What properties has a stone. Magic stones and their properties

What properties has a stone. Magic stones and their properties

Since ancient times, a person's connection is known with nature and with a stone, as an integral part of it. Stones and minerals are not only amazing nature gifts and decorations. Stones possess powerful healing and magical properties. People have always treated the mighty and mysterious forces of precious stones. The strength of the stone or mineral affects a person as a whole and separately to certain organs. The correctly selected stone helps heal from a number of parables. Each stone has only inherent properties and is some kind of protection for a person.

Stones and minerals are very responsive to the behavior of a person, and sometimes offended, and in response to injustice, stones can even change their painting. To any stone you need to treat with a care. Stone must love. The stone should be for a person something special, extraordinary, close and expensive. To the stone you need to treat with due respect and then it will repay and show all its magical and healing properties.

Worship and mythology

It is difficult to say when the cult of worship of stones appeared, although, no doubt, it was the time of faith in the miraculous forces of nature, the emergence of numerous types of religious rituals. Fragments of stones who worshiped ancient people were scattered almost all over the world. For example, Mengira is a complex of megaliths in Karnak (South Brittany), bed-like stones, which are built from boulders, delivered to each other in such a way that the slightest touch of them makes them sigher. Greeks and Latinians called them alive stones. According to the ancient legends, on the ancient Motherland of Russia, in Arctic, on the top of one Mount, the priest named Geranda built a temple in which the sacred book of Russia was kept, which lay on a richly decorated sanctuary in the form of an unusually shining stone.

The evidence of the worship of the stones is both in Christianity, in such names as the shelter's rock, on which the Church of Christ should be founded, the cornerstone, rejected by its builders, the Rush of David, another name - belt stone, Moria Mountain, on which the Altar of the King Temple built Solomon, White Stone Revelation.

Mythology also contains many stories about magic rings and gems-talismans. Plato in his book "State" describes a ring that makes the owner invisible if you turn the stone inside. Thanks to this magical ring, the shepherd Hiez took the throne of Lydia. Cornelius Agrippa mentioned the seven wonderful rings donated by the Indian Prince, who extended the life of Apollonium to 130 years. Each of the seven rings contained a stone that corresponded to the nature of one of the seven ruling planets. Apollonium changed the rings every day, thereby defending himself from the influence of planets, from diseases and death.

And in our time there is a beautiful stone, migrated to metal, can wear several generations of one family. Together with beauty, he will symbolize the continuity of generations, keep the memory of the loved ones who went into the world another.

Since ancient times, people believed in the magic force of the Black Stone. In the Arab books about the stones he was honored as a divine. And today, a stone from the Kaab temple in Mecca is surrounded by many legends. Every year numerous beddings are sent to it. They are involved in ritual processions, touch black stone, believe that the forces in it will move to them. There is a legend that at first this stone was white and very bright, so it could be seen in many days of the path before arriving in Mecca. But over time, he spun from the tears of pilgrims and sins of the whole world.

Features of treatment

Many millennia stones consider not only the subjects of worship, miraculous talismans, but also indispensable drugs even with very serious illnesses. People believe that the miraculous magical and healing properties of the stone will increase if the stone is not just wearing as an amulet, but take it inside as a powder. Treatment with stones and minerals is one of the methods of Indian Ayurvedic healer. Nowadays, we reiterate therapeutic properties of stones and minerals.

Stones usually refer to an integral part of inanimate nature. It is generally accepted the fact that minerals are born, then subjected to various changes, turning into other minerals and rocks, have their fate. A large amount of energy absorbs the crystallization process - the birth of a crystal. Minerals, precious stones and metals are the condensate of the energy that can be used as healing power. This was written about this, they used in their medical practice Avicenna, Al-Biruni, Paracels, Slavic People's Lekari.

With direct contact of a person with a stone, the energy spreads by it affects the body, cells and fabrics. The energy exchange of minerals with the environment also occurs, a variety of energy vibrations appear, which depend on the stone's energy industry. Between the stone and the human body arises with interchange information and energy.

There are data that indicate the mutual influence of human and stone fields, about the so-called "pollution" of the crystals of the energy fields of people in contact with them (in particular, the decorations that were purchased from others). Only after cleaning with its Ayurvedic methods, you can establish a link between the stone with the new owner. Also there is also an alignment of the electrical potential of acupuncture points when wearing properly selected gemstones.

In Indian books on medicine dated about 100 g. e., the stones were considered an effective magical and healing agent. So, the Indians wore stones in accordance with the month of birth:

January - grenade
February - Amethyst
March - Aquamarin
April - Almaz.
May - Emerald
June - Pearls
July - Turquoise
August - Sardoniks
September - sapphire
October - opal, tourmaline
November - Topaz
December - turquoise

How to choose a stone

The magical properties of a stone or mineral is largely determined by its purity and integrity. Stones with cracks, defects, bubbles, turbulent areas increase negative qualities. In order for the effect of stone or mineral to be tangible, it is necessary to pay attention to the choice of one or another stone. It should be borne in mind how the stone fell to the owner. Stone stones can bring huge misfortunes. If the stone is bought, then he enters into force only a few years later. Faster the whole stone will show their healing and magical properties if you were presented or he moved into the inheritance.

So that the stone really brought good luck and health, you need to choose it right.

How to choose a stone that is suitable for you? Choose those stones and minerals that you instinctively like. It is believed that the language of jewels and stones is a language of feelings. Your stone is the one that you would like to touch, would like to wear, such a color, forms that stimulates the reaction in you, the need to take it in hand.

Only a certain stone can give you energy, influence what is happening in your life in a certain period of time. But next year everything can completely change. Today you are attracted to the green stone, because you need to rest, equilibrium. A week later, the stone of the revolving red color will help you.

When the stone will perform his "work", you need to thank it. Do not regret, you can borrow it or give someone who needs it now.

When choosing a stone, try to feel his magic energy with your own hands. To do this, hold your palms horizontally over different stones for a while and try to feel the difference in their "vibrations". You can also shake hands to excite natural electrical charges in stones. First of all, trust your instinctive reaction. Only when the stone will cause approval in you, you seem to hear his response, take it yourself. And he will be more valuable for you than the one you choose by following someone's advice.

Anyone may have a completely acquitted question: how to find out if the stone is suitable for me, and what is better to do, so that the stone really showed his magical and healing properties? In this case, do the following.

To check whether the stone is suitable for you, you need to put it under the pillow before bed. If you will dream of scary dreams at night, nightmares, then, alas, this stone is not yours. If the dreams are calm and joyful, boldly use this stone as a guard, amulet, etc.

How to use

So, the right chosen by you the stone will guard you, take care of your health. It is better that the stones give you to you, and not you bought them yourself, since the purchased stones acquire their strength only a few years after the acquisition, but sometimes they can become effective in the next generation.

Magic and healing stones properties can be used in several ways. List some of them.

Stone amulet. Be sure to wear it on the body. At midnight, after you got a stone, read the following words above it: "As at midnight, the moon is shining in the sky, my amulet will keep me with such a power. Up all the evil spells, induced me! " In no case cannot lose the amulet, otherwise the person who found him may cause evil.

Clamp with stone. If the clamp gave you a loved one, the spell must say exactly. The spell is as follows. Exactly at midnight to light two candles and speak the following words over the stone: "Strength in a stone is stored, she protects human life, turns black thoughts. Stone-stone, to protect my (my) favorite (beloved) about the human evil eye! " If it is a clamp with a stone of your zodiac sign, then his power will double.

Stone necklace. It should be read over this plot at midnight with lit candles: "Stones around will be a friend. The neck is wicked by cover protective, no crumidity will be missed inside. Save and save, Lord, my favorite (beloved) from the evil eye of the worm, from the evil eye is unkind! Amen!" Do not let anyone measure your necklace to anyone - in this case, the conspiracy force will disappear, the re-conspiracy will not give any effect. If you yourself decided to buy a necklace yourself, be sure to sanctify it in the church.

Pendant with stone. Pronounces a conspiracy with the one who presented. It is necessary to send a pendant in the sun at the dawn and read the following conspiracy: "Sun ascending strength, go to the stone of the earth and give him a light power! Let the energy of the Sun, prisoner, reflects the blows of crumphous, returns in the triple volume! Amen!" If you yourself bought a pendant, sanctify it in the church.

Ring with stone. A donated ring should be put on a finger and say the following spell: "From the finger to the finger on the hand, the light is warm, the light of the gracious. Flying on the body live strength. Keep me from dead strength. Amen!" You bought the ring should be consecrated in the church.

Brooch with a stone. They do the same as with a pendant.

Stones bracelet. Above the presented bracelet at midnight with a lit candlelight, say the following conspiracy: "There is a hand to hand to hand, the cover is invisible, heating the soul with the warmth of the earth, protect against black cold! Amen!"

So that the stone showed his magical and healing properties, it, firstly, can be worn in the form of jewelry, secondly, you can put under the pillow or pocket, apply to the patient or, thirdly, in a calm, quiet atmosphere to hold in hand at least 5 minutes.

Some think that if they buy a stone that corresponds to their birth, and will always wear it with them, they will become supermen, suddenly get rich or become the most happy in the world. Dangerous error!

We must act for themselves, so that the stones be able to help us. The process of their help is long, thin, it goes gradually, from the inside.

What are the stones

Healing, as well as the magical properties of stones are based on the fact that the stones have vampirism - the ability to pull out, take energy from all the lives. There are stones that are pulled out of man all the forces without exception, making it weak, powerless, depriving life energy and the desire to live.

Another group of stones are those that absorb only negative energy, these stones are used for treatment.

The third group of stones are those that are donors. The donor stones restore the life forces of a person, feed it with energy, give force, give a person for a person or other qualities.

The very bad glory among the stones is a vampire stone opal. It is believed that he brings misfortune to his owner. It emits black energy that can bring a person to depression and even suicide. Mages argue that opal contains a destructive fluid, it attracts everything negative to himself. This stone promises bankruptcy, divorce, treason.

Amethyst is considered a stone of love inconstancy. It is not recommended to give and wear young girls, so as not to bring the treason of fans. In the XIX century, Amethyst was even called the stone of old bachelors and fiber.

Opinion of alternative medicine

From the century a century the role of stone increased. Stone is considered a talisman, and a healer. A large role is played by means cooked on the basis of precious stones in Vedic medicine. They are treated with diseases that are caused by impaired functions in the body. Gemstones in Vedic medicine were used after grinding them into a very fine powder. It was believed that the healing force of such a drug was intensified after adding honey to it.

In Ayurvedic medicine, nine precious stones are used for therapeutic purposes: a diamond, ruby, pearls, coral, emerald, carbuncoon, topaz, cat eye, onyx. Used magic and healing properties of stones and in ancient Chinese medicine. Haldia, Babylonian and Assyrians believed in the power of talismans and amulets, which can save a person from all kinds of dangers. In the Medicine Guide, Papyrus Ebers, written in Ancient Egypt More than 3,500 years ago, the magical power of talismans and amulets was described, detailed prescriptions of drugs and methods of treating precious stones were given. The famous connoisseur of healing stones was King Solomon. Jews in ancient times the solemn vestment of the priest decorated Euphud - an elegant chest shield. It was naked in four rows of stones three in each. Euphond, in their opinion, contributed to the compound of Aaron with the power of God.

Tibetan lekari also used the healing and magical power of stones and minerals. In the treatise "Chjud-Shi", which combined the centuries-old experience of Tibetan drugs, recorded: "There is a Palace, built of five jewels in the abode of Rishi in the city of Ata-Nu-Sdug. This palace is decorated with medicinal precious stones of different types. These precious stones pacify 404 diseases ... About the Great Rishis, listen! I'll tell you about the compositions of the jewelry, about these kings of soothing funds. Decoctions, powders, healing oils And otherwise, with frequent use, cease to cope with diseases, and then resort to drugs from jewels that suppress deviations in the action of soothing, they are treated with all 404 blood diseases, bile, mucus and winds, ulcers, heads, torso and limbs ... "

As medicinal raw materials from "Jewels", Tibetan Lekari used gold, turquoise, pearls, emerald, copper, corals, mercury, etc. In the treatises on medicine they were attributed to medical properties, for example: antitoxic, ability to prolong life neutralizing and dehydrating.

Just like medications from the "stones", Tibetan doctors used different seriters, rudronic minerals, field spat, sulfur salt and sodium chloride salts, malachite, stalactites, etc. Tibetan shekari, also used Selitra, soda in their drugs, aluminum alums , Gypsum, glandist Ohru et al. In the Treatise "Chjud-Shi" 58 different means of minerals are listed, which were contained in the form of components in drugs appointed during inflammatory and nervous diseases.

In the same treatise, the magic and healing properties of some gems, namely:
"Turquoise treats poisoning and heat liver. Pearl stops the brain expiration, helps with poisoning. The same properties have a mother of pearl. Corals treat heat liver, heat vessels and heat poisoning. Lazurist treats poisoning. Gypsum treats the heat of the bones. Cynicar connects the vessels and spongy bone. The carnelian contributes to the growth of meat on the wounds. Malachite, the protection of red and blue treats eye disease, the heat of the bones. Spate stops diarrhea, treats the heat of mucus. Lime removes the mucous fall on the walls of the stomach. The magnet pulls the tips of the arrows (from the RAS), treats the disease of the brain, bones and vessels. "

In Russia, the first descriptions of the magical and healing properties of stones are contained in the Svyatoslav flavor (1073). Here you can read that the stones can cure snakes and scorpions from the bites, save from poison and evil spirits. Rusichi thought, for example, that Topaz - pacifier, Beryl - supports friendship and love, Amethyst - protects from drunkenness, and pearls - promotes longevity and is a happy talisman.

Many stones considered talismans that are protected from diseases, accidents that bring good luck and happiness: "Through the warrior that stone diamond on the left side is either in weapons or in other payments, then it happens from its sacuost and from any liqueie and The spirits are unclean. "

In our time, in many countries of the world, interest in alternative medicine has increased dramatically. This is due to the fact that too often you have to hear the verdict from the doctors: "Medicine is powerless."

Russia also has many fans of stones and minerals who are trying to explore their healing properties. Lithotherapy offices are open ("cast" - stone), which are engaged in the treatment of minerals and metal therapy.

Not all of us feel healing flows of crystals, at the same time their presence is still valid, as they charge the space of energy, similar to negative ionization. The energy of stones not only neutralizes negative vibrations, but also contributes to the harmonization of energy oscillations.

Magic stones

To use all the magic and healing properties of stones, there are certain rules for handling stones.

Crystals and stones that you have should always be in sight, do not hide them into dark boxes. Stones, for example, love to be on the windowsill, on the shelves, on the tables, on prayer altars, etc.
- If you want to take stones on the road, it is best to wrap them with some kind of natural fabric - satin, silk, velvet, cotton to not damage.
- Crystals and stones can be worn as jewels, which helps to preserve mental purity, emotional balance.

Wearing stones as amulets or jewels - one of the most accessible and most effective ways to use the healing properties of stones.

In ancient Egypt, in China, the states of Inca stones were wore on separate fingers in order to connect different streams of energies and affect the vital activity of the body.
- Dancers put on the navel dark red stones, in particular rubies, in order to increase the sexual interest of the audience.
- Stones placed on the third eye helped ascetas in contact with God.
- Necklace of stones that we wear on your chest, can stimulate heart chakra, cause love and sympathy.
- Stones that are suspended in the ear of the ear, activate the reflex points, thereby affecting the parts of the body associated with them.
- When wearing stones, their energy interacts with the human biopole, strengthens it, dispels emotional and mental stresses. But not always precious stones can be carried in direct contact with the skin, especially in those areas of the body, where there are foci of the disease.
- Crystals and stones, which are presented with love, become "love crystals" that are charged by the power of healing. Before you give a crystal, attach it to your heart and wish your favorite man of harmony, good and happiness.
- Crystals and stones can be placed in ointment and to massage oil, it will improve the action of the massage.
- Crystals and stones in the treatment perceive the vibrations of patients. After each use of stones, they must be cleaned. Cleaning crystals from all accumulated vibrations should be carried out if you bought them or decided to give. In this case, cleaning will help the crystal easier to accept the new owner. The most effective way is to immerse the crystal in sea water no less than 3 hours. It is best to carry out this procedure 36 hours.
- If a person is very sick, lurking or not able to take an active part in healing, this leads to the fact that the stones are depleted by their vitality, and before re-use should be cleaned and reloaded by energy. Exhausted stones lose their radiation, become dull and muddy.

How to return the magic and healing stones

One of the easiest ways to clean the stones is to use the reviving properties of water and the sun. Stones and crystals need to be rinsed under running water, and then placed in the sun at least for 30 minutes, then wipe with a clean white cotton cloth. It is better if the stones are washed into the sea, a lake, a stream. In this case, after immersing the stone in the water, it is necessary to keep it, not letting it fall on the bottom, without looking at, remove and pour into the water again. Finally, the stone is removed from the water in 10-15 minutes.
- For thorough cleaning and recharging, stones use a friend of pure quartz and 4 single quartz crystals from which the cross is laid around the dubs. Stones can be left on the friends of anything for a long time, but not less than 3 hours.
- Treatment with stones requires constant concentration. It is necessary to develop the vision of the third eye to feel the aura, the chakras system and vibration of thinner energies. You need to be able to feel the moment when the patient is not able to take the energy of the highest frequencies in his aura.

Healing properties

Stones are often used to treat many diseases. The healing properties of stones are very effective and especially often used for massage and meditation.

Healing massage stones

There is a whole science of medicine - Stoneherapy, which is the treatment of stones. The most common way to use magic and healing properties of stones is a massage.

To do this, you will need a polished and faceted stone, having one rounded side, better if it is a stone quite large. It is recommended to even fulfill such to order.

Before touching a stone to the human body, you should warm the stone in your hands. First, work slowly, do not press the stone on the body, push the pressure gradually, trying not to cause pain to the patient. Gradually, the stone will become hot, and your movements are faster. Thanks to this, the energy of the stone will penetrate into the patient, helping him to relax. We can use some oil with such a massage.

The final result of the massage depends not only on the energy of the stone, but also from the energy emanating from you, as well as the patient's energy. Therefore, the patient should relax as it should relax. Your movements should be slow and confident, and your energy should be directed through the hands into the crystal. Think that the stone helps relieve the tension and set the harmony of thinking, body and soul. As a result of massage, the patient relaxes, charging with energy, as well as you and the patient acquire a feeling of purity and peace.

How to use the healing properties of meditation stones

Meditation is penetrating inwards to calm down, relieve stress. With the help of meditation, a person can understand the reasons for his condition, which, in turn, will help to establish harmony in the shower. When this harmony is reached, a person will be able to look at the world in a new way, on the people around him and himself.

Stones have long been applied to meditation. The purpose of their use is help with immersion in meditative condition and deepening it. In turn, it is a meditative state that helps to fully experience the energy that the stone has, and absorb her. Thus, meditation is a deeper stage of communication with a crystal.

What kind of stone is better to choose for meditation? First of all, it is, of course, a stone of your birth, since it is he who can give you strong energy. But also can also be used quartz minerals (crystalline quartz, amethyst, rutile quartz, smoky quartz, citrine, etc.), and also recently used Obsidian and amber. Only the stone with which you feel calm, protected, and is most suitable for meditation.

In addition, the choice of stone can be due to the type of meditation. Some people need to completely disconnect to get to the depths of their consciousness. Other just enough to get rid of stress and relax. Therefore, stones with high energy and power are suitable for active forms of meditation, such as copper stones.

It is not necessary to continue to work only with one crystal, you can change it as you received the beneficial effects of its energy, and also if you need another type of energy for other purposes.

Now that you have chosen a stone, let's start meditation. Sit calm and convenient, so that nothing bothered you. Place the crystal opposite yourself so that it is at eye level. It would be nice if the rays of the sun fall on the stone, as they enhance energy entering your consciousness. Now concentrate on the stone, feel how his energy slowly flows into you. You will feel that the crystal soothes your mind, body, soul, gives you a new feeling of life and even eternity. When you feel it, your consciousness is connected with the soul and go into a meditative state.

Method of quick immersion in meditative condition. Take a stone in your hands and place it on the open palms. Hands put on your knees. Concentrate on the crystal and its energy. You can now feel the heat of the crystal, its energy that passes into you and soothes you, but now it will happen much faster, and the energy in this case will increase and penetrate deeper than in the previous example. Thus, you will gain a deeper meditative condition. Sitting with a mineral in his hands, look at him, feel His presence with all the body, and then the energy of it and the color will completely imply you.

It should be remembered that energy cannot instantly penetrate you, it is important that it reaches the very depths of your soul. Therefore, spend so much time to the meditation as needed. Only then can you break through the stress constraints and nervous stress, and your consciousness will reach the highest point of relaxation. And the crystal will help you with this.

It is not so easy to achieve meditation states, it requires strength, patience and time. But the result will exceed all your expectations, as he resembles the salary of the soul and very soothes.

Stones can teach you to meditate more deeply and successfully, since the thin energy of crystals allows you to communicate with the subtle energies of consciousness.

As one or another crystal does a human crystal in meditation, it is difficult to predict, but one thing is clear: any stone contributes to spiritual growth.

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The art of diseases of diseases with the help of minerals in the history of mankind has very deep roots. It was associated with the centers of human culture in Persia, Ancient Egypt, Arabia, neighboring Asia, China and India, and originated in Paleolith. In the ancient treatments (from those who have reached before us), the influence of precious stones on human well-being or those or other diseases or psyche is almost always discussed. Information about healing minerals can be found from Egyptian papyrus of the period of the ancient kingdom. Precious stones and x therapeutic properties were described in the time of antiquity of Herodotus, Pliny Senior and Plutarch.

Later, the Christian church authorities began to consider the echoes of paganism in healing with the help of minerals. There was an attempt to limit their list of "12 stones mentioned in the Bible, decorated by Aaron's forever and followed by the biblical high priests-preachers. Now it is believed that these 12 minerals consisted of: jasper, agate, emerald, amethyst, turquoise, grenade, jade, lazurite, onyx, chrysolite, carnelian and amber. Despite this belief that other stones also have therapeutic properties, gained their development and strengthened in the Middle Ages. Texts of some lapidaries of that time resembled a kind of mineralogical hospitality benefits. For example, the essay of Jacob Maidenbach 1491 "Health Garden".

Interest of doctors and researchers of past centuries to therapeutic stones as "potential to healers" is logical and completely understood. Against the background of sufficiently limited ideas of those times about the physiology and anatomy of the human body and rather strange in terms of modern pharmacology of the medical system, minerals made a magical impression of owners of mysterious higher forces. Then it is not surprising that the long loop myths and legends about its healing properties stretches for each type of gemstone in human history.

IN modern time With our powerfully developed pharmaceutical, the rich arsenal of the pharmaceuticals, the action of which is based on a strict scientific basis, interest in the therapeutic properties of minerals is not only not ugas, but with a new force revived at the end of the 20th century. At the same time, attention is attracted not to the role of certain mineral chemical compounds and trace elements in metabolic processes, and the bevel therapeutic properties of substances with a unique crystalline structure (the structure of stone crystals). At first, it is rather strange, since no mineral is used by biological organisms, in its immediate crystalline state. In addition, the crystals sometimes act negatively on live cells. It is enough to recall the acute silicosis "mining disease", which occurs when in light quartz crystals.

Basics of mineral pressure

Lithotherapy is a fairly common term in popular literature to describe the section of medicine concerning the minerals of their properties, their crystalline form and other physical characteristics. However, it would be more correct to apply the term "mineral pressure", since, in contrast to the word "stone", the term "mineral" has a clear definition: this is a chemical resulting from natural physicochemical processes with a certain crystal lattice, chemical and physical properties. Mineral Pharmacy is part of medical mineralogy, which studies therapeutic properties of minerals and the possibility of their use as medicines.

In some cases, it can be reasonably talking about a completely natural-based therapeutic properties of some minerals. For example, some carnelians have weakly pronounced radioactivity, and the stimulating effect of mini-doses of radiation in biology and medicine is well studied. Modern science is told that in the overwhelming majority we can only talk about "mineralopsychotherapy". The positive effect of treatment is achieved only due to faith in the medical force of the crystal or stone, which performs the role of placebo (from Lat. Placebo - "like"). Placebo in medicine is called such a type of treatment, which is used due to its psycho-physiological effect on the patient's body, some kind of symptom defined or a specific type of illness.

Many underestimate such effects in therapy. They can be very noticeable. May you know that the authoritative international bibliographic reference book "CURRENT CONTENS" cites several dozen scientific articles a week on the topic "Placebo". You can also recall the words of the famous American healer of the end of the XIXV. QuiMby: "The success of treatment depends on the faith of the patient for a doctor and into the medical agent, and not from what medicine." Similarly, the famous Russian doctor V. Bekhterev writes: "Self-pressure, it is included in the field of consciousness not through the front porch (in contrast to the belief), but through the back (bypassing the strip of critic). Therefore, any self-sustainment (positive and negative) is allocating. "

Many lithotherapeuts write that crystals are poured by sources of special fields and "vibrations", which due to the effect of resonance is able to influence the functioning of cells and organs of the human body. Unfortunately, modern chemistry, physics and medical sciences have been accumulated so far enough data allowing the very existence of these phenomena.

Characteristics of minerals

The site where you are in, contains an image of more than 150 semi-precious and precious stones and minerals, about the magical and therapeutic properties of which you can find a mention in world literature. Here you will meet such famous stones as Emerald or Aquamarine. Jewelery Crystals of Emerald and Aquamarine you will definitely find in any serious jewelry store. But there is also a description of such rarely occurring minerals as titanium or apophyllite. Such samples are stored in geological collections of museums, specialized stores and mineralogical assemblies of collectors. All representatives of both mentioned groups, regardless of market value, unites one quality - they are minerals.

Professional geologists or hemologists can perform a description of each mineral. It consists of a long list of such properties as: scope (the ability of the mineral to split according to certain crystallographic directions), the color of the line (color of the line, which remains with the scratching mineral on a cheated chorcelain) and others. Total properties about 14.

Apply only after a lithotherapist consultation!

Posted to treat information about the magical and therapeutic properties of minerals as interesting facts, gradually described in world culture for a sufficiently long period of time.

If we are talking about mineral pressureherapy (lithotherapy), then only contact (or non-contact) their impact on the human body is meant. But still, to this method of therapy, it is necessary to relate both to drug treatment, it must be a controlled specialist - a lithotherapist (preferably with higher medical education).

Methods of lithotherapy - how to choose a healing mineral?

The recipe for choices is very simple: it is necessary to find out what kind of mineral is about everything is suitable for the treatment of a particular disease or system of organs. Next, purchase the required crystal, decoration, a mineral sample, a massage ball or a pyramid and start using in everyday life. Some freedom of choosing the healing stone will always be. What do you think it is better: beads or a simple pyramid, a ring with a polished or faceted stone or a beautiful pendant with therapeutic mineral? The advice is very simple. Mineral and product from it should like you, you must experience positive emotions holding it in your hands or looking at him. This feeling of a certain "positive empathy" is a reliable guarantor of good treatment. If a stone's specially selected under you does not affect the thin strings of your soul, leaves you indifferent, it is likely to abandon its use.

How to use therapeutic stones

The easiest way to use therapeutic stones is to make a decoration, charm or amulet based on them. It will remain only regularly wearing a product and sometimes rinsed with a flowing water (it is believed that the negative "information layers" are accumulated during use). It should also be remembered about the "Effect of addiction" - he "erases" the sensations that you receive from the medical product, these sensations with the time "faded". In physiology, the mechanism is well known, due to which the human nervous system begins to react to regular irritation of weak intensity. As over time, we stop hearing a soft clock ticking on the wall, or forget about discomfort from a newly supplied tooth seal, etc. .. In the same way, we can stop notifying the necklace on the neck, the ring on the finger or pendant in the case of constant wearing.

So that the healing properties of the healing stone have not lost over time, it is useful to regularly "talk" with him, as if to "communicate." It is enough to once a day mentally contact your talisman. "Hello how are you?" Try to feel a positive response psychological action and try to consolidate it in your memory. Next time, feel a "therapeutic wave", your amulet will be much easier.

Stone Massage Balls

Stone massage balls are the most simple items that can be used in lithotherapy. A long time ago in China, a body massage practices appeared using Banshi crystals with therapeutic properties. Thus, the minerals carried out acupuncture effect on biologically active points of the body and reflexoterapeutic segments. These therapeutic techniques have been preserved in our time, they are usually engaged in acupuncture specialists or lithotherapists (professionals in minerals treatment). Stone massage balls have a very soft effect on external structures human bodyTherefore, for this treatment technique, there are practically no contraindications (neither absolute or relative).

Small stone balls can be used to affect the acupuncture points of the palm. Typical techniques of work with such balls are quite well known. Usually they are described in the instructions attached to massage balls (can be found in any store selling therapeutic and magical minerals, stones, etc.). What is there to say - a simple rolling of a pair of balls in the palm of the palm of 5-10 minutes can already have some positive effect on the state of health, the overall health or psyche of the individual.

The relatively larger (1 is placed in the palm) Balls are used for back massage, limbs, bodies. In some countries of Southeast Asia, you can find stone devices in shape resembling ordinary pebbles.

Therapeutic stone pyramids

Today, quite extensive literature is devoted to the unusual properties of structures with a pyramidal form. The pyramids cause close attention to themselves, which led to the appearance of so-called "healing pyramids" in the spifological stores, they are made of certain stones, minerals, "for every color and taste." Usually they are made of suitable stones of suitable hardness (adventurine, rhinestone, agate, nephritis, amazonite, rhodonite, kakholong or seraphinite). It is very important that the mineral saves its original crystal structure in the manufacture of a pyramid. A mansion in this regard are amber pyramids, they are usually made by pressing amber crumbs.

Use pyramids in lithotherapy in several different ways. They are useful in meditation (the pyramid is kept in the palms at the level of the chakra, with which it is necessary to carry out work, the breath is complete, uniform, eyes are closed, to concentrate their consciousness on the pyramid, it is possible to present it as an information and energy center or channel, communication with the universe , Channel of the connection of your body with a lifeful space energy. The duration of the procedure varies - from five minutes to an hour. It is recommended that 2-3 times a week to conduct such meditations in the fresh air, you can also in the room where nothing distracts your attention. Also therapeutic pyramids can be Apply to a particular part of the body, in the lying (half-sidia) position. The muscles are as relaxed as much as possible, the hands are freely stretched along the body. Try to imagine that with the help of a pyramid from you are pulled out and remove all negative layers, all dirt, the body becomes easier, Mind free from fears and excitement.

Mineral (stone) cylinders

In specialized stores on trade in therapeutic and magical minerals, as well as various products, you can encounter mineral cylinders (with harmony cylinders). They can have a certain energy impact on the human body as a whole, and on individual organs and tissues. In contrast to these cylinders, the so-called pharaoh cylinders are functioning on galvanic and magneto effects.

Typically, 2 cylinders are used, one is made from the "Yinsky" mineral, the other is turned out of the "Yansky". For example, a pair of jade shungite, there are other similar combinations from minerals. The size of the cylinders from 10-15 cm in length, 3-4 cm in width.

When using a person usually sits with a straight back and closed eyes. Ying cylinder he holds in his left hand, Jansky - in the right. Hands with cylinders loose freely on their knees, the cylinders themselves are vertical. You can carry out the procedure lying. It is recommended to concentrate thoughts on their feelings and send positive impulses mentally to the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected organ. A positive feature of the faithful procedure is considered to be a feeling of warmth, which is bottled throughout the body from the palms, some "ripple" in hand, or a small tingling in the brushes.

The course of treatment usually lasts about two weeks. Sessions are recommended 2 times a day - in the mornings and evenings. The duration of the initial sessions is about 5 minutes, the ultimate - 15 minutes and more. Before the start of the session, an internal desire to heal is very important.

Medical crystals

We can also work with therapeutic crystals, as with the harmonic cylinders. The difference is that the crystal is kept dominant hand (in the right - for the right-handers, left - for left-hander). You can also use a couple of about identical crystals of a certain mineral. And similarly work with both hands.

Mineral-based healing water

Mineral water with therapeutic properties can be prepared in the following ways. Water can be skipped through the filter, which contains mineral particles. So use various options Zeolites and quartz, Shungit. Also, the mineral can be lowered into water at a certain time (from several hours to several days). After such water, you can drink on an empty stomach of small sips overnight, in the morning or before meals (you can generally at will). It is necessary to know exactly that mineral used by this method is not soluble in water.

Lithotherapy implies energy-information, and not chemical-pharmacological impact on the human body. Water may have a complex structure of the orientation of molecules, this property determines the ability to store the traces of other molecules in contact with it, as well as minerals with it. Based on this, it can be argued that water molecules may be a kind of "mediators" for the transfer of medical information to the human body.

In both cases, it is better to use a standing water 20-25 degree temperatures, and ideally - water from the spring. Can use bottled water from plastic bottles For drinking.

As is usually very important, a general positive attitude to healing. It is very helpful to think that your body is filled with something good, positive (along with water), duma how water displaces the negative energy-information traces of the environment from you.

Therapeutic effect of small doses of radiation

Chernelic (and a number of other minerals), have the property of weak radioactive radiation. With this property of such minerals, their therapeutic effect is associated.

The fact that radiation may have a healing or stimulating effect, at first it seems a bit strange. Radioactive radiation has always been associated with damage, danger and tumor-type diseases. In practice, radiation really has many bad effects, but it is typical for large doses of radiation. It should be remembered that radiation is everywhere only its background is negligible.

About 30,000 radioactive bismuth atoms, radon, polonium and lead come into human lungs every day. With each meal in the human intestine, about 7,000 radioactive uranium atoms fall. Against this background, a variety of organisms gradually developed their own protective mechanisms from the effects of this kind. Based on the scientific data of the late 20th century, it became clear that small doses of radiation increase the rate of metabolism in cells and stimulate the synthesis of DNA.

You can talk about the positive common-muling effect of small doses of radiation. It is manifested in various organizational levels - from individual cells to whole enzymatic systems and systems of plant animals. It is proved that irradiation with small doses of animals radiation - stimulates immunity (specific and nonspecific factors).

Radiation can damage biological macromolecules, which leads to the formation of free radicals - highly active fragments of macromolecules, which, in turn, cause a spontaneous mechanism for generating free radicals from a number of arranged molecules. However, the presence of these radicals is a prerequisite for the flow of many intracellular reactions. It can be said that small doses of radiation are taking into the preparation of "raw materials" necessary for them.

The stimulating effect of small doses of radiation to the immune system is also possible to explain. The immune system can distinguish its own proteins from alien. As a result of radioactive irradiation, some of the intracellular proteins are modified, damage to the protein-labels of the immune system. For the immune system, the situation is equivalent to the massive appearance of a plurality of alien proteins in the body. What leads to a sharp increase in the activity of the immune system. Any other concomitant effects (an increase in life expectancy, etc.) - the consequence of the intensive work of the immune and other organism systems.

To remember that not all samples of a certain mineral have an equal degree of radioactivity (among the same carnelians there are more "silent" stones). Another important condition - do not wear a radioactive product all the time, take it to use it.

Contraindications for the use of minerals

In lithotherapy there is a narrow range of relative contraindications to use (as in any other area of \u200b\u200bmedicine).

Pregnant women (unreliable) throughout the expansion of the fetus (doubtful). It is not recommended to apply lithotherapy methods to patients with acute inflammatory disease and hypertensive (also doubtful). However, it is not necessary to use minerals when the acute states are equipped with a very high temperature, an acute abdominal pain, heart or critical blood pressure (in these cases it is better to use the services of a Urgent doctor or the service of ambulance services). Recently suffered heart attack or stroke, sharp angina also require constant medical control. It is unacceptable to replace completely lithotherapy treatment of classical medicine oncological diseases.

Medical minerals and zodiac signs

In a long time ago, people noticed how the moon in the process of movement in the night sky consistently passes through the fixed combinations of visible stars (constellations), moreover, this phase of the moon is visible in a fixed section of the sky (in each period of any year). Since the moon shines with the light reflected from the Sun, then on the position in the hosquel of the full moon it is possible to determine the sun path among the constellations. Another 2nd century. BC The path of the main celestial luminaire was well known for Greek scientists (hypoche). The ecliptic of the Sun (the line of his movement in the sky) was divided into twelve segments according to the number of zodiac months a year. All sectors corresponding to 30 ° Ecliptic was assigned a sign of the nearest constellation. These constellations (except for weights) depict people, mythical creatures or animals, because the totality of sectors in the sky, uniting the constellation data, was called the zodiac around the zodiac (from Greek. Zodiakos Kyklos - "Circle of Beasts"). The starting point is the position of the Sun during the Spring Equinox (March 22).

If a person says: "I am Scorpio," having in mind the signs of the zodiac, he says that during his birth the sun in the zodiac circle was in the Scorpio sector.

The constellation of the zodiac earlier than others were isolated by ancient people among many stars of the night sky. It is not surprising that with each of them their legends, myths and legends are connected. And there is no arbitrariness a long time ago with natural minerals (and precious stones) with appropriate Zodiac signs. There are several classifications in total. Next is the most common.

Aquarius (21.01-20.02)

azurist, Aquamarine, Amethyst, Ametrin, Angelit, Pomegranate, Quartz, Morion, Neptune, Obsidian, Pearl, Pink Quartz, Khaliotis, Chrysoprase, Zircon

Fish (21.02-20.03)

aquamarine, Aragonitis, Berman, Wovel, Gagat, Hyalit, Demantidoid, Emerald, Coral, Lunar Stone, Neptune, Opal, Ortoklaz, Peridot, Pearl, Tsavorite, Haliotis, Chrysolit

Aries (21.03-20.04)

diamond, Bovenit, Rhinestone, Kyanit, Moldavit, Tectite, Zircon

Taurus (21.04-20.05)

avanturin, Agat, Alexandrit, Amazonit, Turquoise, Bovenit, Kakholong, Kyanit, Malachit, Rutile Quartz, Chrysocolla

Gemini (21.05-21.06)

agat, Amethyst, Ametrin, Beryl, Bovenit, Heliodor, Cat Eye, Morganite, Rhodonite, Rhodotrozit, Rutile Quartz, Chernelic, Tiger Eye, Cellitt, Citrine, Charoit, Epidot

Cancer (22.06-22.07)

avenue, Aquamarine, Berman, Hematitis, Emerald, Demantidid, Dioptaz, Pearls, Lunar Stone, Moldavit, Ortoklaz, Tectite, Tsavorite, Chrysoberill

Lion (07/23-23.08)

letter, Heliodor, Mountain Crystal, Dravit, Obsidian, Pillow, Rodin, Ruby, Tourmaline, Uvarovit, Spinel, Amber

Virgo (24.08-23.09)

avenue, Heliotrop, Rhinestone, Jadeit, Snake, Cat Eye, Nephritis, Onyx, Sardonix, Cherdonik, Tiger Eye, Evdalitis, Jasper

Scales (09/24-23.10)

azurist, Aquamarine, Amethyst, Angelit, Bovenit, Kyanit, Coniculcitis, Lepidolit, Malachit, Muskovet, Nephritis, Rodonit, Rhodotrozit, Rubel

Scorpio (24.10-22.11)

aktinolitolitolitis, Alexandrit, Apatit, Beryl, Gagat, Hematitis, Pomegranate, Zmeevik, Kuncit, Morganit, Topaz, Unakit

Sagittarius (23.11-21.12)

alexandrite, Turquoise, Diamonds Herrmeyer, Vesuvian, Helitrope, Dravit, Nazulit, Lazurit, Obsidian, Pillow, Rhodolite, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Uvarovit, Chalcedony, Chrysocolla, Cellitt

Capricorn (22.12-20.01)

almanandin, Vesuvian, led, Gagat, Dravit, Smoky Quartz, Obsidian, Tears Apache, Tourmaline

Healing Minerals and Chakras

In many Eastern cultures, seven chakras are the most important active centers of the human body. According to one ideas, they consist of blood and lymphatic vessels, nerve components, etc. in other, chakras are not material, and energy-information centers in the human body. Chakras can be called batteries or prana generators, qi (ki). All chakras correspond to their own frequencies, colors, tastes, etc. For example, the wavelength of a certain color or sounds of sound oscillations of a special mantra. It is believed that the lower chakras (1-3) meet the low frequencies of the Earth, the upper (4-7) high-frequency cosmic oscillations. Healers of ancient India were able to influence chakras with precious stones (they meet certain vibration frequencies, etc.). The technique of ancient Eastern healers (harmonizing) is radically different from Western astrological recommendations (strengthening the already strongly pronounced individuals). Often, people do not even suspect that the cause of their malaise is an incorrectly chosen decoration from some kind of mineral.

Sahasrara (Dark)

agat, Diamond, Anhydrite, Apophyllitis, Brazilianit, Rhinestone, Danbrit, Pearls, Iolite, Calcite, Kakholong, Quartz, Keanit, Cryd, Moldavit, Morion, Favorite, Skapolith, Stiboli, Tectite, Topaz, Fenakit, Fluoritis, Chrysocolla , Cerussite, Zircon, Charoit

Ajna (frontal)

agat, Azurist, Amethyst, Benititis, Wulfenit, Iolite, Quartz, Lepiddolit, Malachite, Sapphire, Cherdelik, Smitstonit, Tanzanit, Fluoritis

Vishudha (throat)

agat, Azurist, Aquaaueri, Aquamarine, Alabaster, Amazonit, Angelit, Apatit, Turquoise, Diamonds Herrmeyer, Variscite, Verdreten, Hesonit, Dravit, Dumöriteritis, Pearls, Keanit, Covelitis, Conikalcitis, Coral, Cornewpin, Cat Eye, Cryd, Petersite, Smitstonitis, Sodalit, Strololit, Stiblit, Chalacedon, Charoit, Amber

Anahata (Cardiac)

avanturin, Agat, Aktinolitolitis, Alexandrit, Almanandin, Amazonit, Andalusite, Apophillis, Berman, Berill, Bovenit, Brazilian, Diamonds Herrmeyer, Vanadinitis, Variscite, Vesuvian, Vivian, Vivianit, Heliodor, Heliotrop, Govlit, Danbrit, Diopsyda, Dioptaz, Jadeitis , Kiteevik, Emerald, Calcite, Cornewpin, Lepidolit, Moonstone, Kyanit, Kuncit, Coupling, Malachite, Morganit, Nephritis, Pirot, Pipe, Rhodonite, Rhodohotite, Rose Quartz, Rhodicolite, Rubel, Ruby, Sagilitis, Serafinit, Stiblit, Tsavorite , Unakit, Chrysoberill, Chrysoprase, Charoit, Zeisite, Evdalyt

Manipura (solar plexus)

agat, Apatite, Benititis, Beryl, Wovel, Vulfenit, Gagat, Heliodor, Ghetit, Jadeit, Snake, Calcite, Flint, Buy, Labrador, Malachite, Morganite, Nephritis, Onyx, Peridot, Predit, Rodonit, Rutile Quartz, Sardonix, Scapololi , Strololit, Tiger Eye, Chrysolite, Cerussite, Citrine, Epidot

Svaadhisthana (PUP)

agat, Almandine, Ametrin, Anhydrite, Hematitis, Heliotrop, Coccock, Ruby, Spinel, Tsitrine

Molandhara (sacral)

agat, Aktinolitolitolitis, Gagat, Hematite, Govlit, Pomegranate, Smoky Quartz, Kyanit, Coupling, Moldavit, Neptune, Obsidian, Petrified Wood, Rubellit, Tears Apache, Steatitis, Tectitite, Cerussit

Organs and diseases (and other processes) in which stones can have a positive healing effect

alcohol addiction

dewmiterit, buy, Iola


hesonit, Granat


coral, Chrysocolla


gheet, cat eye, rebates




amazonite, fossil wood, scapolith, cat eye, Labrador


alabaster, Lazurit, Peridot, Sapphire, Apophyllitis, Vanadinit, Coral, Shungitis

athonian intestine

cellitt, Zircon

calcium balance


berman, Labrador, Jadeit, Curont

downtry fears



amethyst, Turquoise, Emerald, Berman, Lazurit, Ruby, Sapphire, Sodalit, Topaz, Cersures, Zircon, Tsavorite, Tourmaline


back pain

sapphire, Beryl, Morganite


calcite, cat eye

bronchial asthma

tiger eye, cat eye, ceruss




adamite, Angelit, Aquaauerite, buy

viral diseases

red Agat.

sore throat


inflammation of the gums

inflammation of the joints

ruby, Agalmatolitolitolitolitolitol, Berman, Shungitis

inflammatory processes

onyx, Almanandin, Amber

selective system

pink Quartz

hair loss




aMETRIN, Tsitrin


genetic diseases



gynecological diseases

vulfenit, Morganit, Beryl, Versted, Chrysocolla


azurist, Pearls



apophyllit, Malachite, Opal, Verified, Klindogumit, Zircon

eye diseases

lapis, scapolol, emerald, chrysoprase




rhinestone, Fan, Alabaster, Turquoise, Dutyerite, Snake, Coral, Uvarovit, Charoit, Saglitis, Carolics, Skapolite, Amber


apatit, turquoise


aquaaueri, Angelit, Agat, Adamite, Apatit, Covelit, Smits

hormonal Balance

anhydritis, Herrmeer Diamonds

mountain disease

fungal diseases


rib cage

blood pressure

lazulit, obsidian, dolomite, peridot, sapphire, peop, scapolit


vivianit, Onyx, Diamonds Herrmeyer, Rutile Quartz, Tears Apache, Ruby, Chalcedony


avenue, Serlenic


covelit, Crit, Iolite, Stiblit


emerald, Bovenit, Flint




fossil wood, actinolitis, pink quartz




calcite, Danbrit, Topaz


vulfeniet, jade, aquamarine, obsidian, spinel, tears of apucha, jasper

gastrointestinal diseases

kaholong, flint


ametrin, Gagat.

healing Ran.

lazurit, Avenant, Smithsonitis




grenade, carnelian, hessonit, zircon


govlit, Neptune, Aquamarine, Amber



nazulit, Obsidian, Seafnating, Benititis, Pomegranate, Predit, Rhodolite, Rutile Quartz, Smits, Strololit, Tourmaline, Saglitis, Carolick, Tears Apache, Charoit, Spinel, Epidot

innervation organs



dioptaz, Morion.

bacterial infections

agat, opal

ischemic disease



lepidolit, steatit

stones in the kidneys




obsidian, gheette, tears of apaches

cell metabolism

kIANIT, Sodalit

skin Covers

alabaster, Amazonit, Aquamarine, Aragonit, Vesuvian, Coniculcitis, Tanzanit, Pomegranate, Demantidoid, Tourmaline

bone marrow

pink Quartz


blood vessels

buy, Uvarovit, Anhydrite, Chrysoberill


benititis, Wovel, Alexandrite, Hematite

bleeding gums


anhydrite, Argillitis, Heliotrop, Avenant, Almanandin, Diopsyda, Coral, Pillow, Fluoritis, Chrysoberill, Rhodolite, Rubel, Tourmaline, Spinel

circulatory ceremony

carnelian, amethyst, chrysoprase


feline eye


diopsyda, Calcite, Quartz, Adamite, Aquamarine, Uvarovit

lymphatic system

pink Quartz, Smitsonitis

affective insanity



menstrual cycle

buy, pearls, chrysocolla


lazurit, Sagilite


myoma uterus

smoky quartz




moonstone, Emerald, Curont

urinary Channels

moon rock

muscular clamps


obsessive fears


drug addiction

dewmiterit, Morion.



beryl, Morganit


lepidolit, sapphire


pearls, Variscite, Chalcedony


nervous system

variscite, Hyalit, Alexandrite, Pink Quartz

nervous tension

aquamarine, Ametrin, Kuncite, Nephritis, Amazonit, Amethyst, Chalcedony

nervous disorders

grossulus, orthoclasia

nonspecific stability





almanandin, Coral, Moldavit, Morganit, Andalusite, Beryl, Chrysoprase


emerald, Shungit

oncological diseases

covelit, amber


demantoid, Covelitis, Peridot, Azurist, Turquoise, Rhodotrozit, Skapolith, Evdialyt, Epidot, Amber, Tanzanit, Tsavorite, Uvarovit, Believe, Yashma

respiratory system

hesonit, Yellow Agat, Avenant, Apatit, Pomegranate, Rhodolite, Rutile Quartz

digestive organs

hesonit, Sardonix, Sodalit, Rhodolite, Epidot

head organs

covelit, Onyx, Adamite, Uvarovit





moon rock

cleaning and disinfection of water

cleaning blood

heliotrope, Vertict, Alexandrite, Rhodotrozit


petersite, Tectite


pressure drops

tsavorite, Chrysolit, Jadeit, amber


vulfenit, Heliodor, Aquamarine, Hematite, Danbrit, Calcite, Topaz, Tourmaline, Charoit, Nazulit, Rhodonite, Zircon


aMETRIN, Tsitrin


benititis, Rhodolith



gagat, Predit


alexandrite, Calcite, Malachite, Heliodor, Evdialit


morion, Ruby, Tanzanit, Peridot, Chrysolit

post-traumatic rehabilitation


agat, Hematitis, Onyx, Almanandin, Variscite, Spinel

loss of appetite



moonstone, calcite, hematite, pearls, obsidian, rebate, tears of apaches, carnelian, charoit



overcoming karma


smoky quartz


beryl, Peridot, Tanzanit, Morganit, Topaz


mental disorders



emerald, Tiger Eye, Aragonit, Shungitis

radiation defeat


steatitis, Lazurit, Shungitis


feline eye, amazonite, chrysoprase

tissue regeneration

argillitis, led, Almanandin, Malachite, Sardonix, Topaz, Serafinit, Spinel



dNA Reparation


reproductive function

venid, Unakit


kakholong, Almanandin, Pillow

oral cavity

combining warts



heliodor, Hematitis, Alexandrite, Calcite, Malachit, Topaz, Sardonix, Amber

the cardiovascular system

alexandrit, Dioptaz, Avenant, Dolomite, Red Agat, Coral, Pink Quartz



a heart

amazonite, Bovenit, Adamite, Vivianit, Jadeit, Malachit, Nephritis, Charoit, Zeisite, Sapphire, Smits, Amber

morfan syndrome



reduced pressure

avenue, Diopsyda, Tsavorite, Gagat, Chrysoprase


battle of bones

zmeevik, Azurist, Sardonix

stabilization of pressure


rutile Quartz


aquaaueri, Diamonds Herrmeyer, Azurit, Heliotrop, Govlit, Diopsyda, Smoky Quartz, Kuncit, Mountain Crystal, Danbrit, Moldavit, Onyx, Topaz, Fluoritis, Strololit, Tiger Eye, Chrysoprase


gagat, Goetite



feline eye


gravity in the legs

improving well-being


blood sugar level

strengthening metabolic processes

strengthening energy

ammolit, Tectite

physical activity


chronic diseases



argillit, Vesuvian


aMETRIN, Tsitrin



turquoise, blue agate, apatite, coral, lazulit, carnelian, chrysocolla, penetrate, amber



enamel teeth


emotional stability

aktinolitolitis, Lepidolit

endocrine glands

verify, Red Agat, Adamit, Muskovit, Sardonix, Petersite


moonstone, Ruby, Azurit, Fluoritis


malachite, clinogumite, opal

skin ulcers

It is believed that all stones and minerals have mysterious properties. We, people, for a long time known. Each of them, if used with knowledge, can become a person an excellent talisman or even a faith. You just need to know which stone is yours and has exactly such properties as you want from it.

Characteristics of mineral stones

It is known that the stones are not indifferent to the floor of its owner. There are stones that are suitable for women, and there are those that are suitable for men. Men's stones brightly shine and have warm shadesAnd women have colder tones and are not very glittering. If a woman will wear decorations with male stones, they will not bring good benefits and can even harm and, on the contrary, women's stones are absolutely not suitable for male nature.

It is also known that the stones that were acquired by theft or deception will not bring anything good to their owner. They can only harm the attacker owner. Since it is long known that stones are in themselves information both negative and positive. It can also be said that just bought stones begin to show their magic after only a few years. If the stone got to you inheritance or someone gave it to you, then it wears positive emotions And help you in life as charging and luck will always be accompanied in your life.

When choosing a stone, you also need to know which one suits you by the sign of the zodiac. After all, each zodiac has its own character and temper. But the knowledge of only the sign of the zodiac is not enough. The owner must feel his stone. If it seems to you that your stone at least somehow burdening you or has a negative reaction, then this is not your stone. You need to find others that are suitable for you. In the ancient times, stones were used even in treating diseases. Therefore, it is very important to find that stone that is suitable for you, which will be able to bring well-being, good luck and happiness to your life, will be a talisman and faith for you.

A person has always treated the magic properties of stones with some crudeness and respect. He always knew that stones and minerals had magic that some of them were even able to change their color to the mood of the owner or if their owners threaten danger. Stones and minerals should not only be precious ornaments, but they also need to love and carefully treat them. Defect or stones with cracks keep negative energy And they will not bring due pacification and peace. Magic stones have long been known to man and, if you use it with the mind, it will be much more benefit from it than you think.

Currently, we know thousands different species stones and minerals. Properly selected stone will help reveal to man spiritually, It can reveal all the good qualities that his owner possesses. Some of them bring good luck and well-being, other wealth and peace, others - protect from the evil eye or can even remove it, the fourths bring happiness to your hearth. Of course, all the magical properties of stones are not listed, but below we will try to give the characteristic most popular and affordable of them.

Mineral Stones: Magical Properties

Red stones

  1. Aventurine It is an opaque mineral and a red-brown, green or pink shade. Avenant called "Love Stone". He is also it is a symbol of happiness and a pledge of good mood. Ancient people believed that the Avanturine helps in healing and treating the Russian Academy of Sciences, and also strengthens the vision and mind, helps to open creative parts.
  2. Garnet Red brings happiness and love in the house. This is a stone of passionate and active natures. The magic of the grenade gives its owner the source of additional energy. If your life proceeds rapidly or in it a lot of events and incidents, then this stone is indispensable as an additional "charging". Passive people are not recommended to wear this stone, as it will only suppress such a person. Green - helps stabilize the hearth in the house.
  3. - The leader's stone is a man who leads other people, as it is able to endow it with additional energy. People who are passive, as well as having heart problems are not recommended to wear it. Also he is an excellent guard For its owner, as it has the ability to change the color from red to dark red and even gray, foreshadowing the threat that hung over its owner. It is believed that Ruby is a stone of love and passion that is able to ignite the passion between a man and a woman.

People are familiar with precious stones for many centuries. They used them not only as decorations, but also as charms and amulets that defended their owner from an evil look and saved him from ailments. Each stone requires an attentive relationship, because it has a strong energy. Therefore, it is so important to figure out the magic properties of stones and minerals.

In nature, there is a huge amount of diverse natural stones, the properties of each of which are unique. Some gems have a lot of useful properties and are considered strong, from the point of view of magic. Magic properties of stones and minerals are large and different. As an example, you can familiarize yourself with the characteristic of three popular gems.

There is a large number of versions regarding the name of Agat. According to one, this stone got its name through the translation from Greek. According to some people, they call it so because in antiquity Agat was mined from the Ahates River in Sicily. Today, agate and its types are called Sardonix, Carneol Sardonix, Nerachite Onyx, Arabian Onyx, Dendritic Stone, Latcher, Sovic Eye.

The magical properties of Agata were known in Ancient Egypt. Then people saved with him from a thunderstorm. In Rome, people believed that if you jump small balls from agate to the ground, you can improve yield.

Depending on the color of agate, it may exhibit different magic power:

Agate helps to find inner harmony and peace, eliminating emotional and psychological stress, develop intellectual abilities and improve attentiveness.

This gem is recommended for the removal of internal stress, as it guarantees a sense of security and confidence. The most positive effects of agate can receive people born under the signs of the Taurus, Aquarius, Cancer, Scales and Gemini.

This stone is considered a patron saint of strong, decisive and decent people. It may not be worn. To a greater extent, it is suitable for majestic and royal people emitting good and generosity. Evil people who have bad intentions and unclean conscience will not cope with the bright energy of the diamond, and therefore all their lies and the essence will soon be revealed.

Diamond is known for various magical manifestations, including:

Diamond symbolizes the solar principle, so it is best suited to people born under the elements of fire - Aries, lions and the archers who have the greatest susceptibility to the energy of this gem and have the opportunity to fully disclose its abilities and benefit.

To enhance immunity, producing energy and manifestation of volitional qualities and creative potential, such a mineral is recommended to wear wearing weights and water collections.

The name of this gentle takes its beginning in ancient Greece and literally means "nail", because according to legend, onyx originated from Aphrodite nails.

The color of the mineral is diverse, the color palette includes shades from light to dark green. A distinctive feature of this stone is brown, red, black and white stripes.

This stone will help you good, responsive people. His magical strength is aimed at strengthening the leadership qualities and the development of speakers. His owner of the mineral promises to help achieve the desired and call people to listen to his opinion.

Onyx gives his owner stability and confidence. It disciplines and gives motivation to achieve goals. Mineral serves as a magnet for positive energy and allows you to improve the mood and organize active activity.

The main difference of this gem from others is the long period of "ponday". Such a stone does not show its qualities immediately, it begins to actively help his owner only when he moves towards his goal and accepts attempts to something new and useful.

For lazy and apathetic people onyx will be useless.

Black mineral will become an excellent talisman for the Capricorns. The stone contributes to the strengthening of their natural purposefulness. Also, this gem will help to devies, calves, hairdo, weights and water bodies. He gives them luck not only in workers, but also a romantic relationship.

In nature, there is still a huge number of precious stones, the value and properties of which are interesting and diverse. Minerals have a strong energy and affect a person both positively and negatively.

In many ways, the magical and therapeutic strength of the stones is determined by their color:

Precious stones are widely used as talismans and facing. With proper use, the mineral warns about the possible occurrence of negative events and suggests how to avoid them. Gems have the opportunity to darken and change the color, therefore it is necessary to treat the state of their overag with special attention. It is important to carefully study the stones and the meaning of their magic properties.

The article describes the most diverse precious and semi-precious stones and minerals and their effect on the human body, under which diseases one or another crystal is used. Stones are alphabetical.


Avenant, referring to quartz, as a rule, green, with golden flakes (although there are yellow-brown and other colors), gives a thin balanced effect.

It is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system and blood circulation diseases. Well removes increased pressure. Heals bronchitis and colds.

It is well combined with a lapisite in the treatment of fears, anxiety, with red and yellow stones - for removing heart pain and stabilization of pressure.

Cleans the essential, emotional and mental body. Gifters happy and joyful mood, harmonizing body and soul.

Worn in bracelets and earrings. Metal suitable for avanturin - gold and silver.


This is an inhomogeneous chalcedony, which can be star, glaze, cloud, layered, landscaped, rusty, bastion, dairy ... Unusual multi-layered stone gives him a special strength. It is believed that agate not only absorbs negative energy, but also processes it into a positive. However, it must be remembered that it requires great stability from the owner, high spiritual potential, the confidence that you can all overcome. Then Agat becomes a friend, assistant, a powerful defender.

Agat - a strong healer, very rich energy. It is especially good works with the main chakra, harmonizing her vibration.

Agate removes stress, promotes the living speech to flow. Protects children from fear, helps them earlier to start walking.

If the agate is long wearing, it improves eyesight.

Wearing agate on the left hand helps to overcome irritability, removes the headache. In case of diseases of the bronchi, asthma or chronic cough, throat and teeth diseases are recommended to wear agate beads.

Blue agate - a strong healer with osteochondrosis.

Green agate is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Normalizes respiratory system, improves liver and pancreas.

Layer agadas give to keep the patient in hand; Sometimes during the disease, when it suffers thirst, put in the mouth.

By purchasing agate, try to choose a stone with a natural, natural pattern, for the widespread turning was obtained. Agate is well wearing in the form of a culon, bead or rings.


Transparent beryll variety, sea wave or pale green color.

Aquamarine is very useful for sight. Strengthens the nervous system.

Strengthens the kidneys, liver, spleen, thyroid gland, has a light diuretic effect. Heals the diseases of the throat and teeth, the mucous membranes of the mouth, helps with colds and bronchitis. Heals fears. It is well applied to the old wounds.

Cleans the physical body. Harmonizes emotional and mental body, clarifying feelings and thoughts.

This stone is good to use for meditation.

Aquamarine heals the thorny and umbilical chakras.

It is good aquamarine in beads, culs on a silver or gold chain or in a necklace that was imparted in silver.


The variety of chrysoberylla. It has an emerald green color in daylight and purple-red with artificial lighting.

Alexandrite regulates blood formation, cleanses blood and strengthens the vessels. Treats a spleen and pancreas.

It has a positive effect on the nervous system. Balans the mind and emotions. Leads to a spiritual update.

It is useful to give a ring or ring with Alexandrite to a glass with water overnight. In the morning, several sips sprink off from this glan.

At night, Alexandrite works very well with the corona chakra.


Diamond is the highest of stones, so the Greeks called him invincible ("Adamas"). Diamonds of various shades are found: white, black, pink, yellow, brown, blue and greenish. This is the "king of stones", the stone of the Sun, unity and divine purity. It enhances the effect of other stones and have a powerful healing force for the human body and spirit. Almaz strengthens all energy centers.

In the east, the diamond is used as a heart toning. To do this, it must be placed on the night of a glass of water, and the next day all this water has a drink in several techniques.

Diamond protects against diseases of the stomach, helps with nervous and mental illness (schizophrenia, depressions), eliminates insomnia.

Traditionally, Diamond has always considered a male stone. Women could begin to wear a diamond only after 30-35 years, when the family has already been created, children grow up, the wisdom will not succumb to fleeting temptations, and all decisions are taken quietly and thoughtfully. It was believed that this stone was believed to wear this stone, because he, as it would stabilize the processes, slowing them slightly, opposed the introduction of a new one, thereby interferes with pregnancy and makes heavily childbirth. But a diamond with a greenish chip, on the contrary, gives a woman fertility, protects the child in her womb and makes birth easier.

Almond is not suitable for people nervous, impulsive. The stone and its owner in such cases come into martial arts. The diamond opposes the raw rusties, bustle, irritates to the nervousness of a person and begins to energetically defend its rights to stability, forcing the owner to weakness, illness, i.e., to the statics at any cost.

He serves as a worthy owner to overcome enemies. You need to give a diamond with caution - this is the key to love and chastity. Giving it to someone, you take commitment to keep loyalty. Just as one who takes a similar gift. The more diamond, the less he is subject to man.

It is believed that the diamond is afraid of the devil that the diamond is expelled to sins.

If you are convinced that this is your stone, you can take advantage of his magical power to understand your path and overcome obstacles.

To do this, take the shower, put on light clothes, muffle the light, sit comfortably. Diamond Take two hands, enjoy it with beauty, pay praise his brilliance in perfect form. Now attach it to the forehead in the third eye area, close your eyes and focus on thoughts that requires a response. Do not think about anything, take only his advice. Remember that those who do not know how to distract from everyday vigor thoughts, install in peace, contact the diamond is useless and even unsafe. He also does not respond to questions relating to love. Having finished work, thank the stone, wrap it in the dark velvet and let's relax 46 hours.

The diamond must be impeccable quality (without chips, internal cracks and stains), otherwise it can bring trouble.


Amazonite enters the field of field spatts and is usually painted in a bright copper-green color. Sometimes there are bluish-green stones.

Soothes the nervous system, treats vegetative-vascular dystonia. Balances the mental and essential body. Carries the creative beginning. Brings joy and spiritual ascent, facilitates work with its emotions. Amazonite leads to the consonance of all energy centers. This is a very good stone for heart and thorough chakras, as well as organs, related to them. Long wearing amazonite returns youth and improves skin condition.

The stone is well treated arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. To do this, it is useful to massage painful parts of the body with a piece of amazonite.

It helps with violations of the liver function and enhanced peristalsis of the intestine.

Well wearing amazonite beads and pendants in the gold rim.


Amethyst is a purple quartz. Its painting can vary from light-toe-purple. There are pale-reddish stones.

Amethyst strengthens the immune and endocrine system, the nerve diseases treats well, relieves stress. Cleans the blood, heals the diseases of the kidneys and bladder, liver and gallbladder.

Amethyst increases the activity of the brain, pituitary and sishkovoid gland. He treats insomnia and headache arising from excessive nervous tension. For this, the amethyst is put on the third eye area.

His name comes from the Greek word "Amrthystos" - "Not Giving Drinking", it means that the stone helps a passing of addiction to alcohol: drink water infused on amethyst, or put an amethyst on the solar plexus area.

Amethyst contributes to the inner vision, cleaning the chakra of the third eye and the corona chakra, makes the colors of the aura clearer. During meditation, Amethyst helps to achieve peace and relaxation, gives a feeling of peace and contributes to the depth of understanding.

It is well to wear on the neck as beads or necklace and as a pendant on a silver chain or leather lace.

Many artificially synthesized amethyst crystals appeared on sale, which are very difficult to distinguish from natural. Therefore, when buying needs to be asked about the origin of each stone.


From ancient times, people love turquoise and called her a happy stone. The main property of turquoise is to reconcile all hostile, pacify the quarrels, to install the world in everything and to remove the angry anger. It gives prosperity and prosperity. Turquoise is able to love his owner and indulge in him in all matters. However, she has a property to bring happiness only to people who keep moral commandments. Especially does not like turquoise evil and maligative people.

The turquoise serves as a health indicator: if wearing a turquoise decoration will notice that it darkened, is a faithful sign of a starting disease. This feature is laid in the very nature of the stone, it does not endure heating, high humidity, oils of plant origin. The body of a sick man changes the temperature and humidity that captures sensitive turquoise. There is nothing terrible in this, you just need to go to the doctor, check your health, and a painful turquoise can be cured, wrapped in a slice of raw fatty meat.

In addition, this stone brings happiness in love. If the lovers exchanged decorations from turquoise, then one of them can judge the feeling of beloved. If the stone loses its color, dull, then the feeling comes.

Turquoise is a universal healer. But it is especially useful for the eyes (contemplation of turquoise in the morning improves eyesight), heart, lungs, liver, thyroid gland. Turquoise treats colds, angina, influenza, insomnia, arthrosis, rheumatism, diabetes, allergies, skin inflammation and neuropsychiatric diseases. Promotes skin regeneration.

This amazing stone contributes to the awakening of the creative forces, intuition and understanding of the laws of nature. In addition, turquoise is able to protect his friend from the influence of adverse energies, being an excellent faith.

By purchasing turquoise, pay special attention to its quality, since there is a lot of turquoise imitation, synthesized, tinted or glued stones.


Dark gray, black or brown-black, shiny after polishing a stone, or, more precisely, a fossil tree.

Like all black stones, Gagat treats the disease, caused by yin (cold, moisture, expansion), which lead to a decrease in the power of the umbilical chakra and, therefore, to the weakening of the functions of the kidneys, liver, pancreas. Heated, preferably flat stone lay first on the navel region, and then on the sick organ. The whole procedure takes 30-40 minutes.

Gagat, attached to the kidneys, increases blood pressure, and used with a lap (on a throat chakra) reduces it.


It is a green chalcedony with red, as if "bloody" stains. By Papus, this stone is attributed to the sun. Maybe therefore sun rays They are attracted to him especially strongly, which gives him greater energy. This internal energy is used by healers to transfer it to a patient or a depleted person.

Heliotrope stops bleeding, according to Ayurveda, the best blood purity. Helps spiritual education of children.

The stone is a good tool from liver diseases, spleen and anemia. Heals heart disease. It is often used in combination with red stones. With violations of vision and colds, heliotrope helps if it is put on the third eye area.

Heliotrope harmonizes the sacral and heart chakras, sparking together the love emanating from the heart, and sexuality. In addition, strengthens intelligence and endurance.

Heliotrope stimulates the Kundalini movement, and that is why it is necessary to use it in medicinal purposes with extreme caution in order not to burn themselves.

With therapeutic procedures, it is not necessary to pronounce extra words, since it is a stone verbal magic.


Cherry-red or brownish-black Zheleznyak. After polishing, the color of pigeon blood with a metallic tide is acquired. Sometimes it is called "Bed".

The stone activates the spleen, positively affects the circulatory system. M. Dustyev writes that "the bed has once attributed the force to suspend any bleeding." I. Makeev in an interesting book "Mineralogical information about Russian monuments of the XVI-XVIII centuries" leads such a recipe from the ancient Russian hospital: "... The stone is finely pusted and blew with a waterfront (disturbed on rose petals. - Aut.) Yes with the gum , and in that delated pills and emptings, goes to bed, swallow them in one of the spool, and the bloody bleeding will take away. "

Hematite strengthens the physical and essential body. Like Gagat, treats liver disease, kidney and pancreas. Increases stress resistance. Stone can be put on the area of \u200b\u200bthe organs where there are blockage and bad blood circulation. Hematite chakra - root.

Hyacinth (Zircon)

Transparent brilliant stone of yellow-orange, red-orange or raspberry color. Balances the pituitary and bubble gland. It helps with constipation, reduced gastric secretion, intestinal atony, stimulates the liver.

Hyacinth well tones the nervous system, treats insomnia, skin disease. Promotes emotional equilibrium, is a universal healer.

Cleans the whole organism. An analysis of its application showed that it has the same qualities as the diamond.

Overdose lead to reinforced bile production.

Hyacinth - good tool from hallucinations and melancholy. In the old days they said that hyacinth helps women prevent pregnancy. For this, the stone in the heated form is put on the root chakra area by 2.5-3 hours daily for 8-10 days.

This stone activates all chakras, but especially good for the fading chakra. Hyacinth is a stone stone, so it is useful daily for a while put on the solar plexus area.

Fish quarters

These are warm stones, sprouted asbestos crystal needles. They are very beautiful and unusually healing.

Feline eye germinates olive-green or gentle laveavandy needles. Beautiful charm - he keeps love. Many diseases healed, such as ears, eyes, heart, bone system, gynecological diseases, etc.

Falconary eyes germinate with darker, blue-green needles. He keeps a person from evil energies and enemies. Perfectly affects the heart, bones, lungs, nerves and lymphatic system. Good for tired eyes. Very much useful to people working with a computer, and for lovers of teleex.

Tiger eye sprouts rust-red-colored needles. It protects its owner from unreasonable flour of jealousy and from rampant cash spending, helps to notice the details. It is useful for throat, kidneys, stomach and the entire digestive system.

Fine quarters exacerbate intuition and warn about trouble: when the danger is approaching the risk, the eyes are "heavy", interfere, begin to feel on their hands.


Dark red, brown, yellow, brown and other colors transparent stone.

Cleans and tones the systems of digestion, breathing, lymph and blood circulation, the immune system, soothes the nervous system. Stone helps at high temperature, inflammation of the throat and long headaches.

Yellow I. brown colors Grenade have a healing effect for skin diseases, digestion, with constipation and allergies.

According to Ayurveda, the red pomegranate contains "fire" and "land" (treats the endocrine system and digestion), green - "fire" and "air" (treats the endocrine system, blood and lymph circulation, nerves), white - "water" (treats The mucous membranes and diarrhea balances the selection of secretions of the gastric juice and salivary glands).

Pomegranate, especially red, excites sexuality, courage, will, endurance and self-esteem.

Light-affiliated people should avoid this stone. His chakra is root.


Pearls are white, silver-white, cream or bright pink. There are even golden brown and black pearls. Pearls - a symbol of purity and innocence. Calcium carbonate, which is part of pearls, creates a cooling effect, being a source of soothing healing vibrations, leading to the harmonization of the functions of the body.

As the ashes, it is used to purify the stomach and when the intestine inflammation is as inner. It can be used in the treatment of hepatitis and in the presence of stones in the bustling bubble.

In the Middle Ages, the children suffering from the Malokrovius were given to drink milk with a crowded pearl. In case of liver diseases, the solution was drunk in which pearls were boiled.

Pearl contributes to longevity. Pearls - good hemostatic remedy. Therefore, it is used in the form of powders and infusions when bleeding gums, vomiting with blood, blood hemorrhoids.

In order to get charged pearl water, you need four or five small pearls to omit into a glass with water and let it brew overnight. The next morning water can be enjoyed. Pearl water helps with inflammatory processes. It is alkaline and akin to "live water".

The harmonious place for pearls is a ring finger on his right hand.


Emerald is a dense-green, a completely transparent variety of beryl, which is rare and very highly appreciated. The most beautiful and expensive emeralds are mined in Colombia.

Emerald - Mothers and Mattery Mascot. Pregnant women wore emerald amulets, who, after childbirth, they immediately hung up in his cradle. He gives joy and fun, spiritual harmony and hope, victory in battle, tact and generosity, talent and elegance, eloquence without shadow of falsehood and self-esteem, insight. He gives even the ability of foresight.

Mages were used emerald as a truth stone, he was lowered to a vessel with water, where they wanted to see the future, or put on the middle of the table at fortunes and prunes.

Emerald keeps love, he becomes brighter when love flares up in the heart, and splits in violation of the vowiness of loyalty in love. He strengthens memory and holds out the harmful passions. He was lifted by the head of the bed to drive bad dreams and dispel the longing.

Emerald treats heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, nervous system, improves performance.

In case of eye diseases, violations of violations and if very tired eyes, put two stone for 15 minutes. You can apply compresses with emerald water and regularly drink water infused on Emerald.

Pliny Senior wrote about Emerald: "On all other gems only this naughters without silence. Even when the eyes are tired of the closer examination of other items, they rest, being addressed to this stone." Neron, according to legend, looked at the fights of gladiators through the emerald lens.

However, the emerald helps only a pure, spiritually perfect person. He brings a false and evil. Eliphas Levy adds one more condition: so that the emerald manifests itself, the location of the Moon in the horoscope of the one who wears should be favorable. The effect of Emerald reaches the greatest force during the full moon.

In order to strengthen the impact of this stone, it is briefly lowered into red wine. Basically, the ancient healers believed that the green crystal was protecting for the skin: if they were slowly carried out in the face and body, the skin becomes healthy, not being subjected to infections, but it is necessary to do it, standing on a bright illuminated place, not under the right rays of the sun.

Chakra emerald consider heart chakra. Emerald should not be given on occasion, i.e. for birthday, anniversary, etc. It serves as a gift for the service, love or recovery. If you pretend emerald as a sign of appreciation, then it will be the key to good memory and tender friendship.


These are petrified polyps that came to us from the sea.

Coral energy activates metabolism, well affects blood circulation and cardiovascular system, improves memory.

Calcium carbonate contained in corals soothes, relieves irritability. It treats the diseases of the stomach, spleen, intestinal diseases, as well as infectious diseases.

Corals are treated and ulcers, including internal.

If the coral is to wear on the right hand, it cleans blood well. If we have corals on the neck, they will be protected from angina, scarletins and get rid of nervous ticks.

Red corals harmonize the main chakra, pink consonant cardiac chakra.

Lapis lazuli

This is a stone of an extraordinary, shiny-blue. In the fields, it is often found along with Malachite.

Lazurites can open the door to us into the world of spirituality. If during the meditation to put it on the third eye area, lazuli contributes to the deep understanding of the essence of things. Lazuritis enhances the ability to concentrate attention and contributes to more conscious life. He cleans aura from past, already outdated layers.

If a lazurite stone put on a sore place, it helps to remove pain, tension and spasms. It is used with pains in the joints, radiculitis, blood diseases and spine. Lazurit improves pregnancy and prevents miscarriages.

For healing, the stone is useful to combine with pink quartz, amethyst, green adventurine. Specialists of Ayurveda recommend carrying it on the neck in a gold necklace. However, lazurite beads, strung on silk string, help no worse.

Chakra Lazurita - throat.

Moon rock

Blue-silver with gold flicker inside, sometimes it seems to be milky white, sometimes lilac. This stone absorbs the lunar energy, causes dreaminess, ease and tenderness.

He soothes the mind, cools passions and aggressiveness.

He treats the kidneys, bladder and urinary channels, helps with swells and water.

Moonstone is closely connected with human emotions, smoothing emotional tensions. He embodies the positive qualities of the Moon and brings happiness to everyone who does not suffer from painful capriciousness. In the new moon, he cold and shines brighter, at this time the power of the Chaldean magicians, who put it under the tongue before progress. The lunar stone contributes to the development of intuition, imagination and softness.

The lunar stone is well wearing in silver perrsta on a ring finger right or in his pocket opposite the heart. His chakras - heart, throat.


Malachite (Eilat Stone) is a thick-green mineral or light green.

Malachite greatly strengthens human immunity. Helps the work of the pancreas, kidneys and spleen. Normalizes heart activities, reduces blood pressure. It is part of eye ointments in the practice of alternative medicine. Heals the digestive system. Recently, used in the pathology of the joints and the spine.

Malachite cleans the chakras and helps to realize the depressed feelings. It is a common child amulet. His baby hang on the neck to protect against diseases and dangers.

Malachite helps to open a heart and let in him love, compassion and harmony. His chakra is heartfelt.

It is believed that the pendant from malachite in a copper frame cures rheumatism and radiculitis. Malachite with silver works very well.


The color of jade from black and green to almost white. White translucent nephritis is called a greedy. Until now, in China, he is called a bunch of love and believe that the stone of the spirits gives sweet dreams, victory over the dark forces both outside and inside a person, preserves beauty, protects against disease. It is also called "Stone J." - that is, the gossiping, wisdom and modesty.

Nephritis - translated from Spanish means "stone of the belt". The fact is that this stone has an amazing viscosity and holds warmth for a very long time. Therefore, it was heated and used as a heating. Especially good from the kidney disease helps light jade. It is worn throughout the year on the lower back, while chronic pains and other symptoms completely disappear.

The Aztecs considered nephritis sacred, made talismans and masks from it, which not only protected from the troubles, but also allowed to communicate safely with spirits. In China and on Tibet, jade talismans hung on the neck to children to protect them from the disease, and if a difficult thing was to be, then his participants never got without jade rosary.

He was also considered a stone of eternal love. The jade butterfly serves as a pledge of eternal happiness in love. Nephritis has the ability to smooth out the face, so the cosmetologists of antiquity after massage were put on the face of beauties jade plaques. Men preferred to smoke tubes with jade banks, since this stone can neutralize a poisonous smoke. It is known that Genghis Khan refers to jade with great revelation, even his personal printing was performed in the form of jade figures of the lying tiger.

Jade vibrations are harmonious cardiac chakra. It is useful to wear in beads, couches and rings.


This is a volcanic glass of dark gray, gray, less often - yellow, brown or red.

Beneficially affects the stomach and intestines. Increases the energy of the kidneys, stabilizes blood pressure, strengthens immunity.

Easy energy, harmonizing mind and emotions, absorbs bad intentions, so it can be used as an amulet.

If it is constantly worn or meditated with him, obsidian helps a person to realize his weaknesses and shows where the free stream of energy is blocked. The one who is constantly wears obsidian should not be afraid of changes (first of all in itself) and be prepared to take a new look at the world. Chakra Obsidian - Root.


Onyx - a variety of agate with regular stripes various colors. White painting is mixed with layers of ocher color (from light brown to orange shades). There are pink and even black colors.

It is used for diseases of the nervous system, depressions. Good relieves stress. Promotes emotional equilibrium and self-control. Since onyx is very closely associated with matter, it is used for indecisiveness and excessive criminality.

It increases potency, rejuvenates. Well strengthens memory.

Onyks make it easier for pain in the heart. Striped onyxes are especially well removed: they are put on inflamed places and tumors. Onyx also exacerbates hearing, clarifies the mind. Sardonix (onyx with red stripes) stops bleeding.

Onyx marked in silver, more effectively treat heart disease and quickly eliminates insomnia.

The choice of chakra is due to the color of the stone, but mostly it is the root and sacral chakras.


Opal shines with all the colors of the rainbow, it happens dark gray and even black flowers.

Opal leads to equilibrium all the functions of the body. Stimulates the sidhekoid gland and the pituitary. Exacerbates intuition and inspiration. Well helps vision. Protects against infectious diseases.

Opal sends energies in the heart chakra. But suspicious, evil people are better not to wear it.


Ruby - scarlet transparent stone, appreciated in the east above the diamond. His main magical property is to bring the attraction to the Great. He leads to victories on the hand of a noble person, gives happiness in love and warns about the danger by changing the color. He gives protection against negative energies, strengthens the heart, returns lost forces, drives longing, gives women fertility and prevents nightmares. However, it is necessary to take into account that it is a stone of pure thoughts and faith in itself. Chaldean sages warned that people could not look at Ruby, because they risk illusions to power.

Since ancient times, the healing properties of the ruby \u200b\u200bare valued very high. Ruby helps with anemia, diseases of the digestive organs, with a weakened immunite; It is good for heart, kidneys, liver, eyes, ears and bones.

Ruby enhances the feeling of unity with other people, generosity and ability to compassion, helps to cope with spiritual pain and revive lost interest in life.

Rubin is jealous, he does not forgive the inattention. Before putting the ruby \u200b\u200bring, gently swipe on the stone, pass your tenderness to him, and then all day it will store you from any negative influence, and if you look at it at the moment when it is difficult to make a decision, he can give a wise council.

Rubin also has magical properties. He can remove fatigue, dismissed failures, upcoming troubles. For this, the pendant or the ring must be put on the table just below the eye level like the mirror. Fit light, lightly light up behind the stone candle, now focus on it your attention. After a few seconds it will seem that a certain amount appeared in the stone, and then go to this depth, leaving everything is bad outside. Then come back slowly. Close your eyes, rest and repeat the experience again, but now absorb the power, feel confidence, the collaboration. You should not do it immediately before bedtime, you must have 2-3 hours to read or somehow dispel before you fall. After the session, it is good to put a stone in a glass with water and ammonia in proportion of about 6: 1.

You need to give rubies with love and joy, not leaving the envy or regret. Give with pleasure on the open palm - it will bring you good luck.

The main chakras are basic and sacred.


This unusually beautiful transparent corundum is not only deep blue, there are green, pink, orange-yellow (they are called "Padmaraja", which means "lotus flower") and sapphires the color of the burnt vasil with the transition to purple shades.

Since ancient times, Sapphire, as well as Rubin, was considered the royal stone and was very expensive.

The amazing deep blue color of the stone makes a person calm, tames passion, manages time, gives strong power, weak harmony. When we look at the blue sapphire, playing deep transitions of color and shadows, time as if it stops. Modern scientists have proven that the human cell cells have a sense of time, they can rejuvenate and become treated depending on where we guide our subconscious. Sapphire distracts from complexes, suffering, negative thoughts and turns back time. This makes it possible to manage your life or find inner harmony and peace.

In the European Lapidarians of the X-XI centuries about Sapphire, this is said: "The meaning of this stone and for women, and for men - he gives the power to the tired body, restores the burdening members and makes them strong again. He takes off his envy and treachery, he frees Its from the dungeon. The one who wears him will never be afraid. " Especially "strong" is the star sapphire: it arises in it (thanks to impurities) intersecting rays, as if from distant stars. Three intersecting lines in such stones tied with three great forces - faith, hope, love.

Even if such a stone is lost, he will still guard the owner, who served before that.

Clean water sapphire is revered by one of the noblest stones. This is not only a symbol of loyalty, chastity and modesty, bringing happiness in love. It protects women from slander, contributes to the concentration of forces and special concentration in prayer. It gives force against all diseases of the soul and body, against infidelity, anger and fear. But that all these qualities manifest themselves, the owner of the stone must be chastity and kind. Therefore, Sapphire is called "stone nuns."

This rare and strange stone is inclined to choose the owner; If a person is dishonest, cruel, Zhadalad, Sapphire will leave him in one way or another. It was also believed that if you wear a sapphire ring, you will feel a lie, from where it either came out.

The ancient magicians read information from it, accumulated per day. Looking into the depths of the stone and causing the people of the people with whom we met, you can see or feel their true thoughts and attitudes. If Sapphire loves a person and serves him - this is a sign of God-being, they considered ancient.

However, the mystical meaning of sapphire is ambiguous. They said that he contributes to the cooling of passions; However, in antiquity of a woman, wanting to regret the desire of a man, held the sapphire over his cup with wine. Not every sapphire can serve as a talisman: if there are cracks and stamps in stone, he can bring misfortune. But the pure sapphire is not always a talisman. One who will act in harm to others, sapphire deprives a fun society and joy in love.

Sapphire protects eyes, ears, lungs, throat and helps with pains in joints, nervousness and insomnia. He is able to help us find a goal in your life and overcome all fears and depressed.

Padparadzha (yellow-orange sapphire) harmonizes sacral chakra, yellow sapphire - umbilical, blue - thorough, cornflower - third eye.

The ring or a sapphire bracelet wearable on the left hand helps with asthma, heart disease and neuralgia. Ayurveda recommends to wear sapphire on the neck in a gold frame.


This is an orange, bright yellow and reddish variety of chalcedone. The meat-red stone is called carneole. The carnelian is also greenish and white.

The carnelian was considered a healing stone at all times: he was worn to improve the entire body. At the time of the time of Eldla, Grekanki used them to give skin shine and freshness. Often he helped the prophet Magomet, who really appreciated the carnelian and highlighted from all the gemstones.

Scientists explain the therapeutic properties of the carnelian with its weak radioactive radiation in doses most favorable for the human body. The light stripe on a red or orange stone is just talking about the presence of such radioactivity. The carnelian works on energies with lower frequencies of vibrations than amethyst and rhinestone.

At the end of the thirties of our century, Professor E. Badigina conducted serious scientific research of the medical properties of the carnelian. It found that with small doses of the natural radiation of certain types of carnelian, the most important life processes of the organism (for example, division and cell growth) are stimulated, and at large doses - are braided.

During the Second World War, Sermalicotherapy on the method of Professor E. Badigina was widely used in Siberian military hospitals. The carnelian successfully replaced antibiotics, which in Russia was not there.

Many years of experience in the study of the carnelian on this method showed that the wound healing is accelerated, the nervous system is restored faster, the composition of the blood is improved, the edema and tumors are eliminated. At the same time, the appetite increases and sleep is improved.

To use the carnelian at home, it must be preheated (heating, hairdryer, iron or an ordinary incandescent bulb) to a temperature of 40-50 degrees and attached 5-7 minutes to the patient. It is necessary to carry out 8-10 sessions.

Highly nice results It gives the use of carnelian in the treatment of infertility in women and impotence in men. At the same time, the stones are stacked around the navel.

The meat-red carnelian, or carneol, in the east woman took into hand during childbirth. It regulates in women monthly, pacifies fevers and strengthens his teeth. It is recommended to wear in the base disease.

Carneol protects against disputes and quarrels, its main purpose is to keep a person from evil spell and wrinkles.

In general, the carnelian is considered extremely happy and peppervying stone.

The carnelian is useful to shy and scattered people. He is able to protect his owner from dangerous waste of vitality.

To wear a carnelian is good in beads, gold necklaces, golden rings - on the indexing finger or the mother's left hand.

Basic carnelian chakras - sacral, umbilical and cordial.


Topaz - transparent golden stone, but there are colorless, blue, purple, pink and even combining some shades at once.

Golden topaz is a stone that frees from the passions of violent and dangerous, he gives rise to a sense of serene pleasure in man, chasing anger and hatred. It accelerates tissue regeneration, the digestion organs is well treated, liver, gallbladder, spleen. It helps with nervous and energy exhaustion. Removes stress. Wakes up taste sensations.

Blue topaz also accelerates tissue regeneration. Strengthens the thyroid gland, balancing emotions, soothes. It is used as protection against mental illness and insomnia.

Topaz strengthens the immune system and excites new forces to combat infections.

Topaz develops the mind. It is called the inner enlightenment stone. Woman he gives beauty, a man - wisdom. Contemplation he treats madness. In addition, according to the approval of the ancient magicians, he eliminates quarrels, preserves the loyalty to the Word. No wonder the Order of the Golden Rune is decorated with purple topaz, which symbolizes unity and knightly nobility.

Give the topaz means to wish to man happiness, good luck in affairs and show your location. Mages used topaz in order to gain courage before a serious solution or upcoming battle. For this, a stone, a selected hemisphere (cabochon), put on the white square in the middle of the table. At the edges of the square, lit candles were put and taken the radiation of the stone. Sometimes it is thus you can make a topaz oracle, find answers in it, like with fortune-water, but for this it should be a yellow-wine tint.

Topaz need to carry on the right hand in the right hand in the gold ring or rings or on the neck in the form of a coast on the gold chain, in the gold bracelet.

Topaz works with chakras according to its color.


Tourmaline is a mineral, which is painted in various shades of raspberry, green, blue and yellow colors. There is black tourmaline.

Helps to align the endocrine system. Strengthens the body and mind. Eliminates fear and disturbing states. Strong healer. Works with all chakras according to its color, directing into them smooth powerful energy flows.

Green tourmaline is a stone of harmony and balance, it helps with diseases of the liver, nervous system, blood circulation and skin. It supports oxygen exchange of blood and enhances immunity.

Green tourmaline is able to wake up the cheerfulness and creative forces. If green along with pink (raspberry) tourmaline put on a heart chakra, tourmaline refreshes the heart and gives courage and strength.

Eliafas Levi advises green tourmaline to wear people who have not reached its 35th anniversary.

Blue tourmaline helps to express their thoughts and feelings, it strengthens the nervous, lymphatic, hormonal and immune system. Glowing, transparent Blue tourmaline facilitates the concentration of attention, helps to meditate, fall asleep and gives clarity of the mind. This stone expands the feeling of peace and security in us, helps believe in their own strength.

Tourmaline harmonizes chakras corresponding to its color.

Chrysolit (Olivine, Peridot)

Mineral from the family of grenades, olive, yellowish-green or golden colors.

Balances and heals the physical and emotional body. Normalizes heart activity and blood pressure. Treats the nervous system. Gives clean energy into cardiac and poucher chakras.

It helps well with colds, eye diseases and spine.

Give the passion in men and treats impotence, takes the night fears and contributes to a good sleep. Heals stuttering.

Missile in gold chrysitis strengthens spiritual forces, developing intuition.


Chrysoprase is an apple-green, grassy or emerald variety of chalcedons. The refreshing color of this stone strengthens and opens the heart. Chrysopraz stimulates the work of the brain, hormonal activities of the glands, metabolism and tones the skin. It reduces the increased blood pressure, facilitates depression and stress, gives calm, aligns sexual imbalance.

Helps with eye diseases. Contemplation of chrysoprase reduces the cuts in the eyes.

For the normalization of cardiac activity, the crystal peeled in running water and heated in the sun or the heating pad is placed 30-40 minutes on the heart chakra.

Chrysoprase can be charged water. To do this, in a transparent glass or another vessel with water to lower the chrysoprase and put on the sun for 4-5 hours. Chrysoprase helps with clarity and gratitude to the heart of defeating all the difficult situations. Chrysoprase marked in gold protects from domestic injuries and accidents. Wearable in the bracelet on the left hand helps from nervous diseases and is considered excellent protection against bad energies.

Chakra of Chrysoprase - Cardiac.

Gorny Crystal

This is the most common on earth and the most widely used crystal people. His cleanliness spawned a lot of legends and believes. It was believed that crystal crystal, if you keep him in my hands, folding his palm with a boat, performs requests. Wearing this stone on the wrist regulates blood flow, does not allow to form blood clams. But a very long thread of crystal beads can cause strange phenomena similar to hallucinations or intoxication. Apparently, the structure of the stone is such that its excess can act attractingly, and if in our environment there are unbalanced, wrought-down people, then somehow crystal is able to transmit them to the random subconscious images. On the other hand, crystal beads increase the amount of milk in a nursing mother.

Crystal on the neck or on the instrumental finger of the left hand of the sleeping person eliminates nightmares, being a charm at night in the astral.

Wearing in Pisne on a nameless finger, eliminates the zyabacity and danger to freeze, wearing under the linen on the right side of the abdomen, improves the operation of the gallbladder.

Crystal can transfer our thoughts to another, especially if this stone is a gift.

It is possible, on it focusing, talk to those who presented it, or with those who you tuned.

Some scientists consider crystal an ideal information generator.

Crystal having a complex cut can accumulate information and transmit it at your request. At the same time, it is not necessary to constantly look into the crystal - it will cause the fatigue of the visual nerve, will awaken the subconscious vibrations, and in the end you can enter into a mental dialogue with yourself. Just slightly squeeze the stone in your left hand and relax. Focus the idea on who you want to do the bottom. However, if you received a positive answer, i.e. consent to meet or accept your offer, try to really talk to a person to whom you have treated through the crystal. You can not speak at all about the fact that they were conveyed mentally, but such contact will confirm the connection with the stone, it will strengthen it.

Crystal, according to the ancient belief, cleans the body, thoughts, contributes to the withdrawal of slags from the body, only for this it must be worn on the wrist. There is information that the high-ranking Templar was implanted with a small leather in the skin so as not to part with it.

Crystal druise is able to collect a negative, which accumulates indoors, thus removing the voltage from those present. Crystal Cabochon or Ball Magages are used for fortunes. However, ancient times it was known that he did not open objective phenomena, rather could lead the medium in the debris of his own visions. Crystal ball is more productive as distracting thoughts, a relaxing, giving rest. It, like a mirror, can be charged with positive emotions and then use as a supporting, healing factor.

Mountain crystal is very like psychic, since, being an energy generator, it helps to restore the forces after treatment very quickly. To do this, hold the six-sided prism from the mountain crystal in the hand of 10-15 minutes.

This crystal harmonizes thoughts and contributes to the expansion of consciousness. It is very good for cleansing and activating all chakras and to purify the paints of aura in general.

Rhinestone decorations give their owner clarity and harmony, however, considering the extraordinary ability of the crystal to quickly accumulate and save information, the decorations must be cleaned regularly.


Transparent citz lemon yellow or golden color.

Many of its properties coincide with the properties of a mountain crystal, but according to its color. He helps to get rid of depression.

Tsitrine helps well with diseases of digestive organs, intestinal atony, constipation. Stimulates the work of the kidneys and liver. Heads the whole organism. Good affects the heart, speeds up the tissue update, treats diabetes, sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.

Eliphas Levi notes that citrines act just like sapphire, only a little rougher.

Citrine is particularly well activated by sacral and umbilical chakras and clarifies the aura in general.


This stone has a coloring from a gentle-lilac to dense-violet color. Its deposits were open more recently in Siberia and on the Chara River. This is a very rare stone, so in the world he is valued very high.

To enhance the protective forces of the body, strengthening the liver, the pancreas and hearts, the faceted freight is put on the appropriate area of \u200b\u200bthe body or wear charoit beads or pendant.

Charoit is a stone of new time. He teaches unconditional love, the breadth of understanding and acceptance, gives a feeling of unity with everything that is. He contributes to our spiritual development and conscious life, awakens intuition.

Charoit consistent with the corona chakra.

Spinel (Lal)

This mineral meets almost all colors, but the most valued carmine or ruby \u200b\u200bcolor. We will talk about this color about the spinel.

Energetically well affects the physical and emotional body. Strengthens immunity, enhances blood circulation, promotes tissue regeneration. Heals infectious and viral diseases, excites, increases potency.

Treats skin and gastric diseases. Stone is recommended to wear in gold frames: pendants, bracelets and rings. Rings and rings - on an indicated or unnamed finger of the left hand.


Fossil resin light yellow, orange, red, brown and even white colors.

Perhaps amber was the first gem that used antiquity people for treatment and jewelry. Many legends are connected with it, where the origin of amber is always shrouded in secret or explained by magic.

Amber positively affects the thyroid gland, spleen, heart. Amber mouthpieces significantly reduce the likelihood of cancer due to smoking, and the famous Polish amber vodka treats an angina and colds well.

The best transparent varieties of amber are used to treat anggrounds, headaches, eye and ear years. For example, from headaches you can get rid of very simple: take a polished plate or insert from amber and stroke the skin around a painful area counterclockwise. After 10-15 minutes, the pain will pass. To remove the negative energy, amber must be put on a sore place.

Amber necklace or beads treats the thyroid gland, protected from headaches, improves mood and softens the effect of harsh weather changes and the effect of magnetic storms.

Amber beads soothe pain when the teeth break down in young children.

Amber clarifies thoughts and helps to implement plans to concrete actions. His golden light gives us joy and peace.

Amber reports the energy of the umbilical chakra and contributes to the awakening of Kundalini.

Now there are a lot of synthesized amber and fakes, so you need to choose it especially carefully.


This is an opaque quartz, painted in red, yellow, greenish blue or brown.

Jasper has good healing energy. Treats liver and gallbladder, kidneys and bladder. Gives energy to a physical body and harmonizes astral.

In the Russian shopping books of the XVI century, they wrote: "The red stone heart will turn into a clever and uncomfortable thoughts will tear, the mind and honor multiplies, the power and memory of a person's man."

The ancient Greeks noticed that if you drink from the Yashmova Bowl, many diseases disappear.

A greenish-blue jasper aggravates intuition, removes depression.

Red Jasper activates heart activities and activities of the internal secretion glands: stimulates blood circulation.

Avicenna advised to carry it on the stomach (on the sunny plexus or navel) from the diseases of the stomach.

The stone is used by men with inflammation of the prostate gland, and women - with infertility and gynecological disorders.

The permanent wearing of Jasma exacerbates the sense of smell. You can wear a jashere in silver, and in gold.

G. Stashevsk "Healing Color"


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