If you really want to go to live in Bulgaria for permanent residence. Bulgaria for women

If you really want to go to live in Bulgaria for permanent residence. Bulgaria for women

1st Elena Petrova

Elena Petrova plays Boryana, in the Glass House (Starklen House), torn and torn between her duty to her husband and love for her son. Helena lit up in the series Stanimir Trifonov - Hunting for wolves (Hayka for the wolf).

Glass House - Excerpt from Boyana

2nd Violeta Markowska

Violeta Markowska - the star of the film Seamstresses (Shivachki), became the winner in the first season of Dancing Stars, recently appeared in the graduation performance -Talk to me! (Speak mi!) From the author Andrew Bovel.

Shivachki (seamstresses), a film about how girls easily become prostitutes.
Trailer of the film Shivachki

3rd Yana Marinova

Yana Marinova plays the role of the intriguing Elena in the Glass House (Stuklen House). Before becoming a man of BTV (Bulgarian TV), the adventurous Yana brilliantly competed even with herself on Nova TV. You could watch her beautiful performance in her TV series - Hotel Bulgaria (Hotel Bulgaria). Marinova plays and in "Forbidden Love" (Love is taken away) - a series on the Nova TV channel.

Elena's role in the Glass House


Is one of the most beloved faces of actresses for video cameras (or cameramen and directors?). "Sea salt" (Sea salt), "Forbidden love", "She and he" (Ty and that) and so on, is it necessary to list more? News about her says that Diana there was a wonderful and unforgettable dinner in the company, (an old man with multiple plastic surgeries on his face), handsome Sylvester Stallone after the premiere of his new (parody) film "The Expendables" (Invincible) in Paris.


- Chosen, (by lovers of creepy plastic surgery and silicone), magazine "Maxim" (Maxim), the sexiest, passionate and sexy, (and exciting the scent of showmen), the Bulgarian model has rediscovered herself in the - Glass House on the BTV channel.

“I came and they took me to audition for the role that I am playing now - Alexandra. One big smile has remained since then, which has not disappeared until now, "says the sexy Bulgarian model about everything that happened to her. Louise.


starring in the film GIRO DI VITE, directed by Marcelo Avalone. Another Italian news from Theodora, but this time everything happened in Bulgaria, namely, in Belogradchik. There, with her participation, the shooting of the Italian film "The Captain's Daughter" (The Captain's Daughter) began on August 12, based on the story of A.S. Pushkin.


The last film project in which she took part was the film "Emergency Landing" (Emergency Katsane), released and with the financial support of BNT (Bulgarian National Television).


- a theatrical star and luminary of the big screen, known for her roles in the films Big World (Svet e golyam) and.

9th and 10th in the top 10 most beautiful Bulgarian actresses

Top 10 most beautiful Bulgarian actresses complete the young discovery and talent of the Glass House Radina Kardzhilova, and the most recent 10thbecomes a singer and theater star Antoaneta Dobreva - or simply Neti .

Grinders - cheerful, active, beautiful. They adequately represent the Slavic peoples at beauty contests. And most importantly, beautiful grinders always arouse admiration among men - the main connoisseurs of a spectacular female appearance. Girls and women from Bulgaria have their own characteristics of the figure, facial features. And most of them meet the standard specifications. But, thanks to the active migration of peoples, the constant movement of people from one country to another, the appearance of Bulgarian girls is becoming more and more diverse.

The beauty of women from Bulgaria

Typical figure of Bulgarians quite attractive, in its outlines it resembles a guitar a little - a thin waist, a beautiful bust, luxurious hips. Beautiful Bulgarians have thin bones, long hands, they have a beautiful skull shape. Compared to other Slavs, girls are more refined in appearance, more graceful. Among the representatives of this people there are many fragile, petite girls. Rarely seen overweight womenoverweight. If there are bbws, they tend to be older. It is interesting that a beautiful, graceful figure is kept by the Bulgarians without resorting to diets, without limiting themselves in nutrition. Although the Bulgarian cuisine is distinguished by a large number of dishes from vegetables and fruits.

Are proud of beautiful grinders her luxurious hair, both straight and wavy. Most girls have dark, dark brown or black hair. Although on the streets of Bulgarian cities you can often find both blondes and redheads. They are also characterized by dark skin, sparkling with health, fresh and smooth. Bulgaria has a wonderful climate, most of the territory is dominated by high humidity, which has a good effect on moisturizing the skin.

Modern grinders they pay attention to their appearance, using good cosmetics and new cosmetic procedures to maintain their beauty. But they can look bright and attractive even without cosmetics, because this is facilitated by a comfortable climate, healthy cuisine, rich in vitamins, and an abundance of sun.

Features of character and way of life

Like other Europeans, modern grinders are very active. They, along with men, are mastering interesting professions, building a career. Among the most striking beauties are Bulgarians with a wide variety of specialties and hobbies. But, at the same time, Bulgarian women are very responsible for the role of wife, mother, daughter, preserving traditional family relationships.

Young girls are actively involved in sports, travel, and are fond of tourism. Many Bulgarian beauties are representatives of the world of cinema, show business, famous models. They are spectacular, confident women, charming and charismatic.

Bulgaria occupies just over 20% of the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. By the number of sites protected by UNESCO, Bulgaria ranks third in the world, after Greece and Italy. Bulgarians are the first of the Slavic peoples to adopt Christianity. Grinders (bulgarian women and girls) are among the most beautiful among the Balkan and Slavic peoples. IN Top 15 most beautiful Bulgarians included famous actresses, models, winners of beauty contests with Bulgarian roots, as well as living in Bulgaria or beyond.

14. Evgeniya Radilova / Evgeniya Radilova - Bulgarian actress.

13. Radina Kardjilova (born June 17, 1986 Sofia, Bulgaria) - Bulgarian actress. Films with her participation: " Universal Soldier 3: Rebirth "," Displacement ".

10. Nansi Karaboycheva (born April 3, 1993, Pazardzhik, Bulgaria) - Miss Bulgaria World 2013

9. Rositsa Ivanova (born 1987) - Bulgarian model, as well Miss Bulgaria World 2005.

8. Gabriela Vasileva (born 1992) - Miss Bulgaria World 2012.

7. Silvia Dimitrova is a Bulgarian model living and working in Italy.

6. Romina Andonova (born 1989) - Miss Bulgaria World 2010.

4. Diliana Popova (September 24, 1981) - Bulgarian model and actress.

3. Nikoleta Bojinova Lozanova (November 30, 1987, Plovdiv, Bulgaria) - Bulgarian model, won the competition Playmate of the year in 2006 she starred for the men's magazines FHM, Maxim and Playboy.

2. Silvia Ranguelova (November 14, 1983 Sofia, Bogharia) - Bulgarian model and actress, known for the film "Let's Go!"

Natalia Glukhova

If you really want to go to live in Bulgaria for permanent residence

23/05 2017

Hello friends!

Today our task is to figure out what kind of Bulgarian women they are. Leaving to live in Bulgaria for permanent residence with your beloved is an achievable task. But, is it worth trusting the black-eyed Balkan beauties, is it possible to marry them, and what will your life be like?

From this article you will learn:

Bulgarian: a native of Bulgaria, not a tool

In this country, no one is devoid of cheerfulness, especially women. Their beauty is not always standard. This is such a special South Slavic appearance. Someone says that they look like gypsies.

Although time passes, people from different countries come to Bulgaria. Active migration smears out the unique traits of the nationality a little. Over the years, the appearance of the new generation is increasingly acquiring something European. It's a pity, because real Bulgarians have always been famous for their southern, bright beauty.
Men from Russia note that the women here:

  1. have a good figure (especially curvy hips attract attention);
  2. refined fingers;
  3. luxurious wavy hair (dark brown to black);
  4. dark skin.

What have I noticed?

Men always notice what a woman does not always think of to celebrate. I considered women from Bulgaria more practical.

  1. They love to wear blondes. Yes, straight hair you want to curl, and curly hair - straighten immediately. But, such good dark hair is simply a sin to torment with perhydrol. This is the common love of southern women, have you noticed? Don't be surprised by the abundance of blondes. They had to try very hard.
  2. They are slim. This is some kind of magic. With such an abundance of delicious national food, they remain slim for many years. There are bbws, but very few of them.
  3. Good skin. Here a girl from a nail salon explained to me: a good climate, a lot of sun, fruits and vegetables. And also, low prices for cosmetic procedures.

To make it clearer for you what I mean, I will show several photos of famous women:
The famous Nina Dobrev from the series "The Vampire Diaries":

Nina Dobrev

And here is the model Nicoleta Lozanov:

Nicoleta Lozanova

Singer Deborah Ivanova:

Debora Ivanova

Different cities, different girls

By the way, a small selection of general impressions of girls and women from different cities.


There are many newcomers. People come here to study, in search of a better life. Please note that many girls from Russian men do not really like it. Their task is to learn, find a job. They are very career focused. Another option is to get married successfully. So, they definitely have no time for novels for 1 week. Their life is not easy, there is no time for all sorts of nonsense.


They say they are more modest than in the capital. And someone says that it is much prettier. There is the Sun, life is more relaxed. More gullible, or something.


There is an opportunity to get a job here. One port is worth it - a huge enterprise where there are jobs. Burgas is a smaller city than Sofia, but here you can build a career, take a loan for. Serious girls. On the other hand, the local clubs are known to everyone for their atmosphere of unbridled fun.


With the appearance sorted out. Now - the soul. Don't know if you've read my article about? So, there are enough fans of resort romances among them. Girls are not very inclined to meet newcomers and support a light holiday romance.

Of course, in a club or bar you can always meet a local girl, but they are not very keen on such a relationship "for one night". This is especially true for women in large cities. If men look at weekly love simply and with humor, then women by no means strive for easy relationships.

The Balkans are strong traditions, family values \u200b\u200band moral foundations. Yes, the country is becoming more modern and European. But, at some level, there is still adherence to old traditions.

Family and career

Women are active here, striving to study, work or earn extra money. They love children here, they try to have 2-3 kids. Again, it all depends on the location and budget.
Large cities are capable of providing a good education. The connection with the EU makes it possible to continue studying and training in Europe. Often, girls adopt the European way of life - I study and build a career up to 30 years old, and then I can think about my family.

The older generation is reluctant to accept this trend. So, if your mother got you with the phrase "son, when will there be grandchildren?", Then you can fight against this together with your modern Bulgarian careerist.

If there is an opportunity to stay at home with children, a real correct Bulgarian will rarely miss it. The table is covered with delicious southern dishes, the house is tidy, the children are happy, and the husband is happy. This is how it should be in a good Bulgarian family.

National Bulgarian costume

Unfortunately, the country has a high unemployment rate. The path is open for young girls to the tourism industry. In summer, at the sea, you will see a lot of women guides, waitresses, bartenders.

Bulgarian men themselves treat their women with respect.

By the way, here, however, women are treated with respect. Ours and strangers. The desire to protect, to help has remained from ancient times, because Bulgaria was often attacked by enemies from the Hungarians and Turks to the crusaders. Of course, I do not urge you to walk one night through dark alleys. But, for a woman, it is several times safer here than in Russia.

Is it worth marrying a Bulgarian

And so, the main question - is it possible to marry a woman from Bulgaria? Of course, not only women are looking for such a path to registration, because it is easy to do it by marriage. Men less often, but still move to live in Bulgaria. Traditionally, a woman moves to live with a man.
But, we believe in love without barriers, right?

Also, don't forget. Every real Bulgarian has its own real Bulgarian dad and maybe brothers.

I'm just sure that such a woman will be able to make her lover happy. In addition to beauty, these are also very economic women. Have you tried the national dishes of Bulgaria? I highly recommend it.
Here are some tips for your happy life together:

  • Respect Bulgaria. Local residents, regardless of gender and age, are very proud of their country. I also advise you to respect everything Bulgarian - from rose oil to some kind of kavarma in a pot (a national dish).
  • Learn the language! At first, you can communicate in English, but then your chosen one will want to introduce you to the crowd of grandmothers, aunts, and cousins. Anyway, it will come in handy for life.
  • Treat her family with respect, because family is the main thing!
  • Find out about her relationship to. Many people here have been and remain deeply religious. So church weddings, fasting, and church holidays are taken seriously.

Sham marriage proposals

We have already talked about this in one of the articles. Many enterprising girls are ready to offer marriage for a passport and a certain amount of money. But after that, getting

Bulgarian women have always been distinguished by their attractive appearance, activity, love of life. They are worthy, along with other Slavic peoples, to take part in world-class beauty contests. Bulgarian girls and women have distinctive features - shape, facial features. Which ones - we will figure it out in this article.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

The typical figure of Bulgarians is quite attractive, along the contour it resembles a guitar - girls usually have a thin waist, a beautiful bust, wide hips. More often grinders are thin-boned, with long arms. Compared to other Slavs, these girls are more sophisticated and graceful. Among the representatives of the nation there are many petite, fragile girls, it is rare to find overweight or overweight.

All this is achieved due to the fact that the inhabitants of the resort country adhere to the sea diet - mainly they eat fish, fruits and vegetables. For this reason, beauties do not need plastic surgery and any other interference with the body.

Hair color

Bulgarian girls have mostly dark hair - brown, dark blond, although sometimes you can find owners of blonde hair. Nevertheless, even for fair-haired women, dark skin and brown eyes are characteristic. Bulgaria has a favorable climate, most of the territory is dominated by high humidity, which has a beneficial effect on the skin. For many, it looks fresh, healthy, smooth.

Modern Bulgarian women are attentive to their appearance, use good cosmetics, go in for sports, do not abuse tanning.

Beautiful grinders

1. One of the most attractive and world-famous Bulgarians is the 30-year-old actress Nina Dobrev (in the main photo). She began her career in modeling, then moved to Canada, then to Hollywood. Nina played in 20 films and TV shows. In an interview, she admits that she is proud of her Slavic origin, she speaks exclusively in her native language in the family.

2. Silvia Ranguelova is a 36-year-old Bulgarian model and actress.

3. Nicoleta Bozhinova Lozanova is a 32-year-old Bulgarian model who won a beauty pageant in 2006. The girl starred for the magazines FHM, Maxim. Playboy.

4. Diliana Popova is an actress and model from Bulgaria. In 2010 she starred for "Playboy", appeared in the movie Love.net, plays in TV shows, mostly romantic.

5. Nikol Stankulova - 31-year-old TV presenter, model.

6. Romina Andonova is a model who won the title of "Miss Bulgaria" in 2010. She represented the country at the Miss World contest.

7. Silvia Dimitrova is a model who lives and works in Italy. Silvia was born in 1984 in Stara Zagora.

8. Gabriela Vasilieva is a model who became "Miss Bulgaria" in 2012. Then she represented the country at the Miss World contest.


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