Lectures on heat engineering and hydraulics. Fundamentals of hydraulics and heat engineering

Lectures on heat engineering and hydraulics. Fundamentals of hydraulics and heat engineering

The methodical manual "Basic Laws of Hydraulics" is a short theoretical course, in which the main terms and conditions are laid down.

The assistant is recommended to help students with the specialty "Installation and operation of systems and gas supply control" in the classroom for self-sufficient work and vikladachiv disciplines "Fundamentals of hydraulics, heat engineering and aerodynamics", "Hydraulics".

On the basis of the help, a change of food for self-training and a change recommended for the collection of literature are suggested.


Front view:

Methodical development

from the discipline "Fundamentals of hydraulics, heat engineering and aerodynamics":

"Basic laws of hydraulics"


The methodical manual "Basic Laws of Hydraulics" is a short theoretical course, in which the main terms and conditions are laid down.

The assistant is recommended to help students with the specialty "Installation and operation of systems and gas supply control" in the classroom for self-sufficient work and vikladachiv disciplines "Fundamentals of hydraulics, heat engineering and aerodynamics", "Hydraulics".

On the basis of the help, a change of food for self-training and a change recommended for the collection of literature are suggested.


  1. Hydrostatics, basic concepts…………………………………….......5
  2. Fundamentals of hydrostatics…………………………………………7
  3. See the hydrostatic vice ............................................... .. ........8
  4. Pascal's law, zastosuvannya practical………………………………...9
  5. Law of Archimedes. Umov swimming bodies………………………………..11
  6. Hydrostatic paradox……………………………………………..13
  7. Hydrodynamics, basic understanding……………………………………..14
  8. Irregularity (succession)………………………………16
  9. Rivnyannia Bernoulli for an ideal home…………………….......17
  10. Rivnyannia Bernoulli for real homeland………………………….20
  11. Nutrition for independent training of students………………..22




The Danish methodological guide was described by "Hydrostatics" and "Hydrodynamics" of the discipline "Fundamentals of hydraulics, heat engineering and aerodynamics". The facilitator laid out the main laws of hydraulics, looked at the main terms and conditions.

The material is presented in accordance with the initial plan of this discipline and the initial-methodical complex for the specialty "Installation and operation of systems and control of gas supply".

Helping with a theoretical course, yoga can be mastered with the introduction of okremi topics of primary discipline, as well as for independent work outside the classroom.

Be affectionate, bestow respect, as the final stage of this methodical help is the transfer of food for self-training of students on all topics.

1. Hydrostatics, basic concepts

Hydrostatics - divided the hydraulics, which are based on the laws of the rivers and their interaction with the surfaces that are surrounded.

Let's look at the homeland, which is in the camp of absolute jealousy, tobto. become calm. Apparently in the middle of the countryside, there is an inexorably small amount ofΔ V i look at the forces that are on the new call.

There are two types of callous forces – superficial and volume (mass).

Surface forces - Tse forces, scho blow without a middle on the outer surface of the seen volume of motherland. The stench is proportional to the surface area. Such forces are enchanted by the influx of the susceptible volumes of the land on the whole volume of the influx of other bodies.

Volume (mass) forceproportionate mass of the seen volume is equal to and develops on all particles in the middle of the volume. The butts of volume forces are the force of gravity, the center force, the force of inertia and int.

To characterize the internal forces that cause visions of the relatives, we introduce special terms. For whom it is possible to look at a sufficient volume of native land, which is rebuked by rivnovaz under the influence of the outer forces.

The middle of the volume of the land is visible even more small maydanchik. The force that lies on the whole Maidanchik is normal (perpendicular) to it, the same spіvvіdnoshennia:

is an average hydrostatic vice that blames on the MaidanΔω . Otherwise, it is possible to characterize, which under the influence of external forces, the stresses of the mills are caused, which are characterized by the hydrostatic pressure.

To determine more precisely the value of the given point, it is required to determine the interim ratio at. how to assign the right hydrostatic vice at this point:

Razmіrnіst [r] dorovnyuє razmіrnіstі voltage, tobto.

[r] = [Pa] or [kgf/m 2 ]

Dominance of the hydrostatic grip

On the outer surface of the native land, the hydrostatic pressure is always directly directed by the internal normal, and at some point in the middle of the native land, the value cannot lie in the kuta of the nahila of the maydanchik, on the other hand.

On top, at all points, such a hydrostatic vice is calledon top of a equal vice. One can reach such surfacesfree surfaceso that the surface was divided between the motherland and the gas-like middle.

The pressure is overcome by the method of uninterrupted control and timely regulation of all technological parameters. Before the skin technological process, a special regime card is being developed. Vіdomі vipadki, if with an uncontrolled movement of the vise, the rich-ton drum of the energy boiler vibrated, the football ball was mute, for dozens of meters, destroying everything in its own way. Reduce the vice do not bring ruinuvan, but bring it up to:

  • defective products;
  • overwhelm the fire.
  1. Fundamentals of hydrostatics

Figure 1 - Demonstration of the basic alignment of hydrostatics

For whether there is a point of rіdini, yak perebuvaє in the camp of rivnagi (div. fig. 1), equivalence is fair

z+p/γ = z 0 +p 0 /γ = ... = H ,

de p - vice at given point A (div. Fig.); p 0 - vice on the surface of the rod; p/γ and p 0 /γ - the height of the feet of the middle (with the pet vag γ), is similar to the vice at the point where it can be seen, and on the free surface; z and z 0 - coordinates of the point A and the free surface of the middle along the vertical horizontal plane (x0y); H - Hydrostatic pressure. The above-mentioned formulas are obvious:

p = p 0 +γ(z 0 -z) or p = p 0 +γ h

de h - the depth of the zanurennya of the examined point. Navedenі more virazi is calledmain lines of hydrostatics. The value γ h representsvaga stovpa rіdini curls h.

Visnovok: Hydrostatic vice p at this point there is a good amount of pressure on the free surface 0 and a vise that vibrates with a height of the middle ground, that is a more beautiful depth of dwarfed points.

3. See the hydrostatic vice

Hydrostatic pressure vanishes in the CI - Pa system. In addition, hydrostatic pressure is reduced to kgf/cm. 2 , Height of the height of the middle (in m water column, mm Hg, etc.) and in the atmospheres of physical (atm) and technical (at).

absolute call a vice that is created on the body with a gas without balancing other atmospheric gases. Vymiryuyut їх y Pa (pascals). The absolute grip is the sum of atmospheric and superfluous grip.

Barometric(atmospheric) call the pressure of gravity on all objects that are in the atmosphere. Normal atmospheric pressure is created with 760 mm of mercury at a normal temperature of 0°C.

vacuum call the negative difference between vimiryuvanim and atmospheric pressure.

The difference between absolute pressure p and atmospheric pressure p but called a superfluous vice and denoted as p hut:

p izb \u003d p - p a


p hat / γ \u003d (p - p a) / γ \u003d h p

h p which way is it calledpezometric heightlike a world of superfluous vice.

On fig. 2 a) indications of a closed reservoir with a native, on the surface of a vice p 0 . Connecting to the tank p'ezometer P (div. Fig. below) shows an oversized vice at the point BUT.

Absolute and superfluous vice, manifestations in atmospheres, are indicated in the form of ata and ati.

Vacuum metric vice, or vacuum, - Lack of pressure to atmospheric (deficiency of pressure), so the difference between atmospheric and barometric and absolute pressure:

p wak \u003d p a - p


R wack /γ = (p a - p)/γ = h wack

de h wack - vacuum height, as shown by the vacuum gauge At connected to the reservoir shown in fig. 2 b). Vacuum viyavlyaєtsya in quiet loneliness, like a vice, and navіt in parts of the atmosphere.

Malyunok 2 a - Show the piezometer Malyunok 2 b - Show the vacuum gauge »

From two to two, it is clear that the vacuum can change from zero to atmospheric pressure; maximum value h wack for a normal atmospheric pressure (760 mm Hg. Art.) 10.33 m of water. Art.

4. Pascal's Law

Zgіdno with the main lines of hydrostatics, vice on the surface pіdini p 0 it is transmitted to all points of the same direction in all directions. Whom do you think Pascal's law.

This law was declared by the French Vchenim B. Pascal in 1653. Yoga is sometimes called the basic law of hydrostatics.

Pascal's law can be explained from a glance of the molecular nature of speech. In solid bodies, the molecules establish a crystal lattice and oscillate besides their equal positions. At homelands and gases, molecules can see freedom, stench can move one at a time. The very peculiarity allows you to transmit a vice that vibrates to the homeland (abo gas), not only in direct power, but in all direct directions.

Pascal's law is widely known in modern technology. Based on Pascal's law, the work of modern superpresses is based, which allow to create a vice of about 800 MPa. Also, according to this law, the robot of hydroautomatic systems was motivated to control spacecraft, jet airliners, numerical control programs, excavators, self-skids, etc.

Pascal's law is not stagnant in the case of a land (gas) that collapses, and also in a fall, if the land (gas) is in a gravitational field; so, for example, apparently, that atmospheric and hydrostatic pressure changes with height.

Baby 3 - Demonstration of Pascal's law

Let's take a look at the most important attachment, which is the winner of the principles of Pascal's law. Tse hydraulic press.

The basis of any hydraulic press is to get a judge at the sight of two cylinders. The diameter of one cylinder is significantly smaller than the diameter of the other cylinder. Cylinders filled with motherland, for example, olive. Above the stench is heavily closed by pistons. As can be seen from Fig. 4, lowered, area of ​​one piston S 1 have a lot of times smaller than the area of ​​the other piston S 2 .

Baby 4 - Happy Judge

Admissible, a force is applied to the small piston F1 . Tsya force d_yatime to the homeland, spreading beyond the square S1 . The vice, which is repaired by a small piston on the homeland, can be developed using the formula:

According to Pascal's law, this vice is transmitted without change to any point of origin. Tse means that a vice, which is repaired on a great piston p 2 will be the same:

Sounds are screaming:

Such a rank , The force that is applied to the large piston will be greater than the force applied to the small piston, the area of ​​the large piston is greater than the area of ​​the small piston.

At the result, the hydraulic machine allows you to take win against the force , equal extension of the area of ​​the larger piston to the area of ​​the smaller piston

5. Law of Archimedes. Umov swimming pool

On the body, zanuren in the homeland, the cream of the force of gravity, the force of force, which vishtovhuy, is the force of Archimedes. Motherland is embossed on all sides of the body, the ale tysk is not the same. Aje, the lower face of the body is zanuren in the middle more than the lower upper, and the vice with a depth of growth. That is the strength that strikes the lower face of the body, it will be greater, the lower strength that strikes the upper face. The force is blamed for this, as the vishtovkhnut body from the homeland is induced.

The value of the Archimedean strength is to lie in the thick of the native land and the volume of those parts of the body, as if to be found without a middle in the native land. The strength of Archimedes is in the natives, and in the gases.

Law of Archimedes : on the body, zanurene in the homeland or gas, di vishtovhuvalna force, which is healthy in the vase of the homeland or gas in the body.

The strength of Archimedes, which is on the body buried in the motherland, can be protected by the formula:

de ρ w - Shіlnіst rіdini, V paragraph - The volume of the part of the body that has been pierced into the motherland.

On the body, which is located in the middle of the river, there are two forces: the force of gravity is the force of Archimedes. Under the influx of these forces, the body can collapse. Use three sinks for swimming tel (Fig. 5):

  • as the force of gravity is greater than the force of Archimedes, the body sinks, sinks to the bottom;
  • if the force of gravity is more powerful than the forces of Archimedes, then the body can be rebuked in equal position at the point of the middle, the body floats in the middle of the middle;
  • as the force of gravity is less than the force of Archimedes, the body is spliced, rising uphill.

Malyunok 5 - Wash swimming pool tіl

The law of Archimedes is victorious and for swimming. In 1783 the Mongolph brothers created the first cult. In 1852, the Frenchman Giffard created an airship - a aerostat with a covered kerm and a screw.

6. Hydrostatic paradox

If one and the same motherland is poured to one and the same height in a vessel of different shape, but with the same area of ​​the bottom, then, regardless of the size of the poured motherland, the strength of the vice on the bottom is the same for all ships and old vase of the river in a cylinder.

This phenomenon is calledhydrostatic paradoxand explained by the authority of the land to transmit vibrations to all sides on it.

In vessels of different shapes (Fig. 6), with the same area of ​​the bottom and the same equal bottom, the pressure of the bottom on the bottom will be the same. Yogo can be loosened:

P = p ⋅ S = g ⋅ ρ ⋅ h ⋅ S

S - bottom area

h - height of the column

Malyunok 6 - Vessels of various shapes

The strength, with which the motherland is embossed on the bottom of the vessel, lies in the form of the vessel and the old vase of the vertical stoup, the basis of which is the bottom of the vessel, and the height is the height of the vessel of the vessel.

In 1618 p. Pascal, having amazed his co-workers, ripped the whole bowl with a glass of water, poured into a thin temple tube, inserted into the bowl.

7. Hydrodynamics, basic concepts

Hydrodynamics is the name given to the distribution of hydraulics, which will play the law of the rule of the country under the influence of the application of external forces and their interaction with the surfaces.

The camp of the rodin, which collapses in the skin її points, is characterized not only by the thickness and viscosity, but also by the smut - the shvidkіst of the parts of the rodin and the hydrodynamic pressure.

The main object of the wedding is the flow of the native land, under which you understand the mass of the native land, as it is surrounded on the surface or often on the surface. The surface, which is between, can be solid (for example, take care of the rivers), rare (the cordon was divided between the aggregate camps) or gas-like.

Perebіg r_dini can be installed and unrecoverable. Rukh, when standing up, is called such a Rukh Rіdini, despite the fact that in this point of the channel, the pressure and speed do not change in the hour

υ = f(x, y, z) and p = f(x, y, z)

Rukh, for which the speed and pressure change like coordinates to the space, and th for the hour, is called an unsteady chi non-stationary υ = f (x, y, z, t) і р = f (x, y, z, t)

As a butt of movement, you can serve as a vitikannya rіdini z judiciary z pіdtrimuvanim constantly equal through the end pipe. The speed of the fluctuations of the radii in the various cuts of the tube will be different, but in the skin, the cut will be constant, as it does not change at the hour.

However, if similarly, the rivers of the rivers in the vessels are not fastened, then the rivers of the rivers along the same end pipes are non-stationary (unrestored) in nature, the shards in the pipe cuts will not be stable at the hour (to change from the decrease in the vessels).

Distinguish between pressure and without pressure ruh rіdini. As if the walls were lined with the flow of the rivers, they called the rivers of the rivers on top (for example, the movement of the rivers along the pipelines). Well, if there is an obstruction of the flow by the walls of the chastkov (for example, ruh water near the rivers, canals), such a ruh is called unpressurised.

Directly swidkost in sweat is characterized by a line of struma.
Struma line - a clear curve, drawn in the middle of the flow of the river in such a manner that the swiddenness of all the particles, which are located on it at a given moment, stand in the middle of the curve.

Figure 7 - Struma line

The line of the struma winds up in the trajectory of the time, which the rest of the way looks like one part for a certain interval of an hour, while the line of the struma directly characterizes the movement of the totality of the particles of the middle at a given moment of the hour. In the Russian line, the struma, which, having risen, runs along the trajectories of the movement of the particles of the rіdini.

Yakshcho at the cross section of the flow of the river, you can see an elementary maidanchik∆S and draw through the points її to the contour of the line of the struma, then weide is so called strumu tube . Motherland, who use the middle of the strumu pipe, makeelementary glass. The sweat of the motherland can be seen as the succulence of all the elementary streams that are collapsing.

Malyunok 8 - Strumu pipe

We live by a cut ω (m²) to call the area transverse to the cut to the flow, perpendicular to the direct flow. For example, a live cut of the pipe - kolo.

The wetting perimeter χ ("хі") is a part of the perimeter of the living perimeter, surrounded by solid walls (in the figure of the visions of the sweated line).

Malyunok 9 - Live Pereriz

Hydraulic radius to the flow R - extension of the live cut to the wetted perimeter

Vitrata to the flow Q - the volume of water V, which flows in one hour t through the living passage ω.

The middle speed of the flow is the speed of the flow of the middle, which is determined by the shutters of the middle of the middle Q to the living area of ​​the cross ω

Shards of swedishness of the various parts of the native land are blown one by one, so the swedishness of the fluff is averaged. In a round pipe, for example, the tightness on the axis of the pipe is maximum, even as the walls of the pipe are out to zero.

  1. Equation of unevenness (succession)

The equalness of the inconsistency of the flow is vibrating from the law of the preservation of speech and the state of vitraty of the motherland in all the flow. Let's imagine a pipe with a change of living peretina.

Figure 10 - Demonstration of the unevenness of the jet

Vitrata rіdini through the pipe at її pererіzі postіyny, tk. the law of conservation of energy is victorious. It is also important that the homeland is unbearable. In this order, Q 1 = Q 2 = const, stars

ω 1 υ 1 = ω 2 υ 2

Or maybe another record of the second equal:

Tobto. medium speed v 1 and v 2 wrapped in proportion to the living areas of the resurrected w1 and w2 flow of water.

Otzhe, the equalness of the unevenness turns the steel of the volume stained Q , and of the mind's inconsistency, the stream of the river, along the old stream of the river, that having risen.

9. Rivnyannia Bernoulli for an ideal home

Rivnyannia Danila Bernoulli, otrimane in 1738 showing the connection between the tightness of p, the average swidkistyu υ and the p'ezometric height z in different crossings of the flow and demonstrating the law of conservation of energy, the country that is collapsing.

Let's take a look at the pipelines of variable diameter, rotting near the open space under the hood β (div. fig. 10)

Figure 11 - Demonstration of Bernoulli's alignment for an ideal home

There are two cuts in the distance of the pipeline, which can be seen: cuts 1-1 and cuts 2-2. Uphill the pipeline from the first crossing to the other collapses the countryside with the vitratoy Q.

For vimiryuvannya vice rіdini zastosovuyut p'ezometri - thin-walled glass tubes, in which the rіdina rises to the height.. In the skin section, p'ezometry is installed, in some cases, the difference in height is increased.

Krym p'ezometrіv at the skin section 1-1 and 2-2 a tube was inserted, bending the end of the straightening along the flow of the radii, as the Pitot tube is called. Motherland at the pipes Pito is also placed on different levels, so as to wind up their types of p'ezometric lines.

The p'ezometric line can be induced in this way. If you put a sprat of such p'ezometers between the lines 1-1 and 2-2 and draw a curve in them through the indications of the equals, then we take the laman line (shown on the little one).

Ale, the height is equal in the pipes Pito shodo dovіlnoї horizontal straight line 0-0 (area according to the coordinates), as it is called the flatness of the alignment, it will be the same.

If you draw a line through the indication of the rivnіv rіdini in the Pіto tubes, it will be horizontal, and it will be possible to see the rіvnіv rіdini pipeline.

For two long re-runs 1-1 and 2-2, the flow of the ideal balance of Bernoulli may look like this:

Oskіlki pererіzi 1-1 and 2-2 taken enough, otrimane equal can be rewritten in the following way:

Equation formula is as follows:

The sum of three members equal to Bernoulli for whether or not to cut off the flow of an ideal motherland is a constant value.

From the energy point of the skin, the member is equal to the same types of energy:

z 1 and z 2 - position energy, which characterizes the potential energy in cuts 1-1 and 2-2;- the energy of the vice, which characterizes the potential energy of the vice in the same cuts;- nourishment of kinetic energy at the quiet cuts themselves.

To come out, that the energy of an ideal home is like a pet’s energy, whether it’s a constant change.

So is the formula of Bernoulli's alignment from the geometrical points of the sky. Kozhen is a member of the rіvnyannya mіnіynu rozmirnіst. z 1 and z 2 - geometrical heights of peresiziv 1-1 and 2-2 over the flat area;- p'ezometric height;- Shvidkіsnі visoti at the appointed reperіzah.

In this way, Bernoulli's equal can be read as follows: the sum of geometric, p'zometric and swedish heights for an ideal motherland is a constant value.

10. Rivnyannia Bernoulli for a real homeland

Bernoulli's equalization for the flow of the real homeland is compared to Bernoulli's equalization for the ideal homeland.

When Russia is real in the "viscous" country, the forces are blamed for rubbing, for example, tied up with it, that on the surface of the pipeline there is a slight shortness, on the underside of which the country is stained with energy. As a result, the total amount of energy of the child in the interval 1-1 will be greater than the total amount of energy in the interval 2-2 by the amount of energy expended.

Figure 12 - Demonstration of Bernoulli's equalization for real country

The energy spent (the onslaught) is indicatedMay linear expansion.

Rivnyannia Bernoulli for real motherland looking:

In the world of movement, there is a circle in the form of a cut 1-1 to a cut of 2-2 intrusions, for example, it gradually increases (the intrusion of the onslaught is seen by vertical shading).

In this order, the rіven of the cob energy, which is the motherland in the first cut, for the other cut, it is composed of four warehouses: geometric height, p'ezometric height, swidk_snoї height and the used onslaught between cuts 1-2-1 and 2-2.

Krym tsyogo, two more coefficients α appeared in Rivne 1 and α 2 , Yaki are called Coriolis coefficients and deposit in the flow regime (α = 2 for the laminar regime, α = 1 for the turbulent regime).

Elevation wastedcumulative of pressure losses along the old pipeline, caused by force rubbing between the balls of the middle, and losses caused by mechanical supports (changes in the configuration of the flow, for example, blowing, turning the pipe)

H dozhin + h mist

For the help of Bernoulli's zeal, the greater task of practical hydraulics is destroyed. For which one, two crossings are selected along the longest flow, in such a way that one of them will have the values ​​of p, ρ, and for the other cut, one or the values ​​will be assigned. When two people are unfamiliar for another, recut the vicorist equal to the status of the vitrati 1 ω 1 = υ 2 ω 2 .

11. Food for independent training of students

  1. Zavdyaki of some kind of forces float by the water? Explain your mind, for such a body you start to drown.
  2. Why, in your opinion, is the vіdmіnіnіst іdealnoі іdіnі vіd realі? What is the ideal motherland in nature?
  3. How do you see a hydrostatic vice? Do you know?
  4. How to signify a hydrostatic grip at the point of the middle on the glide h , then how did they force you to work on this point? Name it and explain it.
  5. What physical law lies at the basis of the unevenness of the unevenness and the equalization of Bernoulli? Explain the point.
  6. Name and briefly describe the extension, the principle of any kind is based on Pascal's law.
  7. Why is it a physical phenomenon that is called a hydrostatic paradox?
  8. Coefficient of Coriolis, average flow rate, pressure, pressure on the longest pipeline...
  9. Name the formula, which zv'yazuє pet vaghu that schіlnіst.
  10. Rivnyannia neprozrivnosti strumena rіdini play an important role in hydraulics. For what kind of country is it fair? Explain your opinion.
  11. Name the names of all the cases, the names of your methodical helper, and explain their opinions.
  12. What is the ideal motherland, the struma line, vacuum in the present world? Explain your opinion.
  13. Name the attachments for the imitation of different types of vise for the scheme: “Looking at the vise ... .. - attachment ... ..”.
  14. Bring examples from everyday life, see the pressured and unpressed rush of the homeland, stationary and uninstalled.
  15. For what purposes should a p'ezometer, a barometer and a Pitot tube be put into practice?
  16. What will it become, like when vimiryuvanni vise viyavlyat, scho vіn richly vischey for normative value? How about less? Explain your opinion.
  17. What is the difference between the objects of development of the divisions of "hydrostatics" and "hydrodynamics"?
  18. Can you explain the geometric and energetic change of Bernoulli?
  19. Wetting the perimeter, live cutting. Continue this list and explain how to characterize the listed terms.
  20. Pererakhuyte, how did you know the laws of hydraulics?


I am sure that this methodical help will help students to better master the basic material of the disciplines "Hydraulics", "Fundamentals of hydraulics, heat engineering and aerodynamics" and the most important thing - to take into account the information about the "naughty" moments of the discipline that is being developed. about the basic laws of hydraulics. On these laws, the work of rich outbuildings is founded, as if it were victorious in robots and in everyday life, often without guessing about it.

With respect Markova N.V.

List of references

  1. Bryukhanov O.M. Fundamentals of hydraulics and heat engineering: Handbook for students. founding middle prof. ed. / Bryukhanov O.M., Melik-Arakelyan A.T., Korobko V.I. - M.: ІTS Akademiya, 2008. - 240 p.
  2. Bryukhanov O.M. Fundamentals of hydraulics, heat engineering and aerodynamics: Handbook for students. founding middle prof. / Bryukhanov O.M., Melik-Arakelyan A.T., Korobko V.I. - M: Infra-M, 2014, 253 p.
  3. Gusev A. A. Fundamentals of hydraulics: Handbook for students. founding middle prof. enlightenment / A. A. Gusev. - K .: Vidavnitstvo Yurayt, 2016. - 285 p.
  4. Ukhin B.V. Hydraulics: Handyman for students. founding middle prof. enlightenment / Ukhin B.V., Gusev A.A. - M: Infra-M, 2013, 432 p.

Regional budgetary lighting installation

middle professional education

"Kursk Assembly College"


VP 06.

basic professional education program of secondary professional education for fach

140102 Heat supply and heat engineering equipment

(basic training)

metro Kursk


at the meetings of the Central Committee of the OPD

Protocol No._____

"____" _____________2012

Head of the Central Committee Stanar O.M.



Deputy director of UR O.B. Gruneva

"____" ______________2012

Working program of primary discipline"Theoretical foundations of heat engineering and hydraulics" broken down on the basis of:

Federal state lighting standard for the specialty of secondary professional education(basic training), which should be included in the warehouse of an enlarged group of specialties 140000 Energy, energy engineering and electrical engineering, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on February 15, 2010, No. 114.


A.A. Katalnikova, vikladach OBOU SPO "Kursk Assembly College".





  1. learn the implementation of the work program of primary discipline

  1. Control and evaluation of results Mastering primary discipline

1. work passport

Theoretical foundations of heat engineering and hydraulics

1.1. Area of ​​stuck working program

A working program of primary discipline and a part of the main professional educational program is qualified to the Federal State Educational Standard for the fach of SPO140102 "Heat supply and heat engineering equipment" (basic training) to enter the warehouse of an enlarged group of specialties 140000 Power engineering, power engineering and electrical engineering.

The working program of the primary discipline can be a vikoristan at the additional professional education and professional training of workers at the gallery of heat supply and heat engineering equipmentfor the obviousness of the middle (new) global coverage. Dosvid work is not required.

1.2. The field of primary discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program: discipline to enter before professional cycle, to be brought up to the global professional disciplines.

1.3. The aims of the task of the primary discipline are to help the results of mastering the primary discipline.

remember :

vykonuvat teplotekhnіchnі rozrahunki:

Thermodynamic cycles of thermal engines and heat power plants;

paliva vitrate; heat and wager on the energy generated;

Coefficients of core function of thermodynamic cycles of thermal engines and heat power plants;

Heat input through the fenced constructions of the building, insulation of pipelines and heat engineering equipment;

Thermal and material balances, areas of surface heating of heat exchangers;

Choose the parameters for hydraulic re-roofing of pipelines, air ducts;

Be sure to check the characteristics of pumps and fans.

As a result of mastering the primary discipline, the student is to blamenobility :

I will become the parameters of a thermodynamic system, alone vimir and spivv_dnoshennia between them;

The main laws of thermodynamics, the process of changing the steel of ideal gases, water vapor and water;

Cycles of thermal engines and thermal power plants;

Basic laws of heat transfer;

Physical power of the rіdin and gases;

Laws of hydrostatics and hydrodynamics;

The main task of the order of the hydraulic construction of pipelines;

See, add the characteristics of pumps and fans.

1.4. Number of years for mastering the work program of primary discipline:

the maximum initial learning goal is 180 years, including:

obov'yazykovogo classroom primary education 120 years;

independent work learning 60 years.


2.1. Obsyag primary discipline and see primary work


    firstly - individual work of a student;

    preparation of abstracts;

    registration of laboratory robots;

    systematically opratsyuvannya summaries to take, initial and special literature from food to paragraphs, divisions of initial aids;

    virishennya zavdan, vykonannya is right







Podsumkova attestation in the form sleep

2.2. Thematic plan and the choice of the main discipline

Theoretical foundations of heat engineering and hydraulics

A short historical review of the modern day development of hydraulics and heat engineering.

The role of vocational scientists in the development of these sciences.

Partition 1.Physical power of the country and gas

Topic 1.1.

Physical power of the land and gases

Physical power of the rіdins: thickness, vaga pitoma, volume volume, fallowness between them, stiffness, viscosity, fallowness due to temperature and vice.

Independent work

Section 2. Fundamentals of hydrostatics

Topic 2.1

Hydrostatic vice. Fundamentals of hydrostatics.

Forces, which are used by the hearts of the motherland. Hydrostatic vice at the point, yoga of power, loneliness of the world. Absolute and superfluous vice.

Fundamentals of hydrostatics. Physical reality and graphic manifestation of hydrostatics. Push. Attach a vise for vimiryuvannya.

Laboratory robots

Vimiryuvannya vice with a p'ezometer and a pressure gauge. Translation alone vimiryuvannya vice.

Practical activities

Distribution of tasks for storage

Independent work:

Topic 2.2. The strength of the pressure of the right gas on the flat and curved walls.

Pascal's law. Hydraulic press, hydraulic jack.

The strength of a hydrostatic grip on a flat surface. Vice center. hydrostatic phenomenon. Graphical way to show the strength of a hydrostatic grip

The force of a hydrostatic grip on a cylindrical surface. The formula for rozrahunka pipes for mіtsnіst. Law of Archimedes. Melting tіl and їх stіykіst.

Practical activities

Razv'yazannya tasks schodo vyznachennya force vise on different surfaces, vyznachennya comrades of the pipe wall

Self-sufficient robot learning:

Design of practical robots

Section 3. Fundamentals of hydrodynamics

Topic 3.1. The main law of the rule of the country

See the rush of the natives: instal- lations , non-restorations, rіvnomіrny, nerіvnomіrny. Understanding about the struming parts of the rіdini. Potіk rіdini elementi flow. Shvidkіst that vitrata rіdini. Rivnyannya nerazryvnostі flow.

Rivnyannia Bernoulli, yogo geometric and energy zmist.

Laboratory robots

The legacy of Bernoulli. Pobudova forcing and p'ezometric lines.

Independent work:

Registration of laboratory work;

Systematic review of abstracts to take, initial and special literature from food to paragraphs, divisions of initial aids

Topic 3.2. Hydraulic supports

Hydraulic bearings and see them. Regimes of Ruhu Rіdini.

Reynolds criterion. Characteristics of laminar and turbulent circulation. Use the pressure along the double flow and in the main supports (locking fittings, with expanded and sounding flow, change in the direct flow). Razrahunok vtrat pressure at raptovy expanded flow. Coefficient of hydraulic flow, which is assigned to laminar and turbulent flow regimes.

Laboratory robots

Appointment of two regimes in the middle of nowhere. Destination of the Reynolds number.

The appointment of the cost of pressure for the old coefficient of the hydraulic load.

Designation of the cost of the pressure, the coefficient of the cost of the supports.

Independent work

Registration of laboratory work;

Systematically opratsyuvannya summaries take, initial and special literature from food to paragraphs, divisions of initial aids;

Topic 3.3. Hydraulic design of pipelines

You can see the pipelines. Hydraulic design of simple and folding pipelines. Hydraulic shock at pipelines (direct and indirect).

Rozrahunok unpressurized and short pipelines.

Practical activities

- Roofing of a simple pipeline

Independent work:

Design of practical robots;

Systematic review of abstracts to take, initial and special literature from food to paragraphs, divisions of initial aids

Preparation of abstracts

Applied topics:

Suschasnі zasobi zahistu piping vіd dravlіchny blow.

The phenomenon of cavitation during the overrunning of the pipe at the pipes.

Come in, yakі zastosovuetsya for zabіgannya cavitation.

Topic 3.4. Completion of the cut through the opening of the nozzles

Vitikannya rіdini z otvorіv іn the constant onslaught. Understanding "open at the thin wall" and "small opening". See the bait. Finishing the cut through the nozzles with constant pressure.

Practical activities

Appointment of vitrati rіdini when viticannі z otvora that through nozzles

Independent work:

- design of practical robots

Systematically opratsyuvannya summaries take, initial and special literature from food to paragraphs, divisions of initial aids;

Control robot section 3. Fundamentals of hydrodynamics

Section 4 Pumps and fans

Topic 4.1. See the principle of di pumps

Vіdtsentrovі pumps, you see, the principle of diї. The new onslaught, the height of the wetness is borderline. Feed, for example, pressure and KKD of a water center pump, their designation. Reservation of these parameters in terms of the frequency of wrapping the engine.

Proportional formulas. Characteristics of central pumps and pressure pipelines. Parallel to that last work of the water center pumps. Piston pumps, you see, the principle of dії. Strumene pumps.

Practical work

Pobudov characteristics of the water center pump

Independent work:

Design of practical robots;

Systematically opratsyuvannya summaries take, initial and special literature from food to paragraphs, divisions of initial aids;

Initially - the student's individual work.

Topic 4.2. See the principle of dії ventilators

Vіdtsentrovі and osovі fans, you see the principle of diї. Efficiency, pressure, reduced tension and KKD ventilators. Delay of fan parameters depending on the frequency of the motor wrap.

Practical work

Pobudova parameters of the central fan.

Independent work:

Design of practical robots;

Systematically opratsyuvannya summaries take, initial and special literature from food to paragraphs, divisions of initial aids;

Section 5. Fundamentals of technical thermodynamics

Topic 5.1. Basic provisions of technical thermodynamics. Gas laws Gas sums

Thermal and mechanical energy. The main thermodynamic characteristics of the working body. Ideal and real gas. Molecular-kinetic theory of gases.

Gas sum, її warehouse. Partial pressure and guidance on the components of the gas sum. Dalton's Law. Spіvvіdnoshennia mіzh masovim and volume warehouses sumіshі.

Independent work:

systematically review abstracts to take, initial and special literature from nutrition to paragraphs, divisions of initial aids

Topic 5.2. Heat capacity

Heat capacity and quantity of heat. That change in heat capacity is constant. The average is the right heat capacity. Heat capacity of gas sum

Practical activities:

Determination of volumetric heat capacity repeating at constant pressure

Independent work

Design of practical robots;

Systematic review of abstracts to take, initial and special literature from food to paragraphs, divisions of initial aids

Topic 5.3. Laws of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic processes.

The first law of thermodynamics is the law of conservation and transformation of thermal and mechanical energy. Alone in the world of warmth and work. Enthalpy to gas. Analysis of the main thermodynamic processes of changing the ideal gases: isochoric, isobaric, isothermal, adiabatic, polytropic. Equal to thermodynamic processes, their images on pv - diagrams. Designated work, change of internal energy and amount of heat.

Another law of thermodynamics. Circular processes and cycles. Thermal KKD cycle. Equally important and unimportant camp of the working body. Recurrent and irreversible processes and cycles. The ideal Carnot cycle, its image on pv - diagram. Another law of thermodynamics for reverse and irreversible processes. Entropy її physical change. Ts-diagram. The third law of thermodynamics.

Practical activities:

Thermodynamic analysis of cycles and designation of їх thermal coefficients of coryne dії (KKD), depict cycles on pv and Ts - diagrams.

Independent work

Design of practical robots;

Systematic review of abstracts to take, initial and special literature from food to paragraphs, divisions of initial aids

Problem solving, solving problems

Topic 5.4. Gas cycles

Internal combustion engine. ICE cycles from different methods of heat supply. Їхнє images on pv and Ts - diagrams. Thermal KKD cycles DVZ. Gas turbine installations. Gas turbine cycles using different methods of heat supply. Їхнє images on pv and Ts - diagrams. Thermal KKD cycles of GTU. Thermodynamic planting of compressor robots. Image of the compressor cycle on pv and Ts - diagrams.

Practical activities:

Carrying out the replacement of thermal KKD cycles of the DVZ and GTU with different methods of heat supply.

Independent work

design of practical robots;

Problem solving, solving problems

Topic 5.5. Real gas. Water vapor and її power

Power of real gases. Characteristic of the real gases of van der Waals. Water vapor is like a real gas. Steam creation, evaporation, boiling, condensation, sublimation, desublimation.

Too much water vapor. Dry and wet steam is abundant. Overheated steam. Steps of dryness. Water and overheating. Near-cordon curves and that critical point. Tables of thermodynamic powers of water vapor.

Practical activities:

Designated parameters of the water vapor from the selected tables.

Calculation of the parameters of the water parity with the various tables of the water parity of mathematical deposits.

Independent work

Design of practical robots;

Systematically opratsyuvannya summaries take, initial and special literature from food to paragraphs, divisions of initial aids;

Topic 5.6. Thermodynamic processes of water vapor

The main processes of changing water vapor are: isobaric, isochoric, isothermal and adiabatic. Images of the main thermodynamic processes of water vapor on pv and Ts - diagrams.

Determination of the amount of warmth, change of internal energy, enthalpy, entropy and the volume of water vapor in the skin thermodynamic process.

Practical activities:

Rozrahunok processes change I will become a water bet for an additional table and diagram.

Independent work

Design of practical robots;

Systematically opratsyuvannya summaries take, initial and special literature from food to paragraphs, divisions of initial aids;

Razv'yazannya tasks, vikonannya right.

Topic 5.7. Completion and throttling of gas and steam

Zagalni understand the end. Robot proshtovhuvannya i robot.

Shvidkіst that critical shvidkіst zakіnchennya, second mass vitrata gas. Zalezhnіst zakіnchennya vіd svvvіdnoshnennia tiskіv. Practically zastosuvannya finished. Combined Laval nozzle.

The process of throttling is one of the special features. Technical zastosuvannya droselyuvannya.

Practical activities:

Designation of parameters and characteristics of water vapor at the end of throttling

Independent work

design of practical robots;

Abstract preparation

Applied topics:

Combined Laval nozzle;

Practically zastosuvannya process droselyuvannya;

Technical zastosuvannya process zakіchennya.

Topic 5.8. Cycles of steam turbine installations.

Scheme of a steam turbine installation. The Rankine cycle is the ideal steam-water cycle of a thermal power plant, depicted on the cycle on pv and Ts - diagrams. Regenerative cycle of a steam turbine plant. Cycle from the intermediate overheating of the bet. Binary and steam-gas cycles of thermal power plants.

Practical activities:

Images of cycles of steam turbine installations on pv and Ts - diagrams

Independent work

Design of practical robots;

Systematic review of abstracts to take, initial and special literature from food to paragraphs, divisions of initial aids

Section 6. Fundamentals of heat transfer

Topic 6.1. The main provisions of the theory of heat transfer.

The process of heat transfer to heat conduction, convection and vibration. The concept of heat transfer. Transfers heat through a flat single-ball wall. Four's Law

Transfer of heat to heat conduction through the bagatosharova plate wall. Transfer of heat to heat conduction through a bagatospherical cylindrical wall.

Practical activities:

The designation of the coefficient of thermal conductivity and the amount of heat transferred to the thermal conductivity through the walls of a different form.

Independent work

Design of practical robots;

Systematic review of abstracts to take, initial and special literature from food to paragraphs, divisions of initial aids

Topic 6.2. Convective heat exchange. Heat transfer and heat transfer.

The main provisions of convective heat transfer. Heat supply between a flat wall and a native one. Heat transfer coefficient, physical sensing Heat transfer coefficient, its physical value.

Practical activities:

Rozrahunok kіlkosі heat, scho is transferred from the heat to the walls of different forms.

Independent work

Design of practical robots;

Systematic review of abstracts to take, initial and special literature from food to paragraphs, divisions of initial aids

Topic 6.3.

Chinniks, who are smart about the free movement of the native land. Razpodіl temperatures and swidkosti at the cordon ball. The nature of the rudini vzdovzh vertical walls, near the horizontal pipes and plates. Rivnyannya vyznachennya coefіtsієnta teploviddachі, wash yogo zastosuvannya.

Heat transfer in case of late rounding of smooth pipes in turbulent regime. Heat transfer coefficient. The process of heat transfer at transverse pipe wrapping. Shakhove that corridor roztashuvannya pipes in bundles. Criteria equal.

Wash away the guilty condensation. Thermal operation under the hour of condensation of the bet. Designated heat transfer coefficient for condensation hour. Wash away the guilt. Coefficient of heat transfer at boiling and cold storage in various factors.

Practical activities:

Rozrahunok coefficient of heat transfer for additional criteria equalities in different types of convective heat transfer.

Independent work

Design of practical robots;

Rozv'yazannya tasks vykonannya right;

Topic 6.4. Basic understanding of the law of thermal expansion. Heat exchange for viprominuvannyam between bodies.

The power of thermal viprominyuvannya. Poglinayucha, vіdbivna that throughput building tel. The main laws of thermal change: the laws of Planck, Stefan-Boltzmann, Lambert, Kirchhoff. Different types of heat transfer to industrial changes.

Practical activities:

Rozrahunok kіlkostі promenistoї warmth, step blackness of the surface tіl. viprominyuvalnoy and clay building tel.

Independent work

Design of practical robots;

Systematic review of abstracts to take, initial and special literature from food to paragraphs, divisions of initial aids

Topic 6.5. Heat exchangers

Appointment and classification of heat exchangers. The principle of operation of surface and mixing heat exchangers. Basic schemes of heat transfer. Equalization of heat balance and heat transfer in a heat exchanger. Heat transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger. Designated surface heating of the heat exchanger.

Practical activities:

Storage equal to heat balance and heat transfer in heat exchangers.

Independent work

design of practical robots;

Individual initial work of students

Control robot section 6. Fundamentals of heat transfer

To characterize the level of mastering the initial material, the following definitions are used:

1. - cognizance (recognition before the birth of objects, authorities);

2. - reproductive (vikonannya dіyalnostі zarazkom, іnstruktsієyu chi pіd kerіvnitstvom);

3. - productive (planning and self-sufficiency of vikonanny of activity, accomplishment of problematic tasks).

3. mind the implementation of the discipline program

3.1. Vimogi to the minimum material and technical security

The implementation of the primary discipline will require the presence of the laboratoryhydraulics, heat engineering and aerodynamics.

Ownership of the head office:

    landing month for a number of students;

    working space vikladach, possessing a personal computer with a licensed chi free software, all kinds of programs and connecting to the Internet and the means of displaying sound information;

    a set of basic and educational manuals “Fundamentals of hydraulics, heat engineering and aerodynamics”;

    about models of pumps and fans;

    virtual laboratory "Hydraulics";


    a printer.

Technical background:

    multimedia projector or multimedia board;

    photo or video camera;


3.2. Information security education

Basic jerela:

1. O.N. Bryukhanov, V.A. Zhila. Fundamentals of hydraulics, heat engineering and aerodynamics. - M: Infra-M, 2010.

2. I.A. Pributkov, I.A. Levitsky. Theoretical foundations of heat engineering. - M.: Vidavnichiy center "Academy", 2004.

Dodatkovі dzherela:

    V.I. Kalitsun. Hydraulics, water supply and sewerage. - M.: Budvidav, 2000.

    V.I. Kalitsun, E.V. , K.I. . Fundamentals of hydraulics, heat engineering and aerodynamics. - M.: Budvidav, 2005.

    V.M. Lukanin. Heat engineering. - M.: Vishcha shkola, 1999.

Internet resources:


4. Control and evaluation of the results of mastering Disciplines

Control and assessment The results of mastering the primary disciplines are the key to the process of carrying out practical work to take that laboratory work, testing, as well as the completion of individual tasks that are being taught, projects.

Results of training

(Mastering the mind, gaining knowledge)

Form and control methods and evaluation of training results

guilty remember:

vykonuvat teplotekhnіchnі rozrahunki:

Thermodynamic cycles of thermal engines and heat power plants;

Defender of practical work

paliva vitrate; heat and wager on the energy generated;

Reversing the work for the topic

Coefficients of core function of thermodynamic cycles of thermal engines and heat power plants;

Defender of practical work

Heat input through the fenced constructions of the building, insulation of pipelines and heat engineering equipment;

Defender of practical work

Thermal and material balances, areas of surface heating of heat exchangers;

Defender of practical work

Choose the parameters for hydraulic re-roofing of pipelines, air ducts;

Reversing the work for the topic

Be sure to check the characteristics of pumps and fans.

Re-verification of independent work at home

Experience for individual tasks

As a result of mastering the primary discipline, the student is to blame nobility:

I will become the parameters of a thermodynamic system, alone vimir and spivv_dnoshennia between them;

The main laws of thermodynamics, the process of changing the steel of ideal gases, water vapor and water;

Cycles of thermal engines and thermal power plants;

Evaluation of the vikonannya of the sons and the letters of the right

Control robot

Physical power of the rіdin and gases;

Frontal and individual training for classroom hours

Laws of hydrostatics and hydrodynamics;

Assessment of frontal and individual training for an hour in the classroom.

Analysis of the results of the written test.

Control robot

The main task of the order of the hydraulic construction of pipelines;

Rechecking independent work

See, add the characteristics of pumps and fans.

Analysis of the results of the written test


OBLU SPO "KMT" _________ __ vikladach _____ __ A.A. Katalnikova


OBLU SPO "KMT" ________ _ Methodist ___ ____ M. G. Denisova _____

____________________ _______ ___________________ _________________________

(place of work) signature (zaymana posada) (initsiali, nickname)

Control robot

Fundamentals of hydraulics and heat engineering

pressure hydrostatic pump

Given: Δt 0 \u003d 7 0 C, b t \u003d 10 -4 ° С -1; b w = 5'10 -10 Pa -1

Significant Δp

The coefficients of volume expansion b w and temperature expansion b t are determined by the formulas:

de DW- Change of cob obliga W n, which allows you to change the vice by the value Dp or temperature by the value Dt; Wn- Pochatkovy obsyag, borrowing by the motherland, until the heating; Wh1- Cob volume, borrowing by the motherland under atmospheric pressure after heating.

Three of these formulas:

Shukan knows the value Dp when changing the temperature by a given value Dt°С:

Manager 2

Given: r in\u003d 1000 kg / m 3; g\u003d 9.81 m / s 2 H \u003d 4 m, h \u003d 3.3 m, b \u003d 1.3 m, r class=2,15∙10 3 kg / m 3

It is necessary to indicate:

1. The strength of the excess hydrostatic vice per 1 linear meter of the wall length, forwardly inducing the diagram of the hydrostatic vice.

2. Position in the center of the vise.

3. Margin of stability K pіdpіrnoї st_nki on perekidannya.

Wall width b 3 with a reserve of resistance K = 3.


1) To induce a hydrostatic pressure diagram on the wall next at points A and B, assign an overpressure to the formula:

, (1)

de - schіlnіst water,

h- Depth of zanurennya given points pіd riven water, m.m.

When prompted by a diagram of a hydrostatic pressure, the memory follows, that the pressure of the straightening is perpendicular to the Maidanchik, for some reason.

At point A h A =0, then, after formula (1), the overpressure is equal to zero p A =0

At point h В =h, then, after formula (1) the overpressure reaches zero р B =1000∙9.81∙3.3=32373 Pa=32.4 kPa

At a scale of 1 cm = 10 kPa, there will be a diagram of a hydrostatic vice - trikutnik.

The strength of the excess hydrostatic grip on a flat wall is calculated using the following formula:

, (3)

de pc.t.. - Vice at the center of gravity of the wetted surface, Pa (N/m 2);

w- wetted surface area, m 2 w = h∙1 l.m.

For formula (1):


de h tst - Vіdstan vіd vіlnoї surfіnі іdini up to the center of heaviness.

h ct \u003d 3.3 / 2 \u003d 1.65 m

The point of stagnation of the total force of the superfluous hydrostatic vice is called the center of the vice. The position of the center of the vice is assigned to the following formula:

, (4)

de Lc.d. - stand at the flat wall in the center of the vice to the free level of the middle, m; Lc.t.. - stand at the flat wall from the center of gravity of the wall to the free level of the middle, m; w - wetted surface area, m; J- the moment of inertia of a wetted flat maiddanchik as long as the horizontal axis, which passes through the center of the vaga.

For a flat rectangular figure:

Linear m

We represent in (4):

We know the turning point.

Mopr \u003d 53.41 ∙ (3.3-2.2) \u003d 58.75 kNm

Striking moment about the point About health:

de G- Vaga pіdpіrnoї sіnki, kN.

Wall lining is durable G=mg=ρklVg=ρkl b H 1 pm g

De ρkl - masonry clearance.

The margin of stability for the changeover is more favorable for increasing the moment of forces at the point Pro to the changeover moment:

М=71.29/58.75=1.21, scores K less than three times, then the width of the wall is significant b 3 I would be satisfied with the stock of stamina K = 3.

M sp1 \u003d 3Mopr \u003d 176.25 kNm

Take off the value of rounding up to 5 centimeters on the long side, taking away the width of the wall.

Task 3 (B0)

Given: D \u003d 1.7 m, \u003d 1000 kg / m 3, H \u003d 2 m

Calculate the value and the direct force of the hydrostatic pressure of the drive per 1 meter of the width of the roller shutter

The total force of the superfluous hydrostatic pressure on the cylindrical surface is attributed to the following formula:

de R x - horizontal storage force of the superfluous hydrostatic vice, N,

Р y - vertical storage force of the superfluous hydrostatic vice, N.


De h ct - vertically in the center of the vag of the vertical cylindrical surface of the water, m,

Vertical projection area of ​​the cylindrical surface, m2.

The vertical warehouse force of the superfluous hydrostatic vice is assigned to the following formula:

De W - volume of the body of the vise, m3. Vertical warehouse strength to the vice of a vase of the right to the tight body of the vice. For the significance of the body, the pressure of the cylindrical surface is divided into 2 parts: AB and BC, and the body of the pressure on the surface of AB will be positive, for BC - negative. The resultant volume of the body is a vice on the entire cylindrical surface ABC and its sign is a way of summing the algebra of the body to the vice on the curvilinear surfaces AB and BC. Tіlo vice in Fig.3. shaded.

Behind the formula (5) equal to the force of the vice:

The force of the superfluous hydrostatic vice is straightened along the radius to the center of the cylindrical surface under the hood to the vertical:

The position of the center of the vice is assigned to the following formula:


Task 4 (B0)

Given: Fig. 5, k e = 0.1 mm, Q = 3.5 l / s, d 1 = 75 mm = 0.075 m, d 2 = 50 mm = 0.05 m, d 3 = 40 mm = 0 .04 m, l 1 = 6 m, l 2 = 2 m, l 1 = 1 m, t = 30 0 C


1. Calculate the speed of the water supply and use the pressure (behind the dove and the muscles) on the skin space of the pipeline.

2. Set the vise value H at the reservoir.

Encourage pressure on that p'ezometric line, on a pretrial scale.


We store D. Bernoulli at the top of the line for crossing 0-0 (on the outer surface of the drain in the tank) and crossing 3-3 (at the outlet to the flow from the pipe), the entire pipeline is accepted for the area of ​​the pipeline:

de z 0 , z 3 - Vіdstan vіd tsentіv travnostі v pererіzіv 0 ta 3 up to a sufficiently formed horizontal plane of povіvnyannya; z 0 -z 3 \u003d H,

p 0 , p 3 - Tisk at the centers of gravity of living resections 0 and 3, p 0 = p 3 = p at;

v 0 , v 3 - average swedishness of the rіdini in live cuts 0 and 3;

a 0 , a 3 - Coefficient of kinetic energy (Coefficient of Coriolis) - correction factor, which is an indefinite value, equal to the ratio of the true kinetic energy to the flow in cross-section to the kinetic energy, insured

Shvidkіsnim onslaught at the perimeter 0-0 nehtuєmo

For laminar flow a = 2, and turbulent a can be taken equal to 1;

h 0-3 - Use the pressure on the underlay of the forces to support with the flow of the flow from the crossing 1 to the crossing 2; r \u003d 1000 kg / m 3; g= 9.81 m/s2.

Todi equal in the future I look:


Significantly swidkіst rush water on the skin dilyantsі.


Significantly, the regimen of rudini and skin dilation is significant.

Reynolds number:

de ν - coefficient of kinematic viscosity for water at t=30 0 C after additive 1 n=0.009 cm 2 /c=0.009∙10 -4 m 2 /s

The mode of overrunning of the river on all the plots is turbulent, to which the coefficient of hydraulic loss is attributed to the Altshul formula:

, (12)

de ke- equivalent shortness of the pipe wall.

Spend the pressure to increase the amount of money spent for a long time and a lot of money:

h w \u003d h l + h m

Spend the pressure behind the dozhina, it is significant for the Darcy formula:

1. Calculate the pressure at the shoulder supports using the Weisbach formula:

de V- middle swidkіst behind the cim mast support; z - the unlimited coefficient of the mass support is assigned for the day.

Spend for dozhina:

, Behind the supplement 2 ξ sun1 =0.324

, Behind the supplement 2 ξ sun2 =0.242

When calculating the cost of pressure on the inlet to the pipe, the coefficient of the mass support z in expensive 0.5.

Swedish onslaught

We represent in (7):

H=0.40+0.06+0.16+0.26+0.05+0.10+0.02=1.05 m

There will be a pressure line. The pressure line shows how the new pressure changes: (More energy) along the current flow. Value H they are placed vertically uphill in front of the axial line of the pipeline.

When prompted by a pressure line, it is necessary to see the rosewood plots with verticals. There will be three such businessmen for my task. Far from a fairly chosen vertical scale, it is calculated in the axial line the value of the known level of the line in the tank H. Conducting a horizontal line behind the equal, we take away the line of the outer (cob) pressure. The line of the rail in the tank is vertical, which shows an overflow at the entrance of the rail to the pipeline, it is laid down on the scale of the rail, which increases the pressure loss at the entrance of the rail to the pipe (pressure loss in the mass support hin). On the dealership L 1 may be the loss of pressure in the main pipeline hL 1 . For otrimanny point, scho to lie on the pressure line in the end of the plot L 1 required according to the line of total pressure after the entrance of the radiator into the pipe vertically in the end of the plot L 1 down at the scale of the vіdrіzok hL 1 . Let's sweat at the point of full onslaught in the village of dilyanka L 1 fits at the scale of the vents, which gives an input to the pressure at the mass support (raptove expansion hvr), and so to the end of the pipeline. Z'ednuyuchi points of total pressure at the skin cut, we take away the pressure line. The p'ezometric line shows how the p'ezometric pressure (potential energy) changes along the current flow. The power supply potential energy is less than the total power supply by the value of the supplied kinetic energy a v 2 / (2g). Therefore, in order to induce a p'ezometric line, it is necessary to calculate the value a for the skin distance v 2 / (2g) on the cob and in the end of the skin veneer and the connecting points, which will be a p'ezometric line.

Top line (blue) - push

Lower (chervona) - p'ezometric

Horizontal scale: 1 cm - 1.25 m

Vertical scale: 1 cm - 0.2 m

Task 5 (v0)

Given: d = 200 mm = 0.2 m, L = 200 m, L nd = 20 m, d nd = 200 mm = 0.02 m, Q = 47.1 l / s = 0.0471 m 3 / s , H = 2.2 m

It is necessary to indicate:

1. Tick at the entrance to the pump (showing the vacuum gauge in the 2 -2), bend at meters of the water level.

How to change the value of the vacuum in this passage, how to supply water to the well with two pipes of the same diameter d?


To determine the required value of the vacuum at the entrance to the pump (pere 2-2) - it is necessary to know the height of the pump axis rose above the water level at the water intake well. Tsya height is added up from sum of heights H + z. Oskіlki value H is given, it is necessary to determine the difference in the water level in the river and the water intake spring z.

Value z when specifying the length and diameter of the self-propelled line, lie down in the window glass Q Oh-ohі 1-1 (Fig. 9):

. (14)

Prymayuchi for the horizontal plane povnyannya retin 1-1 and rahuyuchi v 0 = 0 і v 1 = 0 Oh-oh i 1-1 dovnyuyut atmospheric ( p o= p aTі p 1= p aT), may be a rozrachunk type

In this way, the difference in the water level in the basin and the water intake well is more expensive than the sum of the pressure in the Russian water along the self-flowing line. The won is cumulative from the cost of pressure behind the dovzhina and at the support supports

Width at the self-propelled pipeline:

The entrance to the pipelines and the exit from the new one can be seen to the mast supports. When the pressure input is assigned to the pressure of the supports, the coefficient of the mass support to the input of the following is taken z in = 3, and the output z out = 1.

We take the kinematic coefficient of viscosity n \u003d 0.01x10 -4 m 2 / s, the same for formula (8) the Reynolds number:

We accept equivalent shortness of pipe walls ke= 1 mm

Todі z (15) differential pressure z = 0.46 +3.33 = 3.79 m

Shukana the value of the vacuum at the entrance to the pump depends on the Bernoulli level, folded for reflow 1-1 2 -2, at tsimu for the horizontal plane, take a break 1 -1:

Spend the pressure to increase the amount of money spent for a long time and a lot of money.

Coefficient of the mechanical support of the primal valve from the mesh according to the add. 3 old z set \u003d 5.2, number z keel \u003d 0.2.

Spend for dozhina:

Todі h 1-2 \u003d 0.62 +0.33 \u003d 0.95 m

Vacuum at pump inlet:

In Russia, two self-flowing pipes of the same diameter are new to the vacuum in the cross section 2-2 counts for the rozrahunka of the passage through one pipe Q 1 \u003d Q / 2 \u003d 0.02355 m 3 / s

Width at the self-propelled pipeline:

Significantly spend money after the formula (13)

Reynolds number:

Coefficient of hydraulic friction according to the formula (12):

We know the cost of pressure for a long time for the Darcy formula:

Todі z (15) differential pressure z = 0.12 +0.86 = 0.98 m

Vacuum at pump inlet:

The vacuum will change by 63.3: 12.6 = 5 times.

Task 6 (v0)

Given: d 1 = 4.5 cm, d 2 = 3.5 cm, H 1 = 1.5 m, h 1 = 1 m, h 2 = 0.5 m

It is necessary to indicate:

Vitrata Q,

Rivniv water difference at vіdsіkah h.

a) volne ending; b) completion of pіd rіven


Vitrata rіdini at vitikannі z otvorіvі z otvorіvі that nozzles vyznaєetsya for the formula:

, (16)

de w - the area of ​​the opening, w \u003d πd 2 / 4, H - the onslaught over the center of the opening: m - the coefficient of wicking (when the opening is completed, m pro \u003d 0.62 can be taken, with nozzles - m n \u003d 0.82).

Let's assume that the opening is not flooded. Same for formula (16) we know vitratu:

Vrahovoyuchi rіvnіst vitrat z otvory that nozzles, vyznaєmo

. (20)

(h 2 + H 2) \u003d 0.5 + 2.35 \u003d 2.85m³ h 1 \u003d 1m, later, the opening is flooded, it’s probably overflowing, but we will flood the opening. In what direction:

From the point of equality, we know H 2.

Perveryaemou mind flooding

(h 2 + H 2) = 0.5 +1.22 = 1.72 m > h 1 = 0.5 m


We know the need

h \u003d (h 1 + H 1) - (h 2 + H 2) \u003d (1 +1.5) - (0.5 +1.22) \u003d 0.78 m

Vikonuem reverb


Task 7 (v0)

Given: Q=60 l/s=0.06 m3/s, L=0.75 km=750 m, z=3 m, Hb=12 m, chimney pipes, hm=0.1h l

Know d, Nb, Nsv \

The diameter of the pipeline is assigned according to the table of boundary lines, filed in the add. 4.

For Q = 60 l / s of those pipes, d = 250 mm is assigned.

The required height of the water tower is assigned to equals


, (21)

de h w- the loss of pressure on the expansion of the pipeline from point A to point B, which adds up to the loss of pressure behind the back and the loss of pressure in the main supports:

, (22)

de S 0 - Pitomy opir trumpet; K- Vitrat characteristic (vitrati module) of the pipe.

Width at the pipeline:

Otzhe, correction for non-quadraticity is not needed.

For the addition of 5 pitomies of the opir trumpet, which works in the square dimension of the support at d = 250 mm:

S 0 sq.=2,53 s 2 / m 6

Use the formula (22):

Follow the formula (21) height of the vezh:

Nb \u003d 7.51 + 12-3 \u003d 16.51 m, rounded up to Nb \u003d 17 m

The value of the free onslaught at the end of the line at vitreous, which is more than half of the rosemary, depends on the formula:

, (28)

de - Vtrata pressure in the merezhі with vitrati Q 1 .

Q 1 \u003d Q / 2 \u003d 0.03 m 3 / s


Correction for out-of-squareness required

k 1 - correction factor, scho vrakhovu non-quadratic, for add. 6k1 = 1.112

Use the formula (22):

Head office 8 (v0)

Given: L 1-2 = 600 m, L 2-3 = 100 m, L 3-4 = 0.5 km = 500 m, L 2-5 = 0.7 km = 700 m, Q 2 = 11 l / s = 0.011 m 3 / s, Q 3 = 9 l / s = 0.009 m 3 / s, Q 4 = 7 l / s = 0.007 m 3 / s, Q 5 = 16 l / s = 0.016 m 3 / s, q 3-4 \u003d 0.01 l / s m, q 2-5 \u003d 0.02 l / s m, Hsv \u003d 15 m


2. Install the diameter of the pipes on the main straight line beyond the border lines.

3. Designate the necessary height of the water tower.

4. Calculate the diameter of the opening in the main.

Calculate the actual values ​​of the pressure at the points of water intake.


1. Significantly road stained glass Qn 3-4 , Qn 2-5 behind the formula

de q- set the pet road vitrata on the dilyantsi; L- Dovzhina dilyanki.

Qn 3-4 = q 3-4 ∙ L 3-4 \u003d 0.01 ∙ 500 \u003d 5 l / s

Qn 2-5 = q 2-5 ∙ L 2-5 \u003d 0.02 ∙ 700 \u003d 14 l / s

2. Let's install the rozrahunkovi vtrati for the skin lot of the merezha, looking after it, that the rozrahunkovi vitrat on the dilyantsi dorivnyu sum of knotted vitrata, roztasovanih for this dalyanka (at the straight line of the vody). In case of equal divisions, the road windows are replaced equally in the adjoining nodes.

Correction for non-squareness is not needed.

For d 2-5 = 150 mm iz 2 / m 6

Use the formula (22):

6. Calculate the height of the water tower using the formula


de HSt.- strong onslaught at the last point of the highway; S× h soma vtrat onslaught on the stretches of the highway from the vezhi to the end point.

Nb \u003d 15 +3.61 +13.74 \u003d 32.35 m

Otrimane value Hb rounded up to Nb = 33 m-code.

Calculate the pressure on the cob in the direction of the main line (at point 2) according to the formula


de h 1-2 - Vtrata onslaught on the dealership of the highway from the verge to the vіdgaluzhennya.

H 2 \u003d 33-3.61 \u003d 29.39 m

The middle hydraulic lubricator for work is dependent on the formula

, (34)

de HSt.- Necessary strong onslaught at the end point of the court; L s 2 / m 6

Chugaev R.R. Gidravlika: Assistant for universities. 5th species., reprint. - M.: TOV "BASTET", 2008. - 672 p.: il.

Shterenlikht D.V. Hydraulics. - K .: Kolos, 2006, - 656 p. il..

Lapshev N.M. Hydraulics. - M.: Academy, 2007. - 295 p.

Rtishcheva O.S. Theoretical foundations of hydraulics and heat engineering. Head helper. - Ulyanovsk, UlGTU, 2007. - 171 p.

Bryukhanov O.M. Fundamentals of hydraulics and heat engineering. - M.: Academy, 2008.

Akimov O.V., Kozak L.V., Akimova Yu.M. Hydraulics: navch. posib. - Khabarovsk: Type of FERGUPS, 2008 - 94 p.: il.

Akimov O.V., Kozak L.V., Akimova Yu.M. Hydraulics: method. Vkazіvki schodo vykonannya laboratory robіt. Part 2. - Khabarovsk: Type of FERGUPS, 2009 - 27 p.: il.

Akimov O.V., Akimova Yu.M. Hydraulics. Apply rosrahunka: Navch. posib. - Khabarovsk: Type of FERGUPS, 2009 - 75 p.: il.

Akimov O.V., Kozak L.V., Akimova Yu.M., Birzul O.M. Hydraulics: sb. laboratory robots. - Khabarovsk: Type of FGTUPS, 2008 - 83 p.: il.

Kozak L.V., Romm K.M., Akimov O.V. Hydraulics. Hydrostatics: Collection of typical tasks. At 3 parts. - Parts 1 and 2. - Khabarovsk: View of the Far Eastern State University, 2001

Kozak L.V., Birzul O.M. Hydraulics. Hydrodynamics: sb. typical bosses. - Khabarovsk: Type of FERGUPS, 2008 - 74 p.: il.

Hydraulics is a science that develops the laws of equivalence and the ruhu of the motherland, as well as the methods of practical regulation of these laws. The laws of hydraulics are victorious in the design and construction of hydraulic engineering spores, hydraulic machines, and the construction of pipelines.

First, even more important are the results of the investigation of the hydraulics of the ancient Greek Archimedes (287-212 BC), which introduced the law about the equalization of the body, buried in the motherland. However, the post of Archimedes, stretching for 1700 years, hydraulics did not develop a litter rose.

A new stage in the development of hydraulics has come the hour of renewal. Here, next, the work of the Dutch noble Stevin (1548-1620) was appointed, who gave the rules for assigning strength to the bottom of that vessel wall; the italian scientist Torricelli (1608-1647 rr.) French mathematician and physicist Pascal (1623-1662 pp.), who formulated the law about the transfer of the motherland to the vice, which should be repaired on the surface.

In the XVII-XVIII centuries. the most important laws were established
hydromechanics. The introduction of the laws of mechanics by Newton (1643-1727) created the necessary basis for the development of the laws of the country. Newton, having developed the foundations of the theory of the inner third of the native land, was blamed on it by his followers, the Russian scientist M.P. Petrovim (1836 - 1920). The theory that was broken up by him took away the name of the hydrodynamic theory of oil.


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