About the third and fourth day of creation. Days of creation for children

About the third and fourth day of creation. Days of creation for children

On the cob God opened heaven and earth. The earth is formless і empty, і temryava over the lack of one, і the Spirit of God extinguished over the water.

(Booth 1, 1-2).

Biblіine vchennya about svitu short name Sixth... Day means day. In 1823, the English priest George Stanley Faber (1773-1854) hanging the theory of "day - era". Tsia dumka is not for the middle school. In the Evreyskiy movi non-values ​​period per hour abo epoch isnu ponder olam... Word yom the old Jewish movi means day, doba, ale nikoli not period of the hour... The vision of the literal mind of the day strongly reflects the message of the day. Yaksho brothers day yak epohu, yak viznachiti eveningі wounds? Yak before the epoch of zastosuvati the blessing of this day, that of a new one? And the Lord, having commanded the rest of the week for this day of the week, is Saturday, for Himself having slept: І having blessed God of this day, і having sanctified him, and in that he has buried himself from all his own.(Booth 2, 3). The Lord opened the dewline of the third day, and the sun, the month and the light - the quarters. As soon as you accept the idea of ​​"day - era", go, for the whole era, the growth of the growing line without sleepy light.

Holy Fathers Roses day The first handed out Butt's book literally. Sacred Irenaeus Lyonskiy: "Inspirational on the Day, the Lord came to the countryman on the day ahead of Saturday - that is, on the second day of creation, on which it is created to the people, through His countrymen, granting new creation to others, so that (sounding) through death." Svyaty Ofrem Sirin: "Nichto is not guilty of thinking, but six-day vitvir є alegoria" Saint Basil the Great: « I Buv Vechir, I Ranok, One Day ... I start the world of day and night and day in one good hour, then twenty years later it will remind the continuation of one day, as soon as the day goes by. ” Saint John Damaskin: “From the ear of the day to the ear of the last day - one doba, more Writing as well: і bouv vechir, і bouv ranok: one day».

How did it happen that day and night before the beginning of the day, how did it appear on the fourth day? Saint Basil the Great writes: “That is not for a sleepy roach, but for that, the first thing in the world that is singing by God was pouring, then clutching again, the whole day came and went nich” (Sixth Day Besida 2).

Butt's book to obey for a description of God's great righteousness - the establishment of the light over a span of six days. The Lord has opened Vsesvit with non-lucid svit, the earth with the seas and mountains, the people of that whole creature and roslinny light. Bіblіyne coyly about the mainstream of light is carried over to the evocative cosmogonies of their religions, like the truth to be carried over any myth. Zhodna Religiya, Zhodna Philosophical Vchenya Bulo unhappily grows up to the overwhelming idea of ​​ideas about creative work from nothing: God opened heaven and earth on the cob.

God has self-sufficiency that absolute rotation. For His boottya Vin, nothing is needed and nothing is required. The love of God has become the only reason for the development of light. Holy John of Damascus write: "To the blessed and the most blessed God is not pleased with the glances of Himself, but because of the excess of kindness of the schemes, it seems that it seems that in the future, Yogi was blessed and blessed with blessings."

The first bully sorenі healthy spirits - Angels... I want the Holy Letter not to take revenge on the development of the angelic light, there are no other thoughts, but the Angels follow their nature until the new light. The tsia dumka is based in front of the clear biblical intelligence of God like the omnipotent Creator, who has patted the mustache. Everything is a cob, only God is insignificant. Deyakі holy father bach a vkazіvka on the root of the invisible light of angels in words having opened the sky (Booth 1, 1). At the end of the meeting of the thought, Saint Philaret (Drozdov) will respect that, well, the physical sky was opened for another quarter day.

Primordial Bula land unscrewedі empty... Made out of nothing material, a handful of things have become unordered and unclean food. Temryava was an inevitable inheritance of light, like an independent element was opened. Give by the painter Moses, write, scho The Spirit of God extinguished over the water(Booth 1, 2). Here is a vkaz_vka on creativity that revitalized fate in the creation of the third Individual of the Holy Triity - the Holy Spirit. Borderly short and more accurate value - all from the Father through Sina to Saint Dusia. The vyshі water is guessed at the guided sight є by the most important element, without which unhappy life. Saint Evangelia has water є a symbol of the life and salvation of Jesus Christ. The life of the Church has a special meaning of water, like the speech of the Mystery of Christ.

The first day of creation

I said to God: Let there be light. I became light ... I saw God, light from temryavi. I calling God light day, but temryav at night. 1st Buv Evening, I Buv Ranok: one day(Booth 1, 3-5).

For the Divine Order Vinik light... From the next words: and God saw light from the temryavi mi bachimo, for the Lord is not forgiving the darkness, but depriving him of setting up a periodical change with light for renewal of the strength of the people of all creatures. Tsiu wisdom of God ospivu Psalm: You are a simpler temryav and buva nich: before the hour she blunks the footsteps of the beasts; Levy rick about how to ask God for something. Descend, [i] stink and kick at your logo; go to the cholovik on his right and on his robot until evening. Yaky numerical strength of Thy, Lord!(Ps 103: 20-24). Poetic viraz і bouv vechir, і bouv ranok to end the description of creative skin references from six days. The word itself day Holy rosumili literally.

The light of the bulo is opened by the Divine word, scho I am omnipotent I create power: Bo Vin said, - I became; Vіn punishing, - і declared(Ps 32: 9). The Holy Fathers will give a tamnich here to a friend to the Person of the Holy Trainee - the Sina of God Jesus Christ, who is called the Apostle In a word and even if: All through Nyogo little booty, and without Nyogo, not a little bootie, little bootie(In 1, 3).

At the inventory of the first day, the first set evening, and then wounds... For the reason for the Jews at the end of the day, starting in the evening. The whole order was preserved in the divine services of the New Testament Church.

Another day of creation

І having opened the firmament ...<...>and calling ... the firmament sky(Booth 1, 7, 8) і having poured the sky with water, which was on the ground, і with water above the earth.

Another day God dissolving physical sky... In a word firmament the word is transferred to the Jewish original, which means rozpovsujennya But the ancient Jews metaphorically ranged the sky with a rough outline: simpletonєsh heaven, yak name(Ps 103: 2).

In the inventory of another day, it’s about water, it’s not out of place on the ground, but near the atmosphere.

The third day of creation

I chose God to lead the sky in one place and across the land. I calling the dry land the earth, and calling the waters of the waters seas. І having punished God to make the earth grow green, the herb of the tree, which can bear fruit. I wedged in the earth to grow. The Lord has brought water from the land(Div .: Pobut 1, 9-13).

On the third day boule stems oceans, seas, lakes and rivers and also continents and islands... Piznishe tse viklikalo captivity at the Psalms: Win zibrav, buy mov, sea water, poklav bezodnі in skhovishchi. High fear the Lord all the earth; Let us tremble before Him, who is alive with Vsesvit, for Vin having said, - I have become; Vіn punishing, - і declared(Ps 32: 7-9).

Whole day God has dissolved all roslinny light... Tse bulo is fundamentally new: God has sealed the organ life on the ground.

Create a roslinny light Creator punishing the earth... Saint Basil the Great say: “The next word and the first order have become a natural law of deeds, and they are lost in the earth and at the beginning of the hour, causing the power of the people to bring forth fruit” (Saint Basil the Great. Six days. Conversation 5).

At the bottom of Buttya it is said that the earth has grown green, the grass of the tree, which is growing today. for a family... The Holy Father was given an important meaning, most of all, they were instructed on the permanence of everything created by God: “At the first time, the earth came to grips with it, then you will see and donin through the protection of the family after the Holy Mother of God. Yak Bachimo, the third day will be assigned to our planet.

І beating God, it is good (Booth 1, 12). Bybutovik poeticheskogo my vistlovlyuє thought, how God to create wisely and thoroughly.

Quarter day of creation

And having said God, she appeared to shine on the firmament of heaven, to sanctify the earth for the day and night. On the flap lights, there is now a view of the calendar at that hour. І there was a light: the sun, the month and the stars(Div .: Pobut 1, 14-18).

In the inventory of the fourth day, Bachimo showed the origin, the sign of that and the distinction. According to the text of the Biblia of Diznaemosya, the light was blown the other day before the lights, but, according to the explanations of St. Basil the Great, they didn’t shake the sun with a single dzherel light. One God є Father of Light (div .: Yak 1, 17).

Svitlya svit little three tsіlі: perche, visvіtlyuvati landі everything, go to nіy; There will be a rise in the difference between the day lights (the sun) and the low ones (the month and the stars). In a different way, see the day through the night; develop chotiri pori rock, arrange an hour for help calendar and news of the number. Thirdly, serve for the banners of the last hours; About the New Zavitі: the sun is darkened, і the month does not give its light, і the stars fall from the sky, і force the heavens to prey; that the banner of Sina Ludskiy appears in the sky; and then weep for the tribes of the earth and beat Sina of the Human, that you will come to the sky of heaven with power and great glory.(Mt 24, 29-30).

It's a day of creation

At the past day, the Lord has opened the first living things, so that one can live by the water and melt at the next. I said to God: Let’s break the water of the plazuns, I live my soul; and don't let birds fly over the earth. So the inhabitants of the waters appeared, the water creatures, the komakhs, the reptiles and the ribs appeared, and the birds flew through the open space(Div .: Pobut 1, 20-21).

On the ear of the fifth day God of the beast His creative word before lead ( so splash the water), until the third day - until the earth. Word water taken from a whole miscii from a shirshom sense, which means water, and the atmosphere, which is also called water by the sacred writer.

At the time of the day, God has a larger temple, sometimes with roslin, the form of life. Representatives of the water element (ribs, whales, plazuny, amphibians and іnshі bagansі waters), as well as birds, komakhs and everyone who live in the common space, came under God's command.

The creator is the first one of the dermal genus ("beyond the genus"). Win blessing me to multiply and be fruitful.

Sixth day of creation

On the sixth day of creation, God has opened the creatures, so that they can live on earth, and people by the image and likeness of His(Div .: Pobut 1, 24-31).

Description have a good creative day the prophet Moses commemorated with these words, before the first days (the third one): be so bad... God will punish the earth to open all the creatures of the earth (I live my soul for my family). God created a mustache at the singing epiphany growing sophistication.

І having dissolved the Lord God into the powder of the earth, і inhaled from the individual. similar life, and Lyudin became a living soul (Div .: Booth 1, 26-28).

Ostannim, yak vinets creation, buv shot to lyudin... Vin of the opening in a special way. The Holy Fathers in front of us mean that the work of this overwhelming Divine gladness is between us by the Specials of the Most Holy Labor: soluble to lyudin... Lyudina is seen from the light of the world, as the Lord creates. If I want this wealthy warehouse of knowledge from the earth, the Lord will not punish the earth to kill a human being (as it was with other creatures), but He Himself will create without interruption. Psalms, seemingly, beasts to the Creator: Your hands opened me and whipped me(Ps 119, 73).

God having said scho not kind people, but one.

І the Lord God has made a dream of a man; І, if he fell asleep, having narrowed one of his ribs, і curled up those moments. І having opened the Lord God from a rib taken into a man, a woman, and an inoculated її to a man(Booth 2, 21-22).

Lord, savagely, it wasn’t just one friend’s friend, but the whole human race is seen by them, Ale Vin hotiv, and the people of the earth will bully Edin in Adam. Adzhe navit uvu the bulo was taken from his own cholovik. The Apostle Pavlo would say: From the same blood, Win shattered the weight of a human being for living on the whole face of the earth(Diy 17, 26). First of all, we are relatives.

At the dawn of human history, God has established a permanent life union between a man and a woman. Win blessing him and crying with great bonds: be one flesh(Booth 2:24).

Having made human tilo, God blowing yogo similar life I became a living soul... Naygolovnіsha vіdminna of rice people polyagaє in that scho її soul is godlike... God saying: it is made to the people for Our image [i] for Our likeness(Booth 1, 26). Sho take the image of God in people, We said earlier. If God opened a human being, Vin grafted all creatures and birds to her, the human gave him a name. The name іmen bulo is a sign of panuvannya people over all creatures.

At the beginning of the people there will end the six-sided vitvir svitu. God dissolving light thoroughly... The hand of the Creator did not bring in any new evil. Tse vchennya about the primordial kindness of all creation є presented by theological truth.

For example hours will The completeness of the light has been renewed. For the svidchennyam tmoglyadach, the holy apostle John the Theologian, if the sky will be new land(Div .: Announced 21, 1).

Sjomy day

І having killed God on this day of His own, as Win is robust, and having slept on the day of this day, all of His things, as we are robust.(Booth 2, 2).

Having finished the creation of the light, God has escaped from His divine. The painter here is living a metaphor, for God will not require a fix. Tsim vkazutsya the housekeeper of spravzhnyi calm, like a check on people in vichny life. Until a blessed hour in the earthly life, I will become a prototype of my life - a blessed day, like the Old Zavit Buv Saturday, and for Christians є in the afternoon unfinished.

The deyakims of the heads of the head are taken as a factual description, they are yak alegoria. Deyaki look 6 days of work yak describe the stages of walking to Vsesvit, I want a phrase svitu wear a religious vidtinok, and the phrase walk to Vsesvita vikoristovutsya in natural sciences. Even more often, the history of modernity is criticized for the inconsistency of this fact, but it has been brought up by science. Ale chi є is there rubbing? Pomirkuumo!

Svitu. Michelangelo

First of all, there is no more detailed description of the history of the art, although it would mean one particular peculiarity. Most of the religions and old cosmogonic texts, a collection of stories about the origin of gods, and then about the origin of light. Biblia describes a principled position. Biblіyny God was built, Winn didn’t build, but he was the creator of existence.

Six days before the beginning of the world.

Yak vidomo, light bulletin boards from nothing in 6 days.

First day of svitu svitu.

On the cob God opened heaven and earth. The earth is formless і empty, і temryava over the lack of one, і the Spirit of God extinguished over the water. I said to God: Let there be light. I became light. І having given God light, it is good, і having seen God light from temryavi. I calling God light day, but temryav at night. 1st Buv Evening, I Buv Ranok: one day. (Butt's book)

This is how to fix the biblian history of the Light. The first rows of the Bible allow us to brighten the intelligence of the Bible cosmology. Slide to the brutal respect, but there is not yet about the end of the heavenly earth and the heavens, the stench will be the end of the day - for another or third day of creation. In the first rows of Buttya, the stem of the pershorechovini is described, or, as a matter of fact, those who call the stems all the way.

In such a rank, on the first day of creation, persistence, light and darkness was established. Slide to tell about light and temryav, and even the stilts in the heavenly firmament appear only on a quarter day. A lot of theologians thought about the theme of the whole light, describing both energy and joy and grace. This year is also a popular version, for the light, described in the Bible, but not for the Great Vibukh, which has been extended to Vsesvit.

Another day for the day.

And having said God: Let there be a firmament in the middle of the water, and let not you see the water from the water. [I became so.] God opened the firmament, і raised the water, so I firm, lead out, over the firmament. This is how it became. І calling God the firmament Heaven. [І having turned God, so good.] І Buv Vechіr, і Buv Ranok: another day.

Another day - a day, if the pershorechina felt okay, the stars of that planet began to form. Another day, the creation told us about the ancient manifestation of the people, who respected the sky with a firm, zestalous utrimuvate the majestic mass of water.

The third day of the opening day.

I said to God: Let the water come to heaven, in one place, and let the land appear. This is how it became. [I took the water from the sky at my place, and the land appeared.] I called God the land earth, and called the waters of the waters seas. І beating God is good. I said to God: Let the earth grow green, grass, be fruitful from this tree, to bring forth fruit for your kind, in which you are on earth. This is how it became. І the earth spilled greenery, grass, sіnnja sіnnja for the race and for the likeness її, and the tree [be fruitful], how to bear fruit, from which people are from the family of yogo. І beating God is good. 1st Buv Evening and Buv Ranok: third day.

On the third day, God opened the Earth practically in such a way, as we know at once: the seas that dry land appeared, the trees and grass appeared. At the moment we understand that God is creating a living light. Let us take the rank of science to describe the formation of life on a young planet, in a way that did not take place in one day, but all the same, there are no global wipes. All of a sudden, they are on the Earth, but step by step they have reached the boards, they have brought them to the sea and oceans, the rychok and lakes to appear.

Gustav Dorі. svitu

With such a rank, Bachimo, Biblia cannot be overlooked by the current science and history. One food is here at the number. But for God, one day is for the whole world of rock. This year, the first living cells have appeared in two million rocky years of the Earth's people, more than one million rocky ones - and the first growing plants and microorganisms have appeared at the water.

Quarter day of the opening day.

And having said God: Let there be light on the firmament of the heavens for the illumination of the earth and for the waking of the day every night, for the sign of the hour, the day, and the rock; and don't smell the stench, be light-hearted on the firmament of heaven, and light on the earth. This is how it became. І having opened God two lights are great: light more, for managing the day, і light less, for managing at night, і light; і putting іх God on the firmament of heaven, how to light up to the earth, і rule in the daytime and at night, and see the light from the time. І beating God is good. 1st Buv Vechir, I Buv Ranok: Quarter Day.

It’s on the fourth day of creation that the best food is for those who are quiet, who are ready to reconcile the science. Seemingly, Sonce and іnshі zirki appeared earlier for the Earth, and in Bіblіya - pіznіshe. On one side, explain it simply, as if take it up to respect, but the Book of Buttya Bula was written only, if astronomical warnings and cosmological manifestations of people were geocentric - so that the Earth was respected by the center of Vsesvita. However, why is everything so simple? Jmovіrno, that the difference in the cosmology of the Bible and science can be explained by the fact that the Earth is more significant, or "spiritually central", even on this life of a man, is set on the image of God.

The Day of the World is a day of quarters and a day. Mosaika. Cathedral of St. Mark.

Heavenly sanctuary in the Bible and linguistic changes in principle. For the language of the sun, the month and the heavenly mind, they were associated with the divine and goddesses. The author of the Biblia, perhaps, at least as much as possible, was brought up to the age of the planets. Smell rіvnі be-like іnshom opened ob'ktu vsevitu. Mindful of it, the stench of demi-phologized and desacralized - і, zagalom, brought to natural reality.

It's a day for the day.

I said to God: Let’s break the water of the plazuns, I live my soul; Don't let birds fly over the earth, on the firmament of heaven. [I became so.] God opened the ribs of the great and every soul of creatures, plasuns, which were given birth by water, for їhny kind, і every bird bird by kind її. І beating God is good. І blessing їх God, say: Fruit and multiply, і bring the waters in the seas, і don't let birds multiply on earth. First day

Svitu. Jacopo Tintoretto

And here the history of the evolution of the light is based on the evidence of scientific facts. Life is victorious by the water - the whole person has learned the science, the process of supporting Bibliya. Alive organisms began to multiply and multiply. Svitobudova developed by the will of the creative thought of God. Significantly, it’s good for Biblієu, the creatures won’t be deprived of the fact that the water growth appeared and they reminded them of the product of their life - sour. It’s also a scientific fact!

The first day of the day.

And having said God: Let the earth destroy the soul, I live for the race, thinness, and the bastards, and the beasts of the earth for the kin. This is how it became. І having made God open the earthly beasts for іхніm kind, і thinness behind the kind of yo, and all gods of the earth for їchnіm kind. І beating God is good. І saying God: I can make a people for Our image [і] for Our likeness, і do not smell the stench over sea ribs, і over heavenly birds, [and over animals], і over thinness, and over all earth, and over usima creeps, well plazu. on the ground. І having opened God to people for His image, after God's image having opened them; a man and a woman having opened them. І having blessed іkh God, і having told him God: to be fruitful and multiply, і remind the earth, і volodit it, і pan over sea ribs і over heavenly birds, і over all thinness, and over all earth. і over every creature, scho plazaє on the ground. And God said: Axis I have given you skin grass, so this is on the whole earth, and on every tree, so far from the village, so this is happening. - you will be happy; and to all earthly beasts, and to all heavenly birds, and to every viper on the earth, in which the soul is alive, having given me all the green herbs in the family. This is how it became. І having shaken God with a mustache, and having opened it, і the axis is good. I Buv Vechir, I Buv Ranok: a great day.

The sixth day of the creation of commemoration of the appearance of the people - the price of the new stage of svitobudov, for the whole day the history of the human race will be repaired. Lyudin is a newcomer to the young Earth, she has two ears - natural and divine.

Tsikavo those, that in the Library of people it is happening all at once by the creature, at the same time demonstrating the natural ear, it is slowly tied with the creature's light. Ale God breathes into the convicting people of His Spirit - and people become an honor to the Lord.

Made by God from nothing.

The central idea of ​​Christianity is the idea of ​​the beginning of the world from nothing, сreatio ex Nihilo... It’s good for the idea, God has dissolved everything that is from the nonbuttya, having transformed the nonbuttya into the buttya. God is the creator, and the cause of the origin of the light.

Zgіdno from Biblієu, until the Storyennya light did not boom of primordial chaos, nor foremother - nothing! Most Christians believe that three hypostases of Holy Workers took part in the process of building the light: God the Father, God Sin, and God of the Holy Spirit.

The light of the creation of God comprehended, harmonious and hearing people. God granting all the light to the people at once with freedom, like a human being victorious against evil, for the sake of witnessing. Making a light for Biblina is an act of creativity and love.

History of Svitu - Dzherela (documentary hypothesis)

The rejection of the current light was known in the tradition of long-standing Israelites back before the bible author was recorded. Bagato bibleists seem to be, as a matter of fact, є a warehouse practice, a bunch of creations by many authors of recent periods (documentary theory). Vvazhaєtsya, scho tsі dzherela bouli ob'єdnanі about 538 p. BC That is, Ymovirno, the Persians, for the conquest of Babylon, had to wait a while for the Rusalim to mean autonomy within the framework of the empire, albeit vimagali from the world power to accept the Single Code, which is a bias of praise for our spirituality. Tse called up to the fact that the victims had the opportunity to see all the ambitions and to make the relay messages, but sometimes they say one to one, in one. The history of modernity came to us from two dzherel - the priestly code of that yacht. The very fact is known in Knizi Buttya 2 history of the beginning of the light, described in the first and another section. The first distribution was given for the priestly code, and the other - for the yacht. First, the big world is talking about the beginning of the world, a friend - about the beginning of the people.

Offense reports may be a lot of special and add one to one. However, mi bachimo is clear visibility of style: The text of the priestly code serving, clear structuring... Distributed for 7 days, in the text of the day with the help of phrases. "I bouv vechir, i bouv ranok: day ...". At the first three days of creation, the act of the next day is clearly visible - the first day God sees the Kremlin from the light, the other - the water from the solid from the water above the solid, the third - the water from the land. In the coming three days, God will remind everything, having opened it.

Another razdil (dzherelo yakhvist) maє smooth warning style.

Porіvnial'naya mythologiya vverdzhu, so offended dzherela biblіynoi history The development of the world is to win the suspicion of Mesopotamian mythology, adapted to the veri in the One God.

The creation of the light by the one God-creator is one of the central ideas of Christianity and Christianity. The head dzherel of the concept is to serve Bibliya, or, to be more precise, the first book is Buttya, which can be referred to before. Svitu svitu can be free from interpretation. That chi іnsha thought is formed in the fallowness of the fact that before such a religion a person is to be found.

Scientific pidhid

The history in the Bible is described as follows: The Creator has opened the earth in 6 days (On this day, the Creator has "received" - stitching after the development of life). How could God open up the earth in 7 days because of us? Aje tse is just neumovirno! Mozhlivo, "day" is a rough translation from the old Jewish. Long time ago "yom" (that word, yak was ambiguously changed yak "day") can mean a longer hour period, for example, eru chi epohu. For example, at Psalm number 89 one divine day from a thousand earthly rock.

The deepest meaning of the divine day. In the "Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven", the Apostle Yuda announced the roaming of Jesus Christ with the Pharisees, in which time to speak about those who have a divine day in the hour, for which Son of three you will pass the path. The sin of God in his own mind is not the revolution of the Earth near the Sontsya, but the fall of the Sontsya near the center of the galaxy. For the razrahunka astrophysics, a loan of 250 million rocky, such a rank, mi bachimo, one divine day will bring 750 million of earthly rock.

Apparently, a number of days, for which God has opened light, as much as 4.5 million of human rock. With the fact that those who are in the scientific picture of the world date of establishment of the Earth were 4.5 billion years old.

Days of creation by God:

  • 1st day (750 million rockiv). The sky is created, the earthly firmament is that light.
  • ІІ day (1.5 mln rock_v). The root of the atmosphere has become.
  • ІІІ day (2.25 billion rocks). The walls of the sea and land, grass and trees.
  • IV day (3 milyardi rocks). Through the change in the atmosphere and purification, the Sonce, the stars and the Misyats became visible.
  • V day (3.75 billion rockiv). Made by ribi, ancient reptiles (dinosaurs), birds.
  • 6th day (4.5 billion rocks). Created by ssavtsi that happy reptilians (snakes and lizards), created by a man behind a divine image and likeness - a man and a woman with a body, a soul, a spirit and a conscience.
  • 7th day (5.25 billion rocks). From the tips of God. Development of life (divinely zavdannya - "to be fruitful and multiply").

The story of the Bible for children is briefly described in this way, but in more detail it is possible to see those that are seen on a skin day.

Biblіyne notify about the progress of the light named Six-day... On the ear of Butty's Book, a discussion about the great divine rights is being conducted - the beginning of the light from all of this development and all of this thoroughness over a span of six days. God opened Vsesvit, reminding him with a majestic circle of heavenly lights, opening the earth with water and mountain peaks, people, flora and fauna. An openness about the establishment of all the knowledge є the best idea, the idea, which could change the mind. Idea about the establishment of all nothing, butt from nebuttya. Then, the Lord opened the heavens and the earth with a sprinkle.

God is self-sufficient, having broken the light away from the wine of love. The Lord has opened the Angels by the first. If I want Angels and divine ustots, there can be a stench of boules of stencils, a stench of my ear, because everything has an ear, if God is insignificant.

Chronology of the stem

On the very cob, the earth is an unscrewed blank. Materia (buttya), yak bullet was opened from nothing (from nebuttya), bully unordered, haunted with drink. Protest of temryava was deprived of a lot of light, as evil was deprived of a lot of good, so that temryava could not turn out to be an independent element.

First day

By the will of the Lord, there was a glimmer of light, which saw the buttya from the temryavi. The Lord did not condemn the temperament, but in the periodical sermon, temrya that light, of the day, that night. At night, people, like і be-like іnshіy people іstoі, have a lot of power.

It is noteworthy that in the inventory of the first day of the beginning of the first descriptions of the evening itself, there will be no wounds. The very reason for the old Jews has a new day since evening. A similar order has become invisible in the divine services of the Church of the New Testament.

Another day

The Lord has made the sky. In ancient Jewish cultures, we can create a metaphorical alignment of the sky with a reference: simple heaven, yak a reference. In the inventory of another day, I’m talking about water, yak, earth, and in the atmosphere.

Third day

Bully stems oceans, seas, lakes and rivers, as well as continents and islands. On the third day, the Lord has dissolved all the flora, having poured the ear of the organic life of the earth. From the earth there was greenery, grass and trees, like, multiplying to the people, they were feeding their kind, seeing the offensiveness of the generations. Tse to inform about the steel of everything, which is divinely creation.

Quarter day

The whole day the heavenly lights were opened. The skin of them has its own characteristic, it is seen from them. Yak mi pam'yataєmo, the light itself was blown on another day, and all lights, including the Sonce, were in quarters. Apparently, Sonce is not alone in the light, protest the Lord - Father of all light.

The artwork showed a little bit of goals:

  • The hanging of the earth is everything that is on them;
  • Set up a difference between daily lights (Sonce) and low (Miscellaneous and star);
  • Enter the day that night, pori fate;
  • Keep a list of additional calendar dates;
  • Light can become the banners.

It's a day

At the dawn of the fifth day, the Lord is the beast, I respect the water (for the third day - on the ground). Varto clarify that the atmosphere will rise above the water.

At the same time, God having punished the representatives of the fauna, the formation of life is more high, less growth. The days of the ribs and amphibias are at hand, as well as birds, komakhs, and all that live in the midst of food. The Lord unfolds the first of the first things of life and the commandments to multiply and to be fruitful.

Sixth day

The Lord created from the lowest to the highest. On the second day, God opened the people from the powder of the earth. The creator is virile, but people do not need to be alone, having knocked out the ribs and opened the people’s squad. The Lord did not dissolve a couple of couples, for that, if he wanted to bach the people of one, he would love to have a sleeping ancestor - Adam. To that, all people are relatives.

By giving the stem of the human body, God has bestowed upon him the spirit of life that soul, so that the soul is divinely loving, and the head special of the people.

The part of the people - the last stage of the Shestodnєva... Having opened the light, the whole creation of his thoroughly, the hand of God did not bring up to new evil, so that the light of the place of revenge is deprived of the good.

Mozhlvo, Six-Day - a parable that is not garnished. Science presents us with a picture of light, not a picture of religion. Protest the theory of science є if the theory is not, then, it can be brought. For a more detailed study of the thought, you can look at one of the documentary films, for example, "Food about walking". And, marveling, virishiti, chi tse is true. Kozhen dotrimuvatimetsya his thoughts, even for one icon - just a picture, and for the other - holy relic.


Quarters day for vitvoru. Buttya 1: 14-19

And having said God: Let there be light on the firmament of the heavens for the illumination of the earth and for the waking of the day every night, for the sign of the hour, the day, and the rock; and don't smell the stench, be light-hearted on the firmament of heaven, and light on the earth. This is how it became. І having dissolved God two great lights: light more, for keruvannya in the afternoon, і light less, for keruvannya at night, і glimmer; і putting іх God on the firmament of heaven, how to light up to the earth, і rule in the daytime and at night, and see the light from the time. І beating God is good. І bouv vechir, і bouv ranok: quarter day

2. Scientific criticism of the Book of Buttya and the history of creation The first straightforward, vikoristany science for criticism of the development about the work and the Flood - the whole geological science and theory. If you want James Hutton (1726-1797) to have bully and іnshi followers, you can say

10. There were sounds of light in the first three days of work, as Biblia rozpovidak, how did the lights come out of the fourth day? Yak could they have held out the first three days "evening and ranok"? The Lord Creator hangs the Earth with His presence. The light also resembled the throne of God. on the

Buttya. Chapter 1. 1. The first day of creativity. 1. God opened heaven and earth on the cob. On the cob ... Like at the saints of the Fathers, so in all the more distant literature there are two head types of dark words. For some people it’s simple

14. Fourth day of creation. 14. And having said God: Let there be light on the firmament of heaven (for the illumination of the earth) for the end of the day from every night, for the signs, and for the hours, for the days, and for the rock; 15. I don't smell the stench to be lights on the firmament of heaven, to light on the earth. I became like this. "

Another day of creation. Buttya 1: 6-10 I saying to God: Let there be solidity in the middle of the water, and let the water come out of the water. [I became like this. ] І God opened the firmament, і raised the water, so I firm, out of the lead, over the firmament. This is how it became. І calling God the firmament Heaven. [I beat God, it’s good.

The third day of creation. Buttya 1: 11-13 I said to God: Let the earth grow green, grass, be fruitful from this tree, to bring forth fruit for your kind, at the same time on earth. This is how it became. And the earth spilled greenery, grass, and sowed people after race.

It's a day for Vitvoru. Buttya 1: 20-23 І having said to God: Stop pouring water into plasuns, I live my soul; Don't let birds fly over the earth, on the firmament of heaven. [I became like this. ] І having dissolved the ribs of the great and every soul of creatures, plasuns, which were churning with water, for every kind, and every bird.

It's a good day for Vitvor. Buttya 1: 24–28, 31 І saying God: Let the earth fix the earth, I live for the race її, thinness, and the bastards, and the beasts of the earth for the kindred. This is how it became. І having made God open the earthly beasts for іхніm kind, і thinness behind the kind of yo, and all gods of the earth for їchnіm kind. І beating God is good. I said

Fourth day of creation 14. And having said God: "Let there be light on the firmament of heaven (for the illumination of the earth and) for the end of the day from the night, and for the banners, and hours, and days, and rock; ". heavenly, schob light on the ground. I became like this

The first day of creation. Buttya 1: 1-5 God opened heaven and earth on the cob. The earth is formless і empty, і temryava over the lack of one, і the Spirit of God extinguished over the water. I said to God: Let there be light. I became light. І having given God the light, it is very good, і having given God the temperament. І calling God light day, and temryav

Another day of creation. Buttya 1: 6-10 I saying to God: Let there be solidity in the middle of the water, and let the water come out of the water. [I became so.] God opened the firmament, і raised the water, so I firm, lead out, over the firmament. This is how it became. І calling God the firmament Heaven. [And God has turned away, so good.] It's a day of creation. Buttya 1: 20-23 I having said to God: Don't let the water go through the plazuns, I live my soul; Don't let birds fly over the earth, on the firmament of heaven. [I became so.] God opened the ribs of the great and every soul of the creatures of the plazuns, like the water rocked, for every kind, and every bird.

It's a good day for Vitvor. Buttya 1: 24-28, 31 І saying God: Let the earth make the earth live for the family її, thinness, and the bastards, and the beasts of the earth for the kindred. This is how it became. І having made God open the earthly beasts for іхніm kind, і thinness behind the kind of yo, and all gods of the earth for їchnіm kind. І beating God is good. I said

Quarter day of creation

And having said God: Let there be light on the firmament of heaven (for the illumination of the earth) and for the end of the day through the night and for the banner and the hour (for the fate), and for the day, and for the rock, and it became so. ..And placing God on the firmament of heaven, how to light up on the earth and cheruvati in the daytime and at night and see the light in the dark. 1st Buv Vechir, I Buv Ranok: Quarter Day. (Booth 1, 14, 17-19)

How can you tell people about the earth and light for the happy Moisey? Thousands of years have been consumed, as long as people have become more receptive and intelligent to the cosmogony that we see. And now it can be explained that the earth is cool, that people live on them and above, and below and do not fall. And how the earth is trimmed - for the whole demand, the nobility was told about the laws of physics. Protect three thousand rockets, but not a little bit of intelligence, Moses should talk about it, yakby win said toinaksha.

Alec seemed to be a prophet, so that it was light to appear in the sky, to light up on the earth, from even until the end of the hour the earth was illuminated as if it were not with lights, as it was only to light in the day, but at night, for the day the banner of the hour (obviously, for the time of fate), and of the day, and of the rock, so that of the whole complex of appearances, closely related to astronomical laws, such as to last until the present hour, and then it will be deprived of my time. And having guessed about a happy day and not at our mind, on the view of the figurative symbolic "days-іomіv."

The light bullo is directed towards the temryavi.

The sun did not rule during the day, but the month of the night, it didn’t fly into the sky.

They didn’t change and do not change the rock - not the winter that summer, autumn and spring, but, also, the climatic belts that made them sound.

This is a logical inheritance of what the prophet said about the hour, after overdoing the fourth day of creation.

Why would geology confirm the truth of what was said by the prophet, as for the whole non-transferable geological data?

On the basis of the appearance of the local chickens on the trees of the Paleozoic era, in the last Permian period, if the stench appears in the first place.

Zniknennya every hour of all grass-like trees from the tubular structure of the stovbur.

Expansion of the tropic lineage throughout the whole earth, including the poles.

The same warmth-like fauna is all over the earth, including the poles.

Establishment in a colossal number of pads of a cam'yana woolen as a result of the folded grass-like leaves, not attached to direct changes of dreams, їkh naturally charred from exchanges, we will try until the grass is covered with grass.

The emergence of climatic belts: polar, peaceful and tropical, repaired from the Permian period.

Rozpodil roselin and tvarinny light, which is attached to the entirety of climatic belts.

We have given you a lot of money, so that you can turn over to the fairness of such an explanation, so that all the facts are lost in obscure riddles.

Є a few of the іnhh іnіshh іnіshh іnkіch іvіvі, a little bit of a stench overkonlivі can be judged from the offensive:

The theory of vision of the earth's axis is categorically simpler by astronomers.

The theory of shifting the poles for the rakhunok floating on the melting magma of the continents (Wegener's theory), completely grounded and imovirna, a little more from the poles, to the rudder of the earth from the poles to the smallest Moreover, such a theory will not explain one thing, for that the whole flora and fauna in all earthly bodies in the Paleozoic is warm and tropical. Dal, * * link with a further explanation from the daylight of the rural chickens near all trees on all the land, last but not least in the Permian period and in. unspeakable facts. The creative ruler of God can be seen in the laws, which are laid down in the quiet manifestations of life on Earth. In general, it is natural to get involved, so that the knowers were in God's hands when the astronomical laws of the Earth were awakened on the fourth day of creation.

The earth's crust, stretching out its history, has survived three strained cataclysms. The stench was heard on the border. The first and the most important of them, for example, the Archean Empire, the result of this cataclysm was the Caledonian warehouse. The other is for example the Paleozoic, already in the Kamyanovugilny period, with which the Varistsy fold is tied, nareshti, the rest - at the third hour, through which Alpine fold appeared. For the first time, for the first time, a colossal number of carbon dioxide gases passed from the thrusts of earth measles during volcanic willows, gases and bullets were catalysts for water steam, as they were first planted on the ground on the ground and made water over the ground, embracing with a shielding cover. Suddenly, in the Kamyanovugilny period, there was also a number of carbon dioxide gases that flew from the surface of the earth, and once again a great number of water bets began to thicken and sink to the ground. Mabut, at once the atmosphere near the Earth has come close to the bitter camp, the sky has cleared for the first time, and the interchanges have begun to penetrate the land.

After a series of straining endogenous processes, there was a whole range of low mountain ridges and masses, such as, for example, the Ural ridge and Donetsk ridge, as a collection of boules in the most beautiful mountains, while the Donets drove away for hours.

The third tightest cataclysms appeared in the third period, before the hour when the new mountains of Europe and Asia were settled: Alpi and Himala, as well as Pirenei, Apennini, Balkani, Caucasus and others.


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