. Please add a message, file or image (if required). Click “Publish”.


We looked at why Google Chrome stopped opening. First, what to earn, re-want it. Next, check the system for viruses and remove resource-hungry programs. If it is not necessary to re-install, try running a specialized utility from Google. There may be a lot of reasons, you may have to try a number of ways until you understand what’s wrong.

According to current data, the Google Chrome browser takes up to 60% of the market of Internet browsers for Windows 10. This means that 6 out of 10 customers in the Global Region consider Chrome their favorite browser. However, this is by no means ideal, because the Google browser is prone to various types of problems, through which it may not start or connect incorrectly to sites.

Reasons why Google Chrome may not work correctly

Although Google Chrome is considered one of the most stable and reliable browsers, it is still vulnerable to the risk of corruption. There are many reasons why:

  • interconnected with antivirus and firewall;
  • infection by viruses;
  • problems synchronizing the profile and database;
  • the infatuation of the PC;
  • clean up the system until the processes are completed.

Some problems can be solved with just a few clicks, while others require a little fiddling.

How to troubleshoot problems with Google Chrome

Almost all problems with Google Chrome exist, but the developers of the browser tried to ensure that there were no conflicts with the system in terms of processing, data transfer, and much more. Of course, it’s simply impossible to promise everything, and others are blamed for accepting some amends. In the future, you can open the browser again and install it back, having installed the current version with the latest corrections.

Restarting the browser

The first thing you need to do if you have any problems with your browser is to re-engage. For whom does it matter:

The most common reason why problems occur in the Chrome robot is the “overzealous” view of the browser. This is especially true for weak computers. Regardless of the stability of the program, it is difficult to call it economical in terms of resources. The research of both professionals and my characteristics show that Google Chrome is very capable of using RAM. For the average one tab (just displaying the site, without flash elements), the browser consumes up to 200 MB of RAM. If you have 5 or more tabs open, some of them running pages with streaming video or online radio, the browser can handle more than two gigabytes of RAM. Not all computers can show up, shut down or freeze up. I always recommend that my friends, acquaintances and clients save important pages in bookmarks and do not insist on looking at information that is not needed at the moment.

Completion of processes

It’s a pity, but closing the browser again means that your RAM is being used up outside of the system. After updates, updates, launching of various background processes, it will ensure that all activities in the system are completed correctly. Therefore, re-opening programs becomes impossible, because the OS depends on the fact that the browser is already open. In this case, you need to complete all processes using the “Process Manager” and try to run the program again:

Upgrading the processor and RAM

As it was said above, “Chrome” is too powerful for the RAM of the processor, because when you try to launch the browser, the system is heavily involved (for example, I’m playing), Google Chrome simply cannot start working. In this case, you need to close all applications, close games and other browsers.

If the processor or RAM is reinstalled, it will be important to start the new one

And if the situation with the overloaded processor and RAM is not corrected with the help of the “Process Manager”, the computer can soon be overrun.

Browser update

Problems with Chrome can also occur if you are using an outdated version of the program. Looking around, the goal is to update, hot “fixes” of these and other problems are gradually emerging, and the protection of the browser and system is being covered. If for some reason the program's automatic update function does not work, you will end up with bugs and glitches in the middle. You can turn off auto-renewal using this procedure:

Once you have started installing an updated browser, do not close the window with programs, otherwise you may encounter important problems in the OS. Once, after such a mercy, I had the opportunity to work on cleaning the system, including time files, the registry, and navigating to the folder containing my favorites, because even going to Chrome resulted in the computer freezing.

Problems with Google Chrome profile

Sometimes in a robot with a browser you may see the error “Your profile could not be entered correctly.” This means that certain problems arise when the browser is synchronized with Google's cloud recording and server database.

The message “It was not possible to register your profile correctly” means a problem with cloud storage synchronization

The notifications themselves do not appear on the browser, the pages are displayed correctly, but notifications may appear even more often and make navigation on the Internet more difficult.

To correct this problem, it is enough to enable the profile for ten hours (from many years to several days):

  1. Click on the icon with dots at the top right corner of the browser and select the “Customization” item.

    You can open the browser setup via the appropriate item in the menu

  2. In the column “Koristuvach” we press the “Turn” button.

    Next to the “Koristuvachi” row, press the “Turn” button

  3. At the “Enable synchronization” window, click “Next”.

    We confirm that the profile is connected by clicking “Next”

After whose pardon I have not known.

Reinstalling the browser

If none of the above helped, it is strongly recommended to completely reinstall the browser. It is entirely possible that corrupting browser files and manipulating them can produce amazing results.

  1. Press the key combination Win+I and go to the “Add-ons” applet.

    Press the key combination Win + I and go to the “Add-ons” applet

  2. In the list of programs, click on Google Chrome, press “View” in a row of programs and in the leaking window.

    We know Google Chrome in the list of programs and click “Vidality”

  3. We check the box next to “Also delete data about the robot in the browser” and click “View” again.

    Select the item “Also delete data about the robot in the browser” and click “Vidality”

  4. Please ensure that the program you are uninstalling finishes its work.

Video: how to open the Google Chrome browser

Types of viruses

Google Chrome fragments, the most frequently abused browser, often fall victim to attacks by nasty software and viruses. Of course, investigators must immediately react to all threats, and it is impossible to steal the program in the face of dangers. In any case, you need to check your computer for viruses at regular intervals, if you want to carry out a deep search once a month. For those who prefer to use more than one anti-virus program, you can also quickly look around:

  1. When you set up your browser, you will see the “Add-ons” row.

    In your browser settings, select the “Add-ons” item

  2. Scroll down the page to the very bottom and go to the item “Remove bad software from your computer.”

Of course, many of us have the Google Chrome browser installed on our computers, equipped with rich functional tools. The Koristuvachs decided on a new one, because it will greatly simplify our lives. Regardless of the great number of advantages of the robot with chrome, there are still some disadvantages.

And, perhaps, while working with it, you sometimes experienced problems, for example, if the browser did not start or even completely and for a long time. Many people immediately fall into panic, what to do, where to go, who to carry the computer. Don't rush. It is possible that your browser has frozen due to such reasons as you can imagine at home. Therefore, I would like to first look into the causes and factors of this problem, and then take any solutions.

Reasons why Chrome won't start

Google Chrome may not open for a number of reasons, which we will look at in detail below:

Ways to troubleshoot problems

Having understood the reasons, you can now safely proceed to the most serious problems.

  • Restore your personal computer. Then try logging into chrome again;
  • If it is still clear that the problem lies in the anti-virus programs, you should go to the settings of these services and indicate the permission status. Or just add chrome to the list of faults for antivirus or border screen;
  • If the reason was due to a corrupted profile, you should create a new profile.

To do this, close your browser. Then open Windows Explorer or press the key combination Win+E). After opening the window, you need to enter the following in the address bar, for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 users, enter %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\.

Now you need to press the Enter key. After this, a list of folders and browser files will appear, find the “Default” folder and rename it, for example, to “Reserve Default”. If everything works out, then Google Chrome with the configured components will open, and the “Default” folder will appear new;

  • If your video card driver version is out of date, restart the Windows automatic update system, after which the drivers will be automatically updated. If it is impossible to work on your PC, you will have to install the latest driver;
  • If you still find viruses or “corrupted” programs on your device, you need to clean your PC with an additional antivirus. If you want to deal with such a situation, Google Chrome independently implements actions to resolve the problem, which is very easy;
  • If the other methods did not help, then delete and re-download Chrome. Reinstallation often causes problems with plugins, flash, etc.
