Skіlki boil chicken krilltsya. Broth with chicken krillets pokrokovy recipe for cooking with photo

Skіlki boil chicken krilltsya. Broth with chicken krillets pokrokovy recipe for cooking with photo

pokrokovy recipe with photo

Since you have been dreaming about chicken broth for a long time, but there is no whole home-made chicken - you can cook pershu grass from chicken krillets, you can easily find it in any store. Viide broth is not so rich and fat, but just as savory and lively, rich, especially if you serve it with crackers or croutons. Add spices and spices to the broth, but keep in mind that the stench added relish to the broth, and did not obscure the yoga.


You need for 0.5 l of broth:

  • 3 chicken wings
  • 0.6 l cold water
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 cibulina
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 5-6 black peppercorns
  • 3-4 pinches of salt
  • 1-2 stalks of green celeri or parsley


1. Chicken krilltsya come without the upper phalanx (bist), promiєmo їх near the water and put into a saucepan or a stewpan (alternatively, you can make broth in a slow cooker).

2. Let's clean the carrots and cibulin and call them great little things. Dodamo їх у ємніст.

3. Fill with cold water, because our goal is to prepare a delicious broth. When vikoristanny cold water, the edges of the meat will not be sealed and it will step by step give the broth its relish and aroma. Yakbi mi prepared the meat itself, and not the broth, but in the same time it was necessary to fill in the okrip.

4. Vsiplemo sіl, promiєmo greens of celery or parsley, dodamo at once with bay leaves and peas of black pepper in a jar. Place the container on the stove and bring it to a boil on medium heating. At the hour of boiling, it is recommended to take a pin, but you can not work it, so the broth will still be filtered through a ball of gauze, or through a strainer with fine middles.

5. From the moment of boiling, boil the broth for about 20 minutes and turn off the heating.

Dzhe korisny and lively broth, made from homemade chicken. I want to encourage you to prepare such broth from chicken krillets. If you would be kinder, if you buy a chicken of your own bird, but if there aren’t any such, then you’ll be fine. A cup of such strife and pіdbаdёrіt pіd іd hour ailments, і vgamuє famine, or serve as an addition to meat pirіg or other unlicorious vypіchki. Chicken krill broth can also be the basis for such yak soup, borscht or stew. Especially the piquancy and flavor of such a broth is given to the celery, as well as other vegetables, spices and seasonings. In the cinema cooking chicken broth in our opinion, all the vegetables are moving away, the motherland is going through and as a result, you will have a beautiful, light, clean and savory broth. The meat of the cooked chicken krill can be beaten up for the preparation of meat salads, or after water-creaming from the brush, add back to the broth. Cook boldly - zhte z koristyu! Find out more about those, how and how you can skilki, what kind of preparations.

Ingredients for making broth with chicken krill

Cooking pokrokove broth with chicken krillets.

Serve the broth with chicken fritters by pouring the yogo into cups. You can serve up to tsієї stravi toast, croutons or pirіzhki with meat. Savory!

Tse lie down in order to add to the stench of the stench. So, for example, for soups, an hour of preparation is 40 khvilin, and for stews - 30. Also, lay down this display and see the dishes. Schob was sensible, skin from the ways of looking at it was reported.

Cooking hour

How long to cook chicken krill? Tse lie in order, now you need the stench. Adzhe for skin care needs its own degree of readiness of products. For example, for krill soup or broth, cook for about 40 hvilin after the water boils.

If the spring of krill will be an independent grass, then the hour of cooking will soon be up to 35 hvilin abo pivgodini. The hour of recovery is after the fact that the water at the container boils with the product.

Cooking chicken krill is easier with multicookers. It is more necessary to set the "Shutdown" mode and set the timer for the next day.

Method of cooking at the pan

In order for the krill to appear savory, it is necessary to remember how long to cook chicken krill in a saucepan. In addition, it is necessary to follow the algorithm:

How long to cook chicken krill? To lay and in addition, the broth is needed as much as possible. For more rich gravy prepare the trigger with a pull of 45 strands.

Krilltsya zavantazhuyut less cold water. Only in this mood and the broth, and the very meat of the birds will be savory and fragrant.

Recipes with boiled chicken

On the basis of this recipe, you can remember how much to cook chicken krill and what you need for a budget, but savory stew. warehouses:

How to cook?

Rinse the creels, fill them with water, put them on fire and check for boiling. Yakshcho utvoryuєє pіna, її obov'yazykovo tidy up. After that, as a krillz, pour 15 quills, add potato bulbs to the soup, smeared on olives with cibula and carrots. Salt and pepper. Soup is prepared for 10 more khvilin, after which they make the stove and let the grass infuse. Serve before the table, sip in the front with chopped greens - parsley and a crop. It is recommended to live less with a hot looking person.

Those skilki cook chicken krill, still lie down in order to cook the grass. Alecia is easy to learn to navit by the method of trials and pardons. Golovne - do not be afraid to try.

Soup on chicken krilltsy is the first season, and it is quite importantly easy to prepare. You can't create difficulties for young ladies, who previously tried to try their talents in cooking.
For the recipe:

Stravi, prepared with chickens, vpevnenі, what to love with rich families. Recipes from them are basically impersonal - ptah lubrication, baking and cooking. Danish recipe proponuє vіdvarieny ptah, moreover, not as a whole, but from the most delicious part - krill. You can add some products to the soup: vegetables, cereals, spaghetti. Tse already decision of the skin master. Well, I propagate the best soup, including fresh vegetables.

This dish is dietary and not high in calories, because revenge less light fat. Chicken broth is acquired and processed easily by the body, even though it is more corrosive and alive. Therefore, it is recommended to recommend that people with ailments should get used to the disease and the method of prevention against gastritis. Likewise, this first grass can be mercifully treated by women, like chasing after their figure. Even more it will spriya for the swedish renewal of the body after the flu and colds, tk. in a chicken vіdvаrі there are a lot of brown elements, like they may be against power.

How to cook chicken broth correctly?

Chicken broth can be cooked with a whole bird carcass, with soup sets, or with any part of the carcass (breast, krilltsya, legs). The meat is poured over with cold water to cover the trigger. After boiling, a few times a pint in the world rises and the heating temperature changes. At the broth, you can, if necessary, put the head of the cybuli, laurel leaves, carrots, cloves of the teapot, winter peas. The saucepan doesn’t close too tightly with a lid, but the minimum heat is restored, so that there is no strong boiling. If the broth is boisterously boiling, then the wine will immediately become kalamutny, so you won’t see the prozory of the broth under the tightly closed lid.

As a bird, it is too fat; Tsey fat can not be wilted, but vikoristovuvatime stewing potatoes. The hour of cooking is to fall in the rozmіrіv shmatochkіv and vіku birds, prote ponad 2 years the broth is not to blame. At such a time, wine spends its relish and life of speech. Call a small laying hen (1-1.2 kg) to cook for 1.5-2 years.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 53 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 4
  • Cooking hour - 45 hvilin


  • Chicken wings - 4-6 pcs. (kіlkіst krillets pick up stilki, on skіlki їdkіv cook soup)
  • Potato - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Red bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • Cibulina - 1 pc.
  • Clockmaker - 2 cloves
  • White cabbage - 200 g
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Peppercorns - 4 pcs.
  • Strength - 0.5 tsp but for the taste
  • chalking pepper - 1/3 tsp but for the taste

Cooking soup on chicken krillts

1. Wash the chicken wings under running water, remove the feasts that are left out, and put them in a saucepan. Behind the bajans you can cut them into phalanxes with small pieces. Put a bay leaf and peppercorns at the pan.

2. Clean the cibulin and put it in the pan. Pour the product with water and let it boil on the stove. If the broth boils, take away all the pin and continue to cook the food on the right fire.

3. Time for an hour, while the broth is cooking, prepare the vegetables.
Clean the potatoes, wash them and cut them into cubes with a size of about 2 div.
Wash the cabbage and cut it dry. In front of the swing, lift the upper leaves, because. stink zavzhd brudnі.
From the bell pepper, cut the tail, see the nasіnnya and cut the straw.
Wash the tomatoes and cut them into 4-6 pieces.

4. If the broth is boiled for 10 hvilin, add potatoes to the pan. Boil yogo over high heat, then change the temperature and continue to cook until medium done.

5. Then put some shredded cabbage and licorice pepper into the pan.

Despite all the lightness, it is not so easy to make a savory prozor broth. For the broth, it is not necessary to vicorate the fat meat of the broilers, because of this bird the broth is viyde kalamutny and with a great amount of fat. For tієї mark the ideal syrovina will be a special broth set from laying hens. The soup set also includes krilltsya, from which okremo you can make a rich rich broth.

Broth from chicken krillets

On top of broths from other meat products, broth from chicken krills should be cooked very well (1 year long). M'yaso, which has been cremated, can be put back into the broth, or you can vicorate for the preparation of other herbs. Before that, such a broth is too rough for ailing people, and it helps to overcome the ailment more quickly.


  • chicken krill - 6-8 pieces;
  • chasnik - 3 teeth;
  • qibulya - 1 pc.;
  • carrot - half;
  • lavrushka - 1 pc.;
  • greens - 1 bunch;
  • by adding pepper and salt.

Cooking method:

The chicken wings are washed under a stream of cold water and placed on the bottom of the pan. We throw one more bay leaf.

Carrots are cleaned and cut into thin rings. It will be beautiful and original, like cutting carrots with a curly knife. Kіltsya pererіzaєmo navpіl i visipaєmo on meat.

We clean the cibula, cut into small cubes. Half of the cut tsibuli sip on chicken krillts with carrots. Instead of a saucepan, fill it with water and let it cook on the stove. How much water to lay down depends on what kind of forte you need broth. Spivvіdnoshennia here is like this: the more you need the broth, the less you need the water. At the moment of boiling, a kick may appear, as if obov'yazkovo is known. As soon as the country is boiled, the fire is screwed up to a minimum and the broth is boiled for a weak boil. A pot, to cook chicken broth, cannot be twisted with a lid. At this point, the broth will come out more rich and transparent.

While the chicken broth is being cooked, we clean and grind the teeth of the watchmen. The greens are relatively miєmo, dry and also rubaemo.

After 40-50 quills, we season the grass with a pinch of salt and black pepper. We lay a cibula and a watchmaker, which is gone. Vario sche p'yat khvilin that vimikaєmo.

Ready chicken broth with krill is poured into a deep plate, served two krillts per serving, topped with fresh chopped parsley, and served until noon or evening. Acceptable for all appetite!


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