The house-elf is a kind spirit, a saver of household waste. Brownie: save the booth or is it just a guess? Domovik saves household waste

The house-elf is a kind spirit, a saver of household waste. Brownie: save the booth or is it just a guess? Domovik saves household waste

The house-house is a kind Spirit, the keeper of the house. Tobto. The housekeeper is the essence of goodness, which saves the house. Marvel at the rule, at the order. We have one more thing - the protection of the housekeeper is a squad, and the housekeeper helps them. In the old days, the Brownie was taken as one of the Ancestors, the founder of this Family or a household, who, even in the present world, had worked and succeeded in helping his people, then. He turns around and begins to help around the house, to check on the government.

Therefore, the Domovikhs were portrayed as elders who had learned the truth. There is a lot of sculptural imagery here. The axis, for example, is a sculpture of a house-elf, who sits on the screen with goodness, burying him, if he is such a kind grandfather. Or other images, like grandfather and grandmother. The sculptures were made from clay and carved from wood. Domovoy often has a cup in his hands when he needs it. …The size of Domovoy’s idol is one foot, one foot, up to an arshin. This is the maximum size, what kind of bachiv is an arshinnik, that is. the stench was a yard long.

The Housekeepers were also called differently: here it’s just “Didus”, and since he saves household rot, sometimes he was called simply “Gospodar” - “Khazyayushko”. I would like to call Susidushka, because he is alive in the vicinity of people from this resident.

A bowl for drinking was placed in front of Domov, and tops, sour cream, and milk were poured into the bowl. It was important that the brownie does not drink milk, but that he, like a gut, licks droplets of fat from the milk from the surface, so Budinkov was called Lizun. Moreover, the Brownie already loves children and when he plays with them, he doesn’t kiss them, but rather, like a cat. As soon as the child cries, the Housekeeper comes and the tears become worse, and the child stops crying.

The Brownie is also called Shishok. A lump means that it is small in size. My grandmother called Domovoi Yegor Kuzmich. Abo is simply Kuzmich. The house-elf loves to play. And such a verse: “So old, so small.” So Domovik likes to play around, joke around, and say to someone about someone: “I’m telling you, I’m telling you.” Also Domovoy, do you remember the cartoon? They called it Nafanya.
This is the Slovenian word Naf tobto. The world that intersects with reality.

The axis of this form and image formed like prototypes for the script of the cartoon about the housewife Kuzya. Kuzya means still small, not yet Kuzmich, but still Kuzenka. And the new one’s mentor is the eldest Domovik - Nafanya.

That’s how they called him Yegorich, Dobrokhot. It’s hard to love the house-elf if they called him the devil. Tim, what's behind the boundary? As a rule, I thought that everything beyond the boundary was all rotten and negative. That's why Domovik didn't like him, if he was called that.

If you can’t find a person in the booth, you’ll say: “Damn, damn, play and tell me.” And then he runs around like psychics: “Calm down, I have a poltergeist in my alarm.” And a poltergeist is a nibi violent, loud spirit.
Christian priests no longer love the Brownies. They have a mania - they go to sweep apartments, clean up the Houses. And the stench of people will scream, saying that Domovi are bisi. People are shouting, they are preaching, they are crossing themselves, they are defending themselves from the Domovoi, etc. demonstrate that you can get help, encouragement, etc.

 21.12.2010 19:37

Domovik is a kind Spirit, the keeper of the house. One of the ancestors, founders of this Family and Budinka.
Formerly they call Budinka's energy substance either a budinka or an apartment.
The house-elf is the secret where people procrastinate. It’s up to you to keep an eye on the state and order in your everyday life.
They portrayed the Brownie as an Elder, born of Dosvid. The figurines were made from wood, clay, and most often from a bowl in hand for Trebi. The maximum size is a yard of curls. And the minimum is two inches.

The brownie was called differently: Didus, Master and Lord, Susidushko (since he lives in the same household with people), Shishok (which means small growth). Egor Kuzmich or just Kuzmich - that’s how the Domovik pampers, loves to play, play around, “pamper.” Nathanik, according to the words of Nav. The house-elf who lived in the house from generation to generation was called by name. Yake knew, because. They flocked with him for several hundred years.
They didn’t even like Domovoi, they called him the Devil, that’s why. for those who live beyond the borders of the world.
Christian Popes (Prah Batkiv Zradniki) don’t love the Domovikhs anymore. It stinks to walk through the houses and apartments and bathe the Households with holy water, jumping at people, explaining to them what they are doing.
Our ancestors were friends with the Domovs, and they talked about each other. There was mutual help and support.
Such hundreds from Domovim remained normal until the mid-20th century.

The Gospodarsky kut was Domovoy’s kut and Gospodar’s little booth, a bowl was placed there for Domovoy’s chastuvaniya.

A broom was placed at the door just across the threshold and so that the Brownie could handily take hold of someone (even a small one) in order to sweep away the evil spirits from the house.
The house-elf does not eat hedgehogs, so he puts them in a bowl, like a human. Vin takes from the goods the Energy that you need, because... When watching the alarm, you lose energy.
Milk, tops, and sour cream were the most energetic foods of the hedgehogs. Oil. They treated the Brownie. Another bowl was placed for pancakes and pancakes. However, everyone can welcome the Domovoi themselves.

The aromas of the vegetables stewed in it add to the taste. Curtains used to be hung on this place so as not to disturb the Brownie.
In apartments, Domovy also likes to live in the kitchen, in the kitchen, or in the lap of his “lover.”
Previously, they kept the cover on the bed until the very beginning, and they kept a watch on it, so as not to upset the Brownie.
Stitched, so that the Brownie did not get overrun. Since you love children, you can choose one and tangle your hair at night (you are trying to braid your pussy).
If a house-elf snoops around a girl, he won’t let her get married. Why did they bother? They sewed or knitted a brownie's cap, a svetre, and scarpets. They robbed the furniture. And at the same time, the housekeeper worked happily and cheerfully. As it seems: “Borg will pay the red coins.”
The house-elf likes to sit on the porch, or rather not stand at the door.
As soon as the Brownie is brought to the “white heat”, then it turns into, as it seems, immediately into Barabashka or Poltergeist. Because I didn't like it when I switched to turbo. Brownie can behave the same way if there are scandals, bangs, and drinks in the budinka. So everything is unnatural, but Domovik is the essence of nature and the sound of living in natural minds. You can’t treat Domovoy to alcohol!
“The life of a People is respected by Years, and the Brownie by Ages.”
Just because you don’t worry about yourself doesn’t mean that you don’t sleep.
Our goal is to Domovoy - our goal is to add too much light.
“Be kind to others what you like to be yourselves.”
“Love your neighbor as he is your friend.”

For materials from the Lessons of the Asgardian Theological School of the Old Russian English Church of the Orthodox Old Believers of England. Lecturer Pater Diy.

Slavic lower mythology has the spirit that lives at home. For a long time, among similar words, the house-elf acted as the guardian of the house, family and connections with the cult of ancestors. Legends and beliefs about Budinkovo ​​have been preserved to this day in Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian villages. Today's and everyday words also contain statements about this truth. It is important that every household has a lively house-elder - the patron of the household, the invisible sidekick of the family, who is foolishly called the ruler, the grandfather, the servant. You love to settle in quiet places - under the threshold or under the rough, on the mountains or in the coma, in the chimney or in the cubby behind the screen.

He helps the prudent rulers and inevitably bothers about them. The house-elf marks all the little things, to love, so that everything is ready and ready; I'm receiving an influx of our own creatures and birds; he cannot tolerate such waste and gets angry because of them - in a word, the house-elf is smart to the point of order, thrifty and respectful. Since I lived to the soul, I must serve this family with faith and truth. Then the lazy and careless people are guilty of mischief and respect, torturing them in all sorts of ways: sometimes they scatter their speeches, sometimes they lose their whiteness, and sometimes they just want to sleep at night, strangle people in their sleep and torment them. However, it is not important to make peace with an angry house-elf: you just need to put things in order in the little house and talk to him kindly - even if you are a great thinker of a kind word.

Since the rulers love their “sustain” and live happily with him, they will never want to be separated from him. Previously, when moving to a new house, people performed a singing ritual so that the house-elf would move from them at the same time and continue to help the new place. The house-elf was “transported” to a pot of vogilla, near a bowl, lured with a pot of porridge, etc. For example, scraping under the threshold, scooping up the smitten into a dustpan - and spitting it in the new house, not forgetting what is possible Please say: “Didus” house-elf, go home. Come live with us! Rare people can boast that they treated the brownie. Much simpler than a brownie's sense: at night it knocks, jokes, creaks and performs all sorts of mischief. The house-elf can convey different views, both accepted and unaccepted, and give clear signs: his crying and muffled streams of mutes convey insecurity, and his low and sweet voice, the mute wind Let the leaves rustle quietly, conveying peace and joy. Sometimes at night you stroke the sleeping ones with your soft paw, and then it’s clear that it’s for good.

Oska is a Slovenian house-house - an incredibly kind spirit, a great protector of the house-house, an invisible sidekick and a cheerful beshketnik.

Our world has a lot of things about which humanity can never guess. There are different spirits and energies that are actively flowing into the lives of people in almost all spheres. Not all people believe in the origins of Budinkov, pro-esotericists infused with the originated energies. The grandfather-protector of the house is one of the representatives of the “power”. Oh, what do people know about this perfume?

Households force their way into their booths or apartments, so they move through “service channels.” For them, it’s like a robot, completely different from one day to the next, from one world to another. After completing their work, they themselves develop and improve, rise to a higher rank and go to a greater world. The brownie is the closest to humans among all types of perfumes (such as water perfumes, forest perfumes, nymphs, mermaids and others).
A brownie is energy, or more precisely a clot of energy that has been created, created by thought. You are the spirit of the life, the soul of the home in which you live. Among home savers, in principle, like among people, it is not reasonable. The intellectual mind of Budinkov is similar to that of the average member of the human race. They have their own civilization, and in the food supply of the singing sphere the stench is richer than people. For example, when it comes to ghosts, evil spirits and dark essences, the knowledge of small things is much wider, as well as memory.

In appearance, the brownie is about a meter tall, looks like old, overgrown hair, with beady eyes, arms and legs are practically invisible because of the hair. But this spirit can also take on any form or form. It is practically impossible to achieve this, but you can do it subtly and subtly.
Vin often beats people to the same idea, it appears in a dream, but everyone gains respect for himself and there is no need to be afraid of anyone, the spirit does not fear evil, but rather guards.
People who came to the booth with negative envoys and magical evil, the house elf is obligingly aware and let the know about this ruler. For example, the unkind person will lose everything, and even the dishes may break. You are trying to get rid of filthy people from your life as soon as possible, they become uncomfortable, and are afraid to leave the premises.
Didusi, as people call the Budinkovs, mean their sacred 9 to 10 fierceness. These birthdays, in our opinion, are people's day. The beloved house-elf is ready to “accept” whatever the nights of the month, the fragments of all the nights of the cruel month are considered magical. Don’t forget to greet him and treat him with a tasty drink, such as malt and milk. Brownies really love to eat, and, of course, in the figurative meaning of the word, they tarnish the energy and aura of hedgehogs. Mostly the stench comes from malt, all liquor and water. There is no need to drink alcohol, such frequent drinking will lead to darkness before waking up. Unfortunately, alcoholic drinks have the potential to evaporate, which creates a negative atmosphere in the room and attracts negativity.

The house-elf is good and you need to be friends with him. Learn to love and respect him, remember that there, where the guardian is afraid, prosperity and love are pangs. Good people, who walk through life with a smile, have a homely spirit to always come to the aid of their masters

It seems budinkovy I still live in every village house, but no one knows about it. Call him grandfather, gospodar, mother-in-law, housewife, demon-horob, and all the same - the keeper of the house, the invisible assistant of the gospodars. Of course, you may be able to scrape in your sleep, wash dishes at night, or tap roughly, or even end up in wastelands. And the head on the right is an eye on the rule. Brownie to pour out all sorts of rubbish, inevitably and fussing about so that everything is in order and ready; help the practitioner correct his mistake; I'm receiving an influx of our own creatures and birds; You shouldn’t tolerate your losses and be angry with them - in a word, budinkovy smart to the point of practice, gentle and respectful. If I live to the soul, then I must serve this family, otherwise the people before her will be in bondage. For this reason, in other places they call him that: dog. Then the lazy and slow-witted ones want to start a state, torment people to the point that these nights it’s not enough to die or they’ll throw them off their feet.

Meanwhile, making peace with Budinkov’s anger is not important: just put some under the rough smelling tyutun, what a great myslyvet, or else get some gift: a rich bag, a loaf of bread... Like a hospodar and love your partner so that you can live happily with him , then you will never want to be separated from him, moving to a new house: scraping under the threshold, scooping up the cream into a dustpan - and spitting it in the new house, without noticing how the cream is moving from this place to the new place of residence "Gospodar". Just don’t forget to bring a pot of porridge to the New Year and say with all your might: “I’m going to budinkovy, go home. Come live with us!

Whom budinkovy I really don’t like drunkenness and bare-haired wives: in the old days, every married woman is obliged to wear a hustka. And as a noble gentleman is worthy of him, he talks about her day and night: in her dreams she will weave a bunch of little pussies on her head. It’s annoying, maybe you’ll brush it later, but I’ll be glad to decorate your lover. That's why it's called licker.

Rare people can boast that they treated the brownie. For this purpose, you need to put on a horse collar on yourself on Holy Day, cover yourself with a harrow, cover yourself with teeth, and sit between them all night. If you spare, then you will spoil the old one - a small, dumb stump, all covered with blue wool (like the valleys of his hair), gray looking like a long time ago and a saw. Sometimes, to bring the sassy look into my mind, I’ll look at the Lord’s budinka - how strong he is! Zagali budinkovy to love to wear a master's clothes, but in the future one encounters his duties in the place, as only the speech of a person is needed.

for an hour budinkovy He can’t stand it so much if they spy on him that the horses start beating their backs on the harrow and can beat the immodest and tsikavy to death. It’s easier than a brownie to hear, but to feel: his cry and dull streams of tears, his soft and sweet, as well as his dull voice. Sometimes at night, in the form of a gray, dim intestine, it falls on the chest and chest: this is the case. To the one who, having woken up, hastens to ask: “For good or bad?” — in a human voice, but quietly, lest the wind rustle the leaves. Frequently stroke the veins of sleepy ones with your soft paw, and then you don’t need hard food - and it’s so clear that it’s good. As if you could hear the cry of a house-elf, you would hear from the house itself, but to the deceased. When someone in the household dies, they live in the night, thereby demonstrating their unfeigned turmoil. The death of the ruler himself is prophesied budinkovy the one who, sitting behind his work, covers his head with a hat.

Before the plague, when the war began to burn, the house-elfs would leave the village and roam on their carriages. As the great unsatisfied people are walking hard, my grandfather informs about their proximity, ordering the dogs to walk in the middle of the yard and to the whole village... As soon as the white pipe blows into the dacha, there will be a trial through the right image. Wet someone budinkovy at night - that person falls ill. If he touches a woman's hair - beware, friend, don't get in touch with a man, otherwise you'll win. Make up budinkovy at the tableware supply - be careful with the fire, don’t let a spark in.

To the joy of the land, the boat is galloping, the songs are purring, laughing; Sometimes, while rowing, he anticipates the joy of the boat.

Let's highlight the Roztashuvannyam, be it Budinkovogo, I'm going to be greedy and smoking. Therefore, 1/14 of the leaf fall is the honor of celebrating chicken birthdays - baking pies with chicken, and throwing shortcakes at the housewife, donating to the housekeeper.

Our ancestors believed that the cabin is a fort, the main defensive line ahead of us... against evil spirits, evil spirits and the undead. And, in the opinion of our ancestors, nature was simply teeming with it. They believed that vampires, who had run out of blood, could deal with the victim just as quickly as between a booth. Therefore, during everyday life, pure rituals were performed and indulged in dry magic.

For example, on the cornices, windows, under the house, there were signs of protection and they were supposed to cover the skin of the door as a mark against evil spirits. In the middle of this little cabin, the house-elf himself protected and supported the ruler. Who is this guy?

The story of the guardian spirit appearing in the hut is a long time ago. Perhaps there are 5 thousand rocks, maybe more. Even in the stone village, in the most sacred place, a rotting spot was visible at the booth. During the Bronze Age in the 4th - 3rd millennia BC, the cult of human patrons of household rot began to spread widely. Possibly, then the image of the spirit-protector of this life was born. In the Caucasus, yogo was represented as a phallic symbol. Among the ancient Romans, a member of the family had their patron - Lara. The chests looked like dolls. They were put in a special container. Didn't they call you skrinka?

Our Slovenian house-elf was tightly knitted by the force of the fire. The house has bags of white kidneys, which can turn into a mildew or vugilla.
There was massacre of the house-elfs: whoever was alive in the house, they were called house-elfs, and whoever was on the verge - yard spirits. The house-budinkovik is the head hospodar sadibi ta hati. He is a good spirit who wants to be undead. He was teased, groomed, pampered with gifts and never got upset at the house-elf's name. They called them affectionately: hospodar, didus, and often they called them alegorically: Vin, Dobrozhil, Dobrokhot, Sused.


It is impossible to call the house-elf, you can only sense his presence. Either you have to make up as miners in the night, kick your feet, creak, sniffle in the dark, or speak in a soft, sweet voice or in a dull voice. Gives a short overview of the rulers' nutrition. The brownie loves warmth, he was also called “lizun” and the deserter doesn’t mind licking something tasty, so he was also called “lizun”. Dear God, look after the house-elf, because he doesn’t want anything: the man is tired of hitting him with his hoof.

At night the house-elf gives a sign. Lean on the sleeper’s chest and let’s press. Vrantz will throw people away from the dead. To the good of the bad that sign buv?
The ruler's bachity happened to be poor. Harden that he is shaggy and covered with wool. And the paw is warm, shaggy, and soft. If you stroke a person with it, you don’t need to tell fortunes, it’s a good sign. Dekhto sings that the house-elf looks like a small, shaggy old man. The building can be created on different creatures, on black cats, for example. I sensed something like a fuss in the dark, and the cats went crazy, hissing, screaming, and rowdy. Know that your ruler started a fight with someone else’s slime.

Don’t go to my village, like the enemy, there’s nothing here to bother someone else’s undead.
The house-elf is closely tied to his house. As soon as the snow began to fall, it was thrown into the curling of the wind and cold autumn planks, and the house-elf was forced to live in a cold old stove on its own. Crying, lying in ruins. Ale and family are not possible without a house guard. Who will protect us at night from all kinds of evil spirits? Therefore, from a long time ago, it was said: when changing a house, take a pot of wugillas from the old house and move it to the new house. Put the potter at the stove, and say: “House-house-house, we walk with me, tell the house-house gentleman - as I can, he’s making money!”
The house-elf can be his mother. His squad is called “domanya” or simply “susidka”. Budinkov's family is not too overbearing - it is time to control not only the stove, but also at the door of the business. According to various beliefs, the Budinkovikov brownies could have been sprats. One per family member, with personal responsibility for the ward.

The house-elf is a loyal lieutenant of the state. It is especially important to love the joyful, friendly family. They tried to try to help her. And for the unfortunate rulers who are content, we can help them cope even more, “prevent the thinness.” However, it doesn’t matter if you change the setting of the booth. It is necessary for the brownie to make a sacrifice and take the right as a trace. The housekeeper and at the trade center can help the governor. For the sake of the brownie, they used to pay prices when buying horses and cows. And the new acquired thinness does not take root at court, the nobility does not care about the brownie.
The house-elf often talks about misfortunes in front of his family. Pay for the money - to the poor man. Pett a woman for her hair at night - don’t argue with the man, the Lord didn’t drink anything, don’t fight until you’re hoarse, otherwise the man will burn in the rot, even if he beats a log. To make up with household dishes - be respectful with the fire, you will hide - but if you burn the sleeping area, the brand will not be extinguished.

Fight, unfaithful squad, brownie! She twisted the hem of the night and the house-elf fell like a terrible burden on his feet and grabbed him by the throat. And a smart man from a dark place can be robbed of his sins. Take care of family foundations. Well, if the house-elf laughed at night, the songs purr than the nobility, there will soon be joy in the night, otherwise it will be merry.

Baking pustunka

And there was also a ghost in the Russian booth - kikimora. News about her is not very specific. It was appreciated that this water is at the same time brown and worthless. The name of the kikimora consists of two parts. The first part of the word - kіka - can be lightened as the main Slavic dress with horns, or simply the hornedness of the thing - an obvious sign of the undead. The other part of the word is the sea, which means that evil spirits are in conflict with all sorts of troubles, mars, like fooling people or causing their death.
According to legend, kikimori were found in huts, near herds, near forests and huts. Folk fantasy painted; kikimora in the appearance of a woman of small stature in a sundress, either with a big headdress, or with bare hair, disheveled hair, with small ribs. Kikimori's eyes are rolling and shining. Kikimora lives in a hut behind the coarse food, loves moldy, sweetness, and has a favorite place - wherever they go to sweep the cream. Vaughn is invisible, spirit.

The homemade kikimora was respected by the brownie's girlfriend - the grandfather. Kikimora had a twofold meaning for people. Vaughn sympathized with practical, practical women. At night she could handle all the dishes, supervise the dough, so that everything would go well, so that the pies would turn out delicious and tasty. Kikimora simply could not stand the children, she simply could not stand the troubles of unruly girls and women, and she insulted them in a consistent manner. The lazy woman could have left her house.

Kikimora is a great desert. She loved to play around with yarn, for example, she liked to play with a woman on a handicraft spinning wheel. Kikimora herself loved to spin, but she didn’t like any of her spinning skills. She often took up handicrafts that had already been started and that were left to the woman. The spinners believed that if a kikimora worked on a shirt, then you wouldn’t get it off in a lifetime. The order was preserved: “Sleep, little girl, kikimora will be spun for you, and mother will be wicked.” This was a terrible time for the lazy spinners. Since the kikimora has already begun to do mischief, gentlemen, then there is one right thing to do. You need to go to the forest, find some root ferns, and steep them in water. Then stir in all the dishes with this infusion. Kikimora really loves fern and is ready to ferment everything for such passion. The pranks of the kikimori were attributed to the common ailments that were suffered in dysfunctional dominions. It’s their fault that the chickens pluck their own feathers. It will become a spinner - a smoking sickness, from which birds will spin on their sixes, then fall down dead - even as Kikimora put her hand. In such cases, an amulet was hung in the chicken pot - a stone with a hole, the chicken god is called. The kikimora did harm to the people and horses. Sometimes the wool of the sheep is matted, sometimes the manes of the horses are tangled, and at night they are driven so hard that they die in the morning. There is a dreary quality of kikimora, but it is also gloomy. If you want to hang out at home, it means trouble is at hand, your loved one could get sick or die. No wonder this spirit is similar to Mara - Morena - the ancient goddess of death. The greatest benefit of kikimori is the Holy Cross and prayer.

Perfume in the courtyard and the mystery of lazna

The house-housekeeper is in every way similar to his older “brother” from the house, only his fur is thicker on his new growth. The yardkeeper is more vicious. Addiction like loving thinness torment. All the troubles with domestic animals, horses, cows, sheep and chickens were explained by the pranks of the yard servant. The only friendships we have are with goats and dogs.

To protect the creatures from leprosy, they hung a killed magpie in a barn. The yard owner doesn't like too many birds. For the sake of the yard worker, they decided not to trim white guts, white dogs, white horses. Newly born calves and lambs were carried from the barn to the house, because the yard keeper might strangle them, and this way the house is calmer for the young animals. Just don’t sleep, masters, worry about being thin. The villagers tried to appease the yard owner. He is eager for gifts. I love the different colored clothes, the glitter of tinsel, the crust of bread. All these offerings were carried to the barn and the spell was recited: “Lord house-elf, kindly sir, I give you this: accept thinness, drink, reap.” They hung a “witch’s broom” in the barn - a pine or yalin broom with thick pine needles.
The house-elf also had other assistants - kolovershi. The stench was similar to intestines. Kolovershi - at night they pulled pennies and all sorts of supplies from other booths for their master.

On the wine mat where the straw was dried, it buried a special spirit - the barn. Yogos were often represented by the image of a black cat. He himself was the chief fireman of the state. Make sure that the dry straw in the barn does not burn. However, burning in the barn was often attributed to the pranks of someone else’s barn, who had inadvertently set fire to the ruler’s controversy. They saw that two cats were fighting near the barn - they respected that their barn was a wretch. Behind the legends, the accused fought their heads. When we found a small kitchen near the courtyard, there was a lazna.

Lazne in Russia was heated in the black way. Behind the laznea there was filthy glory. The villagers, walking to the lake, took away their natural ridges. They feared and respected the spirits who lingered in the path, so it was better to be friends with them and not to bother with Christian symbols. The head spirit of the lazne was the bannik. The bathhouse did not drink wet steam, angrily depriving itself of its moisture if they were steaming there. You can live long on cold stones or in a sauna stove. His worst leprosy is “tar gas.” According to ancient beliefs, the souls of dead ancestors - ours - lingered in the lazna. Navya were placed in different positions before the villager, they could help you, or they could kill you. Bannik was obov'yazkovo sacrificed to the black trigger.

The local mandrivniki were afraid to spend the night at the lazne. Bannik instantly strangled. After the steam room, they deprived it of a broom, a little bit of milk and some water in it. At night there was a feeling that the sun began to stir, splash, and roar. They admired why the bathhouses were whipping and playing with whisks. A very serious witch was connected with the disease. Even if I’m trying to stick my bare back into the hole, even if I pull up the cloth, I’m sitting. Bannik gave a sign, touching the body with a cold or warm hairy paw. A cold hand was for misfortune, and a warm hand for success.
