Dalai Lama de live today. Biography of Yoga Holiness by the Dalai Lamis

Dalai Lama de live today. Biography of Yoga Holiness by the Dalai Lamis

Yogo Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV (Ngagwang Lovzang Tentszin Gyamtsho, Tib. folk. June 6, 1935) - the spiritual leader of Buddhists in Tibet, Mongolia, Buryatia, Tiwi, Kalmiki and in Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (1989). In 2006, awards were made to the largest city in the United States - the Gold Medal to Congress.

Dalai Lama XIV, Tenzin G'yamtsho, spiritual leader of the people of Tibet. Tibetan Buddhists believe that the Dalai Lamas are incarnated on the earth by Avalokiteshvari (Chenrezig-a), the Bodhisattva Spivchuttya; stench narodzhuyutsya here to serve people. Recognized by the Dalai Lama Lhamo Thondrub taking a new name - Zhetsun Champel Ngagwang Yeshe Tenzin Gyamtsho.

Quite often, describing my bindings, I show that I work with them to protect Tibet, its culture, nature, and spirituality. In which context, the words “Save Tibet! “Let’s save Tibet!”, because we swear by everything: the nature of Tibet, its religion and culture, the autonomy and the rights of the people…

Dalai Lama XIV (Chotirnadtsyaty)

The Dalai Lama XIV was born on June 6, 1935, in the homeland of middle-class Mongur farmers, near the small and rich village of Taktser, planted on a hillock above a wide valley on a beer gathering in Tibet in the province of Amdo. Yogo father Choykyon Tsering ta mati Sonam Tsomo (її іm'ya was changed to Diki Tsering), like and 20 families of the village (including a few ethnic Chinese), were engaged in the cultivation of wheat, wheat and potatoes.

Under the hour of the people of the wines, having taken the name of Lhamo Tkhondrub. Vіn buv five out of nine children with sim'ї. Yogo's sister Tsering Drolma was the elder, who was the elder of the Dalai Lamas for eighteen years. The eldest brother, Thupten Chjigmed Norbu, was later recognized as the reincarnation of the high lamas Taktser Rinpoche.

In his autobiography “My land and my people”, the XIV Dalai Lama writes: “I was born into a wealthy aristocratic family, I could not be taken over by the feelings and inspirations of the best Tibetans. Ale, before my simple adventure, I can understand them, convey their thoughts, and for that very reason I speak to them so much and always try to do everything to make it easier for me.

In 1909, the Dalai Lama XIII, who started a pilgrimage to the holy places, saw the village of Taktser. Vіn voiced on the beautiful month and said that he wanted to turn around here again. In 1937, after the death of the 13th Dalai Lama, a special group of lamas came to the village of Taktser to hear the news.

After repeated tests (Zokrema, if you were shown various relics and toys of the Dalai Lama's successor, he said: This is mine, this is mine!) courtier Lhamo Thondrub buv of recognition of the reincarnation of his successor. The Dalai Lama XIV himself is aware that not all incarnations of the Dalai Lamas were correct. Vіn delusions, which are inspired by the V Dalai Lamas, to that in childhood, vіn mav is already rich in dreams, connected with tsim past lives.

Hidny district of Tibet, de bulo village of Taktser, under the control of China. After thriving negotiations between the order of Tibet and the municipal administration, in Zhovtni 1939 Lhamo Thondrub left the houses of his fathers and went straight to Lhasa.

Yogo Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, the spiritual leader of the people of Tibet. Born on June 6, 1935, in a rural homeland in a small village of Taktser, on a pivnіchny gathering in Tibet and having taken the name of Lhamo Dhondrub.

In 1909, the Dalai Lama XIII, who started a pilgrimage to the holy places, saw the village of Taktser. Vіn voiced on the beautiful month and said that he wanted to turn around here again. In 1937, after the death of the 13th Dalai Lama, a special group of lamas came to the village of Taktser to hear the new inspiration. After the repeated trials of the courtier Lhamo Dhondrup, he was recognized as the reincarnation of his successor.

the Dalai Lamas with the incarnations of the land of Chenrezig, Buddhi spivchutya; stench narodzhuyutsya here to serve people. The recognition of the Dalai Lama Lhamo Dhondrub took a new name - Jetsun Jampel Ngawang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso. Among the possible translations of these numerical epithets: "Holy", "Lower Glory", "Great Merciful", "Protector of Vera", "Ocean of Wisdom". Tibetans call Yogo Yeshe Norbu - "Vseikonoyucha koshtovnіst" or simply Kundun - "Presence".

The Dalai Lama was enthroned on February 22, 1940 near Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. After the invasion of Tibet by the Chinese communists in 1949-50s, the years of nine years were trying to achieve a peaceful connection with the Chinese government. Without enlisting the encouragement of Beijing, you should not be embarrassed to leave Lhasa on March 17, 1959, in order to find a place in India.


The Dalai Lama, having learned the traditional system of Tibet, had two official mentors - Ling Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche. The training program included "five great sciences" (logic, art and culture of Tibet, Sanskrit, medicine, Buddhist philosophy) and "five small" (poetry, music and dramatic art, astrology and literature).

The Dalai Lama proceeded to the beginning of the sixth grade and completed the training in twenty-five years, having finished the greater teachings of the steps of Geshe Lharamba (Doctor of Buddhist Philosophy). At twenty chotiri roki vin clave in advance to sleep at the three main monastic universities of Tibet: Drepung, Sirka and Ganden. The final drinks were held at the head temple of Lhasi at the hour of the school prayer festival Monlam Uzimka 1959. The stench passed in the presence of 20,000 vchenih-chentsiv.

Kerіvnitstvo kraina

On the 17th of the fall of 1950, after I entered Tibet, the military people's army of the Volunteer Army to China, Yogo Holiness, who was then all 16 years old, to take on the political reins of embarrassment, becoming the head of the state in that order.

In 1954, they went to Peking to conduct peace talks with Mao Tse-tung and other Chinese leaders, including Jou En-laem and Deng Xiao-ping. In 1956, in view of India, as part of the celebration of the 2500th anniversary of Buddhi's people's day, we held low meetings with the Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, and the Prime Minister of China, Jou En-lai, for the discussion of the meeting.

Yogo susillya peacefully resolving the conflict in Tibet was brought on by Beijing's zhorstkoy policy in similar Tibet, as the people's praise was caused for itself. Rukh support shvidko expanded and on іnshі parts of Tibet. On February 10, 1959, in the capital of Tibet, Lhasa, the insurrection broke out unprecedentedly in its scope. Yogo participants vymagali China pіti z Tibet and solidified the independence of their land. The Tibetan people's rebellion was severely strangled by the Chinese army. Yogo Holiness having left Tibet and having taken away the political branch in India. Nearly 80 thousand Tibetans were behind him. Since 1960, the Dalai Lama has been living in the Indian town of Dharamsala, which is called “little Lhasa”. There, the headquarters of the order of Tibet at Vignanni was roztashovan.

For the first time, Yogo Holiness was repeatedly sent to the Organization of the United Nations to prohanny about the blessing of spirituality to Tibet. As a result, the UN General Assembly adopted three resolutions (1959, 1961 and 1965) calling on China to respect the rights of the people in Tibet and to exalt Tibetans to self-appointment. Having formed a new order for Tibet from the Vignann, Yogo Svyatist bachiv pershochergovoe zavdannya from the survival of the Tibetans from the Vignann and the order of their culture. For this purpose, the settlements of the refugees of Tibet were founded, the main occupation was the agricultural state. The economic development and creation of the system of education brought the development of a new generation of children to Tibet, like a miracle to know their language, history, religion and culture.

In 1959, a number of creations of the Tibet Institute of Drama Mystics (TIPA), as well as the Central Institute of Higher Tibetology, are a great starting point for Tibetans who live in India. For the preservation of the great choice of Buddhism in Tibet - the basis of the Tibetan way of life, over 200 monasteries were built in Vignann.

In 1963, Yogo Svyatist voted for a democratic constitution, founded on Buddhist principles and the Declaration of Human Rights as a model of a future free Tibet. Today the parliament of Tibet is formed on the basis of elections. Yogo Holiness constantly denounces the need for democratization of the Tibetan administration and repeatedly stating that after the victory of Tibet, you will not take any political post.

1987 at the National Congress of the United States for the rights of the people of the Dalai Lama hanging the Plan of the world from five points as the first step of creation in Tibet and the world. The plan of transferring the mass resettlement of the Chinese to Tibet, the recognition of the fundamental rights of the people and democratic freedoms, the assignment of China to the territory of Tibet as a place for the development of a nuclear strike and the destruction of nuclear exits, as well as the beginning of serious negotiations for the future of Tibet.
On March 15, 1988, near Strasbourg, hanging an extension of the "Five-Point Plan", propagating a democratic self-regulation in Tibet "at the union with the People's Republic of China."

On the 2nd of September 1991, the order of Tibet in Vygnanni denounces the Strasbourg proposition of the undying through the closeness and negative mood of the Chinese ceramics, which are hanging in Strasbourg's propositions.

On the 9th of November 1991, speaking at the Yelsk University in the USA, Yogo Holiness said that he wanted to see Tibet, so that he could assess the political situation that had developed with his own hands. “I’m already turbulent,” having said to Vin, “that this vibro-unsafe situation can cause spasms of violence. I want to do everything in my power to save everyone. ... My visit has become a new opportunity to reach the understanding of that creation of the basis for the development of a solution by way of negotiations.

Contacts in and out

Since 1967, the Holy Dalai Lama has risen in price at a low price in all five continents and has already visited 46 countries of the world at once. Russia Yogo Holiness has already seen this time: three times in the Radian period - in 1979, 1982 and 1986; later, in 1991 and 1992, the birth of the traditional Buddhist republics: Buryatia and Aginsky Autonomous Okrug, Tuva and Kalmikia. 1994 rock again visited Moscow, and 1996 rock saw Moscow on the way to Mongolia. At the leaf fall of 2004, after the decimal break, Yogo Holiness came from a short pastoral visit to the Buddhist republic of Kalmikia.

Interreligious dialogue

Yogo Holiness the Dalai Lama was interviewed by Pope Paul VI at the Vatican in 1973. At a press conference in Rome in 1980, a group of wines expressed their hope for an interview with Ivan Paul II: “We live in a period of colossal crisis, in a period of sublime that shakes the world. It is impossible to know peace of mind, as there are no guarantees of safety and harmony among the peoples among peoples. The axis of why, with faith and hope, I check on the blessings of the Holy Father, so that we can exchange ideas and feelings and hear the judgment about those, so that we can open the door to peace and peace among the peoples among peoples.

The Dalai Lama spoke with Pope John Paul II at the Vatican in 1980, 1982, 1990, 1996 and 1999. In 1981, he was blessed with the Bishop of Canterbury Robert Rancy and other leaders of the Anglican Church. He also met with the leaders of the Islamic, Roman Catholic and Jewish churches and spoke at the congress of religious religions, where an inter-confessional service was held on this occasion.

“I always believe, - saying vin, - that it is richer more beautiful, that we have a broader scope of religions, a broader scope of philosophies, a lower one religion and philosophy. It is necessary through those that people think differently mentally sick. Skin religion has its own unique ideas and methods. Vivchayuchi їх, we will richly control the faith.

Vision and reward

W 1973 roku, if Yogo Svyatіst Vpershe vіdvіdav Kraina sunset, bagato zarubіzhnih іnstitutіv that unіversitetіv prisudzhuvali Yomou that piled pochesnі vchenі stupenі to sign viznannya Yogo bliskuchih Prace s buddіyskoї fіlosofії that aktivnoї propaganda mіzhrelіgіynogo dіalogu, virіshennya mіzhnarodnih konflіktіv, food, pov'yazanih s torn down human rights. that zabrudnennyam navkolishny middle.

While presenting the Raoul Wallenberg Award to the Holy Holiness, Congressman Tom Lantos said: “May the struggle of the Holy One, the Dalai Lamas, speak of those who are the leading leader in the fight for the rights of the people and peace in the whole world. Yogo unnecessarily prazhnennya lay the end of the suffering people of Tibet for the help of peace negotiations and the policy of reconciliation with colossal masculinity and sacrifice.

Among the numerous awards, that honor, awarded to Yogo Holiness for his merit in the struggle for peace, that dotrimane rights of people: Philippine Magseiseya Prize (like the Nobel Prize of Asia); Albert Schweitzer Humanitarian Prize (New York, USA); Prize named after Dr. Leopold Lukas (Nimechchina); "Prize of Memory" (Daniel Mitterrand Foundation, France); “Cities for Leadership in the Sphere of Peacekeeping Activity” (Nuclear Century Foundation, USA); for the city "For Peace and Unity" (National Peace Conference, New Delhi, India) and the First Prize to the Sartorius Foundation (Nimechchina).

Nobel Peace Prize

The decision of the Norwegian Nobel Committee to award the Peace Prize to the Holy Dalai Lama called for the praise of all luminous spirituality (with a blame to China). The committee declared that “The Dalai Lama, in his struggle for the freedom of Tibet, is relentless in his opposition to violence. Vin calls for a peaceful solution, founded on tolerance and mutual respect, with a method of preserving the historical and cultural decay of his people.

On December 10, 1989, the year of Yogo Holiness, the Dalai Lama received the Nobel Prize in the name of all those who know the persecution, all who fight for freedom and practice in their world in the world, and also in the name of the people of Tibet. “This award,” Yogo Holiness declared, “confirms our persecution from the one who leaves the truth, masculinity and daring Tibet to achieve forgiveness. Our struggle can be non-violent and free in the form of hatred.

Yogo Svyatist also sent words of encouragement to the democratic movement, like students in China: “In the black fate of the people’s democratic movement in China, there is a lot of strangulation. But I do not think that the protest demonstrations did not bear fruit, for the spirit of freedom has once again vanished into the hearts of the Chinese people, and China cannot stand before this spirit of freedom, which today has overwhelmed many parts of the world. The male students of those hoarders showed the Chinese curiosity and the whole world the appearance of right humanism, the power of this great nation.

Simple Buddhist black

Yogo Holiness often says: "I am just a simple Buddhist monk, no more, no less." Vіn vede zhittya buddіyskogo chentsya. At Dharamsala, we roll about the 4th wound, meditate, read prayers and watch a long schedule of official sermons, audiences, religious presentations and ceremonies. We end the day with a prayer. Keeping in mind the inquiries about the spirit of one’s spirit, one often induces one’s loves to chotirivirsh from the practice of the famous Buddhist saint Shantideva:

As long as there is space,
As long as you live, live
Come to the world and I will be left alone
Citizen rozsіyuvati іmlu.

Yogo Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, the spiritual leader of the people of Tibet. Born on June 6, 1935, in a rural homeland in a small village of Taktser, on a pivnіchny gathering in Tibet and having taken the name of Lhamo Dhondrub.

In 1909, the Dalai Lama XIII, who started a pilgrimage to the holy places, saw the village of Taktser. Vіn voiced on the beautiful month and said that he wanted to turn around here again. In 1937, after the death of the 13th Dalai Lama, a special group of lamas came to the village of Taktser to hear the new inspiration. After the repeated trials of the courtier Lhamo Dhondrup, he was recognized as the reincarnation of his successor.

the Dalai Lamas with the incarnations of the land of Chenrezig, Buddhi Spivchuttya; stench narodzhuyutsya here to serve people. The recognition of the Dalai Lama Lhamo Dhondrub took a new name - Jetsun Jampel Ngawang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso. Among the possible translations of these numerical epithets: "Holy", "Lower Glory", "Great Merciful", "Protector of Vera", "Ocean of Wisdom". Tibetans call Yogo Yeshe Norbu - "Vseikonoyucha koshtovnіst" or simply Kundun - "Presence".

Zvedenny throne. 1940 rik

13th Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama was enthroned on February 22, 1940 near Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. After the invasion of Tibet by the Chinese communists in 1949-50s, the years of nine years were trying to achieve a peaceful connection with the Chinese government. Without enlisting the encouragement of Beijing, you should not be embarrassed to leave Lhasa on March 17, 1959, in order to find a place in India.

Dalai Lama with joke game

Young Dalai Lama.
Photo from Spencer Chapman's book "The Light of the Dalai Lama"


The Dalai Lama, having learned the traditional system of Tibet, had two official mentors - Ling Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche. The training program included "five great sciences" (logic, art and culture of Tibet, Sanskrit, medicine, Buddhist philosophy) and "five small" (poetry, music and dramatic art, astrology and literature).

The Dalai Lama proceeded to the beginning of the sixth grade and completed the training in twenty-five years, having finished the greater teachings of the steps of Geshe Lharamba (Doctor of Buddhist Philosophy). At twenty chotiri roki vin clave in advance to sleep at the three main monastic universities of Tibet: Drepung, Sirka and Ganden. The final drinks were held at the head temple of Lhasi at the hour of the school prayer festival Monlam Uzimka 1959. The stench passed in the presence of 20,000 vchenih-chentsiv.

The Dalai Lama with his mentors, Ling Rimpoche and Trijang Rimpoche

Kerіvnitstvo kraina

On the 17th of the fall of 1950, after I entered Tibet, the military people's army of the Volunteer Army to China, Yogo Holiness, who was then all 16 years old, to take on the political reins of embarrassment, becoming the head of the state in that order.

In 1954, they went to Peking to conduct peace talks with Mao Tse-tung and other Chinese leaders, including Jou En-laem and Deng Xiao-ping. In 1956, in view of India, as part of the celebration of the 2500th anniversary of Buddhi's people's day, we held low meetings with the Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, and the Prime Minister of China, Jou En-lai, for the discussion of the meeting.

Yogo susillya peacefully resolving the conflict in Tibet was brought on by Beijing's zhorstkoy policy in similar Tibet, as the people's praise was caused for itself. Rukh support shvidko expanded and on іnshі parts of Tibet. On February 10, 1959, in the capital of Tibet, Lhasa, the insurrection broke out unprecedentedly in its scope. Yogo participants vymagali China pіti z Tibet and solidified the independence of their land. The Tibetan people's rebellion was severely strangled by the Chinese army. Yogo Holiness having left Tibet and having taken away the political branch in India. Nearly 80 thousand Tibetans were behind him. Since 1960, the Dalai Lama has been living in the Indian town of Dharamsala, which is called “little Lhasa”. There, the headquarters of the order of Tibet at Vignanni was roztashovan.

The Dalai Lama, that Yogo young brother, on the way to vignannya. Berezen, 1959

Yogo Holiness is the death of the first Tibetan children of refugees near Dharamsala.
Ear of sixty

Vistup before the first settlers of Tibet pivdenny settlements.
The beginning of the sixteenth.

For the first time, Yogo Holiness was repeatedly sent to the Organization of the United Nations to prohanny about the blessing of spirituality to Tibet. As a result, the UN General Assembly adopted three resolutions (1959, 1961 and 1965) calling on China to respect the rights of the people in Tibet and to exalt Tibetans to self-appointment. Having formed a new order for Tibet from the Vignann, Yogo Svyatist bachiv pershochergovoe zavdannya from the survival of the Tibetans from the Vignann and the order of their culture. For this purpose, the settlements of the refugees of Tibet were founded, the main occupation was the agricultural state. The economic development and creation of the system of education brought the development of a new generation of children to Tibet, like a miracle to know their language, history, religion and culture. In 1959, a number of creations of the Tibet Institute of Drama Mystics (TIPA), as well as the Central Institute of Higher Tibetology, are a great starting point for Tibetans who live in India. For the preservation of the great choice of Buddhism in Tibet - the basis of the Tibetan way of life, over 200 monasteries were built in Vignann.

In 1963, Yogo Svyatist voted for a democratic constitution, founded on Buddhist principles and the Declaration of Human Rights as a model of a future free Tibet. Today the parliament of Tibet is formed on the basis of elections. Yogo Holiness constantly denounces the need for democratization of the Tibetan administration and repeatedly stating that after the victory of Tibet, you will not take any political post.

1987 at the National Congress of the United States for the rights of the people of the Dalai Lama hanging the Plan of the world from five points as the first step of creation in Tibet and the world. The plan of transferring the mass resettlement of the Chinese to Tibet, the recognition of the fundamental rights of the people and democratic freedoms, the assignment of China to the territory of Tibet as a place for the development of a nuclear strike and the destruction of nuclear exits, as well as the beginning of serious negotiations for the future of Tibet.

On March 15, 1988, near Strasbourg, hanging an extension of the "Five-Point Plan", propagating a democratic self-regulation in Tibet "at the union with the People's Republic of China."

On the 2nd of September 1991, the order of Tibet in Vygnanni denounces the Strasbourg proposition of the undying through the closeness and negative mood of the Chinese ceramics, which are hanging in Strasbourg's propositions.

On the 9th of November 1991, speaking at the Yelsk University in the USA, Yogo Holiness said that he wanted to see Tibet, so that he could assess the political situation that had developed with his own hands. “I’m already turbulent,” having said to Vin, “that this vibro-unsafe situation can cause spasms of violence. I want to do everything in my power to save everyone. ... My visit has become a new opportunity to reach the understanding of that creation of the basis for the development of a solution by way of negotiations.

Contacts in and out

Since 1967, the Holy Dalai Lama has risen in price at a low price in all five continents and has already visited 46 countries of the world at once. Russia Yogo Holiness has already seen this time: three times in the Radian period - in 1979, 1982 and 1986; later, in 1991 and 1992, the birth of the traditional Buddhist republics: Buryatia and Aginsky Autonomous Okrug, Tuva and Kalmikia. 1994 rock again visited Moscow, and 1996 rock saw Moscow on the way to Mongolia. At the leaf fall of 2004, after the decimal break, Yogo Holiness came from a short pastoral visit to the Buddhist republic of Kalmikia.

Yogo Holiness the Dalai Lama in Tashkent, 1982

Interreligious dialogue

Yogo Holiness the Dalai Lama was interviewed by Pope Paul VI at the Vatican in 1973. At a press conference in Rome in 1980, a group of wines expressed their hope for an interview with Ivan Paul II: “We live in a period of colossal crisis, in a period of sublime that shakes the world. It is impossible to know peace of mind, as there are no guarantees of safety and harmony among the peoples among peoples. The axis of why, with faith and hope, I check on the blessings of the Holy Father, so that we can exchange ideas and feelings and hear the judgment about those, so that we can open the door to peace and peace among the peoples among peoples.

The Dalai Lama spoke with Pope John Paul II at the Vatican in 1980, 1982, 1990, 1996 and 1999. In 1981, he was blessed with the Bishop of Canterbury Robert Rancy and other leaders of the Anglican Church. He also met with the leaders of the Islamic, Roman Catholic and Jewish churches and spoke at the congress of religious religions, where an inter-confessional service was held on this occasion.

“I always believe, - saying vin, - that it is richer more beautiful, that we have a broader scope of religions, a broader scope of philosophies, a lower one religion and philosophy. It is necessary through those that people think differently mentally sick. Skin religion has its own unique ideas and methods. Vivchayuchi їх, we will richly control the faith.

Zustrich the Dalai Lamy with the Pope of Rome.

Vision and reward

W 1973 roku, if Yogo Svyatіst Vpershe vіdvіdav Kraina sunset, bagato zarubіzhnih іnstitutіv that unіversitetіv prisudzhuvali Yomou that piled pochesnі vchenі stupenі to sign viznannya Yogo bliskuchih Prace s buddіyskoї fіlosofії that aktivnoї propaganda mіzhrelіgіynogo dіalogu, virіshennya mіzhnarodnih konflіktіv, food, pov'yazanih s torn down human rights. that zabrudnennyam navkolishny middle.

While presenting the Raoul Wallenberg Award to the Holy Holiness, Congressman Tom Lantos said: “May the struggle of the Holy One, the Dalai Lamas, speak of those who are the leading leader in the fight for the rights of the people and peace in the whole world. Yogo unnecessarily prazhnennya lay the end of the suffering people of Tibet for the help of peace negotiations and the policy of reconciliation with colossal masculinity and sacrifice.

Among the numerous awards, that honor, awarded to Yogo Holiness for his merit in the struggle for peace, that dotrimane rights of people: Philippine Magseiseya Prize (like the Nobel Prize of Asia); Albert Schweitzer Humanitarian Prize (New York, USA); Prize named after Dr. Leopold Lukas (Nimechchina); "Prize of Memory" (Daniel Mitterrand Foundation, France); “Cities for Leadership in the Sphere of Peacekeeping Activity” (Nuclear Century Foundation, USA); for the city "For Peace and Unity" (National Peace Conference, New Delhi, India) and the First Prize to the Sartorius Foundation (Nimechchina).

The fences of the remaining rocks

Nagorod "Akhimsa"
Institute of Jainology (London, UK)

US Congress Gold Medal
(Washington, USA)

Presidential Honorable Professorial Title
Emory University (Atlanta)

Honorary doctoral degree
University of Washington (Seattle, USA)

Honorary doctoral degree
London Metropolitan University (London, UK)

Honorary doctoral degree
Leahy University (Bethlehem, USA)

Nobel Peace Prize

The decision of the Norwegian Nobel Committee to award the Peace Prize to the Holy Dalai Lama called for the praise of all luminous spirituality (with a blame to China). The committee declared that “The Dalai Lama, in his struggle for the freedom of Tibet, is relentless in his opposition to violence. Vin calls for a peaceful solution, founded on tolerance and mutual respect, with a method of preserving the historical and cultural decay of his people.

In 1989, roci Yogo Svyatist won the Nobel Peace Prize
for the voice of the non-violent struggle for Tibetan freedom

On December 10, 1989, the year of Yogo Holiness, the Dalai Lama received the Nobel Prize in the name of all those who know the persecution, all who fight for freedom and practice in their world in the world, and also in the name of the people of Tibet. “This award,” Yogo Holiness declared, “confirms our persecution from the one who leaves the truth, masculinity and daring Tibet to achieve forgiveness. Our struggle can be non-violent and free in the form of hatred.

Yogo Svyatist also sent words of encouragement to the democratic movement, like students in China: “In the black fate of the people’s democratic movement in China, there is a lot of strangulation. But I do not think that the protest demonstrations did not bear fruit, for the spirit of freedom has once again vanished into the hearts of the Chinese people, and China cannot stand before this spirit of freedom, which today has overwhelmed many parts of the world. The male students of those hoarders showed the Chinese curiosity and the whole world the appearance of right humanism, the power of this great nation.

Simple Buddhist black

Yogo Holiness often says: "I am just a simple Buddhist monk, no more, no less." Vіn vede zhittya buddіyskogo chentsya. At Dharamsala, we roll about the 4th wound, meditate, read prayers and watch a long schedule of official sermons, audiences, religious presentations and ceremonies. We end the day with a prayer. Keeping in mind the inquiries about the spirit of one’s spirit, one often induces one’s loves to chotirivirsh from the practice of the famous Buddhist saint Shantideva:

As long as there is space,
As long as you live, live
Come to the world and I will be left alone
Citizen rozsіyuvati іmlu.

Gloomy days of Tibet. Tsaparong. Western Tibet

View of the Potala, the winter palace of the Dalai Lamy from Chakpori mountain

Ngagwang Lovzang Tenzin Gyamtsho; Tib. བསྟན་འཛིན་རྒྱ་མཚོ་; im'ya at the people - Lhamo Dhondrub

spiritual leader of followers of Buddhism in Tibet

short biography

Yogo Holiness Dalai Lama XIV Tenzin Gyatso (Ocean Utrimuvach Vchennya) was born on 6 lime 1935 (the river of the Pig Tree is a symbol of the Tibet calendar) in a small village under the name of Taktser in the Dokham district at a pivine gathering in Tibet. Yogo father Choykyon Tsering and mother Sonam Tsomo (his name was changed to Diki Tsering) were simple villagers. During the people's reign, youmu was given the name Lhamo Dhondrup. In his autobiography “My land and my people,” Yogo Holiness writes: “As if I was born in a rich aristocratic family, I would not have been able to adopt those feelings of the greatest Tibetans. But before my simple adventure, I can understand them, convey their thoughts, and for that very reason I speak to them so much and always try to do everything to make it easier for me.

In 1909 p. The Dalai Lama XIII started the hour of pilgrimage by the monks, who tied Zhe Tsonghava, seeing the village of Taktser. Vіn voiced on the beautiful month and said that he wanted to turn back there again. Have 1937 r. a special group of lamas came to the village of Taktser, as if whispering about the new rebirth of the Dalai Lamy. At his book “My land and my people” the Dalai Lama XIV said: “Little children, like rebirths, ring out to remember the speeches of people from their past lives. The deyakі from them can read religious texts, even though no one else can learn it. Everything that I said to the lama gave you an idea of ​​the fact that you know you are reborn, like a joke. After the repeated trials of the chotiriric Lhamo Dhondrup, it was recognized by the Reborn Dalai Lamy XIII. Hidny district of Tibet, de bulo village of Taktser, under the control of China. After three tribunal negotiations between the order of Tibet and the municipal administration, in Zhovtni 1939 p. Yogo Holiness leaving the houses of his fathers and straightening up to Lhasa. The ceremony of enthronement to the throne took place on February 22, 1940.

Yogo Svyatist Tenzin G'yatso started following the traditional system in Potala and Nor-bu Ling, his winter and summer residences Yogo Svyatist small two official mentors - Yongzin Ling Rinpoche and Yongzin Trichang Rinpoche. Yogo's program included "five great" and "five small sciences" "Five great sciences" - logic, art and culture of Tibet, Sanskrit, medicine, Buddhist philosophy. "Five small sciences" - poetry, music and dramatic art, astrology and literature. At the 24th anniversary of Yogo, Holiness laid down in front of him to sleep on the steps of the Doctor of Theology in three great monastic universities: Drepung (founded in 1416), Sera (1419), Gan-den (1409). The final drink of Vin was stored at the Jokhang - the first Buddhist Tibetan temple, founded in 641 rots. The souls were traditionally consecrated to the novice monk Monlam, the greatest prayer saint. Zranka on the day of examination V_n having put together a drink from the logic of thirty vchenih. At the other half of the day, Yogo Holiness took part in the philosophical debate of fifteen years. Evenings of thirty-five years were examining Yogo for the black discipline of metaphysics. Yogo Holiness bliskushe slav іspit in the presence of 20,000 chants and having taken the title of Doctor of Divinity (Geshe Lharamba).

In 1949 the Tibetan-Chinese blues brightened sharply. The Chinese order came across the fact that Tibet is part of China. Hearing the thought of his people, the Dalai Lama wrote: "From 1912 to the fatal 1950, Tibet is de facto a power, independent of any other power, and our status remains the same as in 1912." Have 1950 r. the Chinese troops moved to Skhidnoy Tibet, which further aggravated the situation. July 26, 1950 MZS India sent the following note to Beijing: “At once, if the Chinese order having invaded Tibet, it is hardly possible to negotiate peacefully with these pods, and, obviously, part of the Tibetans will be afraid that the negotiations will go under pressure. With the current state of affairs, the invasion of Chinese troops to Tibet cannot be viewed otherwise as a rotting podia, as it does not please the interests of China itself in the enriched world in the region. So you respect the Indian order.

Have 1956 r. The supremacy session of the Tibetan National Assembly turned back to Yogo Holiness, which was 16 years old at the same time, to take upon itself the entirety of spiritual and secular power. Having collapsed the Buddhist idea of ​​non-violence, Vin dedicating himself to fight the world, flourish Buddhism and do good to the Tibetan people. The Dalai Lama XIV writes at his book "My land and my people": "I am a successor of the church of non-violence, as before it was preached by the Buddha, whose wisdom is absolute and unparalleled. The church was practiced by the prominent hromada fiend of India, Saint Mahatma Gandiva. I will categorically “I will try to turn our freedom for help.” In 1954, the priests of Yogo Holiness saw China on the request of the Chinese order. -Minister of China, Jou En-laem, to discuss the situation that has developed in Hidden Tibet. .

The Dalai Lama left Tibet on 10 Birch, 1959, in Lhasa, there were zbroyni essences between the supporters of the Chinese army and the local population. To get rid of the bloodshed. Yogo Holiness, as a vision of the concept of non-violence, was afraid to leave Lhasa. A number of the people of India welcomed the Dalai Lama and seventy thousand hundred spiritual followers. Since 1960, Yogo Holiness lives in India, near the city of Dharamsala (Himachal Pradesh). This place is often called "Little Lhasa". Yoy Svyatіst Robiv і Rob all Mozdliva, Schob in Іndії zebegesti SKARBI Tibetskiї zivіlіzatsії, Yaka Bula Zhizhni Snizhnya in Tibeti in Perigod s 1955 to 1979 Rіk: 99% Monastiriv Bulo Srumenovannoye, Vincheznoye Nezlіchennі Tori Buddian Mussettva, Trivaly religion itself was a fence.

On the vіdmіnu vіd vіd svoіh poderdnikіv Yogo Holiness has richly risen in price with the lands of the Descent and the Sunset. Vіdvіdav 41 kraїnu, zustrichavsya іz politіchnymi іyachі, clergy, ііyachі culture, businessmen. De b Vin did not speak out, Vin spoke about his loyalty to the same people, about the feat of the skin of a person for a share of the whole world. In 1973, the Dalai Lama was married to Pope Paul VI, and he was born to Pope Ivan Paul II.

Since seventy years, since the Dalai Lama XIV, having become stronger than ever to the edge of Sunset, the glory of a prominent and great fighter for peace has stuck behind Him. Yogo Svyatist having seen 17 of his books, including practical work on Buddhist philosophy and autobiographical drawings, promotions and articles. The rich universities of the world gave Yomu the title of honorary Doctor for Yogo practice of Buddhist philosophy.

Yogo Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV attaches respect to the whole world with his modesty and the idea of ​​non-violence. Vіn always stood up for mutual understanding between peoples and followers of different religions of the world. In his famous promo “Zahalna vіdpovіdalіstі і mercy” (1973), Vіn said: “The need for simple things between people is becoming more and more necessary… National problems cannot be solved by one country alone. In this rank, there is no sense of special responsibility for all, it is a threat to our survival. As a matter of fact, the responsibility is for all - it is the same to consider the suffering of other people just as you are to consider your own suffering. It is necessary to understand that our enemies are destroying the idea of ​​happiness. We are alive and want what we want and want.” More than once, Yogo Zusilla was appointed as special cities in the struggle for freedom and peace.

Biography from Wikipedia

Dalai Lama XIV (Ngagwang Lovzang Tenjin Gyamtsho, Tib. བསྟན་འཛིན་རྒྱ་མཚོ་; rd. Lipnya 6, 1935, Taktser, Qinghai, Republic of China) - the spiritual leader of followers of Buddhism in Tibet. Laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize (1989). In 2007, the awards were awarded to the largest city in the United States - the Gold Medal to Congress. Until April 27, 2011, the fate of Tibet was also changed by Vignanna (yogo change by Lobsang Sangai).

Dalai Lama XIV, Tenzin G'yamtsho, spiritual leader of the people of Tibet. Buddhists believe in Tibet that the Dalai Lamas are instilled in the earth by Avalokiteshvari (Chenrezi), the Bodhisattva of Spivchuttya; stench narodzhuyutsya here to serve people. Recognition of the Dalai Lama Lhamo Dhondrub taking a new name Zhetsun Chjampel Ngagwang Yeshe Tenzin Gyamtsho.

Early rock

The Dalai Lama XIV was born on June 6, 1935 in a poor rural homeland in the small and poor village of Taktser, planted on a hillock above a wide valley at a beer gathering in Tibet in the province of Amdo. Nin_ ts_ zeml_ enter the warehouse of the Chinese province of Qinghai. Yogo father Choykyon Tsering ta mati Sonam Tsomo (his name was changed to Diki Tsering), like and 20 families of the village (including a few ethnic Chinese), were engaged in the cultivation of wheat, wheat and potatoes. Nine of my brothers and sisters died in early childhood. In the presence of people's wines, having taken away the name of Lhamo Thondup (“the goddess, as a victorious woman.” In Tibet, when choosing names, it is not safe to become a child; Lhamo buv nine out of sixteen children with this family (lived - with them). Yogo's elder sister Tsering Drolma. The elder brother, Thubten Jigme Norbu, was recognized as the reincarnation of the high lamas Taktser Rinpoche, and later became the rector of one of the most famous monasteries in Tibet - Kumbum. Another brother, Lobsang Samten, also became Cheng. In his autobiography “My land and my people”, the XIV Dalai Lama writes: “I was born into a wealthy aristocratic family, I could not be taken over by the feelings and inspirations of the best Tibetans. Ale, before my simple adventure, I can understand them, convey their thoughts, and for that very reason I speak to them so much and always try to do everything to make it easier for me.

In 1909, the Dalai Lama XIII, who started a pilgrimage to the holy places, saw the village of Taktser. Vіn voiced on the beautiful month and said that he wanted to turn around here again. In 1937, after the death of the 13th Dalai Lama, a special group of lamas came to the village of Taktser to hear the news. After repeated trials (Zokrema, if you were shown various relics and toys of the Dalai-Lami's successor, he said: This is mine, this is mine!) courtier Lhamo Thondrub buv of recognition of the reincarnation of his successor. The Dalai Lama XIV himself is aware that not all incarnations of the Dalai Lamas were correct. Vіn opevneniya, є vіlennyam Dalai Lama V (who in Tibet is called for the merits of the "Great Pyatiy"), shards in the childhood of the Vіn mav even richly naskravih dreams, po'yazanih z tsim past lives.

Hidny district of Tibet, de bulo village of Taktser, under the control of China. After three successful negotiations between the order of Tibet and the municipal administration, on 10 April 1939, the 4-river Lhamo at the warehouse of the great caravan from the Batkiv's booth straight to the capital of Tibet. After 3 months, near Zhovtni 1939, the caravan arrived in Lhasa.

The Junius Dalai Lama was known as an Austrian climber and a writer, a member of the National Socialist Party and an SS officer Heinrich Harrer, who lived this fate in Tibet after the flight from British India. Harrer richly spoke to the Dalai Lamas, who at that time had 11 fates, about the Western lands, which were still marvelous for the Tibetans. This fact is vindicated by current Chinese propaganda as a “proof” of the connection between Tibet and the Nazis, even though the Dalai Lama himself later said that at that time he did not know anything about the Nazis.

Zvedennya to the throne that vignannya

The Dalai Lama ascended the throne on February 22, 1940 in Lhasa, the capital of the state of Tibet. After the invasion of Tibet by Chinese communists in 1949 and in the 1950s, and its praise, Satisfy Tibet for peaceful settlement in 1951, after nine years of trying to achieve peace with the central government of the PRC. After the strangulation of the anti-Chinese insurrection in the night of March 17, 1959, the fate of knowing a corner in India. I have been living in Dharamsala (state of Himachal Pradesh) for the last hour, where I am in charge of Tibet with Vignanna.


The Dalai Lama started from six to twenty-five years in the form of the people in order to take the greatest steps geshe lharamba("Doctor of Buddhist Philosophy"). At the twenty-twenty rokiv vin clave to sleep in the three leading monastic Tibetan universities: Drepunge, Seri and Gandeni. The final drink was spent at the head temple of Lhasi at the hour of the prayer holy-day (monlam) of the 1959 year. The Dalai Lama's exam day is a short day, having summed up the logic of thirty tests. At the other half of the day, I took part in a philosophical debate with fifteen years. Evenings of thirty-five classes were examining yoga for the black discipline of metaphysics. The Dalai Lama famously clapped us to sleep in the presence of over 20,000 chents and took off the title of geshe-lharambi.

Kerіvnitstvo Tibet

In 1949, the Tibetan-Chinese blues became brighter. The Chinese order came across the fact that Tibet is part of China. The Dalai Lama wrote: "From 1912 to the fatal 1950 fate of Tibet de facto as a power, an independent one, whether it be another power, and our status is left to him, who is in 1912. On the 17th leaf fall of 1950, the fate of the People's Volunteer Army went to China to Skhidnoy Tibet, which further aggravated the situation. On July 26, 1950, MZS India sent the following note to Beijing: With the current state of affairs, the invasion of Chinese troops to Tibet cannot be viewed otherwise as a rotting podia, as it does not please the interests of China itself in the enriched world in the region. So respect the Indian order. At the same time, the rotation of the supra-divine session of the Tibetan National Assembly turned back to the fifteenth anniversary of the Dalai Lama to take on himself the entirety of spiritual and secular power. On the 17th leaf fall, 1950, the life of the Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyamtsho came to the throne of the spiritual and secular ruler of Tibet.

In 2001, for the first time in history, a democratic election was held in Tibet for the planting of Kalon Tripa (Prime Minister). In 2007, the Dalai Lama said in an interview at the Opening Day of Moscow that after the election of political ceremonies at the hour of the national election of wines, he was "half at the meeting." Thus, having expressed the thought that in the upcoming transitions the Dalai Lama will not be a political leader, and the savings of the Dalai Lama Institute will be left to the people of Tibet.

On the eve of 2011, the Dalai Lama announced about the release of political ceramics to Tibet.

At the end of 2012, the Dalai Lama once again voiced that, contrary to the statements of the Chinese government, not the independence of Tibet, but advocated for its democratic autonomy at the warehouse of the PRC. “I repeat: we are not pragmatic about independence, we are not pragmatic about independence.” On the official thought of the Chinese side, the Dalai Lama is “a political bastard, who prodovzh 3rd hour under the sign of religion, led the activity, directed to split China.”

Ahimsi zone. Healthy Nobel Prize for the World

At the spring of 1987, the Dalai Lama propagated a political program under the name Ahimsi zone or Light zone(eng. Zone of Ahimsa), which is used in expansion "I will renew the demilitarized zone of non-violence, which will propagate Tibet on the back of the hand, until the earth's backyard is expanded". The program says that Tibet is like light zone bude zvіlneniy vіd be-any vidіv zbroї ta be a place of harmonious spіvіsnuvannya people and nature.

For hanging on the plan, as they call it, the “middle way” the Dalai Lama XIV was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace at the same time in 1989. Nobel Committee commemorating the end of the Dalai Lama's protest against violence in the struggle for freedom in Tibet in the face of Chinese occupation and yoga “constructive and far-sighted propositions for the resolution of international conflicts, nourishment of human rights and global environmental problems”.

Inspection of Russia

The Dalai Lama saw Russia in 1979, 1982, 1986, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996 and 2004. The visit of 2004 was separated by two days before Elista.

Pіslya tsogo ISM RF vіdmovilo in v'їznіy vіzі Dalai lamі, motivuyuchi tse neobhіdnіstyu "oblіku zovnіshnopolіtichnogo background" i "vsієї sukupnostі rosіyskih іnteresіv" and takozh scho vіdvіduvannya Russie spirituality lіderom buddistіv Tibet "Bulo b Especially bolіsno spriynyato Pekіnom in ninіshnomu rotsі h Let the Chinese win at the Other World War.

In 2009, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergiy Lavrov said that he was ready to look at the possibility of a pastoral visit by the Dalai Lamas to Russia, and that for such a visit in the future there are no reshkods. At the same hour, during the upcoming marches to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Russian Buddhists were informed at the visa for the Dalai Lamas. Regardless of those who, in 2012, the Dalai Lama took all political functions from himself, and now he is no longer a political scientist of the Central Administration of Tibet (in exile), but only a spiritual leader of Buddhism, and a political leader of the church.


Setting up science

The Dalai Lama promotes scientific experiments in cloning people (as if the stench brings melancholy to specific people), but speaks out against the expansion of such practices. The Dalai Lama does not see the possibility of relying on a computer basis.

International problems

In 1998, Christopher Hitchens wrote that Shoko Asahara, who was the founder of Aum Sinrike, handed over 45 million rupiah (or 140 million yuan, or 1.2 million US dollars) to the Dalai Lama XIV (or 1.2 million US dollars), for the wine growing zustrіchami on the greater river. In 2010, the British newspaper Independent, pointing to this fact, also meant that the Dalai Lama had always reproached himself for those who supported Aum Sinrike and that leader.

In early 2015, the 14th Dalai Lama stated about the need for a dialogue with terrorist groups of the “Islamic State”: We can’t have another way.”

The Dalai Lama XIV in Literature, Cinema and Music

  • Tell me about your seventh meeting with the Dalai Lama XIV Austrian mandriving, climber and writer Heinrich Harrer, describing the book "Sim Rocks in Tibet", transcribed by 53 language of the world. In 1997, after a series of books, a film of the same name was made by Brad Pitt in the lead role.
  • In 1997, on the screen, there is also the famous film "Kundun" directed by Martin Scorsese, which received 4 nominations for "Oscar".
  • The band Rammstein in the album Reise, Reise has the song "Dalai Lama (Flugsangst)" - the name is translated from German as "Dalai Lama (Fear of benefits)" - a song about the legendary fear of the Dalai Lama XIV litati.
  • In the novel “Aje stink, they appreciate it, don’t they?” writer Christopher Buckley, in which the author constructs American-Chinese blueprints in 2012, if super-warfare is created in the United States and a bit about the Dalai Lamas’ turmoil is released by the Chinese special services.
  • The book of David Michi "The Kit of the Dalai Lamy" describes the history of a koshenka from the netherlands of New Delhi and life as a home lover of the Dalai Lamy. The plot of "The Guts of the Dalai Lamy" was foreshadowed, not based on real podias, but it is not possible to know the readers from the Dalai Lamy XIV, who is one of the original creations.


English bibliography

  • "My Land and My People", Potala Publications, New York, 1962
  • "The Opening of the Wisdom Eye", The Theosophical Publishing House, Illinois, 1966
  • "Buddhism to Tibet and the Key to the Middle Way" - translated by Jeffrey Hopkins and Lati Rinpoche, Wisdom Publication, London, 1975
  • "Universal Responsibility and the Good Heart", Doctors of the Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala, 1977
  • "Advice from Buddha Shakyamuni", Library of Tibetan Works & Archives, Dharamsala, 1982
  • "Collective Powers, Interviews and Stats", Department of Information and International News, Dharamsala, 1982
  • "Four Essential Buddhist Commentaries", Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala, 1982
  • Kindness, Clarity and Insight, translated and edited by Jeffery Hopkins, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1984
  • "Kalachakra Tantra Rite of Initiation", H.H. the Dalai Lama and Jeffrey Hopkins, Wisdom Publication, Boston, 1985
  • "Recording an Eye on New Aggression", translated by Donald S. Lopez with Jeffrey Hopkins, Wisdom Publication, London, 1985
  • "The Bodhgaya Interviews", edited by Jose Ignacio Cabezon, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, New York, 1988
  • The Dalai Lama at Harvard, translated and edited by Jeffery Hopkins, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1988
  • Transcendent Wisdom, translated, edited & annotated by B. Alan Wallace, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1988
  • "The Union of Bliss & Emptiness". Thupten Jinpa, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1988
  • "Ocean Of Wisdom", Clear Light Publications, New Mexico, 1989
  • "Global Community & Need for Universal Responsibility", Wisdom Publications, Boston, 1990
  • "The Meaning of Life", translated by Jeffrey Hopkins, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1990
  • My Tibet, H.H. Dalai Lama & Galen Rowell, University of California Press, 1990
  • "The Nobel Peace Prize and Dalai Lama", folded and edited by Sidney Piburn, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1990
  • "Policy of Kindness", folded and edited by Sidney Piburn, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1990
  • "Changing Life in the Buddhist Perspective", transcribed and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins, Wisdom Publications, Boston, 1993
  • "Mind Science - An East - West Dialogue" - by H.H. Dalai Lama with Herbert Benson, Robert A. Thurman, Howard E. Gardner, Daniel Goleman, Wisdom Publications, USA, 1991
  • "Path to Bliss", Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1991
  • "Freedom in Exile", Harper Collins, New York, 1991
  • "Words of Truth", Wisdom Publications, Boston, 1993
  • "A Flash of Lightning in the Dark of Night", Shambala Publications, Boston, 1994
  • "Awakening the Mind, Lightening the Heart", edited by John Avedon & Donald S. Lopez, Harper Collins, 1995
  • "Comments on the Thirty-Six Practices of the Bodhisattva", translations into Akar nimim Tsering, edited by Vyvyan Cayley and Mike Gilmore, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala, 1995
  • Dialogues on Universal Responsibility & Education, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala, 1995
  • "Dimensions of Spirituality", Snow Lion Publication, Ithaca, 1995
  • "Essential Teachings", 1995
  • "His Holiness the Dalai Lama Speeches Statements Articles Interviews from 1987 to June 1995", Department of Information and International Affairs, Dharamsala, 1995
  • "The Path to Enlightenment".
  • "The Power of Compassion", Harper Collins, India, 1995
  • "The Spirit of Tibet: Universal Heritage - Selected Speeches and Writings", edited by A.A. Shiromany, Tibetan Parliamentary and Policy Research Center, New Delhi, 1995
  • "Violence & Compassion/Power of Buddhism", H.H. the Dalai Lama with Jean Claude Carriere, Doubleday, New York, 1995
  • "Yoga Tantra Paths to Magical Seats", H.H. Dalai Lama, Dzong-ka-ba and Jeffery Hopkins, Snow Lion Publication, Ithaca, 1995
  • "The Way to Freedom", edited by John Avedon & Donald S. Lopez, Harper Collins, New Delhi, 1995
  • "The World of Tibetan Buddhism", translated, edited and annotated by Dr. Thupten Jinpa, Wisdom Publications, Boston, 1995
  • "Beyond Dogma", Souvenir Press Ltd., London, 1996
  • "The Good Heart - Buddhist Perspective on Teachings of Jesus", Wisdom Publications, Boston, 1996
  • "The Gelug / Kagyu Tradition of Mahamudra" - H.H. the Dalai Lama & Alexander Berzin, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1997
  • "Healing Anger: Power of Patience from the Buddhist Perspective", translated by Dr. Thupten Jinpa, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1997
  • "The Heart of Compassion", Foundation for Universal Responsibility, Delhi, India, 1997
  • "The Joy of Living and Dying in Peace", edited by John Avedon & Donald S. Lopez, Harper Collins, New Delhi, 1997
  • "Love, Kindness and Universal Responsibility", Paljor Publications, New Delhi, 1997
  • "Sleeping, Dreaming and Dying", edited and narrated by Francisco Varela, Wisdom Publications, Boston, 1997
  • The Art of Happiness, H.H. Dalai Lama & Howard C. Cutler, Riverhead Books, New York, 1998
  • "The Four Noble Truths", transcribed by Dr. Thupten Jinpa, edited by Dominique Side & Dr. Thupten Jinpa, Thorsons, London, 1998
  • The Path to Tranquility. Daily Meditations, compiled and edited by Renuka Singh, Penguin Books, New Delhi, 1998
  • "The Political Philosophy of Yoga English Movie Dalai Lama-Selected Speeches and Writings", edited by A.A. Shiromany, Tibetan Parliamentary and Policy Research Center, New Delhi, 1998
  • "Ancient Wisdom, Modern World - Ethics for New Millennium", Little Brown and Company, London, 1999
  • "Consciousness at Crossroads - Conversations with the Dalai Lama on Brain Science and Buddhism", Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca, 1999
  • "The Heart of the Buddha's Path", translated by Dr. Thupten Jinpa, edited by Dominique Side & Dr. Thupten Jinpa, Thorsons, London, 1999
  • "The Little Book of Buddhism", compiled and edited by Renuka Singh, Penguin Books, New Delhi, 1999
  • "Training the Mind", Wisdom Publications, Boston, 1999
  • The Dalai Lama's Book of Transformation, Thorson Publications, London, 2000
  • "A Simple Path", Thorson Publications, London, 2000
  • "Transforming the Mind", translated by Dr. Thupten Jinpa, edited by Dominique Side & Dr. Thupten Jinpa, Thorsons, London, 2000
  • "An Open Heart", edited by Nicholas Vreeland, Little Brown and Company, New York, 2001
  • “Steps from Meditation”, translated by Geshe Lobsang Jordhen, Lobsang Choephel Ganchenpa and Jeremy Russell, Snow Lion, Ithaca, 2001
  • "Advice on Dying", translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins, Random House, London, 2002
  • "Essence of the Heart Sutra", Wisdom Publications, Boston, 2002
  • "How to Practice", translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins, Simon & Schuster, New York, 2002
  • "Illuminating the Path to Enlightenment", Thubten Dhargye Ling, Long Beach, 2002
  • "The Compassionate Life", Wisdom Publications, Boston, 2003
  • "Warm Heart Open Mind", Dalai Lama Trust NZ, 2003
  • "365 Dalai Lama Daily Advice in Dovkilla", edited by Mathieu Ricard, Element, London, 2003
  • "Many Ways to Nirvana", Penguin Books, India, 2004
  • The New Physics and Cosmology: Dialogues with the Dalai Lama / edited and narrated by Arthur Zajonc with assistance of Zara Houshmand. - 1st edition. - Oxford University Press, 2004. - 264 p. - (The Mind and Life Series).
  • "The Wisdom of Forgiveness", H.H. the Dalai Lama and Victor Chan, Riverhead Books, New York, 2004
  • "The Universe in a Single Atom - The Convergence of Science and Spirituality", Morgan Road Books, New York, 2005

Bibliography of Russian language

  • Dalai Lama XIV. My land is my people. - 1962.
  • Dalai Lama XIV. Tibetan Buddhism. – 1990.
  • Dalai Lama XIV. Freedom for the wicked. – 1992.
  • Dalai Lama XIV. Politics of kindness. Collection. - 1996.
  • World of Buddhism Tibet. - St. Petersburg: Nartang, 1996. - 226 p.
  • Dalai Lama XIV. The art of buti is happy. - 1999., co-authored with Professor Howard K. Cutler
  • Dalai Lama XIV. Ethics for the new thousand. – 2001.
  • Dalai Lama XIV. Harvard Lectures. – 2003.
  • Dalai Lama XIV. Zhalyugidne life. Way to life, povnogo sensu. – 2003/2004.
  • Dalai Lama XIV. Open your heart. – 2004.
  • Dalai Lama XIV. The power of sleep. – M.: Vіdkritiy svit, 2005. – 192 p. - (Samadhi). - 4000 copies.
  • Dalai Lama XIV. Good heart. Talk to the Dalai Lama about marriage

As everyone knows, Yogo Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV (vin Ngagwang Lovzang Tenzin Gyamtsho) lives not in Tibet, but in the Indian Himalayas near the town of Dharmsala.
Moreover, the sack is not one, but with numerous successors, who stomped around here at once, or behind him.

So in the middle of India, a small piece of Tibet has become. To marvel at the destination, the number of backpackers come miraculously. The deyakі, having taken over the holiness of the city, are left for a month, as if not longer. For them, they made a sprig of dozens of hotels and styles of restaurants, all for fidelity, entwined with a hundred or two souvenir trays.
Thus, instructed by Dharmsaloy, a settlement appeared with the ambiguous Scottish name MacLeod Ganj.
In my opinion, one of the best places in the Himalayas, the same in all India - such a Himalayan Goa, de nudguvati not happen.

the flavor of Tibet and the beauty of nature are multiplied by the wildly relaxing atmosphere.

From the skin of the new country I have seen, I am more and more aware of the Duma, that India itself is the best country for independent people who are more expensive. Not for prices, obviously, but for stained nerves.

Therefore, if India comes to a Tibetan guesthouse, the staff speaks normal English, checks you into a room in 30 seconds and every once in a couple of hours, the conversation does not try to fool you (I’ve replaced the word, here I can use another word), but I’m just thinking believe.

Let's go to a local restaurant and for 2 hours we'll take a spell. With the most beautiful hedgehog. And I want to cry now for happiness and kiss all the well-wishing Tibetans.

Here you can live tizhnem. It’s time to go to the service to the monastery, in the daytime you roam the mountains, and in the evening you will marvel at the novelties of Hollywood in the mass video salon. In the city of kіlka kіlka іz miraculous dobirkoy, pіvduzhinі Internet cafes... What else is required for happiness?

To my mind, I again took Dharmsali along the road to Manali, I could not stop here for one more day.
Not to try and get in touch with the Dalai Lama. I do not want to go back to the camp of Triund.

And once again, visit the restaurant at my guesthouse with a portion of spaghetti with porcini mushroom sauce (variety = 1 dollar). First of all, marveling at how the sun set in to gild the snowmen of the Himalayas.
This is my best guess about India.

And now, as the famous joke said - pictures (photo by my ta Mikiti):

The axis of the budinochok, which is guessed by the district council near the deaf province, is nothing like the Parliament-Tibet-u-Wignann.

the axis plate is bigger, so no one can believe it

Dalai Lama serve service here

Ale is rare to finish. Spilling with him is more foldable, less fun. But if you put yourself behind the meta and stock up for an hour, then you can.

Prayer drums are installed everywhere here. Turning - reading automatically a bunch of mantras.

The bigger the drum, the bigger the mantras can be read per turn.

The drummers show the correct daytime of a person (please match with the front photo).

The most drums - the number of temples.

Pray to walk in single file and twist leather. For me, after such a promenade, my hand was lifted.

Pray at the temple.

Internal improvement.

Cheerful such a religion

Praportsi - tse also mantri. You їх chitaєsh just passing by.

On the fireplace - tezh mantry.

More practical. I went to the market for potatoes. I prayed.

The place is small, but it burns near with inexhaustible possibilities to choose a stitch.

Foxes have a lot of wild mawp. Invisibly bachiti among conifers.

Especially the garna of the stitch to the Triund camp, the stars storm the Indhra pass, which leads to Manali.

Vlitka through the passes to the next few months, it’s easier to go without a hitch, or take a bus.

Ale, for example, the grass of the pass was covered with snow. Move the icemaker until the stitches go down.

Vіd Triund vіdkrivаєtsya just glaringly looking.

So I want to spend the night here - even if it’s a lie without a hmar, it’s still worse.

Being in Dharmsala, they went on a march, calling the Chinese detachment to return the Panchen Lama stolen by him.

Briefly, the gist is this. The Panchen Lama is the one who robs the new Dalai Lama. More precisely, do not choose, but point to yoga rebirth. What one, who else lives forever, simply at the death of one wearer, they will move into the body of incapacity.

The problem is that the little Panchen Lamu named after Gedhun Chok'ї Nim won the Chinese order and "knows" the new Panchen Lama - the boy named Gyailtsen Norbu.

The rest of the waving of the pro-Chinese soul, how to be afraid of the Vignans of Tibet, seems, after the death of the Dalai Lama XIV, on the one whom you ask.

The Dalai Lama, having formed himself and voiced that the new Panchen Lama is an impostor and started, like such a parsley, then he will not be reborn on the territory of China, otherwise we will not be reborn. Movlyav, the Institute of the Dalai Lama has conquered his mission.
From cіkavistu sіdkuєmo for the development of the conflict.

More importantly, the Panchen Lama was sacked for 1995, and we spent it on a march in honor of the 10th anniversary.

Everyday the screams went out. It's just that people quietly walked through the candles and rose.
In my opinion, the best form of protest. Ours (like at the paws, so without) bi pochitisya.

Nasamkinets - vernacular Tibet from the point of view of the Tibetans themselves. Pair, on a permit, behind a map, on the scale of the vin more for the autonomous region, from the Chinese ATD


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