Medical philosophy in charts and tables. Social functions of philosophy

Medical philosophy in charts and tables. Social functions of philosophy

01/16/2016 Given article є 1 divided the book of Ablєeva S. R. "Philosophy in tables". Learn about the understanding of philosophy and social and cultural roles. All schemes and tables are duplicated below in text format for clarity, quiet, who needs it, or for quiet, who cannot look over the image.

Understand that structure svіtoglyadu. Scheme 1


1. UNDERSTAND SVITOGLYADU- The system of blatant statements about the world and the people.


Mirorozuminnya (rational, intellectual and cognitive sphere)

Svitovidchuttya (sensory, emotional-psychic sphere)


values ​​and assessments

ideals and norms


Scheme 2



Feel the light

Appealing to tradition

Symbolism and allegorism

Vіdsutnіst rational understand


The importance of sensitive light perception

"Vira" is built on principle

System of dogmas

Rozum borrows the order of the camp


Rational light perception

Rozum becomes a visionary for the faith

Formed abstract understanding

Vikoristovuyutsya guarding, povnyannya, analiz, vysnovki, prove.

Table 3


Yakі statements about the subject of philosophy are small tі chi іnshі philosophies chi philosophical technії.

Pythagoras - "Kokhannya to wisdom" (philosophy).

Heraclitus - Philosopher - a person who is engaged in achievements.

Plato is a special science, directed towards the discovery of the eternal true butt.

Socrates - Appreciation of Good and Evil.

Aristotle - doslіdzhennya reasons and principles of speeches.

Epikur - Way to reach happiness at the sight of the mind.

Serednyovіchna khristianskaya filosofiya - Zasіb rational pіznannya and prove God. Zasіb roz'yasnennya the truths of the Holy Letter.

Hegel - Science about the Absolute Rozum, which touches itself.

Kant - Way of understanding the world through abstract metaphysical understanding.

Vechennya "Alive Etika" - For the knowledge of the world, the foundations for spiritual intuition and reason. For the spiritual well-being of people and the world.

Scheme 4

See philosophy. Classification. Scheme



Everyday philosophy

Religious philosophy

Mystical philosophy

Science philosophy


Esoteric philosophy

Exoteric Philosophy


Philosophy of the ancient world

Philosophy Serednyovichchya

Philosophy of the Age of Renaissance

Philosophy of the New Hour

Philosophy of the New Hour

Scheme 5. See philosophy. Classification. table




Skhidna philosophy

Western philosophy

European philosophy

Indian philosophy

Chinese philosophy

Arabic philosophy

Russian philosophy


Idealistic philosophy

Materialist philosophy


Buddhist philosophy

Christian philosophy

Islamic philosophy

Rationalist philosophy

Theological philosophy

Positive philosophy

Atheistic philosophy

Table 6 Main philosophical disciplines.



1. ONTOLOGY - a statement about the butt.

2. PHILOSOPHICAL ANTHROPOLOGY - vchennya about people.

3. GNOSEOLOGY (EPISTEMOLOGY) - knowledge about knowledge.

4. AXIOLOGY - a statement about values.

5. LOGIC - an idea about the laws of thought.

6. SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY - vchennya about the laws of the suspіlny rozvitkovі.

7. ETHICS - vchennya about morality and morality.

8. AESTHETICS - vchennya about the laws of beauty.

9. HERMENEUTICS - knowledge about meanings.

10. THEOLOGY - beliefs about God.

Table 7 Main warehouses (disciplines) of modern philosophy.



1. Metaphysics

2. Philosophy of nature

3. Philosophy of people

4. Philosophy of knowledge

5. Ethical philosophy

6. Social philosophy

7. Philosophy of history

8. Philosophy of culture

9. Philosophy of politics

10. Philosophy of enlightenment

11. Philosophy of technology

12. Philosophy of religion

13. Movie philosophy

14. Philosophy of art

15. Logic

16. History of philosophy

17. Futuristic philosophy

Table 8 Basic nutrition of philosophy.


1. Ancient Light - New Hour

Philosophical current (school): Buddhism (Gautama Buddha and others)

The essence of the main food of philosophy:

2. Ancient Light - New Hour

Philosophical Technique (School): Orthodox Indian Philosophy (Kapila, Patanjali, Vyasa Canada, Shankara etc.)

The essence of the main food of philosophy: How to get samsari (the circle of rebirth of the soul), karmi (the legacy of their vchinkіv and thoughts), reach moksha (zvilnennya in the earthly buttya) and immortality in the spiritual worlds?

3. Ancient Light - New Hour

Philosophical current (school): Taoism (Lao Ji Ta Ying)

The essence of the main food of philosophy: The knowledge of Tao is the attainment of immortality.

4. Old world

Philosophical current (school): Ancient philosophical schools (Thales, Pythagoras, Anaximenes, Anaximander, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Democritus, Plato, Aristotle and others)

The essence of the main food of philosophy: What is the basis of all speeches? (Who is the right butt?)

5. Middle Ages

Philosophical Technique (School): Christian Philosophy (Augustine, Origen, Basil the Great, Khoma Akvinsky).

The essence of the main food of philosophy: What is God? Order of the soul.

6. Middle Ages - New Hour

Philosophical current (school): Sufism (Al-Misri, Al-Mukhasib, Junayd, Suhrawardi, Ibn al-Arabі ta in)

The essence of the main food of philosophy: Rising with God

7. Mid-term and Renaissance

Philosophical Technique (School): Occult Philosophy (Albert the Great, Raymond Llull, Nikola Flammel, Jacob Boehme, Paracelsus, Eugen Filalet and others)

The essence of the main food of philosophy: Transmutation of the essence of a person is the achievement of spiritual immortality.

8. New hour

Philosophical current (school): Empiricism, Rationalism (Bacon, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz and others)

The essence of the main food of philosophy: What is the practical method of scientific and philosophical knowledge?

9. New hour

Philosophical current (school): Kant

The essence of the main food of philosophy: What can I know? What can I do? What can I rely on?

10. New hour

Philosophical current (school): Hegel

The essence of the main food of philosophy: The knowledge of the Absolute Spirit and the dialectical logic of its development.

11. New and New Hour

Philosophical current (school): Dialectical materialism (Marxism) (Marx, Engels, Lenin and others)

The essence of the main nourishment of philosophy: Spivvіdshenie materia and spirit. What is the first thing: matter or spirit? How can the building spirit know matter?

12. New hour

Philosophical current (school): Neopositivism (Shlik, Carnap, Neurath, Russell and others)

The essence of the main food of philosophy: What is the right scientific knowledge?

13. New hour

Philosophical Technique (School): Linguistic Philosophy (Witgenstein, Heidegger and others)

The essence of the main food of philosophy: The problem of movie

14. New hour

Philosophical current (school): Existentialism (Camus, Sartre, Marseille, Jaspers and others)

The essence of the main food of philosophy: The problem of people

15. New hour

Philosophical current (school): Existentialism (M. Heidegger)

The essence of the main food of philosophy: Why is it, and what is nothing?

16. Ancient Light - New Hour

Philosophical current (school): Philosophy, close to the esoteric tradition (Theosophy, Church of the Temple, Zhiva Etika that іn.)

The essence of the main food of philosophy: Knowledge of the world. Perfectly people of that world.

Table 9. Social functions of philosophy.


SVITOPOGLYADNA- connected with the formation of an individual chi of a collective svetoglyadu - a system of global manifestations about the world of that person.

PIZNAVALNA (GNOSEOLOGICAL)- pov'yazana z pіznannyam svіtu that people.

METHODOLOGICAL- it is connected with the development of fundamental principles and methods of knowledge and practical activity of a person.

LOGIC- connected with understanding and formulating the fundamental laws of rational thought.

TSINNISNA (AXIOLOGICHNA)- connected with the understanding of the importance of spiritual values ​​for people and suspіlstva.

HUMANISTIC- due to the obstruction of the value of human specialty, її goodness, rights and freedoms.

HURISTIC- connected with the penetration of intellectual intuition into the area of ​​the unknown and directly scientific knowledge.

AESTHETIC- pov'yazana z vvchennyam law beauty and її priynyattya human svodomistyu.

PRACTICAL- connected with the vibrations of sense, goals, rules, principles and mechanisms of a practical life of a person.

CULTURAL TRANSMISSION- connected with the zagalnennyam that transmission of generations to generations of the most important achievements of the spiritual culture of the people.

Table 10 Main types of philosophical knowledge and yoga specification.


1. ZVICHAYNA (ZHITEISKA) PHILOSOPHY- knowingly spiraling on a feeling of spontaneity, rather guessing, it’s not related to objective evidence and reality.

2. RELIGIOUS-DOGMATIC PHILOSOPHY- knowledge spirals on the provisions of the Holy Letter and the dogma of the church. Get out of the priority of faith over knowledge. Vikoristovuє rozum for tlumachennya and proving the subject matter of faith.

3. MYSTICAL PHILOSOPHY- knowledge spirals on particularities of historical mystical (spiritual) knowledge, empirical, rational and irrational knowledge, as if they are comprehended and misunderstood by the mind.


EMPIRICAL PHILOSOPHY- knowledge spirals on the objective evidence, which is interpreted by the mind.

RATIONALISTIC PHILOSOPHY- knowledge spirals on proving to the mind that it comes from intellectual intuition.

RATIONAL AND EMPIRICAL PHILOSOPHY- knowledge is based on ob'ektivniy dosvid, prove to the mind that diyu іntuїtsії (and also see other irrational knowledge), as if to gloom with the help of the mind.

Table 11 What can philosophy give to a skin person? (A practical example of the development of philosophy)


Insights on the most fundamental food about the world of that person.

Help comprehend your place in the world and the sense of life.

Teach the principles of "wise life" (that's life without illusions, without suffering, without pardon, then. Bud.).

Build up the inner spiritual “shearing” and raise the building of life to endure the hardships of life.

Teach the synthetic (philosophical) style of thinking, so that the building can be deeply and universally solve the problem, and it’s good to solve it.

Learn to thoroughly explore your inner strengths.

Learn the knowledge of the future.


Part 2. History of Philosophy 23

Table 12. Vindication of philosophy (regions and periods) 24

Table 13

Table 14

Table 15. Period of development of Indian philosophy 28

Scheme 16 29

Scheme 17. Philosophical schools of Old India 30

Table 18 31

Scheme 19. The main directions for the development of Indian philosophy of the Middle Ages (post-classical period: the end of the 1st millennium, BC - the 18th century) 32

Table 20. Period of development of Chinese philosophy 33

Scheme 21

Scheme 22. Philosophical schools of Ancient China 35

Table 23 36

Scheme 24. The main directions for the development of Chinese philosophy in the post-classical period (III century BC - XIX century) 37

Table 25. Period of development of Arabic philosophy 38

Scheme 26. Main religious trends and traditions of knowledge in Islam 39

Table 27

Scheme 28. Formation of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy in the Middle Ages (VII-XIX centuries) 41

Scheme 29. Development of Buddhist philosophy in Tibet in the Middle Ages (VII - XIX centuries) 42

Table 30

Scheme 31

Scheme 32. Ancient philosophical schools (Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome) 45

Scheme 33. The main direct development of the philosophy of the Middle Ages (II - XIV centuries) 47

Table 34

Scheme 35. The main direct development of the progressive philosophy of the Age of Renaissance (XV - XVI centuries) 49

Table 36

Scheme 37. The main direct development of the philosophy of the new hour (XVII - XIX centuries) 51

Scheme 38. German classical philosophy of the New Hour (XVIII - XIX centuries) 52

Scheme 39

Table 40

Table 41

Table 42. Period of development of Russian philosophy 56

Scheme 43 Formation and development of old and middle Russian philosophy (XI - XVII centuries) 57

Scheme 44. Russian philosophy of the era of Enlightenment (XVIII century) 58

Table 45 Schools and streams of Russian philosophy (XVIII - XX centuries). 59

Table 46 Main philosophical ideas of Russian cosmism 60

Table 47

Scheme 48

Table 49

Table 50

Part 3. Ontology and natural philosophy 66

Scheme 51. The most important problems and nutrition of ontology 67

Scheme 52. Main types of buttya 68

Scheme 53

Scheme 54. Main attributes of natural booth 70

Table 55 Philosophical standards to substance 71

Table 56

Table 57

Table 58. Basic concepts of space-time 74

Table 59

Scheme 60. Development of ta yoga vidi 76

Scheme 61. Basic ideas and laws of dialectics 77

Scheme 62

Scheme 63. Determinism, yoga principles and diversity 79

Scheme 64. Statements about the development of life in the theosophical tradition 80

Scheme 65 81

Scheme 66

Scheme 67. The ontological structure of the butt is similar to the Neoplatonic tradition (Grebl's system) 83

Scheme 68. The ontological structure of the butt is similar to Christian dogmatic theology 84

Scheme 69

Scheme 70

Scheme 71

Scheme 72

Table 73

Scheme 74. Equal organization of matter in space 90

Table 75

Part 4. Philosophical anthropology 92

Scheme 76. The most important problems and nutrition of philosophical anthropology. 93

Table 77 94

Scheme 78

Scheme 79

Scheme 80

Scheme 81

Scheme 82

Scheme 83

Scheme 84

Scheme 85

Scheme 86

Scheme 87

Scheme 88

Scheme 89

Scheme 90

Scheme 91. Basic concepts of anthropogenesis 108

Table 92, Actual characteristics of the process of anthropogenesis

theosophical concept of the cosmic evolution of man (part I) 109

Table 93

Scheme 94

Scheme 95

Scheme 96. Main philosophical aspects of the problem of life after death. 113

Table 97

Scheme 98

Table 99 Acts of philosophical solution to the problem of the sense of life of a person 116

Scheme 100. Current problems of anthropological bioetics 117

Part 5. Epistemology 118

Scheme 101. Main problems and nutrition of epistemology 119

Scheme 102

Scheme 103. Basic epistemological concepts 121

Scheme 104. Forms of sensitive knowledge 122

Scheme 105. Forms of rational knowledge 123

Scheme 106

Scheme 107. See the truth 125

Scheme 108. Criteria of truth 126

Scheme 109. Specifics of the scientific type of knowledge 127

Scheme 110. Specifics of the religious type of knowledge 128

Part 6. Philosophy of Religion 129

Scheme 111. Signs of traditional religion 130

Scheme 112. Social and cultural functions of religion 131

Scheme 113. Characteristics of traditional religious information 132

Table 114

Scheme 115. See religions 134

Scheme 116

Scheme 117. Acts of national religion 136

Scheme 118. Holy religions 137

Scheme 119

Table 120. Progressive and regressive social, political and cultural phenomena related to religion 139

Scheme 121

Table 122

Table 123

Table 124

Scheme 125

Part 7. Social philosophy 145

Scheme 126. Main problems and nutrition of social philosophy 146

Scheme 127. Main characteristics of human life 147

Scheme 128

Scheme 129

Scheme 130

Scheme 131. Main types of civilizations 151

Scheme 132

Scheme 133

Scheme 134. The main regulators of human life. 154

Scheme 135. See that hierarchy of human values ​​155

Scheme 136

Scheme 137

Table 138

Scheme 139

Scheme 140

Part 8. Philosophy of History 161

Scheme 141. Main problems and nutrition of philosophy of history 162

Scheme 142. Basic philosophical concepts of sense of history 163

Scheme 143

Table 144. Basic theoretical models for the development of the historical process 165

Scheme 145 166

Scheme 146. Russian forces of history 167

Table 147. Main criteria for historical progress 168

Part 9. Philosophy of culture 169

Scheme 148. Social functions of culture 170

Scheme 149

Table 150

Scheme 151. Form and vidi culture 173

Table 152. Dominants of national-historical cultures 174

Scheme 153. Equal characteristics of mass culture 175

Table 154

Scheme 155. Countertrends of modern culture and philosophy 177

Part 10. Global problems and future earthly civilization 178

Table 156. The most important trends in the development of culture and civilization in the XX - XXI century.

Scheme 157. Main internal and external factors for the development of modern civilization 180

Scheme 158. Global problems on the cob of XXI century 181

Table 159

Scheme 160

Scheme 161

Scheme 162

Scheme 163

Scheme 164

Scheme 165. Possible models for the development of civilization 189

A short dictionary of philosophical understanding 190

The heading guide “Philosophy in diagrams and tables” for the discipline: “Fundamentals of Philosophy” includes the following functions:

Promoting accuracy, making the initial material accessible to students;

With the core of information, zvіlnyayuchi vikladach of the great commitment to technical work, which promotes his creative rіven.


Front view:


Regional state lighting of the budget

Secondary professional education

"State Medical College of the city of Bratsk"

(GOBUSPO "State Medical College of the city of Bratsk")


Chief help

Three disciplines: "Fundamentals of Philosophy"

Specialty: "Likuvalna on the right", "Sister on the right",

"Pharmacy", "Orthopedic Dentistry"

Course: I, II

Bratsk 2015

Looked at and praised for

meeting of the CMK Approved at the meeting

Minutes of the meeting No. _____ Methodical for the sake of the college

Type "___" ____________ 20___ р. Minutes of the meeting No. _______

Head _______________ type "___" ______________20_____

Sklav: vikladach of the 1st category A. N. Novikova

Reviewer: speaker of the highest category of social sciences Y. N. Lokteva

Explanatory note

One of the priority directions is to improve the quality of education and to create the initial materials of the new generation, to establish innovative technologies, which are indicative of modern day vimog.

The heading guide “Philosophy in diagrams and tables” for the discipline: “Fundamentals of Philosophy” includes the following functions:

  • raising the level of accuracy, making the initial material accessible to students;
  • є dzherelom іnformatsії, scho zvіlnyaє vikladach vіd vіd vіd vіd obyagu tekhіchnіchї ї scho, scho pіdvischuє yogo creative riven.

The heading help is compiled in a similar way to the working program of the discipline: "Fundamentals of Philosophy". The helper is broken down from the basics of the discipline "Fundamentals of Philosophy", helping to formulate such knowledge of students:

  • statement about the philosophical, scientific and religious picture of the world, the sense of life of a person, the form of human witness and specialness of it manifested in the current life, about the spivvіdnoshenie spiritual and material values, their role in the life
  • knowledge about the role of science and scientific knowledge, its structure, the formation of methods, social and ethical problems, related to the development and achievement of science, technology and technology;
  • knowledge about the formation of specificity, freedom and vitality for the preservation of life, culture, and the natural environment.


Topic 1.1: “Philosophy development. Philosophy as science"

For better understanding of the light-gazer and the basic vision

Functions of philosophy

Light-seeing functionspryaє shaping the wholeness of the picture of the world, revealing about yoga, the place of people in the new, the principles of interaction with the current world

Methodological functionI believe in the fact that philosophy viroblyaє the main methods of recognition of the necessary activity

epistemological- One of the main functions of philosophy - can be more correct and reliable knowledge of the most important action

Social function – explain the Suspіlstvo, the causes of yoga vindication, evolution, current camp, yoga structure, elements, destructive forces; open the door, show the paths of their usunennya chi help, good luck.

Spiritual and humanitarian functionPhilosophy is based in the fact that cultivating humanistic values ​​and ideals, attaching to their people and life, accepting morality, helping people to adapt to the modern world and to know the sense of life



Topic 1. 2: “Philosophical developments. Philosophy as science"



Event item

Main idea

1. Antiquity (Thales, Heraclitus and others)


Harmony between people and space


2. Middle

(F. Akvinsky and in.)

Ludina is a god

Theological idea of ​​the Light of man through God


3. Revival and Enlightenment (J. Bruno, J. Locke and others)

People and Suspіlstvo

Humanism. Lyudina - harmony of soul and body


4. Philosophy of the New Hour (Bacon, Descartes and others)

Human nature

Natural science development of the world


5. German classical philosophy (Kant, Hegel and others)

Creative subject and yoga activity

Creative subjectivity

6. Non-classical philosophy (Nietzsche, Freud and others)

Subjective - objective factor

idea of ​​freedom



Taoism - the oldest philosophical belief in China


Topic 2.1: "Philosophy of the Ancient Descent"

Philosophical school of ancient China - Confucianism


Topic 2.1: "Philosophy of the Ancient Descent"


Topic 2.2: "Development of ancient philosophy"

A short description of the stages (periods) of ancient Greek philosophy


New hour"

Main Directions and Characteristics of Philosophy

epoch of Renaissance


Topic 2.3: “Philosophy of the era of the Middle Ages, Revival,

New hour"

Main philosophical directions

New hour that Enlightenment

Idols of Frank Bacon

Idols to the family - Hibni statements about the World, like a familiar to the whole human race and є the result of cooping the mind and organs of a sensitive person.

Idols of the oven - Confirmation of the statement about the activity, connected with the subjectivity of the reception of the necessary world.

Share the market and the area- hibni manifestations of people, generated by ambiguous words.

Idols to the theater - Hibni statements about the world, in relation to different philosophical schools.



Topic 2.4: "German Classical Philosophy"

Philosophy to Marxism


Topic 2. 5: "Russian Philosophy"

Deeper understanding of the characteristic drawings of Russian philosophy

M.: 2004. - 207 p.

The initial guide for appointments for training up to experience in the primary disciplines of higher and secondary professional education: "Philosophy", "Fundamentals of Philosophy", "History of Philosophy", "Entrance to the History of Philosophy". Vono systematizes the great initial material and presents it to the handy for learning and remembering the sight - in the form of structural-meaningful schemes and tables. The guide includes ten main topics related to various aspects of philosophical science, and to find a dictionary of basic philosophical understanding. Designated for students, graduate students and university candidates.

Format: pdf

Rozmir: 4.6 MB


Author ID 9
Part I. Understanding the socio-cultural role of philosophy 10
Scheme 1
Scheme 2. Historical types of skygazers 12
Table 3. What is philosophy? (Appearance of different philosophers) 13
Scheme 4. See philosophy (part 1) 14
Scheme 5. See philosophy (part 2) 15
Table 6. Traditional divisions of philosophy (main philosophical disciplines). 16
Table 7. Main warehouses (disciplines) of modern philosophical science 17
Table 8. Main nutrition (problem) of philosophy in the interpretation of different philosophical schools
Table 9. Social functions of philosophy 20
Table 10. Main types of philosophical knowledge and yoga specificity 21
Table II. What can philosophy give to a human being? (A practical example of the development of philosophy) 22
Part 2. History of Philosophy 23
Table 12. Vindication of philosophy (regions and periods) 24
Table 13
Table 14
Table 15. Period of development of Indian philosophy 28
Scheme 16 29
Scheme 17. Philosophical schools of Old India 30
Table 18
Scheme 19. The main direct development of the Indian philosophy of the Middle
century (post-classical period: end of the 1st millennium BC - XVIII century) 32
Table 20. Period of development of Chinese philosophy 33
Scheme 21
Scheme 22. Philosophical schools of Ancient China 35
Table 23
Scheme 24. The main directions for the development of Chinese philosophy in the post-classical period (III century BC - XIX century) 37
Table 25. Period of development of Arabic philosophy 38
Scheme 26. Main religious trends and traditions of knowledge in Islam. . 39
Table 27
Scheme 28. Formation of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy in the Middle Ages (VII-XIX centuries) 41
Scheme 29. Development of Buddhist philosophy in Tibet in the Middle Ages (VII - XIX centuries) 42
Table 30
Scheme 31
Scheme 32. Ancient philosophical schools (Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome) 45
Scheme 33. The main direct development of the philosophy of the Middle Ages (II - XIV centuries) 47
Table 34
Scheme 35. The main direct development of the progressive philosophy of the Age of Renaissance (XV - XVI centuries) 49
Table 36
Scheme 37. The main direct development of the philosophy of the new hour (XVII - XIX centuries) 51
Scheme 38. German classical philosophy of the New Hour (XVIII - XIX centuries) 52
Scheme 39
Table 40
Table 41
Table 42. Period of development of Russian philosophy 56
Scheme 43 Formation and development of old and middle Russian philosophy (XI - XVII centuries) 57
Scheme 44. Russian philosophy of the era of Enlightenment (XVIII century) 58
Table 45 Schools and streams of Russian philosophy (XVIII - XX centuries) 59
Table 46 Main philosophical ideas of Russian cosmism 60
Table 47
Scheme 48
Table 49
Table 50 65
Part 3. Ontology and natural philosophy... 66
Scheme 51. The most important problems and nutrition of ontology 67
Scheme 52. Main types of buttya 68
Scheme 53
Scheme 54. Main attributes of natural booth 70
Table 55 Philosophical statements about substance 71
Table 56 Philosophical statements about the spirit 72
Table 57
Table 58. Basic concepts of space-time 74
Table 59
Scheme 60. Development of ta yoga vidi 76
Scheme 61. Basic ideas and laws of dialectics 77
Scheme 62
Scheme 63. Determinism, yoga principles and diversity 79
Scheme 64. Statements about the development of life in the theosophical tradition 80
Scheme 65 81
Scheme 66
Scheme 67. The ontological structure of the butt is similar to the Neoplatonic tradition (Grebl's system) 83
Scheme 68. The ontological structure of the butt is similar to Christian dogmatic theology 84
Scheme 69
Ibn Arabi (Sufism) 85
Scheme 70
Scheme 71
(XIX - XX centuries) 87
Scheme 72. The ontological structure of the buttya is consistent with the Agni-Yoga system. 88
Table 73
Scheme 74. Equal organization of matter in space 90
Table 75
modern cosmology 91
Part 4. Philosophical anthropology 92
Scheme 76. The most important problems and nutrition of philosophical anthropology 93
Table 77 94
Scheme 78
Scheme 79
Scheme 80
Scheme 81
Raja Yoga 98
Scheme 82
Scheme 83
Scheme 84
Scheme 85
Christian philosophy. . 102
Scheme 86
Scheme 87
Scheme 88
Etika (Agni-Yoga). 105
Scheme 89
hvili” (XIX century). . 10G
Scheme 90
Scheme 91. Basic concepts of anthropogenesis 108
Table 92
theosophical concept of the cosmic evolution of man (part 1) 109
Table 93
theosophical concept of the cosmic evolution of man (part 2) 11С
Scheme 94
psychoanalysis 111
Scheme 95
Scheme 96. Main philosophical aspects of the problem of life after death. 113
Table 97
Scheme 98
Table 99 Acts of philosophical solution to the problem of the sense of life of a person 116
Scheme 100. Current problems of anthropological bioetics. 1 17
Part 5. Epistemology 1 18
Scheme 101. Main problems and nutrition of epistemology 1 19
Scheme 102
Scheme 103. Basic epistemological concepts 121
Scheme 104. Forms of sensitive awareness L22
Scheme 105. Forms of rational knowledge 123
Scheme 106
Scheme 107. See the truth 125
Scheme 108. Criteria of truth] 26
Scheme 109. Specifics of the scientific type of knowledge 127
Scheme 110. Specifics of the religious type of knowledge 128
Part 6. Philosophy of religion] 29
Scheme (11. Signs of traditional religion 130
Scheme 112. Social and cultural functions of religion 131
Scheme 113. Characteristics of traditional religious information 132
Table 114
Scheme 115. See religions, 1 34
Scheme 116
Scheme 117. Acts of national religion 136
Scheme 118. Holy religions 137
Scheme 1 19- New religious events 138
Table 120. Progressive and regressive social, political
cultural phenomena connected with religion 139
Scheme 121
Table 122
Table 123
Table 124
Scheme 125
Part 7. Social philosophy 145
Scheme 126. Main problems and nutrition of social philosophy 146
Scheme 127. Main characteristics of human life 147
Scheme 128
Scheme 129
Scheme 130 150
Scheme 131. Main types of civilizations 151
Scheme 132
Scheme 133
Scheme 134. The main regulators of human life. 154
Scheme 135. See that hierarchy of human values ​​155
Scheme 136
Scheme 137
Table 138
Scheme 139
Scheme 140
Part 8. Philosophy of History 161
Scheme 141. Main problems and nutrition of philosophy of history 162
Scheme 142. Basic philosophical concepts of sense of history 163
Scheme 143
process 164
Table 144. Basic theoretical models for the development of the historical process 165
Scheme 145
Scheme 146. Russian forces of history. . 167
Table 147. Main criteria for historical progress 168
Part 9. Philosophy of culture 169
Scheme 148. Social functions of culture 170
Scheme 149
Table 150
Scheme 151. Form and vidi culture 173
Table 152. Dominants of national-historical cultures 174
Scheme 153. Equal characteristics of mass culture 175
Table 154
philanthropists and contributors 176
Scheme 155. Countertrends of modern culture and philosophy 177
Part 10. Global problems and future earthly civilization 178
Table 156. The most important trends in the development of culture and civilization in the XX - XXI century.
Scheme 157
civilizations 180
Scheme 158. Global problems of the XXI century. . 181
Table 159
Scheme 160
Scheme 161
problems of civilization 185
Scheme 162
Scheme 163
Scheme 164
Scheme 165. Possible models for the development of civilization 189
A short dictionary of philosophical understanding I 90


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4.3. Incorrectly discussed work and images at the address of the authors of the texts and notes published on the sides of the "SIGN OF YAKOSTI".

4.4. Threat at the address of the participants in the forum.

4.5. Distribution of untruthful information, slandering those other statements that slander the honor and dignity of both coristuvachi and other people.

4.6. Pornography in avatars, quotes and quotes, as well as posting on pornographic images and resources.

4.7. Open the discussion between the administrators and the moderators.

4.8. Public discussion of that assessment of official rules in any form.

5.1. Mat that profanity.

5.2. Provocations (special vipadi, special discrediting, forming a negative emotional reaction) and the circle of participants in the discussion (systematically victorious provocations of a hundred and fifty participants).

5.3. Provoking koristuvachiv to conflict one by one.

5.4. Rudeness and rudeness in terms of bringing up spivrozmovniki.

5.5. Transition to individuals and z'yasuvannya osobistih vіdnosin on the forum.

5.6. Flood (identical or undiagnosed information).

5.7. Navmisne incorrectly spelled pseudonyms and names of other coristuvachs in figurative forms.

5.8. Redaguvannya citations voіdomlen, scho soporuє їkh zmіst.

5.9. Publication of a special listing without clearly expressing the spirit of the spy.

5.11. Destructive trolling - the purpose of converting a conversation into a skirmish.

6.1. Overquoting (excessive quoting) reminder.

6.2. Vicoristannya font of the red color, recognized for koriguvannya and respect for moderators.

6.3. Continued discussion of topics closed by the moderator and administrator.

6.4. Created by those who do not carry a semantic emphasis, but are provocative for the sake of it.

6.5. The creation of the heading by those or povidomlennya povnistyu or often great letters or foreign mine. Vinyatok to fight for the headlines of posting topics and topics that were approved by moderators.

6.6. Create a signature in a larger font, lower the font of the post, and subtract a signature in more than one palette color.

7. Sanctions, yakі zastosovuyutsya to violators of the Rules of the Forum

7.1. Timchasova, or post a fence on access to the Forum.

7.4. View of the oblіkovogo record.

7.5. IP blocking.

8. Notes

8.1. Zastosuvannya sanctions by moderators and administration can be carried out without explanation.

8.2. Changes can be made to these rules, which will be reported to all participants of the site.

8.3. Coristuvachas are occupied by vicorist clones during the period of one hour, if the main nickname is blocked. In this way, the clone is blocked without a line, and the main one removes the additional doba.

8.4 Warnings about obscene language can be edited by the moderator or the administrator.

9. Administration The administration of the site "SIGN OF YAKOSTI" reserves the right to receive any information without explanation. The administration of the site retains the right to edit the profile of the correspondent, as the information in them often breaks the rules of the forums. The details are expanded to moderators and administrators. The Administration reserves the right to change or supplement the Rules as necessary. Ignorance of the rules does not suffice for corruption. The administration of the site is not in the power to review all the information, as if publishing the content. All opinions reflect only the author's thought, but they cannot but be vikoristan to evaluate the thoughts of all participants in the forum in a flash. Informing the spіvrobіtnikіv site and moderators є viraz їhnої special thoughts and may not be afraid of the editorial staff and kerіvnitstva site.


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