Icons of the patron saints of sim. Family well-being and love with a holy icon

Icons of the patron saints of sim. Family well-being and love with a holy icon

For saving happiness, that prosperity in the booth needs an icon for family well-being, that kokhannya. One of these icons is the image of St. John the Baptist. Vіn zdatny pozbavit be-such a sickness, help to know how a man is, so a woman is happy. As if among friends, blame the discord, varto turn around with prayer to the Holy One, and everything is revered quickly and anew between the person and the retinue of the vinike outside the mind.

General information

Holy icon, which guards the family - the best patron of the booth. It’s even more important for him, that the skin sim’s won’t be present. For example, you can also use the image of the Great Martyr George the Victorious.

At the booth, de tsey image, zavzhd panuє family dobrobut. George the Pobedonosets takes care of his family and, in case of victorious important situations, becomes the head helper of the cherry.

It is not without reason that people are praised by information about those like an icon - the patroness of this symbol, and like it is called by Orthodoxy. Adzhe won't really have the strength and the building to help the virishenni be-any family meals. At the booth, de є tsey image, there is a reaction, what is dashing just to crush this sim'yu. She is especially welcome to quiet homelands, de children.

It is customary to honor the image of Peter and Fevronia with such an icon. Same stench є patrons sim'ї ta slubu. Peter and Fevroniya were Orthodox saints, their union was deeply respected by the Christian church. And to that same їhnє guise was taken to protect and save this.

Pluses and minuses

Vshanovuyut Peter and Fevronia 8 linden. In times of blame for serious scandals and weldings, it is customary to pray to the icon itself. If prayer emerges from the depths of the soul, from the heart itself with faith, then all problems and incomprehensible things will be cleared up:

  1. And you can also come to the prohannyam at the prayer form for help in the ryatuvannі vіd zlidnіv lih.
  2. If the sickness of the child is in the family, it is simply necessary to pray to the Holy couple and the little one of the building at the next hour to dress.

They were depressed, if in their own children they were ill for a non-violent ailment, and there was less faith and the prayer of the fathers to St.

At bagatioh sіm'yakh vіdbuvayutsya pobutovі welding and discord. Hours between couples begin to feel on the ground that they are almost chilled. To encourage them, you can turn around with the prayer of St. Fevronia.

Icon of Sims, love and fidelity help to suffocate a woman and a man half one and one. Tim himself establishes a spiritual connection between his friends. It’s rich who cares that for the help of prayers, you can kill a person and yourself win a new zamіzh.

Tse lisher pardon. The icon of Sims, the love and fidelity of the building is to help only the Sims, for whom the moment of crisis has come, but not to bewitch.

Turbo about children

Icon for well-being in the family - happy child. It's really so! Adzhe vіd vіd vіd vіd vіd vіd vіd vіd vіd vіd і darling і people suffer є є sampered us the child herself. If you don’t care about someone else, but the child herself worries more about her fathers, even the fathers themselves. For a child, it’s even more important that that mom was instructed. The decals of the problem are serious, the moment of separation is coming and the child's psyche is traumatized.

Varto zupinitsya and simply in the form of a prayer turn up to Peter and Fevronia, and the prayer will always be honored. Moreover, this icon not only grants the world that well-being, but also helps to solve financial problems. For example, they didn’t understand on the robots, they stopped paying for their calls. Pray in the Holy and next hour your problems will be resolved. It will help you to show up in what, it is possible, to become more beautiful and pay without hiccups, because we need to find a better place to work.

Have sim'ї, de є ikona, panuє peace and tranquility. Children vihovuvatimutsya at the kohanna and turbot of both fathers.

It is also important to remember the simple rules:

  • importantly, that the icon was not just in the house, but that the faith of that love was pure in the soul;
  • you can’t ask the Saints about those who have become nasty chi vinikli problems.

None of the Saints can beat such a scam, or else they can stop being nice.

Accepted that the icon was near the bedroom. Prayer is due to come from the depths of the soul and with faith, do not ask for what you want, but just turn around for help. Adzhe Holy better than the nobility, what kind of vihіd more obedient.

Thoughts about icons

We lived together for over 20 years together. One time we simply ceased to understand one another, became cold and strangers. The children grew up and already lived well, and the man simply worked on the robot until late at night. At home, not їv i on me did not betray respect. I didn’t know that I should work like a buti. I was even more afraid of separation and being left without something, even more I love my man. I sang to the church.

There she held a service and went to the priest, having told him her story, having drunk it, because my faith in God is strong and that is the icon of St. Peter and Fevronia. I confirmed that I believe in God, but there are no icons. Why should I say that I need to come and pray and put її in the bedroom. I got so worked up.

I began to pray to the Saints, and in three days my man brought a majestic bouquet of trojans and wailed for his toppings. Knowing that boov is wrong. We vyrishili get married. I’m already praying to this icon and dosі. There are no more serious weldings, we can’t bring up other differences. We have become one.

Larisa. 48 years

My daughter chotiri rocky became a zamіzh. As if I remembered that the stench began to boil. I gave them the icon of St. Peter and Fevroniya, having told my daughter that I would pray to them. Two days later my daughter came to say thank you for the joy. The stench stopped cooking and they decided to have a baby. Dyakuyu Miraculous icon.

Maria, 55 years

Not long ago he became friends, having begun to think about the child. The squad was against. She had a genetic disease, as if it could be passed on to a child, and that she was inspired.

We wished to go to the church to be blessed with the priest, for we had offended the Orthodox and we believe with God! We were given the pleasure of buying the image of St. Peter and Fevronia, praying to him and stink to give a healthy baby, we ruined everything, as we were told! Through the river, my team gave birth to a child, that beautiful healthy son. Moreover, the sickness of the squad has come in and we are not afraid of warto її!

I am an incredibly happy dad and a man! All the stars of this Great Icon! It's true to work miracles!

Until what kind of saints do members of this beast turn? Who among the saints help whom? Patrons of this family, the care of that children.

Saints Peter and Fevroniya.

This is a romantic story, described at the beginning of the reign of John the Terrible by the talented priest Yermolai the Sinful, suffocated a lot of friendly couples for a long time.

Petro was the young brother of Prince Pavel. With this brother, it settled famously. Before yoga, at night, the squads come bis under the sight of a man. The princess cunningly knew how to make a fortune. Vihіd polegav at that, shchob Petro smashing the inverter with Agric's sword. At the beginning of the service at the church, the angel showed you the sword. Vecheri Peter slew the snake, the scarlet blood from the wound splattered the prince. All Yogo's body was covered with leprosy. Daily doctors could not help. Vіn shukav likarіv on all the earth. Having felt about the wisdom of a pious healer, the daughter of a beekeeper (who saw wild honey), having gone near the village of Laska, Ryazan region.

Fevroniya put a mind to you, for which he won, - take him to the squad, for she knew the sonorous one. Adzhe shlyub vіdbuvaєtsya for God's mandate, and sometimes primus. Vіn waited a while, but did not dare to win over my mind through princely pride. The wise Fevroniya understood, she told him to cover the whole body, the cream of one scab, like a fortune-telling about sin. Sickness is the result of sin, and jubilation is needed not only in the body, but spiritually.

At the sight of one scab, the whole body flared up again. The prince had a chance to go again to Fevronia. Having finished the words, I regained my composure.

Petro tezh ozumiv, scho yogo is sounded, blessed by God. The stinks loved one alone, continuing to test everything, such as they had boyars on their side, they did not want to recognize the village princess as a princess. Ale showed that their love was a holy place, no less special. Without them, the city would have a discord, bloodshed.

The ponies turned to Murom at the call of the messengers who sent them.

For the old hours in Russia, having sounded, before the end of earthly life, go to the monastery to prepare your soul for eternal life. So, Petro and Fevroniya, having reached the frail age, adopted blackness. The stinks died one day that year. Ale їх they pohovat at different strings, not respecting their commandment pohovat in one. Prote їхні bodies slumped in one string. Skіlki did not separate their bodies, the stench stung at once. Zreshtoy all realized that God bless you.

Holy Xenia of Petersburg.

Yaka was born in the 18th century, she was married to a court spivak, Colonel Andriy Petrov. A man died when he was 26 years old. Whose blow fell on Xenia so that her earthly life became not a cicada; So they marveled at her with amazement.

Xenia distributed her mine to the people, and she gave the houses to the knowledgeable ones. Vaughn took the path of foolishness. I asked to be called її Andriyem, I went to collect that jacket at the bed, shoes and tunic of a man. At night, she frolicked to pray in the empty place after place, and during the day she wandered along the Petrograd side, often beat the church of St. Matthew the Apostle. They gave them pennies, they gave them to the zhebraks.

For її asceticism, patience, she took away from God the gift of vision of the future. She taught people truthfulness, told them secrets. People, before they came, became happy and successful on the right.

At the chapel of Xenia of St. Petersburg and navit close, people take healing, help, especially at the family right, love.

Blessed Matrona Moskovska.

It was born in 1814 in the Kostroma province near the village of Vaninoi. Viyshovshi zamіzh for the townswoman, small house and grocery store. At the beginning of the Turkish war, at once, a man went to the front as a sister of mercy. The man perished, and she consecrated her life to God. She sold her mine and, having given away pennies to the married women, and having adopted the house of foolishness, she began the mandrivka with holy mysteries. And from that moment on, she went barefoot until the end of her life, not only a little, but also a narrow one. I went to the Solovetsky wonderworkers, chotiri once in Jerusalem. The matron in Jerusalem took the schema in the name of Mary, and then gave the cloister to her.

The rest of the years - 30 years - she lived in Petersburg, on the side of the Petrograd side, then she settled in a chapel in the name of the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Sorrows".

Її prayer is small for great power. Before her, they came for help from ailments, family and life sorrows. Vaughn was ahead of the problem. Navit vysokoposadovtsі, if they violated before the month of epidemics, they came before it.


In Christianity, the Savior is Jesus Christ.

Until then, you can hunt for some kind of help. At the hour of wedding in the church, the betrothed is blessed with the "Wedding Pair": the betrothed - with an icon (the Lord Almighty), by the very same firming him as the protector of the squad of that children, the anniversary of this; I will name - the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (Kazan, Volodymyr or Smolensk Mother of God), indicating that she is the keeper of the family vault. This wedding couple is the basis not only of the temple, but of the Orthodox house, the shards protect their own and the future children from negativity, take care of love.

Icon of the Mother of God "Take my sorrows".

Naming the icon, take the cob from the prayers of people, as if they turn to the Mother of God for the prohannyam, so that they will relieve sickness, bodily sorrows, spiritual ones, including those of the family.

Since 1640, the icon was known at the church of St. Nicholas on Pupishy near Sadivniki. There were a lot of records about the miracles that they did with this icon. Ale, after becoming a roci in 1771, lost her documents, lost her memory only in orders. The axis of one of the vipadkіv I will show diva with an icon.

A noble woman lived near Moscow, as if she was suffering from an ailment, as if the doctors did not hesitate to change. I dreamed that Mother God would come to her and it seems that she went to Moscow to the church of St. Nicholas, prayed in front of the image with the inscription "Tamuy my sorrows." If the woman was brought to the temple, such an icon did not appear. Then the priest said to bring all the icons from the links. In the midst of the old sawn-down icons, she shook her needs, screamed and crossed herself with her hand, which the dossi could not wind up. And if the woman kissed the icon, then she got on her feet in a healthy way.

This icon looks like other iconography. On it, you don’t wear a suviy, and the Mother of God with her hand rests her cheek.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Mammal".

Near the town of Tula in the Shcheglovsky cholovіch monastery, founded in honor of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Mammal", the icon, which was known there, was for the old clock near the silver riza with expensive embellishments. Now for the worship of this wonderful list. The dress of the Mother of God is just like on the original writings in black and blue tones, when you are not breastfeeding.

Reverend Roman the Melodist loved to take part in the liturgical service, to sleep in the choir. But in the new there was no zdіbnosti to tsієї dіyalnostі, shards of vin not mav musical ear and not mav vіdpovіdnogo voice. As if the clerics-clerics of Yogo were killed in the presence of the king. Roman weeping all the time, praying fervently and asking the Most Holy Theotokos for help, standing right in front of the icon. Waking up, falling asleep. The Most Holy Theotokos “Joy of All Sorrows” appeared to you in a dream, giving you a suve, ordered him to be shoveled. If you have prokinuvsya, ozozumіv, scho in the new one is not only a voice and hearing, but having become literate, wise and can build up to great creativity, compose divine songs, kosi, kontakia.

Saint John of Kronstadt

It was important for him to study at school through the trash of memory, but the education in the parish school turned out to be a disaster.

If it became unbearable, I prayed bitterly and asked God for help. Raptom yogo trembled, and from the new sky the veil fell. Ivan immediately guessed the lesson, showing the teacher. Vіn becoming a teacher, graduating from college, seminary, academy.

Holy patrons of children:

- Saved the Almighty, Guardian Angel

- St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myrliky

On Novy Rik near the Miri township, having blessed the children with holy gifts, they gave gifts.

- Holy nemovlya -

Born near the village of Zvirky, Bilostotsky county. Holy Great Day was approaching. If the mother of the six-pointed child went out of the house, to bring people into the field, the Jew climbed up to the hut and took Gavriil to the place of Bilogirsk, they pierced the sides, pierced the sides, step by step the blood flowed. After the lad died, he was thrown out near the field of the white village of Zvirki. Hungry dogs knew the body, but they did not break yogo, on the contrary, they stole from the birds. Feeling the barking of dogs, people came from the village. It was clear that there was a ritual drive-in over the words. Yogo was commemorated for the temple.

After 30 years after the funeral, the relics of St. Gabriel appeared imperishable. In 1746, the relics, after the burned one at the burning of the temple, appeared in full, only the right handle of the troch was burnt. After the transfer of the relics to the monastery, the wound began to heal and covered with skin. Saint Gavrilo is considered a healer and protector of children.

Externally, that description was described: prayer is the patron saint of this for the spiritual life of a believing person.

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Holy patrons of this world

"Screw, Lord!" Please, that we have seen our site before, in order to get some information, please subscribe to our Vkontakte group Prayers for a skin day. Also, curl up to our side in Odnoklassniki and subscribe to our Prayer for Skin Day Odnoklassniki. "Take care of you Lord!".

The 21st century has become a good test both for the culture of the Orthodox people, and for the Christian families themselves, even if the crisis has one spiritual nature. Spiritually exalted culture has a negative effect on people, and those generations, as if standing by their traditions, show the national value of culture. Therefore, for the rebirth of zvichaїv, there are more and more family holy days, it is not customary to give gifts, but to glorify the defenders of friends, and the axis of the icon is the patron saint of this, as it helps, if the days of remembrance are spent, and such prayers are needed. you can recognize from the article below.

Orthodox patrons of this family

In the Christian religion, there is a special chanting of the Great Martyrs, who, by their exploits, miracles and lives, gained the gift of extra help and special intercession before the Almighty in ailments, the needs of those other pious deeds.

The axis and the friends were especially divine benefactors, as they themselves gained the sanctity of family life. With God's help, the stench will give help to the Orthodox will arrange a shelter for all those who offer prayers to the saints for the protection of this and demand help.

Below is a list, de presented as the patron saints of the greatest shanovan, with which you can offer your prayers for doing good, and what is important, mіtsnoї sim'ї, and also take valuable lessons from the process of creating:

  • Elisabeth and Zacharia,
  • Abraham and Sarah
  • family of Basil the Great,
  • Natalia and Adrian,
  • Anna and Joachim,
  • Petro and Fevronia.

Great Martyrs Elisabeth and Zechariah

Father of the Mother of the Blessed Prophet Forerunner and the Lord's Baptist John. The sinless people from the retinue suffered in the absence of a life, which in the Old Testament period was secured to the terrible payment of the Lord. The angel passed on to the youth of the summer squad of the people of the child, at which Zacharias became doubtful and unpunished.

If at St. Elisabeth she appeared in the world of sons, she said that she had named the child John, sleeping the pious Zechariah, and also writing the name of the name on the tablet and at that moment turning the gift of the word to a new one. Memorial Day falls on the 18th of spring.

Abraham and Sarah

Tse holy patrons sіm'ї that shlyubu. This rose is similar to the front. Sarah could not finish the trivaly period, and so it was doti, the Almighty did not appear to Abraham in the form of three mandrіvniki with a prophecy about the birth of the youth of the son of Isaac's squad. Shhoroku spend the day of remembrance on the 22nd of Zhovtnya.

The Family of the Righteous Great Basil

The mother of the righteous, Emilia was the daughter of a great martyr, warmly loved by the squad and in righteousness spun her ten children. The father of the righteous Vasil buv is glorified by the Christian eloquent, right-winger, and also the right-winger. Yogo mother and father during the period of Diocletian's persecution were also sick to the point of martyrdom.

Varto respect that five of Vasil's blessings became clergymen and are deeply enshrined in the Orthodox Church - Saint Vasil himself, Petro Sevastiysky and Grigory Nisky - his brother, and also sisters Feozva and Makrina. Memorial Day - September 14th.

Great Martyrs Natalia and Adrian

The patron saints of Sim lived for the Emperor Maximian (305-311) at the Vifi Nikodimia. Adrian became a pagan and embraced the quarters of the chief of the ship's imperial chamber, like a squad of Natal in the taєmnitsі bula orthodox. Andrian, groaning at the masculinity of the Orthodox, as if they suffered for their faith, having truly believed.

After the prison sentence, which Natalia, Andriana kept up all the hour, and also the other sufferers were recognized with terrible torturs, and then they were killed. Great Martyr Natalia died on the gravestone of her kokhan.

Godfather Hanna and Joachim

These Orthodox patrons are the head defenders of a friendly life, the shards of their hope for the Almighty and piety refilled the cup and finished Yomu with the flooring, so that the stench was able to honor the honor of becoming the fathers of the greatest in Orthodoxy - the Blessing of Mary and the Mother of God.

Anna Joachim lived a sinless life, worked for good deeds, but people before them spoke out of anger through their poor life, as if the Israeli people were protected until punishment for sin. I will be in the frail state of the All-Vishnish, sending them a silence, and sending Gabriel the Archangel Hannah to tell them about those who will bring a girl into the world. The pious friend called Donka Mary, as if punishing God's messenger.

The Svyatokuvannya is the birth of the Queen of Heaven is considered a great moment for couples, as they do not have children. The Day of Remembrance is held regularly on the 22nd of Spring.

Petro and Fevronia - patrons of this family

The stench is the most popular among Christianity. If Petro found out about those that the boyars are trying to separate from the kokhan squad, the prince’s sovereignty was blamed, and the couple of friends themselves violated the vignanny. However, turmoil arose near Murom, and the boyars ruled the guns to turn back. After the prince’s return, the couple ruled happily and long, and having reached the frail age, the stench took in different monasteries a new haircut with the names of Euphrosyne and David.

Friendship entered another world on the same day, in the same year in different churches. Irrespective of the rest of the dead they died, their bodies were laid in different cloisters, the prote was a miracle, and already the advancing finish the stench again came together.

The icon of the patrons of this family is the most popular among the Orthodox religion. On it, the Saints are depicted in black robes, even if they make friends and blackness in Orthodox traditions is respected by incomprehensible understanding, and on the miraculous image, it’s not enough to strengthen the deep pretentiousness of making friends to the Christian faith.

« About the servant of God, the goodness of Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, we come to you and we pray to you with hope: offer up for us, sinners (names), your holy prayers to the Lord God and ask the goodness of Yogo for all that is beneficial to our souls and bodies: faith right, hopeful good, love is not hypocritical, piety is not indecent, success is with good rights. See us with the King of Heaven for a prosperous and good Christian death. Oh, miracle-working saints! Do not disrespect our prayers, but stay close to the Lord for us, and vouchsafe us to remember your salvation forever, and let the Kingdom of Heaven fall, do not glorify the invisibility of human love of the Father and Sin and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity worshiped God for ever and ever.

Prayer to the patrons of this holy Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia

About the pleasing of God, the blessing of Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia,

we come to you and to you with hope we pray:

exalt about us sinners (im'yarok),

your holy prayers to the Lord God

and ask the goodness of Yogo |

everything is beneficial to our souls and our bodies:

I believe in the right, hope for the good, love is not hypocritical,

piety is not good, good luck on the right.

I murmur to us at the Heavenly King

life is prosperous and good Christian death.

Oh, miracle-working saints!

Do not ignore our prayers,

ale about us to be attached to the Lord,

and vouchsafe us with your help

save forever

and the Kingdom of Heaven to fall,

so gloriously nevimovne philanthropy

Father and Sin and Holy Spirit,

Trinity worships God for ever and ever.

Befitted: 5 koristuwacham

Dear man, you are playing with me!

Hooray, we got screwed!

Holy Sims. To whom do we pray for the well-being of the children and the shelter?

If you want to be calm, peaceful, and so that your relatives are in order and healthy, we will call Orthodox saints, as patrons of happy families and children. I send our prayers to them.

Icon “The Strite of the Lord”

How holy prayer books for children have long been shaking Holy Prophet Zechariah and Righteous Elizabeth. The stinks were fathers and could wiggle the great holy Prophet, the Forerunner of that Baptist John. Righteous Zechariah and Elisabeth to pray about help for the important hour, so that the Gospel speaks about those that St. Zachariah, having lost his doti, the doki of his squad did not “go down like a tractor”.

Icon of Saints Zechariah and Elizabeth

Reverend Mother Superior Opanasi Yeginskaya to pray for the well-being of another girl. It seems that she didn’t want the first thing, trying to dedicate her life to the service of God. And after the death of the first man in the war, by the will of the fathers, he had a chance to come abroad and suddenly. Making friends led a charitable life. And then, after that, like another person, having taken black tonsure, Abbess Afanasia herself went to the monastery.

Icon of St. Athanasius

Saint Mykola, Archbishop Mir Lykiysky, miracle worker respected by the patron and saint of the souls of children. History seems to be impersonal miracles and good vchinkiv, as if robbed of the saints. Navit seems to be the prototype of the good Santa Claus. Call to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker pray at the turbot for the death of daughters. That's why we see a story about those who, like a wine, hid the three daughters of a poor man in dishonor. Mykola the Wonderworker gave the old gold coins, which helped the poor to see their daughters for good names.

Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

About the family well-being and the preservation of the great friendly motherland orthodox believers pray before the icon of the holy royal martyrs. Tsar Mykola, Tsarina Oleksandra, Tsarevich Alexis, Princesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia - this homeland does not care about the negativity and instills before the faces of imminent death bula at once and saves spiritual unity.

Icon of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers

Head patrons sіm'ї ta slubu in the Orthodox world make a fuss holy princes Fevroniya and Petro Muromsky. Rich in view of the history of holy pariah. The stench could carry their kohannya krіz nіznі nіnі razdі ta probuvannya. In old age, the stench took on blackness at once and asked God for only one thing - die for one day. The stinks commanded their bastards to be pampered in one string. And so it happened. Petro and Fevroniya died skin at their cell, overnight.

Icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia

About the gift of children orthodox believers pray to the fathers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the righteous Joachim and Hannah. The stench was childless. And they continued to believe in old age that the Lord would give them a child. If they prayed fervently and promised that a miracle was going to happen, then they would consecrate service to themselves in the Jerusalem temple. І їхнє bajannya blew up. Once, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Joachim and Hannah and brought a message about those that God felt and prayed for, and Mary would soon be born to them, as in the future gift of salvation to the whole world.

Icon of the Conception of the Most Holy Theotokos

You will be happy:

Dear man, you are playing with me!

The birthplace of the fatherland is laid down in the genes. Interview with an active tatom

Natalia Batrakova. Forgive the truth about creativity, about kohannya and about family

Future father: I already see the child's sound

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Holy patrons of family well-being


About the hour of the vindication of "Talk about Peter and Fevronia of Murom" there are super girls. Some doslidniki date back to the 15th century, others - to the beginning of the 16th century. In honor of those that the church cult of Peter and Fevronia in Murom was already composed in the other half of the 15th century, Imovirnish, that the “Table” was compiled by some unfamiliar to us first sight at the same time. Prote its residual look "Povist" nabula, as R.P. Dmitrieva brought it at once, under the pen of Yermol Yrazm - a writer, who worked in the middle of the 16th century.

If you understand, if you are most interested in other problems, the presence of grown-up people and cause the greatest pain and anxiety, then it will appear that it’s not a problem, caused by work, creativity and other similar types of activity, but problems that cause trouble. Well, I can take care of people, like a man or a retinue, and they can have more children, that’s a father. I’m not black and don’t think less on the topic of the monastic life, but I’m still wondering if there are similar problems that can be of great importance. Aje a good skin monastery - tse family, yak, vtim, and skin goodness of an Orthodox family - a monastir with its way of life and traditions, and the dosvid of spiritual life.

On the vіdmіnu vіd zahіdnogo analogue, at the Russian holy vіdrazu sprat of patron saints. And in Persh Cherga - Tse St. Peter and Fevroniya, as they have become in our culture the isolation of friendly love and fidelity.

Murom wonderworkers Peter and Fevronia, the memory of those who were born on the 8th lime, have long been respected by the patrons of family well-being.

Decreased princely, Petro zmushheny buv moved into power, if he recognized that the boyars want to separate Yogo from the kokhan squad. Petro and Fevroniya went at once at the vineyard. Ale, unfailingly, turmoil broke out near Murom, and the boyars, shaming themselves, called Prince Peter back.

After the return, the prince and princess ruled for a long time and happily, and in their frailty they took tonsure at different monasteries with the names David and Euphrosyne. The stench commanded to pohovat themselves at once at the specially prepared string with a thin partition in the middle.

Peter and Fevronia died at his cell on the same day and year - 8 limes (according to the old style - 25 worms) in 1228. Against the will of the dead, their bodies were buried in different cloisters, but it became a marvel: already the coming day, the stench drank at once. Three centuries later, Peter and Fevroniya were consecrated by the Russian Orthodox Church to the face of saints. This year, these relics rest at the Holy Trinity Monastery in Murom.

On the 8th day of the Orthodox believers, it is customary to pray to Peter and Fevronia, as they are respected by the patrons of family well-being. In their prayers, young people ask God for more love, but older people? about family fortune.

Simeyne Holy Intercession

One more thing is sacred, for an hour of some kind of Orthodox prayer for the gift of a prosperous family life - the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Holy walks are tied from under the feet of 910 fate. The Church recounted the retelling of those that the Saracens attacked Constantinople, and a lot of inhabitants on their knees and with tears prayed, schob passed famously. If the hordes of enemies were already ready to evade the place, it became a marvel: St. Yurodivy Andriy, after babbling, that the Mother of God herself descended from heaven in descendants and, standing on a knee, prayed with tears in her eyes for the salvation of the peoples.

Unforgettably after that, in Russia, the Holy Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos was accepted. On the day of the Protection of the Day - 14 Zhovtnya - the beginning of the wedding began, and the girls of that day went to the church to pray, that the Lord would send them good names. The stench vowed that it was a white cover, that same omophorion, as if the Queen of Heaven was covering the earth and protecting it.

For example, the more snow on Pokrov, the more fun there will be.

Joachim and Ganna - Fathers of the Most Holy Theotokos

The holy patrons of family well-being are respected by a pious couple - Joachim and Ganna, from whom the Mother of God was born. In Christianity, stench appears like an ideal friend, like the most outward manifestation of the sky, like a mystical mystery, like a miracle.

Joachim and Hanna rejoiced at the righteous life and good right, but their main grief was childlessness. At that time, it was important to the Israelis that even now I cannot be a child, which means that people greatly angered God with their sins.

Ale, as if, as a retelling, the Lord, having felt prayers, made friends and sent the archangel Gabriel to help Anna, that she would give birth to a girl. Indeed, Anna gave birth to a daughter without a hitch, and she named her Mary, as if she had punished her Angel.

21 Spring Orthodox Church of the Holy Mother of God. This is holy - great vtiha for a childless friend.

Joakim and Anna were buried near the future tomb of his daughter, as well as the grave of Joseph the Betrothed, in the Garden of Gethsemane, under the Mount of Oleon, not far from Jerusalem. The tombs were located on the edge of the Josaphat Valley, which lay between Jerusalem and the Mount of Oleon.

Apostle Simon Cananite (Zіlot)

At the wedding of Simon the Canaanite, Jesus Christ created his first miracle. Simon was more vigilant, and the wine had run out of the middle of the holy. Feeling about it, Jesus said: “Pour plain water at the Gleka and start distributing it to the guests.” Indeed, wine spilled from the cup of the guests.

Why did Simon so believe in Christian values, that he became the preacher of Christ's faith. Vin is alive at fasting and prayers, protecting his family, glorifying Jesus Christ rich with miraculous banners. He died a martyr's death.

The Temple of the Holy Great Martyr Simon Kananita is the city of New Athos. Come to the saint to ask for happiness from the slave, love is well-being.

Icon of the Fedorovsk Icon of the Mother of God

On the 29th, the Orthodox Church commemorates the miraculous Fedorovsky Icon of the Mother of God. Vaughn shuffles like a patroness of the naming, family well-being, the people of children from childless couples, who helps with important canopies.

With the Fedorivsky icon of the Mother of God, she was tied under the 1239 fate. The icon, painted by the Apostle Luke, appeared after the Mongol-Tatars burned down the place, in which it was known. Ale, the image of the new one appeared to the Russian people.

“Once, when the Tatars went to Kostroma, the Russian militia went to their feet, carrying the holy icon of the Mother of God with them. If the rats stood alone in front of one, an invisible leader rushed between them. A scarlet mantle rose behind the wind, and the gilded shield shone blindly. The Russians recognized the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Stratilates from the new one. I attacked the Tatars, and the stench flowed from the battlefield. So blulo vryatovano Kostroma.

If in Kostroma there was a manifestation of a warrior with an icon in his hands, the young brother of Alexander Nevsky, Prince Vasil Kostroma, shook the icon on a pine tree. Vіn having tried її, but she rose in the air. The Savior-Zaprudnikovsky Human Monastery was founded at the site of the icon's significance.

The Fedorovsk Icon of the Mother of God can be found in the Kostroma Epiphany-Anastasia Cathedral, write hram.kokoshkino.ru.

Holy Martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv

The memory of the holy martyrs Guriya, Samon and Aviva vshanovuyut 15 leaf fall. Tsі saints tremble like patrons of zamіzhnіh zhіnok. Let us pray “how can a man innocently hate his squad”. Church of the Saints in Moscow, in the church of John the War in Bab'egorodskomu Provulk, on Yakimantsi.

The preachers of the Word of God Guriy and Samon died a terrible martyr's death for hours of persecution of Christians in the third century of our eri. Through a rich rock, the pagan emperor Likiniy (311-324) punished the deacon of the Deacon of the Edeska church on the name of Aviv, but he himself came to the cat, without worrying that other Christians suffered for the hour. Vіn buv judgments to the bedroom. The martyr himself pishov at the fire and with prayer, having breathed in the spirit of his Lord. Vіn buv pohovany order zі saints Gurієm ta Samon.

With them, who with faith and love called out to the holy ones for help, numerical miracles were performed. The stench helped the pious maiden Euthymia from Edessa, who sounded like a swearing man.

Martyrs Samon, Guriya and Aviva ask to pray to the Lord for the gift of a happy friend.

Martyrs Adrian and Natalia

Starting from the Orthodox calendar, on the 8th of spring we commemorate the martyrs Adrian and Natalia. Voni lived in Nikomidia Vіfіnskiy for Emperor Maximian (305-311)


Adrian was the head of the emperor's chamber of ships and was a pagan, like Natalia's squad was a taemnoy Christian. Courageously, with such masculinity, people suffer for the faith, as if they were Christ, Adrian himself believed. Yogo was imprisoned until the pit, de Yogo was supported by a squad, St. Nataliya. Adrian, together with the other martyrs, was given a terrible shock. Saint Natalia died on the hands of her man.

Xenia Peterburzka

On the 6th of the fierce Russian Orthodox Church, the Day of St. Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg - the heavenly patron of the pivnіchnoi capital.

Holy Blessed Xenia was born in the first half of the 18th century. After the death of a man, she gave away all her life to the poor, she was left without a home. The young woman, who prayed innocently and spoke allegorically, was respected for the divine. Ale pіznіshe її forecasts began to sound.

Blessed Xenia commemorated the death of Empress Elizaveta Petrivnya and the young Emperor John Antonovich, and the wife of a beautiful girl.

After death, the body of Xenia of St. Petersburg was buried in the Smolensk Tsvintar. Bіlya її truni saw a lot of banners and miracles. During the prayers of Blessed Xenia, the Lord hid one girl in a scrawny boat with a Swedish convict, who saw himself as a beaten colonel.

The relics of Blessed Xenia are rebuyed at St. Petersburg, at the chapel, at the Smolensk Tsvintar.

Matrona Moskovska

Blessed Matrona was an ascetic of piety for the tenth century of the 20th century. Before її narodzhennyam mother Matrony dreamed of a white bird, at which the pits of eyes were closed with sharply closed eyelids. A few hours later, her daughter Matrona was born. The girl was not just blind: there are not a few eyes on her face.

The Lord gave Matrona spiritual zir. From childhood, she could talk to those who heal ailments. For a long time of life, faceless people came to Matrony, who she healed, she instructed with a kind word.

Thirty years after the death of the mother, її the grave on the Danilovskiy Tsvintar became one of the holy places of Orthodox Moscow. Today, the relics of the Blessed Matronushka are located at the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Mother of God at the Intercession Monastery of Women, located on Tagansky Street near Moscow.

Blessed Matrona protects the waters on the road, helps the childless, helps from the most difficult conditions and helps to know the family world. On this fateful day, the day of remembrance of the blessed Matrona of Moscow, 2 May, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrated the 10th canonization of the saint of Christ.

Saint Paraskeva

Among Orthodox Christians, the holy martyr Paraskeva, called Friday, became the object of a special chanuvannya. The day of її remembrance marks the 10th leaf fall.

The icons of the holy martyr protect family good fortune and happiness, relieve spiritual suffering. On the day of її remembrance before the church, bear fruit for clarification, as they are saved like a shrine until the coming fate.

The relics of St. Paraskevi are located at the Trinity-Paraskevsky Fuel Woman Monastery.

John of Kronstadt

To the holy righteous John of Krondstadt, pray for various family needs and buttocks, at the twigs, and also, for the sake of drinking. Russian Orthodox Church in memory of 2nd September.

John of Kronstadt as rector of the St. Andrew's Cathedral near Kronstadt. He directed his sermon about the Lord Jesus Christ to the people with a collapsible share, among which there were a lot of angry people, weak to passion drinking, violence, zhorstokostі. With the help of God and with great efforts, I achieved the guilt of those who brought God's greater repentance - the correction of life.

At his native village, John of Kronstadt, having fallen asleep a woman’s monastery and a great stone church, and in St. Petersburg, having created the John’s Monastery on Karpivtsi, in yakomu and bov in honor of his death.

Satisfaction of needs in the Holy Land

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Without a doubt, the skin of today's people remembers those who only a little bit of fate in the Russian Federation meant a lot of fate Day of Sim'ї, love and fidelity.

In the same period, young people often turned up to the priests at the temple, as if they chose the next hour to make friends and clique, as if they themselves founded the patron saints of this slut?

Let's see, who stinks and what are they?

Joachim ta Ganna

The tribute is widely given to Orthodox Christian believers, oskolki to the same and holy patrons of this family and the slubu є butts for today's young families.

Holy saints Joachim and Ganna- Tse direct patrons of girlfriends.

Having lived history, you can learn piety and faith in those who the Almighty can grow a life of deeds, to help like a well-skinned people, but without intermediary wholeness. At the hour of their life path, given a family couple led a righteous way of life, they performed only good deeds, the protees were disgusted with them, shards at their children.

To this, people respected that Joachim and Hanna had been imposed as a punishment for forgiveness of sins. However, the Archangel Gabriel appeared at the frail head of Annie and told him that it was not difficult to give birth to a girl. From historical records, it is clear that for some reason the bula was named Mary, the Archangel Gabriel himself said so. The girl was born on the Rizdvo of the Most Holy Theotokos and became a vtikhoy for the fathers.

Zecharia and Elizabeth

The holy patrons of this family and the back of the head were very righteous people;

As if before Elizabeth, an angel came and said that in the next hour they would have a son, but Zachariah did not believe in her, and punished by the All-Vishish muteness. But a few hours later, a son was truly born to Elizabeth, who was named after John, and after that, like Zechariah, having written this name on a tablet, turning to the same time the gift of moving.

Great Martyrs Adrian and Natalia

Chantly, to the skin Orthodox Christians in the house patron saints of sim's and the slut Adrian and Natalia, yakі lived under the rule of Emperor Maximian.

Apparently, at that time persecution began, Prote Natalya was a taemnoy Christian.

The man Adrian also changed paganism to Christianity, protesting the stench of the bitter torment and torments, after which Natalya did not leave her man at the twisted quill and died near his grave.

Petro and Fevronia of Murom

Tse the most famous patron saints of the same name people turn up to their holy images more than once, as if they were trying to change their love, to ask them for help from various deeds. The priests affirm that a family couple was given by the patron of the family fire that well-being.

The holy patrons of this slut went through an important path, after which they were redirected at the vineyard, and after that they turned back the cob of embarrassment. For a thriving hour, the stench became a prince and a princess at Murom. However, in deep old age, the stench broke up to the monastery, de took the monastic vows in the names of David and Euphrosyne.

Historical reports say that David and Euphrosyne died on the same day, in the same year, and in the same breath, skin at their chambers.

The stench was buried in different cloisters, prote was a miraculous day, and for a couple of years the stench opined at once, to speak of a divine marvel.

Tom until to the patron saints of sim's and the sky of Peter and Fevronia youngsters are rushing to reach family well-being.

It is proponable to the respect of the readers to collect the icons of the most famous and shamanistic patrons of the family and family happiness.

Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom.
Saints Joachim and Hanna - fathers of the Most Holy Theotokos.
Holy Martyrs Adrian and Natalia.
Holy Martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv.
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.
Holy blessed Xenia of Petersburg.
Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva.
Blessed is Matrona Moskovska.
The image of the Fedorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God.
Holy righteous prophet Zachariah and Elisabeth, father of John the Baptist.

* * * * * * *

Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom

Murom wonderworkers Peter and Fevronia have long been respected as patrons of family well-being. Petro was moved in the princely power, if he recognized that the boyars want to separate him from the kokhan squad. Friendship broke at the vignan. Ale, unfailingly, turmoil broke out near Murom, and the boyars called them back.

After the return, the prince and princess ruled for a long time and happily, and in their frailty they took tonsure at different monasteries with the names David and Euphrosyne. Peter and Fevronia died at their cell on the same day and year. Against the will of the dead, their bodies were buried in different cloisters, but it became a marvel: already the coming day, the stench drank at once.

Saints Joachim and Ganna - Fathers of the Most Holy Theotokos

Joachim and Anna lived a righteous life, did good deeds, but people hated them for childlessness, as they respected the Israelis for punishment for sins.

The Lord sent a child to the frail Vitsy - the Archangel Gavrilo told Ganni that she would give birth to a girl. The daughter of the pious friend was named Mary, as if punishing the Angel. Holy Rizdva of the Most Holy Theotokos is a great time for a childless friend.

Holy Martyrs Adrian and Natalia

Friends lived in Nikomid Vifnsky for the hours of Emperor Maximian (305-311). Adrian was the head of the emperor's chamber of ships and was a pagan, like Natalia's squad was a taemnoy Christian. Crying for the masculine Christians, like they suffer for the faith, Adrian convinced. Following the conviction, in which Natalia’s squad encouraged him, Adrian, together with the other martyrs, gave katuvans. Saint Natalia died on the hands of her man.

Holy Martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv

Tsі saints tremble like patrons of zamіzhnіh zhіnok. Let us pray “for a man to innocently hate his squad”, and also about the gift of a happy friend.

The holy preachers Guriy and Samon died a martyr's death for hours of persecution of Christians near the third century of our eri. Through rich roki, the deacon of the Odessa church, Avіv, himself came to the katіv, not bazhayuchi, so that at the same time, following the order of the pagan emperor Likiniy (311-324), other Christians were called out. Vіn buv judgments to the bedroom and funerals in order with the saints Gurієm and Samon.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas is one of the most famous saints in Russia. Vin was born in 258 roci in ancient Lycia, which was part of the warehouse of Asia Minor. Mykola Ugodnik was the Bishop of the port of Mir.

At the native town of Mikoli Ugodnik, a wealthy one lives, a maw of three beautiful daughters. Vіn rozorivsya and fell into such vigilance, scho vіrіshiv urged his daughters to earn on їzhu their beauty. In order to ward off beauty from dishonor, Mykola taєmno podkinuv vіkno unfortunate little bears of gold. On sending a penny, the father saw his daughters in the distance. So St. Nicholas at the people's stand became the organizer of a friend's happiness.

Holy Blessed Xenia of Petersburg

Holy Blessed Xenia was born in the first half of the 18th century. After the death of a man, having rested without repentance, she gave away all her life to the poor and took upon herself the feat of foolishness. The young woman was respected with a divine heart, portrayed, and suddenly became obvious the gift of clairvoyance. Blessed Xenia delivered a wife to one poor girl.

After death, the body of Xenia of St. Petersburg was buried in the Smolensk Tsvintar. Behind її druni, a rich banner and miracles were raised, for її prayers the Lord vryatuvav іnsha іїї dіvchina vі zhahlivy slubu with svydky convict.

Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva

Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva lived in the 3rd century in the Roman Empire. Її sim'ya especially sang Friday - the day of suffering that hellish death of Jesus Christ, that was the name for my daughter, as it means "Friday". Paraskeva took the house of virginity and spoke about the expansion of the faith of Christ among the pagans. Vona was inspired to make a sacrifice to the idols, and for the price she was given to the katuvans and she was stricken.
In Russia, from long ago, St. Paraskeva is considered a healer of spiritual and bodily ailments, a keeper of family well-being and happiness. The girls prayed to see me, so that they could win a zamіzh for kokhanny.


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