What documents are needed for registration at. What documents are needed for registration: a complete list

What documents are needed for registration at. What documents are needed for registration: a complete list

The term "registration" in Russia has long been replaced by "registration", but the word turned out to be so lively that even employees of passport tables are still negotiated. In use, both definitions are used with the same frequency. Register in your apartment the owner can at least relative, at least a stranger.

But it is possible to register in housing belonging to several owners with the consent of them all. An exception to this rule is one thing - if one owner wants to register his minor child, then the permission of other co-owners is not required. Native child or reception - anyway.

The sole owner has the full right to register anyone, not even being registered in this housing itself. At the same time, neither the size of the apartment or the degree of kinship (or its absence) is not important.

If the owner does not give to register a person, motivating the lack of square meters in the social cores of the region, it is worth seeking help for a lawyer. Because in this case such rules do not work.

Who has the right to register the owner

The main documents where the rules for registration and the right of owners are named: Law No. 5242-1 on the right to freedom of movement, regulations for registration and removal from accounting, as well as two codes - civil and housing. Links to some of these documents are under the article. If you put together their right positions, it will be the following.

The only owner of the apartment can register anyone there. If there are several owners, then, with consent, without any problems, they will write any (even outsider) of a person. But if at least someone from the owners against - cannot be registered anyone, except for its minor child.

But it can be registered without asking for the permission of other shareholders and not even by mistaken about it .

Neither a wife or husband, nor parents, even though they are members of the family on the 31st article of the Housing Code, to register without the consent of the rest of the co-owners. Even the court will most likely not help. And the permission of other prescribed in the apartment, but do not own it, do not need to ask - they cannot dispose of housing.

There is a legitimate way to register a person against the will of someone from the owners. It is necessary to give him a part of his share in the housing - and then he as the owner will register in it.

Another option is to turn an apartment into a communal, separating the facial accounts. Then, on your part of the housing, you can also place anyone you want. However, this turns out not with every housing. Sometimes make redevelopment so that the rooms are enough to all the co-owners, it is impossible, and for another version the court will not go.

Plus, the custody organs may intervene in the case, if one of the owners under the age of 18 years old. Their consent in such situations should be obtained with any accommodation operations, they are obliged to follow the rights of children.

And in one case, a person has the right to register even without permission of the sole owner of the apartment - if it lives in it as a tenant. Only the contract must be official. Registration in this way is possible only temporary on the period of lease.

At the same time, the tenant can register his child, and also without the knowledge of the owner. And for 3 days will send a notice of a new registered notice for 3 days, and if he did not give permission to accommodate, then everything can be canceled by submitting a statement.

The owner's right is neither temporary, nor the permanent registration of the prescribed registration, that is, the owner of even part of housing it does not become. However, registering a person in his apartment, it must be remembered that the number of tenants affects the price of Comservation, if there are no meters.

How to register

Registration is temporary and constant. The first (at the place of stay) is possible for a period of 3 months to 5 years, the second (at the place of residence) is a permanent. Both are drawn up in the same institution and with the same packet of documents. After the abolition of the migration service, its function was transferred to the Main Department of Migration Migration (MUVM).

To its regional department (OVM) and need to contact a person for registration. You can submit statements and in the passport desk, and in the Multifunctional Center (MFC), and online on the "State Service" website.

Registration in MFC, OVM or Passport

Offline-registration occurs approximately the same: come with documents, write statements on those books that will give. On the Internet, it is full of samples, but in fact, in each region, the paper is at least something, therefore, it is not worth filing in advance.

Employees of the passport table at your request and for your money can fill them with themselves. Prices are different everywhere, usually at least 50 rubles per blank. And the procedure itself is free.

It is assumed to the personal presence of all owners of the apartment and the person who must be prescribed. Only in extreme cases it is possible to make a notarial power of attorney, which should be maximum specific. But registrars have the right to refuse the procedure in the absence of a key figure, whether it is one of the owners or prescribing.

All the originals of documents will be taken from you, and will be returned in 3-8 days. The adult person prescribed in a passport will put two stamps in the passport: about removing from former metering and on the presentation for the current one. In the child's birth certificate, the stamp is not put, they have a separate paper with red seal.

And the same document is given of a temporary stay at the new address. And the permanent registration is not canceled, and there will be no new marks in the passport.

Registration through "public services"

If the owner or willing to register submits an application online, then, of course, the second should not sit next to it at that moment. But on the appointed day everything will have to personally come to design. At "state services", the order of action is:

  1. When you hover the cursor to the "Services" tab, a list will appear, where you need to choose "passports, registrations, visas", and there "Registration of citizens".
  2. In the list that opens, choose the desired type of registration - at the place of stay (temporary) or residence (permanent).
  3. Then enter the password (the account must be confirmed).
  4. Fill out the proposed forms of passport data and other documents (there are tips).
  5. Send a statement and wait for notifications where, when and how much to come. Digital signature is not needed.
The declared date of registration is 3 days. In this method, the stamps will be put in your presence, you will not take passports. Coming over the new registration is needed with the originals of all documents.

Required documents

The rules provide such documents for registration of registration:

  • passports of all owners of the apartment and those who will register in it (or birth certificates, if they are not 14 years old);
  • statements with a request for a temporary or permanent registration and with permission to it;
  • document-foundation for the instill at the place of stay or residence.

The basis may be a hiring agreement, the certificate of the owner's right and other documents. Statement-consent to the Institution Each legal owner of the apartment writes separately. If registration occurs by the court decision, then it is presented instead of the permits of the owners. It may be necessary for the approval of the guardianship, as well as consent to the registration from the second parent, if they have different addresses.

Sometimes, especially in the passport tables, require a decay sheet (that is, an extract) and a military ticket, if a soldier is prescribed. This is illegal: the extract can be carried out simultaneously with the registration at a new address, and a person is still obliged to appear in a military office personally and become registered there.

In the boundaries of one region, the departure sheet is usually not requested. In addition, if you make it in advance, then the law is given just a week for submitting an application for a new registration. And without it you can live quietly 90 days.

Without prescribing at least temporarily living in his apartment during a big term, the owner risks be fined in the amount of 2000 to 5,000 rubles.

For not spelled in time, the penalty is from 2000 to 3000 rubles. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the upper threshold is 5000 and 7000 rubles, respectively. Spouses and close relatives of the owners of apartments for accommodation in them are not fined without registration.

But to refuse registration with the consent of all the shareholders are not eligible. Sometimes they are trying to refer to housing norms that are installed in each region. But they act only in relation to municipal apartments, and do not apply to privatized. So only the owners decide how many people they are ready to register.


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A person who has been planning a long time to live outside the place of permanent registration, orders temporary recruitment through the FMS department. On time from 3 to 7 days, it will be registered. Before visiting the MIUM MIA, it is required to collect documents for temporary registration in Moscow or any other city. This should be done by the applicant, and the owner who will have a third party temporarily reported.

The basic list of documentation includes the following papers:

  • The passport. Certificate of identity is necessary to fill the remaining forms and blanks. You will also need to remove copies of the main pages;
  • . A citizen can get it from an employee or fill in the home atmosphere in advance by the downloaded form;
  • She is the address sheet of arrival. The applicant is issued for free the form where the fact of arrival from one territory to another is noted. In the central cities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, 2 copies are required, in other localities - 3;
  • It will be necessary to present if the approximate date of finding in a new address will exceed one year. For a shorter period of time, this document is not necessary;
  • It fills it only by foreign citizens, guests of sanatoriums and hotels, etc. Depending on the site of temporary stay, the form can change.

The current list for the establishment, where the applicant will appear, is usually located on the official website of the organization. You can serve personally via mail with mandatory assurance from a notary or leave an application and wait for invitations. It will stay at the appointed time with the original documentation and take the certificate of registration.

List of documents requested by the owner

The owner of the housing is obliged to provide papers confirming its ownership and consent to the registration of a new resident for a limited term.

The list includes:

  • A certificate establishes ownership of housing, or a social activation agreement, or an extract from the property of real estate at housing. When it is possible to remove a photocopy of a document, it is better to do it in advance. This will reduce the time of the entire procedure;
  • Identification;
  • Hiring or lease agreement. He confirms the applicant's right to settle in the housing of the host;
  • An application for registration of a third party in its apartment or house fixed on paper. When there are other tenants in the house, from them also provide filled blanks confirming the absence of claims.

The application can be made in an arbitrary form, although there may be soldiers from the workers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is better to request a sample at the place of documentation.

Even when the application is written at home, the owner of the living space, where another citizen will be registered for a limited period, is obliged to feed his Package Paper West with him. Other owners who own shares from the dwelling will also be present personally. The exception is the situation when a notarial power of attorney from co-owners was executed on one of the owners.

Identification data of hiring or lease agreements are indicated in the reasons column for registration. Originals can not be provided.

All papers used to certify certificate should be attributed to the MFC, HOA, Passport Table of the Criminal Code or ZHUE. Like the registered person, the owner or tenant of housing, prescribing a third party, can use the postal service by sending notarized copies of the documentation.

Additional documents for sending mail

Sending documents by mail to institutions responsible for receiving and transferring documents to the registration authority, implies a preliminary visit to the notary to assign practically all documents. Then, instead of originals, you can attach copies.

In particular:

  • A copy of the applicant's passport;
  • A certified copy of the contract of hiring or rental housing.

When sending a certified statement and the rest of the packet of papers by the time of consideration of the application and registration of registration, the postal delivery time is added to the postal service. However, this can be a good alternative, if there is no time or the opportunity to personally visit the government.

Temporary registration of a child. What documents are needed

Independently registered in a temporary place of residence, a minor Russian cannot. All actions carry out its official representative - parent or guardian. Taking into account the specified features, the packet of papers for transmission to the government is determined. The child is not obliged to attend.

For children under 14

The kid before receiving the passport is prescribed along with his parents, regardless of the permission or failure of the owner of the residential premises and other persons living there.

The process passes unhindered if available:

  • Blanca of the application filled from the person of a minor citizen by his legal representative. The latter fits its passports to the graph of the same name;
  • Certificate of birth, or insert from it, or a passport for a foreign child. You can replace it with a passport of a child, an internal identity card or a passport with data made of child;
  • Certificates of parental registration if data on a minor contributes to them;
  • Parental passports or guardian.

For children over 14 years old

After receiving the passport, the child is considered capable of living not in one place with parents.

By issuing a temporary registration, it provides a state institution worker:

  • A statement that a minor can already fill out independently without adults;
  • , temporarily certifying personality, will not fit;
  • Written agreement coming from parents or guardians to temporarily registration. No need to assure it. The presence of legal representatives is also not necessary;
  • Written agreement on the part of the owner of the housing and its tenants, as at the registration of adults.

A package of documents from the owner of the housing is also necessary.

List of documents depending on the type of housing

The most common option is to fix the owner in purchased or privatized housing. Less chance, if the receiving party has a room with burdens or a private house. For them, separate documents are preparing and added to the basic list.

Municipal apartments

Organizations owning such a living space independently control the number of square meters per prescribed tenant. Violations of the norm established by law naturally lead to a refusal of registration. Exception is made for close relatives of residents. Consent to the procedure is given without the calculation of the norm of the metrarity.

In addition to the main documentation, a person registering the applicant prepares:

  • Hiring agreement;
  • Extract from the personal account;
  • Discharge from the house book;
  • Permission from the hodger.

Private house

To prescribe the applicant in a private house, the property owner besides the key packet of papers provides in the MIAV MFC, MFC or other establishment of the house book.

Mortgage apartment

The certificate is allowed, if on square meters of housing, which is pledged, allowed to register third parties. The owner in the right to exercise only actions reflected in the mortgage agreement. It should also be submitted to submit an application for government.

In the agreement on the mortgage, permission or ban on registration of unauthorized persons on this housing is obliged. To refuse temporary registration, responsible organizations can and without the point of contract, but the result obtained can be appealed through the court.

The procedure for registration is carried out quickly if all the accompanying documentation is collected in full, and data on the application forms are inscribed. Registration is free and convenient for both the applicant who receives access to public services at the new address of accommodation and for the owner, for whose living space, temporary tenants cannot claim anyway.

Article 19.15.1 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation obliges citizens to officially register (register) at the place of residence or stay. If the registration is not issued for 7 days, a penalty from 2 to 5 thousand rubles is imposed on a person without permanent registration.

The general procedure for registration of registration at the place of residence is simple: you need to come to the passport or MFC and provide a package of documents proving the presence of grounds for registration. But the nuances of this procedure vary depending on the type of housing and the status of a citizen.

Where you can register on an ongoing basis

Legislation limits options for premises in which it is possible to register on an ongoing basis. Citizen can register only in buildings suitable for year-round accommodation. The definition of this type of structures is contained in article 16 LCD.

These buildings include not only standard apartment buildings, but also a hostel, nursing homes, boarding schools for disabled, communal apartments. Registration of registration is possible both in the country, but it must be appropriately equipped for the possibility of year-round accommodation on it.

The building must be located within the settlement of the facilities located on the land of agricultural purposes, are not suitable for registration.

In some buildings, only temporary registration is possible, it is impossible to register on an ongoing basis. This includes:

  • hotels;
  • recreation centers;
  • sanatorium.

In the baths, industrial buildings and other non-residential premises, registration is not issued in any form. Although the fact - one man was able to register in the pit on his land plot, which dug and equipped for life, after his house burned down. This was told in news on television.

Where to design

Where to apply for the procedure?

In Russia, registration is made in the departments of authorized organizations at the place of residence, it is possible to be issued via the Internet.

Authorized organizations are presented:

  • Office of the Federal Migration Service ( UFMS);
  • passport desk;
  • multifunctional center ( MFC).

On the Internet, registration is issued on the website of the State Service (www.gosuslugi.ru). To perform actions on this portal you need to register an account. After filling out all forms and instructions of the details of documents, you need to wait a few days, then the citizen will ask to appear in the FMS department.

All these organizations draw up registration for free and require the same documents for registration, they receive the most recent data on citizens with the help of improved communications with administrative institutions. . The difference lies in the convenience: in MFC, as a rule, queues are less than in the passport office. Also in multifunctional centers are provided with paid assistance services in filling the required forms.

Maximum period of registration Registration is 3 days in the general case and 8 days, if you need additional requests from administrative authorities.

Military Racheled Citizens to make a procedure must be visited by another organization - a military registration and enlistment office.


What documents are needed for registration in the apartment?Main packageincludes:

  • passport or certificate about birth (for children under 14 years old);
  • documents confirming the availability of grounds for registration (certificate of ownership, hiring agreement, etc.);
  • license sheet.

Leaf departure Provided in cases where the applicant was written from the previous place of residence.

The passport must be in the original, its copy is also applied. But the guidelines for accommodation can be provided only in the form of photocopy.

For child registration

To register a newborn baby, there is enough presence of one of the parents in the department of the authorized body. Exception of this rule: if parents are divorced, and the baby is prescribed from his father, then the mother must still be present. If it is impossible, it can issue a notarized written consent to accommodate a child with his father.

Parents are present at registration of the child up to the performance of him for 14 years, since according to the law, its address of registration and place of residence of parents (both of the other or one) should coincide.

What you need to register in the apartment to a child.

  • Statement from parents.
  • Help from the parent that the child is not registered in his apartment (it can be requested if the father and mother live in different places); Its granting is not mandatory;
  • Certificate of birth or adoption.
  • Parent passports.
  • Certificate of marriage registration.
  • Expanding documents on housing.

Since there are no passports in children, they are given a certificate of registration in the form of a separate document.

In a private house

Registration in a private house is complicated by the fact that it is not always in rural areas there are branches of authorized bodies, in such cases it is necessary to contact district agencies.

List of documents for registration in a private house:

  • statement;
  • certificates confirming the right to housing;
  • passport (childbirth certificate);
  • extract from the house book.

If a private house is not completed, the FMS will refuse to register in it with a greater probability, as it will be recognized as unsuitable for living. To register, you need Further housing.

In a new apartment

The main difficulty in registration in the new apartment is to need to comply with the designated time: an extract from the previous place of residence and the registration in the new should go to the seven-day period. At the same time, the right-pointing documents on housing can be issued longer.

The provision of a sheet of departure is not mandatory, but during registration at a new place of residence, it can accelerate the process by reducing the amount of work for authorized bodies.

If the old and new accommodation addresses are in one region, then independently be discharged optional - the procedure will be conducted by the FMS. This avoids penalties (as the old registration will be discontinued only when issuing a new one), but the deadlines for the procedure can be delayed.

List of documents for registration of your place of residence at the new address:

  • the passport;
  • filled out form №6;
  • license sheet.

In a privatized apartment

The list of documents for registration in a privatized apartment is standard, but there is one additional nuance - if the housing has several owners, then they all must confirm their consent to the residence of a person in a statement.

An exception to the rule: a citizen can register in his apartment a minor child without the consent of other owners.

What is needed to register in the apartment lasting privatization?

  • passport or birth certificate;
  • a completed statement (with signatures of all owners);
  • guidelines;
  • loss sheet;

In a municipal apartment

The owners of municipal housing are local governments. Certificate issues are not solved without their consent. Citizens registered in such housing have no ownership, but for the residence of another person you need and their consent.

The exception for juvenile children here remains in force.

The municipality may refuse to submit a subscription if a dedicated area of \u200b\u200baccommodation, which is calculated from dividing the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment to the number of registered citizens, will be less than the norm.

For the procedure, the following documents are needed:

  • social hiring agreement;
  • certificates confirming related links (certificate of marriage, etc.), if a child is prescribed, a spouse or parent;
  • the passport;
  • loss sheet;
  • statement in form number 6;
  • order warrant;
  • permits from all residents.


The registration procedure (registration) has certain nuances that depend on the availability of property rights and related links. There are features in the registration of military-cancer citizens. Some nuances were described above, but there are also additional subtleties.

Property relationship

It is necessary to distinguish equity property from the general one. The owner of the apartment's share can dispose of her at its discretion, but without the knowledge of the owners of the rest of the lobes, he can prescribe only himself and his minor children in the apartment. The size of the share of value has no.

But if there is a private house in the share ownership, and each share is represented by self-sufficient residential premises, the owner of its part of the property is allowed to prescribe any person without the knowledge of other owners.

If the robes of the apartment are redeemed, their owners are free in self-resolution of citizens. But this ownership mode is no longer considered to be shared, it corresponds to the status of a communal apartment.


In housing in joint or share ownership, you can prescribe from other owners only minors. In other cases, the permission of co-owners needs to be resolved.

There are ways to circumvent this restriction. For example, you can give a lot of person - its owners are prescribed in it without restrictions. But this method carries risks, because nothing will prevent the new owner subsequently evict the donor.

If there are good grounds for the population of a person in a common apartment, then you can demand in court the division of equity housing for individual parts with the translation of the apartment to the status of communal.

Juvenile children can only be registered at the place of residence of parents. Prescribe a child at grandparents, aunt or brother can not.

Military Rachered

Military-related citizens must notify the military registration and enlistment offices about changing the place of residence. This complicates the registration procedure.

First, for registration at the place of residence, a man must come to the passport table and fill out a card in form number 9 and the application in form No. 6. To the standard package of documents, it applies an assignment certificate or military ID.

Further actions depend on where the military registration and enlistment office is located. If the same department is attached to the old and new seats, it is sufficient to notify the Commissariat about the change of address of the residence.

If another military enlistment office is attached to the new address, then you need to recount. For this, a man must be held in the military registration and enlistment office for the old place of residence and register in the department by the place where a new permanent registration is carried out.

To register, a citizen brings a statement to the draft board in form No. 6, a passport, an assignment or military ID, after signing the application, a man goes back to the passport desk (the so-called "table of registration") and completes the registration in the standard order.


Compared to Soviet times, the registration is no longer a significant attribute of a citizen, but it continues to retain its importance, and numerous nuances of its design complicate the official procedure for registering a person at its place of residence.

The easiest thing is to register in my own apartment, registration in housing, which is not his property, is not so simple.

To be able to obtain a residence permit as soon as possible, it is necessary to provide a certain package of documents to the authorized body.

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In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in each case the list of documentation varies with each other.

Methods of registration

For the possibility of obtaining a welcome registration, several design options are provided, namely:

  • by personal appeal to the passport table;
  • appeal to the management company, subject to work in it representatives of the passport table;
  • through (MFC);
  • by applying to the territorial office of the migration service;
  • forming a query through.

It is worth noting that the main body on the issue of registration and taking into account all the necessary information is the migration service. The rest of the institutions (passport desk, MFC and so on) are only intermediaries.

Auxiliary institutions are formed only to reduce the flow of citizens, which allows for registration as soon as possible.

The legislative framework

The main legislative acts on the registration of the population is considered:

  • - permits citizens to move freely through the territory of Russia, but at the same time obliges everyone to have a residence permit (permanent or temporary);
  • - contains a list of necessary documentation and a detailed preparation algorithm;
  • - provides for administrative responsibility when identifying the lack of registration among citizens.

In fact, these legislation can be considered comprehensive, since they include all the necessary information on the procedure and the rules for obtaining registration in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Passport desktop documents

Depending on who exactly and what registration (either) must be obtained, the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes a specific list of documents. Consider each situation separately.

On constant

To be able to obtain a permanent registration, you must provide the established package of documents.

Based on the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 713, the following:

  • valid identity card;
  • compiled statement, which was approved in form number 6;
  • license sheet.

To obtain registration to the territorial representation of the migration service, it is necessary to provide a script of a passport, and in return is provided with a temporary certificate.

It is important to remember: in the absence of a passport for any reason, it will be denied in receipt of registration, since it is in this document an appropriate mark will be affixed.

Immediately the application form itself is provided when contacting the authorized body.

On temporary

  • passport of one of the parent who acts as the applicant;
  • script and a copy of the birth certificate;
  • script and a copy of an official marriage certificate;
  • extract from the house book - original;
  • help on the personal estate personal account in which the child is planned to register.

After collecting the necessary documentation, you must contact the passport desk, where registration will be issued within 3 days.

How to make a statement?

The compilation of the application is the key step in the registration procedure, since if there are any errors or typos, representatives of the migration service will definitely respond to the refusal.

It is important to remember: the application is drawn up in writing.

Terms of registration

For citizens of the Russian Federation, current legislation establishes the period for obtaining registration - 7 days from the date of circumstances.

This rule is clearly indicated in paragraph 16 "Rules for obtaining registration and removal of persons from the register for the immediate location and place of residence in Russia," approved by the Government Decree No. 713.

Finally, I would like to summarize that there are no difficulties. It is enough just to take advantage of the desired documentation package with all seriousness, which will allow you to easily complete the procedure.

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