The plan for the booth is two-on-top and one-on-a-base. Projects of mixed booths with a plinth top, price and photo

The plan for the booth is two-on-top and one-on-a-base. Projects of mixed booths with a plinth top, price and photo

Plans for basement surfaces in projects of single- and double-superficial booths, as a rule, convey the possibility of a large underground space, which could be left to the discretion of the ruler.

Considering that laying the foundation for most of the buildings will have to be below the level of frozen ground, and the base will need to be raised above the ground, then the control of the zero on top looks like a completely rational solution.

Don't get lost in the basement space. Most people imagine the base is poorly lightened and gray areas, and it’s impossible to stay on for too long. However, this does not at all indicate effectiveness, because most of the surface of the walls of the current basement surfaces is exposed to the level of the ground. The plan for the booth can be transferred to the carnage. Using the lower part of the booth, you can bury it further into the ground, thereby increasing the height of the wall in the area.

The main advantages that convey the plan of a booth with a plinth top lie with the next:

  • The brown expanse of the living budinka grows 1.5-2 times larger.
  • Due to the presence of underground living space, the main rooms will be warmer, and will become more comfortable for living.
  • Possibility of suitable placement for various purposes: boiler room, lava, workshop, warehouse, etc.
  • Since the expanse of Vikorystovaya is intended as a warehouse for sheep and warehouses, there will not be any government activities on the street, thus allowing the place to be in business.

Planning a booth with a basement top

  1. The basement space is best suited for placing a closet, a garage, a boiler room, a warehouse, a vegetable shed, an arbor, etc.
  2. Let us also add that the decision has been made to convert the underground space into the dormitory or the front room.
  3. The same plan for the basement on top can accommodate the placement of new sanitary facilities and other areas with high moisture content, as well as a place for the installation of important household equipment (for example, washing machines and dryers). In addition, the remaining rocks near the great basement roofs vulture the pools.
  4. In addition, you can create a more spacious booth for the bay window frame, which protrudes 100-150 cm above the base. As a rule, the dimensions of such a space are quite small, but they are entirely suitable for organization And a winter garden or a place for repairs.

The butt of planning the zero level at the cottage.

In a booth with a basement surface, the layout conveys the presence of exits that can be used to ascend and descend. It is very important that in order for it to be comfortable to use, the width of the march must be no less than 90-100 cm. In addition, the width of the slabs can be up to 30 cm.

Protection of placement in vologies

The underground surface will require effective and clear protection from moisture. Waterproofing is responsible for any damage, regardless of the depth of contamination of groundwater, the frequency of falls and weather damage to the area.

As a rule, the basement plan assumes that the walls will be concrete. However, planning may allow for the use of some other essential materials. For example, the target often gets stuck. The daily life of the booth will be subject to change.

Gliban of the PIDSTRUSTRY SOULE BAGATO in Choma Zadatima vіd ryaganth ґruntovikh, ale to the ribs 180 cm. Yakshcho ґrunt Shilny, then the foundation of the foundation of the cigarette pillow of the Keshchyan, the pillow of the impaired engraving. If the soil is loose or moist, it is necessary to wet the monolithic concrete base on which the walls of the booth will be installed.

Start a boiler room or a garage?

Homeowners, who care about everyday life, are unlikely to notice a significant difference between a high bottom and a zero top. However, the planning and purpose of these placements is different.

On the ground floor, you can install a gas boiler, as well as other equipment that you need to pay for between the premises. In addition, the top plan of the basement most often conveys the presence of baths and toilets, a closet, a place for storage and other accommodations, on the edges of the floor plan.

The garage under the living rooms will require strong insulation.

The same plan on top can be converted into a place for parking a car, such as an underground garage. However, there are a lot of opponents to such a plan, speaking about the non-environmental nature of the presence of a garage under the living rooms. The main problem lies in the fact that after parking the car, specific odors begin to appear, which are lost in the living areas for a long time and are difficult to recover from. In addition, since the garage is much lower than the ground, then it is a significant failure, which is quite difficult, especially in icy conditions, if you are not able to leave the garage for work.

Accommodation for tired people

Since the layout of the cabin makes the living quarters visible on the ground floor, then special attention will need to be given to thermal insulation and waterproofing of the rooms, since the walls of the underground are on top of the larger floor I succumb to the tide of the cold wind. All waterproofing and thermal insulation work may still be carried out at the stage of everyday life of the deputy's office.

In addition, there is a problem with the presence of a ventilation system in the living area. It is also necessary to increase the presence of air leaks near the walls in order to reduce air exchange.

The basement plan on top also includes piping and other communications. As it has already been established, the presence of a toilet and a bath on the ground floor is a primary practice, and it is recommended by the staff.

Renovated interior of the room.

The placed one will have a splinter of vicon (if possible, the largest). It is best to give preference to window structures with PVC profiles, which are optimally suited for installation in this type of premises.

The basement on top is a wonderful place for placing technical, government and living spaces. This means that it is necessary to ensure the most reliable protection against heat loss and moisture penetration, as in other rooms of the hut, which have been built up.

Projects of booths with a plinth surface are gaining great popularity today, because homeowners are trying to save money on daily work by changing the surface of the frame booths.

It is very important to find designs of single-surface booths with a plinth on the Internet, as most often they have to be designed. The basement on top, simpler than it seems, the basement - this is a special place, without which a high-rise booth cannot do without.

On the right is a cottage or private cabin, insurance coverage for one family. Of course, no one can get enough square meters, especially since on the ground floor our people behind the store store everything that mother nature gave to them on six hundred square meters. There they call potatoes, all sorts of pickles and jam, and everyone took a nap.

Everything that doesn’t fit in the booth is thrown there. Maybe, if you have old, dirty galoshes, you can get a lot of bark from them, but it’s not clear what and how much, but it’s clear that it’s rich. It is clear that a healthy mind is waiting for a forgetfulness and for a solid memory, you won’t spend an hour and pennies on a single-surface booth with a plinth top, which will insure you in such a manner.

Call, betting on the meta will be a booth with a zero top, people think about those who on this very version trim their car or, for example, build a master, about how they died and never got around to it.

In order to tackle the right side of the basement, you need to clearly identify what is needed. Just like that, I decided to build a basement on top of a booth under the building, which is far from being a potential housekeeper. In order to do this, you need to, at a minimum, contact your mother with your free money.

Just a viriti pit

There are three types of basement surfaces: those that protrude and those that are level with the foundation. For the purpose of building a basement with a buried type on top, the soil on which it will be placed may be dry. The work begins at the beginning of the excavation pit, the area of ​​which is marked in the background.

The depth of the pit is usually not due to either the lower or the level of groundwater. The depth of the sunken base is approximately one meter higher for their price.

And the skin has its own misery, and appears behind the level of water in the wells during the sultry summer season. It’s time for fate to start building a basement on top of a private booth.

Refinishing the drainage system

The most important element of the hut, which contains all the water, is the drainage system. Moreover, since it is functional, it should be stored not only in the basement, but also in the entire cubicle. The fragments are on top of the basement and spread lower into the ground, then water will be present there behind the water.

It’s easy to finish the drainage system. After the pit is in motion, it is completely cleared of the sediment, and the bottom is leveled and compacted. Here, near the pit of the pit, there is a hole. A metal barrel is inserted into it, the edges of which are on par with the bottom of the basement.

In order to ensure that the bottom of the pit is as level as possible, it is filled with a ball of crushed sand, the thickness of which must be no less than 15 centimeters and no more than 20. After which the sand is revived again and hydro is placed on its surface. Insulating material.

A reinforcing mesh is laid on the waterproofing and filled with concrete. In this case, there is no need for water gaps between the edges of the drainage barrel and the bottom, so that water does not flow into them. A drainage pump is installed at the barrel. The drainage system is ready to be installed.

Installation of plinth walls

Now, if water flows into the basement in any way, it goes into the drainage tank and is pumped out by a pump. In order to prevent the walls of the foundation pit from crumbling, the stench becomes noticeable with the formwork.

Then there will be basement walls on top. Start timidly stinking from the target or from the building blocks. As a result of the successful settlement, a cement-cement mixture is being used.

After the basement walls are laid out, the upper slab is no longer formed. In the core of such slab, one or a number of concrete slabs are installed. The removal of them is important for this purpose, since the stink remains of high importance.


In order to be able to preserve products, proper ventilation must be installed, otherwise the basement will become susceptible to mold, and in order to preserve products, it is impossible to move. Whatever happened, the ventilation in the sunken basement may be blocked by the coming order.

On both sides of the tree, opposite each other, two vertical pipes are installed (influent and exhaust), they can be either metal or plastic. The purpose of the inflow pipe is to draw the wind from the basement from the ceiling, while the exhaust pipe is designed to draw the wind from the basement on top.

The lower end of the pipe, which floats, extends at a height of approximately twenty centimeters from the frame, just like a vent pipe, the lower end of which extends at a height of thirty centimeters from the wall, changing on the opposite side, the air is drawn from the area. The system, which consists of these two pipes, ensures constant circulation of the air in the base.

By the way, since the main purpose of your basement is to be a great refrigerator, then your basement on top can be used for cooking. You just need to build up a shelf so that all your jars with cucumbers and tomatoes, as well as the buckets with sauerkraut, fit without problems.

Garage on the ground floor

There are many designs of booths with a basement top that are created to accommodate a garage there. The stinks are distinguished by richly folded spores, lower basement, attachments under the contusion. In front of us, the depth is not less than two meters, the width is not less than four meters, and the depth is not less than six meters.

Of course, all these dimensions are taken from a large reserve, but if you store it in a garage, in addition to the car, a lot of other things are stored, then this reserve will not be so great.

In addition to the basement for food storage, the garage has a burning area. Moreover, the temperature should not vary greatly from the temperature in the middle of the hut, the fragments of such a large space, such as a garage, should not be burned, as a result, then, moving directly under the living rooms, they will inevitably become cold and lively. In this situation, it is inevitable that you will grow and become scorched.

If for lighting a food warehouse you only need one light bulb without a shade or lampshade, then in the garage you will need a lot of lighting.

Since in order to get into the basement, what is stored in the basement, it will be enough to quickly access the attached exits, then to exit from the garage you will need a special ramp.

Other locations

Even more serious expenses will be required for the installation of a basement on top of a permanent living space or, for example, for the renovation of a new bowling alley or gym.

Looking at the photo of the booth with a plinth surface, it is important to note that the lighting of the premises is intense, using table tops, which fully complies with sanitary standards.

The temperature outside is not to blame for the lower temperature in the cabin. The fragments of the base are practically in the ground, then maintenance in a new comfortable microclimate will be reduced to a copy. The roof, the basement on top, can be used for the needs of the family, both as a utility room and as a main one.

The basement is on top - not on top, which is lower for the price of life. Encourage such devices to be used for technical needs. The main dimension of the basement in the basement - the height of the walls of the basement on top must be at least 180 cm. For documents, the basement on top is important above ground, and the booth is important on top of the two.

Advantages and disadvantages of living in a booth with a basement top

The following can be added to the advantages:

  • additional square meters: the area of ​​the basement on top can significantly exceed the area of ​​the first one on top, so there will be more space in the cabin;
  • on the ground floor you can place a garage, which will allow the breeding of additional spores on the territory of the plot to disappear;
  • the basement version may have a variety of accommodations that do not fit into the formal style of the booth: you can organize a workshop, a boiler room, a games room, a gym;
  • However, the additional underground space can be protected by insulated underlays on the first top, which is why the lower part is insulated.

Shortcomings may be like this:

  • Difficulties with excavation robots: for the basement, you need to dig a large pit on top; for transporting the earth and laying the floor slabs, you need special equipment - you can’t do it with your own hands. All this will lead to higher prices for everyday work;
  • If the technology of everyday life will be destroyed, under the hour of construction or heavy planks, the premises may be flooded, and all speeches in the new place will be sealed.
  • the basement top will be brought up to the bark area, and will be pressed down like a living space, although it is not recommended to vikorize it for the living area;
  • Most of the space is located underground, so it is not possible to provide natural lighting; it is necessary to carefully consider the placement of electric lamps;
  • To enjoy the convenience of the basement, you will have to spend a lot on waterproofing.

Features of the design

Most often the building is designed from the bottom: the most significant is the living part of the building, under which the project of the basement is completed on top. The plan of the walls of the plinth must be consistent with the plan of the walls of the first on top, as a result the structure will be non-supporting.

Dekilka is pleased:

  1. It is best not to install a boiler or a gas furnace in the basement, so as to keep the room out of the room.
  2. If the exit from the garage to the basement will be through a vestibule, it is not possible to save easily accessible materials in the garage.
  3. When ventilating the garage in the basement, it is important to install a mechanical ventilation hood to remove engine odors.

Not forever will life be carried out on an ideally level land, projects for plots with a wide range of skills are increasingly differentiated from the most basic ones.

The process of waking up follows the following nuances:

  • It is certain that the finished standard project will have to be further examined to ensure the specificity of the territory under development. Here you need specialist advice;
  • Be aware that through irregularities in the soil, problems with the use of special equipment may arise;
  • It is very important to make the right arrangements: adjust the storage area to the soil, weather conditions, elevation differences;
  • the foundation on the schilae will require especially clear waterproofing: the rubble can be poured down onto the schilae.

Design features

Behind the structure, the foundation of the basement on top is slightly undermined by the booths, the design of which does not compromise the appearance of the basement and basement premises. When laying the sole, it is stretched a few centimeters lower to accommodate the underlay.

The basement is on top of an important part of the foundation. As a rule, work is carried out using monolithic reinforced concrete slabs to create a durable and durable foundation. If the foundation and walls are built from ready-made prefabricated concrete blocks and there are problems with the soil, they must be installed on reinforced concrete pads.

If the soil is dry, it is necessary to use lighter blocks to build the walls. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the need for natural ventilation - the base must have sufficient ventilation openings, which will help to prevent mold and moisture from forming underneath.

Planning a booth

There is a lot of strength in the day-to-day life that lies in your planning and progress. The most important option is a straight-cut booth without architectural elements.

One of the important factors is the position of the sides of the light. It would be better to remove a blank wall from the front side, and the windows could go out to the outside and outside sides. This is to ensure the placement of a sufficient amount of light and save heat.

Plan the interior furnishings better “for the future”: early on, the family can grow larger, and additional rooms will be needed.

Yak vibrati project

Selecting a project is the first step in waking up your world. Before deciding on any one option, you need to consider a lot of factors. Remember that it is impossible to completely change the project during the process.

First of all, let’s take a look at the number of necessary items. How many bedrooms are needed? What kind of work office do you need? Why do you need a place to eat and why do you need a large spacious kitchen? As soon as it is planned to varnish and plaster the basement on top: the receptacle, closet or tank can be moved from the living area to the basement.

Think about the layout of the booth: how many exits are there? Will there be a stink? Which rooms may be cramped, and which rooms will be different? If you call for different types of projects, you can find ready-made standard projects on the Internet and choose ones that are similar to your home.

Prepare projects without costs

When ready, standard projects will remain consistently high. An individual project, of course, will need to be completed in order to ensure that all your products are in order, but this will require additional funds.

There are a lot of good companies that are ready to provide a variety of ready-made projects to cover the different features of the plots. In some cases, you may need additional processing, but in any case you will be cheaper for a project from scratch.

Project of a single-top booth with a plinth top

Stages of building a booth with a basement top

Please read our instructions.
It is necessary to start by assessing the soil’s depth: the soil’s thickness is assessed after preparing a trench of sufficient depth. The ideal choice is light sandy soil without large clay particles.

A pit is excavated under the booth, after which you can move on to plaster the base - the solid screed. The thickness of the structure should lie in the fireplace. The standard thickness of the base is 10 cm, but again it is necessary to add moisture to the soil: if the soil is weak, it is necessary to place “pillows” under the wall of the plinth. After the end of the day, the screed can be repaired.

Porada: The pouring of the basement on top should be carried out with a continuous supply of concrete; it is necessary to vicorize the concrete with hydraulic shrinkage, without a porous structure.

The perimeter of the booth is laid with foundation blocks (report about), and carefully follow this so that the stinks fit tightly one to the other. Make sure that there are no openings for pipes, windows and wiring. The blocks are spitted together using additional cement.

Since there are no communications (water, gas, electricity) to the house, it is impossible to install doors and windows. The remaining structure is external and internal addition.

Dekilka is pleased:

  1. Living in a business with a flat topography will be cheaper than in a business with discounts. Pay attention to this when choosing a plot of land.
  2. The high plinth on top gives the appearance of scale, the booth with a deeply embellished plinth looks like additives.
  3. The construction of the basement is better than starting with the foundation. Keep the walls clean so as not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the booth.
  4. The entrance base is protected by its reliability: its design protects the ball from the foundation from mechanical and atmospheric inflows.
  5. The base that protrudes is ideal for booths with thin (wooden or frame) structures. To protect the foundation, you can install a protruding “belt” around the base.
  6. A plinth on one level with the walls of the booth is not the best option: because of the waterproofing sphere, which is an unnecessary nuance during the wake-up time of the booth.

One of the most inexpensive ways to enlarge your booth is to improve the space under the booth and build a basement on top. This approach makes it possible, in the event of a project, to remove all premises of a similar nature and refurbish the living rooms. It is not good for the health of people to remain on the plains with a view below zero, (so that they have been buried under the ground) for several years, on the ground floor it is not good to accommodate the distant, vital and bedrooms.

Features of the design

  • It is necessary to think about adequate ventilation so as not to allow the air to stagnate and develop moisture, otherwise it is unsafe for fungus to appear on the walls.
  • The fragments of sunshine do not penetrate the ground, it is necessary to provide stronger illumination, which is necessary when unraveling the vantagement at the edge at the stage of the folding chair.
  • When draining saunas, showers and toilets, it is necessary to install a special pump for sewerage, since natural water under the ground is impossible.
  • The height of the basement premises is no less than 2.2 m, which is the norm for both the physical and psychological comfort of the residents.
  • In areas with soft soils, the cost of waterproofing will be significantly greater than in rich or rocky soils.

Z It is necessary to ensure that when the basement is warmed up, where there will be people in the area, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at 16 to 22 0 C. In closets or dressing rooms it is sufficiently heated to 8 0 C.

Vikoristannya options

Ventilating a garage on a basement level is a wonderful way to create security for all members of the family at once. This means more comfortable parking, saving space on business, and safety for family members. Cataloza has plenty of projects with such solutions:

  • originally made from logs on a high stone plinth;
  • three-level with a garage for two cars, which allows you to stay in a small space;
  • compact modern cottage
  • unique, there are no analogues

The basement can accommodate home gyms and gyms.

  • where the “exercise machine” is equipped with a sauna and a steam room, and the technical equipment strengthens the cold chamber;
  • a cottage with a corner terrace, the size of the basement allows you to create a spacious billiard room with a sports area;
  • The aristocratic entrance hall reinforces the gym with a large room on top of a home cinema.

Make reasonable decisions by having a sauna or steam room in the basement, where you can undergo a variety of wellness procedures whenever the time comes. Such projects as:

  • a cottage with a small attic, where there is a steam room and a dry sauna on both sides of the shower;
  • a representative three-surface, whose underground river contains a sports area, a play area, and a small area, where you can listen to music or watch a movie, relaxing after the Finnish sun;
  • get an economical and compact one with a large shower and jacuzzi, combined with a steam room in one volume.

In addition, the expanse under the earth can be purely a sovereign or is considered a master. You can fill it with comoras of various purposes, both searing and cold for food preservation and home preservation. When choosing a project, focus on the needs of your homeland, and we will help you with our satisfaction.

Butt planning a cabin with a gym on the ground floor. There is an office and two bedrooms on the other side.
If you have already decided or want to add a plot of land on which you plan to live, but have not yet decided on one yourself, then you may need a project and a planned hut with a basement top as one of the options for the living room tva maybutny cottage.

  1. The ground surface can be touched up with an additional approach, so that if it is removed, the surface of the former will not be tightened. Such entrances can be successfully used to accommodate a lava, sauna, bathroom, gym, garage, billiard room, wine store, wine store. However, there is a place there for the ruler’s premises, for example, boiler houses, washrooms and Komori. Whose plan is your fantasies are not limited at all.
  2. Since the place has a folding relief, then the construction of the basement on top of the skhila will be an effective and economical solution for various tasks. Area savings and insolation savings are especially important.
  3. The base serves as the basis of the booth, which gives it solidity and earthiness. It is impossible not to say about the attractiveness of the new appearance of the booth, which is placed on top of the basement, and even the exterior decoration is finished with tiles, siding (to the taste of the house), or piece stone.

However, it’s important to know about the benefits of building something like this on top. It is clear to them:

  • The presence of a compact pumping station, whereby the level of water discharge will coincide with the level of water in the base.
  • When you place fireplaces in this place, for example, a spa, a sauna, or a kitchen, you will have to deal with the installation of systems that remove smoke and extinguish fire. Obov'yazkova is the presence of an emergency exit called.
  • The minimum height of the basement on top is 2.1 m.
  • If you only have technical areas located here, then it is best to move the window around the perimeter. This, which means everything, is connected not with technical gains, but with psychological ones.

Plan a booth with a plinth and canopy

Also, this plan includes the renovation of almost all the gospodar type rooms on the ground floor. Cereal room (14.0 sq. m), technical room (5.8 sq. m.), hall (4.4 sq. m.), as well as sanitary room (2.5 sq. m.). The boiler room and workshop consist of single spaces, separated by a stone partition almost to the end of the wall.

The hallway conveys the presence of special evil openings. This second approach is no longer necessary, since such a place has a high level of moisture. It may cause detrimental damage to everything, for example, cracks may begin to appear on the walls, additional material may come out of the surface, etc.

Added on the ground floor there is:

  • comora (6.5 sq. m) that hall,
  • room for renovation (19.8 sq. m),
  • sauna (2.9 sq. m).

And the remaining space is a gym on the ground floor. This is one place, which is not lordly, but rather respectable. 16.1 sq.m. This is entirely enough to accommodate several exercise equipment, a Swedish wall and a shower. Let's brighten up the lighting in the gym so that your eyes don't get tired.

Planning for space

Since you’re just a slow-witted person, you need to spend up to 7 sq. m. on the first turn. From here, through an opening in the wall, you can walk to the front room (6.7 sq. m.). From the living room and from the hall you can go to the kitchen, which has an area of ​​19.6 sq. m. m. On the first version, there is also a sanvuzol of the central vikoristan and a vestibule (2.9 sq. m.). Guest bedroom on the first floor with a size of 33.6 sq. m. m., intended for temporary accommodation of two people.

plan 1 on top of the booth

Only from the floor can be consumed up to the skin in the fifth room. Well, first of all - a work office on a different version. You should be located at a distance from other rooms, so that outside sounds and noise do not enter. From the office you can exit onto a long balcony, from which you can see the view of the plot.

Read also

Budinki projects 11x12

The two bedrooms on the other side are the same size as 13.9 square meters. m. and 14.0 sq. m., get the rooms in order. The third room could be redecorated according to the plans of the rulers, it would be better to have a children’s library there. The size of this room is 15 sq. m., it has a small feature - a solid wall overlooking the garden plot, and a magnificent window. This allows you not to burn any additional light fixtures every day.

The first remaining room is a bathroom (7.8 sq. m.). This space will be sufficient for cleaning not only the bathtub, but also the shower, sink and other plumbing fixtures.

Additional information

The planned cabin with a basement top accommodates a family of six individuals for living throughout the entire region. Zagalna square – 251.8 sq. m. Zhitlova area is 106.33 sq. m. m.


  • Construction: ceramic.
  • Material for the outer wall: hollow core.
  • Material for re-crete: reinforced concrete, monolith.
  • Material for dahu: wood, crossbar.
  • Go: zalizobetonni.
  • Foundation: reinforced concrete strechkovy.
  • Material for finishing the roof: ceramic tiles.
  • Material for finishing facades: thin-ball plaster.
  • Material for finishing the top of the basement: tsgla.

To create such a plot (at a minimum) the mother must have the following dimensions: 10.2 x 12.3 m.

It is so handy in localities that the rotten relief looms, which is why it is most often used for the everyday life of the castle booths. There are many advantages at once with the potential to ensure a great place where you can take care of your daily needs. The rooms are built both for technical purposes and for the implementation of any design idea.

Project of a cabin with a garage on the ground floor

For a daily routine, be compact, but at the same time handy and comfortable, and, of course, mother-to-be. The garage on the basement version of the booth is just such a special feature that it is necessary to change the whole surface of the building. This would be suitable for living in a family that consists of no more than 7 individuals, the whole river.

Project of a detached cottage with a garage and a basement in high-tech style

This layout of a cabin with a basement and a garage conveys traditional architecture. Enjoy the spaciousness and brightness of the room. One of the main advantages will be the complex, which consists of a spa, a sauna and rooms for repairs. Vlasnik's cabin will be pleased with the presence of a guest room and a work office.

Planning a booth, designed in high-tech style

Well, since only a slow-moving person enters the booth, he goes down to the hall, the size of which becomes 9.5 square meters. m. Entrance is through sliding doors, which are equipped with rear cameras. Next is the living room, with an area of ​​39.5 sq. m. m., this space can also be converted into corrugation. For example, bring in a design idea or install a sofa for finishing touches.

In order to isolate outside sounds and noise that may come from the rooms, handrails, doors and walls are lined with insulation. The building insulates both sound and heat. For these very reasons, there is a calmness in such a wake.

In the kitchen-distance (12 sq. m.) you can eat through the hall. The presence of the hedgehog living zone and the cooking zone are transmitted. The rooms will be separated from each other by a folding partition with a style and design that will blend with the interior. The first one on top also bears witness to the presence of a sanitary unit with an area of ​​3.5 square meters. m.

currently planning a cabin in hi-tech style with a round terrace

The first one on top and the vikoristanny of the descents can be applied to the top and bottom surfaces. The basement area includes a hall with an area of ​​4 square meters. m. From here you can walk near two comori with a size of 12 sq. m. m. in the boiler room (12 sq. m.). From the hall you can go to the garage (27.0 sq. m.), and from another technical area. This is also a lazne complex, which is very suitable for small-sized plots, where it is practically impossible to place a large lazna.

plan of another on top of a booth with a large balcony

Varto note that before making a decision, it is necessary to worry about scorching. As a rule, a modern boiler room will require a lot of free space. In order for the autonomous burning booth to be effectively effective, it is impossible to do without such components as:

  • boiler;
  • an electric pump to ensure that water flows from Sverdlovsk;
  • expansion tank so that there is no shortage of water;
  • boiler so that the burning system runs smoothly and efficiently on solid burning.
Another reason why it is often suggested that a garage should be built in such a place is the fact that it is necessary to patch up a large pile of skin in order to put it into the garage. It’s not scary to fly in, otherwise you might end up with a great danger. However, this food was also accepted. For this purpose it is necessary to install a special ladder, equipped with small protrusions from the edges.

In this manner, the car will not be in any danger. The boiler room (for the bath complex) can be provided with a heating device in the outlet line. Then the cold season will be doomed, there will be no snow in this place, there will be no snow, and therefore, the drying will be safe.

The other on top of the impulses without any particularities or “rodzins”. Everything is as simple and comfortable as possible: two bedrooms measuring 21 square meters. m., 12 sq. m. Apparently there is an office (32 sq. m.), as well as a bathtub with an area of ​​6.1 sq. m. m, which adjoins one of the bedrooms. From the office and bedroom you can open onto a balcony. The entire expanse of the other above appears bright and light, as if from above.

Since the first two surfaces are intended for active activity, for spending an hour of the day, then when you rise up, you will feel calm and quiet. This very atmosphere allows you to relax and enjoy the skin of your family after a busy and important day at work.

Zagalna partina

The future will be created for the purpose that insulates. The foundation is of the poured type with a monolithic slab. As a material for the outer walls, the insulated base is also used, and for the re-crying of the reinforced concrete slabs. Dakh with a wooden bloody surface. The roof is ventilated and made of tiles. The façade is coated with plaster based on mineral resins and insulating materials.

This booth design is much more simple and functional. Such a cabin is suitable for accommodating a large number of people, and among them you will find a place for yourself and what to do. It is unexpected that the plan is to create a clear hem for the cordons. The first surfaces are robotic, and the other is included for completion. And a few bathrooms - they’re all parts, but it’s through them that the hidden communication of the entire household is formed.
