What is the lust of hair, what can be seen, in the minds of the home. Yakim may be merciful kіnchikіv hairy, what are you wondering about? We make a change, what a delight! Physiotherapy and cosmetology methods of renewal

What is the lust of hair, what can be seen, in the minds of the home. Yakim may be merciful kіnchikіv hairy, what are you wondering about? We make a change, what a delight! Physiotherapy and cosmetology methods of renewal

In quiet moods, if there is hair, it is necessary to get used to the terms. At the same time, it is clear to understand that it is impossible to glue the hair, as if it were already, but with the strength to save it from appearing. For whom we can help the exuberance of the blue hair in the minds of the home. There are different hair masks that can be used for the treatment.

  • You can change the kints that you see, especially in farbovany hair, for the help of castor oil or rib'yach fat. It is enough just to apply them on the tips of the hair.
  • An excellent result is given to hairy rep'yakhov, or be it another oliya, in front of a light podigrit. It is necessary to rub Yogo on the skin of the head. If necessary, wrap your head in cellophane and wrap it in a terry towel. After one year, it is sufficient to wash the hair with shampoo and rinse with warm water, as it is lightly acidified with lemon juice.
  • For dry hair, the most brown variety of dewy olives. Most of them, the hair roots take the necessary vitamins P and E.
  • Resolutely mix one zhovtok with the advancing components, taken 1 tsp each: soniashnikovoy or olive oil, cognac, henna powder and honey.
  • Beat one egg zhovtok, add 1 tablespoon of cibula juice and be it a dewy olive, plus 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • You can make a compress from plantain leaves and kefir in a ratio of 1:1.
  • For the most part, dry hair is catastrophically not affected by vologists. In this case, a special spray for hair is needed, as it is necessary to periodically wax the hair, especially in the heat of the year.
  • Once a week, it is necessary to carry out a lure of hair for help with vitamin E, which is reassuring, or simply rub the oil from sprouted wheat on the hair, and then resolutely wrinkle yoga.
  • It is necessary to regularly cut the kinchiki, which are seen, by 1-1.5 cm, approximately once every 5 months.
  • Another option for a natural mask is a mask with warm sour milk or kefir. It is necessary to wear such a mask at least 40 times before the head mitts, after which wash the mask with shampoo.

Pour 0.5 tsp. drіzhdzhіv 50 g of kefir and add sumіsh for wandering in a warm place. After that, put on the head and wipe it out after 30 hairs with warm water.

Grate a leaf of scarlet on the third or pass through a meat grinder. Add to one chewing gum 1 tsp. cognac and 1 tbsp. l. honey and castor oil. Mix and apply on 40 strands per hair.

Grate fresh, young and juicy watermelon, lightly wedge it in and add it to the porridge, which is gone, 1 tsp. oliї basil and aromatic oil іlang-іlangu, plus 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Relatively zmіshanu sumіsh apply on 30-40 quills per hair. Then rinse with warm water for additional shampoo.

For the exaltation of the black hair, one should always replace the best shampoos with the most luxurious and luxurious shampoos, like lecithin, vitamin B5 and extracts of the advancing growths: chamomile, mint, linden flowers and parostkіv wheat. І obov'yazkovo to buy a wooden or plastic comb, for example, rіdkіsnі, ale large teeth.

It's great to brush the tips of the hair, what to use, special balm or cream. Rub yoga after the mitt into the hairballs and do not wrinkle. Your warehouse is like a bi curling hair with a sour plіvkoy, at the same time inspiring yoga in the middle. M'yakі roslinnі proteins, scho to enter the warehouse of sour balms and creams, zapovnyuyut itself rise, yakі є in kіchikakh poshkodzhennogo hair. Change the hair, allowing them to get rid of the lungs, keratin, beer and henna, which also take place in zahisnyh zaby.

It's great to brush up if you have a black hair mask with olive or almond oil. Apply it 30 minutes before the hair shaft with one-hour light scalp massage.

Also, every hour you cut the kinchiki, which you see, - approximately through the skin 6-8 tizhniv, and for a long hair - at least once a month. Robiti tsyu procedure is best in perforation with hot scissors, yakі sche and "solder" kinchiki, scho sіchutsya.

Add 100 g of fresh burdock root on meat cutters and pour 200 g of olive oil. Oliya as a whole can be replaced by whether it’s another roslinna, like in reality: almond, castor, olive. Then it is necessary to infuse the olive root by stretching it in the heat, after which bring it to a boil in a water bath and cook, with constant stirring 20 chills. The oil is filtered and angered Yogo in an okremu єmnіst. Rub the mask 1-1.5 years before the head mitt.

Perfectly smoothes and closes the strips of a peach hair mask. For її preparation, it is necessary to clean and cut two peaches, add 3 tbsp to them. l. milk and six drops of olive oil. Apply a mask to the hair and wash it off after 30-40 hairs with warm water and shampoo.

The honey mask helps with the significant world of mind and reminds the health of the hair, which should be treated. Її recipe: 1 tbsp. l. honey, 4 tbsp. l. grated cilantro and 1 tsp. warm dewy olive oil chi. Apply the mask over the entire length of the hair and zmiti after 50 hairs with cold water and shampoo.

I will help a lot to help prevent sicchuchost hair in the home minds. It is possible and necessary correctly, but most of all, regularly look at the hair in order to avoid the appearance of these problems. Axis scho, first for everything, it is necessary to work for that:

  • hair is the only thing in the world that is zabrudnennya with shampoo, which suits the type of your hair,
  • vikoristovuvaty vіdpovіdny opolіskuvach,
  • rozchіsuvati hair as neatly as possible, scaly with a wooden comb or with a brush,
  • make sure to reduce the hair dryer to a minimum and others that dry out the hair, electric appliances,
  • do not farb your hair more often than once a month, vikoristovuyuchi at the same time more sparing farb for hair without ammonia.

We believe that we have created more ways to exalt the hair in the minds of the home, to allow you to provide an excellent watch over the hair and help them to get rid of the right mіtsnim and zovsіm not fragile.

Privablive, long-haired, calling out the suffocation of people and zazdrіst among women. But it’s so important to keep an eye on them, especially because the stench is unhealthy in nature. So, for example, maybe a skin girl is afraid to reveal what her hair is going to be. At the head, a thought is merged, that the ailments of the peasants need to be treated, having spent at the same time a luxurious hair. Here we go, then for months we need to renew ourselves. Obviously, the process of effective litigation is not quick, but for the hair, what to do, at once invented ways of doing things that you need to know less about the devil.

The main causes of the appearance of sichen hair

For the hair, what to think about, there are no thoughts. Let's look at the main reasons for this problem:

  • Often farbuvannya, especially shkіdlivimi farbs (with ammonia);
  • Chemical perm for the greatest commitment;
  • Postiyne vykoristannya hot hair dryer, as well as prasuvannya;
  • Nadmirne perebuvannya on sontsi without a headdress;
  • Strong sea wind;
  • Zastosuvannya of the wrong combs;
  • Trivale wearing tails and single-mantle zachіsok with vikoristannya tight humok is thin.

Likuvannya sichenny hair

When you are happy, you are hairy, what to see, trim the lower joys.

hair care

Dbati about the hair, what to say, it’s necessary to be respectful. The axis of the kіlka of the main points, yakі it is necessary to win the day. Try to turn it into a Zvichka. Tim yourself, you can reduce the rizik by the appearance of such a hair and work it up to the dressing:

  1. Whisk the dryer less in cold mode.
  2. Do not use thermal curlers, curling irons, hair brushes, all the same, which dry the hair.
  3. Try to save your hair in the face of the sun, wind, wood and other unfriendly minds.
  4. Vykoristovyte schonaimenshe varnishes and mushi for hair.

Energy is life

Well-balanced eating, active diet, fresh weather - companion factors for health, like a mustache organism, so beautify your hair. For you, we have chosen certain rules so that your hair feels miraculous at the skin's time of fate:

  1. Vykoristovyte schodnya suffice a quantity of rіdini (water, fruit, veggies thin).
  2. Introduce fish (salmon, tuna, sardines) to your diet.
  3. Add to zhu olії.
  4. Zhte gorіhi (hairy, hazelnut and other) and greens (parsley, krip, cilantro and other).
  5. Change the consistency of licorice and lubricated products.
  6. Healthy hair is also accompanied by sleep and active recovery.

What tools to use

Vykoristannya wrong zasobіv and pritosuvan, yakі lead to viniknennia schenny hair, varto replace on special, schob stink about hair, not shkodili їm:

  1. Just replace shampoos with life-giving vitamins and herbs;
  2. Replace zvichayny combs on soft wood from a tree with light teeth;
  3. Apply special nezmivnі balms or cream for the soul;
  4. For farbuvannya, give respect to farba, so as not to avenge shkidlivyh components.

Approximately after 6-8 days until the full dressing, the hair was nevertheless cut off with "hot knives", and even then it was hair for a long time - once a month. It is better to trust the right to a professional percar.

Creation of jubilant masks at home

If you don’t trust your head to another person, then such a possibility, like an independent exaltation of an unhealthy hair. We know a great number of folk recipes, and we are reminded of a number of them:

  1. We mix one egg zhovtok from 1 tsp. sonyashnikova olії, s 1 tsp. honey and cognac.
  2. We apply rosemary on the head (in a water bath or in a micro-furnace), sour milk and put on a hat or wrap it with a towel. After 1.5 years, the procedure is repeated again with sour milk, then we wash our hair with shampoo.
  3. At the skin with massage towels, we rub the olive oil to a pleasant temperature, wrap the head with a plastic bag and beat the animal with a towel. Trimaemo mask close to the age and zmivaemo at once with shampoo. After my hair with water and lemon.

Go to Perucarnium

If you don’t want to perform a number of procedures in your home minds, then beauty salons can offer their services for the treatment of hair, what to do.


To this warehouse, natural elements are included. Under the influx of high temperature, the stench penetrates deeply into the middle of the split hair and fills them empty.

"Hot Knives"

The kinchiki were hairy, which were rozsharuvalis.

Vykoristannya keratin

This procedure is based on the fact that a special zasib – keratin – is applied to the hair skein. After that, the temperature is high, so that the speech penetrates deep into the structure of the hair. Such procedures make the hair stronger and shovkovist.

If you didn’t win while fighting with the hairs, you wouldn’t call out for their jubilations. In a filthy mood, you can spend a lot of hair and don’t give a chance to yogo. To lead the right way of life, be rooted in folk and special ways - then you will have more hair.

For reading 3 min. Revisited 1.5k. Published on 17/07/2018

The most effective way to fight hair with tips is a haircut. But what can you do, so that you don’t cut your hair often? For whom my vicorists are simple, but even more effective folk recipes. These procedures will help prevent the spread of kinchiks. Golovna - don't linger.

Likuvannya sichenny hair

Let's take a look at 8 most effective recipes:

egg shampoo

Prepare the shampoo better with your hands. Yogo storage is simple: take a teaspoon of fresh rosemary (fresh or dried), two flasks of hot water and an egg. Boil rosemary in hot water and pour 20 quills.

Cool, and then beat an egg at the door and mix thoroughly. Mite your hair in the best possible way, massaging at the same time the root, and the tips of the hair.

Papaya for the delight of kinchiks

It is necessary to choose stiglu and juice papaya. If the hair is long and thick - wink the whole plaid, if not - enough and half. Znіmіt shkіrku i vydalіt nasіnnya, rіznіt pulp with a fork.

Add|Add| flasks of natural yogurt and mix. As a result, a miraculous summish comes out. Apply porridge on the skin of the head and spread it all over the hair. Cast 30 strands on the hair. After that, snake with water.

Castor oil

Kastorova Oliya is also valuable for our hair. Yogo can be victorious at the sight of the throat, or mixed with the olive at the equal kilkostah. Apply oil to the hair and wrap it with a warm towel. Also, try 30 whips. After that, wash your hair with shampoo.

Vershkovy cream-tonic

Take a likuvannya more often after shampooing the head. Take a tablespoon of sour cream or 1/2 cup of milk. Apply to hair. Especially relatively on kіnchiki. Cast on hair for 15 strands, then wipe.

Honey - vіdminny zasіb for the protection of our youth and beauty. Not for the hair. Mix pivsklyanki sir and 1 tbsp honey.

Apply sumish to hair and trim 20 quills. Let's sweat clean water. The garni glare will reach the likuval effect.


Beer is easier. For the best effect, do not just rinse your hair with beer, but lightly massage it and leave it on your hair for a while.

There is only one problem to blame - the characteristic smell of beer. I will help you to come for a spray and hair mousse.


Roughen the pulp of the fruit with a fork and apply a lot of sum on the hair, leave for 15-20 strands. Swallow clean water. You can add a tablespoon of olive oil to the avocado, it will add a shine to the hair.

It is necessary to add olive oil and apply it to the hair. With light massage rubs, it is necessary to rub the oil on the head.
Wrap your head with a towel or wink a polyethylene cap for the soul. Vimite hair for pіvgodini, vicorist shampoo.

Mustache women are independent of the vіku, the spheres of life and character mriyut about the charіvnu beauty of the hair. However, it’s easy to finish the bazhannya very importantly into reality, the shards on the elbows even negatively add a lot of factors. That is why often the place of the marvelous mine of the coachmen's coachmen happens to be satisfied with the dark, thin, dry, light, they have lost interest in life, with hairs with white kinchiks, which they proudly show off. What is work? How can you buy a peruka, how can you get a short haircut, how can you grow hair?

Trichoptilosis is an illness that transmits late splitting of hairs. Trichologists do not recommend disrespectfully placed before any ailments, shards of it can provoke the blame for such problems:

  • rozsharuvannya voloskіv on all dozhinі;
  • transcendent vipadannya;
  • chastkovu chi povnu alopecia.

For a haircut, it is necessary:

  • see the perukarnya, sob the master cut the stitches;
  • undergo medical treatment to reveal the reasons that caused hair loss;
  • rozpochati likuvannya zgіdno with the recommendations of the doctor.

Don’t groan and groan, everything is foldable and it’s impossible! You need to fight for the beauty of your locks.

Rozsharuvannya kintsiv: reasons

For the cob of the cob to know what to glue the tips, what to sіchutsya, it is impossible. You need to cut. Then it is necessary to recover at the reception until fakhivtsya, in order to reveal the reason, as the illness provoked. Trichologists and dermatologists are aware that the most widespread provocateurs are:

  • improper eating - fatty, spicy, greased, spicy, boar and smoked products;
  • shkidlivі zvichki - kurinnya, vzhivannya alcoholic drinks;
  • deficiency of vitamins, minerals and amino acids;
  • recessionary sway;
  • damage to the robotic nervous system - stress, depression, anxiety:
  • ailments of internal organs and infections;
  • sickness of the skіrnogo twist of the head;
  • water to the body;
  • wrong look after the hair - low-grade cosmetics, often head mitt, stosuvannya thermal appliances too thin;
  • now the middle is frost, sinter, wind, salty water and richly different.

Causes of the worst foes of the shank and shkiri of the head, through which it is necessary to get them.

To reveal the reasons, it is necessary to see a dermatologist, who will conduct a comprehensive analysis for the help of a special possessor and recognize professional excellence. Without hesitation, richly accepting, if all manipulations are performed by cosmetologists, the prices for services are even higher. Even though expensive procedures are not for the intestines, do not get confused, there is an alternative - lunacy in the minds of the home.

Krok nazustrich healthy and addictive hair

Before that, how to proceed to the effective treatment of the hair in the minds of the home, it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor.

Sob after seeing the beauty salon, de meister zistig kinchiki, sho, the problem did not turn around again, it is necessary to pay attention to the top recommendations of trichologists, dermatologists, maestro of Perucarian science, cosmetologists and other fahivtsiv.

  • Normalization of eating.
  • Zvіlnennya in the form of shkіdlivih zvichok.
  • Improvement of the total work of the nervous system.
  • Medical review.
  • Enrichment of the body with brown speeches.
  • The correct look behind the skin of the head and hair:
  • regular perukar;
  • high quality cosmetics;
  • comb, gumki and hairpins from natural syrovin;
  • head troch more than 2 times per day;
  • minimal variation of thermal appliances;
  • vіdmova vіd ukladalnyh zasobіv;
  • wearing a headdress in frost and heat;
  • zastosuvanya of masks, shampoos, balms, serums, sprays and other products for inspection based on natural ingredients.

It’s so simple to help you get rid of your hairy knchiks, what to say, once and for all!

Zasobi folk medicine

Lіkuvannya kіnchikіv hairy, sіchutsya, in the home minds transfer zastosuvannya sumishi, to the warehouse of which natural components are included.

Before trying anything else, it is necessary to carry out a test for the manifestation of allergic reactions.

  • Fragrant peach mask

In order to prepare sumish, which will help you to winknennu kinchikiv, which you will find, it is necessary to stock up:

  • stiglimi peaches - 2 pcs.;
  • milk (bazhano homemade) - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • ethereal oil of the motherboard - 2-3 drops.

From peaches, tassels are drawn, the pulp is turned into mashed potatoes (you can beat the blender or a fork), add milk, mother oil. Sumish resolutely beats. The fragrant porridge is rubbed into the root and applied to the entire length of the hair. The head is insulated with a plait and a woolen coat. After 30-40 hvilin zasіb zmivaєtsya.

The mask is life-giving, invigorating, inspiring and inspiring power. Lіkuvannya for the help of peach zasoba bring not only greed, but also satisfaction, shards of curls after a new vimprominue miraculous aroma.

  • Corysna honey-egg sumish

In order to prepare in the minds of the home zasib for the brilliance of the kіntsіv, scho sіchutsya, need:

  • egg zhovtok - 1-2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • rare honey (as if cured, it needs rose water) - 1 tbsp. l.

Usі warehouse masks resolutely shift. Sumish is applied to the entire length of the sash and rubbed with a stretch of 3-5 strands at the scalp. And then we put on a plastic bag and a warm hat. Through pіvgodini porridge zmivaєtsya.

Zasіb live, volozhuє, help'yakshuє, zmіtsnyuє that aktivіzuє zrostannya.

  • Oil mask

In the fight for the health and beauty of the coachmen without kіnchikіv, sho sіchutsya, vіdmіnno has proven herself butter sum, to cook it, it’s necessary to take:

  • coconut oil - ½ tbsp. l.;
  • llana oliya - ½ tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - ½ tbsp. l.;
  • rep'yakhov oliya - ½ tbsp. l.;
  • ricinova oliya - ½ tbsp. l.;
  • almond oil - ½ tbsp. l.

The mustache of the growing olis resolutely shifts, warms up in a water bath. Fingers dab in confusion and massage of the skin around the head 5-10 quills. Let's see clearly the whole dovzhina shanks. Why is the head wrapped up with a grub and a scarf. After 1-2 years, the mask rolls up.

The exaltation of sіchenih kintsіv for the help of the oil zasobu is super effective, the shards may be lively, invigorating, sour, invigorating, soothing, smoky, tonic effect.

  • Refreshing apple mask

To cook in the minds of the minds of a liquor porridge, so as not only to change the vindication of kintsiv, so it’s worth it, but to hurry up, it’s necessary:

  • apples - 2-4 pcs.;
  • egg zhovtok - 1-2 pcs.

Apples are taken, the skin is peeled, the core is removed. For the help of a blender or a grater, the fruits are trimmed. At the fragrant porridge, an egg zhovtok is added. Crazy fight. Zasіb rubbed in prolong and clearly applied to the entire length of the pasm. That hat is put on the head. After 30 quills, the egg-apple puree squishes.

The result is not to be missed.

Forgive the method of celebrating trichoptilosis in the minds of the home - there is no chance to give a hair to a friend of life without the obviousness of the occurrence of kintsiv!

Adalind Koss

The skin girl wants a healthy mother and a pleasant coachman. But more is improved, for whom it is necessary to have a lot of strength and an hour, that does not worry about turbota that sight. They will inevitably show up. Glittering curls and neat styling - an invisible part of the beauty of a woman. Hair attracts a look, it hoots. Ale ninishne life does not give enough time for a normal look after the hair.

What to work, how to get hairy? One of the outputs is a haircut of їх іноді. Ale, the reason for the consequences is not usune. You can smom_syatsya equal hair, spend expensive centimeters, and then the sap will be lamatized and siktisya again. Do not varto panic late. We will try to find out the reasons for getting out of the situation.

Show your hair

Having shown a sіchennogo hair in the one that in the tsomu vipadki kіntsі look like a “blizzard”. So, as the dozhina sash is not the same, then the rozsіchenі kіntsi is well seen on the scorched aphids, and the haircut looks sloppy. Posіchene volossa vіdіznyaєtsya vіd zagalї masi.

When you try to comb it, the curls easily break and get lost. Often, with a clearly pronounced reversal, the process of rozchisuvannya is determined, what is the cause of the traumatization of that relapse. When picking strands into a flagellum, setting kints in a commemoration especially, even as a healthy strand, they make an even flagellum.

To all those who suffer from these problems, varto go through obstezhennya, to those who need a haircut to help for one more hour, so as not to reveal the right reason. Ring out at the hour of constipation, chronic ailments are indicated. Microscopy of follicles will allow you to assess the structure of the curls and the appearance of pathology.

Why do kіnchiki

Otzhe, let’s take a look at the reasons why hairy knchiki are:

Lack of quantity of vitamins.

This problem can be corrected with kіlkom ways. First: change the diet, add more products to the menu, to avenge cellular tissue, seafood, olives and other things, to avenge Omega-3. The other way is simple: choose a ready-made complex of vitamins.

Lack of water in the body.

The hair turns up in the middle. It is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of water for production. In over-dried places, install a stinger or peel with a saw.

Lost sounds, broken diet.

Postiyne lubrication, fat and salty herbs, desserts negatively add to the good-looking hair. Excessive alcohol becomes the cause of vitamin A and group B ruining. In addition, you will become the cause of calcium intake. Surround yourself with licorice, and sir or sour cream in the evening will help you get rid of the lack of calcium.

Caffeine becomes the reason for the absorption of minerals and vitamins from the body. And nicotine is the enemy of selenium and rich vitamins.

Raznomanіtnі ailments.

Another reason for the occurrence of kintsiv is chronic infectious diseases and internal organs. Call for malfunctions from the ShKT. The stench gets drunk, and the assimilation of minerals and vitamins.


Constant stress, acceptance of aggressive faces, filthy camps of ecology - do not negatively affect the microflora. And as a result of this, the assimilation of brown speeches, calcium decreases, the synthesis of vitamins changes. Sob pozbutis tsієї causes varto vzhivat bioyoghurti, kefir, bio-ice cream. The next way is to take probiotics.


Geni carry vіdpovidalnіst not only for vіdtinok and the density of curls. In the case of mothers and tata, one can take away early recession, weakness to brittleness, etc. You can't match genetics. Here it is more accessible than a thorough diet and a correct sight.

Wrong sight.

Varto turn respect, as you wash your curls, chim the same, as you open and hang. Here are the deaki rules:

shampoo needs to be chosen only for the type of hair, and the variety is changed no more often than 1 time for 6 months;
diligently rinse your curls with air conditioners, balms;
do not rub your elbows with a towel. Sufficiently zagornut їх i pokat, docks water to climb;
to deceive with a comber is necessary only for hanging curls.

Secrets are simple, ale devi.

Vіdmova vіd headdresses.

You can’t go without a hat, and if your coat has more hair than the middle one, then it’s necessary to wear clothes. In your next fall, you will not only have a blemish, but also a damaged bloody root, which becomes the cause of the early appearance of a fox. Skoda is the owner of the aggressive sun. UV change clean up the cold ball, which becomes the cause of the flood. Remember panama at the spec. Koristaytes shampoos іѕ zahistom vіd UV аnd zasobi for volozhennia. The salty water of the sea calls out the dryness of the locks, and at the same time, from the sleepy exchanges, the negative influx rises.

Zachіski that ukladannya.

Before them, you can see the permanent change of color, curls, zastosuvannya ploїv that prasok and supra-world vikoristannya lacquers and musіv. For the carelessness of laying down, you have to pay for the health of your locks.

On too long curls, it is impossible to hide the tulle of kinchiks. On such a dozhina it is not possible to sew natural oil, which is vibrated by the hairs of the head. You need a special coat for kinks and a systematic haircut.

Now, if you know the reasons, yaki negatively pour on the elbows of those healthy ones, you need to step by step to put them down. To fight against the consequences, zastosovuyuchi zahisnі and podtremuyuchi zabob for kіnchikiv.

Hairy hair. Celebration

Ale yak іsnuє likuvannya for hair, scho sіchetsya? І chi buvaє out? In fact, there is nothing folding in the used cut of the kіnchikіv. For the cob, it is necessary to switch to liquor and regenerating shampoos with vitamins, herbal storage and lecithin. Buy brushes made of wood or plastic with large, infrequent teeth.

Kіnchiki dopomogaє protect special balm or cream, which is necessary to smear after a mitt, but not to zmivat. Tsі zasobi curl up your hair with a sloppy swim and inspire it in the middle. Soft natural proteins, which are at the warehouse of these workers, fill up the hair reserves.

Zahist create and apply masks or olivi. It is necessary to apply it for the first five years before the mitt, or carry out a head massage after zastosuvannya. Whether it’s a fluke, a sichuchі kіnci, it happens sometimes to cut it off (the interval is close to 6-8 days, and if the curls are long, then once every 4 days). I work better with special hot knives at the salon. The stench "solder" the kіnci.

Masks for dry kіnchikіv

Yakshcho you were appointed as the main causes of the weak and sparse hair, they stuck yoga, but the kіnci didn’t get better, why bother? - the best option for a perfect meal. The stench itself will help to reach the natural beauty and shine.

For the preparation of a mask against hair breakage and for the fight against retina on the basis of yeast, 2 tsp are required. which product is 50 grams of kefir:

offending the ingredients need to be mixed, kept warm for a quarter of a year;
apply on dry ends or on the entire length of curls;
the hair must be burned with a plіvkoy and insulated (a hat for the soul, a bag and a towel);
pass the pasma through pіvgodini lightly with water.

To make egg masks from different kinks, you need 1 zhovtok and 1 spoonful of castor oil:

these ingredients are mixed;
to be covered with a root warehouse;
so that the mask lifted, fill it for 3 years;
wash with your usual shampoo;
in the role of opoliskuvach vikoristovuvat water, enriched with lemon juice.

For relief from frizziness, henna was used for short hairs. If you don’t want to change the color of your hair, then you’ll have a barless option. There are many things to overcome: to expand the skin, to force a rush of blood, to look at the weak and lightening of the curls, to vindicate them and give strength, to smooth the stripes. Remember that henna is healthy to dry your hair. If you have a dry hair type, then upgrade the mask. For the recipe, you need 1 packet of henna per 30 cm of hair:

henna is filled with dill in proportion 1:3 and mixed;
let the warehouse stand for a quarter of a year;
apply a warehouse with a warm look along the entire hair, massaging the skin of the head;
zmivaetsya through 30 khvilin warm water.

Mask for fighting with strong kintsy based on honey and egg vimagatime 1 tsp. honey, 1 zhovtok and 2 tablespoons of olive oil:

grate the zhovtok with honey, pour in olive oil;
cover the skin of the head and cover it with a skein;
lubricate the root with a stretch of 3-5 strands;
cover hair with polyethylene and insulate it with a towel;
see the hair through the piss of the troch with warmed water.

An excellent replacement for expensive oils, which fight against the peretina of the hair, which showcase the firm's saloons, and the noble olias stand out. You can buy them from any pharmacy. An important effect is to give a different kind of olії dewy trip. You can pick up the samples with a path of samples. For an accurate result, it is necessary to change and improve the masks.

To prepare a compress with oil for relief from kinchikiv, what to say, pidide:

Rinse the hair on the back of the head from zastosuvannyam zasobu and let them dry. Warm up Olya for a couple. Rub yoga on the scalp, and then on the entire hairline, especially on the ends. Now it is necessary to cover the hair with polyethylene and insulate it. Zmivat troch with warmed water and lemon juice after 60 strands.

Looking after the hair

For an hour watching the hairline, it is allowed to beat the hair dryer only with a minimum temperature to the flow again. Forget about drying at a high temperature, flats, thermo-curlers, cleanliness. It is not possible to deal with the deception of watery or, even worse, wet curls. This is the cause of hair growth.

The shield is due to the mother of redkish teeth and buti vikonana from the village. And jagged hair adornments become the cause of their ears. In addition, the sichen hair needs a movement of protection in the frost, cold, scorching that sun. Raznomanіtnі zakrіplyuvаchі zachіsok tezh do not spriyat zdorov'yu, they mіstіtsya alcohol to dry curls.

If you don’t hide your hair in the house, then sing your choice on the fences for keeping up the work, like building a place and make your curls beautiful. Vykoristannya chemical perm nebazhane pіd vіdnovlennya.

Oskilki the cause of such problems is the wrong diet and unhealthy way of life, give respect to the change of this point. To solve the problem of cut hair, it helps to have a healthy sleep, an active way of life, good dietary products, and a large number of greens and mountains. Pure water will be needed to maintain the water balance of the whole organism, and curls especially.

Let’s hope that you took a break for food, which is why the fragility of that hairy hair is to blame. And aim to reach the necessary results. Just remember that if there is any watcher, including masks that can only help with regular zastosuvanni. Whisk olії and fresh masks not more than 2-3 times for 7 days with the method of healing and 1 time for 7 days with the method of prevention.

A good mood, a lot of stress and a little help bring positive results.

8 April 2014, 18:18