Disadvantages and contraindications diet for hips and feet. Dairy products and weight loss Diet for slimming in hips

Disadvantages and contraindications diet for hips and feet. Dairy products and weight loss diets for slimming in hips

What implies an effective diet for losing thighs? Powered by a specific scheme that helps get rid of problem areas. As practice shows, the optimal result can be achieved if it is in parallel to fitness. Time it will take about two weeks.

Products: What can I do not?

First of sad. To achieve his goal will have to abandon a number of products. In particular, we are talking about such as:

  • smoked;
  • fried food;
  • chocolate;
  • some kinds of fruit (grapes);
  • coffee.

In addition, a losing weight diet hips per week (more hard compared to a two weeks option) is based on full refusal of spices. Let even natural.

Fruits (except grapes) and vegetables can be used in food. But only in strictly defined volumes. Since they constitute a considerable part of the diet, you need to start lose weight at the beginning of the middle of August. It's time for natural fruits and vegetables. Especially pay attention to Bakhchyevoy - melons and watermelons. Their composition includes substances, excellent "burning" fat deposits in problem areas of feet.

The allowed foods also include:

  • potatoes;
  • mushrooms;
  • low-fat meat.

It is allowed to eat yogurt (only dietary!) And tea. The latter should be green. In general, the hard version of weight loss implies the rejection of the latter. If it is quite difficult for you, drink green tea with interruptions - at least every other day.

How to combine permitted products and what dishes are better to cook, will be described below.

Menu for a week

So, what dishes allow a diet for slimming abdomen and hips? They, as well as the power circuit in the context of one week:

Day 1.

  • Breakfast. Egg in a bag and one slice of rye bread. Yogurt and half of the apple.
  • Dinner. Broth made of boiled chicken breast. Salad from tomatoes, cucumbers and pepper, seasoned with one spoon of vegetable oil.
  • Dinner. Vegetable salad. Cauliflower baked in the oven.

You can have a snack between meals you can have the remaining half apple, tomato. One cup of green tea without sugar is allowed.

Day 2..

  • Breakfast. Sandwich from rye bread with tomato and cucumber, one potato. Degreased kefir (1 cup).
  • Dinner. Portion of vegetable stew (stew vegetables, about 200 grams).
  • Dinner. Piece of fish (150 grams), apple or orange. A glass of yogurt or fatness of 1%.

Day 3..

  • Breakfast. Cabbage salad with carrots and a half tomato (150 g). A piece of rye bread.
  • Dinner. 150 grams of puree, a piece of rye bread. Apple. Green tea.
  • Dinner. 100 grams of degreased cottage cheese. Orange and banana.

Day 4..

  • Breakfast. Degreased yogurt. Greek salad (200 grams).
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup without adding potatoes, a piece of rye bread. A glass of skim kefir.
  • Dinner. One potato in the uniform. 100 grams of chicken breast.

Day 5..

  • Breakfast. Hercules porridge with an apple. Green tea.
  • Dinner. Pucked potato (100 grams), lean meat - chicken or beef (100 grams), cabbage salad.
  • Dinner. A piece of low-fat fish. Apple or other fruit. Kefir glass (1%).

Day 6..

  • Breakfast. Salad of tomato and cucumber. One piece of rye bread.
  • Dinner. Two tablespoons of beans. Cabbage salad. One banana.
  • Dinner. 100 grams of low fat curd. Grapefruit or orange.

Day 7..

  • Breakfast. Egg cooked in the bag. 2-3 slice melon or
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup with the addition of half potatoes. Green tea. You can then eat two tomatoes or cucumbers and several lettuce leaves.
  • Dinner. Cabbage salad, 200 grams of chicken breast.

Keep in mind the following points:

  • daily water consumption - from two liters;
  • every day, at lunch you need to eat three hundred grams of Bakhchykh cultures (of course, if you lose weight in the summer season);
  • fruits and vegetables are interchangeable (instead of cucumbers you can eat tomatoes or carrots, and instead of grapefruits - apples).

Fitness will help you!

Power in accordance with the specified scheme and the execution of the recommendations provided helps to get rid of problem areas. But to achieve the maximum effect it is also necessary to engage in physical education. It should not be thought that we are talking about exhausting training. The exercises described below are simple for execution.

First of all, focus on those that imply leg climbs in different positions: lying, standing, sitting. The second group - exercises with the ball to be compressed with the knees. All classes are effective only if they are held regularly. Time they take away at least (no more than 8-10 minutes). Evening training should be completed in two or three hours before sleep. You can add exercises with massage and morning jogs. Please note: massage is needed special - forming (modeling) hips!

Sign up for a cosmetologist

The only drawback of the described weight loss program is the scarcity of the diet and, in particular, a small amount of fats consumed. Because of it, the skin can be extremely dry. The cream helps solve the problem. If you do not take care of their presence in advance, the consequences of weight loss will have to fight with the participation of a dermatologist.

I tried to sit on the milk unloading and ... could not stand it. If two hours ago I went to bed, then everything would be fine, and so I went and ... dinner. Potato mashed potatoes with kefir - not too heavy food, but it's a shame that the word did not hold down this.

Attempted, went to the mirror and looked at it, what I don't like in my figure. The answer is simple - hips and a little waist is not in order. Why then do I torment the whole body if you can suffer only problem zones? It turns out that you need to become slim only in these places.

With such "new" conclusions, I started looking for old abstract gymnasium. We taught us to lose weight zones and I really hoped that my abstract was not lost. The last two hours were aimed at finding the desired entry and "Eureka!" The note was found.

I quote the main techniques

The diet is aimed at reducing the volume of hips and sides. The meaning of nutrition is considered to calculate the fat consumed per day. If you need to lose weight, it means that fats should not exceed 30-40 grams per day, if you need to support the weight - 40-50 grams per day.

In order to lose weight, teachers advised the gymnasists to choose products that do not contain more than 12 grams of fats per 100 grams of the product. In order not to have health problems, you do not need to completely remove fats from your diet!

It is necessary to alternate: the amount of fats for weight loss (for example, a week) and fats for consolidation - weight support (for example, week, you can two weeks). So you can eat quite a long time if the diet is suitable.

"The Forbidden fruit"

It is necessary to eliminate such products:

1. Products that are preparing (roasting) on \u200b\u200boil (fried potatoes, zucchini, eggplants). Instead of frying it is best to bake or boil, but without the use of fats.
2. Fatty refills and sauces (sour cream, cream, mayonnaise and other sauces, the basis of which will be mayonnaise, sour cream, etc.).
3. Chocolate.
4. Fast food (Big magician, chips, pizza, etc.).
5. Sweet drinks (Coca-Cola, Fed, sprite, etc.).

6. Ice cream.
7. Confectionery (baking, cakes, cookies, cakes, etc.).
8. All kinds of salty-smoked, smoked and dried fish.
9. Seeds and nuts.
10. Sausage products (smoked and boiled sausages, sausages, sausages, etc.).

11. Dairy products (butter, margarine, cream, sour cream, whole milk, curd cheese, etc.).
12. In the eggs it is not allowed to eat yolk, and the protein can be.
13. Vegetable oil, fat, fry fat, etc.
14. Leather and fat from any meat and poultry.
15. Cheese products (cottage cheese, cheese), elimination of low-fat cottage cheese.

16. Fatty meat (fatty pork, goose, etc.).
17. Meat dishes (for example, porcies with pork, liven sausage, pies, stuffed eggs, dumplings, etc.).
18. Cocoa products.
19. Avocado.
20. Products made of test, which includes eggs (cakes, pancakes, casseroles, etc.).

21. Dried coconut.
22. Canned food.
23. Condensed milk.

Products that will help in the fight against overweight hips and sides

1. Bread - black, cut.

2. Porridge (rice, buckwheat) on water without oil.
3. Meat is only a skimmed (better boiled).
4. Bird (turkey and chicken) - Better breast.
5. Vegetables without fatty stations.
6. Fruits without any restrictions.
7. Mushrooms - prefer fresh dried.
8. Macaroni without gas stations, eggs, cheese and sauces.
9. Dairy products with minimal fat.
10. Diverse greens.
11. Water, tea, coffee.

Do no harm!

During weight loss, we are guided by such daily norms:

300 g of vegetables
- 300 g fruit or fruit juices
- 250 g of low fat milk
- 150 g Protection products (fish, bird, cottage cheese, meat, baked beans)
- 150 g of carbohydrates (porridge, potatoes, bread, pasta)

Hard to remember?

When I was still in the gymnasium, and we were told about this nutrition, then many girls immediately began to check the effectiveness of such a diet. Complained that it was difficult to remember the forbidden products, but the results of the girls were satisfied.

I did not try to "sit" on such a nutrition, because before there was no incentive and greatly need to lose weight. Only now my turn came to start to eat healthy, without fat, sweet and tasty. I will try to become slim, prefer useful tasty.

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The problem of many women is fat deposits in the field of the hips, and the fat is postponed there easily and quickly, and sometimes it is sometimes very difficult to get rid of it. This is to blame a sedentary lifestyle and improper nutrition. We give effective recommendations for women wishing to lose weight in the hips.

Pour it right - does not mean hunger!

Balanced nutrition is the key to success for those who seek to lose weight in the hips. Products are prepare for a pair or baked. There are low-fat varieties of meat and fish, maximum vitamins and fiber: fresh vegetables and fruits. Exciting appetite alcohol, spices and seasonings excluding forever (occasionally allowed to drink a glass of dry red wine). Since salt delays fluid in the body, food is needed very moderately and not during the preparation of the dish, but immediately before use.
About the most difficult step - you need to try to exclude sweets. All cakes, candy, buns, groceries, as well as sweet carbonated water and sugar. I want sweet - use honey, dried fruits (moderately), fruit desserts and jelly.
Periodically spend the body's cleaning from toxins for any month within 5-7 days Drive 2 liters of clean water per day without taking into account the rest of the fluid in the form of tea, soup, juice, and so on.
The enemy of fat deposits is a calorie deficit. This is an axiom that does not require evidence. Determine the daily calorie norm you need, consider their number in the eaten products and make sure that you eat less than spend.

Before you eat anything, pronounce the following phrase: "Each eaten piece remains 2 minutes in the mouth, 2 hours in the stomach and 2 months on the hips."

Physical exertion - without losing them!

Exercises - an integral part of the integrated approach to slimming in the hips, that you strengthen the muscles from the inside and as a result, reduce the hips.
Let's start charging. Initially, it is necessary to make a workout for 5-8 minutes (mahu hands, the slopes of the body in different directions, circular rotations shoulders, hips, complete running on the spot). Then go to the exercise complex. It is better to perform two or three approaches, and then more. Thus, you evenly distribute the load and make exercises efficiently. The basis of the complex:

  • squats - 10 times. Legs on the width of the shoulders, feet parallel to each other, hands stretched right in front of them. Sat, keep smoothly back and retissure the ass. Singing should not be deep, when lowering down the final position - the thighs are parallel to the floor. Rising attentive position.
  • fucks back or forward - 10 for each leg (you can alternate: we carry out lunges forward, week - back). Legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt, put the back smoothly. Fallen forward: We make a big step in foot forward and simultaneously squatting on it, we return to its original position. Putting back: The initial position, too, make a big step back, but quitting already on the support leg.
  • buttock bridge - 10 times. Lying on the back, hands on the belt, bending legs at right angles in the knees, feet on the floor. We raise the ass and hold it 30 seconds, omit.
  • mahi legs - 10 times for each leg. Machine Options Most: From the position of both standing and lying; Mahi to side or forward / back - Choose yourself. I recommend changing various options for wives every week.

As you can see, no ultra-empty loads. Daily charge complement twice a week by running a coward. This not only contributes to weight loss in the hips and buttocks, but also strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Pay attention to the exercise technique. The right technique will give the maximum result precisely in problem areas, incorrect - not only does not strengthen the muscles, but can lead to injury.

In addition to the exercises, try to move the best possible way. With each convenient case, go on foot. Especially useful for the hips will be walking on the stairs, so eliminate the elevator from your life. And in the lunch break before meals, pass several times down and up the stairs at least to the level of the fifth floor. If you are at home and raise a child, walk along the stairs along with the child, putting it on the shoulders for a uniform weight distribution on the spine, and the weight of the child is up to 15 kilograms. Be sure to listen to your well-being and adjust the load.

Important: Physical exertion will give the effect of weight loss only when controlling the power.

Other measures for weight loss

Salon procedures are diverse, I advise you to pay attention to the hydromassage hips and anti-cellulite massage in the complex with wraps. From hardware procedures, the LPG massage carried out on special equipment has proven itself. All these procedures passed by the course will not only reduce the volume of the hips into several centimeters, and significantly improve their appearance by reducing the manifestation of cellulite.
Folk methods are sometimes not inferior to expensive care in the cabin. A very effective way to remove not only the volume of the hips, but to make less noticeable cellulite is a honey massage with a rolling pin. It will take a rolling knob and honey to it, preferably dark. We appline honey on dry hips, take the rolling pin and start rolling it without push through the hips, "ears". Rolling 15-20 minutes how much to withstand, since the procedure is not pleasant. Massage is considered finished when the gray raid appears on the body instead of honey.
I would call the Russian bathing salon of beauty. One of the most popular procedures in the slimming bath in the hips is rubbing them with a mixture of honey and salt (the proportion of one to one). I visit the bath once a week and do this: To begin, it is necessary to reveal the pores of the skin (these are two or three clips into the steam room and between them rest), then wash and after which I rub the thigh and the buttocks with a cooked mixture, and again in the steam room. You will see how the sweating on problem areas will increase. This is a great way to remove toxins and intensify blood flow in fatty sediments, as well as a means for peeling and combating cellulite.
For those who do not have the opportunity to visit the bath, you can advise to go through the houses of the bathroom with sea salt, take them in a day. The temperature of the water is about 35 degrees, salts need to be approximately half a cell, the duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Before and after the bath, you need to rinse, and after smearing the moisturizing cream. This procedure is aimed at strengthening sweating, improving the current of lymph and blood circulation, and struggles with manifestations of cellulite.
Regularity of physical exertion, moderation in nutrition and the absence of bad habits will help you achieve the result and lose weight in the hips. Take advantage of these recommendations and we guarantee a noticeable result - in the new image you will like yourself and others.

It turns out that it is possible to remove excess fat from the hips easily and tasty, following the three rules! Select one of the 11 menu options, learn 4 steps that will speed up weight loss and make a figure perfect!

"Problem" zones are determined by the physiological characteristics of the body. Evenly throughout the body, fat is rarely distributed, so one women have excess weight on hand and sides, others have on buttocks and hips. Accordingly, the approach to eliminating the problem is selected individually.

Hips are the most difficult to reach for weight loss. Part of the female body. The fat cells of this zone are fueled by sex hormones estrogen. They prepare the body in advance to the successful tooling of the child, laying fat in the "right" places. Unbalanced food, stress and a sedentary lifestyle exacerbate the problem: the skin in the hip area begins to lose elasticity, volumes - increase. In this case, a serious dietary correction is necessary for weight loss.

Food for weight loss hips

The main principle of the diet for the correction of the hips and slimming of the feet as a whole is the increase in metabolism. From the body you need to remove slags and toxins, improve the liver operation. For such purposes, it is recommended:


Morning meal must be the main one. It is at this time that the day you need to consume the main amount of carbohydrates.

Four often

The regime in 5-6 main meals, feeding modest in size, should be adhere to. This will help maintain high metabolic speeds.

To drink a lot of water

Observe the sufficient drinking mode, which provides for at least 1.5 liters of pure water per day. Ideally - about 3. Green tea without sugar is also welcome.

Refusal of harmful products that contribute to the extension of volumes on the legs and the appearance of cellulite.


The elimination of the diet for losing weight hips is subject to food with a high fat content and "fast" carbohydrates, which are split immediately after use, in the absence of physical activity, turning into extra centimeters:

  • butter;
  • margarine;
  • avocado;
  • olives;
  • chocolate;
  • smoked sausage;
  • fatty grade meat;
  • crisps;
  • halva;
  • pate;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • bakery products;
  • mayonnaise;
  • egg yolks;
  • cakes;
  • fat;
  • cakes;
  • sour cream;
  • cookies;
  • corn;
  • sugar;
  • jam.

The salt also brings a minimum of benefit, especially, the approximate amount of its daily norm is contained in products. You can save food from the notion through greens: dill, parsley, basilica.

The diet menu welcomes the following products:

  • fresh and dried fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • olive oil;
  • bread of coarse grinding flour;
  • mushrooms;
  • non-fat meat;
  • seafood;
  • equal milk goods.

Vegetable food provides an organism with antioxidants, which neutralize the impact of free radicals. At the expense of the fiber being contained in them, the intestinal operation is improved. The body is saturated with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

To form muscle mass, it is necessary to replenish the menu with low-fat dairy products, whims of wheat and soy. They are saturated with magnesium and calcium organism.

Improving blood circulation and accelerating the separation process of subcutaneous fat promotes natural spices: red pepper, ginger, garlic, turmeric.


For the successful slimming of the "problem" zones of the lower body of the body, the energy value of food consumed during the day should not exceed 1200 kcal. It does not have to starve. Below 1100 kcal is not descended, otherwise there will be a slowdown in metabolic processes.

Fast monodette

The system of food takes only five days. During each you need to use 1.5 liters of non-fat kefir, half the rice plate and 1 kg of apples. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water. Food meals should be 5, for which the number of allowed products is divided.

Exit from the diet, ongoing four days, should be smooth. Gradually add to the diet:

  • non-fat meat;
  • vegetables;
  • quail and chicken eggs;
  • loaf;
  • cottage cheese.

After a week break, the diet can be repeated. It is not recommended for women with weak health, low immunity and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnant and nursing.

Effective for a week

Get rid of 4-5 cm in the hips and buttocks area, at the same time, it becomes easier for at least 4 kg, "skinny" diet will help. It is called extreme, since 3 days out of 7 are mono unloading.

One of the key points of the system is a drinking mode that provides for the consumption of fresh juices (grapefruit, orange, pomegranate, apple), black tea without sugar and water without gas. You need to drink strictly after eating.

Four days before the start, the diet from the diet is cleaned:

  • smoked and fried dishes;
  • pickles;
  • sweets and flour products;
  • alcohol.

Almost all women who are leaning in the "skinny" diet, noted its rigidity. Forces for exercise and banal work on the house does not remain, so it is impossible to comply with the regime of more stated seven days. All this time is better to stay at home!

Menu diet for hips

  • 1st day: Water and 1 liter of milk (its consumption is divided for all day).
  • 2nd day: 800 ml of any fresh juice and 200 g of unsweeteless degreased cottage cheese.
  • 3rd day: exclusively water without gas.
  • Day 4: 3 boiled potatoes and 800 ml of any fresh juice.
  • 5th day: water and 5 apples.
  • 6th day: 200 g of lean meat (veal or chicken) and 800 ml of any juice.
  • 7th day: water and 1 liter of kefir without sugar and additives.

Exit mode

To normalize the well-being and preserving the result obtained in the week is very important to get out of the diet correctly. The process takes 11 days.

  • The first day after graduation is relaxing. You can eat everything that wanted, but in limited quantities.
  • The diet of the next day should consist of juice and cottage cheese. They are permissible to use in unlimited quantities.
  • On the third day it is recommended to prepare steam low-fat fish. The use of freshly squeezed juice from orange and apples is shown.
  • The next day provides for the use of boiled potatoes (no more than 4 pieces) and juice.
  • Fifth day - apple. You can eat about 1 kg.
  • Sixth day - meat. It is recommended that 400 g of meat of low-fat varieties and freshly squeezed fruit juice.
  • The next day imposes a ban on everything except kefir. Acid product can be used in an amount of 1 liter.
  • The eighth day is similar to the first - you can eat everything that wanted.
  • Next - apple again.
  • The meat ration is repeated further.
  • The final day should be kefir. The use of 1 liter of fermented dairy product is allowed.


Diet mode is prohibited:

  • children and adolescents;
  • pregnant and nursing women;
  • to old people;
  • everyone who has chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

Tasty for 10 days

If the desire to get rid of fat deposits on the thighs at the end of summer, you can use the watermelon-melonic diet. She has almost international reputation (use Hollywood specialists and doctors of domestic sanatoriums) and high efficiency.

How does it work

Despite the sweet taste, watermelon and melon consist of 95% consist of water and contain no more than 39 kcal per 100 g. With good saturation, they reduce the influx of unnecessary calories into the body, rich in fiber, which restores the intestinal microflora and speeds up metabolic processes. Watermelon and melon demonstrate a diuretic effect, so you can quickly get rid of the swelling and clean the body from all over.

  • Watermelon is rich in vitamins A, C, B, PP, Kalaise and magnesium. It is the leader in the content of the anti-cancer antioxidant of licopin.
  • Melon is full of magnesium, iron, potassium and calcium, vitamins A, B and C. Promotes the increase in hemoglobin, strengthens the vessels and has a positive effect on the nervous system, helps to bring slags from the body and improve blood circulation.

During the 10th days of the watermelon-melon "unloading", it is possible to become lighter by 5 kg. At the same time, the lower body is noticeably losing weight.

Menu for slender legs

In addition to the watermelon and melon diet for weight loss hips, it provides for the use of various fruits and vegetables of green:

  • cucumbers;
  • bulgarian pepper;
  • cauliflower;
  • leaf salad;
  • podoles;
  • greens;
  • avocado;
  • green apples.

Several times a week you can diversify the menu with baked mushrooms and potatoes, flakes with unsweetened degreased yogurt, lean grade meat baked with tomatoes. It will cover all the needs of the body in macro and trace elements, the stock of vitamins and phyto-nutrients will replenish. On the one hand, the diet is low-calorie (no more than 1,200 kcal / day), on the other - balanced.

You need to eat often about 4-5 times. The approach will help to avoid discomfort characteristic of the "hungry" state. The main thing is to consume half a watermelon and melon, dividing the total number of all food intakes.


The diet is strong, so requires a gradual return to the familiar food behavior. At first, you should not fundamentally change the power scheme. Enough to add multicolored fruits and vegetables, cereal cereals.


  • diseases of the urogenital system;
  • gallway disease;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Options for 2 weeks

From the ears on the hips

A two-week system is characterized by soft. With it, it is possible to get rid of about 5-6 cm in the legs and the notorious "Halifa". The total weight is reduced by 7-9 kg.

Undoubted pluses of diet for hips:

  1. Light tolerability.
  2. Diverse food.
  3. Slimming exclusively at the bottom of the body.

The main rule is to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.

Weekly menu


  • Breakfast: green apple, 0.5 glasses of low-fat yogurt, toast, medium tomato.
  • Lunch: Vegetable Salad with refueling from lemon juice and olive oil, boiled chicken (200 g), toast from whole grain bread.
  • Afternoon school: portion of cress salad, loaf.
  • Dinner: Steam cauliflower with tomato, a slice of low-fat cheese, a teaspoon of honey, baked apple.
  • Breakfast: oatmeal on milk, vegetable juice, 25 g of steam mushrooms.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad with olive oil, bread with bran, slice of solid low-fat cheese.
  • Soon: puree soup on low-fat broth, green apple.
  • Dinner: boiled potatoes, a spoon of green bean, baked with bell pepper and a fish onion (150 g).
  • Breakfast: protein 1 eggs, toast, a glass of skim kefir.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad, boiled beans, orange.
  • Soon: green apple, low-fat yogurt (100 ml).
  • Dinner: Several baked tomatoes, cutting cauliflower, green beans.
  • Breakfast: 2 tbsp. Spoons of low-fat curd, toast, fresh tomato.
  • Lunch: slice of low-fat ham, loaf, grapefruit.
  • Soon: vegetable salad with the addition of olive oil, two toast.
  • Dinner: Baked beef chops, 3 boiled potatoes, cress salad.
  • Breakfast: orange, oatmeal with low-fat milk.
  • Lunch: carrot-cabbage salad with the addition of lemon juice and olive oil, 100 g of shrimp.
  • Afternoon person: a slice of solid low-fat cheese, toast.
  • Dinner: Two baked tomatoes, a piece of baked fish, a spoon of boiled beans.
  • Breakfast: green apple, 0.5 cup of low-fat yogurt.
  • Lunch: Beef Bifstex (100 g), loaf, orange.
  • Half date: Luck soup, 2 tomatoes, a slice of whole grain bread.
  • Dinner: boiled chicken fillet (70 g), spaghetti from solid wheat varieties, tomato sauce.


  • Breakfast: Fruit Salad from Grapefruit, Orange and Apple, 0.5 Skipped Yogurt Glass.
  • Lunch: cabbage salad, slice of low-fat ham, toast with a sheet of salad, kiwi.
  • Ancender: 50 g Spaghetti with green peas, tomato.
  • Dinner: 50 g baked chicken breast, tomato mix-salad, celery and green bell pepper, several brown rice spoons.

Starting from the eighth day, the diet is repeated. Energy value - 1100 kcal / day.

For weight loss hips, buttocks and belly

The diet is especially useful for women whose figure resembles a "pear." Her meaning in the refusal of harmful products. In addition to the famous list (sweet, flour, alcohol, etc.) will have to be excluded:

  • veal;
  • lamb;
  • goose and duck meat;
  • icra.

Use permitted:

  • dairy products;
  • chicken meat;
  • egg yolk;
  • porridge without oil;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • vegetables.

Be sure to use two liters of pure water. It is recommended to take fish oil in capsules.

Day diet

  • Morning: a glass of fruit juice.
  • Snack: 300 g of berries, chicken egg yolk.
  • Lunch: boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad, apple.
  • Snack: orange, solid cheese.
  • Dinner: a glass of skim kefir.

Such diet must adhere to two weeks. Legs during this time lose weight at least 3 kg. Following the hips from fat deposits, buttocks and abdomen get rid of.

To reduce the foot

The principle of the diet is the use of a small amount of protein (no more than 25 g). The basis of the diet diet for weight loss hips is fruits, dried fruits, legumes, rice, seafood, lean meat and bread from coarse grinding. In 14 days, it is possible to reset at least 5 kg at the bottom of the body.

How to eat

  • Morning: a glass of skim kefir or yogurt, tomato, bread and one fruit.
  • Day: Vegetable salad, boiled chicken breast (200 g), coffee or tea without sugar.
  • Evening: buckwheat porridge without salt (70 g), stew vegetables, baked apple.

In the future, the diet is formed independently, focusing on the list of allowed products.

Simple permanent diet

Plus, this diet for weight loss hips is the minimum time costs. She will suit busy women. The duration is installed independently with a light-mindedness.

Any fruit in the amount of 0.5 kg is selected as breakfast. Lunch should consist of a mixable product mix. Use:

  • stew vegetables;
  • bread with bran;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • brown rice;
  • boobs;
  • fish and seafood;
  • lean meat.

Combine products can be independently choosing the most optimal option.

The dinner is allowed to use vegetables. The method of cooking roles does not play: you can stew, cook in a double boiler or boil. Exception - roast.

Strong diet Rosemary Konley

The power system of rosemary cone for leg correction, hips and buttocks are successful for almost 30 years. She opened the truth of weight loss: a person begins to get fat if it consumes calories more than spending spending and lose weight - if it spends more than it consumes.

To create a diet safe for health, which can be held throughout life, Konley pushed his own fullness. The secret of efficiency is simple - reduction of fats and decrease in calorie content of the diet. It is necessary to eat all that contains no more than 5% fat per 100 g. In general, it is better to use products from 1% or 2% fat, and even completely degrees. The first few days the body will resist change, but there will continue to appear. A week on a healthy diet can be reset from 2 kg.

The power system of rosemary cone is inherent obvious advantages:

  1. It is comfortable - products are prepared in simple ways.
  2. It is satisfying - all thanks to the use of complex carbohydrates.
  3. It is economical - the diet consists of easily accessible goods.
  4. It is effective - successfully applied abroad and in Russia, managed to chain the army of fans.

Prohibited products

According to the beliefs of Rosemary Konley, under the ban of diet for the thighs fall:

  • butter, sour cream, cream, margarine, solid milk;
  • vegetable fats, fat, fat (including skin from birds);
  • fatty cheeses and cottage cheese;
  • any fried foods;
  • sunflower seeds, nuts;
  • fat meat;
  • meat dishes with sauces;
  • curd cheese;
  • ice cream;
  • boiled and smoked sausages;
  • egg yolk;
  • mayonnaise, cheese sauce, dressing for salad with cream;
  • potato chips;
  • cakes, biscuits, crispy bread;
  • cocoa and its derivatives;
  • avocado.

Permitted products

The system is not found for "healthy diet." The diet diet does not look scarce, as it may include:

  • safety meat and bird;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • black and bran bread;
  • buckwheat and rice porridge on the water;
  • macaroni from solid wheat varieties;
  • milk products with low fat content.
  • 300 g of vegetables (salads, garnish, soup);
  • 150 g of proteins (meat, cottage cheese, fish, beans);
  • 300 g of fruit (juices are also allowed);
  • 150 g of complex carbohydrates (bread, pasta, potatoes);
  • glass of skimmed milk.

The daily need for nutrients at the time of maintaining the weight is as follows:

  • 175 g of proteins;
  • 350 g of vegetables and fruits;
  • 100 g of carbohydrates.

Water and tea without sugar can be drunk without restrictions. Several times a week is allowed to indulge yourself with a glass of dry red wine.

Approximate menu of one day

Conduct diet diet for losing weight The hips can be independently by taking into account the daily need of the body in nutrients and a list of allowed products. The preferred method of cooking dishes is a pair. Failure, boiling and baking are also allowed.

  • Breakfast: a glass of green tea without sugar, 2 toast, 100 g of skim yogurt.
  • Snack: fruit.
  • Lunch: 150 g soup on low-fat broth with the addition of favorite vegetables, 100 g of vegetable salad, a glass of skim kefir.
  • Snack: Fresh fruits.
  • Dinner: 150 g cooked for a couple of fish, 100 g of stewed vegetables, a glass of fresh juice.

How to remove the inner part of the hip

There is a special power supply, helping to remove fat from the inner part of the thigh by reducing it for several centimeters. First you need to limit the diet, moving to low-calorie food, and then return to more calorie, that is:

  • the daily energy value of the diet over two weeks is no more than 1,100 kcal;
  • in the third and fourth weeks, calorie rises to 1300-1500 kcal / day;
  • after two weeks, a return to calorie content of 1100 kcal.

Movement in a circle occurs before the acquisition of the required volumes. It is necessary to eat at least 4 times a day, using food with small portions. About late dinner will have to forget. Fat food and sweets exclude. Need an analysis of each brown to the mouth of a piece!

Grocery list

The diet for the hips permits:

  • boiled lean meat and fish;
  • fruits and vegetables (cytruc, pineapples and apples are desirable);
  • black rye bread;
  • porridge without lulling;
  • fermented milk products;
  • herbal and green tea;
  • clean water.


  • sugar;
  • sweets (chocolate, candy, condensed milk);
  • cakes and baking;
  • pork;
  • fat;
  • mayonnaise;
  • fried potatoes;
  • pizza;
  • bananas;
  • fatty sour cream and cottage cheese.

Mandatory measures:

  1. The last meal is three hours before sleep.
  2. Reception of half a glass of water without gas before each meal.
  3. Abstinence from drinking after meals.
  1. Pre-purchase the necessary products for the mode.
  2. Move the food diary, fixing the eaten products and calorieness of the diet.
  3. Pre-draw a power plan and a meal schedule.
  4. To establish the reception of vitamin complexes and calcium.

Because of the complete abandonment of sweet, a few days later, the activity of the vessels could weaken from the beginning of the diet, the immunity to shake out. For this reason, the diet is considered invalid for women with ischemic pathologies and weak health. Nursing mothers and pregnant, he also does not fit. It will be necessary to refrain from it in the presence of diseases of the organs of the urinary system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Approximate diet for 2 weeks

Allowed products are used in a boiled, baked or stew. Cooking in a double boiler is welcomed, which significantly reduces calorie dishes.

  • Morning: Water with a few drops of lemon on an empty stomach, green tea without sugar, two egg squirrels, vegetable salad.
  • Snack: Several protein bars or protein cocktail, 3 walnuts.
  • Lunch: Baked Red Fish (300 g), Vegetable Salad.
  • Snack: Coffee without sugar, 2 apples or orange.
  • Dinner: Two boiled potatoes, vegetable or fruit salad.

Cellulite power supply systems

The main task of a dieting directed against cellulite is to deal with subcutaneous fat deposits. Accordingly, the power mode must be free from grease-containing products. It is recommended to eat food rich in proteins and carbohydrates. The latter are vital, since without them fat will not be split. You should choose those that have a low glycemic index, that is, give energy gradually.

Specialists in matters of combating "orange crust" have developed a useful list of products that help in gaining tightened feet:

  1. Dried fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium, which takes out excess water from the body.
  2. Freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices - contain a complex of vitamins, effective in combating fatty sediments.
  3. Dry red wine - removes slag from the body, normalizes blood circulation.
  4. Seafood - rich in antioxidants and microelements.
  5. Eggs and vegetable oils - contain vitamin E, which helps increase skin elasticity.
  6. Oatmeal - promotes rapid saturation, allowed to use at any time of day.

For 10 days

The diet contributes to the removal of slags and improvement of metabolism. Cellulite disappears due to the purification of the body. For even and odd days, their diet.

1, 3, 5, 7, 9th days provide for the consumption of exclusively untreated fruits (kiwi, apple, pear, grapefruit, orange, mango, pineapple) and vegetables:

  • breakfast with fruit;
  • dine vegetable salad with olive oil, seeds and sesame;
  • dinner with individual fruits and salads from vegetables with the addition of bean sprouts or wheat grains.

The second day is fruit. All fruits are allowed except bananas.

4, 6, 8, 10 days suggest the consumption of boiled vegetables and croup - oatmeal, lentil and buckwheat:

  • breakfast with a glass of fresh juice and 300 g of fruit;
  • lunch with fresh vegetables and a branch portion;
  • dinner with several spoons of porridge without salt;
  • before bedtime, use some low-fat yogurt.

For 3 weeks

This thigh diet inhibits cellulite development, because consists of rich in fiber and poor carbohydrate products. You need to drink as much water as possible - up to three liters per day.

Menu diets for three days

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (100 g), green apple, orange juice.
  • Lunch: Boiled chicken breast (200 g), fresh cabbage salad, mineral water without gas.
  • Afternoon school: skimmed kefir.
  • Dinner: rice (100 g), orange.
  • Breakfast: Fruit Salad (250 g), Natural Yogurt.
  • Lunch: steam fish (250 g), salad of cucumbers and tomatoes (200 g), green tea.
  • Afternoon school: kiwi.
  • Dinner: oatmeal, apple, berries cooked on water.
  • Breakfast: Cooked on milk oatmeal.
  • Lunch: Boiled beans (200 g), broccoli salad and green peas (100 g), boiled beet.
  • Afternoon school: handful of pistachios.
  • Dinner: shrimps with lemon juice (200 g), dried apricots (4 pieces), green tea.

At the end of the third day, the first and further in a circle should be repeated. For all the time you can reset about 6.5 kg at the bottom of the body.

Before each meal, you should drink half a glass of water. Increase its efficiency in fatigation issues can be uncomplying: after each reception, it is necessary to put several gravinok salt under the tongue. This will help make the process of cleansing the body from slags faster and more productive. The faster the slags will be removed from the body, the sooner the skin on the hips will be cleaned of cellulite.

You can use the reception month. After you should make a weekly break. Contraindications - diseases of the heart and kidneys.

How to increase efficiency diets

To gain the perfect feet of one correct nutrition, an integrated approach is not important.

The best sports directions for weight loss hips:

  1. Running - 35-minute jogging is burning subcutaneous fat, as a result of which the process of weight loss takes place at times faster.
  2. Cycling - hour riding on the "simulator" burns to 750 kcal. After a few weeks of active workouts, legs become strong and touched.
  3. Swimming - an hour of active water classes burns about 800 kcal, promotes the improvement of the entire body.
  4. Belly dance - rhythmic movements warm the body and lead to muscle tone.
  5. Roller skating - the combination of aerobic and static load activates blood circulation and accelerates the metabolism.

Planning classes in the sports club, it makes sense to look at the step aerobics. This is one of the most energy-intensive aerobics directions. During classes in the steppe (special level), the load falls on the "problem" zones of the lower body. Stepa height should reach the knee level. The higher the stage, the stronger the load. Consequently, the result is achieved faster. Exercise is performed as follows:

  • stand face to step platform;
  • set the right leg to the step, slightly bent in the knee;
  • at the expense of "one" to make the rise, at the same time putting the left left to the right leg;
  • at the expense of "two" to stop at the height;
  • at the expense of "three" go down to the floor.

The exercise is repeated about 15 times, after which the foot changes.

To lose weight in the legs will help home charging. The exercise complex does not take much time and does not require special training:

  1. The warm-up involves walking on the spot. 3 minutes need to go on socks, 3 more - on the heels.
  2. Next follows jumping through the rope duration within a few minutes.
  3. Then you need to pull. The feet must be reduced socks, palms are on the belt. On the breath should be lifted on the socks, raising his hands up through the sides. Lower in this position for a couple of seconds. Smoothly return to its original position. Perform an exercise 10 times.
  4. Satures on socks - the next stage. An arm placed on the belt when flexing their knees should be stretched forward. Back straight. Run 20 times.
  5. The final exercise involves raising on the sock, standing on one leg. If coordination is chromas, you can stick with your hand for the back of the chair. Run 10 times.

Exercises not only burn the subcutaneous fat in "problem" zones, and the metabolism in the lower part of the body normalize the metabolism. The best time for classes - Morning.

If a diet for losing weight hips provides hard restrictions in nutrition, it is better to postpone physical activity.


Massage, contrasting shower and wraps are very useful for legs, hips and buttocks, because:

  • accelerate metabolic processes in muscles and tissues;
  • improve lymphotok from "problem" zones;
  • contribute to the acquisition of skin of elasticity and elasticity.


This is the most accessible type of massage "problem" zones of the lower body. Its execution does not require special skills. Enough to get a manual massager (electric, vibro, warmth, muscular stimulant or the most banal - mitten) and special cream. Massage is performed on preheated skin. Traffic go back up. Important incremental intensity. Course - 10-15 days.

Self-massage is contraindicated with:

  • infectious diseases;
  • skin rashes;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • mental disorders;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Cold and hot shower

At first, the contrasting souls (alternation of the head of hot and cold water) can cause discomfort. After time, the process begins to bring pleasure. In the state of the skin, the procedure affects positively: blood begins to circulate faster, the exchange processes are also accelerated, the skin is pulled up, cellulite decreases.

For weight loss of the lower body, the morning contrast shower is recommended. It is good for its execution after charging. It should be started with warm and slightly cool water, gradually lifting and lowering the temperature. Finishing the procedure is important a cool shower.

The contrasting souls are prohibited at:

  • hypertension;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • oncology;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation.


The effect of wrapping is identical to the work of steam in the sauna or bath. The difference consists only in the influence area. The advantages of the procedure is enough:

  • painlessness;
  • simplicity;
  • budget.

Wraps are performed using the clay of the Dead Sea, algae, honey, essential oils, chocolate, coffee and apple vinegar. It is necessary to apply the selected mass on pre-purified skin, after - use the food film, wrapped the processed area. To enhance the effect over the film, warm pants are worn. You can lie under the warm blanket. After 40-60 minutes, the film is removed, the skin is rinsed, the moisturizing or anti-cellulite cream is applied.

Wraps should be postponed at:

  • diseases of the lower limbs;
  • female diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • menses;
  • skin rashes;
  • oncology;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • kidney and cardiovascular diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Olya Likchev

Beauty - like a gem: what it is easier, the more precious :)


If the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe figure is a hip, you need to sit on the diet on time, choose the optimal training complex for every day. Only an integrated approach to the problem will make the bottom miniature, elegant, attractive. The correctly selected diet for the hips is the key to success.

How to reduce thighs

Extra kilograms are a single generation problem, so there are so many ways to quickly solve it. To reduce the volume of the hips, it is necessary to observe a certain power mode, while controlling the body's water balance. Mineral water should be present in the amount of 2 liters per day. This volume activates the metabolism, prevents the deposition of the fatty layer. It is important not only to drink water, but also to eat correctly, while not forget about the elementary physical exertion.

Diet for slimming feet and hips

If a woman is unsuccessfully fighting overweight, the first thing must determine the problem areas of their figure. If the fat layer is observed on the hips and buttocks, you need to do something. An effective diet for losing weight and hips provides the following rules that should be present in the life of each interested person:

  • adhere to a strictly defined power mode;
  • each time the caloric content of the daily menu (total and separately each meal) is determined;
  • balancing the consumption of lipids, carbohydrates, proteins;
  • before each food intake, drink a glass of clean water, and after a meal not to drink 40 minutes;
  • adhere to an active lifestyle.

Cellulite diet on legs and pope

If the buttocks appeared a disgusting "orange crust", for a woman it is the real tragedy. It is not necessary to despair because the cellulite diet is characterized by high efficiency, provides a steady and long-lasting result as soon as possible. At home as dietary products, citrus can use citrus, which have a pronounced fat effect. Here is an approximate menu to reduce the thighs:

  1. First week. Includes two main ingredients - oranges, boiled eggs. Throughout the day, it is necessary to measure 4 citrus fruits and 2 eggs. Choose non-carbonated water in a volume of 2 liters.
  2. The second week offers an identical diet, but in the daily menu, add a portion of buckwheat porridge as a valuable source of carbohydrates to improve the condition of the skin, hair, nail plates. On a diet to reduce the hips porridge cook without adding sugar, salt.

Foot and thighs for a week

There are those forbidden foods, the use of which the hips make a rapid pace more, volumetric. If you do not exclude them from the daytime menu, there will be no positive result. To reduce the hips and buttocks in a week, you need to forget about the consumption of semi-finished products, ketchup, mayonnaise, sharp, fried and salt dishes. Separate fruits fall into the category "taboo", as part of which are fast carbohydrates. Knowing these prohibitions, it is very easy to choose a diet for a week to achieve a steady dietary effect:

  1. Breakfast: Preference to give such vegetables as carrots, sweet peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers in the fresh form. But the zucchini and beets for a variety can bake sutra. Additionally eat one egg, drink a cup of green tea as an antioxidant.
  2. Lunch: Liquid dish. It may be vegetable or chicken broth, or lean soup from low-fat meat varieties. To the second, the portion of buckwheat with 200 grams of boiled turkey, fruit juice, relies.
  3. Dinner: It is better to choose a baked fish with vegetables or low-fat cottage cheese with prunes and milk. The stomach does not overload, remember that sufficient fluid consumption. Sleep the full stomach do not go to bed.
  4. Snack: To remove wide thighs, it is recommended to alternate fruits and vegetables with not fast carbohydrates. Alternatively, bananas, apples, plums, grapefruit, orange.

Korean diet for slimming legs

Such a system of food lasts 13 days, and the main food ingredient is Fig. Harmful carbohydrates are excluded, the number of fats is also minimized. Such a diet comes to the aid of the same women and men, additionally stimulates the metabolism, removes intoxication products from the body. The nutrition is balanced, but requires certain restrictions. Choosing Korean diets for slimming legs, it is important to completely eliminate the flour, sweet, fatty and salty. The approximate menu is designed below:

  1. Breakfast: cocktail with the addition of crushed ginger, lime juice.
  2. Lunch: Salad of root plates, refilled by lemon olive oil, white fish for a couple, portion of rice 200 grams.
  3. Dinner: Vegetable smoothie with the addition of celery, boiled shrimps or chicken fillet.

Dairy products during the specified period are excluded. Korean diet to reduce the thigh involves the use of Korean vegetables, which are satisted with dishes. The slender body is observed in the mirror for 14 days, but for another 2 weeks to sit on separate nutrition. Otherwise, the reduction of the thighs will be temporary.

Low diet for slimming in the legs

This is a unique technique that reduces only the hips, while the top remains the same. To remove the problem area, you must additionally do, adhere to an active lifestyle. This is important because fat deposits will gradually turn into muscle mass, form an attractive silhouette. As for the main nutrition, the lower diet for weight loss in the legs offers all interested parties such a dietary diet for every day:

  1. In the first day for breakfast, hot chocolate, for lunch - vegetable salad with a glass of milk, and to dinner you can please yourself with only 2 apples and 2 glasses of water.
  2. The second day diet begins with a glass of water with honey. Lunch to reduce the thighs implies yogurt and sweet water, and dinner - a pear and 2 glasses of water.
  3. The breakfast of the third day repeats the diet of the first day, the vegetable broth is relying for lunch, and on dinner apples and water.
  4. The fourth day begins with a liter of water. Dinner to reduce the hips offers a pack of low-fat cottage cheese with dried fruits, and dinner on a diet includes water with honey and a few drops of lemon.
  5. On the fifth day, diet morning begins with vegetable broth, lunch includes yogurt, dinner - grapefruit juice.

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