Grape seedlings with live bait: preparation, saving of planting material, germination and inspection. How and if to plant grape stems in the spring

Grape seedlings with live bait: preparation, saving of planting material, germination and inspection. How and if to plant grape stems in the spring

Be the gardener who sees the mother's vineyard. At the moment, grapes are available in a variety of varieties, which are suitable for growing in different localities. Grapes can grow both in areas with a short summer period and in warm areas. To select what is needed for the singing climate zone, it is necessary to propagate this berry with live bait. Such work can be completed successfully, but as a result the gardener takes away the result that is required.

Advantages of testing with live bait

Zhivets is the whole part of the stem with a lot of flowers. For dilution at home, take leaves from mature vines. Another name for them is live bait and chibuki.

Whether you're a gardener or a cob, you can grow grapes with live bait. This method has an absolute advantage:

  • the possibility of winning off a large number of Sajants;
  • sajants are easy to transport, send by mail and save;
  • ease of illness and illness;
  • low varity of the Sajants.

Livestock villages are planted in wet soil (in the fall or spring), and then at the end of winter or spring, home-rooted plants are planted.

The cultivation of grapes with live bait at home makes it possible to grow full-fledged gardenings in regions where Ukrainian viticulture is widely cultivated (Urals, Siberia, Moscow region).

Advantages of growing with live bait:

  • the process of development and acceleration is controlled;
  • the presence of negative weather factors;
  • occupies a small space;
  • It’s a good run at the hour, which will allow us to grow planting bushes this season.

Preparing material for planting

For germination in the winter-spring period, live bait is selected from a mature (brown, woody, crackling) single-vine vine. They are prepared from the grape vines (the approximate term is yellowing, until the first frost). In non-vegetated areas, the cuttings for propagation are pruned according to the principles of leaf fall and winter - from the vine, without the desired symptoms of drying out and freezing.

Material for propagation is best selected from the most healthy and fertile plants, which show typical varietal signs. All with straight nails, no defects or stains. The middle part of the logs, which sprouted from the central branches of the courtyard shoots, is selected for live bait.

The normal thickness of live bait is 0.5 to 1 centimeter (in a variety that grows a thin vine, this norm may be less). Fatty stems leave wood fluffy and are not suitable for propagation.

Measure and cut the petioles

The amount of live bait varies over centimeters, and the number of eyes (eyes) that the fish has.

Most often, two-point and three-point games are played, although one-point and four-point games are also used. When the hole is cut, the grains, shoots and excess leaves are cut. It appears that long vines (50-100-170 cm) need to be winterized and should be pruned before rooting.

The upper cut is straight, the height above the upper level is 2-4 centimeters. The lower cut should be made obliquely under the lower edge, in which case the opening may be small. Gardeners of the cob cannot tell which is the upper part and which is the lower. You can immediately benefit from these foods just by following the method.

Chubuki are tied into bundles and tied in two places. Before tying the bundle, tags are attached to the designated name of the variety. After this, the bundles of guilt will be saved for a few months. The stench begins to grow before the smoke.

Preparation of live bait before saving

Chubuki are necessary:

  • soak in water for 12:00, while laying it horizontally, so that the water covers them in a small ball;
  • disinfect: soak in copper sulfate (400 grams per 10 liters of water) or sulfate (300 grams per 10 liters of water) for 15 seconds. After treating the vine with black vitriol, the reaction is normal;
  • Dry for a few hours on fabric or paper;
  • paraffin the eyes (tips). Dip in paraffin, which can be heated in a water bath and slightly cooled (not all gardeners use this method);
  • Before you put it in storage, grab some grub and a plastic bag.

By removing all the fish, the live bait will be better preserved.

Marvel at the video! Preparing and preserving livestock for grapes

Saving live bait before planting

To preserve ideal minds, respect:

  • air moisture – from 80 to 95%;
  • temperature - from 1 to 4 degrees (almost +8).

The material for planting must be stored in the refrigerator or basement, as well as outside - in a trench or in a pile.

Place for preserving live bait:

Preparation before rooting

Before rooting, it is necessary to check the supply of materials for planting: good ones - prepare until they germinate, trashy ones - throw them out. If traces of mold appear on the sajants, they must be treated with potassium permanganate.

Safety check:

  • The bark looks around: it’s healthy – without any sullenness or wrinkles;
  • The transverse cut of the stem breaks. The whole tree has cambium under the bark of the mother's vine of light green color. Brown, white or black color is a sign of death;
  • When pressed on the cut, you will see some traces. Since there is not much of it, the rooting process will be low.


After checking, place the pipes in a container with water for 12 years to 2 days. It is necessary to soak as dry and normal shanks. The room temperature is approximately +20 degrees. Water changes for every 12 years. The drops are made if honey is added to the water (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water).


The long vine is cut into shanks with 2-3 strands. Since pruning was carried out in the spring, the lower crops should be replanted before rooting. They should be crushed under the lower nodes - on a wedge or obliquely. The work is carried out with a sharp knife to avoid crushing the fabric. Place the cut nails in a container with water at the bottom.


The best place to apply the crust is to pour calus on the wound surface. Such an event can be provoked manually. The lower part of the live bait is scraped off with a knife, removing a bunch of late grooves. It is necessary to get lost in the village or cambium. The length of the podryapin is approximately 3-6 centimeters.

Testing with the simulator

The lower part of the live bait is soaked in one of the rare root growth stimulants (Zircon, Heteroauxin, Potassium Humate - following instructions) or coated with Kornevin.

After trimming, the stems must be placed 3–4 centimeters deep in water until they reach the point of planting.

After two years, the top flower begins to bloom, and the garden begins to take in water, which requires topping up.

Rooted Sajants

After 10 days, when the first nirka blossomed, the first roots appeared. When the root system develops, the shanks are planted with a special substrate. Special drainage is placed at the bottom of the container, followed by grape substrate. The sajanetz is sizzled to the top so that the top brown is lost on the surface. After rooting, the plant is watered with water and placed on the dormouse side for productive growth. For survival, gardeners prepare young grapes. Grapes grow from living creatures only during the rooting process.

Marvel at the video! How to root live grapes

Kilchuvannya for grapes

Kilchuvannya is the process of creating a temperature difference between the lower and upper parts of the chibuka: at the bottom it is warm, at the top it is cold. Kilchuvania has a greater chance of rooting.

When germinated, the problem arises of germination as soon as the root grows. Falls are eliminated when greens and wines appear on the garden, but have not yet been able to take root, and grow out. Kilchuvannya itself can cause this problem. At home, in practice, it works in the following ways:

  • Containers with live bait should be placed on a battery or in a special tank to ensure lower heating (temperature from +20 to +27 degrees). The temperature at the top is between +5 and +10 degrees. For the creation of such minds, the kilchuvalka must be placed near a cold place. For a short period of time, the containers are left on the battery, which prevents the curtain-screen between the warm room and the cold window from drying out;
  • Kilchuvaniya “uphill with your feet” gives you high productivity. The container contains a material that is covered with a heated lid. This method prevents the root system from being released early.

Planting sajants before school

School - a plot of soil has been prepared in advance for planting grapes with sajants. There is a plot of land that is well illuminated by the sun. Boarding to school is carried out as follows:

  • In the spring, soil is accumulated to a depth of 40 centimeters;
  • Add one bucket of humus per square meter of plot, two buckets of sand and a scoop of wood ash;
  • The soil will be dug up again;
  • Weed out small hillocks in which to plant seedlings that have previously been paraffinized.

Keeping an eye on the school

During the period of seedling germination, the soil of the plant must be kept fluffy and without weeds. After watering the skin, the soil becomes dry. When watering the skin, you can use organic ingredients. The sickle tries to carbage for the fastest ripening of the vine. In the spring, when 1-2 mature stalks appear, the shank will be ready before transplanting in a permanent place.

Verification of sajants grapes in the spring

In spring, grapes from seedlings grow more easily, but not all of them can be produced due to weather conditions. When sensing, a special technique is used:

  • Cut trees and healthy pastures. The stench is to blame for being equal and the mother’s nirka, which swells. The prepared cuts are steeped in water;
  • The pagons are cut and divided into shanks with 2-3 lines. The lower eyes look askew;
  • Kozhen chibouk hangs near the jar and glass. Virulation must be carried out in a warm, dark place until the plant begins to develop its root system and take root;
  • This smell of sajants persists all summer, and in the spring the stench wreaks havoc on the savings;
  • In the coming spring, planting is carried out on the place, and in the spring - on the post.


Grapes are a berry with a special taste that can be tasted with the help of live bait. A complete list of all the rules and recommendations to allow any gardener to achieve the desired result. This method of planting grapes will result in healthy growth with high yield. Everyone knows that when purchasing sajants you can eliminate defective and unsuitable for singing locality. Therefore, the growth of live bait allows you to avoid such problems and increase the diversity of the species that is necessary. First, the video in our article will show you how to properly pick grapes.

Marvel at the video! Viralization of Sajants from live bait

Live propagation of grapes is one of the most popular methods. It is very important to pick out a good plant or buy one, because these varieties do not take root in the singing world, and they are often fooled in the market. If you have live bait, you can take them from anyone you know, what kind of crop you need. How to properly plant grapes with live bait in home gardens will be described below in the article.

How to prepare live bait?

In the open soil, sprouted live bait - chubuks - are sown. Therefore, before planting grapes with live bait, they need to be prepared. The preparation begins in the fall or at the beginning of spring, until the juices begin to flow from the vine.

  • For cutting live bait, the shortest vine with a thickness of 0.7-1 cm, with good, untidy branches, is selected. Cut them into lengths of 60-80 cm - no more.
  • The jaws should be straight, without bending, as this is possible, but you will have to go to the extreme.
  • After cutting, the material is immediately treated with 5% vitriol or potassium permanganate - whatever is on hand. The obrobka costs 30 rubles.
  • The wintering of the pipes is stored in the refrigerator, cellar, or perhaps in the pits of the farm covered with snow.
  • Sometimes it is recommended to check the material for safety, and in each case, regulate the safety precautions.
  • In the spring they are taken out and looked at. To remove unwanted material, they are cut - as there is a green vine in the middle - they can be planted.
  • It is recommended to soak the stems in honey (2 spoons per 2.5 liters of water). So you can allow them to wake up after the cold winter.
  • Before planting in the ground, the petioles need to be germinated at home. There are a lot of different methods: near the water, near the sand, near the ground, under the dance - all smells in their own way. It is necessary to choose whatever is available.

When should you plant grapes in wet soil?

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No one can say the exact date of planting. This period, as a rule, falls on the beginning of spring - on the beginning of the flow of juices from the vine. This time the life will be quick, the development will be rapid, and the harvest will be rich, let it not be to anyone’s fate.

Since planting is based on uninterpreted terms - grass, worms - it is important to provide livestock with rich soil, good habitat and other conditions for comfort.

How to plant grapes with live bait in a trench?

There are two broad methods for planting live bait in grapes: in the pits and in the ridges. The first step is to prevent the plants from freezing during the winter, thus saving water. The other allows you to warm up the root system, and as a result it develops better, the growth is also protected from a large number of vlogs, and the weeds are much easier to harvest. For the cob to grow, it’s like planting grapes with live bait in a trench.

In trenches or pits, as they are called among the people, it is recommended to plant sprouts, since the ground waters run deep, and also in case of severe frosts, winter them so that the sprouts do not die.

Trenches are prepared in the fall. It is better to move them perpendicularly straight - out and back. In such a fall, the growth takes away maximum light and heat. Dimensions of the trench: half-meter of the backbone and half-meter of the top. They can be fertilized both in the spring and in the spring. If you are afraid to do this in the spring, then at any time you can’t take fresh rotting - only refrigerated ones.

For planting livestock in grapes, a special soil mixture is prepared: humus, loam, sand - in the lower areas. Before planting, pour manganese into the trench to prevent contamination of the plot. You need to plant the seedlings carefully so as not to harm the young roots. It is important to place a stick so that the bait will immediately begin to hide on the new fish.

If the soil is clayey, it is necessary to bury the roots by 20 cm, and if the soil is deepened - by 50 cm. After planting, the bait is covered with a 10-centimeter ball of soil. It is recommended to create mulch of any kind on top of the ground. Once the growth has taken root, the trenches are covered with spittle. You can pick it up after the weather gets warmer.

How to plant live grapes in the ridges?

At the Varto ridge, plant live bait in snowy regions and there, where the groundwater level is not deep. The bed will be dug up in the fall. Before that, as soon as you plant grapes with live bait in your home, you must begin to cultivate the ridge. It starts in the spring, but the top ball must fold from the same soil that is turned up for planting grapes in a trench (humus, loam, sand).

The beds are formed up to 30 cm of curl and 1 meter of curl. It is recommended to place it behind or before planting time to support the edges of the seedlings so as not to damage the roots. Live bait is planted using the basic method - planting material is placed in a small hole, covered with earth, and lightly compacted. In winter, when there is no snow, the ridge is covered with cardboard to protect the roots from frost.

  • Planting material is taken exclusively from crops that grow in climate and brought to the gardener’s plot. If you take foreign material, you will spend a lot of time getting accustomed to the new climate and may die.
  • Cuttings cut in early spring take root much better in the autumn, so it is possible to carry out the procedure in the spring - this would be the best option.
  • For cutting live bait, healthy mother material is selected. If the grapes are sick or even old, there will be few barks of such livestock. The vine is not young. Ideally, when cooked, a characteristic crunch will appear.
  • If you cut up a number of grape varieties for winter storage, you need to label them or place them around the bag, otherwise problems with certain types will arise in the spring.

There are a number of ways to propagate grapes. For example, living things are a very rare way of growing in household minds. The method of rooting the waters, which is on the bush plot, is a method that is not suitable for the skin type and country plot. The most extensive method is the cultivation of grapes with live bait. Many gardeners do not know how to grow grapes from live bait correctly, so they give the advantage of propagating an unnecessary variety by planting expensive seedlings. However, even at home, you can successfully grow grapes with live bait.

How to prepare live bait

They prepare live or spring stems, from the good ones that have grown during the summer period, from healthy trunks that will crackle when they are dead and may be equally fermented. If the live bait is not broken, weakly visible, even thin, smearing as if damaged by pests or diseases, cut from barren bushes or, for example, even substances that are fattened, then the stench is not suitable for rooting and planting . At the end of the harvest, when the surface of the leaves from the vine becomes dry, before the first frost arrives, cut live bait for drying. Live bait, preserved to the cob with juice in early spring, is treated quickly for rooting; it retains vitality and freshness well.

The cut vine is cleaned of shoots, shoots and cut into live leaves with a length of 45-75 cm. However, a vine with a length of 110-135 cm saves harvesting better, and in the spring when cutting the stems it gives less harvest moves. After this, the stems are collected from the bunch, corresponding to the variety, identified with a label, roasted in a large bag and placed in a dark, cool place for winter storage. Live bait is stored in basements, logs or pits, which are prepared directly for the farm. They should be laid vertically or horizontally, heavily drying with loose sand, lubricated with thyrso or structural soil. Before laying, to prevent the live bait from becoming moldy, they are sprayed with 5% vitriol.

If, after trimming, the live bait spent the last three hours on support, before storing them, it is necessary to place them in warm water for 1.5-2 additions. Before you plant the stems, check their traces by carefully removing bits of bark from the edge with a sharp knife. The wood is bright green, and when viewed in cross section, the top and bottom in the middle are lush and green. Since the eyes are in the middle of a dark brown color, it means that the necks have died and the forelocks are not ready to germinate.

Preparation before rooting

Before planting live grapes, it is necessary to first prepare containers for planting and a substrate prepared from soil, sand, humus and thyrsus, mixing everything in equal proportions. To ensure that the substrate remains loose and does not harden, its surface should be periodically chewed. To drain the surface water, drainage is laid and a number of openings are opened at the bottom. Cardboard bags of juice or milk, plastic bowls with a cut top, and cake boxes are suitable containers for the rooting of live bait.

Use pruning shears to cut the weeds of live bait fish, the lower one - right under the hole, the top one - 2.5-3.5 cm further behind the hole. After furrowing the bark, apply pods from the middle to the bottom using a sharp flower or a thick head. Then the live bait is placed in water at 15-25 dib, depending on the stage of their drying. After which the live bait is placed for a few hours near the dishes with a root stimulator according to the instructions. And place in jars of clean water in a suitable place according to the grade. After 12-16 days, the upper layer will swell and new growth will begin. The water is reduced to 3.5-5 degrees, adding evaporation.

After 22-28 days, the first roots will appear. The appearance of the first root is the main source for planting live bait at the back of the substrate preparation.

Place a 2-4 cm drainage ball in a container, pour 5.5-7.5 cm of earth mixture onto the animal, install the petiole vertically and reach to the top, leaving young greenery flowing over the substrate. Gently water the newly planted chubuk and place it on the windowsill, on the sunny side. After a few days, you can carry out a small amount of potassium or sol. Adding nitrogen is not recommended, as this may cause premature growth of young vines. Water the live bait regularly with a small amount of water. If it grows too much, pinch it. If the ambient temperature is 2-5C, the baitfish that have taken root should be placed in wet soil, carefully wiping them out of the container so as not to damage the roots. Until the live grapes take root, their traces should be darkened due to direct sedative changes.


Live bait can be caught not only in hot and cold greenhouses, but also in boxes of thyrso or old buckets dug into the ground. Also, kilchuvania occurs in room washrooms due to the installation of a special device with electrical heating. In reality, this procedure follows, say, an offensive scheme.

Dig a hole in the vineyard, the clay of which shows the depth of the shank. They are installed vertically with ends down and covered with earth ¾ of the way down. Then, press the cardboard around the soil and let the fluffy soil reach the same level as the soil. Apply a small, humid border 9-14 cm thick using a mixture of humus, straw, and pus to protect the soil from overheating with sleepy changes in the daytime.

After 23-26 days, the live bait camp is checked. Why carefully rake up the earth and look at its faces. As soon as the humps of the mighty root have appeared on the heel node, or the brown-white infusion of callus is applied, kilchuvania is applied. It is not possible to allow the creation of a supernaturally long root, the fragments will inevitably become damaged or break off when planted in the stink school.

Boarding to school

The plot where grapes grow from living creatures is called a school. You must be in a well-lit area that is ventilated. One of the main ideas for the quick rooting and development of sajants is a light, humid soil and a sufficient amount of goodness.

In the spring, in the middle of the season, prepare the soil to plant baitfish. Dig the plot to a depth of 35-40 cm and add 1.5-2.5 liters of sand, 80-120 g of nitroamophoska, 0.5-1.5 liters of humus per 1 sq.m. Then dig the plot again, mixing the soil. Then remove small humps from day to day, where the shanks are inserted. Before planting, live bait should be soaked for 15-20 years, cut with 3-point pruning shears, so that the lower cut is 0.4-0.7 cm lower than the lower one, and the upper one is 0.7-1.4 cm higher than the upper one. . The upper section is covered with paraffin containing 2.5-4% bitumen to increase evaporation in the new liquid and prevent it from drying out.

The live bait is ready to be planted in the soil and watered thoroughly. The ground is covered with mulch material - black spit, a piece of roofing felt or thick cellophane. It is important to regularly check the soil under the covering material to ensure that it is completely dry and does not allow it to completely dry out. With the right care, before autumn you can grow healthy seedlings with a healthy root system.

Look at the landing in the ground

In the remaining seasons, when the temperature rises to 10-15 ° C and there is no risk of spring frosts, plant grape seedlings in dry soil. The seedlings are planted on a distance of 2.3-2.7 m one at a time and 1.8-2 m between the rows.

A more extensive planting scheme encourages the coming season to form bushes so that they can grow vertically. If you want to achieve high fruiting with this method, please pay special attention to the bush during the winter.

In order to form the maximum required number of gardens, plant 2-3 seedlings of the same variety in the planting hole. To stimulate the development of the root system and increase survival rate, it is necessary to trim the root of the gardener before planting by 0.5-0.7 cm. At the bottom of the planting hole, in the center, create a hump, place it on a new petiole, spreading the root out neither sides, nor fall asleep with soil . The soil should be crushed, watered and the plant should be covered with a cardboard cover so that it is not damaged by direct sedative changes.

Video “Procurement of live animals and their rooting”

How to prepare livestock for grapes, how to process them better, and how to save them, which are necessary for successful rooting, this video clearly shows.

How can you expand your vineyard without wasting your money? The best way is to propagate grapes with waterings to allow the vines to root without strengthening them from the mother bush, so you can grow from the same mother vines with just a small number of rooting vines.

Basic methods of grape propagation

One of the methods of crop propagation that has been tried over time is to cover the vine with soil. If it is still green, then the procedure should be carried out as if it were already wood - in the spring. They sip in such a manner that the top is removed from the surface of the earth. In the spring, the skin from the steam is strengthened from the blood vessels, placed at the market and removed from a special place until spring. For rural regions, this option is practically not available, since the roots are cured as they grow, and the root often suffers from frost.

Sticking the vine with soil has an original modification option, in which case the soil and peat are attached to the base with a special soil bag. Until the fall, the roots are established here and it is possible to plant grapes for their valuable fruit. However, this option also has the disadvantage of being young - the root will be more sensitive to negative temperatures.

To remove acidic material from a significant quantity, you can quickly use the following method:

  • horizontal - picking out seedlings for transplanting at a new place, a groove with a depth of up to 20 cm;
  • deep - replacement of old (uterine) bushes, a groove with a hole at the place of the drained outlet with a depth of up to 50 cm.

In cold, snowy regions, the method of propagating grapes with live bait is most widespread. The material is prepared in the fall and stored in a box with soft sand to protect it from drying out. In birch trees, begin to germinate in glass jars, and after the first crowns appear, plant them in bags of soil. Grass is the hour of landing of young sajants at the stationary place.

Preparation of live bait for winter storage

The splitting of the gilts requires the use of the method of replacing some varieties with others. Sowing seedlings is not true to herself; out of thousands of seedlings, only one or two come out clear, and others turn out to be worse than the original.

The most popular and most effective way is to propagate grapes with winter or summer live bait. It is based on the natural origin of the culture, which is constantly renewed, preserving all the powers of the mother vine. This method is used for commercial cultivation of these plants, so amateur gardeners know how to propagate grapes. The fragments sprouting from the petiole form moisture, rather than splintering the root system, which is often called root moisture.

As you were hoping to know how to grow grapes from the petiole, the preparation of the material will have to be done later, even at . By cutting off the unnecessary shoots, cut down on the pastures that bore fruit, making the diameter 7-10 mm. As the petiole begins to flow, it is cut into a replacement knot, or the middle part of the fruit arrow.

The most popular and most effective way is to propagate grapes with winter or summer live bait.

How to prepare the petiole:

  • remove from the bottles all the branches, leaves, shoots, apiaries and tops that have not sprouted;
  • The skins of live bait will need to be cut so that there are 4 browns left on them;
  • cut the petiole under the cut, protruding from the top edge of the stem by a couple of centimeters, carefully avoiding the top edge;
  • cut the lower part of the petiole under the lower branch in a straight line;
  • To deepen the roots, make three vertical slashes to the bast (3 cm of edge) on the lower part using either a knife or a knife;
  • Tie all prepared livestock in a bunch according to the grade and label it;
  • bunches of live bait are placed in clean water to promote physiological moisture, and then pickled with copper sulfate (5%) and dried;
  • After these procedures, bunches of live bait can be buried in a pot or plastic bag and stored in a refrigerator, cellar, or basement.

During the winter, look at the live bait that is lying on the bank 1-2 times and turn it over to the other side.

Video about propagating grapes with live bait

Options for growing live bait

A couple of days before planting in the ground for germination, it is necessary to remove the live bait from the cob, check its freshness by pressing on the cross section with pruning shears. If a few droplets of water appeared, it means that the bait was well preserved, the specks did not appear - the hole was dry, the water oozes from the neck without pressing - the bait is rotten. Get a fresh cross-section and pay attention to your color: it is light green, there are some black inclusions.

In order for the grapes to multiply successfully, it is necessary to soak in warm water those livestock that have been best preserved over the winter. The treatment takes two steps by changing the water, after which it is recommended to place the needles on the root stimulator.

Before you can propagate grapes with live bait, you need to germinate them in plastic bottles or bowls.

In order for the grapes to multiply successfully, it is necessary to soak in warm water those livestock that have been best preserved over the winter.

Option 1. Germination in flasks:

  • prepare large plastic flasks by opening the openings three times a day with an awl;
  • Place soil in the bottom of the bottles, mixed with leaf humus, into a 2 cm ball;
  • Place a smaller glass without a bottom on top of the soil, filling the space between the walls of the bottles with soil, press down and water the soil;
  • The inner glass has some river sand, pour it over and put away the bottle;
  • At the very center of the sand, make a 4 cm deep hole with a stick, insert a petiole there and water the sand;
  • Hiss the beast with sand, cover the bottle with a plastic sheet without a bottom or a lid.

Every day or two you will need to water the gardens with warm water. And if the root is visible from the sides of the bottle, and there are 4 leaves on the top, the flask can be removed.

Option 2. Germination at the dance:

  • test a plastic dance with a cut neck with an opening at the bottom;
  • nasipte drainage ball;
  • Place 7 tablespoons of soil mixture on top of the drainage;
  • In the ground, place the live bait under the top of the top, so that the top ground or the bottom of the fish are completely pinned on the flat top of the dance;
  • the beast will steam the old thyrsus;
  • Cover the live bait with a plastic cup.

The bottle can be removed if you no longer fit in it

Place the bait with live bait facing the window. The bottle can be removed if you no longer fit in it. Water the slid from below through the tray, pouring a little water into it and placing a splash of sedjanz there for 15 minutes.

How grapes reproduce with green bait

It is possible to germinate green baitfish cut into the cob of flowers. Why do you need pasta, which comes out when the needles are wetted and in the spring? Place the cut pieces immediately in a bucket filled with clean water. Remove the skin, cut into live bait with two pieces and place them in the water.

You can also germinate green livestock by cutting the flower on the cob

In live bait, the bottom cut is made obliquely under the lower node. When cutting the top above the knot, fill in 2-3 cm of stump. The ready-made green bait is placed in a box or around plastic cups. It is necessary to create a slight darkness for them, so that they can get in after the baitfish have completely disappeared into adulthood.

Video about propagating grapes with green live bait

The live bait will grow all summer, and in the spring they will need to be placed in containers for conservation. Transplant the seedlings into the soil in the spring and grow them in the vicinity throughout the summer. In the vineyard, the sajants are removed from the live plants and planted in the middle of the heather.

Reproduction by breeding

These are the rooted lower branches, which grow in a special manner near the ground without being seen from the father's bush until the sarjan is ripe. It is important to take into account the nuances of laying the idler grooves in the following ways:
  • dry;
  • green;
  • green;
  • horizontal;
  • deep;
  • Chinese;
  • katavlak ta in.

The chronology of processes during propagation of grapes by watering is ordered by the following algorithm:
  1. Forming a groove with a width of 15 cm and a depth of up to 20 cm in the direction required from the mother bush. This procedure must be carried out until the shoots appear on the vine.
  2. Fill the groove with ¾ of the soil containing humus.
  3. Laying the vine along the groove from pinning it to the ground behind an additional dart, slingshots and others are attached to fix the position.
  4. Soaking the planted vines with soil and watering the plant with water supplemented with manganese.
  5. Cover with spit until the first leaves appear above the surface of the ground. This technique allows you to create an optimal microclimate.
  6. Regular watering and raising of young pagons to the point of wood and metal.
  7. Pinching young legs at the end of summer will lead to mutilation.
  8. In the early days of autumn, dig up, divide into parts, lower the roots of the skin plant into clay holes and send for saving.
Do you know that no more than two branches can be formed from one bush, and the planting can be done in the middle of the summer, if the leaves are removed before laying in the trench.

How to propagate wild grapes

The girlish (wild) species is a liana, which is widely used in the decoration of cottages: gazebo, parkanka, wall of the booth, etc. There are a number of ways to reproduce it:
Just a fact: for successful rooting, two seasons may be needed.

Regardless of the chosen method of propagating wild grapes, follow the steps below about preparing the soil:
  1. At the designated planting site, dig a hole 60 inches wide and at least 50 inches deep.
  2. Cover 2/5 of it with a hammer or large crushed stone, ensuring drainage.
  3. Fill the top with a mixture of two parts earth, two parts peat and one part sand.
When planting gardeners, a distance of one meter between two seated specimens is maintained.

How to carry out crop cultivation in open soil

From the very beginning, choose a place to locate the upcoming vineyard, and the following recommendations:
  • the outer side and the outer side;
  • visibility near tall trees;
  • The walls seemed to be protected from strong winds and low temperatures.
The order of planting is to lie in the soil in which the grapes grow. So, for black soil and clay, advanced technologies are being developed:
  1. Dig a hole 80x80 cm with the same clay.
  2. Fill the hole ¼ full with mixed soil and humus and compact it.
  3. Mix 300 g of superphosphate and potassium fertilizer with 3 liters of ash, add to the soil and form another ball, twice as thin as the first one.
  4. The third ball is 5 cm and is represented only with soil.
  5. After all manipulations, the pit appears to be half filled.
  6. Form a small mound at the center, place the planter vertically on it (if it is more than 25 cm deep, spread it under the bend) and straighten the root evenly.
  7. Cover the grapes with soil until the growth reaches a level, carefully compact the soil and add 2-3 buckets of water.
  8. The top ball (up to 10 cm) fluffs up, watering is repeated twice every other day, accompanying fluffing and mulching.
  9. To support the gardener, install a string, tie it to each one, and remove one leak.
If the soil is deep, then dig the hole up to 1 meter, forming a first ball 20 cm in clay soil. You will also have to water more often and more generously - once a week, 4 liters of water.
As soon as the sajants grow the trunk of the tree, then before they plant, with the weather's minds in the clear, they begin to knit. Green specimens that vegetate are best grown in cherries. When choosing the autumn period (from autumn to frost), you should carefully cover the young plants with peat, pine needles or sawdust.

Selecting a variety and preparing livestock for grapes

When choosing a grape variety for planting, adjust the parameters of the resistance of the varieties to the disadvantages, illnesses and different weather conditions. The best options will be varieties with the highest vegetative value, long-lasting and stable fruiting. A good harvest of licorice and great berries can be produced by the following varieties: “capture”, “Aladdin”, “Laura”, “Harold” and others.

Having chosen the grapes, we proceed to the preparation of live bait. The preparation is prepared during the spring pruning period as follows:

  1. Melt the paraffin and soak the live bait in the new mixture.
  2. The live bait is burned with woolly fabric.
  3. Save for saving on the lower police.
  4. Prepared live bait is removed from the police before the onset of spring.
  5. At this time, cut off the lower part under the lower edge.
  6. Between the remaining and the remaining lower part, make three later cuts.

Similar cuts are necessary for the formation and development of the root system of the plant.

Peculiarities of preserving livestock for grapes in the early days of spring

We first need to awaken the living creatures from their winter sleep. Whose help can be used to break up water, honey, and 2 tbsp. spoons for 2.5 l. Live bait is placed at the disposal on a splinter. Then the live bait is placed in plastic bowls or bottles.

Planting live bait on grapes near the dance floor

This method is simple and follows this technology:

  1. Take a piece of plastic and cut off the upper part using a sharp object.
  2. At the bottom of the dance, make small openings, then soak a ball that lets water through, which will serve as drainage.
  3. Place 7-8 tablespoons of soil mixture on top of the drainage ball.
  4. Place the petiole under a small pile near the top of the soil so that the tip of the petiole is aligned with the top edge of the improvised pot.
  5. Then create a ball of steamed thyrsion in a container.
  6. Place the bottle of live bait on the windowsill in such a manner that you will always be amazed at the view of the window.
  7. Cover the live bait with a barless and light-permeable plastic cup until it grows old and cannot fit in anything.

Watering the petiole occurs through the lower part. To do this, place the dance in a 5 mm ball of water at 15 minutes. During this period of time, the pagon should be adjusted to maintain the air temperature in the range of 20 to 25 degrees.

Planting live grapes in a plastic bottle.

For planting grapes using this method, bottles with a volume of 0.5 liters are most suitable. The fudge technology conveys the following:

  1. For additional help, I sewed on the days of tari viconati 4 open.
  2. With the first ball of 2-2.5 cm, mix the earth and leaf humus.
  3. Then insert another container with a smaller volume and a curved bottom into the bottle.
  4. Place a 200 ml flask and a 0.5 liter container, cover with soil, which is then watered and hardened.
  5. The inner volume of a small flask will be filled with fried sand from the river, which is easily converted into water.
  6. Then carefully twist the small plastic flask, and in the center of the sand cylinder, cut a drill 4 cm deep and 1 cm thick.
  7. At the holes, insert a petiole, after which the space that is left in the bottle is filled with sand.
  8. A pot with a petiole, which is high, is covered with a dance without a bottom and a neck.

Watering of the pastures occurs at a frequency of 1 time every 2 days. The bottle should be removed after 4-5 arkushes appear.

When and how to harvest grapes with live bait

It is recommended to vine grapes with live bait in early spring. For the smut - do not over-trim the pasta and replant the sap from the shoots to the cob. The vibration method of planting is directly related to the growth of the plant. To ensure greater protection of the tracks, vikorize the trench(s) and boxes. Here you can see a clear method that has the following advantages:

  • The root system of grapes is deeply rooted in this way. This prevents the winter plants from freezing.
  • Trenches are the best shelter for grapevines.
  • Handiness and water saving when watering.
  • Protection of growths from spring frosts.
  • The root system of the plant warms up earlier and generates more heat.
  • Reliable protection for grapes from flooding.
  • The lightness of the sight of the Buryans.

In these drainages, where the depth of the groundwater is high, or in the drainages where there is snow in the winter, the best option is to plant grapes in a trench. In regions with cold summers and snowy winters, as well as in areas with shallow groundwater, it is recommended to use a vicoristic method of planting on ridges. By following these simple recommendations, you can ensure yourself a great harvest.

Planting grapes in pits and trenches.

Before the spring planting of live grapes, it is recommended to begin work on preparing holes and trenches later in the fall. The ditches are to be dug perpendicularly in a straight line going in and out. Such growth will allow you to create maximum lightening of the growth with sun from your sides. The virita ditch is deep and deep, but close to half a meter.

After the trench, the trench will be filled with a specially prepared earthen mixture. To prepare this mixture, you need to mix humus, the topsoil from your plot, gravel and sand with large particles in the same proportions. You should then enrich yourself with mineral supplements and try to dissolve the main part of them at the bottom of the ditch. This is to ensure the root system for the living. When filling the ditch, lightly press the soil with your foot. Having finished filling, water the trench with manganese.

When planting live grapes in the soil from the prepared mixture, it is necessary to add additional stems. The stench will help hair growth and also relieve swelling. In addition, depending on the type of soil in the region, there is sufficient depth to bury the root system of the grapes. For soft soils, set the depth to 50 cm. For clayey soils – 20 cm.

The technology for planting vineyards transfers powder to the root system with a ball of soil mix 10 cm thick. Organic or inorganic mulch is laid on the top ball. When completed, the entire trench is covered with spittle. This technology will ensure the heating of the earthen sphere, which will allow the growth to develop more and more stably. The flotsam is collected after the arrival of warm summer days, when additional soil is added.

Vysajuvanya grapes with live bait in the ridges.

As in the early fall, for the spring planting of live grapes in the home garden beds, prepare the soil mix. For this you need to combine sand, gravel, humus, and loam in equal quantities. In Masu, it is recommended to add mineral supplements in smaller quantities.

Features of the creation of ridges for grapes:

  • The optimal width is 1 m, height 30 cm.
  • Formation of flat shells to protect the roots from frost.
  • Add additional cover with corrugated cardboard to create a resistant surface for the growth of snow during the winter.
  • Installation of cut pipes with a diameter of 0.3 m at the bed for maximum efficiency of watering and feeding.

Planted in a garden bed, grapes grow on all sides over time at pleasant temperatures and steady watering. Fluffy soil will be provided with essential sourness for all weather conditions. In addition, such a soil will provide reliable protection from the overgrowth of roots in the rainy hour.

Look at the grapes

This tree can get a little dry, without proper care and attention, it can lose its color or die completely. It is recommended to begin monitoring live bait immediately after landing.

The main thing to look after this crop during this period is to watch out for moisture in the soil and unacceptable drying out. Therefore, regular watering is recommended. The grapes will not require fertilization after planting, since mineral nutrients were added to the soil during preparation. However, it is important not to forget about the loosening of the soil and the natural depletion of the Buryans. This is the main time to look after the grapes in the first month after planting.

For the coming months, keeping an eye on the trees is in the coming months:

  • Prevention of mischief-makers.
  • Health care due to illness.
  • Circumcision.
  • Ukrittya at the winter hour.

For the obviousness of all the treatments, if you know and remember them, you can grow such a plant that will delight you with great and sweet berries. More information can be found in the video.
