Like a kitchen garno looking at a wooden booth. Installing a kitchen in a wooden house to solve the problem of shrinkage of the log

Like a kitchen garno looking at a wooden booth. Installing a kitchen in a wooden house to solve the problem of shrinkage of the log

This article will tell you about the most popular ideas for creating an interior in the confusion of the kitchen of a private house. Find out about the peculiarities of the skin style, what makes it special and popular.

So rozpovіmo, like for the help of simple priyomіv s, partitions and lighting to divide the accommodation in the zone.

A very small look at the options for finishing the walls, the underlays and the steles in the kitchen.

Vrakhovuyuchi osobennost vіdvishchenої vologostі in the kitchen pribіbіnі, podbati probіbіv proobrokі vіdіvі, аdzhe vіdomo, yоvіdomo, not liking іt's middle ground.

The most popular options for woodworking:

  1. farbuvannya;
  2. decorative inserts and drywall;
  3. wall panels;
  4. natural stone.

Let's take a look at the present ideas of improvement.


Wall panels

To save the texture of wood in the design of the kitchen, lining is often blocked. You can attach to your profile. It is also possible to attach MDF panels to the frame. You don’t need to bend anything, the stench is already ready to beat, to wash the structure of the tree, and look good.

In addition, PVC panels are becoming popular, as they are easily cut, cut with a knife and simply fastened. Your choice is wide, you can choose those that fit into your interior.

Renovation and support of the stele

To cover for a pidlog in a wooden booth, there is some kind of material, some sort of material, to the soul, or for the money of the lords. Parquet, laminate, prepared board, porcelain or quartz-vinyl tiles.

Stay, go in your own way to laminate and tiles. Maє high rіven vologostіyskostі, not subject to erasure, deformation, it does not overwhelm vm'yatini vіd important furniture.

For the dressing of the stele, vicorist the same drywall, under which you can hide the wiring. A lining is also suitable tension steles.

The selection of stretch insoles in our hour is simply gorgeous:

  • glossy,
  • matte,
  • satin or


Building a booth made of wooden materials allows you to plan an appointment, how to be tempted. Even more popular solutions, as it has long been successful in the design of interiors, there is a bedroom kitchen.

Її can be done on small and large squares. It is possible to explore a great place for the help of different methods. Let's take a look at the most popular.

Barna stand

Interior of a small kitchen in a private wooden house

There is little space not to endure the overworld clutter of objects and decor elements. So, the massive furniture looks blank.

Like the kitchen and the vіtalnya of small roses, they are more likely to be eaten in one place, having created an effect on the space. The kitchen set can be placed under the hood and put in a stylnitsa for a white window, having installed a washbasin there, or having created a working area. Vidkrit police also create the appearance of open and uncharacterized space.

The handmade style is even more popular in our time, it will be more like a river in the interior of a small kitchen of a wooden house. Grown with hand-worn wooden polka, decorated in the style of the kitchen, help to create a calm atmosphere.

Furnishings-transformer will help you to remember the lack of space in the kitchen. Here and bedside tables that look like shelving, and folding tables (the coffee table-transformer is transformed into a regular table). Whether it be an accommodation, small in size, you can make it richly functional and at the same time comfortable, so that at the first stage you can think over the interior to the smallest detail.

Styles of kitchens in a wooden house

Vmіliy pіdbіr materials for ozdoblennya, decor, furniture to help create a cіkava stylіstі kuhnі vіtalnі. Obviously, wooden booths have their own peculiarities of exploitation, but in such booths you can create your own unique atmosphere and make it a designer solution.

Super modern minimalism, the style of the great city loft, the cunning baroque, trendy hi-tech, romantic or classic - all these styles are popular and victorious everywhere.

We will not forget to see the beauty of a wooden house and guess the solution for a visual presentation of the texture of the village, without adding additional processing.

Eco-style in kitchen design

The peculiarity of this style is in the transfer of the natural beauty of wooden materials, or the choice of the decor of the place.

  • Furniture set made of solid wood;
  • Vykoristannya natural stone (miyaka or stіlnitsa z stone);
  • Revamped in interiors of neutral and pastel tones;
  • The use of natural materials for decorating (jute, bamboo thin);
  • Ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware, wild stone for the improvement of the sleeve of the working area;
  • Simplicity of vіzerunkіv in decorі;
  • Combination of different textures.
  • Handmade style in design: rattan, clay, dozi, wood, dry flowers and herbs. Stools, tables, shelves made of exotic wooden materials.
  • Decor with living roslins, for example, a wall with a visible area for roslins, which are victorious in cooking.

Country style in contemporary kitchen

Under this style, the presence of decorative elements and functional furniture made of wood is understood. Rough wood, worn out by modern technology with a matte, unblemished surface, creates a feeling of comfort.

Also, in the design of such an interior, there are elements of specially created rough work.

Cracks on the stylistics or on the plaster, farba that cracked, all the same country style. This style can be straight forward: Scandinavian, French, American.

Kozhen has his own peculiarities. Light, pastel colors and inserts from wood are used for finishing vicory. The area for the creation of the country style for the kitchen can be great.

The kitchen islands fit harmoniously into such interiors. The privilege of such a style without suvorih borders and rules.


The French Provence style is one of the most successful in kitchen design. For yoga creation, it is necessary to have space and good lighting.

Aje the same lightness, sleepy light and space - a special feature of the Provence style. To create such a style, it is necessary to use light, polished textiles, specially aged wood, designer dribnitaries from forged and wicker elements.

Furniture sets are more important than light colors: white, beige, black, m'yatny. Decorate with folds, with curtains of a floral style. Windows are embellished with thin frames, wall paintings depicting the life of the French forces, gleams with the figures of creatures.


The Scandinavian country style was formed under the influx of the harsh climate of the country. Laconism, wooden texture, chain and metal, so briefly you can characterize the design of the kitchen interior in a wooden house.

Rough plaster brought special mood to the kitchen. Textiles on another plane are not victorious. Everything that is light in Scandinavia is not enough, and it is not enough to decorate windows with curtains and tulle.

Furniture set pick up contrasting colors. The working area is greatly enriched with extramundane decor, everything is borderline rational and functional. Place symmetrically re-stashed sofas and armchairs near the vіdpochinku zone.

Okremo you can see the style of the chalet as an alpine version of the country. The peculiarity of such a straight line is in the presence of wide panoramic windows and stone fireplaces. This style is suitable for houses with high steles and spacious rooms.

Eclecticism and vintage fuzhn at the stylists of the kitchen

The main feature of the sheb-chic style is the ability to specially age new speeches. Respect is accentuated on vintage furniture, wooden racks with a worn surface, enamel farbs.

The occasion of the unseen, and the very speeches in the retro style, textiles with ethnic elements creates a unique atmosphere that enchants. A heap of various chimerical details and antique speeches - for whom the whole style is shebі-chic.

In addition, it is necessary to think carefully about decorating the interior of the kitchen with a wooden booth, in order to create a harmonious look. Remember to add small, but different details with the main palette of colors, without clutter, and the creation of porridge-malashi - the greatest pilotage.

American style kitchen design

This style is rightfully respected as one of the most harmonic and most privatized for the creation of a kitchen-mrії. The main idea of ​​this style is the American spirit of freedom. And freedom can be in space. For someone who wants to create a kitchen in a wooden booth in this style, there will be great space.

The main principle of American cuisine is borderline comfort. Everything can be placed in such a rank, so that it would be easy to take that distance and need riches.

Planning the design of a kitchen near an old wooden donkey is one thing satisfied, even if you are not surrounded by a square, and you don’t care about combining a sprat of a room into one. In addition, the kitchen in a wooden booth is a wonderful springboard for expressing your creative fantasies. First, for what it is necessary to start, then it is worth choosing the style of the future kitchen.

Most harmoniously in a wooden booth look kitchens in offensive styles:

  • American;
  • country styles;
  • provence;
  • Scandinavian.


Kitchen-vitalnya є mrієyu rich housewives, which is not surprising. There is enough space for the realization of the culinary possibilities of the master. It combines two rooms into a single space, which allows you to beautifully serve the table and receive guests at the hospital, and cook in the kitchen. In addition, with such a zoned space, you will not be able to endure damage from one room to another.

Ways to divide space

However, in order for such an accommodation to be functional, it is necessary to carefully plan your interior. Nasampered, next appointed, as better to divide the space. The most classic option is a sofa, which stretches the back to the kitchen. The space can be separated by other pieces of furniture. For tsgogo pіdіyde і barn stіyka, і chest of drawers, wardrobe w utensils, і navіt obіdnіy stіl. In addition, you can twist the screen and the partition.

You can also separate the space for the help of competently selected textiles and the design of colors. For example, you can win the game in contrast: the kitchen for the next step is to be seen in light colors, and the vent - in dark ones. It is possible to add to the unity of style for the additional choice of white accessories in dark vitals: pillows, upholstery of styles, franks, paintings and photographs. When it is necessary, it is not necessary to trim the black-and-whites. Originally and vividly looking bright against the contrasts of green and tazhovy colors.

It is possible to reach the common space behind the help of curtains. Show them in the same color scheme, but at the same time make them different for the texture. Harmoniously, you will look at the light firanok in the kitchen and the curtains of the same color in the living room. The second variant of design is the lowering of curtains with the same ornament, but with a different color.

Podіl zones for the help of light design - one more cіkava idea. This option is easy and simple for the Vikonan. I saw for the help of an independent dzherel the light of the working zone, an obidniy style. You can add light to the bar. In order to reach the effect of natural lighting, vicorist prihovane lightly in the presence of a large number of halogen lamps, as if evenly spread on the stele.

Vykoristannya gradation among equals as a variant under the open space

Another way to beautifully demarcate the space of the transfer of various decorations. For example, one of the zones can be seen behind the help of changing the level of the stele. Abo, on the other hand, it is allowed to fold the podium into one of the zones.

Please! We should respect the following in this way: it will be unhandy to shift your shoulders over such a lucrative place, and you will constantly be stunned.

Give respect to another decision. Break up a pidlog on an independent zone for an additional variety of different cover for a pidlog (what is scolded for a little one, a shape or a color). Pidloga in two zones of roztashovuvatyutsya on the same level, but when you do it, you need to know that the wines are on different heights.

The kitchen-vitalnya in a wooden booth is a wonderful option for organizing a great space.

Great American style kitchen

One of the most harmonious styles, a kind of inspiration for the kitchen-vital, is the American style.

Please! For a whiff of inspiration, it’s enough to look at any American TV series or film - practically in skin you can look like a kitchen.

Why is it so privileged to have the titles of American style? Nasampered, by this spirit of freedom, which is hovering in the great expanse. That is why the rule of competent American design is the presence of a great territory, where you can see under the kitchen. For a vlasny booth, it’s not guilty to be a problem.

The Creation of the American Dream

Obov'yazykovy principle of cuisine in any style - promotion equal to comfort. Misters may buti handily reach out to be-like dribnitsa. All items can be ripped ergonomically.

As a rule, space in the American kitchen is divided for additional "islands", which allows you to create impersonal design options for accommodation. So, the "island" will help to separate the kitchen area from the distant or vital areas. The island can be vikorated as a cooking surface or a zone for accepting it. Yogo can be arranged like a barn stack.

The American style of cuisine does not accept minimalism, but elements of high-tech style: the atmosphere can be calm and homely. Furniture is recommended to choose wood. As for the palette of colors, the American style is characterized by light and warm tones, which expand the space even more and remind the kitchen of light. What principle should be followed when designing a window: do not varto vikoristovuvaty podvyny firnki or bulky curtains: every window can be maximally vіdchinene.

Such a kitchen conveys the presence of modern bututary technology in a general way - the more, the better. Aje tse ease the life of the master, which is the main principle of style.

Separate space in the kitchen

However, not in the skin booth you can allow your own space to live. As if you are furnished in space, you will have to win other options for planning the interior. How to get creative, such an interior of a kitchen in a wooden booth does not look like an antrohi.

The most important food, with which a lot of bags stick together when planning the interior of the kitchen, is food under the open space. The vines are folded up, as if there were no room for going to the booth. At this point, you should make up your mind, so that you can divide the space into two zones - you will accept that bezpresredno preparation.

Here we should follow the basic rule - doriming the correct proportions. So, the decision to separate one zone for another area would not be correct. Otherwise, you will learn what to eat will be comfortable, and cooking is important. Otherwise, a turnaround situation is possible: you will cook in a comfortable mind, but take a bite, snuggle on an unhandled stool in a coop.

Scandinavian style kitchen

The Scandinavian style kitchen is literally full of light. This effect can be achieved by the curtains of the new veins of the firankas, or by the symbolic Roman curtains. This effect is being strengthened, as if the walls of the kitchen were at the house of the farmer at the bright tone.

Similar palettes should also be added when choosing a kitchen set. The best options for this are natural materials (wood of different species) or imitation. If you definitely don’t want to win, then look at the glossy plastic options. V_dmovtesya v_d chimeric accessories. Under the hour of the creation of the Scandinavian style, follow the motto - which is simpler, more beautiful.

Don't forget about living roslini. You can place them not only in the obvious place - pdvikonn, but also on pdloz. Tse stosuetsya, nasampered, high roslin, yakі transform your kitchen into an oasis of peace.

When planning the interior in this style, with special respect to add bright accents, so that the room does not turn into a “medical chamber”. Whom will be helped by yaskravі aksesuari and textiles. For example, a wall, I lay down until the window, you can decorate it with tapestries in a small quote. Tim yourself decorate the window, and you will not be able to harass him with franks. It is also recommended to see a kitchen apron (at the butt, repeat the little tapestries). Zreshtoy, to complete the folding of the interior, add competently selected accessories: crockery vases, dishes, candles, photos too.

Kitchen in a wooden booth in the style of Provence abo country

Let's look at the insults, the styles are less for those, the stink shards behind the great rahunka have no principled authority for non-professionals. We can’t fold these stylistic solutions in the kitchen at the wet booth, but this option is the simplest when it comes to implementation.

Just finish the right material (importantly it is made of wood), decor and textiles.

Kitchens in this style ideally look like a damp house, shards allow you to transfer a bowl for a sink. It's handy, and beautiful. Adzhe in this day you will not be dark and tedious for an hour to clean the dishes. Having embellished the window with light violets in a quote, you will reach the maximum effect. In a different vein, the curtains look similar, vikonan in a different color, which will go with the front.

To match the style, it is recommended to vicorist white furniture - the stench is the best way to reinforce the "silk" straightening of the interior. Zupinіt svіy vіbіr on rozsuvny table, which allows you to receive a lot of guests. On the white wooden stiles, close up the bright and stringed seats, which will go for color with other accessories.

Finish the interior with good details. For example, the ideal solution would be to vicorate on a box with a window to replace the door with a firnka, as for the color and the little one, I repeat the window curtains.

Ideal kitchen for a summer residence

The Daedals more than city dwellers will spend holidays at their dachas. As you can see, springs from nature awaken the appetite. The most beloved dacha grass, without a doubt, є barbecue, cooking on the fresh air on the grill. But it is not possible to leave the posture of respect and other possible fears, as it is possible to cook more on the stove. In addition, it is impossible not to call on the situation, which can not be drunk on the board. Therefore, the kitchen at the dacha near the wooden booth is the necessary accommodation.

However, when planning for the inter'єru, it was necessary to protect the specialty, the power of the zamіskom in vіdpochinku. Nasampered, you look at nature not in order to prepare. From which it is necessary to go out, planning the interior. That is why it is recommended to use some of the burners on the stove - to grind your choice for two.

The area for cooking can also be made smaller, lower at the living room. Try to separate two zones in the kitchen: at the first you cook, at the other - get together at the table with all your homeland that meal. This kind of space can be reached for the additional choice of trellises of different colors and textures, colorful design of zones, or the placement of any piece of furniture for separating the space, for example, a wardrobe with dishes, a chest of drawers or a sofa.

Please! Do not harass the kitchen with furniture! At the dacha, there may be enough room for space. In addition, it is important to ease the selection.

Inspire your country kitchen to have your own style

If you want to touch the color of the zamіsky booth, then you can install the stove instead of the stove. I want to tell you what to get ready for much better in the future.

A small refrigerator allows rational arrangement of furniture sets in a small country kitchen.

A kitchen in a wooden booth that її design is busy not only in the middle, but in the cirque. Andje doesn’t have anything to receive, lower the silence of the “nest” in the air. For the needs of the kitchen, you can rebuild it independently.

The kitchen has a lot of problems in looking at an aggressive middle, moisture and constant presence, it is the fault of Vitriman in the exact appearance of the style of a broken log of a boudinka. Self-sufficiently growing and important little pockets in the booths are foldable, al, blatantly revealing about the correct placement of objects in the interior, maybe. Otzhe, chim keruvatisya at the execution of the interior of the kitchen - smashing from the decks of booths. See below.

Stіni and pіdloga

It is important to add respect to these surfaces before installing furniture and functional items.

Zrub zrub Volodya with a large primhoy, regardless of its massiveness, lower, for example, glued timber.

Therefore, it is impossible to allow blockage of space without the provision of ventilation walls, but it is impossible to subdue the city.

It is best to vicorate in interior materials of a natural type - wooden panels, tongue and groove boards for pidlog.

Do not varto nehtuvat laminate or parquet - the stench of the stiykі to navantazhen and showcase massive furniture. Until then, for technology, the stink is better than protection.

Before the working area there are such warehouses:

  1. detailed surface;
  2. boiling;
  3. mittya.

Bazhano, so that the stench was picked up in a big way - in one mist and at the same time they didn’t hit the wooden walls. Ideally roztashuvannya - in the middle of the application, as if the area is allowed. In another way, an apron is installed - stone or ceramic plates, which enclose the access of the breeze and the bet to the decks.

The stilnitsa in the smashed from the decks of the booth is guilty of a tight one, like all the material. Pidide granite and acrylic. The first one is not overturned by the forte, the other is cheap by the price. Marmur cannot be beaten for such purposes - a soft structure for prickly-cut objects.

Until then, after some time, the surface of the surface will become neohaynous - the streams of wild water are hushed up in the crevices. You can replace the stylnitsa by giving yourself a completely new look to the kitchen.


Navisnі and pіdlogovі shafi, kutochki, stіyki, stol'tsі stіl'tsі. Heaps can be hidden, as if to swell a vodpovidny set.

Before the service, the number of objects increases and changes. The furniture in the kitchen is made of broken logs, like the whole interior, breathing with strength, massiveness. Tse not superchit wicker specimens, roztashovanim on the terrace, as if leaving the kitchen itself.


Inter'єr kitchens can have enough lighting and mother sprat dzherel - more than a couple of autonomous ones. A sufficient number of fluorescent lamps can be provided with a working kitchen area - gentlemen will be more comfortable with culinary recipes.

Colour. There is no space, but the dark kitchen picks up richly less close people at the table, lower the vikonan in light wood tones and the kitchen set. It's wonderful to see the light and the red veins of natural wood. If the sergeant-major bazhaє natural vіdtinku, then you will happen to keep the vіdpovіdny camp the whole hour.

Daily zone and cuisine Geos

A lot of Vlasnikov will go to the kitchen in the distance, so that the antrochs do not show up on the design of that beauty. The products of the Belarusian masters cope miraculously with them - Geos. It is less important to emphasize the misfortune of the global picture.

Dorechni round tables, massive wooden furniture. Vlasniki, no matter how well-to-do, can allow their own kitchen Geos in inter'єri izroblennoy from logs budinka - models nayrіznomanіtnіshі, scho allow s tochіstyu pіd breed pіdіbrаti іdtinok kit.

In addition, the wall panels, proponated by this company, allow you to completely change the internal appearance of the log - ideally smooth walls, acrylic, kahelny or textured stone. The stench will not give the village a good chance to have a drink of water and bet.

Geos is a company that has proven itself in this field. Inter'єr kitchens near the booth, broken from logs, photos of which you can marvel at, looking at the official side of the company in the store, oppose the respectability of the leather set. The presented models significantly lighten the choice of the masters;


Inter'єr without zastosuvannya fabrics are not rare, but there is little calm in such a kitchen - blinds are not enough to give home comfort. Before that, the kitchen in a broken house, the interior is to blame for the mother close to ecology - PVC products are not durable. The best materials to use are:

  • llany tablecloths and firankas;
  • beautiful fabrics;
  • kilimi or fabric paths, navpaki, nebazhanі through poglenannya vologi.

Create your own style to keep busy. Fantazuvaty chi vtіlyuvati more in life mriyut vlasniks zamіskih budinkіv.

Having consulted with professionals about the originality of what was planned, the estates can create an upper class interior in a single copy. Growing up from the logs of the boudinka, it’s enough to bring it up to the inter’єru, the massiveness of the village of goiter will be put up to nutrition with the strength of the wind.

A natural tree can have a number of benefits:

  • thermal insulation;
  • ecology;
  • practicality;
  • combined with the usual colors, textures and other enriching materials.

The tree in the interior miraculously merges with stone, whole, shkir, plaster. Permissible mirrors and non-bag metal inserts.


On the way, the tree on the wall in the interior is not afraid of moisture and looks luxurious, moreover, the array is often reminiscent of the receiving aroma. Wooden panels are coated with varnish, wax and oil stains for a longer service life.

The most economical option for wrapping vikoristanny lining and laminate. Panels can curve all or one wall, vikoristovuvatysya like decorative inserts for a pіdvіkon, TV, lіzhka.

In the photo, there is a vіtalnya near natural vіdtinkah with wooden edifices underlays, yak to smoothly move into the brilliance of the wall. The white color to rob the interior is light, and the texture of the wood adds a calmness.

Horizontal placement of planks on the wall (like in the photo) is to fill the room with a wide one, and vertically - with a big one.


The wood of the pidlog is not overturned by centuries of coating, it is possible from massive, parquet boards, corks or laminate.

In the photo in the bedroom, diagonally laying laminate flooring will help expand the space.

Wood color: red, white, gray

The tree can be not only brown but beige, ale and other colors. Doshka, parquet and laminate are presented in different colors, which can be matched to match the singing style in residential and office premises.

  • Chervone tree in inter'єrі pіdіyde for the luxurious style of empire in the vital. Furnishings can be with visor and wigs, and textured walls and kilim linen create an atmosphere of calm and wealth. Come along with a bright color (you see a tree, but you can’t see it on a yoga background), as well as with pistachio at a small number.

  • A white tree in the interior creates space and looks clean. Most often it is shot in modern style and minimalism. There was a light base to support the lightness of the walls, a wooden stele to make a room for a living room, white furniture suitable for the bedroom, further, next to the living room and the kitchen.

  • Sir, the tree in the interior is calm, calling out a little cold. Syrian laminate is good for pidlog at the bedroom, vіtalnі. Such a subtext in fallow land looks like a little girl guessing an old tree and a river for retro and country. Suitable for a room from two contrasting suites. Wenge furniture and other cold weather will be kind to the world of amenities at the modern interior.

Walking with a stone and a chain

Use different materials in the interior: slate, stone, plastic, giving a different final result, but always those that wood is universal and popular decorations.

  • A stone and a tree in the interior are like two natural materials complementing one of one. The warmth of that soft wood with a stone stone is indispensable for creating an eco-style, Provence and country. Mosaic of pebbles and plank flooring, fragments of decorative stone, parquet boards and beams miraculously match and suit any interior.

In the photo, a wooden wall and a fireplace made of wild stone tell about the turns and remind the room of a calm.

  • Cegla that tree in the interior, or imitation of the cellar masonry, is suitable for the corridor, vital, exits. The chains can be beaten, aged, monophonic and different-caliber, such variations create a different image of the room. Vikoristannya tree in the interior with a whole necessary for the creation of an unusual design of a zamіsky booth: wooden frames and doors, go down, partitions and a pіdloga from chervonny porіd near the old chest of drawers.

Wood in the interior kitchen

In the interior kitchen, it looks like furniture, accent walls in the common area.

  • As a sub-logic cover, it’s better to choose kahel or linoleum.
  • Wooden utensils to create a calm and pidide for the style of Provence, country, rustic.
  • Light ergonomic furniture, glossy surfaces and mirror inserts are suitable for a small space.
  • Beam stele pіdіyde for the creation of the silsky style.
  • Deep dark windows of the river in the kitchen with a great window and a wide open space.

Furniture of neutral natural colors will be combined with bright colors of style, refrigerator, etc. For example, when the color of the tree and the green look natural, it looks like a river in the kitchen, no matter how wide.

In the photo, the kitchen is enlarged for a rahunok with a balcony and the correct selection of colors. Wooden style and light laminate are well combined with white furniture. Eco wall with boards and grass is an object of respect for all guests.

Vital health

The tree in the inter'єrі vіtalnі always looks even more effective and more river-like in any design. Just like the Scandinavian style, then the most light-colored pores are naked on the link with nature, wooden furniture with pastel colors is suitable for Provence. Small and simple details from the wood of the river, minimalism and hi-tech.

In the photo, the police are invisible, imitating the gill, creating the modern style of life in neutral natural colors.

In the photo, the interior is in a classic style, wooden panels with carvings and parquet with a small kilim are used for decoration.

Pnі that great splits in inter'єri vіtalnі can play the role of a coffee table and become the main object of respect for guests. From cuts and pebbles, you can build an accent wall for a TV set, from broken sticks and pebbles - a cornice, a lamp and other accessories.

In the photo there is a wall with spiliv at the vital. Naturally, the tree spriyaє razslablennu, krіm moreover, it smells good and takes the aroma of ethereal olіy for a long time.

Wicker tree by the bedroom

For a bedroom, it is better to choose light sources and cover it with matte varnish in order to reinforce the naturalness of the tree.

You can choose farba and add texture, or apply її in 3 balls and override the natural color. Better than natural shades of beige, pistachio, girchichny, wood. But if the type of wood is dark, then it is not necessary to furnish it with light colors.

It is possible to sheathe everything with a tree, or only one wall, and then lay it. How rich it is possible for a tree to lie between the bedrooms in the form of a room that could help its style.

In the photo, the simplest mattress on pallets and knots with cuts looks unusually in a modern apartment. Such simplicity combines with ecology and style at once.

It is permissible to have central lighting, but rather, to grow roses for a rahunok a little dzherel light. Cloth, flax, calico and knitted plaids will definitely be combined with a tree in an interior booth.

Eko style and hi-tech give rise to eclecticism. In the photo of the stovburi birch is an effective accent. It is important to remember that the natural wood of the varto was coated with olives and varnish, so that flowers would appear.

Tree at the child

The Danish material in the interior of the child is the most ancient in terms of environmental friendliness. Bazhano vikoristovuvat tree yak for decoration, so for decoration. If the walls are not obov'yazkovo owing to wood, then for that furniture it is simply necessary to use wood materials.

To add to the light laminate to embellish a self-contained painting of the kilim, for the development of the friability of the child, you can put up a hammock and walk down. For an extraordinary image, you can add needles in an interior for creating small compositions, an organizer of embellishments, photos and notes, they can also beat real police.

In the photo, a light tree in the interior of a child is kindly combined with light Roman curtains, it is easy to change the color for the help of farby or freshen it for the help of varnish.

Light colors, bottom textiles, bright colors and dark pidlog for decorating a child like a girl or a boy.

Bathroom decoration

A tree in the bathroom creates a look like a sauna or a Russian spa. Wooden walls and stone pidlog, otherwise, they create a unique design. To complete the bathroom, it is necessary to pick up the stilts to the water of the breed (Brazilian mountain or bamboo, as in the photo below).

In the photo there is a bathtub with massive doors and sliding lancets. As a material for such a table, a tree was cut a long time ago.

For the bathroom, you can vikoristovuvat kahel pіd tree, wooden accessories and inserts.

Photo gallery

Below are examples of vikoristan wood in a sample room of different functional purpose.

Wooden houses are popular with foreign clubs and villages. The stench is relatively inexpensive for everyday life, but they look presentable and presentable. The only nuance is that the interior decoration can match the outward design. Ecological materials of natural woods are organically combined with wooden logs. Quiet kitchens near wooden booths are arranged not only in a singing style, but also in safety. It is important for him to carefully think through all the tricks to the very beginning of everyday life. Apply the way you can look like a kitchen in a wooden house, design, photo in our today's article.

Garniy and modern design of a wooden booth

Features of the creation of the interior of the kitchen

    Hour of shrinkage of the wooden booth

To lie in the material, from any storage of the wall. The beam and the deck press the foundation of the life of the stretch of the wind. And gluing the lamellas allows you to do some work. It is better not to putty the putty, so that cracks do not appear.

Even if the budinok has not yet shrunk, then it is better to pokat with electrical wiring, otherwise you can use the best way of laying - in boxes. It will be easy to open wires and replace them at the same time.

    Drying the walls

Glued beams are sold already with normal 10% moisture content, and profiling and splitting from decks require additional drying.

    Water proof building materials

Wooden walls, underlay that stele with an antiseptic and lacquer. So the surface is not absorbable by the vologist and smells.

Pіch obov'yazkovo insulated with fireproof materials


Thermal insulation is required for fire safety. It is possible to sheathe a part of the wall behind the refrigerator, that with a stove with a fabric fire pit or a panel. Otherwise, coat the tree with a flame retardant (thermo-resistant motherland). As if there were food in the kitchen, then the litter of logs under it is guilty of concrete, flood or stone. Ideally, install an anti-fire alarm in the kitchen.

    Stretched drawstring

The tree kindly absorbs water, through which fungi multiply on the surface. In order to escape, you need a drawstring over the cooking panel with a high tension.

The most important features of the design of the kitchen are near the wooden booth. Not dorimuyuchis navit one of them, the rulers threaten major repairs.

Just about the peculiarities of the kitchen in a wooden booth on the video:

Vidpovidny building materials

At the wooden booth, the best looks are made of natural materials. Tse does not mean that there is no more wood. Possible other options for improving the kitchen:


    Drywall made of Venetian plaster

Traditionally for sheathing walls and steles in the decks of cottages, vicorist lining or MDF panels. You can ask for help, how can you help the design project.

Kindly eat in one place where a sprat of different varieties of the village is. Furniture in the interior of the kitchen in a wooden booth is better than choosing light, because the walls and the stelae will darken with time.

Eating wood and stone in the kitchen

Like accessories in a wooden kitchen, craftsmen, shkiryans, bamboo and bamboo elements look harmoniously.

How to zone the kitchen

Sound the kitchen at the zrubі zamіskogo booth eaten from the vіtalney. For a comfortable stay, designers have divided the room into two zones. Zrobiti tse can be kіlkom ways:

    Open up the sofa with its back to the headset

    Install a bar

    Decorate the arch

    Put a kіlka stovpіv

    Choose different types of wood for the vital and kitchen

    Spread pillows on sofas and armchairs, lay down kilim, hang curtains near the sunroom.

    Play with color contrast in furniture and accessories

Another unusual method for separating a room is a substation. Ce can be luminaires of similar models. Abo color light line of the headset. Bagatorіvneva stele tezh visually separate the kitchen-ventilation navpіl. There are many ways to create the original design of the room.

Beams and barn rack for zoning kitchen-vital

The design of the interior of the kitchen is based on the construction of the stele, walls and underlays. You can sheathe the mountain with a clapboard, or with gypsum plasterboard. The stele is beautifully broken from logs, varnished with a farboi. Another variant is dakh without overkrittya. Massive transverse beams echo the simplicity of the design of a wooden booth. You can vicorate for lighting fittings. Plus, the room will become spacious.

Walls are often covered without sheathing.

Edina Umova - processing of timber with antiseptics.

From above, the beam is covered with chi farboi varnish. Another option is lining and MDF panel. The apron of the working zone can be seen with a kahl under the marmur or with piece stone panels.

Cover the basement in a wooden booth with veneer, parquet or laminate. Budget option - linoleum from the little ones near the looking village. Deyakі projects peredbachayut kam'yane pokrittya. So that your feet don’t freeze, you can install the system to support it.

The tree is clayed lightly, to that varto was given a sprig of equal lighting. For example, large windows, floor lamps, sconces, spotlights and chandeliers.

An apron with a cough in the kitchen of a wooden booth

What style of kitchen to choose

The design of a kitchen in a wooden booth is more importantly designed in one of the following styles:

American - space and technology

A kitchen in a booth from a beam with an American design will require great space. Pіdіyde variant poєdnannya z vіtalneyu. Set island type successfully fit into the formal design. The master may have a lot of different places for saving stuffing and groceries. Shafki, vіdkritі polichki, cabinets with drawers, so that everything was under the arm. Vіtaєtsya raznomanіtna pobutova tekhnіka.

To create a calm in the interior of the American kitchen, vicorist light textiles, additional dzherela light, lively growths. The color of the din is more importantly light (white, beige, yellow). The form of furniture and ornaments is rectangular. With materials, the tree is transported.

The stele and walls are to be plastered and furbished in pastel shades. Cover the floor with a board, laminate or parquet.

Vіlna ta svіtla american style kitchen

Scandinavian - conciseness and rich light

Scandinavians love bright rooms with a minimum of furniture. Good, as in the kitchen, there is a lot of vicons and one panorama. If there are no sheathings in the middle of the logs, then the walls of that stele vibrate. Veneer on pіdlozі tezh farbuyut bіlim.

Set of natural or imitated wood with laconic design. In the midst of the wardrobe, it’s better to look. Pobutova tehnіka hovaєtsya for the facade of furniture.

The kitchen at the dacha in a wooden booth in the Scandinavian style became a beautiful one, so that in the interior you can add lively roslin, kilim, mats on the style. Three or more than two contrasting colors are allowed.

Scandinavian minimalism in the kitchen

French woman - softness and charm

French Provence is a soft style that is ideal for a wooden booth. Let the miyka sound roztashovuit under the window with short stringed bells.

Shafi headset as much as possible. On the policemen there were servvets with a rose-lined ornament. Wood furniture with openwork decoration. Color - white, pale green or beige.

The walls of that stele are sheathed with clapboard, stuffed at the light tone. Pіdlogova doshka natural chi white color. On top of the bed of kilimka, there are paths.

Provence is characterized by a large amount of textiles, growing visor and curved lines. Ale without chimeras, like a baroque.

Nіzhnіst Provence in the kitchen of green tones

Silsky - simplicity and neatness

The strong style follows the minimalism of the Scandinavians and the openwork of Provence. The walls of that stele are not sheathed, but rather covered with varnish. There is a cork on the bottom.

Massive decorated furniture of natural colors save only the most necessary words. So that she didn’t get angry with the room, vicorist white and red textiles. For example, a tablecloth with embroidery.

Obov'yazkovo in the kitchen cost Russian food. Won to serve as a stove, heating that fireplace at once.

Zavdyaki tree is light in such a room soft, muffled.

The kitchen in a wooden booth in a rural style is more like a booth or in a summer house from a log. Winning Russian traditions of architecture and design.

Pich is the central subject of the rural cuisine

Put the design of the kitchen in a wooden booth

For choosing the design of a kitchen application, you can use the following videos:

Yak podsumok - what is better to choose

The kitchen is easy to look at from a small house, especially as it has been eaten up with vitality, and this practice is becoming more and more expanded. That is why, when choosing decorative materials and wild style, it is necessary to focus on the whole house as a whole. In addition, there are a lot of descriptions, other styles of design, more smut - better for comfort, beauty and safety.
