Why is it not trimmed by women? Excitingly uncompromising slaughter among women at home minds

Why is it not trimmed by women? Excitingly uncompromising slaughter among women at home minds

Uncommon sechi (or incontinence) bagatma is accepted as a typical pathology of the old age. In fact, more than half of the women after 70-80 years of age suffer from illness. However, a similar problem is not only blamed on women of a frail age, but also later on, in terms of pregnancy, after some operations and in stressful situations.

The problem causes impersonal innocence and obmezhenie in every day life, to lead to innocence in oneself, depressive states, isolation, destruction in sexual vents. It's a pity that not all women are willing to seek medical assistance at the hour, talking about an illness, or raising doubts about the health of folk medicine. Podolat pathology can only be done with the help of competent likuvannya.

Causes of illness

Іsnuє impersonal factors, which can provoke incontinence. Among them, you can see a few of the main reasons:

  • the period of pregnancy and after the birth of a child, if the uterus is enlarged, repair the pressure on the organ of the small pelvis;
  • trivalі stress become;
  • century changes, which indicate a decrease in the elasticity of the bonds and the tone of the membranes;
  • surgical operations on the organs of the small pelvis (uterus, sieve mіkhur, rectum), aggravated by the appearance of a burrow or .

The following is a sign of low illness, in those who do not have a disease, one of the symptoms. Cerebral diabetes, the presence of stones in the sich mikhuri, rosacea sclerosis, stroke. To provoke a pathological camp can deyaki likarskie preparations (for example, diuretics), poisoning with mіtsnim tea, kavoi and alcoholic drinks, chicken, zaiva vaga. In a healthy woman, drugs with high estrogen or antidepressants can alleviate problems from morning positives before the transition. After administering these preparations, the entire camp will pass without a hitch.

In women over 50 years of age, the sechi may have a recessive nature. The presence of a child with enuresis through the rocks can also be a friendly clerk of an old non-man.

See pathologies

In modern medicine, they see a sprinkling of vitiated cerebrospinal fluid. This classification reflects the peculiarities of different moods, which make it difficult to control the process from the side of the patient.

  • Stress-free section

Tsei camp lie down to the widest. Seeing that they are not under control, they blame for the hour for insignificant physical whims, for coughing and wheezing, for haircuts and blows, for making important speeches, laughing. The main reason is the weakening of the pelvic floor.

  • Imperatively non-combatant section

Abo urgent - may be viklikane hyperactive sich michur. Some nerves end mittevo react to the least evocative subdivisions: the noise of the water, the bright light. Bazhannya urinate vinikaє raptovo, if the woman is unable to manage the process under control. Netrimania can be caused by ailments of the brain, hormonal disorders, flaming processes in the slash.

  • Nіchne netrimannya sichі (enuresis)

It is most common among small children, as they suffer from superworldly nervous anxiety. There are also rare cases of development of pathology in women with a frail age, as well as in young representatives of a weak status.

Easily unmanageable sechi, which is blamed in the night hour, may be caused by a change in the hormonal background, psychological trauma, diseases of the organs of the sechovivid system. Enurez can be blamed after the stagnation of the people of the twins, or the child with a great vaga.

The impossibility to control the process of sechoviprosy is far from being necessary to report about the latest sechovy mikhur. A small number of cross-sections can come out with a jet or wiggle with drops.

  • Zmishane netrimannya

Blame approximately one third of the pathologies. The Danish type of disruption tends to cause symptoms and non-manipulation in case of physical urges and an urgent call to secession. Characteristic parts of the call before the start of the session - more than 8-10 times during the daytime and more than once at night. Tsya pathology is often blamed after the gradual or after the transfer of traumatic lesions of the pelvic organs.

  • Postiyne netrimannya

In case of any kind of incontinence, a few streaks (pidtikannya) appear with small interruptions by stretching the doby, independently from the physical strain.

Having become ill during menopause

Promptly likuvannya

What work, though conservative exuberance, did not give effective results? In such cases, slang operations are prescribed. The main indications before surgical insertion are urgent and stress-free. Slid vrakhovuvat low contraindication. The operation should not be carried out for female women, for the presence of ignition processes in the organs of the secovidial system, for patients who take medicinal preparations for blood circulation.

After prior consultation with a urologist and a general practitioner, the sling operation should be performed under local anesthesia. A loop is installed on the front wall of the pikhvi, as a way to bring the mesh mikhur to the correct position. The procedure is three times more than 30 minutes. To control the process of sechoviprosy, a catheter is installed, which is known in a day or two after manipulation. After the catheter has been pierced in some women, it is indicated that they are slightly ill, as they are easily absorbed by pain-inducing diseases.

The midnight period is three times from two days to a month. The woman is guilty of resting at the station of physical and statuary calm, unicating important speeches, intensive sports, driving a car. Sexual life is allowed no earlier, lower for a month.

Others can be folded:

  • injuries of the cut michur;
  • bleeding;
  • the development of the ignition process, when yogo prophylaxis is prescribed a course of antibiotics;
  • problems from sechovipkannyam without intermediary after operation;
  • disruption of the intestines.

Carrying out the operation in a medical setting with a strong reputation makes it difficult to develop complications and make surgical intervention absolutely safe for health.

Laser therapy

Laser injection is one of the most effective methods for the normalization of sechovipkannya. For additional impulses, carry out the processing of the walls of the pikhvi and sichivnik. Lіkuvannya netrimanny sechі laser pіdtyaguє sіchі mіkhur, roblyachіїх elastic. The method can be a lot of pluses. Wine is painless, safe for the patient, does not require a three-month period.

Based on the statistics, over 90% of patients report positive results after laser therapy sessions. The laser does not zastosovuyut with a strong prolapse of the uterus, prolapsus of the uterus, for the presence of malignant swelling and bleeding in the body. One of the contraindications is age older than 60 years.

Zasobi folk medicine

Fighting the problem of non-management of the sect can be done by people's zasobami. Vicorista is a natural medicinal herb, it is not easy to prepare it in two different infusions, as it will help to reduce the activity of symptoms without stopping the medicinal treatment.

People's welfare will be effective in non-trimanny slaughter with their regular zastosuvanni and dotrimann rules of eating. However, it is worth noting that the infusion of infusions and brews is not effective in case of urgent non-mania, which is due to menopause, age-old changes and the obviousness of ignition processes.

  • Nasinnya crop

Two tablespoons of fresh water are poured into 0.5 liters of hot water and left on the floor. Vrantsі otrimaniy nastіy protsіdzhuyut і vypivayut until їdi. Trivality of rejoicing - 10 days. After the ten-day break, repeat the jubilation.

  • Brusnitsa

For the preparation of liqueurs, take dry berries and leaves of sprouting. Then add the same amount of herbs with zvіroba, fill it with dip and soak in a water bath with a stretch of 10-15 strands. Take a vіdvar slіd according to the curse trichі for a day.

  • Oman

The root of the growth is poured with dill, trimmed on a full fire no less than a quarter of a year, saturate a darkened area for a long time, add a small amount of honey. Otrimanu sumish is drunk before going to bed 2-3 times a day.

  • Kukurudzyanі riltsya

2-3 teaspoons of corn priymok are poured with dill, brewed for a quarter of the year or more, protsidzhuyut. They take a small amount of fresh sprat once for production, approximately according to a pivsklyanka with an addition of a teaspoon of honey.

  • Gritsiki

Two tablespoons of trimmed herbs are infused in a glass of cold boiled water, treated. Take on distant spoons of sprat once a day. Denmark zasіb є efektivnymi at nіchny netrimannі.

A lot of patients also indicate the effectiveness of such home remedies:

  • cold vodvaru prepared with measles kalini, elm, ash;
  • accepting a glass of fresh carrot juice;
  • vzhivannya kіlka razіv per day plucks of trimmed onіnnya crop;
  • included in the menu is tea prepared with young sour cherries or cherries.

The exuberance of the people's zasoba confirms its effectiveness already by stretching out rich rokiv. However, if a woman does not have a significant increase after completing the course, she turns to the doctor for the recognition of more divine methods or surgical treatment. Lіkuvannya protyag thrive hour may be unsafe for health.

Changes in the way of life and prevention

With the appearance of a similar problem, a woman has to make some corrections in her way of life. Nasampered, it is necessary to add respect for special hygiene. In order to escape the teasing of that infection of the shkir, after the soul has been smelted, the wounds of the village are healed with anti-spasm creams or medicinal remedies. Dobre, like the stink of vaseline, lanolin or cocoa butter. Under the hour of taking the soul, I should beat the heat, but I don’t hot the water.

Wealthy women have to experience some of the joys of life through the fight against the smell. For zahistu and usunennya tsikh problems vikoristovuyut absorbent zahisnі pads. Also, in pharmacies, you can get a special spidnya bіznu. Yogo slіd regularly minyati ta prati.

Prevention of non-management of the transfer of transmission to the advance of the coming visits:

  1. It is categorically fenced to increase the severity, which exceeds 5 kg, which results in a superficial tension in the pelvic area and is a provoking factor in the development of pathology.
  2. For any situation, follow the latest developments of the sich mіkhur, do not put the process “for later”.
  3. Follow your food, do not allow it to be overdone.
  4. At the same time, those splendours of the fuse of the disease of the sechovivid system are vibrating.
  5. Be active, keep up with the daily routine, which includes doing sports, watching the pool, walking.
  6. Follow your own bowel movements, fight constipation.
  7. Take care of your own friendly emotional atmosphere, unique stressful situations, chronic lack of sleep, physical and psychological advances.
  8. Control the amount of boiled rind (1.5-2 liters per doba).
  9. Keep track of obov'azkovym exhalation of sich mihur before going to bed.
  10. Do not sour with licorice gas drinks, packaged juices, mіtsnim tea, kavoi and alcohol.
  11. See a urologist regularly.
  12. Vikonuvati for prophylaxis.

I would like to give special respect to the rehabilitated preventive visits to future mothers and women with menopause. Great value may emotional positive mood.

Non-tribal strife - ill, as it will require a trivial tribal lure. Only complex therapy at once with changes in the schoden regimen and eating can allow us to get rid of the pathology and turn the ability to lead a normal way of life.

Non-manic sechi in women (incontinence) - ce pathologically impaired sechovimission, in which the patient can control the process again. Most often, literally sprats of slash are seen;

Reasons, like the exuberance of a non-combatant sect, can be different for women. Understanding the essence of what is happening, and why internal troubles have ceased to cope with the primary challenges, giving the doctor the opportunity to choose effective tactics of therapy and overcome the problem. It is possible to vilіkuvati non-trimanny sich in any case, smut in due time turn to fakhіvtsya and vikonuvat all yogo recommendations.

Behind the statistics, a woman's skin is stinging on an uncontrolled mimovilne sechoviprojection. Fallow in the anatomy of the sechostate system can be true and hibny. Another point of view is about the pathology of rotting of the sich michur or urethra - fistulas, injuries and congenital defects.

More important is the greater number of rapt sechovi- sions in mature women, which is true. So, with normally rotting internal organs, a woman cannot strimatize for an hour of snorting, coughing, with the sounds of flowing water, or in other situations.

In the meantime, there is no need to cover inaccuracies, you can grow up in a right problem. As soon as one starts talking about a small number of sects, then without jubilation the volume will increase. The woman begins to feel psychological complexes, caused by fear of rapt pissing in the presence of people; Tsey camp negatively affects the life and can lead to depression.

Yaka symptomatology

Mimovilne seen sich among women can appear in different ways:

  • Podtikannya sechi pіd hour of physical adventure. Tse mozhe buti not only podnyattya important speeches, but banal chhannya, coughing, attempts at defecation.
  • Netrimannya sich at a statutory act. Sound yoga ymovirnіst zbіlshuєtsya when choosing positions, if the partner physically fix the vice on the sich mіkhur, for example, know the beast.
  • Rankove non-compliance is observed when a woman gets up from her bed. Weak m'yazi can not strimatize the pressure of the sich mikhura, like a vine through a sharp change in the position of the body from the horizontal to the vertical. Sound the sich mіkhur povny after a thriving sleep.
  • Mimovilne sechovidlennya under the infusion of a podraznik. Leather woman can be individual. Often, patients call the sound like it looks like flowing water, it’s light. Such calls are often blamed and can be strong, which will end in uncontrolled divisions of the sect.

The frequency of intercourse - over 8 times a day is also considered until the symptoms of incontinence. In case of normal spontaneity, there may be evidence of hyperactive sich mikhur. A woman may not suspect that she is suffering in an unmanageable sect, that she does not turn for help to fakhivtsiv.

Yakі see a mimicry sechoviperation buvayut

Fallen for reasons that called yogo, doctors developed such a classification:

  • Stress-free sciatica in women - due to weakened internal pelvic floor ulcers or damage to the robotic sphincter of the sich mihur.
  • Imperative incontinence of the sciatica in women is also called the syndrome of hyperactive sciatica mihur, which sends a signal to empty the body earlier than the physical one.
  • Zmіshane - you have symptoms of the first two types.
  • Reflex - manifested when the innervation of the pelvic organs is damaged. Vono zustrіchaєtsya very rarely.
  • Iatrogenic incontinence - uncontrolled withdrawal through the intake of certain medicinal preparations, as it happens after administration of therapy.
  • Situational sichovipkannya vіdbuvaєtsya under the hour of the statutory act, or in case of true re-paving of the sich mіkhur.

Varto signify that the most important clinical fluctuations, with which the doctors stick, are brought up to the first two types of incontinence. They fall close to 90% of the animals.

Stress-free and yogo pіdvidi

Stress is unbearable due to the fact that the pelvic pain and the sphincter of the sich mihur in women become impossible for a number of reasons, so that they cannot cope with the great challenges. The back of the head is manifested in the spotted pidtikannі sich during the hour of snorting, coughing or with other physical urges (for example, sexy). With this, a woman can suffer from one hour of a small amount of feces or intestinal gases.

The reasons for non-compliance are as follows:

Vagity. It can provoke incontinence in young women. Through the constant increase in the volume of the uterus, the pressure on the sieve mihur and the intestines grows, which sprays the uncontrolled stool in the place. In addition, the hormonal background calls for an atony of m'yaziv, as it is not able to resist the physical pressure that everything is getting worse. Uncontrollable secession with vagity is the most favorable prognosis at a glance, even if it is gentle, it can appear by itself.

Canopies. Irrespective of those who stink due to the previous factor, we call it a provocative agent of mimicry. Particularly negatively signified on the pelvic floor are natural canopies with trivial attempts, internal episiotomy. In the course of time, the girls will be able to keep up the unstoppable battle, feces and gases, as if fallow in the face of the intensity and obviousness of other illnesses, you can go through on your own or, navpak, progress with age.

Empty operations on the pelvic organs. Be-yakі khіrurgichіchnі nіvtruchannya can priyatutsionnyu soldering. The stench and cry out chronically unmanageable cut through the change of the intracranial vice.

Menopause. Urological problems are known to 50% of women who have entered the period of menopause. The world has an old number of women who suffer from growth incontinence up to 75%. This is due to a deficiency of estrogen - female hormones, which affect the elasticity of the pelvic mucosa and the exchange process.

Stress is not a problem for women. Through the new stench, one can lead an primal way of life, appear in public, go in for sports, live intimately. It’s more important to immediately throw out the dirty rubbish and turn to the doctor. Modern medicine can promote a small number of views from a conservative to a surgical intervention.

Imperative sechovipuskannya

Imperative call before the sechovipkannya is blamed for the influx of zivnіsh chinnikіv. The stench can be strong, so the woman simply can't get to the nearest toilet. This is due to the increased drativity of the m'yazyv of the sich mikhur, which means that it should be born from the minimum quantity of the sich. The reasons for calling out such hyperactivity of the sich mikhura are not yet known.

On the vіdmіnu vіd stresovogo, tsey type netrimannya seldom traplyatsya at physical navantazhennі, bіgu аbo shvidkіy walking. Vіn mozhe vyyavlyatisya at vyglyadі nіchny enuresis that polyuєєtsya at priyom_ alcohol or at zv'jazku іz zastrenny zastrennyh zahvoryuvan organіv small pelvis. In such a manner, the exaltation of the imperative non-compliance of the sect among women can begin with the help of a vigilante and a gynecologist.

How to reveal a non-human sect

As a woman suffers from unrequited strife, it is necessary to turn for help, to the first black, to the urologist and gynecologist. Such a tandem will help not only to make a correct diagnosis, but also to quickly forge a non-negotiable section.

For diagnostics, the following manipulations are carried out:

Medical history - to collect information about the patient's way of life, symptoms and manifestations of concomitant illnesses.

  • PAD-test - determines the number of pads in a child, and the number of pads in a woman's booty. Gives the ability to assess the severity of the incontinence in the patient.
  • Gynecological look at the armchairs. Often, in case of non-manic cross-sections, a woman’s drooping of the internal organs is fixed, which is the fault of the doctor.
  • Global analysis of the cut - this simple test reveals the inflammation of the cut michur (cystitis) or urethra (urethritis), the symptoms of which can be but if the cut is not ill.
  • Ultrasound scan is painless, which allows you to visually evaluate the state of the sich mikhura, sichovod, urethritis and other organs of the small pelvis.
  • MRI is a high-precision visualization method, indications for this are unlikely, if the results of obscuring with ultrasound cannot add up an accurate clinical picture.
  • Urodynamic follow-up is a complex of procedures that contribute to the development of the functions of the secovidial system.

How to rejoice unrelenting siege

Fallow, according to the type of pathology, there is a group of methods for the treatment of non-manipulative cutting in women. The widest of them is Kegel's gymnastics, which works in the last tension and relaxation of the internal pelvic floor ulcers - periurethral and perivaginal. Qi have the right to direct on the zmіtsnennya m'yazіv, scho back in the act of sechoviprosy, and give a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. With this help, you can work out a slight incontinence in your home minds, prote gymnastics should be done regularly, up to 100 repetitions per day.

A more advanced option is biofeedback training, which allows you to control the effectiveness of gymnastics and is guaranteed to increase the tone of the slash mihur.

A good result is given by the use of various simulators for intimacy and psychological training.

Celebration of stress non-mania

The treatment of stressful mimotile secession begins with the intake of medications. The following groups of drugs are shown:

  • Adrenomimetics, which increase the tone of m'yaziv. In the present hour, they rarely win through side effects.
  • Anticholinesterase drugs with a similar diet.
  • Antidepressants and preparations to be injected into the central nervous system. Tsі zasobi vykoristovuyutsya seldom through їх small effektivnіnіnі under stress non-manic.

Since drug therapy does not give a good result, it is shown to be promptly introduced.

Іsnuє kіlka types of operations in case of non-manic section in women. Vybіr mіzh them zavzhda zalishaєtsya for a doctor, which comes out of a particular clinical picture of the disease.

Sling operations - under the neck of the sich mihur or the urethra, a loop made of synthetic material is passed, as a safe physiological position of the internal organs to wind with a significant increase in stress. Іn'єktsії tkannootvoryuyuyuchih preparations, yakі also guarantee the correct position of the sich mіkhur, suvayuchi syndrome of non-manipulation of the sich.

Likuvannya of imperative non-trimanship

The treatment of imperative non-management is carried out only with medication. For which indications are such preparations, like:

  • Oxybutynin - lowering the tone of the sich michur.
  • Tamsulosin - weakens the mucilage and improves tissue trophism.
  • Also, replacement of hormonal therapy is carried out for women during menopause.

What work in the case of an imperative non-human sect, like faces, listed above, do not help? Fahіvtsі recommend vdatisya to the deep methods of therapy, including psychological training.

How to fight against non-human sects with people's fences

From the best methods and the benefits of folk medicine, there is no need, which is guaranteed to be successful in the sight of the most common sect. However, the stench can appear brown with mild forms of enuresis, as well as with concomitant inflammatory diseases of the sechovivid organs. For example, grass makes diuresis a tree. In such a rank, the number of battles that are established, the wife is getting better. Tse priyaє vyvedennyu salts and іnfektsії іz sich michur, znіmayuchi symptoms of cystitis or urethritis.

Varto designate that to engage in self-exaltation in times of non-management is not varto. Blame the ability to start a disease that will cause even more somatic and psychological problems. About those, how to excite an uncompromising sect, rather than to feed a urologist, who will conduct diagnostics and choose the best option for therapy.

What else can you rob, what can you do

Even more often, a non-tribal battle can be tackled, having learned the way of life and having acted in the wake of shkidlivyh zvichok. As the cause of stressful non-compliance in a woman is coughing, varto should be taken to smoke, or see an allergist to identify other causes of permanent coughing. Doctors flatly recommend drinking in the form of alcoholic beverages, as it can become a problem of non-manual vranci or nocturnal drinking. Sometimes, in order to save a fair amount of sechovipkanny, enough to throw off a kilo of kilos. Age obesity is an important risk factor for all women.

If, for help, these children did not get away with problems, then it is necessary to turn to the doctor without asking.

Prevention of uncontrolled secession

In the body of a woman, all the processes of laying are mutually related, which is the best prevention of uncontrolled infestation and its own treatment of gynecological, endocrine, urological and psychological illnesses.

The skin girl from her youth is obliged to do Kegel gymnastics, yak, krіm prevention of non-management, and the preparation of the pelvic pelvis to the future canopy.

Netrimannya sechi - dosit expanded the problem. More than half of all women would like to stick around with her. Non-mania can be blamed as in young women after a gradual or post-surgery operation, so in older women after menopause. Statistics point to those who in the reproductive age of the uncommon society suffer from skin problems of the girl, in the early period of menopause, the skin of the third lady suffers from the problem, and after 70 years, the skin of the friend of the woman of the frail age.

An unrelenting fight is a serious problem, as a signifi- cantly worsened quality of life, to lead to discord in the sexual and psychological spheres, it can provoke depression, stand on the back of a successful budding of a special life and kar'єri. Enuresis varto can be seen from a glance not only in the hygienic aspect - it also has a medical and social significance, oscillating in women the most common problems: sexual dysfunction, neurosis and others.

It is also possible to use such a term, like incontinence, which also means non-manipulation, and more often it is used by urologists and gynecologists themselves when making a diagnosis. Enuresis fakhіvtsі is called damage to the cut, as it accompanies the impossibility of regulation of the discharge of the cut michur. Obsyagi coil can be changed in the number of drops to practically the same place in the organ. Gynecologists, urologists, surgeons and psychotherapists are engaged in the treatment of illness.

The problem of non-management of the section of flooring is global, which has been created to create a special international medical organization, as it deals with the elimination of the causes of enuresis and the development of new effective methods for treating the disease.

Distinguish these kinds of non-trimanny sections:


    Imperative (urgent);



    Other forms, for example, enuresis with repetitive sieve michur, without interruption of slaughter, unrecognized non-management and other.

At women, most often, the first three types of non-trimanny sects are trapped, so the varto is heard on them more.

Stress-free section - the impossibility of controlling the process of depletion of the section mіkhur under an hour of stress. The word "stress" in this context means "advantage" or "zusilla".

Symptoms of stress non-compliance:

    Seen in laughter, coughing, wheezing, physical anxiety, state closeness.

    As if there is no pressure on the empty cord, the cut is not seen.

    Do not cough up the skin of chi chhannya until a fleeting vision of the slaughter. At the early stages, the development of non-management only occurs when the body is overflown, and the amount of uranium, which is spent, is equal to a few drops.

    In the world of progress, illness induces an insignificant physical urge, for example, slow walking, can lead to a waste of urine.

    Do not go through the call until the session at the woman's during the day.

    At the same time, from the section, you can see a passing sight of feces and gases from the intestines.

Normally, physical anxiety, as well as coughing and smacking are not guilty, leading to the vision of a slaughter. What pereshkodzhayut m'yazi pelvic floor and sphincter. However, if the stench is weakened, then they will not be able to completely return to their function. Sich dolaє їhnіy opіr i vіtіkaє naming.

The reasons may be a kilka:

    Important canopies. In this plan, the canopies are especially unsafe, which are accompanied by the exit of the great fetus, cuts of the crotch, overlays of forceps and other manipulations. Before the group, the rizika is consumed by women, like a thin pelvis.

    Operative insertion of the pelvic organs. To lead to stress non-management, the cross-section can be-like vtruchannya on the cross-section mіkhurі, straight intestines, mattsі. Unsafe norms, as they are formed between organs, shards and defects can also lead to an unstoppable section.

    Hormonal changes in the body of a woman, which are experienced from time to time. The less estrogen is vibrated, the greater the elasticity of the bonds and the lower the m'azovy tone.

A list of the main reasons that lead to a stressful non-management of the sect, you can additionally see such factors:

    Overworld weight of the body, especially in those with uterine diabetes;

    Rizke weight loss;

    Heavy robot, pov'yazana z high physical ambitions;

    undergoing promeno therapy;

    Descent and vipadanna of the uterus;

    Pidyom vag;

    Spadkovist is tight;

    Belonging to the European race;

    Neurological illness, mid-range infarction, spine injuries;

    Acceptance of some medical advice.

It is imperative that the sich is characterized by unbearable postures until the sich mikhura is empty. Qi pozivi mayut kazovym character, і streamati їх practically impossible. Moreover, they blame the stench, if the sich mіkhur appears to be more frequent than usual. At that hour, as a normal woman, she would call before the sechovi- sion , when accumulated in mihuri, to collect significant amounts of urine.

The symptoms of an imperative non-compliance can be called as follows:

    Pozivi on vyporozhnennya sich mіkhur arc part and vnikayut more than 8 times a day.

    The stench is always blaming raptovo.

    Bazhannya urinates unstriking.

    You are afraid to often go to the toilet at night.

    Pozivi until sechovipuskannya are often dictated by the official officials, among them, for example, the sound of water flowing from the tap, bright light, deep sound thin.

    If it is imperative that the cut is blamed on the aphids of the omission of the cut mikhura, then the woman may feel pain and discomfort in the lower part of the abdomen.

    The infection may be accompanied by the development of dermatitis in the groin area, it may be the cause of such infections, such as vulvovaginitis, cystitis, etc.

The reason for the imperative non-manipulation of the cut in women is due to the damaged nerve-m'ulcer transmission in the detrusor of the slash mihur (m'ulcer carcass), which leads to increased activity. Therefore, if there is an insignificant number of sections accumulated in an empty organ, the woman will look forward to the session. If there are risk factors that can lead to the development of an imperative non-management section, then the stench is similar to the risk factors in stress non-management. Most often, two qi see non-trimanity to join each other with one.

Iatrogenic non-compliance section - tse non-human, as it develops against the background of taking medicinal drugs. As a rule, enuresis becomes a side effect of that other medicine.

The next thing to know is that a non-manly society can produce such medicinal products, like:

    Adrenomimetics (Pseudoephedrine), yakі zastosovyut for the treatment of bronchial ailments. On the back of the head, they prepare and provoke a slaughter, and then they inflict її netrimannya.

    Be-yakі sekhogіnі lіkarskі zasobi.


    Hormonal preparations to take estrogen from your warehouse.

    Colchicine, like vicorist in therapy.


    Calm medical care.

If the course of treatment by rehabilitated medical care will be completed, there will be no need to pass the battle on your own and without the help of any therapeutic approaches.

Diagnosis of the non-management of the section following the investigation of the worker's care. It is necessary to fix the data for a new one by stretching for a few days. At this hour, the woman is obliged to write down those, how many people drink out, how many times to go to urinate. It is important to respect the obsyagi of urine, which has happened, and also to reflect to the student all the episodes of the untried slaughter and those that the other hour was engaged in. In order to understand how much you can go into the non-management episode, you can speed up the so-called PAD-test. During the singing hour, the patient wears urological pads, calling them until then afterward.

Rozmov at the doctor's office may have an important meaning. Vaughn allows you to clear up the symptoms of illness, the hour of yoga manifestation.

The woman is obov'yazkovo in the presence of a gynecologist. For an hour I’ll look at the armpit, the doctor will assess the state of the m’yaziv and tissues of the pelvic floor, the presence or the presence of the drooping of the lining of the uterus and the uterus.

A cough test is carried out at the gynecologist's office. Ask a woman to cough at that hour, if she has napovneniya sich mikhur. As soon as the hour of stress is felt like urine, you can let the stressful fight go.

As a rule, the diagnosis of the disease is not difficult. However, you may need such supplements, such as:

    cystoscopy. Tse doslіdzhennya transferring a look at the sich mіkhur in the middle. Z tsієyu method vnutrіshny to introduce a thin cystoscope through the urethra. The procedure for a woman without pain, for which the doctor has a special pain-relieving gel. Cystoscopy gives the possibility to assess the camp of the sich mikhura, including the presence of plump dentures.

    Urodynamic obstezhennia gives an assessment to the process of refining and refining the sich mikhura. For this purpose, it is necessary to introduce special sensors into the mesh mіkhur and into the fir, as they see the necessary medical information.

    Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Tse obstezhennya allows you to evaluate the state of the organs of the female state system, which allows you to sign up for further therapeutic tactics.

When laboratory methods are followed up, then women are prescribed general and bacterial analysis of the section, microscopic examination of the smear. Zavdyaky rehabilitate more with methods of obstezhennia, the doctor can make the most accurate diagnosis and indicate the need for treatment.

Most often in women of a frail age after 50 years, the form of a non-combatant sect prevails, which is both a stressful and an urgent component.

The reasons that lead to illness may be impersonal, so the doctor should look at the obov'yazkovo z'yasovuє such moments for an hour:

    A woman is suffering from neurological pathology.

    Chi є at her razumovі discord.

    Chi suffers from a woman suffering from diabetes.

    Chi є she has problems іz zayvoyu vaga.

    Chi є grizhi interspinal disks, chi іnshі degenerative ailment of the spinal cord, yakі can be recognized as robotic sich mihur.

    A small woman with a history of undergoing surgery in the pelvic organs. If they were so, then it was important to say that they did not provoke the formation of adhesions and fistulas.

All diseases can be the reason for the non-management of the siege, which, by the same token, contributes to the functionality of the siege mihur. It is not included that the woman has a “non-repetitive reperfusion”, that is, through a decrease in the sensitivity of the organ, the signal to the first emptying is transmitted to the brain too weakly, but it is quite daily.

It is important to say that the woman is taking medicines. Special respect is given to sedative and hypotensive drugs, diuretics.

In patients with a frail age diagnosed with stress non-compliance, 30% of depressions show prolapse of the pelvic organs, and the prolapse of the slash mihur itself. This is the same as before diagnosing an obvious problem, so even before the exaltation of women of a frail age, it is the fault of the obov'yazkovo іndivіdualnym. Not varto also call for the fact that a non-negotiable schi can develop on the axes of good health through the marriage of estrogen production in the postmenopausal period.

Comprehensive urodynamic obstezhennya for women of a frail age, like swearing at a non-combatant society, assign obov'yazkovo.

The therapeutic tactic is rich in why to lie down because of the fact that the problem itself has caused a lot of strife and strife. Gynecologists, urologists and surgeons are engaged in the treatment of ailments (which is why it is necessary to promptly introduce them).

Start the therapy, be it any kind of non-management, follow the principle from simple to foldable.

First of all, try the most available methods, among them:

    Zvіlnennya vіd zayvoї vaga for the presence of obesity. On the right, in the fact that the supra-world mass of the body is signified on the camp of the internal organs, as if to know the supra-world vise. As a result, the breakdown is broken, the functioning suffers, which leads to problems from the cuts. The treatment of obesity can be used for additional diet, medical care, psychotherapy, or surgical insertion into the tube.

    Be-yakі napoї, at the warehouse of some kind of coffee, it is necessary to merge. We are ready to drink cavi and tea. The fence on coffee is explained by the sechoginal effect on the body. With the supra-worldly supremacy of speech, the rizik of the non-manipulative section is significantly growing. If it is necessary to live in the splendid pure water, then it is impossible to separate, otherwise you can help the situation.

    Vidmova in the form of cigarettes. Dosi has not been established a clear relationship between tyutyunopalinnyam and the problem of non-compliance. However, it has been reported that women who suffer from bronchitis "smoking", have a lot of developments in the development of a stressful non-manic sect. Be it the ailments of the dichal system, it is necessary to exult at the same time.

    It is imperative that the sechi is kindly rejoiced in that moment, if the patient is allowed to change the mode of sechovi- sion. The essence of this method is to lead to the fact that it is necessary to accustom your body to urinate. The spat interval can be up to 30 intervals with further increases up to a year and more.

    To improve the tone of the pelvic floor, follow regular exercise. Specialists have the right to allow the work of the sphincter and the walls of the sich mihur to be corrected.

    Usі khronіchnі ailments obov'yazkovo may but in their own time proklіkovіnі, nіzh zabіgti їх zagostrennya.

    It is no less effective to create one's own psychological attitude, as if it were necessary to clear the sich mikhur.

Right Kegel є gymnastic complex, which is even simpler for implementation. In the first place, the woman is guilty of being charged with it, that the m'yazami of the pelvic floor and the stench of roztashovuetsya. For whom, it is necessary to reveal the process of resurfacing the sich mikhura and try the strength of the m'yaziv zupinity yogo. The very same m'yazi is guilty of buti zadiyanі pіd hour of training.

Trychi for a day is necessary to strain and relax the m'yazi of the pelvic floor. An hour of tension adds up to a few seconds at the cob stages of training up to 3 minutes of tension. The right Kegel can be practical whether it be and be it, if the stink shards are absolutely unmemorable for the restless.

If the muds are sufficiently trained, you can try to strain them for an hour, coughing up that cough during physical stresses. What different people will be right, this is what their efficiency is.

It is possible to vikoristovuvat taki priyomi, like shvidkі and povіlnі skorochennya, vishtovhuvannya on kshtalt attempts at a gentle hour, zatrimka strumena pіd hour of the discharge of sich mіkhur.

biofeedback therapy

Right with a biological turning point (BOS) to change the efficiency of the right Kegel, the shards allow you to strain the extra necessary m'yazi. For implementation, the complex needs special equipment. Vaughn was called to control the process of the tension of the mind, and additionally to stimulate them with additional electrical impulses.

It has been proven that biofeedback training allows you to achieve control over the seed production in short terms. However, you have the right to fence before the implementation for the presence of evil poisons, flamboyant diseases in the acute stage, pathologies of the heart, liver and nirok.

Zastosuvannya simulators for the exuberance of the non-management section

Additions, yakі allow trenuvati m'yazi pelvic floor, іsnuє impersonal. Many of them are even more compact and sturdier than vikoristanni. For example, the PelvicToner simulator allows you to competently increase the pressure on dirt, step by step. The device is even simpler in operation, as efficiency has been achieved under the hour of clinical trials.


If you blame me before the start of the sechovi- sion , you can try to speak to them, turning your thoughts into a different direction. For example, think about the future plans of life, read the cicada literature then. bud. Golovne zavdannya, scho stand in front of a woman - tse vіdstrochiti sechovipkannya wanting to b for a non-trivial hour.


Vіtafon vіd netrimannya sichі

The Vitafon device is a vibroacoustic device that allows you to improve the mind and rejuvenate the body. The exaltation of the Vitafon is brought to physiotherapeutic methods in a plethora, as it is possible to victorious in domestic minds. An attachment is a case-block, which is connected to the electric line. Two membranes of round shape are added to the new one, as they vibrate acoustic vibration in decal programming ranges. The membranes themselves need to be applied to problematic areas to achieve a healing effect.

Dії mechanism. Fountaining with Vitafon allows you to massage the area, moreover, it swells up on the clitin level, which makes the tissue revitalized like a m'yazovyh, and nerves.

In case of non-manic cross-sections, the background of the advancing zones is affected:

    Crotch zone - 10 quills;

    The area of ​​the m'yazovy sphincter of the sich michur (trochs above the pubis) - 10 strands;

    Nirok area - 10-30 khvilin;

    Liver area - up to 15 quills;

    Cross-krizhova zone - 5 khvilin.

The skin area is treated 1-3 times a day. The course of excellence is continued until a stable result is achieved.

Vitaphone can speed up women, as they passed through important canopies, which led to an endless battle. Physiotherapy with yogo zastosuvannyam allow shvidsya to recover, speed up the healing of otrimanih injuries.

Vіtafon vikoristovuyut for the treatment of enuresis in children.


    Zloyakіsnі nevotvorennya vplivu zone.

    Infectious disease at the stage of congestion.


Suggestions. Doctors are talking about the Vitafon device, as if it were an effective attachment that allows for a non-combatant battle. However, it’s not a good idea to check the diva, so before that, how to start stopping the device for treating enuresis, you should consult a doctor and find out the reasons for the non-compliance. The opinions of people, as if victorious, were an adaptation for the jubilation of an uncompromising sect, more positive. Often yogo is used to alleviate problems in all members of the family.

If a woman suffers from a stressful non-manic disease, then a consultation of that medical help will be necessary. On the right, in the fact that for the help of conservative methods, it is most difficult to reach an effect with which type of illness.

Treatment with medicinal preparations is indicated in that case, if there is a slight degree of resistance to stress, and mucus and ligaments have not lost their strength. Medical correction is possible with such drugs:

    Gutron (adrenomimetic). The drug increases the tone of the urethritis and sphincter. It is rarely prescribed to do it, the shards of the veins negatively flow into the frame of the vessel wall and advancing the arterial pressure.

    Ubretide (anticholinesterase drug). Likarskiy zasіb promotes m'azovy tone. It is shown to these patients, as they suffer from hypotension of sich mihur.

    Duloxetine abo Cymbalta (antidepressant). The drug does help in 50% of the cases, however, it negatively affects the organs of the CT.

In general, medicinal preparations for the treatment of stressful non-compliance are rarely prescribed, stinks of stink may be of low efficiency, but there are enough side effects.

Operations are indicated in that case, if the effect is not reached by other methods of correction of the unmanageable section. Choose a specific surgical technique to lay down according to the characteristics of the female organism, and to induce enuresis.

However, there are general contraindications before the operation, whether of any type, among them:

    The evil puff is revealed.

    Inflammation in the sphere of the organs of the small pelvis, which is at the stage of inflammation.

    Damaged pharynx.

Possibility of carrying out offensive operations:

    Slang operations (TVT,TVT-O). These operations are less traumatic and effective. Under the hour of carrying out, under the neck of the sich mіkhur, a special loop is to be carried out, so that it is fixed in the required position. Tsya loop pіdtrimuє urethra and do not give sechі vitikati. After such an introduction, the woman becomes very quick, the proteolyzer relapses.

    Іn'єktsії ob'єmootvoryuvalnyh drugs. This method of learning is carried out to the extent that a special speech is introduced into the urethra area, as if to call for a deficiency of soft tissues, which is daily, and to place the urethra in the required position. The operation is carried out in the minds of an outpatient clinic and does not require general anesthesia. Prevention of recurrence is prevented.

    Colporathia. This method can be brought up to the fact that the fur is sewn in with special threads. The procedure is indicated when the organs of the small pelvis are lowered and may have a number of complications. It is not included that a relapse is possible for a sprat of fate.

    Laparoscopic colposuspension according toBurch. Tsya operation may be on the method of lifting tissues, ripping around the urethra, to the inguinal ligaments. The procedure allows for general anesthesia, may be counter-indicated and more complicated, lower sling operations. Therefore, colposuspension according to Birch is realized only once, if the operation from the fixation of the loop did not bring a bad effect.

    Stable rilli. For the exaltation of the uncompromising section, you can beat the grass under the name of the stable rilli. Yogo should be brewed like tea and drink at a seemingly weak rose. Qiu grass can be brought to the pharmacy.

    Honey water. Honey can build up water. To that, folk healers victorious yogo for the exaltation of enuresis. To ease the view of the endless battle before them, like lying down to sleep, drink half a bottle of warm water, and dilute a teaspoon of honey in front of it. The course of likuvannya becomes three days. As an option, you can drink 30 ml of honey water, three times a day.

    Nasinnya crop with enuresis in children. To save a child from enuresis, you can speed up to us. It is necessary to take a tablespoon of the day and fill it with a bottle of sprinkles, insist for a long time, procidit. Live such a nastіy on a hungry slug. Give children younger than 10 years old 1/2 bottle each, and children older than 10 years old should be given a full glass of water.

3 effective rights in case of non-trimantic cut

For the exaltation of a non-manly battle, you can beat the right feet, like the following day:

    It is necessary to s_sti navpochіpki and z'єdnati dolonі one with one on equal breasts. The back with tsimu can be straight. Resilience will be left in this position for at least 30 seconds.

    It is necessary to lie on your back, make a kill, hitting at the same stop at once. Hands writhe bridle the body with the palms of the burn. In such a position, it is thinned with a stretch of whilin.

    It is necessary to stand on a knee and lower the seats to your feet. Pull your hands forward, rebuke yourself to look down. In such a position, stretch the ridge with a stretch of whilin.

Why work, as if you are suffering in an uncompromising sect?

    On the next day drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water without gas.

    It is important to create an authoritative regime of cutting. It is necessary to accustom your body to cope with the need at that very hour, for example, vrants, before leaving the house, at lunch and at the evening hour, after returning home.

    Obesity cannot be tolerated.

    Slid in the direction of the old shkіdlivih zvichok.

    Constipation cannot be tolerated. For their prevention, you should eat properly, get enough cells and mother tongue. Drinking a sour-milk drink is recommended before going to bed.

    The exercise of the pelvic floor mucus is the next step at the stage of pregnancy planning. Tse allow rozriviv niknuti.

    It’s always necessary to be motivated to stay in the present mood and for the sake of life.

Lighting: The diploma for the specialty "Andrology" was awarded after completing residency at the Department of Endoscopic Urology of the RMAPE in the Urological Center of the CCL No. 1 BAT RZ (2007). Postgraduate studies were completed right there until 2010.

More than half of the women at least once grappled with the problem of non-compliance with the sect. Sometimes it blames the young girls for the sloping, sometimes the head of the handicapped people of the frail age, and the dean escort them for a long time.

Fear of missing out on the battle can lead to psychological, sexual breakdowns, and depressive episodes become a transition to a special and career growth. Incotinence (the other name is non-trial) will always lower the quality of life, which will require special respect.

Іsnuє navit a special international organization for the morning of the sect, how to conduct research and development of various methods of jubilation. Non-manly sects of fahivts are called whether it’s mimicry її seeing. Ale, fallow in the minds, finish the hour, the furnishing of the non-management sees a sprat of sight.

See the untold siege

  • stress
  • imperative (urgent)
  • zmishane
  • see otherwise
  • iatrogenic non-manipulative (after taking drugs)

The first three types are most common and most characteristic for women.

Stress-free section

This type of non-management is to become half of all the manifestations of uncontrolled sechovi- sion . The main reason for this will be the wrong work of a special m'yaza - the sphincter of the sechivnik. The weakening of this m'yaza with the periodic movement of the intracranial pressure is brought to the end of the slash, or to bring the slash of the slash mikhur to a full extent.

Symptoms of a stressful anxiety disorder

  • pіdtіkannya sechі in razny kіlkostyh at physical navantazhennі, smihu, cough, state act, stress
  • the number of non-selective positives before the sechoviation
  • inodі - odnannya with non-limiting gas and kalu

Reasons, through which you can blame the stressful sect, impersonal

  • Vagity

May all the women, in the cirque position, recognize the lack of handiness at the link with the cuddling of a small number of sections. The stench is embarrassed to plan their walks, walking out of the toilets. Moreover, in early pregnancy, the symptoms of non-mania are the strongest in early pregnancy. Due to the change of hormonal abscess and the pressure of the uterus on the organ of the small pelvis.

Particularly often blamed for independent canopies by the great fruit of the opening of the crotch and other manipulations. As a result, mucus and ligaments of the pelvic floor are felt, the intracranial pressure expands unevenly and the sphincter ceases to function. The very next after the opening of sloppy openings of the crotch (epiziotomy) until the absence of the cut, there is an increase in the absence of gases and feces.

  • Operations on the pelvic organs

Whether it’s vtruchannya, tied with the uterus, sich mikhur, rectum, call out the spike process and change the vise in the small pelvis. In addition, operations are sometimes complicated by norms between organs, which also lead to an uncompromising sect.

  • Vіkovі change

Over time, the elasticity of the ligaments and the tone of the tongue change, which inevitably leads to sphincter dysfunction. After the onset of menopause, the body is experiencing a deficiency of estrogen, which is the reason for the non-maniac strife in women of a frail age.

Krіm tsikh main reasons, іsnuyut factori riziko. The stench can be but ashes for the development of an uncompromising sect, but their presence is not bound to lead to a disease.

Factori risiku

  • European race
  • spadkovіst (due to the presence of illness in the nearest relatives or in the case of enuresis in children, the risk is more severe)
  • obesity (especially in patients with diabetes mellitus)
  • neurological illness (stroke, heart attack, parkinsonism, spine injuries)
  • infection of sich paths
  • decompose etching
  • taking certain medications
  • anemia

Stress is not easy to deal with women without any incompatibilities. Vіdmova vіd to go in for sports, fear to miss the battle in public, constant nerve strain negatively signifies on health. It is important for him not to swear and not to zamochuvat this topic, but to turn to the doctor at once.

Imperative non-compliance

At the norm_ pozivannya on sechovipkannya z'yavlyaєtsya after accumulation in mіkhurі sevnoї kіlkostі sichі. Seeing this positive, a woman can successfully stream it to the nearest toilet room. With the rise of the reactivity of the sich michur, a small number of sichs is sufficient to bring about a strong, unbearable positivity. І yakscho instructed not to show up to the toilet through a happy vipadkovist, so that the risk would miss the slaughter.

The reason for the blame for these ailments is the hyperreactive sich mikhur. Through the particular fragility of the psyche and the frivolity of the nerve impulses of the sphincter and the sich mihur, they react to the least teasing. That slaughter can be missed with a small її stingy in mіkhurі, especially if it is present, whether it’s a real imitation (it’s bright, the sound of the water, what is flowing, etc.)

The main symptoms of imperative negligence

  • partly call for sechoviprosy
  • call mayzhe zavzhdi raptov
  • nestrimne bajannya urinate
  • guilty positives are often provoked by outrageous surroundings

Factors leading to the risk of vindication of imperative positives are the same, as in case of stressful non-mania, which you see often come together.

Differential diagnostics of non-manic section

Iatrogenic non-human

Deyakі likarski zabebi in the list of their side effects may have disruption of the sechovipropulsion:

  • adrenomimetics (pseudoephedrine) can cause a blockage of the sciatica with distant її netrimany, which can be used to treat bronchial ailments;
  • all sechoginnі zasobi;
  • colchicine (for treating gout);
  • deakі drugs with estrogens;
  • sedative drugs

After the end of taking these drugs, the non-acceptable symptoms go away on their own.

Other vidi non-mania

More common reasons for missing out on the battlefield sound related to organic pathology. Tse can be damaged in the brain and spinal cord due to swelling processes, injuries, strokes, pink sclerosis.

Restore the exact cause of the problem and maybe even a doctor. Sound when unrequited women turn to gynecologists and urologists. In the rest of the hour, a university specialty appeared - urogenecology, as it is used by the nutrition of the women's sector.

Obstezhennia at non-trimanny section

Detailed description of the doctor about skargi

There may be a significant factor that provokes a non-trial, the hour when symptoms appear, their severity, additional scars. In addition, it is necessary to educate mother, grandmother, sisters about similar symptoms in order to show the recessionary sillness. Obov'yazkovo is a sign that the children had episodes of chronic nocturnal enuresis.

You can fill in the questionnaire, created especially for people with the problem of non-management. Incontinence Symptom Questionnaire, ISQ (Incontinence Symptom Questionnaire):
1. How long will you spit on the symptoms of non-mania?
2. What has changed, what is lost in the moment when the cob is ill?
3. How did the number of vipadkіv netrimannya sich changed from the moment of their appearance?
4. Tell me, how often the lowering of the lower ones leads to the vindication of non-management (nіkoli, іnоdі, often).

  • physically right, including big, sports zmagannya
  • channya
  • cough
  • pidyom vag
  • body position change: transition from sitting to vertical position
  • look or sound drive, scho jurchit
  • psychoemotional stress
  • hypothermia

5. Why are you being turbulent by the inexhaustible call for cutting?
6. How long can you take down the battle when I call you?
7. How often do you spend a cut?
8. When is it most common to see a non-combatant sect?
9. Do you think you get wet white without a positive test?
10. Do you roll around at night to urinate?
11. Be kind, tell me how much you see, you sound like you are eating.
12. Estimate on a 5-point scale the steps of the influx of non-management into your everyday life: _____ (0 - not influencing, 5 - significantly influencing).

Vedennya schodennik sechovipuskan

Detailed records about the act of sechovi- sion and types of non-manic sechi will help the doctor to make a correct diagnosis and sign of secession.

Hour Did you accept Yaku homeland in the same number? (water, cava, sik, beer toscho) How many times did you help in one year? What is the number of sich? (trochs, medium, rich) or tell ml You have tried
Chi Wee unbearable call to sechovipuskannya?
Chi buv you have an episode of an involuntary sect? How many sections were seen on the first hour of the episode? (trochs, medium, rich) or tell ml Why did you take the hour of an involuntary sect?
7:00 -8:00 Tea, 200ml 1 Not rich
8:00 -9:00 1 Not rich So So trochs Engaged in a rank run
9:00 –10:00
10:00 -11:00

PAD test

Most often, the understanding of "rich" and "little" among different women is disturbed, it is important to evaluate the stage of illness. Here, to help the doctors, come the test with pads, or the PAD test. This method is victorious for extracting objective data about the number of sects that are being missed.

For the continuation of a woman, it is necessary to wear urological pads, which last until the next day. Trivality of the test can be increased from 20 hvilin to two deb, more often - close to 2 years. With a short test, it is recommended to drink a drink of non-carbonated water.

Vaginal follow-up

A look at the organs of the state with additional gynecological mirrors is necessary to exclude other illnesses. When obstezhenny likar can show:

  • atrophy of the mucosa of the mucosa After menopause, the dryness of the state organs, associated with estrogen deficiency, may be a sign of non-mania.
  • vipadannya chi prolapse of the organs of the small pelvis (div.)
  • great fistula

Under an hour of looking around, a cough test is carried out: when coughing, you can remember seeing a cut from the urethra.

Section analysis

Most often, in the case of ignition changes in the organs of the sechostatic system, the fault is not limited to small portions of the cut. Therefore, the manifestation of leukocytes, erythrocytes and bacteria in the sect gives an indication of infection. To get an accurate result, you need to know the basic rules for choosing a section:

  • vikoristovuvati pershu, "rank" slaughter
  • take the middle portion of the section
  • carry out a relay toilet pikhvi before sechovipuskannyam
  • under the hour of the collection, cover the piss with a clean cloth

Visualization (ultrasound, MRI)
Urodynamic implications (permit to specify the type of non-compliance)

Lіkuvannya netrimannya sichі

Fallen due to the reasons for non-compliance with women, gynecologists, urologists at polyclinics and surgeons at hospitals carry out the rejoicing.

  • scorching methods
  • exhilaration of stress non-compliance
  • exuberance of imperative non-trimanship

Therapy, whether of any kind, is not necessary to begin with the simplest and most accessible methods. Before such methods, it is possible to correct the way of life and special rights. Tse correction way of life:

  • Vaga control in obesity
a necessary stage in the jubilation of all kinds of uncommon sect. Zayvі kilograms permanently increase the intracranial pressure, disrupt the normal rotting of organs, violating the disruption of the sechovipropulsion. Fallow at the stage of fatness, vicorist is psychologically, medically, surgically treated.
  • Changing the mood of kawi, tea and other drinks that avenge coffee
Caffeine-containing drinks provoke an early cut, so risky miss the slaughter of growth in the razi. Ale, above-world obmezhennya vzhivannya rіdini tezh nebazhane: you can’t change the non-management, but signify yourself negatively on the slanderous self.
  • Vidmova type chicken
With the method of direct communication between tyutyunopalinnyam and non-humans, a great amount of research was carried out, but the topic was left untouched. It can be said with certainty that chronic nicotinic bronchitis in case of stressful non-manic suturing is a great problem, that in case of cutaneous cough rus, a woman inflicts severing. Up to this point, one can also see the exaltation of chronic diseases of the wild paths.
  • Set to cutoff mode
This method gives even better results in case of imperative non-compliance. The essence of yoga is in the wake of the toilet in the singing of the year, I will call you regardless of the strength. At intervals between cuts, do not overwhelm 30-60 quills, but in a year you can turn a larger manual mode.
  • Pelvic floor exercising
The main method of such training is to tone the muscles, to restore the function of the sphincter and to regulate the phases of the discharge and the secretion. For additional special rights, the woman can again take control of the sphincter’s muck, including the rapt omission of the cut.
  • The treatment of chronic diseases of the wild paths
  • Psychological installation on vіdvolіkannya vіd bajannya urinate

Set the Kegel

The essence of such gymnastics is as simple as possible. For the cob, it is necessary to “know” the needs of the pelvic floor: perivaginal and periurethral. For this reason, it is necessary to sedentarily show a positive for the sechoviperation and try to reduce the manifestation of the streak of the cut. M'yazi, like tasks in this process, it is necessary to train regularly.

Thirty for the day spend їх quickness and relaxation, incrementally increasing the hour of vykonanny quickly in a few seconds up to 2-3 whilins. This process will be incomprehensible to the otochyuchy, you can do it not only at home, but also on the job, for kerm at the sample and at any free hour.

After the establishment of control over the m'yazami in the camp of calm, it is possible to complicate the task: to heal quickly when coughing, wheezing, and other factors that provoke. You can urinate and manipulate with mud for reaching the best effect.

  • proper grips
  • fast food
  • vishtovhuvannya (by analogy with the pressing period of the fall)
  • zatrymka strumenya pіd hour of real sechovipuskannya

Training from the stagnation of the biological serum

The head of the simple right of Kegel is the impossibility of control of their vikonannya. Some women, at the same time with the necessary m'yazami, work out other things that increase the intracranial pressure. It's not just to start all the training, but you can aggravate the problem.

The complex is right with a biological reversal link (BOS) including a special device for registering the tone of m'yaziv. With this help, you can control the correctness of the vikonnanny quickly, and if necessary, you can work on electrical stimulation. BOS-training brought to improve the tone of the mind and control over the sechoviprosy.

Contraindications before biofeedback training:

  • igniters of illness at the stage of infection
  • severe illness of the heart, nirok, liver

Victory of special simulators

For training, a lot of compact attachments have been created, which allow you to treat the pelvic floor with maximum efficiency and vikonat all necessary for non-manic cross-sections in women in the right.

Up to one of these simulators includes PelvicToner. This tool, which rests on the power of the spring, allows step by step and correctly build up the pressure on intimate m'yazi, changing them. Vіn is simple in vikoristannі that oglyadі, and the effect is in the form of new confirmation by clinical trials.

Psychological training

With strong positivity, before the start of the session, you can try to think about it. The skin has its own ways: think about the plan for the day, read a book, take a nap. Golovne zavdannya - zmusiti brain forget about going to the toilet, if only for a short break.

Celebration of stress non-mania

Crimia zagalnyh methods to fight with non-mania, described above, for the treatment of stress non-mania, you need a doctor. Conservatively likuvannya for help likіv not maє great popularity, shards help only in a small number of vipadkіv.

Medical treatment:

With a light stage of stress non-compliance, if the anatomical structures have retained their integrity, they can also be victorious:

  • Adrenomimetics (Gutron) increase the tone of the sphincter and urethra, and in this case, they also increase the tone of the vessels. Stop rarely due to low efficiency and side effects (advancement of the arterial pressure)
  • Anticholinesterase preparations (Ubretid) also increase the tone of the mucosa. Recommendations for women who, as a result of obstezhenie, have been diagnosed with hypotension of sich mihur.
  • Antidepressant Duloxetine (Cymbalta), effective in half of the depressions, but may have side effects on the herbal system.

Treatment of stressful non-manipulation with tablets is carried out only rarely through frequent relapses and side effects.

Promptly likuvannya

In case of a stressful non-manic section in a woman, the operation is by the method of choice. Issuing a small number of surgical manipulations, which should be distinguished for the folding of the vikonann. The success of this chi іnshіy operation is expected to be stalely due to the degree of nonmanifestation and anatomical features of the woman's urethra.

Contraindications to all types of surgical treatment are:

  • evil newborn
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs in the acute phase
  • cerebrovascular diabetes in the phase of decompensation
  • disease of the blood glottis system

Slang operations (TVT and TVT-O)

The procedure is minimally invasive, about 30 strands of hair are taken, it is carried out under general anesthesia. The essence of the insertion is even simpler: insertion under the neck of the sich mіkhur or the urethra of a special synthetic mesh near the loop.

Tsya loop utrimu urethra in the physiological position, not allowing the cut of vitikati when advancing the intracranial vice.

For the introduction of cієї sіtki scatter one or a few small rosettes near the pikhva or inguinal folds, the stench is not satisfied with a cosmetic defect. In the future, the sitka hіba scho grows into a happy tissue, mіtsno fixing the urethra.

Reinforcement after such operations is very fast, the effect is seen practically immediately. Regardless of the feasibility of sling operations, the possibility of recurrences is still avoided. In addition, with detrusor instability and anatomical defects of the urethra, surgical insertion may be unsuccessful.

Difficulty described above, minimally invasive loop operations are the gold standard in the treatment of stressful non-mania.

Іn'єktsії ob'єmootvoryuyuchyh drugs

In the course of the procedure, under the control of a cystoscope, a special speech is introduced into the submucosal membrane of the urethra. Most often synthetic material, which does not cause allergies.

As a result, the blowing of soft fabrics, which is daily, and fixation of the urethra in the required position are observed. The procedure is less traumatic to be carried out on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia, and also does not exclude relapses.

Burch laparoscopic colposuspension

The operation is carried out under general anesthesia, most often by laparoscopic access. Tissues, ripped around the urethra, nibi move up to the inguinal ligaments. Tsі zv'yazki duzhe mіtsnі, to that in the distance the results of the operation are already reconciled.

However, in connection with the type of anesthesia and the complexity of the colposuspension procedure, there may be more contraindications for the complexity, lower sling operations. Call this way to carry out after an impossible loop procedure, or in case of damage to the anatomical and sciatic apparatus.


Sewn up with special threads that are rozmoktuyutsya, zastosovuetsya with prolapse of the pelvic organs. The operation may be of low complexity (scarring of the tissue, for example) and inflict the effect through the sprat of the rokiv.

Likuvannya of imperative non-trimanship

On the vіdmіnu vіd vіd stresovogo netrimannya, іnperativnyh poziv іrurgichіchne likuvannya є neefektivnym. Usіm zhіnkam іz іz such a problem іѕ recommended іt tо try аlаnі methodоlіkuvannya (non-drug). Just because of their ineffectiveness, one can think about therapy with faces.

Medical treatment

When treated with an imperative non-compliance in women, the tablets appear even more effective. Іsnuyut kіlka kіlіv lіkіv, the main tasks of є є vіdnovlennya normal ї nervoї ї ї ї ї ї sechovіpuskannya.

  • Preparations that reduce the tone of the wall of the slash mihur, change the strength and frequency quickly. The widest brands: Driptan, Detruzitol, Spazmeks, Vezikar.
  • Preparations that relax the sich mihur in the filling phase and improve blood flow: Dalfaz, Kaldura, Omnik.
  • In case of non-mania in women of climacteric age, if there is a deficiency of estrogen, it is recommended to replace hormonal therapy or special ointments. The butt of such an ointment is Ovestin - a cream that eliminates the estrogen component. Yogo vikoristannya allows you to change the dryness and swelling of the mucous membranes, reducing the frequency of non-mandatory cuts.

The exaltation of the uncompromising sect among women is a more complicated task, which will require a comprehensive approach and a clear follow-up of all recommendations of fahivtsya. A dekilka of simple rules to allow one to vanish, or to show as much as possible any ailments.

Prevention of non-combat slaughter

  • Maintain the water balance of the body. For whom it is necessary to drink 1.5-2 liters of still water per day. Above the world, that lack of food can lead to poor health.
  • Let's create an authoritative regime of cutting. As a whole, really accustom yourself to emptying the sich mіkhur at the singing hour. For example, early in the morning before going to work, interrupt the lunch hour, as soon as you arrive at home, open the toilet and close the ring.
  • Fight against the zayva vaga (independently or for help fahivtsya)
  • Look at the shkіdlivih zvichok
  • Speed ​​up the introduction of products to avoid caffeine and salinity
  • To fight against constipation, even so. For whom you can live foodstuffs rich in veggies (vegetables, fruits, especially prunes, figs), drink a sufficient amount of rind, drink kefir drink bottles for nothing. In case of chronic constipation, it is possible to treat more sedatives (after consulting a doctor).
  • Take care of the pelvic floor ulcers before planning the vaginess, which will allow you to explore the gap between the half-hours.
  • For the sake of life and save positive mood

Main visnovki:

  • Non-management of the Sich - the problem of the middle women is even wider.
  • Without litigation, the problems of sechoviprojection are unlikely to go through on their own.
  • To apply for the type of non-management, you need to go through an obstezhennia, you need to fill out a questionnaire and conduct a worker of the sechovipuskan.
  • Stress-free rejoices for additional operations, but it is imperative for me to accept liking.
  • You can independently engage in the prevention of non-compliance, leading the right way of life and eliminating pelvic floor ulcers.

Non-management of the Sich is a serious problem, as it requires jubilation. It’s better to spend a little more than an hour to go to the doctor and її usunennya, lower life is tormented and tormented.


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