Yak robiti sushi Kalifornia. Warehouse rolls "Kalifornia", recipe for preparation

Yak robiti sushi Kalifornia. Warehouse rolls "Kalifornia", recipe for preparation

The role of "Kalifornia" is to boast of its majestic popularity. Smells of bling at Vancouver, Canada, at seventy rocks by Japanese chef Hydekazu Tojo. Having respected, that the muscular clients are no more befitting of the sira riba that clump of seaweed, as it is traditionally vicarious to prepare for the preparation of the land, and to that the virulence is the idea of ​​the deyaki ruby ​​and vivornuti. At that hour at this restaurant there was a lot of traffic from Los Angeles, in which a new role would be added.

The recipe, hovering below, allows you to easily "Kalifornia" in your home minds. So, we will change the wine, as well as the original recipe, then we will reduce the gusto!

Axis is a list of Ingredients that are required for preparing the roles of "Kalifornia":

  • crab sticks (3 pcs.);
  • mayonnaise (1 year spoon);
  • mascarpone (1 tsp);
  • seasoning Knorr Aromat (abo іnsha);
  • preparations (150 g);
  • ½ leaf of burrow;
  • avocado (2 skibochki);
  • ogirok (2 skibochki);
  • greased sesame seeds.

Keep in mind! Mascarpone (іtal. Mascarpone) - tse іtalіysky vershok sire. At the same time (25% fat), heat in a water bath to about + 80-90 ° C, gradually mix and add wine ocet, citric acid or tartaric acid (as a result of the preparation method). The results have a creamy consistency, which is ideal for desserts and, obviously, roles.

In addition, you also need to use:

  • gostry nіzh (bazhano special, for sushі);
  • kharchova plivka;
  • board for narizannya;
  • bowl for zmіshuvannya Ingredієntіv;
  • teaspoon.

Pokrokova instructions for making videos "Kalifornia"

Croc 1. Repair the preparation of crab sticks. Дрібно наріжте їх, vikoristovuchi gostry nіzh. Quiet 3 sticks, as they cooked, whistle for 2-3 rolls.

Croc 2 Now it is necessary to add the mascarpone and mayonnaise. For a bowl of crab sticks, add 1 teaspoon of mascarpone, 1 teaspoon of mayonnaise and 2 pinches of Knorr Aromat seasoning. Stir the spoon or fork again.

Croc 3 Place on the board ½ a sheet of burrow (put, so that the short side down). Let's drink 150 g of cooked rice for a piece of arkush. Scrub the rice with your fingers, brush over the entire burrow leaf. Let's grease the rice with sesame seeds.

Croc 4. Give it a mat (bamboo kilimok), you can put it in a special bag with a blisk, like in the photo. Turn the burrows over with rice and put them on a kilimok. Place the prepared filling in the middle, place 2 avocado scoops on one side, and 2 round scoops on the other side. From both sides of the sheet, there is a necessary amount of space.

Croc 5. Repair the roll with your thumbs at the same time. Make a pause for a moment, close a roll, report it on a regular basis. Turn or fold or close the roll. Go ahead, the docks can't close the roll.

Let's lift the kilimok and add the dry roll.

Croc 6 Pislya zagortannya roll "Kalifornia" viglyadatime approximately like this. Now fire yogo at the kharchov slick. Vikoristovyte mat, squeeze as much as possible to the roll. The breeders of all the winners will start to fix themselves and you can draw them on the ideal shmatochki.

Croc 7. Take it now, soak it in cold water (this way the rice won't stick to the lez). Carefully cut the roll, fixing it from the handle of your knife.

Schob shmatochka boules of one size, distribute the sushi-roll from a set of naps, then on four, and on eight. Shvidshe for everything, climbed in the process of development to happen again.

To brutalize respect! It is important to vikoristovuvati duzhe gostriy nіzh, also there is a strong grip during the development of the possible zipsuvati role of Kalіfornіya.

Croc 8 The first stop is the price of the role being presented. Vikladіt narіzanі shmatochki on a tarіlka, serve at once with pickled іmbir, wasabі and sovy sauce. Delicious!

5 /5 (3 )

My friend is half fond of Japanese cuisine, especially sushi roles. As a matter of fact, it includes a bezlich strav from a blue or slightly salted riba, about the merits of which you can write and speak even more. Even in the middle of the big food, you can get used to the Sirimi, bring more cinnamon, less heat and waste. A beneficial infusion of ribi, as such, and especially siroi - not transcendental! But the whole thing is in the same place, as there is a lot of quality.

So, as my family does not relate to the happy masters of the "small buddy" on the birch of the Pacific Ocean, apparently, I cannot allow the riba to be shared, I am taken from the rank of the ocean waters, then I am growing up to the age of fauna, scho did not pass the heat. the obrobka that is woolen їkh don’t live by itself, more do not let them go to їkh children. Ale scho robiti, if you want to indulge yourself with sushi-rolls? The sushi-role of California, in which the riba is substituted for the crab meat, became a special occasion for my motherland. If I want it, it's not the Japanese country, but everything is even more delicious.

The classic role of Kalifornia is carried to the so-called roles "vivorit", so called rice, or sushi-rolam uramaki. Base of sushi-rolls Kalifornia є: crab, rice and nori. For bazhannyam you can add an ogirok chi avocado. On top of the roll, let's grease it with sesame seeds, or vikorist tobiko (іkra letkoy ribi). At the restaurant we can serve uramaki with spicy crab meat, and in the home minds you can spare us, replacing the delicacy with democratic palichki crabs (meat).

Before getting ready, I will give you a little bit of joy.

  • Round grain rice maє buti. Yogo it is necessary to kindly pass from the houses, saw that starchy starch (more dye soak for 10-15 minutes). Boil cereals with a shielded kryshka, then take a dip, having added a rushnyk. I'll take away the towels and take them to the vologu, and the rice will be consumed frequently.
  • If you drink, take 15-25% more rice, so the water is responsible for butti 1-1.5 cm of food for cereals.
  • When buying a rice otstu, I respect the warehouse, most of the time before it has already been supplied with sil and tsukor, so that at once you can add rice. There are no sticky ingredients at the warehouse, they need to be added (for 50 ml of rice otstu, 30 g of zukru, 10 g of salt) and add sums until they are dispensed.
  • As soon as there was no rice otstu in manifestation, it could be substituted for the ad. For the whole, 9% tablespoons of ocet (50 ml) are needed, mixed with water (90 ml), silt (2 tsp) and sugar (4 tbsp) for additional distribution of fizzy products. Dany rozchit shake for dressing 1 kg of rice (in a dry viglyadі).
  • Rice is necessary to pick up at a warm mill.
  • But the leaf is not glued together, it needs to be wetted with water.
  • Do not take a large mat out of rice, burn it in two or three balls in a polyethylene kharchov pudding.
  • The size of the role is guilty of such a thing, so that it is possible to build up the mouth, not to see it.
  • Before dividing the role, it is necessary to cool it down, so all ingredinti is more beautiful to open up their relish, and the role will be great and one-sided.

Now we start to the recipe for a tricky, exotic pest.

Kharchova price per 100 gr.

BJU: 6/6/19.

Kcal: 144.

ГІ: middle.

II: middle.

Cooking hour: active 25 mins + 15-20 mins for cooling rice, 30 mins for the refrigerator.

Number of ports: 3 roles (900 g).

Ingredієnti dishes.

  • Round-look rice - 250 g.
  • Dressing for rice (rice oset) - 50 ml.
  • Ogirok - 60 g.
  • Top sir Philadelphia - 100 g, can be replaced with mayonnaise.
  • Crab meat - 100 g.
  • Nori - 3 pcs.
  • Sesame bili - 20 g.
  • Black sesame - 20 g.

Gravy recipe.

Pidgotuumo Ingredinti. I wanted to nadati the sushi-rolls of the Californian verkhkovy vidtinok, so for the filling I will vikorisovuvaty m'vikorisovy m'machkovy sir Philadelphia, which I prepared in advance (the recipe can be wondered on the site). You can substitute a sumptuous sire for an extravagant mayonnaise.

Rice is washed by cold water, the docks will not become a glimpse.

Place cereals in a stewpan and pour water approximately 1-1.5 fingers into rice. It can be set to the maximum heat up to boiling water.

In addition, when you boil the rice, the heat changes to a minimum and is cooked up to 12 minutes.

Boil the rice, add sesame seeds (5-7 xv per medium).

I boil the cereal knowingly from the fire, sculpted with a crunch, having added a rushnyk to her, I won’t be asked to give it to the doctor and the rice will be distributed. Zalishaєmo yogo in such a camp for 15 min.

Ogirok narіzaєmo with a straw (without nasinnya).

The crab meat (sticks) is rubbed on a grater or scored with a knife.

Sheet of norі rozrіzaєmo navpіl.

Have ready-made rice vilivamo dressing, reliably mix with a wood spatula і chekaєmo, leave the oholone.

Until the fined crab meat dodaamo vershok sir, mix it up.

Effortless cooking, you can "twist" sushi-role.

A sheet of burrow is placed on the mat.

On top of the leaf, with your hands, a small ball of rice, in such a rank, is 1-2 cm for the leaf, and on the same way, without going to the bottom. On the whole stage, the rice can be immediately squeezed with sesame seeds and lightly press down with a mat, so that it does not fly around.

A burrowed leaf is passed over the willow edge and is turned upside down with rice to the bottom.

In the middle of the leaf there is a nori wiklada filling: crab meat іf sirom and smuzhki ogіrka (photo from ogіrkom zabula zrobiti).

Behind the additional mat, the upper part of the burrow sheet is folded onto itself, so the filling of the bullet is sealed in the middle and did not go through the name. Then we tighten the lower part of the mat, molding the "cowbass". Some of the development is carried out with her hands, the mats are not folded out, the reach is equal to the level of hospitality.

I carefully, do not put on the shape of the roll, which will collapse in the sesame seeds from the sides.

Do not worry if you have slightly crumpled our sushi-roll California, put it on the mat and put on the necessary shape.

Take away cooked in the refrigerator for 30 min.

Prepare sushi-role Kalifornia narizamo for 8 parts and served with soy sauce, іmbir or other spices.


Roles of Kalifornia as a kind of land, yak is primed in a special way - "vivorit". Svorіdna і foldable at the first glance of the country, as it has taken to restaurants in the region of the United States, at all times in the home minds.

The menu has many restaurants, de aziatska cuisine, obov'yazkovo є taka strava, prepared according to the classic recipe. For bazhannya yogo is absolutely not easy to repeat at home.

How many tools are required for preparing videos

There is a special set for preparing sushi in the kitchen, you can use the next tools:

  • stewpan from kryshkoyu;
  • pіala;
  • wood scapula;
  • vіyalo;
  • gliboka tarіlka;
  • bamboo kilimok;
  • board for narizannya.

Ingredinti for preparing roles

Warehouse rolls for a classic recipe for home cooking, including:

  • zukor - 15 g;
  • soy sauce - 15 g;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • rice - 200 g;
  • ogirok - 1 pc .;
  • nori - 2 g;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • ocet - 60 ml;
  • wasabi sauce, shrimps (crab meat) and chervona іkra - for relish;
  • water, sil.

Coating technology for preparing

Strava of Japanese cuisine, crops are associated with their popularity in Europe in all sorts of products, as they are badly consumed by Europeans, they are prepared like this:

  1. Rinse the rice with running water and put it in a saucepan. There it is to cook 200 ml of water with a shaded kryshka and about 10 quills per mid water.
  2. Ocet і 5 ml of boiled water is poured into the bowl, water and sugar are boiled in, and then everything is played.
  3. In addition, as a ready-made rice 10 khviliin infuse, pour into the stewpan otstova sumish.
  4. At the same time, the rice is actively stirred with one hand, and the slowest development is taking place. I’m not curious about it and being presented.
  5. Peeled avocados and ochіrіk іzhіrіvіy skibochki, shrimp navpіl navpіl.
  6. Mayonnaise is served in a bowl, wasabi and soy sauce are added.
  7. Nori vikladae on the bamboo kilimok with the glossy side to the bottom.
  8. Water is poured from a small tartar with a small amount of otstu.
  9. Hands zmochuyutsya in otstovіy water and rice rіvnomіrno wiklade on a hole, as then turn over.
  10. One half from the bottom of the hole is filled with avocado, shrimp, ogir and mayonnaise sauce.
  11. For help, a kilimka will go down in a roll and collapse in іkri summer ribi. Before serving the country, it should be grown on shmatochkas.

But the rice is not "reaching" for the knife and the roles are protected, before the skin breakdown, it is necessary to drain the water with lemon juice.

Variation of rollers with salmon

Roll California with salmon - a popular option for a classic recipe, which is prepared from crab meat.

We know:

  • 60 g of trout;
  • nori sheet;
  • 100 g rice;
  • avocado;
  • sesame chi іkra;
  • ogirok.

How to prepare:

  1. Rice is added, as described in the classic recipe.
  2. Avocado, riba and ogіrok are cut into thin skins.
  3. Do not last for a while.
  4. A bamboo kilimok is curled with grub, and rice is wicked on the yak with wet hands.
  5. The groats are covered with one part of the burrow in such a rank, so that the trochies are thrown around the edges, and then there are rounds, avocados and trout.
  6. For the help of a kilimka, the roll will slip and collapse in sesame or іkra.
  7. Serve the strava poured for shmatochki.

Why do you get a sire in the role of California?

Dodavannya sir in the role of California to transform yogo into іnshu strava. However, it is not less popular with mortgages, as Japanese cuisine is presented. The role of California, which I will name the state, is the first to have performances by the chef-cook, who wander from the roll of Philadelphia. The very last country is to see a salmon meal with a low top sire. The role of Philadelphia appeared after 10 rock times for the famous culinary masterpiece with rice named.

Calority of rolls California

The energy value of the role of Californium is to become 176 kcal per 100 g of product.

At first glance at the country є with reference dzherel necessary for the organism of living elements:

  • Nori - pressed water growth, to replace vitamins A and C, in carbohydrates, proteinaceous proteins and minerals (iodine, calcium zalizo and phosphorus). The product is often included in children who suffer from thyroid ailments and atherosclerosis.
  • Rice is a product that is also rich in minerals, in the middle there are calcium, calcium, zinc, selenium, manganese, zalizo and vitamins of group B.
  • Crab meat - neatly chewed Vitamin PP, fluorine, molybdenum and nickel.
  • Avocado is a fruit that has long been seen as its non-transformed set of vitamins and minerals, which is stagnant in children for people from heart-damned sickness, lowering immunity, increasing the level of arterial cholesterol.

However, unimportant for all the corrosiveness of the main warehouses of the overseas grave, it’s not easy to forget about the presence of such an ingredian in new, like mayonnaise. A change of high fat and preservatives in a new way of re-crossing all the food.

Yak garneau tribute, ready to eat?

Roles ready. It’s too late to see the food, because it’s the right tribute, but the dish looked more visually appealing and appetizing.

  • With these submissions, according to tradition, tartaris are made at the shape of a square, tatsi from bamboo and wooden planks.
  • If the vibir fell on the tarilki, then the color is not guilty, but I will be scared, but I will respect it from the very wrong.
  • Bezposredno role is embellished with a small amount of wasabi and pickled іmbiru.
  • Gostry soy sauce is served in okremiy piali, in which to soak up the role.
  • As a rule, gostra strava is served at once from refreshing teas of green varieties.
  • Yak mіtsnі napoї at once with rolls it will be good to give a Japanese bottle of sake or beer.

Such a rank, the beautiful Japanese country, can be proud of the majestic popularity of the restaurants in Asian cuisine, for the obviousness of singing instruments that can be easily prepared in the home minds. Crumbs of patience are right, and you will see everything!

Japanese cuisine has disappeared from the life of our guests. Some of us are fond of sashimi, soup, shashlichki and Інші Іnshi put before them cautiously - I want to fight against sira ribu. Yak bi there was no bulo, baiduzh to Japanese roles are simply dumb. First of all, we will try to prepare the most popular of them - the role of "Kalifornia" - in the minds of the home.

It’s not respectful, if you broadcast them and organize thematic welcoming of households to the new ones, or simply don’t add the quality of the products from the cafes, smut - we were thinking of creating exotic strains with our own hands. For additional recommendations, victories at the statistics, play the role of "Kalifornia" in the minds of your home, not better than at a Japanese restaurant! And maybe it’s more beautiful.

Trishki іstorії

Before Tim, how to play the role of "Kalifornia", let's talk about those, how the strava appeared. Vinaishov is a cook of one of Tokyo restaurants on Im'ya Ityro Masita. The role of the boule is even more popular among the others, even once the chef mentioned that not all visitors, especially tourists from America, should have a filling. First and foremost, I started to play the role of rice, and by such a rank, the swarms of algae were in the middle. This "Americanization" option is called sushi-maki, and the popularity of it has spread far beyond Japan.

Who are you?

The classic recipe for transferring avocado is one of the main Ingredients. If you are preparing the role of "Kalifornia" in your home minds, it is not for the first time, you can experiment with the addition of these warehouses: ogirok, carrots, lettuce, and navit mangoes - the gourmets especially mean the product to relish.

Zagalom traditional іngredієntami "Kalifornії" є takі: norі (arkushі koloru), crab meat (in the ideals more vikorisovuvati itself, and not crab sticks), avocado, special Japanese mayonnaise і ... A special mat is used for the accurate curling of the rollers, and then pour some water into the bowl beforehand to feel your hands in the process of forming the gravy.

Gotuєmo roles at home minds

"Kalifornia" is getting ready for awkwardness, і, having stuffed your hand, you will be led with a mat not better for a fair sushi. Otzhe, vikladit all ingredinti in front of you on the style and fix the preparation process.

  1. Put your fingers in a bowl of water.
  2. Take a portion of the cooked rice and squeeze it in the valley until it goes down.
  3. Wick the groats on the burrow leaf (guilty of lying with the close side down, and the matted side up to you) and uniformly spreading it on all surfaces. A ball of rice is guilty of trochas that go over one edge of the leaf and does not reach close to a centimeter to the other edge, which is easier to burn.
  4. Carefully turned the leaf with the rice down - before us is a ready-made "maidanchik" for stacking resti ingredієntіv.
  5. In the middle, there is a price of Japanese mayonnaise.
  6. On top of the Viklada is a piece of crab meat.
  7. Above - cleansing and spraying with thin slices of avocado.
  8. Behind the help of the mat, the mats are carefully rolled, ironed on and on the sides.
  9. Rozgortaєmo that sweet on top of the rice roll - the role of "Kalifornia" in the home minds mayzhe ready!
  10. Posipaєmo yogo іcroi tobіko thаt we go with a knife narіzaєmo on portsіynі shmatochki.

The yak axis is easy to get ready for garnishing and appetizing roll "Kalifornia"!

The statistic will look at the process of preparing the roles of California in the minds of the home. Covering instructions, Ingredients and comments.

It’s important to change, ale sushi and roles, well, mintly mastered the gastronomic p'єdestal, appeared in cafes and restaurants all over the world recently - in 1980s rock. Before the speech, in all "Coca-Cola" on the other hand, it had previously renounced the history of the world - as early as the 19th century. Different roles - one of the most popular strains among the mortgages of the community food. Not all get ready to go on your own. That cool flavor of Japanese restaurants pidkupovuє vidviduvacha.

The role of "California" is one of the types of makizushi (twisted sushi) - uramaki, invented, before the speech, not in Japan, but in the USA. If you want to create a whole kind of land, it's still Japanese. Vvazhaєya, scho the classic roll "Kalifornia" is filled with sir "Philadelphia", avocado shrimps, ogir and salmon. The traditional "odyag" is the іkra of flying ribi (tobіko) for sesame seeds.

Along with the tradition of Japanese cuisine, the pose is formed by Japan itself, and the variability of the display is promoted. Axis and seasonal recipe - no more options, one from bagatokh. It’s a little the fact of anxiety that doesn’t use addiction and doesn’t mean to relish a ready-made poison.


  • rice (you can have an extraordinary round grain) - 300 g;
  • nori - 2 sheets;
  • ogirok - 1 ply;
  • vershkovy sir - 100 g;
  • salted salmon - 80 g;
  • rice ocet - 2 tbsp. spoon;
  • sesame seeds - 50 g;
  • sil - 1 tsp;
  • zukor - 1 tsp

On the little one needs ingredinti


Rinse the rice a little more. Rice preparation is one of the most important items in the process of preparing the roles. If you cook the rice incorrectly, do not take away that relish, which should be so befitting. Otzhe, rice maє buti promitium to clear water.

Cook the rice for a little bit of water and dry it until ready (leave all the water not boiled). The amount of water required for the preparation is simple: the water in the casserole is to blame for 1 cm of food for rice.

Take two tablespoons of rice otstu, heat it up on the stove or in the low-frequency oven, sort out the wine and sugar.

Pour the sauce over the rice, scho viyshov.

Mix with a wood spoon.

Prepare the bottle: dispense into 2 parts, use a spoon to pick it up, you don’t need a stench in rolls.

With a thin straw, lay the syomgu. It was growing more beautifully, and you can put 20 quills in the freezer. You can replace salmon with a fillet of salmon or hake.

Narіzhte ogіrok, straw. The filling for the videos is prepared.

One sheet is not distributed on two of the same part.

Wrap your bamboo kilimok nicely with grub floss. Vikladit on one half of a kilim of rice. Slip your hands around the water.

Cover the rice with half a sheet of burrow.

The first way: put some holes in the hole, and then wickle on a thin ball of rice, stepping up to the edge of the leaf of water growth close to 0.5 cm and moving from the other side by about 1 centimeter.

Cover the workpiece with the side of the kilim or another kilim.


To go the same, ale more rіvno and schіlno.

Put on a sheet of burrowing sire.

Let's put the stuffing on.

Additionally, with a kilim, carefully turn everything into a roll.

As soon as the rice is coming, you will have a great rice roll that doesn’t fall out, with the filling in the middle.

Sip a kilimok of sesame seeds. Before cim yogo, it is necessary to wipe all over the rice with servetka. So yak sesame seeds are most often sold Sirim (not lubricated), which can be smeared in a microchilles oven beforehand.

For a close 3–4 chillin, trim it at the LHF-stove on the flat tariltsi, inkoli peremisyuchi. Prokotit roll at a kilimku kilka raziv, drink sesame seeds as needed.

The roll is ready, yogo has become deprived of narіzati on іvnі shmatochki.

For the whole, you can vikoristovuvati line or special design for videos. Rise of the roles of uramaki zzvizayut in 8 parts.


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