Games for the company on a new river. Games and contests with jokes for a corporate party

Games for the company on a new river. Games and contests with jokes for a corporate party

Nezabar winter, but it means that the time has come to think about those who are going to prepare for the dawn of the New Rock. And it’s important, let’s look at the menu and dress up, think over competitions for a new river, that rose, even the stink itself to revive the company, not to let it get boring, to remind the holy joy and laughter.

At the skin booth, there will be a fuss, if we hurry to choose gifts for people we love, if we want to destroy for the beauty of the forest, so that later we can decorate with all sorts of lines, sacks, bows, clappers and garlands, and if we put together a menu for a new table. It is also necessary to buy it for relatives and friends.

Everything is important, even if it is sacred not to do.

  • without a merry table, where on the table there are stilts of vishukanih stravas, which is simply impossible not to try;
  • without a dressing gown, de leather, if you want, add a coat of clothing or a suit;
  • without champagne, sparklers, buy gifts.

And what else is necessary for the atmosphere to be cheerful, daring, so that all the requests and members of this family will have a positive mood? Everything is simple - all contests, rozvagi, fire, baits, riddles, songs and other attributes of a fire mood.
Rozpovіmo chitachevі, like you can create a holy booth, like organizing relay races, games, quizzes and other things, like, invariably fit like grown-ups, like children.

Marvel at the cover photographs.

New games and rozvagi on the New River

Rozkriemo small secret. At the Kazkov winter, be a kind of grown-up, bring on the best and best, dream of turning into a child, even if not for a long time, and consider yourself a child. And if nothing is charіvna, then the dream can come. Proponuemo to your respect funny roses for grown-ups. First of all, we need to prepare a sprat of brown speeches.

Attributes, how to become a god for Christmas competitions that igor

- Check bags (bagato).
- Garlands, poppers, fireworks, sparklers.
- There were arkush papers and small stickers.
— Olіvtsі, felt-tip pens, markers, pens.
- Chair of the snow castle (for the children's competition).
- Plastic cups.
- Great feltings.
- Zuckerki, fruit, malt.
— Little gifts and souvenirs, bazhano from the symbol of fate Pivnem.
- Harvested verses, riddles, boxes, songs and dances.
- Garny mood.
If everything is chosen and prepared, you can begin to grow and win.

Games, various competitions at the novice night for seniors

1. Play with your family

At proponated games, they can take the fate of like a child, so that generation has grown up in a different age.

Competition "Forest fairy chi yalinka"

If everyone had already eaten on Novy Rik, they relaxed. They drank, the very hour to start playing that rose, so that the guests would not bother. Viklikayemo two bazhayuchi take the fate of grі. The skin stands on a stool and tries to depict a yalinka. Two more volunteers start decorating the tree, not with toys, but with the first one that catches the eye. Let the one who is beautiful and original dress up. Before speech, you can buy attributes from guests, but you can use everything for sure - cribs, clips, birthdays, hairpins, cufflinks, braids, scarves and more.

Promote to your friends the rozvazhalny group "New Baby"

Here can take the fate of all ages. Two heroes, as if their hands were tied, standing with their backs to the stand behind the arkush paper, to paint the symbol of the advancing fate - the Dog. You can vikoristovuvat olives, felt-tip pens. Participants may have the right to suggest - left, right and otherwise.

Gra for the great and small "Vesela caterpillar"

Ridiculous that beshketna gra for a new stash. All the participants of the vishikovuyutsya train, so they grab the skin by the waist, what to stand in front of. The lead leader begins to tell you that the caterpillar of the new one is trained and that he wins the command.

If it’s necessary to dance, it dances miraculously, if it needs to fall asleep - sleep, and if the caterpillar wants to sleep, then it falls on its head, paws pidtiskaє and crope. І axis, the leading start to put on disco music, start to start everything, not letting the waist down - dance, then you can sleep in karaoke or turn on the TV, and then sleep. The city is funny to tears, de skin shows itself in all its talents. Noise and din of security.

2. Competition for grown-ups at the Christmas table

If the guests languish bigati and stribati, sit down to re-read, then it is instructed them to play without getting up.

Contest "Skarbnichka"

We choose the leader. Vіn know the jar, well, otherwise, be it as empty as possible. Start up її on a stake, where you put a coin in a leather hoard, or a big sin. In addition, as a leader secretly pidrakhovu, as a scrip is found in a jar and proponuє tell fortunes, some pennies from the treasurer. The one who, having guessed, takes it into his own order.

Before the speech, even at a kazkovy evening, you can tell fortunes. That is why we have a roar for the grown-ups:

Gra "Prophecy of the Dol"

For whom, we prepare richly puffed, different-coloured sacks and lay in them a variety of fervent prophecies. For example, “Your suzir'ya is changing under the infusion of Queen Cleopatri, so you will be charmingly beautiful all the rocks” or “The President of New Guinea has come to visit you” and so on.

The skin participant chooses his own bag, bursts it and reads his hot note to the presence. It's fun for everyone, Novyi Rik 2018 is celebrated with games and rozvagami, wine is remembered by everyone.

Gra "Smishni prikmetniki"

Here the leader calls all the participants ahead of the preparation of the prikmetniks, otherwise he writes on the arch paper, so that we can see it. And after the words, in those sequences, in the yakіy їх they name those who are sitting at the table, placing in a specially prepared text. Words are added in that roughness, deviated. The axis of the eye.

Prikmetniki - marvelous, sticky, inconspicuous, stingy, p'yany, vologiy, savory, rich, banana, rich, slimy, shkidlivy.

Text:“Good night, found friends. This (harsh) day, I and my (uncommon) onuchka Snіgurka nadsilaєmo you (stingy) inoculate and wil with the rock of Pivnya. R_k, which is over the shoulder buv (p'yany) i (vologiy), but when it comes, it will always appear (savory) and (bunch). I want to indulge everyone (banana) health and (bogatyr) happiness, (slime) gifts to the ladies with our health. Zavzhd your (shkidlivy) Dіdus Frost. Approximately so. The light drink of the company has had success, believe me!

Gra is called "Racer"

Miraculous rozvaga on Novy Rik. Otzhe, take a position from a small toy car. We put kelikh on the skin of them, burn down the fire with fizzy wine. The cars need to be carefully pulled by the skein, without spilling any drips. To whom the machine arrives first, and whoever is the first to drain the cells to the bottom, that one will overcome.

It’s holy at the end of the fire and you can try to go to the humble hills for non-complex participants.

3. Ruhlivі contests for grown-ups

We drank, we drank, the hour has come and weasel. Ignite that gramo.

Contest "Factory Pivnik"

Viklikayemo to yalinka two participants. We tie our hands behind our backs, and put some fruit on the dish, let's say a tangerine or an apple, a banana. Zavdannya - clean the fruit and eat yoga, without sticking your hands. Who tse zrobiv shvidshe, those th vigrav. Let me give you a souvenir for a riddle.

Competition "Prischipochki"

Here you will need two beautiful participants. Pannochka zav'yazuemo eyes and pid music zmushuemo znyat from Dida Frost all clothespins, as if in front of the boulder on a new dress. Choir vvazhaemo take pinches, whoever has more of them, she won. Pinchings can be fixed in the same place. Ale, call me, tse gra is not for the shy.

Gra "Hat"

Fate can take fate. What is the essence of the Grie: pass the hat one to one, without hands, and the one who let it in, try to put the money on his head, so do not shrivele with his hands.

Gra "Test for hardness"

We continue the list of new competitions and roses in the middle of a funny game. Two participants are guilty of lifting the box of sirnikova with sirniks, as they are squeezed in their hands. Abo one more test. Handing a leaflet to the skin, written on the new bag. Win the one who is smarter and smarter to win the match. An enchanting souvenir is obov'yazkovim.

Marvel more, as if to respect your friends and little guests.

Games and contests for young children and schoolchildren

Children are born of a different age, for that we specially prepared roses, like for little ones, so for older children, school age, so that everything was tsіkavo and tsіkavo in tsyu charіvnu novorichnu nіch. Before the speech, you can dress up children in the costumes of fairy tale characters and hold a competition for the best costume or the Guessing Games contest. If there are too many children, then let the leather participant guess the suit of the front. Let's distribute malt and fruit.

Contests and games for the smallest

    • 1. Competition "The Snow Queen".
      Get ready for a new advance, get ready for a small chair for the castle in the snow and a lot of plastic cups. Showing the children of the chair, let them remember it well, if you please. The very task: from plastic cups to create a castle of the Snow Queen, such as images for a little one. The best-witted and best-kept child wins the prize.
    • 2. Gras "Fox Beauty and Did Frost"
      The children sing the colo, trembling by the handles and rozpovidat, as if they were yalinkas. After the skin image, those who are rozpov_v.
    • 3. Grajemo near the new theater
      If children come in carnival costumes, then let the skin play the role of the one whose image has arrived. You can’t - ask to sleep a dog, or tell a song. A gift for a skin child and footwear.
    • 4. Gra "Guessing". The leading children begin to act as synonyms, which designate a fairy tale hero, or the first words of his name, for example, Snigova ..., Bridkiy ..., Red Frost ..., Tsarivna ..., Koshchiy ..., Ivan ..., Nightingale ..., A man at the very rose of strength ... and so on, and the children continue. We will continue to cry, so that children will be able to portray these heroes.

New competitions for schoolchildren

Older children love to have fun, and they also need to take gifts and tasty zukerki. Play with them at the comedy games, reward the skin with a memorable prize.

  • 1. Gra "Valyanki". Under the yalinka we put a great rosemary of felting. Overcome the one who is most likely to get close to a coniferous tree and close to the felt.
  • 2. Gra “With signs”. If a child or a grown-up one enters at the booths, we attach papers with an inscription on his back - a giraffe, a hippopotamus, a proud eagle, a bulldozer, an ogirok, a tomato, a rocking chair, a cereal, a washcloth, a zukerka, Velcro, and so on. Leather guest to walk and drink, what is written on the back of the other, but do not drink, what is written on the other. Why do you need to know, do not put direct nutrition, what is written on the back, only so and not.
  • 3. Gra "choosing to give birth." In a vase we put pure fruit, zucerki and other savory. Let's start, children run and grab malt from vases with their mouths, whoever pulls more, then win.
  • 4. Competition "New Pisenka". Children guess new songs from cartoons and films, whoever guesses more, wins the one.

- Do not miss the opportunity to create something unusual and original with your own hands, please your loved ones!

New competitions for adults and children at the table

Competition "Which ball is bigger"

Tsey competition will be tsіkaviy and grown up, and children. It is necessary for the guests to give out another bag and just give a signal, all the responsibility is to inflate. Whoever has a lusne ahead, that gravelets come out of the gry. The winner is the one who will have the largest bag as a result.


Tsey competition fell to the soul and the older generation. For the organized competition, a leader is needed, like a stick on a stake. It is necessary to work on music, on whom it will end and win a part. Who wins the prize.

I love - I don't love

Tsya rozvaga bring you smіh that joy. All the participants are guilty of saying that they love and dislike their stench at the table. For example: I love my hand's hand, and I don't like my hand. And this participant can kiss those who love and taste those who do not love.

Kulya bazhan

Zazdalegіd is written on the leaves of the bajannya that zavdannya. At the hour of laying the skin, choose your own sack, and may glisten without the help of hands. Those who have consumed the participant, those may be vikonati. It's a fantasy to lie down and have fun.

Cheerful and radiant mood to lie in the air of life, merry people. So we will have fun at the new night and the fortuneteller.

Tell fortunes on paper

We take the wife's paper, write down the food, how to chirp your bag. We put everything in a wide dish and pour water. That papirets, like a spleen on the mountain, and will be a positive support for the victorious bazhannya.

Guess, play, have fun - and yours will be sacredly left in memory for a long time, and the new river of 2020 will bring you good luck!

It often happens that on new nights both children and grown-ups sit at the same table. And when they have their own cries, and as children play and run, then they have grown up to marvel at new comedies and raise their moods with degrees. New competitions for a new river for children and grown-up minds at home for 2017, will help your company to brighten up and cheerfully create a new river. Our competitions are suitable for all generations, and it will be new and will be such that everything will be created anew and anew.

Competition - new abetka
I children, and grown up to know the alphabet. It will be easy for him to win the competition for that cіkavo. The essence of the competition is simple: a leather guest calls a word by name, as if it were a sign of a new fate. Ale is not just called, but the letter of the alphabet. For example, the first to the letter A, the other to the letter B. the third on, and so on. Whoever does not name his devil, that vibuvaє. And help the one who lost the rest.

The competition is a quiz for new rock.
In this competition, children are gracious against the grown-ups. And you can give orders, so that they have grown up, and children. Zagalom, how can you be tempted. The game is easy to pass: the leader put the power on, and the commands are given to them. I’ll check the first team, if the answer is not correct, then a friend can answer for it. Vіdpovіdat on zachity on cherzі.

Power supply:
To continue a row of songs - a yalinka was born at the fox.
1) The fox was rowing
2) She lived by the garden
3) At the fox she lived
4) The fox won bula
Vidpovid: the fox had a life

What kind of Kazakh characters are similar?
1) Snowman and wine fluff
2) Snowman and pinocchio
3) Snіgovik ta yalinka
4) Snowman and Baba Yaga
Suggestion: snowman and pinocchio, for you can carry it.

There are no such embellishments for yalinkas?
1) Burulka
2) Dosh
3) Zirka
4) Lead
Suggestion: lead

Whom to call on the new river?
1) Police
2) Dida frost
3) Budinkovogo
4) Guests
Vidpovid: frosty day

Where did the frost get gifts?
1) From the screen
2) Z capelyuha
3) Z bear
4) Three snowman's buckets
Suggestion: z bear

What is the snowman's nose?
1) Chervoniy
2) 3 carrots
3) From ice and snow
4) The snowman has no nose
Suggestion: with carrots

Show competition, don't tell.
I am dividing the guests into teams, and you can leave the teams, as they took part in the previous competition. Play the commands in hell. The first team to stand at the row and stand the stench of the faces at the back of our people. The leader shows the remaining participant the teams of little ones, for whom it is painted. For example, it is possible to get frosty from a bear of gifts behind your back. The remaining participant knocks at the back of the stepping one and gives it to him with deeds, which is painted on a little one. Let's play according to the principle of a broken phone. The first member of the team is already guilty of understanding what was painted on the little one.

Contest - riddles of trickery
I children, and adults, love to guess riddles. Do you want to try guessing the riddles of trickery? Let's go.

Play those contests with the symbols of "pivnya", insanely, embellish more than one new corporate party and a fashionable evening. Tse zaporuka mіtsnogo zdorov'ya, excellent mood, excitement that just spravzhny courage. Igri - vіdminnі likі, dopomoga nalagodzhenny vzaєmovіdnosin, usunennya konflіktіv, splkuvannya people.

The most creative piven

It is necessary to cheer up the number of guests and make a bet: a man - a woman. Women are called “chickens”, and people, obviously, are called “pivnyaks”. The task for the hens is lying in that, її pіvnik looked like a scary, how can you be more beautiful, more beautiful, more fashionable, cooler, An hour for dressing up - 1 whilina, pіd fun, zaderikuvat music. You can wink if you like handy materials: scarves, bows, hairpins, gums, embellishments, yalinka tinsel, toys that don’t be used, serpentine, plank threads, and wind zukerki. More yaskravikh, juicy colors, fire, fireworks!
The ability to rob the eyes themselves, the advantage - to the most original, enchanting, with the creative idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"pivnya"!

Be respectful! Piven chi cock?

You can get the whole company of requested people to the Grim. Tse navіt more rozvezhivat, rozvezhivat. Vishikovuetsya colo. Gravets, turning right-handed to the right hand, whispering one word in his ear: “pіven chi cock” and so on until the rest of the participant. They gave the host to ask you to guess the word, like you smelled the stench, then try to imagine yoga.
"Piven" - stand on the left leg, and bend the right leg in the knee
"Chicken" - you can't stand on your feet. Don't go out!
You cheer for the cicava! Gravtsі pochnut shukati raznі ways of vikonannya rules, navkolo mushnya, pantyhose. The result of such a dichotomy can be allowed: a friendly fall on a pidlog, or maybe such an original wine with a rich tiered figure. But all the guests are satisfied, they look at each other more and more arbitrarily and one by one.

Proud piven

Divide the guests into two teams, skin guessing their name. Three participants per team are requested. The wagers of the opponents of the vishikovyvayutsya opposite one of one, imagining a proud, respectful, extravagant, bullying pivnya. What is noteworthy: straighten your shoulders, proudly pull your neck, pull the toenail back, pull the bridle of the toenail, troch spread your fingers, one leg, bend the troch, stick it forward. Zirko marveling at the supernik at the top, loudly, eloquently miming the name of their team. Win the one who does not laugh.

Chicken blind

Three bets are called, the skin man has the same woman. Women's eyes are tied, and the cavalier attaches clothespins for the help of the leader on his clothes, and the same amount for the skin of them. Music sounds, the woman tries to know and take all the clothespins from her cavalier, Who is the greatest vicon of the zavdannya. Toy and vvazhaetsya pomozhets.

Mister X-Piven - 2017

Pivni love your person so much, show them abi your I, she will be beautiful!
The contest "Mister X - 2017" is being voiced in the midst of a person's article. - Defile of a vishukanogo man, a dandy, a "ruffy pivnya". Improvised by the podium, in front of the woman's audience, the proud walk of the low impressive cavalry. Evaluation criteria: to bring yourself, to show your moves, details of the costume, facial expressions, gestures, positive mood.

New pivnya toast

Five participants are called out. It is necessary to come up with a toast at the sight of the virsha chi prose, and dedicate it to the symbol of the New 2017 rock - fire Pivnya.
Distribute to all the graves on the arkush paper with one letter of the word "P.Є.T.U.Kh." Usyogo five arkushiv. Zavdannya pogaє in the offensive: vigadati novorichne pobazhannya z tiєї letters, like you got away. The first participant begins with the letter “P”, and the other participant begins with the letter “E”, clearly capturing the thought of the front, etc. In general, you can win, the original toast is a blessing.

Hey, that Piven!

Get a bag for more guests, yak utvoryuyut kolo.
A box or a bag is brought in, in such a dispersed item of clothes: capes, hoodies, laces, backs, scarves, decor elements, details of the bed. etc.
Music sounds, everyone dances, passing the bear one to one. Stop! The music is off! A participant, in the hands of some kind of bear, quickly, without thinking, removes a new object and breathes in. Axis stink fun! Axis de fuse!
If all the items of clothing run out, the bags are picked up: “Ay, that piven! Hey, well done! Just great!

Pivnya's greed

How bright is the fire, if you know it better, the object shines, for example, gold!
Win spinning, spinning, roaming with paws, helping with a dzhobom. Is it possible to waste such wealth?
The essence of the competition lies in the fact that you should designate and win the most amount of gold embellishments in the team members. The richest team is awarded a prize - a gold pen with a pen. Before speech, a pen of this kind can be made from paper of golden color.

Bagatoditny piven

Piven, without a doubt, the head of this family, respectful, sumptuous, loving! But how else? Forward at the vіdpovіdі not only for yourself, but also for the quiet, who instructed them. Yogo sіm'ya is the best of the world!
Below we give options for the competition:
1. Leading z'yasovuє with present guests - who has the most family? Win a prize - a toy PIVEN
2. Who has photos of children in gamants, hamants (do not forget that a stubble can have a large number of curls). Win the prize - magnet Piven

Practical Sim'yanin

Piven know, yakі zusilla it is necessary to report that yogo family lived in abundance. The participants of the evening are given the arkush paperer by stake, deleting the notes, for the sake of propositions, recommendations for ensuring their prosperity. One mind: you can't repeat yourself. Help the one who can leave the note on a piece of paper. The leader is guilty of reading all the records - please. The prize is a large chocolate coin on the line, like hanging on the neck.

Rіznokolorovy piven

The piven is quicker, rattling with spurs, with different-colored vizerunki. I’ll think it over well, don’t do anything in a hurry. The plumage vibrates with all the half-light, which either flares up, then goes out, then gurglingly gurgling. For the competition it is necessary to choose the captains of two teams. Participants give colorful, bright objects, like a stink, to their captains. After a short interval of an hour, a selection of “pivni” enter the center. For the assessment of the peeps, the team "Nairiznobarvnishiy piven"

You can take part in the competition. The leader distributes cards, which have more than 5 different words written in them. The word PIVNIK is obov'yazkovo present.
With a stretch of 1 hvilini, it is necessary to vigadati an unseen informational reminder to the New Rock, victorious all the words. The intonation of the announcer, mime, gesture is damaged.
Humor and fun will be enough! © "SuperTosti"
In case of vikoristannі materials tsієї statti actively sent to the site

The skin of the participant, according to your will, takes a card with a singing phrase, it will be necessary to depict it in such a way that others could guess what they themselves, showing the participant. Otzhe, the participant shows, and they guess, they gave the change of a new participant, the docks will try everything for themselves in the role of an actor. Common phrases that can revenge cards:
- Dvіchnik bіlya doshki;
- child, why cry, how you want to eat;
- angry dog;
- Did Frost brought gifts;
- dance of little swingers;
- It's slimy on the street, and so far away.

What is the fault of this did Frost?

Gra on vibuvannya. Mustache participants stand at the stake. І, beginning with whatever (which one will be the first to follow), the boys are named after one laudatory word for Dida Moroz. Also, what kind of wine, our DID Frost? Kind, enchanting, cheerful, handsome, wise, generous, generous, mitzny, kind, bearded, enigmatic, invisible and so on. Let the children show their imagination and tell everyone how to stink a good charmer. And whoever does not name, that one vibuvaє. And the kіlka lads, yakі to be left with the grі to the end, take away the title of winners and prizes.

І Novy r_k not Novy r_k

Children sit or stand at the stake. Did Frost or the leading deaf, that at once the hour has come to guess all the necessary speeches and objects, which are holy with the elements. According to the number of skins from the participants, they are named after one subject. For example, an anniversary, a TV set, a yalinka, a garland, Did Frost, snow, a present, too. A participant who can name an object - vibuvaє. Override the one for whom the rest of the word is left.

Kmitliva vіdpovіd

Leading to put nutrition, as if standing up for new heroes and school subjects at the same time, and the children say and chim kmitlivisha and cіkavіsha vіdpovіd, it’s better. For example: how is the Snіgovik of bindings from geometry? (Vin is folded from the sack). Yak Dіd Moroz po'yazaniy іz geography? (Vіn lіtaє in the whole world and delivering gifts to children at the skin point, the nobility of geography on the firm is to blame for this 5). Yak Snіguronka is tied with my Russian mother? (She is signing vital leaflets for children and is obliged to work competently). The more the participant is qualified for such a supply, the more chances there are for him to become a winner.

Secret for Dida Frost

Children are divided into teams of approximately 10 people. The skin team is standing in a row, one by one. The first participants will take a sheet - a sheet, the information of which it is necessary to convey to Didov Moroz, for example, on the 31st of March in the evening, hares and squirrels, deer and wovka, children and grown-ups check for you on Yalints! On the command “start”, the first participants transmit information, as if they forgot to another participant in the ear, chanting loudly and not in a voice, so that they did not smell the supermen and so lanky. The team, as if it were better for others, would be better, correctly conveyed the information to Santa Claus (so the remaining participant can say the final text of the sheet), and we will help.

Z new rock

Children are divided into teams of 11 points each, the skin participant is awarded with a felt-tip pen or a marker. For the skin team on the same size, easels made of Whatman paper. The skin participant is guilty of stribat in a teddy bear, like a cartoon “Well, shave!” to the easel and write after the letter, so that for example the phrase “With New Rock” appeared. Later, after the “start” command, the first participants shoot from the bear to the easel and write according to the letter “C”, then they shoot back and pass the baton to other participants, others write the letter “H”, the third - “O” then. The team, as soon as you finish the baton, write “Z New Rock”, and we will overcome it.

When it's cold outside

Children are subdivided into teams of 5 pers. The skin participant is guilty of putting on mittens. The skin team accepts the same puzzle sets (but with new themes) for a small number of details. After the "start" command, the teams proceed to fold the puzzle at the mittens. The team, as soon as it gets better, will win the prize.


The children get up at the ring and start the music, and pass on the ring of the new kovpak. If the music is humming, the participant, who has a cap in his hands, puts yoga on his head, and that victorious Father Frost. Ring out, the children are far away preparing the top chi pies for Dida, so the overlays are turned on here.

Zirvati z yalinki usі golky

Two participants, as if to tie their eyes, stand at the stake of the patients. On the clothes of the participants, 10 pinches are added. Following the command of the leading lad, one can help one another to sing in the form of nipple and yaknaishvidshe. To take fate according to the will of all the bazhayuchs, with which the pinches will be chipped at the different places.

New river on one nose

All children to stand white yalinka and for the command of the leader take the pose "stay on one nose". The new cheerful dog is turned on and the lads start stribati - dance on one foot, without changing it. If you give up - vibuvaє, but if you try to get to the end of the song, we will overcome it.

The coming river of the Fire Pivnya needs to be merry, in a galaslivy and kind company - cim wi "appease" the ruler of 2017 and you yourself take satisfaction in the form of a meeting with friends and close people. At schools and children's gardens, ring out the new saints to transfer to the chest - to check the holidays and home holidays for boys. In children's teams, wounds and yalinkas are held, children and schoolchildren take part in games, competitions, songs, sporting events in the new style, perform and concerts. Well, obviously, skin family, de children, in the baby’s fate (and maybe even earlier), discuss how to play the contests for Novyi Rik 2017 for your small and friendly team. In domestic minds, it is better to spend calm, so that you do not experience sharp rushes and big waves. Near the garden and the school, children organize yalinkas at the great halls, you can hold ruhlivі іgry, mini-disco just as well. The most fun tricks for grown-ups are playing with popular features like a body or a silhouette, guessing melodies, karaoke, “Standup”, laughing at eating a new cake and salad toshcho.

Fun contests for New Year 2017: New games and games for family and children

After preparing for the new urochistas, it's time to think about spending a charming night. It’s rich for someone from us to celebrate the upcoming New Year 2017 in our native country, together with children, and, perhaps, to request guests to come to us. In order not to be surrounded by the traditional old poignant savory seasons, at breaks between salads, hot herbs and desserts, to hold new games and competitions. Such rozvagi will not give boredom to inspire calm and phlegmatic participants in the banquet. Usim will be not only tasty, but also fun!

Competition "Paint a Pivnya"

Children and grown-ups can take part in the contest "Namalyuy Pivnya". For this, large white leaves are attached to the wall, scarves are prepared or bandages on the eyes, felt-tip pens or olives. Two chilka participants can be involved. The skin of them will be tied up with eyes and painted on the symbol of the New 2017 rock - Pivnya. Obviously, the more peeping people get, they will be more fun and funny. If you can steal wild votes - do not forget to prepare a prize for the new one!

Tsіkavі competitions for Novyi Rіk 2017 for grown-ups and children - Merry Christmas in the home minds

Now, you live in a small room, and you may not have enough space for the celebration of New Year 2017, you can choose competitions that do not have great space. It is easy to prepare them for a sprat of quills. Golovna, that you and the children looked at themselves in comfort.

Competition "What kind of animal am I?"

Such a competition for 2017 will fit more like a child. If you want to do yoga, then buy a sprig of masks in advance, or prepare them from cardboard. The participant of the competition will flatten his eyes, and the presenter will wear a mask of a creature on yoga. If you can squash your eyes, the next one. Yogo zavdannya - find out what is wrong for the beast. ВІН to put suggestive food for the peeps, and tі give you an unambiguous answer - “so” chi “nі”. It is possible to make things easier by squeezing the supply of food. Peremagay participant, who guessed the animal after the smallest number of clues.

Gra “I take with me from Novy 2017 rіk”

Here, a handful of contestants intermingle with less than a handful of guests. Kozhen іz uchasnіv nazivaє є іm'ya, more precisely, yogo first letter. The leader propons to make a list of speeches, as it is allowed to take a participant to Novy Rik. Here it’s hard to get to know those whose names start with “redkish” letters - “I”, “e”, “u”, “f”, even if you can take with you only that object, whose name starts with the first letter of the participant’s name. Your home spirit is worthy of a competition, to bring up some of the participants in the "take" from themselves a few subjects!

Competition "My Pivnik 2017 is better!"

For this fun competition, the participants are guilty of betting. One of the participants in the rally becomes a new Pivnik, and the other is trying to embellish it more beautifully, lowering the supernick. You can “embellish” the pivnya with garlands, tinsel, yalink toys, serpentine and wind it with piece snow! That couple, de symbol of the New 2017 rock, looks better and better.

Just contests for New Year 2017 for a small company - New awards for couples and for two

If you celebrate New 2017, double or double in a small company, if you don’t spend time in an apartment, dance, simple fun contests to cheer up your guests, and you! Choose chi guess rozvagi at once!

Competition "Visiting the Chinese"

Tse fun action will not take a rich time for that hour, but you will become a receiving rose for everyone. Participation in the competition can be done, the presenter himself can inspire. Chinese sticks are placed in front of the skin of the participants, a bowl of green peas, corn or boiled kvass is placed. We must try to skushtuvati chastuvannya "Chinese". The leaders stop the hour, and the participants proceed to the meal. We may have fewer peas on the plate.

Gra "Go to the cinema"

Participants of the competition can sit at the table, walk, eat, marvel at TV or start dancing - it’s a smut, so they called more films on new topics!

The coolest contests for New Year 2017 for a fun company. Merry rozvagi for the future

Traditionally, most of the companies that chose New Year 2017 decided to drink champagne and less alcohol. It’s rich who cares that without holy drinks you won’t be so cheerful. Is it not so - is it possible, the popular "Fanti" or "Guess-Ka", a dance marathon or a battle of intellects to cheer up those present more richly for alcohol? Try organizing the coolest contests until 2017.

Competition "Best shooter 2017"

You need glassy dances of champagne and lemonade - the stench will become targets. Zazdalegіd vygotte kіltsya іz shіlnogo cardboard. Roll the dances in a row. Let the skin participant of the competition throw a kіltse, put on yoga on the neck of the dance. Permagaet the one whose dance collects more number of bones!

Competition "Zazirni vіchі"

To hold this fun competition, it is necessary to prepare a lot of photographs of people around. Take out only that photo, where you know your eyes, and shove it in an envelope. On an empty lot of photographs, you can put images of the eyes of creatures. The first group of contestants ask for the names of celebrities who are less likely to see their eyes in the photo, and the next group - to decide which people should have the image of their eyes on the envelope!

Rukhlivy competitions for Novy 2017 for schoolchildren. Sports magic

Most of the schoolchildren simply love roc! Young restless ones can’t sit quietly while learning 45 times a lesson, ale - send them cheerfully fluffy contests, and they will be ready to be shocked by their peers to the morning! At the same time, new competitions and sports promotions for new saints are guaranteed. Here the fantasy of the organizers of the action can be surrounded by less than an hour and a wide range of accommodation for visitors. You can take over the baton with an egg on a spoon - bіgti, balancing a boiled egg on a spoon, squeezed by a twisted hand. It's bad to rule the karaoke contest - young talents love not only bigati, but sleep! Organizing the holy New Year 2017 for children, energize them, like competitions stink to know and love - listen to the thoughts of the lads!

Fun competitions for New Year 2017 in the kindergarten. Holy rozvagi for the smallest

In a childish cage, it’s always loud, the contests are ruled by rukhli, relay races and magic are not the best option. The healer of the DNZ can ask the fathers of the little ones to prepare for the new start of 2017. Like leather from lads, the rose of the song chi sing a merry little song, let's see not a competition, but a wonderful concert! It is possible to carry out such a simple group - to give the skin of the children a cut into the little pieces of the image of Dida Frost 2017, Snіguronki, yalinki, Snіgovik and ask them to pick them up in the puzzle.

New fun contests for a kindergarten - Roses for little ones on New Year 2017

At the child's garden, the little ones always check on the new saint. In order to make the coming 2017 river, the spirits and the fathers can unite and prepare the right fun. For holding competitions, igor and other roses, you may need requisites. Come ahead or prepare everything you need. For example, for the competition "New Fishing" you need basins, "woods" with magnets and fish with magnetic mouths. The participants will be encouraged to try their "flasks" like the most fish. For the contest "Guess the song" you need a player or a computer. The facilitator turns on the melody, and the little one guesses what kind of song to sound.

Family competitions for the New Year 2017 - Fun new games and romance for all the motherland

The number of new competitions is so great, you can choose the Christmas tree for your taste. “Unpack the Gift” is one of the most popular and most fun family competitions. For yoga, it is necessary to pack all the gifts behind the back, wrapping them with a variety of paper. Wash the competition, you can change it. For example, in one case, the participants-members of this family will need to unpack the gift from the flattened eyes and find out what is there on the dotik. In another option, unpacking of gifts is carried out for the next hour. The participant takes the package, curling his hands behind his back - whoever appears the most beautiful, we will overcome it!

Gra "Affirmation"

Gra "Pobazhannya" - a miracle way to take the whole family on New Year 2017. You will see the Map of Bazhan, de її warehouse visualize everything that you want to see in your mother, or take it into the future. At tsіy grі, the ritual of mayzhe is the same - you don’t take the fate of the whole family from him. You need whatman paper, glue and a sprat of magazines with pictures. From magazines you will see everything that is worthwhile - cars, banknotes, houses, yachts, trees, embellishments, roslins, creatures, etc. You can make simple little ones yourself, or write comedy writings. Zovsіm not obov'yazkovo mother of artistic zdіbnostі; smut - work all the way with a wide heart. Let's look at pictures that depict different objects, you can make leaflets with invocations and wind up with "prophecies." So it will be tsіkavіshe - there will be an intrigue! Ready pictures need to be sorted randomly and laid out on the basis of a modern night. Leaflets with forecasts and with help can be placed in a cat. The participants of the grill, in due course, put their hand into the cat, and slowly twist a leaflet for indulgence or rebuffs. Such a family game for children and grown-ups can be varied. A vityagnuty leaflet, otherwise the image will be known for the New Year 2017 for all the motherland. After that, as it is written, the participant of the grid glues the picture onto the drawing paper. If all members of this family take part in the process, you will have a great arc with blessings and forecasts for 2017! You can draw pictures and write a few times. Adornments with pobazhannyami and little ones a sheet of whatman paper hang on the wall. It seems, if you believe, that the garne can cope, so it will become! Don't forget that it's more than enough - it's not too much to be seriously put to the point where it's worth it.

Funny games and competitions for Novyi Rik 2017 are the best way to spend Svyatkov Nich іz sіm'єyu or garnoy, let's go and zovsіm small, company. You don’t nudguvatimete, as if in advance, you prepare roses for everyone, bring on little ones. Pratsіvniki DNZ pick up the simplest games for the children's garden, and teachers of the cob classes and fathers can unite that authority for schoolchildren and fun newcomers and competitions. Golovne, everything was positive, and 2017 started off good!


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