Why dry noon? Why dry leafing at midnight

Why dry noon? Why dry leafing at midnight

Midnight - the berry is widened on plots. Gorodniki can easily cope with various techniques of planting a half moon, but often they shove ailments, and shkidniki settle. At today's stats, we are choosing, why should we bring in bushes of the midnight?

V'yanut midnight bushes - the reason

Wait, mind that midnight

The root system of the peninsula is wide and superficial. The berry needs to be watered often, so that the root does not dry out. The temperature is increased again in the region and the day of the siege is poured into the development of the midnight. You can remember that while leafing, it began to curl up with yellow-brown patches, as a whole they became faded. Shvidshe for everything , berries do not hang out

Midnight Announcements: pour 12 liters per 1 m2. Having docked, until the earth dries out by 1-2 cm, repeat the laying, victorious with 10 liters of water. Do not inject too much too fast - you can cause a development of fungal infections. It is better to bring water step by step, vicorist method of finishing, watering from watering cans. Sometimes, clean the leaves like a saw, which have accumulated, by brushing. Bring water more early, or in the evening, you can bring shards a day until the leaves are boiled - the appearance of opium through the point of viparation of the water and the consumption of sleepy changes.

Ailments on the half moon - why in the bush

The ailments on the half moon show differently: bushes can wilt, rot, wither. V'yanennya berries vyklikano such ailments, yak fusariosis, verticillosis, late blight. Zvernіt, persh for everything, respect for the root system, as it will be rotten on it, then the reason is in the wounded root.

Cabbage insecticides:

  • "Rembek";
  • "Boverin";
  • "Medvetsid";

↓ Write in the comments, why did your bushes of the moons. How to harvest berries and vicoristals for renewal?

(As long as there are no marks, be the first)


How to fertilize the afternoon after the flower?

Why rot midnight in the bush?

Why doesn't the midnight bloom and bear fruit?

The refurbishment of the remontant half-day of the fruiting hour

Video: How to prepare a remontant half-day at the lime?

Carefully look around at the withering sunitsa bushes. Leafing through the whole culture without access to the water, it is hard to consume turgor and v'yane. The simplest reason for this may lie in insufficient moisture content of the soil. Particularly brightly, it can manifest itself at the hour of growing with bushes of green masa on the cob of summer that day. Organize a clear watering of the beds with a sunflower. Even if the weather is sleepy, then carry out watering as needed with a rankovym or an evening year.

Shkidniki and ailments

The reason for the desiccation of leafing may be the last ushkodzhennya of the root system of the bush sunitsa. Perverte, chi good roslin near the earth. Mole or else, laying a walk in the soil, sometimes they strongly drench the roots and bring them up from the earth. If you have the same variety in a single copy, then you can transplant a bush with a bunch of earth on a new spot and water it well.

Also, the drying up of that vіdmirannya leaves can be buti viklikano tsіlim next to mushroom ailments: weeping, sulfur and late blight rottenness, bog dew, verticillosis v'yanennya.

Take a look at the leaves of the sunnitsa on the mother plantation (bushes older than 3 years) and the young ones. If only a small number of specimens fell ill, then simply virvіt and burn down these bushes. In case of extensive infection, spray the plants with one of the permitted fungicides.

Prevention is the key to success

For the relief of ailments and their prevention, do not use complex crops of both young and mature bushes. At the beginning of the season, immediately after the snow, clean the sunflower plantation from dry leaves and frozen dews. All zіbrane leafing burn. Conduct a trial of 3% Bordeaux sum for the fight against fungal infections. On the cob of the hanging phase of the flower brushes, carry out the processing of the bushes of soda ash with a sweet (colon sirka) type of bog dew. After choosing, I will mow down the entire above-ground part of the growth for a strong plantation with twigs. Do not forget to do good (with complex fertilizers) and water the growth. As if infested with medium-sized ailments, carry out a spraying of 1% of Bordeaux native land.

When laying a new sunitsa plantation, choose varieties that are resistant to mushroom disease. Do not place bushes on watery soils and on the grounds, where the sunnitsa was cut off before the rock. For the long season, trim the soil under the roslins, we clean it from the burghers and calmly vologim. Every hour you can see the vus on the mother roslins.

Remember that the hour of ripening of a yagid on a sunnitsa cannot be treated with chemicals. Tse can bring to the accumulation of shkidlivih speeches in berries.

27 March 2016, 10:56


When infected with anthracnose, you can spend the entire crop again. The ailment is not safe, because after the infection, the growth may not show itself for a trivial hour.

The ailment is invading the whole growth. On the whiskers and at the upper part of the petioles of a young leaf that has unfolded, there are drooping, dovgasty, indented, red-stormy, then black veins. On the leaf plates there are rounded patches in the middle with a diameter of up to 3 mm. Blaze ochenі purple oblyamivkoy. Angry, the stench hoots a significant part of the surface, a sheet of guinea. Vіd urazhennogo leaf and vusіv vіti podrazhenyvayutsya fruit. When you look at the flowers, they look scorched and they die. The fungus penetrates through the chicks at the flower bed of the ovary. Cups of fruits are falling apart. On immature fruits blame single chi groups, depressions, dark brown to black patches with a diameter of 1.5-3 mm. Withering, the stench swells up a chocolate-brown vіdtinka. On mature fruits, there are depressions, with a wide edge, rounded bronze-stormy patches, then black patches of hard dry rot. In the dark, the lesion expands cone-like in the middle of the berry to a depth of 1 cm and may look like “depression in the thumb”.

On the stalks are tucked in the patches of a gray color and the veils, also sharpened with a purple glare. In times of development, ailments are angry with patches. In this rank, the roslina is covered with a uniform brown fabric, as if it will crackle until autumn. Fruit clusters burst with berries at once. Tse to bring to the end of the world pagoniv.

For obviousness, the vologists of the wounded zone of the yagid are covered with a scab of mucus sticky spores of salmon-erysipelas or yellow color. In dry weather, ailments, the berries wither and mummify.

Anthracnose rottenness of the rіzhkіv sunitsі leads to raptous v'yanennya and the death of roslin. On the borders of the roses of the rivers, reddish-storms are guarded, black smog or swarming fabrics.

Similar symptoms are observed in case of late blight necrosis of the rhizhkiv. The root of the anthracnose root is stormy and decays, after which the growth grows, the leaves become chlorotic.

Mushroom-buddnik can survive in the soil and on the remnants of growth up to 6-9 months. in a peaceful climate, ale in the tropics and subtropics of a swedish gyne. The Crimean plantings and other growing materials of the ailment are expanding on the hands of the picking yagid, their clothes and vzutt, garmats, transports, with the wind, which are carried by water breezes, clods. The ailment is especially unsafe in greenhouses and plivkovyh ukrittah, on high-yielding or fertilized soils with nitrogen, in thickened plantings, which are badly aired.

The best mind for the development of anthracnose is the transcendental moisture of autumn and spring. Take care of the alarm clock on the roslins.


A smut in the fight against anthracnose - vicory for planting is guaranteed a healthy rose garden, grown in special uterine plantings, which are regularly ventilated. For mass therapy, planting before planting and preventing ailments, it is possible to vikoristovuvat zanurennya rosettes (for 30 minutes) at the production of fungicides. For prevention, we should reduce all infected growing trellises, vicorist only a healthy rose garden. With the appearance of the first, a sign of illness of the roslin is smashed with anthracol, square and metaxyl.


There was a mellowness of the leaves, one of the widest ailments of the garden sunflower. Vіdomo kіlka vidіv fungi, scho іnfіkuyut konfіkuyut konfіkuyut svіchestvіnі varieties sunitsі.

The fungus attacks generative organs (flower-bearing plants, stalks, sepals, live bait) and leaves. With a different expansion, there was a blistering, which can lead to shoddy at 12%, I give birth, until it is spent again.

The most typical manifestations of ailments are good commemoration of the surface of the leaf with patches of various sizes. On the back of the head are brown dribbling and most rounded. The world has an increase, sound up to 3-6 mm, become oval. The dead tissue in the center becomes clearer and fills with a gray-white color. Nearby, there is a scarlet-brown outline, which is clearly seen. In case of a strong attack by the patches, they can become angry and vibrate at the edges of the world and wind up a whole leaf;

Show can be different and lie down according to variety, type of pathogen and weather minds, head rank, temperature. Under an hour of warmth and water, the weather is atypical, with a rusty-brown color, without a clear frame. Strong leaf strikes lead to a weakened growth, and extreme depressions bring them down. Typically, show ailments in the eyes of the light with the stormy framed beaches, they can also appear on the flower, on the flower itself, on the flowers and flowers. In the minds of increased moisture during the flowering period, it sometimes reaches the infection of stovburiv, in which the fungus passes to the present, which develops, and in the extra tissue of the fetus, adhering to the appearance of dry, dead brown-black colonies Most of all, you can succumb to the fruit from one to the other. Urazhenі fruits spend commodity value.

Sprout the disease with wood, dew, water, the planting is thickened, the addition of excess organic fertilizer.


On fruitful plantations, laying out of healthy seedlings, the struggle for additional chemicals is zayvoi. With the presence of white splendor of the growth, sprinkle with Falcon, Euparin Multi, Svіtchem and Bordeaux sumishshu. It is also recommended to take the drop of the affected leaf. On uterine plantations, the fight against chemicals is the obov'yazkovy stretch of the vegetative period.

For the prevention of white weediness of roslin, apply Ordan in autumn, and in spring windfall, leaf with Falcon, or Euparen.


Boroshnista dew attacks leaf blades, petioles of leaves, vus, berries of a garden sunitsa (half-foot). The bud develops on the lower side of the leaf blade. On the damaged leaf, on both sides, a lower, low-fat white coating develops. At the rocks of spalachіv ailments, a bright boron-like coating is established, especially in the center of the rosette of bushes and on the bushes. Illness of the leaves is pinched, we become shkiryasty, rough, the edges of the chasm are twisted in the middle. In the past, storms of necrosis or borax "tan" from the lower side appear on the leaves of the leaves. The wounds of the vus are twisted, curly, chlorotic leaves.

On the buds, flowers, and ovaries, the dew is little remembered. However, during the flowering period of the garden sunnitsa (half-flower), there is no normal sawing and flooding during the її development. The berries look unripe and congenial, cringe with a waxy coating, become dry, swell with a mushroom smell and taste.

For the development of boroshnistoy dew, the vologer needs warm weather. Such minds are created in front of us in the greenhouses, dey won't be the owner of the greatest shkodi. In areas with wet summer, the bog dew develops also in wet soil during the autumn season and beyond the dry growth.

The fungus is propagated by spores, which are spread by streaks with planting material. For laying plantations, it is necessary to vicorate a healthy rose garden. The ailment is more likely to appear when growing on high ridges, in hanging and vertical cultures.

Come fight with the bog dew:
When viroshchuvanni in wet soil in areas of strong infection with ailment - prophylactic spraying of leaves during the period of spring windfall with the preparation of quadris. When it appears, a sign of infection with illness is the application of sunitsa after the selection of medications fundazol, switch, bayleton.


The brown glare of the leaves is a wider sickness, which in the other half of the growing season leads to a massive attack on the distant outer leaves, after which the growths are weak and are signified by a decrease in the winter hardiness of the growths and the birth of an offensive rock.

The brown swirl of the leaves affects the leaves, petioles, batogs, sepals, stalks, and berries of the garden sunitsa (crescents). The patches on the leaves are settled by the red-linden. The back of the stench is rounded, purple, then at the central part it becomes gray-brown. Along the edge of the flames, purple landscaping is preserved for a long time. In the midst of the patches, the veins expand, the veins expand, between the veins, or from the edges of the leaves to the center and swell into an ungraspable form. Along the veins and surface patches near the Vologda, for example, during the summer, piknidia of the fungus are established, which make a lot of conidia emerge from the piknidia with bright slimy whiskers. On the vines and petioles, leaves are brown, rosemary, piznish - necrotic, constriction vinikayut. Necrosis are blamed on the sepals.

The fungus overwinters on an infected leaf of a garden sunnitsa (half-flower), calling for new infections.

Come preventive measures of brown leaf blistering:
For the prevention of ailments, it is effective to apply the plantation of garden sunitsa (semi-sunice) with the drug ordan. For laying plantations, it is necessary to vicorate a healthy rose garden. Prophylactic application of falcon, quadris, metaxil, or rdomil in the period of spring windfall leaves. When the sunica is grown in the courtier or baguette culture, it is prescribed by the preparations themselves after the selection of the drug.


Borax weediness - a wider disease of the garden sunnitsa (half-flower), which leads to the death of up to 30-50% of the active leaf surface of the leaves, which greatly weakens the growth. The maximum development of the disease is reached in the other half of the year, in the period of laying flower branches, so that I give birth to offensive rock. Vrazhae leaves, petioles, vus, more like sepals. The patches on the leaves are purple, on the cob are dribbling, they are bigger, they are not rough, or they are of irregular shape. When exposed to fabrics, the leaves are swept by a storm of zabarvlennya. On their surfaces, black, gleaming swollen dots - the conidial bed of the fungus - are hopelessly rotting.

On the whiskers and petioles, they are leafy with flakes, slightly squeezed in, rarely remembering sporulation. Superchki poshiryuyuyutsya with specks of board and clumps. The most favorable minds for the development of the fungus are created when the moisture rises again, the calm temperature and the presence of the red-rare water. The greatest development of the disease is available in the spring and, for example, the vegetation of the garden sunnitsa (half-flower). The fungus overwinters on an infected leaf, and in the spring it establishes superflowers and calls for a new infection of a healthy young leaf.

Come fight with the brown weed:
For the prevention of ailments, it is effective to apply the drug ordan to plantations. For laying plantations, it is necessary to vicorate a healthy rose garden. The ailment is more likely to appear when growing on high ridges, in hanging and vertical cultures. Prophylactic application in the period of spring wetness of the leaves with preparations Falcon, Euparen, Metaxil, or Ridomil. When the sunica is grown in the courtier or baguette culture, it is prescribed by the preparations themselves after the selection of the drug.


Bila rottenness attacks the leaves of that berry. In a rage, leafing the head of the head is bright, then we dry up, and in severe weather it rots; sick berries rot. On top of the ailments, the leaves and yagid are covered with a white nasty, which is formed from mycelium and sclerotia, which settle on it.

Mushroom pick up to hanging. Vletku won't win the function of reproduction of the fungus. Її shmatochki are spread out in a row, trapplyayuchi in syri mіstsya, give mycelium that vegetates. The mushroom overwinters near the soil on the growing lattices near the looking sclerotia, on which the springs are settled with a white pour of the mycelium.

The best wash for the development of white rot are created for orphans of cold weather, especially in thickened and smoky plantations.

For the prevention of ailments, it is necessary to plant a plantation only of a healthy rose garden. The ailment, as a rule, opposes roslin in wet soil, but more commonly it manifests itself when growing sunits (half-flowers) in greenhouses, on black swimmers or in suspended and vertical cultures.

Come fight white rot:
With the appearance of the first sign of illness of roslin - injection of the drug Derozal


Sira rot is widespread everywhere. In the vicinity of the rocks with warm weather, at the time of picking up the sickness, the building hit 30-60% of the disease. It develops especially rapidly and massively on thickened plots, which are rottenly aired, with trival growing of garden sunnits (half-flowers) in one place. The foci of infection are old leaves, wild weeds, succulent berries.

It attacks berries, leaves, buds, flowers, sprouts, buds and buds. Berries are most typical. Roses are settling on them, storms with storms, which are swirling brightly, with a fluffy spores of spores on the surface. Damaged berries progressively dry up and mummify. On the leaves there are great spills, dark gray or storms. At the Vologda, the weather settles on them with a sery pour of conidial sporulation. The stalks and ovaries are ringed with stormy flames that get wet, and then dry up.

For laying plantations, it is necessary to vicorate a healthy rose garden.

Come fight іz gray rot:
The ailment is more likely to appear when growing on high ridges, in hanging and vertical cultures. Contact of fruits with dry spitting, garne ventilation reduces the infection with gray rot in rainy weather up to 2-5%.

Prophylactic application of garden sunnitsa (half-flower) in the period of spring wetness of leaves with switch, euparen, topsin M or derozal preparations. In case of doshchovy rіk in vіdkritoma ґruntі - repeated application of one of these preparations in the same time after coloring. Super mushroom mushrooms easily spread in the wind and with drops on the board. With a stretch of lita, it is established up to 12 generations of a super girl. That is why it is unacceptable to deprive the berries and other parts of the roslin on the dilyantsi urazhenі with gray rot.

A whole bunch of resistant varieties do not grow to gray rot. Therefore, the most important is the cultivation of sunflowers in a single culture from the laying of a plantation of an inlet and the uprooting of її after the selection I bring in.


One of the most ill sunits. Phytophthora (shkiryasta) rottenness can lead to a decrease in birth rate by 15-20%, and in some regions of the region, the rocks may grow to a new level. Phytophthora (shkiryasta) rot affects all above-ground organs of growth: berries, buds, flowers, blossoms, tops of stems, points of growth.

The biggest shkoda mushroom is given to berries. On mature berries, brown, with a purple tint, hard woolly patches are established. The pulp of the garden sunitsa (half-flower) is affected, it becomes springy and does not get wet in the form of berries. Ailing berries - hot. Green fruits are covered with light-brown flames with a dark center and a light glare, full of bitterness and hot relish. The whole tissue is affected by the mycelium of the fungus, summer (zoosporangia) and winter (oospore) spores are established there, to rest. Gradually, the berries sigh, mummify.

Flames on the wounded buds, flowers and succulents may have an irregular shape and brown zabarvlennya. Necrosis of the growing point is suspected, which fungus penetrates the upper part of the stem. With this stem of the storm, the bases of the petioles of the leaves, that rosette of the bush, rise up. The fungus can penetrate and root, but rarely. On all the affected organs, especially on the berries, a thick white pour of the fungus settles down.

The development of late blight rot is sprayed with the presence of speckled-rare vology. That is why late blight (shkiryastoy) rot on the garden sunnitsa (half-foot) is guarded after wood and rosy rice. Illness appears, for example, grass on rosettes and flowers, in cherries it appears on buds and flowers. The maximum development of late blight rot can be reached in the nidus of worms - lindens, if the berries are strongly affected.

The fungus overwinters at the sight of oospores, which can rest, on infected dewy remnants near the ground, as well as on living rosettes of bushes.

Come fight against late blight (shkiryan) rot:
Vykoristannya ozdorovlennoї rassadiya, dotrimannya s_vozmіni, odnorichny culture of garden sunitsa (polunitsі), the correct mode of watering and dobriv. Obpriskuvannya until the flower of the garden sunnitsa (half-flower) with the preparations metaxil, ridomil, quadris.


Root rottenness is called out by different workers. The back of the black is sharply ringed by the young and more white roots, then we blame the black patches that ring the shvidko to grow. The root becomes crying, dry constrictions appear on them. Thus, the growths spend part of the life-giving root system, they become humble, foully bear fruit, make the weaker frogs, otherwise they can’t. Step by step, the lower part of the rhizome, part of the rosette and the petiole leaves. The dry borax of rottenness settles down, the roslins easily succumb to the soil and die.

Illness is wider on individual plots from the unchanging sunflower culture, as well as when growing after a baguette processing of potatoes or sheep roslins. The growths of a different age are falling ill, ale young. Rottenness manifests itself throughout the growing season.

Come fight root rot:
The correct agricultural technique for growing sunitsa is the most important zahid, which will help win the ailment. Do not turn the sunitsa on the same place earlier, lower in 4-5 years. It is not possible to fertilize the soil with filthy preparations and not overdrinking composts from growing surpluses of potatoes, sheep and weeds, where sclerotia of rhizoctonia are taken in the mass.

Preventive application in autumn with Ordan. Suspension of effective trichoderma through the system of spotting.


Illness of the building, as if it had gone down in the first century, until the next or third year, the destruction of 30-50% of the growths. The fungus attacks the vessel system, the root neck, the rosette of the bush and the root of the garden sunitsa (half-foot). The diseased bush is on the cob “settle”, then it begins to radically wiggle the leaves. At the center of the bush, dribbling chlorotic leaves appear, the rosemary turns into a reddish-yellow color. In the sight of a sickly rhizome, there is a dark brown ring of vessels. In heavily damaged bushes, they are harvested, moreover, judges in petioles leave and grow.

The sickness begins to appear during the period of the growth of the plant.

A wake-up call for verticillium v'yanennya building life on rich bur'yans and sheep crops. The stench can be an infectious disease. The main source of infection is soil, de fungus saves the life of a sprat of rock.

Come fight verticillosis:
The right choice is the choice of the next for sunitsa, vikoristanny of the healthy rose garden. When a sign of growing roslin appears, it is a negligible laboratory analysis, and in case of infection of roslin with verticillium, the plantation is sprayed with preparations of fundazol, benorat, or the injection of these preparations from irrigation water at the red tube. At the early stages of the development of ailments, as well as for the prevention of effective stagnation of trichoderma.

11. Late blight root(blackening of the axial cylinder of the root)

Late blight of roots (blackening of the axial cylinder of the root) affects the root system of the garden sunnitsa (half-flower). In the warm, dry days, the grass-cherry of the month appears at the sight of the rapt bloom of all the growth or the bottom leaf. Illness is accompanied by the redness of the axial cylinder of the root, as it is most remembered at the cob stage of the disease. Pіznіshe bіchnі korіnnya i drіbnі korіnnya vіdmiruyut і zalishayutsya іlki bolshі, pochornіlі in the lower part, іѕ similar tо “squinting tail”.

Leaves of late blight-damaged roots of garden sunitsa (half-day) grow bluish-chervonim, starting from the elders, wilt. Young leafing ailments grew dribnіє. Zbudnik is taken from the soil by looking at zoospores. Penetrating into root hairs, zoospores give an ear of mycelium, which, growing, fills the entire tissue of the root. Mycelium without bars, which does not have partitions, intercellular. It develops at the root of the tree.

Zoosporangia are established on the surface of root lesions when the moisture content of the soil rises and in the water after the woods and watering. With a stretch of summer, the stench settles down at the shearing cylinder of the root, after the collapse of such a superchickle sprouts at the seedlings, which gives the first zoosporangium.

The main source of infection is planting material and soil.

Come fight with root blight:
Vykoristannya ozdorovlennoї rassadiya, dotrimanny s_vozmіni, odnorichny culture of sunitsa, treatment of the soil with trichoderma through the system of drip irrigation, the correct mode of watering and dobriv - the axis of the main one is the prevention of disease. In case of detected infection, plantations of garden sunnits (half-flowers) are processed with metaxyl, ridomil, quadris preparations through the system of nettle seeding.

12. Fusarium v'yanennya

Dzhe shkіdliva zahvoryuvannya sudovoy sunitsі (polunitsі). It attacks the above-ground part of the bush and the entire root system. When the bush is infected step by step, the infection is changed, in the "yane" it fades. The veil does not develop on the affected bush. The ailment of Roslin is growing, and the world is growing. In the largest bushes, leaves and bushes turn into a brown color. The most friendly mind for the development of the fungus vinica is in the summer period, especially for squalid weather. Dzherelami іnfektsії can be buti weeds and deyakі ovochevі cultures, as well as soil, in which the fungus saves life by stretching for a long time on growing trellises.

Come fight fusarium v'yanennyam:
The right choice is the choice of the next for sunitsa, vikoristanny of the healthy rose garden.

When a sign of growing roslin appears, it is a negative laboratory analysis, and in the case of a confirmed infection of roslin with verticillosis, the plantation of the garden sunitsa (half-flower) is sprayed with the preparations fundazol, benorate, or the injection of these preparations with irrigation water at the red pipe. At the early stages of the development of ailments, as well as for the prevention of effective stagnation of trichoderma.

13. Black rot

Vrazhaє berries of a garden sunitsa (semi-sunice). The berries, affected by the disease, become cloudy, become rare, smell, relish, and curl up on the head with a barbless, darker incrustation, which is the mycelium of the fungus, in which the sporangia are settled. Zbudnik ailment develops on some kind of putrefactive material, satisfying in the wounded fabrics of roslins of a dark-colored squamous form and zygospores. The development of ailments is treated at a high temperature and the vіdnosna vіdnosna vologіst vіtrya vishche 85%.

Come fight black rot:
Growing sunica in a pokrivniy culture, on high ridges, in a vertical culture allows you to turn on the need for chemical infection in case of illness.

Chemical methods of combating - basic application of the plantation of garden sunitsa (half-unit) with the preparation ordan, hinged, with an active windmill of the leaves, - application with preparations of euparen, switch.

Sunytsya, or, as it is often called, midnight sits more honorably on the farms of gardeners-amateurs, not only in the central and central regions, but also in the latitudes of the pubs.

Sunitsia is not the primkhliva of the roslin herself, but she wilts her respect, as if she sang at the time of watering, picking the weeds, kindling the soil. Signs of the fact that not everyone is happy with the roslins, the leaves may become dried up, the flowers and the yagid. To that, if the leaves were once healthy, the flowers, or the berries began to dry up with rapt - they gave the reason for the change and the methods of their adoption.

In order to know the reason for the drying up of the midnight, it is necessary to look around the beds and the growth.

. As the earth dried up deeply, more watering grew;

. revealed comakhs can be shkidnikami;

. cobwebs on the stems of that leaf are also a sign of shkidnikiv;

. dry plyami on flowers and berries can indicate ailments that lead to desiccation;

. mole that kapustyanka, tearing through, go, ear-dzhuyut roots, which lead to the death of that death of roslin;

. the dryness of the soil, like overflowing, or else it is incorrectly chosen too cold and orphan in the lowland, to bring the root system and the drying up of the growth to the root system.

As soon as you have determined the reason, you will be able to work on the renewal of the plantings.

Pogodnі mind often vplyvayut on the development of roslin: speka, vіdsutnіst plank abo, navpaki, transcendental lightness, which provokes the development of ailments. The root system of half moons is planted close to the surface and without watering can be seriously damaged. Spekotne summer without planks, especially if the gardeners can not be able to often water the midnight, I can spit on the yakist that kilkist.

Porada vіd "State"

The most important watering for berry crops is during the fruiting period.

Do not fill half a day without water

In case of failure, the leaves begin to fade, not waving with flames, not losing color. It is possible to renew the growth, as long as it is regularly watered: 10-12 liters of water are required per 1 m2. It is important to protect, the upper ball of the soil has dried out, so that overflowing can be littered with the development of fungi and disease-causing bacteria. You can water from the wind in the ditches between the bushes or from the watering cans, the growing bushes are like the roots of the dews, the shards of water clean the leaves from the saw, making it easier to slather the sony light and the sour, which are necessary for the growth of the growth of the dew. It is necessary to water the midnight early in the evening, or in the evening, so that the water will rise into the ground, and the drops of water on the leaves will dry up, otherwise the roslins will not die.

If it happens to be planted for a long time without being watched, you can install an automatic watering system. Deyakі gardeners roam easier: 1.5-2-liter balls with openings from the sides dig in white skin growth and fill with water - drive for a few days. Also, there are no other ways to secure the growth with water for a long time.

Zapobіgti zayvomu vipar vologa can be, as if it were necessary to mulch the earth on the beds with straw or humus. The second method is to cover the soil with dark plіvkoy, so as not to let it dry out, and if you blow the wood, then the earth will not be restored.

The reason for the drying up of the midnight can be ailments and shkidniki. Ailments are often the result of weather minds: cold and watery. The shock of the coma is observed at the hour of the landing of the roslins from the other plots, there were shkidniki abo, navpaki, when the place was changed, if the bushes were transferred to new beds from the ground, as they did not undergo preventive processing. It’s not safe to plant a half moon with roslins, yakі mayut izgalnyh shkіdnikіv and ailments from it.

The reason is sickness

The drying up of the lower parts of the midnight bush calls out such ailments, like thorny dew, late blight, sulfur rot, brown weediness, verticillosis.

Sulfur putrefaction can be identified by brown spots on the leaves and a gray stain on the berries that dry out. The ailment expands during the period of fruit formation, it is easy to fight with it, it is not possible to pick up the shards of bushes with berries with chemical methods - the growth needs to be seen and spalled.

Come preventive measures in case of ill midnight:

. transplantation at a new place once every three-chotiri rocks;

. svoєchasne, but not above the world watering;

. znezarazhenі roslini for planting, stіykі to twigs;

. berries need to be picked up immediately after ripening, the soil under them should be mulched with needles or clean straw. It is possible to get sick of that fungus for additional fungicides, but only not during the ripening period. In autumn, or spring from the beds, it is necessary to see the old leaves and spit, and the young shoots in the grass are necessary to cultivate the Bordeaux homeland or the middle vitriol with the Lord's sweet.

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Midnight - the summer berry of lasuniv is loved. The sight of her at the sight of the grunt, so very simple in the hothouse minds. Gardeners can only get better with the problems of pozhovtinnya and withering of the leaves of the midnight on the bushes, the problem is from dry berries and the step-by-step weeding of the bushes grows richer. Why do you think the reason for such a phenomenon, and how to help the beloved berry, you can find out by reading our article.

The drying up of a half moon in the bushes can be called low reasons, among them are:

We have voiced only the most wide-spread possible problems, which can be pushed into the development of berries. Basically, the stench is activated, as if the growth was weakened. For example, a fungal infection can appear on the basis of problems with watering the growth, or improper maintenance, not included, but in the complex and in the course of prevention.

How to fork the midday, how to dry the berries in the bush?

What do you need to grow gardeners to clean up your land? Let's do it from the prevention of illness. When planting half-berry berries, it is necessary to grow clothes insecticides. Qi preparations are sifted into the hole, after which the main soil substrate is introduced. The drug is effective in combating gray rot, as well as cabbage, as it can hibernate in the soil. In addition, the stench of insecticides can serve as a miraculous fusarium, verticillium and late blight, in the midst of those near the moon, problems of health also arise.

Withering of the half moon, as if accompanied by rotting processes without intermediary pointing to the presence of a fungal infection, which was born through improper watering and poor ventilation (as we are talking about a greenhouse / greenhouse). Water half a bed regularly, the proteo soil sum is due to dry out (1-2 cm coal) first, the procedure of laying the soil will be repeated. It is also not recommended to hang half a half on solid ground bags without fluffy components.

Pozhovtinnya that pіdsihannya yagіd polunitsі you can tell about the lack of microelements and minerals in the soil. In this weather, it is necessary to carry out an emergency revitalization of the midnight with nitrogen and magnesium fertilizers in a dry state (magnesium sulfuric acid is possible), and then with the onset of watering the plot. Organic goodness can also help in this fall, but it is necessary to reconsider, that the berry is not infected with a fungal infection, otherwise it may be more likely to cause a back reaction.

(2 rated, rating: 7,50 іz 10)


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