The correct production is verified by the tested portions. What is the relationship between each other: These are the most obvious signs of the relationship between each other

The correct production is verified by the tested portions. What is the relationship between each other: These are the most obvious signs of the relationship between each other

It is no more popular with those on TV and in the cinema, but also in the countryside. Mile operas have been re-imagined as “romantic love”. This topic is also popular among songs. We are constantly being re-examined by the idea that everything is important.


Most people think about a romantic relationship something like this: “A relationship is an inescapable gift that comes unexpectedly and immediately alerts you like a kir. You know it intuitively. It seems like you won’t have a chance to guess for a long time. You’ll look at it without any doubts. Love is so important that you have to do everything for her. Men can be forgiven for abandoning their friends for the sake of love, women can simply be deprived of their homes and children, the king - the throne. Vaughn is completely reluctant to come, and you What can’t you take in?

Ale tse not spravzhne khannya! The real farm is not like that.

Hoarding really comes down to rape, and you can’t do anything about it. A true khanna is the same and a good khanna. Why do you need to trim yourself? Would you be happy to know the difference between treasures and love? The reason is for the present: knowledge of the difficulties will save you from a great mercy. Soon millions of couples come to church with their very eyes and vow to love each other until the end of their lives. For some of them, the love of truth becomes a priceless addition. For others, it’s simply tolerable. But for half of these couples, love becomes a real misfortune. After a short period of time, the stench begins to become noticeable, so as not to ruin your life. What's on the right?

The difference is that some bets will be on the right bank, and others will be on the buried one, which is false love. Such whores don’t bother for long.

How to understand the difference? During the “gold rush” hours, many miners thought that they had “attacked a vein.” Later, before their great disappointment, they explained that their discovery was not true gold, but pyrite mineral, which does not mean anything. The drink is even similar to gold, but has no gold value. It is also called “fool’s gold.”

As we have already said, it is not easy to note the difference between the burials and the actual khans. In his book “Sex, food and hoarding - how do you mean it?” Dr. Ray Short gives a number of key points that help people track their senses and figure out what is the real gold of a good farm or “gold for fools” - simply buried.

We will look at 12 of these keys, but first let me point out this: (1) The order of the keys is of no importance. The skin of them is of the same importance as the others. (2) These keys are not to blame for being picked up. Ti maesh brothers to uvagi 12!

Key No. 1 What will bring you the most benefit?

Buried: If you have urges, you will most likely appreciate the physical data of other people more. The garnet's appearance and garne's figure are very important, even if the yakiness is added, but the appearance can be deceptive. Vaughn is like a burnt paper in which to sunbathe a gift. She cannot judge those who are in the middle. Moreover, physical beauty is not eternal. Dr. Short said: “Out of the dozens of school assemblies I attended as a youngster, I can only remember one thing.” “Young people! - the speaker said calmly. - First of all, make friends with the girl through her handsome face and attractive forms, think about those who look like 30 years old, “and that’s what got me”?

Spare kohanna: If your khanna is in order, you will appreciate the specialness of your army as a whole. Of course, you will feel a present and physical craving, as well as a whole host of other benefits that will be added to you.

Key No. 2 How many different kinds of meats do you get from this person?

Buried: Consider the quantity of such viciousness is small, but the stench of the building will be on you. The boy can admire the smile or sexual behavior of his girlfriend.

Spare kohanna: If you truly love, then you deserve all or more of the good things in other people. How many features do you notice in others, and how many of them do you find advantageous? This is important because once the beginnings of the fun are over, you will need a lot of strong interests in order to save your love and keep him away.

Key No. 3 How did it start?

Buried: The burying is blamed on Shvidko. You won’t find the right place at first glance, but then you can burn the buried place at first glance. How to wash oneself in one love song, “the eyes of the dead became focused in the crowd, the sparkle blazed, and the stench immediately realized that they had created one for one.” In truth, only those who fought one on one before the enemy could understand the stink.

Spare kohanna: The regular farm will appear in full again. We can’t do it any other way. You have to know a person before you can truly love her, and it takes an hour, a lot of time, to properly know someone. Trivale zalitsyannya is much more beautiful than non-trivale. Rik is more beautiful, Nizh pivroku, two are more beautiful, Nizh is one, three are more beautiful, Nizh is two, and more is more beautiful, Nizh is three. Three rocks? Chotiri? Thus, the statistical data on this subject are absolutely clear. But most young couples don’t hesitate to check out the river. They hasten to kill their lovers and, in a powerful manner, agree with the truth of the old adage: “If you hurry, you will make people laugh.” If you, on your own, are too hasty in making friends, then you will soon have enough time to do some mischief about it.

Key No. 4 How permanent is your interest?

Buried: When you crave, your interest either fades or fades. One of the reasons for this is that the burying occurs too quickly, and the root of it is not deep. And put the top of your eyeliners on top.

Spare kohanna: If you love in the right way, yours will be more warm and tender, but will vary from extreme passion to cold bitterness, the stench will be more permanent. The right farm is growing in abundance, but the roots are deep.

Key No. 5 How does Yak almost flow into you?

Buried: Hoarding has a disorganizing effect on your personality. To give you less respect and less respect. The more romantic ones will seem to be in awe of you, and you go, tired of the world. The girl, as it were: “I know that there are not many things in this world, but nothing matters outside our farm,” is buried... TIMELY! Once you have closed it, you will soon discover how much more significance there is.

Spare kohanna: As long as your love is true, your greatest strengths and evils become even more beautiful. A guy who can truly love, says about his girlfriend: “I love her not only because she is so beautiful, but also because she inspires me to show the most beautiful of my horns.”

Key No. 6 How do you stand before others?

Buried: When there are buryings, then the whole “world” turns around one person. Other hundred-hundreds seem to you to be completely unimportant. You are ready to tell your friends and relatives. Yours seems to be the most important thing in your life. That's all that matters to you now. You respect that for the sake of this wonderful “khanna” that has entered your life, you can get all sorts of things. As we have already been told before, most of the burials are unprepared, and the remnants, as you know, under the influx of this feeling, often leave ancestral inheritances.

Spare kohanna: If you truly love, your kohana is the most important person in the world for you, but relationships with family and friends do not waste their meaning.

Key No. 7 How can one be numbly amazed at your hundred-year-olds?

Buried: Those who still think about your “kohane”, it is very important to recheck. If there are hoards, it is absolutely certain that your father and many friends will not praise these hundreds. One of the dangerous aspects of the burial is that you are smart to idolize other people. You don’t have too many shortcomings because they are “blinded by love.” Your friends try to show you unsafe signs, but you ignore them. Your fathers are watching you with love, trying to avoid the great mercy, but you don’t hear. Young people sometimes say: “So what? We make friends one on one, and not among close friends.” You can still achieve such a position, but it will be unproblematic stupidity - you will not be happy with the people you love. For the fate of life, both you and your family have formed a number of friends. We will all be similar to those whom we make friends, and they will become similar to us. That’s why your friends, in my opinion, are your “mirror”. Because you are burying yourself, friends often do not share such feelings. If they send out unsafe signals, then they would have to pay attention and listen to their thoughts.

Spare kohanna: If you love in the right way, there is a greater chance that your parents and most friends will praise your choice. May God bless your love, the good fortune and praise of your fathers are very important.

Key No. 8 How to break up?

Buried: One of the best things to try for a feeling is to try standing up. If you are just hoarding, then the hour will come and you will die, "This explains the separation of these couples, the main interest of which has become physical gain. In the future, another living person, who is nearby, will replace the god, who has lost his life. ki in the photograph.

Spare kohanna: If you truly love, then the presence of the same person will lessen your feelings. The right khanna is obligingly vitrified and tested for an hour. It is based not only on the physical aptitude of a person, but perceives it entirely as a peculiarity. Spending an hour together helps you “grow up.” Therefore, when you separate, you never waste your part. Another person, I’ve already added so much, I can’t fill the empty space in your heart. When you are on the move, you can certainly feel anxiety and confusion. You will be wondering: “Who else is there in raptom vin (or won)?” And this may be the case. If your kohana, a person, is ready to get happiness from laying again, then it’s better to find out about it before, and not after laying the hook. If you are due for separation, make peace with it and don’t worry. As yours seems to be less buried, and it doesn’t show such testing, it’s better to understand, until it becomes too painful.

Key No. 9 Yak welding is indicated on the surface?

Buried: When you are stranded, you will often get boiled. You can put up with it, but in the future welding will become more frequent and serious. You become similar to. two porcupines in the cold. If the stench is strong, the stench will stir in the cold, but they will press one another, the stench will prick one another with their heads. "Phil and Alice met for more than two years. During this hour, the stench boiled down and made peace at least once a month. Troubles arose through any disagreement or obvious form. The grudges sparked terrible jealousy. Once Alice was married to with details of the remaining welding and threatened: “Don’t let him try to turn me back!” I won’t talk to him at all!” “I think, Sho Stanesh, ALISO,” M'yako frightened to her Maria, “I will stubbornly, I have firmly told Yoma:“ Farewell, fіle, everything is Skіnen. ”I Dali explained her position Zvovaniyua:“ Varoja in one largest. Get ready, because you can’t talk about anything else anymore. Brothers, those romantic “reconciliations” no longer relieve you of boredom.

Spare kohanna: If you really love, you may experience differences, but the other person survives them, and conflicts become less frequent and serious, the skin couple may begin to develop conflicts. It would be much better to discuss differences openly and honestly, without allowing them to fester in the depths of the soul.

Key No. 10 How do you look at your hundreds?

Buried: When you are in awe, you are smart to think about yourself and about your kohana people, like about two people, and apparently vikorist in your thoughts and promotions: “I”, “me”, “moe”, “vin”, “yogo”, or "vona", "її". You think of you as two separate individuals.

Spare kohanna: If you truly love, you will call the vikory words: “we”, “our”, “us”. You think about you as if you were one. This key seems less important as long as you are dating, but it is of great importance to the lover. If there are reasons for being buried, a person from a friend may find more satisfaction in exploring different interests, but not in family activities. A person may want to “go out with friends” more than spend an hour at home with his family. Or the squad will become more concerned with their ties in marriage, rather than with their ties at home. In families where the farm is running properly, people and squads bring satisfaction to work at some point at the same time. A common saying here is: “I don’t want to go because you can’t sing like that.”

Key No. 11 Is it selfish or is it without grace?

Buried: When you want, your interest in other people is mainly selfish. A boy can date a beautiful and distinguished girl, only if his pride is flattered and his prestige is raised. Vaughn may be timid and well-spoken, but if she is the “queen” of the school, she will become the “king” next to her. So, the girl and the girl can woo the boy “in a tie” not through those who are truly committed to him, but to the one whose surrender raises his price in the eyes of others.

Spare kohanna: If you truly love, you deserve a person for what she is, and not for what she can do to help you strengthen yourself.

Key No. 12 What is the basis of your feelings?

Buried: Why is it your way to know a person who can devote his life to making you happy? Why are you talking about yourself? If so, then you are deprived of burying. Your blatant position is selfish - you give the most information about those that you can get away from so many hundreds.

Spare kohanna: Lyubov is without merit and given. You will earn everything you can to bring joy to others. We will tell you in front of you that you can give and not take away.

* * *

Evaluate your feelings. Take your paper and carefully take the keys, starting from the first. Let's evaluate them from your own skin. Whatever you want, the keys can show you what your job is, and what your next step is. In most of the keys, the keys show the amount of storage and maintenance. Therefore, evaluate the key on a ten-point scale. Zero means hoarding, and 10 means hoarding. For example, looking at key No. 1, you can say: “If we’re being honest, I’m head over heels for physical gain, then I’ll give myself two points.” If you follow key number 7, you will find that about half of your friends praise your choice, and half do not, thus getting five points. If you rate yourself on all twelve keys, you will score points. A final result of 80 points or more shows that you feel like you can achieve it. From your side you can realize that your love is now the basis for a future love. Ale tse lishche z ur side.

The person you love can also pass this test and score a great number of points. The relationship may be mutual. It doesn’t matter how much you love this person, one-sided behavior won’t help. It is your responsibility to listen to the evidence as you see it. Once you score between 50 and 80 points, you will need more than an hour to see how your points are developing. If the points scored are less than or below 50, there are only a few hoardings. So try to protect your heart. In advance, don’t make a hundred with stately closeness and don’t rush out of love.

This also means: A high result on this test does not necessarily mean that you are ready to go. First of all, you can be too young for a whore, if you have scored a lot of points. On the other hand, if you are in advanced age, you may simply not know one thing or another. As we have already said, you need to know at least two things well, before you think about whores.

The right khanna is more magical and more enchanting. How can you guess what is coming, what will be born or what will happen at any given hour, truly? How can you recognize the treasure for all your life, trim it, save it and not let it go, so that it doesn’t happen? This is true for many readers, and even at the ear stage of the development of veins, it is so easy to confuse twistiness, addiction and infatuation with a subtle presentation.

There are a number of noticeable signs that indicate the depth of love. In our recent publication, we know the readers from the main manifestations of this feeling.

Kohannya doesn’t hesitate to poke fun at other people

Very often we want to laugh at the very thing that we are in the process of making a joke to ourselves. We are extremely contentious souls and we easily let ourselves sway, mute behind the wave of a charming wand. It’s all the same, we give our brain the command to laugh and disobey people with a similar look. It seems like there will always be a short-line character. If we are not aware of this, it means that we may soon be subjected to severe disappointment.

The same business does not require similar interests or continued inheritance from your family. It almost seems impossible to make jokes about other people.

You won’t find the right one, you won’t love yourself first

Only harmony with yourself, with your inner “I” can, like a magnet, attract other people. Chantly, every one of us remembers the outburst of how close people comforted us in that hour when our hearts were broken. And all the words were spoken correctly. They left you for the wrong person, you are not a varty, it’s just the way things were arranged. They left you, but they seemed to be right. Love yourself, and you will surely experience harmony and happiness in your new clothes.

Kohannya doesn’t mean anything

People are trying their best to find out what is going on, it’s already the way it is. We are indebted to the fact that it seems to give us more happiness, to help us overcome any troubles, to make us pure and strong. And how to simply revive true love in the midst of all-fading chaos for a short hour. Remember, in the real world you don’t have to lose weight, go in for sports, get up to standard standards, or change your routine. They almost feel like they don’t extract anything, it’s boring, and even the stench is benign. Those people are truly lucky who accept their partners as such, without minds and ultimatums.

Kohannya allows you to be yourself

Dear ladies, how often do you hesitate to stand in front of your model Frenchman without makeup? I can hear you singing that you are much less like him, unkempt and unruly. You don’t want to let the khan get close to you if you’re cold, blinding your blackened eyes. You should run to the bathroom and brush your teeth at the moment when Kohani is tempted to kiss you. And if your partner demonstrates to you through his entire being that your naturalness is important to him, then it is valid to love you.

The power plant did not ring to turn on the power

Do you find yourself thinking before your next bet and asking yourself to be well-equipped to make the right choice? The other halves haven’t met yet. This spilka, swed for everything, is another episode in your life. It’s natural for love to come true again, and there’s no way to put food on it, “What about my lady?”

To get rid of it, you need to learn how to give

Remember that cash coins cannot allow themselves to be drained, and even more so, like loose coins. It is very important to appreciate and accept a partner with all his shortcomings. What if, based on skin differences and for any unfaithful behavior, your partner receives a cold shoulder? And now we repeat to our half the words “kohannya yak danina for good things.” Kohaniy is not a child, and there is no need to wilt.

The right company does not complain because the people fell ill, lost their income, or committed some kind of crime. It's almost crazy. By bestowing a costless blessing on your loved one, you can in the future be able to repay the debt in return. Remember that people will experience much more in the future.

Kohannya is based on friendship

Remember how, at the beginning of our publication, we poked around with those jokes about other people. That's right, love is not to blame for such interests; it is often based on friendship. Guess what, a lot of happy couples who knew one another from the school lava and, as they say, found themselves in a situation where they “sat with each other more than a peck of salt”, first of all they realized what was in their minds. Remember that physical addiction, that burns, is satisfied with the short line. What do you say to your partner if the spark goes out? You will simply waste your interest, otherwise the friendship will be lost forever.

Kohannya, due to psychology, does not have a clear meaning. Most often, the following interpretations of the term are common: the state of frailty, the desire to give joy, the need to feel like a cow. The concept of “health care” will be applied to all reinsurance companies and will be based on the basic concepts of proximity, addiction and cravings. Before you try the right method, go through 7 stages, which will help you not to confuse the method with the law.

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Spravzhne kohannya - tse kohannya, it’s not like raptovo. The whole thing is molded almost as if it had fallen off the edge of the hole. Based on the work of American psychologist Robert Sternberg, the farm is based on 3 warehouses:

  • proximity;
  • addictions;
  • Goiter'yazannya.

To get to the point of overinsurance with another person, it takes an hour, during which you need to get to know a friend half even more. The cells develop consistently until the following stages:

  1. 1. Zakohanist. Real problems will continue to plague those who are stuck and move from a sense of euphoria to an offensive sensation.
  2. 2. Peresichennya. At the stage of sleep (if the hormones have already been overcome, the hormones have returned), people either break up or develop hunches further.
  3. 3. Not accepted. The skin of his partners becomes hisist, trying to pull the carpet over himself.
  4. 4. Tolerance. The stage of humility with the shortcomings of the partner begins, accepting the peculiarities and discovering new characteristics of one’s character.
  5. 5. Servant. With knowledge, a person begins to reveal wisdom, and now he has learned to understand all the positive and negative aspects of his partner. At this stage of the skin, it is recommended to treat one person at a time.
  6. 6. Friendship. The friend half looks completely new, accepts the partner as a close one, another period of confusion begins.
  7. 7. Kohannya. The perception of other people as themselves, the presence of cunning cunning, mercantile thoughts.

How to appear almost

To the thought of psychologist E. A. Borodayenka, the words “Love to death, almost for the rest of your life” are the statements of people who are in their beds. This is not a sign of a right-handed farmer. In the near future, it almost seems like everything is going on.

How is the correct management of things and actions revealed:

  • Give gifts.
  • Put the interests of others before your own.
  • Feel the security of the people, stability is felt.
  • Learn to forgive.
  • Stavati is better.
  • Please understand and understand without speaking.
  • Ten times one team.
  • Give more to the hundred, cut less.
  • Help your friend with half.
  • Let them spend their free time without worrying about the boss.

Chi is the right kitchen

There are no ideal moments between a boy and a girl, a man and a woman. The word “ideal” does not resonate with people, because everyone has shortcomings. Therefore, we need to learn to accept and understand each other.

What is true love:

  1. 1. On the Internet. Nowadays people often start to get caught up in the Internet, which involves deception. People often mistake themselves for others. “Hunting on the Internet” is of interest to the particularity, inaccessibility of the object, which makes it even more necessary. This doesn’t mean anything useful from the point of view.
  2. 2. I'll take a look first. And they bet that they confirmed that they could start cackling at first glance. Ale tse deprived zakhanіst. If people know one another for a little while, then they have a greater chance of getting the job done.
  3. 3. Have a child's opinion. The unformed specialness does not understand itself, those who are absent, and does not understand true love. At the 16th, 14th hour and at the 12th day, it is necessary to tell the child how to recognize the truth.

You need to work on your hundreds of days, be aware of the great pains of creating these hundreds of days. If two people show a bad idea, then everything is clear.

How not to get confused from the law

The right farm can go through all 7 stages. This is a great robot over hundred-year-olds. It’s warm enough to reach out to someone - this is the first step.

A couple of good things about how not to get confused more broadly, harmlessly seem to be out of control:

  1. 1. Addiction. Cohannya have not always been sexually oriented, to the point of substitution for obedience.
  2. 2. Hour. They seem to develop with different speed: you can start loving in a matter of months, but you can start to fall apart at the first glance.
  3. 3. Egoism. It seems like the khanna is aimed at the comfort of another person.
  4. 4. Self-sacrifice. Coping does not reveal self-giving.
  5. 5. Glibina. The chaos is ending, and the chaos has been sleeping for more than a difficult hour.
  6. 6. Smartness. Deeply, it seems to be possible to perceive the person as a whole, and the cowardice conveys the guilt of a feeling of sympathy through this (kindness of character, outward appearance, etc.).
  7. 7. Developed The various ingredients show the settings for the other half: drinks from the bed, turbocharged under the hour of illness, etc.
  8. 8. Priinyattya. A person who is a nerd tends to have too many positive sides to her character, but someone who loves knows the negative side and accepts it.

The real farm does not require a quick heartbeat or a respectful look. To get the right food, you need to wait until the last hour.

A very broad Duma is not the same as a parliamentary council.

There is nothing more than a flood, a strong surge of romantic and sexual emotions that will fill your mind.

Whenever you start to get along with each other, or you start to get confused at first glance, those that you feel are not the same, as you imagine, that they rarely seem to feel.

You are simply experiencing the first stage of kohannya - zakohanіst.

The concept of the right kohanna, ironically, cannot be placed in one meaning.

This is the case, until most of us do not, but it is still effective to recognize this emotion until it becomes too late.

So what does the farm do? This seems to be the guilt of any person to engage in behavior that goes beyond the usual behavior of the most important people.

When someone hurts you, you become angry with someone else. If someone has been spared: if you have earned pennies or robbed yourself of the best job, you will make him sick. If someone wants to humiliate you, you will try to take revenge.

This is human behavior, and you feel like these bones are deeply ingrained within you, becoming part of your being.

If you realize who is in charge, your initial behavior will change in relation to this person.

Figuratively, apparently, having rejected the blunder from the subject of the crime, you may not want to turn the other cheek, otherwise the thought of revenge for the crime will not be in your head.

When people perceive the right farm

The right thing needs time to come to your senses and show yourself. Those that you feel in the first and then another river of wine - this is a contagion based on sexual desire.

When outbursts of emotions begin to emerge after the first conflicts and misunderstandings that arise, you will feel bound to succumb to a conversion to value. As a result, the lives of rich couples result in inconsistency.

If you are in the waters, in which you really understand each other and feel the closeness and madness, and most of all, love one trivial hour, more than everything else, you already sense the right thing.

What is the main purpose of the kitchen?

Why does the right farm blame you more than once in life? Not true. You can try this a lot of times with different people.

If you're looking for a place to go, you can also walk through it in an hour.

For most of us, it comes first if we perceive the purest form of food service.

We are not afraid to let this special person into our heart, and we do not boast about the possibility of experiencing grief. We are fearless, and we love generously and passionately.

Whenever the first drains are worn out, the company, which we have always respected, also gradually knows that in order to do so, it will need rocks and a bunch of new drains.

After people have already experienced more than one hundred days, many of them fall into two groups: those who believe in the right food, and those who say that the right food does not sleep.

Removing the evidence of love experiences can play a significant role in your mental health and well-being.

And as you know, the same thing is true and romantic, but it’s not so, although we may eventually associate the same thing with the romantic.

True love is not mad love in its purest form, just as the basis of romantic love is physical desire.

The main farm cannot be subdivided

The traditional cuisine is broad and natural. You won’t be able to detail it, and it doesn’t matter how much you learn.

If a couple cannot pass the potency check at the consistency stage, it will be important for them to try the correct procedure.

On the other hand, if the resentment of the partners has been created, they will understand each other, and they will remember what was created by one for one, they will soon begin to love deeply and can become one and the same goal.

As a result, such liquids are created in a clean and oil-free environment, as we call it efficient.

Kohannya signs

1. Bazhanna viddavat

It is necessary to invest in your partner and at the end of the day, it is crazy, not supported by anger, and you need to give up your tiredness in order to confirm the consistency of your actions.

2. Just being happy

At the moment when you simply watch out for the grin of your other half, your heart will be filled with happiness, as today seems to be even more important.

3. Bil and wrath

You will understand that if the Kohana of the people tortures you, otherwise they will not bother you at all.

You can’t be angry at anyone for long, because the fights will cause you even more pain.

4. The value of donating

You always sacrifice your happiness and well-being, as your girl (boy) never appreciates in the world.

5. Reasonable zusillya

You go to a rich place and report zusil to paint your hundreds, and you also try to please your partner and allow him to feel special to you.

6. You will never feel pain again

If you are stuck with someone in a proper way, you can’t even think about treating them with harm, neither emotional nor physical.

Now, I have a strong human instinct, but it’s right to discourage you from completely giving in to yourself.

7. Vikonannya of all decorations

When you give a kiss to your other half, you are sure to finish the words, as your kohana people never know that the call was not made by Vikon.

If you perceive the right thing, your moral side becomes even stronger than the object of your feelings.

8. Mi

It is important for children to have a special space so that men and women can develop as individuals.

And at the same time, if you truly love your partner, you will be committed to the next part of your life.

If you think about your future, you cannot realize it without your beloved person.

9. You share their traction

And you work, it’s important for you. You can’t baciti, since half of your friend is suffering.

If you are dealing with any problem, you are always ready to offer a helping hand, since you have your own difficulties and marriage at the moment.

10. Pride and jealousy

You become filled with pride when you achieve something that you yourself could not achieve.

You can be jealous of your companions in life, otherwise there will be no place for jealousy among your companions.

11. Suffering

You are ready to suffer just to make your khan happy.

12. Your ventures are incompatible with their interests

Whenever you are busy, your activities will be carried out in accordance with the interests of your girlfriend (boy), whether planning a party or hanging out with friends after work.

If you don’t want to overwhelm your members, you must first take a look at the situation from their point of view, and first take a decision that might impact them.

How to save your khannya

It is not so easy to spend under the power of the senses, but in order to maintain the spark of the kitchen during a difficult time, you need to apply it.

However, when the robot works over the drains, it is more similar not to the original robot, but to the game, everything will be fine.

1. Try everything you can to love your partner unconditionally, if the behavior without showing it is awkward for you.

2. Look at the problems in your family’s thoughts.

3. Learn the best way to hug your girlfriend (boy) – that’s all that’s on your mind.

4. Cock yourself regularly, but don’t do anything on purpose.Planning an intimate life can easily be turned into an unbearable need.

5. Establish a one-to-one dialogue and steadily develop your business, without being too aggressive.

6. Start to see one particular space, so that you can develop as special. The nearest hundred-year-olds will extract slivers of self-esteem, so that hour after hour they allow one another to catch their breath.

7. N Just don’t take one or the other carefully. This is the simplest way to become a victim of confusion, welding and furnishings.

8. In times of extreme necessity, use lies for the good, since, of course, this deception is worthless and will not cost you money, or you can make your partner happy.

9. Never shy away from positive criticism. If you speak constructively, your help to your girl will be even better.

10. The article is shoulder-bearing, you can rely on it, regardless of anything. Important hours - this is the test step for tires. Stay in order, and when the storm ends, the fire will shine even brighter.

11. Never argue with each other in public, but in any case show your politeness in public.

12. Don’t let your sexual desire fade one by one, which also includes keeping yourself in good physical shape and keeping a low profile on your appearance. Just because you've been around centenarians for a long time doesn't mean you can afford to look like a colt in front of a store.

13. Work (boy), tell me that the stench has killed a whole new robot. Compliments are the best way to reward someone for the efforts they have made for you, no matter the scale of the service.

14. Respect the important people. Those moments can be repeated many times in your life, but such moments themselves create misfortunes.

15. Don’t ever try to make your boyfriend feel bad or look bad. These types of repairs can heal a deep scar that can be caused by hundreds of children.

16. Learn to forgive without image. Even if it wasn’t important, forgiveness is not one of the evils of a good wife, as it is one of the most important in life.

17. Respect your fellows with all your heart.

18. Trust your girl (boy) and your instincts, as others say differently.

19. Never drop one on one’s brain, if you feel depressed, angry or disappointed.

20. Start to clearly spend an hour at a time. There is no shortcut to getting to the right place, as long as you spend an hour effectively, your vision will quickly develop.

21. Do not work in serious situations, or in serious troubles - this is very important, significant and stressful. Act playfully, like children. Evening pillow fights won’t harm either of you, but they can help you both get rid of your wrinkles.

22. Be spontaneous. Don’t wait for special episodes or special moments to figure out your goal. Unexpected surprises always give more positive emotions than planned ones.

23. There are no recipes for the regular diet, because skin lesions have their own characteristics. Instead of relying exclusively on the knowledge of other people, do not forget to learn from your own successes and failures.


If you are in the habit of hundreds and do not recognize the sign of proper care, do not boast. It is possible that your children have not reached the stage of emotional maturity that overcomes physical cravings or the stage of stiffness.

It’s not a good idea to rush and start working. You can’t bring yourself to get into trouble with anyone in the right way, so try to understand each other as best as you can.

If you don’t do anything to make your family happy, you can both have better relationships with other people.

At the same time, if you are already happy and happy with your centenaries, do not try to change anything. Most often, self-indulgence and madness require time for materialization.

You cannot prepare yourself for the next stage in the kohanna until you are ready for it. If you are happy and understand the same thing, you already realize the right thing.

Most people sometimes misunderstand the meaning of the word “khannya”, and they get lost in confusion and in different words. Cohabitation is more of a physiological state, and cohabitation is more of a state of the soul. Stickiness is not a whole lot of hormones.
What does the kitchen do? When a person begins to perceive love, then that enormous pattern of behavior changes, a person begins to perceive what another person perceives, and takes over all the pains and joys of that same person. Kohannya is not self-destruction, it is the destruction of one’s enormous “I”, one’s individuality. This is like a connection to the nervous system of another person. Kohannya is a thing, a suffering, a feat. Kohannya is a sacrifice of one’s own powerful development for the sake of the development of another/others.

How to eliminate cohanism from cohannia? Even the kohanist is not always transferred to the kohanny, but it is often respected by the kohanny. This has gone beyond sentimentality, from people who have turned love into lisping, hearts and yangols with arrows. Cowardice is really just a physiological need of humans, caused by a hormonal surge. Apparently, when you feel numb, oxytocin is generated in your body, and through this process you experience euphoria. Oxytocin is a kind-hearted hormone that affects other people. Apparently, when two brutal men sit drinking in the kitchen, and their husband reaches the stage of “you respect me less,” then at that moment oxytocin vibrates, interacting with alcohol. That’s why we talk about courage, friendship, mutual differences, fraternity and so on. So, in the case of two boys and girls, sympathy arises more often than in others - because alcohol stimulates the production of oxytocin, which triggers sympathy, and is similar to numbness.

People are drawn to other people, which is why there are new demands for dopamine and oxytocin. Ale then we will have to go through a lot of fits. Cowardice is a creature’s desire to reach an individual’s prostrate status. People also attribute sexual desire if they wander from addiction, but they may not feel absolutely any desire for the person and with whom they love, because love is not indicated by the level of desire. The woman’s actions say: “You won’t love me anymore, you won’t have to worry about anything else.” On the right is that you didn’t love her before, but didn’t feel the pull.

I know for sure the rich girls who insisted that:

“So, I really love this man! We have a khan with him, I know that for sure!”

But then their hundred-year-olds suffered some kind of force majeure, and their huge amount of “helpful work” went somewhere, and in their place came super-chicks and huskies. Is this the right thing to do? Over the centuries, the term “kohannya” has been translated into various lisps, erysipelas, yangols, etc. The capitalist, bourgeois model of the suspense system has transformed this term into a commodity, into those that can be sold or into those from which a great profit can be withdrawn. Tobto. come out, I was inspired to understand “cohannia” and “zakohanism”. Yakshcho khannya – tse schos high, then zakohanist - tse and it is primarily human almost. In the same way, it feels like you are hungry, you feel drowsy, you feel like you just want to go to the toilet. This is simply a primitive feeling, a simple primal instinct, and mass culture is rich in what prompts this primitive self-consciousness, incorrectly calling it love. Today’s culture, or more precisely, pop culture, has degraded so much that it no longer stands out, as they only praise primitive, physiological human feelings and needs, and even staleness is just a need.

Even if you fade away, you will only realize that it is simply an extreme physiological craving, when one individual, having smelled the pheromones of another individual, begins to sense a sexual craving. It’s the sexiest thing, because it’s screwed up so much differently that it conveys the statutory act. Tobto. It is incessantly connected with this and is also the stage of development of the statutory act between a man and a woman. It’s simple, just like two couples, and from which they have made such a great commercial product, so many pennies have already been earned from it, so many have built a career, made films and recorded music. If the author of any work wants to swindle out some easy pennies, then we are obligated to spend money on people’s feelings: writing about romance, calling our works “songs about marriage,” “films about marriage,” “love novels.”

Lockdown is the secretion (seeing) of singing hormones. For example:

“If you truly love me, you will go to the ends of the world!”

And people go. There is nothing bad about following people to the “ends of the world,” but we are talking about those people who follow them as they seem to lead. Because here we can truly talk about the strong stage, not the kohana, but the kahana itself. Tobto. under the influx of great vibration of hormones - natural drugs (endorphins, serotonin, dopamine) people drink (literally) on them, going to any kind of madness for the sake of the object of their addiction. And if the target (partner) abandons such a person, then due to the lack of a regular dose of drugs (like manna), they are ready to take radical steps – even to the point of committing suicide. This occurs, as a rule, during the puberty (pre-puberty) period, when the hormonal surge is already great, and there is also stimulation for the development of this unsafe feeling.

It is clear that true love has nothing to do with the sexual desire of one person for another, but love is not at all related.
The axle is still a butt. Identify this situation: As the child grows in the family, the family also grooms the dog. Stink love grate one by one, run, etc. Ale, for whatever reason, the child had to leave this place of fate so on 10. Ale, when she turned around as a more mature person, the dog, having grown up with her, immediately rushed to her. And people have tried before her and they feel the same joy. The axis is a mess, what do you think? No! And it’s not a joke, it’s not an instinct! Whenever they had a good time, they smelled, laughed, their hormones of satisfaction (endorphins) vibrated, and their memory preserved this hormonal surge. Now let's continue the story. It seems that if the stinks played like that all at once, the filthy people came to the child and tried to kill him with a knife, but the dog got hold of him - and rushed to help him, cut him off, and drowned him with himself and suddenly died. Tobto. she sacrificed her life for her own. But it really is a mess!

Kohannya means sacrificing what is most valuable from what is in you for the sake of someone else. And the most expensive thing is life. You can hate another person deeply, but in an important situation you sacrifice yourself for her - that’s a mess. And everything else is just lisping and “runny snot”. And no more. All this lisping is worthless, since love is strength, power, and manifests the will and resolve of a person. This, as a matter of fact, is more similar to the character of the character, less to the sense.

There is also a place between mother’s love, friendly love, love between man and woman. But in reality, there is absolutely nothing - everything is the same, because love does not have any material, physiological flow, love has a different nature - it is spiritual, it is not spiritual, but like a spiritual warehouse, it is immaterial a form that surpasses man. Kohannya is a humanitarian term. To put it simply, kohannya is not the same as what people today call out in respect: “Oh, what I perceive in myself!” - it’s not the same, - it’s not the khan, but it’s instincts, and instincts are material. Kohannya is not a matter of the inner state of a person, as it is the manifestation of the outside. If you try to show love no matter how you feel it, then. What you perceive is wrong.

To love means to desire the greatest good for people, to make the greatest sacrifices, to give life for the sake of people. A person no longer lives by her own interests, but switches to the interests of another person and shares everything with her.

“There is no greater sacrifice than that who lays down his soul for his friends.” in. 15-13

About slub

Sex in love is not the infatuation of lust and sexual desire - it is a purely humane term, although it is entirely material and is explained by the vibrations of these and other hormones. Kohannya vzagali is a purely humane term that does not mean anything meaningful from tension. In all nations, all hours of love were settled not at all for the sake of love, but because the father of the named and the father of the named wanted to unite their dominions, their families, their households, capitals. They saw their children following this principle. And nothing, as if they lived and children were chewed, and their families were kept alive.

Shlyub- this is an official (either recognized by a power or a religious denomination) union between a man and a woman for the sake of prolongation of the family line and long-lasting rule.

The love will be great if we stand on a good foundation. And since the foundation of a love is nothing more than the inconsistency of two people, their passion, or the desire of one to another (even the attraction may mean passing, knowing!) - then the love will collapse. About this, there are a lot of statistics about separation. 60-70% .

The basis of a successful relationship is based on two points: A) children, b) dominion. The other point is completely logical: wait a minute, it’s much easier to reign over two people than one. And the first point is the most important point, because if you lay your love, then the meta yogo is among the people and the enslaved children, then. the selection of new members of the partnership. That's why you need to give everything to your children, and all your love is for the sake of the children. This has been the case forever, throughout all the hours, in every nation, in every region of our Planet.

And then the Institute twisted the hook and remade it this way. Today's love is a union between two people, creations including those arising from their feelings, needs, cravings, greed. This is something that easily collapses and easily rips, so the law will introduce new and new changes to simplify the procedure for laying and tearing the sluice. Wanting - becoming friends, wanting - falling apart. Nina no longer needs to provide information. Therefore, this “current whore” cannot be called a whore.

I’ll tell you this: kohannya is not a sacrifice. The more you sacrifice, the more you love, the more you sacrifice. If you don’t sacrifice anything, but take away everything, you don’t love. Tobto “give, give, give” is not a kohannya, “na, na, na” is not a kohannya. If you take it, you take it and want it, brother, this is your passion. Addiction is insatiable. And if you give and are ready to give further, this is a mess. This is a very simple design. Kohannya pretends to be a victim. You can sacrifice a penny, an hour, your health, your nerves, your psyche, a finger, another finger, a third finger, a hand, an arm to the elbow, an arm to the shoulder, a leg, another leg, your head, your heart - this is a sacrifice... You sacrifice - a sacrifice , if you don’t sacrifice, you’re not a khan. So check your family concerns. - Archpriest Andriy Tkachov

Kohannya at the whore's- it’s not at all stiffness and tension, love is with a whore - this is a victim. It is worth sacrificing yourself, your special space, an hour, a part of your individuality for the sake of that person’s children. That’s why I changed the term “Kokhantsi” to “Zakokhani”, then. Those who are addicted to giving free rein to their desires are engaged in “zakohanist”, but not love. Before speaking, it is not for nothing that a “friend’s bond” is called a bond, because a person is simply guilty of earning “this,” is guilty of earning this mystery. Having called yourself a load, climb into the body! Having called yourself a man/squad, you will marry your family, bear offspring, and create new members of the marriage. Well, if they are kohantsi, then what kind of equipment do they have? These are the very things they smell, they are not a burden, but a direct extension of their instincts, as required. So, as a new binding is not always necessary, and often you are reluctant to wrap it. So let's do it, whether you like it or not, but musish be timid!

Real life is like slavery

Yes, just like that! What, does this phrase ring out to you as a feeling of overwhelming discomfort, an image of dissatisfaction? Or maybe the one on your right? And, as is customary among the rich, a man (or squad) for a friend does not have power and is needed in order to get rid of whatever they have to do. Ale sprazhne khannya, tobto. Anything other than cohabitation is slavery, and slavery is mutual. And if there is mutual slavery, then... Both the one and the other person, however, are slaves one for one, then there is no one who will exploit. This is not slavery if there is a slave and an owner - this is slavery that is voluntary, mutual. And the essence is the same. If one of the friends ceases to be a slave himself and begins to gain more, then he becomes a master - and the farm is no longer there.

Therefore, the essence of love and love itself is self-sacrifice, love is a sacrifice. So, just as a slave in ancient Egypt sacrificed himself to his master, so a person sacrifices himself to love. This makes all the difference that slavery, sacrifice is voluntary, and therefore not slavery at all, according to the classical meaning of this concept.

However, many people are so stuck in their own egoism that such a formulation can sound wild to them: “What is it like: I am a slave!?” Friends accept one as private power, as slaves, but at the same time they themselves do not want to be like that. Through the different role behavior of a man and a friend, slavery manifests itself in different ways. The squad is blessed with joy, the man is protected and supported. To that I say that love is similar to slavery, but not the same.
