Riven inflation in Russia (beyond the fates). Timing periods and numerical intervals Inflation in Russia

Riven inflation in Russia (beyond the fates). Timing periods and numerical intervals Inflation in Russia

About the creation of the Mistsevy center of the Party

Evpatorijsk Mistseve Party "EDINA RUSSIA" founded on May 6, 2014. 35 students took part in the installation camps.

On December 1, 2016, the number of the masses of the party should be 1284 members of the Party, who were united in 38 first divisions, created at the borders of the selected villages.

May 15, 2014 the fate of the Evpatoria Rada of Pribichnikiv Party was created "EDINA RUSSIA" the number has 9 osib. On August 30, 2014, due to the fate of the decisions of the Mistsevoy political for the sake of Mistev, the Rada of Khilniks was expanded to 23 osib. On this day, the number of patients in the Party "EDINA RUSSIA" there are 962 individuals. The Mistsevoy Rada of the Khilniks is actively working to get to the lava of the Khilniks of the leaders of the community thought, members of the hromada organizations of diverse directness, representatives of labor collectives, citizens of the pension age, young people, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.

June 23, 2014 "EDINA RUSSIA". Vіdkrittya priymalnі - even more important moment of the work of the Party, we consider it as a real tool for mutual relations with the community. It is more important for us to know how the city dwellers praise the problems, and how the nega vyshennya vymagayut. It's a pity that not all problems are resolved positively, but sometimes the animals are not left unattended. Explore with your heart someone else's famously - for such a criterion, you practice leather, who leads the reception at the Mistsevyi hromada priymalniy party. "EDINA RUSSIA".

On March 23, 2014, the establishment of the meeting of the Yevpatoriya Mistic Department of the All-Russian Public Organization “Young Guard of the United Russia” was held. Mіstsevim headquarters to carry out the work of revealing groups of active youth, young people with an active community position and youth leaders of the city of Yevpatoriya.

Robot for the sake of politics

22 members of the Party are included in the warehouse of the Mіstsevoj politichnoy for the sake of the Evpatorіysk mіstsevoy branch of the Party, the structure of the Mіstsevoj politichnoї for the sake of the party has been fixed, the bindings have been fixed. 34 Zeddannya was held for the star, the Mistona Dyalnosti Mishtseva Vіddіlennnya, in the pleasant of the Bulo, the wedding of the Pervinny Vіddіlenn, the co-owner of the deputies of Yoj Kerivnika, Realіzіviya Patturi Projectіv, the robot organіv mіstevyvnyvna, healthy, pіdbags carried out in advance voting and election campaigns.

Carrying out of the Conference of the masses

During the summer period, the 2nd Conference of the Evpatoria Medical Party and the 7th stages were held. The most important reasons were the selection of candidates from the deputies of the Evpatoria city for the sake of, praise for the election campaign of the municipal award and the selection of a candidate for the landing of the Head of the Municipality.

Organization and conduct of the selection campaign in 2014

On the 14th of spring 2014 it was time to choose to the Sovereign for the sake of the Republic of Crimea and the Evpatoria city for the sake of the first call. Yevpatoriya city election headquarters of the Party "EDINA RUSSIA" Confused by the low features of the selection campaign: the selection campaign was held earlier after the entrance of Krim to the warehouse of the Russian Federation, the Meshkantsy Krim was not sufficiently informed about the activities of the Russian political parties, the selection campaign took place during the holiday season. There were problems of the election campaign: mass bidding of voters, defamation and publication of false information about candidates for our Party, provocations were held during the election campaign.

For subbags of elections to the Sovereign For the sake of the Republic of Crimea for the single district of the Party "EDINA RUSSIA" scored 71.4% of the votes of the candidates. According to the Evpatoria single-mandate constituency No. 6, a candidate for the Party "EDINA RUSSIA" Perm'yakova Nina Petrivna got 41.78% of the votes.

For pіdbags vyborіv to Єvpatorіyskoї mіskoї for the sake of the first call of candidates from the party "EDINA RUSSIA" won the victory in all single-mandate electoral districts. In a single constituency Party "EDINA RUSSIA" received 48.65% of the votes. The number of mandates in the Yevpatorijsk Mіskіy radu divided as follows: United Russia - 21, Communist Party of the Russian Federation - 3, Liberal Democratic Party - 2, Fair Russia - 2.

Perekonliva victory became a possible start for the clear appointment of the Evpatoria selection headquarters for practical work, directing to achieve the objectives of the selection campaign.

Creation of fractions at the Moscow city

On the 26th of spring 2014 the Deputies' Union (fraction) was created for the fate of the Evpatoria Moscow for the sake of "EDINA RUSSIA" that approved regulation about її activity. 21 MPs went to the warehouse of the faction, appeals to the Party "EDINA RUSSIA".

Robot Party in the period of the National Assembly

On the 22nd of the fall of 2015, the fate through the drive of the electric poles on the territory of Ukraine Krim was overwhelmed. On the territory of the pivostrov, a regime of an over-the-top situation was put in place.

The next day, the headquarters of the Moscow Party was formed at the host of the Primal Party "United Russia" for the sake of helping the population during the period of liquidation of the National Assembly and the schedule of the number of deputies for the Sovereign for the sake of the Republic of Crimea and deputies for the sake of the Republic of Crimea.

25 leaf fall at the Moscow theater named after. A.S. Pushkina vydkritі pozachergovі zbori kerіvnitstvа mіsta Yevpatorії z residents іїї її аnd members of the Party z nіtnja nadzvychaynoї situatsiії, orientovna kіlkіst nіh became close 800 osіb.

With the help of the deputies, members of the Party and volunteers at the headquarters of the bula, a robot was organized to help the population: food packages were distributed, hot meals were delivered, medicines were delivered, the community was provided with lighters and candles, material and assistance was given to people with disabilities, rich people. poor vіku. . Today, zdіysnyuvavsya podmoviy and podvorovy obhіd hromadyan, sbіr _informatsiї about the quiet, who will require a hot meal and that water. Consultations were carried out by phone, city dwellers were informed about energy savings, clarifications were made about the behavior of the NS hour, the residents were given moral and psychological information, and informational leaflets were sent out. Also, by the forces of the headquarters of the liquidation of the National Assembly, it was organized more auto patrols in the streets of the city, opened the kitchen and the heating points, supplied generators, electric kettles and electric stoves for the heating points, and provided buses for volunteers.

During the period of work, over 4,000 cases returned to the headquarters, over 700 hot meals and about 400 dry rations were distributed, over 100 gatherings of the community were held to inform the population.

The period of blackout has begun in Evpatoria and once again it has been added that the Party "United Russia" is ready to give additional help, if it is required.

Election of Deputies of the Sovereign Duma of the Federal Elections of the Russian Federation

The camp on 18 spring 2016 87 452 people. Voting has taken its toll 42 221 man, what happened 48,2 % in the total number of selections. For Party "EDINA RUSSIA" voted 29 047 man, what happened 68,8 % in the total number of selections. Candidate for Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation "EDINA RUSSIA" Savchenko Svіtlana Borisіvna pіdtrimalo 26 149 people or 63,48% .

For the organization and holding of the elections of deputies of the Sovereign Duma of the Federal Elections of the Russian Federation, 38 electoral elections were established, among them 34 great ones with 16 members of the electoral electoral commissions, and 4 middle ones - with 12 members of the commissions.

Behind the skin selection, the nursery was secured to the medical election headquarters, the deputy corps and the administration, as they provided the selection of the nursery with everything necessary: ​​a telephone, computer equipment, a buffet and a musical accompaniment.

To achieve positive results in the selection campaign, 11 technological and campaigning projects were won: "Yavka", "Agitator", "Ministab", "Mobile Propaganda Group" (MAG), "Swedish Reaction Group" (DBR), "Media Projects", " Deputies’ vzaimodiya”, “Voborcha commission”, “The rest of the campaign day”, “Snigova kulya”, “Day of elections”.

Significant respect was given to the main projects of the selection campaign: “Day of the Sovereign for the Republic of Crimea”, “Party Day "EDINA RUSSIA" that "Vіdkrita vlada".

Head munіtsipalnoї osvіti, head admіnіstratsії, deputies of State For Respublіki Cream that deputies Єvpatorіyskoї mіskoї for boule provedenі zustrіchі of kerіvnikami that collectives of companies Mista, SET is the organіzatsіy have to chislі munіtsipalnimi, conducted robot s Reigning unіtarnimi pіdpriєmstvami on teritorії munіtsipalnoї osvіti and takozh s community organizations. Repeatedly carried out justriches with the heads and members of the local electoral commissions of the city of Evpatoria.

For the sake of their work, the deputies of the Yevpatorijskoy Mistskoy directed the mobilization of the bagmen from the selected districts through the Party’s supporters "EDINA RUSSIA" based on the party organizations of the unanimous Russians, their assistants and the asset for the place of residence. An important direct їхної activity was assigned to the vzaєmodіyu with a number of rich-apartment houses by those heads. This direct work was extremely significant, there are no traces of other, effective approaches to the selection of an impractical part of the population to the selection process.

On the informational walls of the city, during the election campaign, information about the important nutrition during the elections on the territory of the city district of Yevpatoriya of the Republic of Crimea was constantly posted.

A wide information campaign was carried out in ZMI city: in the newspaper "Yevpatoriya zdravnitsa", ANO Yevpatoriya TB, on the official website of the municipal education of the city district of Yevpatoriya of the Republic of Crimea.

Disabled persons and persons with limited health capabilities have a full obligation to ensure the implementation of their choice of rights. Ramps were installed on 18 selected areas. On the choice of dilnitsa No. 107, 108, it was prepared and installed timing ramps (flooring), because. The height of the ramp allows you to enter a selection of people with limited opportunities without installing a stationary ramp. On the voting roads, where the ramp (flooring) was technically impossible to install, on the single day of voting, on the 18th of September 2016, volunteers were recruited to help the bulky citizens with the opportunity to grow.

In the course of the electoral campaign, the protests of the citizens for the violation of the electoral legislation did not reach the territorial electoral committee and the local electoral headquarters. Choose recognition such as you have seen.

p align="justify"> Implementation of party projects for the summer period.

Today, the party projects are being actively implemented by the Evpatorijskim mіstsevim. Among them are 12 federal, 4 regional and 1 municipal.

As part of the implementation of the project "Children's kindergartens for children" in Yevpatoria, two new children's kindergartens were launched: "Seagull" and "Cosmos". Within the framework of the project "Modernization of education" at the schools of the city, the repair of classrooms and premises was carried out, new equipment was purchased.

Great respect for the local children of the Party is attached to the development of child sports in the city. Together with the local sport, we regularly organize various sports and mass visits, hold days of health, relay races and magic. With the method of educating young people to a healthy way of life, to play sports, and also for the development of yard sports by the forces of the party members, the yard football tournament "Shkiryaniy M'yach" was repeatedly held.

Within the framework of the project “Russia cares about the skin of a child”, children’s visits, baby contests, master class and flash mobs, concerts, discos, contests and charity events were repeatedly organized for children.

At the link with the entry of the republic into the legal field of the Russian Federation, the Crimean residents faced a significant problem - ignorance of the elementary ambushes of the living code. Specially for the promotion of the illumination of the Evpatorijtsiv in the sphere of residential legislation of the Mistseve branch of the Party "EDINA RUSSIA" implements the federal party project "PRAVDOM" (School of a Literate Spozhivacha). As part of this implementation, we repeatedly held various seminars and round tables, created coordinating committees to unite heads of wealthy apartment dwellers, and in their own quarters all the heads of coordination committees have gone to the warehouse of the community for the sake of municipal housing support. And at the end of 2016, the Faculty of ZhKG was organized at the University of the third century.

Important for Yevpatoriya as a resort town is the implementation of the project "Ecology of Russia". By the forces of the party's militia, volunteer work was repeatedly carried out to improve park areas and areas for repair, to clean up beaches and coastal swamps.

As part of the implementation of the "Historical Memory" project, until all memorable dates, rallies are organized for the participation of members of the political branch of the party, and tributes to memorials are held. Moreover, on April 12, 2015, a monument to the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was born at the urochist.

With the help of our primary organizations, the work is also constantly carried out to help war veterans, monuments and memorial sites are being arranged. Within the framework of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Peremogi with the insurance medical company, we carried out the campaign “Policy for the veteran”, for the sake of the deputies of the city, for the sake of sleeping, with the first confirmation, the veteran was seen 220 policies for the medical insurance

Organization and participation in the campaign-mass visits

Members of the Party regularly take part in the visits of the imperial and republican significance, as well as in the promotional mass visits that are held for the celebrations of the Party.

During the winter period, we conducted and organized 234 large-scale visits, 213 of which were displayed at the mass information sources. Among the visits to be held, the most massive ones are patriotic and sports direct.

Work with the site of the Mіstsevogo vіddіlennya, vivіtlennya zakhodіv v ZMI

On the basis of the visionary one, the connection with the active activity of the opposition forces in the Internet space, the work of the ZMI and social networks is being carried out actively.

Created by a group of the Party's mass event on the website of Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and Facebook, where information about our good works is regularly posted, about holding and planned visits for the participation of activists of the party's mass event and the youth krill - "Molodoy". We need to get the members of the Party - active koristuvachi in the Internet to agitation and propaganda work in social networks.

It is necessary to recognize that on this day we, unfortunately, are insufficiently practical for young people, do not be afraid of those who young people may have a great creative potential, and they need to give the necessary support. Our task is to do everything so that young people know their place not only in the political structure of the region, but also in the implementation of the sovereign youth policy.

Further education of young people to parliamentary activity, preparation of a personnel reserve of the place, promotion of electoral activity of young people may be an indispensable part of our party work.


Today, the Evpatorijsk Mistseve, the party "United Russia" is the most active political force in the city. The party storehouse of the mіstsevoy vіddіlennya representations by people of different age, social groups and professions.

I would like to say words of sympathy to all of our local party activists, to all our supporters, to people who helped us to save the leading positions of the "United Russia" in the political system of the region. Thank you very much to the members of the political tradition, to the vikonkom of the party’s ministerial branch and to the secretaries of the primary organizations, let’s keep in mind, who, with their generous summative work, rob the chimaliy contribution to the party’s activity.

In front of us with you check the robot. The members of the party had few ideas and propositions. It is up to us to take care of them in life, and the head of the head - to achieve that, so that the Evpatorians not in words, but in fact, realized the real results of the activity of the Party of power.

At the forum for the protection of health, which was like a grassroots rock in Yalta, and the participants of such a buli rich someone from you, the leader of our party, Dmitro Anatoliyovich Medvedev, especially blatantly said that for the preservation of the leader’s camp of the Party, I needed to help yazana to the beast, but like a party. as a reflection of the interests of the majestic number of people. We need everywhere to activate the activities of the first parties, to develop them as a real center of party initiatives, and to bring the party work as close as possible to people.

Today we are also insufficiently practicable with our personnel reserve. Even though the party already had few examples of successful professional promotion of our single Russians, the mechanism for personnel lift until the end of benefits. Promoting the efficiency of party work is impossible without party education. You need to get it, so that the education becomes systemic and postynym.

Mi buli, є i may be left with the party - the leader. Less leadership is to allow us to take vikonati on ourselves in front of the victories of the goiter and to honor the authority of the "United Russia". Ale, taking leadership, we need to remember that we, like the Party of power, are victorious for everything and we must be vigilant in front of the skin bag of our place! Because at the core of our robots, we can be a human being!

Priority guidelines for the federal budget for 2014 and for the planning period of 2015 and 2016 are social policy, national defense, national security and law enforcement activities, national economy.

Budget allocations to the federal budget at the National Economy section are indicated in Table. 2.1.

Table 2.1

Budget allocation of the federal budget according to the section "National Economy"

Behind the bill, an analysis of the dynamics of the federal budget revenues for this division shows that, compared to the previous year, the growth rates are increasing in 2014 and decreasing in 2015 and 2016.

The increase in vidatkіv in 2014 was replaced by rock in 2013, mainly in the following terms:

    rezervuvannyam budgetary asignuvan, peredbachenih on pіdrozdіlu "Zagalnoekonomіchnі Power" on fіnansove zabezpechennya in sumі to 343 900.0 million. rublіv realіzatsії for rіshennyami Uryadov Rosіyskoї Federatsії dodatkovih zahodіv schodo pіdtrimki Galuzo Economy, Small is the serednogo pіdpriєmnitstva, market analysis pratsі, monoprofіlnih munіtsipalnih utvoren that social support of the citizens, the creation of a way for the distribution of inter-budgetary transfers to the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation on the designated purpose;

    increased spending on grants for subsidies within the framework of support for the economy of the economy in the amount of 65,961.1 million rubles;

    zbіlshennyam vnesku to statutory kapіtalu BAT "RZD" s metoyu realіzatsії prіoritetnih іnvestitsіynih proektіv of rozvitku zalіznichnoї іnfrastrukturi zagalnogo koristuvannya have to chislі Maskovskiy regіonu, stvorennya visokoshvidkіsnoї zalіznichnoї magіstralі Moscow - Kazan, rozvitku that do updates in the Baikal-Amurskoї that Transsibіrskoї magі Taishet in 2014 rotsі on the amount of 11,873.1 million rubles;

    zbіlshennyam vytrat for the life of atomic crygolamіv civil recognition in the amount of 11 254.5 million rubles;

    creations of the Federal Guarantee Fund with the method of expanding the guarantee support of small medium-sized enterprises in the amount of 10,000.0 million rubles.

In 2014 - 2016, the structure distributed the largest amount of budget allocations in 2014 - 2016. transport - 13%, the sіlskogo gosudarstvo taribalstvo - 7 - 8%.

Vitytterns of the federal budget by Ridgel "National Domecho" structure (Vіdkriti region) at the 2014 Rotsі Further Zdіysnyuvati 46 heads of Rosipovyadniki residents koshvіv, 2015 Rotsі - 45, 2016 Rotsі - 41. Nab_lshі zh - Mіnpromtorg Rosії, Mіnfіn Rosії, The Ministry of the State and Mineral Transport of Russia, the Ministry of Transport of Russia, Roskosmos, Rosavtodor, Roszheldor, Rosaviatsia, Rosmorrichflot, DC "Rosatom", in 2014, 86% of the cost for this distribution will fall, in 2015 - 85%, in 2016 - 85%.

In 2014 and 2015, the draft law on the division of "National Economy" transfers funds for the implementation of 32 state programs, in 2016 - 29, budget allocations for the yakі are indicated in table 2.2.

Table 2.2

Budgetary allocations for the implementation of state programs at the branch of "National Economy"

The program part of the bills for this section until 2016 is expected to increase by 30.5 billion rubles, or by 1.8%, and the other part of the general debt for the division by 2014 is expected to increase by 17.2 percentage points.

Following the sveto for 2012, the federal budget budget for the National Economy section contributed 1,968.5 billion rubles, which is 58.7 billion rubles, or 2.9% less than the costs approved by Federal Law No. 371 - Federal Law, and by 83.4 billion rubles, or by 4.1%, less than the indicator of the budgetary order with changes for 2012.

The largest obligations of non-conforming indications of the star budget line with changes were established by Rosavtodor (41,425.9 million rubles), Roszheldor (27,449.2 million rubles).

As of September 1, 2013, the federal budget allocation for the "National Economy" section contributed 928.3 billion rubles, or 51.6% of legislatively approved budget allocations and 49.8% of the budgetary budget allocation (with changes) for 2013 rec.

The budgetary allocation of the federal budget for the subproject "Stove and energy complex" is indicated in table 2.3.

Table 2.3

Budgetary appropriation of the federal budget for the "Top fuel and energy complex" subdivision

Decrease in financing costs in 2014 in 2013 in 2013 was determined mainly by shortfalls of 6615.0 million rubles in financing of federal government programs, including:

    "Social and economic development of the Far Gathering and the Baikal region for the period up to 2018" (for the financing of the Federal Target Program "Economic and social development of the Far Gathering and Transbaikal for the period until 2013", which will be completed in 2013 -5, 5,0) million rubles;

    "Social and economic development of the Republic of Ingushetia for 2010 - 2016" - by 253.3 million rubles;

    "Social and economic development of the Kuril Islands (Sakhalin region) for 2007 - 2015" - by 125.5 million rubles.

In addition, the Federal Target Program "Five Day of Russia (2014 - 2020)" budgetary allocation of the Ministry of Energy of Russia for 2014 - 2016 was not transferred to the budget by the project.

Schedules of Zvіtnih Done Schodo Vicannya Okonihkh Nakhodvіv FTpl "Econichnya Ta Social Distille of the distant approach of TABAYKALLY to Perigod to 2013 ROCK" Sv_dyki Downtown Osawnnya Vijenih at ї Real_zatsіyu Koshtіv, щ щ щ є є ри ри и и и и и и истикой сколівнанний.

The budget for the federal budget for the assigned federal target program, for the 1st of September 2013, for the release of the budget, contributed 4,691.4 million rubles, or 53% of the budget line for 2013.

The draft law has transferred financing for the support of the Ministry of Energy of Russia with some federal state-owned emergency installations for the formation of anti-fountain militarized parts, to establish their activities on a contractual basis and on the basis of the Federal Law No. 151-FZ "On emergency spa status of ryatuvalniks" in 2014, the total amount was 663.1 million rubles, in 2015, the total amount was 686.1 million rubles, in 2016, the total amount was 686.1 million rubles.

In order to improve the efficiency of the functioning of the appointed formations, the power to re-order the Ministry of Energy of Russia under the authority of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia, as it was done before the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on January 10, 2019 No. 554 "About the perfection of the single state system for the prevention and liquidation of supranational situations" of how to militarize military units.

Following the sveto for 2012, the federal budget for the release of the fuel and energy complex contributed 107.8 billion rubles, which is by 1.8 billion rubles, or by 1.7%, more than the taxes approved by Federal Law No. 371-FZ, and by 0.3 billion rubles, or by 0.3%, less than the indicator of the budget line with changes for 2012.

The largest obsjag nekononannya pokazniki v zvedeniy budget line with changes introduced by the Ministry of Energy of Russia (273.2 million rubles).

The budgetary appropriation of the federal budget for the subprogram "Subsidiary to the achievement of outer space" is indicated in table 2.4.

Behind the bill, an analysis of the dynamics of the federal budget revenues for this division shows that, in 2014, the growth rates are decreasing in 2014 and 2016.

Budgetі Asignovannya on the purchase of goods, Rob_Ta Tu station at the framework of the FTP "Pіdtrimka, Distilite" Viceristani Systems GLONASS for 2012 - 2020 Rocky "TA PІDPRONS" Zobrechennya Real_yskії ї ї ї "Kosmіchna Dyalnіst Rosії" Kosmіchna Diyalnіst Rosії " .4 million rubles (74.8% of the total cost of spending for the delivery), in 2015 roci - in the total of 26,613.0 million rubles (80%), in 2016 roci - in the total of 27,827.9 million rubles (17, 3%). Vitrati in 2016 increased by 32.5% compared to 2014.

Table 2.4

Budgetary appropriation of the federal budget for the promotional plan “Subsidiary to the achievement of outer space”

Other budgetary allocations within the framework of the state program "Space activities of Russia" in 2014, the turnover amounted to a total of 2,596.0 million rubles (9.2% of the total amount of air traffic for a product), in 2015, a total of 2,521.8 million rubles (7 .6%), in 2016 the total was 116,044.5 million rubles (72%). Vitrati in 2016 increased by 44.7 times compared to 2014.

Following the sveto for 2012, the budget for the federal budget for the implementation of the plan “Responsibility for the achievement of outer space” accumulated 33.0 billion rubles, which is 1.3 billion rubles, or 3.8% less than the costs approved by Federal Law No. 371-FZ, and by 0.1 billion rubles, or by 0.4%, less than the indicator of the budget line with changes for 2012.

Roskosmos (118.0 million rubles) was responsible for the largest amount of non-conforming indications of the star budgetary order among the changes.

The budgetary appropriation of the federal budget for the draft "Silsk state and fishing" is indicated in table 2.5.

Table 2.5

Budgetary appropriation of the federal budget for the program "Silsk state and fishing"

According to the bill, the analysis of the dynamics of the federal budget revenues shows that the budget is being reduced against the opposite fate.

Vіdhilennya Vitrange in the 2014 ROCI WITTURE MECHAND COLLECTION WITRATE FOR 2013 RІK explains Tim, Scho at the 2013 ROCI on the framework of the framework of Vicannya of the Distribution of the Silician George of the Regulavoye Rinkіv Saillagorism, SIVROGOPODARSKIA PRODUCTION - 2020 ROCK (DAY - DERZHPRAMA-25) budget allocation (one hundred percent of resource security, approved by the Derzhprogram-25 passport) in the amount of over 40.0 billion rubles (mainly for subsidizing part of the interest rate for short-term loans in the Russian industry; "yasa birds that egg, at the link with more expensive feed).

For the sake of sveta for 2012, the budget for the federal budget for the subprogram "Silsk State and Fishery" contributed 148.8 billion rubles, which is 1.2 billion rubles, or 0.8% less than the costs approved by Federal Law No. 371 -FZ, and by 0.7 billion rubles, or by 0.5%, less than the indicator of the budget line with changes for 2012.

The largest amount of non-conforming indications of the star budgetary order with changes was established by the Federal Agency for Fishery (582.7 million rubles).

The budget allocation to the federal budget for the “Water Governance” subdivision is shown in Table 2.6.

Table 2.6

Budgetary appropriation of the federal budget for the “Water Gospodarstvo” program

Behind the bill, an analysis of the dynamics of the federal budget revenues for this section shows that, compared to the previous year, the costs are decreasing in 2014 and 2015 and increasing in 2016.

The bill transfers the change in budgetary allocations in 2014 to the amount of 7,812.2 million rubles in 2014, or by 31.2%, which is due to short budgetary investments in connection with the completion of the federal target program Zabaikalle "for perigod to 2013 ROCK" TA ZV'IKUKOKA ZVOZHPOKODIVA ASGNUVA, DIYSKOVY DIATING IN THE REALIZIY MANAGE OF RUSSION ROSIYSKY IN GALYUZІ VIDNOSIN, THROUGH THE CONSOLІYDATSIY OF SUNDENTSIY Y RODILI "Zagalnoerzhavnі Patimna" at the warehouse єdinoїn, Rosіyskiiiiiyii.

Within the framework of this support, budgetary allocations were allocated for the implementation of state programs “Recovery and recovery of natural resources” in 2014 in the amount of 15,414.5 million rubles (89.7% of the total budget for the development of natural resources), in 2015 in 2015 1 million rubles (93.6%), in 2016, the total amount was 15,132.8 million rubles (89.8%). The main vitrati zaplanovanі on fіnansuvannya FTP "Rozvitok vodogospodarskogo complex Rosіyskoї Federatsії from 2012 - 2020 Rokach" in formі subsidіy on zabezpechennya dіyalnostі (nadannya poslug) Reigning SET and takozh on mіzhbyudzhetnі transfers for spіvfіnansuvannya ob'єktіv kapіtalnogo budіvnitstva State vlasnostі sub'єktіv Rosіyskoї Federations and municipal governments. Vitrati z tsієї FTsP porіvnja z vіdpovіdnym anterior rock change in 2014 roci by 19.7%, in 2015 roci - by 18.6%, in 2016 roci increase by 19.3%.

Following the sveto for 2012, vykonannya vydatkіv in the federal budget on the subproject "Vodne gospodarstvo" contributed 22.0 billion rubles, which is by 0.3 billion rubles, or by 1.2%, more than vidatkіv, approved by Federal Law No. 371- Federal Law, and by 0.3 billion rubles, or by 1.2%, less than the indicator of the budget line with changes for 2012.

The largest amount of non-conforming indications of the star budgetary order with changes was established by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia (189.0 million rubles).

The budgetary appropriation of the federal budget for the “Forest Gospodarstvo” subdivision is indicated in Table 2.7.

Behind the bill, an analysis of the dynamics of federal budget revenues for this division shows that, in 2014, the percentages are decreasing in 2014 and insignificantly increasing in 2015 and 2016.

Table 2.7

Budgetary appropriation of the federal budget for the “Forest Gospodarstvo” program

Znizhennya vidatkіv for CIM pіdrozdіlom in 2014 rotsі 4.1 Razi porіvnyano s 2013 rock vіdbuvaєtsya for rakhunok pererozpodіlu budgetary asignuvan on realіzatsіyu zahodіv State prog "Regіonalna polіtika that federativnі vіdnosini" viklikanogo Included subventsії on zdіysnennya okremih povnovazhen Rosіyskoї Federatsії in sferі lіsovih vіdnosin in a single subvention, consolidated division of the "Zahalnoderzhavni pitanya".

The draft law transfers budgetary allocations for the establishment of the prevention of vindication, localization and liquidation of the fungus of diseased organisms in forests in the amount of 1,000.0 million rubles.

For the tribute of 2012, vykonannya vydatkі in the federal budget for the subprogram "Forest Gospodarstvo" contributed 29.7 billion rubles, which is 0.7 billion rubles, or 2.4%, less than the costs approved by Federal Law No. 371- Federal Law, і by 0.05 billion rubles, or by 0.2%, less for the performance of the budget line with changes for 2012.

The largest amount of non-conforming indications of the star budgetary order with changes was set for Roslіsgosp (40.0 million rubles).

The budgetary allocation of the federal budget for the "Transport" subprogram is indicated in table 2.8.

Table 2.8

Budgetary appropriation of the federal budget for the "Transport" budget

Behind the bill, an analysis of the dynamics of the federal budget revenues for this division shows that the ratios increase in 2014 and 2015 and decrease in 2016.

I will contribute up to the statutory capital of the VAT "Russian Railroads" within the framework of the subprogram "Main Railroad Transport" state program "Development of the transport system" in 2014, the amount was allocated in the amount of 23,652.7 million rubles (9.3% of the total cost of air transportation), 2015 year - in the total of 67,093.5 million rubles (24.2%), in 2016 - in the total of 40,545.5 million rubles (15%). At the same time, in 2016, the growth rate increased, compared to 2014, by 71.4%.

The cost of spending on the implementation of calls under the Hromadyansk Aviation subprogram of the Federal Target Program "Development of the transport system of Russia (2010 - 2020)" .0 million rubles (13.6%), in 2016, roci - 33,685.7 million rubles (12.5%). At the same time, in 2016, the growth rate increased, compared to 2014, by 14.5%.

Financing of the Federal Target Program “Economic and social development of the Far Skhod and the Baikal region for the period until 2018” by the State Program “Social and economic development of the Far Skhod and the Baikal region” in 2014 roci - 38,960.4 million rubles (14%), in 2016 roci - 37,429.7 million rubles (13.9%).

In 2013, the cost of spending on the Federal Target Program “Economic and social development of the Far Descent and Transbaikalia for the period until 2013” ​​was 7,190.9 million rubles. In 2012, the federal target program “Economic and social development of the Far Descent and Transbaikalia for the period up to 2013” ​​contributed 8,163.5 million rubles, or 98.8% of the indicator of the budgetary budget line (with changes). As of September 1, 2013, the budget for debt relief amounted to 1,832.4 million rubles, or 26.8% of the total budget line (with changes) for 2013.

Charged Cleaver of the Transport Strategist Rosіyskoji in Perigod to 2030 ROCH MІNTRANS ROSІY IN 2009 - 2012 ROCKS NOT A MONITORING DAY IN REALIZATIONS (for the Vinnyatkom Analizazi Dealikіv FTP "Diviskens of Transportation Systems Rosії (2010 - 2015 Rocky)" TA DONE Vіdomcho-rytnostі). The information and analytical system for managing the implementation of the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 and the automated system for managing the transport complex have not been implemented. As of July 1, 2013, the transport strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 has not been approved.

Following the sveto for 2012, vykonannya vydatkіv in the federal budget for podrozdіl "Transport" contributed 339.7 billion rubles, which is 7.1 billion rubles, or 2.1%, more than the costs approved by Federal Law No. 371, and by 32.2 billion rubles, or by 8.7%, less than the indicator of the budget line with changes for 2012.

The largest amount of non-conforming evidence of the star budgetary order with changes was set for Roszheldor (27448.9 million rubles).

The budgetary appropriation of the federal budget for the “Road State (Road Fund)” subprogram is indicated in Table 2.9.

Table 2.9

Budgetary appropriation of the federal budget for the draft "Road state (road funds)"

According to the draft law, the analysis of the dynamics of the federal budget inflows shows how much money is being spent against the opposite fate.

Zb_lshennya Vitratnnі 2014 Rocky in Porivnyannі z 2013 Rock is objected to the main zb_l'yvnya Vitrange to Kapіtalnaya Repair, repair of this urtiman auto-doodle Divigal Kalivani Kornevnya federal value at the SUMA 36 291.4 million RUBLIV TA on the subsidia of the main road company from the trust management of motor roads in the amount of 6,551.7 million rubles.

For the sake of 2012, the budget for the federal budget was 442.4 billion rubles, which is 6.3 billion rubles, or 1.4% less than the costs approved by the Federal Law No. 371, and by 41.3 billion rubles, or by 8.5%, less than the indicator of the budget line with changes for 2012.

The largest amount of non-conforming indications of the star budget line with changes was set by Rosavtodor (41,319.7 million rubles).

In this rank, vitrati of the Federal budget for the division of the National economy will be short. This is connected with us in front of the difficult political situation in the world.

Litvinenko O.V. Economic crisis in Russia (for the period 2014-2015): causes, consequences, forecasts // Economics and business: theory and practice. - 2015. - No. 7. - S. 47-49.



E. V. Litvinenko, assistant

Saint Petersburg sovereign university aerospace


(Russia, St. Petersburg)

Abstract. The article examines the causes, consequences and forecasts of the economic crisis in Russia in the period from 2014 to 2015. Introduced thoughts of deyakyh ekonomistіv schodo danї problematics. Uzagalneno that analyzed The current economic situation in the country. The main causes and turns are revealed.

Key words: economic crisis, Russian economy, economic forecast

2014 rіk for the Russian economy, becoming the beginning of a new round of economic kr.і zіsa, which started in 2008 roci. Yogo p rіchchu became an economy that didn’t work outі nya in the country, and basically the fate of Russia in the podia in Ukraine.

The economy of Russia will become a sharp drop in 2014, bulo viklikano low reasons, middle chimala chastka G ralі sanktsiї zahіdnіh kraї ta USA, p about followed the steps in Ukraine, that entry Crimea to the warehouse of the Russian F e deratsії 21 March 2014, if Putin V. V. signed the law on the ratification of the agreement on the acceptance of the Russian Federation of the Republic of Crimea to the warehouse and federal const.і tuciyny law about arrival Crimea to Russia and the transitional period of integration of new subjects of the Federation. On the same day, the Crimean Federal Pro to the circle (KFO) .

Naprikintsy 2014 r. Minister of Ecology nominal development of the Russian Federation Ulyukaev A.V. vysloviv hip about thesis, zgіdno zakoyu, Russia can be right with three types of crises, as if overlapped one on one: structural, geopolitical e sskiy i pov'yazaniya z obezhennyam on the right about su.

You can see the coming crises and problems, as they appeared in Russia:

continuation of the global structural crisis, leading to deep disruptions in the economy and politics of the leading countries, until the emergence of new geo-economic and geopolitical balances, and in Russia the crisis is zapiznyuvalny character;

crisis of the economic growth model of Russia in the 2000s, based on yakoї ̆ l e the sting of the promotion of the drink (among those about obviously)backvirobnicheskih tightness ̆ i trivaly increase in prices for products Russian export;

aggravated geopolitical situation in chastkovo pov'yazano z pomitno rebirth ̆ foreign political̆ Ro activity why, want to not start up to her - she herself is yak animosity has become a legacy of ruin, h what to do with the results of the global crisis;

outrageous economic shock adopted against Russia Galuzev’s sanctions, against us financial sphere;

outrageous economic shock after falling naphtha prices- The most important source of income for the Russian budget;

- Currency ̆ crisis as a result podvіynogo outrageous shock (for us, falling prices for naphtha, ale chastkovo - and financial sanctions);

- cyclic ̆ crisis, caused by ̆ zі izhennyam іinvestitsіynoї ̆ activity (vpr about what, cyclical only partly, shards of reduction investment ̆ activity im e there are no obvious political reasons);

demographic̆ crisis - short-term number of population in the practical district .

April 2015 h qi” clarified: “Krim of structural krі zіsa, which started in 2012 roci,і I had a chance to go through two shocks, like a suttvo they got into the economy. pershy ̆ іz shockіv delusions Russian integration to the light economy through the export of natural resources; For the period from lime to d e In October 2014, the price of naphtha dropped more and more, resulting in a shock, swindle minds for Russia. Ruble exchange rateі zivsya by 46% in terms of the US dollar, which negatively impacted on the already weak business and life e rennist. As a resultpenny credit̆ policy increased the rate of lending, which led to far away lowering of the internal ref. about sa.

Due to the fall in the ruble exchange rate, ro h russian vlada got a low entry for stabі lіzatsії exchange rate. Sered them you can see the start of the program recapitalization banks with additional issue of OFZ totaling 1 trillion. rub., the Bank of Russia issued foreign currency loans to 11 largest banks for a period of 28 and 365 days, the Ministry f i nansiv sold foreign currency for a total of 1.5 billion dollars. USA.

Other ̆, more specific ̆ shock, mind-bending geopolitical tension about ty, yak vinikla near birch 2014 rock and became cause ̆ economic sanctions. Looking back at the tension, it has been possible to attract investments from Russia as a risky one, and the varity of the old ones has significantly increased. position for russians banks and enterprises. In chest spread on Russian credit defaults swaps peaked at 578 basis points, behind 159 rock earlier. Procedure with financial sanctions, limited and chile access to the largest Russian banks and enterprises from the sovereign fate to the western international fі to financial markets, all factors brought to the current fast investment i tsіy.

However, regardless of all the economic shocks, with which our country has stumbled, it can be seen that h big recessions.

2014 about nomіki did not worry, the growth of GDP in this way n him of the Federal State Statistics Service stating 0.6% for the period up to the previous period.

At the thought of the rich vіtchiznyanyh i but Foreign economists forecast for Russia for the mid-term perspective is not very favorable. Speed ​​of real GDP e coming rocks, save nya riziku, as a promotion, and a reduction in the price of naphtha, an increase in unemployment, and m kravtsiv - not much more e rich naslіdkіv to some examples of the crisis of 2014-2015.

To stabilize the economic situation but tsії in Russia it is necessary to swear, we are forward , on the internal potential of the country. Development of small and medium business, os about in the part of the renewal of the production of domestic goods in the priority T to them for Russia. Ale, in order to achieve these goals, it is necessary to carry out a series of b van and reforms.

In the economic literature of the middle prі oritetіv next time you can in s long step come in, straight ahead in laziness of the Russian economy:

dotrimanya gnuchkoy tax-paying policy with the method of obtaining new potential enterprises;

transition from repayment in dollars and euros for international trade agreements, to repayment in national currency;

— .

2. V. Mau "Nutrition for the economy", No. 2. 2015 rock.

3. World bank group. Macroeconomics&Financial Management. Dopovid about the economy of Russia. №33, April 2015


EV Litvinenko, assistant

St. Petersburg state university of aerospace instrumentation

(Russia, Saint Petersburg)

abstract. article deals with the causa, consequences and projections of the economic crisis in Russia in the period from 2014 to 2015.Given the views of some economists on this issue. Su m marized and analyzed the current economic situation in the country. The main causes and or i gins.

Tags : economic crisis, Russian economy, economic forecast

Yakscho number interval representations in numbers, as if they follow one by one, the hyphen, for example, 1-2 days, 5-6 options. The rule is to note that a hyphen between numeric characters is written in that case, so that between them you can put a spit "or": one or two days.

Well, the numerical interval transfers the transfer if only one digit or an indicator, a dash (without spaces): 1-3 days, 10-15 days. At times, the union “abo” is not suitable for a change, because. May be at the distance of the interval, which can be indicated by the receivers "from ... to", "from ... to", "from ... to": from one to three days. So we do it ourselves and with fractional numbers: 1.5-1.7 times.

One more option: the interval is the meaning of representations by words (which is more pronounced). Todі mi vikoristovuєmo tі the same signs, scho th for numbers:

  • dash with spaces, for example, thirty - thirty five people;
  • hyphen - in phrases like one two, three chotiri.

Dash and hyphen in dates. Through a dash and without gaps, there may be records hour interval type 2010-2014 rr. i through a hyphen 2010-2011 rr., to that in the first fall in the timchasovy vіdrіzku the sprat of fates was missed, and in the other the fates go one by one. It is highly respectful what is written to give the type 2010–14 not accepted, and the word "roku" is verbatim replaced by shorthand "rr."

One-hour quote and dash, and hyphen will be correct in written type 70-80s rocky. To pay respect, that the end (s) are written only in the remaining number, the shards of the end of both numbers are collected (sixty, eighty).

To finish, pardons are often made in written folded words, one part of which is represented by numbers. How not to write only: i 50th, і 50th river, і 50th! And what is required? If the first part of the word is written with the number (50), then after the hyphen, the rest of the word (-literal) is filled, then. can go 50th, 25-width, 12 meters. І try to write unicati type 1st mission or 2-time: numbers up to 10 are better written in words ( single, dvorazovy).

Now - about those, if no dash, no hyphen is better not to get used to:

  • for numerical intervals of dates given in digits (dd.mm.yyyy). In this vipadka, it’s better to win the receivers: from 23.07.2014 to 30.08.2014. With whom it is incorrect to write, for example, from 23.07 to 30.08.2014, 23.07–30.08.2014 or from 11 to 15.08.2014. At this time, name the months in a better way to write with the words: From 23 Lipnya to 30 Serpnya 2014 or From 11 to 15 September 2014;
  • in kіlkіsnih numerals (correctly: robot 12 spіvrobіtnikіv, not right: robot 12 spіvrobіtnikіv);
  • for the hour of recording calendar dates (correct: 15 serp 2014 roku, not right: 15 serp 2014 roku);
  • when numbers are denoted by Roman numerals (correct: VII All-Russian Conference, not right: VII-th all-Russian conference).

Let's not forget about those that, if the day of the date of the submissions is simple numerical up to 10, then it is more convenient to write “0” in front of it in documents: From 04 April 2014, but not from 4 sick days 2014 It is important that you stand at the gate of the "malicious" way to add a new figure and correct the date, tobto. the stench cannot be remade 4, for example, on 14 or 24.

Expanded pardon є the appearance of "m." after the date, written in a numerical way (correct: 01.08.2014 , not right: 08/01/2014, even here rіk є warehouse part of the designation of a specific date).

It is noteworthy that incidents trapleyayutsya not only with the correct spelling of hourly periods, but і з їх correct understanding. And the reason lies in the fact that historical science is similar, “political”, and even new ones often rewrite it, especially when changing ideology.

Guess the short "n.e." Yogo wins, if you want to say, that they were born "before our era", and that they were already "into our era". And yet, at the beginning of the 90s, my vikladach of history respected with sarcasm: “What kind of “our” era is this? I yakcho tse - “ours”, then yak todi “not ours”? - I suvoro punished us to say “until the new era”, “new era”.

And the era appeared in Russia after the revolution, if the new government could not allow people to continue writing 1917 according to R.Kh. or 324 r. BC, which meant, obviously, 1917 view of the Rizdva of Christі 324 r. to tsієї sign subії. Axis i taught us to write 324 r. BC

And yet, in the country's history, there were also cardinal changes in the literal numbers, the change of coordinates often becomes necessary for the change of the people's light-gazer. So, on the 1st day of 1700, following the decree of Peter I, Russia switched to a new “western-European” literal number, the previous river dated us not in 1699, but in 7208 - at that time, our ancestors already had a thousand rokiv drakhovan!

In ancient documents, the date formula is often view of the creation of the world(and we were taught at school to think about what to think about the creation of the world by God). And in the rest of the hour, I’m typing a wrapper version about those that our ancestors led as a sign, they remembered about the stink of the stench (and light, in my mind, but the creations of God earlier). Go to the creation of the world in the dawn temple, tobto. about the signing of the peace treaty after the Great War.


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