Psychological tests on paper. Psychological Associative Tests Psychological Test on a leaflet with a handle

Psychological tests on paper. Psychological Associative Tests Psychological Test on a leaflet with a handle

The divination on paper is noteworthy in that the rite does not need special tools. This is the association of numerology and classical divination, which can be engaged anywhere.

In the article:

Fortune telling on a knob

If a girl wants to know whether a successful relationship will be, it is truly, to ask other questions, should be repayed. It is necessary to clearly formulate the question and write it on a piece of paper. Calculate the number of letters (and the punctuation is not included in the calculation). Example:

Does he love me?

L + y + b + and + t + l + and + o + n + m + e + n + i \u003d 13

If the number is double-digit, then it is necessary to add it components together. Example:

13 = 1 + 3 = 4, Result - 4.

Interpretation of results:

  • 1 - doubting understands the answer to the question. Events will develop as prompts intuition now.
  • 2 or 4 -yes, a positive answer to the question. If a unambiguous answer can not be, the situation will develop as I would like, the desire will come true, the problem will be lucky.
  • 3 - no, a negative answer to the question. Dream is unattainable. The situation will develop the worst, the desire will not come true, we can expect the emergence of new problems.
  • 5 - possible both positive and negative response. On the one hand, the desire will come true or the problem will disappear, but on the other - consequences are possible.
  • 6 - the desired will happen only if you make an effort. It is not necessary to hope for good luck, but on the results of your own actions.
  • 7 - the desire will come true, but not as fast as I would like. Perhaps when the dream come true, the girl will already think about it.
  • 8 - The answer to the question will immediately become clear without the help of divination. It should be supervised for the surrounding, because with a high probability the desired information is hidden nearby.
  • 9 - suitable development of events is extremely unlikely. There is chances, but negligible. Hoping a positive answer is not worth it. The likelihood of problems is great because of the case, which is asked by the highest strength.

Fortune telling for the future

If desired, know what the following type of fortune telling is used. A sheet of paper and handle will be required. From above on a leaf, they write the day of the week to which future events want to know. Below they write surname, name and patronymic. No initials, but the full version of the name. They write down all the letters that are encountered more than once. Example:

Ivanova Maria Alexandrovna

O - 2, n - 2, and - 2, p - 2, in - 3, a - 6,

Each repeated letters and discharge the remaining. Calculate the number of time-encountered letters. If there are more than 10, there are components together as in the past fortune. Example:

M + L + I + E + K + C + D \u003d 7, Result - 7.

Interpretation of numbers when fortunate for the future:

  • 0 or 9 -inappropriate day, bright events are not foreseen. It does not differ from everyday life, but no serious problems should be expected.
  • 1 - the day will differ in good news from friends or relatives. It is possible to get a gift or buying a new thing.
  • 2 - waiting for strong disappointment or failure. It is possible to get bad news, the appearance of problems associated with gossip.
  • 3 - The likelihood of a trip, excursions or another event going beyond everyday life. May distinguish the day and a pleasant surprise.
  • 4 - We will have to change plans due to a stupid randomness, which can be easily correcting the idea of \u200b\u200bthe pastime, and completely cross the planned one.
  • 5 or 8 - The day will be successful for communicating with the opposite sex. The girl will pay attention to the young man, possibly. Waiting for a date or interesting ohm.
  • 6 - Meeting with an old friend, from which there has been no Westa for a long time. It is possible to repeat the event from the past or the return of old problems.
  • 7 - An unfavorable day that threatens gadgetting apathy, poor mood and minor difficulties.

Fortune telling on love

You need to write out your own personal data (name, patronymic and surname) and information about the beloved. Choose letters that meet more than once, and look at how much coincide. Example:

Ivanova Maria Alexandrovna

O - 2, and - 2, p - 2, in - 3, a - 6, n - 2.

Petrov Alexey Vladimirovich

O - 2, and - 2, p - 2, in - 3, a - 2, e - 3, l - 2.

In the example, 5 pairs of letters coincided. So, the result is 5.

Interpretation of the obtained values \u200b\u200bof fortune telling for love:

  • 1 - In a pair, everyone thinks only about his own well-being. If you find the strength to refuse egoism, the Union will be durable and full of love.
  • 2 - Disappointment in a partner in the future maybe it has already happened. Do not hold on to the past, much has changed from the moment of oaths with a person. Probably, the girl grew out of relationships.
  • 3 - Real mutual love, the ability to jointly overcome difficulties. You can not be afraid of rivals and quarrels.
  • 4 - Relationships are not bad, but often arises quarrels for minor reasons. You should be tolerant, learn to find compromises and look at the situation from the beloved.
  • 5 - The girl is forced to give way to a partner and sacrifice its own interests.
  • 6 - Doubting dominates in relationships. If the situation suits the partner, everything is in order, but if not, you need to search for a compromise and provide your favorite more freedom.
  • 7 or 9 - Love and harmony reign in relationships. Family families are obtained from such pairs.
  • 8 - Harmony and mutual understanding reigns between partners. And without divination, the girl knows that the beloved corresponds to expectations, and the relationship is almost perfect.

Fortune telling on a guy

To find out that a certain young man will need a piece of paper into a cell and pen or pencil. Draw on a lean-handed heart leaf. Image dimensions do not matter. Gently delete all the whole cells inside the heart. Calculate unlocked cells, the number of which will indicate the secret sense of man. If the number of cells is double-digit, fold 2 digits together.


  • 0 or 9 -if the girl has crossed out all the cells, the guy loves, it will be likely to invite to a date soon.
  • 1 - There was 1 cell unlocked - the young man himself does not understand what feels in relation to the gadget. The guy is not sure of the feelings, he needed time to figure out the feelings.
  • 2 - It does not like to love, but you can become good friends thanks to the common interests and compatibility of characters.
  • 3 - The guy is experiencing sympathy, but excessive shyness does not allow to confess the feelings.
  • 4 - The object is responsible for reciprocity, heavily jealous of the general ohm.
  • 5 - The image of a girl often visits his thoughts, the guy loves and dreams of inviting on a date.
  • 6 - Full indifference.
  • 7 - A young man is interested in another girl. If you are guessing with whom they meet, an opponent appeared.
  • 8 - It is easy to conquer the guy's sympathy, but the Union will be unhappy and will only bring problems.

Foreign in drawings

The fortune telling will give exact answers to the questions, will tell if the desire will come true and how soon.

Take 10 identical leaves, each draw 1 out of 10 s: girl, fence, river, flower, tree, bird, cat, house, door and man. Fold paper 2 times and thoroughly mixed.

You need to pull at random one of the drawings. The symbol depicted on the note will tell about the future.

Interpretation of drawings on paper:

  • Girl - symbolizes overestimated expectations and requirements. If you temper the dust, the desire will soon be fulfilled. It is that surrounded by the enemy: caution is needed in statements, you should not trust anyone.
  • Man - Symbol of security and security. The desire will certainly be fulfilled, however, with the help of another person.
  • Picture birds Indicates flight fantasies. A desire can be done if the girl will make every effort. It is impossible to turn in the clouds and hope for a happy chance, and you should take a situation in your own hands.
  • Fence He says everything will be fine. Problems are solved, obstacles will be overcome. It is impossible to refuse to help friends who are very worried.
  • Form tree- Financial turmoil. Do not make unnecessary purchases and enter into dubious transactions. The desire will not come true.
  • House- Symbol of care and support of relatives. With their help, it will be possible to make a desire. If the dream concerns the field of family or at home, 100% will come true.
  • Cat- Soon the black strip will begin. The image speaks about the winner of the victor from a difficult situation, although something has to be sacrificed. The desire will not be prior to reality.
  • Flower -that clouds are condensed. Some event cool will change the life forever. There will be an opponent on the private front. Not everything is so bad: the symbol can denote a large amount. With due luck, a desire will be fulfilled.
  • River - A quick journey or meeting someone from afar. Perhaps ohm with a foreigner. To make a desire, you will have to try, but everything will turn out.
  • a door - symbol of new perspectives. With due activity, many doors will open. The desire will be fulfilled on the condition that the girl will be ahead of competitors.

Divination on paper on the narrowed

The fortune telling will help learn how guys are appreciated. We will need a piece of paper, better in the cage, and the handle.

NO PEEKING! Otherwise, the whole interest will disappear. This is a very fascinating test. Try to answer him. Before starting to answer questions, prepare a handle and paper. When you read the question, immediately write down the answer to it.

Do not forget, you need to answer all the ten questions before you continue reading the test. NO PEEKING!

Read the following questions, imagine answers in mind and write down the first thing that will come to your mind. Do not think about the answers through CHUR for a long time.

1. You are somewhat (one). You walk in the forest. Who are you walking with?

2. You deepen into the forest. Do you see the beast? What is this beast?

3. What happens between you and the beast?

5. Does your dream house fence come down?

6. You enter the house and go to the dining room, where you see a dining table. Observe what you see on the table and near him.

7. You leave the house through the dark movement, the cup is in the grass. What is it made from?

8. What do you do with a cup?

9. Do you come to the border of possessions, and suddenly see that you are standing at the edge of the reservoir? What is this reservoir?

10. How do you run through the reservoir?

This is a relative psychological test. Your answers to the questions shed light on our values \u200b\u200band ideals, which are available in our personal life.

1. The person with whom you go are most responsible for you in your life.

2. The beast size imagines your perception of your trouble.

3. The way you are acting when meeting with animals, imagines how you solve your trouble (passively / hostile)

4. The size of the house shows the degree of your zeal to solve your trouble.

5. No fence shows on your openness. You are invariably happy to people. If there is a fence, it says about the closedness of character. You prefer, so that people did not come to you, without preventing you about it.

6. If the food, people or flowers are not mentioned in your response, then, in most cases, you are not so glad.

7. The strength of the material from which the cup is made, displays how you accept your relationship with the person you indicated in the answer number 1. For example, foam, plastic, paper - disposable materials. Metal and plastic - more durable materials.

8. What you do with a cup, shows how you do with a person mentioned in the first answer.

9. The size of the reservoir imagines your sexual thirst.

10. How very much you wake, shows the relative importance of sex life for you.

"So simple!" Prepared for you today is very entertaining, which will help to figure it out and start understanding your inner world.

Prepare a piece of paper and handle. First you need to carefully read the questions and give a written answer on them. Try to give an answer as quickly as possible.

Write or even draw the first thing that will come to your mind. If you answer them immediately and without thinking, you will be able to establish contact with your subconscious.

Psychological test


  1. You go with someone in the forest. Who is it?
  2. You walk in the forest and see the animal. What is this beast?
  3. What happens after you met with him eyes?
  4. You go deeper into the forest and see the glade. Before you there is a house of your dreams. Describe its size.
  5. Is there a fence around him?
  6. You enter the house and go to the dining room. Then you see the dinner table. What is on him and around it?
  7. You go through the back door and you see a glass or a cup lying straight on the grass. What material is the container?
  8. What do you do with her?
  9. You go to the end of the clearing, in the middle of which is the house. There is a reservoir. What is this reservoir?
  10. How are you going to cross the water to move on?

The answers of those these questions demonstrate your values \u200b\u200band ideals.


  1. The man with whom you are going is the most important person in your life.
  2. The size of the imaginary animal is actually the size of your internal problems. The greater the animal, the hardest you live.
  3. The way you react to an unexpected meeting in the forest is the most characteristic way to solve problems (aggressive, passive).
  4. The size of your dream house is the size of your ambitions. If he is too big, you may have you high expectations from life.
  5. The absence of a fence says that you are open and internally free person. If he is, it means you appreciate your personal space and wait for others.
  6. If there is no food, flowers or people near the table or near him, then you are most likely deeply unhappy.
  7. The strength and durability of the material from which the container is made is how durable and strong you perceive your family relationship. Disposable plastic or paper cup? Glass?

    Most likely, you are anxious for the future of your family. If the container was metallic or porcelain, it means that you have nothing to worry about.

  8. Your deed characterizes the attitude towards a person from the issue number 1.
  9. The size of the reservoir is the size of your sexual appetite.
  10. The more "wet" way of movement you choose, the greater the importance in your life has sex.

This test can be repeated again and again with a difference in a few days. So you can trace how yours is changing emotional condition from day to day. This test must be taken away. Advice to his friends!

So, test 1.
Found a very interesting test. This is from the discharge of psychological and entertainment tests (someone may be familiar with cocous?). Before starting to answer questions, prepare a handle and paper. As soon as you read the question, immediately write down the answer to it.

Remember, you need to answer all the ten questions before you continue reading the test. NO PEEKING!
Read the following questions, imagine answers in mind and write down the first thing that will come to your mind. Do not think about answers too long.

1. You are not one (one). You walk in the forest. Who are you walking with?

2. You deepen into the forest. Do you see the beast? What is this beast?

3. What happens between you and the beast?

5. Did your dream of the fence?

6. You enter the house and go to the dining room, where you see a dining table. Describe what you see on the table and around it.

7. You leave the house through a black move, the cup is lying in the grass. What is it made from?

8. What do you do with a cup?

9. Do you come to the border of possessions, and suddenly see that you are standing at the edge of the reservoir? What is this reservoir?

10. How do you run through the reservoir?

Test analysis:

1. The person with whom you go most important to you in your life.

2. The size of the beast presents your perception of the scale of your problems.

3. The way you act when meeting with animals represents how you solve your problems (passively / aggressively)

4. The size of the house indicates the degree of your desire to solve your problems.

5. No fence indicates your openness. You are always welcome to people. If there is a fence, it indicates the closeness of character. You prefer people to do not come to you without warning you about it.

6. If your response is not mentioned in food, people, or flowers, then, usually, you are not so happy.

7. The strength of the material from which the cup is made, displays how you perceive your relationship with a person you indicated in the answer number 1. For example, foam plastic, plastic, paper - disposable materials. Metal and plastic - more durable materials.

8. What you do with a cup indicates how you do with a person mentioned in the first answer.

9. The size of the reservoir represents the degree of your sexual desire.

10. The way, how much you wake, indicates the relative importance of sex life for you.

The most important thing is to remember that the test is relative, because the main interpretation is yours (your associations for each subject, an event that means some animals, items, items).
So it is still important to independent analysis

Test 2.

Imagine that in front of you on the table is an egg. It can be any shape, color or size color. Suddenly you break it up. What is this egg?

1. Snake egg
2. Turtle egg
3. Dinosaur egg
4. Chicken egg


In addition, in the fact that the eggs are an excellent source of protein, they still symbolize future generations and your own children. The type of egg is of particular importance in the sense of your hopes and desires regarding your own children.

1. Snake egg. Snake symbolizes wisdom and hidden wealth, and you most want your children to have these things. Keep balanced views of the future and remember that most of all your children will want simple love from you.
2. Turtle egg. Turtle - a generally accepted symbol of health and longevity. Your main desire is your children healthy and physically strong.
3. Dinosaur egg. You most want your children to grow and become unique personalities. You do not want them to pass through the stamps of society. They will definitely make mistakes; You just hope that their mistakes will be original. This is an excellent goal, but remember that one of the first steps that children make in the direction of independence is a riot against parents.
4. Chicken. You have no stormy fantasies and ambitions about children. If they are happy, then what else matters? Confidence in the tomorrow and simple joys of ordinary life is enough. Only a practical advice: there is nothing wrong to dream of a large one.

By survey I see that the topic of love relationship is interested. So, I found a test on the topic, and on the summer mood. Help yourself! eight)

1. Walking around the countryside, you stumble on the field, where the delicious strawberry is growing: LOVE. Your stomach begins to grab loudly, and around - no one. Only a fence separates you from a free dessert. How high is the fence?
2. You make your way to the garden and treat with berries. How many berries are you eaten?
3. The farmer unexpectedly appears: IDEA: whose berries are you stealing, and begins to shout at you. What do you say in your defense?
4. After everything has been said and done, what kind of berries seemed to taste? And looking back on the past, how did you feel after the adventure with theft of berries ended?


The way you presented a script will help to understand your attitude towards forbidden novels and stolend of love: Oops :.

1. The height of the fence - determines your own level of self-control and temptation resistance. The higher the fence - the better your defense. For those who said that only wire was stretched at the knee level, the risk of burning in the flame of love is much higher than the average.
2. The number of stolen berries is the number of people in which you think you can be in love (or passionately wishing) at the same time. If you said that they stopped after one berry was set, then most likely in love life you are also honest. If they reached two-digit numbers - think, maybe you should slow down?
3. The excuses to which you resorted - what way would you defend if you were caught in infidelity. So what were your excuses?
4. How did you describe your experience and taste of berries, indicates what your feelings will arise when you look back to the past love adventure.

Everyone would like to know the secrets of his character and see himself from. The best way to self-knowledge is a psychological projecting drawing, which will reflect all the features of your personality.

When we do something, what we do not think about, the result shows not a logical, but the emotional side of the brain. Our experiences, joy, anger and everything else can break through unconsciously projected on paper.

To go through the following test, you need privacy. No one should distract you from the process. Take paper sheet, preferably A4, handle or pencil. Divide the sheet to the same four parts and number them so that it looks like this:

The final preparation of the sheet will look like:

  • in the first sector, draw a point in the middle
  • in the second sector, draw a small square or rectangle
  • in the third sector there should be something similar to the "\u003d" sign
  • the fourth sector remains empty

You should have something similar:

So, free your thoughts, there will be no difficult tasks - draw only what has come to mind immediately.

In the first three sectors, just try what you want. Draw what you feel without thinking. No need to draw something complicated - spend about 10 seconds to the sector. After that, go to the last task.

In the fourth sector, draw a boat that sails on the waves. The drawing should also be primitive - also do not waste long time.

Decoding drawings

Sector first

This sector depicts your closed or openness. If there are round figures in this sector, then you are closed personality. The same applies to, for example, drawn spiral leading to the center (point). If you just drew a lot of points, then you are very sociable and open. Roughly speaking, the more items you inflicted, the better. The exception is only circles. They should be as small as possible.

Sector second

This sector shows your kindness and responsiveness as well as level egoism. You can consider yourself a kind person, if what you painted, in any way connected to the original rectangle. The smaller the square of contact, the more selfish. Open people often paint the wall, which speaks of their aimed at the company and the team. Many draw a house, which is also very good. If your drawing does not touch the rectangle, then this suggests that you need to think about - perhaps you are an egoist.

Sector Third

This sector will show how much you think successful or successful at the opposite sex - can you easily communicate and flirt. Dorivovka elements should be as little as possible and they should not touch the sign equally (so most calls it). People who are satisfied with their relationship with the opposite sex, usually draw a smiling smiley, so that something like "\u003d)". Worst of all, if the drawing is symmetrical and strongly chopped - this is an indicator of your insecurity in communicating with the opposite sex.

Fourth sector

Everything is extremely simple. This sector shows you what you are in love and B. relationships. If the sea was restless, then you prefer a dynamic love that breaks his head. If the sea is calm, then love for you is a calm, warmth and only pleasant, ordered emotions. As for the boat itself, it is necessary to pay attention to whether it is difficult to draw, as well as what happens around it. Any excesses like sails or people (about which there was not a speech), stars, livestock, moon, the sun - talk about your romanticity. If nothing is it, then you are hard with character, and the romance is alien to you.

Thus, the simplest test can show every person his true face. Psychological tests of the individual of this kind are the most accurate, since the subject does not need to think - only the emotional part of the brain drives them. We wish you good luck, and do not forget to click on the buttons and


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