How many calories in garlic arrows. Fried garlic arrows - benefit and harm

How many calories in garlic arrows. Fried garlic arrows - benefit and harm

Garlic and sprouted garlic arrows, the benefits of which are reinforced scientifically, are popular not only as a food product, but as a medicinal product. Garlic and its benefit for the body are known to almost all the peoples of the world. In different countries, it is successfully used for recovery and treatment since a long time. Garlic serves as an alternative to some immunomodulators, increasing the body's immune defense and warning cold, cardiovascular, viral diseases.

Did you know? Regular use of garlic reduces the incidence in the autumn-winter period with sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia of various etiologies (caused by microbes, cockkops, viruses).

Calorie and composition of garlic arrows

In 100 g of garlic arrows, there is proteins - 1.2 g, fat - 0.1 g, carbohydrates - 3.5 g. Caloric content - 25 kcal / 100. Also included in the composition of greenery: vitamins C, RR, D, and, B1, E, B2; sulfur, magnesium, chlorine, iodine, zirconium, manganese, vanadium, sodium, potassium, copper, phosphorus, molybdenum, zinc, cobalt, titanium; Organic acids, phytoncides, antioxidants, essential oils, etc. Bioactive substances.

Important! Both the young garlic, and caused before it is better not to submit to heat treatment - so the whole composition is fully maintained.

What is useful garlic arrows for the human body

Garlic arrows possess the same benefit as garlic cloves, while they act more gently and have a less pronounced sharp taste.

Garlic arrows than useful first? Their consumption is an affordable way to combat avitaminosis, especially spring, when after winter the body needs to fill the stock of vitamins. Also, the use of garlic for therapeutic purposes contributes to an increase in appetite, normalizes digestion, suppresses the fermentation processes in the intestine and adversely affects the grinding microflora.

Did you know? Thanks to the phytoncides contained in the greenery - natural antiseptics, garlic arrows and garlic have a good antibacterial effect.

How apply garlic arrows in the treatment of ailments

Folk medicine has long been known about the benefits of Garlic Green. Sprouts have always been used to enhance immunity and maintain health with heavy loads of the body.

Garlic arrows have a positive effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels, reduce the cholesterol content in the blood, are useful in hypotension, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, after transferring long diseases, have a tonic, rejuvenating, restoring and regenerating effect. They are used in stress, depressive states, protracted headaches of unclear origin, some nervous disorders. There is data on the benefits of their use to increase potency, when combating glitstic invasions and oncological diseases.

The arrows of garlic are used as fresh and prepare the infusions with lemon, honey, nuts, insist on alcohol, butter (garlic oil) or take together with milk and herbal teas.

Garlic shows amazing medicinal properties, but also has contraindications, so it is not necessary to clarify them before applying it, and even better to consult with the doctor.

Application of garlic arrows in cooking

The use of garlic is an integral part of the cooking. Many dishes are simply impossible to imagine without garlic lifting and smell. For cooking, both garlic cloves and arrows are used. They are added to sauces, salads, pies, sandwiches, cold and hot dishes, in marinades, preservation, knit, dried, frozen.

Garlic combines with many vegetables, with meat, by-products, cheeses, fish, some seafood. For example, a vitamin salad made of sea cabbage with garlic or garlic arrows, fastened with vegetable oil or sour cream.

Important! The food takes only 2-3-week garlic arrows, the later process for food becomes unsuitable.

Harm of arrows of garlic and contraindications

The benefits and harm of the arrows of garlic is the concept of relative. Everything useful can become harmful if overlooking and use products uniformly or uncontrollably. Excessive use of garlic is no exception. It leads to problems in the work of the kidneys, liver, the gastrointestinal tract - the annoying effect on the walls of the stomach, the intestines, causes heartburn and allergic reactions. But consuming garlic moderately and systematically, the benefit for the body will be considerable.

But the arrows of garlic have some contraindications: It is impossible to use them with individual intolerance to the body, chronic gastritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, 12-risos, hemorrhoids, epilepsy. Very moderately, their use should be in pregnancy, and according to the testimony, it is possible to complete their exclusion from the diet of a pregnant and nursing woman.

Garlic arrows are a delicacy that many dacms are simply emitted. It happens most often because of ignorance, what use for the body is hidden in them, and how tasty can be prepared. The dietists are absolutely confident that in garlic arrows as many useful substances as in his teeth.

The difference between the tops and the roots only in the number of essential oils, so the green arrows do not have such a sharp fragrance. So do not be scattered with such a valuable product, it is better to cook something delicious and useful from it or think about how to prepare garlic arrows for the winter.


This method of cooking garlic shooters can be called the easiest, but the finished dish is obtained very tasty with a pleasant mushroom fragrance. You can indulge yourself and your home this delicacy is not only in season, but also in winter. To do this, only you need to freeze the prepared arrows, and then get out of the freezer and cook.

This recipe will be without clear proportions and will be needed for it:

  • young garlic arrows;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Torn young garlic arrows first need to rinse and go through, cutting a thin tip. On top of a unprecedented infancy of the inflorescence should remain no more than one and a half centimeters; the overripe arrows, of course, will be the same fragrant, as well as young, but after cooking they will remain hard, so you need to choose only those that have the thickness of the inflorescence as the same arrow .
  2. Now the prepared "Delicacy" needs to be cut into pieces of 5 to 7 cm long;
  3. On the bottom of the frying pan with high walls you need to pour some oil, exactly so much so that during cooking it stuck to the dishes. The oil is pretty warm and put the arrows in it;
  4. Immediately the contents of the frying pan should be saturated. You can add some black ground pepper or other spices, and you can not put anything - it will still be delicious;
  5. At the beginning of the roasting of the arrows will release their juice and will steal in it until soft. Then, when the whole liquid is gradually evaporated, they will already be fried. At this stage, it is possible to make a fire stronger, then until the dish can be read in 10 minutes;
  6. Roasted garlic arrows can be served not only as a separate treat, but also as a side dish to meat or fish dishes.

Stewed with vegetables

If you add some vegetables to the ingredients of the previous recipe, which will necessarily find in the kitchen of any mistress, you can cook a tasty snack.

So, you need to take:

  • 50 g (one bundle) garlic arrows;
  • 70 g of carrots;
  • 70 g of the splash;
  • 70 g of sweet Bulgarian pepper;
  • 70 g of ripe tomatoes;
  • 40-50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 30 ml of soy sauce;
  • salt, spices (ground black pepper and coriander, chili pepper) and greenery to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. In the pan pour vegetable oil, turn on the fire and leave it to heal. In the meantime, clean the onions from the husks and chopping it in any way;
  2. When the oil warms it well, send a tear vegetable to it and cook to a transparent state. In the intervals between the stiring of the bow in the pan, it is necessary to clean carrots and skip through a large grater. She will go to the already transparent bow;
  3. Five minutes, which carrots and onions will roast together, it is necessary to spend on the bubbling of pepper straw and garlic arrows with five-axis stretch segments. Both of these vegetables are added to the pan at the same time;
  4. When the arrows of garlic will darken and become soft, turn of tomatoes. They need to cut into large slices. Those who do not like the skins of tomatoes can scold tomatoes with boiling water and remove them;
  5. Lastly, soy sauce and spices are added. Solo, without removing the sample after adding a soy sauce, it is not necessary because it is also salty. Serve stewing garlic arrows, decoring a chopped fresh greens.

Raga from garlic arrows and pork

Interesting savory notes are able to add green shoes of garlic and in such an ordinary second dish as a stew from pork.

You shouldn't talk about this dish for a long time, it just needs to be prepared at least once, but for this you will need:

  • 600-700 g Pork pulp;
  • 50-70 g of green garlic arrows;
  • 100 g of the onion bows;
  • 100 g of carrots;
  • 70 g of Bulgarian sweet pepper;
  • 200 ml puree from fresh tomatoes or tomatoes in its own juice;
  • 60-75 ml of vegetable oil;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Preparing stew step by step:

  1. For cooking, it is necessary to take the Casanes or frying pan with thick bottom and high sideboards. To pour oil into this ideop and put it on fire so that it warms it to the boiling point;
  2. Pork cut into small pieces. The optimal option is cubes with the sides of two or three centimeters. Shifting meat into boiling oil and fry, actively stirring, to a complete evaporation of a meat juice distinguished;
  3. Then there is a turn of vegetables. Crumpled they are added to the Casanes with a five-minute interval in the following sequence: Onions, carrots, peppers and garlic arrows. The onions are bruised by the Quarter, the carrots are passed through the Korean vegetable grater, the pepper is cut into straw, and the cheeks of garlic - with pieces of two centimeters;
  4. When garlic arrows will darken and become soft, to pour tomato puree to meat and vegetables, add salt and spices. Swipe everything is a bit under the lid, and the saturated pork stew with a subtle aroma of garlic will be ready.

Pasta diner from the arrows of garlic

This is the easiest and fastest way to harvest green shoes garlic.

To prepare such a workpiece, you will need a minimum of time and ingredients. All only 20-30 minutes and:

  • 500 g of green arrows;
  • 5 g of cook salt;
  • 20 ml of vegetable oil.

Cooking pasta:

  1. The initial raw material needs to be penetrating well, to dry on a towel (an extra moisture is absolutely nothing) and cut into cuts of arbitrary length so that it is easier to crush them subsequently;
  2. Further preparation can be carried out in two ways. The first is to fold all the ingredients in the bowl of the blender and grind to the state of the paste. The second way: skip garlic arrows through a meat grinder with small sieve, and then add salt, oil and stir everything into the mass;
  3. Store the fragrant garlic paste of beautiful emerald color in the refrigerator, it is frozen for longer storage. You can make it by placing it in a package for freezing or molds for ice to get a portion freezing.

From such a diner, the paste can be prepared a delicious nappy on bread, mixing it with salty salted sick or cottage cheese. It can also be added to soups, meat and fish dishes as seasonings for making fragrances.

Garlic arrows pickled

Marinated young shooters of garlic are the same tasty harvesting like pickled cucumbers. Touching it later, it is simply impossible to stop even those who are squeaking the nose when mentioning garlic.

Proportions of ingredients for this winter workpiece:

  • 700 g garlic arrows;
  • 600 ml of filtered water;
  • 60 ml of table vinegar (9%);
  • 20 g of crystalline sugar;
  • 20 g of cook salt;
  • 10 pepper peppers;
  • 4 medium lover sheet.

Preparing garlic arrows - recipe for stages:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare banks, that is, sterilize them in any familiar way. This number of ingredients is enough for two half-liter jars;
  2. Garlic arrows Wash out, cut the buds of flowers and cut into segments that will fit perfectly in prepared banks. Tightly tamper prepared raw materials into sterile containers;
  3. In the scenery to connect all the ingredients of the marinade, bring it to a boil and pour them banks to the top;
  4. After that, the banks need to be moved to a water saucepan, on the bottom of which was laid a towel, for sterilization. Cover the cans of the orders with covers and boil 20 minutes after water boiling;
  5. Then it is hermetically to seal with sterile covers and hide under a warm blanket, turning up the bottom to the bottom, to a complete cooling. Store billets in the basement.

We are preparing ledge: the arrows of garlic and marinade

Since the arrows of garlic ripen earlier than tomatoes, then the billet of them in the form of ledge is prepared on the basis of a tomato pipe of diluted with water. Of course, if there is home canned tomato juice, then it can be taken in an amount of equal volume of water and pasta.

Products for marinade and the number of arrows into four half-liter jars of garlic leaks:

  • 1000 g garlic arrows;
  • 700 ml of drinking water;
  • 500 ml of tomato paste;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 30 g salts;
  • 125 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 50 ml of apple vinegar (can be replaced by table).


  1. Arrows to go through, wash, dry and crush on pieces no longer than five centimeters;
  2. All marinade ingredients (except vinegar) to connect together and bring to a boil. In a boiling mixture, send the arrows and peck for a quarter of an hour;
  3. Then pour vinegar and boil still 5 minutes. After that, it will only be left to decompose everything along the sterile container, wech the lids and wrap something warm to complete cooling.
  4. Those who do not like billets for the winter using vinegar, like the recipe for quashen garlic arrows. True, before sending storage with such a clock, it is necessary to tinker a little, but a snack that will result in will delight the taste of barrel vegetables.

    The proportions of the ingredients for marinade:

  • 1500 ml of boiled water;
  • 100 g salts;
  • 100 g sugar.

How to pick up:

  1. Garlic dudes rinse, cut into pieces and fold on the colander. When water is stealing, put the prepared greens in the banks;
  2. In cold water to dissolve salt and sugar to the complete disappearance of all crystals. The resulting solution to pour up to the top of the jars with crushed arrows;
  3. Each bank is installed in a deep plate, cover with a lid and leave at room temperature for 5-10 days. During this time, the marinade will be fluffed into the plate, it will need to pour it back to the jar;
  4. When the fermentation process is over, marinade boil and hot pour the contents of cans, roll with hermetic covers and remove into a basement for storage.

It is difficult to say when people drew attention to the properties of garlic. Historians argue that this is a plant with a man from time immemorial.

Our ancestors appreciated not only the taste of culture, but also its medicinal quality.

Moreover, not only cloves, but also stem, vegetable leaves possess healing characteristics.

Many consider garlic - an unpleasant spice (primarily due to the smell). In fact, it is a vegetable capable of attaching spicy dishes, and having a huge amount of useful trace elements.

100 grams of garlic contains:

  • water ≈ 58 g;
  • proteins ≈ 6.5 g;
  • pyridoxine ≈ 1.25 mg;
  • calcium ≈ 180 mg;
  • potassium ≈ 400 mg;
  • carbohydrates ≈ 33 g;
  • sodium ≈ 17 mg;
  • zinc ≈ 1.2 mg;
  • manganese ≈ 1.7 mg;
  • selena ≈14 μg;
  • vitamin A ≈ 9 mg;
  • fOLASIN ≈ 3 μg;
  • vitamin C ≈ 31.2 mg;
  • magnesium ≈ 24 mg;
  • vitamin k ≈ 1.7 μg;
  • vitamin B6 ≈ 1.3 mg;
  • iron ≈ 1.7 mg;
  • phosphorus ≈ 153 mg;
  • folate ≈ 3 μg.

Energy value 149 kcal.

The composition of garlic is heterogeneous. For example, the presence and number of trace elements in the teeth is significantly different from the leaves. If we compare with a bow, then at least it is more popular in cooking, but they are much less containing useful substances than the garlic.

Also, the composition is largely depends on the time of year. In the autumn there is a lot of inulin and sucrose. In the spring, these substances fall apart, and their place is occupied by glucose and fructose. Polysaccharides that accumulate in vegetable have a large nutritional value and well absorbed by the body.

It is especially useful garlic due to the presence of thiamine in it. It is only in this vegetable, which is especially important to know people who use only vegetable products.

The healing properties of garlic concluded a large number of trace elements.

Scientists have proven that human health problems begin with violation of these particles.

It is garlic that contains 17 chemical elements is capable of establishing an electrolyte balance and restore the correct redox reactions.

Among other elements that have a positive effect on the body, they allocate the following:

  1. Germanium.

This element strengthens the vessels, ensures their elasticity, prevents the varicose expansion of blood vessels. In addition, it activates oxygen, thereby stimulating the work of the immune system.

  1. Selenium.

This element struggles with the presence of free radicals in the body, removes toxins, heavy metals. In addition, selenium restores the cellular structure of the skin, nails, hair.

  1. Manganese.

This component takes part in the exchange of substances, the functioning of the genital glands, the nervous system, prevents the development of diabetes, thyroid disease, the aging of the body.

It contributes to maintaining the normal body temperature, protein, electrolyte and vitamin exchanges, is useful for the prevention of iodine deficiency and diseases of the thyroid.

  1. Sulfur.

Garlic contains more than 100 sulfur-containing compounds. This element has special possibilities. It destroys such hazardous microorganisms as staphylococci, pathogenic fungi, dysenteric and typhoid sticks, yeast, neutralizes carcinogens, poison.

That is, garlic protects the body from the action of food additives, which are very many in products. In addition, such compounds as diallyl sulfide, allyl cysteine \u200b\u200bdestroys malignant formations at the cellular level.

  1. Phytoncides.

This is a strong natural antibiotic. For a very short time, they destroy almost any viruses. For example: if ascorbic acid is able to destroy the tuberculous wand in 24 hours, then phytoncides copble with this in just 10 minutes.

  1. Allicin, adonize.

These substances dilute blood, thereby preventing the formation of thrombus.

  1. Essential oils.

These substances in a vegetable close to 2%. The greatest amount is diallyldisulfide.

Is young garlic useful?

Young garlic is characterized by low calorie. At 100 gr. This product is only 40 kcal. This is the best remedy for avitaminosis. It contains many minerals, vitamins, vegetable protein.

The young plant allocates phytoncides, which are struggling with the development and reproduction of pathogens of various diseases.

In it, vitamin C is more than in a bow and citrus, calcium, iodine, iron than in other vegetables and fruits. Essential oils of green garlic are saturated with antibiotics, which suppress the development of harmful microorganisms.

If the young plant grows near other garden crops, it can protect them from many diseases. Scientists have proven that this spice in early form destroys the cellular structures of glioblastoma. Certain with this unnecessary treatment of the brain tumor has become possible due to drugs created on the basis of green garlic.

What is wild garlic and its benefit for the body?

The popularity of the abrade (this is exactly called wild garlic) is due to the presence of a large number of vitamins and nutrients. Among other elements, Vitamins B and C, fiber, oil, phytoncides, carotene, acids, calcium and other useful trace elements occupy a special place in the chemical composition.

The energy value of the green part of the plant is only 36 kcal.

The specific smell of leaves and wild garlic bulbs is due to the content of essential oils and allycine glycoside. The abrade has fungicidal and bactericidal actions.

It is consumed as prevention against many diseases. In addition, wild garlic is an excellent antibacterial, anti-skileotic, anti-cylinder, anti-chain preparation.

He is also:

  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • enhances intestinal motorcy;
  • increases appetite;
  • improves metabolism;
  • prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • restores immunity;
  • increases male strength.

Therapeutic properties of garlic for human health

It has antimicrobial, disinfecting, expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it activates the appetite, the release of gastric juice and bile, has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, expands blood circle, lowers the pressure, dilutes the mucus in bronchi, increases sexual activity.

Garlic struggles with the lack of appetite, diarrhea, furunculas and skin rashes, inflammation of the stomach and intestines, atherosclerosis, hypertension, leads lead and helps with a climax.

For the treatment of purulent wounds, mycoses, nesting alopecia, seborrhea use garlic externally. The enemas with it is the most effective way to get rid of worms.

How to treat garlic?

  1. Rubble.

With such manifestations, it helps the breath of pairs of this vegetable. To do this, it is necessary to crush garlic, put in a handkerchief and keep near the nose.

  1. Cough.

With such a disease, there should be inhalation from the beam of chamomile and garlic. With dry cough, it is necessary to rub the chest-chopped garlic.

  1. Bronchitis.

Garlic is the best folk agent for the treatment of bronchopulmonary pathologies, as it has an antiseptic, antibiotic effect, dilutes the wet.

With bronchitis, the use of garlic bravery helps to relieve breathing, to move away the mocryt. For this, garlic cloves must be cut and peck for 20 minutes.

  1. Angina.

It is necessary to rinse the throat with a solution cooked from the chopped clove of garlic and a glass of warm water.

  1. With acne rash and acne.

It is necessary to make a five-minute bath with decoction of healing herbs and apply a mask from olive oil, kefir and garlic juice. Wash off in 20 minutes.

  1. With migraine.

It is necessary to apply chopped garlic to temples.

  1. From warts.

Garlic rubbing, mix with honey. At night apply to the patient place.

  1. Under herpes.
  1. During oncology.

An empty stomach should use garlic juice in such quantity: the first five days 10 drops, then five days 20 drops.

That is, every next five days to increase the dose of ten drops, bringing to 1 tbsp. l, drinking 100 grams of fresh or diluted with vodka in equal proportions of the plantin juice.

After half an hour after the use of garlic juice, take 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey. After 90 days of reception of the juice of garlic, it is necessary to begin to reduce, reaching the initial 10 drops. But the appendix of the exhaust can be used on a spoon 4 times a day for a whole year.

Garlic for women

Each woman should use garlic at least three times a week. It prevents the development of uterine and breast cancer. Scientists have proven that this plant will relieve women from steoarthritis. It also has a positive effect on the growth and appearance of the hair.

Microelements accelerate the growth process and prevent their loss. If its juice is lying in the roots, the blood circulation will significantly improve, and this will strengthen the follicle.

In garlic there is such an enzyme like Eychen. It dilutes blood and does not give to appear tumors in the body of a woman.

All girls who seek to be slim to eat garlic is simply necessary.

It accelerates the process of metabolism, and this contributes to the accelerated burning of subcutaneous fat.

Acute spice has a lot of zinc, selenium and Germany. These trace elements serve as good antidepressants.

During pregnancy

Garlic is useful to all both children and adults. He also well affects the body of a pregnant woman. Folic Acid, which is in its composition, strengthens the immune system, both mother and baby. It also dilutes blood, and prevents the appearance of blood clots. Garlic stimulates blood circulation, and this normalizes the growth and development of the child.

But this is a very sharp vegetable, so it is worth using pregnant women very carefully. It can affect the acidity of the stomach, which will lead to heartburn and pain. In the last months of pregnancy, it should be used in very small doses. Otherwise, this can lead to an allergic reaction.

What is useful for men

Garlic contains thiamine. This trace element has a positive effect on the nervous system of men.

He plays a major role in glucose processing. The level of energy processes in cells depends on this.

This vegetable is also well derived from an excess liquid from the body. Which can provoke the poles of body areas. Enzymes that are in garlic help relieve the dependence on smoking and alcohol.

Mature garlic fruit allows you to strengthen male health. Daily use increases potency. Enzymes and vitamins that are in this vegetable contribute to improving the erection and its duration.

Most men with age arises a problem with a prostate disease. To protect yourself from such a trouble, it is necessary to include garlic in food every day.

Tincture for potency

  1. Grind 1 kg. Fresh garlic, put into non-oxidized tank and pour 3 liters of water. Cover and put in a dark, cold place for a month. Every day you need to shabby. Take, dissolving 1 tsp. In the glass of milk, once a day, the infusion will not end. Repeat treatment is not more often 1 time per year.
  2. 1 kg. Garlic to grind and pour 2 glasses of vodka, all tightly clog and put in a dark room for 1 week. Eat on a spoon three days before the food use.
  3. Cut 6 large cloves of garlic and pour 300 grams of vodka. Put in an unconscious place for 3 days. Strain, and eat on a spoon three days before meals.
  4. Grind 1 apple, 1 carrot and 1 head of garlic, add 1. h. L. Honey, mix. Drink twice a day: in the morning and in the evening for three weeks.

For children: Is it possible?

Garlic can be given to kids from 8 months of their lives. But the spice should be only in the boiled form. It can be added to the puree, mince, soups. Starting to give this vegetable kids need small doses. Gradually, they can be increased.

Child can not give garlic if:

  • body temperature above 38 degrees;
  • there is overweight;
  • before bedtime;
  • there are problems with digestive tract and kidneys;
  • with epilepsy.

This sharp vegetable is indispensable in the winter when the ORVI is gaining momentum. Enzymes that are saturated with garlic, favorably affect the strengthening of the child's immune system.

Plusha Use: Nebanal Treatment

Nose of garlic is no less useful than the teeth. In ancient Rome, it was believed that she adds male strength and rejuvenates.

In addition, due to the high content of pectins, the husk treats disease, strengthens health.

The dry shell of garlic contains quercetin. This element is used to treat cataracts, oncology of the mammary glands, brain, large intestines, lungs, lymphosarcomes. In cosmetology, it is used to slow down the aging of the skin.

In addition, garlic husk:

  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • eliminates the fungus stop and nails;
  • restores the hair structure;
  • cleans the body;
  • he find out the skin;
  • strengthens the intestines;
  • stimulates immunity activities.
  1. For heart and vessels.

This product is capable not only to facilitate the work of the heart, but also to clean the vessels from cholesterol plaques. Such properties help prevent the occurrence of thrombus, reduce the possibility of a heart attack or stroke.

  • Recipe.

It is necessary to take 3 tbsp. l. The husks of garlic, pour a liter of warm water, put on a water bath, tomorrow, after boiling for 15 minutes. Leave for 2 hours. Use decoction of 1 tbsp. l. Not more than 4 times a day.

It is necessary to use this tool within one month. During this time, the liquid will clean the liver, kidneys, the bladder, will save from slags, cholesterol, heavy metals, salts, toxins. You can repeat the treatment in 50 days.

  1. Hair husk.

The mask of the garlic husk will strengthen her hair, give attractiveness, relieve dandruff and split tips.

  • Recipe for accelerating hair growth.

Grind the husks of 2 pieces of garlic, add 2 spoons of melted honey, 1 tsp. Olive oil, 1 tsp. Dry mustard. These ingredients need to mix well and apply on their hair along the entire length, intensely rubbing into the skin. Leave a mask for 20 minutes, wash off warm water with shampoo. You need to repeat such a procedure every three days.

  1. For skin

A simple and reliable way to get rid of acne, psoriasis and other skin problems. To do this, it is necessary to grind dry husks on the coffee grinder. 2 h. L. Powder, pour half liters of hot water. Put on a bath and tomorrow 15 minutes. The resulting decoction pour off during swimming. Take a bathroom with this infusion need not less than 30 minutes.

Repeat the procedure follows 1 time per week. If such a decoction regularly wipe the face, you can get rid of teenage acne, and your feet baths will get rid of the feet and nails from the fungus.

  1. Against colds

Inhalation will help to get rid of cold symptoms. It is necessary to put the husks on the pure frying pan and put on a small fire. When a small smack appears, it must be inhaled, since it is he who treats a cold. It is necessary to make such a procedure daily before bedtime for one week.

  1. With intestinal disorder

With sudden diarrhea, such a recipe helps: 1 tsp Dry husk chopped into powder must be put in the mouth and heat water. To get rid of helminths, such a powder must be added to the meal one pinch. But too frequent use of this tool can lead to a constation.

  1. For rejuvenation

Garlic husk strengthens the skin, warning the appearance of wrinkles. A large amount of minerals and other trace elements enriched and moisturize skin cover.

In order for the skin of garlic to have a maximum effect on the skin, it must be poured with water, bring up to boiling (but not boil) and leave it to be for 10 hours. Then the infusion is filtered and accepted by 4 glasses per day for women in the last decade of the month, men in the second. Break is done every 2 months.

Useful properties of green garlic arrows

Garlic arrows are no less useful for health than cloves. They contain many valuable components.

The arrows of garlic contains sulfide compounds.

Due to this, the regular use of such a product helps to defeat the dysenteric wand, staphylococci, fungi, contributes to the resorption of blood clots.

As part of the arrows there is such a component as allicin.

He does not allow in the body of pathogenic bacteria. Allicin is produced when cutting or any other chopping arrows. But it is destroyed if the product heat the product. Therefore, garlic arrows are best to use raw.

Contraindications and harm

In addition to the fact that this vegetable has a multitude of beneficial properties, it can be contraindicated. Its most unpleasant manifestation can be called the smell, which comes from the mouth of an ocean of consumption even a very small piece. Moreover, this spice has a very unique ability in this regard.

If a garlic is lost with garlic (for example, a foot), after some time this fragrance can be heard from a completely different part (for example, out of hand). In addition, some components of the vegetable have an irritant effect on the stomach, kidneys, a liver.

Garlic can harm, so it is not recommended to be used in case of such diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • ulcer;
  • hepatitis;
  • nephritis;
  • nephrosis.

He is also contraindicated to people who suffer from epilepsy, as he can cause an attack.

In addition, garlic is forbidden to use in pregnancy and breastfeeding. In the first case, it can provoke allergies, heartburn, nasal bleeding. In the second - it is capable of changing the taste of milk, as a result, the child will simply refuse his chest.

Since garlic strengthens appetite, it does not use people who suffer over weight or on a diet. In addition, the content of a significant amount of sulfanyl hydroxyl ions in the plant has a negative impact on the brain. This is a poisonous substance penetrating into the blood, causes weakness, scattered, headache, inattention.

Medicines: Folk Recipes for Self Cooking

Since ancient times, heat or inflammatory processes were shot down with decoosions or inflammatory processes, used as a laxative. In addition, this vegetable has a disinfectant, healing and toning effect. The pharmacies sell ready-made drugs based on garlic, but some medical agents can be prepared independently.

This recipe is an excellent assistant from bronchitis. For the preparation of juice, the cloves of 2 garlic heads are crushed and crowned into the mortar. This mass add 5 tbsp. l. Sugar and floor liter of water. Such a mixture should be slapped for 5 minutes. Filter, take 1 tsp. Not more than 4 times a day.


  • From Angina and Orz.

It is necessary to grind 12 cloves of garlic, add 2 tbsp. l. Liquid honey and mix to homogeneous consistency. The resulting mixture should be used for 1 h. four times a day.

  • In atherosclerosis and chronic fatigue.

It is necessary to grind 2 middle heads of garlic and 2 small lemon. Add 2 tbsp. l. Honey and mix. Such a means take 1 tbsp. l. Three times throughout the day after meals.

  • In pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

1 Large head of garlic grind and pour the glass of vodka.

Mix well and put in glass, well-closed dishes in a dark place for two weeks. Then the infusion is filled.

For use, 30 drops of alcohol mixture mix with 1 spoon of water.

  • For blood purification.

In the floor, a liter bank to put 150-170 grams of crushed garlic. Pour the bank to the top vodka. Leave in a dark place for ten days. Daily alcohol solution should be shaking. Use five drops three times a day before meals.

  • From influenza.

1 cup of whole, purified cloves of garlic pulled and pour 800 grams of vodka. Insist for ten days. Take 10 drops at the first symptoms of influenza.

  • From atherosclerosis.

1 cup of fresh garlic should be pulled and pour liquid honey. Stir up to a homogeneous consistency and leave in a cool dark place for a week. Take three times a day for half an hour before meals for 1.5 months.

  • From insomnia.

It is necessary to grind garlic so that the hammer of the mass was a full glass. It must be shifted into the glass container and squeeze the juice from 20 lemons there. The dishes should be littered and put in the refrigerator for a day. It is necessary to take this tool before bedtime, reconsaling 2 tbsp. In a glass of warm water.

  • From warts.

It is necessary to grind garlic cloves in a meat grinder or grind in a blender. After that, it is necessary to mix ground garlic and pork fat in equal proportions.

Such a mixture should be shedding warts daily in the morning and in the evening. This method is treated until the problem is completely disappeared.

  • From calluses.


It is necessary to pour 450 gr. Water, boil, add 1 tsp. Garlic Cashitz and Peel 5 minutes. Remove from the stove, insist about an hour, strain. Drink three times a day. Garlic decoction every time you need to do fresh, since when stored, his healing qualities are lost.

We take baths

Garlic baths - an effective remedy against many diseases. The patient after them always feels better.

Baths with garlic make both cold and hot. Make them of two ways: prepare a decoction of garlic, or chopped garlic placed on the bottom of the bathing containers.

The water temperature should be about 40 ° C. Such a bath is well affected by the nervous system.

  • Method of cooking bath with garlic:

4 garlic heads should be finely cut and pour 6 liters of boiling water. Cook 30 minutes, insist at least 8 hours. Then the infusion is slightly heated, poured into the bath and diluted with water. For a base bath, an approximate ratio: 1 part of the burden on 10 parts of water. For sedentacles: on 3 pieces of ragland 7 parts of water.

With varicose veins, insomnia, migraines, hypertension helps contrast baths with garlic. First you need to lower your feet in hot water for two minutes. After - in the cold for 30 seconds. So alternate need 20 minutes. It should be finished with cold water, and immediately put woolen socks.

Garlic with milk

Garlic in combination with milk, found an application in folk medicine for many years as an antibacterial agent.

He perfectly copes with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, has a positive effect on the digestive system, it is capable of exciting appetite, thickening pain in the intestine.

Also, our ancestors with the help of garlic with milk got rid of worms.

Good rest helps tincture of garlic with milk. To make it need to be needed 20 grams of garlic and a glass of hot milk. All ingredients to connect together. Add 1 h. Honey. A cooked drink needed to drink in front of a few minutes.

  1. From cough

After taking this drink, the cough will disappear the next day. To cook it will be needed in milk to cook 1 garlic head and 10 pieces of small onions. Cooking is necessary until all components become soft. In the hot form by a fork or a spoon to stretch them in the same milk. Add mint extract and teaspoon of fresh natural honey. Take throughout the day on a teaspoon every hour.

  1. From Arthritis

A good tool from this disease is juice from garlic. It must be taken inside 10 drops with warm milk. You can also apply to the patient with a napkin, impregnated with cashis from garlic.

Garlic with honey

Honey and garlic in medicine are applied from a variety of diseases.

Antibacterial, diuretic, antiseptic effects of garlic when combined with honey increases several times.

Together honey and garlic can be used in such cases:

  • for diseases of the gastrointestinal diseases;
  • in the problems of the stomach and liver;
  • with kidney disease;
  • in colds;
  • for diseases of the oral cavity.
  1. Under angina

Through the meat grinder should be skipped 10 lemons. Add 5 overhead cloves of garlic to them. Stir and add 1 kg of honey. Use twice a day together with the tea hawthorn.

  1. To strengthen immunity

200 gr. Garlic skip through a meat grinder. Cashitz pour 100 grams of alcohol. Tincture to withstand in a dark place for 20 days. The field of this liquid must be filtered and put for another three days in a dark cold place.

Then add 10 grams of propolis tincture to this mixture and 50 gr. Honey. All mix and take three times a day. Drinking for two weeks, alternating: one day - one drop, the second day - two drops. So continue until the end of the specified period.

Garlic with lemon

The combination of these products strengthens the immune system and increases the vitality. Infusion of them helps to fight various types of diseases.

For the preparation of the medication, 10 lemons will be required and the as many garlic heads are crushed, add 1 liter of melted honey, mix well and leave in a dark place.

Take on one spoon three times a day.

  1. For vessel cleaning

It will require an equal amount of garlic and lemons. All crushed, put in glass dishes and pour in three liters of boiling water. Insist four days, strain, consumption 100 grams 3 times a day. Treatment must be carried out without a break for two months.

Sucking garlic

Even in ancient China for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, they were recommended to suck pieces of garlic. The cloves are finely cut and put under the tongue. From time to time they must be driven into the mouth, mixing with saliva. If you do it every day before breakfast, teeth and gums will be strengthened.

Does your properties lose with heat treatment?

Even children know about the benefits of this vegetable. There is no more indispensable product with a weakened immunite, rather than this spice. But not everyone can use it in raw form. There are many other ways to include garlic in your diet.

Marinated garlic

Each hostess knows several recipes for marinating garlic. In this form, it is more pleasant to taste and does not have such a side effect as an unpleasant smell of mouth.

In addition, pickled garlic after processing does not lose its useful properties.

It is used in medicine as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agent. In addition, pickled garlic is a preventive medicine against different viral diseases and colds.

It also helps to fight atherosclerosis and quanta. This product is very useful to people with heart disease. It expands the vessels, thereby providing a beneficial effect on the functioning of cardiovascular systems.


Very widely in folk medicine use garlic in boiled form. But after thermal processing, this vegetable loses many of their vitamins and minerals. However, after cooking, sharillin is activated in it, the substance that destroys bacteria and worms. Also boiled garlic is very useful for the liver.


Dried garlic can be in several versions: garlic powder, in granules or in the form of flakes. The calorie content of such a product is large enough - 345 kcal.

Dried vegetable with its properties is not inferior to fresh, almost all useful substances remain in the processing process.

Its chemical composition includes: choline, b1, b2, b5, selenium, b6, b9, c, e, k, pp, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and manganese, iron, chlorine, iodine, cobalt, phosphorus and sodium .

Use it for the prevention and treatment of different diseases.

Black garlic: what kind of vegetable?

A similar vegetable has all the useful qualities inherent in fresh garlic, but at the same time he has a little different taste, color and that most importantly, after the use of it is unnecessary to embarrass the unpleasant smell of mouth.

  • How to make garlic black?

The procedure consists in the process of fermentation of fresh vegetable at high temperature. In other words, the spice quickly "becomes old." All event lasts about a month. During this time, it increases the concentration of amino acids, fructose, antioxidants, natural antibiotics, molecular compounds are accumulated, which turn white cloves into black.

In addition, the product has its own unique gastronomic properties, it is used to treat immune and oncological diseases.

He also proven himself in the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies, atherosclerosis. And thanks to the special influence on the process of cell regeneration, it helizes the rejuvenation of the entire body. In appearance, it resembles dried figs. It does not have an irritating fragrance and has a pleasant sweet taste. Use it in raw form as independently and as a component of a variety of dishes, medicines.

Application in cosmetology

This vegetable showed itself not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. He makes healthy and beautiful skin, strengthens the nails.

  1. Dry-skin mask

It will be necessary to mix:

  • 6 pieces of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cabbage juice;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Olive oils;
  • 2 tbsp. l. carrot juice;
  • 2 egg yolks.

Gently apply to the skin, wash off in 10 minutes.

  1. Mask from wrinkles

It will be necessary to mix:

  • 1 tbsp. l. juice from garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. carrot juice;
  • 1 spoon of liquid honey.

Applied for 15 minutes, washed off by cool water.

  1. Mask rejuvenating


  • roll 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of melted honey;
  • 0.5 h. Spoons of turmeric.

Mix all, apply on the face for 15 minutes, washed off with warm water.

It will be necessary in the same proportions:

  • garlic juice;
  • wax;
  • grinding white lily flowers.

Everything must be held on a steam bath for 10 minutes. After cooling, grind up to a homogeneous mass. Lubricate problem areas every day.

  1. Hair strengthening mask

Garlic should be cleaned and crushed. The resulting mass rubs on dirty hair and into the skin. Then you need to bite your head for two hours. If the hair is dry, add olive oil.

Use for weight loss

There are special techniques designed on its basis, allowing to get rid of excess weight.

Ways to lose weight with garlic:

  1. It will be necessary to crush 2 cloves of garlic and mix it with 200 grams of water. You need to use such a drink on an empty stomach and before bedtime.
  2. Grind 2 garlic teeth, pour 2 h. vinegar. Eat every day 20 minutes before meals.
  3. Grind 50 grams of garlic, mix with 100 grams of olive oil, add paprik or rosemary. Such a mixture should be added to various dishes.

There is no man who would not know what garlic. This is a very popular and widespread vegetable. It is used as seasonings to dishes, consumed as an independent product, put into banks with marinades, are used for treatment and prevention. Probably there is no more sought-after plant.

Hello, dear readers! Garlic is a perennial agricultural plant used in food. The first mention of him was still in ancient times in Central Asia. In ancient Egypt, Greece, even on the territory of Rome actively cultivated this plant.

In the tombs in Cairo, archaeologists found dried heads of garlic. It was believed that he scares evil spirits, destroys the spell and protects against misfortunes. But how to use garlic arrows? We will find out today.

Garlic Constant satellite of Asian cuisine. Later it began to use it in Europe and Africa. In addition to a specific, sharp taste, it helps longer to keep the freshness of the product. In addition to cooking, he was actively used in medicine.

In antiquity it was used as antipyretic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory agent. It was made of tincture, compresses for burns and even tried to treat nervous diseases.
Now garlic is used everywhere in almost any kitchen in the world.

However, not everyone knows that there are not only cloves, but also arrows. These are long stalks of the plant, which in the future will turn into buds and bloom. They have a milder taste, without burning, but at the same time they are not deprived of piquancy and useful properties.


100 grams contain proteins of 1.2 g., Fats 0.1 g., Carbohydrates 3.5G. Energy value - 25 kkal.

But we should not forget that this plant also has contraindications. They excite the appetite, so people suffering from excess weight, it is necessary to reduce the amount or at all abandon eating.

They cannot be used in acute gastritis, ulcer of the stomach, hepatitis, diseases. They can cause not only heartburn and attacks of pancreatitis, but also gastric bleeding. With any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, consult with a specialist.

Pregnant women also should refrain from the use of garlic arrows due to unconfirmed data on the effect on the fruit. Nursing women are not recommended to eat them, so when you get into breast milk, it can spoil his taste.

They are eating fresh, prepare tincture with lemon, honey, fry or marinate. There are many recipes discharged only in the composition of spices and main dishes.

Billets for the first or second dishes

In the autumn-winter period, it is difficult to find fresh and useful vegetables, but you can prepare them from the summer.

Torn arrows need to be thoroughly rinsed, separated inflorescences. Then grind over the meat grinder or in a blender. You can add salt or butter to taste. From the resulting casual mass, roll the balls and lay them on containers or packages for freezing.

When it is necessary, you just need to get several balls and add them to soup or to meat. The balls fried in the skillet can be smeared on bread.

You can simply freeze them with a size of about 5 cm, and then add meat, soup or salads when cooking.

Fried garlic arrows with vegetables

On a predetermined frying pan with vegetable or olive oil add fresh or frostbed arrows (from 4 to 6 cm). It is important that they contain as much moisture as possible. Otherwise, when contacting oil, it will begin to hiss and spray.

Further actions depend on what kind of dish you want to cook. They can be frying separately or add tomatoes, carrots, onions, eggplants or podcol. All this is mixed, salt (taste) and leave tomorrow for 15-20 minutes.

If in the cooking process add tomato paste, the mixture obtained can be used as a secretion of the second dish. Or as a separate side dish.

Marinated arrows

Before starting cooking, you need to sterilize banks and prepare brines.

Per 1 liter is necessary:

- Sugar 1.5 tbsp.
- Salt - 3 tbsp.
- Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
- Pepper black ground (or in peas) - 0.5 C.L.
- vinegar 9% - 1 cup

All of the above, except vinegar, add to the water and boil. You can add ¼ C.L. Cinnamon. The arrows of garlic are thoroughly wash and cut into pieces of 10 cm. (Or ate the height of the cans below is less). Share on the kitchen or paper towel to the glasses of excess moisture. Then scold them with boiling water and folded vertically in the jar. Add vinegar to the brine and pour everything into the jar. Then it is hermetically rolled and removed into a dark cool place for a month.

Perfectly suitable for meat dishes as a snack.

In Korean

The dish is obtained very sharp and pepper.

- Bay sheet 1-2 pcs.
- Salt (to taste)
- Pepper (to taste)
- Vinegar 1 tbsp.
- Seasoning for carrot in Korean.
- Shiny sugar.
- Coriander 1 tsp.

The arrows of garlic cut into small pieces of 2-3 cm., Fry 5-6 minutes on vegetable oil. Add bay leaf, vinegar, salt, sugar, seasoning. Mix well and leave to stew on low heat for no more than 5 minutes. Stay in the dish, add a coriander and leave cool at least 1 hour.

Serve to buckwheat or fried potatoes.

Do you have your favorite ways to prepare garlic arrows? Share them with us! See you soon!

It is almost impossible to imagine a garden area, on which such a vegetable would not grow like garlic. Moreover, even if the country plot is used only for recreation, then there will be a garlic on his flower beds, the truth is decorative. But, nevertheless, a larger number of gardeners and gardens grow this vegetable for subsequent eating. Specialists note the versatility of this plant - food can be used both arrows and bulbs.

Are garce arrows useful?

Garlic arrows are a stem with a flower on which the seeds will subsequently mature. In its biological characteristics, cultural varieties of garlic are able to bring a lot of seeds. As a rule, in the place of seeds in the inflorescence, small heads of garlic or "Bulbasters" are formed, as gardeners are called. Only on winter garlic, arrows are formed, whose height can reach one and a half meters.

Nutritionists recommend to eat garlic arrows, the beneficial properties of which are indisputable. In this part of the plant contains vitamins and trace elements, but more delicate taste than the teeth. The "rode" of the arrows is practically absent because there are no essential oils in this part.

Is there a garlic arrows?

The regular addition to the food arrows of garlic has a beneficial effect on the appearance of the external appearance - the aging of cells and the vessels are cleaned, the vessels are cleaned, the development of thrombosis is prevented. It comes to the norm of the intestinal microflora, it ceases to cease processes and fermentation. And this, in turn, excellent physical prevention and various infectious diseases.

Coloring stems of garlic can be consumed both in the raw form and after heat treatment. Most popular fried arrows enjoy cooking cooking eastern and Asian dishes. But what more from fried garlic arrows, benefits or harm is the question of laws.

Nutritionists note the high calorie content of fried garlic arrows (in 100 grams contains about 24 kcal). The oils contained in arrows are added vegetable oils and, so in this form garlic is no longer a dietary dish. Frying destroys and some nutrients of garlic. Experts recommend to keep garlic shoots in frozen form. In this form, they retain the maximum amount of their benefits.


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