Do you need to pinch the rose garden of the garden melon? At what hour do you pinch the watermelon? Three ways of shaping vegetables and for the sake of growing a watermelon! Viroshchuvannya garmelon without pinching

Do you need to pinch the rose garden of the garden melon? At what hour do you pinch the watermelon? Three ways of shaping vegetables and for the sake of growing a watermelon! Viroshchuvannya garmelon without pinching

Garbuz vіdnositsya to tih roslin, yakі bazhano correctly shaping protyazhu osgogo period їhnoy growth. And then you take away the fruits of great or small ones, they will be rich on one growth, or, on the other hand, in the growth of one single giant harbuz.

Why is it necessary to pinch a garmelon

In the minds of our short summer, there are hardly more than three or three fruits in one dewy growth. A lot of zav'yazey upovіlnyuє shaping I give birth and bring to the point where the wines do not get to see. Therefore, when growing a garbuzovan, like other harbuzov, it is recommended to make a pinch.

Pinching is a key agrotechnical technique, for the help of which, for stronger growth, the development of the vine parts of the growth is removed from the top of the flow, while growing.

Such a method of shaking the growth straightens all the forces to see the already obvious fruits.

Pluses of carrying out pinching of a garmelon:

  • Saving money, which is especially important for small summer cottages.
  • Ensuring equal access to a new light.
  • The correct way is to dobriv: not so for the formation of green masi, but for the eating of the main stems with fruits.
  • Increased yield.
  • Possibility of high maturity.
  • Polіshennya relish of the prepared fruits.

It is not possible to carry out pinching until the moment when the battle reaches the dozhina of the second - two meters.

It's time to start pinching the garmelon

How to properly form a climbing garmelon

It is most practical to plant a lot of bushes in different ways: i individually, i in groups of two, i with two ovaries, i from one. Create one large well-fertilized clump by hand and plant a bunch of watermelon along the entire perimeter: one at a time, on a distance of about 60-70 cm, giving them the opportunity to grow up in different sides for an hour.

Whip it is necessary to lay it out so that the stench does not respect one alone

A weaving garmelon is taller than a swede. If the soil is kindred, then the batig can be formed richly. Even if it doesn’t matter to you, what kind of growth the fruit will grow, you can do without pinching. It is necessary to direct the batog in such a way, so that the stench does not respect one to one and only to re-arrange the bush if necessary.

You can see that the garbuz is good to live here

If you understand that the fruit cannot be caught, it is too rich, otherwise you want to give the possibility to form a larger fruit, it is necessary to pinch. With її carried out, it is possible to form a roslin into one, two or three batogs.

In one batch

In order to form a garmelon into one batig, after that, as two or three fruits are tied on the main stem, 4-5 leaves are pulled from the rest of them and a pinch is made.

The scheme of molding a garbuza in one batig

When shaping the watermelon in two batogs, the cream of the main stem, one more vine is taken, the largest mіtsna and spring. On the main stem, one - two veins are taken, on the batose one is left out and the point of growth is pinched after the fifth leaf.

Pinching scheme for two batogs

The cream of the main stem is covered with two vines, on which 1-2 buds have been established. The growth point is also pinched after the 5th leaf.

Scheme: shaping a watermelon into three batogs

The nuances of the molding of the curly garmelon

Harmelon, yak, vtim, and zucchini, may be two types of molding of the above-ground mass - weaving and bushy.

Bushy garbuz do not let out long batogіv

Kushchovі raznovidi harmelon do not spread long batogіv. The stinks grow in a compact bush, but also pinch out. In order to escape thickening, the stinks vibrate the old zayvih bіchnyh pagonіv, yakі є barren. The veins are more likely to be no more than 4, otherwise the birth will be more fruitful.

Video: how to pinch a garmelon correctly

I love garbuz and obov'yazkovo vibrating yogo at my place. For her, it was introduced okreme, far ahead of the good fertilized place, de roslini can freely “spread” on all sides along the stake. From practice, I know how to pinch shoes with a varto. Otherwise, at our Pivnіchny Zahodі, I especially give birth to checks not to be brought.

Sob pinching that deyakі іnshі roboti brought only greed, next vrakhovuvati:

  • Carry out the work of pinching and seeing the pasinkіv more quickly early-vranci, more sooner, if the weather will be gloomy, but without a board. Todi for the good of the roslin, it is possible to honor that “zalikuvat” the wound;
  • A quick look at the leaves, stems and fruits to protect the crop from being infected with various viruses;
  • During the period of active growth, it is recommended to stick the batogs with earth, so that the growth does not get lost;
  • It is not necessary to hang the watermelon in the inter-rows: in the period of the development of the root system, the building is depleted of sus_d_v in the beds without lively rechavins;
  • Muscat cultivars to catch the eye of the region with a short summer, as a result of the growth of the rose garden;
  • If the fruits are already being formed, it is best to lay a dowel under them, or another supporting material, so that the fruit does not lie on the ground. Tse vberezhe vegetables from early harvesting.

Video: watermelon on turf

Garmelon is not viable at sight and does not interfere with the creation of any special minds when planting and growing near wet soil, but it is necessary for it to be pinched.

Harmelon shaping is one of the methods of agricultural technology, which injects into the future the vag of vegetables and the quality of the harvest.

Newly needed procedure

One-way vegetable culture in the process of the growing season establishes leaves for possible ovaries for 7 yields for 3-4 leaves on stems.

At this hour, it is necessary to take a decision, to remove the ties from the ties and pinch the tops of the pagons with a path to grow.

On the vіdmіnu vіd pasinkuvannya, prіzayut part of the gіlki at the stage of the fetus, scho zav'yazavsya, schob vіv razvivavsya far away.

A smutty task is to surround a large number of ovaries and fruits.

For help, plucking a seedling, on which one gave anew, women's flowers are shaped, the city manager controls the number of trees that bear fruit.

Tim himself launches a stronger growth of that development of bovine berries, zmushyuyuchi vegetable culture to redirect forces to the ripening of vegetables.

Without shaping, the watermelon gives a lot of unripe vegetables and the stench is not saved.

For full ripening, I need to give birth to 2-3 needles, which will give about 7 fruits of average size. With a greater number of overgrown groves, the roslin does not cope with the adventitiousness, the vegetables come out of smaller sizes and do not take in the sight.

Advantages and shortcomings

Pinching a watermelon in a wet soil may have a number of positive moments:

  • there is a possibility of shoring up the valley of the bushes and significantly protecting the space on the backyard;
  • ask to look after the booth;
  • ensure the full development and development of fruits, giving birth to more early terms, which is important for regions with cold climate minds;
  • it’s good to go straight for eating only molded heels and vegetables that are left out;
  • the pinched needles develop more quickly, evenly fading drowsy changes and increasing stamina to sickness and shkidnikiv.

Prior to a short period of the procedure, it is necessary to increase labor costs in case of growing, due to the need for constant control over the appearance of pimples.

If you pinch the garmelon

Correctly pinch the watermelon for that hour of spitting, if the legs reach a height of 1.5-2 m and more.

Call the procedure for an early morning, in gloomy weather, but for the daytime it will fall. Tse allow the growth of the coming day to rise, and we will heal the wounds with the procedure.

Bushy garmelon molding is necessary, because. she let out a lot of batogiv.

It is also better to carry out this procedure for the sake of taking great care for the growth of vegetables, or for the risk of undermaturity, I give birth through the weather.

Pinch the next so that at least 4-7 leaves were left over the molding of the future fruit

The number of ties is also determined by the improvement of weather minds: in regions with unfriendly weather, in short summers they dry up a minimum.

Forming technology

Use a sprat of plucking schemes for harmelon, moreover, deyak gorodniks approach the first entry in a complex way: fill one bush with 1 stalk, the other with 2 stalk, etc.

Forming roslin no more, lower for 3 batogs, because for a greater number of chicks, do not get lively.

1 stem

Climbing and bushy varieties often form into 1 stalk, overlying the central batig and seeing all the other beech trees, non-necessary people and women's flowers without a midday after their appearance.

Enough to leave 2-4 ties. The growing point is pinched after the end of the tie on the top of 4-7 leaves, which are left out.

2 stalks

A classic pinching of a watermelon in 2 stalks: on the central batogi, 2 fruits are harvested, and on one, the most healthy and tighter boletus, one fruit.

With this, 3-4 leaves are taken on the vineyard, and the top is pinched.

At 3 stalks

In this way, it is necessary to pinch the garmelon, if the bet is less to slacken on the number of births.

Fill the central vine with 2-3 vegetables and two vines, deprive one fruit each. Reshtu is removed.

Gardeners, who have been practicing for a long time the molding of batogіv harmelon, zastosovuyut deyakі cunning:

  • so that the batogs did not stray, after landing on a postyne field, at the stage of active growth of the garmelon, її twigs stick to the ground;
  • vydalyaet novі vіdrostki znachno more pіvnyа s shaved vusіv, yakі it is recommended to regularly vіdrіzati;
  • in solitary valleys, they grow over 6 possible vegetables on bushes, growing on 4-5 fruits, while growing on the central batog, 2-3;
  • when growing vegetables in the beds at the stage of their molding, until full ripening, they lay a wooden board, which allows them to be buried from the ground and to protect the vegetable from the damage by a shkidnik and rot;
  • in case of risk of early end of the warm season 2 days before the harvest, I cut the leaves, so that the term of the vegetables is short.

Yak to see

After pinching the batogіv the harmelon, a glance is needed, so that it will inspire strength and direct them to the process of shaping that distant ripening of the fruit.

Molding of a garmelon.


It is correct to form a bush of a garmelon to a great crop of vegetables. The pinch of batogives to be slain for one of these schemes is fallow in the form of bajan roses of future vegetables, a variety of regional weather minds.

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Molding a bunch of ogirka for the best crop

Garbuz - landing that sight

Planting a garbuza and looking after her is simple on the right, as you have already caught a change, having read what was written. So planting tsієї roslini - vigіdne pіdpriєmstvo, even if you take embellishment for your beds and savory herbs on your table, with it, without applying any special titanic zusil. And the axis of the questions is “what kind of garbucha should I plant?” it’s better to choose independently, to the fact that all varieties of harbuziv are approximately the same in sight, so you can easily choose that variety, which simply brings you to your soul more.

  • Landing of a garbuza is carried out today. Before planting them, it is necessary to work them out, to reconcile that they do not have any ailments and shkidniks in them. For this one, it is necessary to soak it for a while at twenty-five-hundred-hundred salt mines. Everything is healthier now falling to the bottom of the tank, and the axis is sinking, though not all is well, draining to the surface.
  • pіdnesіst z deep stands of ground waters.

In the garbuza, everything is brown - the flesh of the fruit, that is the pick. Navit the inner fibrous part with a medicinal method. Є in the garbuza, rarely grow in nature, vitamin T. M'yakush of the garbuza vikoristovuєtsya in culinary, from it emerge miraculous colors of grass. Harbuzov nasіnnya go to get oil and stop for worming.

'The technology of cultivation of the garmelon is based on the formation of the rose garden. Now it is necessary to warm it up for 3 years at a temperature of 600C, and then germinate in watery tissue. The skin of the present, which hatched, was next to put a mountaineer with a diameter of about 15 cm into the prison, reminiscent of a life-giving sum. It is necessary to germinate in room minds, and

The Slimaks are in charge of the wise shkodi in the main young roslins. For the first time in the preparatory period, there is a mass character. During the season, a sprat of generations of slimaks develops. If there are a lot of slimaks on the dealership, then they lay out wet ganchirki and shoranka to rob them of coma.

From the surviving gardeners, they choose the most resilient growth, otherwise they simply pluck. They pluck themselves, not whistle. The root system of the garbuza also develops rapidly like a coal, so wide. The root of the syantsiv intertwines with each other. Whispering weak parosts can harm the roots of well-established roslins. ​.​ Let's take a look at the planting of a watermelon near the open soil of Pokrokovo.

The scheme of molding the growth of the ogirka to the variety type Nizhinsky during the growth of the growth

Before him, like hanging the soul into the ground, it is necessary to germinate them. It is most common to germinate at thyrsus, but it is also possible to vicorate gauze. After that, as a new growth, the mountaineers hang out at the miners or plastic cups. And the axis at the soil rose garden can be hung only if three full leaves are already formed.

Planting that watchful eye for a harmelon near wet soil polyagaє in її zahistі vіd shkіdnikіv and ailment. Those ailments that ruin the harvest of ogirkiv can kill shkodi and garbuza. Therefore, the watering of the growth should be carried out carefully, only with warm water and a ring, not moistening the soil with a root. Water the garbuzi peacefully, increase the supply of water during the pouring hour and add it to the ripening period. The roots go into the ground up to three meters, and to bring on dry land a pickle for mother enough water.

It’s more fun for Halloween to not do without dried garbuziv, from which to shy images of mythical heroes.

When the temperature comes down, it is necessary to lower it to 140C. It is necessary to water the syantsi calmly, but not often. In the growing season, two treatments are needed with complex fertilizers. On the prepared bed, young growths hang like grass.

“Garmelon makes impersonal pagons, through which it will require molding. On the head stem after the tying of 2-3 fruits, from the rest, 5 leaves and pinch off. On the bichny pagons, after the first ovary, they also wind up 5 leaves and pinch the pinch. Do not turn the batogs over, but sip them with earth. Roots begin to develop in the places where the soil is buried near the batoga, like a dodatkovo to live the roslin. If you don’t mold the roslin, then you will be rich with rich fruits, if you don’t get to see. Under the great zest, the garbuzi have laid planks to prevent the decay of the fruits.

When the watermelon is grown in wet soil, until the leaves close up, the shoots are regularly fluffed and watered. Planting rіdkі organіchnі аbо mineral іnіnіlnіnі, аlе not earlier than 10 days аftеr transplanting hаmelon seedlings оn the standing field.

Why do the bottoms of the dances zrіzayut? The root system of the garbuza is so tenditna, like that of the ogirka. Roslini of the Harbuzov family is bad to endure a transplant, on a vіdmіnu vіd tomato. And the hanging of the planting of a watermelon in a container without a bottom will protect the roots from injury.

Nasinnya garbuza before planting needs to be checked for similarity. For the sake of similarity, choose the insole of the past, the insole is not bad and grow them. The more the last one was taken, the more exact there will be more similarities. If 18-20 nasіnin zіyshlo 15-16, then the similarity becomes 80%.


Molding bush dini

Scheme of molding the growth of the ogirka on the trellis.

“Now the hour has come to choose a place for planting a garmelon. Harmelon is not planted in the ground, where until that time grew some of these crops - potatoes, kavun, ding, dormouse. It is also necessary to pay respect to those who cannot plant a garmelon and in those places, de vin grew up the past fate. In the old world, you can turn the garmelon in less than five years.

Harmelon shkidniki and ways to fight

To love the growth of organic and mineral nourishment. Fertilizer watering is good, fertilizing with nitrogen and phosphorus-potassium is good. Lianopodіbna roslina does not like the close susіdstvo of other urban cultures. Vaughn throws batogs far away, and in the inter-university stinks let out additional roots, lively growth. However, the harvest needs to be regulated. The less garbuziv will start, the stench will be greater. Harmelon pinch, like a batogi ogirka, not letting it grow. Gigantic fruits grow, as if they are depleted of one or two veins.

  • The licorice nutmeg garmelon is especially appreciated. It is important that this variety is juicy for others. Vaughn is pouring, creating different forms, and may be different zabarvlennya fruits. Small garbuzi carefully save the bribe.
  • Vrahovoyuchi, scho garmelon zapilyuetsya crosswise, for a guaranteed birth, I can sensitize the sawing by hand. For this soft penzlik, it is necessary to carefully draw along the piloviks in the middle of one flower and transfer the files to the rollers outside, or carefully near the flowers, behind the piloviki and the rilce.
  • For example, in autumn, proceed to the selection of the birth. Garbuzi at once from the live bait to clean up until the present frost, in dry weather. The advanced technology of cultivation of the garmelon allows you to eat savory fruits, which you have seen, with a high livestock value. They are left to dry on the street under an overhang, after which they should be transferred to the host, which is well ventilated. Take a garmelon for + 7-10 0C. Good vizrіlі fruits can lie until spring.

Like organics, chicken last and cows are suitable. The chicken last is poured with water at a temperature of 40 0, stirred until a creamy mass is thickened and poured until bulbs appear. It is not recommended to use it longer, otherwise it will be less coriste in kind.

For the preparation of light, more penetrating soil mixture, peat, soddy soil and humus are mixed in proportion 1:1:2. At the prepared container we fill the earth by half.

In order to prevent the development of fungal infections, they should be tested in a bright-chervous concentration of potassium permanganate (1 g n 100 ml of water) no more than pivgodin.

Harmelon molding, picking and picking

Molding bush dini

Ogіrok - tse ovocheva roslina is distinguished by a special varietal variability, in view of the ability to deposit and dotsіlnіst shaping. The technique of "surgical" operations on the stump is to lie down from the bottom of the head stem, the degree of separation of the type of color, the variety, or the heterotic hybrid (the signs should be specified when buying a new one).

Competently growing a garmelon in the open ground

Before planting, the soil must be dug up and fertilized. For dobriva it is ideally pіdіyde gnіy, compost, kalіyne dobriva toshcho.

During the early morning frosts, it is not safe to overwhelm a garmelon without a cover on the beds. To that, a timchasovy namet is installed over it, or giant berries are ripened. When the garmelon ripens, its stem becomes firm, and the tail shrinks. Ale, I didn’t see it, I won’t be able to reach the warm welcome for a little time. І small tikvannya after the New Rock can also be filled with yellow pulp.

  • There are two ways to grow heat-loving vegetables:
  • Roslina tse maє maє maє majestnu leaf masu, scho viparovuє rich vody, to that vyroschuvanya garmelon at vіdkrituyu soil transfer parts of that ryasnі watering. Navit short-hour dryness zdatna strongly vplinut on the result. During the flowering period, the amount of watering needs to be changed by a trifle, so the fruit will be more beautiful. Yearly follow up regularly, bagzhano harvest, beginning 10 days after planting roses.
  • ?Garbuz - a number of single roslins, which lie down to the Garbuzov family. Strizhnev's root system. The stalks kindly growl, creep, with prickly pubescence. Leaves are great, dovgochergove, five-spread, with thick villi. Quotes alone, yellow-yellow color, one-piece. It is possible to divide them according to the old ticket: women's tickets are short.
  • Ready nastіy is bred by the water in the proportion of 1:20, so it is pіvlіtra in the water. Spill the holes in front with water, so that the chicken spawns afterward without burning the root of the harmelon. Nasty cow'yaku is diluted with water at a ratio of 1:10.

Three days later, we stumbled down with our legs hanging down from the ground, deepening by 5 cm. Already for a few days from the earth, the first parosts appear, for 10-12 days, they carefully lay the spiral and sip the prepared earth to the sim'yadolny leaves.

Harmelon plant in two ways: ¨Sensation of molding the growing of the dino polygaє in the selection of 2-3 fragrant, great and licorice fruits. The peculiarity of the growing line is the presence of female flowers on the head stem. To that, first pinching is carried out over the 3rd sheet. Sound it enough for early fruit bearing, and after the adoption of three (and for the dribno-fruits - chotiriox) fruits, they see a new ovary. In newly developed cultivars, they still pinch out long stalks over the 6-7th leaf and at the same time pinch underdeveloped stalks.

Roslina ogirka is formed from the head stem and bichnyh pagoniv. In old varieties (sortotype Nіzhinsky Dzherelo, Geim, Lyaluk and іnshі) on the main long-term stalk bloom less than human flowers, and females are formed on white pagons. That is why there is a pre-river pinching of the head after the adoption of 3-4 leaves. Bichni pagons at their borders are pinched again over the 3-4th sheet, which will spice up the decreed pagons of higher orders from the great number of women's flowers.

As it was already guessed earlier, the sight of the harmelon is even simpler and easy, so it’s like a tall unsightly one. But all the same, as if watching out for some other roslins, watching out for the hamelon, there are rules, dribnitsy, like it’s necessary to trim, so that you can get a good harvest on your beds. Father, let's take a look at these rubbish. Deyakі speedgli varieties can be grown by sowing in the soil in the middle smoothies of Russia. Butternut is brought to such a variety, which ripens in 100 days and Muscat, but it can be grown only with roses. From 800 varieties of harbuziv with favorite licorice, there are over 40. Even licorice of the middle term ripening is Komora, Marmurova, Migdalna.


The growing of the watermelon in the wet ground in the minds of cold summer requires a piece-by-piece quickening and ripening of the fruits. For whom it is necessary to surround the number of pagons, filling a maximum of 3. After the adoption of 5 knots,

Among the numerous species of garbuziv, the most famous for its brightness and relish is muscat garbuz. Viroshchuvannya її trivale (up to 140 days), and the need for high temperatures, which is often between mass production.

Viroshchuvannya harmelon at the open soil at the dacha

For mineral supplementation, take a box of ammonium nitrate in a water bottle.

Harmelon measles

Do not forget the mountaineers to wake up, so that the leaves of the garden do not stool, otherwise the greater growth will not miss the sleepy change until others.


Molding the bush of kavun

Modern bushy varieties with shortened and determinant beech pagons do not pinch. And the axis of the determinant hybrids tends to be more strongly saturated with female flowers, or to induce a bouquet type of color. For such hybrids, the pinch will be unbearable;

Garmelon planting and sightseeing at wet soil through a rose garden

Molding of harbuzovy roslins in wet soil

  • Watering
  • In the pivdennih districts, for example, near Krimu, the bashtans with the garmelon have a large area of ​​​​strength. Roslins sit by the hole in sprats, filling one, the strongest growing. The earth under the garbuz is introduced into the fluff with a medium neutral for acidity. The champions can be like a strong supporter culture, a crimson bashtan, so as not to pass on the ailments and shkіdnikі in the disputed cultures.

sowing to us.

Having reached 15 cm in diameter, pinch the stem of the smut, if there is a 7th leaf after the remaining fruit.

Successful cultivation of the watermelon in wet soil to fall in the rich warehouses:

  • The main shkіdniki of all bashtan cultures:
  • We see a rose garden. Mіsce pіd vіroshchuvannya harmelon choose dormouse and protection from vіd vіtrіv. In tіnі, a good harvest is more difficult to take. The best fronts are potatoes, cabbage, cibula, carrots and corn. On a large scale, the garbuzi are turned for 4 rocks. Zazdalegіd need to prepare the soil. In autumn they dig up the earth and apply about 5 kg of compost.
  • nasinnyam near vіdkritiy soil.

Molding the bush of kavun

ü The call for a different approach is the need to turn the stub on the tapestry fabric. Here you can’t do without pinching. The most rational system for molding roslin in hard soil is recommended by the company "Gavrish".

An experienced city dweller, knowing the patterns of growth and development of harbuzovyh dews, can regulate their speed of gloss, yield and density of fruits. For a certain hour, the wine is transformed into a “surgeon”, which for shaping the growth of the zastosovuє such plastic operations, like pinching (or trimming), pasinkuvannya, rationing of the flowers (gluing) that fruit, cutting or shortening the zavyvogo leaf. Properly molded bashtannyh growths in wet soil will always give a good result - great and tasty fruits, and ogirkovy hybrids - a bright green crop.

Sowing a garbuza and looking after the chestnut tree

. Garmelon will require frequent and clear watering, especially for an hour of sintering, so that it will be possible to finish the great root system with a volodarka, which helps a great amount of water. But it is necessary to know that immediately before harvesting the harvest, it is necessary to stop watering the garmelon, then you will save more tsukra in yourself and save more.

The main benefit for culture is warmth. During the day, the temperature can be in the average 30 degrees, and at night 18. The overgrowth of the green mass takes away food from fruits. Ale is not less respectful to come in and zahista roslyn. At the great cooperatives, come in and rob the fahіvtsі in your home minds, more often you can use folk methods of struggle.

Garmelon can be grown through a rose garden in whether it is a mist, de-not-de-pretty in early frosts.

If it is necessary for the growth of large garbuza, then in bushy varieties it is necessary to remove 3 buds, and in climbing ones - 2. It should be noted that the most savory garbuza of medium rosemary is so easy to endure. Over the overgrown fruits, you could see a shadow that would obscure, to bring out the sun.

proper soil preparation;

All about the growing of the garmelon in your city

bashtan popelitsya;

How to plant a watermelon in the country?

In the middle of the grass, if there is already a threat of early frosts, a rose garden of three right leaves hangs on the street. Before that, how to plant a watermelon near the open ground, sage the gardeners, the shards of young growths can die already for -1 0С. For this stretch of winter, put up a veranda near the cold room, for example, near the corridor. On the day to blame on the sun that wind.

Planting a garden melon

The first female flower in kavun appears on the head stem: in early varieties after the 5th-6th and in late varieties - after the 12th-14th node. To the gardener, report all the zusil, so that the first plaid will be formed from the flower itself - the wine will be the largest and licorice. The next women's flowers (up to 20 pcs.) start blooming on the beech pagons of the first and the other order. Sound start 2-3 fruits. What is enough for roslini. When they reach 5-7 cm in diameter, it is possible to pinch and pinch the tops of the flanks. Robity is necessary carefully and carefully - the rose of the kavun cannot endure the turning over of the batoga and trampling it with your feet.

The skin type of vegetable growth is light, tamanny only to yoma, the rate of growth and development, and the task of the city dweller - vykoristovuvat tsі osoblivosti for otrimannya high I bring forth fruits of vіdmіnnoї yakostі. Roslina is a more folding mechanism for the synthesis of active biological speeches and yogo re-spread between the organs of the roslina. From planting and until the new day, growth at the points of growth will go through 12 stages of morphogenesis.

Watching the Harmelon


In special governments, you can victorate your own fortunes, it is allowed for staking in the sovereign governments. Slimaks are especially annoying, they fight with them, rotting around the growth of vapno, superphosphate, coniferous needles, or making pasta. Now it is necessary to prepare, warm up, soak in ashes or growth stimulants. Sometimes dry, unprepared, we cannot hatch. Therefore, it is better to germinate planting material in moss, tirsi or syrian ganchirtsi, and plant with hatched parosts.

Viroshchuvannya harmelon in the open ground can be grown on trellises or parkanas. In this case, the fruits should be placed in the bears, or the nets should be lifted up to the support. If the harmelon is lying on the ground, then next to them, lay the boards, so that the process of decay is switched off. yakіsnoї roses;

cabbage; “Garbuz can push the root system. The area of ​​food for skin growth should be no less than 1.5x2 m2. Harmelon is planted after the scheme 1x1.5 m2 - one meter between holes and two more between rows. Near the ground, make holes with a diameter of about 50 cm. Before planting a pickle, the holes are spilled with warm water. To plant a rose garden of garmelon at the bottomless mountaineers on a 5 cm deep, carefully tidying up the bottom. This method of planting protects the roots of cabbage.

Let's take a closer look at the first method in greater detail. Otzhe, vіdsotok similarity to us vіdomiy. Now it is necessary to germinate today. For whom we put a piece of gauze in a cup, weak it clearly with water and lay it out. Put a cup of bazhano in a warm place, but don’t beat the stove or the batteries are scorched. In the sight of the transcendental heat, we are now warming up, not having caught on to bend over.

Molding of harbuzovyh roslins in wet soil

Harmelon molding

Scheme of molding the growth of the ogirka on the trellis [for S. F. Gevrish]
The transformation of the vegetative nirka for the future ticket starts from the third stage. As for the courtier’s vegetable growths, the transformation starts only for another life, then for the single ones, and especially for the harbuzov ones, the formation of the germinal flowers starts in 7-10 days after the first time! For example, on the young growth of the ogirka at the phase of 3-4 leaves, all the flowers for the future birth are already being formed, and in the city dweller it is possible to take off a larger number of women's flowers for additional pinching.
. At a better price, the garbuz reacts better and better. For goodness, rot is good, and so is ash, especially since your soil is not particularly rich in potassium.

False and rightful dew can bring crops in a few days. Therefore, the treatment against anthracosis and American dew is carried out on a regular basis. If the pickle ripens, you will be assigned to the camp of the pick. Vaughn is not guilty of squeezing with her hand, but the tail can dry out. With which term of ripening to fall into a variety, it can occur in 90 or 150 days. Piznі varieties vstigayut accumulate more brown speeches and tsukrіv. Navіt unripe neuzkodzhenі fetuses with an hour zhovtіyut and may have a mustache and relish.

The land for the seedlings is taken by the native, the cups are large. For germination, a temperature of about 20 degrees is required, but the earth cannot be overdried. Therefore, watering with warm, standing water will be brown. Sim'yadolnі leaves swirl like a swirl, then the next thing is to deprive the place for drinking, but in front of the long time the stalk needs to be burnt with a kіltsom, and stick to the earth. Such a reception is called a kiltsyuvannyam planting. On a sunny day in a warm rose garden, it will not require additional lighting. Hanging into the ground when it is warm, it has settled down. Harmelon to love, so that under it a biological richness was bred from growing lands, old tirsi, cow mule winter bedding from creatures. Wimogi to Gruntu:

Harmelon harvesting is carried out after the first freezing. You can signify maturity by pressing with a finger: if the bark does not sell, then the hour has come to pick. Harmelon for the honor of її korisnostі can sing dithirambi, to this yogo varto grow.



Planting a garbuza near the open soil on the soil
While we are still sprouting, the very hour will be engaged in the preparation of miners and soil sums. You can take disposable cups, cardboard boxes of fermented baked milk and yogurt, plastic buns.
All sorts of watermelon are subdivided into two groups: dove-weed and succulent. The peculiarity of long-weave varieties is the intensive growth of pagons and their large number. The headland of all the valleys reaches over 50 m. Bushy varieties (for example, the variety of the Dnipropetrovsk station of Valok) may be even shorter between the nodes and a small number of beech pagons. The first plaid on the growth of the garmelon settles on the main stalk. Molding the roslins of the watermelon should not be carried out, but if necessary, you can pinch the smut stalk and the long-term barren bichni pagon. It is important to normalize the yield on the harbuz. The number of fruits is not to blame for overseeing 2-3 pieces, which allows you to speed up their ripening, increase the quality and keeping quality of fruits. American lovers have accumulated a great deal of shaping the growth of the harmelon, as they grow in the cultivation of the giant fruits of the magnificent harmelon. The stench does not surround the growing growth, but orients all the pagons in a straight line, flooding one fruit at a time and sticking between humus.

In case of a vertical culture, the rose garden, or else, it is necessary to place a double trellis without intermediary under the mesh. On the first three knots, they pluck the bichnі pagons and kvіti in order to carry out "gluing". On the 4th-6th node, the rudiments of flowers are seen, or they are stripped of the flanks, as if pinched over the 3rd-5th leaf, but not fastened on the fabric. After fruiting, the frogs are seen. Tsey tier gives an early harvest.

In harbuzovyh roslins, a pinch is plucked at a distant upper nirka, or a part of the leak, which will spry the awakening of the beech groves with a great number of women's flowers. Pasinkuvannya transferring the sight of young axillary harriers. If pinching is carried out at all periods of growth, then pasinkuvannya is carried out at a long time of 5-7 cm. This physiological phenomenon is the growth of the top of the stem, as it is manifested in the appearance of an unbazhzhany shortening of the middle nodes, that thinning of the top in the flow of the stump and other harbuzovyh, which leads to the establishment on the top of the bunch of women's flowers, after which it grows.

Zagalom, tse i є all tі simple rules, yakі

Garbuzi - not only savory, scarlet and garni. So the stench will become not only an embellishment of your dinner table, but also a miraculous embellishment of your garden, even if ripe garbuzi look like little sunnies that fell to the ground. Before that, a great plus is those that the cultivation of the harmelon in the open ground is easy to harvest on the right, as it does not require special hours of effort. And if the garbuzi are so garnished, savory and easy to see, then let's take a closer look at how to plant a harmelon near wet ground, so that you can indulge yourself with savory herbs with fragrant softness and silence look її with bright orange sides.

fruiting is easy, the fronts are not to blame buti bashtannі culture;

Among the botanical crops, the garbuz is given by the size of the fruit. Vіdomy record holder, garmelon with a vag 300 kg, taken by a farmer near Central America. Giant fruits with a weight of 100 kg are not rare in our pivdenny areas. Growing at the watered-down soil of a garmelon is not easy to do, but remember to sing for a good birth, I need to do it.

molding fallow from climatic minds.
Bakhchov's popelitsya is a dribna coma, which ushkozhuє the above-ground part of the growth. Komakha vismoktuє sіk z pagonіv i votok. The leaves wrinkle, the ties sag. Against the popelitsi, it is good to help miles of rozchin. In a warm water, stir 100 g of grated on the great third of the gospodar's milk and sprinkle the roslin.

Now pokrokovo we can look at another way - growing the garmelon in wet soil on the soil. On the cob, the grass is hung near the ground following a pattern of 1x1.5 m. The holes are shed with warm water and hung for 3-5 days. Nasіnnya can be hung on a different clay. Even if, during the turning frosts, part of the sіyantsіv zagina, then the last thing that was left behind will come and give a harvest.
The bottom and top of the dances are cut into pieces, 7 cm of frills are cut into pieces and put on a pallet. Yak piddon pidid go old plates and containers from a miyuchy zabu

Forming bushes of zucchini and squash
The upcoming operations are even simpler. In hybrids with a strong bouquet type of flowers, the bean stalks after the 7th knot are pinched on 1-3 leaves, and in the strongest hybrids they are surrounded by 4-5 leaves. The main stream after reaching the upper dart of the trellis is seen.

For city dwellers, the most simple schemes for molding roslin can be planted without special suspense in wet soil during culture, which can be spread (raised) and vertical - on the trellis.

it is necessary to know about watching the garmelon. How can you please, I’m not rich and I don’t have a special trouble.
“From now on, first meal, how to show up at your place - how to plant a watermelon correctly? Tse nutrition, maybe, є nagolovnіshim, even if the correct planting is to lay down the development of the growth. Let's take a closer look at the process of planting a watermelon in wet soil.

open the sleepy place from the countryside from the high growths from the pivnіchnogo side;

Like all bashtanni, heat-loving harmelon, and naturally, through sowing near the soil, it ripens only in the European part of Russia. The middle cloudy season and the lower regions take the harvest only when the seedlings are grown in the wet soil.
Before planting harbuziv, it is necessary to bring in a planter, which warms up well and is illuminated. It is necessary to dig up the soil to a depth of about 30 cm and add it to 1 sq. m. up to 8 kg of compost or pus, which is broken up, close to 20 g of potassium and 30 g of phosphorus-containing fertilizers.

“Vedmedka rob go in the soil and undergrowth of the stems and the root of the roslin. At the skin hole at the hour of planting, it is necessary to put a sprat of granules to the Medvedox preparation. You can lay out the grain in the holes, zmishane with a bankol.
When planting a harmelon, the soil depth is not to blame, but less than 8-10 cm. The birds are whistling young parosts, accepting them for a lifetime.

Garmelon lie down to quiet crops, as it is recommended to mold for a long period of the current growing season. Tse give the opportunity to take the fruits of the style and such expansion, as it will be necessary for the mayor. Find out about those, how to correctly pinch a garmelon from a sharp soil and how to get it right.

Garbuzi, designated for growing in the home state, come in 2 forms - weaving and bushes. Remain not satisfied with long-term baths, but form those others, only in the rest of the year, the procedure may have its own peculiarities.

The goals of the plucking are as follows:

  • it is possible to deprive the growth of stalks of batogіv, skіlki is necessary, and also to speed up the hour of ripening, the buds have already appeared;
  • shaping allows you to grow a small number of fruits, then great, important, with thick pulp, like a building, look at the growth;
  • without pinching on the bushes, the stalks of fruits will grow, the stalks will sprout, and the stench will be stinky and not everything will be seen until autumn. Such garbuzi often have an average relish and better endure trival savings.

Other advantages of shaping batogіv harmelon in wet soil:

  1. Saving money on space, so that the watermelons do not grow where they should, but occupy the least possible area. This is especially true for small towns and dachas, where a meter per rahunka is used.
  2. Formed growths are more likely to shine with the sun and are ventilated, which helps them to normalize their development and reduce the symptoms of illness.
  3. Garbuzi ripen better, to the fact that all the life of speech is straightened out in them, and not go to the growth of obscene pagons. Z tsієї Well, cause the fruits that grew on the molded growths, to draw the greatest relish.

It is most common to harvest more than 3 hours of troch 4 fruits per 1 plant.

If it is necessary to pinch a garmelon

Pinching earlier, lower batig growing up to 1 m, is not possible, even though the roslin has not yet caught up with the formation of sufficient green mass, which is necessary in order to revive the garbuzi that have started.

Pinching the watermelon in sleepy weather should be carried out early, if the pagons are springy and easily plucked or pierced. In a gloomy (but not doshchovu) you can work even a day. If you pinch the spot, you can stick it to the villages, or with ashes, to prevent infection from getting into the tissue. After a deaky hour, the wounds will heal.

How to form correctly and pasinkuvati weaving garmelon

To properly pinch the batogi of the harmelon, it is necessary to know the specific features and molding. For example, through the yaku, it is necessary to see the point of growth, to leave some fruits on the skin okremіy inflow and to leave some leaves behind them.

It is possible to form a watermelon in wet soil in 1, 2 and 3 stalks. Tse rіznі schemes that fit pіd pevnі varieties. In order to be able to choose the best option, you need to respectfully recognize the characteristics of the variety that you are worthy of. Call the pickers on the packaging to indicate the molding scheme on the packaging, which is recommended, as it should be trimmed.

In one batch

The simplest is the pinching scheme. On the roslini, there is less than a smut of 1.5-2 m and up to 3 fruits. To take away mustaches of wind-stable pasinki and zayvі voti, like a man, so a woman. After the rest of the tie, 4-5 leaves are left, the point of growth is visible.

At two boats

With this method of molding, batogs in a quantity of 2 pcs. - smut stalk and 1 strong (sound first) bіchna vtecha. With this, 2 garmelons are planted on the main stem, and one on the stem. All other ties and pagons are plucked. After fruit and then overwhelm 4-5 pcs. leaflets, the top is also seen.

Have three batogs

This scheme of molding transfers the appearance of the head stem and 2 flanks of the head stalk in the garmelon. Vіdpovіdno to it, on the main stalk is responsible for the growth of 1 plіd, stilts and ovaries and on the beech pagons. In another plucking for this variant, similarly to the previous one - for the fruits, leaves are harvested in a quantity of 4-5 pcs.

After pasinkuvannya harmelon batogi spread on the ground so that the stench lay freely, did not respect one to one, and it was easy to walk between them. So that the stench is not intertwined, they are pinned to the ground with metal shackles. Plywood is laid under the skin of the garbuz, pieces of board or flat slate, so that the stench does not lie on the ground and does not rot. As soon as you grow a planted parkan, you can put batogs on a new one, and pack the stagnant watermelons in small nets and tie them to the fence, so that the stench does not break off.

The nuance of molding and pasinkuvannya of the bushy garmelon

Pinch and bushy varieties. The stench is also settled by the appendages of the pagon, but with more short inter-nodes, and the stem is narrower, lower in the weaving ones. In order not to thicken the bushes, we should use the middle of yoga to clean up all the bushes. Leafing, shading the plaid, one sees. Tikvin is filled with insoles, scallops and on weaving varieties - no more than 4 pcs.


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