Igor mlyav. Bilshovizm: erasing the history of Russians on the butt of the Tatars

Igor mlyav. Bilshovizm: erasing the history of Russians on the butt of the Tatars

To say, do not be filthy people, but filthy people. It’s politically correct, but it’s unlikely that it’s valid. We are convinced that the skin of the people has its own character, it is called this mentality. І tse not unfounded hardness. Nimtsya with the Chinese does not confuse not only through the color of the coat and the rose of the eyes. It is important to confuse between English and French and Spanish and Italian. Today, if we talk about the people, it is more common to think of a political nation (hulks of the state) on the uvazi. I, although the term people may have other meanings, we are also accustomed to yoga in the sense of a political nation.

But even if one’s character is in the skin of the people, then in someone else the character can be filthy. Navit may appear. Because all people - take. Genetics have brought that all modern people look like one foremother and one forefather. It means that all peoples are brothers. Well, not all people are kind, є th filth. It is prudent to admit that people, like shaping their skin with their character and making their souls walk like good and nasty people, those people, like these people, like shaping their skin with their character and showing sleepiness, like being good, and filthy.

So it is reasonable to admit that the character of the people, like the character of the people, is formed in the period of childhood, if specialness is formed (the specialty of the people or the specialness of the people). Meaning and mind the formation of special features, most often they signify, like a person’s growth, they will signify like a people.

Let's revise.

Modern people are formed approximately the same. They incorporate to their warehouse like close disputed tribes and a few special features, and they are similarly interspersed, as if by the will of the share they appeared to permanently live on the territory, like this people respect their own.

The experiment from molding to the people of the USA is thoroughly clean. People from different European powers (yet they are not a single people) came to the inhabited Indian tribes (who have not yet become angry with the single people). After about 250 years, the colonization of Pivnichnoy America on the cob of history, the people of the USA entered the arena of history.

What do I fall into at once?

The number of Indians at the warehouse of the American people is little known. The stinks of the stench were physically crowded with large colonists, and often settled in reservations, which made it easier to mix with the caps of the colonists and, in fact, turned off the Indian community among the people of the United States. Incorporated at the warehouse of the people from Indians appeared alone. Tobto vihіdtsі z traditional suspіlstv, yakim buli іndіanskі tribes were not complementary to emigrants from Europe and їkhnіm naschakami. Ale why? Adzhe emіgranti, zreshtoyu, tezh vihіdtsі z traditional partnerships.

Ni. Emigrants in the USA are not out of traditional partnerships, but out of these partnerships. Latin America was purposefully populated by the Spanish and Portuguese orders, as they recruited colonists from different versions of the household (nobles, warriors, villagers, the city plebs, merchants). Kozhen virushav across the ocean for his own. If you plan to earn a penny and turn around, if you want to live a new life on a new land, but no one dares to tear from the bulk of the fatherland. I in Latinskіy Ameritsі vіdbulosya, hi i not bezbolіsne, zmіshannya іndіantsіv (up rechі in Tsikh mіstsyah, SSMSC Vzhe target tsivіlіzatsіyu i derzhavnіst, tobto Poch oformlyatisya in polіtichnі natsії before arrival єvropeytsіv) i emіgrantіv scho target novі polіtichnі natsії, novі people.

Before Pivnіchnoy America, there were evil spirits, representatives of the following religious groups, people were dissatisfied with their place in the European community and the community itself and dream of creating new things for each other. From the other half of the 20th century, until this day, when they began to emigrate to the USA for the sake of life, the emigrants were guided by their own great people, by their fatherland, by their traditions. The stench healed the soul, changing it on material goods. The people of the United States are famous for its anti-community elements, as they set themselves against the fatherland's suspense and try to create a new suspense for themselves.

Therefore, the colonists and bulies in the spirit of spiving with the Indians - the stench stole the values ​​of the traditional household, as if they were stealing the Indians, as the basis of their life. І in today's USA, the atomization prevails (because of the over-regulation). Today, Americans hate traditional practices and practice them. Not prihovyuchi tsієї hatred, but trying to know їy as a rational explanation of the stench of deafening the traditional suspіlstva rebuffing the way to progress. And in today's USA, the primacy of material success over spiritual perfection is being asserted. The price of material success for an American cannot be too high, but if you have access to it, you must always be truthful by the method - be it available.

Having formatted their own Pivnichnu America, the American people began to format their own world. In order to understand how the share of checks is on other (non-American) people, it is sufficient to guess the share of Indians, 99% of the population and 1% driven away from the reservation. The proportion will be approximately the same.

Ale mi may be the nearest butt of the creation of political nations. More than that, it’s an example, to prove that a diametrically protracted result can be taken not just from one root, but from the people themselves.

Russia has a lot of people alive, who have Ukrainians on their passports, but still respect themselves as Russians. Similarly, in Ukraine, a lot of Russians respect themselves as Ukrainians. The Russian people are formed with the help of inclusion among themselves of all peoples in the space occupied by the Russian state. I dosi, we are talking about traditional Russians, we are politically correct called them Russians, we may be in Uvaz, that the Georgians Stalin was the Russian and kerivnik of the Russian state (who was called the same SRSR) without ceasing to be a Georgian. First of all, Katerina became the great Russian empress, without ceasing to be a prince. I Sergiy Kuzhugetovich Shoigu - Russian and Minister of Defense of Russia, but also Tuvinian. And on the strength of the Russian state, surviving by itself, stand tall and help Russia with it.

Russia does not liquidate foreigners (indians), but incorporates, changing and enriching with new traditions, newcomers, knowledge, historical dosvid. That is why the Russians know the way out of the inescapable positions, that they have a thousand years of wisdom of hundreds of peoples.

A number of Russian political nations are trying to create in Ukraine. I started on the quiet foundations themselves - incorporation into the whole nation of all ethnic groups, as if they live in Ukrainian cordons. There is only one reminder - it’s possible, as if it’s up to the Russians to live in Ukraine, to become a Ukrainian “kill your own Russian”. So, as the Russian identity is vibudovuetsya on the basis of the selection of the alien and the transformation of yoga into one's own, then the Ukrainian one - on the basis of the inferiority, to create a closely disputed, accepted as a foreign one is not safe.

And you don’t need to think that the Ukrainian project is successful, next to “kill your own Russian”, not like “kill your own Ugrian”, “kill your own Jews, Greeks, Ukrainians”.

The skin of the national-state project carried an idea, as if it were not opposed to the global one. The Chinese project, the American project, the Russian project and navit, no matter how funny it sounds, the Ukrainian project are projects for the whole world. The Ukrainian project is dying at the colossus. The American is still successful. The stench is different, tsі projects, but to make one bed of ancestral rice. The stench is rooted in "kill another." Such projects do not survive. Zreshtoy, at the borders of sayings for misery, there are orders of magnitude quieter, to whom prosperity is promised. And the smut, which, having begun with the names of the killers, can no longer stink and continue to drive in the same, if the others are no longer left. The snake begins to devour itself.

And for that very reason, the Russian project was born for the most unfriendly minds, in critical situations. Yogo reserve unfinished business. The potential reserve of the Russian project is all people. Leather can become Russian, without having lost another identity.

Tsim, vlasne, and good people (the people of the creators), in the form of filthy people (the people who killed and the robbers) rise up.

Rostislav Ishchenko

In order to let you know that the Russians are a different kind of nation, I need a roll of smіtєvih pouches. Axis like this:

Like bachite, do not rush along the lines. The reason for this was the best - they were tormented.

Let's figure it out. Plivka seeps with two details that merge. The principle of penetration is widely used. The key of a blyashany jar, a cap that closes, lids that open, corks, etc. Whether or not there will be two details that support the material:

The number of two details on the edges may be high in hardness and precision. The stench mayut pіdsіkti milyoni pieces virobіv. I will be dumb. The edge is sealed to ring "press-kant". It’s important to robit, spit out HDTV, and for this robit a fantastic inductor that repeats the circuit, nitriding and so on ...

Yakshcho kant dozhina and folding, the price of forms through tse vp'yatero shift the price of the installation itself. Packing may cost more.

I win all the same blunt. Come take a break. And yet, change the shape not after 2 million virobiv, but after 6, the product is cheaper for two years.

Prosikli? The krishechka does not sigh, the tongue does not strike - it’s not worth paying a penny for you. 6th million pishov.

Our Duma does not know about the press-cant. If you know, praise the law about "boundary bluntness." Without the law, Russians work 6, 8 million. Without blinking an eye. When will I accept? If it is impossible for a tato to open a little "mole" dance, then it will be zapobigannya to children, like all Russian tata. Courtyard child vіdkrіє ta vip'є. Yogo burned through, tato hung up, mother in the divine. Go ahead and accept it.

Ale on Zahodі zhodnogo law no. And the bag is torn on dirochkah. The krishechka is moving. Two millioni - changed the form.

Don't you understand why we have such parts of the catastrophe? You can’t say like a Russian, you can see the stink near the Volga with illuminators that draw water. Like a cow fell into a tank of potassium cyanide, from which the cowbass is broken. What is not assigned to the norms of permissible in place of cyanist potassium - to destroy.

Let's see two organisms. One is awesome. The other one is such that in the new one everything is "over the head". Vіn mає remember what you need to inhale, see. Push the blood through the veins. Vіn maє remember, how to rearrange the legs.

Tse - Russians.

The whole organism is different. Sayings.

Sitting on the tram, I smell "To avoid possible injuries, reconsider the prohannya to hold on to the handrails." Thank you, but I thought, handrails - dry the white. Before the gatherings, it is required to put the inscription "Do not forget to lift your feet alternately on the descend." Chi is not punished? Axis podidemo, and not podnimemo legs. Bang - nose. And high їm will be louder.

Why fluff bureaucrat? And in Moscow and pіvkraїni? There are no nerve fibers, "body", like a mark, it is mysterious. Chi Russia vzagalі, in the middle of Kіltsya is unclear. The head is fantastically swollen - everything is out of wine, it’s less obvious what is there, and how to walk.

Axis, "Krimnash". Well, giving thousands upon thousands of marked rubles. It is allowed to go to the burner, to the cowbass, to democracy - but you can go to Krimnash. How many rubles will appear at Krimnasha in 2013? Say?

Tse 100% miasm of the Kremlin. One people. Joden the dog "whose cream" is not guessing.

Zhah at tsomu, why are the Russians like that. Up to one. If Navalny seems to "not see", I am shocked. "Widdam", not "Widdam"? Shut up havlo, Lyosha! Do not replace the people. The people want to die of hunger, but with Krim - safe. The people want dachas and Cyprus - later, without Krim. Yurochko, Shendere, if you say "the people need to win democracy", do you want to ask "yak"? Do you put chi with a belt? To this people a thousand fates. Democracy is not necessary for you - then, go like a fox. Ty, Yure, and this is the people, who needs to be vihovuvat, so that they do not give priceless words to the people.

Feeding no one what you need. I don't have any desired manifestation. What I want myself, the government does not guess and does not choose. We only shout our thoughts at the wuho. Everyone scream. Dugin shout at Putin's voice with his paranoia. Girkin - his own. Paranoids are the best. Girkin came, thinking that he was leading the holy war. Ale tse yogo special miasma, vnutrishnobashkovі - who needs a war in 2014? Contact with reality - opening the pattern. And Dugin is from Saturn.

On whom did Putin's wrathful promotions pour? On the last president of the States from the 44th! The miasms of the Kremlin are people of miasms, in which the picture of the world does not have anything coherent with reality, and instill in Obama the hair and teeth! Listen to those who have spoken, speak and speak, so stupidly, like the babble of a cocaine. The Kremlin's organs were atrophied, as if they were taking action. Through obscurity. You live in your fantasies.

Sterzhuvav, stverzhuyu and stverzhuvatima, what a Russian is, especially me , not vmіє keruvati In the management of the smut is not the genius of the kerіvnik, but the quality of the salutary zv'yazku. You can sell a hundred brilliant designers for those who know exactly what they want to be.

Don't you get a healthy sound? Tse you have a long-standing different nation. Why do not die, the devil you know.

Tsya posada is not about democracy. The ancient pharaoh can shove what the people need, and the democratic chancellor can plant deadly Nietzscheanism on you.

"Minyati Putin ..." Vote on the box, who is far away - and all, breezing like an elephant, rush to talk. Yake luckily we broke off. Abo bad luck.

You know, I don't care about the government.

Axis if you shoot yourself, and the Duma collectively accepts it, it is significant that the Russians install the system. Change your 286th Windows, which does not stop anywhere else. What did it take for them to be a different kind of nation. I vimirati - united on the planet.

June 28th, 2014 03:55 am

→ There are no Russians

It is a great pity for the ethnonym “Russian people” to be absolutely piecemeal, divine, synthetic, and that does not have the right to a foundation, to that which does not have its own head of foundation - the people.

The ethnos, tribe, people, nation "Russians" never dreamed of.

Moreover, as written by Kostyantin Yerusalimsky, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Social and Cultural Achievements of the Russian State University, fakhivets in the Galusian history of the descendant of Europe in the Middle Ages and the new hour, the history of the Cyrillic handwritten book and the book:

Until the end of the 16th century, the phrase “Russian people” did not appear in the same term, but from the end of the 16th century, the phrase was victorious exclusively beyond the borders of the Moscow princedom!

How did it happen, the people - people, they call themselves Russians, є - but there are no nations? Why is it on the right?

And everything is right in religion.

Kiev is ready for reforms and not without the tricks of Yaroslav the Wise becoming the metropolis - the new capital of the Christian world. For the very first time, the Christian church with the center near Kiev began to be called Russian, and all believers in the church are Russians!

In 1051, the brothers who elected the bishops, Yaroslav, without permission from the Patriarch of Constantinople, himself recognized as Metropolitan Ilarion, and if in 1054 r. The Christian church split into Orthodoxy with a center near Constantinople, and a Catholic church with a center near Rome, Kiev, in fact, legally becoming a church. center near Kiev. І all the people of Kiev, Novgorod, Polotsk - becoming called Russian - but not a people, but for religion

Moscow, being an Orthodox tradition, was placed before the Assyrian Church to the Skhod, one of the postulates, which was set against Sunset - Rome. For the same reason, Moscow came out of the Florentine Union of 1438, as it came out of the bosom of the Christian church, having healed all the Uniates anathema.

After the fall of Constantinople in 1453, John III, for the active adherence of the Moscow church, he voted that after the fall of Constantinople, Moscow could only lay claim to the fall of Constantinople, and calling himself the fall of the throne of Byzantium, and the great - the Third Rome. The Crimea of ​​the Spadshchina to the throne of Constantinople was going to lay claim to John III and the throne of Kiev, as if at once from the Russian church and wanted to die.

Itself through those that Moscow became, in fact, the Orthodox Caliphate, the її doctrine did not know the place for national nourishment, all respect was attached exclusively to religion. And for that, in the Moscow church-political culture, it was impossible to think in ethnic categories.

That people, the people of Moscow... Who is this people in the Moscow princedom? All the people, without blame, lay down to the prince, so the stench was the prince's slaves. And the slave, as it seems, has no nation.

Tim is no less, the ethnonym “Russian people” is also associated with the Moscow princedom, first for everything, from the Ukrainian cultural context of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy in the middle of the 17th century - still the center of the Russian faith.

As I have already written more clearly, the “Russian people” is richer, wider, lower ethnicity, which included a rich variety of peoples: Ukrainians, Poles, Belarusians, Lithuanians. Baltіv i slov'yan - all is quiet, hto buv odnієї vіri - russian.

In Moscow, the nourishment of the nation was not raised until the reforms of Peter I, and until the middle of the 17th century, in the chronicles we can only reveal such pseudo-ethnical understanding as “Orthodox nationwide”, “Christian people” or “all Christian people”, “all people of Moscow Christianity” . So that the Moscow rulers at that time did not chime in the way of people, their nation, ethnic group. Їx tsіkavilo less than the confession of the people.

At the same time, as you know, the political technologists of that hour were already experimenting with names, trying to introduce a new exclusive name for the vernacular Muscovy, not forgetting the obv'yazkovo substantiation of their religion - Orthodox, pravovirne.

For the first time, you can understand “Russian” to the people for a hundred times in the works of the Ukrainian educator Meletiy Smotrytsky.

And also with Prince Kostyantin Kostyantinovich Ostrozky, the spivrobitnik of Kurbsky, who got the Moscow doctor Ivan Fedorov to work. Prince Kostyantyn Ostrozky understands “Russian” vikoristovuetsya correctly and describes the people of the Commonwealth, not Moscow!

Until the 20th century, in Muscovy, that letter and Russia understood “Russian” was not victorious as the name of the titular nation.

Moreover, the understanding of “Russian” came to Moscow only in the other half of the 17th century and the beginning of the fact that Ukrainian book writing began to penetrate to Moscow.

Russians didn’t become Russians even for Peter I, so, for example, a quote from Field Marshal Boris Sheremetev, sent to Peter the Great in 1703, you know the words: ... “Russian peasants have not been accepted before us, richly recruited from Novgorod, and from Valdai, and from Pskov , and good stink to the Swedes, lower to us!

What do you say? The one about those that the very Russian people believed - the Russians repaired the opir of the Moscow occupants!

Until the end of the 17th century, the Kiev Russian Church was completely covered with clay, historical literary treasures were buried, and books were buried. Priests, as if inspired to recognize the supremacy of the Moscow Orthodox Church - Stracheni.

Shards were saved for rich believers in the Russian faith, and a new ideological formula was broken up, which explains the worship of the Russian church: "Russian - means Orthodox, Orthodox means Russian." It was nebi and logical, and correct and handy, and did not require additional explanations.

Until the beginning of the 19th century, after all the lands were settled by the peoples of the Russian Empire, they were buried before Russia, and there were problems. The Russian Empire is not small at that time, the annual legal rise to attack Europe!

It became clear to the ideologists of the Third Rome that the fundamental idea of ​​a religious subdivision of peoples had already reached its end and needed to be created anew. It was necessary to know what was troubling, what could cause a just war.

The idea of ​​Pan-Slavism became the first idea of ​​the idea, as in essence it became a copy of the idea of ​​Pan-Germanism, which is born at the same time.

The development of the concept of the idea of ​​Pan-Slavism in Russia was taken up for example by the 1830s by Mikhailo Pogodina, who drew the following main theses of the concept:

The true version of the words of the Jansk world - Moscow Orthodoxy
the role of Russia among the words
united mission of Russia - mothers
Russia defends the Orthodox faith, defends all words

At the same time, while in the minds of the words of the Jansk peoples, the thought was introduced that the Russians were “Russians”, the title nation of the Words of the Jansk world, the population of the Empire was becoming firm, that the stench and є tsі “Russians”.

It is necessary to say that the projects of the political unification of the words of the Russian Empire were spread in the XVIII-XIX centuries by Andriy Sambirsky, Vasil Malinovsky and the stench was propagated like the projects of the formation of the pan-of-Tajik words of the Austrian, Ottoman, creation of the words of the Jansk federation.

Approximately in the middle of the 19th century, understanding that the Russian church had already been forgotten, the mythology “Holy Russia” became a new object of propaganda, and in addition, the idea of ​​“Russianness” was popularized.

In parallel, more and more often, the food of the just war of the Orthodox Caliphate was disrupted for the repayment of Constantinople by the newcomers.

The term “Russian” was good to get accustomed to the soldiers of the Empire at the hands of the numerical military from Turechchina, as if they were constantly troubling the whole end of the 19th century.

After the fall of the Empire, the term "Russian" was dropped by the Belarusians, becoming one of the most important signs of the standard people, people of the highest caste.

The ideal bіshovik was a proletarian worker, a communist and obov'yazkovo "Russian". Year "Russian" has become anew іm'yam zagalnym, and a resident of the SRSR has a moment to consider himself "Russian".

As in the idea of ​​Pan-Slavism, Russia stretched out its hands to the suffering under the yoke of Osmaniv, Austria and the German peoples, the “Russians” (Bilshovik-proletarians) extended their helping hand to all the oppressed world, and urged them to come to their aid, to help knock down some of them the largest in the history of mankind "Prison of Peoples".

Irrespective of all, try historians and ethnographers to create a clear picture of the development of some peoples, in the history of the journey of rich nations and nationalities, there are many secrets and whites. At our glance, we have selected the most mysterious people of our planet - some of them have sunk into oblivion, and others live and develop today.

1. Russian

As you can see, the Russians are the most mysterious people of the Earth. Moreover, tsomu є naukove obґruntuvannya. Vcheni dosі can't think of a single thought about going to the people and giving food, if the Russians have become Russians. Superechki sharpen and feed, the stars look like the whole word. The ancestors of the Russians whisper among the Normans, Scythians, Sarmatians, Vendians and navit the Pivdenosibirsk Usunivs.

2 Maya

Nobody knows, the stars came and people came, and de stinks arose. Deyakі vchenі vvazhayut, scho Maya pov'yazanі with the legendary Atlanteans, іnshі allow, scho їhnіmi ancestors were єptyany.

The Maya created an efficient system of silskogo government and little deep knowledge in astronomy. Їхній calendar of letters of recitation by the other peoples of Central America. The Maya were written with the hieroglyphic system of the sheet, as the bula was deciphered too often. The current civilization was already broken at the time of the arrival of the conquistadors. At the same time, hostility is created that the Mayans came from nowhere and arose in nowhere.

3. Laplanders and Sami

Nationalities, yaku Russians are also called Lapps, less than 5000 years. Vcheni dosi tell about their trip. Dehto vvazha, that the Laplanders are Mongoloids, others influence the version, that the Saami are Paleo-Europeans. This language, like vvazhayut, belong to the group of Finno-Ugric language, but if you have ten dialects of the Sami language, like a floor of difference, so that they can be called independent. It is important for Laplanders themselves to understand one another.

4. Prussians

The Prussians themselves are like a mystery. The stench was first guessed in the IX century in the records of an anonymous trader, and then in Polish and German chronicles. Linguists have known analogues in different Indo-European language and know that the word "Prussians" can be extended to the Sanskrit word "purusha" (person). About the Prussian language, the view is not so rich, the remains of the remaining nose of the language died in 1677. In the XVII century, the history of the Prussians and the Kingdom of Prussia began, but the people were little conscious of the original Baltic Prussians.

5. Cossacks

I don't know for sure, the Cossacks appeared. Your fatherland can be in the Pivnichny Caucasus or on the Sea of ​​Azov or at the entrance to Turkestan... Your clan can go to the Scythians, Alans, Circassians, Khazars and ready. The skin version has its own attachments and its own arguments. The Cossacks of today are in polyethnic sleep, but the stench is constantly reinforcing, as the stench is a dying nation.

6. Parsi

Parsi is an ethno-confessional group of followers of the Zoroastrianism of the Iranian campaign near Pivdenny Asia. On this day, the number will be less than 130,000 persons. Parsi build their own temples and so-called "vezhі movchannya" for the burial of the dead (corpses, like they lay on the dahi tsikh vezh, vultures screech). They are often compared with the Jews, as if they were so embarrassed to leave their fatherland, and if they do so, they cherish the traditions of their cultures.

7. Hutsuls

As before, it is not stated what the word "hutsul" means. Deyaki vcheni vvazhayut that the etymology of the word is connected with the Moldavian "gots" or "guts" ("bandit"), and others vvazhayut, that the name resembles the word "kochul" ("shepherd"). Hutsuls are most often called Ukrainian mountaineers, some of them practice the traditions of molfarism (chaklunism) and even shake their chakluniv.

8. Hetty

The power of the Khetivs was already a ripple on the geopolitical map of the ancient world. These people were the first to create a constitution, and they began to victorious chariots. Prote about them v_domo is not so rich. About the chronology of the hetivs, it is only possible to know about the zherel of their susides, but there are no other riddles about those why and where the stench arose. The German doctrine Johann Lehmann wrote in his book that the Heti went to the pivnich and assimilated with the German tribes. But only one of the versions.

9. Sumeri

This is one of the most mysterious peoples in the ancient world. Nothing is known about their journey and about their journey. A large number of homonyms allow us to admit that the bula was a polytonous language (similar to modern Chinese), so that the meaning of what was said is often stale in tone. The Sumerians were even more separated - the stench became the first on the Close Descent, who, having begun to win the wheel, who created the system of expansion and unique writing. So among the Sumerians, mathematics and astronomy were blamed on the enemy's equal footing.

10. Etruscans

The stench has gone down in history unstoppably, and the stench itself has arisen like that. Archaeologists vvazhayut that the Etruscans lived on the pіvnіchny entry of the Apennіnіnі pіvostrova, they did it to finish the rose of civilization. The Etruscans fell asleep in the first Italian places. Theoretically, the stench could move to the skhіd and become the founders of the words of the Yan ethnos (їhnya mova may be richly spilnogo zі slov'yansky).

11. Time

Pokhodzhennya vіrmen is also a mystery. There are many versions. The deyakі vchenі vvazhayut that in time to resemble the people of the old state of Urartu, but in the genetic code of the world is a component not only of the Urartians, but of the Hurrians and the Levians, without seeming to be about the protovirmeni. So are the Greek versions of their adventure. Most of the scientists, however, are supported by the mixed-migration hypothesis of the Virmenian ethnogenesis.

12. Tsigani

Obviously, to linguistic and genetic records, the ancestors of the Gypsies robbed the territory of India from the colony, but did not exceed 1000 osib. On this day, the whole world has about 10 million gypsies. In the Middle Ages, Europeans respected that the Gypsies were Egyptians. They were called "the tribe of the pharaoh" for a number of reasons: Europeans were hostile to the gypsy tradition of embalming their dead and hovat at once from them in the crypts of a mustache, which you might need in your life. This gypsy tradition is still alive.

13. Jews

This is one of the most mysterious peoples and the Jews are associated with a lot of mystery. Examples of the VIII century BC five sixtyhs (10 out of 12 of all ethnic groups that make up a race) jews have emerged. Where the stench went - a mystery and dosi.

The women are blessed with the beauty of the shoes.

14. Guanches

Guanches are the original inhabitants of the Canary Islands. Unbelievably, how the stench appeared on the island of Tenerife - the stench was not small for the ships and the Guanches knew nothing about seafaring. Your anthropological type does not match the latitude, de stinks lived. It is also a rich super-eye of the appearance of straight-cut pyramids in Tenerife - the stench is similar to the Mayan pyramids and the Aztecs near Mexico. No one knows if the stench was there.

15. Khazars

Everything that people today know about the Khazars was taken from the records of their own nationalities. And the Khazars themselves did not lose anything to Mayzha. The appearance of the bula was rapt and unstoppable, so the very same as the appearance.

16. Basques

Vіk, pohodzhennya that mova baskіv є a riddle of modern history. Bask language, euskara, how to vvazhayut, as the only remnant of the pra-іndoevropeiskoї mov, how not to belong to the same modern group, as it is today. Based on the results of the National Geographic survey, conducted in 2012, the Basques may have gained genes, as a significant world inspires other peoples who live near them.

17. Chaldean

Chaldeans lived on the cob II - on the cob I yew. rokiv before ours on the territory of Pivdenny and Central Mesopotamia. 626-538 R.R. BC the Chaldean dynasty ruled Babylon, falling asleep the neo-Babylonian empire. Chaldeans and today are associated with magic and astrology. In ancient Greece and Rome, the priests and Babylonian astrologers were called Chaldeans. The stinks prophesied the future to Oleksandr the Great and yogo to the adversaries.

18. Sarmati

Herodotus allegedly called the Sarmatians "lizards with human heads." M. Lomonosov respected that the stinks were the ancestors of the words, and the Polish noblemen respected them with straight shovels. The Sarmatians were deprived of a lot of secrets on their own. For example, the nationality has little tradition of piece deformation of the skull, which allowed people to create their own egg-shaped head.

19. Kalash

The nationality, which lives on the pivnich of Pakistan, in the mountains of the Hindu Kush, is not numerous, it is noteworthy that their colors are larger, lower among other peoples of Asia. Superchki about Kalash and smell it no sooner than a hundred years. The people themselves swear by their connection with Alexander the Great. This language is phonologically atypical for the given mass and has a basic structure to Sanskrit. Irrespective of the taste of Islam, richly someone seeks richness of God.

20. Philistines

Today, the "Philistines" are not understood to resemble the name of the mysticism "Philistia". The Philistines are the most mysterious people, guessing from the Bible. Only the stench and the Kheti knew the technology of forging steel and the stench itself began to form the flood of the century. Seeing the Bible, the Philistines arrived from the island of Caphtor (Crete). The Christian journey of the Philistines is confirmed by Egyptian manuscripts and archeological knowledge. It is not clear where the stench arose, but it was found that the Philistines assimilated the similar Mediterranean peoples.

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K:Wikipedia:Storinki on KU (type: not specified)

Vigadani people of Russia- Vigadani, officially not recognized "people" (vigadan self-name) of Russia.

  • In the Saratov region, a citizen called himself a Polovtsy and asked for restitution in Russia like the Polovtsian steppes and compensation for them from a three-room apartment.
  • Rostov-on-Don has a cultural and political society "Scythian National Congress", the members of which recognize themselves as Scythians and declare that they have created a virtual power of the Great Scythia); the clerk of the partnership, declaring that “for the rest of 100 years, the first census, which allows the Scythians to fit in.”
  • In Tatarstan, the copywriters have recorded іnk, which is to say to my mogikan.
  • Vіdomy politichny dіyach, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation V. V. Semago publicly declared that he was guilty of liver.
  • At the exoconference FIDO ZX.SPECTRUM on the 5th of spring 2002, all pre-payers were asked to write the nationality "spectrumist" in the bulletin.
  • For radian hours and through a few years, before the introduction of passports of the Russian Federation, among the inhabitants of the Udmurt Republic, it was a popular heat, if the inhabitants of other regions were shown a side of the passport with the sign of nationality of the yogi lord as a confirmation of dependency. vivch. Shards of passports, which are seen in the autonomous republics, were two-sided, there were two such sides - Russian and Udmurtomovna. In a vipadku, as a Russian passport holder, yogo nationality on the Udmurt side was indicated in the translation of the Udmurt language as “ӟuch”, which is why I was hot: ob’єkt jarta didn’t give respect to those who had the text of the side, typing other letters, and bachiv is less inscribed in great letters in the hands of the Cyrillic alphabet, the nationality “zuch” (the Udmurt language “ӟuch” appears in the same way, but the correct one is not knowing not only the object of the jarta, but also the zhartivniks themselves, the oskilki of the Udmurt mova in the Udmurt ARSR ARSR Udmurtbulma).

Vigadani people in other lands

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  • lenta.ru/articles/2003/11/03/census/
  • news.bbc.co.uk/hi/russian/press/newsid_2334000/2334545.stm
  • riw.ru/russia4165.html
  • www.newsru.com/russia/15oct2002/polovets.html
  • demoscope.ru/weekly/2002/083/perepis03.php
  • demoscope.ru/weekly/2002/085/perepis07.php

Urivok, which characterizes Vigadani people in Russia

- Well, drink it all! - Having said Anatole, giving the rest of the flask to P'er, - otherwise I won't let it go!
- No, I don't want to, - having said to P'єr, he sent Anatole away, and went to sleep.
Dolokhov held the hand of the English and clearly, eloquently moved the mind of the couple, turning over importantly to Anatole and P'yera.
Dolokhov was a man of medium height, curly-haired and bright, blaky eyes. Yomu was fateful from twenty five. Vіn not wearing vusiv, like all infantry officers, and the mouth of yogo, who found the rice of yogo disguise, was visible. The lines of his company were miraculously thinly curved. In the middle, the upper lip energetically descended on the lower mitzna in a gostrial wedge, and in the kuts it settled down steadily on a square of two smiles, on one side of the skin; And all at once, and especially with a resolute, impudent, sensible look, he formed such an impression that it was impossible not to remember this guise. Dolokhov is not a rich person, without everyday calls. I don’t care about those that Anatole lived tens of thousands, Dolokhov is alive with him and managed to put himself in such a way that Anatole and everyone who knew them respected Dolokhov more, lower Anatole. Dolokhov engraved at all the games and mayzhe always won. Hotch bi skіlki vin beer, vin nіkoli without losing the clarity of the head. I Kuragin, and Dolokhov at that time were celebrities in the world of gulvis and gulyavs of St. Petersburg.
A bowl of rum was brought; the frame, which did not let the system into the ovniy ukіs vikna, was beaten by two lackeys, maybe, they hurried and were afraid of the joys and the screams of the whirling panіv.
Anatoly, with his help, looked forward to the end of the day. Youmu wanted to do something evil. I opened the footmen and pulled the frame, but the frame did not give up. Vіn smashing slo.
- Come on, strong man, - I turned back to Pier.
P'єr took hold of the crossbars, pulling and wrenching the oak frame with a bang.
“Yeah, think about what I’m doing,” Dolokhov said.
- English to boast ... huh? ... good? ... - Kazav Anatole.
- Good, - having said P'єr, marveling at Dolokhov, who, having taken a dance of rum in his hands, went up to the window, from which one could see the light of the sky and the early morning and evening dawn, which were angry at the new.
Dolokhov jumped out of a bowl of rum in his hands to the window. "Listen!"
shouting vin, standing on the pіdvіkonnі and rushing to the bed. Mustache is locked.
- I trim my pair (when speaking French, so that I can understand English, and speaking no better than my own). I'm betting on fifty empires, do you want a hundred? - having added the wine, turning to English.
- Ni, fifty, - saying English.
- Good, for fifty imperials, - I sip the dance all over the rum, not looking out of the company, yep, sitting at the window, the axis in the same place not for what... So? …
- It's better, - saying the English.
Anatole turned to the English, taking Yogo by the gudzik tailcoat and the beast marveling at the new one (English letter Maliy in front of him), beginning to repeat the English language, wash the steam.
- Strive! - Shouting Dolokhov, tapping with a dance on the viknu, to gain respect for himself. - Strive, Kuragin; listen. If you want to kill them yourself, then I pay a hundred imperials. Do you understand?
Nodding his head in English, not giving any reason, what can we name the wine or accept the price of the new pair. Anatole did not let English in, nodding at those who were, nodding, letting know that he was all sensible, Anatole translating the words of Dolokhov to him in English. A young, skinny lad, a life hussar, having warmed up that evening, went to the window, hanging and looking down.
- Wow! ... w! ... w! ... - having washed the wine, marveling at the pavement stone.
- Quietly! - Shouting Dolokhov and zіrvav z vіkna officer, like, entangled in spurs, nіyakovo zіybnuv near the room.
Putting the dance on the pіdvikonnya, so that it was handy to reach її, Dolokhov carefully climbed at the window. Lowering your legs and spreading both hands in the edges of the window, reconciling, siv, lowering your hands, sticking your right-handed, left-handed and distributing the dance. Anatole brought two candles and put them on the ledge, although it was clear already. Dolokhov's back at the white shirt and the curly head of the yogi were illuminated from both sides. Mustaches stood up for the win. English standing in front. P'er smiled and said nothing. One of the attendants, the elders for the others, with sloppy and angry appearances, raptly leaning forward and wanting to grab Dolokhov for a shirt.
- Panov, you fools; I'll kill myself to death, - having said more reasonable people.
Anatole Zupiniv Yogo:
- Don't chip, you're evil, you'll be killed. Huh?… What else?… Huh?…
Dolokhov turned around, dressing and spreading his arms again.
- Even if it is less possible, - having said wine, rarely missing the words krіz clenched thin lips, - I will immediately lower the axle here. Well!
Having said “well!”, he turned again, let his hands go, took the dance and lifted it to the mouth, threw back his head and lifted his free hand for the win. One of the lackeys, who began to pick up mistakes, zupinivsya in a bent position, keeping his eyes on Dolokhov's back. Anatole standing straight, his eyes widened. English, screeching forward lips, marveling sideways. The one who zupinyav vt_k kіmnati kіmnati і lіg on the sofa guise to the wall. P'er veiled his disguise, and a faint grin was lost on his disguise, although it now showed fear and zhah. Mustache moaned. P'єr, looking at the eyes of the hand: Dolokhov sat all in the same position, only his head bent back, so that the cloak of the shirt was sticking out of the curly hair of the ceiling, and the hand with the bun was lifted more and more, shuddering and drooping zusilla. The dance might have shrugged and lifted at the same time, bending its head back. "Why is it so long?" thought P'er. It seemed to you that more than a year had passed. Raptom Dolokhov rolled back his back, and his hand trembled nervously; what a shock was enough to destroy all the body that sat on the frail schili. Vіn destroying the weight, and even more trembling, the roblyachi zusilla, the hand and head of yogo. One hand went up, to gather for a lift, but it went down again. P'єr again flattening his eyes and saying to himself, no way to flatten them anymore. Raptom vin vydchuv, scho all bewitched. Vіn glancing: Dolokhov standing on the pіdvіkonnі, the guise of yoga was brighter and more fun.
- Empty!
Vіn throwing a dance of English, like a sprit spiymav її. Dolokhov zіstribnuv іz vіkna. The outside smelled strongly of rum.
- Wonderful! Well done! Otak pari! The devil take you away! - shouted from different sides.
English, distancing gamanets, vіdrakhovuvav pennies. Dolokhov frowned and muttered. P'єr jumped to the window.
Panov! Who wants to pair with me? I will grow them myself, - rattling vin. - І pair is not required, so what. Tell them to give a dance. I'm crushing... tell them to give.
- Come on, come on! - Having said Dolokhov, smile.
- What are you? out of the blue z'їhav? Who let you in? You have a head to get confused at gatherings, - they started talking from different sides.

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