Try to get rid of the growing raspberries. What can you plant in a row of raspberries, so that they don’t get angry? How can you plant raspberries, so they don’t get ugly?

Try to get rid of the growing raspberries. What can you plant in a row of raspberries, so that they don’t get angry? How can you plant raspberries, so they don’t get ugly?

So, raspberries are great at times to “torture” gardeners with their stings: the stink sometimes appears in a carrot bed, sometimes in the center of a currant bush, sometimes in a garden plot.

I will convey to you the truth of F.Kh. Khalilova from Tatarstan.

You should plant raspberries with row spacing of 2 m.

The harvested plot is divided into small pieces. Then, along the cord, he digs a trench 50 cm wide and 45-50 cm deep. The length of the trench corresponds to the length of the raspberry plot, and the number of trenches corresponds to the number of rows.

The gardener fills the trench with specially prepared livestock.

At the bottom of the pile there is rotting soil, or compost in a ball of 5-6 cm, then evenly dissipates 150-200 g of suspended superphosphate, 60-70 g of potassium sulfate or potassium chloride per 1 m.

Instead of these mineral supplements, you can add nitrophoska or nitroamophoska. It’s best to add 300-400 g of wood ash in a 1 m layer. Sprinkle 5-7 cm of soil on top of this mixture and mix everything well with a shovel.

Thus, at the bottom of the trench there is a living ball 10-12 cm thick, containing a lot of mineral salts. Vin is not to blame for the roots of the young Sajanian. That's why F.Kh. Khalilov pours 10-12 cm of soil removed from the trenches and lightly compacts it.

To fill the upper (20-25 cm) ball of the trench after planting the garden, prepare a mixture of soil, 1 bucket of humus and compost, 50 g of superphosphate, 10-12 g of potassium sulfate or potassium chloride and 100 g of ash. rozrahunku 1 m .

Such careful preparation of the planting trench is, of course, labor-intensive, but it makes it easier to keep an eye on the raspberries and increases yield.

Then, in order to prevent growing raspberries, the gardener vertically places insulating barriers made from various available materials along the edges of the trench for the entire day: slate, roofing felt, polyethylene spittle.

The raspberries fall out of a depth of more than 20-25 degrees, and since the lower edge of the bar is too deep at a depth of 28-30 degrees, the blue ones cannot be heated.

The living roots will widely spread over the entire area between the rows, easily passing under the barrier, the upper edge of which protrudes 5-7 cm above the ground.

This allows you to create a recess-trough for easy watering and the introduction of rare fertilizers. The gardener should work carefully, without leaving any gaps and openings, otherwise the raspberries will find them and go beyond the boundaries of the trenches.

Before planting, a cord is stretched along the axial line of the trench and raspberries are placed next to it from a distance of 60 cm to 1 m in a layer using the further molding method.

Yu. Sadivnik Zelenin:

“My secrets” I willingly reveal. For ten years of growing raspberries, I believe that the mulch looks like black spittle is harmful to the roots.

The stench rises and, after removing the mulch material, meets its death under the scorching heat of the sun.

And if you don’t remove the mulch, then it grows through and through the iron, loosened, thick, like a beard, roots (under the black spittle, in my opinion, not the best place for a root to live), and it’s also good for go and water the weeds and the bushes The Guinness Book of Years is starting to set records.

For example, I have one of the Gloria varieties. reached a height of 3 m 25 cm. There is nothing good in this. Aja gives the maximum yield from flint bushes. For the roots, in my opinion, it’s better to have good loam and be flint-like, rather than stick to the mulch.

Never again, never again, will I loosen the soil of a raspberry tree! I don’t cut down the grass and don’t pluck the grass so as not to fluff up the ground, but I prun it with pruning shears. Fertilize as best as possible, planting crops in the area where the roots live.

With a separate scheme of growth after harvesting, I break the original rules, and myself: I stop the bushes from vegetating until the leaves fall, and then the grapes come out of the plot.

In the spring, it is also necessary to let the beds and runners “work” to develop the roots, and to clean them up if they begin to cast shadow on the fruitful raspberries and the first or second rock. I don’t let the plants create new bushes, except for the fall of the main growth. Less darkness, more lightness on the skin - and you will have an incredible harvest.

Raspberries in amateur gardens in Siberia are the most widespread crop.

This is explained not only by the high, savory berries and the kissing powers, but by the fact that the flowers are in color even after the spring frosts.

Meshkantsyu Omsk A. Astakhov is allowed to pick fresh berries until late autumn. In the garden of new growth raspberries of the Progress variety are remontant, which, although not subject to strong winter hardiness, produces large, tasty berries both in the yard and in the replacement plots until the fall.

It’s true that the berries that mature in the course of substitution are constantly coming to fruition.

To prevent the growths from freezing during the winter, the ruler presses them down to the ground below the yakmog. With a thickness of 6 mm and a depth of up to 60 cm, make hulls, with them carefully, after harvesting the crop, the substitution tracks are pressed down.

From the beginning of the snow cover to the bushes, snow falls and covers them well.

The Progress variety in Krimu looks differently. In the birch tree, amateur gardener V. Zubkov trims the upper ends of the logs to a living weed, removes the waste from the plots, burns it, dissolves the ammonium, and fills the foundations of the bushes with humus. Sprinkle the cob with nitrafen (200 g per 10 water), and repeat the treatment in the middle.

Around the 10th day, the raspberries begin to bloom, and at the 20th day, the berries begin to ripen. The gardener, who has borne fruit from the old stems, immediately urges to remove them from the plots. Then he cuts down all the weak young shoots, which do not have ties, and tie them up to the trellis.

10-12 stems are lost per 1 m2. The linden tree is watered with annual cherry (20 g per 1 m2). From about 25 to 15 worms, the grass pinches the tops of the young shoots. 80 days will begin at that hour.

Early pinching results in early ripening of the berries, pinching the tops results in the growth of 2-4 berries. The gardener removes two, and if the stem is stronger, then three stems. Up to 150 berries are absorbed onto the skin. Without the fruit stem, plant 2-4.5 g on the skin. It turns out that raspberries of the Progress variety grow well on strong stems by pinching them.

In Crimea, this raspberry variety continuously produces berries from approximately 22 rubles to 15 rubles. Initially, the gardener collects them daily, and then a day later.

One of the problems that gardeners face is the constant emergence of new shoots. To ensure that the shoots do not grow between the raspberry trees on the cultivated edges of the beds, there are a number of creative and correct methods. For example, plant a different culture.

Reasons why raspberries grow

Raspberries are a popular garden plant in food and nutrition. Therefore, I entrust the tea leaves with the importance of growing rich crops, especially low-growing ones. On the right is the root system, which in addition to the base contains a large system of adnexal shoots. There we go, let’s straighten the stem with nirki. From them, the trails develop over the ground every year.

The depth of the raspberry root system is small:

  • in soft soils - no more than a couple of meters;
  • for clay ones - less than 0.6 m.

In this case, a significant part of the root should be located at a depth of no more than 10-50 cm. The radius of spreading the underground stem of one chagarna can be up to 2 m. For such data, it is difficult to pick raspberries from weak growths in the adjacent territory. The appendage roots will grow forever. The process depends on the temperature of the soil and moisture. In moderate warmth, the roots will grow more quickly (and, as a result, more shoots will be produced), and with a high level of heating of the soil, the above-ground part will grow actively. Gardeners vikorist this peculiarity of the keruvat with the development of raspberries.

Porada. To maintain high temperatures, mulch is applied to the soil. Together with the addition of organic fertilizers, this approach will help to reduce the overgrowth of the adventitious root.

Ways to stream Romance Malini

The raspberry chases spoil us before the raspberries themselves, taking away the harvest from the fruitful bushes. It is better to trim the shoots immediately after they appear, and it will work better. However, it’s difficult to grow the raspberry bush this way, by hand. The more teenagers you see, the more they are created.

Do not allow raspberries to grow

The established growth can be mechanically enclosed with underground fences. As a rule, to do this, dig metal or slate leaves into the ground. Fortunately, you won’t have to dig too deep. Above the ground, the screen may not be visible at all.

If such an approach is not available, then agricultural technologies will come to the rescue. The zagorozhuvalny effect on raspberries can be seen in several types of urban and burian trees, planted along the perimeter of the chagarna planting:

  • Grain or asparagus kvass, or better yet - bush forms. The root of these crops can be seen in the soil of the river, which counteracts the growth of the underground part of the raspberry.
  • Sorrel. Bagatoric vines saturate the soil with tannic compounds, like the growth of raspberry vines. For a visible effect, the bed can be planted with raspberries in rows 2-3. The total number of plantings is no less than half a meter. The sorrel is invisible to the eye, but one loves the dear soil.
  • Parsley, chasnik, radish.
  • Mitlytsia. It's such a shame when a Buryanka comes to help the gardeners. This same-growing tree has a strong and weakened root. It grows easily from raspberries. In addition, the grass thickly covers the plot, helping to reduce the moisture from the ground.

Respect! Unaffected by the weeds, it is often used as lawn grass and in landscape design.

What you can and cannot plant in a row with raspberries

Among horticultural crops there are other growths that support the development of pasterns. However, the stench will give harm to the tea garden itself, suppressing it, enhancing the development and savoring the savory berries of the fruits. These can be seen:

Deyaki rosliny can be streamed wider raspberries

  • grape;
  • cherry;
  • kviti-hosta, nasturtium, blackbrown, iris;
  • sea ​​buckthorn, jasmine.

It is neutral to lay the following lines to the raspberries:

  • apple tree,

For rich city gardeners, raspberries are a vital “scourge” in the garden. In the fall, the stench begins to fight against it, and in the spring, the chagarb grows again, even more so. There are a number of proven and effective ways to fence a raspberry tree.


Beforehand, we are regularly recommended to prune the tea leaves. Pruning raspberries is a procedure that helps to reduce growth to a lesser extent. Raspberries are easy to prune. Due to the peculiarity of the plant, crops are formed on the courtyard fences, which will die after fruiting. Then it is necessary to dig them into the ground (put the buried crumbs deep). At the same time, you can see from them the seals, dried out, weak, damaged nails. Virizka is recommended to be carried out in the spring.

All young shoots that appear near the mother's bushes must be mercilessly pulled out at the roots or cut off as soon as possible.

As the raspberry tree is old and neglected, which will not be enough. This procedure can probably provoke the growth of new sections. To organize an old raspberry tree, you may need a bunch of rocks, some of the tough young ones will have to be harvested.

Bar'er for the root

In order to enclose the growing raspberries with a plot and to remove the seeds from it, gardeners have discovered that they have to do it in an offensive way. Use a row of raspberries to dig a narrow, deep ditch and insert slate, plastic, metal or roofing felt before it. The groove is deep - no less than 70 cm.

Rukh and rejuvenation

Another creative way is ruin and rejuvenation. The process is laborious, and what’s more, it kills two birds with one stone: it cultivates the raspberry tree and rejuvenates it.

Everything starts from landing. Plant the bushes in one row on the edge of the cultivated plot for raspberries. When the shoots begin to grow, the pastures that grow closer to the mother’s bush become poor. Decide to form an offensive line. And so they repeat until the place allows.

Why is it good? Raspberry rejuvenation occurs naturally. The bushes stop growing in their places, and there is no need to replant them, destroying the root system. They are less likely to be smelled by bad people and are less likely to get sick. The tea garden begins to “collapse” and give birth to miraculous crops.

When laying the remaining row, the first row is eliminated. And if you can reach between the allotted plots or the Susidsky parkana, you can quickly dig the slate or roofing felt by digging into it.

Raspberries are one of the most favorite berries among wealthy gardeners in Russia. It is very non-vibrating and resistant to various surprises of nature, which is suitable for growing on different soils and, practically, in any regions of our country.

Among gardeners there are often superstitions about how best to plant raspberry gardens. We can happily say that spring planting is a big winner.

The bushes easily take root; during the warm season, growths overtake the tight root system and will bestow a sweet and juicy harvest. We recommend that you learn about the spring planting method, learn about the advantages and possible negative aspects.

Unfortunately, the gardener knows that raspberries love to grow in gardens and gardens, but different varieties have their own characteristics and similarities.

Thus, for example, high-fertility and remontant species develop better and bear fruit in open plots with a large number of dormouse changes, and in slightly darkened areas the growth of growth is suppressed.

In case of any emergency, the raspberry should choose the opposite side of the city or else it will be reliably protected from the dripping and cold winds. It will be good to wash in a similar direction, so that the boxes will be well warmed up and lightened throughout the day from all sides.

Experienced townspeople know one tip for choosing the right place for raspberries, which is in the future: watch out for this, where the plot is, first of all, the snow melts and the soil warms up, and this will be the best plot for planting is small or in a peaceful place.

The most important moment is the end of all changes. If you already have bushes of raspberries growing in your place, there is no need to replant the young plants earlier, no matter how many times.

The paslon trees are also respected by their hostile predecessors. The best option for planting is to cultivate the soil that has accumulated a lot of rocks.

For the berry grower, another important factor is the expansion of groundwater, as the smell is close to the surface of the earth, which can cause flooding and stagnation, and therefore, root rot and other illnesses.

Also, to choose a place for planting raspberries, choose a bright place that is warming up.

How to prepare the soil

The soil for raspberry gardens is due to its good nature, so it needs to be dug into a bagnet and filled with the necessary living waste, and itself, humus, pus, compost, peat. Everything here is deposited because of the structure of your land.

With the stitch method, when digging, add fertilizer. The proportions correspond to two types of organic matter, peat, compost and 200 g of nitroamophoska, which can be replaced with any complexes of microfertilizers.

Whichever method of planting a nest, fill the hole with all the components and mix thoroughly.

For those who are skeptical about chemical additives and mineral complexes, there is another way out: double the dose of organic matter and add 500 g of wood ash to it.

In this case, the organic goodness may be good, because at high concentrations the medicinal substances of the roots of the plants may be released. There was nothing left, the pit should be filled long before Malini’s visit.

Mulch serves as a great helper in the field, and there are a number of important tasks:

  • Burians will not grow so actively under the bushes;
  • The soil has been deprived of moisture for a long time, and as a result there are problems with watering;
  • The soil becomes permeable and porous;
  • Corridor microflora develops more actively, which means the soil becomes brighter;
  • Over time, the soil will color its native berries and become humus.

Increase your respect! Straw, peat, pine needles and pine needles are good for mulching, and the ball must be at least 10 cm thick.

Raspberries can be planted with root beds, live bait, or plantings.

Different ways of planting raspberries

Well, there are two types of raspberry planting: trench and nest. Let's take a look at the specifics of the skin method.

Nesting method

This method is most often used by gardeners and city workers. It does not require much space, and a few sageants can be planted in one planting hole of the nest. Nest planting consists of several stages:

  • Right in front, a hole is dug, the width of which is 55-65 cm, and the depth is 45-50 cm.
  • Five buckets of compost and mineral goodness with calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen are placed at the bottom. Warehouses will be thoroughly mixed.
  • The seedling is placed in the middle, without being heavily buried, however, it is not suitable for surface planting, as the fragments of the rootstock of the plant will quickly dry out.
  • Moisten so that the soil evenly fills all the gaps between the roots, strengthen the soil and create a small hole to remove water when watering.
  • Roslin should be well watered and mulched with thyrso or other mulch.
  • Obov'yazkovo cut the bush, stripping about 20 divas above the ground.
  • With this method, it is necessary that the root neck be on the same level as the ground.

Assuming that spring planting is done correctly in this way, you will be able to enjoy berries throughout the entire season.

Trench method

This method is an alternative to the nest method and is used in dacha plots, but in industrial applications, raspberries are created on their own. Trench planting of raspberries allows you to significantly increase fruiting from the bushes, and labor costs for this method are much higher.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the step-by-step instructions for this technique:

  • The trench is dug with the necessary power: 60-65 div wide, up to half a meter deep, with at least 140 div between the rows.
  • In particularly wet areas, a drainage ball is placed, which can be prepared from thick tree branches, broken aegis or expanded clay. If the soil is dry, drainage is not required.
  • A growing ball is placed on top of the drainage, the thickness of which is 15-20 cm. How the food is stacked: mown grass, leaf litter, rot, peat or compost. All these warehouses will soon become an excellent organic food for raspberries, in addition, these potatoes should be protected with root fermentation and given them brown microelements. The term “practice” has been used for at least 5 years, after which the processes associated with rotting will end, such time-consuming space is necessary for the bushes for an active and fulfilling life in one place, after which the bushes replant.
  • On top of the organic matter there is a ball of native soil.
  • Young seedlings are placed with a winder of 50 divas, at their roots they are carefully straightened and covered and compacted with soil. For such manipulations, you need to use your hands, so two people take part in the robot, so it can be done more efficiently.
  • After planting, the seedlings are cut to a depth of 20 cm and mulched.

Farmers like this will have their harvest already this season. The plantation quickly grows, but sometimes, since the raspberries do not grow on their own, the dates of the burning season are blurred. Try to get help from digging up the chagarna.

So that the young animals quickly take root in the new place, there are special rules for keeping an eye on them.

  • Well-known townsmen know that for the most obvious development of growths, the traces are visible from the flow of crops, so that the oncoming fate can be removed from strong and damaged stages by moving a quantity of berries. For this purpose, the bushes are pruned, then all efforts will go not to planting crops, but to developing a strong bush.
  • Survival is of great importance during the entire growing season, and it is especially important to nourish young bushes. These important inputs play a special role on lands with poor structure and poor characteristics. First of all, it is good to add raspberries to the raspberries.
  • The term for planting gardeners in the spring is of great importance. The middle of the squash and the cob of the herb are simmered at a very pleasant time.
  • The raspberry tree should be watered regularly, especially when the raspberries begin to bloom and bear fruit. However, it is not a good idea to over-irrigate the root system, as the fragments of the root system may become infected with fungal diseases, which may result in berries and berries.
  • In the spring, thin out the bushes and carry out sanitary pruning so that the pastures do not break during the light snowfall. Raspberries do not show any special cultivarity, since this preference is not related to varietal characteristics.

Raspberries can be harvested using two methods, including the skin care of the gardener, and the necessary treatments, as mentioned in this article. So the raspberry bears good fruit, and delights with sweet and great berries.

Video about planting raspberries in the spring:

Volodymyr Gennadiyovich. We planted raspberries in the garden, but we were already tired of seeing new shoots. What can you plant in a row of raspberries without them growing?
One of the main factors that gardeners rely on when cultivating raspberries is the sprouting of young shoots outside the plots placed under the berry plant. About those who plant a row of raspberries so that they don’t get angry, find out from this article.

About the peculiarities of raspberry growth

It is advisable that it is best to plant raspberries next to other garden crops, as they take away all the vegetation from the soil, and also suppress the growing low-growing plants.

The root system of raspberry chagarnik consists of rhizomes and adventitious roots, which are a strongly flattened underground stem with shoots, from which above-ground runners then develop.

It grows on the surface - 20-100 cm. The depth of the raspberry rhizome should be stored in the variety and type of soil:

  • on food, it is spread no deeper than 1-2 m;
  • on clayey soils it grows on the surface - up to 0.6 m-code.

However, most of the root system is grown in a support ball at a depth of 10-50 cm. The radius of expansion of the adventitious roots should be up to 2 m.

The growth of adventitious roots in raspberries has a pine-like character and lies in the moisture and warming of the soil. Gardeners have long noted that the root system develops better at moderate temperatures, and when planted, at elevated temperatures. If you correctly identify this particularity of raspberries, you can influence the intensity of its growth.

Raspberries wilt and bend low-growing plants

Constantly mulching the plantings with leaves, peat, trimmed weeds, straw, as well as adding organic fertilizers allows you to maintain an elevated temperature in the soil, which encourages the growth of adventitious roots.

How to avoid growing raspberries

If the raspberry garden, at the time of planting, is not surrounded by underground fences made of slate or sheet metal around the perimeter, then the gardener will inevitably face the problem of raspberry growth. And the more diligently the raspberry shoots are removed, the more actively they grow, and all the time they are remembered.

This situation can be helped by a certain agrotechnical technique that allows you to control and curate the growth of raspberry bushes. By planting raspberries in a row, you can prevent their growth. These can be seen:

1. – herbaceous agaric, unsightly to the eye, which gives preference to native loamy soils. Tannic acids and acids, which are located in the root system of the raspberry, give a flowing effect to the root system of the raspberry. In this manner, plant the raspberry bushes in 2-3 rows of sorrel and allow them to penetrate into their growths.

Respect! The width of the sorrel plantings, which allow raspberries to grow, should be at least 50 div.

2. – grain and asparagus. The root system of this vegetable looks into the soil of the river, which streams the growth of raspberries. Kvasol - for which it is more convenient to grow bushy forms - plant a trace along the perimeter of the raspberry tree, thus creating a green fence.

Sorrel, which is a source of tanning waters that can be found in the new world, encourages the growth of raspberries.

3. Mitlytsia - one-sided buryan with highly degraded roots, now apply a stream of water to planting raspberries. Easily growing between the rows of the raspberry tree, the plant brings additional bark, covering the soil and thereby quickly evaporating the moisture from it.

Respect! Metlitsa, even if it is a weed, is often required in landscape design - it is often used as lawn grass.

Selecting plants for raspberries

The territorial interconnection of garden plots makes it difficult for gardeners to often plant crops in close proximity.

Respect! The growth of the minds of the wisdom of plants allows you to eliminate the decline of one culture from another, mutual suffocation of blood vessels, decreased yields and other unacceptable factors.

Instructions from raspberry trees include cultivating rose gardens, as well as planting barberries, elderberries and yalevtsi. Their judiciary gives a positive one-on-one relationship. The red elderberry, which grows near the raspberry tree, is often seen in the world of various phytoncides.

Among the fruit trees there is a good supply of raspberries:

  • apple tree;
  • pear;
  • plum.

Respect! Drying raspberries and apples is beneficial for both crops; the raspberry fragments can protect apples from scab, and apples and raspberries from gray rot.

Let's spoil the raspberries and cherries with juice. As they infuse, the raspberries begin to fall, losing their yield. In addition, it is not recommended to plant sea buckthorn, currants and arus next to raspberries. Then you can smell the raspberries in the sharpened beds with dill. Its aroma is added to bark comas that fly, and they also drink raspberries, increasing their productivity. With this method you can use other spices and garden herbs:

  • Chornobrivtsi;
  • aystri;
  • ferns;
  • watchmaker;
  • coriander

How to plant raspberries correctly.
