Such miracles accompanied the conquest of the inhabited land by the Jews. Mustache against all

Such miracles accompanied the conquest of the inhabited land by the Jews. Mustache against all

After that, like Moses laying his hands on Josus Nun, having been awakened by the spirit of wisdom ... and they fought like that, as if punishing the Lord Moses(Deut 34:9). Yak and Moses, Jesus Nun, before the ear of the yogo activity of the leader of the chosen people, there was a revelation of the sight of the Lord. God entrusts you to bring the people to the inhabited land. Vіn trichi call yogo buti we tell that husband. The Divine Providence chooses for His plans people, obіtsyaєєm I will help them with that support, but for them they themselves need reason, will and courage. Jesus, until this hour, was good to the people of Israel with his high special qualities, to which the people were put with full trust to the new leader.

Remaining tabir to Israel before the cob of the conquest of Canaan buv at Sittim (Mist on a similar birch to Jordan, opposite to Jericho). Zvidsi Josus Nun secretly sent two youths to Jericho. The stench entered Rahab's house. Before her, the Lord grafted them, for her by faith towered over fellow tribesmen. Rahab knew about the great miracle in the Black Sea, about the victory over the kings of the Amorites by Sihon and Og, and she believed in the power of the God of Israel: The Lord your God is God in the sky above and on the earth below(Josh 2:11). Rahab led the youths to cover the booth and hung them at the laying out there with sheaves of flax. If the trouble was over for them, she took an oath from the spyguns to give mercy to the house of the father її and lowered them on the bike through the windows, more dіm її buv at the city wall.

After the capture of Jericho, the Israelites killed the obіtsyanka and saved the lives of Rahab and її relatives. She won for a year for the Jewish prince Salmon. Boaz was born in the sight of whom, taking the Moabite Ruth as a squad, she became the great-grandmother of King David. Such a rank Rahab went to the lineage of our Savior Jesus Christ(At Evangelist Matthew - Rahab - div: Mt 1, 45).

Yak before the Epiphany on Mount Sinai, for the command of the Lord, stretching out two days for the people consecrated by washing the robe and zabіgannyam bodily impurity(Div.: Vih 19, 10), so is Josus Nun ahead of that day, if the miraculous crossing over the Jordan was made, punishing him to hug the body and change clothes. The Lord said before Jesus: give an order to the priests who will carry the ark of the commandment, and say: as soon as you see the waters of Jordan, go to Jordan(Josh. 3:8). It was necessary that the people, with obvious evidence, bowed to God to help, I would give through the main shrine to Israel - the ark of the commandment. Sob, on the right of the Divine omnipotence, she sent a special message to the people, Jesus publicly voicing about her in advance. People before the cob of the conquest of the inhabited land mali stare at the viri.

If the people are destroying their plans, to cross the river, the priests carried the ark of the commandment in front. As soon as they carried the ark they went to Jordan, the streams of the river zupinila. Water became a wall on the great road to Adam (a place on the Jordan River). The people crossed the river. The priests, who carried the ark of the Lord's covenant, stood for the whole hour at the middle of the dry riverbed of the Jordan.

If the crossing over the Jordan ended, the Lord punished Jesus to lay down twelve stones on the mіstsі, where the priests stood from the ark of the commandment. Twelve more stones, the representatives of the colony, were taken from them, so that the stench in them would be a memorable sign of a miracle under the water of Jordan.

The first tabir after the crossing of the Jordan was a blessing at Galgali, which was located on the western birch of the river. Here they put twelve stones, which they took from Jordan, so that all the peoples of the earth knew that the hand of the Lord is strong, and that you feared the Lord your God all day long.(Josh 4:24).

At Galgali The Lord having punished Jesus's work on the knife of the knife, and the work on the sins of Israel.. Mustaches of Israelis of human stature, who came from Egypt, were circumcised, but the stench died in the desert. Others (people in the desert) were circumcised.

Right there, in Galgali, on the Jericho plains, the blue of Israel zdіysnili Great Day fourteenth day of the month nisan. The next day, the Great Day, stench or unleavened bread and dried grain. Manna stopped falling to the ground. People began to eat at the same time that the Canaanite land robbed.

If Josus Nun was near Jericho, I saw a man standing in front of him with a sword. Іsus pidіyshov to the new and asking: Who is ours, what is our enemies? Win saying that leader of the host of the Lord. Josus Nun fell to the ground in his disguise and bowed down. The leader of the Lord's army, saying before Jesus: know your mind from your feet, for the place, on which you stand, holy(Jos 5:15).

At the hour of the capture of Jericho, the Lord resurrected a great wonder. Usy zdіbnі until vіyni blue Іzraїlevi walked around the place for six days. In front of the ark of the commandment came with the priests and with the jewel trumpets. On the seventh day, the Lord ordered to go around the place sim time: priests let them sing trumpets; if the jubilee rіg is surmounted, if you feel the sound of a trumpet, then all the people let the vigukne loud voice, and the wall of the place will collapse to its falling asleep.(Josh 6:3-4). This miracle the Lord has created for people. Podiya is small of sacredness, but chi is not a military character. On the order of the navmisna, the symbols of seven were struck: these are the priests, these are the trumpets of jewelry, these are the days of the journey from the ark to the city, these are the times on the seventh day. The walls of Jericho fell by the power of God, but for that, it was wonderful to see, need bula vira Israeli blue. Holy Apostle Paul says: The walls of Yerichon fell in vain, according to the seven-day circumambulation(Heb 11:30).

Josus Nun took the place of oaths. Vono meant the fence to take the new one. Tilki sreble, gold, and midi, and bays of judges were vіddanі in the treasury of the house of the Lord. A man on the name of Achan, having heard from the accursed one, called upon the Israelites the wrath of the Lord. The Israelis knew the blows. Jesus sent nearly three thousand people to Jericho to take the city of Ai, but the inhabitants of the city got stuck in it. Jesus, stripped of his clothes, fell to the ground in front of the ark of the Lord and lay down until evening. Together with the elders, squeezing their head with gunpowder. The Lord said to Jesus that Israel had sinned, taking from the accursed. If evil was blamed, the Lord will again reveal Israel to help in the war for Canaan.

Third great wonder having created the Lord for the hour of the battle of Gibeon, de bouts were broken up by the united troops of the meshkans of Gabaon and the kings of Canaan. When Israel's opponents perished, Jesus called to the Lord and said: stіy, sun, over Gibeon, and moon, over the Ayalon valley!(Jos 10:12). The sun chimed, and standing for a month, the docks of the Israelites overcame the gates. And there was no such day before, not after that, if the Lord[So] listening to the human voice. For the Lord fights for Israel(Jos 10:14). Dodatok to tell about those who were hostile to navitt the sacred writer, who had previously described two other hostile divas.

After victory at Giavaoni Pivdenna part of Canaan bula pіdkoren. For the arrival of the pivnіchnoy region, a victorious battle was needed near the waters of Merom over the troops of King Hazor, who united with the other Canaanite kings. The Lord has given help. The Israelis stunned everyone and followed them again. The land was conquered, but the deuces of the region were left in the hands of the Canaanites for another hour.

The Lord punished Joshua split the whole land inhabited by twelve udіlіv for the number of kolіn Іzraїlevih. Helped the foal. Only the colony of Levi was not given a recession, to the one that the Lord Himself was a blessing for that tribe, recognized for the service of God.

So that the number of tributes was not less than twelve, Josip’s number was divided into two pivcolins: Manasia and Ephraim. It was entirely legal, to that Patriarch Yakiv was greater than half a century before, having adopted the children of Josip for the initiation of the Divine Providence.

Behind the order of the Lord it was seen place-shoulder so that there is a moment of bigti skin, who, having driven a person hatefully. Places were stolen from the blood avenue of the relatives of the murdered. There were six such places: Kedes near Galilee, Shechem on Mount Ephraim and Hebron on Mount Judin, Bezer near the desert beyond Jordan, Ramoth near Gilead and Golan near Bashan.

Before his death, Josus Navin took all the Israelite tribes to Shechem (the elders of Israel, the chiefs, the judges) and gave them the Lord’s command to save Yoma the verity: fight the Lord and serve Yom in purity and breadth(Josh 24:14).

After whom, Jesus, the son of Navin, the servant of the Lord, died, having lived a hundred and ten years. The image of this great leader has been preserved forever in the people's memory. A lot of holy fathers wrote about Jesus Navin yak type of the Savior. “The Voivodeship of Josus Nun,” writes St. Cyril of Alexandria, “meant that Christ became our engraver after Moses and the law.”

The land was inhabited, on the borders of which the Israelis now stood, it was that small mountainous smog, as if Palestine was known to us under the names of Palestine. Stretching the vzdovzh skhіdnogo shores of the Mediterranean Sea in the vіdrogіv іvіdrogіv livanskih giry on pіvnоchі to Sinai pіvostrova on pіvdnі, there may be 250 km. Width її bіlya vіtokіv Yordan vbiraєtsya at 70 km, Pіvdnі vіna syagaє 250 km. On the pіvnоchі Palestine is between Lebanon, Antilіvanom and pіvdennimi schilas of Yermon; on the way - from the Syrian-Arabian desert; on the pivdni the wrong line leads to the deserts of the Sinai Pivostrov; on the way - from the Mediterranean Sea. The entire territory of Palestine is divided into two parts of the valley of the river Jordan. The camp of Palestine between Egypt and Mesopotamia, two of the largest and cultural centers of the Ancient Skhod, signified its political share already at the old time. Clay tablets were found in Pivdenny Egypt, which avenge the leaves of the Palestinian kings to the Egyptian pharaohs and can be seen until the end of the XV century BC. other, they knew everything near the vassal fallow land in Egypt. Irrespective of the fact, in Palestine, having panned the cultural influx of Babylon - the listing was carried out by the Babylonian mine, which, obviously, points to the early era of the Babylonian hegemony. The strength of the people was high. The countryside was filled with towns and villages, between which spread rich cornfields and pastures. Strongly fortified places were importantly on the tops of the mountains, which made them even more impregnable for the enemies. Also, for the political fragmentation of the Canaanite tribes, in order to conquer the land inhabited by її numerical strongholds, the high military science and taxation machines were needed. Neither one nor the other Jews were small. The Canaanite kings, who had been tested in battles by the military and terrible flood chariots, the Israelis commemorated their swagger, masculinity, and the brand - hope to help God.

Miraculous crossing over the river Jordan

After the death of Moses, the Lord appeared to Jesus Nun and said: Moses, My servant, died; So get tired, cross over the Jordan tsey, hang this people, near the ground, as I give to them, Israeli sins.»(). The Lord punishes Jesus' Nun, but be with your husband, good and jealous guardian of the Law of Moses. Only in this situation, the Lord is inaccessible to help you, like Vin helped Moses.

Strengthened by God's help, Josus Nun proceeded to the decisive days. Vin punishing the Israelites to become a camp on the very shore of the Jordan, on the contrary to Jericho. The mighty Yerikhon Fortress proudly marveled at the Jewish Tabir. Not before the aggressor's windfall, which came immediately, they smashed against the wall of Yerichon and then turned back at their distant lands.

Josus Navin was a leader and did not hesitate to throw his corrals to storm the fort without risking. We want to take a look at the strength of the garrison and the defense force. With the help of the wine method, he sent two warriors to the reconnaissance, dressing them up in Canaanite robes. Having mingled with the NATO merchants, clerks and villagers, the shpiguns passed through the Moscow gates and, so as not to invite suspicion on themselves, went into the house of the harlot, whose name was Rahab. Budinok її buv sruchny for rozvіdnіkіv, bo adjoining to the mіskoї wall and bv nearby mіsskoi brami. From the new one it was easy to guard for the place, and in times of trouble it was possible to quickly leave Jerikhon. Rahab was a woman who was too smart - she immediately recognized the foreigners and guessed who the stench was. Ale, unimpressed on the spot, she gave them hospitality. Rahab believed that the God of the Israelites was the true God, who, by a miraculous rite, helped them to drink Erikhon and all of Canaan, as if he helped them to leave the land of slavery. Ale, unconcerned on all the guards of the roses, erikhons, as if they were following all the suspicious persons, they knew about their presence and informed the kings. The king of Ierikhon sent a varta to Rahab’s booth with an order to restrain suspected strangers. Rahab pumped the royal guards through the windows, who were approaching, led the spyguns to the da hut and buried them there in sheaves of lyon, and sent the king’s sight and said: “It’s as if people came before me, but I didn’t know, stench; if it was necessary for the days to close the gates, then the stench came; I don’t know where the stench went; marry better for them, you will marry them ”(). Vartov, maybe, people are not too smart, they let themselves be fooled by a cunning woman. The wolves rushed in pursuit of the vtikachs and rushed to Jordan itself. Then we turned to the place with firm reconciliation, that the spiguni caught crossing the Jordan. In the meantime, Rahab rose to the dachas of her booth and promised to help the roosters, as if to swear that if the Israelis hoard the place, they would save their life, and also their fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters. The rozvіdniki willingly gave such an oath - the stench of Rahavi was generous for the order, - and pleased her to hang at the end of the bright red hank: to spare her hut under the hour of battle. After whom, Rahab helped the seers to go down through the window with a hank from the mishka wall. Three days later, the explorers safely dispersed to their camp and told Josus Nun everything they knew. Josus Nun gave orders to stock up on food for three days and get ready before the crossing. Vin also punished the people before him, how to enter the inhabited land, perform the rites of purification. І axis, if three days of purification had passed, at the recognized year, silver surmi was buried - and the people were destroyed to Jordan. The priests went ahead with the Ark of the Covenant. Just as the feet of the priests wetted themselves at the waters of Jordan, the Lord, in the eyes of the ears of the Israelis, created a great wonder, as if a miracle was predicted when crossing the Red Sea. For a few miles uphill along the river, where the place of Adam was, Jordan raptovy zupinivsya, to that the waters stood like a high wall. Let the water flow in the riverbed, flowing swiftly in the Dead Sea, and the people of Israel crossed the riverbed without wetting the river.

Later, after forty rokіv poneviryannya by deserts, approximately in 1212 BC, the Israeli people with God's help came to the shore of the inhabited land. Josus Navin saw twelve people, one each for a skin collar, and punished them in the days of Jordan to build a monument of twelve stones. Let's sweat them, having punished them from the bottom of the river one more stone at a time and build from them such a monument at the camp on the first prong, telling about the miraculous crossing of the people through the Jordan. If the crossing was over and the priests carried the Ark out of the river, Jordan would resurrect his channel.

The first stop was near Galgali. The camp of the Israelis has an indescribable joy. For a whole day the stench sang songs and hymns, as they glorify God. At Galgali, the Israelites celebrated Great Day for the fortieth time. We didn’t need to eat manna, for the fertilized fields of Jericho gave them grain, for which the stink was brewed with unleavened bread. The inhabitants of Jerichon timidly hung around the forte walls and anxiously followed the grim bulges. At Galgal, at the command of God, Josus Navin re-introduced the rite of circumcision, which the Israelis did not like when they were in the desert. Josus Navin having punished us grown-up people and boys to recognize the operation of circumcision, as it meant the renewal of the Sinai union with God. After a few days, if the early post-operations were delayed, Josus Nun arrived at the end of the treasury of Jericho.

Fall of Jericho

Before that, as if rozpochati wars, Josus Nun himself looked around the walls of the city of Erichon. If you have come close to the place with a method, you have raptomed a man with a bared sword nearby. " Chi our ti, chi z our enemies? - Having slept with the new good leader. " No, I am the leader of the army of the Lord", - vіdpovіv unknow (). Josus Nun bowed to you to the ground and as a sign of the march to the holiness of the month, taking charge for the order. Todi the Archangel of the Host of Heaven, forcing Joshua Nun to God's will, as to take the impregnable Yerichon Fortress. The entire Jewish people is guilty for six days, once at a time, to go around Jericho from the Ark of the Covenant, and for the next day to go around Yogo this time. We are guilty of crying out loudly for the sign of our leader - and at the same time, with God's help, the walls of Jericho will crumble. Josus Nun did so. For six days after that, the Israelis left the camp and once a day, through a natural procession, they went near the forte walls on the vіdstanі, the safe view of the arrows and stone shells. The overlays were placed on the wall and, with wonder and fear, they guarded for these children, suspecting that there was a malicious magical zmist in them. For from that hour, when Jericho was standing, not a single thing was troubling, so that the attackers behaved so unreasonably. Bulo in tsimu shchos trevozhne, scho zaznavshie spirit of imposition of heavy viprobuvannyam. On the choli go to the battle order, they went to the defense of the war. Right behind them came the priests and loudly blew their silver trumpets. Then a group of priests came, as if on gilded poles they carried the sacred object of the Israeli people - the Ark of the Covenant. Having hushed the procession of the women, children and old people at the Christmas festival. All the moves came, and in the sky only a bunch of trumpets lulled. On the night of this day, Jesus Navin resurrected his people from the camp and six times around the walls, saving, as early as before, Suvora Movchannya. However, zdіysnyuyuchi some kolo, the people behind this signal shouted loudly - and at the same time a miracle was seen: the walls of the city of Erichon trembled vshchent and collapsed. Israeli warriors from different sides swerved to the place, and they settled on the streets of Jerichon. The Lord, having healed the place of the oath, to that, behind the wine of Rahab and his relatives, the Israelis blamed all the yogo Meshkantsiv. On the eve of the end, the Israelis set fire to the budinki, turning the fort on the hillside. The stench did not harm half the mind, only gold, it slew that mid, because the prices threw behind the back of the wheel were recognized for the needs of the Lord's house. The fall of Jericho suffocated the Israelites to further conquests.

Taking Guy

At the mountainous area on the pivnich overlooking Jerusalem, on the small vіdstanі vіd Bet-Elu mіsta, there were walls of the fortified mіsta Gai. The rose, sent by Josus Nun, warned his leader that Gaius should stand on the path of the distant pushing of the Israelis and that he could be taken by storm. The fortifications here were not as hard as in Jericho, for which Jesus Navin sent three thousand warriors to take the place. Ale, the defenders of Gaius were good people, the stench daringly walked out of the place to the Israelis and gave them a beggarly blow, throwing opponents at the leak. At the camp of the Israelis, the znevira was in a panic. The victory of a small place over the Israelites could suffocate all the Canaanite kings and spread the fear of the evil conquerors. Josus Nun and the elders, stripped of their clothes, fell before the Skin, asking the Lord for help. The Lord foresaw Joshua's Nun, that the cause of this misfortune was one Israeli, who, when Yerichon was taken, brought in a part of the vidobutka for the temple. Only the death of a liquor could spare the Israelis some distant misfortunes. On the coming day, Josus Nun, calling out to all the Israeli people, to bring out evil. A foal was thrown, pointing at Achan, an Israeli from the Yudin tribe. I immediately recognized my fault: “Exactly, I have sinned before the Lord God Izralevim and fortified those and those ...” (). Vіn burying expensive robes under his name, two hundred shekels of silver and gold. The appropriation by Akhan of the vidobutok was rightly known from the appointed officer. The wicked men were beaten with stones, and the yogo was burned on the bugatti. The Israelis laid a pile of stone on the holy strata, so that this memo at the eternal hour served as a guard for all who, if they had the courage to break the sacred law, were established by God Himself. After Achan's strategy, the Lord, having punished Joshua's Navina, took Gai with us of the military. With the capture of Gaius, Jesus Navin lived through cunning military tactics. Under the cover of the night, I dug up thirty thousand warriors nearby, near the mountainous moun- tain , and I myself, only a little bit grew, rushing with smaller pens to the walls of the city, nibi getting ready for an assault. The king of the city of Gaia, inspired by the recent victory, having punished the gates and turned his arms against the enemy, to win Yogo to the ultimate battle. After a short essence, Josus Nun gave a signal to the entrance. Following the beaten enemy, Gai's defenders went far over there, and if they looked back, they shook with a flicker, that the place was hoarse with fire. The Israelis, who were hovering in the seat, blazed with glare at the defenseless place and set fire to it. Having punished his warriors, the tsar would step out of the way, so that they would overtake them to a helping place. Todі Іsus Navin, having struck from the body, and the thirty thousand Israeli army, which Gaius choked, blocked the tsar's road in front. Zahisnikіv mista, drank in otchennya, it was destroyed and completely driven in. Misto Gai was under an oath. The inhabitants of the place were depleted and completely beaten down, and the place itself was turned into a bunch of poop. After the victory, Josus Nun wrote down on the stone all the laws of Moses and on Mount Ebal, having read them to the people of Israel, vima-gayuchi, sob save the fidelity to the Lord, and in no case did he step aside.

The trick of the Meshchanians to Gavaon

The fall of Jericho and Gaius inspired a fright among the inhabitants of Palestine. The deyaks of the Canaanite kings began to understand that it is impossible to fight against the terrible conquerors alone, it is necessary to create an alliance between the Canaanite tribes. But not all the inhabitants of Palestine shared the same glance. Not looking for bloodshed, they wanted to negotiate a peace treaty with the Israelis. Such a thought was shared by the inhabitants of the town of Gavaon. Approximately fifteen miles to the front of Jericho was the place of Gavaon. Yogo baggies did not resent warfare. Having felt about the Israelis' victory, the stinkers succumbed to them at any cost. However, the stench was rightly afraid that the grizn conquerors would not want to make a peace treaty with them. І axis to reach their goal, the Gaonites went to cunning. They sent an embassy to the camp of the Israelis near Galgala, and they urged Joshua to make a treaty of friendship with them. “From the great distant lands they came ...,” the stench said, “so make an alliance with us” (). With whom the stench began to sing, that this country lies far away from Gilgal, and that the agreement will be viable for both sides. The stench flattered Josus Nun, saying that the glory of the new dyshla was brought to this distant place, that the union with such a great leader of the stink would be an honor for oneself. Josus Nun and the elders looked at the post and believed that the stench came from afar. Looking at them as if they were languishing, they vzuttya that skinskins for wine were sewn up with that patchwork, and the bread, like a stench, they brought with them in bears, covered with a green splash. The Jews shied away to the point of making the union with the king of Gibeon. The union of the former settlements, Josus Navin creaking his oath with a holy oath. However, in spite of the storms, I found out that after they appeared as shahrai, for the Gavaon of the roztoshovannye is not far away from Erichon and Guy. The Israelis were bewildered, so that they were allowed to punish the cunning inhabitants of the city. Ale Jesus Navin did not want to break the oath, but he revived his vimogi. The inhabitants of Gavaon were killed by death, for the first hour of the stench they became tributaries to the Israelites, regularly supplying firewood and water to the camp.

Battle of Gibeon

The Russian tsar found out about the timid behavior of the Meshkants of Gavaon, and was afraid that other places in Khanaan would want to follow them, virushiv zhorstoko testify їх. With the help of the method of wines, having formed an alliance with the kings of Hebron, Lachish, Eglon and Iarmuf, and on the basis of the combined forces of the enemy, they went to the walls of Gibeon. Ale, the Meshkants caught up Gavaona at once in front of Josus Nun about trouble. The Israeli army stepped out of Galgal and after the forced march, which, having occupied the night, the sign appeared to Gavaon. A terrible battle erupted, in which the coalition of the five kings recognized the blows. Vshchent beaten the Palestinians in the armor of the Beagle, leaving the faceless dead on the battlefield. Quiet, who stepped in, the swords of the Israelis did not fight so much, but rather they fought their stone city, which fell on the enemy from the sky. The re-search of the Canaanites lasted until evening. In the face of a total rout, they could only be vryatuvaty dark. Todi Josus Nun, indecently believing in the omnipotence of God, bellowing: “ Stay, sun, over Gavaon, and moon over the Ayalon valley!" And the sun chimed, and stood for a month, docking people taking revenge on their enemies ... And there was no such day before ... not since the Lord [so] heard the voice of the people. For the Lord fought for Israel "(). Before sunset, the Canaanite Vieska were broken, like the places were slaughtered by the Israelis. After retracing, all five kings hid in a cave near the Makeda site. Following the order of Jesus, they blocked the entrance to the cave with stones, and after the battle they brought the captives to the leader of the Israelites. Josus Nun ordered the chiefs of the tribes to step with their feet as a sign of triumph, “on our kings”. For the military call of the tsar's soldiers, then they raised five shibenitsy. The stench hung there for a whole day. Just after sunset, they took them and threw them to the oven, the stench hovalied earlier. So zvityazhno for the Israelites ended the battle of Gibeon. After the end of the battle, Josus Nun arrived, before the conquest of the lands, five more Canaanite places.

Away from the conquest, that subdivision of the inhabited land

The tsars of the small Canaanite powers strove without agitation for the march of the Israelis, and even more so, as a victim of the conquerors, the deacons fortified the place of the central hothouse of Canaan, realized that they were not safe. Upon Nun, the king of Hazor, a new coalition was established. The army of allies was formed from a lot of battle chariots, which at that time were driven in by dirty military equipment. Ale vіdvazhny Іsus Navin with God's help rapt attacked the enemy, and tsya military tactics virish the result of the battle. The wineries of Khanaanite were destroyed, and a lot of their places were destroyed and burned to the fire. The root of all Canaan was three times this fate. Thirty-one Canaanite kings perished at crooked wars. For the sake of Jerusalem, and many other fortified places of the sea and in the mountains, the whole country was conquered by the Israelis.

After that, Jesus Navin rozpochav under the settled land between the Israeli colonies. There were thirteen of them, to that Josip's tribe was divided into two tribal groups, to which Ephraim and Manasiya laid the cob. The shards of Reuben and Gad, and also half of the tribe of Manasia, went to the decline of the earth beyond the Jordan, and the Levites did not have their own special territory, then they stumbled over only nine tribes and the other half of the tribe of Manasia. In such a rank, the land was inhabited, it appeared divided into ten districts. Simeon's, Yudi's, and Veniamin's dwellings settled on the pivdni. Rashta was occupied with the territory of the rooted land, collapsing from the pivnich, the colonies of Ephraim, Manasia, Issachar, Zebulun, Nephalim, Asir. A small tribe of Dan settled on the border with the Philistines on the border with the Philistines. On the territory that Ephraim had got, there was a place called Silom. Josus Navin virishiv at the place to transfer the national shrine - the Skin of the Gathering and the Ark of the Covenant. In this rank, by Power, becoming the first capital of Israel, which was to be soldered into one nation, the tribes that were scattered. The Levites saw forty great places near Volodinnya, and according to the commandment of Moses, the stench was wrung out with religious shoes. Six places beyond Jordan and in Canaan itself were given the right to give shelters in the form of ancestral vengeance to people who are guilty of hatred.

The tribes of Reuben, Gadah and Manasia, having conquered the obitsyanka given to Moses, now encouraged them to turn to the ground, as they took away the stench for Jordan. Josus Nun blessed them and in a parting word asked them to save the fidelity of God and Yogo temple in Shiloh. Josus Nun himself gave birth to the old fates of Israel's tribes. Yogo authority buv dzherelom zgurtovanostі natsії. Rozsіyanі according to Canaan, the tribes fearlessly recognized yoga dominion. A great role was played by the organization of the Israeli tribes in the engraved temple at Silomy. Vіn buv the spiritual heart of the Usy Israel. Ale Josus Navin was disturbed by the thought: what will happen after his death? I didn’t have a good protector, and I was afraid that the tribes, having lost their strong faith and having infused faith in the True God, can quickly spend unity and agglomeration and succumb to the fullness of the masses. The unity and mіts of the state Josus Navin bachiv at the guardian of the true religion, at the selfless service to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Bazhayuchi to establish faith in God and themselves to save the disintegration of the state, having won from Shechem all the blues of Israel, having read to them again the laws of Moses and punishing them to take an oath that they will not serve foreign gods. The people swore in unison: No, it will not happen that we deprive the Lord and begin to serve other gods!" (). As a sign of remembrance of the union with the Lord, Jesus Nun placed a great stone under the oak tree and said: “The axis of this stone will be a reminder to us: for we have heard the words of the Lord, as if Wen spoke to us ... we will not be a witness against you. .. so that you do not stray before [the Lord] your God ”().

The tsars of the small Canaanite powers strove without agitation for the march of the Israelis, and even more so, as a victim of the conquerors, the deacons fortified the place of the central hothouse of Canaan, realized that they were not safe. Upon Nun, the king of Hazor, a new coalition was established. The army of allies was formed from a lot of battle chariots, which at that time were driven in by dirty military equipment. Ale vіdvazhny Іsus Navin with God's help rapt attacked the enemy, and tsya military tactics virish the result of the battle. The wineries of Khanaanite were destroyed, and a lot of their places were destroyed and burned to the fire. The root of all Canaan was three times this fate. Thirty-one Canaanite kings perished at crooked wars. For the sake of Jerusalem, and many other fortified places of the sea and in the mountains, the whole country was conquered by the Israelis.

After that, Jesus Navin rozpochav under the settled land between the Israeli colonies. There were thirteen of them, to that Josip's tribe was divided into two tribal groups, to which Ephraim and Manasiya laid the cob. The shards of Reuben and Gad, and also half of the tribe of Manasia, went to the decline of the earth beyond the Jordan, and the Levites did not have their own special territory, then they stumbled over only nine tribes and the other half of the tribe of Manasia. In such a rank, the land was inhabited, it appeared divided into ten districts. Simeon's, Yudi's, and Veniamin's dwellings settled on the pivdni. Rashta was occupied with the territory of the rooted land, collapsing from the pivnich, the colonies of Ephraim, Manasia, Issachar, Zebulun, Nephalim, Asir. A small tribe of Dan settled on the border with the Philistines on the border with the Veni-Amin Colin. On the territory that Ephraim had got, there was a place called Silom. Josus Navin virishiv at the place to transfer the national shrine - the Skin of the Gathering and the Ark of the Covenant. In this rank, by Power, becoming the first capital of Israel, which was to be soldered into one nation, the tribes that were scattered. The Levites saw forty great places near Volodinnya, and according to the commandment of Moses, the stench was wrung out with religious shoes. Six places beyond Jordan and in Canaan itself were given the right to give shelters in the form of ancestral vengeance to people who are guilty of hatred.

The tribes of Reuben, Gad and Manasiya, who had won the obіtyanka given to Moses, now encouraged them to turn to the ground, like the stench they took away from the Volodinn behind Jordan. Josus Nun blessed them and in a parting word asked them to save the fidelity of God and Yogo temple in Shiloh. Josus Nun himself gave birth to the old fates of Israel's tribes. Yogo authority buv dzherelom zgurtovanostі natsії. Rozsіyanі according to Canaan, the tribes fearlessly recognized yoga dominion. A great role was played by the organization of the Israeli tribes in the engraved temple at Silomy. Vіn buv the spiritual heart of the Usy Israel. Ale Josus Navin was disturbed by the thought: what will happen after his death? I didn’t have a good protector, and I was afraid that the tribes, having lost their strong faith and having infused faith in the True God, can quickly spend unity and agglomeration and succumb to the fullness of the masses. The unity and mіts of the state Josus Navin bachiv at the guardian of the true religion, at the selfless service to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Bazhayuchi to establish faith in God and themselves to save the disintegration of the state, having won from Shechem all the blues of Israel, having read to them again the laws of Moses and punishing them to take an oath that they will not serve foreign gods. The people swore in one flock: "No, it will not be that we deprive the Lord and begin to serve other gods!" (Joshua 24:16). As a sign of remembrance of the union with the Lord, Jesus Nun placed a great stone under the oak tree and said: "The axis of this stone will be a reminder to us: for we have heard the words of the Lord, as if we were talking to us ... we will not be a witness against you" . lest you deceive [the Lord] your God” (Josh. 24:27).

Josus Nun died after living one hundred and ten years. Yogo was buried on the Ephraim Mountain and stone knives were placed in his tomb, with which the Israelis were slain, if the stink crossed Jordan.


The book of Josus Nun (Sokolov lecture 17.18)

The book of Joshua Nun on the continuation of the Repetition of the Law. At once, out of five books of Moses, it will become whole, so that the first six books were called Hexateia, tobto. a book of six parts. The book is to avenge the history of Israel for a period of approximately 25-30 years from the day of the death of Moses to the death of Josus Nun (Josh. 24, 29). The correctness of the podias described in the book is confirmed by historical knowledge, known cuneiform writing, as they describe the destruction of the Canaanite peoples for the hours of Josus Nun. The organizer of the book is nowhere to be guessed at im'ya. Deyakі critics seem that the book was written during the hours of David, remember later, to that, if it was written, they lived in Jerusalem. Only Tsar David, on the 8th rotation of his reign, was far away from vignati. However, it’s true (Josh. 6:16, the harlot Rahab was alive. You can assume that the book was written earlier. We have no chances not to attribute Joshua to Joshua. The Bible speaks clearly about those "Into the book of the law of God." (Josh. 24:26). I also attribute the authorship to Josus Nun, only five more verses to be added later by Yeshas.

The correctness of the book is confirmed by various biblical sources. Passing through the Jordan (fortunate in Psalm 113), the fall of Jericho, the curse of Rahab (Heb. 11, 30), the curse of Jericho (the book of Kings), the union of the Israelites with the Gaonites and a number of other similar ones are guessed in the other books of the Holy Letter of the Old and the New.

The main theme of the book of Joshua Nun is the conquest of the inhabited land. This conquest of Israel is no more than a union with God and the faithfulness of the Lord. Only the Lord instilled a covenant in life and granted the fatherland to the Israeli people. Therefore, the author of the book especially blatantly denounces the vinyatkovy vtruchani God in the history of Israel.

The first division is the preparation for the conquest, chapters 1-5. Here come the preparation before the campaign, the discovery in Jerichon, the story of Rahab the harlot, the crossing of the Jordan, the circumcision, the Holy Great Day that entry.

Other divisions of the book include divisions 6-12 and include the fall of Jericho, the first crossings, the capture of the place of Gaius, the ordering of the pivdnya, the pivnoch, victory over the kings. The rest of the part - podil that organization of the earth, chapters 13-24. He divided the shidnyh Jordanian lands, divided the western Jordanian lands, the links of the mіst-pritulkіv and the mіst Levitіv, the turning of the skhіdno-Jordanian columns. Stay - tse farewell farewell to Josus Nun and yoga death. The key word of this book is the conquest of that war. This is the best book of the Old Testament. The lands did not come out without a fight.

The symbolism of the book of Josus Nun. The first symbol is crossing the Jordan. Would it be necessary for you to cross the Jordan? Aje can be entered into the Earth, inhabited by the same from the other side, from pivdnya through Kadesh-Barna, and not through the steppes of Moab. Yakbi Іzraїl buv neviruyuchiy, mandruvay bi not out of God's will, then it would not be necessary to cross the Jordan. Ale, following the Lord's plan, cross the Red Sea and through the Jordan mean for Israel one and the same spiritual truth - the end of yoga mandrіvok at the desert. From the beginning of the day, the weak, non-hearing, unruly people, having become strong, to overcome their enemies and God's.

For the skin of us, it is also our Jordan, which is our fault to go over, so that we become true Christians, so that we can deprive Jordan of those that we respect in our life. Crossing the Jordan means the death of sin.

Another symbol is life in the land of habitation. This parable about life pleased Christ. All life is taken for faith. The whole land was given by the Lord to Israel for free, but it is not enough for the skin of the knee to redeem its share. Israel enters this land, if you want to mother, but it is necessary to report zusil, so that you can reach what the Lord gives you. The capture of Jericho is naked for a post-pause over sin, a good fight against sin. Life in the land of habitation, so as not to endure the evil of the year.

Third - life cannot pass without spokus (Ahan ta yogo wickedness). Life is constantly developing, but we can never take away all the riches of Christ, forget what we can.

Josus Nun is the first typological image for everything. Behind some tributes, Josus Nun is a type of Christ. The very word “Jesus” in the translation is “Yahweh ratuє”. Jesus - bestowing mercy, declining to Moses, the representative of the Law. The New Testament, voted by Jesus Christ, also declines the Old Testament, the Law of Moses. Joshua Nun brought the people to victory, and Christ led us to victory over sin. Josus Nun was an intercessor and intercessor before God for Israel. And so it is Christ the Savior - an intercessor for us usіh before the Lord. Josus Nun gave the skin kolіnu spadshchina - the Lord grants us His skin kolіnu on svіy rassud.

How do you draw the character of mi bachimo in Jesus Navin? Tse we are before the warrior, wrestler, who has shown himself more for Moses. We are given a struggle (Vikh. 17), prayer, rosemary (Vikh.), service, humility, faith, obedience, repentance (Vikh., Num). The main one on the right is Josus Nun in his service to the Lord - cool and set the people, command, what kind of wine is laying between the people and the Lord.

Josus Navin is cheerful, as if he were a military leader, he sent two explorers, spies; one of yoga yakos - oberezhnіst. Vіn to cross the Jordan, showing the masculinity of the vіri. Josus Navin zdіysnyuє obrazannya (Josh. 5), as if with a stretch of rich rokіv it did not come out; tse is a symbol of purification. Taking Yerichon will show you trust in God. Those who were with Achan - tse judgment on godlessness. An alliance with the Gaonites is a zeitgeist's cunning. Subordination of the country, victory, subdivision of the land - this is the wisdom of the order of the recession. Such are the likeness of the tamans of Jesus Nun.

In this book, we also need to know the image of the harlot Rahab, as she went to the lineage of Christ the Savior, to whom there is little faith, as she recognized her righteousness. Two watchers come, stink at the right time, and they blew them out. The harlots themselves lived at the exit from the place, at the walls, de boulders that came. The merit of її is that she showed faith and vryatuvala quiet people, whom she could heal as much as possible. For this reason, the Lord saved її ta її rd, who then took Israel to the warehouse, even though she was not an Israeli. It is not worth talking about those that the Lord includes mercy in the prayers of the people of those other people, so that they go to the other with faith and open heart.

Chapter 5 to talk about those, like Josus Navin, having cut the blue of Israel on the hump of Obrazanny with stone knives. All the people of the cholovіcho state, who came from Egypt, built before the war, died on the way after leaving Egypt. All the people who were viyshov were circumcised, but all the people who were born in deserts were not circumcised. Pіslya moreover, like the people of viyshov іz egyptu, tsy zvichay not vydbuvavsya. The reasons were impersonal: in the first place - pokhіdnі mind, impossibility to reach hygiene, constant nebezpeka nabіgіv nomadic tribes, raznі nebezpeka deserted life. People who were weak to the point of sickness during the period of baptism were potential suicide bombers, they could be beaten. To save the people for the sake of the future, people were baptized for Josus Nun.

After tsієї podії the next day, the stench was celebrated holy Great Day and became їsti zroblenі soil tsієї і drіrodі rodzinki. And the manna ceased to fall on the next day, after the stench began to create the earth. (Josh. 5:12)

“Jesus, perebuvayuchy beat Yerikhon, glancing, and swinging, and the axle is standing in front of him a man, and in his hand is a naked sword. Іsus pіdіyshov before the new one said to you: Ours: Chi ti, chi z of our enemies? Vin said: Ni; I am the leader of the Lord's army, now I have come here. Jesus fell with his face to the ground, and bowed, and said to you: What will my lord say to his servants? The leader of the Lord's army, saying to you: Know thyself from thy feet, for the place where thou art holy. Jesus is so robbed. (Josh. 5:13-15)

Here an angel appeared to Jesus, the leader of the host of the Lord. For the Orthodox vchennyam - the Archangel of God Mikhailo.

Then came the fall of Jericho. After the fall of the place, “everyone in the city, and the people and the squads, the young and the old, and the wills, and the sheep, and the donkeys, all blamed the sword. And to the two youths, who were looking at the earth, Jesus said: Go to the house of those harlots, and see the stars of all that are in her, for you have sworn to me. And the young people went, and they brought Rahab and that father її that matir її, and the brothers її, and all that were in her, and all the relatives її were brought, and they put them in the camp of Israel. And that place, everything that was in the new, was burned with fire; only that gold, that ware of midday, and the floods, were given to the treasury of the house of the Lord. And Rahab was a harlot, that dim father її and all that were in her, Jesus, having killed them alive, and she lingered in the middle of Israel right up to this very day, for she covered up the messages, which Jesus sent, so that Jericho would be baptized "(Josh. 6, 20-24 ). ). I will sign that Rahab lives in that booth, a red skein, like a sign of the same blood.

Then Jesus takes one place after another, as a rule, as a place to repair the opir, all the curses; Well, if not, then the place is filled with cilim, only they drive in a person to become. How can you understand? Ide Israel, to conquer the land. Why did you need to kill everyone? Did they repair the stench correctly?

We marvel at that way of life, which the Israelis invented when they came to the inhabited land. The Canaanites, who inhabited this land, can be called a whole civilized peoples. However, their spontaneous spiritual culture did not settle down, and the stench more and more greeted Egypt, Babylon, and especially Phoenicia. The excavations of this archaeological data show that Canaan was a place of mysticism and religion, which was its own land of syncretism, tobto. religious eclecticism There were no national gods here, but the gods of the succes lingered.

In the middle of the ruins of the ancient places of Canaan, the zocrem of Ierikhon, various figurines of the Egyptian Phoenician and Babylonian gods were known. The head deities of the Canaanites were the gods-masters, Volodar rilli, gaiv, dzherel. They called them by different names: Baal, Volokh, Bel, which means "king, pan". The skin mass is small of its special Baal. The villagers and the inhabitants of the city traveled to Vaaliv for hours of dryness, chi sivbi, and wild pestilence. The Canaanites ruled the saint for the enthronement of that rank of the other mystical god. Baal is guilty of being invisibly present, breathing in the aroma of offerings, drinking wine, eating the fruits of the earth.

The gods of the storm and the storm were the greatest shamans. Baal the Thunderer is also similar to the walnut Zeus. I can point the butt of one of the hymns, with which the ancients praised their gods.

“When the sacred voice of Baal rings, when the gurkit of Baal’s thunder lunar, the earth shakes and burns for three, dance the pagorbi and the rocks, the yogo’s horns hover behind the skeletons of the gir abo in the dense forests. Immediately before entering the wild sum'yatti, the stench is ticking in the face of your face. Tell the enemies of Baal, why do you have such fear at once? For your eyes are bright, but your hands are capable. Kozhen, who will compete with Baal, will fight with the power of yoga: strong high cedars fall before the blows of yoga anger.

The axis of such an ancient verse to the honor of Baal was spawned by ancient Canaanites. Entrusting from Baal stood the goddess Annat, and there Ashera, as if she had taken care of the earth's birth. This goddess was especially special, as she roamed around Pheniki, as they made food sacrifices. Behind orders, qi dances and merrily reigned on the hillocks and heights. At rocky dashes, people went to worship before their gods and made the most terrible sacrifices, sacrifices of people. They sacrificed their children. Once, when the Israelites took the Moabite fort as a cover, the king of Moab took his son on the wall and stabbed him in front of the God of Moab. Bachachi tse, the Israelis rushed in the wake of the fire, being inspired that God would surely take revenge on them.

A majestic number of charred childish skeletons was revealed everywhere in Canaan. There is such a book “Ur of Chaldea”, there are numerical books from excavations and, perhaps, I do not mention these topics. Be it a house to take and be it to be known from the foundations of a house to sound the immured skeletons of children from the same rock, sometimes even in a sprat of months. They simply put them in the dishes near the amphora and immured the house in the base, offering a sacrifice to the Baals, as if they made sacrifices. They sounded like that. To that we sweat, if the Israelis were on the land of habitation, then the first mind was the fence of human victims. Moses hid the shedding of human blood. Now, human blood cannot be shed like a sacrifice.

Special cults played a special role among the Canaanites. The whole story of the obozhnyuvannya sensibility. Here they cultivated all kinds of rage and rage, everything was put at the service of inflamed eroticism. The diversity of obscene fetishes, symbols, the awakening drink of the mandrake, like the participants in orgies got used to, bringing themselves to swindle, self-castration. In the last century, the Canaanites littered on the right pleasing to their deities.

The so-called “sacred prostitution” was especially developed, as it was widely spread around the entire Skhod, tobto. passing by the tree, dedicated to that other goddess, the mandrill instantly went to the booth, and there the women of the yogo lived and wine, having entered into their shoes, to buy the price of a centenary, and to serve the gods like a stench. In fact, there was more than a fall in moral life, more and more suspense and service through idols to the darkest spirit. Tse Bulo itself demon worship.

The first axis of the middle of the terrible world is the Israelis, who came from the mountain that desert. When they appeared, they took on like a bulk of dikunivs, rich of millions of people, who are going, like a saran. Zvichayno, the stench could not help but bachiti all those that were going on around them. In this situation, the bulk of Israel was like a clearing storm, which escaped into the ruins of the middle of the bobbins and the bochen. That is why Israel itself marveled at its war like on the sacred war of Yahweh. It was such a book of the Sacred Wars of Yahweh, it went up to the book of Joshua. Part є і in the book Vihіd.

The war over Israel, which is sacred to the fair war, was confirmed by special victories, as if Israel had won over its enemies. We talked about Josus Nun. The very word "Navin" is translated "sin of Navun". The very blame after the death of Moses, having become on the choli of his people, a warrior in the name of the people themselves, who passed at once from the people of the past, tried everything, all the destruction of a deserted life. Vіn mav nezaperechny authority і buv vyznany more colon.

In such a hvilin, the people will require a right leader, and such a leader will be Jesus Navin - a suvory, a good man, who will be the right son of his age, from yoga zhorstokistyu, from yoga wildness. At the sight of Moses, I was not a prophet, but I was a religious leader, I saw that I was standing on the choli of Israel, I saw the mission, as if the Lord had bowed to a new one.

The head of the cross was Yerikhon, which was taken by him for the help of God with a miraculous rite after the Ark of the Covenant was surrounded by an ancient place. Erichon - the most recent place, in the house behind the lithographs.

Podії razvilissya dosit shvidko and triumphal march іzraїltyans through the arc swidko mіsts and villages of Palestine. The central regions of the Mayzha were repairing the support. At Shechem, the Jews, like the Bible, lingered on the vіdmіna of the bults, calling them natural inhabitants. Cebuli Jews, yaks, perhaps, were lost and did not go with Yakov. Then you lost your bait, like bulls from the tribe of Eber and like came before them. Tobto. there were people in chomus equal to them. The Meshkants calmly thrashed the Israelis, the unions laid the stench with them and became their friends.

We, today's people, seem to think about international law, we are under the impression that the ancient Jews waged their wars in an absolutely barbaric way. We are given that such barbarism is not allowed by Divine law. How can the Lord permit such barbarity? Ale, the Jews tried under the law of modern international law. The stench is guilty of victorious victorious against those who are your opponents, otherwise they will threaten the outside world. About those, as if the people were the same, to clearly speak the rule, in the house under the name “Law of the Jungle”: if you don’t get in, then you get in.

The 6th division of the Book of Suddivs has the following words: “If Israel is settled, Madianites and Amalekites and inhabitants will come at once and walk with them; And stand with them as a mark, and blame the creatures of the earth right up to Gazi, and do not deprive Israel of any animals, no ox, no donkey. For the stench came with their thinness and with their plans, they came in such a multitude, like a sarana. (Judg. 6, 3-4) So the Philistines themselves reproached Israel, monopolized the harvesting of the bay and allowed the Jews to be able to prepare armor and earthworks (the books of Kings).

The occasion for remembrance was superbly bitter. In some cases, there were more and more systematic accusations of overcoming them without a difference in camps, not including them. “I overlaid the place with Karafaїm and took yoga, and blamed the people, that the place was a sight for Kamosh, the god of the Moabites,” - the king of Moabites (9th century BC, stele). Tsya stella is saved in the Louvre, and in the deaky assistants she will be avenged. Prophet Isaiah describes the capture of Babylon with such gloomy farbs:

“For whom I shake the sky, and the earth collapses from the mission of my own, in the presence of the fierce Lord of Savaot, on the day of the burning wrath of Yogo. To the same skin, like a repeated sirka and like a deserted country, to rage before your people, and skin to fight to your own land. But someone to get on, be pierced, and whom to grab, that fall from the sword. And they will not be beaten before their eyes; their houses will be plundered and the guards will be burned.” (Is.13, 13-16)

Prote viyskove right in Israel was soft, lower in other peoples. The enemy, who voluntarily found his place and building, relied only on Danin's song (Deut. 2, 10-11). At the time, the city was taken by storm, the children and the woman were spared (Deut. 10, 14). The woman's rubbish is respected (Deut. 21:9). Under the influence of a prophetic place, as if having punished the legislator, it is necessary to spare fruit orchards in the outskirts, to talk about peace, as if we were a stranger at that hour. Palestine in the era of Christ was a flourishing garden, but what was it like in the 1st century? Maizhe is completely deserted, but the Romans walked mercilessly and everything was ruined: growth, gardens, vineyards, trees. A lot of roslin, which had been cultivated for centuries, was blamed. Tse zhorstoy way of waging war.

Only in one direction the law gave a similar right with the strength of yoga zhorstokistyu, if on the right there were seven peoples, they lived in Palestine before Israel. At this time, after the destruction of the place, all the inhabitants and all the thinness were blamed, all the idols were destitute, and all objects made from expensive metals were consecrated to God. Tse was called “herem”, at the translation of the Greek tlumachs - “curse, curse, anathema”, tobto. a gift for the household.

For the sake of this term, transitions from the religious language of the New Testament. The Canaanites, by their misdeeds, deserved such a punishment, and the Jews were the healers of the Divine Curse. The axis is how to say the book of Butt: “At the fourth kind of stench turn around here, for the world of the lawless Amorites has not yet come up.”

The lawless meshkants in Palestine were the most vile and belittle the people. Crimson was over-carried, there was bloodshed, overlove, bestiality, liberation between articles (homosexuality) and everything else was at the mercy where Israel invaded. It was said to him: “Do not dishonor yourself with anything, for all the peoples have defiled themselves, whom I will destroy before you. And the earth has become defiled, and I will punish the lawless, and I will throw off the earth for myself, quiet, to live on it ”(Book of Leviticus). The axis is such a glance at the number of peoples and at the Viyskian sights between these peoples and Israel panuet at modern exegesis.

Today, we can understand and prove that, indeed, Israel was more merciful towards other peoples. The Israelis did not oppose the people who inhabited the Canaanite lands, but they were smart enough to populate the mountains and steppes that were deprived of their freedom. The Canaanites, who had gone with them before the union, but they were deprived of their lands, were deprived in fortified places, and the lands of the Dovkol were taken away from the Israelites. This is the name of the small places-states. About it is written in the first distribution of the book Suddiv.

In the most recent texts, where there is a talk about the future conquest, God does not punish the oppression of the Canaanites, but takes it upon himself to drive them away. “If Angol Miy comes before you, and I will lead you to the Amorites, I will blame them. Ale do not bow to their gods and do not serve them. Zhakh Miy I will send before you, I will bring every people to the blessing, until you come. I will send hornets before you, and marry them in front of your Essenes, Canaanites and Hittites. I’ll fly them in your face in one river, so that the earth does not become empty and wild animals multiply against you. Little by little, I’m shattered by you, you don’t multiply your docks and you don’t take from the Volodymyr the whole earth. I will betray to the hands of your bagmen from the country, I will marry them in your face. Do not make an alliance with them, neither with them, nor with their gods. (Exit)

And then it was said more importantly for the understanding of the farther part of Israel: “Do not take the squads of your sons from your daughters, so that the daughters of their daughters will be separated for their gods, and they will not introduce your blues into the waste for their gods.” It’s a heady turbota here about those who, in order to vanish into recession, completely lied, as if they were among these peoples, not to serve these gods and not to be likened to quiet moral failures, as if they were in these lands. Itself in such a plan, we accept those wars, like in Israel with the Canaanites.

At the book of Josus Nun, in the battle, if Josus Nun lifts his sword against the Meshchanians to Gibeon, and when these enemies are struck, a miracle appears, as we call it a dream.

“Jesus pishov from Gilgal himself, and with him hang the people, built until the war, and all men are good. And the Lord said before Jesus: Do not fight them, for I have given them at your hand, none of them shall stand before your face. І came to them Іsus raptovo, and all nіch vіn ishov іz Ґіlґalu. The Lord grafted them on the field, succumbing to Israel, and the stench struck them at Gibeon with a strong blow, and followed them along the road to the fire of Bethoron, and fought right up to Azek and to Maked. If the stench flowed into Israel along the mountain of Bethoron, the Lord threw a great stone at them from the sky right up to Azek, and the stench died; it was more quiet, that they died in the stone hail, lower it was quiet, that they were killed by the blue of Israel with a sword. Jesus, calling on the Lord of that day, if the Lord gave Amorite into the hands of Israel... And saying before Israel: Stay, sun over Gibeon, and moon over the valley of Ayalon! And the sun chimed, and stood for a month, docks the people taking revenge on their enemies. What is not written in the Book of the Righteous: “the sun stood in the middle of the sky and did not hurry to set the whole day”? And there was no such day before, not after, if the Lord heard the voice of the people like that. For the Lord fights for Israel. Let us then return Jesus and all Israel with him to the camp, to Ґіlґalu. And these five kings sang and appeared in the caves in Makedi. If it was reported to Jesus and it was said: "Five kings were known, the stench is in the oven in Macedonia." Jesus said: “Roll the great stone to the opening of the furnace and put people before it to watch over them; But do not be fooled, but follow your enemies, and blame the back part of your war, and do not let them drink to their places, for the Lord, your God; giving them up to your hands. (Josh. 10:7-19)

Even though we are contagiously caught up with the phenomena of nature, then the viraz “the sun has chimed” will not talk about those who look at the Bible, the sun wraps around the Earth, this cannot be. In this moment, it is necessary to keep the day going. Viraz "beeped the sun" said that the day was past. The author of this text would like to say that Jesus and Yogo Viysko succumbed to the sun unbroken and such that it was proper to pass through.

As if I had a chance to read about the report of one mandriving man, who came to one of the distant regions of Africa and the weather was good there, the ship stood on the roadstead and at one hour was watching, that in nature it was not the same. But for myself, I didn’t realize it in a moment, then I sighed, but I sound brighter against it, wanting a little darkness. I win shaking another sun, tobto. there were about two suns: one sun set, and the other sun descended and shone. Chi can you booty? It was the mirage of another sun, as if this evening was roaring unlike other evenings. After a deaky hour, a mirage appeared.

There were many speeches for the bagmen in the world.

Let's assume that there was a broken sleepy change here. Obviously, the sun stood on that place, from which it is not enough to come. Tse first clouding. Because of such a brokenness without any destruction of the laws of the All-World, the sun was visible there, but there really wasn’t any.

Other cloudy. The urivok, which is easy to see, shows that the sun blew for some hour of its day, the shards of Jesus needed its light. However, it is acceptable that it blazed up, faded, faded behind the storm clouds, which vibrated in a terrible stony hail. If the worst rockfall comes from the sky, then, perhaps, the sun is not visible at the same time. The very city and the fault of the enemies. Bagatiokh rises in such a way, it is countered by advancing visnovkas. It was not the sun, but the shadow that was necessary for the Viysk of Jesus Nun. If the stench stepped out of Gilgal, where they knew the tabir, the stench went all the way and the vranci hit the enemies, as if they took Gavaon in the encampment. Then we went through the gates to climb to Mount Vefaron.

As if we marveled at the geographical map and marveled, as if the warriors of Joshua Nun were guilty, they were unaware of the change of the sun, that they burn it, then after the haughty night sling, perebovaya on the high ground, Jesus seems: “The sun is over Gibeon Gavaon is located on the exit from Vefron, and Ayalon is on the exit. "The sun shone and stood for a month, and the people took revenge on their enemies." However, as if the sun was over Gavaon, it meant that it was at the gathering and it was only lifted by the sky and there was little fire from the schema of Vephron. Well, early-vranci Jesusov did need some yogo zupinyati, even though the day had just begun?

Sound it seems that Jesus is watching, that I don’t have time for you, so that I can get a better chance, ask for the sun to chirp. If you want to continue the day, then the banquet would have been understood, as if the day was chilling over the evening. However, if there is such an order, it will be early. And everything shows that the words of Joshua Nun are 100% symmetrical to what follows them. And itself, following the savage law - parallelism, is the exact statement on the dzherelo, written in the book of the Righteous. These are not what the author himself says, but they are taken from the book of the Righteous. It means that the rhyme, as we see it, is not a continuation of the rozpovid about the battle, but a commentary to the poetic urivka, which is seen before the end of the battle. Tobto. Bula wrote the book of the Righteous, which then speaks about this battle, and the author of this text takes a few lines, which, having struck Yogo, which describes the battle in poetic words. Tse one of the possible thlumachen tsgogo urivka. But there is nothing impossible for Him who, having created the heavens and the earth, and the laws of the All-Sveta are being changed today ... Also, for a Christian, this is not a problem. As we take it, it’s a blessing and it’s better that the episode from the sun will end on the fact that Jesus turned to the camp and continued to peruse his enemies. Two things are said about the battle: once in prose, if there is a hail; but sometimes at the top, if there is a sun.

Dieslova, yakі get used for the recognition of the sound of the sun that month, to sound in Hebrew “daman”, which in the translation means “move, rest” and the word “amat”, in the translation - “zupinitisya, zatrimatisya”. Von svіdchat pro prinennya іyalnostі. At times like yogo buv, ale and dzherela light, tobto. it wasn’t bright at that moment, the sun “moaned, lay down”, and if you were resting, it didn’t shine at that moment.

In fact, in Babylon, the word “calm down” by extension until the month means “darkened”. And in the Bible itself, it is similar, if the idea of ​​​​the sound of a hundred things of an object that shines, it means that the light has faded and darkened. From the prophet Avakum:

“The sun immediately forgets about the light of yours, the moon rumbles in its own place in the light of your arrows, how to fly, in the sight of the bright light of your write-off” (Hab.3, 10)

At the fall of Josus Nun, the sun, perhaps, faded, giving such a rank of reassurance and new strength to the Israelis. And it faded away to the one who hid behind the gloomy gloom with the stone city, as if he had sifted the vorogіv, scho to run. Such an understanding can be given to these texts, which we learned about while reading the book of Josus Nun.

Naprikintsi his book Josus Nun gives a command, turning to the Israelites with a word, bring that blessing.

A handful of wines like a word should be given to two and a half of a tribe, then we will say a prayer to the other nine and a half of a tribe. The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe science of science is to build up to:

“Axis,” it seems, Josus Navin, “I am going to the road of all the earth. And you know with all your heart that with all your soul, that the word of good words has not been lost on our day, as if speaking about you, the Lord, your God; everything has been for you, the everyday word has not been left without meaning. Ale, every good word has come over you, as if the Lord your God has spoken to you, so the Lord has victorious over you every evil word, until it destroys you from the good earth, as the Lord your God has given you. If you transcend the commandment of the Lord your God, having laid a wine for you, and you will serve and serve other gods and worship them: then the wrath of the Lord will burn on you, and soon you will perish from the good earth, as the Lord has given you. (Josh. 23:14-16)

Not vipadkovo - shoyno have gone, start life and once such an advance: remember about the high service! The Lord does not vipadically blame the people before your appearances and gives you the opportunity to live. At the commandment of Josus Nun, he looks at the entire historical path to Israel, starting from the patriarchs and ending the entrance to the inhabited land. “Fight the Lord, serve you in purity and breadth. Look to the gods, as your fathers served for the river in Egypt, but serve the Lord. Possibly, when the Israelites came out of Egypt, not all of them worshiped the true God. Moses viviv їkh, so that the stink of godlessness was forgotten, all the gods of Egypt and did not serve these gods.

Josus Naveen to Israel: “If you don’t have time to serve the Lord like that, then choose whom to serve: chi gods, which your fathers served for the river, chi gods of amors, and I and dim my serve the Lord.” Skilki were witnesses of the manifestation of the true God: and manna, and the medny serpent, and all the stench went into the land of habitation. Mustache, who doubted, who did not believe - went, died. And at the same time there were people of a new generation, however, they have a problem, why Josus Nun doubts them. Israel robs the Lord's service.

I led the people and said: No, it will not be that we deprive the Lord and begin to serve other gods! For the Lord is our God, Vіn viviv us and our fathers from the Egyptian land, from the house of slavery... 24, 16.26).

Nasamkіnets it is said that Josus Nun died and the servant of the Lord died a hundred years. “I buried Yogo in the midst of Yogo’s recession in Famnat-Sarai, which is on Ephraim Hill. I laid stone knives beside him at the grave, with which they cut Jesus of Israel’s blues at Gіlґali, if they were born from Egypt, as if having punished the Lord; and stink there until what day. It is also said that the Israelis in those days buried Josip’s brushes, “like they brought stinks and buried them in Sychem in the fields of the field, like having bought Yakiv from the blues of Emmor, the father of Sichemov, for a hundred coins and like it was for the fall of Josip’s sons. After him, Eleazar, the son of Aaron, died, and yogi was buried on the hill of Phineas, the son of yogi, which was given to him on Mount Ephraim. (Josh. 24:30-33)

Here we have a difference in the text. Zrozumіlo, were different dzherela, tobto. the author of the whole book is selected from the bagatioh dzherel and included up to the last of the book. Just as we say that Moses could describe his death in an instant, Joshua could not describe his death in an instant. Vin was not a prophet, after all, he edited this book. Maybe Ezra, or the prophet Samuel, closest to that hour. This book ends with summative, summative words, as if to lead us to the book of Judgments of Israel.

I became the blue of Israel to serve Astarte and Astarot and the gods of the great peoples; And the Lord saw them at the hand of Eglon, king of Moab, and led them for eighteen years” (Josh. 24:36).

Rozdil XI. The Conquest of the Earth Inhabited.

Book of Josus Nun.

The land was inhabited, on the borders of which the Israelis now stood, it was that small mountainous smog, as if Palestine was known to us under the names of Palestine. Stretching the vzdovzh skhіdnogo shores of the Mediterranean Sea in the vіdrogіv іvіdrogіv livanskih giry on pіvnоchі to Sinai pіvostrova on pіvdnі, there may be 250 km. Width її bіlya vіtokіv Yordan vbiraєtsya at 70 km, Pіvdnі vіna syagaє 250 km. On the pіvnоchі Palestine is between Lebanon, Antilіvanom and pіvdennimi schilas of Yermon; on the way - from the Syrian-Arabian desert; on the pivdni the wrong line leads to the deserts of the Sinai Pivostrov; on the way? - from the Mediterranean Sea. The entire territory of Palestine is divided into two parts of the valley of the river Jordan. The camp of Palestine between Egypt and Mesopotamia, two of the largest and cultural centers of the Ancient Skhod, signified its political share already at the old time. Found in Pivdenny Egypt clay tablets that avenge the leaves of the Palestinian kings to the Egyptian pharaohs and succumb to the end of the XV century to the stars. i.e., paint a clear picture of the old history of Palestine: the land of the Bula is inhabited by Canaanites and fragmented into impersonal ancient Volodya, the kings of them, escorting one by one, went to vassal fallow land in Egypt. Irrespective of the fact, in Palestine, having panned the cultural influx of Babylon - the listing was carried out by the Babylonian mine, which, obviously, points to the early era of the Babylonian hegemony. The strength of the people was high. The countryside was filled with towns and villages, between which spread rich cornfields and pastures. Strongly fortified places were importantly on the tops of the mountains, which made them even more impregnable for the enemies. Also, for the political fragmentation of the Canaanite tribes, in order to conquer the land inhabited by її numerical strongholds, the high military science and taxation machines were needed. Neither one nor the other Jews were small. The Canaanite kings, who had been tested in battles by the military and terrible flood chariots, the Israelis commemorated their swagger, masculinity, and the brand - hope to help God.

Miraculous crossing over the river Jordan.

After the death of Moses, the Lord appeared to Jesus Nun and said: “Moses, servant Miy, died; So get tired, cross over the Jordan, and carry your people to the ground, as I give to them, the Israelites.(Josh. 1:2). The Lord punishes Jesus' Nun, but be with your husband, good and jealous guardian of the Law of Moses. Only in this situation, the Lord is inaccessible to help you, like Vin helped Moses.

Strengthened by God's help, Josus Nun proceeded to the decisive days. Vin punishing the Israelites to become a camp on the very shore of the Jordan, on the contrary to Jericho. The mighty Yerikhon Fortress proudly marveled at the Jewish Tabir. Not before the aggressor's windfall, which came immediately, they smashed against the wall of Yerichon and then turned back at their distant lands.

Josus Navin was a leader and did not hesitate to throw his corrals to storm the fort without risking. We want to take a look at the strength of the garrison and the defense force. With the help of the wine method, he sent two warriors to the reconnaissance, dressing them up in Canaanite robes. Having mingled with the NATO merchants, clerks and villagers, the shpiguns passed through the Moscow gates and, so as not to invite suspicion on themselves, went into the house of the harlot, whose name was Rahab. Budinok її buv sruchny for rozvіdnіkіv, bo adjoining to the mіskoї wall and bv nearby mіsskoi brami. From the new one it was easy to guard for the place, and in times of trouble it was possible to quickly leave Jerikhon. Rahab was a woman who was too smart - she immediately recognized the foreigners and guessed who the stench was. Ale, unimpressed on the spot, she gave them hospitality. Rahab believed that the God of the Israelites was the true God, who, by a miraculous rite, helped them to drink Erikhon and all of Canaan, as if he helped them to leave the land of slavery. Ale, unconcerned on all the guards of the roses, erikhons, as if they were following all the suspicious persons, they knew about their presence and informed the kings. The king of Ierikhon sent a varta to Rahab’s booth with an order to restrain suspected strangers. Rahab pumped the royal guards through the window, who were approaching, and led the spies to the house and buried them there in sheaves of lion, and sent a message from the king said: “It’s as if people came before me, but I didn’t know, stink stars; if it was necessary for the days to close the gates, then the stench came; I don’t know where the stench went; marry them better, you will marry them"(Joshua 2:4-5). Vartov, maybe, people are not too smart, they let themselves be fooled by a cunning woman. The wolves rushed in pursuit of the vtikachs and rushed to Jordan itself. Then we turned to the place with firm reconciliation, that the spiguni caught crossing the Jordan. In the meantime, Rahab rose to the dachas of her booth and promised to help the roosters, as if to swear that if the Israelis hoard the place, they would save their life, and also their fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters. The rozvіdniki willingly gave such an oath - the stench of Rahavi was generous for the order, - and pleased her to hang in the end of a brightly red hank: to spare her hut under the hour of battle. After whom, Rahab helped the seers to go down through the window with a hank from the mishka wall. Three days later, the explorers safely dispersed to their camp and told Josus Nun everything they knew. Josus Nun gave orders to stock up on food for three days and get ready for the crossing. Vin also punished the people before him, how to enter the inhabited land, perform the rites of purification. І axis, if three days of purification had passed, at the recognized year, silver surmi was buried - and the people were rushing to Jordan. The priests went ahead with the Ark of the Covenant. Just as the feet of the priests wetted themselves at the waters of Jordan, the Lord, in the eyes of the ears of the Israelis, created a great wonder, as if a miracle was predicted when crossing the Red Sea. For a few miles uphill along the river, where the place of Adam was, Jordan raptovy zupinivsya, to that the waters stood like a high wall. Let the water flow in the riverbed, flowing swiftly in the Dead Sea, and the people of Israel crossed the riverbed without wetting the river.

Later, after forty rokiv poneviryannya in the desert, around 1212 BC. e. Josus Navin saw twelve people, one each for a skin collar, and punished them in the days of Jordan to build a monument of twelve stones. Let's sweat them, having punished them from the bottom of the river one more stone at a time and build from them such a monument at the camp on the first prong, telling about the miraculous crossing of the people through the Jordan. If the crossing was over and the priests carried the Ark out of the river, Jordan would resurrect his channel.

The first stop was near Galgali. The camp of the Israelis has an indescribable joy. For a whole day the stench sang songs and hymns, as they glorify God. At Galgali, the Israelites celebrated Great Day for the fortieth time. We didn’t need to eat manna, for the fertilized fields of Jericho gave them grain, for which the stink was brewed with unleavened bread. The inhabitants of Jerichon timidly hung around the forte walls and anxiously followed the grim bulges. At Galgal, at the command of God, Josus Navin re-introduced the rite of circumcision, which the Israelis did not like when they were in the desert. Josus Navin having punished us grown-up people and boys to recognize the operation of circumcision, as it meant the renewal of the Sinai union with God. After a few days, if the early post-operations were delayed, Josus Nun arrived at the end of the treasury of Jericho.

A voice about the cruelty and mercilessness of the army of the “God-bearing people” that had invaded was shrugged off by Canaan. The inhabitants of the places adjacent to Gaya and Bethelya - Gavaon, Kefira, Beirof and Kiriath-Iarim - showed cowardice and deputy organization against the invaders, they tried to enter into an alliance with Jesus Nun, and at the same time fool Yogo. As a result, he wanted to vdalos to vryatuvat his life, but the stink spent to bondage service to the "God-bearing people."

Other places did not hurry to give in to the mercy of impenetrable bulges. The first part of the local rulers, victorious ahead of the Jews, created a coalition and made its own rules against them.

“... Adonizedek, king of Jerusalem, sent to Gogham, king of Hebron, and to Firam, king of Yarmuf, and to Jafiya, king of Lachish, and to Devir, king of Eglon, to say: come to me and help me defeat Gibeon for those that vin having laid the world with Jesus and Israel's sins. The stench took off, and five kings of the Amorites went: the king of Rusalim, the king of Hebron, the king of Ermuf, the king of Lahіsky, the king of Eglon, the stench and all the militia, and they roamed with the camp of Gibeon, to fight against the new Navin 1,0 ).

The inhabitants of Gavaon sent guilds for help to Josus Nun, and they realized that there was no more time for Yahweh’s checks and yogo helpers to fight on their own. On the other hand, there was no special choice in the new one - the checks attacked, roaming at Galgali, there was no sense from the military point of dawn, and the army of the “God-bearing people” did not understand and did not accept other options like looking after Jordan. Isaus Navin also attacked with the first one and after the Swedish night march, he attacked the army of the coalition of kings and defeated him.

From this battle of indications that the Old Testament is widely known, in which one can find about the sun that was ringing in the sky.

“Jesus called to the Lord of that day, if the Lord delivered Amorite into the hands of Israel, if he beat them at Gibeon, and the stench was beaten before the face of Israel's blues, and said before Israel: st, sun, over Gibeon, and moon. over the Ayalon valley! And the sun chimed, and stood for a month, docks the people taking revenge on their enemies. What is not written in the Book of the Righteous: “the sun stood in the middle of the sky and did not hurry to set the whole day”? And there was no such day before, not after that, if the Lord heard the voice of the people. For the Lord fights for Israel” (Josus Nun, section 10).

The Danish text is especially graceful to the point of navmisny alteration of the editors, so that reality does not bother. Well, in the shortest time, before the transfer, there were some other ancient natural approaches for the hour of Joshua Nun. But do not interpret yoga as a description of the real diy of Yahweh. In the first place, a heavenly appearance in the nearest historical period, although it would have been approximately zbіgaєtsya with the hour of Josus Nun, was not recorded anywhere else (which, in principle, could not have been). And in a different way, overbіg podіy superechit zvichaynіy logіtsі.

On the right, in the fact that Joshua Nun did not have a lucrative sensation, I would like to help the almighty God, if the Jews had already won the victory. It was even less necessary to intervene in Yahweh then, if everything was wrecked and without anything. Such gluteless fillings are not typical for Yomu or Joshua Nun.

And it’s even more similar that the editors have woven into the explanation of this plot by the editors, just for the purpose of capturing a clear sign of the fact that Yahweh had already left his “God-obsessed people” for that hour ...

Mal. 241. Josus Nun churns the sun

Cіkavo, scho, zgіdno z texts pershodzherel, zdobuv vymogo, Josus Navin turn back again to Gilgalu - vin not bothering to continue the conquest of the "Land of the Inhabited" and for the first time!

However, having thought, chi under the plethora of euphoria, that you fought in the yoga army, you still fail to develop success. If you want to bear your fruit - consequently you will go to the bottom of the city, signifi- cantly poking your head into Canaan's feast. Yomu is supported by Maked, Livna, Lachish, Eglon, Hebron and Davir. І skrіz on his path yoga army "fought with a sword everything that was wild" and "swept an oath". In other words, in order to help the genocide, it carried out a total cleansing of the masses.

“I smashed Jesus the whole earth, I will nagirn that noonday, and the lowland mіstsya that land, which lay white gіr, and all the kings їх: without depriving anyone, who was strong, and everything that is breathed, swearing, as if punishing the Lord God of Israel; having driven in their Jesus from Kadesh-Barna to Gazi, and to bring the whole land of Goshen to Gibeon; and all the kings of these and the lands of theirs, Jesus, having struck at one time ... ”(The Book of Josus Nun, section 10).

It is demonstrative that to bring the next day Jesus Navin with his army will turn again to Galgalu - on the site of the Timchasovo (!) Parking lot. And I don’t dare to go into initiative actions, but rather “fuel after the flow”, as if they continue to develop on their own ...

The destruction of Canaan's pivdnya was not a swindle and swindlers of other lands.

“Feeling, Yavin, the king of Hazor, sending to Joab, the king of Madon, and to the king of Shimron, and to the king of Akhsaph, and to the kings, that they lived on the pіvnіch on the mountain, on the plain from the pivden side of Khіnnarof, and on the lowlands, and at Nafot-Dorі on the west, to the Canaanites, who lived on the slopes and to the sea, to the Amorites and the Hittites, to the Perezev and to the Ebusev, who lived on the mountains, and to the Eveiv, who lived in the land of Hermon in the land of Masif. And the stench of all the militia came out with them, the numerical people, who impersonally dorivnyuvav pisk on the sea birch; and horses and chariots were too rich. And all the kings were chosen, and they came and camped at the same time at the waters of Merom, to fight for Israel ”(The Book of Josus Nun, section 11).

Josus Nun anew the disturbances of the response. Vіn vdaєtsya to his perverenoy tactics - without checking the attack of the opponent, to rob the swift transition and raptly fall on the new one all his life. І new rіzanin, rіzanin and rіzanin ...

“...I struck down the stinks of them, and retraced them to the great Sidon and to Misrefot-Maymu, and to the valley of Mitzfi on the way, and killed them, so that none of them was left behind, who was viable. And Jesus charged them with them, as if the Lord had said to you: They cut their horses, and burned their chariots with fire. At the same hour, turning around, Jesus took Hazor and the king of Yogo, driving him in with a sword [Hasor had previously been the head of all the kingdoms of these]; And they beat everything that went wild, that was in the new, with a sword, cursing: they did not lose their soul; and Hazor burned them with fire. I took Jesus the place of the kings of them and all the kings of them, and beat them with a sword, cursed them, as if punishing Moses, the servant of the Lord. For all the places that lay on the hillock, the Israelites did not burn, except for one Hazor, who burned Jesus. And all the vidobotok mist tsikh i all the thinness was plundered by the Israeli blues; but they killed all the people with a sword, so that they blamed them: they did not deprive [of them] of their precious souls. As the Lord punished Moses, His servant, so Moses punished Jesus, and Jesus so terrified: not having heard the desired word from everyone, that the Lord punished Moses.

In such a rite, Jesus bound all the land of the hills, all the land of noon, the whole land of Goshen and the lowlands, and the plains and the mountain of Israel, and the lowlands [at the mountains], in the mountains of Halak, which stretches to Seir, to Baal-Gad in the Lebanese valley, burn Hermon, and have caught all their kings, having beaten them and driven them in” (Josus Nun, section 11).

Mal. 242. Josus Nun defeating his enemies

Showing that nowhere in the descriptions of these battles - not in the whole period, not in the past - there are no common riddles about those who had the fate of the Ark of the Covenant in the army of the conquerors. Jews do everything with their own hands without any "divine" help. And in the presence of Josus Navin, all the same, I continue to succumb to the last words, which were earlier taken away from the sight of Yahweh. For some reason, along the course of the trivaly neviryan sche for hours, the Vikhoda was celebrated for a new debilitating “virginal effect”, for our own hour of war, we’ll be on the Mount Sinai, chi (regardless of what) still check the appearance of Yahweh or yoga vomіchnіv. , as if they could be punished for disobedience ...

And what about Yahweh?

We don't have any kind of information to drive. However, for all the logic, after that, after adding wine, I will need it for you, and the army of the “God-bearing people” began the cleansing of the “Land of Obitsyanoy”, in parallel, in abundance, safely providing yoga “life energy” and addressing the speedy supply of energy to Yavin buv zavdat your blow to the head opponent and complete the rozpochat. And for whom it was necessary for you to be with your helpers there, who knew Baal - to fly to another planet. And in order to betray Yogo’s completely idleness (following Jericho) at the bottom of the “Inhabited Land”, you can let it go, having robbed yourself of guilt, throwing the “God-obsessed people”, and the informal leader of Jesus Navin, Ig Navit Kove it was no longer needed.


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