Shchiritsya zvichaina bur'yan yak fight. Amaranth or amaranth is thrown - lax power and stagnation

Shchiritsya zvichaina bur'yan yak fight. Amaranth or amaranth is thrown - lax power and stagnation

Althaea officinalis L. Amaranth family – Amaranthaceae

Botanical characteristics

Single herbaceous growth up to 1 m of curl. Grow everywhere, like buryans in crops, gardens, cities, wastelands, roads.

The root that spreads penetrates far into the depths. The stem is straight, gilluste, pubescent. The leaves are chergovo, ovate-rhombic, the base is drawn into a petiole, at the top with a vim. The fruit is oleoresinous black. Bloom from black to bristle. Bear fruit until late autumn.

A number of species are growing. The most common ones are:

  • Shchiritsa is thrown– A. retroflorum – rye-green growth, flower-bearing shoots gathered into a compact thread;
  • Shchiritsa tailed– A. cordatus – with purple drooping voles.

All types of squirrels are medicinal, but the greatest kissing authorities are the squirrels.

Vikorystovany parts of the plant

Medicine's syrup includes all parts of the plant. Syringe is collected during the growing season of the plant: leaves - before flowering; Flower Voloty - at the hour of flowering; nasnyya – in the world of maturity; root - spring.

Amaranth, as a valuable food crop, earns respect throughout the world. In the USA, the amaranth institute and research centers develop this culture and promote it into the food industry. This is explained by the fact that the plant contains a large amount of biologically active substances, the main reason for extracting amaranth oil.

Chemical warehouse

All parts of the plant contain nitrogen compounds, betacianidins: amaranthine, betanin, organic acids, vitamins, barberries, microelements.

Today, amaranth contains a large range of amino acids, including essential ones, as well as high protein content (up to 18%). The protein of amaranth is now equal to the protein of women's milk. Due to the grub value of amaranth proteins, it significantly exceeds the protein of cow's milk and is perhaps 1.5 times greater than the protein of soybean.

Amaranth oil contains a wide range of non-saturated acids and organic acids. The main component of the plant is squalene (over 8%). Squalene is a component of human skin and takes part in the acid metabolism of tissues and organs, protects the body from radiation, and ensures the resistance of the body until it becomes ill.

Zastosuvannya and lax power

In the experiment, water extracts of the aerial parts of amaranth have bactericidal, protistocidal and diuretic effects. Fatty oil has anti-inflammatory, blood-spinal and antifungal effects. The infusion of roots is effective in the treatment of zhovtyanitsa and rishti. Fresh juice and infusions exhibit anti-tumor activity.

In traditional medicine, amaranth appears in infusions and decoctions to stagnate when soaked in powders of various etiologies and localization, internal and external; for the treatment of fungal illnesses, as a blood-spinal treatment for various bleedings, for liver and heart disease, and intestinal infections; externally – for eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, erosions, endometriosis, colpitis.

The root and nasal stasis in dysentery; in the form of baths - for various illnesses of the skin, allergies, diabetes, visips, often with black chamomile.

Fresh juice diluted 1:5 is used to rinse the mouth when the mucous membranes are inflamed. Flower seed is an effective, rejuvenating, cosmetic product, improves hair roots and promotes hair growth.

Oliya is used for sores, bedsores, bites, comas, scars.

Young leaves take root in hedgehogs; nasinnya - like seasoning to herbs.


  • For vіdvaru take 15 g of root or aerial parts, trim, pour 200 ml of dill, leave in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cool for 10 minutes, process. Take 1/3 of a bottle 3 days a day.
  • For taking off infusion take 20 g of leaves, pour 200 ml of dill, infuse in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, process. Take 1/3 of a bottle 2-3 times a day before meals.
  • For bath take 300-400 g of cheese, pour in 2 liters of dill, boil in a saucepan for 15 minutes, cool for 10 minutes, process and add 1/2 bath 2-3 times per week for 20-30 minutes.

In gardens, cities and in Uzbekistan, there are often emergency quarantine storms. Shchiritsa can be found throughout the entire territory of Russia.

Amaranth is also called rubella, beetroot, amaranth, and is also related to the amaranth family.

Amaranth in the walnut translation means “eternal.” Like a Buryan known in our land for over a hundred years. To this day, the plant has squandered from America, which has led to the development of flight production.

Batkivshchyna shiritsy – Pivdennaya America. The largest population of species of this plant grows there. The plant spread to Eastern America, then to India and China, where wild species grow, and where decorative species of these plants began to grow.

With the help of the Spanish conquerors, the amaranth population was traversed to Europe. There they grew as an ornamental tree, and later as a fodder and cereal crop.

Over the course of many thousands of years, the shiritsa is of small and great importance in the life of the peoples of Western and Central America. There they were grown as a grain crop next to legumes and were called “the bread of the Incas,” “the wheat of the Aztecs.”

Young leaves of ashiritsa can be harvested, so they can be used to prepare salads and other hot herbs. You can vikoristuvat in hedgehogs and dried leaves.

Vikorista is harvested for grazing animals, green fertilization, and silage is made from it, which smells like apples. Pigweed is a live food for poultry.

To this day, this growth was lost in the mid-19th century. They immediately began to be respected by the evil weeds, unconcerned with all their roots of power.

Shchiritsa is a single-growing, tall bush with a straight trunk that reaches a height of 20 to 130 cm, with a strongly flattened bush that has a purple-green discoloration. The top is covered with fine hairs.

Her fertility is great (up to over a million birds per line). On the sprout of young acorns, there is a smell and a reddish color, which is one of the names of the weeds - beetroot.

The sprouts are cut down by the wind, so that the creation of the present day does not lie in the comas that the sprouts cut down.

The color of the acorn gives the appearance of a great straight hair. At the bottom there is a present (most often black and bright, even more frivolous). The aphid only reproduces in the same way.

The plant begins to ripen in the other half of the summer, and the end of ripening comes with frost. Buryan, which is ready to bear fruit, will soon sweep the soil. Close to 1000 gatherings can occur on 1 m2 of land. Just 10 to 12 plants are enough to cover a hectare of land.

Shchiritsa is very good at enduring a dry hour, it can easily get stuck to different soils, so fighting it will require patience and methodicalness.

Shchiritsa A constant companion, for other towers, sowing potatoes and sheep, it is necessary to immediately monitor the cultural plants. When fighting against acorn grass, it is necessary to work in the fall to dig up the city or a deep orange.

Besides the Buryans, it is no less troublesome for the city workers to bring other dispossessions to the city.

To be fair, it should be noted that amaranth and amaranth are among the followers of vegetarianism, and a healthy way of living is gaining great popularity. There are many people who are happy to live with each other.

Read the City Council and collect riches from your plots.

Shchiritsa is thrown into the people's respect by Bur'yan, but not everyone knows that there are also a number of lecherous authorities who have been victorious in the treatment of sick people for a long time. Mostly, the agaric is thrown in as a cure for the treatment of the disease of the cervical spine and as a blood-spinal infection.

Amaranth planted with horned weed, growing up to 0.9 m. Rhizome of the agaric plant. You can recognize the shiritsa by its flowers - the stench is dribble, the yellowish-green color.

Chi is not frost-resistant. The flowers bloom from linden to spring, and the flowers ripen from sickle to autumn. Flowers are monoecious (separate flowers of a human or female cob, or else they can be found on the same plant) and are blown away by the wind. Roslina is self-piping. Digestion: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and important (clayey) soils, as well as well-drained soil. Basic pH values: acidic, neutral and moist soils and can grow in very acidic and moist soils.
Shchiritsa cannot grow in the shade. It is superior to wet soil and can be tolerated in dry conditions.
Marked in all areas. The amaranth family includes 4 more species, which are distributed throughout the entire territory of the region. Growth in cities and fields, near roads. Respected by Buryan.

Natural parts: leaves; today.

Culinary cured shiritsa:

Young leaves- siri chi cook like spinach. They have a soft taste and are often mixed with strongly flavored leaves. Amaranth is rich in vitamins and is also a good source of vitamins A and C.

Nasinnya- Siri chi vareni. They were ground into powder and vicorized as a grain substitute, and they were also added to salads. The material is smaller, about 1 mm in diameter, but is easy to assemble and even more durable. It’s a good idea to paint it as if it were coated with oil before grinding. It’s often added to the Kukurudzian’s culture. The porridge can be cooked whole, and it becomes jelly-like, so that the ingredients from the porridge pass directly through the herbal system without assimilating.

Zastosuvannya Amaranth

Roslina is used for traditional medicine as a blood-spinal remedy for various leg, intestinal, hemorrhoidal and uterine bleeding. It is sometimes recommended to take aqueous infusions of medicinal herbs in cases of diarrhea, intestinal pain and constipation.

Method of curing agaric

Tart tea made from leaves is astringent. It is used in cases of clear menstruation, intestinal bleeding, etc. Nasty is used to treat hoarseness.
Finish with the tossed acorn herb, add 1 to 3 tbsp. l. Have a bottle of dill again, let it sit for about a year, then strain. Take 3 times throughout the day before eating (divide the mixture into 3 equal parts).
1 tbsp. Add the dry chopped leaf to a flask of water, then cook for 2-3 minutes, then leave for 1 year, and strain thoroughly. Take 3-4 drinks this day, before eating.

Other types of vikoristannya

From the whole bush we pick out yellow and red barnberries. Like many other species of Amaranthus, this growth can be disastrous and fatal in very thin animals and in very fat pigs. Timing is no less, when consumed in small quantities, the wine is considered as live food.

Photo of a thrown shield and how to fight it?

This tree is invaded by weeds, and its edges often grow throughout the entire territory. Not everyone knows that the amaranth family can be used in traditional medicine, and they hope to get rid of the annoying bourgeois weeds as soon as possible.
Here are some ways:

  • Retelne purification of the fabric material.
  • Victory of herbicides.
  • Mow the grass before it blooms.

Nowadays you can choose an option that suits you - the best way to use traditional medicine, or you can save the bush. Also, please consult your doctor first before taking the dose. Be healthy!

Amaranthus retroflexus L.
Amaranth family - Amaranthaceae.
Other names: gypsy, beetroot, rubella, oxamite, feather combs, cat's tail.

The shiritsya is upright or primary - a single-edge herbaceous growth 20-80 cm high. The stem is erect, gilluste, slightly ungrabbed, covered with short hairs. The leaves are large, long-petiolate, ovoid or oval-ovate, blunt at the top or sometimes at the top, with a short edge. Flower glomeruli are collected at the end of the stem in a very thick, more or less Lopatev, Hurtov sultvitya. Colored with 5 leaves.

Color the blossom.

Extended in Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, in the European part of Russia (Lower Don region), in Western Siberia, in Skhidny Siberia, in the modern Far East (Amur region, Primorye), in the Caucasus, in Middle Asia. Growth in cities, towers, gardens, in Smith towns, on wastelands, on roads, ariki, often in crops on irrigated and rain-fed lands, from the lowlands to the Middle Girsky belt, up to an altitude of 2200 m above the sea level, in groups or singly, overgrowth is created more often . Bur'yanivka. Introduced from Eastern America. The grass (stems, leaves, buds), roots, and leaves are harvested using a judicious method.

Roslina contains alkaloids, betaine.

The roots contain betacyanins (amaranthine, isoamarantine, betanin, isobetanine), the leaves contain nitrogen-rich betaine 0.96%, fatty acid, and acids (associated with them).

Indians in the United States prefer grass in particular, which increases obesity. In some countries, the herbs are taken for chronically inflamed uteri, and the herbs are taken for a sore goiter.

In folk medicine, an aqueous infusion of the herb acorn is used for colitis, intestinal colic, constipation as a fasting agent, as a hemoptysis in case of hemoptysis, heavy menstruation and hemorrhoidal bleeding. An aqueous extract from plants collected at the flowering stage and dried plants has protistocidal and bactericidal properties. A bowl of acorn roots tossed in a saucepan against rishti and zhovtyanitsa.

Leaf infusion has a weak diuretic effect.

In folk medicine, the leaves are used to treat headaches and swelling, and for dysentery if the appearance is lubricated. This now replaces cereals and feed for poultry.

Young pagonis are grown as spinach greens, a vitamin product.

Methods of preparation and curing

  • 1-2 tablespoons of finely chopped herb, thrown into 1 bottle of dill, steep for 1 year, strain. Take 1/3-1/2 bottle up to 3 times a day.
  • 1 tablespoon of dry leaf for 1 bottle of water, boil for 2-3 minutes, leave for 1 year, strain. Take 0.5 bottles 3-4 days a day.