Adjustment of the plastic window on the vertical. How to regulate plastic windows - serious repairs are not needed! Adjustment of plastic windows: adjustment of the lower hinges

Adjustment of the plastic window on the vertical. How to regulate plastic windows - serious repairs are not needed! Adjustment of plastic windows: adjustment of the lower hinges

Plastic vikna mіtsno have gone into our lives, eclipsing the traditional wood grains, which have been spent on the wakeful market for three or three hours. The complexity of the basic characteristics of the modern material allowed them to become a garniable alternative to the perverted fates of the structures and earn the trust of the buyers, having increased their superiority, quality and strength of the building, protect the premises, saw and save a comfortable temperature in the puppies.

Most often, PVC windows are installed in new days, as in the first years they give a small shrinkage, through which the structures can warp. Goloshuyut also on the slopes of improper installation. In order z tsim, designs can sag trochs through the rocks of exploitation. Eliminate similar inaccuracies or correct them by helping to periodically adjust the window fittings
Most of the current contractors provide service for the regulation of windows, including those in the service agreement. How to learn to independently recognize, in some cases, it is necessary to regulate plastic windows?

PVC veneer - what, if it is how to regulate?

Leather plastic vimagaє regular inspection and periodic maintenance. One-time adjustment procedures help correct problems in the robotic structure, and seasonally preventive adjustments improve the characteristics of the system and continue the "life" of the other elements. The complex of seasonal robots, as a rule, is carried out in the spring and autumn, and the hour of the point adjustment shows characteristic signs that make it easier for the work of the winter.

If we need regulation - typical inaccuracies

  1. The rotten chair sagged and zachіpaє the frame of the lower orbish part when creasing / creasing.

  2. Neshchіlne prilyagannya stools to the ramie, after which the stretches that pіd hour doschu can blame the protіkannya.

  3. Irregular expansion of the transom in the frame through the wear of the locking plates.

  4. Blocking the handle in one position or a breakdown, which makes it impossible to open / close the window.

  5. Folding by turning the handle when zamikanny / vіdmikannі.
Most of the listed faults occur after the adjustment of the windows.

Global principles and types of regulation

Refurbishment of window structures is carried out at three flats - different types of improvement allow to reach the optimal expansion of the structure in the open and secure the necessary steps to adhere the rough parts to the foundation.

horizontal patching it is necessary in that vipadka, as the windows curl slightly, or the frame begins to read through the skew, or a small sound. Tighten with a path, or loosen the upper and lower loops with a special hex key. Dії with the lower loop to sag from the inner side when the chair is opened, or when it is closed. The lashing of the upper one is only on the side of the place near the open bed.

vertical patching it is necessary for sagging chairs and entangled with it unruly upper and lower elements. The position is corrected by a path of lifting and lowering the edge of the ruhomy part, now it is tightened and the lower loops are loosened.

Pressure regulation chairs are needed when the chairs are not attached to the ramie, blowing or transferring the windows to the winter regime and back. The change in the position of the eccentrics, which are rolled out around the perimeter of the chair, is consummated.

Why is it impossible to carry out the regulation of PVC windows with your own hands?

Vikno is a folding mechanism, which is composed of interdependent elements, the correct functioning of which without intermediary instills in the minds of the living and health of all households. There are three reasons why it is not necessary to repair yoga on your own:
  1. You are using a factory warranty for virib (as the term її has not yet passed).

  2. Not all defects can be repaired independently - some damage (deformation to the opening, strong peroxidation of the rami only) can be repaired or replaced by a few parts or the entire window.

  3. The high efficiency of the failure of any element, the result of all, it is impossible to properly overcome its function. In a short time, it is necessary to add a new detail and go to the help of professionals;

  4. It’s not safe that a pardon with an independent hand will let you know about yourself not immediately, but at the last moment, for example, a chair falls (to finish an important design) when you see it – a part of the legacy. It is not recommended to take on yourself such a responsibility and risk to the health of your loved ones.

Why can the regulation of plastic windows be done by professionals?

  1. All standard repairers of vicons give the buyers a guarantee for their virobi, as long as they serve, repair and, if necessary, repair the windows without cost.

  2. Spivrobitniki vіkonnoї kompanії regularly undergo training, mayut permanent practice and therefore know in detail all the subtleties of the skin vikonny mechanism.

  3. The calibration of modern windows depends on the choice of specific outbuildings, fakhivtsі vіkonnoї kompanії zavzhda mayut nebhіdny set of іnstrumentіnі, scho pіdhodit ї to a particular brand of fittings, like installed on vіkno.

  4. As soon as the hour of adjusting the fittings, a pardon was allowed, the existence of which is zero, all the work from the usunennya nasledkiv will fall on the shoulders of the wind company.

In such a rank, so that the windows have served you well for a long time, you need to detect problems in the robots of the PVC windows, so that you can turn back to the factory workers of the company. Let's say, in some situations you need:

The chair sagged and zachіpaє the lower part of the ramie

Take a walk in the wake of active and thriving exploitation of vicons. Adjustment to allow changing the position of the chair no more than 2 mm lower. As the chair sags more strongly, it is possible, varto, to think about replacing the window.

Vіkna great rozmіru obov'yazkovo povinnі buti zabezpechenі - a mechanism that lifts a chair on a sprat of millimeters at the moment of curling and lowering the vice on the hinges. Without a microlift, the ruddy elements of massive vicons will constantly sag, and they cannot be helped by any regulation.

Chair zachіpaє bіchny іmpost

The fahivtsi problem is easily overcome by the adjustments on the side of the loops.

Vіkno zakrivaєtsya inconspicuously through the removal of pristiskіv on the frame or rozbіzhnі їх positions with a crumbling part of the castle

The defect can be revealed by the coming rank: if you close the window, pull the troch on yourself, you will see that the chair is lightly retracted by a few millimeters - it’s a pred, to turn back to the main.

Weak pressure of the chair to ramie - sho robiti, schob did not blow

Neshchіlne prilyagannya stools to ramie, as a rule, tied with wear to the contour of the narrower or with a loop group. For the first one, it is possible to replace that offensive correct look behind the narrower, for the other - the adjustment of the pressure from the side of the loops, for which one can take the same fate as the upper, so the lower loops.

The chair opens at the same time in two modes

As in the case of extreme winding, the upper part of the chair will enter the windows, as in the “ventilation” mode, it is necessary to turbulate negligently to the fixed faults in the turn-and-turn mechanism. The chair does not shrink in the mountains, so that the “knife” trunnion ceases to reach the bar at the top, under the vag can be damaged by other elements of fittings, which will block the chairs from falling.

Sagging chairs through an important sklopaket

Sometimes sagging chairs sag through the incorrectly laid out tension, as if lying on a chair. For example, a two-chamber sklopaket was installed, just like the fittings were bought cheaply, it was rented out for a light single-chamber one. In such a time, a possible option is to replace the slopet.

Seasonal regulation of vicons - adjustment of the winter/summer regime

A lot of vlasnikiv PVC windows dosі perebuvayut at the unexpected need for seasonal adjustment of the design and with a miracle they show that the collection from it begins to be seen clearly. And then the stench is accepted by barking virobnikiv or sinning on an incorrectly installed system, not suspecting that you can easily get into this problem, turning for a qualified help to the company, de bathing the windows.

All fittings on the back are placed in a neutral position, which ensures the optimal force of adhesion of the dry part to the frame and secures a pleasant atmosphere in the warm weather. During the current frost, in order to maintain a comfortable temperature near the apartment, it is necessary to force the chairs to be pressed to the indestructible part.

New needs for seasonal non-adjustment

Crimium for the adoption of banal stretches and improvement of insulation in the cold season of rock, change of regime allows:
  1. Take care of the optimal microclimate in the occupied area, whether it be time for rock;

  2. Protect and freeze vicons;

  3. Continue the term of the service of the convicts.
It is not recommended to trim the windows permanently in the winter regime - it will lead to a swedish wear and tear and you will have to pay a little earlier for the term.

Adjustment of fittings

More PVC controls are installed for additional fittings: hinges, adjusting bolts, eccentrics, etc.

The main such points are:

  • The locking mechanisms in the rough part and the seals on the frame - give the chairs and the width of the gaps for the fit of the chair;
  • The lower loop - allows you to collapse the chair in the offending side, uphill and down, as well as to soften / relax її squeezing up to the ramie;
  • Turn-and-turn mechanism, cutting at the upper part ("knives"), - destroying the upper part of the chair, adjusting the foot and pressure;
  • Pins (eccentrics) along the perimeter of the window are given for the fit of the window elements one to one and the correctness of the yoke/curve.

Adjustment and replacement of handles

The process of adjusting the vertical handles is not so foldable, like adjusting the fittings, but there are two steps, if you still get back to the profile fakhivtsiv more quickly:
  1. The handle does not turn until the end and the PVC does not close.
  2. The handle was blocked in the “closed” mode when the chair was closed.
In other situations, regulation can be done with your own hands to solve such problems:

The handle was blocked in the “closed” mode when the chair was opened

The problem is aggravated by the pressure on the tongue of the blocker, which is known to be the locking mechanism.

The handle is broken

It is possible to bring a pen into the working camp, which has been loosened, by tightening the screw, which is located under the decorative bar. To access the guints, you need to pull the cover on yourself and turn it 90 degrees.

The handle is crumbling

As soon as the locking mechanisms work correctly, and if the handle turns importantly, then it’s more rotten for everything. Like all the dry elements of a plastic window, the handle mechanism needs to be smeared at least once with oil for windows and door fittings.

Replacement of a broken handle

To remove the broken handle, it is necessary to turn the lid of the decorative cap on the base perpendicular to the base and twist the screw to trim. The new handle is placed on the same place, and the cap turns at the exit station after fixing the element with fastening elements that come with the attached accessory.

The term of PVC service is to lay down all the other elements in order to properly monitor the virobs and carry out the necessary procedures in a timely manner. Prior to such procedures lie:
  • Preventive inspection of the structures, cleaning and wiping out the mind and zabrudnen;
  • Iyavlennya that usunennya malfunctions by way of regulation;
  • Smashchuvannya rukhomih mekhanіzmіv i ushchіlnyuvachіv.

How to replace the sealer on a plastic veneer

Modern virobniks produce bezlich vicons from gum, polymers, silicone and other materials. As a rule, on the vіkno varto, insert the same variant, which is the number of beats when prepared. Whether it’s for a good company, where the windows were, to know what the windows were equipped with, and behind the zamovnik’s bazhanny they can replace the old succulent with a modern analogue.

The term of service of the new conditioner is to be continued regularly with oil (not more than once per river) with special silicone tools or with excellent glycerin.

Please! Do not lubricate the damage for sub-zero temperatures. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in the mid-season - early autumn.
Vіkna will delight you for a long time, and the risk of their breakdowns will increase to a minimum, so that you can try to reach the coming rules:

Ushhlnyuvach Vicon operation Problems of windows Looking after windows Repair of windows

Working on the site on the cob, I published a small material - a help for the regulation of plastic windows. Ignorant of a short and insufficient appointment, in my opinion, pist, fault to the request. Since that hour, a lot of fates have passed, and, it seems, the time has come to burn the information “into the depths”. What can you do on your own, and what can you better deprive the master?

What is the regulation of vicons?

About the regulation of plastic windows, as a rule, they think the same, if the stench is filthy curled up or squealing, stinging and suffocating, blowing from different sides and so on. Tobto, if it’s not broken yet, but still “to act up”, and it’s important to lose your functions.
It is very important for someone to know that the regulation of the veil is simply "pulling up" the trunnions and hinges of the fittings, as it is necessary to "twist" a little. And it’s not surprising, even if it’s early, your plastic window will sag again and begin to sag.
Think about it: PVC structures have been installed in Russia for the third dozen years. Everything is protected, by the Germans, to the bone, and tested in practice. Prote, the problems of vicons are caused by one and the same, r_k y r_k. Why so vіdbuvaetsya? How to regulate the window “once and for all” and how can it be?
I confirm - so, it is possible, to know what needs to be done.
Adjustment of the vikna is a process, by the final method of which it is not just the elimination of the main faults and the bringing of yoga into the working camp. Vіkno can again (otherwise) become such, like Yogo, having conceived that having made a brewer. This, indeed, is the whole complex of entrances, in which, in spite of the expansion of thoughts, the screws and loops have a modest, additional role.
For all the fates of my work (already over 15 years), I will guess only a few vipadkivs, if it was more likely to replace rather than repair. Regulate windows that have served a lot of fates, and “turn them to the right” richly visually, lower minyat їх. Aja krіm obvious vitrats for the purchase of new "sklopaketіv", to be brought anew to go through the entire "rout" of the installation work, and often re-work the repair of the apartment.

Material time "from simple to folding". The simplest is the adjustment of the fittings of the window, and without any special efforts, build it independently (so be it, twist the troch), and, for example, picking up the chairs and adjusting the її “geometry” (tobto form) I strongly recommend entrusting the completed fakhіvtsyu.

Diagnosis of the position of the plastic window chair

For the purpose of the algorithm of future regulation, it is necessary to work out the simplest diagnostics. It is necessary to take a typical olive and indicate the position of the kutiv and the middle part of the chair, as shown in the photo.

Let's sweat it out and die, on the scales of the chair "recurve" the frame. The average value of the so-called "overlap" is normally about 8 mm.

In correctly selected and installed windows, the overlap on the sides is practically the same. It’s always nastyly curled up, after the diagnostics, it’ll be clear that it’s sagging. Having straightened the signs in a number of places, you take into account the notifications about those, like a chair is skewed by shodors. With a small (1-2 mm) ventilation, it is enough to adjust the airway, lifting or loosening the screws on the fittings. Even though the difference in height between the kutas is more than 2-3 mm, you may need to correct the geometry of the chair (trying in the middle, adjusting the vein with a key is not helpful).

With a too great “impudence”, the chair is gradually taken over by the frame, and with a small one, it is blown out.

Adjustment of the position of the chair with a key

It’s always nasty to curl up, zachіpayuchi for the frame from the bottom, to the beast or to the side, the simplest option would be to fix it with a key, vicorist specially recognized for this gvinti. As a rule, these keys are not particularly “windows” – accessory for our purposes, you can practically always find them at your nearest auto parts store. The most common "furniture" hexagon 4 mm is used, but there are other options, for example, stars. The problem can be blamed more for washing the regulation of the windows with non-standard keys, but it rarely happens. For example, for the lower hinges of the Aubi 300 fittings, it is easy to find out about the sale (at the same time, there may be more information about the fittings).

Adjustment of the vein, with sagging and twisting of the lower kuta under the handle

Vіkno, Scho Askіlo down, when curled, ring out to be brought “vshtovhuvati” into the frame. To lift it up, you can twist two screws - a height-adjustment screw in the lower loop, and a width-adjustment screw at the upper loop. Twisted tsі gvinti behind the year's arrow and kut under the handle are lifted (with the special features of the adjustment of the lower hinge of the Aubi 300 fittings you can find out).

In some systems of fittings, for example Winkhaus, the upper loop can be pulled up to the wrapping of the anti-godinnikov arrow. On the Roto swivel chairs, the width adjustment screw is located on the protile side of the loop, along the same axis.

The Aubi 300 system has a twist screw and a figured washer on a fixed position.

Like a chair knocking on the top bar at the top of the frame

For usunennya knock, turn the screw adjusting the upper loop in width, and the chair is hung over the plank at the top.

When hooked to the side of the window (in the center) vikoristovuyutsya gvinti regulation in width as the top, and the bottom loop. The chair at the same time shifts at the bik loops.

Like on the right, it looks over the chair, you can try the trochs and twist the screw adjustment in height in the lower loop (the chair should go lower). Problems with shinny ventilating are examined in the attacking razdil.

At the vіknі when vіdkrivannі scho clatter between loops? Try to lift the yogo chair to the top, victoriously lifting the same gwent along the height of the lower loop. Krіm tsgogo, you may need a rearrangement of the top bar at the top (div. distance).

Axis, well, and everything that is necessary to know, to regulate the windows, that the trochs start to get into the frame.

It seems that the window sags a lot, and simple regulation does not help (for example, when trying to lift a chair, it immediately begins to attach to the beast), it is necessary to correct yoga “geometry”. About the peculiarities of the linking of the vicons, I will describe for example the statistics.

Adjustment of the air vents and slats at the air

Fittings, on swivel chairs, can include a 45-degree slit ventilation system. For all its advantages, it is important to achieve accurate regulation of the wind, often being the cause of trouble, noises and rattles at the mechanism. Diagnosis of this malfunction for an hour calls for difficulties, so that the ventilator sounds at the upper part of the chair, and is not visible during operation.

To regulate the vikna, it’s better to stand on the pіdvіkonnya or drabin, and look at the chairs for the beast. When turning the handle strictly horizontal and vertical, The line of the fittings is to be found on the same width (2-3 mm) in the central ledge of the plank, without getting stuck behind it.
The correct position of the bar for the fittings (on the MACO butt):

The replacement of planks or chairs, calls for a start and a knock.

To adjust the position of the plank, open the screws and make them sound oval. Next, twist them again, take the bar and install it correctly. As the reason for the locking of the chairs in the vkna vbіk (suspended behind the overlap), the screw is twisted at the top loop.
Plastic windows with ROTO NT fittings, you may need to adjust the height of the chair.

Due to the peculiarity of the design of the slit air vent, the locking of the trunnion of the fittings pratyuє "vpritul" to the bar, and often zachіpaє for it. Next adjust the chair for the help of the key, lowering the trochs down, and if you don’t go out - geometry.

First rearrange the slats at the top on the plastic hood, it is necessary to perekonatisya, so that the chair is not skewed with frames.

The slats are pressed at the vіdpovіd i regulation їх positions

The pressure of the chair of the plastic window secures the slats on the frame. The stench is with buckles for the locking mechanisms of the trunnions, and the screws are installed correctly.

Rechecking the position of the planks at the vіdpovіd

You have appointed, what a straight chair, what you need to regulate її “by impudence”, but all the same dme? This is often the case with the wrong position of the slats on the frame. Navit on the most modern business enterprises is based on the “human factor”, it does not seem to be about those who fold the chairs and sound like they are on different business trips. In a slanted fold, the gap between the slats at the vent to the locking trunnion of the plastic window is to become 3-5 mm (when the window is open, the handle is strictly horizontal).

As if the gap is much larger, the chair may simply not snuggle up to the end, and as a matter of fact, it can’t be done - when you open and close the window, it slightly knocks and clatters.

Particularly often pardons are made when the slats are installed on the swing-out chairs from the side of the loops (you can’t see them, because the chair will not be installed).

Not alone and navmisnoy rearrangement of the slats by the fitters, after a recent attempt to adjust the window. When you remove such a strip, you will open another opening for the screw.

As if the chair is even and did not sag (overlapping the beast and the bottom of the soil), install the planks in the required position, and tighten the screws in the new place. However, there is a trace of the nobility that similar inconsistencies can be evidence of a serious deformation of the chair. In case of a strong skew along the diagonal, it is not necessary to adjust the window according to the geometry in front of us - it is not necessary to rearrange the planks, which is better for everything.

When too big a gap between a locking trunnion and a bar at the top, the fittings do not work - that’s why it improves the dme, but try adjusting the vee on the press does not bring results.

Adjustment of vicons on the press

For the cob it is necessary to supply oneself for food - for what, in the light, to regulate the pressure? Schob suck blowing, shvidshe for everything, you say. Such recommendations on the Internet are impersonal, and, often, stink, the right to be based. Ale, only for two, don’t start chattering minds at once:
- the chairs of your vicons were not deformed;
- Vіknam (or їх ushchіlnyuvachu) more than 10 years.
Then the adjustment of the veil to the pressure will help to pull out for a certain hour I will replace the gumi that I am exhausted. Even if the plastic profile bends more than 2-3 mm, it’s better for everything, so the regulation is not better, but it will become thicker. In practice, on the other hand, more often it is necessary to loosen the pressure (turn in the factory position), the shards after adjusting the geometry of the geometry, the tightness of the sound will become stronger - it will stop blowing.
To this very fact, the “winter-summer” regulation is not seen in this article. Aje at the maximum vanity, the same narrowness, the comforter is not alive for a long time, and after it the fittings, through the constant twisting here and there and the advancement of wear, earlier the term should be replaced.
I respect the absolutely inconvenient everyday regular manipulations with do it right plastic vіknami, krim. As it seems, do not respect the mechanism of normal practice :). I respond to the request of clients about the term of their service in this way - for our time to stick!

It’s easy to regulate the vicons on the pressure to fight with such a rank.

You need to increase the width of the squeezing chair - an eccentric (sound tse and є zapirna trunnion) can be installed with a point (or with its wide side) to the deep gumi.

As it is necessary, navpaki, loosen the pressure, and lighten the head of the handle - turn by a point (or by the wide part of the eccentric) type of gumi.

At the “old” Roto Centro fittings (the one with the eccentric in the plank at the top), to adjust for an increase in pressure, turn that part of the plank to the gum, from the side of which there is a trunnion lock.

Winkhaus AutoPilot hardware trunnions are adjustable without a key, just by hand pulling the way and turning in the required direction.

Adjusting the pressure of the chair in the lower loop(Be not at all vicons). Іsnuyu variant i pіd zіrochku, i pіd zvichaynu twist.

It is also possible to adjust the pressure at the top loop.

In the meantime, the rest of the adjustment of the vicorist is very rare, the shards on the foot of the press practically do not pour in (in the case of the greater fluctuations in the upper loop, it is still possible to pass through small gaps, this is a normal situation).

І remember that the humic booster won't pay for permanent work in the "winter" mode. Being strongly flattened, it is easy to absorb elasticity, and the rest is no longer warm.

Adjustment of vecon s geometry (“linkage” of chairs)

What does it look like from a chair of a plastic window with an hour? It is simple, the main injection on it is given by two forces - the force of gravity is that force, let's say, "rubbing" (it is blamed when the window is closed).

First I turn the rectangle of the plastic profile onto a parallelogram, sagging the kuta under the handle, and there are problems with bending and curling. Also, through the ventilator, blowing wide vicons to the beast, near the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe handle, there is a press.
Another one calls out the sag of the “loop” vertical part of the chair, through the vise of the gumi about the plastic when the window is closed. It starts summarily when blowing through the loops, as it has become a “visiting card” of non-standard plastic windows. In some cases, the progin of the flooring is great, which has to be installed with shortcomings, fittings from the side of the loops simply do not enter at the hook. In fact, the window does not actually close, often when you want to wind a little street. For this reason, the regulation of the trunnions with a key is the key to this blind spot, but it doesn’t help for a long time, but it doesn’t help you.
The problem with skew and prog-in profiles can be caused by internal causes. On the right, in that which has a rectangular shape, I will need it for normal work, I will put in a folded bag. So-so, everything is on the slope, and special regulating plates.
Axis yak mayut but installed plates pіd sklopaket zgіdno z GOST 30674-99.

Why so? A resolutely simple butt, a vicarious childish constructor, like a model of our stool.

As a rule, choose a straight-cut, vin, under the influence of gravity, with the least weakened pragnetism, turn into a parallelogram (be aware that one side is fixed hard). This is how to behave and a plastic vicon chair without a cladding package - profiles reinforced with metal, but there is no reinforcement in the corners.
If we install one more plank diagonally, then our “chair” doesn’t sag anymore, right? A block of 2-3 glued glasses, or a sklopaket, is one of the load-bearing elements in the construction of a plastic window, and is guilty of rotting (or wedging) the chair with a strictly singing rank. For this purpose, special support (vir_vnyuyuchi) and regulating plates (or linings) are used.
Linings, marked on the "GOST" scheme with black color, put on chairs with a need for hardness, stretching them diagonally. In quiet moods, if the stench is sorted out in a different way, incorrectly selected according to the comradeship, or during the day (and you can’t see the calls), nor about how successfully the regulation of the window with the key can’t be moved. Moreover, regardless of GOST, in practice it is often necessary to install additional side plates (in the center of the vertical sides) to protect the bend, especially at high chairs.

Regulatory plates can be made in widths of 1 to 6 mm, in different colors, and can be installed in a flat part of a sloping bag. Vypuskayutsya different widths, photo - plates 32 mm.

Respect! Dali presented the fundamental principles of regulation of plastic windows "according to geometry". I categorically do not recommend doing this “domestic maistram”! For correcting the form of a chair, you need to take that return of the installed glazing beads, and sometimes a sloping bag. The linkage is to blame for the work of the fahivets for the repair of vicons, or if the installer wants to have a good certificate, and a special tool. Without practice, you can crumple that plastic, and also seriously cut your hands about the sharp edges of the warehouse (or break the cladding package). I do not bear responsibility for the legacy of independent analysis and repair of windows. Dany gave a brief informational character, and to help you understand that the master is responsible for the work of getting information, that he is investigating “in topics”.

With sagging chairs

Often when sorting out such chairs, it appears that one or more of the regulating plates are not visible, or the stench is not in its own place, or else the tovshchina was chosen incorrectly.

For the correct regulation of the veil in height, it is enough to reach the same “flying” of the beast and below, by means of a rearrangement and addition of the regulation plates of the vodpovidnoy comradeship. In some cases, just destroy the plates already in the open, I’m closer to the kutiv, to put the sagging chairs in.

Before regulation:

After regulation:

A respectful reader can remember that, according to GOST, the linings are installed on the chairs, and in the photo they stink right into the kut. On the right, in fact, the hardness of modern metal-plastic window profiles sounds, unfortunately, it’s significantly lower, lower is small but behind the roses of German engineers. Therefore, I will install the plates myself in such a way as to reduce the deformation of the chair (as it is mainly due to the bottom, through the cladding frame).

When cleaning the middle of the lower part of the wide stool

As wide as the chair is, it is very “three” at the bottom, in the center (often about the bar at the top), and it turns badly, next, again, move the lower adjustment plate to the very kut, until it stops. The interest in the profile is reduced, and the accumulation of the big one is attached.

To make sure that when adjusting the geometry, the loops do not need to be “twisted” - the stench is left in the optimal, middle position.

Pid blowing hour

When blowing through the side (sound for two loops), it is often necessary to install additional adjustment plates in the center of the chair.

In this rank, the chair is turned, the fittings enter at the hook, squeeze closer to the frame, and the blowing is attached. Yakshto vіkno dme z side handles, dії similar. The width of the "overlap", I know, is changed for an additional olive (may be about 8 mm).

You, sing-song, already realized that the most important thing in regulation of geometry is tse ensuring equal overlapping of chairs along the entire perimeter of the frame. Without this, there will be no normal fit of the gum booster, no correct robotic fittings. Just don’t twist the guns, it’s impossible for them to reach such a result.

Pereklinkoy can correct the deeds of pardon, allowed during the installation of plastic windows. For example, as the frame was “stretched” when installed, the master could pull the chair in the same direction. In this way, in a clumsy way, it is often necessary to secure a good pressure to strengthen that blow through, do not re-install(I don’t need lamati, and I’ll renew the bichni mowing). Visually, a small wig of a “barrel” chair will be unremarkable.

Yakshko navit after all manipulations, virіvnyuvannya for geometry and regulation of the window, from the first everything is one dme - the axis of one, and only one, the next change is to improve.

Regulation of vicons, more correctly, save not only your health, but also your pennies.

At the time of writing this article, the author has repaired windows in the booth - Novobudov. Satisfied with the gospodarka, she told me that now the temperature of the batteries near the apartment should be changed to a minimum, and the scorched fire will immediately decrease. It turned out that earlier, if there was a strong wind from the windows, she was embarrassed to pay for the heating of the streets - heat was already installed at the booth. In the course of a year, put on a dress to show up at all apartments, so spend it on the weekly master, it’s early, richly paid off.
The term of service improves the fittings of plastic veils, adjusted for geometry (and to this reason, they work without bends), it also significantly increases.


Just adjust the vicon with a key - pіd power is practical for the skin. Ale, take care of tsim varto less for other inaccuracies.
Like your windows are already filthy curving, otherwise it’s strong from them, it’s better to turn to, like only once, competently adjusting them for geometry. You can, as it seems, sleep peacefully!

Materials on the topic: Why do we need the upper loop of a plastic window?

Replacement of "soldered" gum at VEKA windscreens

Provіvshi more deaky hour at poshukah vіdpovіdі, vаreshti z'yasovuєte - virobnik "saving" you with a plastic vіknom with coextruded ushchіlnyuvach. So, itself "shrinks", and not ...

Plastic windows have become more popular due to their qualities: loud noise of thermal insulation, protection from stretching and low price. They are restoring the hour of a new life, and they are also replacing old wooden windows with plastic ones.

Since the installation of plastic windows is even simpler, then you can install them yourself.

The only thing is, if you follow the instructions for installation, then it was correctly installed and served for a long time.

It is important to keep the fittings clean, otherwise they will last a long time. Especially richly smіttya is picked up by the animal after the fact that the window is installed, the platbands for plastic windows and the vikonan are not improved. Tse smіttya next clean up after all the work carried out.

Fittings, like going at once with windows, are breathed in by a high quality and safe without wires for the work of stretching all the exploitation of plastic windows, like a bula vikonana and a vikon installation.

But in the course of a year, some malfunctions are possible: stretches are coming, noise from the streets is penetrating, at times the windows of that door are being fixed tightly. The reasons why can be different:

  • on the back, not horizontally and vertically adjustable;
  • natural wear of structures;
  • sagging chair;
  • depreciation of the amplification officer;
  • a slight pressure of chairs and in.

You can solve these problems independently for additional regulation of fittings.

The design of the fittings is well thought out, so independent regulation does not take a lot of time. How to adjust plastic windows is described in the instructions, how to get to them.

Headlights and necessary tools

To adjust the PVC windows, you may need a hex key, pliers, flat and cross twists, machine oil.

Most often they are cored with a hex key, which is often called furniture. Vin maє the form of the letter "G".

Nozzles at vicarious eyes are rarely used, less for certain kinds of accessories, but better than their mothers.

Fittings are fastened until the wind for additional bolts, to screw them in, you need a cross twist. Such a twist is twisted when the handles are installed and її regulated.

Whether it’s a metal-plastic veneer, we sew the bottom and top loops, as well as the eccentrics, we spread the chairs around the perimeter.

In order to know the cause of the malfunctions, that mother can use it, it is necessary to understand the principle of the work of the main elements of the window. All the chairs of the windows can be adjusted in three planes, the curtains of which can be correctly adjusted in their positions and pressure along the entire perimeter of the window.

Adjusting the position of the chairs

Plastic windows, as a rule, make two loops: upper and lower. The lower loop serves for the vertical adjustment of the chair, so that it can be crushed uphill or down, and also the zipper can be adjusted horizontally, in which direction you can work right-handed or left-handed.

Before adjusting the lower loop, you need to swivel the lid of the cap and insert a hexagon into the opening.

Like a chair in a window, the frame is at the bottom;

Well, if you rub it over the beast, you need to lower it, for which the key is turned against the arrows of the year.

As it is necessary to adjust the right-handed or left-handed zsuv, at the time of rubbing from the sides, there is another regulating opening, which is known to the side.

To get to the new one, you need to open it up. You can adjust the position of the chair by turning the key in the opening.

If you turn it behind the direct turn of the Godinnikov’s arrow, the destruction will be to the right. If you twist yoga against the hand of Godinnikov’s arrow, then it’s left-handed. Directly turn to lay down in order to de-chip the frame.

At the top loop there is a regulator, which allows you to adjust the chair right-handed or left-handed for the help of a double key.

Turning the key after the year's arrow, the chair collapses to the right. If you turn the key against the arrow of the year, it will fall to the left.

In some kind of bіk robiti zsuv to lie down, from which side of the chair the frame is chipped.

Adjusting the tightness of the chairs

For consumption zdіysnyuєtsya press chairs. You can revise the need with an arkush paperu. For this next, insert it between the frame and the chair, the wines may be strongly squeezed. If the sheet is collapsing, it means that additional regulation is needed.

On the end part of the chair there are oval eccentrics, which are part of the locking mechanism.

On the frame there are double chains. When the handle is turned to the "closed" position, a lock is released, and the chair is pressed up to the frame.

You can adjust the pressure with a wrench, and in some cases with plates on the chairs of the window. Tse lay down in the design of plastic vicons.

The pressure step is adjustable with eccentrics. If you turn them to the left, then the chair will squeeze closer to the frame. If you turn to the right, then the pressure will be weaker. When turning the eccentric, it changes between the frame and the eccentric.

Chim less tsya vіdstan, tim shіlnіshe squeezing a chair. Eccentrics are ruffled around the entire perimeter of all chairs. The first step is to start regulation, it is necessary to reconsider the mission, it is necessary to do it.

You need to turn the eccentrics literally by a millimeter, so that you don’t squeeze the chair when closed. A strong pressure can lead to swedish wear and tear of the wounded. Ovals need to be installed however.

Even though it didn’t work out with eccentrics, you can adjust the pressure for an additional part at the top, changing its position.

At vіdpovіd utrimuyut bolts, yakі mayut otvіr for a hex key.

To strengthen the pressure, you need to slip the zachіp at the straight street, loosening the bolts. To loosen the pressure of the zachіp, you need to put it at the bіk kіmnati.

The pressure can be adjusted with bolts, which are located in the hinges, so that the fanlight system is victorious. If you increase the lower hinge of the cap, you can use bolts for adjustment. The bolt for adjusting the pressure is at the bottom of 90 degrees to the top.

Yogo is better than nalashtovuvati, if the chair is closed.

In order for the chair to be more tightly pressed, you need to insert the hexagon at the bolt and turn it behind the year's arrow. If you need to loosen the pressure, then turn the key next to the anti-year arrow.

The lashing of the seal can be made in the fallow time in the future.

The air pressure can be relaxed in order to ensure a better airing of the premise. In the winter period, the pressure can be stronger, so that you save heat more quickly. If you properly regulate the pressure, you can continue the service of the stalkers, the stink shards wear less.

Handle replacement and troubleshooting

As if the pen cracked, otherwise you had to replace it with a handle with a lock, so that the children could not open the window, the need to viconate the song. The basis is known under the handle.

You need to pull a little bit and turn it 90 degrees. Screws are being drilled, as if they need to be twisted.

If the handle and screws are installed, the base will rotate to the forward position.

If the handle turns hard, then the reason for this may be a lack of oil or sagging chairs. At the first stage, you can add a special olive or speed up the olive and cover all the knots.

Korisno mastilo robiti regularly. As the reason is in the sagging chairs, it needs to be adjusted for additional regulation, which is in the loops, as it was described more.

There are situations when the handle is set at the closed position, but the window does not close at that position. Tse vydbuvaetsya when blocking the window.

The blocker is installed so that the handle can be turned less when the window is closed, thus protecting the breakdown mechanism.

The blockers are fixed at different pickers, but always they are located from the end part of the chair under the handle. To unlock the handle, press on the tab of the blocker.

It is easy to independently adjust the plastic windows, it’s more important to give the instructions to the windows, but you need to be careful with the regulation, so as not to overdo it.

Importantly, follow the camp of plastic vicons and immediately fix all the problems, then they will serve to finish the long time. Regulation of bazhano zdіysnyuvati dvіchі on rіk for change of seasons rіk.

In this article, the process of regulation of PVC windows will be reviewed. They will focus on the important nuances of this process, analyze serious problem situations, and will also suggest ways to get out of them.

I think that after reading this material, you will easily get into the regulation of your windows without outside help.

On the cob repair varto podbaty about those, schob nebhіdny іnstrument buv pіd ruku:
1) Pliers;
2) Hexagon (4 mm)

Corisna information:

Basic principles of regulation of vicons

Today there are more vicons, like vicons with PVC, we can fix them from three angles. Tse, at my heart, give me the opportunity to reach the necessary dressing of the window chairs in the frame. Let us allow you to press the pressure of the narrower to the chairs of the window as much as possible.

The procedure for adjusting the window fittings, the susceptibility of the well-taken її parts, and the winding of the tool, the necessary fitting of these parts, can be exactly in contact with each other. All fall in line with what kind of virobnik they have. But the process and the final result will be the same in any case, as it is shown on the little one, which is lower than representations.

Іsnuє kіlka ways іv regulation vіkon:

1) Horizontal adjustment (<->) . It will work with the lower loops, as well as the upper loops. All assigned hinges have an opening, which is suitable for a hexagon.

a) If it is necessary to fix the upper loop, then you need to open it again.

Turning the hex key for the year's arrow, the chair collapses to the very loop. And in this way: the bottom of the vein, which is rotting at the prolezhny side of the loop, is evenly lifted, and if you turn the key at the gate, then the lower part of the vein is also smoothly lowered.

b) The process of adjusting the vein, behind the help of the lower loop, can be wound without zdіysnyuchi yogo vіdkrittya, but it can also be superfluous from the outer side. As soon as you open it, then, apparently, it is fixed from the inner side. If you want to fix the fittings of the veil for the lower loop, then you can say that you will definitely see it, like for the help of the upper loop.

If you turn the key after the year's arrow, you begin to rise, and when you turn it at the gate, it will fall. At the same time, the opening is ±2 mm.

The chair is not overstuffed to the frame

Bіlya handles from the side є system of eccentrics, zavdyaki yakіy staє we can set the necessary rіven rіven shіlnostі prilyagannya stool to ramie. They fight for their species through those that are prepared by various virobnik plants. Prote pratsyyut stench however.

Zdіysnyuє nalashtuvannya prilyagannya stools for the help of eccentrics, scho know vzdovzh vіkna.

For a stronger fit of the wind to the frame, turn the eccentric behind the year arrow, and for a weakened one, turn it at the turning wheel. Leather eccentric maє rice, zavdyaki yakіy staє we can shake the steps of the wind. According to him it appears:

  1. if you lie softly, then the rice will marvel at the top;
  2. as if it were lying softly, then the little rice marveled at the killer.

Use this kind of eccentrics that you need to turn, vikoristovuyuchi wrench (pliers) or zastosovuchichi plate, which is located on the side of the chair in the window.

Bіlya loops є є mekhanіzm, yakіy vіdpovіdaє for stupіn prilyagannya. Nalashtuvannya yogo roboti zdіysnyuєtsya for the help of a hex key - a stab, as it is known from the side of the vein, showing on the foot of the sling (as the stole is strongly hanging, then it is strongly pressed down). To adjust the position of the buckle, the key is turned against the arrow of the year (it’s more difficult in that turn, like the loops are angry, if the stench is on the other side, then the wrapper is at the gate).

Looking at the temperature on the street, we can adjust the snuggle of the wind as strongly as you need. However, the warto of remembrance, that the post-significance of the century is strongly pressed down, is signified by the term of the service of the protector.
In this case, it is possible to have a correction of ±0.8 mm.

Adjusting the position of the press of loops

You can change the nalashtuvannya loops z urahuvannyam vіkna fittings. For which it is necessary to tidy up the cap and turn the bolt, which is to be found under the direct cut to the window (it is necessary to change the lower loop).

The lashing of the upper loops is carried out when the folding chairs are installed. To adjust, it is necessary to set the window at the open position, after which set the handle to the ventilation mode. In this situation, it’s better, so that it’s possible to trim, so that it will be fixed only in one place - on the lower loop. If tsі dії will be wicked, you can easily take access to the hexagon, for the help of which you can build loops at the upper part of the vein.

If it’s out of sight, it’s nasty to curl up or to jam the chairs, you start wondering that it’s necessary to regulate plastic windows. I independently see it as a shove, glue it, squeeze it tighter, and then we already turn to fahivtsiv. Vartist tsієї services in the range of 500-700 rubles, and the checks of the obіtsyanoy іnоdі are brought z tizhden. To that, put a little snug chair, or else you can wind the ramie with your own hands, read the head of the troch about it.

At vicons and PVC doors (balconies) the regulation mechanism is similar. Therefore, all knowledge lowered can be conquered, both for doors and for windows.
Be it a design, there are three levels of regulation gvinti (on the side and on the top of the window): adjusting the chair to the right - left, top - bottom, rіven squeezing the chairs to the frame.

To understand how to work with them, we will look at situations that are often blamed.

Let's take a look at the problems: When the ventilation mode is on, the stool begins to close about the fittings on the frame, or from the upper part of the window is very small. І schob to use the foldability, it is necessary to adjust the upper loop, it is necessary for the airing mode and the tightness of the pressure of the chair itself.

To adjust the upper hinge of the plastic window, it is necessary to turn it approximately 90 degrees.

Most often, we use a hexagon number 4. We know the screw is opened, we turn it after the year arrow.

With different glass fittings, in different places you can have a screw, as in the photo.

And the slope begins to shift right-handed-left (in the ventilation mode).

You can see well in the picture, where you can know the gwent from all the loops.

Adjustment to pidyom, pressure and zsuvu chairs of plastic veneer pvc or doors

The chair can be lifted uphill or lowered, pushed sideways and pulled wider to the profile.

Let's take a look at the situation, that one chair asked down, as in the photo, and as a result, the upper part fills the gap with the frame, where the wind blows and the cold wind goes.

Possibly, you need a twist, zirochka instead of a hexagon.

For the correction of this situation, we need a regular regulator. The position is right - left and top-bottom. To raise the edge of the window, start spinning the screw.

The photo shows that the chair was taken and now it is practically on the same level.

Now, squeezing the chair to the frame and pinning the blower, we need the upper adjuster.

It is also twisted with a hexagon.

To raise the chair uphill, wrap the hexagon straight up with the Year's arrow.

Tse to fight, if the lower part of the chair zachіpaє frame from the bottom.

Switch to winter-summer mode

Factory windows come to us, set to neutral mode. It is necessary to switch to a winter hut, it is necessary to make a hvilinne adjustment of the chairs and squeeze it more tightly to the gumi.

We proceed to the process of adjusting the chair.

In order to reconsider the strength of the attraction, it is necessary to take a bill. If we curve the chair, the banknote can be strongly pressed. If the banknote moves freely, then the frame will need to be adjusted.

It is necessary to convert it in the lower part of the window, in the middle of that beast.

To work with the regulation of the regime, we need the rіzhkovy key chi pasatizhi.

Vіdchinyaєmo at the end or the door, sob the middle round, and sometimes oval pritosuvannya at three parts of the chair - tse ekscentriki chi trunnion.

The mode is adjustable by turning the trunnion from the central part to the right behind the annual arrow or to the left - the anti-annual arrow. The eccentric moves closer to the ramie elastic band or moves away from it. Roblyachi tsyu vіdstan, stool shіlnіshe squeezing.

I now turn the trunnion with a hexagon. On it there is a speck or a notch, as it shows, in which mode at once there are doors.

Summer mode, if the eccentric is shifting at the bik vulitsy, and on the winter one - to marvel at the bik apartment, go out, scho vin schilnіshe squeezing up to the gumki ramie.

If you turn the knob, you see that it is necessary to report the susilla, which means that the gum is strongly pressed to the chair and the winter regime has been established.

See fittings

So that there was no incomprehension, a trace of understanding, that there are no faces of fittings, that is the point of regulation of other movements. For some pliers, you will have a hexagon in hand, and for some pliers, or a twist.
A lot of brands of mechanisms can look different, but they have one principle.

In the photo, you can look at some of the variations of the window fittings.

The second type of fittings.

I brought a sprinkling of options, but, obviously, not all. Sometimes trunnions can be placed not on the chair itself, but on the profile. Ale, having understood the zmist, you can already rozіbratisya on the mist.

I think that any person can lift or squeeze a PVC stool for a given instruction, and on it a check of a vecon master every ten minutes of regulation.
Wait with me?
