What is needed for the flowering of the Decembrist. How to keep an eye on the Decembrist's ticket, to enjoy the rich flowers

What is needed for the flowering of the Decembrist. How to keep an eye on the Decembrist's ticket, to enjoy the rich flowers

20.09.2017 9 918

The Decembrist - a glance at home minds for a trivial and bright color

The Decembrist flower is a watchful eye of domestic minds, for which it is not foldable, yet it still maintains respect, even if it often blames problems - do not bloom, leafing thinly and mlyava, frown and navit guinea. Whoever doesn’t know how to water and fertilize, what to work, how to fill it, becoming soft and how to vryatuvat the growth, to know that varto, how to revive and reanimate the miracle flower.

Yakі umovi nіbnі dеkabrіst - cvіlіnnya, vologіst і ґrunt

For a flower, the Decembrist is a sight in the home minds of a little folded, lower for his closest relatives - cacti and succulents, whose tropical gust blooms on the tops of the horses, if other flowers fall into a calm phase, and therefore a small flower is rich. Sob it's time for the zygocactus to bloom, it is necessary for you to rest in singing minds.

In nature, a ticket to settle in pods, that in culture it is recommended to put on pivnіchnі and pivnіchno-zahіdnі vіkna, podavіd vіd direct soniachnyh promenіv. As there are not many of them, the mountaineer should install a varto with a thicket in the depths of the stone, where only roses of sleepy change can penetrate. As if the Decembrist is not in bloom, the problem is with the transcendental vision - it’s a matter of guilt in the fresh air in the shadows.

Vplinuty on the mill roslin can be low water. In the tropics, the Decembrist growth in natural minds, it is necessary to make a temple in the winter period (in quiet latitudes, the stench falls on the worm-spring). It is necessary to touch the Decembrist’s influence more often or to place it to the soul - such a sight is welcome to the healing of the flower and the formation of the germs of the flower bruniok.

The temperature regime for the Decembrist is not very important - it’s a smut, so that the degree does not drop below the sign of +10 ْС. Perebuvannya in a cold environment with reduced moisture in the last period of calm stimulates the formation of flower branches, and at negative temperatures, the Decembrist guinea, like more of the smaller room growths.

Decembrist quote.

Another rule, so that the Decembrist blooms - to look at home minds, transfer the new calm during the period of budding, scatter the turn of the light, you can bring the color to the skid, so you can rearrange the growth on the new moon at the time of active growth.

The soil for the Decembrist is to blame for being light and fluffy, with great inclusions - expanded clay or earthen clay, breasts of coal and great squeak. Leaves and turf land act as jerrels of living elements - it is necessary to take them one by one, and add 1 part of the furrower to 2 parts of the ground sum. When the Decembrist is planted, a drainage ball is created at the miner's place, approximately a third of his height, which will help the rotting of the root growth to rot and make it easier to look after him.

Decembrist, watchful eye at home minds - watering that dobriva

For a quote, the Decembrist is a watchful eye of the homely minds of the Crimea, who described earlier subtleties, conveying care with water and lively speeches. Roslina is powerful to the point of vologia, but only to the point of tієї, which is wide in appearance. What is worth the moisture of the soil, then it is necessary to protect it in the region - the overly wet soil rottenly misses the wind, which can bring the Decembrist's flowers to death.

The problem is, how to water the Decembrists during the flowering period, or to stand calmly most cordially in front of them, who have only acquired a ticket, to see the next rules for looking after zygocactus:

  1. Irrigate the flower-pot with bazhan water standing at the occupant’s place, bring the cold motherland until the root rots.
  2. Significantly, how often to water the Decembrist, it is possible behind the camp of Gruntu - as if it has dried out to a depth of 5-7 cm, the hour has come to lay the ticket
  3. I would like to pay special attention to the temperature of the next day - even if it is lower than +14 ° С, it is necessary to water the yakomog more. In summer, I speku water the varto more often, but in small doses
  4. For the presence of flowers, it is recommended to water it with watering, when the surface of the soil in the potter is covered with water, so that the water does not drain until the root of the Decembrist.

flower of the Decembrist.

For growing, like a Decembrist, it is your responsibility to watch at home minds from May to Spring, to turn on and add fertilizer, to do watering, and to spend no more than 1 time per month; you can look at the packaging of the drug.

The main peculiarity of the process, as if to keep an eye on the Decembrist, the vines of flowers, fall at the pinnacle of early years and short-term waterings in spring - it is necessary for the creation of a calm period. Trimati yoga at this hour is needed in the application, which is not singed, at a temperature of +10 ْ+…12 ْС. Closer to the chest, the mountain-grower from the bush should be transferred to a warmer place, the intensity of watering should be increased, at the soil of the countryside for a month, make ½ of the recommended dose of dobriva - you brought the Decembrist’s flower and an ear of wheat and tribal flowers before awakening.

Yakshcho Decembrist withered - it is possible to cause that adoption

I’ll watch the Decembrist for an hour, respectfully pay respect to his camp, instill insignificant inspirations, they can add not only a gargantuan flower, but also a mustache. So, a decrease in the turgor of the leaf segments of the Decembrist can be an indication of serious problems in the health of the growth. As if the Decembrist had become soft, and his leaves were covered with a sieve of fine wrinkle, the reasons for such changes can be:

There are some obvious reasons why the leafy leaf of a rіzdvyany, not, aleroslin gyne on the eyes is to avoid the fatal consequences for the flower, to transplant yogo into a new substrate. On the right, in the fact that the roots of the zygocactus are very sensitive to the influx of external factors, and with the wrong sight, they often repair rot. Root perish when watering with cold water, making a concentrated rozsin dobriv, supernaturally lowered temperatures are repeated on aphids for cassava watering.

When transplanting into a new substrate, all dead roots are removed, the roots are attached to the forged vugs and the growth is suspended according to the accepted rules. The Decembrists do not need watering for the first day after transplantation, it is their responsibility to look after him at the daily obskuvannyah and raising the temperature to + 20? + ... 24? C.

For growing up, a Decembrist - a watchful eye in domestic minds can cause more difficulties for knowing her. Tim, who seeks the recommendation to look after the zygocactus, prepares a truly enchanting gift - a waterfall of yaskravikh flowers on a winter pidvіkonnі.

The Decembrists delight their masters with lower quarters at the hour when the village of Roslin is going through winter sleep iodine. It is not important for this kind of mind, as long as it is correct to maintain the temperature and light conditions. An important role is played by watering, which changes at once from time to time.

Winter- an especially important hour for the Decembrist, for the very same wine picking buds and blooming. Make sure the plants have regular watering and feed them with fertilizers that are suitable for cacti.

Kvіtіv varto chekati in infants sіchnі. In the period, if the Decembrist picks up the buds, the setting of the new may be especially strong. It is impossible to change the initial minds of the ticket, which is worth the temperature, the great amount of light and the obligation of watering. The miner is also better not to destroy the mine. Starting from the fierce, step by step, speed up the watering and transfer the dew in a dark, cold place. A period of calm in the midst of the growth is trivaє s fierce to the middle of the last birch. At this hour, the Decembrist is gaining strength before the coming season.

in the spring turn to the front for watering. If the Decembrist wants to grow up to cacti, if it is not so good to accumulate water, he will need practically the same watering regime as the various leaves of the growth. It is clear that the Decembrist needs water, it is possible on the upper ball of the soil. However, in a more advanced way, to bury a wooden stick or a finger into the ground, in order to determine the moisture content of more deep balls. Too much water can be brought to the point where the roots rot and the growth can die. The Decembrist cannot endure either the overdrying or the overdrying of the earthen breast.

Vletka Consume in watering the Decembrist rich in what to lie in the temperature of the day. The flower "to love" is bright and warm. Direct sleepy exchanges are still unique, so it’s better to capture the mountaineer behind the veil tulle, which rose light. Remember, what is more special in the room, the more the soil will hang and the more the growth will require watering. Sob the Decembrist ris is healthy and strong, wink the "m'yaku" water.

Autumn the Decembrist is getting ready to bloom. The volume of watering should be gradually changed, and the temperature should be lowered again to 12 - 14 degrees.

Don't be afraid to freeze the ticket. Regardless of all their warmth, the Decembrist can easily endure the "cold weather" right up to 9 - 10 degrees.

Nestacha drive that cold wind to help new ties form. Irrigation can be increased again from leaf fall, with which the temperature is raised to 15 degrees.

From the middle of the zhovtnya you need to ensure a cold winter, the temperature can be 15 degrees. Watering will be at least short. Todі the Decembrist and to cheer you up with your garnish flowers.

With the appearance of buds (near leaf fall-chest), watering is more, temperature is +15 at night, +20 in the day. Watering every hour, the flowers are regular, the soil is dead, the rosemary does not tolerate any overdrying or overdrying of the earthen breast. Until the fresh weather, be positive, but not to blame direct sleepy changes.

The Decembrist is brought to the Cactus family.. Tsey fact slid obov'yazkovo vrakhovuvati when yogo zmistі.

The Decembrist can accumulate wealth in his fabrics, so that he can victorious in the minds of the dry. It’s easier to carry Schlumberger in the soil, it’s too low.

Cream of that when the soil is dried up, the zygocactus can be molded with additional root resurfacing and s їx help to choose a vologer every once in a while. Do not follow the watering of the Decembrists from the singing periodicity.

The need for an appointment is recommended to be appointed to the camp of the soil. Shvidk_st visihannya soil lie down in the temperature and moisture content of the soil. Before watering, serve as a signal to dry the top ball of the substrate for three - chotiri centimeters.

Nadmirno Syrian soil is filthy missed again (about those who can be at the warehouse of soil for the Decembrist and prepare it independently, read). It is necessary to water it every once in a while, so as not to provoke rotting of the root neck and the death of the growth. For the laying of the soil, the water of room temperature was suitable.

How often do household minds need to be watered?

Vzimku that early spring, at the hour of flowers

Schlumberger flower vzimku and on the cob of spring. In this period, the zygocactus needs rich water, so the soil in the flowerpot is richer often, lower sound. It is necessary to continue watering every once in a while to dry the upper globe of the earth. When it is important to follow the temperature again. Friendly temperature is +22°C.

It’s like showing signs to mow high, to irrigate watering not varto: for such minds, water is not only succumbed to growth, but it actively evaporates. At low temperatures, it is not possible to strongly volatilize the soil in order to eliminate the bogging and rotting of the root system of the growth.

In the minds of a peaceful temperature, the Schlumberger should be watered again approximately every three to five days. You can't water the roslin for nothing. At the hour of flowering, it is recommended to pinch it. Tse not to allow the buds to burn in the sun.

Have a period of calm

For flowers, the Decembrist needs less water. Irrigation needs to be shortened in the field and carried out more regularly. It is recommended to brush the roslin, forwardly curling the surface of the soil with a plait to protect the root from the water.

In summer, I sinter watering the varto most often, but in small portions. As if again in a dry land, the lack of water can be compensated for by the help of the sparsely drenched soil with standing water, or by setting up a container with a dewy plant on a pallet with expanded claydite, moss or peat.

Autumn for the Decembrist is an hour of peace. From the middle of spring, it is necessary to speed up the watering step by step to a minimum. It is permissible to get by with some obpriskuvannya.

I will tidy up again. Trim the Schlumberger at a temperature of +10 to +12°C. The camp is calm until the middle of the leaf fall. Closer to the chest, the Schlumberger must be moved in a warm place. Too hot, or colder, after changing the molding of the buds. The optimum temperature during this period is not higher than +21°C during the day, at night +7 to +15°C. It is necessary to step by step watering with frequent watering and renewal.

What to add to the water, so that it bloomed well?

In order to keep the plant regularly delighting with cherished flowers, it is important to provide the plant with lively speeches. From May to Spring, it is necessary to organize, by adding the addition of watering. Spend so come next once a month. You can win organic goodness or prepare sums for the tickets "Kemir", "Buton" and others.

It is best to use special fertilizers for cacti. So store up a little nitrogen. Too much speech is negatively poured into the root of the Decembrist. To prepare the recipe, take half the portion recommended on the packaging of the drug. It is necessary to increase the frequency of regeneration up to two times per month, and for the cob of sickle - step by step change. It is not necessary to bring goodness in autumn.

During the flowering period, the Decembrist needs a lot of lively speeches.. So that the buds did not fall off, followed by growth. With the help of the method they vikoristovuyutsya:

  • fertilizer for fluffy cacti;
  • phosphorus and potassium supplementation.

Phosphorus dobriva stimulate the establishment of a large number of healthy buds. Kalієvі - zmіtsnyuyut Roslin. The preparatory Decembrist did not waste away after the end of the flowering stage and successfully continue his growth.

Golovna - do not beat the good, to avenge nitrogen. The Danish component calls for the appearance of new leaves and leaves, priming the formation of buds.

What threatens the wrong watering?

The root system of the Decembrist is already sympathetic to the old middle ground and for the wrong change, it starts to rot. Until the last days of improper watering, give such pardons to watchers:

Read more about the rules for watching the Decembrist in your home minds in detail, and you know about those that you can cut a Schlumberger and how to grow.

In these fluctuations, the leaves at the roslin become mlyavim, the Schlumberger wears green segments and buds and can die. It is necessary to replant the ticket in the fresh land and in the disinfection of the old or new miner:

  1. Blame the Decembrist out of the flowerpot.
  2. Call the roots of the old soil.
  3. Rinse them under a jet of warm water.
  4. Take a look at the root system, see the damaged rot of the plant.
  5. Obrobite zrіzi to comrade vugіlls.
  6. Place the growth in a new substrate.

About those, how to properly transplant the Decembrists in the minds of the home, you can find out.

At the first day of the next day, the procedure for watering was not followed. Every day it is necessary to carry out an examination and trim the temperature again on the level of +20 to +24 °C. Wrinkled leafing to speak not only about the redeployment of the soil, but also about the overworld hanging. Trivala dry unfriendly vplivaet on the camp of the Decembrist.

It is necessary to adjust the watering regime, and let it dry out quickly when you look healthy.

Schlumberger is also important to tolerate re-allocation to the substrate. If you don’t get used to emergency visits for a funeral, roslin can die. Therefore, it would be better not to allow pardons during watering and rejuvenation. In the friendly minds of the Decembrists, the healthy ones seem to be healthy, and in their own time they are gladdened by bright flowers.

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In our case, ceroslin with thorns has an obtіchnoi form and a green color. And among the groups of similar flowerpots, we have seen unique tropical varieties, which seem to be rooted in the established standards of our society.

Description and features of the Decembrist's ticket

With the arrival of spring, watering is done step by step and transfer the ticket to a cold room or to a closed balcony (the optimum indicator is close to + 15 ° C). With the appearance of cold weather, the growths are born flowers. With the help of further increments, increase the temperature again. Trivale perebuvannya flowerpot at the cold host to allow the flowering period to continue.

Watering rules

The main rule of procedure is dotrimannya regularity. Overdrying of the soil is badly indicated on the growing ground. Ale and pour a flowerpot on top of the mountaineer is also not varto. You can bring the Decembrist to the ailment and vimagatime of the negain’s entrances of likuvannya. The signal for watering is clearly hanging on the surface.

Optimal seasonal schedule-calendar for watering:

  • Zhovtnya to leaf fall - the "calm" stage in a cold place with one-time watering for a week. In the other decade of the rest of the month of autumn, water the growth every other day and introduce the procedure of priming.
  • From leaf fall to chest - budding. Slowly and regularly zdijsnyuvati watering the world to dryness of the soil in the mountaineer.
  • From the breast to the fierce one - do the greatest watering with water and do not overdo the mountain worker in another place.
  • From birch to sickle - a period for equal watering with agitated water.

Deyakі misters give respect to those, how and by whom it is right to water the Decembrists. Unique choice of flowing water from the s-pid tap. Have її warehousing high concentration of chlorine or vape sludge. The best drink is selected wood water. A valid analogue is boiled water.

Water content

It is important to say something about the sufficient water level again in the room. Remember the American journey of the zygocactus. Tsey fact seems to speak for itself. An exotic Decembrist needs to be sprinkled with warm water in his own time, so that the stench does not become stinky.

You know you? Decorative rose cactus Crimea obraskuvannya, pіd miner can place pіddon with watery expanded clay.

During the hot summer period, you can carry out the procedure once a day for a week, and take it 1-2 times during the skin month. For a vikoristovuvannya a spray gun or a shower head. Water for operation may be at room temperature.

Added dobriv

At the sight of the Decembrist's life, cacti are suitable for flowers. You can come to any flower shop. The required interval of the procedure is two skin coats during the period of growth and development of the stem (from birch to sickle).

Decembrist trim

"Haircut" zygocactus recommend robiti for the dressing up of the nadal and neat and whimsical crown. The "blaspheming" Decembrist can be thoroughly baptized. Procedure for twisting curled legs and trimming old and dried woods. The visible parts of the flowerpot can be vicorated for the life of a branched cactus.

How to look after the flower

Bought a ticket often throwing off their buds. For whom the whole process is simple, the standard process of adaptation to new minds is clear.

In the period of "recovery" the Decembrists are placed on the pіdvіkonnya with a light pіvtinnyu, not far from the vіkna behind a transparent curtain. The stems after flowering can grow at a temperature of +2 to +37°С, and the highest temperature regime for growing can be +18-25°С.

You know you?Considering the rest of the results of the investigations of the German scientists, the Decembrist made an insignificant step of delirium. Therefore, for asthmatics, replace the flowerpot with other roses to decorate the vicons of the dwelling.

Yak transplant

Young Schlumbergur are transplanted with skin two or three rocks, older growers - with an interval of chotiri-five rocks. The middle of the birch is the optimal calendar hour, if you can transplant the Decembrist ticket.

The rhizome of the roslin cannot be called overgrown, it is not varto visajuvati yogo in a large wide mountain-grower. To get rid of it, they gave a rich color, the Decembrist hangs a vessel near the sounds.

The soil for homemade zygocactus is made from such warehouse components:

  • pisok;
  • equal parts of leafy and turfy soil.
The hanging vessel is 1/3 filled with a ball and 2/3 with a home-made substrate.

How to multiply in domestic minds

The flowerpot is propagated in two different ways: live and split. For the first variant of the procedure, segmented bait is needed (from 3-5 parts). Prepare parts of the stem to dig up the substrate from the laying.

Important!On live bait dodatkovo put a glass jar or a plastic bottle for the creation of hothouse minds. . Sometimes the "zahist" is lifted, so that the petiole rots away.

For a landing at the old mountain worker, it is necessary to bud the establishment of a sufficient comrade of the root. Florists do not recommend hanging young pagons from massive mountaineers. Tse I create stupid looking. Thus, a threat is saved from the development of an unstable parost at a link with too much water of the earth.

The Decembrist is a garna and the room roslin is even more popular. Vіn nezvechaynyy tim, scho bloom vzmka, through scho th otrimav such a name. Ale often says that the Decembrist doesn’t want to bloom, regardless of the correct sight. If you have been in such a situation, do not fall into it - as a rule, the Decembrist can be helped to bloom for the help of some cunning. Otzhe, let's find out what the Decembrist is doing, so that the flowers will bloom.

What do the Decembrists do until that flowery hour?

The encouragement will give good results, as the Decembrist does not want to flourish through marriage to phosphorus or potassium. Possibly, you haven’t changed the soil for a miner for a long time, and the supply of lively speeches for a new one is simply exhausted. The winter hour is not the best time for transplanting roslins, so you can immediately get surrounded by the greatest regeneration, and then replace the soil with a fresh and resilient one.

For rejuvenation, you can vicorate universal goodness for cacti, and, in fact, є succulent. It is possible to vikoristovuvat ready sumishi type "Ideal", as well as rozchin korov'yaku or the village of ash. Robiti ce next dvіchі for a month. In the spring-summer period, the growing season is filled with nitrogen fertilizers, and the axis of autumn is not varto, otherwise the Decembrist’s office will no longer grow the green mass of the leaves. In Veresni, it is bazhan to rule the quiet period - to speed up watering and lower the temperature. And even in the leaf fall-chest, there will be a need for potassium-phosphorus rejuvenation, which will positively add to the laying of buds. Navit roslin regularly delights you with quilts, all the same, you can’t make the Decembrists come farther ahead for the brightly colored flower - what is the strongest roslin, the more flowers will be given, and the buds will be bigger. And the axis for a month before the blossoming of life should be pinned.

Krіm tsgogo, for a good color, follow the care of the growing trees of the fresh mind (placement in the pivtіnі, cold air in the room, calm watering, like an autumn sound soon, correctly pick the mountaineer thinly).


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