If you plant zucchini near chervni. When planting zucchini for a rose garden? Rose garden of zucchini at home minds

If you plant zucchini near chervni. When planting zucchini for a rose garden? Rose garden of zucchini at home minds

arena zucchini, vegetable stew, squash caviar, and navit varennya - this is not yet a residual list of herbs that are prepared for this marvelous vegetable. Vіn diety, easy to conquer and can take a taste. Without zucchini, a city is not a city, but all the zavdyaks to that, that viroshchuvannya that sight is not able to bring newcomers to the gardening law.

Varieties of zucchini

See zucchini: early reached, middle reached, late. Fallow for the purpose of planting is selected and planted. Zucchini are white, yellow, creamy, green in color, as well as zucchini yellow, green and flamboyant. Plantings are planted on bushes and climbers.

Early varieties of zucchini ripen in a month or two after planting.

Preparing for the day

Nasinnya squash is planted in a vіdrazu near the open soil, or through a rose garden, but in any case, it’s necessary to prepare them well:

  • Kіlka years vitrimati near warm water (prevention of the fungus). For whom, place today in a soaked ganchirochka and heat on a battery.
  • Let's sweat for a couple of chills in cold water, you can use Fitosporin.
  • To protect the poor, you can take them with scarlet juice diluted with water.

Tsі come in and hang out on the vlasny collection or hand-me-downs. As it is indicated on the packaging that the stench went through pre-sowing preparation, do not chip them, you can only touch them in the warmth (div. p. 1) by stretching them until they are swelled, or parostkiv will appear. Yakshcho will sit down at the ground, zagartovuvannya nasіnnya help them buti stіykіshim: From the heat we place it in the refrigerator and back.

Planting zucchini near open ground

If you want to vvazhaєtsya nevibaglivim, the soil of the wines must be prepared: rot, humus, peat, thyrsus, compost - for this culture you will like it.

If you plant

Like your meta - I’m giving birth early, planting a rose garden no earlier than the morning.

If you don’t hurry, hang out at the vіdkritiy ґrunt, an hour is an ear of grass - the middle of a worm.

Yak sadity

Good dig the earth. Prepare holes less than pivmeter. Fertilize with organic matter, cover with soil. Add "Agricola 5". They gave us a seat, let us plant 5 cm between us, we can plant a tree in pairs. Tse classical method of planting zucchini in open soil.

Method: landing "under the dance"

Isnuє sche landing "for a dance" for example, on a quarterly basis, if the weather becomes stіykishoy. The depth of the fossa is 10-15 cm - tse dodatkovy zahist in the wind. After that, as soon as you are in the soil, it is necessary to spill it and cover it with plastic plates. Just as soon as it warms up more than 20 degrees, it gets picked up.

Keep an eye on the zucchini at the bright soil

  • Roslina can have a strong root system and can endure, even if it’s not polluted at times, however, watering all the same, for the sake of systematicity, even for hard leaves and fruits, water is needed. Once every 7-10 days, water your vikhovants with warm water.
  • In order for the water to be absorbed more quickly by the roots, the growth of the soil is supported by a systematic razpushuvannya and weeding.
  • Dobrivo cow's minimum of two.

Selection of zucchini

The first fruits can be plucked after three days after flowering. The stench will be lower and with a thin skin. Trim them in a cool dark place.

Growing zucchini is a process of acceptance from a great vіddachey. properly prepare the day before sowing, fertilize the soil, water regularly and enjoy a rich harvest!

How to shake zucchini video

The text was prepared by: Veronica

Zucchini is a heat-loving, herbaceous, single-vegetable culture with rich, succulent and fleshy fruits. Zovnіshnіy vglyad samoї roslini, zalezhno vіd, can vіrіznyatisі and mother kuschevu, dovgopletista or napіvkuschevu form. Krіm tsgogo buy vіdmіnnostі for zabarvlennyam leaves, fruits and, zvichayno, for gusto.

It is grown by the method of hanging on or by transplanting older parostkiv into the soil and. The most promising way is to grow zucchini through a rose garden. In this way, commodity products can be taken off may be a month earlier, dealt with in a shameless way.

When will zucchini be planted for seedlings?

For the middle smog, the term vis_vu nasіnnya for growing zucchini seedlings is kolivayutsya:

  • from 20 April to 12–16 May – withdrawal of early products;
  • from 14 to 30 lindens - pіzn_ vrozha, the fruits are suitable for thriving savings and conservation.

For cultivating zucchini in greenhouses and under plivkovymi ukrittami, the rose garden grows 15 days earlier, lower for growing roslin in the city.

Please! Don't know when to plant zucchini for the garden? - Based on the weather forecast for the next month, zocrema, it is necessary to know about the possible temperature again. The optimal day temperature for transplanting seedlings into a greenhouse, or dry soil is +23 ° C, and the night temperature is +19 ° C, depending on the period, for which weather forecasters predict a warm weather, with the required temperature, that day frost threats, you can take the best hour for the next roslyn, who grew up on the city. The date of the date must be 30 days (the hour from the date of the day until the end of the pruning with a lot of right leaves), the result will have the shortest period for sowing zucchini on the rose garden itself for your region.

Peculiarities of growing zucchini seedlings

  1. When growing zucchini seedlings on pidvіkonnі:
    • pivdenna side - additional lighting is not needed;
    • pivnіchna side - obov'yazkova installation;
    • zahіd і skhіd - bazhano, schob the wild trivality of the day of light was not less than 11 years old.

Please! Respectfully follow the guarded masses, who come from the streets through the quarters and transoms - it’s colder, it’s colder, what you eat, without any middle on the building line, the lower and, for the time being, weak pagons.

Important! Dobrivno be introduced without interruption under the skin growth of a maximum of 1.5 tbsp. l. rozdnієyu єmnіst.

How to plant zucchini with roses near the open soil?

  • 7-8 days before planting, the rose garden is carefully repaired, for which the mountaineers bring wine to the street, streak them there for a long day of light, and bring them to the house at night.
  • The main point in the process of cultivating nutrition, like planting zucchini with seedlings near the soil, is the correct scheme for growing roslin - thickening is unacceptable, the bushes are not guilty to care one for one, otherwise it will be less possible to think about good vrozha.

Landing scheme at vіdkritiy ґrunt:

  1. grow between double-weaving and succulent crops 70×90 cm, bushy varieties 70×70 cm;
  2. burying - at the hole, to the sim'yadolny leaf.

  • On the day of planting - prepare the holes and shed them with warm water (35 ° C).
  • Root the roslin, carefully deepen the ground around it, spill 1 liter of water on 1 sapling. Watering only the roots, it is necessary to sweep, so that the water does not drain on the leaves at the same time.
  • On the back, up to about 19 chervnya, at the bottom of the ridge with a rose garden, cover it with a non-woven zahisny material or a plіvkoy. Tse to fight in order to incapacitate overcooling and death in the flow through the marriage of heat or cold frosts. Vranci, after warming up again, the materials are taken away.

How to grow a rose garden of zucchini at a pivnoch?

Irrespective of those who do not care for the summer crops, and the risk of unstoppable cold is great, the agrarians still successfully grow such a thermophilic and light-loving culture like zucchini. І grow stinks її most importantly in the most annoying way. Nutrition "How to grow a rose garden of zucchini at a pivnochi?" - not varto, the technology is creaking, and in the middle smooth, and in the pivnіchnyh areas the same, the difference in the lines of planting, the stench of daily destruction by the hour through the peculiarities of the climate.

Please! For pivnіchnyh regions, choose such as "Rolik", "Bіloplіdniy", "Pharaoh" then, all stinks are called by the short term vegetation, about 50 days before harvesting, and high stability until a slight decrease in temperature again. Cover the rose garden with cold materials for nothing when it gets cold.

Greenhouse - arcs and curved material

  • As a possibility, grow zucchini in greenhouses, especially in pivnochi it is especially important through the risk of cold weather, cover it, and also insulate the greenhouse more simply, lower the garden.
  • Do not listen to good-naturedness, which we give out of satisfaction for the sake of it - if it is better to plant zucchini on the rose garden. More shortly - ce todi, if on the street it is optimal for the growth of squash temperature, preparation of the soil substrate, spaces for seedlings, fertilizing that, obviously, it is the best choice for your climatic zone today.

Sowing nasіnnya zucchini for rose garden

If you plant zucchini on a rose garden, lie down in the form of climatic minds. Pos_yane now ready before transplanting at the vіdkritiy ґrunt already in 30 days. Zucchini is more thermophilic. It is also important that when planting roses, we should be inspired by the fact that the weather forecast does not show any frosts.

Officials, what to add to the sowing of zucchini for the rose garden:

  • climate;
  • sort;
  • I give birth to the hour of choice.

To take an early harvest, plant a rose garden in the other half of the day until 15 May. Zucchini qi are attached to the victoria in the next hour, to those who cannot afford the great term of saving.

For the end of the litter, I plant a rose garden sow at the other half of the linden tree. Such fruits are well preserved and those appendages before canning.

Zavdyaks to the seedling method of ovoch, transplanting at the vіdkritiy ґrunt, ripen richly swidshe. In most cases, the zucchini hangs around this term, so that the period of its ripening spivpav koїtsya with other vegetables. This is due to the fact that someone will have the will to grow more vegetable mixes, lower zucchini as an independent dish.

Why is it difficult to plant zucchini through a rose garden?

The main advantages of planting zucchini seedlings near open ground:

  1. The features of the vigor of the growth are taken care of.
  2. It is possible to grow the exact number of bushes.
  3. Yield guarantee in regions with a cold climate and a short summer period.
  4. Possession of an early birth.
  5. Through those that the rose garden can be more resistant to stress lower planting, then the fruit will come out, and the rose will not fall ill.

How to properly prepare nasіnnya zucchini before sowing?

Learn also from these articles

In order to take care of a good seedling of zucchini, it is necessary to consider the following:

  1. The back of the head needs to be sorted.

The essence of sorting is based on the choice of the yakіsnogo nasіnnya. In order to grow it correctly, it is necessary to soak them in water and salt for one year.

After the end of the hour, the sour grains sink to the bottom of the tank, and substandard ones are left on the surface.

In order to prepare salty salts, it is necessary:

  • sil - 30 g;
  • heat water - 1 l.

It is necessary to mix in the capacity of all warehouses until retail.

After soaking the whole grain, it is necessary to wash it with clean water.

  1. Carry out a disinfection.

Infection is carried out in order to turn off the development of bacteria that have become attached, after the introduction of the soil into the soil.

The procedure is carried out by soaking the material in water, heated to 50 ° for 6-7 years. After that, the water is angry and pouring cold.

Such a manipulation, apart from the fact that it does not infect, still burns us.

It is possible to carry out disinfection on a special basis by picking up at the store for the summer resident. Ale tsi zasobi mayut one great nedolіk: їхнє disproportionate vikoristannya can be brought to the opіku nasіnnya.

In order not to take up your time with all the procedures, you can put a new order from the heat jacket a month before sowing. Under the hour of a sparing heat treatment, the bacteria will die, and the hour of the city dweller will be healed.

  1. Conduct stimulation.

For whom you need special stimulants, you can get them from any specialized store. Factory stimulants are more expensive. Skin growth has its own proportions, which requires special respect.

If there is no way to stuff zucchini with unreasonable chemistry, then you can create a growth stimulant in your home minds. For whom do you need:

  • room temperature water;
  • kharcheva soda;
  • fresh with aloe.

For 1 liter of water, 5 g of soda and 0.5 liters of water are required. Kindly change it and put it in the omission of rozchinna for 1 year.

If you plant zucchini on the rose garden of dosvіdchenі gorodniki, the stench will sprout ahead of time. Sprouting methods are too rich. With skin rock, experimenters are discovering new and new methods of seed germination. And the most wide-ranging and reversible method is used in the laryngeal planting material in the tissue for 2-3 days.

When planting zucchini for a rose garden?

First planting of zucchini for seedlings, it is necessary to clearly indicate the hour of their planting near wet ground. If it’s wrong to unravel the hour of planting, the growth will hurt, there will be a slowdown in the development and the crop may change.

Rozsada hangs on the city for 25-30 days after sowing. It is necessary to fertilize at the same time when choosing the hour of planting for the rose garden. Since the climate of the region is peacefully warm, then at the same place you can hang zucchini for a rose garden. For quiet regions, where the cold climate is better, do not hurry, but spread the sowing in the other half of the grass. Let homemade zucchini be three times a year, but it will be rich and full.

Tse speedy culture could bear fruit with a stretch of the autumn season. Roslyna is not viable, but she needs a closer look. Planting that cultivation is carried out on open ridges, for early planting, I grow a rose garden near greenhouses. In this article, we can see how to properly plant a zucchini in wet soil, and also how to look at yoga in the minds of the home and how to prolong the long growing season.

Start planting us in the soil, if the soil warms up to +12 degrees, not earlier than the middle of the grass. In the cold earth, there is no sprout, rotting and dying. Therefore, the visage is over until the weather is warmer. In case of late night frosts, the lower parosts will freeze. Planting nasіnnya zucchini on the rose garden is behind the bazhannyam, to the fact that the fruits of the vizrіti and planting the vines on the clay soil.

You can also plant grass on the cob (for the middle smuga), spilling the holes with warm water in the back. Vkryvayut the place of planting with a plastic 5-liter canister with a cut-off neck. Go out a mini greenhouse for skin growth. Don’t forget that the hanging of the vegetables from the ground and is significantly resurrected.

If the present day of steady heat, the presence of night frosts in the canister is taken and it is possible to grow further

Proper preparation of the beds and hanging out in the home minds

Better prepare the coming of autumn. When re-digging, add rotten or compost, retransfer, top addition complex - superphosphate, potassium silt, ammonium nitrate. If necessary, vape in front.

On which side do you plant us? You can buy zucchini on compost. Fluff, rich in humus earth - garne space for culture.

Do not plant zucchini with a pickle. Re-sawing will change the yield of both crops.

Prepared in autumn a bed of hanging enough to expand and grow in the hole. The squash at the squash has a volume, hanging with a winder of 0.5-0.8 meters. Abrade with 1% potassium permanganate, sols or nitroamofoska, vitreous 20 khvilin. Then rinse with water. Tse to protect us from ailments and to secure friendly growth.

At the hole they put 2-3 nights for a fall, as if they weren’t alone. With the appearance of gatherings, they fill one sadzhanets, others see.

Planting a nasіnnya zucchini near the open soil near the soil from the ash

Watch during the growing season

Zucchini love warmth and water. In dry weather, water once a day with water that is not cold beyond +22 degrees. With mass growth of skin fruits, three days. Under the skin of the rose, wriggle up to two liters of water. Before cleaning, do not water, so that they do not suffer taste.

Culture does not blame the fall of water on the leaves. Water the roots from a watering can without a rasp. After that, they lick and mulch.

Great bush and great fruits grow richly eaten. Starting to bring in after the appearance of a right leaf and continuing the entire term of fruiting. Bring goodness to a rare sight. Best wine to love organic. On the development of a vegetable, a positive development is given after a hardening. Obraskuyuchi kusch dermal 10 days of expansion, you can significantly raise the birth.

Buryani are unsafe only, until they grow up, far away, the stench simply cannot grow under a rosy crown.

What can you do to fertilize zucchini?

Yakі dobriva vikoristovuyut for roslini, pererahuemo їх:

  • Mineral.
  • organic.
  • Dobriva from assisted work.

Mineral Dobrava

For the development of a culture of vicorism, it is more complex kindly in such a warehouse: 1 tbsp. spoons of potassium sulfate, superphosphate superphosphate, sechovini are distributed in 10 liters of water. After a full expansion, water the root system at 1.5 liters per plant.

nitrogen calling out the growth of the green masses of the growth. Zastosovuyut hinged and vlitku. Closer to autumn їх nebazhane. Sechovin, ammonia, calcium and sodium nitrate, ammonium sulfate.

Phosphorus help the fruits ripen more, change the growing season. Tse superphosphate, subviny superphosphate, phosphorus-free.

Potash zbіlshüt stіykіst roslyn to nestachі vologa that heat. Promote opirnіst to ailments and shkіdnikіv. Dissolve potassium sulfate, potassium chloride, potassium salts.

Magnesium and salts include oxides of magnesium, boron, salt. Promote the harvest of fruits and their quality. Magnesium spray deoxidizes the soil. Fertilize better than autumn following the singing scheme, it is indicated in the instructions.

It’s also easy to vikoristovuvaty ready complex dobriva. The stench at the high-speed spivvіdnoshnі mіstya nebhіdnі khіmіchіchnі elementi. Azofoska, nitrophoska, diamophos include phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium in the plant of easy assimilation for roslin.

Micro-additives are even more important in the development of roslin: boron, molybdenum, manganese, honey. The quantity required is small, to be added to the complex warehouse.

Carbamide - mineral kindness, which is victorious for the nutrition of zucchini

organic folk goodness

organic- an important storehouse at the tavern squash. The warehouse includes the main elements - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, microelements, vitamins. Everything is easy to get hold of. So you can cook a zucchini if ​​you can.

Rotten. Organization of a creature's trip. Not much more alive. Polypshuє ґruntovu structure. One-hour introduction of mineral fertilizers and purulent coating of mineral deposits.

humus. Perepril rotten. I will paint the mill and the warehouse of the soil. Conquer after the introduction of the bush in a short term.

Compost. Come out after the laying out of the growing and kitchen entrances. Yogo maturation is three times no less than three years. Vykoristovuetsya for pіzhivlennya, mulchuvannya.

Bird's last. To remove the necessary warehouses, more fertilizer with pus. You will need an hour of readiness to bring in the culture. A fresh-looking mouth can burn the roots and leaves.

Peat. To rob the soil with the light ones, to live. Not every peat is brown. Acid peat stagnates in composts.

Other organic goodness and nourishment

For eating vicarious grass, that leaf, yeast, ash, and eating food.

Green grass, especially good sprinkling, soak in barrels of water, saturate for 10-15 days and remove herbal infusions. Proceed with yoga and take it kindly, as it is easy to get yourself in a quick hour.

The greenery of the grasses is taken off when dug up and laid in the ground, grown on the beds of green manure.

Stimulate the growth and development of zucchini, yeast supplements. Drіzhdzhi can be added to herbal nastіy or bred in warm water with zukr.

Folk nasty wood ash to avenge rich microelements, reducing the acidity of the soil. Do not take revenge on nitrogen, add yoga additionally.

Shkidniki and fight with them

Zucchini are susceptible to such ailments:

  • Sira is rotten.
  • Powdery dew.
  • Fusarium v'yanennya.

Bila ta sira rottenness the leaves curl, the stalks are swollen, the stench grows muffled and dries up. Tse fungus. The weather is cold in dense plantings. Superchki are taken from the ground. For the relief of ailments, rub with medium vitriol, sirchanim zinc, rosemary of sechovin. Do not thicken plantings, water with warm water.

Powdery dew. The leaves are the first to be attacked, then the ailment will cover the whole growth. Poglinaє kharchuvannya roslin, lowering the yield. Expands at high temperatures, excess nitrogen. Rejoice at the sour kolod, infusion of pus, potassium permanganate.

Fusarium v'yanennya oppose the root. With a distant development, go to the stem and out of the gin. You can save less money by replacing the soil.

All sicknesses are saved on the remnants of roslin and near the soil. It is possible to save their appearance by relatively preparing the ridges, by sparing the overgrown lands, by the sleet work, by the preparation of the sіvzmіni.

Boroshnista dew Syra rot Fusarioz

Komakhi pancakes for zucchini:

  • Bashtana popelitsya.
  • Spider mite.
  • Bilokrilka.

Larvae bashtan popelitsy hibernate on the remnants of roslins; Poshkozhuyut the stems of that leaf, after which the stench rises. Save our clods to help the autumn tidying up the ridges, spitting the dewy smitta. Sprinkle the splint with an infusion of hot pepper, cibula, potato badilla, powder with a tyutyun saw.

spider mite drіbny invisible shkіdnik. Inhabits the lower part of the leaf. Calling out the blazingness of the leaves, that yogo ooze. Come fight like this, like a pope.

Bіlokrylka I make a sticky tsukrovy poured on the back of the leaf. This is the middle ground for the establishment of various fungi and ailments of growth. Shkidnik can be swept away with water, not allowing them to be left behind on the next earth. With a large number of clods, the soil after the collection is planted with the insecticide "Commander".

I choose and save

The green fruits of the plant up to 25 cm are the most delicious and brown ones. Every now and then knowing zucchini, we help to establish that growth of new ovaries. In this season, everything is fresh green in the summer. From the end of the sickle, we begin to work and prepare for saving for the winter. We choose fruit with a hard skin and a long fruit for the best harvest. Harvest before frost.

Well-ripened zucchini can be taken from a cold host 4-5 months before birch.

Zucchini was a speedy culture, the first harvest was taken in 20 days after flowering. An early harvest allows you to take fresh vitamins right on the cob. The wide possibilities of their victories to rob the zucchini with a popular culture among the city dwellers.

In order to pick zucchini earlier, it is necessary to grow a rose garden in home minds, then, at the warm soil, transfer it to the hanging beds. Dorimuyuchis minds rozshchuvannya razzad that rules to look after her, you can significantly increase the yield of the snail and pick savory vegetables for the tense season. The sowing of the day will be carried out as soon as possible until the monthly calendar of 2020.

Wash your mouth

Dobre vizrіlі fruits mayut hard skin. In garbuzovykh, the root system is well developed, it grows up to 2 m of the crown and 1.5 m of the crown. The culture is high-yielding, fast-growing and fast-growing, it has richly formed female flowers. Zucchini is not frost-resistant, lower than +5 * Z grows.

Zucchini love Vologda, warm and light. Now go at a temperature higher than 14*C. Optimal temperature indicators are around 20-26*C. If you are smart, then the couples will appear in 7-10 deb. At temperatures below +12*C, the growth stops and develops.

It’s better to hang a sprat of varieties of zucchini, and so the gardeners were planted at a different hour. Tse allow to pick vegetables all summer.

For the germination of nasinnya, you can add a prepared substrate, in which є all the living things of speech, vitamins and minerals. For sivbi, they are covered with peat or peat feathers. Garbuzov does not like transplants and pіkіruvannya, to that rose garden is transplanted from the ground or peat, for which saplings were developed.

Planting terms for seedlings

Fallow in the climatic zone of the edge of the country, for example, in winter or on the cob of spring. During the rose garden season, you can grow two vegetables and plant another squash near the chervnia, even if the culture is ripening early and in the spring regions, you can pick two fresh vegetables per summer. From 20 birch to 10 apr, it is necessary to plant the first crop, so the vegetables are suitable for conservation and conservation. From 15 worms to 15 limes, plant zucchini, as they are suitable for conservation and harvesting autumn at the basement. For viroshchuvannya in greenhouses, s_yut 2 days earlier than that day, saplings of a kind hang around the soil.

2020 is the fate of the monthly calendar. Best days for planting zucchini in the rose garden:

Unfavorable days for planting saplings:

  • in fierce - 8, 9, 21, 22, 26, 27;
  • in birch - 7.8, 19-21, 25, 26;
  • in kvіtnі - 3, 4, 15-17, 20-22, 30;
  • in grass - 1, 13, 14, 18, 21, 27-29;
  • for chervni - 9-11, 14-16, 42-25;
  • in linden - 7, 8 11-13, 21, 22.

The hour of sivbian warfare stalely in the face of weather minds. If the earth warms up near your region in the middle of the morning up to 15 degrees Celsius, and the night temperature does not fall below 18 degrees, then it is necessary to shine the day before a month earlier - April 15th.

Plant growing features

Before sowing the new material, yoga is disinfected. For the time being, we have a weak manganese growth for 20 minutes, the temperature is 23*C. Water gauze will germinate for 2 days. Then the material is placed at the refrigerator for zagartovannya for 12 years at the water ganchirochtsy at a temperature of 0*C. Zagartovuvannya helps to grow fast for us, the stinks become resistant to ailments, it is easier to endure bad weather.

Tara and soil

For roztashuvannya capacities from saplings, the same side of the occupancy should be used. For the zahіdnyh and pіvnіchnyh vіkon need additional support, the day of light lasts until 10-11 o'clock.

For skin application, you need an individual container or a peat bottle. Zucchini is bad to endure a transplant, so they can be smashed at once from the breast of the earth or with peat. With this mindset, there is a tendency not to get into trouble. The capacity for one bed is 10 cm by 10 cm. The earth is guilty of being fluffy, that kind of life.

Self-preparation warehouse:

  1. For 10 kg sumishi, take 5 kg of peat, 1 kg of turf, 2 kg of humus, 1 kg of thyrsium, 300 g of fish from the river, 200 g of ash.
  2. Another option for the substrate is 5 kg of soddy soil, 4 kg of humus or compost, 300 g of sand and a bottle of ash.

Temperature, lighting, humidity

The soil is deepened by 2-3 cm near the vology substrate. In one container, 1 day is placed. Before the appearance of parostkiv, the temperature of the host is kept at 25-28*C. After the gathering of the seedlings, transfer them to a light place, during the day the temperature is 16-18°C, at night 13-14°C. Lowering the temperature does not allow the radiance to wind up, the stench can change and develop the root system. After two tyzhnі the temperature is raised by 5 degrees.

The bright day of wintering is short in early spring. For the development of that growth of sadzhants, the trivality of the day is to become 10-12 years old, to need a lamp of daylight. Illumination can be increased by installing a raised screen, covered with foil. The first part of the face can be stunted to the sun, lightly fall on the sadzhants.

A dry wind at the apartment will bring the leaves to hang. As a seedling stand in order with a battery, you need to cover it with a damp cloth or transfer the seedlings to a safe place. The water content of the applicant may not be less than 60-70%.


Great is the speed of growth, to that we have a supply of all the living elements, the stock of surviving for 2 days. On the 15th day of the day after the departure, the first day of life, the other after 2 days after the first. You can prepare saplings before planting on the garden for 7-8 days.

  1. For 1 liter of water ½ tbsp. l. superphosphate and sechovini or vicorist are ready to revive "Bud". You can koristuvatisya with a cow'yaku 1:1.
  2. For 1 liter of redini - ½ spoon of ash, ½ spoon of nitrophoska. An alternative to serve as a preparation - Іdeal, Efect, Zrostannia 2, Kemira universal.
  3. Fertilize with superphosphate - 0.5 tablespoons per 1 liter of water.


Under the skin roslin, wiggle 1.5 spoons of rosemary. Before pіzhivlennyam sіyantsі water, so as not to scorch the root.


90% of zucchini is made from water, so the rose garden needs to be fertilized regularly. Water sіyantsі less with warm water 23-26 * C. For one serving, 100 ml of radin is enough. For 8-10 mountaineers, 1 liter of water. Prom_zhok between waterings 4-5 days. If the application is spicy, then water the gardens 2-3 times a day.

Water vikoristovuyut vіdstoyanu, clean. Bazhano, as if there would be a thaw, a well, or a plank. If it is sleepy during the day, then watering is carried out in the evenings of vranci. When watering, it is impossible to allow water to get on the leaves, or it can cause a fungal infection.

Terms of pikiruvannya

Even though the last one was planted near a large container (sowing pattern - 3 cm by 3 cm), then at the phase of sympathetic leaflets in 7-9 days after the descent, the flowers are sown in the surrounding glass bottles. Before transplanting, water the soil for 2 years, so that it is easier to grow the young growth.

With a knife, or with a spoon, lift up a part of the earth at once from the bluish, trying to catch all the roots and not virvati їx. It is easy to get off the thyrso and peat substrate. From a small pile of earth, carry a sadzhanets to a glass of soil. In front of them, make a hole, where to place the dew, lightly tamp, then water the earth.


For the first 3-5 days, the seedling is better not turbulent, not watered and not fertilized, it is going through stress and adapting to a new month.

Preparation before transfer to the city

Before landing, 7-9 days before the city, sіyantsі are guarded, they are blamed on the balcony. The first two days leave the garden on the spring day, incrementally increasing the hour of rebuking on a fresh day. The rest of the day is to deprive the young for 12 years a day. After 30 deb after descending, the rose garden should be transferred to the beds, it’s better not to overtrim, the gardens that have outgrown, often get sick, it’s bad to endure the planting, develop properly.

Garbuzovі vimoglivi to ґruntu. Do not bear fruit squash on clayey and acidic peat soils. To give priority to the supischaniy earth with neutral acidity, but it is also necessary to introduce mineral supplementation. In sour soil, add water, ash a month before planting. 3 days before the planting of gardeners on the city yard for 1 sq. m. to make: 5 kg of organic matter, 15 g of ammonium nitrate, 30 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium, dig up the earth. If the soil is light supish, then add magnesium. Humidity or gnіy to bring in the fall under the orange - per 1 sq. m. 5-6 kg dobriv.

It is good to grow squash bushes in the field, where cibula, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, beetroot, beans and greens grew. Better not to plant harbuzov and ogirkіv, zucchini, garbuza. If everything is done correctly, planting zucchini according to the monthly calendar will bring a rich harvest, the vegetables will be with a miraculous relish. The whole summer season you can pick up the fruits and curl them for the winter.


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