What happened on May 31, 1223. Battle of Kaltsi (briefly)

What happened on May 31, 1223. Battle of Kaltsi (briefly)

Kalka is a river, what happened before the Russians clashed with the Mongols. In 1223, the generals of Genghis Khan penetrated the Polovtsian land and gave the Polovtsians a zhorstoke blow. The Polovtsian princes ran into the Russian land and turned away to help the Russian princes, sipping gifts. Pivdenno-Russian princes in the name of Kiev vyrishili Tatars in a foreign land, and near kvіtni acted in pokhіd. The Tatars overpowered the post with peaceful propositions, but the Russians killed the post. Militias from Kiev, Chernigiv, Smolensk, Kursk, Trubchiv and Shlyakhivsk, as well as volintsy and Galicia, marched on the Dnipro: the rest arrived on ships by the Black Sea. The Polovtsy came to the Russians. The princes crossed the Dnipro and entered the steppe. At the first essence, the Russians have healed the Mongols. After 8 days, the Russians attacked the river. (the river Kalets, which flows into the river Kalmius at the same time in the Sea of ​​Azov), the advanced Tatar corrals were shot again and smashed. Mstislav Mstislavovich Udaliy crossed the river, not ahead of other princes, for the sake of one, win glory overcoming. Irrespective of the good fortune of the Russian princes, especially Danil Romanovich, the battle was played out in the aftermath of the polovtsiv, like the winters of the Russians (31 May). The Tatars followed the Russian regiments, what to bіzhat, to the river. Dnipro. The six princes and the faceless warriors perished under the hour. The inhabitants of the places that lay on the path of the Tatars, built gates for them and went out of the crosses, but the Tatars killed them. The Kiev militia, under the curry of Mstislav Romanovich, roared on the mountains above the river. and 3 days it was seen from the Tatars. The allies of the Tatars, roamers, urged Mstislav and the many princes with him to give up, saying that the Tatars would let them in for a ransom. The princes believed and surrendered, but the Tatars drove them in. After the Kalksky victory, the Tatars turned to Skhid. At the battle on Do. took the fate less than the inhabitants of pivdnya, shards of messages vіv. book. Vasilko of Rostov, Yuri of Suzdalsky, managed to reach Chernihiv in his own years, and, having learned about the defeat of the Russians, turned back (reports about the Kalksky battle in litop. Іpat., stor. 495-497; Lavr., 477-488. . "Report" Kunika in "Uch. zap. Akd. N." for I and III editions, T. II, 1854).

IV st.n.e. - Consecration of the first tribal union of similar words (Volynians and Buzhans).
V Art. - Adoption of another tribal combination of similar words (glades) near the basin of the Middle Dnieper.
VI Art. - First letter letters about "Rus" and "Rus". Rooted by the Avars of the words of the Yan tribe Dulibiv (558).
VII Art. - resettlement of the Slavic tribes near the basins of the upper Dnipro, the Western Dvina, the Volkhov, the Upper Volga.
VIII Art. - The beginning of the expansion of the Khazar Khaganate on pіvnіch, the tribute of danini on the word'yanskі tribes of the glades, siveryans, vyatichiv, radimichiv.

Kievan Rus

838 - First seen the embassy of the "Russian Kagan" in Constantinople.
860 - Departure of Russians (Askold?) to Byzantium.
862 - Establishment of the Russian State with its capital in the city of Novgorod. The first riddle of Murom in the chronicles.
862-879 - Rule of Prince Rurik (879+) near Novgorod.
865 - Kiev was captured by Varangians Askold and Dir.
bl. 863 - Creation of the words of the Jansk alphabet by Cyril and Methodius in Moravia.
866 - Pokhіd slov'yan to Tsargorod (Constantinople).
879-912 - Rule of Prince Oleg (912+).
882 - Unification of Novgorod and Kiev under the rule of Prince Oleg. Transfer of the capital from Novgorod to Kiev.
883-885 - Order by Prince Oleg of the Krivichi, Drevlyans, residents of the Pivnochi and Radimichi. Formation of the territory of Kievan Rus.
907 - Prince Oleg's expedition to Tsargorod. The first agreement between Russia and Byzantium.
911 - Laying another agreement between Russia and Byzantium.
912-946 - Rule of Prince Igor (946x).
913 - Resurrection of the land of the Drevlyans.
913-914 - Russians resemble the Khazars in the Caspian coasts of Transcaucasia.
915 - Contract between Prince Igor and the Pechenigs.
941 - the 1st trip of Prince Igor to Tsargorod.
943-944 - the 2nd trip of Prince Igor to Tsargorod. Contract of Prince Igor from Byzantium.
944-945 - Russians went to the Caspian coast of Transcaucasia.
946-957 - One hour rule of Princess Olga and Prince Svyatoslav.
bl. 957 - Olga's trip to Tsargorod and її baptism.
957-972 - Rule of Prince Svyatoslav (972x).
964-966 - Like Prince Svyatoslav to Volzka Bulgaria, Khazars, tribes of the Pivnichny Caucasus and V'yatichiv. The defeat of the Khazar Khaganate near the lower Volga. Established control over the Volga-Caspian Sea trade route.
968-971 - Prince Svyatoslav traveled to the Danube Bulgaria. Defeat of the Bulgarians at the Battle of Dorostol (970). Win with cookies.
969 - Death of Princess Olga.
971 - Contract between Prince Svyatoslav and Byzantium.
972-980 - Rule of the Grand Duke Yaropolk (980s).
977-980 - International wars for Volodymyr Kiev between Yaropolk and Volodymyr.
980-1015 - The reign of the Grand Duke Volodymyr the Holy (1015+).
980 - Pogansk reform of Grand Duke Volodymyr. Trying to create a single cult that will unite the gods of different tribes.
985 - Grand Duke Volodymyr departed from the Allied Torks to the Volz Bulgars.
988 - Christening of Russia. First meeting with the firm rulers of the Kievan princes on the banks of the Oka.
994-997 - Grand Duke Volodymyr resembles the Volz Bulgars.
1010 - Founding of the city of Yaroslavl.
1015-1019 - The reign of the Grand Duke Svyatopolk the Accursed. Fight for the Grand Duke's Throne.
ear of the XI century. - Settlement of the Polovtsians between the Volga and the Dnipro.
1015 - Princes Boris and Gliba were beaten by order of the Grand Duke Svyatopolk.
1016 - Destruction of the Khazars of Byzantium for the assistance of Prince Mstislav Volodymyrovich. Strangled rebellion at Krimu.
1019 - The defeat of the Grand Duke Svyatopolk the Accursed at the fight with Prince Yaroslav.
1019-1054 - Rule of the Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise (1054+).
1022 - Mstislav Khorobry's victory over the Kasogs (Circassians).
1023-1025 - War of Mstislav Khorobry and Grand Duke Yaroslav for the Grand Prince. Victory of Mstislav the Good at the Battle of Listven (1024).
1025 - The division of Kievan Rus between princes Yaroslav and Mstislav (cordon along the Dnieper).
1026 - The birth of Yaroslav the Wise of the Baltic tribes of the Livs and miracles.
1030 - Cape Yur'eva (such as Tartu) was buried near Chudsky land.
1030-1035 - Life of the Transfiguration Cathedral near Chernihiv.
1036 - Death of Prince Mstislav Khorobry. Unification of Kievan Rus under the rule of Grand Duke Yaroslav.
1037 - Destruction of the pechenigіv by Prince Yaroslav and the pledge in honor of the foundation of the Cathedral of St. Sophia near Kiev (completed 1041 p.).
1038 - Yaroslav the Wise defeated the Yotvingians (Lithuanian tribe).
1040 - Russian war with Lithuanians.
1041 - Russians went to the Finnish tribe Yam.
1043 - Prince Volodymyr Yaroslavich of Novgorod traveled to Tsargorod (the last trip to Byzantium).
1045-1050 - Life of Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod.
1051 - Founding of the human Kiev-Pechersk monastery. Appointment of the First Metropolitan (Іlarion) of the Russians, placed at the plantation without a visit to Constantinople.
1054-1078 - The reign of the Grand Duke Izyaslav Yaroslavich (The actual triumvirate of princes Izyaslav, Svyatoslav Yaroslavich and Vsevolod Yaroslavich. "Truth of Yaroslavich". Weakening of the supreme power of the Kiev prince.
1055 - The first call to the chronicle about the appearance of Polovtsian white cordons of the Pereyaslav princedom.
1056-1057 - Creation of the "Ostromir Gospel" - the most recent dated handwritten Russian book.
1061 - Gain of Polovtsіv to Russia.
1066 - Polotsk prince Vseslav raided Novgorod. The rout of that burial of Vseslav by the Grand Duke Izslav.
1068 - A new influx of Polovtsians to Russia in the region under Khan Sharukan. Pokhіd Yaroslavichi on Polovtsіv and their defeat on the river. Alti. Revolt of the townspeople near Kiev, flowing Izyaslav to Poland.
1068-1069 - Grand Duke Vseslav (about 7 months).
1069 - Turning Izyaslav to Kiev at once from the Polish king Boleslav II.
1078 - The death of the Grand Duke Izyaslav at the battle of Nezhatiny Niva with the outcasts Boris V'yacheslavich and Oleg Svyatoslavich.
1078-1093 - The reign of the Grand Duke Vsevolod Yaroslavich. Remodeled the lands (1078).
1093-1113 - Rule of the Grand Duke Svyatopolk II Izyaslavich.
1093-1095 - War of the Russians from the Polovtsians. The defeat of the princes Svyatopolk and Volodymyr Monomakh at the battle with the Polovtsy on the river. Stugni (1093).
1095-1096 - International struggle of Prince Volodymyr Monomakh and his brothers Oleg Svyatoslavich and his brothers for the Rostov-Suzdal, Chernigiv and Smolensk princedoms.
1097 - Lyubetsky z'izd princes. The consolidation of princedoms for princes with the improvement of patrimonial law. Fragmentation of the state on the territory of princedom. Vision of the Murom princedom from Chernigiv.
1100 - Vitichevsky z'izd of princes.
1103 - Dolobsky z'izd princes before the campaign against the Polovtsians. Successful expedition of princes Svyatopolk Izyaslavich and Volodymyr Monomakh to the Polovtsians.
1107 - Capture of Suzdal by Volz Bulgars.
1108 - The foundation of Volodymyr on Klyazma as a fort for the defense of the Suzdal princedom in the Chernigiv princes.
1111 - Russian princes went to the Polovtsians. The defeat of the Polovtsians at Salnitsa.
1113 - The first edition of "The Story of Time" (Nestor). In Kiev, the fallow (enslaved) people rebelled against the princely rule and merchants-likhvari. Statute of Volodymyr Vsevolodovich.
1113-1125 - Rule of Grand Duke Volodymyr Monomakh. Timchasov zmіtsnennya vlady grand duke. Storage of the "Statutes of Volodymyr Monomakh" (legal registration of judicial law, regulation of rights in other spheres of life).
1116 - Another edition of "Postіstі temporal lit" (Sylvester). Victory of Volodymyr Monomakh over the Polovtsy.
1118 - Volodymyr Monomakh conquered the city of Minsk.
1125-1132 - Rule of Grand Duke Mstislav I the Great.
1125-1157 - prince Yuri Volodimirovich Dolgoruky in the Rostov-Suzdal princedom.
1126 - First choice of a posadnik near Novgorod.
1127 - Residual subdivision of the Polotsk princedom on the cusp.
1127 -1159 - Princess at Smolensk Rostislav Mstislavich. Rozkvit of the Smolensk princedom.
1128 - Famine near Novgorod, Pskov, Suzdal, Smolensk and Polotsk lands.
1129 - Removal of the Ryazan princedom from the warehouse of the Murom-Ryazan princedom.
1130 -1131 - Russians look like a miracle, the beginning of successful campaigns against Lithuania. Zіtknennya Muromo-Ryazan princes and Polovtsy.
1132-1139 - Rule of Grand Duke Yaropolk II Volodymyrovich. Residual fall of the reign of the Grand Duke of Kiev.
1135-1136 - Appreciation in Novgorod, Statutory charter of the Novgorod prince Vsevolod Mstislavovich about the management of merchants, vygnanny prince Vsevolod Mstislavich. Request to Novgorod Svyatoslav Olgovich. Remembrance of the principle of the request of the prince vіchem.
1137 - Departure of Pskov from Novgorod, establishment of the Pskov princedom.
1139 - 1st Grand Duke V'yacheslav Volodimirovich (8 days). Praising near Kiev and hoary by Vsevolod Olegovich.
1139-1146 - Rule of the Grand Duke Vsevolod II Olgovich.
1144 - Consecration of the Galician princedom by the way of unification of several remote princedoms.
1146 - The reign of the Grand Duke Igor Olgovich (pіvroku). The cob of baked struggle of the princely clans for the throne of Kiev (Monomakhovichi, Olgovichi, Davidovichi) - trival until 1161.
1146-1154 - The reign of the Grand Duke Izyaslav III Mstislavich with interruptions: in 1149, 1150 - Prince Yuri Dolgoruky; In 1150 - the 2nd grand duke V'yacheslav Volodimirovich (all - less than pіvroku). Strengthen the international struggle between the Suzdal and Kiev princes.
1147 - The first literary riddle about metro Moscow.
1149 - Struggle of Novgorodians with finances for Vod. Try the prince of Suzdal, Yuri Dolgorukov, to visit the Novgorodians of Yugorsk Danina.
Bookmark "Yur'єva near the field" (Yur'єv-Polish).
1152 - Zasnuvannya m. Pereyaslavl-Zaleskiy and m. Kostromi.
1154 - Zasnuvannya of m. Dmitrov and the village of Bogolyubov.
1154-1155 - Rule of Grand Duke Rostislav Mstislavich.
1155 - 1st reign of the Grand Duke Izyaslav Davidovich (close to Pivrok).
1155-1157 - The reign of the Grand Duke Yuri Volodymyrovich Dolgoruky.
1157-1159 - Parallel to the reign of the Grand Duke Izyaslav Davidovich near Kiev and Andriy Yuriyovich Bogolyubsky near Volodymyr-Suzdal.
1159-1167 - Parallel to the reign of Grand Duke Rostislav Mstislavich near Kiev and Andriy Yuriyovich Bogolyubsky near Volodymyr-Suzdal.
1160 - Novgorod rebels against Svyatoslav Rostislavovich.
1164 - Andriy Bogolyubsky went to the Volz Bulgarians. Victory of Novgorodians over the Swedes.
1167-1169 - Parallel reign of the Grand Duke Mstislav II Izyaslavich near Kiev and Andriy Yuriyovich Bogolyubsky near Volodymyr.
1169 - The capture of Kiev by the troops of the Grand Duke Andriy Yuriyovich Bogolyubsky. Transfer of the capital of Russia from Kiev to Volodymyr. Presentation of Volodymyr Rus.

Rus Volodymyrska

1169-1174 - Rule of the Grand Duke Andriy Yuriyovich Bogolyubsky. Transfer of the capital of Russia from Kiev to Volodymyr.
1174 - Beating of Andriy Bogolyubsky. The first riddle in the chronicles is called "nobles".
1174-1176 - Rule of Grand Duke Mikhail Yuryovich. Mіzhusobitsі and rebellion of the townspeople near the Volodymyr-Suzdal princedom.
1176-1212 - Rule of Grand Duke Vsevolod The Great Nest. Rozkvit Volodymyr-Suzdal Rus.
1176 - Russian war from Volzko-Kama Bulgaria. Zіtknennya rusіv іz estami.
1180 - The cob of internecine conflict and the collapse of the Smolensk princedom. Mzhusobitsya Chernigiv and Ryazan princes.
1183-1184 - The Great Departure of the Volodymyr-Suzdal princes under the wire of Vsevolod the Great Nest on the Volz Bulgars. Successful expedition of the princes of Pivdenny Rus to the Polovtsians.
1185 - not far away Prince Igor Svyatoslavich went to the Polovtsians.
1186-1187 - International struggle between Ryazan princes.
1188 - Novgorodians attacked German merchants near Novotorzhka.
1189-1192 - 3rd Khrestovy Pokhіd
1191 - Novgorodians from Korela go to the pits.
1193 - Nevdaliy went against the Yugra.
1195 - The first trade agreement between Novgorod and the towns of Nimechchin.
1196 - Princes of Novgorod liberties were recognized. Departure of Vsevolod the Great Nest to Chernigiv.
1198 - Confirmation by the Novgorodians of the Udmurts Relocation of the Teutonic Order of the Christians from Palestine to the Baltic. Pope Celestine III will vote the Holy Cross.
1199 - Consecration of the Galicia-Volinsky princedom by the way of the unification of the Galician and Volinsky princedoms. Appointment of Roman Mstislavich the Great Assigned by Bishop Albrecht to the Fortress of Riga. Establishment of the Order of the Swordbearers for the Christianization of Livonia (Latvia and Estonia)
1202-1224 - The Order of the Swordbearers of the Russian Volodya was buried near the Baltic states. Struggle for the Order from Novgorod, Pskov and Polotsk for Livonia.
1207 - The separation of the Rostov princedom from the Volodimir princedom. Unsuccessful defense of the Kukonas fortress near the middle flow of the Western Dvina by Prince V'yacheslav Borisovich ("Vyachko"), head of the Smolensk prince David Rostislavich.
1209 - The first riddle in the chronicle about Tver (after V.M. Tatishchev's tribute to the foundations of Tver in 1181).
1212-1216 - 1st reign of the Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich. International struggle with brother Kostyantin of Rostov. Porazka Yuri Vsevolodovich in the battle on the river. Lipitsy of Yur'ev-Polsky.
1216-1218 - Rule of the Grand Duke Kostyantin Vsevolodovich of Rostov.
1218-1238 - 2nd reign of the Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich (1238x) 1219 - foundation of the Revel metro station (Kolivan, Tallinn)
1220-1221 - Grand Duke Yury Vsevolodovich traveled to the Volzka Bulgaria, land slaughtered near the bottom of the Oka. The foundation of Nizhny Novgorod (1221) near the land of the Mordovians as an outpost against Volzka Bulgaria. 1219-1221 - Genghis Khan captured the powers of Central Asia
1221 - Departure of Yuriy Vsevolodovich against the bearers of the cross, unsuccessful oblog of the fort of Riga.
1223 - The defeat of the coalition of the Polovtsians and the Russian princes at the battle with the Mongols on the river. Calcium. Pokhіd Yury Vsevolodovich against the bearers.
1224 - Yur'eva (Derpt, modern Tartu) - the main Russian fort in the Baltic states - was taken by the sword-bearers.
1227 - Pokhіd viv. Prince Yury Vsevolodovich and other princes to the Mordovians. The death of Genghis Khan, voted by the great Khan of the Mongol-Tatars Batia.
1232 - Departure of the Suzdal, Ryazan and Murom princes against the Mordovians.
1233 - A test of the sword-bearers took the fortress of Izborsk.
1234 - Prince of Novgorod Yaroslav Vsevolodovich won over the Germans under Yur'ev and settled the world with them. Zupinennya prosuvanya sword-bearers Skhid.
1236-1249 - Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky in Novgorod.
1236 - the defeat of the great khan Batiym Volzkoy Bulgaria and the tribes of the Volga region.
1236 - defeat by the Lithuanian prince Mindovg of the Order of the Swordbearers. The death of the Grand Master of the Order.
1237-1238 - Mongol-Tatars attacked Pivnichno-Skhidna Rus. Razorennya place of the Ryazan and Volodymyr-Suzdal princedoms.
1237 - the destruction of the Teutonic Order by Danil Romanovich Galitsky. Zlittya zalishkiv to the Order of the Swordbearers and the Teutonic Order. Consecration of the Livonian Order.
1238 - Defeat of the princes of Pivnichno-Skhidnoy Rus in the battle on the river. City (4th of March 1238). The death of Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich. View of the Bilozersk and Suzdal princedoms in the warehouse of the Volodymyr-Suzdal princedom.
1238-1246 - Rule of Grand Duke Yaroslav II Vsevolodovich.
1239 - The devastation of the Mordovian lands, Chernigiv and Pereyaslav princedoms by the Tatar-Mongolian Viysks.
1240 - Mongol-Tatars attack Pivdenna Rus. The dissolution of the city of Kiev (1240) and the Galicia-Volinsky princedom. Victory of the Novgorod prince Oleksandr Yaroslavich over the Swedish army at the battle on the river. Neva ("Neva battle").
1240-1241 - Invasion of the Teutonic people near the land of Pskov and Novgorod, they took Pskov, Izborsk, Luga;
Budіvnitstvo fortezі Kopor'є (ninі village Lomonosіvskogo district Leningrad region).
1241-1242 - Oleksandr Nevsky drove the Teutonic persons, allowed Pskov and other places Naval of the Mongol-Tatars to Skhidna Europe. Defeat of the Ugrian warriors on the planks. Salt (11.04.1241), the desolation of Poland, the fall of Krakow.
1242 - Oleksandr Nevsky's victory over the Teutonic Knights at the Battle of Lake Peipus ("Battle of Ice"). Visnovok to the world from Livonia on the minds of її vіdmovi vіd domagan on rosіyskі lands Defeat the Mongol-Tatars from the Czechs at the battle of Olomouc. Completion of the "Great Western Campaign".
1243 - Arrival of Russian princes at Batia's headquarters. The voice of Prince Yaroslav II Vsevolodovich "the oldest" of the Holy Order of the "Golden Orda"
1245 - Battle of Yaroslavl (Galician) - the last battle of Danil Romanovich of Galicia in the struggle for Volodymyr Galician princedom.
1246-1249 - Rule of the Grand Duke Svyatoslav III Vsevolodovich 1246 - Death of the great Khan Batia
1249-1252 - The reign of the Grand Duke Andriy Yaroslavich.
1252 - Ruinivna "Nevryueva army" near Volodymyr-Suzdal land.
1252-1263 - Rule of Grand Duke Oleksandr Yaroslavich Nevsky. Departure of Prince Oleksandr Nevskiy on the part of Novgorodians to Finland (1256).
1252-1263 - reign of the first Lithuanian prince Mindovg Ringoldovich.
1254 - the foundation of the metro station Saray - the capital of the "Golden Ordi". Struggle of Novgorod and Sweden for Pivdennu Finland.
1257-1259 - The first Mongol census of the population of Russia, the creation of the Basque system for the collection of danini. Rebellion of the city dwellers near Novgorod (1259) against the Tatar "persons".
1261 - Establishment of the Orthodox eparchy near metro Saray.
1262 - Rebels of the townspeople of Rostov, Suzdal, Volodymyr and Yaroslavl against the Muslims, the electors of tribute. Assignment to the collection of tribute to the Russian princes.
1263-1272 - Rule of Grand Duke Yaroslav III Yaroslavich.
1267 - the removal of the Khan's yarlik from Genoa to Kafoya (Feodosiya) near Krimu. The beginning of the Genoese colonization of the coast of the Azov and Black Seas. Consecration of the colonies near the Cafe, Matrezi (Tmutarakan), Mapi (Anapa), Tanya (Azov).
1268 - The fall of the princes of Volodymyr-Suzdal, Novgorodians and Pskovians to Livonia, today they won a victory under Rakovor.
1269 - Oblogs of Pskov by the Livonians, laying the world out of Livonia and stabilizing the cordon of Pskov and Novgorod.
1272-1276 - The reign of Grand Duke Vasil Yaroslavich 1275 - the departure of the Tatar-Mongolian army to Lithuania
1272-1303 - Prince Danil Oleksandrovich in Moscow. The foundation of the Moscow dynasty of princes.
1276 p. Another Mongolian census of the population of Russia.
1276-1294 - Rule of the Grand Duke Dmitry Oleksandrovich Pereyaslavsky.
1288-1291 - struggle for the throne of the Golden Horde
1292 - Nashestya Tatars under the wire of Tudan (Deden).
1293-1323 - War of Novgorod from Sweden beyond the Karelian Isthmus.
1294-1304 - The reign of the Grand Duke Andriy Oleksandrovich Gorodetsky.
1299 - Transfer of the metropolitan see from Kiev to Volodymyr by Metropolitan Maxim.
1300-1301 - Swedes founded the fort of Landskrona on the Neva River and ruined by the Novgorodians on the island with the Grand Duke Andrey Oleksandrovich Gorodetsky.
1300 - The victory of the Moscow prince Danil Oleksandrovich over Ryazan. Arrival of Kolomna to Moscow.
1302 - Arrival of the Pereyaslav princedom to Moscow.
1303-1325 - Prince Yury Danilovich was princely in Moscow. Prince Yury of Moscow conquered the Mozhaisk udilny princedom (1303). The cob of Moscow's fight against Tver.
1304-1319 - The reign of the Grand Duke Mikhail II Yaroslavich of Tverskoy (1319x). Budіvnitstvo (1310) by the Novgorodians fortress Korela (Kexholm, modern Priozersk). Rule of Lithuania by Grand Duke Gediminas. Arrival to Lithuania of Polotsk and Turov-Pinsk princedoms
1308-1326 - Petro - Metropolitan of all Russia.
1312-1340 - reign of Khan Uzbek in the Golden Horde. Roskvit Golden Ordi.
1319-1322 - The reign of the Grand Duke Yuri Danilovich of Moscow (1325x).
1322-1326 - The reign of the Grand Duke Dmitry Mikhailovich Griznі Ochі (1326x).
1323 - Pobudov Russian fortress Nevi.
1324 - The journey of the Moscow prince Yuri Danilovich with Novgorodians to the Pivnichna Dvina and Ustyug.
1325 - Tragic death at the Golden Horde of Yuri Danilovich of Moscow. The victory of the Lithuanian warriors over the Kiyans and the Smolensk.
1326 - Transfer of the metropolitan see from Volodymyr to Moscow by Metropolitan Feognost.
1326-1328 - The reign of Grand Duke Oleksandr Mikhailovich Tverskoy (1339x).
1327 - Insurrection at Tver against the Mongol-Tatars. Vtecha of Prince Oleksandr Mikhaylovich from the Mongol-Tatar army.

Rus Moskovska

1328-1340 - The reign of the Grand Duke Ivan I Danilovich Kalita. Transfer of the capital of Russia from Volodymyr to Moscow.
Rozdіl Khan of Uzbek Volodymyr princedom between Grand Duke Ivan Kalіta and Prince Oleksandr Vasilyovich of Suzdal.
1331 - Grand Duke Ivan Kalita united the Volodymyr princedom under his rule.
1339 - Tragic death near the Golden Horde of Prince Oleksandr Mikhailovich Tverskoy. Life of a wooden Kremlin near Moscow.
1340 - Founding of the Trinity Monastery by Sergiy Radonezkiy (Trinity-Sergiev Lavra) Death of Uzbek, Great Khan of the Golden Ordi
1340-1353 - Board of the Grand Duke Simeon Ivanovich Proud 1345-1377 - Board of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd Gediminovich. Arrival of Kiev, Chernigiv, Volyn and Podil lands to Lithuania.
1342 - Arrival to the Suzdal princedom of Nizhny Novgorod, Unzhi that Gorodtsya. Consecration of the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod princedom.
1348-1349 - Christ's march of the Swedish king Magnus I in the Novgorod lands and amazingly. Novgorod's recognition of the independence of Pskov. Bolotovsky agreement (1348).
1353-1359 - Rule of the Grand Duke Ivan II Ivanovich the Meek.
1354-1378 - Oleksiy - Metropolitan of all Russia.
1355 - Division of the Suzdal princedom between Andriyem (Nizhniy Novgorod) and Dmitr (Suzdal) Kostyantinovichs.
1356 - ordering of the Bryansk princedom by Olgerd
1358-1386 - Svyatoslav Ivanovich, Princess of Smolensk, fought for Lithuania.
1359-1363 - Rule of the Grand Duke Dmitry Kostyantinovich of Suzdal. The struggle for the great princedom between Moscow and Suzdal.
1361 - vlady was buried in the Golden Horde by the temnik Mamaem
1363-1389 - Rule of the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy.
1363 - Olgerd's journey to the Black Sea, his victory over the Tatars on the Blue Waters (a tributary of the Pivdenny Bug), the ordering of Lithuania, the Kievan land and Podillya
1367 - He came to power near Tver for the help of the Lithuanian military Mikhail Oleksandrovich Mikulinsky. Visitation of Moscow from Tver and Lithuania. Zvedennya white stone walls of the Kremlin.
1368 - Olgerd's 1st trip to Moscow ("Lithuanian").
1370 - Olgerd's 2nd trip to Moscow.
1375 - Departure of Dmitry Donskoy to Tver.
1377 - Porazka of Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod in the presence of the Tatar prince Arab Shah (Arapsha) on the river. P'yanі Ob'єdnannya Mamaєm ulusіv on the way out of the Volga
1378 - The victory of the Moscow-Ryazan military over the Tatar military Begich on the river Vozha.
1380 - Mamaia went to Russia and was struck at the Kulikiv battle. The destruction of Mamaia by Khan Tokhtamish on the river. Calcium.
1382 - Tokhtamish went to Moscow and the ruin of Moscow. The destruction of the Ryazan princedom by the Moscow military.
bl. 1382 - An ear of carving a coin in Moscow.
1383 - Vyatka land was added to the Nizhny Novgorod princedom. Death of the Great Grand Duke Dmitry Kostyantinovich of Suzdal.
1385 - Ship reform in Novgorod. Voting of independence in the court of the metropolitan. Nevdaliy traveled by Dmitry Donskoy to Murom and Ryazan. Krevsk union of Lithuania and Poland.
1386-1387 - Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy marched on the coalition of Vladimir princes to Novgorod. Pay indemnity by Novgorod. Defeat of the Smolensk prince Svyatoslav Ivanovich at the battle with the Lithuanians (1386).
1389 - Appearance of fire armor in Russia.
1389-1425 - The reign of Grand Duke Vasil I Dmitrovich, first without the sanction of Ordi.
1392 - Arrival of the Nizhny Novgorod and Murom princedoms to Moscow.
1393 - Departure of the Moscow army to join Yuri Zvenigorodsky on the Novgorod lands.
1395 - Defeat of the Golden Horde by Tamerlane's troops. The establishment of the vassal estate of the Smolensk princedom in Lithuania.
1397-1398 - The march of the Moscow army to the Novgorod lands. The arrival of the Novgorod Volodin (Bezhetsky Verkh, Vologda, Ustyug and Komi) to Moscow, turning the Dvina land to Novgorod. Root of the Novgorodian ratty of the Dvinsk land.
1399-1400 - The campaign of the Muscovite warrior against Yury Zvenigorodsky on Kama against the princes of Nizhny Novgorod, who hid in Kazan 1399 - Khan Timur-Kutlug defeated the Lithuanian Grand Duke Vitovt Keistutovich.
1400-1426 - prince Ivan Mikhailovich near Tver, settlement of Tver
1402 - Arrival of the Vyatka land to Moscow.
1406-1408 - War of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasil I with Vitovt Keistutovich.
1408 - Emir Edigey went to Moscow.
1410 - Death of Prince Volodymyr Andriyovich Khorobry Battle of Grunwald. Polish-Lithuanian-Russian military Jagiello and Vitovt defeated the faces of the Teutonic Order
bl. 1418 - People's rebellion against the boyars near Novgorod.
bl. 1420 - Cob karbuvannya coin near Novgorod.
1422 - Peace of Meln, agreement of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland with the Teutonic Order (laid 27.09.1422 on the birch of Lake Mielno). The order was still inspired by Samogitia and the Lithuanian Zanemaniya, having saved the Klaipeda region and the Polish Pomorie.
1425-1462 - Rule of Grand Duke Vasil II Vasilyovich the Dark.
1425-1461 - Rule of Prince Boris Oleksandrovich near Tver. Trying to strengthen the meaning of Tver.
1426-1428 - Vitovt of Lithuania traveled to Novgorod and Pskov.
1427 - Recognition by the Tver and Ryazan princedoms of the vassal estates in Lithuania 1430 - death of Vitovt of Lithuania. The cob in the fall of the Lithuanian great power
1425-1453 - International war in Russia of Grand Duke Vasil II the Dark with Yuri Zvenigorodsky, cousins ​​Vasil Kosim and Dmitri Shemyak.
1430 - 1432 - fighting in Lithuania between Svidrigail Olgerdovich, who represented the "Russian" party and Sigismund, who represented the "Lithuanian" party.
1428 - Gathering of the Orda army on the Kostroma lands - Galich Mersky, ruin and robbery of Kostroma, Ples and Lukha.
1432 - Court in the Horde between Vasil II and Yuri Zvenigorodsky (at the initiative of Yuri Dmitrovich). Confirmed by Grand Duke Vasil II.
1433-1434 - The capture of Moscow and the great prince Yury Zvenigorodsky.
1437 - Ulu-Muhammed went to Zaoksky lands. Battle of Belevsky 5th of March 1437 (defeat of the Moscow army).
1439 - Vіdmova Vasil II in honor of the Florentine Union of the Roman Catholic Church. Departure of Kazan Khan Makhmet (Ulu-Mohammed) to Moscow.
1438 - sighting of the Kazan Khanate in the warehouse of the Golden Ordi. The cob of disintegration of the Golden Ordi.
1440 - Recognition by Kazimir of Lithuania of the independence of Pskov.
1444-1445 - Nabіg Kazan Khan Makhmet (Ulu-Mukhammed) to Ryazan, Murom and Suzdal.
1443 - vision of the Crimean Khanate in the warehouse of the Golden Ordi
1444-1448 - War of Livonia from Novgorod and Pskov. Departure of the Tverians near the Novgorod lands.
1446 - Transfer to the Moscow service of Kasim Khan, brother of the Kazan Khan. The blinding of Vasil II by Dmitry Shemyak.
1448 - Metropolitan Johnny at the cathedral of the Russian clergy. Signing of the 25th svіt of Pskov and Novgorod with Livonia.
1449 - Agreement between Grand Duke Vasil II the Dark and Casimir of Lithuania. Knowing the independence of Novgorod and Pskov.
bl. 1450 - First riddle about Yur'evy day.
1451 - Arrival of the Suzdal princedom to Moscow. Departure of Makhmut, the son of Kichi-Muhammed, to Moscow. Burned plant, but did not take the Kremlin.
1456 - Grand Duke Vasil II the Dark went to Novgorod, the defeat of the Novgorod army under the old Rus. Yazhelbitsky agreement between Novgorod and Moscow. The first settlement of the Novgorod liberties. 1454-1466 - The Thirteenth War of Poland with the Teutonic Order, which ended with the recognition of the Teutonic Order by the vassal of the Polish king.
1458 Residual subdivision of the Kiev metropolia to Moscow and Kiev. Vіdmova Church Cathedral of Moscow in recognition of Metropolitan Gregory sent from Rome and decreed to appoint a metropolitan by the will of the Grand Duke and a cathedral without confirmation at Constantinople.
1459 - Order of V'yatka of Moscow.
1459 - Astrakhan Khanate was seen from the warehouse of the Golden Ordi
1460 - Truce of Pskov with Livonia for 5 years. Pskov's recognition of the sovereignty of Moscow.
1462 - Death of Grand Duke Vasil II the Dark.

Russian state (Russian centralized state)

1462-1505 - The reign of the Grand Duke Ivan III Vasilyovich.
1462 - Ivan III issued the issue of Russian coins in the name of Khan Ordi. Statement of Ivan III about the birth of the khan’s yarlik on the great princedom.
1465 - Zagin Scribi reaches the river. Ob.
1466-1469 - Tver merchant Athanasius Nikitin traveled to India.
1467-1469 - like the Moscow military on the Kazan Khanate.
1468 - Expedition of the Great Khan Ordi Akhmat to Ryazan.
1471 - the 1st trip of the Grand Duke Ivan III to Novgorod, the defeat of the Novgorod army on the river. Sheloni. Departure of ordinances on the Moscow borders at the western smuz.
1472 - Arrival of the Permian land (Great Perm) to Moscow.
1474 - Arrival of the Rostov princedom to Moscow. Visnovok of the 30th truce between Moscow and Livonia. Organizing the union of the Crimean Khanate and Moscow against the Great Horde and Lithuania.
1475 - Krim was buried by Turkish troops. Crossing of the Crimean Khanate at the vassal fallow land in Turechchini.
1478 - the 2nd trip of Grand Duke Ivan III to Novgorod.
Liquidation of independence of Novgorod.
1480 - "Great standing" on the river. Ugry Russian Tatar troops. Vidmov Ivan III to pay Danin Ordi. End of the Orda yoke.
1483 - Moscow voivode F. Kurbsky went to the Trans-Ural on the Irtish to m.Iskera, then down the Irtish to the Ob in Yugorsk land. Sub-root of the Pelim princedom.
1485 - Arrival of the Tver princedom to Moscow.
1487-1489 - Root of the Kazan Khanate. Capture of Kazan (1487), Ivan III took the title of "Grand Duke of Bulgar". The protégé of Moscow, Khan Mohammed-Emin, was placed on the Kazan throne. The introduction of a pomіsnoї system of earth-cropping.
1489 - Departure to V'yatka and the rest of the arrival of the Vyatka land to Moscow. Arrival of the Arsk land (Udmurtia).
1491 - "Going to the Dike Field" of the 60,000th Russian army to help the Crimean Khan Mengli-Girey against the Khans of the Great Ordi
1492 - Zabobonni ochіkuvannya "kintsya svіtu" at the link from the end (1st of the month) of the 7th millennium for the rachunka "from the creation of the world". Veresen is the decision of the Moscow Church Council about the postponement of giving the cob of fate for 1 spring. First to win the title "autocrat" from the envoys to the Grand Duke Ivan III Vasilyovich. Zasnuvannya fortezі Ivangorod on the river. Norway.
1492-1494 - 1st war of Ivan III in Lithuania. The arrival of Vyazmi and the Verkhovsky princedoms to Moscow.
1493 - Agreement of Ivan III about the union from Denmark against Hanzi and Sweden. The act of Danієyu their Volodya in Finland natomіst attached to the Hanseatic trade in Novgorod.
1495 - sighting of the Siberian Khanate in the warehouse of the Golden Ordi. Decay of the Golden Ordi
1496-1497 - War of Moscow from Sweden.
1496-1502 - reign in Kazan Abdil-Letif (Abdul-Latif) under the protectorate of Grand Duke Ivan III
1497 - Sudebnik of Ivan III. First Russian embassy near Istanbul.
1499 -1501 - Migration of the Moscow governors F. Kurbsky and P. Ushaty to Pivnichny Trans-Ural and to the lower Ob.
1500-1503 - the 2nd war of Ivan III with Lithuania for the Supreme Princes. Arrival to Moscow Siversky land.
1501 - Consecration of the coalition of Lithuania, Livonia and the Great Horde, directed against Moscow, Crimea and Kazan. On the 30th of September, the 20,000-thousandth Great Horde began to devastate the Kursk land, went to Rilsk, and the leaves fell out of the Bryansk and Novgorod-Siver lands. Tatars zahopili m. Novgorod-Siversky, ale further, to the Moscow lands, did not go.
1501-1503 - War of Russia with the Livonian Order.
1502 - Residual defeat of the Great Horde by the Crimean Khan Mengli-Girey, crossing the territory to the Crimean Khanate
1503 - Arrival of half of the Ryazan princedom (including Tuli) to Moscow. The truce with Lithuania and the advent to Russia Chernigov, Bryansk and Gomel (mayzhe third of the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania). Truce of Russia with Livonia.
1505 - Anti-Russian ledge near Kazan. The cob of the Kazan-Russian war (1505-1507).
1505-1533 - Rule of Grand Duke Vasil III Ivanovich.
1506 - Nevdal of the oblog of Kazan.
1507 - The first raid of the Crimean Tatars on the frontiers of Russia.
1507-1508 - War of Russia with Lithuania.
1508 - Formation of a peace treaty for Sweden for 60 years.
1510 - Liquidation of the independence of Pskov.
1512-1522 - War of Russia with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
1517-1519 - Francysk Skaryny's activity near Praz. The speedy release of a translation from the Church-Slovak language into the Russian language - "The Russian Bible".
1512 - "Eternal light" from Kazan. Unsuccessful taxation of Smolensk.
1513 - Arrival to the Moscow Principality of Volotsk Dol.
1514 - Grand Duke Vasil III Ivanovich Smolensk was taken by the troops and the Smolensk lands were taken over.
1515, April - Death of the Crimean Khan Mengli-Girey, an old ally of Ivan III;
1519 - Departure of the Russian army to Vilna (Vilnius).
1518 - The arrival of the protege of Moscow, Khan (Tsar) Shah-Ali, came to power in Kazan
1520 - Laying a truce with Lithuania for 5 years.
1521 - Departure of the Crimean and Kazan Tatars from Mohammed-Gireym (Magmet-Gireym), Khan Krim and Kazan Khan Saip-Gireym (Sagib-Gireym) to Moscow. Covers of Moscow with krimtsy. More arrival to Moscow of the Ryazan princedom. Buried on the throne of the Kazan Khanate by the dynasty of the Crimean khans Gireiv (Khan Sahib-Girey).
1522 - Arrest of Novgorod-Seversky Prince Vasil Shemyachich. Arriving to Moscow Novgorod-Siversky princedom.
1523-1524 - 2nd Kazan-Russian war.
1523 - Anti-Russian protests in Kazan. Departure of Russian troops near the land of the Kazan Khanate. Budіvnitstvo on the river. Suri Fortress Vasilsursk. Astrakhan was slaughtered by Crimean soldiers.
1524 - New Russian expedition to Kazan. Peace talks between Moscow and Kazan. Voted by the Kazan tsar Safa Giray.
1529 - Russian-Kazan peace treaty Oblog by the Turks
1530 - Russian troops went to Kazan.
1533-1584 - The reign of the Grand Duke and Tsar (from 1547) Ivan IV Vasilyovich the Terrible.
1533-1538 - Regency of the mother of Grand Duke Ivan IV Vasilyovich Olenya Glinskaya (1538+).
1538-1547 - Boyars rule for the young Grand Duke Ivan IV Vasilyovich (until 1544 - Shuisky, from 1544 - Glinsky)
1544-1546 - Arrival of the lands of Mary and Chuvashs to Russia, went to the lands of the Kazan Khanate.
1547 - Grand Duke Ivan IV Vasilyovich received the royal title (crowning the kingdom). Pozhezhi that folk praise from Moscow.
1547-1549 - The political program of Ivan Peresvitov: the creation of a post-war archery, the support of the tsar's power on the nobles, the sacking of the Kazan Khanate and the distribution of land to the nobles.
1547-1550 - not far away (1547-1548, 1549-1550) Russian soldiers went to Kazan. Departure of the Crimean Khan to Astrakhan. Zvedennya in Astrakhan of the protégé of Krim
1549 - The first news about the Cossack towns on the Don. Consecration of the embassy order. Calling the first Zemsky Cathedral.
1550 - Sudebnik (crypt of laws) of Ivan the Terrible.
1551 - "Stogolovy" Cathedral. Praised by the program of reforms (because of the secularization of church lands, that is, the provocation of the secular court for spiritual osib). 3rd Kazan campaign of Ivan the Terrible.
1552 - the 4th (Great) trip of Tsar Ivan IV Vasilyovich to Kazan. Not far from the Crimean troops went to Tula. Obloga that the capture of Kazan. Liquidation of the Kazan Khanate.
1552-1558 - Order of the territory of the Kazan Khanate.
1553 - Nevdaliy march of the 120,000-strong prince of Nogai Ordi Yusuf to Moscow.
1554 - the 1st trip of Russian governors to Astrakhan.
1555 - Skasuvannya year (completion of the lip and zemstvo reforms) Recognition by the Khan of the Siberian Khanate Yediger of the vassal fallow land in Russia
1555-1557 - War of Russia from Sweden.
1555-1560 - Russian governors go to Crimea.
1556 - The capture of Astrakhan and the coming to Russia of the Astrakhan Khanate. Transition under the rule of Russia of the entire Volga region. Adoption of the "Regulations on the Service" - regulation of the service of the nobility and the norms of pomіsnoї pay The breakup of the Nogai Ordi to Velika, Mala and Altiulskaya Horde.
1557 - The oath of envoy of the ruler of Kabardia to the Russian tsar. Recognition by the prince of the Great Nogai Ordi Ismail of the vassal lands in Russia. Transition of Western and Central Bashkir Tribes (Parents of the Nogai Horde) to the Russian Tsar.
1558-1583 - Livonian war of Russia for a trip to the Baltic Sea and the land of Livonia.
1558 - Narva and Derpt were taken by the Russian troops.
1559 - Truce with Livonia. D.Ardashev's trip to Crimea. Transition of Livonia to the protectorate of Poland.
1560 - The victory of the Russian army at Ermes, taking the castle of Fellin. A. Kurbsky's victory over the Levonians under Wenden. For the sake of Vibrano's fall, A.Adashev's disgrace. Transfer of Pivnichnaya Livonia to the citizenship of Sweden.
1563 - Capture of Polotsk by Tsar Ivan IV Buried the power of the Siberian Khanate Kuchum. Raising vassal vodnosin from Russia
1564 - View of the "Apostle" by Ivan Fedorov.
1565 - Entry of oprichnina by Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible. The cob of oprichnyh persecution 1563-1570 - Pivnіchna Semirіch Danish-Swedish war for panuvannya on the Baltic Sea. Shtettinskiy svіt 1570 r. basically restoring the status quo.
1566 - Completion of the everyday life of the Great Border (Ryazan-Tula-Kozelsk and Alatir-Temnikov-Shatsk-Ryazk). Zasnovaniy m. Orel.
1567 - Union of Russia with Sweden. Budіvnitstvo fortetsі Terki (Tersko mіstechko) at the flood of the river Terek and Sunzhі. The cob of pushing Russia to the Caucasus.
1568-1569 - Masovі Strati near Moscow. Resignation for the order of Ivan the Terrible, the remaining pet of Prince Andriy Volodymyrovich Staritsky. Laying the peaceful grounds of Turechchini and Crimea with Poland and Lithuania. Cob vіdkrito vorozhoy policy of the Ottoman Empire on the vіdnosnennia to Russia
1569 - Exodus of the Crimean Tatars and Turks to Astrakhan, the unsuccessful oblog of Astrakhan, the Union of Lublin - the Establishment of the single Polish-Lithuanian state of the Commonwealth
1570 - Ivan the Terrible marches on Tver, Novgorod and Pskov. Despoiled by the Crimean Khan Davlet-Girey of the Ryazan land. The cob of Russian-Swedish war. Not far from the oblogue of Reval Osvit of the vassal kingdom of Magnus (brother of the King of Denmark) near Livonia.
1571 - Departure of the Crimean Khan Devlet-Girey to Moscow. Take that bedroom of Moscow. The flight of Ivan the Terrible to Serpukhov, Alexandrov Sloboda, then to Rostov.
1572 - Negotiate Ivan the Terrible with Devlet-Girey. New expedition of the Crimean Tatars to Moscow. Peremoga Voivode M.I.Vorotinsky on the river Lopasnі. Entry of Khan Devlet-Girey. Spoken by Ivan the Terrible oprichnina. Strata ker_vnik_v oprichnina.
1574 - Zasnuvannya metro Ufi;
1575-1577 - March of the Russian troops to Pivnichnaya Livonia and Livonia.
1575-1576 - Nominal ruler of Simeon Bekbulatovich (1616+), Khan of Kasimiv, voted by Ivan the Terrible "Grand Duke of all Russia".
1576 - Zasnuvannya m. Samari. Buried in a number of supporting fortifications near Livonia (Pernov (Pyarnu), Wenden, Paidu, etc.) Conquest of the Turkish protégé Stefan Batory (1586+) to the Polish throne.
1577 - Nevdal of Revel's oblogue.
1579 - Stefan Batory captures Polotsk, Velikiye Luki.
1580s - The first signs about the Cossack towns on Yatsy.
1580 - the 2nd campaign of Stefan Batory on Russian lands and the capture of Veliky Luki by him. Capture of Koreli by the Swedish commander Delagardie. The decision of the church council about the fence to fill the land for churches and monasteries.
1581 - The Swedish forts of Narva and Ivangorod were taken by the Swedish Russians. Skasuvannya Yur'eva of the day. The first riddle about "commandable" fates. Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible beats his elder son Ivan.
1581-1582 - Oblogs by Stefan Batory of Pskov and the defense of I. Shuisky.
1581-1585 - The journey of the Cossack otaman Yermak to Siberia and the defeat of the Siberian Khanate of Kuchum.
1582 - Yam-Zapolsk truce of Russia with the Rich Commonwealth for 10 years. Crossing at Volodin, Poland, Livonia and Polotsk. Resettlement of a part of the Don Cossacks in the Grebny tract on Pivn. Caucasus Bull of Pope Gregory XIII about the calendar reform and the introduction of the Gregorian calendar.
1582-1584 - Massive rebellion of the peoples of the Middle Volga (Tatars, Mari, Chuvashs, Udmurts) against Moscow Introduction of a new calendar style in the Catholic countries (Italy, Spain, Poland, France and other.). "Calendarni zavorushennya" at Rizi (1584).
1583 - Plus the truce of Russia with Sweden for 10 years with the deed of Narva, Yam, Kopor'ya, Ivangorod. Completion of the Livonian war, which thrived (with breaks) 25 years.
1584-1598 - The reign of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich 1586 - the king of the Commonwealth of the Swedish prince Sigismund III Vaz (1632+)
1586-1618 - Arrival of Western Siberia to Russia. Zasnuvannya m. Tyumenі (1586), Tobolsk (1587), Berezov (1593), Obdorsk (1595), Tomsk (1604).
bl. 1598 - death of Khan Kuchum. The power of yoga son Ali is taken from the upper rivers of Ishim, Irtysh, Tobol.
1587 - Anniversary of the Union of Georgia and Russia.
1589 - The foundation of the fort Tsaritsin was dragged between the Don and the Volga. Sleeping with the Russian Patriarchate.
1590 - Zasnuvannya m. Saratov.
1590-1593 - Successful war in Russia from Sweden 1592 - king of the Commonwealth Sigismund III Vaz came to rule in Sweden. The beginning of Sigismund's struggle with the other pretender to the throne and his relative Charles Vasa (the future King of Sweden Charles IX)
1591 - The death of Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich in Uglich, the revolt of the townspeople.
1592-1593 - Decree on the release of duties and taxes on the lands of the helpers, who served in military service and lived at their mothers (the appearance of "white lands"). Decree on the fence of the village exit. Residual attachment of the villagers to the ground.
1595 - Tyavzinsky world zі Sweden. Turning Russia Mist Yam, Kopor'є, Ivangorod, Gorikh, Nienshane. Recognition of the control of Sweden over the Baltic trade of Russia.
1597 - Decree about bonded serfs (dovіchna їх camp without the ability to pay the borg, inflicting service on the death of the pan). Decree on the five-year term for the rozshuk of the villagers-vt_kachiv (urochnі roki).
1598 - Death of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich. Attachment of the dynasty of Rurikovich. Received the Babinivska road as an official rank way to Siberia (replacement of the old Cherdinskaya road).

Troubled hour

1598-1605 - Rule of Tsar Boris Godunov.
1598 - The beginning of the active life of the city near Siberia.
1601-1603 - Famine in Russia. Chastkove v_dnovlennya Yur'eva of the day and the villagers' outing.
1604 - Pobudov driving from Surgut to the prince of the Tomsk Tatars, the fort of Tomsk. Appearing in Poland, the impostor False Dmitry, yogo went to the choli of the Cossacks and hired to Moscow.
1605 - The reign of Tsar Fyodor Borisovich Godunov (1605x).
1605-1606 - Rule of imposture of False Dmitry I
Preparation of a new Code, which allows a villager's exit.
1606 - Zmova of the boyars on the battlefield with Prince V. I. Shuisky. Knocking down and driving in False Dmitry I. Voting of V.I. Shuisky by the tsar.
1606-1610 - Rule of Tsar Vasil IV Ivanovich Shuisky.
1606-1607 - The rebellion of I.I. Bolotnikov and Lyapunov under the motto "Tsar Dmitry!".
1606 - Appearance of the impostor False Dmitry II.
1607 - Decree about "volunteer serfs", about the 15th term for raising the villagers-vt_kachiv and about the sanctions for the admission and tremanny of the villagers-vt_kachiv. Skasuvannya reforms of Godunov and False Dmitry I.
1608 - False Dmitry II's victory over the ranks of the troops on the grounds of D.I. Shuisky under Bolkhov.
The creation of the Tushinsky camp near Moscow.
1608-1610 - Unsuccessful oblog of the Trinity-Sergius monastery by Polish and Lithuanian troops.
1609 - Call for help (lyuty) against False Dmitry II to the Swedish king Charles IX at the cost of territorial deeds. Passage of Swedish troops to Novgorod. Entry of the Polish king Sigizmund III at the inter-Russian state (spring). The beginning of the Polish intervention to Russia. The appointment of Metropolitan Philaret (Fyodor Mikitovich Romanov) at the Tushino Tabor as patriarch. Rozbrіd at the Tushinsky Tabor. Vtecha False Dmitry II.
1609-1611 - Oblogs of Smolensk by Polish soldiers.
1610 - Battle of Klushin (24.06) Russian and Polish troops. Liquidation of the Tushin camp. New test of False Dmitry II to organize trips to Moscow. The death of False Dmitry II. Assumption of Vasyl Shuisky on the Throne. Entry of the Poles to Moscow.
1610-1613 - Mіzhtsarstvo ("Seven Boyars").
1611 - The defeat of the Lyapunov militia. The fall of Smolensk after the courtyard oblogs. Full of Patriarch Filaret, V.I.
1611-1617 - Swedish intervention in Russia;
1612 - Selection of a new militia Kuzma Minina and Dmitry Pozharsky. Despair of Moscow, defeat of the Polish military. The death of the great tsar Vasyl Shuysky near the Polonia near Poland.
1613 - Calling Zemsky Sobor near Moscow. Conquest of the kingdom of Mikhail Romanov.
1613-1645 - Rule of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov.
1615-1616 - Elimination of the Cossack rokh otaman Balivnya.
1617 - Stolbovsky svіt zі Sweden. The turn of the Russian Novgorod lands, the exit to the Baltic - the places of Korela (Kexholm), Kopor'є, Gorikh, Yam, Ivangorod went to Sweden.
1618 - Deulin truce with Poland. Crossing of Smolensk lands (Zokrema of Smolensk), Crimea of ​​Vyazma, Chernigiv and Novgorod-Siver lands from 29 places to Poland. Vidmov's Prince Vladislav of Poland with claims to the Russian throne. Favored by Patriarch Filaret (Fyodor Mikitovich Romanov).
1619-1633 - Patriarchy and reign of Filaret (Fyodor Mikitovich Romanov).
1620-1624 - The beginning of penetration of the Russians in the Northern Siberia. Hike to the river. Deer and uphill Deer to the earth Buryats.
1621 - Installation of the Siberian diocese.
1632 - Organization of the Russian army in the "inozem fret". Planting by A.Vinius of the first plant near Tula. War of Russia from Poland for the return of Smolensk. Founding of the Yakutsk Ostrog (in the modern city of 1643) 1630-1634 - the Swedish period of the Thirty-Tier war, if the Swedish army, invading (under the command of Gustav II Adolf) to Nіmechchin, gained victory under Breitenfeld (1631), Lutze 1634).
1633-1638 - Departure of the Cossacks of I.Perfiljeva and I.Rebrova from the bottom of the Deer on the rivers of Yana and Indigirka As a result, they recognized the collapse of the Habsburg plans, political hegemony passed to France. Ended with the Westphalian Light of 1648.
1636 - Founding of the Tambov fort.
1637 - Don Cossacks captured the Turkish fort of Azov at the Don River.
1638 - Hetman Y.Ostranin, who stood up against the Poles, moved from Viysk to the territory of Russia. Cob molding of slobidskoy ї Ukraine (districts of Kharkiv, Kursk and other countries between Don and Dniprom)
1638-1639 - P.Ivanov's cossacks traveled from Yakutsk to the upper Yani and Indigirka.
1639-1640 - Travel of the Cossacks of I. Moskvitin from Yakutsk to Lamsky (Sea of ​​Okhotsk, across to the Pacific Ocean. Completion of the latitudinal span of Siberia, rosy Yermak.
1639 - Founding of the first glass factory near Russia.
1641 - Don Cossacks successfully defended the fort of Azov at the Don arm ("Azov Seat").
1642 - The defense of the fort of Azov was pinned down. Decision of the Zemsky Sobor to turn Azov Turechchini. Registration of a noble military service camp.
1643 - Liquidation of the Kodsky princedom of the Khanty on the right bank of the Ob. The sea trip of the Cossacks to Kolima from M. Starodukhin and D. Zdiryan from Indigirka to Kolima. Departure of Russian servants and industrial people to Baikal (after K.Ivanov) Traveling to Sakhalin by the Dutch navigator M.de Vries, who took Sakhalin for part of Hokkaido.
1643-1646 - V. Poyarkov traveled from Yakutsk to Aldan, Zeya, Amur to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.
1645-1676 - Rule of Tsar Oleksiy Mikhailovich Romanov.
1646 - Replacement of direct taxes with a tax on labor. Skasuvannya tax on force and return to direct taxes on the back of mass conspiracies. Census of draft and partly non-draft population.
1648-1654 - Spore of the Siberian border (Simbirsk-Karsun-Saransk-Tambov). Spore fortress Simbirsk (1648).
1648 - Swimming of S. Dezhnev from the mouth of the Kolimi River to the mouth of the Anadir River through the canal, which brings Eurasia to the Americas. "Salt riot" near Moscow. Insurrection of city dwellers near Kursk, Elts, Tomsk, Ustyuz and others. Deeds to the nobles: calling out to the Zemsky Sobor to accept the new Code, paying off arrears. The cob of the rebellion of B. Khmelnytsky against the Poles in Ukraine.
1649 - Cathedral of the Code of Oleksiy Mikhailovich. Residual formalization of security law (introduction of a line-free taxation), liquidation of "white slobids" (feudal volodin at the municipalities, payment of taxes and duties). Legalization of the investigation for denunciation of the namir against the tsar or yogo image ("The word and right of the sovereign") Allowing the English trade privileges to help the Russian merchants.
1649-1652 - Look like Y. Khabarov on the Amur and the Daurian land. The First Zitknennya of the Russians from the Manchus. Created in the Slobidsky Ukrainian Territorial Regiments (Ostrogizky, Okhtirsky, Sumy, Kharkiv).
1651 - The beginning of church reform by Patriarch Nikon. Zasnuvannya Nіmetskoi slobodi near Moscow.
1651-1660 - M.Stadukhin went behind the Anadir-Okhotsk-Yakutsk route. A link between the pivnіchny and pivdennyh ways to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk was established.
1652-1656 - Arrangement of the Zakamskoy zasіchnoy boundary (Biliy Yar - Menzelinsk).
1652-1667 - Zіtknennya secular and ecclesiastical power.
1653 - Decision of the Zemsky Sobor about accepting the citizenship of Ukraine and the beginning of war from Poland. Adoption of a trade statute, regulating trade (single trade, the fence between the trades of the Volodymyr secular and spiritual feudal lords, the fencing of the peasant trade in trade from carts, the promotion of foreign merchants).
1654-1667 - Russian-Polish war for Ukraine.
1654 - Confirmed by the church council of Nikon's reforms. Vindication of the Old Believers on the choli with Archpriest Avakum, the beginning of the split of the church. Radelnyna Pereyaslavysko Rado Vіyski Zakіd Ukraine (8.01.1654) about the turn of Ukraine (Poltava region, Kyiv region, Chernigіvshchini, Kyivli, Volinі) to Rosії ZI ZIEMENNYE WIDE ACONNIONII (UNDERSBANIANCHANCE OF THE RIGHTS OF THE COANTTVA, VIBORNIST HETMANA, SELOSTYNA ZOVNISHIV). Capture of Polotsk, Mogilov, Vitebsk, Smolensk by Russian troops
1655 - Capture of Minsk, Vilna, Grodno by the Russian troops, went to Brest Invasion of Sweden to Poland. The cob of the first Pivnіchnі vіyni
1656 - Capture of Nienshantsya and Derpt. Oblog of Riga. The truce with Poland is the goloshennya war of Sweden.
1656-1658 - Russian-Swedish war for a trip to the Baltic Sea.
1657 - Death of B. Khmelnitsky. Betrayed by the hetman of Ukraine I. Vigovsky.
1658 - Conflict between Nikon and Tsar Oleksiy Mikhailovich. An ear of issuance of midny pennies (the payment of paid midny pennies and the collection of silver taxes). Initiated negotiations from Poland, announcing the Russian-Polish war. Invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine Gadiatsky agreement of Hetman of Ukraine Vigovsky from Poland about the accession of Ukraine as an autonomous "principality of Rus" to Poland.
1659 - Defeat of the Russian troops near Konotop in the name of Hetman of Ukraine I. Vigovsky and Crimean Tatars. Vidmova Pereyaslavskaya For the sake of confirming the Gadyatsky agreement. The adoption of Hetman I. Vigovsky and the conversion of Hetman of Ukraine Yu. Khmelnitsky. Confirmation by the Rada of a new treaty with Russia. The defeat of the Russian troops in Belarus, the zrada of Hetman Yu. Khmelnitsky. The division of the Ukrainian Cossacks into the wards of Moscow and the wards of Poland.
1661 - Cardinal world of Russia and Sweden. Vidmova of Russia in the conquest of 1656, turning to the minds of the Stolbovsky world 1617 1660-1664 - Austro-Turkish war, divided the lands of the Ugrian kingdom.
1662 - "Midny Riot" near Moscow.
1663 - The filling of the Penzi m. Rozkol of Ukraine for the hetmanate of Right-Bank and Left-Bank Ukraine
1665 - Reforms of A. Ordin-Nashchokin near Pskov: the establishment of merchant companies, the introduction of elements of self-rowing. Strengthening the position of Moscow in Ukraine.
1665-1677 - P. Doroshenko's hetmanship in the Right-Bank Ukraine.
1666 - Nikon was conferred the rank of patriarch and convicted of the Old Believers by the church cathedral. Budіvnitstvo povstali Abomsky Cossacks of the new Albazinsky prison on the Amur (from 1672 acceptances from the Russian citizenship).
1667 - Construction of ships for the Caspian flotilla. New trade statute. Archpriest Avakum was sent to the Pustozersky prison for "heresy" (criticism) of the rulers of the country. A. Ordin-Nashchokin on the part of the Ambassadorial mandate (1667-1671). Visnovok A. Ordin-Nashchokinim of the Andrusiv truce with Poland. Zdijsnennya under the border of Ukraine between Poland and Russia (transition of the Left Bank of Ukraine under the rule of Russia).
1667-1676 - Solovetsky rebellion of chentsiv-rozkolnikiv ("Solovki seat").
1669 - Transition of Hetman of the Right-Bank Ukraine P. Doroshenko under the rule of Turechchin.
1670-1671 - Rise of the villagers and Cossacks on the choli with the Don otaman S. Razin.
1672 - First self-burning of rozkolniks (near Nizhny Novgorod). The first professional theater in Russia. Decree on the distribution of "wild fields" to serve and spiritual persons in the "Ukrainian" regions. Russian-Polish agreement about helping Poland in the war with Turechchina 1672-1676 - war between the Rich Commonwealth and the Ottoman Empire for the Right-Bank Ukraine.
1673 - Russian troops and Don Cossacks went to Azov.
1673-1675 - Resemble the Russian troops against Hetman P. Doroshenko (similar to Chigirin), defeat the Turkish and Crimean Tatar troops.
1675-1678 - Ambassador mission of Russia to Beijing. Vіdmov Tsіnskogo ryad consider Russia as an equal partner.
1676-1682 - The reign of Tsar Fyodor Oleksiyovich Romanov.
1676-1681 - Russian-Turkish war for the Right-bank Ukraine.
1676 - Occupied by the Russian capitals of the Right-Bank Ukraine Chigirin. Zhuravsky svіt Poland and Turechchini: Turechchini occupies Podolia, P. Doroshenko was recognized as a vassal of Turechchini
1677 - The victory of the Russian troops over the Turks near Chigirin.
1678 - Russian-Polish agreement on the continuation of the truce with Poland for 13 years. The pleasure of the parties about the preparation of the "eternal world". The capture of Chigirin by the Turks
1679-1681 - Tax reform. Crossing to the lining of the sub-department of the field.
1681-1683 - Seitov rebellion in Bashkiria through forcible Christianity. The humility of the rebels for the help of Kalmikiv.
1681 - Kasuvannya Kasimivskogo kingdom. Bakhchisarai Peace Treaty between Russia and Turech and the Crimean Khanate. The establishment of the Russian-Turkish cordon Dniprom. Vyznannya for Russia, Livoberezhnoy Ukraine and Kiev.
1682-1689 - One-hour rule of the queen-ruler Sophia Oleksiyivna and tsar Ivan V Oleksiyovich and Peter I Oleksiyovich.
1682-1689 - Zbroyny conflict between Russia and China on the Amur.
1682 - The story of mysticism. The cob of the Striletsky rebellion near Moscow. Installed in the order of Princess Sophia. Stifling the Striletsky rebellion. Strata Avakum and yoga near Khilnikov near Pustozersk.
1683-1684 - Spore of the Sizranian border (Sizran-Penza).
1686 - "Eternal Light" of Russia from Poland. The advent of Russia to the anti-Turkish coalition of Poland, the Holy Empire and Venice (Sacred League) from the goiter of Russia, create the Crimean Khanate.
1686-1700 - War of Russia in Turechchina. Krimskie campaigns V. Golitsin.
1687 - The Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy was founded near Moscow.
1689 - Budіvnitstvu Verkhnyoudinsky fortezі (modern. Ulan-Ude) bіla angry river Udy and Selenga. Nerchinsk agreement between Russia and China. The establishment of a cordon along the Argun - Stanovoy ridge - r. Ude to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Knocked down to the order of the princess Sophia Oleksiivna.
1689-1696 - One-hour rule of the kings Ivan V Oleksiyovich and Peter I Oleksiyovich.
1695 - Installation of the Preobrazhensky order. The first Azov campaign of Peter I. Organization of "companying" for the financing of the life of the fleet, the creation of a shipyard on the Voronezh River.
1695-1696 - Insurrection of the local and Cossack population in Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk and Transbaikalia.
1696 - Death of Tsar Ivan V Oleksiyovich.

Russian empire

1689 - 1725 - King of Peter I.
1695 - 1696 - Azov campaigns.
1699 - Reform of the Moscow self-regulation.
1700 - Russian - Turkish agreement about a truce.
1700 - 1721 - Great Pivnіchna war.
1700, 19 leaf fall - Battle of Narva.
1703 - Zasnuvannya St. Petersburg.
1705 - 1706 - Rebellion in Astrakhan.
1705 - 1711 - Insurrection in Bashkiria.
1708 - Provincial reform of Peter I.
1709, 27 worms - Battle of Poltava.
1711 - Installation of the Senate. The Prutsky Pokhіd of Peter I.
1711 - 1765 - Rocky life of M.V. Lomonosov.
1716 - Viyskovy statute of Peter I.
1718 - The establishment of the college. The beginning of the poll census.
1721 - Installation of the Chief Magistrate Synod. Decree about the villagers.
1722 - "Table of Ranks".
1722 -1723 - Russian-Iranian war.
1727 - 1730 - King of Peter II.
1730 - 1740 - Tsaryuvannaya Annie Ivanovna.
1730 - Speech to the law of 1714 about the single fall. Acceptance of Russian citizenship by the Young Horde of Kazakhstan.
1735 - 1739 - Russian - Turkish war.
1735 - 1740 - Insurrection in Bashkiria.
1741 - 1761 - Tsaryuvanya of Elizabeth Petrivna.
1742 - Recognition of the pivnichny region of Asia Chelyuskinim.
1750 - Entered the first Russian theater in Yaroslavl (F.G. Volkova).
1754 - Making the inner mittens.
1755 - Foundation of the Moscow University.
1757 - 1761 - The fate of Russia at the Semirichny war.
1757 - Establishment of the Academy of Mystics.
1760 - 1764 - Massive praise of the assigned villagers in the Urals.
1761 - 1762 - King of Peter III.
1762 - Manifesto "about freedom of the nobility".
1762 - 1796 - King Catherine II.
1763 - 1765 - Vinakhid I.I. Called steam engines.
1764 - Secularization of church lands.
1765 - Decree about allowing helpers to send villagers to hard labor. Foundation of the Free Economic Supplement.
1767 - Decree on the fence for the villagers to be scammed by helpers.
1767 - 1768 - "Commission about the Code".
1768 - 1769 - "Koliyivshchina".
1768 - 1774 - Russian - Turkish war.
1771 - "Plague riot" near Moscow.
1772 - First division of Poland.
1773 - 1775 - Selyanska war under the wire of Є.І. Pugachov.
1775 - Provincial reform. Manifesto about freedom of organization of industrial enterprises.
1783 - Arrival of Krim. Treaty of Georgievsk about the protectorate of Russia over Skhidnaya Georgia.
1783 - 1797 - Rebel of Srim Datov in Kazakhstan.
1785 - A charter was issued to the nobility and places.
1787 - 1791 - Russian - Turkish war.
1788-1790 - Russian - Swedish war.
1790 - Appearance from St. Petersburg to Moscow A.N., Radishcheva.
1793 - Another division of Poland.
1794 - Insurrection near Poland under the wire of T. Kosciuszka.
1795 - The third division of Poland.
1796 - 1801 - King of Paul I.
1798 - 1800 - Mediterranean expedition of the Russian fleet under the command of F.F. Ushakov.
1799 - Italian and Swiss marches of Suvorov.
1801 - 1825 - The reign of Alexander I.
1803 - Decree "about free grain harvest".
1804 - 1813 - War with Iran.
1805 - Creation of the union of Russia with England and Austria against France.
1806 - 1812 - War with Turechchina.
1806 - 1807 - Creation of an alliance with England and Prussia against France.
1807 - Tilsitsky svіt.
1808 - War from Sweden. Arrival of Finland.
1810 - Creation of the Sovereign for the sake of.
1812 - Arrival of Bessarabia to Russia.
1812, red - Invasion of the Napoleonic army to Russia. The cob of Great Vitchiznyanoy war. 26 sickle - Battle of Borodino. 2 Veresnya - Moscow's desertion. Gruden - Departure of the Napoleonic army from Russia.
1813 - Arrival to Russia Dagestan and part of Pivnichny Azerbaijan.
1813 - 1814 - Foreign marches of the Russian army.
1815 - Congress at Vidnia. Duchy of Warsaw to enter the warehouse of Russia.
1816 - Creation of the first taemnoy organization of the Decembrists "Union of Poryatunka".
1819 - Insurrection of military settlers near Chuguev.
1819 - 1821 - Forecast expedition to Antarctica F.F. Bellingshausen.
1820 - Praising the soldiers of the tsarist army. Creation of the "union of prosperity".
1821 - 1822 - Creation of "Pivdennogo taєmnogo tovaristvo" and "Pіvnіchnogo taєmnogo tovaristva".
1825 - 1855 - King Mikoli I.
1825, 14 March - Revolt of the Decembrists on the Senate Square.
1828 - Arrival to Russia, Khidnaya Vіrmenії and the entire Pivnіchny Azerbaijan.
1830 - Viysk rebellion near Sevastopol.
1831 - Insurrection at Ancient Russia.
1843 - 1851 - Budіvnitstvo zaliznitsі between Moscow and St. Petersburg.
1849 - Assistance to the Russian army against the strangled rebels of the Ugrian people in Austria.
1853 - Created by Herzenim near London "Vilnoi rosiyskoi drukarni".
1853 - 1856 - Crimean war.
1854, spring - 1855, sickle - Defense of Sevastopol.
1855 - 1881 - King of Alexander II.
1856 - Paris peace treaty.
1858 - The Aigun agreement about the cordon from China was laid down.
1859 - 1861 - Revolutionary situation in Russia.
1860 - Beijing agreement about the cordon with China. Falling asleep in Vladivostok.
1861, on the 19th of February - Manifesto about the freedom of the villagers from the fortress.
1863 - 1864 - Rebels near Poland, Lithuania and Belarus.
1864 - The whole Caucasus was brought to the warehouse of Russia. Zemska and ship reforms.
1868 - The Kokand Khanate and the Emirate of Bukhara recognize the political influence of Russia.
1870 - Reform of the Moscow self-regulation.
1873 - Khan of Khivin recognized the political stagnation in Russia.
1874 - The introduction of the hard wine wine.
1876 ​​- Liquidation of the Kokand Khanate. Creation of the secret revolutionary organization "Land is that will".
1877 - 1878 - Russian - Turkish war.
1878 - San - Stefano peace treaty.
1879 - Breakdown "Lands and freedom". Creation of "Black Peredil".
1881, 1 birch - Vbivstvo Oleksandr II.
1881 - 1894 - King of Alexander III.
1891 - 1893 - Organization of the Franco-Radyansky Union.
1885 - Morozivsky strike.
1894 - 1917 - King Mikoli II.
1900 - 1903 - Economic crisis.
1904 - Vbivstvo Plehve.
1904 - 1905 - Russian - Japanese war.
1905, 9 September - "Crooked week".
1905 - 1907 - First Russian Revolution.
1906, 27 April - 8 lime - Persha Derzhavna Duma.
1906 - 1911 - Stolipin's agrarian reform.
1907, 20 fierce - 2 worms - Drug Derzhavna Duma.
1907, 1 leaf fall - 1912, 9 worms - the Third Derzhavna Duma.
1907 - Creation of Antanti.
1911, 1 spring - Stolypin's vbivostvo.
1913 - Holy celebration of the 300th anniversary of the house of the Romanovs.
1914 - 1918 - First World War.
1917, February 18 - Strike at the Putilov factory. 1 birch - a creation of the Timchasov order. 2nd birch - christening of Mykoli II to the throne. Worm - lime - crisis of power. Serpen - Kornilovsky stabbed. Spring 1 - Russia is stunned by the republic. Zhovten - zakhoplennya vlady bіshoviki.
1917, 2nd birch - Formation of the Timchasov order.
1917, 3rd birch - Remembrance of Mikhail Oleksandrovich.
1917, 2nd birch - Installed Timchasov order.

Russian Republic and RRFSR

1918, 17 linden - driving in the fallen Emperor from the tsar's homeland.
1917, 3 lindens - Lipnev's steps of the bіshoviks.
1917, 24 pm - The warehouse of another coalition warehouse of the Timchas's order was denuded.
1917, 12 sickles - Calling the Sovereign People.
1917, 1 spring - The denunciation of Russia by the republic.
1917, 20th of spring - Consecration to the Pre-Parliament.
1917, 25th of spring - The warehouse of the third coalition warehouse of the Timchas' Order was deafened.
1917, July 25 - Zvernennya V.I. Lenin about the transfer of power to the Viysk Revolutionary Committee.
1917, July 26 - Arrest of members of the Timchas order.
1917, Zhovtnya 26 - Decrees about peace and that land.
1917, 7th of March - The establishment of the All-Russian Supervisory Commission.
1918, 5 sichnya - Vidkrittya of the Installation Board.
1918 - 1922 - Gromadyanskaya war.
1918, 3rd birch - Brest peace.
1918, early morning - Insurgents of the Czechoslovak Corps.
1919, leaf fall - Porazka A.V. Kolchak.
1920, April - Transfer of power to the Volunteer Army to A.I. Denikin to P.M. Wrangel.
1920, leaf fall - Defeat the army of P.M. Wrangel.

1921, 18 Birch - Signing of Rizky to the peace with Poland.
1921 - X z'zd of the party, resolution "On the unity of the party".
1921 - Cob NEP.
1922, 29 December - Union agreement.
1922 - "Philosophical steamboat"
1924, 21 September - Death of V.I. Lenina
1924, 31 September - Constitution of the SRSR.
1925 - XVI Star of the Party
1925 - Adoption of a resolution of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on the policy of the party in the sphere of culture
1929 - Rick of the "great turning point", the cob of collectivization and industrialization
1932-1933 - Famine
1933 - Withdrawal of the SRSR from the side of the USA
1934 - The First Star of Writers
1934 - XVII z'їzd party ("Z'їzd peremozhtsіv")
1934 - Inclusion of the SRSR to the League of Nations
1936 - Constitution of the SRSR
1938 - Zіtknennya z japonієyu bіla Lake Khasan
May 1939
1939, 23 September - Signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
1939, 1 spring - The cob of the II Svіtovoї war
1939, 17 spring - Invasion of the Radian troops to Poland
1939, 28 spring - Signing of an agreement with Nimechchina "About friendship that cordon"
1939, 30 leaf fall - The cob of war from Finland
1939.14 babies - Vinyatok SRSR from the League of Nations
1940, 12 birch - Formation of a peace treaty with Finland
1941, 13 April - Signing of the non-aggression pact with Japan
1941, 22 chernya - Invasion of the Nazis and її allies to the Radyansk Union
1941, 23 worms - Approved by the Headquarters of the Head Command
1941, 28 chervnya - Captured by the German troops of the city of Minsk
1941, 30 chervnya - Statement of the Sovereign Committee of Defense (DKO)
1941, 5 sickle-16 zhovtnya - Defense of Odessa
1941, 8 spring - The beginning of the blockade of Leningrad
1941, 29 May-1 Zhovtny - Moscow Conference
1941, 30 spring - The beginning of the implementation of the "Typhoon" plan
1941, 5th of March - The beginning of the counteroffensive of the Radianian troops at the battle near Moscow

1941, 5-6 breasts - Defense of Sevastopol
1942, 1 September - Admission of the SRSR to the Declaration of the United Nations
1942, May - Destruction of the Radian army during the Kharkiv operation
1942, 17 lime - The cob of the Battle of Stalingrad
1942, 19-20 leaf fall - The beginning of the implementation of the operation "Uranus"
1943, September 10 - The beginning of the operation "Kiltse"
1943, 18 September - The end of the blockade of Leningrad
1943, 5 limes - The beginning of the counteroffensive of the Radyansk troops at the Battle of the Kursk River
1943, 12 lime - The beginning of the battle on the Kursk River
1943, 6th leaf fall - Kiev's Vizvolennia
1943, 28th leaf fall - 1st day - Tehran conference
1944, 23-24 chervnya - The cob of Yasko-Chisinau operation
1944, 20 sickle - The beginning of the operation "Bagration"
1945, 12-14 September - The beginning of the Vistula-Oder operation
1945, 4-11 fierce - Yalta conference
1945, 16-18 April - The beginning of the Berlin operation
1945, 18 April - Surrender to the garrison of Berlin
1945, 8 May - Signing of the act of the unguarded capitulation of Nimechi
1945, 17 lime - 2 sickle - Potsdam Conference
1945, 8th sickle - Holocene of the war of the SRSR of Japan
1945, 2nd spring - Surrender of Japan.
1946 - Resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "About the journals Zirka and Leningrad"
1949 - Testing of the atomic bomb of the USSR. Leningrad on the right. Viprobuvannya radyanskoy nuclear zbroї. Education FRN and NDR. 1949 Education for the sake of economic mutual assistance (REV).
1950-1953 - Korean War
1952 - XIX Star of the Party
1952-1953 - "on the right of doctors"
1953 - Testing the water sap of the USSR
1953, 5th birch - Death I. V. Stalin
1955 - Establishment of the organization of the Warsaw Pact
1956 - XX Star of the Party, the development of the cult of specialness I. V. Stalin
1957 - The end of life of the nuclear-powered ship "Lenin"
1957 - Launch of the SRSR first satellite to space
1957 - Ustanova Radnargospіv
1961, 12 April - Yu. A. Gagarin's flight into space
1961 - XXII star of the party
1961 - Kosiginsky reforms
1962 - Hvilyuvannya in Novocherkaska
1964 - The appointment of M. S. Khrushchov from the seat of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPRS
1965 - Life of the Berlin Moore
1968 - The introduction of radian troops to Czechoslovakia
1969 - Viyskove zіtknennya SRSR and China
1974 - The cob of everyday life BAM
1972 - A.I. Brodsky hanging іz SRSR
1974 - A.I. Solzhenitsyn of hangings from the USSR
1975 - Gelsinskaya favor
1977 - New Constitution
1979 - Introduction of radian troops to Afghanistan
1980-1981 - Political crisis in Poland.
1982-1984 - Decoration of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Yu.V. Andropov
1984-1985 - K.U. Chernenko
1985-1991 - The secretary of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPRS M.S. Gorbachov
1988 - XIX party conference
1988 - The beginning of a deadly conflict between Virmeniye and Azerbaijan
1989 - Obrannya Z'izda people's deputies
1989 - Vivedennya of the Radian troops for Afghanistan
1990 - Obrannya M. S. Gorbachov by the President of the USSR
1991, 19-22 sickles - Creation of the State Emergency Committee. Trying out a sovereign coup
1991, 24 April - Mikhailo Gorbachev went to the office of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (on 29 September the Russian parliament defended the activity of the Communist Party and placed an arrest on the party main).
1991, 8th of March - Bіlovezka Ugoda, skasuvannya of the SRSR, creation of the SND.
1991, 25th chest - M.S. Gorbachev, go and plant the president of the SRSR.

Russian Federation

1992 - The beginning of market reforms in the Russian Federation.
1993, 21 September - "Decree on gradual constitutional reform in the Russian Federation". The beginning of a political crisis.
1993, 2-3 august - zіtknennya in Moscow between the hoarders of the parliamentary opposition and the police.
1993, 4th of July - burying by the Viysk children of the White House, arrest A.V. Rutsky and R.I. Khasbulatov.
1993, 12 December - Adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Vybori from the First State Duma of the Russian Federation for the transitional period (2 years).
1994, 11 December - Introduction of Russian troops to the Chechen Republic to establish "constitutional order".
1995 - Vibori to the State Duma for 4 years.
1996 - Choose to plant the President of the Russian Federation. B.M. Yeltsin is gaining 54% of the vote and becomes the president of the Russian Federation.
1996 - Signature of the Timchasovo district about the sound of combat actions.
1997 - completion of the withdrawal of federal troops from Chechnya.
1998, 17 April - economic crisis in Russia, default.
1999, Serpen - Chechen fighters invaded the hirsk region of Dagestan. The cob of the II Chechen campaign.
1999, 31 babies - B.M. Yeltsin, voicing about the pre-stroke folding from himself, the recognition of the President of the Russian Federation and the recognition of V.V. Putin vykonuє obov'yazki President of Russia.
2000, birch - ed. V.V. Putin as President of the Russian Federation.
2000, serpen - the death of the atomic submarine vessel "Kursk". 117 members of the crew of the nuclear submarine "Kursk" were posthumously awarded the Order of Courage, the captain was posthumously awarded the Hero's Star.
2000, April 14 - The State Duma praised the decision to ratify the Russian-American treaty SNO-2. This agreement is forwarded away from the rapid strategic offensive defenses of both countries.
2000, May 7 - Official introduction by V.V. Putin at the landing of the President of the Russian Federation.
2000, May 17 - Tverzhennya M.M. Kasyanov head to the order of the Russian Federation.
2000, 8 sick days - Terrorist act near Moscow - swaying at the underground passage of the Pushkinska metro station. 13 people died, injured.
2004, 21-22 sick days - an invasion near the Grozny metro station led to a corral of militants in the number of over 200 people. For three years, the stench subdued the center of the city, drove in over 100 people.
2004, 24 September - In the sky over the Tulsk and Rostov regions, two passenger planes simultaneously flew from the Moscow Domodedovo airport to Sochi and Volgograd. 90 people died.
2005, May 9 - Parade on Chervoniy Square on May 9, 2005 in honor of the 60th anniversary of the Peremoga Day.
2005, Serpen - Scandal about the beatings near Poland of the children of Russian diplomats and “the beatings of the Poles near Moscow.
2005, 1 leaf fall - A successful test launch of the Topol-M rocket with a new warhead was carried out at the Kapustin Yar test site in the Astrakhan region.
2006, 1 sichnya - Municipal reform in Russia.
2006, 12th Birch - First single day of voting (change of the electoral legislation of the Russian Federation).
2006, 10 April - Chechen terrorist "number 1" Shamil Basayev was killed.
2006, November 10, President of the Russian Federation Volodymyr Putin and Federal Chancellor of the FRN Angela Merkel unveiled a monument to Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky and People's Artist of Russia Oleksandr Rukavishnikov near Dresden.
2006, July 13 - Russian Volodymyr Kramnik was voted the absolute world champion after winning a match over Bulgarian Veselin Topalov.
2007, 1st September - Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimirsky (Dolgano-Nenets) and Evenk Autonomous Okrug merged into a single subject of the Russian Federation - Krasnoyarsk Territory.
2007, 10 February - President of Russia V.V. Putin said the so-called. "Munich MOV".
2007, 17 travea - Muscovsky Khramі Christ the Savior Patroarh Moskovsky і і ї ї ї Rapsi Alekіyi II Ta Prshієєrh ROCZ Metropolitan Skid-american Ta New York Laurel Підписали «Act About Canonichna Spe_kvykovnya», Document, Scho Pokwdi Krai Into Mіzh Rosіyskoy Zurba izdu church .
2007, 1st lime - Kamchatka Oblast and Koryatsky Autonomous Okrug merged into Kamchatka Krai.
2007, 13 September - Nevsky Express train accident.
2007, 12 September - Order of Mikhail Fradkov pishov at the post office.
2007, 14 spring - Viktor Zubkov was recognized as the new Prime Minister of Russia.
2007, July 17 - The national team of Russia with football under the leadership of Guus Khiddinka won over the national team of England with a 2:1 win.
2007, 2 December - Vybori to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the 5th click.
2007, 10 December - Dmitro Medvedev is nominated as a candidate for the President of the Russian Federation in the "United Russia".
2008, 2nd birch - The election of the third president of the Russian Federation was held. Peremig Dmitro Anatolyovich Medvedev.
2008, 7 May - Inauguration of the third President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Anatolyovich Medvedev.
2008, April 8 - In the zone of the Georgian-Pivdenno-Ossetian conflict, active battles broke out: Georgia stormed Tskhinvali, Russia officially arrived on the battlefield of Pivdennoy Ossetia before the violent conflict.
2008, April 11 - Active battles broke out near the zone of the Georgian-Pivdenno-Ossetian conflict: Georgia stormed Tskhinvali, Russia officially arrived on the battlefield of Pvdenny Ossetia before the violent conflict.
2008, 26 April - President of Russia D. A. Medvedev signed a decree recognizing the independence of Abkhazia and Pivdenny Ossetia.
2008, 14 September - In Perm, having recognized the catastrophe, the passenger plane Boeing 737.
2008, 5 December - Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexis II died. Timchasovo the office of the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church is occupied by the Patriarchal Throne Metropolitan Kirilo of Smolensk and Kaliningrad.
2009, 1 sichnya - The only one keeps sleeping, having become obov'yazkovy in all of Russia.
2009, 25-27 September - Pozachergovye Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. Pomіsny Sobor of the Russian Orthodox Church having appointed a new Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. Nim becoming Kirilo.
2009, February 1 - Enthronement of the newly elected Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kiril.
2009, 6-7 pm - Visit of US President Barack Obama to Russia.

Preventive war - self-destruction through the fear of death

Otto von Bismarck

The Battle of Kaltsi took place on May 31, 1223 and Trival 3 days. The place of the battle is the river Kalka (the territory of the modern Donetsk region). At this battle, one against one Russian princes and the Mongols fought one against one. The result of the battle was the impeccable victory of the Mongols, and they drove in a lot of princes. From this material, we took detailed information about the battle, which is of little great significance for Russia.

Cause ta rethink the battle

In 1221, the Mongols rozpochali their skhіdniy pokhіd, the main task of which was the rooting of the Polovtsians. The greatest commanders of Genghis Khan - Subedei and Djebe, have gone astray, and three times in 2 rocks and zmusiv more part of the Polovtsian Khanate flowed to the cordons of Russia and turned to the Russian princes with a cry for help. " Today the stench will reproach us, and tomorrow you will become their slaves- with such a call, Khan Kotyan Sutoevich turned back to Mstislav the Udaly.

The Russian princes were glad at Kiev, virishyuyuchi, scho to work with this situation. The decision was accepted, sooner, compromise, lower necessary. They decided to give the beaten Mongol, and the reasons for the battles were as follows:

  • The Russians were afraid that the Polovtsy would give up to the Mongols without a fight, to cross the former bik and, united by the military, go to Russia.
  • The greater number of princes realized that the war against the army of Genghis Khan is the food of the hour, which will lead to the defeat of the best commanders on foreign territory.
  • The Polovtsy, in the face of majestic insecurity, literally hooted the princes with rich gifts, part of the khanivs adopted Christianity. In fact, the fate of the Russian squad from the campaign was bought.

After the unification of the armies for negotiations, the Mongols arrived, as if they turned back to the Russian princes: “ We have heard a little bit that you want to go to war with us. Ale mi tsієї vyyni do not want to. One, whatever you want, punish the Polovtsians, your eternal slaves. Chuli, what a lot of evil they did to you. Let's lay down the world, and we will punish our own serfs ourselves". But there were no negotiations, after being beaten! Tsya podiya today is interpreted as follows:

  • The princes understood that if they wanted to break up an alliance, so that they could find a skin one by one.
  • A terrible diplomatic blunder was made. The killing of the aftermath called out the reaction of the Mongols in the wild and farther atrocities that were trapiling on Kaltsi, the short-sighted rulers themselves provoked.

Participants in the battle and their numbers

The super-explicitness of the battle on the Calci River lies in the fact that there are no reliable reports about those, which was the number of warriors from that other side. Let me tell you what the Russian military historians estimate from 40 to 100 thousand inhabitants. With the Mongols, the situation is similar, although the numbers are much smaller - 20-30 thousand warriors.

It is important that the period of fragmentation in Russia has called to the point that the skin prince, having tried to follow his own interests, to inspire the most important hours. Therefore, after having won the Kievan star, it is necessary to accept the battle with the Mongols, less than 4 princedoms were ruled in the battle of their squads:

  • Kiev princedom.
  • Smolensk princedom.
  • Galicia-Volyn princedom.
  • Chernigiv princedom.

In such minds, the united Russian-Polovtsian military is small in number. At least 30,000 Russian soldiers, 20,000 Polovtsians, and against the army, the Mongols placed 30,000 men on a cholo with the best commander Subedey.

It is impossible to determine the exact number of viysk from that and the other side of the day. Such thoughts come to historians. The reasons for sprat, ale golovna - superbness in litopisah. For example, the Tver chronicle seems to have killed more than 30,000 people in the battle in Kiev. Wanting to be honest with the whole princedom, it would be possible to gain such a large number of people. One thing, what can be said for sure - the unity of the war was formed by its own mass out of lust. Adzhe vіdomo, scho before the month of battle collapsed chinks. The film was never transported like that.

Head of the battle on the river Kaltsi

Kalka is a small river that flows into the Sea of ​​Azov. One of the grandiose battles of its era took on nothing to do with the place. Mongolian Viysko stood on the right bank of the river, Russian - on the left. The first to cross the river was one of the best commanders of the united army - Mstislav Udaliy. Vіn especially virіshiv look around mіstsevіst and camp of the enemy. After that, having punished the reshti viysk, forsuvate the river and get ready for the battle.

Map of the Battle of Kaltsi

The battle on Kaltsi began early on May 31, 1223. The beginning of the battle did not feel anything nasty. The Russian-Polovtsian military crushed the enemy, the Mongols entered into battles. Prote, zreshtoyu, all vyrishili roz'dnanny dії. The Mongols introduced reserves at the bіy, at the result they seized it with a new victory. A corner of great success and a breakthrough of defense reached the right of Subedei's knnoti. The Mongols cut the enemy's army into 2 parts and threw in the left wing of the Russian army, which was commanded by Mstislav Udaliy and Danilo Romanovich.

After that, the tax of the forces of the Russians began, which they lost on Kaltsi (polovtsі bіglische at the very beginning of the battle). Trival oblog 3 days. The Mongols robbed one assault after another, but to no avail. Then the stench turned back to the princes from being able to lay down armor, for which they guaranteed a safe exit from the battlefield. The Russians waited - the Mongols did not finish their word, but they drove everyone who was full. From one side, there was a platform for the aftermath, from the other side - the reaction to the task in full. The adzhe of the Mongols is full of gunnery, rather die in battle.

The battle on Kaltsi is reportedly described in chronicles, where you can go through the battle:

  • Novgorod Litopis. I point out to those that the head of failure in the battle is crying in the Polovtsy, like the Beagle, bringing confusion and panic. The very occurrence of Polovtsian is considered to be the key factor of damage.
  • Іpatіїvsky litopis. Describes basically the beginning of the battle, podkreslyuyuchi, that the Russians already crushed the enemy. The onslaught (during the mass death of the Russian army) from the history of the minds of the Mongols introduced into the second reserve, turned the tide of battle.
  • Suzdal Litopis. Give more detailed causes of the injury, related to it, which was described above. However, according to the historical document, it is shown that the Polovtsy flowed in from the pain of the battle, the Mongols shards brought in reserves, with which they drew up the enemy and took away the victory.

Later on, after the blows of the vitchiznian, historians do not like to comment. The prote fact becomes a fact - the Mongols saved the lives of all Russian princes, military commanders and commanders (they drove the next day into a full of only ordinary warriors). But there was no generosity, the plan was too harsh.

Having punished Subedei to give a hint, so that his army could gloriously celebrate the victory. This namet was punished to be on ... Russian princes and commanders. A sign of a bula was laid on the bodies of still living Russian princes, and the Mongols drank and rejoiced at the beast. That bula was a terrible death for everyone who was full.

Hysterical meaning of the battle

The significance of the battle on Calci is ambiguous. It’s a hell of a thing, what can you say - the Russian wars have succumbed to the terrible army of Genghis Khan. However, the strike did not lead to cardinal action until the next day. As it was said, the Mongols did not joke about the war from Russia, they were not ready for the stench of the war. To that, having won the victory, Subedya and Jebe sent another trip to Volzka Bulgaria, after which they violated the house.

Irrespective of the presence of territorial losses from the side of Russia, the consequences for the country were even more deplorable. Not only that, the Russian army got entangled in the battle, as if it was not necessary, protecting the Polovtsians, then the waste turned out to be simply nightmarish. 9/10 of the Russian army was driven in. There were no such significant shocks. Moreover, in the battle (and after that, the next hour for the Mongol banquet), the impersonal princes perished:

  • Prince of Kiev Mstislav Stariy
  • Prince of Chernigiv Mstislav Svyatoslavich
  • Oleksandr Glibovich from Dubrovytsya
  • Izyaslav Ingvarevich from Dorogobuzh
  • Svyatoslav Yaroslavich from Yanovitsy
  • Andriy Ivanovich of Turov (son-in-law of the Kiev prince)

Such were the memories of the battles on the river Kaltsi for Russia. However, in order to curtail the topic, it is necessary to take a look at the same important and even more important food, as if destroying historians.

Did the battle on Kaltsi take place in the same city?

It would be better if the evidence on the food chain is obvious. The name of the battle itself indicates the place of the battle. Ale, not everything is so obvious, more importantly, that the exact place (not just naming Rivers, but a specific place, where the battle took place on this river) has not been established. Historians talk about three possible months of battle:

  • Stone graves.
  • Mound Grave-Siverodvinivka.
  • The village of Granitne.

In order to understand what was true, the battle was fought, and how it was seen, we can look at the deacons of history.

Significantly, that the riddle about this battle is in 22 chronicles. In all of them, the name of the river gets used in many (on Kalki). Historians have long lost their respect for this fact, which is maddening to think that it was not one river, but a few others and roztashovanih close one to one.

The Sofia chronicle shows that near Kalka there was a small battle between a corral of Russian wax and a small group of Mongols. After the victory, the Russians broke far away to the new Kalka, and on May 31st they became beaten.

These thoughts of historians have been brought to us for a complete understanding of the picture. Explanation of the many Caloks can be given a great number, but it is already a topic for the material to be enriched.

River Kalka

Victory of the Mongols


Kiev princedom

Mongolian empire

Galicia-Volyn princedom

Chernigiv princedom

Smolensk princedom


Mstislav Stariy

Danilo Romanovich

Mstislav Vdaliy

Mstislav Svyatoslavich

Power of the parties

9/10 Russian Vіysk

No data

(May 31, 1223) - the battle of the Russian-Polovtsian military and Mongolian corps, which was fought as part of the Jebe and Subedei campaign of 1221-1224. Been going to the river Kalka, which is on the territory of the modern Donetsk region. Half of the main Russian forces were defeated on May 31, 1223, after 3 days the battle ended in a total victory of the Mongols. A lot of princes and noble boyars of pivdennoy and central Russia perished near the battle.

change your mind

After the capture of Urgench (Kinets 1221), Genghis Khan gave Jochi a mandate to continue the conquest in Northern Europe, de yogo Mali from Jebe and Subedeym, and then he stole away from Yogo Vikonannya. The Polovtsy in 1222 fell on the Mongol invasion and broke their alliance with the Alans, after which Jebe defeated the Alans, and then attacked the Polovtsy. In 1222, the Mongolian Viysko under the wire of Jebe and Subedei invaded the Polovtsian steppes from the Pivnichny Caucasus. The chronicle tells about the reaction of Mstislav Kievsky to the call:

The Polovtsian Khan Kotyan Sutojevich turned to his son-in-law, the Galician prince Mstislav Mstislavich Udatny, and to other Russian princes, asking them for help against the new terrible enemy:

Pivdennoruska princes climbed to Kiev to the joy of the heads of three great princes: Mstislav Romanovich, Mstislav Mstislavich and Mstislav Svyatoslavich. Yuriy Vsevolodovich Volodymyrsky sent military help to the pivden princes, but it didn’t catch on the Kiev choice (div. lower). At once, there was a growing concern that the Polovtsy, who had been left out of the war with the Mongols, would switch to their bik. After a long time to persuade Mstislav the Udaly:

that generous gift of the Polovtsians (another Polovtsian khan Bastiy was baptized by the Orthodox faith) was pronounced that:

Choice of destinations in Zarub, the beach of the island of Varyazsky (the island was opposite the mouth of the Trubіzh river, the site of the Kaniv reservoir), 10 kilometers from the lower Trakhtemirov, Cherkasy region. The warehouse of the greatness of the military is not enough for a sleepy commander: the squads of the remote princes were ordered only to their grand dukes. The Polovtsi acted under the patronage of the governor Mstislav Udatny - Yarun. Having learned about the collection, the Mongols sent their messages with these words:

Having listened to the last words, the Russian princes punished all of them to be driven in, after which the forces destroyed the distance down the Dnieper.

Vbivstvo poslіv in іstorіografії otsіnyuєtsya in the main yak reaktsіya on chergovu sprobu mongolіv rozdіliti Sealy svoїh victims i rozbiti їh poodintsі of mozhlivim clarify scho vbivstvo poslіv vіdbulosya for іnіtsіativoyu nayblizhchogo pov'yazanogo of Polovtsov Mstislav Udatnogo, dwellers unemozhliviti mirnі, discuss of the Mongols for vsіh kermanichіv. forces, including Kiev and Chernigiv princes. However, the current version is that the encroachment of the aftermath showed the diplomatic illiteracy of the princes of Kievan Rus, provoking to the edge the appointment of the Mongols to all the Russians.

Galician Viysko slipped down the Dnistr near the Chorne Sea (the chronicle overwhelmed the number of chovniv, naming 1000). Near the Dnieper River, near Olesya, the Galicians heard another Mongolian embassy with an attacking note:

On the vіdmіnu vіd first, tsikh poslіv bulo vypіsheno vіdpusti zі svіtom. The Galician war passed up the Dnipro mountain to the island of Khortytsya beating the rapids, where it crossed the river. Having crossed to the left bank of the Dnipro and having seen the front line of the enemy, the Russians, after a short, bloody battle, threw the Mongols at the leak, the commander Ganibek was beaten. Ruhayuchis on skhіd and not bachachs of the main forces of the enemy, the Russian troops for two days went to the bank of the river Kalka, de smashed the other advanced death of the Mongols.

Spivvіdshenie forces

The number of the Mongol army on the back (on the head of the pursuit of Sultan Mohammed) became 30 thousand people, and then the tumen on the island of Tohuchar-Noyon, having recognized the shocks in Iran, and Sebastaty, indicating the number of Mongols during their first appearances21) (1). In 1221, the main forces of the Mongols took Merv, Urgench and defeated the fall of the Sultan of Khorezm, Jalal-ad-Din, in the battle on the River Ind, after which Genghis Khan sent 2 tumens after him in pursuit, and sent Subedei and Jebe around Gruzidno. .

Accurate data about the number of the joint Russian-Polovtsian military day. According to the estimates of deyakyh іstorikov, the won became 80-100 thousand. chol. For other estimates, 40-45 thousand. Cholovik. According to V. N. Tatishchev, the number of Russian troops was 103 thousand. person and 50 thousand. Polovtsian leaders. Prote, for the assessment of Khrustalev A.G. the number of Russian troops was about 10 thousand warriors plus 5-8 thousand Polovtsians. To add up more accurate statements about the number of Russian warriors on the cob of the XIII century, you can add more information about the fate of the campaigns against the Order of the Sword-bearing warriors, the number of 12-20 thousand people. in the period of 1219-1223, about the number of Polovtsian people - reports about the death of Kotyan with 40 thousand of his people in 1238 rotations in Ugorshchina, about the defeat of two Polovtsian khanivs (Yuriya Konchakovich and Danil Kobyakovich) at 1222 Bakhtian tribes about the Union with the Russian princes in 1223, as well as about 10 thousand Russian-Polovtsian soldiers for the tribute of Ibn al Bibi, in 1221 they recognized the defeat of the Seljuks under Sudak.

The Smolensk troops also took the same part in the campaign. According to one version, at the battle on Kaltsi, taking the fate of the elder son of Mstislav the Old Svyatoslav, who took the Polotsk throne in 1222.

On the thought of O.M. Tarasenko:

Significantly significant numbers of the Russian-Polovtsian war, as it stood against the Mongols at the podias on Kaltsi, very importantly. Vіdomi estіnki buduyutsya on litopisnyh podomlennyah about spending that part of the great after the battle. Advice to these swindlers and super-clear. It is said that ten skins are alive. The number of dead warriors-kiyans varies from 10,000 in the Lavrentian Chronicle, up to 30,000 in the Tver Chronicle. How many grown-up people in all respects, no less than the great Kievan princedom, maybe, and not scrape together ... As already mentioned above, all estimates of the number of the Russian-Polovtsian war are more tricky, according to R.P. Khrapachovsky (it seems to us that there is more less than one primed) everything did not exceed 40-50 yew. warriors (20-25 thousand Russians with Black Hoods and Galician Vigonts, no more than 20 thousand Polovtsians). About the number of Mongols, one can speak more accurately, according to the thought of more historians, there were 20-30 thousand leaders.

Head of battle

Mstislav Udatniy, the First Crossing of Kalka, and especially looked out for exploration. Glancing at the admiration of the enemy, the prince, having punished his military and Polovtsians, was getting ready for battle. The battle broke out on May 31st.

Spopchatku bіy developed successfully for the Russians. Danilo Romanovich, who was the first to enter the battle, fought with unapplied goodness, not brutally respecting the wound. The Mongol avant-garde, having stepped out of the way, the Russians rushed in pursuit, lost their temper and got stuck with the main forces of the Mongols. The Іpatiїvsky litopis reportedly only mentions the podії in the center of the battle, de Diyav Danilo, his cousin uncle, Prince of Lutsk Mstislav Yaroslavich Nєmiy, and Oleg Kursky, judging by the mustache, the first to cross the river from the Chernigiv regiment, and further blow away . The Novgorod First Litopis is called the reason for the defeat of the Polovtsians, and the Suzdal Litopis (according to the Academic list) is said to be the cause of the Polovtsian's entry into the former forces by the Mongols. Naishvidshe reached the success of the Mongolian right krylo, krylo attack. The Polovtsi were killed before the crossing, when in winter they confused the regiments of Mstislav Chernigivsky, they were already ready to the ledge.

One part of the Mongols drove to the banks of the Dnieper. Mstislav Udatny and Danilo Romanovich were the first to reach the Dnipro, and before the blow they went to the banks of the canyon, which they had lost their heads, afraid of the chase.

Another part of the Mongol military (the litopis names two Mongol military commanders, the rank of which remains unchanged) overlaid the tabir of the Kiev prince. Vіn well vіdbivavsya for three days and having given up only after that, like messages for negotiation otaman brodniki in Ploskin, scho zreshto zrada prince, swearing on the cross, scho rosіyani fold zbrou - none of them will be beaten, but the princes and the voivod let in. The Mongols, avenging the death of their ambassadors, did not finish their wives: all the Russian princes and military leaders were laid down under the dows and crushed by permutations, that they helped the beast benketuvati. Simple warriors were taken into slavery. For other dzherelami, at the agreement Bulo

so, like the Mongols, it was important for the ganeb to die not in battle, shedding blood, and formally the obitsyanka was a striman. In the midst of the battle, the folk epic unfolds and the death of 70 Russian heroes: in the chronicle of those killed, the names of Oleksandr of Rostov and Dobrin Ryazantsya are named.


Іsnuє kіlka main allowance about the battle of Kaltsi. Kam'yani Graves(on the day from Rozivka), barrow Mohyla-Seridinivka i district for pivnichniy skhid the village of Granitnoe.


About the Mongolian and Polovtsian, spend data on daily basis.

The battle had less than a tenth part of the Russian military ("A story about the battle on the Kalka"). The only author, who names the Russians in the numerical expression (the truth, even more approximate, about what he himself can talk about), is Heinrich of Latvia. In the "Chronicle of Livonia", written close to the year 1225, I guess:


After the victory in Kaltsi, the Mongols invaded Russia (Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron called the first bulk of the Mongols against Russia) and went to the place Svyatopolch for a day from Kiev. Didovastov about Prihіd to Chernigova Volodimirsky Vіysk at Cholі z 14-rіchniki Vasilkom Kostyostinovich Rostovskikov, Mongoli Vіdmovili Vіd Plan to the campaign on Kyiv і pіshli on the Volga, de at Samarsko Luke talked to the Nizhnyji affiliation of Vizhki Bulgar (Zgіlіlo. Chole. ), and turned to Central Asia. A new large-scale invasion to Europe, the Mongols rozpochali less than 13 years.

List of Russian princes - participants in the battle

Reconstruction according to L.Voitovich's version is seen in italics.

List of Russian princes


Tі, scho turned from the campaign alive

  1. Oleksandr Glibovich Dubrovitsky;
  2. Andriy Ivanovich Turivsky , son-in-law of the Kiev prince Mstislav Romanovich;
  3. Vasil Mstislavich Kozelsky, son of the Chernigiv prince Mstislav Svyatoslavich);
  4. Izyaslav Volodymyrovich Putivlsky;
  5. Izyaslav Ingvarevich Dorogobuzky;
  6. Mstislav Romanovich StariyKievskiy;
  7. Mstislav SvyatoslavichChernigivsky;
  8. Svyatoslav Ingvarevich Shumsky;
  9. Svyatoslav Yaroslavich Kanevsky;
  10. Svyatoslav Yaroslavich Yanovitsky;
  11. Yuri Yaropolkovich Nesvizhsky;
  12. Yaroslav Yuriyovich Negorovsky.
  1. Volodymyr Rurikovich Ovrutsky;
  2. Vsevolod Mstislavich of Pskov, son of the Kiev prince Mstislav Romanovich;
  3. Danilo RomanovichVolinsky;
  4. Mikhailo Vsevolodovich Chernigivsky, nephew of the Chernigiv prince Mstislav Svyatoslavich;
  5. Mstislav Mstislavich VdaliyGalician;
  6. Mstislav SvyatoslavichRilska;
  7. Mstislav Yaroslavich Nimiy Lutsky;
  8. Oleg Svyatoslavich Kursk;
  9. Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich Trubchevsky.

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